µSil'~Sf:9::.?2 ~ T ';'i~ t, =F r ~~ x.T,v4;/~'i~l b"~~~_~W ~.S ~iY ti-~_ ~_ MM=EM „ Ontatcti DM)icAerzoN;-41fe 'mature 'Wm - of thi) TabertiaCle,,: .B. Ohitich,- in Eleventh stree t, abOvo Zeffaison t . rts' 4l formally datentedi to the 7s , ...FAVip of - Clod The serytees in the mottling, which were of a very in terestiniehiraiter; wordie:Attoted hi the Itey.'3. Ben: netly r D.pr, othrochlyn,l4e4 YOrk. After singinkftheYbytofiont. the Methodist liymic book eolleotldn' einiimenelei With the lihe— • . • gr Oh ! Thotc Idiom all thrsatiotii ' • . An earnest - and; el o qu ent prayer was offered to the Throne of 4rsoer in which was PasseA, in teeling reire speef,th's itioldentwof their past, ail a peoplei and the trite basis tipOtivilitch to found'a hopeful future. -- Parts of the 18241 Realm, and tho 27th 'of:llevelations; were then; rend, as the lessons of the morning, which were followed bythe hymn commencing— gall to the lord's anointed! ' • ' CireatlMviiPagreater Son, • ' Hail, in the time appointed - Um reign on earth begun ! 1, And closing with the lines— ' l 4 The tide of time shell never His covenant remove ; , • -; name shalt stand forever; - • - That name to us is—Love. , l _ - • Dr. I{,enuedythen read, as bia twit for the mornings disooarae; tte'following Nrorda, hoof the fourth and fifth veraea Of the tvieatpaiveath Psalm : "One thing I have ,deslred of the Lord, that will I seek after r that I may dwell in the housnof the Lord . all the days of my life, to bdbold the beauty of the Lord, - and to ingultninhis telople. Forin•the time of trouble he shall hide me in his mirtliori i in the secret of his tabernacle shall be. hide ale i he shall - Bet me upon a rock." ; : - The sernsoi_whleh followed-,a full Ilyncpsis of trhich will appear itrnext Saturday's number of THE Pugin— was an extempore tifort, end eoindituted a roost able and Interesting relieve of the ob)ectri, alms, and funda mental principles of the organized church upon earth. At the olose ofthe sermon; the apeaker - bricily stated to the Ooneigation, (of sihiclitho Ile!. 3. Il.'Turner la paidotO their preseet tinanelal condition, and in which he showed hinutelf to be fullyns competent in further ingthe interests Orthese thaterial indispensables, as In The sari of their more spiritual labors,' It wan stated that the former church of ;the congrega tion biuthecit destroyed by;die, awl on which there had still remained a debt of about three thousand dollars. The prepositionnow WAS that, 'lO an inducementfoi prompt nation iitiiho,pirt of those interested, - this old debt should be cancelled, on-condition of their raising the noceeser7 - funde to complete their present edifice.' ' one gentleman immediately stepped forward and sub saribed four hundred dollars towards this objecf, ;Which liberal offering was at once facetiottely pronounced .by Dr. Kennedy to be a suitable " ,, back..log , '. for the addl. tionalltindling wood that they needed, in order , to get up the necessary tire. The sermon in the afternoon WU by the Iter. Frank lin Moore, of Trinity bd. N. Church, and in the evening the deck ass again deenpied by the epeaker of the morning.: WORD ~ TO OUR CITY AUTnORITIES.—As the Senseitienow at hind in which we may expect ssvere' weather and frozen street/yell the mud and filth col elected in many of eur thoroughfares, rendering some of the crossings almoit impassable without the aid of a mad-! :scow, should bothoroughly removed and we would oi ..spectfully call upon those in authority to have it at-, tended to without delay. Our widmspread reputation for clean streets demands it; the health of our citizens during the coining winter demands it; and, !many, the opportidati it would afford of giving employment to some of the unemployed, who would be glad of the job, demands it. Some of our citizens residing in the 'upper part of the city, in tho vicinity of Girard:avenue, be tween Sixth and Seventh streets, have come to us with serious complaints about this neglect, and requested us to call attention to the matter, We have acted promptly in doing our duty by doing it. Let those we have called uncut be as prompt in doing theirs! , THE EtneTton „tx Nnw Yonn.--New Yo'rk is in the throes of a municipal election. " - As usual, Gotham expects to La Convulsed' on election day, and the mili tary and the police' hive -been ordered out; in great strength to 'preserve the peace. 'ln our own city the only excitement we have at this time le that canoed by the great rush to the Brown Slope Clothing Hall :;of Boekhitl dr, Wilsorr, Nom. 003 and 005 Chestnut street; above Sixth. A 'ON6OGE LOVER.— gaSe'young spark, who long bad sighed To take an holrems for his bride, - Thought not In vain he bad essayed ' - To w a the favor of the maid; Yet, fearing from his humble elation, il`o meet her father's cold negation, Made noble mind, without delay, To take the girl, and run away."., Before doing which, however, he hail the goad acne° to purchase an elegant snit of clothes at the great Ern, pollen& of Clifton, - Albright, Jayne'e Han," No. 627 Obeatont street. . , LATE NOVEL/3.-Ith. G. G. Evans;:at the Oriel-. nal Gift Book Store, Ohestnut' below .ifttt., has all the latest and best works of fietion'that areOublinlied, and sells them at as low prices as anybody else In town. More than this:- for every purchase of a dollarhe far. , nishes a gift valued from 25 cents up to $lOO, His gifts embrace not only beautiful jewelry, watches, Ice., but also coal and flour. A friend of ours, the other day, purchased a fine norel for' $l, and secured a barrel of Pour at the same time !" , MUSICALINUITUTF.—The music for sale under he aespiceser, this society is of the choicest kind: It' inclades some late_ - ballads by Frazer, the very excel- lent tenor, as well as composition of other clever masters. Nor every dollar's worth of 'mule purchased a gift Jo furnished, consisting of a piano, melodeon, guitar, or some other musical instrument, or a package Of popular mule; the plan of - dlntributiori being such as everybody can see. - The office of the Institute is at Xr. Edward L. Walker's store,Oheeinif; aboi r el3ixth7" Risk EYES ix HARD Tlng£l.—When one gets fairly robed in a One wrapper, such as may be bad at It. O. Walborn & Co.'s, Nos.-6 and 7 North Sixth street, one feels quite at one's ease,, even in these hard times. A wrapper of this kind may be had very low, too, as may Indeed anything 'desired in the 'ciaoton gen- Vemen , s furnishing stock of Mesas. 'W.' - Br. Co. The readers of THE Poses must be impressed with the truth in this, as well as all other matters of moment.- The Indian Massacre on•Plattc River—Full Part(cabin' or-General Harney's-Attack.' [itroui the New York Daily Times, of Monday.) The Auiericaui Indian didf:lociety'has• received a statement, under path, of the - maisecre of Sioux Indians aillatte River, by order of Gen, Mamas - , an affair of which only very incomplete accounts have been published. The facts are set forth as follows : • - , In July of 1853 the Sioux Indians were accused of theft by a-party of emigrants, The commander at Fort Laramie immediately despatched a corn pany of twenty-nine men, under command, of A Lieutenant. They marched about twenty-eight miles east of the fort, and _oaine in contact with a. large party of Sioux warriors. The alleged thieves bemg',demanded by the lieutenant, and-their cur render being , refaced by the Indians, on the ground that they bad takerinothing belonging to the emi grants but an abandoned cow,:rhe imprudent lieu ,tenant ordered bit soldiers to fire upon the Sioux. ` , TIM unjustifiable - order was, of course; followed by a vinare charge by the Indiana, and only ono soldier escaped-to tell'the result. Beside some other trifling depredations committed during the year, they were also charged with robbing the mail train and killing two -men. :The following year General Harney was sent out in command of am hundred troops, but with what order's lam unable to say, After scouring the country in dif. ferent directions, he learned that the chief of the Sioux, with, ov,er five hundred of the tribe, corn: posed amen, women, and children, were encamped in a place called Ash Hollow. General Harney presented hill:Wolf with but a pOrtion of his troop— having ordered the remainder to move in such manner as to imrround the Indians. , A conference was then held with the chief—the general de manding of hiin the alleged robbers of the mails. Tho chief replied that the men charged with the crime were the most useful of his tribe, and be could not consent to surrender them without 'BOlllO evidence of their guilt. 'General Harney then says, n Will you fight r" The chiefs answer was, ~ , We do not wish tolight the white men, but prefer to settle our differences and have no more fighting." The troops in the meantime having surrounded the Indians, General Harney now ordered the. chief and hie attendants to retire fifty paces, when the three under hie command commenced en indiserimir .nate slaughter of men, women, and children, orders having been given to take' no prisoners. .And over one hundred and fifty perished, betides an indefinite number that were driven into the Platte river. The Indian Aid Sooiety, considering this a need less butchery,'has denounced the proceeding no an atrocious crime,. and has resolved to petition the Government to hold' the guilty parties to ac count. THE COURTS. . : :rzeranDIVB:PROCEEDMIO Eitoported for The Prag!.l DISTAIOI . ' Coml. NO. I—Judge Strond.—Georgo ,Mublenburg Evans - , Jana D. Evans, William M. Evans, Withelmina Rvans, Robinson, and John Robinson, be r husband; in right of said. Wilhelmina and Oliva Evans, Lampley, and John' Lampley, :vs. Elbanan W..keyier and Daniel L. Woods, exe cutors and devisors of John P. D. Mublenburff, Ann E. , Liober; and Imo hor husband, in tight of said Ann E. An action of ejeotmentfrom promises on Bach j,250 - feet ,aquare. ,On trial. Messrs. Ballitt' k MoMurtrio for (the plaintiff ; Stewart Rush, Earle X Smith for iho defendant. DISTRICT' COURT , -No. 2—Judge Sharenrood.— Corning k Co. vs. 3liedriok & Harding. An notion on a promissory note. Verdiet for tho plaintiff $321.7g. Georgo W. Biddle;Esq., fot. the plaintiff. No defenoe. John Lloyd vs. Daniel L. Miller; Jr. An notion on a promissory note. Verdict for the plaintiff $1,117.85. Charles Gibbons, Esq , for the plaintiff Nolefenee. Jacob Griffith VS. Benban Markley and Rachel his wife. An action for goods sold and dollvered: Verdict for plaintiff, $342. • Messrs. Earle and Woody ward for plairditk Loon 8., first, Boq., for do lendant. Keeley & Co. vs. Caroline A. Mason. An action for Millwright' , work. Veralot for the plaintiff, $373.63. Messrs. biolntyre and Foulk fofplaintiffl C. Gaillou., Esq., for defendant. Isaac Collins vs. William Whillden, garnishee of John Molifacken: Attachment execution. On trial. Esq., for .plaintiff; James W. Paul, %Esq., for defendant. , counr OF OYER AND llMllNBli—ghd es Thump- son and•Conrad.—George Preeth, the finglishinan who stands charged with the •,mluder of lm. Leo Smith, was yesterday arraigned. Ileum L. C. Cassidy .and J. V. O'Neill, who defend the mi. senor, ,ashed for a continuance until next term, on the ground of the absence of material witnesses. Due proof baring been made of this fact, the court granted the application. • , • • James Dlainond,.who is charged:with - ,the mur der of Edward Muldoon, one of the oonetablMi of the Third ward, was also, yesterday; arraigned op charge. 'Mr. Paul. Daugherty, who appeared for the prisoner, said that, ho ads unprepared for triatt..that neither the prisoner nor his counsel bed received any . notice of the case until to-day.. After some discussion betweerthe .District Attor ney and lionnsel, the. ease was fixed for Monday r, _Anent. There being no 'Otherr.businois . ready, the " t , '*ourtudjourned . _ • b 1 NO AfASItKETB, Nov. 243.--tkiur— ',7hedetnand continues good, and Floes futre fur , '4 . lhur advanced'. 1-',She euresmere 1,000 bble t ioloolug 00 4 .0 0 f4.40 for 'superfine, and 413544.75 for , ,in9ortod Hie !sit .fofty • hiskey.--fihe Market: &marines steady with a good demand. Sales Of 900 tibia at 170 ; 435 do at the C. H. ik H. R. R, - depot, at .161 c, and 300 don front wagons, at 171.3. - . - 13utter:,--Salee of ldbbla roll at 17a1710, and 38 &laps eludes W. R. at 18n220. Tha market is un changed. - ' Hoge—The market hasbeen very dull since out last. Yesterday a decline of 85c was established, and a similar deolino took plums to-day, acid - tho Market oboes dull with large , receipts and a •greater disposition to' sell. Tho sales reported were 1,320,-at prices ranging from $5 to $5.60? the outelde'rate being nominal at the close. • Prorisions.—Tho market for all kinds is dull, and prices generally lower. The sales -wore 100 bbls Mess Pork at $l4 ; - 100 do do at $14.25 ; 1,400 Times Hams at 7 from block ; 800 do aides at 6 do ; 400 do at 50 do; 400 do 'Shoulders at 41, and 1,000 dodo at Of 50 bbls Gut Lard at 81; 175 tierces and bbls prime atlol, and 200 kegs at 101, closing dull at 10 for bbl and 101 for keg. Wheat.—The demand continues active, and the market oboes lirm. Sales 1200 bushels prime white, with use of sacks to Springfield, at 920; 200' do prime red, on landing, at 79e, And '2OOO bushela prime. white at Maysville, at .850. -Groteries.=The demand for Sugar continues active, and still in advance of the supply. The spies to-day add up 300 hhde as 71a8Ic for low to good fair; fair soiling at 7bBo. 250 bbls Molasses sold at 30a310, the former cash; the latter 60 days. In Coffee there. is not much doing, the market is quiet and dull at 101alle. BALTIMORE PROVISIONS MARKET.—We have to note, this morning, a somewhat better inquiry for Provisions, but in obnsequeneo of the light supply, the operations continue to be limited. We note, this morning, sales of some 20,000 lbs. Bulk Shoulders and Haw, at 8 cents for the for mer. and 10 cents for the latter. Bulk Sides are bold at oa9l cents. Bacon is dull. Some few sales are making at hall; oents for Shoulders, and ill cents for Sides. I We note a sale to-day of 10 tierces new Bacon Hams, at 13. cents. There is nolo inquiry for barreled Pork. We note sales, this morning, of 50 bble. Baltimore packed heavy Moss, at $lO, and of 40 bbls. Western Moss, at $lB 60. Primo - Pork is nominal at $l7 per bbl. Lard is lower. We note a sale, this morning, of 70 pkgs. now Western, at 11 cents, a decline of one cent per lb.' Butter and Cheese are in fair de mand at previous quotations- SAILINO OF THE OCEAN STEADIERS FROM TILE UNITED 'STATES. .... . . . Niagara Boston Liverpool.... it..... Dec 2 Vanderbilt... N York Bouth , n & Uavre... Deo 6 Atlantic . , ... ....New York Liverpool Dec 5 Africa.. .New York Liverpool. - Deo 9 America . . .... ... . Boston Liverpool. Dec le New York New York , Glasgow Deo 23 PROM EUROPE PIWAI YOU DAT Antelope Liverpool Portland, ke Nov II Kangaroo Liverpool New York ....Nov 18 New York Glaagow New York. Nov 18 Fulton Havre New York . Nov 18 . . .._ America Tavel.Pool Boston, Nov 21 Anglo 13axen,....LIverpool Portland, ,to Nov 25 Baltic Liverpool New York ' Nov 25 Buropa Liverpool Boston Nov 28 I,IY - The Oalifornis Mail Steamers sail from New York on the sth and 20th of each month. . . . . . Mr The Tiavana steamers leave New York on the 24, 7th. 12th, 17th and 270 or each month, and Charleston, S. C., on the 4th and 10th. Marine intelligcnre PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Dec. 1, 1857. SUN RISES 4 18-SIIN SETS.... 01011 WATER ARRIVED Steamship 'Palmetto, Baker, 48 hours from Boston, with mdse and pissengers to II Wineor Passed three barques, (one with lose of fore topgallaut'mast) at an chor off Bombay Hook; , barque E Giddings, three berm brigs, and four schrs below` Reedy Island, bound down; barque Benj Hallett, for New Orleans, and three schre at anchor off Christiana Creek. Ship Ilippogrille, Howes, 4 days from Norfolk; in bal. &at to Workman & Co. Barque Tawny. Wbittaker, 11 days from Cardenas, in ballast to Geo Rayne & Co. Behr Frances Elmore, Smith, 8 days from Now York, with mdse to Crowell & Collins. Behr W Cummings, Whelden, 4 days from Green. port, in blillaitt to John It White. Behr Charles Moore, Ingersoll, 4 days from Bridge. port, in ballast to Van tmen, Norton & Co. Behr 'Thom Page, Robinson, 3 days from New York, in ballast to Tyler, Stone & Co, Behr as English, Neal, 4 days from Now Raven; in ballast to Tyler, Stone & Co, Behr Jos P Cake, Endicott, 3 days from Egg harbor, in bating to Van Bonen, Norton de Co, •Sehr Silver Magnet , P err y,r days from Boston, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. • Bahr jrs Ward, Till, 2 days from St lleorge, Del, with wheat to Jas Darratt & Son. Bohr Marta, Hilly/Ltd, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with oats to Jae Barratt & Son. • Behr Natt Lank, Scott, 1 day from Frederica, Del, with oats to Jae Barret J Son. Bebe Luoy, hlareton, 1 day from Brandywine, with flour and meal to Robeson Lea. Behr Delaware, 11Ulyard, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Jas Barratt & Boh. , Bohr Mechanic, Hendrickson, 2 days from Port Penn, With grain to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Behr A 0 Oray , Cain, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with wheat to Bewley, Wilson & Co Bohr Victory, Chambers, 1 day from Lewes, Del, with Corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Bohr -Expedition; Connor, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Bewley, Wilson to Co. Bohr Win (leorgo, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del, with corn to Bewley, Wilson & Co. Bohr Sarah Warren, Bottle. 2 days from Little Creek Landing, with wheat and oats to Bewley, Wilson to Co, Bohr Ocean Bird, Quillen, 4 days from Laurel, Del, with cornlo44l Isiceolley. Bohr Reaper, SOIL 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn to J H McColley, Behr Diamond State, Smithery , 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn to J McColley. Bohr Farmer, Deputy, 2 days from Milford, Del, with corn tad H McColley. Bohr Geo It Fisher, Simmons, 2 days from Milford, Del, seb w r it j h ,A. co_ u rn u to ra .7 „1011 k. cengt. to J McOolley. • noir uureerisrothers, Calhoun, 4 days from Inman Diver, with corn to J If McOolley. Sloop J D Fish, Bell,l day from Lewes, Del, with mho to TW Parker. • ' • ' Steam tagArnerica, Virden 12 hours from Cape Hen !open, having in tow ship Ilippogrlite, from Norfolk. Towed down the barque Rowena, which went to sea on Sunday at 10 o'clock. Reports the ship Tropic Bird, for West Indies; at anchor below the Ledge; passed' on Bombay Rook the barque Amy, from Boston, together with ten schrs upward bound, CLEARED. Steamship Delaware, Copes, N York, .1 Allderdiee. Sobs Thos Page, Robinnon, Washington, Tyler, Stone & Co. Bohr S A Hammond; Paine, Boston, I) Cooper Mir Silver Magnet, Perry, Medford, Mass, Noble, Hammett & Bohr Obaa Moon, Ingersoll, Washington, Van Dusan, Norton & Co Schr Stakes English" Neal, New nave; do lithr P Oake, Endicott, Newport, do Bohr G W Cumming,, Vilteldln, Newport, d RWhite Gtr ILL Gsw, Ger, Baltimore, A (}roves, Sr. (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) LEWES. Dol.. Nov. 28.8 AM. The ship Gallego, for James River, barque Mary Ado lfo for Now Orleans, and a fleet of colliers, went to sea this morning. The steamer Engineer, with spars from Phoenix Island, and. the wrecking sehr Mechanic, are 'the Only vessels at harbor. Wind S--weather mild and pleasant, Yon, ho, WM, M. 1110RUAN. IGILBORAPH.I (Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange.) CAPE ISLAND, NOY. B. 11 A M. One ship and five berm brigs are now off this place, going in. Wind SE—weather wild. Yours &a .,ITHOS. B. IMGEIBB. ' [HT TELEGRAPH TO THE PRESS ] BOSTON, November 30. .Arrived, ships. Revenue, from Antwerp; S Curling, from Liverpool. ' ' WASTIMION, Nov 20. The Charleston papers furnished by the southern mail state that an arrival from the Bahamas reports se. vent wreaks on that toast. TsT9 large vessels, names unknown, were dismasted at Nassau. , Capt 9rpen, of the skip Osnippee, is a passenger. MEMORANDA, Steamship Isabel , RoHine, from llama 25th lost, ar rived at Charleston 28th ult. Steamship Star of the Went, Gray, from New York for Aspinwall, was peened 20th ult. el f Cape Florida. Steamship Adriatic, West, front Now York for Liver pool, was spoken 2 P 51 24th ult, lat 40 55, long 68 24. Ship Eltermite, Quetta, from Itio de Janeiro, arrived. at Now York yesterday. Experienced heavy weather during the passage; split Rails and sprung a leak. Ship Stalwart, Lucas, cleared at Liverpool 13th nit, for Philadelphia. Ship Benares, Wendell, nailed from Liverpool 13th ult, for Calcutta. Ship Yankee Ranger, Slohtnan for Guam, sailed from Sydney, NOW, about Sept 23d. Ship hound, Stevens, from Lehains, arrived at Hono lulu Oct.& Ship Wisconsin, Scott, from Sydney, NSWyarrived at Callao Oct 16. Ship Protector, Culler, from San Francisco, at Callao, and soiled Oct 23 for Chinches , Ship Horsham, Oaks, from Boston, arrived at Valpa raiso Oct 11. Ship Sea Ranger, Burnham, Called from Valparaiso 14th Oct. for Cobija and vicinity, to load ore and nitrate anode, for Baltimore and Philadelphia, at $lB per ton. Dimino Talavera, liferrlthow, cleared at Boston 28th tilt, for Rio do Janeiro, . Barque D G Wilson, Peacock, hence, was below New Orleans 24th ult. Brig Canine, Ford, sailed from Cienfuegos 12th ult. for Mobile.. Wars 111. B. Carpels Winsmore, and Undine, Risley, for Philadelphia, sailed from Providence 27th ult. Seas Treasurer, Ella, Eleanor, Lady Ellen, Spray, 51 .Pillmore, Richard Thompson, W 0 Atvtater, A Tirrell, Nellie D, James Magee, Knight, Sas Barrett, Elliott, and 0 Chamberlain, hence, arrived at Boston 29th nit. Scbr H M Morse, Phillips, from Westerly for Phila delphia, arrived at NeW York yesterday. Behr Lucy Whotham salted from Key West 15th ult for Pensacola, Sohn Charles Parker ,__Compton, and William P Cox, Brown, from Boston for Philadelphia; J L Redner, En dicott, from Providence for do, and I Oliver, Smith, from Stratford, Oenn, for do, at New York 20th ult. II scar Pharos, Yorke, hencei at Key West 1511, ult„ - MARINE MISCELLANY. All the coffee (25 hags) which wee discharged from brig Monticello, ashore on Block Island, arrived at Newport on Thursday. The remainder of the cargo, consisting of logwood, will probably be got out. The vessel has not bilged, and will probably begot oft Capt Tibbetts le very low, and his recovery is considered doubtful. The !hip Baltic, from New York for Charleston, re ported ashore on the South Bar; near Charleston, with nine feet water in her hold, is an A 115 venial, of 769 tons register, built at Bath, Me, In 1854, where she is owned by Sir Honghton, Ship Lizzie Janda, at San Francisco Oct 25th, from Hong Kong, reports having experienced in the China Sea calms and light winds from NE, Aug 31, 100 miles BE from Los Oboe, encountered a heavy typhoon, which commenced blowing from NNE, gradually hauling to NW, W, SW, and 5, and finally SE—barometer falling from 29 60 to 27,50. The main topsail and main trysail were. bloWn from the bolt ropes, and, with the excep tion of the jibs, the remainder of the sane were blown from the gaskets; lost quarter boat, had bulwarks stove, c. 'The ehip was covered with open drift during the typhoon,which 'lasted eleven hours. In long 112 experienced the first westerly wind we had on the pas. sage; carried away and lent rudder. The greater part of the passage bad SE and ESE winds. The nehr Louisa, Newcomb, arrived in distress on the 23d alt, at Havana, totally dismasted. She was off Stirrup Key from the 7th - to the 10th in a heavy gale, I and dragging on qburo, cut away spare. She Ime loot rigging, fcc., injured deck and rails. Repaint are being effected, and she will salt as noon as possible. Consignees, Packer Se Clark.. The Louisa saw several disinasted volute, and two ships ashore on Stirrup Keys. - Could not learn their names. Key West, Nov 21.—Barone John Denham, Gray,mas. 'ter, from New York for tit Marks, arrived on the 10th, an,dreporta having experienced heavy weather on the -12th and' lath lost, from ENE to SE, blowing a com plete hurricane at times, in lat between 25 and 2 , , dur ing which time the barometer was down to 29. The fiylng jib was washed from the boom, Cud water casks stove - ea deck; .in other respects no damage was nun . Mined. She has landed her freight for ibis place, and ptociedeto St Marks first fair wind. 41 ' ll _o - Remington, Joness Waster, from 8t Marks for Noir York, got ashore at Tortugas on the 11th Mat, and ;was unfitted iy wreckers, who took out about 116 bale! cotton. , The waned appears to have sustained could°. fable donne in her bottom, but not looking, she pro withorit discharging. The case was heard by 'Judge Marvin on the 19th inst. and solinndOCreed On the V4S4 -11 4 , 0191440 Ova hundred dollar', Mops PROS.--4 , IIILADELPIIIA; lititsDAy; 1 Eetrill3Eß 1, mt. filobi,Plitete; stpd L Borrows, and ache Truiton, are the Vessels interested. Consigned to A Tift, Ship Sibyl, Jenkins, from Mobile for Ilavro, arrived on The 15th inst. in tow of II 8 schr Pharos, Capt /1 A Yorke, entirely dismasted, with loss of chains, anchors, he. She parted her cables on the 11th inst. on the ut away. She continued Bunke, at 7 A 51, when, to prevent her drifting down to t o d fety aftertheoparswere l cut away, but the wind hu h . mediately shifted to the east. Kept hero before it, and at 7 A Mon the 14th made Sombrero Keys, and was soon after spoken by the Pharos, and towed to Key West. Sent saw Champlin ahead to procure anchors and chains, And the toaster, Capt Roberts, piloted the ship from Sombrero to Leo Key, where a branch pilot was taken. The diver reports ,ho copper oil the wood, chafed by the spars, about four feet below the water. Ship tight, and with the exception of a break in the main rail, appears to have sustained no other damage. Consigned to Jos Pilo. DOMESTIC PARTS. NEW YORE, Nov 80—Arrived, ships Constitution, Leundt, Bremen; Rockaway, Leufkin, Havre; South ampton, Pratt, London and Portsmouth Golden Eagle, Pabens, Nanted, France; Albert Gallatin, Delano, Li verpool; Yorktown, Meyer, London; Hamburg barque Elbe, Belle, Hamburg; Bremen barque Amaranth, Probst, Bremen) brigs Antelope, Tucker, Halifax; Re staurador, (Danish) Jenson, Humacoa; Burcliard As Tor rep, Eaton, Boston, for Wilmington NC; Ring Bro thers, Milliken, Pagardo,Plt. Cld, ship Masonic, Perry, Galveston; barque Achme, Savory, Constantinople; brig Wlnyaw, Wymau, Boston; Rehm Surprise, Cole, City Point; B 0 Jones, Bedell, Norfolk. BOSTON, Nov 25.—Arr, ship Addle Snow, Howe, Liverpool; barque George Warren, Bentley, Rotterdam, 14th nit, via Holmes Hole. Old, - barque Noes, Har riman, Havana. 20th—Arr, brig Chas Edward, Hassell, Aux Cayes 4th Nbv—left barque Tally Ho Hoyt, clisolig; brigs Santiago, Hadley, ldg for Bostort; , o Wiswell, to load for do;—brig 8 Thurston, Lamphear, St ICUs 12th Noy—left brig P It Ilitchborn Littlefield, for Bos ton i3;--ifehrsl4 R Bennett, Wood, 'Norfolkt Telegraph, Nickerson, Fredericksburg; Bliza, Crowell, Alexandria; II Curtis, Johnson, Baltimore. At Quarantine, ship Curling, of Thomaston, Curling, Liverpool, 3d toot— hed heavy westerly weather the entire passage; bee 170 passengers, and about 2, 1 700 tons mdse. Sailed, Bator dey,harques Prioress; Oak. Nothing sailed Sunday. ARRIVALS AT THE PRINCIPAL HOTELS, Up to 12 o'clock Last Night GIRARD HOUSE—Oixestnut Street, below Ninth. E Joy Morris. Philada J Pringle, Jones, Reading J W Martin, N Y ki Pryer, N Y E Boyd, D 0 II II Dodge, D 0 E B Carter, Ban Francisco 0 0 Belmettlo, I'hllada Wm Maxwell, Philada Oeo AI Steinman, Pa D J . Coddington, N Y J P Roman, Baltimore E T Pilkiriton, Richmond,Va Alex Evans klii A W Evans, MA Thos J Atwood, Pottsville Mr Peering, London II Vieuxtemps, London Miss Milner, London Mrs tlyintett, London Henry Bergh & Is, N Y ' Geo IV Powers & la, N Y II St Y Ames, England Miss Acland, England W 0 W Batch, Cin, Ohio M 9 Merrill, Prov'e W Williams, Pa - 3 Rlineibitee, Balt J Julian, NY' ' J T Batsman, Eng'd O MeDonell, St lonia 3) Longnecker, Lane'r D I Barry Cal Mrs Iliettell, Pa Mrs Hollinger, Pa J F Hagman, Princeton 7 'Leann, Troy, N Y J 11 Waters, 11 & 0 11. R. M S Chaalock, Mo F B Renshaw, U 9 A W D Bishop, Conn T E Doll, Balt E T IL Gibson, N Y J 0 Camp, N Y 0 N Mackulin, St Paul L Ballard, N Y J It Smith, N Y .1 II Bayhleld, Balt C P. Posers, Balt II W Powell, N Y S W Blackly, N 3' A Ruguot, N Y John L Barns, II S N Joseph Colgate, N Y D Catskill, Balt A S Chase, Balt EJ Phillips, Balt II IR Lowry, Washington Geo Baughman, Richmond Edw 0 Willard, N Orleans Mr Rolesson & la, Cia, 0 MERCHANTS' POTEL.—Yourth Street, below Arch. J Oheryholms, Ohio Chas Mosel, N Y nt SChumaker, Allentown Hon J L 011ie, Elk co, Pa L Wilmarth, Pittsburgh Baud id Myers, Mount Joy ROC Davis, Ebensburg, a lion J S Yost, PottstownßJ Berger, Lehigh Gap MSpahr, York, to D N Ropes, Y lion 11 S Mott, Milford, Pa J C Mott, Pa J Q Henry, Boston J L Preeton, Newark, Ohio J hl Brooks, Ya Miss Martha A Stuart, 'Vs Mrs Marshall N Y Geo Whitney, Conn 0 L Berlin, kid ll Snyder, Suydersville, Pa AMERICAN no TEL—ohestmit, street, above Fifth. A. McCantos, Perry co, Pa O W Hooke, Perry co, I'a C W Williams Va , II 8 Williams, Va Il Smith, Abington, Va H 8 Hemn'ings, wash W II Hemmings, Wlu3l). W Hackett, Easton L Welling, N J 0 Hunteinger, Se4 , l liar A R Pemberton, Lebanon J 0 Deland, AI Chunk E P Wilbur, Phila. T Baker, Richmond, Pa U Williams, Boston W Jewel Jr & ln, Hart Pill Miss 111 Rhodes. Hartford AI) Rodman, Jersey Shore J M Trick, Miaersvillo ti M Jones, Pa El 'McDonald, Pottsvie J Arndt, N J J B Buel, N Y A ti Spence, N R B Smith, Newark, N J W Davis, Phila W Sharp, Plaile A Van Dyck, Detroit T II Adams, Conn • 8 McAdams, Con'd W Hamilton, Cold J IV Nairn, Wnsh W Morton, Trenton II Umstead, Balt UNION 'HOTEL—Arch street, below Fourth. B P Hugel, Easton P Fowler, Tamaqua J flilliman, Pottsville Jahn B Mason, Allent-eon Glt Weill°, Hollidaysburg J Id Day, Hollidaysburg T M Polliday, l'a Dr aeo Ross, Pa It Pratt, Lewistown, Pa , John Lerch, Easton Pa Mr .1.1 Walker, Del C L Hogan, Peoria, 11l II Fay Cook, Ind . John Strap, Chicago II Clay Beatty, Ma A 0 lteinger, Allentown Moses Gaisenberger, Pa II J Raider & la, Pa C Boyer, Reading John Hendricks, Pa D Hunter, Tamaqua Israel IC Kline, Pa Sld N Heaton, Tamaqua. Mrs Williams, Pa Wm Young, Pa Mr Miller, Easton John Fraser, Harrisburg Ira I` Clement, Pa A Mlaidich, Ira B Plank, Hurdles Mills 8 J Conn, Davidaville NATIONAL HOTEL—Race street, above Third. 0 F Sparing, PhDs C F Mott, Philo ll hl Fish. N Y DI Wade, N Y S U Fry, Pa J Kauffman, Pa J Grim, Pottsville J P Gangewer, Pa W Myers, Lebanon It D Schooner, Pottsville W Mortimer, jr, Pa H J Ilendier, Pa J Lorain, Ill' II Sampson, Pa I. J Hopkins, Rochester I Minnouge, Pa W Laughkins, Pa J P Dennis Washington It Philips, Pittsburgh P Y Bret:Olinger, Pa N 11 Crary, Pa I Whitaker, N J It Ti Kern, Pa (I llecktuan, Pa 8 II Puterbatigh, Pa J II Rank ac la, Pa A Jackson, Pa A T Do Witt, Pa It W,Creary, Balt F F Boyer, Pa - -- fer.A.TXR, tiNlClN=Mariferatreorraoo....,..., J Miller, Leuc'r J Vankorn, Pittsburgh G W Morrison, Pittsli'h W F Beecher, Ohio L J Kirk, Lan co, Pet J McVey, Ltarr'g A It Boggs, Starrl S Longetreet, Philipo'g, J Wllsou, Va J kit Pritt, Va A Orumpacker, Va T Skillet, Va T it Pritt, Va W 0 Mayor, Duuc'n, Pa BARLEY BEIIsAP-43econd, below Vine street. Ilestburn, Bucks co, Pa 13 Jones, Pa S Betterweather, Blass J B Bryan Doyrn T Dyer, Doylestown It Deans, Bucks co 8 Holcomb, N J L Thomas, Lumbervill N Child, Jeff co, N Y Mrs T Pickering a: 6111, Pa J L Vundegrift, Bordeut'n MADISON lIOUSE—Seoond street, above Market. Robt F Cexe, Pa Dr John W Berke, NAM P J Carlisle, Del Miss A Walker, Sunbury Thos 'S Ridley, Ya John 13 Murphy, Ya Adam II Wells, Va. I' U Roberta. Balt Saml nays, Pottsville W L Cannon, Del BLACK DEAR INN Filth and Merchant Streets. James Scott, Chester co Davis Kimble. Chester co] J S Kirk, Chester co' A Wells, Wellsville, Pa John Ouster, Chester co D W Chandler, W Chester Dr 10 Hammon I, Del W W Andrews, Cheater to GB Outten, Chester co James D (lay, Reading A 0 Mood, Dunkirk, N Y J Harvey, York, Pa Win Dawdall, Cheater co Rapt Dance, Chester co J Angu, West Chester Thos S Young, Chester co BALD EAGLE 110 TEL—Third street, atm. Callowhill Chas P PoDweller, Pa Mrs Bartow, Belvidere Gee Maun, Pa Mrs Clymer, Bethlehem Martin Kenneda, Lehigh co Moses Wieand, Lehigh co Edw II Knorr, Lehigh co Semi Mine, Pa BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab Callowhill, J Boetger, Hillerstown Semi Baum, Schuylkill co David Woodring, Lehigh co Jno Kriebel, Berke co Wm Saaseumn, Sureneytown Oco Hartzell, Now Texas Operial Notirco Wrappers Wrappers! Wrappers !—A very large and elegant assortment, wholesale and retail, at seduced prices. Also, fine Shirts, Drees Stocks, and all kinds of k'uruishing Goods for Gentlemen, at W. W. Kruoires, 012 Arch street, above Sixth. no3Olni Skates! Skates: Skates I—Our renders will find the largest and moat complete assortment of this winter luxury, and at the lowest prices, at W. W. Mown.% No. IMO Market street, opposite Decatur street. Saving Fund.—National Safety Trust Co., Mee, WALNUT Street, S. W. corner of TIIIIID, ARRANGEMENTS FOR BUSINESS DURING TUE SUSPENSION OF SPECIE PAYMENTS BY TUE BANNS. 1. Deposits received and payments made daily. 2. Current Dank Notes, Cheeks, and Specie will bo received on deposit. 3. Deposita made in Dank Notes or Mocks will be paid back in Current Bank Notes. 4. Deposita made in Gold or Silver will bo paid back in Coln. Interest Fire rim CENT. per annum. n 025 For Perfumed Breath, {{ • bite Teeth, and Beautiful complexion, use lt Balm of 1.000 Flowers." For dressing Ladles' hair, use a Woodland Cream, a not Pomade." - It curia Gentlemen's hair beautifully. W. P. YETIUDOR & CO., Proprietors, N. Y. For sale by T B. Peterson, 300 Chestnut; Samuel Slums, Twelfth and Chestnut; A. D. Durand. 713 Chest nut; T. 11 Peter, & Co., 710 Chestnut; G. 0. Evans, Gift Dook•storo, 439 Chestnut; 0.. S. Hubbell, 1410 Chestnut; French, Richards, & Co., Tenth and ;Mar ket; A. B. Taylor, Ninth and Walnut; Dr Morrison, Seventeenth and Chestnut; J. W. Sillies & Sons, Eighteenth and Twenty-Second nod Market; Edward Ohrlstmann, 702, Chestnut; Thomas Lancaster. corner Eleventh and Walnut. no12•ly Jackson, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Matta, Bills Lading, 11111 lload, , Cir edam Cards, and all other kinds of Job Printing, a prices to suit the thrum. oc17•ly Cabinet Ware and UPHOLSTERY, 531 WALNUT ST, OPPOSITE INDEPENDENCE SQUARE. GEO. T. HENKEL'S, 524 WALNUT Street, 0"22.3m Late of 178 Chestnut Street S. C. Deivald, Commission Business in Coin. menial paper and negotiations of loans, 50 WALNUT Sr., oppoeita the Exchange, Philadelphia. no10•Ym Bower's Infant Cordlnl.•-•Thle Invaluable Cordial is prepared from a variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and in the most perfect and reliable carminative extant for infante and young children. By its powerful influence a speadi cure la effected in all cues of Cholie, windy pains and spasm. Relieves and mitigates much of children's suffering during denti. tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tran anilines pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, he. The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need in thousands or eases with the moat abundant sumac No family should be without it. Prepared only by Meer A. BOWER, At his Drug and Chemical Btore, N. E. oorner of Sixth and Green eta., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. an 134 y Seamen's Saving Fund Office 203 Walnut street, one door west of second street. Receives de• posite in sums of One Pallor and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows Intermit at the rate of five per cent. per annum. Office open'daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 in tke evening. Ft °Adept Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Oliarles 61. Morris &ora tory, James B. Mee, Beek Notes of. the P.ENNSYLVANIA. BANK FOR UMBRELLAS, BY WM. 11. 111011ARDSON 3 No 918 MINLICIIT BTRUNT Rlarrtagto On thn 34 t , by the Rea. W. Kenney, JOIIN 11, DAVIER to EI,LEN O. daughter of fhttaucl h. Morass." Esq., all of this city. ** Cu tho 26th ult., by Rev. A. Atwood, Mr. GEORON DYER to Mici MARTHA JOHNSTON, both of this city. Ou the 26th of Novomber, by the Rev. Dr. Cole, Mr. EVAN JONES to Mies SALLIE JENKINS, ell'of this city. by the Rev J. Talbot Gracey, on the 20th ult., Mr. WILLIAM D. ALLEN to Miss RATIO YONKER, 101 l of Port Riehtuoud, Philadelphia. [Cheater county poen please copy.] Maths Suddenly, In Ent Whiteland township, Cheater co., on the 29th ult , )r. SEPTIM CS A. OGINIt. On the morning of the 28th ult., JAS. C. COPPER, aged 80 years. On Saturday evening last, at 7 o'clock WILLIAM S. WALKER, son of the Into William Walker, aged 18 years and 10 days On the 9th ult., THOMAS WHITE, Esq., of the Watersite, 'Londonderry, Ireland. The following notice of his death le taken from the Londonderry Standard of the 12th ult. :.-111ELANOROLT DsaTil or Tnomis WHITE, ESQ., WATERSIDE.—We have this day to record an event which gr.eves us exceed ingly—the demise of Thomas White, Esq., one of the oldest and best of our follow-citizens. His death was accidental, occurring while Mr. White, who was well known as the "Father or the Derry Hoot," was follow ing his favorite pastime, on Monday last, On that morning, being in his usual health, he rode out with the hounds About eleven o'clock a hare was started on Glondermott hill, and the deceased gentleman, while hurrying up to join the dogs, bad occasion to crone a low ditch. The horse stumbled, and threw Ilia rider; but, the ground being soft, and the depth of the fall In considerable, nothing very serious was apprehended when hie cempanione hastened. over to his assistance. They came to help him to remount, but their venerated leader had crossed his horse for the last time, and new lay lifeless before them. lie never spoke. 'lobed died in an Instant—it is believed by an Injury to the spinal cord, near the junction with the back of the skull. Two of the party galloped to town for medical aid, but his son, Dr. White, only arrived in time to see hie corpse, surrounded by his old companions In the chase. Dr. Y. N. Miller was also present. Those who witnessed the manly sorrow of the crowd, gay and lighthearted a moment before, but now grouped in silence round their old friend, describe the scene as ineffably touching. All that could be done was to remove the body to the resi dence of his afflicted family. We do not know any num in the community who was so universally respected as Mr. White. Ilia kindness of heart and geniality of tem• per rendered him a flue specimen of the Irish gentleman. His private life was moot exemplary. Ile was princi pally known to the public in connection with the Derry Hunt, of which he was a member for more than half a century. lie was accounted one of the beet horsemen in Ireland. Mr White belonged to the Roman Catholic religion, but his friends wore of all persuasions, and all persuasions mourn his death. Ile was extremely liberal in his views, Only a few days ago he generously gave malt° for the erection of a Presbyterian schoolhouse at the Waterside, without charging—as ho might have done—for the loss of his tenant interest, holding the property under Sir Robert Ferguson. This is only ono of the ninny acts of natural goodriesa which distinguished a man who has gassed away, equally lamented by rich and poor. Tho former have lost a warm-hearted com panion—the latter a kind and generous benefactor. * trrLiterary Bureau.—An Experienced Editor, a successful author, and a thoroughly educated Literary, man, weary with twenty-five years of the drudgery of Daily Journalism, tins determined _a hire out or sell his brains at retail to those who may require their services in any honorable way. Merchants, Business Men, Inventors, and dealers of every kind, sill be supplied, oft-hand, with Advertise ments, (political or other. lee,) Notices, Cards, Circu lars, or nay species of article desired. Politicians will be supplied with Speeches, Reports, Resolutions, Letters, Toasts, Pamphlets, Editorial Ar ticles, Communications. and every other sort of Brain work, which they may find it inconvenient or trouble some to dolor themselves Ladies and Gentlemen, of every rank in society or oc cupation in life, can have Letters written ou any sub ject, whether business or sentimental. The advertiser will also conduct or translate Corres pondence of every kind, either English, French, Span ish, German, or Italian. Poetry, Acrostics for Ladles' Albums, Notes, Billet donx, Monodies, and Compositions of the most. delicate and confident:ld character, incident to every possible circunintance or event in life, will be furnished in in violable confidence, by writing to the undersigned, and explaining their wishes Orders by mail, accompanied with cash, will be strictly and promptly attended to. Address J. THOMPSON, Literary Bureau, Box 2285 Philadelphia I'. 0., Pa. fri — A Vnir for the Sale.of Useful and Fancy AIiTICLES will be held under JAYNE'S HALL, OURSTNUT Street, below Seventh, by "The Ladles' Central Home Mission," laboring iu Bedford street and its vicinity—to commence on Tll.lB DAY, (Tuesday) Dec. lst, and continue open during the week. The ob ject le to raise means to clothe the large number of chil dren attending the Day and Sabbath Schools in the Mis sion Building, Bedford street, above Sixth. Donations of floods, Clothing, &c., will be thankfully received by Mrs JANE PETERSON, Arch Bt., tint door below Ninth, north side ; Mrs. E S. YAItD, No. 209 Spruce street, or any of the Managers. 1.11.4t* irrOfflee of the Receiver of Taxes, Nag' .1 ruin, December 1, 1857. The tax-payers of the city of Philadelphia are hereby Itotitiod to pay their city and State tales doe fur the vear 1867 ; and that, if not paid before the FIRST DAY of JANUARY, 1858, in accordance with the VOllllOOll of the aMs of Assembly, the names of all delinquent. trill be published on the first day of January ; and upon all sums unpaid on the 15th day of said month of Janu ary there wilt be charged a penalty of 5 per cent., to gether with interest to the date of payment PETER ARMBRUSTER, Receiver of Taxes. IU - Itrithili Rule in India.-•A Lecture by the Very Boy. Dr. MORIARTY, in the Rational RACE Street, above Fifth, on THURSDAY, December 10th, 1057, at 7,4 o'clock P. M., for the benefit of the Poor. Tickets 25 cents ouch; to be had at St. Augus tine,' Church. di-twin-St IC?ltev. Henry Ward Beecher will deliver ilk great lecture, • CAUSES OF 813COESS AND FAIL ERE IN LIFE," before the People's Literati ._ Institute, December let 7 4 1i,r0 5 r7 4 0 - A 4 i riti g ri r Milie v einViliTaNtiire 8. Ticket,' twenty-five cents ; for male at the book stores. no2B.BtiB 1D Union Canal Co.—A General Meeting of the liondholders of the Union Canal Company will be held ot the Board of Troth). Room No 30, MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, on TUESDAY next, December let, at 12 o'clock M. Dy order of the Stockholders, no3o-2t RUNDLE SMITH, Prea , t, See. Ir:P'Office of the Coinnionwenit Is Insurance COMPANY OF THE STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA.— Purisuant to the requirements of the charter of the Com monwealth Inaurence Company of the State or Penwl van ia, an Election for Ten Directors, to servo the ensu ing year, will he held at the office of the Company, N. W. corner of FOURTH and WALNUT, on MONDAY, January dth, 1858, between the houra of 10 and 2 o'clock no2B-atuth-tE SAMUEL S. MOON, Sec'y. Glaog nub CALL AND SEE The Greatest 'Variety of ir of, IDAY YREBENTS Ever exhibited in TUE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, Which 17111 be Pohl at exceedingly OW PRICE AT SIARNSEN A WIT TE?B, MASONIC! HALL, 31-tf 713 CHESTNUT ST (coparincraljip Noticco DISSOLUTION.—The PARTNERSIIIP heretofore existing as BAKER A. WILLIANIS is THIS. DAY dissolved by mutual conhent. The business will bo continued at the old stand, 1132 MARKET St., by 011AIIDES WILLIAMS, who Is authorized to collect and pap all debts of the lato tirm. DETER W DARER, Dec. I, 1817 CHARLES WILLIAMS. Thoundersigned would inform the public, that having bought out Mr. I'. W. Baker. hie late partner, he will continue the BLEATING and VENTILATINO business at the old stand, 1132 MARKET Street, where will be found a full assortment of Ranges, Heaters, Ventilators, Registers, Bath Boilers, kc , and hopes, by strict at. tentiou to business, to merit a share at' the patronage of the public. ill-1:0 CHARLES WILLIAMS. sl)ipping SAN FRANCISCO •PACKET NOTICE- California Line. Shippers per ship J. JUNIN, Wm. Tillery commander. will pleas° hand in their bills of ladles this day for sig• nature, and °blip BISHOP, SIMONS. & CO., 120 (late 30) North Wharves .—T VOR 11AVANAhe fast, sailing packet ship NAPLES, Capt. Eastman, will be despatched for tho above port on Thursday next, ad Inst. Apply to BISHOP, SIMONS, & CO , 120 (late 80) North Wharves. mouNTAIN , c GLADE" BUTTER. ./.1.1. We have just received our usual supply train the Mountains of this celebrated BUTTER. Will leo sold id lots to suit customers, dl•lw IS. 111 JONES 2: CO., 212 Market street. I_DUBLIC NOTICE.—E. G. WHITMAN & AI- CO. aro now prepared to offer to the public the best and largest assortment or Bonbons, Sugar Toys. Candied Fruits, Sugar and other fancy goods, suitable for Christmas Trees. The candies manufactured by he are made of the best materiel that can be had, amongst which aro flue auger-coated Almonds, Jelly Drops, Cordial Drops, Wes Paste, Gum Drops, Caramelles, Ac., Ac. 0. 8 —Superior Walnut Candies, Cream, and all varietles of plain Candies. Also, dealers in all kinds Foreign Fruits and Nuts No. 102 South SE COND, one door below CHESTNUT Street, Philadel phia. n023-s to th4w* CITY COMMISSIONERS' OFFICE. PUILADELPIItd, November 18, 1857. Persons having eliding against this Department present their bills on or before the let, day of Deem ber, 1857. GEORGE M. GILL. JAMES It. LEDDY, City Commissioners JAMES LOGAN, ul9.2w•sod yAVINU F UND:--UN I TED STATES I.7•TRUST COMPANY, corner of THIRD and CHEST NUT Streets. Large and small BUMl3l.OOOiTed, and paid back on de mand, without notice, with PIVF. PER GENT INTER EST from the day of deposit to the day of withdrawal. Office hours, from 9 until 5 o'clock every day, and on MONDAY EVENINGS Irorri 7 until 9 o'clock. •DRANTB for 'late on England, Ireland, and Scotland from £1 von - ante. Prealdout--PNEHIEN It. ORAWYDED, MI2=M=MI Teller--JAMEB R. HUNTER eal7.liff SEKPANI.I GOAT SKINS. A smull Invoice of Mali and Goat Skins, now landing from barque Irma, and for nolo Lys TE'lll, na2B.lOt 138 (now) Walnut et.—second story. MARACAIBO COFFEE.-150 bap prime Maracaibo Coffee, now landing ham barque Irma, and for Cale by CHARLES TETN, no2B-10t 138 (now) Walnut at.—necond story, i'VUTMEGS.—I6 kegs No. I Nutmegs, now landing from on board brig .gPierro Lacoste," at Lontbarthstreet wharf, imported and for Edo by HENRY BOHLEN d CO., no2B-3t 221 and 229 B. Fourth street. LENWOOD CEMETERY OFFICE, NO 11 3 5 418 WALNUT R., below 'FIFTH. au it.tr ‘I,TORAGE on SECOND and TH ID FLOM can bo bort at 119 North Water streot Apply to MARTIN & MACALISTER. 11023 5 000 -- TONS or MITCHELL & CROAS dale's improved super PHOSPHATE OF JAE, for sate by 0110ASDALH VEntek; & co , nolO•tr No. 104 N. Delaware erecter). COTTON-100 bales Gulf Cotton, in store V and for mile by MARTIN & MA.CIALIBTRA, in) 170 North Water Street Npss-1 7 bales Carolina Moan, for sale by MARTIN & MAOALIBTKR., Sal 119 North Water greet. Ma Goats. VIENNESE AND PARIS DROGUE LONG SHAWLS. On hand, an extensive stock, comprising all grades, In the most desirable colors and designs, purchased at Our late Auction Sales in this etty and New York, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Superior Goods at $lO, $ll, $l2. ' CURWEN STODDAIIT & BROTHER, Nos. 450, 462, and 454 North Second Street, dLy above Willow. MEN' AND BOYS' WINTER WEAR. CURIVEN STODDART dc BROTHER, 450, 452, and 454 NORTH SECOND STREET, above Willow, Have on band an extenaivo stock of BROAD CLOTHS, CASHMERES, SATINETS, and VESTINOS, Purchased at the late Auction Sales, at dl-y REDUCED PRICES. pENNSYLVANIA. BANK NOTES TAKEN AT PAR FOR DRY GOODS. The subscriber offers for a tow days his entire stock of goods at PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES, and receive In payment notes of the Pennsylvania Bank. Thin, to loch as may have any of this doubtful paper on band, in offering a great Inducement, as his stock is one of the best in the city. Please give him an early call. • " s. F. 3OUNSON, no3o-1w 911 Market et., above Ninth, north aide BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA.-SPE OIAL NOTICE.—AII the notes on the Dank of Pennsylvania redeemed at par for DRY GOODS, selling at less than Auction prices. Illustins, Linens, Clothe, °whams, blankets, Shawls, Calicoes, Detainee, at a groat sacrifice, In connection with our entire stosk, which will be sold at prices which will astonish all who may favor us with a call. Pennsylvania Dank Notes taken the same as specie, (we make no di ere:loLO at OLIVER 11. JOHNSON'S 'Pennsylvania Dank Note Dry Goods Store, No. 1000 MARKET Street, above Tenth, Worth side. N. B.—Orders received for the very beet Schuylkill Coal; Pennsylvania Rank Notes taken In payment. OLIVER 11. JOHNSON, No. 1000 Market street. STILL GREATER REDUCTIONS.—Being determined to keep below competition, and so as to still sell cheaper than those who have made greet re. dilations in their prices, we will Rail an all-wool 12.4 Blanket that will measure 2 yards and 12 inches wide for $5 50. This is the greatest bargain yet. We will also sell the Blankets that we sold for $5 at $3. These aro large Alm Those that were $5.50 for $3 60. 'Those we sold at $3 for $5 50, and those we sold at $9 for $0 60. Those we sold at $l2 for $7.60. These three last lots aro the flneat quality, R. D. & W. R. PENNELL, 1021 Market street, below Eleventh 1,700 YARDS FINE QUALITY DOUBLE WIDTH PLAID CASHMERES Ar 26 CENTS:' - . We have just received one ease at the above Goods. We bear they are being sold In other places at 37X cents! $l,lOO worth of LONG 11ROCIIE SHAWLS, from $8 to 826—tho cheapest goods we have ever Been! A large stock of very excellent BLACK SILKS AND FANCY SILKS! . . Very cheap Blankets and Flannels. Cloths, Cass(mares, &c. for Men's and Boys' Wear. Carpets closing out, positively less than cost. Irish Linene Domestic Muelins, Canton Flannels; French Merinoes, English Cobourge, Paramattas, &a &o. In fact we offer unparalleled bargains from a well-as sorted OA.BII-PLIROHASED STOOX! TIIORNLEY & 0111831, nogg -Stet N E. corner of Eighth and Spring (tante. BANK OF PENNSYLVANIA—GREAT .EXCITEMENT AT BELCIIER'SI—We aro re. ceiving the notes of the above bank at par for Dry Goods, at greatly. reduced prices. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Cloaks and Talmo. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Shawls. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Dress Goods. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Merinos. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken Men's Wear. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Ribbons Dank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Embroideries. Beak of Pennsylvania Notes taken for Domestics. Bank of Penney Ivania Notes taken for Blankets. Bank of Penneylrani& Notes taken for Gloves and tindery. Bank of Pennsylvania Notes taken for tho choice of goals from ono of the largest and best-selected stocks In the city, and at extraordinary low price*, at . ' F. dc T. ll BELCHER'S, nov2l-12t S. N. corner Eighth and Spring Garden. THE CHEAPEST LONG BROGLIE SHAWLS EVER SOLD IN PLIMADELPIIII TIIORNLEY & OIIIBM, Eighth and Spring Garden, haul just purchased several lots of LONG BROCIIII SIIAWLS, FOR 01811 AT A MOST TREMENDOUS SACRIFICE ! 1 lot lino quality, all Silk and Wool, for £.B. 1 44 44 44 44 44 for 510. 1 44 14 44 44 44 too $l2. • 1 44 44 44 44 44 for $l4. Several lots very One, all. wool, $l4, $lO, $lB, $2O, and $26. Blue French Blanket Shawls, Chenille Shemin, &c., at TIIORNLEY & 0111S11 , 8, n01.8.4t N. E. corner of Eighth and Bpring Ganlen etc MUMBLING DOWN OF DRY GOODS ii BARGAINS—Prora the late Cash Auction Sales, at price, that DEF'Y ALL COMPETITION. CLOAKS and 'PALMAS far below the cost of materials, Drees Goode of every description at the very lowest prices. 25 ceat Detainee reduced to 12X cents, end other Goode In the mune proportion. Just opened a large lot of Chenille Scarfs, elegant styles, at less than half price. Closing out all our Iderinoe and Paramattae at cost, and we have resolved that our Dry Goode shall be sold as cheap as the cheapest. J. 0. PAYNTER, n026-6t 118 and 115 N. EIGHTH 95., above Arch WARM SHAWLS.— SHARPLEBB BROTIMILS offer Full assortments of Long Shawls; Bordered ali..wool Long at 14 50; Plaid Jo do at 15; Ileayy Chenille Square at 15; French and Derma rine Shawls; Broche, Long and Square, cheap; Trayellin&Sitewls, for men ; noy 25 and *. EIGLITII streets LADIES' SHOEMAKERS. SIIARPLESS BROTHERS, sole agentfi For American Elastic Webbing, Black and colored English Lasting', French Lastings and (Miter Cloths, Italian Cloths and Black and White Satins, Galloons, Laces, Drills, Muslin', French Kids, Morocco. Potent Leathern. nov2s CHESTNUT and MOUTH. Streets LADIES' CLOTH CLOAKS-NEW STYLES.—Now open, Cloak a of Black, Brown, MA Gray. Cloths, made up in the best and most fashionablo style, in CLOAK AND SHALL ROOM. $5 Woollen Long Shawls, worth $7. 10 Stella Shawls, the $7 50 quality. SO Black Thibet Long Shawls. $3 " Square Shawls. $6 Broehe Square Shawls, Shawls of every kind and prico. Flue Cloaks made to order. We still continue to sell our entire stock of dress Goods at below the FIRST COST OF MANUFACTURE. A largo line of good SATINETTS, CASSIMERES, AND CLOTHS, BLANKETS AND FLANNELS, In Basement Story, in full supply. The especial attention of buyers is desired. Notes of all Solvent Banks in the Union taken. Oar reductions aro bona fide. We sell every article at the lowest market rate, no matter what the cost may be, n024-6t COOPER A. CONARD, B. E. corner Ninth and Market streets. SPECIAL NOTICE.- A large assortment of Attractive and seasonable DRY GOODS, From the extensive wholesale stocks of several • SUSPENDED HOUSES, Will bo opened THIS DAY, NOVEMBER 21st, At the store, No. 023 MARKET Street, NORTII BIDE, Between Ninth and Tenth, And sold throughout DT RETAIL, AT As UNPRECEDENTED REDUCTION In prices for O A S 11. The goods are ntt new, and of recent importation or manufacture; nada rare opportunity is olTered to pur chasers to purchase the best males and styles, fur below the usual prices. 'SAMUEL S. HESS, nov2l-2w No. 923 MARKET Street. EMOVAL. L. J. LEVY & CO., IN ANTICIPATION OF REMOVAL SPLENDID NEW STORE, Now Wing erected for them in EIIESTNET STREET, ABOVE MOUTH, Dare determined, fur a period of 30 DAYS, To dispose of a large amount of their Stock now in store at very LOTV PRICES FOR CASH They Invite the attention of the Public and their Cu 9 tomer" to ono of the moot complete nAgortmout4 of STAPLE AND FANCY DIZY GOODS To bo found lu this country, which will be dispose/ of for the pooled named, at such prices ac will insure their sate. CHESTNUT STREET, noll•ti NEXT TO TILE CUSTOM HOUSE HE AV Y BROWN COTTONS. one Thousand Bale• SREETINGS, SIIIRTINOS, AND DRILLS, rOolil THE LAWRENCE MANUFACTURING COMPANY, JACKSON COMPANY, (INDIAN 11MAD,) AND NASHUA MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Of their various widths and styles, which are offered for sale for first-elan pepor,.on SIX MONTHS , CREDIT, by the Agents of the Companies, ALFRED SLADE & CO., nod.lm 39 LETITIA STREET. GREAT SALE OF LADIES' CLOAKS A FURTHER REDUCTION IN PRICES has been determined on by the subaeribers, In eon aequence of the continued preasuro. 000 HISSES , ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $2, formerly $3 60. 300 HISSES , ENGLISH BEAVER CLOAKS, $3 50, formerly $5 50. 250 SUPERIOR FRENCH BEAVER CLOAKS, $5 to $B, coat to Import E 7 to $lO each. LONO BLACK BEAVER CIRCULARS, $B, formerly $l2. RICH BLACK VELVET CLOAKS, All 20 per cent. below coat of production. J .W. PROCTOR A CO., &Wetmore to 000. Ilulpfn Sr Co , nl3 7.m0 d 708 CHESTNUT straot. LA.DIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES, 1098 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleeenth • And 31S S. SECOND St., below Spruce. FACTORIES —Nos. 95' and 97 GEORGE St., Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Orders made at a few hours , notice. se22 4mlf JOHN B. STRYKER, Ja., Wholeeate Dealer In AUCTION , DRY OOODS, No. 17 DAN 4 lllreet, Philadelphia, cetleFla %muotmento. PAPODI AND VIEUXTEMPS' LAST CONCERT, Admisision to all parts of tho Hall, 50 cents. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, December lat. Last appearance of HENRY YIEUNTEDIPS, MLLE. TERESA PARODI, MISS MILNER, (The new English Prima Donna.) MR. PERRINO, (The new English Tenor.) (Both groat artists, having been engaged In London, by the Dlroctora of the Academy , of Music, New York, for the production of English Operas and Grand Ora. torlos.) SIGNORI ROCCO and PERTIGINI. The price of lidinission, notwithstanding the great a t human, has been fixed at FIFTY CENTS, the One, which proven to be entirely successful In the New York Academy of Musie and at Nibio'e Garden. M'LLE TERESA PARODI will ping by universal de sire, LA MARSEILLAISE—Aria, Barbiere, Jerusalem, Oratorio, St. Paul; pummel's celebrated Variations; Duetto Don Pasquale, with Mr, PERRINO, and the celebrated Laughing Terzetto, with Mr. PERRINO, and Sig. ROCCO. MISS MILNER will sing Aria, "Robert le Diable," and " Why should I be Sad,"(an English ballad.) HENRY VIEUXTEMPS will play Pantasie Ernani, La Chasse, and the Witches , Dance. MR. PERRINO will sing "Then You'll Remember Me," Duette, with MLLE PA RODI, and Torzetto with MLLE PARODI and Mit. ROCCO. MR. ROCCO will sing " The Drum," and a Torzetto with MLLE PARODI and MR. PERRINO. Tickets 00 conte—can bo obtained at the Menlo Stores of Messrs Andre; Lee & Walker; Beck & Lawton, and Edw. L. Walker. Concert commencing at 8. del-t WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Lea see, Mr. E. A. Marshall; Stage Manager, Mr. John Sefton. Prices —Dress Circle and Parquette, 25 cents; Upper Circle, 26 cents; Secured Beats, 37X cents; Private Lox and Orchestra Seats, 60 cents. DAL Office open from 9 o'clock A. M. to 9 P.M. Doors open at 7 o'clock; performance to commence at 7,4, precisely. TILLS (Tuesday) EVENING, Dec. let, 1857, Will be performed TILE ENOUANTRESS Ramir Stella, the Ilochantrese WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —SOLE LESSEE W. WURATLEY. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Doc. Ist, 1857, Will bo presented LONDON ASSURANCE. Charles Courtley, Mr. Wheatley ; Drage, Mr. E. L. Davenport; Lady Oay Spanker, Mrs E. L. Davenport. MADELAINE ; Or, THE FOUNDLING OF PARIS. Bertrand, Mr. Dolman ,• Madeleine, Mrs. D. I'. Bowers. SOMA 0r Pillo/I.9.—lloies, 25 cents ,• Secured Beate, 38; Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents; Seats in Private Boxes, 75 cents; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Pe r sons, 26 cents; Private Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents. Box Office open from 10 A. 01. until 3P. 31. Doors will open at 0X o'clock, performloace to commence xt 7, precisely. JATIONAL THEATRE AND CIRCUS, WALNUT STREET, NEAR EIGHTH. LESSEE WESLEY BARMORE. EQUESTRIAN ?TANAGER THOS. RING. TRIO (Tuesday) EVENING, Deo. lat, 1857, Will be presented BRILLIANT nonsniANsniP, DARING VAULTING, GYMNASTIC PERFORMANCES, &c. To conclude with CATARINA ; OR, THE DYING BRIGAND. entariu2, Arlie lllatgaratio; Marco &dart°, the brigand chief, kr. Thoa King; Hebert, Mr. Kincrele. Pa ices Or AvanSAlON.—Dreas Circle 37S cents. Fa mily Circlo 2u route. Private Boxes 50 cents. EU' No extra charge for secured ;teats. TAYNE'S NEW HALL, CHESTNUT ST., a/ DELOW SEVENTH. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, Dec. let. NEW OPERA NIGHT. Second week of the renowned BUCKLEY'S SERENADERS, And Burlesque Ethiopian OPERA TROUPE. Second night of the beautiful Opera of SONNAMBULA, With new scenery, costume, music, Ac, Preceded by their Inimitable ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY. Door, open at half-past 0 o'clock. Curtain risen at half past 7 precisely. Admission 25 cents. MADAME LOLA MONTEZ—WiII give A. her lecture on the HEROINES OP HISTORY, and 4, STRONG-51INDED WOMEN," at MUSICAL FUND HALL, On FRIDAY EVENING, Decal:ll6er 4th, Doors open at a quarter of 7. Lecture to commence at a quarter of 8 o'clock Admission 25 cents STATE POULTRY SOCIETY OF KyPENN SYLVANIA, The fourth annual exhibition is now open at JAYNE'S BUILDING, CIIENTNUT STREET, BELOW REVENTIS, From 9 o'clock, A. M. until 9 o'clock, P. M Adults 15 cents. Ch ildren 5 cents NOVEL E NTERTAINMENT I MISS WILLIAMS, " THE WEL:4II NIGIITINGALE," Will giro her Songs, and amusing impersonation of character, for the benefit of the children of the "Union Tomporary Uome,•' AT CONCERT MALL, On WEDNESDAY EVENING, December 2nd, At 8 o'clock. Tickets 25 cents. Children half price. Season tickets for the Union Temporary home lec tures honored. no2B-4t SANFORD's OPERA HOUSE— ELXVENTR Street, above Chestnut. ETHIOPIAN PERPORMANCES THIS EVENING. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by flauford'a Troupe of Stara—New Dances by the Sanford Children. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to COMMOLICO quarter before eight. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE APTERPIECE. Admittance 25 cents. FURS! FURS!! FURS!!! FURS!!!! JOHN FAREIRA & CO., Importers, Manufacturers, and Dealers in a.a.stov wuna, FOR LADIES AND CIIILDREN. Raving manufactured an immense Stock of FURS, with the expectation of doing our usual business, the present pressure of the them, mud comparative stagna tion of trade, have left ns with an unusual amount of Stock upon our shelves. It is to meet this difficulty that we hare now DETERMINED To close out our ENTIRE STOCK At Pr/cos actually less than THEIR COST TO MANUFACTURE! We have also ou hand a lags and complete assort meat of DENTS' FURS, GLOVES, All of which will he sold at very LOW PRICES. No. NIS MARKET St 2 bet. Eighth end Ninth, nol9-Ow Routh Bide illotteg AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCHANGE WANTRD AT HIGHEST CURRENT RATES, B CRONISE S; CO., S P ECIE BROKERS, no2l.da 40 SOUTH THIRD St SCULL, CAMBLOS, & iJ BANKERS, No 3'3 South Third Street. The highe.t premoum paid for AMERICAN GOLD AND NEW YORK EXCILANOE Uncurrent Funds bought and sold. fltock 9 bought and Bold on connnlßßlon only. nolo•2mw ti W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS Air. No 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly male on all accessible pointa In the United States and Canada Stocks, Bondy, &a., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uucurrent Bank !dotes, Checks, Ito., bought at the lowest rates. Deposits repaired and Interest allowed, as per agree ment floe 21hu Corprtin . ge VAR PET INOS BELOW COST.—The best lJ Dirgains ever offered in the Carpet line luny now be Mond at DUNLAP'S Warerocuns, 1110 MARKET street. In consequence of the hunt tinsel, we are offer log our stock of Fine and Common Carpeting at prices which would astonish the closest buyer. Besides the re duction is male ou a stock of Carpeting consisting largely of goods bought at a great sacrifice Any one wishing to furnish a House at tho present time may easily save from thirty to forty per cent on the regular prices, sad much cheaper than they can purchase In any other Store in the city. We are now selling All Wool Carpeting at 55 cents, worth 75; Superfine Carpet, 75c, worth sllo;Three ply Carpet, it, worth $1 00; English Tapestry Carpet, si.lo, worth, at least, $1 373; ; Vets et Carpets as cheep In proportion; common and line Olt Cloths at a great sacrifice. Let all aho want Carpeting come imme diately and make their selection from ono of the cheap est end best assortmeuta of Carpeting In this city. n3O ltre WM. DUNLAP, 1110 Market street. Oenticmcito' Surnisliing eooba FINE SHIRTS, made to order, and war ranted, of elegant material and superior work manship Mao, Dress Stocks nod tientlemen's Wrap pers, at the Premium More of W. W. KNIIHIT, 012 ARCH Street, above Sixth. ' nos-y RAPPERS! WRAPPERS! WRAP PERs —A very large and elegeut amortment a reduced Flue. Also, heavy under-clothing of all de scriptions, for gentlemen'n wear, at W. W. KNIGHT'S 012 ARCH Street, above Sixth. nu2l-y WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT MOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. Tee CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, and Btranerv, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the inset perfect fitting article made. At whole. sale and retail. and made to order. auls.lyif Q!xprroo Tompanico WELLS, FARGO, & CO. NEW YORK AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS AND EXCHANGE COMPANY, Southwest corner of CHESTNUT AND FOURTH, PIIILAPRLPIII.I. Our next Express for California, Oregon, and Pacific Coast of South America, will go forward from New York, per Steamer OREE'ADA," On. 4th DECEMBER All freight should be delivered to um previous to let Docomber, to Insure certainty of being forwarded. I) N. BARNEY, Jo., no2d-tit* Agent. THE AI)AMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 820 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELB, PACKAGES, MERCJIANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by an own LINES, or In connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOWNS end CITIES of the United States. E. 8. INANDIFORD, General Ekiperintendaut WM. 1). ROGERS, CARRIAGE RE poeltory, 1,009 and 1,011 CHESTNUT St., above Tenth, is now open for the sale of every description of Carriages, combining Mlle, durability, and elegance of finish, from the Manufactory, at the corner of SIXTH and MASTER Streets, to which the attention or citizens, and Southern and Western gentlemen is respectfully called. N. 11 —}:special attention given to carriages for re pairs, iu tho shops connected with the Repository. Zn awns on Chestnut street. ccl7•e to & th.:414 gates ba %alien. • Air THOMAS & SONS, • No,. /SO and 161 SOUTH FOURTH ISTR UT, (Formerly Nos. 67 and 69.) REAL ESTATE, STOCES, &e. PubHa Bales at the Philadelphia Exchange every Tuesday Evening. fl Handbills of each property issued separately, in addition to which we publish on the Saturday previcrui to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to he sold on the following Titeaday. 11.7' FURNITURE: SALES AT THE AUCTION STORE every Thursday morning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE. Err We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate Sale, including every description of City and country property. Printed Lists may be had at the auction Store. PRIVATE SALE REGISTER. ger Real }lade entered on our Private Sale gleter, and o a f dv v e l lird l, oceas ooo ca lo p t i u:!ly In are peurtZblieckii.arl3 free of charge. STOCKS, ACCEPTANCES, REAL ESTATE, Re. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing foil de scriptions of all the property to be cold on Tuesday, next, lot December, with a list of sales Bth and 15th December, and of real estate at private sale. STOCKS. This Eventng. Dee. lot, at the Philadelphia Exchange, at T o'clock, will be sold, by order of administrator, estate of Robert Zane, dec'd ; I share of the Jefferson Land Association, dues amounting to $lBO. paid up to Nov. 10th, 1857. Also, $3BO union Mutual Insurance Company certifi cates of profits of the years 1849, IPSO, and 1851. Share in the Philadelphia Library Company, s: Athenmum. 1, Mercantile Library Company. Also, for account of whom it may concern, a draft of S. G. Dove k Co., on John Parnrun 1k Co., and accepted by them, for $1,700, due 13th October, 1857. Also, one of $2500, same drawers and acceptors, due 7th November, 1857. $5,000 OADIBRIA 111014 CO. BONDS. —Also, for ac count of whom it may concern, 5 first mortgage, 0 per cent. bonds, $l,OOO each, of the Cambria Iron Com pany, dated 'January, 1854, due January, 1861, cow.= payable tat January and July in New Tort. Also, draft of D. Longenecker on John Farrunritc Co., awl accepted by them, for $2,000, due 10th Oct., 1857. Also, $lOOO Penna. five per cent. Loan, 1841. On Tuesday Evening, December Bth, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change ,fer amount of whom it may concern: 240 shares Merchants' Insurance Company or Phila delphia, par s23—full paid. 25 abases Manufacturers' and Mechanics' Savings and Loan Company, par sso—full paid. Two first mortgage .8 per cent. bonds, Iwo each, Southern Railroad (late Ticksburg), coupons attached, payable July and January, 6 per coot. Mr. Ric hinge Mien Ric hinge REAL ESTATE HALE—TIIIS REVERING. Administrators' Sale—Estate of Richard Paxson, Decd, formerly of Dr. Sbippen. ELEGANT COUNTRY SEAT AND PARK, ABOUT SIXTEEN MILES FROM MARKET STREET, AND THREE FROM BRISTOL. Our rude let December will include the valuable country seat and farm, NW acres, with superior improve ments, known as PARLEY," /Waste on the heights, on the west side of Neshamony Creek, between the Bristol turnpike and the Newport road. 117' Pull particalare in handbills. Orphane Court Eale—Estate of William 11. Lerman, deceased. PRAM DWELLING, Mar ARD. Promo dwelling, S north side of Woad W street, between Green lane and Levering street, Twenty-Hut Ward. • Orphans' Court Sale—Estate of Lynch, minors. TWO-STORY ho BRICK HOUS between Two-story brick use, Burds' court, etween Tenth and Eleventh streets, below Locust. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE. Also, neat modern residence, No. 153 North Fifteenth street, above Arch street, aninheit with modern improve meets sod conveniences. TWO HANDSOME NEW RESIDENCES, Nos. 1808 AND 1823 DELANOY PLACE, DETWEEN EIGH TEENTH AND NINETEENTH AND SPRUCE AND PINE STREETS. Two handsome new four-story brick residence!, with three.etory book buildings, and replete with all the modern improvements and convenience . They will be sold separately. Immediate possession: THREE VALUABLE LOTS, WALNUT STREET, WEST PHILADELPHIA. Three valuable lots, Walnut street, east of Marge retta street—each So feet front, 220 feet Seep to York street. Clear of all incambronce, • • .. • • . Administrators' Peremptory Sala. A THREE-STORY PRICK DWELLING, TWENTY FIRST STREET. Also, • three-story brick dwelling, Twerdy-first street, below Munilton street. TIIREE-STORYDGIOIf STORE AND DWELLING. Three-story brick store and dwelling, Ridge tiYOUCLO, below Oxford street. TWO-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling, Columbia &vaunt, eut of Ridge avenub. PEREMPTORY SALE.—THREE GROITSD RENTS. Three ground rents—ono of $l2O, one of $3O, and one of $3O per annual. Executor's Peremptory Sale—Estate of Charlotte Basler, Deceased TWO.BTORY BRICK DWELLING. Two-story brick dwelling, with back-buildings, west side St. John street, above Noble street. Bemo Restate. GROUND RENT—SIO2 A YEAR• A well secured yearly ground rent of $lO2 a year on property Delaware Pront and Water streets, between Nina and Callowbill streets. Bale absolute. THREE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling : No 1017 Vernon street, between Tenth and Eleventh, and Parrish and Brown streets. LOT OF GROUND. Lot of Ground southwest corner of Columbia venue and Twenty-seventh street. TIIREE•STORY DEICE DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No. 1152 Paaayunk road, above Federal street. PEREMPTORY SALE—TRREE.STORY BRICE DWELLING, Three-story brick dwelling, No. 309 Lombard street, west of Third, sale absolute. • -. HANDSOME RESIDENCE, WOOD STREET, DUB LINGTON. A handsome brick residence ' Wood street, between Broad and Union streets, Burlington, N. J. Lot 114 feet front, by 105 feet deep. TIIREE-STORY BRICK STORE AND DWELLING 8 ' E. ME e IiATTE BALE—BECEMBIR Bth.l This sale will include—. NEAT MODERN RESIDENCE—N. W. corner PM teenth and Lombard streets. It to replete with modern improvements and conveniences. $4,000 may remain on mortgage. TWO LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, WEST PHILADELPHIA.—VaIuabIe lot S. E. corner of Walnut and Margaretta streets, 150 by 176 feet. Valuable lot, north side of Locust street, 100 feet wed William street, 100 bv 187 feet (two fronts). HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE, PINE ST.— The handsome modern residence, southeast corner of Pine and Nineteenth streets. It telt feet front, and finished In handsome modern style. Immediate posses sion. Err Only $l,OOO required In cash. MORTGAGE FOR $1925.—A150, a first mortgage secured on 11 etons dwellings and lot of ground, Cresson etreet, Manaynrik. Clear of ground-rent. There is a perpetual policy of insurance for won HANDSOME DOUBLE RESIDENCE, WITH SIDS YARD —Handsome new residence, replete with all modern improvements, northeast corner Franklin and Poplar streets, lot 58 feet front. . . . _ . . MODERN REBIDENCE.—AIso, handsome new reel. dence, replete with modern convenience., Franklin it. adjoining the above, lot 20 feet, 8 inches front. 1 . 17 - The above are very desirable residences. Im• mediate posaevelon may be bed. Terms accommodating, Itt:AL ESTAT.E:SALE-DtCIS3IBXR 14th. This sale will include— Orphans' Court Bale—Estate or Benjamin Burnell, COLLABS, he . . FOUR THREE-STORY BRI OK DWELLINGS—. Pratt street. east of Fairmount street. VALUABLE FARM. 77 acres and 39 perches, 3 miles from Ph , enixrille, and 3 miles from Paoli, Chester county, Ps. cioning sale at No. 1017 Walnut street. STOUR' OF OA BINET FURNITURE. Thii Morning, December let, at 10 o clock, at N 0.101.7 Walnut street, without reserve, tho balance of the stock of furniture . . . . of Mr. John Duro..., declining bnsineas. comprising Walnut tete-a-tetes, chain, wardrobe., dr...ilia bu reaus, eiteasion dialog tables, sideboards, office tables, , &e. fl The state to to rent—lmmediate possession given LIBRARY OP THE LATE ROBERT Y. WALSH, ESQ On Tuesday and Wednesday evenings. Dec lat and the valuable miscellaneous library of the late Robert F Walsh. Esq., which contains a lance number of rare and valuable works on various subjects Included in the library of the late Robert F. Ralsh, Esq . , n ill be found— Heath's Gallery of British Engel. inge, 4 vs dto; Batty's Welch Scenery, Richardson's English Dic tionary, 2 vs, Family Devotioual Bible, by Rev Mat thew Henry, 3 vs 4to, Drake's Shakspere and his Times, 2 vs; Wightwick ' e Palace of Architecture; Wilk.' Exploring Expedition, d vole; MonstreleVa Chronicles, 2 vole; Gross's Antiquities of England, Ireland, and Wales, 10 vole, Picturesque Tour of the Ganges, colored plaice; Bradford's Spain and Portugal, do; Illustrations of Buenos Ayres, do; Gluten's Lintel States, 2 vole; Scripture Illustration', dto; Cnnuing ham's Gallery of Engravings, 2 vole, 4to; Jameson's Sacred and Legendary Arta; History of Writing; Beaumont and Fletcher's Dramatic Works, 11 vole, EGG, Quadrupeds of America, by Audubon, 3 vols. colored plates; Unitary of the Indian Tribe, of America 120 colored portraits, 3 vole; Audubon's Birds of America, 7 vs, cold plates; Cattermole's Civil War, Waverly Novels, Abbotsford edition, 12 vole; Mix Warren's History of American Revolution, 3 vs; Na tional British Gallery of Engravings, 2 TA; Knight's Loudon, 3 ve ; Works of Daniel Webster, 8 v.; En cyclopedia Metropolitan*, 30 vs. 4to; Smith's Dic tionary of Greek and Roman Mythology, 3 ye; An tigua'. of Great Britain, 2 ea; Coney's An cient Cathedrals, folio; Boydell's Illustrations of Shakspere, 100 plates, folio; llogarth`e Works. 2 re; Progress of America, 2 vs; Barton', Anatomy of Me lancholy, 2 vs, Book of Gems, 3 Shalepere Tableaux; Hunt's 31erchant'aldagiume, 27 vs; SirJoshus Reynold's Discourses; London Interiors, 4to. ibbon•e Roman Ein- Ore, 32 Noe. Greet Exhibition. 1851, 8 vs; Catkin's In. thane, 2 ire, Noe; Old England's Worthies, folio, Life of Sir Edward Coke, 2 solo; Cook's Voyages, 2 vole; Illustratcd Cornwall, 1 vol, American is Europe, 4to; Works of Jo sephua,lo Nue, Illustrated; Livea of the Illustrious, 5 ts, Lardner's Lectures 2 ve; Jefferson's Memoirs, 4 vs; Bart lett s Walks about Jerusalem; Raphael s Cartoons; Layard's Nineveh, 2 vole: Bancroft'e United States, 3 Vrej Arabian Nights, 3 vs; Library of Choico Reeding, 18 vs Antiquities of Bristol, I rot, Ilistory of Liberty , 4 vole; Works of Lord Bacon, 3 rots; Irring's IVorks. 15 vole; Chambers' Cyclopedia, 2 vole; Works of E. A. Poe, 3 vole, Ac., dm (U - '• The Books will boa...ranged for examination on Wildly Os ruing Catalogues now ready. NOTICE—STOCK OF ELEGANT ITILNITIIItE Catalogues of J Lutes stock of furniture to be eold on Wednesday at No 121 South Eleventh street, are cow ready, and the furniture arranged for examination. Sale at No. 131 South Eleventh street. ELEGANT ROSEWOOD, WALNUT, AND MAHOGANY YCHNITURE On Wednesday Morning, Dec. 2.1, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 121 south Eleventh street without reserve, the mat., stock of J. Luta, comprising an elegant assortment of rosewood and walnut drawing-room furniture, elegant chamber furniture,ecc., all manufactured by Mr Lutz, expressly for his ware-room sales, of the best materials and workmanship, and warranted, lEr May be examined, with catalogues, three days previous to sale Sale Nos. 139 and 111 South Fourth Street. supERIOR FURNITURE, FINE MIRRORS, PIANO FORTE, VELVET CARPETS, &c. On Thursday Morning, • At 10 o'clock, at the auction store, an extensive 5.1450 rtme ut of excellent furniture, mirrors, piano-torten, o from fatuities declining housekeeping, Exemitors' Sale —Estate of Daniel Copple. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO, DAR FIX TURES, LIQUORS, GOOD-WILL, he. On Monday Morning, December 7th, at 10 o'clock, by catalogue, by order of the executors of Daniel Copplo, deceased, at the corner of Exchange Placa and Carter's alley, the en tire household furniture, beds and bedding, table and bed linen, &C. Also, the barroom furniture and fixtures. fine en grarings, a large assortment of fine liquors and cigars Ili' Pull particulars in eataloguea. Also, the good-will of this well ltuown and popula establishment dale at the N W. writer Fifteeuth and Lombard St. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, MANTEL CLOCK, OIL PAINTINGS TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ae. on Wednesiay Morning, lice 9th. at it o'clock, will be sold at the N. W. cor ner of Fifteenth and Lombard streets, the household and kitchen furniture of a gentleman declining house keeping try. May be examined at $ o'clock on the morning of sale. Shares In the Academy of Music; Point Preece Park Philadelphia and Mercantile Litintrica ; Atheca•nin,&e F LOORING BOARDS- 28,680 feet tiara lina dooriztg boards, afloat, for sale by IMAIITIN IdAOAIISSIB sal lla North Wats. Rtromt RUSSIA AND AMERICAN TARRE I n- COADMIIC --a superior article, manufacture aral far We by Wild Vllft, FITLIR & CO., an 8-1.1 No. 43 N. Water it., & m N.wkarra. AT PRIVATE SALE Sales bn tIirOLI3ERT-8 SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS . • M) COHIdD3SION MERCHANT'S, 451 CH:CST- Nur Street opposite the Custom House, playtime Fourth and Fifth Streets. PORE, VMS, &e. Wednesday next, Commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we will sell by catalogue, for cash, a general assortment of furs, con sisting of Mimes. capes, muffs, palerines, cuffs, Tido rine', gloves, collars, resales, cape, &c" made in the best manner, of Sable, Siberian Squirrel, Stone Martin, Ermine, Swansdown, Itynx, / : o. SILK AND CLOTH CLOAKS, TAT V &Ft AND DU& TEM.—Also, a line ladies' elegantly made silk and cloth el talmas, dusters, banquets, mantillas. &a. kftallOlD BS AND MILLINERY GOODS.—AIso, an assortment French and Scotch embrorderias to jaceonet, cambric , swim, and book =tulle, &c. Also, bonnet and trimming ribbons silk reload' trim mings, 'ilk velvet ribbons, silk fringes, blonde lace, &e. WOOL HOSIERY GOODS —Also, men's and women's wool and merino shirts and drawers, wool scarfs and cravats, wool hose and half hose, wool gloves. CHENILLE SHAWLS AND WARTS —Also, a line choice colors chenille shawls and pearls, Paris printed cashmere shawls, wool square and long shawls. Also, a valuable stock of domestic goods, such as flannels, denies, delainea, coheirs, sattineta, 4 7 4 prints, ticking', colored eambries, wool shawls, gingham,, hosiery goods, &a. GOLD WATCHES.—AIso, 12 or 15 gold watches, in hunting cases. WOOL YARN.—AIso, 1.20 pounds mixed wool yarn. N. B.—The whole will be ready for examination, with catalogues, early on the morning of sale, when the trade and purchasers generally will find It their Interest to la teral. JAMBS A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STREET above FOURTH. 0.:1 :. 22•••20 (2,2, yyl : DAT. _ 1:17" We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly eales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our BPA.OIOUB BALES ROOM, NO. 4= wra,lor ISTRIET, where every possible attention is given to oh- UM the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor WI with consignments. Families having portions of their fn_ - mitre - 3re to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wishing sales at their own dwellings, cao hare their furniture CARZFULLT REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM WM= THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRIORS FOR TIMM FURNITURE THAN THEY OAN OBTAIN FROM ANT OF TILE FURNI TURE Dx kT.Ras OR ANT OTHER AUCTION STORE IN TILE CITY. /j 7" Persons farming vs trith conOgnments can rent roared that their property will not be sacrificed. Oomitsions more moderate than Chow chilled by any eth er Auction House in the ally. Oonaignments respectfully solicited. jjT Balsa paid immediately attar the gooda ars sold. - BEAL =FATE SALE, 1, 1957. This sale at the EXchange, on Wednesday arming, December 2,1657, at 7 o'clock, till include— Orphans , Court Sale—Estate of Lang Minors. PROPERTY, MARINER STREET. A two-story brick house and lot of ground, on the south side of Mariner street, 96 feet west of Thirteenth street, 16 feet front, 47 feet 1 inch deep. $ll ground rent. MOUNT MORTAR CEMETERY BTOCIC. On Wedosotsy evening, previous to the sale of Rest Estate, will be sold -20 shares Want Mortals Cemetery Stock. Sale at No. 425 Spruce street. 11.0USEMOLD FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPETS, SOYA-BED3TEAD, Thls Morning, At 10 b'eloek, vein be fold, St itio..M Sprbee street, the entire household and kitchen furniture, etrpeta, ke. AT PRIVATE BALL A Ent-ehaa Printing Odin, with a good run of lend nese, four printingpressea, two Ruggles and one Adana Type and everyttung net:wary for the badman. Apply at the Auction Store. MOSES AND COMMLSSION WOMAN!, H. N. owner' SIXTH and BAGS Streets. . • . AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and sliver patent lever, Lepine, English, Swiss, and French watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, ire., he. AT PRIVATE SALE—Arrangel on ' , mood door, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat themes, carpeting, looking glasses, fancy articles, he., Ac. PEREMPTORY SALE OP THE ENTIRE FLYTURES OF A CIGAR STORE AND MINERAL WATER ESTABLISIIMILNT, AT No, 53X (old No.) FOURTH STREET, ABOFE LACE, EAST SIDE. This Ideating, December Ist, at 10 o'cleck, consisting in part of mineral water fountain, marble top counter, plain coun ter, cigar cases, Pompey—with stand, syroy bottles, Chandeliers, glass sash, cigar boxes, tobacco jars, signs, drainer, Ice boxes, store and pipe. board partition, desk, window-shades, office tables, he , Ac. Out-door sales attended to personalty by the Auction ear. Charges very low. Comognments of furniture clothing, jewelry, he. he , solicited, NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OFFICE, B. E. Corner of Rath and Race Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and alter plats Watches, Jewelry, Diamonda, Clo th ing, Dry Gooda, Groceries,Begin, Hardware, Cutlery, Furniture. Red ding, Horses, Vehicles, HArnea, Steam. nod on all ar ticles of value for say length of time agreed en, on more satiafactory and liberal tams than at any ether swab- Raiment. M. NATILANE, WEBB'S great age of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gant, Pistols, Musical Instruments, Ac., sill take place shortly. Due notice wilt be given. WEBB'S great ale of Dry Goods, Clothing Bedding, Re., being forfeited collateral, will take place shortly. . Due notice will be given. AT PRIVATE SALE, LT HALM THE 'USUAL SELLING PRIOES.—Double-bottomed and hunting cane gold patent lever watches, of the most ap proved makes; Minting maenad open fans gold micape ment laver and lepine watches, full jeweled ; fine gold enameled lever and lapin watches for ladiesi; geld jewelry of every description; lever and lepine watches, in hunting was and open face; sliver English, Swiss, and Preach watches; a generl szoortment of hm nitnre beds, mattresses, mirrors. ice. OUT-DOOR SALES SOLICITED, sodas:gee to nit the times, low. Consignments of every description of goods solicited for public or private MONEY ADVANCED on all and every kind of goods, for public or private sale, or to be held for a limited time. Charges low. gfaiIIEL NAMULS.__AJICTIOMMIim, --- encr — siDreSl - wont unfltlll, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors below the Exchange. flours of business from ? o'clock, A. It., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Oat-door sales, and sslea at the Auction Home, at tended upon the most satisfactory terns. CAPITAL SHO 000. Establiskettjer the Last Tairty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia mends, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mar chandise, Clothing, Yana tare, Bedding, Cigars, Musical Imtruments, Elam, Horses, Carriages, and Hoods of 0111 q description, AU goods can :email say length of tine agreed upon. All advances from one hundred dollars sad upwards be enured 2 per amt. per month; POO sod over, the lowest market rate. Tkla Store Moue having a depth of r feet, has large In and thief-proof vaults to store all misstates, andlai vats watchmen for the prenibiee -'aisc, a heavy hum ranee effected for the benefit of all persona karlag goods advanced upon N. /3.—On account °Pluming an unlimited capital, this Dies is prepared to make &trances on more satis facto tide ry and acoommolatiag tams than any other in raty. EEMMGI2IEFfI 1 AT PIIIVATI BALI Gold Patent Ulcer and other Watches, ;rivalry, tad Clothing will be ,old at reduced rims. GEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER N. B. comer of BARRON and SOUTH Stitota above Seam& EVENING Rau. HALES STAktY tlAruJwAl .11V-VinfG, At TN o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Itardtrtue, Oat tory, licsisetesping Articles, Clothing, Watches, level ry, Fancy Articles, Ise. insnranre (Tonpanits. ('GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE AND lug TRUST COMPANY—Office. 403 WALNUT. Corns:. or FOURTH Stmt. VIRE, MARINE awl INLAND INSURANCE at the lowest rates. PHILIDILtRIA,NoTember =,ISSI - - - . At • meeting or the Stockholders of this Compouay, Del.) on the 16th test, the following persons Vero elected Directors for the toxins yeta : ♦is ; CU ARLES C. LATEIROP, 14-M Welstrit street. 't% II DARLING, 1510 Pine street. ALEX IVIIILLDEN, merchant. 16North Front st ISAAC LIAZLEHERST, Attorney sad CouaseNor. JOHN C HUNTER, of Wright. Hanter & Co. E. TRACY, of E. Tracy A Co , Goldsmiths' HAIL JOHN R. AI'CCRDY, of Jones, White. A .11'Curdy. TIIO3 L. GILLESPIE, of Gillespie lL Zeiler. JAS. R. SMITH. of Jas. B. Smith & Co HARPER JEFFRIES. of Wm. EL Eros,, & Co. JOHN It. YOODES. tor Seventh and .its.n.unii streets CHAS E. THOMPSON, 413 Chettntit street. JSO J BLOC,: '-`,!S South Third street ALFRED TAYLOR.. °Moo Cairo City Prof ettr. And It A tneetica of the Directors. hell this Jay, Cl/ARLES C LATHROP was artaaioata_tly re-elettrd Presoleut. sod W3I. DARLING, Vice-Dre,deat. 11. K. KICLUILDSON. . Auistatit-Sotret...27 O FFICE OF THE INDEPENDENT MC TUAL IfidURANCE COMPANY. Notice is hereby given that In accordance with the provisions cf the Act of Incorporation., an election for efteen periveris, to serve no Directors of the Independent Mutual Insu rance Company, until the first day of December, 1335. or until their successors are chosen. will be held at the office of the Company. No 235 WALI.IC Street, on lft r-SdAY. the first day of December, 15.37, between the boars sill A. 31. and I P. M. no-V- Wel D. B. McGINLEY. Secretary. GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE niSUR ANC): COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA-OMo,, No. 802 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. , NLY TAKEN." Jew. Walker, Joe. McClure, The. Craven, A. A. Gillett, Taman Rieppard, M D., Joseph Klapp, 1 D Wm. M Baia, Jag hoepacb, Jr., IL N Borrougha, J. D Rushee, 7. D. FliermaL, Wm P. llacker, P. Steiner, 11. A. Shackelford, JtEtt JONSS, Pres - ilent. Dom. G. W. WOODWARD, Vice Pres,ient. Jtto S Mc-Draws Secretary. Jail! B. ALTORD. Autistant Secretary. 02-3 ..if CO3I3IONWEALTYI FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF THE STA.T.Y. OP PRIINSYLVA NIA.--Offiee, N. W. Corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, Philadelphia. Eabsaibeit Capital, $500,0Q0, Pald-up Capital. /200 -000 DAVID JAYIVE, H. D., Prealdeut. THOMAS S. STRWART,TIc•Preet. RAKOIL R. Mons, Beerstary. il/anto 500 AGENTS WANTED.—A HOME STEAD FOR slo!—Third Division —s3lo 000 worth of Farms and Building Lots, in the gold region Of Culpeper county, "Virginia, to be divided amongst 10,300 subscribers, on the 7th of December, 1037. Pub seriptions only ten dollars down. or fifteen dollars, one half down, the rest on delivery of the deed. Leery enberriber will get a Bniblung Lot or a Farm, ranging in value from 110 to 125,000 These Cars. and lots are sold so cheap to induce settlements, a sufficient number being reserreel, the increase in the value of which will eempennate for the apparent low price now asked Vs wariL of 1,350 lots and farms are already sold. and a oompany of settlers called the "Rappahannock Pioneer Association" is noes forming and will coca commence settlement. Ample security will be given for the fa.th fa! performance of contracts and promises. Nearly 45 009 acre. of land, in different parts of Virginia. new at command, and will be sold to settler, at from $1 up to $3OO per acre. Usgresliosabla bats wilt is all rises Dr given. Wood-cutters, coopers, farmers, A . a-e wowed, awl flee hundred Agents W obtain subscribers, to whom the moat liberal iothiceraente will be given. SM.) agents write that they are C...k-ilaltAV per month. Yon full particulars, subecriptlons, agencies. ,apply to R. BAUDER. aull44f Port Royal, Caroline county, Va. M INCED EAT. The Subscriber hes Ul commenced tonnufsettuing his cos tra MINCED MEAT, which he offers to his own:siers In LAROS or SMALL 4CA3MIZ3. Orders through BLOOD'S DISPATCH will he pa= tually attended to. JOSHUA WRIGHT. tal3 2.21 , 1 SPRING GARDEN and FRANKLIN ,t, CHARLES P. CALDWELL—Wholesale ad It.tail WHIP and CANE Ilanatastarcr. No. 4 Nails TOIIHSTI ateA 4 .t aa4 5 GALLS . W HALE OIL, ,000Xlephant Oil, bbls No 1 Lora 041, for mile by oIIoA,SDALZ, rEincs, k CO , ia9IP•H NO. 114 1S• Delmar: astrzt,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers