DZI. I ruarxo6o 4tAitir i ,(statooli ci kr ow.„... sl 4, 411 -0410101,:lipa.F.trat aAZLY;i~BROfB, . Twin:is' Omen rait- Wags,' payable to the 'earring. Matlaltoiltitioribera out of the oky, At au Dowtin Ina Amnia ; Mous R0m4;15 COIN, Blear Moamar ; Tulin Iloalgtalarin Srs MOM, invariably inadrukOkfor the time oe4veee.:?: , „,,- . --i _ • ~ , -:oral.warELy vitass, - - Stalled to Satilezibere ant of the Oityi at TRW Doi ; rnwasinwt; inwtranos: -- .- :'''',..,"*IEEIEV:If 'PRESS.- *satyr Paine Will 'hi lent - to liabaarthri ' :by mea; (per Wigwam, in advent,) it " - '1,2"00 Free 0%11011, , g‘ a . it Cktplai, -' t$ -• . --- . ti - . 5-00 aOO On 000.013,:" " , ' " 12 00 Twenty ceplap,,n - : - lc_ (to one addregg).... 20 00 Twenty Cloing, or ant i ' "(to Mclean of gni . , stilwarlber), each l26 7°o; blab of WIIIIIIty.OIIO or OTOO, we will band gm, intro copy to tha getter-13p of the Mall. - _ - tat' Postroarterfare requested to not us Ageing for' Tel W71111.1' P.!tiii{ll.. , • , -•- - = . • , THE WEEKLY - PRESS. THE CHEAPEST =AND BEST 'WEEKLY 'NEWSPAPER IN THE COUNTRY. INIffiCJILifEIVIIf TO, 01,111113 I TUN WEEKLY SERBS le published from the ORy of Paljailelphis, every Saturday. 'lt Is cotiduoted upon 'National principles, and will ispholdthe rights of the Ststee„ It will cadet Lsnall. aim in .every *Asps ; and will be devoted to comers.. alive doctrines, as lieu true foundationof public pros perity sted,social Ander." Such a Weekly Journal..has long been desired In the United States and It le to gra tify this Want thst TIER WEEKLY PASS la published Till WEEKLY PRESS is printed on excellent white paper; deltic sow type, Mid in wnsi-to form, for binding. It contains - all the News of the diy; - Oorreepondenee , from the Old World and the New ; Domestio gensay Reports- of the serious Markets • Literary Re-. views; Miscellaneous Selectierm the pro greee of Agri culture In all its Serious departments, &0,,-&o. 1.7" Terms ' isouriabig en odes - once. , TSE WRIIILLa 'PRESS Will to subscribers, by nail,- 00 per annum. Twenty copies, when Neut . lo one ad-. • area, -- - '- 20 00' ir Twenty °oleo,' or over , to address of - eaohoubsoribeir,each, - - 1 20 Yee.9,olnb, of, T*so%l44e:ot Stet, We itinneinCen extrsieopyto thislatter..o,otbagilub.: post J oro"roloroUdio_40 as Aptitr for TUX Menu(; it a.grppAfaroiif uty,poil6sl sad per sonal friends, Sh at 111 others' rho. desire a Brat cuss airlijiewspaper, thewsolvii, to giro TAN RIX TRIM a large eiroulation In th en respective wetshboeltoode. " , - , • „. JOHN W.:FORNEY' -Editor and Proprietor.: Pnblioatton 001ce of THE. WEVACLIt PliESa, No. MI Olindoot I gtreq, pliladelphtii. • . LIITABEURTON'S INIMITABLE COVERINGS 808-THE Shama all the points necessary' to GENTEEL ERVECT, ' ad fill lhe Wafts and Meer elepneles xhioh impart 00hIFORT, AND DURABILITY'. Gentlemen see tnxited to east and examine. _. oet2Mni - 4.10 CHESTNUT Street. Jducks. VALII,ABI',II3 I RARY:BOOKS.- T.M,EDIUE.T.,D, 1111,431MitliAB , MEET,- NEW YORR. BOLD --8 Y. ALL B °OH - SELLS RS. SWATCHES DP THE IRISH BAR. By the Right Hon. Diehard InlorShell, AL P. Edited, with a Memoir and Notea, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, D. O. L. Sixth Edi tion, with Portrait and letter. In 2 vole, price $2. MR ROOTER AMBROBIANDL- BY Professor J. G. Lockhart, Jamesllo,s,andVi. Magian. Edited, with Memoirs and Notee, by Dr R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. In 6 volumes, with portraits and fa& Winne& -Price $5. HAO.IIIN , BIdISOELLANIEB. The Miscellaneous Writ ing* of the late Dr. Magina. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie.. Complete In &totem ,es withrortralt. - Price per vol., cloth, $l. BIliE OP THE RT. HON. JOHN PIIILPOT CURRANT By hie Bon, Wm. Henry Curran; with Notes and Ad oruens, by Dr. D. enema Mackenzie, and a Portrait on /Steel and fee-gdzolk. Third Edition. /limo., cloth. Price 111 25. - - THE O , IIBIENS AND TUB OTLAHRRTISS; a Ne, tioaalStory, Westin Ant of Lady Morgan's Novels and RomanCeni. .111th an Introduction and Notes, by Dr. It: Shelton Mackenzie.- 2 vols., Llmo., cloth. Priem 12.- - - • BARRINGTON% MIRTOILEIL‘PersonaI Sketcher of his Own -By Sir /nit- Barrington,"with =mita lions by Darby: ltonstti Edition.. With Memoir by Dr. Mackenzie. 12m0., cloth., Xrttie PAO.. 8100RE , 13, LIPS' OP IMERIDAN. Ilemoire of the lire of the Right Hon. Richard 'Brineley Sheridan. By Balaton. Thomas Moore ; with, Portrait and fac-Ond, le . M ath 2 v011.,12m0., 'Primp.' ' BITS OP BLARNEY . By Dr. A:Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. 12m0., Prioo $l. • THE HISTORY OF TUB WAR IN THE PENINSULA. B ho r d 's a jolar t th rneae d Si edition . P w i N h a p N er V f-friom .the an- Mope end Plane, five Portraits on Steel, and a complete index, 6 vole., 12mo, cloth. Price $7 Bd. APIMI'B PENINSULAR WAR. Complete 'in 1 vol., deo. Price 12 50," TUB SOREST. By d. V. Huntington,author of t•Lady Alice," ‘i Athol:4' l 4e. 1 12110. , Second . Edi , Von. Prices $1 25 • , ALBAN ;- or, The Illetory of *Yining Puritan. Sy d. V. Huntington.. 2 vols., nom., cloth. Price $2. • Worhoe, letaelq, /Or. 'DB• a 1 I I NETTIBH STERLING army walut; maw war: Inspectiov, on tato premises expitoroir Oltirlutatut Btrmgeis'are lOtted to visit our menu Cantor'', WATORES. oenatuitly on hand a splendid stock of Swear Watches, of all the celebrated makers. - Neokisoes, firteselets, Brooches, 'Bes , ltinge, linger Bins, sod all other artiolos -in the Diamond Drawings of NW DUMB will kw undo free o dump for those wishing pork nude to ordei. RICH - GOLD JEWELRY. • beintithl snsortment of all the now otylet or Fine Jewelry, nook as nomile, Stone and Shell Canino, • Pearl, Qorsl, Ostrbancle ' dfargnialte, Lays, &0., Its, mamma) OASTOBB, HABKETB, W4ITE4IB, ko Br=te altd *utast ozpop3, of newest ityleo int ot suite:fix gisslit7. • sul-ilter&vely & A. PEQUIGNOT, MANIIVABTITBERB OP WATCH OASES I.D. 11(1.011.12R8 0? WATOUSS, 121 80IITIS TIMID ETERET,BELOW OHIBTNtIT, PIIILADIALPHIA. OONISTANT Miovarn PicaTIOXOT 4019-3.11200 TAMES E. OALDWELL & CO., N0.,432 CHNSTNUT, BELOW FIFTH STREET, lrirporters of Infetehea and /Ire Jewelry, arrannfaetn iso of Sterling and Standard Sliver Vert Seta, Forks and Biers", mole agouti for the sale of Charles Prodehamhi new semis Cold Medal London Timekeepers—all the nline on hand r PANS $250, $276 ' end 1300. Meg Carina SWUM Watched at the lowest pride,. Itch faehionable Jewelry. • Sheffield. and"Loserteen Plated Wares. - seby • , S. LUMEN ' & BRO. - 0,1 , MANUNAONORIVIS INV IMPORTIIIS Or StLVEBALATED WAWA, SO. $O4 OhestnAt street, alwre Vara, op stairs, ThiLadelphia. bonortstttly on hand and for tale to the Trade, 11311 A 1112211 i 00UMIJNION BERNICE EMT% DANS MIIIItRII, GOBLIN'S, CUPS, IV/LITERS, BAB OASTOBB, KNIVES, SPOONS, PO 8, IdDLI2I3, in., in. 4BOIng and plating ea all khria or metal. aeVly eILVER WARE.- WILLIAM WILSON & SON., ANOFILOTORERS OF SLYER WARE, '(NSTABLE:MED 1812,) W. ROUSE Wpm AND CURREY STREETS. *large assortment of SILVER WARE, of every do. , scriptlon. constantly on hand, or made to order to match is/ pattern desired. Itpportais - of Sheffield and Birmingham imparted ware. „ , as3o-dkirly ANOIS . DI7BOSQ & SON, late of -Dutoom, Darrow /c. 00., Wholesale MW le TIMBRI) rprmay, 804 OttElvflfUT street, oho*. dews. /swims P. DIII9OBQ. Wr. H. DosoB4. sun 8m • • ' , . ' • T ' KINGSFORD 8r" SON'S PURE OSWEGO STARCH (for the laundry) has °stab. llibed a greater celebrity than has ever been obtained by any other Starch. - This has been the result of its marked superiority in quality, and itatavariable uniformity. The piblic may be assured of the continuance of the high standard new established: Thelrodaction le over 20 truidally, and the demand hem Winded thioughout the whole 'United Btatesi and to tondo' countried. - = Workleig thus on a very large sule L and under a rigid awa, they are able to mere a perfect uniformity itt the eyelike throughout the year. This is t,b9 great de aideratura in starch-making, end is realized now for the Theist, hest Starch that can be made, and no °tier, is aways wanted by consumers, and" this will NY stip. Nieto them br the Grocers' se soon as their customers have learned which is the best, and ask. for it—other wise they would be likely to got that article on which the largest unfit can be made. Kr. Kiagaford bas been engag ed In the manufacture of Starch'Contintionsly for the les 27 years, and during the whole of the - period the Starch made under his super has' beeniboymid any question, the best in the market. For The Seat 17 years he had charge of the works of ,Pfei. Calash:an Co., at which period be In vented the process of the manufacture of Dorn Starch. UT Ask for. FLINOB2ORDIS STANCE; 411 the Wag Oswego has recently beau taken by another fectery. Its Sold byitU the' best grocers in nearly every part of the country. T. SINGSWORD k SON'S Orit9Foo CORN STAIIOII tier puddings, •&e.) - has obtained an °gnat - celebrity with their S ta rch for the 'laundry, This article is per. hotly pare, and is, in every respect, equal-to the best Berated& Arrow Root, besides haring additional quit. ree,whiett render it inralus,ble for the dessert. - Petite' Starch hats .be en , extenalvely packed and sold as Cern Staiik, and has glean Mae impreesions to many as Willa resrmeritiof bur Corn Starch: From grftadellesel and purity, it is Coining also nto general Oa as a diet for infanta and invalids- • • KNI.IOOO. & CO. Agents; ' Mt FULTON Street, N. Y. SORGHUM, of ORMESE SUGAR-OANt RICED-26 bughols for Ityle by CROASDALLE, P.EritUE, & CO Ito WIC Delaware avenue. ItALrigißE.—Bnyeis:arft In4ted to gall AAP mid examine oar itiaella Bale 'Rope, which we otos cased itit lay Araeriotut - , and wantat It superior in Arista, extd durability. ' •- • , - - WIS:VBB;jIiLBILk oe., - sit • - • 16:23 N. Itster at e sut,tllllN. WONDERS - ' OF -THE • v YOH. ALL,—PETERS & SUROPB, Patent Non-Explosion doll:Generating GAB LAMPE, is just the thing to sultan. ?rico $lO 6 O up; all merheye a superior Light fir - calling at their Repoz. MI lamp is *daybed to 'ait idadet and purposeiKand only refilted test it& adVantages over all others, The Lamp 'room ita own gas: . Our Patent Earners can be :fitted every ordinary /141 d Lenny, With Ulan expensiiotitittar.thOeseit possible danger. All ass , invited to , eall and examine ter tliemeelyes, Ti*,n Comity, *State risbti seder . • Tlle ptinitietorte*:(3l want of Agents, 1014 a rare , ebsaee to Mate moody; : „ RATERS & eintOPE, atui Tandy bopot, , 123Bonth ithle Wove Oheetunt Phi MOSS-11 . bileg Carol wit Mo bit lime by - kMAIALISTRIt; 0N04,14 . Notts 040 t. ' , , , , .,.. \, t , . . .. , ... . \ .N \ \ 1 VI CI i / * . AK, . .-.. , .::1 ...NW t /1"/ II 3 . ' •••• -- A .l.' .. - A .-,„ 1 , ... ",, ~.- - . .1111 t., , •• • • ..`..,'., ,- . '. • O A I I //./;*...-- f o*- . t .tst. , •••= 6 'i„ , .•,. : • ' .. ----' .--7. - • —1 • "•%OU I .0 411 ...••••7 4r . ,. ', Y:,4 . ' • '.. .- ' ' tett.* ). - 4 .. . , . • - .. ~ . 1 1111F S)11 4. .., ~ fill lift. •- , - . ./ A' , . i le ,r" A .r "'T:::1 : ::• ., 0. -.itt1,.. 1 7: . . , :, , ...; , : ~.4 .': )•!. .-. ,Itfi 7 s::c. l .411Pr4.1 4 0.,,1r.....10..:: ::: : .. , 40;, ' .. 4 r. 's ""' , . •,' . , ' - ~I , , , ' - t ...: :::! . ..• . .. c : ~ i e.*,;:47---- ~..'.-: -,!...: ~-. , : ,.:.,: ',Z;:•1 4* ;-. - ' . ..7.•A do, .... ''. i . ; ; •51 .- •: ."'.' ,;:,,,.......'.. ~;'--.• 4.•,i..::!•:;14 1 L . 1 --..,..„- - -...-.V..... ...,,..,..„,, __... 1193/ %lZzt-e.i • "-- :1:- . AT'.. ~. e• :. - . • !, I . r.-PL .;,...,•_;:,,;.....,,.;;.,:,. ~ i ; : ,:..7 . /Ziek,: r i.v.!,` :7 IT - ---,---... 41 ° --: . ricti,.....• • ....",...._____ „._ „___......_• ..... . . _ ...................___.______ .„.. . ~, . VOL. i-NO. 103. political FOR SHERIFF— CALEB 8. wnrdwr, VIRTU WARD BRbject to pemooratle rules ILTOR SILERIFF— ..ALDEBISAN GEORGE MOORE, VOIIRTIS WARD. . Subject to Democritia Was. OR 'SHERIFF A.. JAMBS G. GIBSON, TIVZSIT-8600ND wasp. Subject to'Dentouratio Bales. FOR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD • 80114110 T TO LOIKOORATIO 80Li8. cclB-2m* fvgal Nana. ITHE ORFHANE''COURT FOR THE COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. . . . . . Trust of EL/ZA PURNELL, under the Will of Eli jah Bowen deceased, The Auditor appointed to audit, mottle, and adjust the account of SYDNEY W. BOWEN, Trustee of Eliza Purnell, under the Will of Elijah Bowen, deceased, and to report distribution, will attend to the duties or hit appointment on WEDNESDAY, the second day of December, - A. D. 1857, at 4 o'aloek P. M., at his office, No. an South FIFTH fitteet, below Prune, In the city P t Philadelphia. no2o.finerbt 708EPU A. CLAY, Auditor. propasqlo MUNICIPAL CLAIMS:—NOTICE' -IS "hereby given to the ownete of 'promisee mention ed in the appended memoranda of Olahne for Paving, thatWritis'of Sari ratios will be issued on said claims three Menthe from the :date hereof, unless] the earne shall be paid at the °Mee of the undersigned, 212 South 11.2711 Street, below 'Walnut, at or before that time. WILLIAM SI. SMITH, November 2d, 1827. ' Attorney for Plaintiff. -Olty of Philadelphia to the use of tleorge W. Stroud vs. Charles Reynold. 0.. P. Tune T., 1257, No. 90. Claim 5293.89. Paving southwest corner Twenty-see pad and Omen streets. . . . . . . Same vs. Sohn P. Titus. CI P., September T. 1857, Na. 09. Claim $10.17. Paving north side Clayton st. 168 feet west of Twenty-second. ' Same Os. Jesse Coniston. 0. P., September T., 1857, No. 08. oisitql42.o3. Paving north aide of Clayton street, 62 feet west of Twenty-second, noB.m-3m • NOTIOR. - -WHEREAS HENRY WHITE 11 and James Stevens late copartners, trading as White, Stevens, & Co., did, on the eleventh day of No • mailer, A. D. 1857., make and innate a general 8 / 3 • shy:nent to the undersigned, In trust, for the benefit of their creditors, which said assignment is duly re.. corded at Philadelphia, all persons Indebted to said assignors will make payment to ISAAC 8. WATERMAN, Assignee, noI4 se:4-Bw* • N. W. oorner Second & Arch sta. Cbucational HALL OF-ST: JAMES TUE LESS, BRIIADBLPTIIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SOLIOOLFOR BOYS. • RSV B. R. &ITEM, UNGTOR. The Annual Section !rill begin on TUESDAY, Sep. tember 1. Oireulars may be obtained at the Book Store of 11. =wan, S. W. corner MOUTH and OGESTNIIT, or of the Rector, Poet Office, Fells of Schuylkill Phila. delphlr. • • • . - aniT.6m CI.RITTENDEN's PHILADELPHIA COL IatERCIAL COLLEGE, 8. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets, Second and Third Stories. BOOK-E.BEPIN4,`PENMANSUIP L eeeI COMMERCIAL LAWS AND YORKS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, An. ' Each atuOmit hoe ludieldura Inetraetlon from catine. teat wad attendee Teacher'', under_ the Immediate mmereision of the Principal. One of the Beet Penmenin the Country has charge of the Writing Department. Please call end see Specimens and get a Catalogue of Terms, An. PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, WEST PIIILADELPELIA. No Seminar) , whatever le more like a private family. The course of study is extensive and thorough, Pro fessor Saunders win receive a few more pupils under fourteen years of age Into his fatally., Enquire of Wears. J. S. Sliver and Mathew Newkirk, or Eol. J. W, Ifomey; Editor of this Paper, whose sans or wards are new members of his &mil se *ate_ aub Boon AND SIICTS.—Tbo oubscriber has on hand a large and retied stook of ROOTS aid MOSS, which he will cell a the lowed prices, ' , . GEO. W. TAYLOR, n021.1y. S. E. corner FIFTH nod lIIMIASET Sta. WALL STOOK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. —4OSEPH If. THOMPSON & 00., No. Ma Malt. HET Street, and Nos. and f. PRASEDIN Plata, have new in store a large and well-asiorted stock of BOOTS and SHOES, of Oily and Eastern manufacture, which they offer for sale on the best terms for (lash, or oh the usual oredit. - MiiiiiiM2;=lMii;g _Notate to (Consignees NOTICE. TO °CONSIGNEES. J.l The ship PHILADELPHIA, from Liverpool, is now discharging tinder general order, at SEUPPEN STREET WHARF. Consignees will please atcond to receipt of their goods. noit THOS. RICHARDSON dc CO. NOTICE TO CONSIGNEES. The ship PHILADELPHIA, Osptaln Pool, from Liverpool, is now ready to discharge at Shippen street wharf. Con eignees will please deliver Their permits to the Custom house officer on board, All goods not permited in five days will be sent to public store. nold ' - THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. !Batten AMERICAN GOLD AND W YORK EXORANOE AT utamsr CURRENT RATES, AT CRONISE & CO., SPECIE BROKERS, n024-4tf 40 BOOTIE THIRD 8T SCULL, CAMBLOS, & CO., BAN4ERS, No. South Third Street. The highest premium paid for AMERICAN GOLD N NEW T011..K. EX.OTIADIG.S. lThourrent Funds bought and sold. Stooks boughtand sold on commission only. nolo-2mit B W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS 1-114 , No. 87 South THIRD Street, Philadolphia. COLLBOT{ONB promptly made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, to., Bought and Bold on Commission. Uneurrent Bank Notes, Cheeks, 10,, bought at the lowestaates. Deposits received and Interest allowed, as per agree merit nor 2.8 w Piano Sofl GOLD MEDAL PIANO FORTES. STEINWAY & SONS, IthiIIRACTITRERB 4 BB . A.IB . p 88 WALKER STREET, .filV YORE, Reeet'ved the following first prize medals In competl‘ tion with the beet manufacturers of Boston, New York, Phliadelphla, and Baltimore. ma NIBS PRIZE MEDALS at the Metropolitan Pair, Washington; 'March, IBM A GOLD MEDAL at the Orystal Palace, New York, November, 1855, (being the only Gold Medal given for Pianos within the last nil yearn.) A GOLD MEDAL at the Maryland Institute, Danl. more, 1850. TUE FIRST PRIZE MEDAL at the Fair, Crystal Palace, Now - York November, 1850. Among the judges were the first magical talent of the country, such as. M. Mason, Gottschalk, .Wollenhaupt, and many others. St. &9. Pianos (with and without iron frames) are warranted for three years, and a written guarantee given. Pianos packed and shipped without charge. Prices moderate. °erg( A LBERT WEBER, PIANO FORTE xi,. MANUFACTURER, N 0.156 West BrOadWay, New York, sole manufacturer of the celebrated Concert Plano. The Subscriber would inform his numerous friends and customers that be has greatly enlarged his mannfectoring department, in order tamest the Increase in demand for hid nnriyalled Pianos, and as every piano, espeelally tone and touch, is, personally superintended by the subscriber, thepublio will be warranted an in- Strument which, for beauty, strength, and durability, power and sweetness of tone and touch, stands unsur passed, Every piano sold at the loWest manufacturers , prices. A call le rear.Setfolly solicited, oc2O-em /or Zale alb 010 FOR SALE OR TO RENT—Two handsome three-story AREA MOUSER, with double three. story back buildings; replete with all the modern Im provements, !Masted on the south Side of JEFFERSON street, bolo+ BROAD, Inquire of John Mulroney, on the north side of JEITBRBON etreet, below BROAD. no2B-scawat* - 1 -IESIRABLE OFFICES at 620 WALNUT ALF Bt. ) opposito the State Nouse.; one of the beet business locations in Philadelphia, with heat, light, and all modern conveniences. Apply on the premises, Boom No. 8, to G. W. J. BALL, Agent. n 026 PENNSYLVANL4 BARK NO T E S.— Par sale, a well-secured GROUND RENT of $2lO, upon three brick dwelling houses and lot on Ilancork street, south of Idarter-48 feet front,lo3 feet deep— Punctually pehl In quarterly paymeate. Pennsylvania Bank notes will be taken (or it. , Apply to I. G. PRICE, corner of SPRING GARDEN , and THIRTEENTH Sheets: ' • n016.2w, - CLOVER SEED.—NOTICE TO PENN 1...1 ticiLVAITIA PARIdERS AND BTONENEEPEWB. The underotgried aro now prepared to purchase for cash, prime Mover Seed of the new crop. Pfinasytrattia Storekeepers and farmers, by seudlog samples to our address,can, at all times, ascertain the price at which we are baying. Parties - wishing samples, by which to be goYeroed as to quality, can have them sent by mu, by addressing no. 1. It CHASE & 00, sepla-tf -- 4g North Front, and 44 Water Andel gr--jE , ?o_N m OltiY_l! GAS BILLS.—THE Fara " . Pt 'dale bMitriliTirlllTrartilutt: xOB 001.1.1%4Y, , rio9A-18,4 802 ORSSTNIIT Street. MANILLA. ROPE.—SUPERIOR. MA I, WILLI. ROPE, manufaehated and for sale by WEAVER, PITLER dc 00., anB•W No. 29 N. Water at., and 22 N:Wharres SPIRITS TIMPENTOTE-200 bbla Spirit Tuxpentios, to arrive, for sale by 111.4ATIciefACALIEIT.IIR, an 1 — 1.19 North Water street. A GRAM BLACK—ENGRAVING, DIE " P. • Rain etut 332nbossed •Printing, Xnridope and Boa Press Illonatootory, 81 !Strawberry Street, tonne" &gond sad-Tkird, Ca d Market and Chestnut Street, ybllndolplU ) ra: P1.24y t 3r.,ess. nol7-Im* MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1857 THE BANK CHARTER QUESTION. There is little doubt, now, of what is *au thorized by the Order In Council, issued on the 12th inst. Thereby, the Bank of England, "to meet the demands for discounts and ad vances upon approved securities," is allowed to exceed the limits of its circulation as pre •scribed by the Bank Act of 1844. ft may in crease its Issue of bank-notes to any extent it may think warranted by ""the actual neces sities of the occasion." Tho only drawbacks are—first, that the Bank terms of discount should not be reduced below their present rate of ten per cent.'; and, secondly, that the Go vernment "reserve for future consideration the appropriation of any profit which may arise, upon issues in excess of the statutory amonnts.,, This is the second time, within ten years that the Government has stepped in to help the Bank (and the piiblic) out of a diffl culty. Once in, 1847, when the mere per mission to increase the issues of bank.notes immediately ,stopped the Panic; and now, when the same causes have obtained the same remedy- The Government action was not taken before it was needed, for there had commenced a severe run for gold on the different banks (nearly exclusively joint stock) of Scotland and Ireland. To prevent the disastrous effects of this run, In the city of Glasgow alone, (which is the commercial metropolis of Scot• land,) the Bank had sent relief, in twenty-four hours, in the shape of £1,100,000 of specie. It also bad to remit to Edinburgh, as well as to Dublin, making about £2,000,000 in all. These operations had depleted its treasure, but further supplies of gold had been received from Australia, with the certain expectancy of morn ; and the gold sent to Scotland and Ireland would speedily come back to the Bank of Eng land in duo course of trade. One point is particularly worthy of notice— namely, in the permission granted by the Lords in Council to increase the circulation of bank-notes, beyond the means of redeeming them with gold, no mention is made of the issue of bank-notes of a less denomination than Flvo Pounds. The London Times, dis cussing what has, and what should have been done, says : it There was, however, an alterna tive which, though equally unjust in being an act of Government relief for which there was no true claim, would still have prevented a sacrifice of principle. ./In issue of one-pound notes could have been adopted without any In fringement of the doctrines on which the Bank Charter Act is grounded. The fact that the permission for the circulation of such notes terminated in 1829,18 not material,. as the law could have been set aside on one point as easily as on another. This plan, however, seems not even to have been considered." It remains doubtful whether, under the license to issue more paper money, is included leave to issue small notes. If this be not conceded, a great principle is maintained, even while another (that of paying off every note in gold) may be temporarily violate& In 1847, when the Government took a-step like the present, the rate of discount was 8 per cent.—consequently, those who will bo benefited by the increased facilities now afforded, will have to pay 2 per cent. more for them than was the price in 1847. Ton per cent. is a pretty stiff price to pay for money in England, on unexceptionable paper, but it is a trifle compared with recent charges in our own Third street, and in Wall street, in New York, where money has been paid for at 3 and 4 par cent. a month, which is equiva lent to 36 to 48 per cent. a year. Parliament, it was believed, would bo im mediately summoned, for the purpose of pass ing an Act of Indemnity in favor of the GoVern ment and the Bank. The last prorogation was to the 17th December, and it is not likely that Parliament would be summoned before that day. It is not quite certain, either, that the Bank has availed itself of the permission to issue paper money, in excess of its treasure, and contrary to the provisions of its charter of 1844. It is matter of notoriety that, in 1847, when like license was granted, the Bank had no occasion to act under it; the mere an nouncement that it had the right to ease the contracted operations of commerce by issuing an increased amount of paper money was stall dent to restore confidence then. It must be remembered that in England there has not been any distrust, whatever, of the solvency of the Bank of England; no doubt that every £5 note it had issued would be ex changed for gold, upon presentation ; no run for gold whatever. Tho ‘t run " was for dis counts. Merchants had immature bills which they desired to convert into current money, even by paying large discounts. Tho Bank discounted as long as they could, and then drew in, from want of means. The Govern ment allow them to manufacture means, and this, it was expected, would ease the feverish excitement, by permitting augmented accom modation. As for the future, we find some very sen sible remarks in the London Daily News, which Ore worth reading : And now for a word of sober ' serious caution to the mercantile community. By the courage and sagacity of Government an imminent and great danger has been surmounted. The public must now do their part toward the restoration of con fidence. It was only when the Bank Act stood in the way, damming up the supply of money, that there was any excuse for alarm. It is now placed beyond doubt the Bank has plenty of notes to IBM Government have boldly, yet most judi ciously, refrained from fixing any limit to the amount of new notes. Every holder of " approved securities" may obtain as much as ho chooses to ask. There Is, consequently, no longer any pos sible reason why holders of money should decline to lend, for their market is at top price. All will doubtless be free lenders, and we shall be greatly disappointed if the excessively heavy applications at the Bank do not immediately slacken. There is even strong ground for doubting whether the provisions of the act of 1844 will he actually In fringed, or Government bo compelled to apply to Parliament for an Act of Indemnity. The resources of the country are mirages over; the money in hand is far larger in amount than at former periods, and trade is becoming contracted ; the external drain of gold is checked; bullion is flowing in freely from Australia; the American i advices are altogether more cheerful ; and the flow of sovereigns to !Scotland ought to produce nothing more tbaa temporary inconvenience, sines they are retained in the country, and will, assuredly, ore long find their way back in largo masses to London. Mercantile houses whirls have been stricken by the American embarrassments will still come to the ground, and the losses sustained through the heavy fall in produce will tend to in crease the number of tottering firms. In this, however, there is nothing in any way suggestive of alarm; and it must not be forgotten that the money which is dropped by speculators in produce is picked up by the consumer. Now that the storm has swept away the trammels Imposed by the Bank dot, there is every ground for legitimate confidence; and the people of England will not be true to their reputation for sobriety if they do not scout every provocative to panic. To American speculations the European Panic is mainly attributed by the English Jour. nals. No doubt they bad a good deal to do with it, but they did not exclusively load to the evil. There was a corresponding spirit of extravagance, speculation, and over-trading in the European mind. What took place in America only precipitated matters. The result, if Trade will properly road F the moral to be drawn from recent events, ought to be the discontinuance and discounte nance of that reckless spirit of wild adventure in trade which creates temporary prosperity, (or the appearance of it,) and invariably, be cause inevitably, leads into bankruptcy and ruin. This Panic, the crisis through which the mercantile world is now making its way, (finding It a very hard road to travel,) will do ono good, if it limit credit. If our traders had to pay hard cash for European manufac tures or produce, instead of giving slx and eight months' bills, they might make less extensive purchases, and yet ultimately make more money, by the safer and more legitimate trade li/bleb they would create and foster. The governor of Maryland, T. Watkins Li gon, has offered a reward of $2OO for the appre hension of Andrew Thompson, who murdered Henry 0. Fletcher, in Burford County, on the 14th or November, a report of vehloWappoared fa these columns at the time. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 1857. The Void, of the Advocates of the Ktintias- Hamelin Bill against the Calhoun Conven tion. [Prom the Columbus (Ohio) Statesman, leading-De mocratic paper of Ohio, Nov, 251 A IiItaIIErnESMNTATION Commmi.—By the following out-spoken extracts from the leading article xn the Cleveland Plain Dealer of last Monday evening, it will be seen that the pdsition of• that paper, on the non-submission of tho so called Constitution of Kansas to the people ,has boon misrepresented by the Block Bepubbloan press : • "The framers of that Constitution wore Miter? mined to defeat one darling object of the TOpo• kaites, which was to i vote down the Constitution anyhow," call another Convention, and aubltitate their own for this, thus repudiating all actsof the fats Convention, and the Logislaturo whioh gave it existence, and necessarily delaying the atisr4s sion of Kansas as it State This they do bglarb mitting the slavery issue only to the people t 'and compelling them to vote, if they vote at alljor the Constitution either with or without alavetj. Ono wrong brings on another. The Lane soon need not have boastod what they were going to do even before the Constitution was framed. "They could have killed Said instrument witli a silent ballot just as well, and not provoked the border ruffians to such a retaliation. It is tife, slavery is the only question really at issue".with the people of Kansas, and that is submitted to j to Congresspeople; but will sanction the proted t, sought here to ha established, of submitting a /siert and not the whole of an organic lett Which . litta govern a future State, and this only to rebuke the bravado of a few leaders of a Worthless porn)* party? * * * *' "Although, technically, the Convention may have a right to withhold any part, or the whole,. of such an instrument from submission to thii, people, yet if the members of that ConvontiOW wen elected with the understanding that,• seer cording to precedent, their labors were to be so milted for ratification by their constituents, it left tyrannical outrage of confidence, right, and junkie. not to submit It. Wo detest all hair-splitting tirql special pleadings in such matters. The Conetita r . Don ' and orory part of it, is made for the people, and the whole people of that future State, and there is no danger in lotting the people vote 4' they please upon it." There is not only no danger in letting the people "vote all they plesso upon" their fundament' law, but as a matter both of principle and of piaci tice, there is no safety without it. To deny them the right, and endeavor to fore*. down upon a people an organic law, is the grossest., form of anti-Democracy, which, so far from being sanctioned by any partisan reason, is rendered all the more odious and repulsive by any such reason. What is State sovereignty worth, if maintained at the expense of popular sovereignty? How can you maks so State, with any regard for publki liberty, unless you know the people thereof desire to become a State; and as the Louisville Demo crat so ably argues, how can you know a people wish to become a State under any given form, unless you submit that form to their own direct determination? In the name of God, what else than just this have tho Democracy been fighting for all this while? • (prom the Chime Times, loading Democratic paper of Illinois, Nov. 24,1867.) A YnnniertoN.—Foruey's Press, nor any other press over uttered words more pointed, truthful, and emphatic then the following: " Tho public man who falters in this issue seals his doom. The northern Democrat who tries to make, the Convention of Kansas superior to the Imo ple, and who advises that the Constitution shall not go to them for endorsement or rejection, YlN testes nig CAREER FOltieVER." prom the same paper.] Wno Anr Tann 7 —ln those days, iThen danger ous innovations and bold violations of the Demo cratic platform are urged by papers that have heretofore hold high positions in the Democratic party, it is desirable to know who are true to the principles of the Demooratle party. We find the following Democratic papers who aro defending the right, oven though the shadow of executive authority is represented as shielding tho wrong : Providence (R. Post, Forney's Philadelphia Press, Detroit Free Press, Pittsburgh Ern:o;B,- OMo Statesman, Toledo Commercial, Milwaukee News, Dubuque Express, Davenport (Iowa) Deee octal, Buffalo Conner. In our own State, so far as we have soon any ex pression of sentiment on this Kansas question, there is but ono sentiment. The State Register, Galena Courier, Freeport Bulletin, Urbana Con stitution are strong and emphatic in asserting that the ' Nobraska should bo oarried oat in good faith. In the Northwest there will be but one expression of opinion on that point. (Prom the Concord, New Hampshire, Patriot, State organ, of the 25th of November 1857. i In the languago of the N. Y. Journal of Corn. vteree, "it is of vast importance not only to Kansas, but to every State in the Union, that an Ord should be put to tho excited Kansas controversy ; that the pledge of the North and South contained in the Kansas-Nebraska Act, to faithfully adhere to the principle of popular sovereignty, should be religiously observed, and that, no matter. what sectional or political interest may appear to suffer, or what party may ten:lug:lit truth) joatliri, - and fair dealing should be scrupulously observed, and everything approaching to fraud, violence, and usurpation, condemned and discountenanced." And we believe tho Administration and Congress will do this by promptly rejecting this Constitution They cannot do the Black Republicans a greater favor than by accepting it; they cannot do the Democracy and the cause of truth, justice, and mend principle a better service thanby rejecting it. No matter whether it comes thorn with or with out the slavery article, the principle is the same, and their action should be tbo same • it should be rejected because it does not come with the sanction of the peoplo—becauso it has not been submitted to the people—because its acceptance by Congress would be a violation of the groat principle of the Kansas-Nebraska Act. • This action is demanded by a regard for a great principle—not because the Black Republicans aro howling and shrieking on the subject. They will have no good causo for 'complaint if this Constitu tion is accepted. For factious purposes, they re fused to vote for delegates to this Convention, when they had the power to choose. a largo ma jority of them and to form a Constitution to suit themselves; and they have now no right to com plain of the consequences of their own rascality. But the Democracy of the country have a right to complain of the course of the Convention, boeauso it is in violation of groat principles and solemn pledges. And we are not surprised to See it condemned by many loading Democratic papers of the North. Among them aro the Chicago Times, (Judge Douglas's organ,) Forney's Press, Harrisburg, Pa., Patriot, the New York Journal of Conn merce, the Albany Argus, Detroit Free Press, Buffalo Courier, the Rochester Union ' the Pitts burg, Pa., Union, the Boston Port, and the Pro:114- (lone° Post, and we have no doubt it will be disap proved very generally by the Democracy. [Prom the Democratic State paper of Indiana, the In dianapolis Sentinel, Nov. 26;1857 ) Tim Democracy of Indiana have unbounded confidence in the wisdom, patriotism, and sagacity of Mr. Buchanan. Ho can have no ambition in the future but the well being of his country. Cool and cautious, he will not hastily express an opinion, as a chief magistrate should not do. We believe that the weight of his Influence and posi tion will be in sympathy with the sovereignty and rights of the people. Occupying a position in which ho is bound to respect and protect the interests and rights of the whole country, we shall defor much to his judgment and statesman ship. With singular unanimity the Democratic press of the North, with the conservative press of the South. opposo most decidedly the attempt to thrust upon Kansas a Constitution or institutions inimi cal to or without the consent of her people. They have been assured that they should decide those matters for themselves, and the pledge should be. fulfilled. The Democracy of the North will de mand that both the letter and the spirit of the Kansas act shall be faithfully carriod out. That this should ho done—that good faith should be kept—is equally the interest of the South as the North. [From the Butler (Pa.) Herald, Democrat.] GOVERNOR WALKER ANSI KANSAS AFFAIRS Now.—The Philadelphia Press—Forney's paper— speaks the truth well and boldly, when it says that " Governor Walker, of Kansas, will bo sus tained by every foe of fraud in elections and every friend of the principle that the majority shall rule." So far we bars notsuffored ourselves to doubt for a moment that he will continue to be sustained and upheld by the present National Administration. We have too much confidence in President Buchanan to think otherwise. His con firmation by the United Sates Senate we look for as a matter of course, but should It unfortunately prove otherwise, there will then ho a new phase given to matters, calculated to arrest the lunnedi a to attention of all. Governor Walker has simply, but faithfully and fully, carried out the great principle for which we contended, and, inasmuch as the recent Constitu tional Convention of Kansas has, In a measure, de parted from that pricsolplo, the Constitution they offer should ho rejected by Cowgress. It is true that the great matter of contention, the question of slavery or no slavery. In the new State, has been fully. and we suppose, fairly submitted to the people; 'but there aro other obnoxious features in the Constitution offered which should prevent its acceptance until submitted as a whole, to the people, for their approval or rejection. When we oveu amend our Constitutions, we submit the same to the people; how much gloater then the reason for submitting the whole of the fundamental law under which a people are to live, to themselves, for approval or disapproval. (Frees the Fulton, (Pa.) Democrat, Nov. 27, 1057.) Thcro is only ono question from which Ivo appro bend any trouble, and that grows out of the ever lasting Kansas question The attempt will doubt less be made in the Senate to defeat the confirm's• tion of Governor Walker's appointment, and If this should be accomplished, it is easy to predict the consequences, so far as the peace and harmony of the session are concerned. Such a result can only bo brought about by a coalition between the ultra pro-slavery members from the South, and the Black Republican members of the North—as we doabt not the conservatives of both sessions will rote for his confirmation. That his course in the main, since he has administered the affairs of Kansas, is right, no true Democrat—no sincere friend of the peace and harmony of the whole country—can for one moment doubt. The doctrine upon which the I last Presidential contest was made to turn, and which resulted so gloriously for the Demooratio party—the right of a majority of the people of a Territory to decide the question of slavery for them selves—has been faithfully carried out by Governor Wallcor under the instructions of the President, and we hope to see him abundantly sustained by the Senate. [Washington Correspondence of the Baltimore Sun, November 27.] also learn that great numbers of Democrats, including pro-slavery men, have taken the same position with that of the Governor, and demand for Kansas the rights which the Kansas-Nebraska act woo intended to secure to them. Nino-tenths of the people of Kansas are opposed, and will re sist by force, if necessary, the Imposition upon them of any form of government of willoh they disapprove. The question there has passed be yond the original contest between pro and con slavery men. The question upon which parties in Kansas aro now arrayed is whether thepeople shall have the right of self-government. Whether Governor Walker will be able to impress his own views upon the Administration in regard to the subject is to be seen. [From the Ottawa (Ill.) Froo Trader.) Without, however, going i further into the de tails of the instrument, it s sufficient to remark that the upshot of the whole is, that the Kansas Convention have made the attempt by jugglery and trickery, to defeat the manifest will of the people by fastening slavery upon them when four fifths of them have declared at the polls that Kan ems shall boa free State. In no ease con the sec tion they propose to lot the people vote upon be regarded as even submitting the slavery question to a vote of the people. Assuming this to be the state of the facts, we say without hesitation, with the Chicago Times, .the Detroit Free Press, For ney's Press—and, Indeed, every leading Demo cratic) paper of the North and some in the South— that the new Kansas Constitution should be placed on a par with the Topeka Constitution , and not regarded as worth the paper it was written upon. (From the Princeton (Cl.l Democrat But, whether the pooplo dooldo for or against slavery, we trust Congress will reject this Constitu tion, and insist upon its submission entire to the people. Thd Kansas-Nebraska bill, organizing those Territories, guarantees to the people thereof the regulation of their own domestic affairs; and it would be preposterous and inconsistent for Con gress to force upon the people of Kansas a consti tution not known to meet their approbation. We doubt not Congress will reject the application, if It be made, to admit Kansas into the Union as a State under this Constitution, without its having been submitted' to the people. [Prom the Dubuque Expreai.] Our telographio column this morning contains a despatch from Washington to the effect that the action of the lato Constitutional Convention" of Kansas meets the approbation of the President, as Caltulatell to quiet existing troubles. We very much doubt the truth of the despatch. As to the proposed constitution " quioting trou ble," it will be very far from doing any such thing. It is in no wise a constitittiOn of the people. It is not to bo submitted to them for approval or re jection, and only contemplates being forced upon the people in open violation of the first principles of "popular sovereignty." On this subject, wo commend the able article from the Chicago Times, which wo publish this morning. On this question, the Times takes the only true and Democratic position, and we are plossod to see the noble stand which It hes as sumed, even if it has causelessly " pitched Into" the Express and Herald once in a while, COMMUNICATIONS. THE KANSAS CONSTITUTION To The Editor of the Press : You are substantially right in the view you have taken of the Kansas question, in its pre- Lent phase; and it is well, when the essential principles of Democratic Government aro de parted from, that a Democratic press should, at least, note the aberration, and leave it to be vindicated upon such exceptional grounds IS can be urged in its favor, under the plea of expediency. At the opening of this question, public sentiment, with almost entire unani mity, pronounced in favor of the reference of the proposed Constitution to the people. The reference of the whole was meant—no alterna tive was present to the public mind. To this consummation all the National legislation was supposed to point. The position of Governor Walker, on this particular question, was found to be impregnable; none but the wildest zealots ventured to compromise them selves by assailing it. Yet the small party that favored the withholding of all of the Con stitution from a popular vote have succeeded in withholding from it a part. , Now, the arguments that irresistibly de manded .tho submission of the slavery clause to the people equally require the submission to them of the rest of the Constitution. Ad versely, it is said that the minority in Kansas aro well convinced, (from street-talk, remarks of Lane, rumor, 1 1 / 4 c.,) that the majority wilt not vote judiciously upon tho whole Constitu- tion; therefore, tho right of voting upon it may be properly withheld from them. It is admitted that the action of the Convention is directed against the majority, in the assump tion that the opponents of the Constitution would vote it down—not refrain from voting on it, which would, of course, only insure its adoption. Now, hero we have the plea of the aristocrat and oligarch all over the world, in opposition to the Democrat, who refuses to admit. is priori that the majority will certainly go wrong, and that the minority aro surely right. The serious maintenance of this doc trine, at the present time, is the most remark able abandonment of Demooratic principles that has been publicly exhibited since tho foundation of our present Government. The matters withheld may, perhaps be of small importance, compared with that is submitted, and it may bo well for those im mediately interested to naive a fruitless con test, (de tninimit non rural, &c., as the lawyers say;) but it was not the less proper that the true principle should be asserted. In reading this Constitution, it is not, however, to be ig nored or denied that a plausible construction of it, is, that it cannot be amended till 1514. Certainly the question is left open. Wo are told that it will surely be construed in favor of a power of earlier amendment ; but who can assure us of the Infallibility of this vaticination about what is proverbially uncertain—judicial opinion ? Why leave a burning ember of dis cord amid the elements of combustion that exist in Kansas. Tho ancient, long-settled Commonwealth of Rhode Island was convulsed, some twelve years ago, by a not dissimilar question. It is also to be apprehended that, if the "no slavery" clause is carried, there will be found an inconsistency between it and the proviso that "the right of property in slaves now in this Territory shall in no manner be interfered with." This is more than a provision for com pensation for slave property, as it has been represented. Perhaps it is of little practical importance, as there are few slaves in Kansas; yet, it there had been such a proviso in the Constitution of Pennsylvania, the act of 1780, for the gradual abolition of slavery, would have been "unconstitutional." Axes:. Tug ADISIIOUSE.— This institution contains thirty more inmates at the present time than at any other period. The distress prevailing in the community has had the effect to swell the popula tion of the Almshouse to an unprecedented extent. We were present recently et the distribution of clothes to the inmates, made under the superin tendence of Mr. Murphy, the steward. Tho appli cants are ranged In a long lino, in front of the , main hall, on the first floor of the house, and ono by ono they make their respective requests. Ono asks for a pair of shoes, another fur a hat, another for a coat, ,ho., until all their wants aro made known. One cannot imagine a more distressing eight than that which presents itself on an one• sion of this character. The most affecting, and sometimes ludicrous, appeals aro made to the steward, who is frequently compelled to refuse the demands of those who aro not really in need. The various departments of the Almshouse are all efficiently managed. The institution is always kept Olean, and the visitor will invariably speak in terms of commendation of the great care which is manifested in all the arrange ments for the comfort of the inmates, The lunatic department contains many curious cases, among which we may notice that, of Mt individual whole excessively fond of giving imitations of all the leading actors. There aro, in this department, a man who thinks himself a woman, and n female who thinks herself a man ; a man who imagines himself to ba a steamboat; a man with a military walk; an odd-looking individual who is always anxious to loan you fifty or sixty million of dollars; a man who understands everything, can speak all languages, according to his statement, andperform anything in the shape of a miracle; dumb pout; an oratorical lawyer; and numerous other cases of the most curious character. Dr, Moseley, of the Ninth ward, ono of the Guardians of the Poor, has introduced a resolution which requires a monthly statement to be made of the number and character of the inmates in the different departments. This is a movement in the right direction. The president of the hoard is Mr. Brown, of the Eleventh ward, a gentleman whose interest in the welfare of the de serving poor is well known and universally com mended. Supposed loss of a Philadelphia Vessel.—Thu barque Ala, 463.06.65 tons register, built in New bury, Massachusetts, in .1861, owned by Messrs. Thomas Richardson & Co., and Lennigs, of this city, and engaged as a regular trader between this Sort and London , went to son on Sunday morning, eptember 6, and not having since been heard from, strong doubts aro entertained of her safety. The crow consisted of— Andrew Davis, master, Philadolphia G. Peterson, mato, Sweden. John Nolson, second mato. George Lilly, seaman. John Saffegan, seaman. George Mills, seaman. J. Franeis,seatnan. David Craig, seaman. John Brown, 804111111), Charles A. Cookson, seaman. John Bunker, seaman. William Lawson, ordinary seaman. Robert Thompson, ordinary seaman. Lynas Lawns, steward. William Walton!, cook. Tho following is hor freight list; 5 hluis. mo lasses; 50 hhtle. lampblack; 421 bblg. rosin; 120 tierces boor; 113 bags olovorsoori ; 5 hinis. bark; 3,430 bags oil cake; 624 bags peanut oaks; 1,009 bushels corn; 1,400 bushels wheat; 2 packages sundries. The Ala was, in every respect, a good, staunch vessel, was thoroughly overhauled, caulked, and sheathed with heavy yellow metal previous to her sailing. Captain Davis ices a native of Philadel phia, was an old and experienced seamen, and for merly oommanded the barque Mary Dale and ship John N. Glossier. In view of the fact that the barque Ala sailed from the capes on the oth of Sep tember, it is probable that she may have encoun tered the terrible gale in which the Central Ame rica foundered, on the 12th or 13th of that mouth. The Democrats have n majority of twenty Ave en joint ballot in the Louisiana Legislntur9, THE DISASTER ON THE MISSISSIPPI Particulars of the Burning of the Bain **rolls Sixty to Nevonty Lives Lost BOAT AND CARGO LOST. 8200,000 Worth of Property Destroyed REPORT OF THE OFFICERS [From the Louisville Courier of the 20th In the Courier of Tuesday we published, by means of telegraphic despatches, all the informa tion in regard to the destruction of the Rainbow, by fire, on Saturday morning last, in the lower Mississippi, that we could then obtain. Yester day morning, the officers and survivors of the crow and passengers reached this city by rail road, from Cairo. From the officers we have ob tained full particulars of the disaster, which is one of the heaviest calamities that have occurred on tho Western waters for many years. The fire originated in the cook-house, it is sup, posed. From the time of the first alarm, not over ton minutes elapsed before the boat was an entire noose of flames. The fire first consumed the middle of the boat, completely cutting off the passengers iu the after part of the boat from going forward, and preventing those in the bon from extending aid to the sufferers at the stern. The clerk, Mr. Huston, who had gone to bed but a short time before the fire, rushed towards the ladles' cabin, to extend aid to the females ' - bat was driven back by' the flames. He then went back to his office to save the books, but the room was op full of smoke that ho was tiriven out. lie made another effort from the outside breaking a panel of the door, Crept in, but again was compelled to retreat. He got hie keys, but lost all his clothing, except what ho had on, and lost hie watob, not having time to draw on his boots. Ho had one in his hand, but lost the other. Tho iron safe was subsequently got out, by means of A obain thrown around it, after it bad fallen through the cabin floor to the dock. The papers and money in the safe were found uninjured, though the loather on the pocket-books was com pletely melted by the heat. The paper was un injured. All the officers of the boat acted the most manly Wallace t throughout the scones that encompassed them. W Lamb, the pilot at the wheel, stood to his post until the tiller rope burned off, and the Texas was a mass of flames. The boat's bow had been headed for the Arkansas shore, and she, with a full head of steam, was ran out in sevenfoot water. A single stage-plank was got out, and a line to the shore. thus enabling all those who were fortunate ly in the forward port of the boat to easily escape. The porter was the only man who saved his bag gage. The captain's trunk was subseittently caught in the river, and he at once divided its contents among his half-naked companions. If the accident had occurred a few miles lower down the river, hardly a life would have boon saved, as the banks on either side were high and bluff, and the current very swift. Before the boat was landed, the yawl, that was, as usual, swung up at the stern,'was cut loose with seine fourteen or fifteen persons in it, including several of the crew; the boat was instantly cap sized, and all perished but two. They swam out. The life-boat that was on the upper guard was not thought of, but rested guietly in its place. The two chambermaids jumped overboard from the Arf.r-g . aard, and wore saved by the °Meets of the Sovereign. Ono of them alighted on a floating log, and WAS caught nearly a mile from the wreck. Several of the lady passengers and their husbands, who were in the aftorpart of the boat, and were cut off by the fire from going forward, leaped boldly overboard, trusting to the mercy of the waves. Many of them were saved by the yawl of the Sovereign, that came down and landed Just below. Six persons were thus saved, half a rails down the river, floating on a piece of timber. Two of the party were women, who were taken out perfectly lifeless. Mrs. Whittaker, of Vicks burg, who had thrown herself overboard with her three children, was also saved, but the children periahed. She was floating on apiece of scantling, but. when taken on board the Sovereign, was coirt• pletely deranged, and so remained up to the depar ture of the heat, which took her back to Vieks burg. A ladder thrown from the upper deck of the - Rainbow WWI the moans of saving several lives. One lady was rescued from the water wholly un conscious, with a life-preserver tightly grasped in her arms. The chief mate of the Rainbow, Charles Whit low, was indefatigable In his exertions to save life, and was successful in rescuing a number of women and others, for which he deserves the highest mood of praise. The second mate. Mr. McKee, saved John Smorska, the second clerk, who was confined to his room in the Texas with rheumatism, and couldn't walk. He resigned himself to fate, but the mate seized him and carried him down to the deck in his arms. The two t towards, colored men; the two pastry cooks, lie:mums; the third cook, colored, and the coffee grinder, a boy, were all burnt up in their room in the after part of the Texas. One of the cooks broke through the flames, but fell to the lower deck amid the burning ruins, and his remains wore seen by the persons on shore, at the foot of the cylinder timbers, burning up. His some was Wallace, belonging to Mr. Shane. George W. Blake, assintant engineer, who was in his room with others, jumped overboard and swam ashore. Augustus Merritt, the chief engineer, stood at his engines until he was surrounded by fire and the lamps bursted with the heat. Ile then coined his overcoat, and throwing it over his head, went to the mud valve, raised it and lot off the steam and water. and by so doing prevented an explosion and saved the lives of many. Of the cabin, crow, and waiters only two Were saved—Tom and Tobe, colored boys. Ono of the most terrible Hones ever witnessed Was tho crowd of human beings that 'gathered around the after-guard of the burning boat, and in the wheel-house. They were so completely terror-stricken us to be utterly powerless, sur rounded by the flames that still clung to the burn ing wreck, and not ono would jump into the river, or attempt to reach the shore, which was not over forty feet from them. Mr. Huston, the clerk, and others waded into the water and pushed oat u log to their reach, but not one would get upon it, but suffered it to drift past them, thus cutting off all hope. An old wan frem Napoleon, with a white horse, woe with the crowd of panic-stricken beings, and inn fow moments the guard, with its weight, broke through, and the whole mass, together with the white bores, fell into tho river with a crash, the piercing shrieks of the victims resounding with fearful effect upon the people on the shore who had meaped, but wore utterly unable to save them. Th e horse was distinctly seen in his struggles to tramp down several of the people who were at tempting to extricate themselves from the burning wreck around them. Several of the passengers wore seen in an upright po'ition clinging to the hog chains, and thus burnt alive. The corpse of the superintendent of tho laves works in New Orleans, which was on board in a motalic case, bad been placed on the lower sleek, just in tho roar of the steps. A gentleman who had tho body in charge offered $3OO to whoever would bring it away, but no ono would venture, and the body was burnt. Among those saved was Mr. T. B. Boyne, clerk of the new steamer Caddo Bello. Ile lost every thing but the money he deposited in the safe. The money in the drawer, some SISD in gold pieces and paper, woe also lost, together with avast amount of treasure in the trunks of passengers, The offi cers of the boat hadpurchased a quantity of mo lasses and coffee, on which there was no insurance. The other cargo was over 300 tons, the nhole in volving a 10,3 of nearly $200,000, making the most serious disaster that has occurred on tho Western waters for many years. The officers ' one and all, did their duty, and should command the sympa thies of the public. The annexed statement was furnished us by Mr. llu.don, the clerk. It is concise and graphic,: The Rainbow, Captain nottcroft commanding, on her way front New Orleans, had on board from two hundred and fifty to throe hundred souls, pas sengers and crew, alt told, and about four hundred tons of freight, principally coffee, sugar, and mo lasses. On the morning of the 21st inst., at about half past two o'clock, while under way, some ten miles ohmic Napoleon, and near the head of Island Seventy-four, the boat was dissovereditolbe on foe. The officer of the (leek, Mr. C. Whitlow, inatiodi- lately ordered her to be run ashore. The order was promptly executed by Mr. Lamb, the pilot at the wheel, but so rapid was the progress of the flames, that by the time the shore was reached, they on% eloped tho entire boat, which presented a 111./035 of tire from stem to stern. These of the pas. sengsera and crew who wino on the forward part of the boat escaped 'without difficulty. Those at the stern were cut 01r from any means of escape, except byjumping into the water Although it was but is few yards to the shore, but fow of the latter escaped, except those who had tho presence of mind to take life-preservers or something to sustain those in the water. No doubt tunny were burnt in their rooms. SOlllO were overcome with fright, and know not which way to go, and would not jump into the water. Thu wheel-house next the shore was filled with men, women and children. The beams burnt off, and the weight of the wheel carceend it overboard, carrying with it a great many persons, but few of oboist wore saved. All the books and papers being destroyed, it is utterly impossible to ascertain accurately the 111111103 of the lost or saved; but, after carefully competing the statements of those that were saved, wo cannot make tho loss less than sixty to seventy-live humans beings—all ushered into eter nity without a moment's miming. Truly, in the midst of life we are in death." The officons, without exception, wore saved. Loot.—lid. Prather, first, and Wet. Ro chester, second steward, (colored,) and Frank Starkermyer and assistant, pastry-nooks, (Ger mans); third and fourth cooks, (one white and ono black,) wills fifteen of the crew, firemen, and deck hands. I . .nistontre.—The Sovereign, bound down, for tunately was near at hand, and succeeded In pick leg up several of the passengers floating in the water, upon pieces of nowt ,te. She took en board those of the saved who wished to return South. The 'Menasha soon tame along, bound up, and several persons went off on her. A few hours afterwards, the James E. Woodruff came up and took on beard the crow and the remainder of the passengers, with the exception of a few who stayed to look far the remains of their lost friends. Origin of the Tire.—The of f icers of the boat agree that the fire originated in the cook-house, which being elosod, they think that the fire was under full headway before bursting out, and then it was so far started, and the wind blowing very fresh, that nothing could bo done to arrest its progre,s. Lame.—Tin) cargo consisted of sugar, coffee, and molasses, 300 to 400 tons, all of which is a total /4,M. PaAsengers.—The passengers, with ono or two exceptions, had retired to their rooms. Among them eero several Californians, with their tren- Rues of gold and their families, coming back to their homes, but, aloe! thoy met with the cold ombrttoo of (loath in its most horrid corm, ihatoad TWO CENTS. of that of kindred and friends from whom they had so long been separated. Treasura and Jewelry Loot —All the passen gers lost everything, money, clothes, and all they had except what was on their persons. A large amount of money in gold and.s2o,oo in jewelry, were undoubtedly lost. The boat's safe with contents was soon recovered, and those of the passengers who had deposited their money in the office were saved from loss in that particular. Ines4psts.—Mr. Wheatley, from California, with his wife and child, jumped from the steamer and struck boldly out for the shore. The wife soon sank to riao no more ; the child was drowned cling ing to the father's neck. Tie could not reach the shore with his child and was compelled to let it go. Mr. W. woo assisted by , those on shore, and caved. Ira had $3,500 in "gold in the safe, which was re covered. He remained at the wreak to recover, if possible, the remains of his wife and child. Mr. Whitlow, the mato, picked up five persons hanging to a small piece of timber. MI were saved, though in two of them life was apparently extinct. Mr. Maddock. a traveling agent of a Philadel phia house, lost $20,000 worth of jewelry, saving nothing but his pantaloons, without either coat or hat. Every one of those who escaped wore but half clad. Some had coats and no pants, few had bats or boots, some had no covering but the comfort snatched from their berths as they left, but their wants were soon supplied by the crews of other boats as they carne up. Generosity.—Mr. T. B. Flourney, of Arkansas, S. B. Arnold, of Bowling Green, By., and N. M. Leo, of Richmond, "Va., generously told all to go to the store at Laconia, and to clothe themselves, and they weald foot the bills, which was done Capt. Rogers, of the James E. Woodall', with a noble generosity that is an honor to the steam boat men of the West, took all who were saved and desired to come up, 301110 one hundred in all, to Memphis, free of charge, and the crew of the Rain bow to Cairo, on the same generous terms, showing that the Western boatmen are humane, although looked upon by the world as outside barbarians. Mr. Henry, of the Taylor House, Cairo, contri buted in every way in his power to the comfort and relief of those who came to Cairo, and Mr. Cormicli, of the Illinois Central Railroad, and the of:6mi of the Ohio and Mississippi and of the New Albany and Salem railroads, brought them all free of charge to this point. List of the Saved.—The following list compri ses those on tho Woodruff, together with those known to be saved on board the Sovereign and Minnehaha : Qificers.—E. P. Bancroft, Captain; W. W. Hus ton, clerk; John IL Smorska, clerk ; W. W. Lamb, pilot; M G. Bancroft, pilot; 13. H. Holl eran, pilot; N. S. Ilolloroft, barkeeper; M. Sa muels, barkeeper; Chas. Whitlow, mate; It. McKee, mate; Wm. Aplett, watchman; A 11. Merrett, engineer; H. Harland, engineer; Win. Reue, engineer; Geo. Blake, engineer; Saul Seale, carpenter ; Jo. Basler, firemen Cabin Crew.—Mike Washington, IL Manage ,r Tom. Evans, Wm. Lewis, Geo. Roberts, A. Hub bard, Mary Johnson, Bruce Lane, Jack Vance, Toby Leo, Wash. Bullen, Alf. Flood, Dan. Carter, Celle Williams, Jas. Cox. Calan Passenger.l.—Tozier R. 8, Coe, R. Rolly, McQuilkin, Thomasßellair,Barnott, Miss Lydia Harris,-- Wright, W. F. Smith, Ea. Jones, Mrs. Armstrong, four { children and servant, Mrs. Armstrong's brother Mrs. Clapton. Idles Clopton, Mr, Castle man, Mrs. Aspell, John Bowels, Wheatly, Mad dox, Gellert, McFall and friend, gentleman and lady, unknown, Mr. Garland and three slaves. Front KenilltiZl—Siantla Dournoz <Flour-nom B. E. Williams, Lexington ; S. H. Roper, Jacob MeGarrock, B. It. Tood, Kentucky, and ofncers and crew. From Cinthinate.—llenry Collin, Jno. Kelly anti Arden Ilarndin. From Indiana.—Gwynn Lotter, Benj. Hannah, Julius Elder, George Burch, Victor Peeking, Per ry Samuels, David Kinder, D. M. Small, and James Love. From Illinois.--John Mayberry and wife, C. W. Dasheal, C. J. Reiman, C. Holmes, L. D. Crotobell, and B. F. Rowland. From Pittsburgh.—lL B. McCune, M. Alder- son, George Dungan, Wilson White, H. B. B Dalton, and Isaac Williams. From Philadelphia.—Thomas Maddock and J M. Cason. Front Missouri.—J. M. Fleming. Deck Pa,lfengers and Hand e.—Hannan, Rioter, Reagan, Vewtliin, Dobson, Gamy, Jacobs, Can non, Peasly, Donohoe, Brown, Steno, Rirwin, Needham, Ryan. Coleman, Birch, Kelly, Ellis. Lose and Missing.—MoCoffin, Scott co, Ky., missing; Mrs. Wheatly and child, of California, lost; Lady name unknown, lost; third and fourth cooks, names unknown, /oat; Was. Rochester, steward, loot; John Ashby, Jo Adkins, and Thos. Collins ; deck hands, lost; three ladies on deck. lost; Leake, of Arkansas, missing; Ingraham, of N. 0., missing; Miss Larreck, lost; Brashear, of Westport, lost; Frank Starkerineyer and assistant, pastry cooks, lost; E. Prather, steward, lost; Geo. .Daries, colored boy, lost; Wallace, do do; three children of Mrs. 'Whittaker, of Viclaburg, lost; Wm. Hall, colored, lost. James Laughlin, Alliance, 0.; Thomas New house, Carrollton, Ky. ; Hiram Charleton, 0. ; William Chambers, Cincinnati ; George Newman, Carrollton, Ky. ; John Gallagher, Sahneville, 0. ; a blind man named Johnson, wife, and two daugh ters, going to Paducah; James McLaughlin, Pitts burgh ; William Barn, do ; en Irish girl going to her mother at Cannelton, la. ; G. Craig, Birming ham, Pa.; John Mchaffy, McKeesport, Pa.; Mrs. Bond, Memphis. The above comprises the names of tholost, as far as can be recollected by Mr. Huston, the clerk. Of the crew of twenty-seven firemen and deck hands, twelve only are known to be saved, the rest are lost or missing. Mr. Maddox, from Philadelphia, lost $20,000 worth of jewelry. Other passengers lost some 530,000 in bills of exchange, coin, and bank notes; and the entire loss of boat, cargo, and money, is not far, if any, short of $200,000. On the boat, the Louisville offices have a risk of $lO,OOO, and the cargo is, no doubt, covered by in surance Otero, as the goods belonged to merchants of Lonisvillo Great Excitement ut Hamilton—Conflict of Ju risdiction—The Town In Arms—Prospect of Bloodshed. (From the Cincinnati Enquirer of Friday 3. A serious difficulty and groat excitement occur red yesterday in Hamilton, the particulars of which as we have received them, are as fellows: Day be fore yesterday afternoon, Judge McLean, of the United States Court, on the application of Messrs. Thompson b Nesbit, attorneys for various Eastern creditors, granted several attachments against N. G. Curtis, of Hamilton. The writs were placed in the hands of United States Deputy-Marshal Elliott, who proceeded to that town on the same evening, for the purpose of serving them, and. on arrival, attached a large stock of goods, valued at same $5,000, in the store of Curtis; which fact being noised about by ono Wilkison Beatty—who claims to have purchased the goods of Curtis, but whose sale the creditors assert to have been fraudulent—quite a riotous crowd gathered, and an effort was made to eject Elliott, when he drew a revolver and frightened them OE The tumult had, by this time, increased, and many.wero the threats made; but, as the Marshal stood Dm, none of the menaces were car ried out ; and although the excitement continued, the officer retained possession. Yesterday afternoon, however, while Elliott was absent serving certain writs, having left the store in charge of a watchman, Beatty came up with a number of armed men, broke Into the establish ment, burled the officer from and took possession of the premises, and prevented the marshal from entering on his return. Elliott immediatelytolegraphed to United States marshal Churchill, and lust evening the latter left uith a largo posse, with the intention of bringing the rioters to justice. Wo learn that the greatest excitement prevailed at Hamilton; that sonic five or six hundred armed men were parading in the streets, declaring the United States officers were interfering with their (the ilamiltonians) jurisdiction, and should not have the goods, unless by force of arms. As mat ters appear at present, there is a prospect of a se rious (lineally between the authorities; and it would not be singular if many lives were lust. Churchill is expected hero with his prisoners this Morning. The Legislature of South Carolina met on Monday, and next day (lovernor Allston sent in his annual message. lie refers feelingly to the deaths of Senator Butler, Col. Brooks, and Cul Chores; favors tfroe schools, and recommends the repeal of the usury laws, leaving the rate of inte rest at seven per cent. where no contract is made. The financial condition of the State is reported sound, though momentarily embarrassed. On the subject of Federal relations, Gov. Allston expresses the opinion that since the convention of 1852 there is no reason for material difference among those who wish to agree. HO bristly alludes to Kansas, and tenders to his Southern friends there his sym pathies in their struggles in an unequal contest. 110 transmits the resolutions of Maine and Con necticut on the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case, and recommends a spirit o forbearance towards them for their prejudices of birth, education, and association. A friend of ours, says the Indianapolis Senti nel,living in the southern portion of this state, eqtirnatos the value of the Surplus products for sale, over and above all that will be needed for the supply of the population, in sixty-four counties south of the Ohio and Mississippi Railroad, be• tween the mouthsof the Little Miami and Wabash rivers, at about thirty mullion of dollars! This estimate is based on the auditor's returns of the surplus in many of those counties now on hand, and which will go forward' to market before the nest harvest. This is an ovidoncu of wealth which is a substantial basis fur confidence in the future, and which in time will relieve the present financial e 111 • barrassments of the country. The northwest will prove to be, in fact now is, the granary—the Egypt—of the Union. More: in a few years she will give the country its political character, end will influence its destiny. J. J. Dennis, a Lin yer of Cincinnati, who figured conspicuously in the recent slave case in that city, has been sentenced by Judge Burgoyne to pay a fine of $5OO for contempt of court. The negroes were brought before Judge B. by writ of habeas corpus, and on motion of Dennis, who ap peared for thoir owner, the case was continued to give hint time to filo au answer. Instead of filing an answer, be procured another writ of habeas corpus by ag° Carter, thereby laying the founda tion of an apparent conflict of jurisdiction, know ing at the same tuna that the jurisdiction of Judge Burgoyne was full and complete. The Norfolk (Va.) papers, in announcing that a man named Bartholomew has been fined and Imprisoned in that city for shooting and wounding T. T. Cropper, states that on the total it was proven that the prisoner believed he was a descendant of the royal fatuity of France, and that it was a con. descension in lons to speak to common men. 110 was kicked when a boy by a colt, which injured his intellect. Ilia father died in the lunatio asylum at Mount Hope, having gone deranged because Oen. Taylor beat lien. Case far the presidency. MOTIVE TO CORIBLESTORDEXTS, corrorpoodooro for " Tim l'anaan will phut bear fa mind the :allowing mbar livery eononenteatiou must be accompanied by tba game of the writer. In order to insure correctness the typography, but one aide of a 'heat should written upon. We shall be madly obliged to gentlemen in Pinutsyl runic and other States for contributions tiring the cur rent neve of the dsy In their particular localities, the resources or the Wm:tut*, ormatry, the iIIERIBIie of inalatioa, and my information Mit will be interesting to the general reader GENERAL NEWS. A libel suit nas on trial in the Cincinnati Superior Court on Tuesday, in which Mr. Iles saureck, the editor of the German Republican paper, was plaintiff, and Mr. BCMSI3I2, the editor of the Von-strewed, defendant. The latter paper published an article which it copied from the An zriger of that city, and which charged llaasaniTck with dragging his mother by the hair and kicking her. Depositions "'CIO read from rations rersou, and witnesses were introduceci who testified that there was a general report that plaintiff had mal treated his mother. Among the depositions was one from Mr. Sterile, the editor o: the An:et:zee-, to the effect that he wrote the article published in the Anzeiger, and requested the German papers in Ohio to copy it. The plaintiff introduced dep.- Wiens from his mother and stepfather, in which they deny the report in Toro. The jury found verdict of $2,000 for the plaintiff. General Pierce, ex-President of the United States, accompanied by Mrs. Pierce, arrived in this city, Rays the Baltimore San of Saturday, on Thursday afternoon, and occupy apartments at Barnum's. The ez-President looks remarkably well, and Mrs. Pierce has rallied considerably since her illness. and will proceed upon her ocean voyage hopeful of complete restoration to health. The ex-President has been waited open by a num ber of his friends in this city, and sev era l ha ve run up Irons Washington to make a farewell call. Be expects to leave Norfolk in the relied States steamship Powhatan, about the 4th of the ensuing month, for Funchal, in the Island of Madeira. We cordially hope that the purpose of the trip may be fully realised. The Delaware Republican says; "It is stated that Dr. Meggs, of Delaware county, Pa., met with Mr. Samuel Riddle, a manufacturer, a few days ago, when he asked Mr. R. how many families on his bank would suffer from want be fore they would make their condition known. The answer was "a large number." The Doctor toad Mr. R. to give them their living, and make out his bill, and he would foot the same in the spring. Mr. R. had the bell rung immediately, and set all hands to work on full time—the mill having been running half time for some weeks. By this con duct many families, hare been placed in a com fortable situation for the com ng winter. Four horses attached to one of Latbam's omnibuses, says the Washington Union, while on the Alexandria ferry-boat, on Thursday morning, became frightened at the breaking of the ice, (through which the boat was, with diMenitY, forcing her way,) and at last ran overboard. taking the omnibus with them. The boat went over them, and when they came to the surface three were dead ; the other was subsequently saved, but in a dying condition. The water where it is sup posed the omnibus sank is about twenty-five feet deep. The loss is probably about $1,200. On Wednesday evening the members of the bar in Pittsburgh gave Chief Justice Ellis Lewis A complimentary supper, at the Monongahela House, in that city. "Venerable Judge Wilkins presided. Eloquent speeches were made by Judge Wilkins, Chief Justice Lewis, Judges Armstrong, Woodward, Knox, Williams. McClure, Shaler, Shannon, and by several other members of the bar. The occasion, says the Post, was one of re fined soak) pleasure, and rare intellectual enjoy ment—the remembrance of which will long remain fresh in the minds of the younger participants. The way train from Philadelphia, says the Harrisburg Herald, on Thursday was detained about twenty minutes, owing to a serious accident which occurred at Garrott. sidin g _ Two men in a buggy incautiously attempted to cross the track as the train wa approaching, but too late to pass in safety. The locomotive struck the vehicle and. horse, killing the beast and very seriously injuring both the men. Every assistance in the power of the conductors was instantly rendered, bat it is very doubtful if either of the men will recover. We did not learn their names. This is the season for bnckivheat cakes , and one of our exchangessays good ones are made as follows : Dissolve apiece of fresh " baker's sponge"' in milk-warm water. Then put in a sieve ono part flour to three parts buckwheat, which must be sifted into a pan, and set, or mixed with the dissolved "sponge." When the mixture is per fectly light, pour in a little melted butter, add salt, then a yeast powder, or a little soda and acid, all well stirred in, then bake immediately. The severity of the weather has closed the Susquehanna river between Havre de Grace an d Port Deposit. The steamboats running up to the last-named place were compelled to lay up on ac count of the ice in the river. There is, cf coarse, no obstruction to travel at the railroad crossing at 'Ffavre de Grace, the ice lying generally above that point; and it is to be presumed that the crack, under almost any circumstances, will be kept open as usual. The Galveston News says of direct trade with Europe: "There are several veasels now in port, which will probably soon commence loading with cotton for some European port. In fact, the cir cumstances of the times seem to be opening a di rect trade to Europe sooner than had been antici pated. The now ship, the National Guard, will be here next month, for the purpcoe of taking a cargo of cotton to Liverpool." Captain Walter Story, despatcher of trains on the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, between Wheeling and Fetterman, was killed on Wednes day afternoon, about five o'clock, at Glover Gap Tunnel. Captain S. had been a long time in con nection with the road, being one of the first men. who ran an engine into Wheeling. Ile was about forty-Eve years of age, was well known and highly esteemed, and /eaves a wife and five children. The sixth day of the Virginia Annual Con ference, now in session at Elizabeth City, N. C.. was occupied in arguing and deciding certain legal questions involved in the case of the Rev. Chas. A. Davis, who is charged with improper conduct in Portsmouth. Mr Davis is now attached to the nary as chaplain, and on a cruise in the frigate Merrimac. The chair decided that under the circumstances by which the ease is surrounded, it cannot be brought to trial in his absence It is stated that the Treasury estimates of ap propriation for the neat fiscal year have been rulde up, and despite every et fert to reduce them, the total amount estimated is about seventy I-Hiltons. The estimate for the War Department alone is ttreaty and es ep , arter millions—being largely in creased by the anticipated Mormon war. The total naval estimates, includirg the special service and the construction or the new steam sloops-of-war, amounts tofourteen millions. The Democrat says: Ten months ago, a youth, of but seventeen autumns. CILIA to St. LOU:3 from Muscatine, lowa, and became enamored of a Idea young lady, the cherished daughter of highly respected parents, living on Fifteenth street. Briefly, he won her, and they were married, and lived happily till the other day, when the father of the youthful husband arrived from Muscatine, and took his son home to learn a bade.' A singular and fatal accident happened to Mr. Itenry Lingo, of Mercer tounty. Pa , owe dac last week. lle had been eating buckwheat cakes when he partially swallowed a needle that stuck in his throat. Every effort was mode to extricate it, but without success. and ho died from the ef fects of it in a day or two after. The Richmond (1 - a.) Whig says that there 13 an alleged detkit in the accounts of an offlcer in that city lie is accountuhlo to the State for taxes collected to the amount of SiO3.talo, but his bond is good for $90,000. lie bas made an assl,;mment of property and money. valued at "V.,,),000, to his bondsmen, so that the defalcation amounts to ;23,000. Rev. George Fenwick, of Georgetown Col lege, is dead. le was a ripe scholar_ As a Ma thematician and linguist be had scry few tqu.l ., , and no superiors. lie was a uriversal fas oils among the students and professors at the college; and his company was generally courted by all leh.. were in the habit of sisiting the institution. Ifs was about sixtythree years of age. On Tuesday evening, immediately after a train had reached South Amboy. (N. J..) our cf the brakemen. named Wm. Throatoorton, stoiipel down between two ears far the purpose of uncoup ling them, a hen another ear was let down. driving, the tno forcibly together. and crushing the young man's head so that he died almost instantly. Ito leaves a family. The Legislature of Alississippi has adjourned Sine die The Mistitsippran says that before the Legislature adjaurned, the House of Representa tives, by a very decisive vote, indicated a determi nation to continue in force the law prohibiting the circulation of bank paper, in that data, of a less denomination than five dollars. A large golden eagle, measuring seven feet and four inches from tip to tip, and three feet from his feet to his peak, was killed by 31r. Green A. Hader, near Lewisburg, Virginia. one day last week. This monster bird was attempting to steal ono of Mr. 11 's turkeys Whitt he was killed. Gen. Burnside, of Bristol, R. 1., it is said, declines the e , ntract whieh the Gas C72ltLent of fered him for 4 , 40,000 worth of hie breech-loading. rifles, because the whole sum (SSO,LOO) was not awarded him. We are pained to learn front the Mobile Register that Lieutenant Derby, IJobn Phret,tx topographical engineers, recently arriv,,l in that city, is suffering from an nests dis.,rder '•f the eyes, which it is feared may destroy the sight entir e ly. Rev. Jas. Satterfield died at his residence, West Middlesex. Pa., on the 2Sth ins: , i n th e ninetieth sear of his age. his sickness was of hat two days' duration. i 1 died where he had livtd for fifty years. A child, two years old, having been so in jured on the Norwich and Worcester r 'WI require amputation of a hand and fo , )' . , has sued the road for damages. The jury gave her a ver dict of A little daughter of Thomas C. Buckle, well known artist residing in ltaltimore binned to death the other 1.14 tinder the imst di.,-, circumstances. A letter from Shelbyville, Tenn., stye that there will be fatted fur tharhet frum 1:0 0. 0 to 200,000 hogs, within an area of tufty miles each way from that point. A young man, named John Zimmerman, w.t accidentally shot in the bar-room of the triton Hotel, at Harrisburg, lag week, and it is feared will not recover. The Picayune states that eighteen thousand one hundred and ninety-nine bales of cotton were received in New Orleans on the "Oth lest. The health of Jacksonville, Fla., his not im proved There is an average of twenty eases cf yellow fever a day. The Cumberland Old.) Te ;roe' says that the assets of the _Mineral Bank will ray altogether about seventy-five Cents on the dollar We learn by the Harrisburg iktpvrs that the canal at that place is frozen over, and navigation suspended, A young man, named Ilamilton Ltd:, acci dentally shot himself at I.,vcr Allalay? Creek ; (N. J.,) on Yrid , ,y lAA. Ile died in a few
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers