17— Aty,,,,iitt*lTl*A'44l 4 siosta-e,4 - rtralk , - , . oaw . ~ _a 10, 4 4,, R4 1 4 0 ► od -L T:f 4 :4l O l, ' 'II „Ntpohet4.44tsadt V ot : 1;41 .3-:,_.N. 11- 71,4 . '. j.; ,4Rieiathosii;i The r ia N 3 stl44 • lul at . t f 91840). , AOC zow4)„ MiCtI*ASIL4 4 I , BaS,!•I744II 4 PFI V/9 tag ' irdintrit 44l,4 It oral B " ir 4-411 , 1 4 2 15 5 f / Sfr - Ohe t s . ti Y,41144;iii o .447 lgaiik E • .s f 7 ewers deo, ityatr 9toAo d <o.* •oti ikigt, ~ 4t iz..? .4 *0;4 : 4 , I , • 4wipotiNA ,e41,0 . 1 - 14.,14 , RitA, riwtfogol ) 4 l. " briowthereyitt*Atil 4 oo .VAI,-Ito OVI IgthhaNCOs ,, Otofil *iiipoe , to 4§..lititoti gikitt;nimw 4 4tati'' ) "''' •''' ' `', L- ih - Aikati iinitx,eo •€,t3.ooriodisipswed;terneSe4l66. '',' ''-ti,illtu-ift***..o4. 41.popnionv - ' l l*f .414,94,140ttitf0 , .e-ountomoiiiiiiit. 401.00#11.1., a .g...t, i tifi .„,ity4olooe.iott .o..non,ceken.len v,,i._,,ttil* witi*iithidglisil'estts*lttrlillk•!' • . ‘, ;:, ;; t ei ftliitsireWeli'il/Itil! KtYllr#lliti% WA/ z e ( s iiliVe 4 M l o4:Alt Atai l; l4 P 11 . 1 # 1 = 00-aft t p<t) j 1 i ~4104044,1614 1910itiowt14o, "8 %An' <4 4 ' rbilat 1 tins Viti4 0 tili , 1 v , • -4°; .Of f it' 4 ,0,4 -,=( 1- Ataldgit4'oP7 r 4 141, Tf,i , "... .“ t - - 4. • ~...c. ~, t ;4 1 Tr Irle)l4ellitte)ttli<l MOT_ :• 4111 " 4110 ) ~..NAWI4OS4A ,49/34: ~ ,,I •, . , ! ..lnalkflk, * Arpittgeogini. .0be' . . , 0 442 , ' .. , ''.l,.otft#Pl , viliitolmigitti? t'i'e' i' . nit ~'`.,.:044 * 00- , :i.4 1 :44*tii.;.*:41411 • .Si ~...':..But-thes4,4tavelbeentenip l; , !Sit 7 c'-' 3‘ l l t tifW4i '' re c tf, l* C 4 4 1: - 'goo' e' ' *Mist illeilia. int:At:WM** ... •.' OS:, 30 4.1N4 iOn,,,* shettzliStieitPst Utt'l# 111 Iskle, ;. :;;t Whale and prittApiel . 141# I,44o4''tlie - ', l t 1 41 1 104470410 4 .—,..,...,9„.,.....„1tt'brdti)? ';i 4 r l" ' ' ' - ' thilti'Ve*lii 1 " 34 ‘ 1 -- seetres4Whiret - liettled l ~.. ~ ~ A.• '3s%* ' l l l;itliakilloi 4l 3 .1440 1 emm . :4 410 4„,i i iP i k, „:iytthe.sedee,oPtitoortz ttisgestss . ._, I i g:M T N '. ,,-, 10364 ltailltiS it #7,r-,ll4l'ir , ' ., , Z18404 1 e10 1 5 . /.4V 1 9C14 0 k 4 A id* ink 0, :i•cif poblilyiSetfliNkr ► riftlXo* li e 4!,1040041:111**4410 ii / P 1441 4440 4 4 0 ' C'',ti O l ?ie l C'ji * i jA l it lifi4Y- 1 0 , # ) 7 * ... ' i't ' •,...e * iii.ii•ltaiar' diltite eieetior i iti l toLtr lf b0i. , #4 . 4 , 4-,hifitsorlitot; .11'ittioig Re AWAYIsi" fiCIMIMIS Pi" . ,A .l -• Ao feweikstte: pr strinery-!nok4 o *,,t*„ ~‘ ...s., - Is ,. ''4l)444l . o , o :frllf:o4 4 M t iVlPif A i ' tit Ti1f,4,00 4 9paitth4,441: 1 0/6"/4' / , ;, * r! Sr t.-tvaiakiiierelikotiii Igivatiotals'aii 14144 ` t *l6 Aut it t;, ,t 44 fr08 4 1 9 14 < " °4 ‘ r ' 7" tifil4.9aW a ihn i tikilW , l9l4Bii ' 83! , . vet '-! Y ,41: 4 119 V* 1",010 Mo il, " 1 "1 41 4 61) 4 of v:4:' , 4ue foi tia ,' diAltetti . r . oloti 3 Olii! ; 1 eii (. i7f . 1. 6 14* 1 11 / 1 4 ( X# 1 7AelikttisiLl ‘,. our S Tt.,; o l areli: corroptiOn•hred up: se`44l34fr•el .N, I ' - ' w ' 6l/ 0 1441 4'11k •'t ill 7 6 ); ',l o. l 4:ilii,cot i llt -. 'l7,(,46l44l*li.itelfi,*litisoox* s wim * more - eriminaltrasloimsibido,b *O4; ilig ..I.3.4theit.:thasids'lthi••iiiittilbiedat4 .., - his jqv a *6lol 3 i t i lk,• P iliktO li el l tk il lk 4 , let L I i ii :,d7;449Atiltffii4, i. EXo4:,6lalthi), 0 , - 4.fire*Setfillink denheatiiit ItkithiteiltW slit ~,, tdeeoikewt.r.4,4,,):l44i' q-., - ::14i , .3:44441*% - y.luiff 4..06114,,,, 49, , i s ettioviittilbeit - his heeif - W o hiipOilS! 4 '' 71' iitigrakel4thkiiiio ii.esl4l.oo,itilaCi* ue ,7#ls°,YllF;i l C96lll6ls; .44RtifiralYtildbushlifs4 ' hi... AO! ;Asides; theo•settettSleslst Ptllqlft ire-, 'V'AitiON'imt thiKlitirt'atiNi 04 "R xerer, ir';`,': - *A - . ...14t iiii 4 ,4 4,3 oAlteitoil ;aicommns.dl 8,';1 kl ' o2talti ' lLVielnirtili. 4 -: iir 1 v 's :,'' ',-;','; I !:,4 '4 "t I Y l'. ' 42 - aidolioiiibili* - yikloArigliu* 'PR V;-,s.44.44*to,,Avail;lanq,omemtrisr , t •ilropet,ticualimi:iii 14 iliOtiti#l4,*„ - ,1“ 44 #. ,4.l,,,iiitdd.4.4,stii,WitrilYnkftT9 en' -xt4eii44o,4 • ,iiiiviviiziiiithot„uk ,m, • •,•„Itaaliy, 1 . 11d3 beast*, citidaedi of rfotioeil A " & '' l l S S1 11241 0 11 111,‘:Ohl*:0 1 0/ltVilsilg 1 , 11 ' 4 . ' :113 4 .1-304 . iAlt;f; Atte.:l"ttaLitttieliti' tit* :. a intet aloktileisienesi4 tividt" theft I itipihda .the itliWiipliiiv a tiii, iiiiie'''ilat44VAT 'it I:IARA AO 14 POPI•0 14) :,o.e. el to :..: -it " t - tt 0 4,40, - ,4 01 4 44 / 1 4 0 04kb$-Teildtstibilaim It gi l lifikeskaflik* 4-4 0', 040** ':s l •• ' i!.0" 1 ":lfwioit , vioitio,,ti§e434fititig;*4 , ii ` ;.!'t.f4likAs4y)*Pi4c•os . l,*74l4ll:_ . 4o : ;.o ff ;AltAtigiAiiiiit.litito: ii lid,iiitieltiV,4 ,:r'','"44l . o . .t.: 4 "'it,'`• tieelliliiiCili43 'm ,t 4A 1 .4i( If ihi , gagii ititege•Otillsl3 silYills/1 sol - :-.,.. dispds4.toillairaigi*iiretpot for'tlitif tit! ;# I:.' • '44 A er #o 4 .:Pli* ill i ( *friV il *Of e/, I ' go !:,i ,440)r,ritiii. Aaciwiii • AlL ibuuiciritiptimi • - 2 ~, -mu 1.0;4.0 Ito itreeckllyvrcti)icAlrfho ' ''.l.6! i olit lo4;liettelAiik_ wk s> t, • tt.,- , Arktlg t*NT-..? - iiiiiiitt-tdeviik4 Met di ho= • -, 35‘no1714Bitatimore,4sil lierAiioJ.temstat the ' '''' 4 cam e*lllS'eA l tsUli thr(4ll4,oilkaii with , .w.r416 ititattogi,4o6444nwiipripoo the Ireg guntrsiet tif !liveried sliessiWpf - bor dor , 1 rite. 9 lifheiTsa epeli th'i t irtiO94l4. l " et r.'-- rtist.that "ttip ..,..., _ = r;:::::4t4tfiu th ei,go - 10 - iii *AIL 'et ~,„itheftcoufie:o,:st t f i li ' d * * ol 4l .l" ar r '•l‘ - t d l .2 :: i,.. - I,rt i szlwipkoA - mcwi :I: rtmli ' .Pee'ple I', other Wei, inter t• ifillstA: 1 ' •'• ; 14,1941010iri15; iir: irdesohirlor OM 4 4 41 4 ; 1 stlOrleirAttllehlst=il td . i l#t li g i _Y, I I. 4 1 ileih*PNKOO " ' I litieslllifikr m •t•li - . -4, 11,11,',4,,i.rz. ~ . .444t.1-6 •• - •,civ `.4/I-,4 ,•,•., , • .}"A ...i _'. Ly,'II_,_.III,...WILLIAIig4OVIIIW,Mr4 g!!, , 1 f ,tf-s • 'LV/ 5 ' . " - A tKatirlc:o 4 9 l , l rAYinn , 404004:44":04 'the ~ I:l4tfliciriWtat itilLotadaitjtibttesiondiniV ' , V M,tliii•a3iltlial f ol7fiditil****44o,A) V i sat i, f ,,, i? 0 iii, A *kW ,-*A,iiit'oi,i , !..egiAilo+444 iit,=,! • went •:oft rh t i nema lplie.„diff er ak eti lli e , •;. ,- A England 'lnd thiih*llyit(ittilkiXo l oiedraT :3i*V ie , r l4 l ?" - 41 / 0 ; ' -'4.:451,0M0pii0, to -::.; • .011* #61.;-`44t iiar,ind possilksooll4o it- , :-Thiorseeniti:tioitive;-stati . o,oll;6: IdtiAtteri to .` FVdt t i l r- i ; e4o -9c, ° ll l '93 . 4 Tli'3ol 4o3 i l l i ts ' l4 6 ' .. ..lit APVIV I *4 .: ,S4 l Fir (VI To ( 3 9; zthiiiii iidodt444 if .4 3 0:tit , lirEP : Oiliiii j i : f•-•; Air ihiseifeeir 01;1401110 1 AT* liiiktortailt" /4. -.fru •• :- , i i t e •• i 4 ...1-4 1 , 4 I-40W ti , -- • :at ta , Urt. ~ - *Tee. - - :Tne arooreteare.ent conenespy t mtit e ltbsAf4tffjrti; APO .thet 14,,elsni,orrof ihii!. , - it.APioliosaelik,ipbxrect3,Nl SitteifilFiidti 4, ; ' -1 =;-"ililddsx , ori,iitIs t lIiiii:rdiroil*.i 1, -. , '.t'''lgSfAK-frriiirpl4o.M.U4 totw#4o; paw desire tor• - terriddate the, seissfie 11004 if : e = ~ : , . OantaTtAtieritt'hY, P eetSO ` l lo 4 o4§4loti'f ' '42 l B o l TY.KliOlif bie llk ( 44:llil 1 AfristsNlASPrrlsaY.hehppotetedae4ett possibility, we , shad state suit; ii,:erictl,Pitt.:. 00 tioiiiarsi fOpt4ht, : h!hi:;te o,iit,ielidelii t , tray A f i.; :,*,hypic,,, i ;,:i4; ,4 ;', h , J .L.;:f4, , 4,, , ,14. ,-, ..,.., A 4 4 1 F OtherAke, , late Ats•ftertr f titte: 001,01tr.Zr 4 , • : (who died:4lB4%) Was'A*4l#iiikeisii s eit4 ' 14466 4i4r i llo o'4 /3 -ttegii l / 1 0°.. .; i 7t4iX-rllliPeliSi'; We : ' Aridpolistift; t: ( WEoittled tre18444 irweltlettedio4l4,l°,*= '-' feettily s thili raised 'f,o - ' ii St khOte. } 0 . 1 1 8N1• 1 ;•.'ati4 teiloo, r-iiiikee* 411:::',*104k4i-.(tio, :: Eh; ,:ptc Rioxkow-Akiwn.Goikri dvps ,, - A: mr,Atte heeirted,harefetilineLwi:ohab,the' 41 ei;SWilestir'.l ll req pi' 0 5 ,#4, 411 '71 4 ,1#0# 4 -*00.(;044?;.0*.iii.ti.,4C.0.g0nd .',l*. *-. _ ,r0.%740-FRAl:Pli‘tvili/0„,,,, 71 , ..- i •,, '-' " . -tif..19441 0 , 4* 9yggrar: taw '., to* la ~..3;;Lptiderriarra799,haidi-ooraniiiie4 101, 7 :l,!irp)oi! , made cardeilitielVidrciiiiitaU ga 4414. 4 '" 4=tiiiiiiiidleile' l ,g ilii: Itgilk,Cli,t-stnas - iLicti34o7#4o4Vii`Ciwii44oo4 - 4000 Aff, .; ,warkit)4(‘); :defighter. et AtriNA 146; (do . •:.: ,seended;frdatUie otthelintaiellit.ol#' YOik,) formerly, 9 ovotiff ,'ir, ,0 , 940411,<4 ' f '''4oo4ifiCtiislii* Y0W.0 1 41/ 4 1 4t 4r)ch Eli:rune, 18a2; Mn. ousater wasqiiiideereare ft-, OM Of .legatiaLtagniefirsuelf? flinlobiter plea • ,‘ , .hnipotaigatt af'Bnondii I "Aoki- fit*4l idyr . ,. 184 ) . I,4apopifl 14140t4N,14 ARAI' Video Ilk ' ilidt `l lo; :/PY*8#0141118i41.44 the 4 1,-„,„„,,,.2„ ,,,,:,....., •-i.: ;Xtt hatiesolkielitotor vrotozusfoii, beteg 4r- Mei' *o#twoll/rkAtfitin th P e O /Stialit : * s7 l . l 1 i 4P.livk*r 1 eltetitrl St,7lik 2 f 4,11.,9 n11474'-010T:413A iiiltNC4 . opinioes ariLeilitiebbcrpi ; ~.ifelto it itiatif fat haarhed4tdielifirollti tiler . .• • *ark inid , 'hai itie t idtiquifiki lorilf**4 -.1-13!2... ed 1 a i . 1 1. 1 4 ? r i ti 1140 1 . 4 4,40, . 1 4 6 #3 1 W 18 , 1., ~0 I",S l 'FAt9t e ldP : W r f"t.,ltsiiefellt.ttesSeell;74 g 711,1 ,--- --; r-''..re, !i•Ot,,v*::PAWOIRAPARTAXH,I%. ,t, ' (: A ~,Frolliff i nkficwwreopovieno4-164, ety;44 , of Qctober 18thriwylearir thaV flaidatteit o , l'AV :P lol 9* 4l o"i" 3t . S .! t t4 al t ) YP4 '-taiii.tiC4jk‘iit'lq koritoa'SiWik o , r ,„ 0 „., n1,i9A40#4.411,4, 1 1far) MAne4ll#4*?l,elte,, 44415P) Weil ap,1)/04 0 „Lmist Tho , Q44ein itateketiatOyilihreik"lo* • "fritdaliiiin/404 iddi f **Nli • pt tit , Paliarrkaitrii - c01ifra.14 1 440 4 ,0 4 , 4,4,A4t0 0 0144 041k4.4, w 4 4 6411171 ioaik. , tall -,. rhos lt, JOifintet-Ao owilteommin , °"lll l ' 4'l '- ' '''ie'.43liiiio44.l4l4)#lo ttheitii*# *ON 417 6 ~ --; - 4 4 , 03 , :: 1 4 6 : 41 t4d11 10 4 4 / 1 00, It .l i t, ' :- _140 11142641* ii;f:,,: . : t;it *, ,! < . I S ' .- 1 -,ii 11 4 : 0:40 417-4- iliii .., 1 , 41: . 41 '' , ..stlaittt' # o f' il iC W44llBl o.-K*S", taiiii,l4lMM" I , "IN - ' • fino4 4 , '`iitki k l _ , :4!4 ,Wl ., ' 1r... <, ,„,,,..., I f telOot <, v iha t t lel'i lr 4 10, 4 40 1 , r - * , _ 311,41011, ,‘: 14111 ‘ 1011 4 WAXIER .. MID PILANIVIA , '- •. in •the presence:* real ill. o:oaginarY ones . are forgotten . T ~.. i , sal . J. - '115°,,,,,r4. men to thinking fr.,. , i.t . i ~.` . c l . - il lnu l - T7, dual affairs that t . ..: Ilia ~.7. t ". .tiettior dis-. i position to inVit'i!:: :.' . I ..titfo s kt ° -.1 41 a bleeding. the conditiow h .7_, . T'..:, _ ors' shed the syniPatidZing tears ar ka tig a s ,” whi c h were so common a you ago. Our citizens haVejillmost universally, come to to-eisigyfigeTtlisi the Diiiiiiiitro - theory' of CleirriAgithe.pepOttt Flaw to govern them. relieriediti righlite their own institutions is ithitiosoiiiiraieliffeeVtifr bevittletiVriffiii• all v ;-Pe,Territorywhosemame was upon every lip, dot ' long silleei'telfqw, : ktrell mentioned. VMS logroi r riltostarioo,if 4 additional prior, lii.OX.)7M°lio,9(:3..iip, Democratic . p • oiley, for Uhl apparent that , net - Only '; h ave the : l - citizens Ilit.j#,.,ctiff,p . it,.#4 , ,ii4ii3o - o;Oitto,'gov4 AlnAtP.,:flPMelvll4 bu t . the' iteoPle ... ;of ..tho old States may very readily .becomm:s4s atiserbed lii.V . ,44olt4tiOViiofs;4ll4o:ii to: lose , •4.64,114N0411:64 itiAlin internal regulation of Itthl44e distantregfOns•which leadthe vavan.in,tho ... Vtl4.l)l4,4li•t: ' ': , Oncasionally t .diowever; we are rembided o of, , TinCtibiSa'Whip l iately v ettra:Ctek the ,sanest A I WAIA 4:4e4 l ii 1 04 Itoltio;,: Ai, 'tpti - ot• two .sitto•tfeho tehtraPlfatuicittnned; tint Governor ltskikeikiiitA.A§C.44.ll)`;thip'w out, returns; • ~AiCielti. , .4eibtve;f.tO: bi'f• illegal, of a certain dittrietltstich laid ',lnilifilltiz 4,,,,1eMir1i,e11/ 0- °,,Flt t f / :, n I9PAPK s , kRf ,0„..;;..1-4*.t40, :arid 49, o Ansi shown , hatiheVatima ready to prevent the .eilitilunkOntioriof 4 fraini'desigrce..i to incratunt 4404ttik, :‘,"tiii.,"4_, . isiii O ' f. kliOli.Srlilirlgi*t'lllOh itir:,Acitsti,,l its lili ',Was to pre!eo..franowerit itOtl#,lngfilitii",that Pertifl l r4,: this he was ,tinet*ed" , -*Oftle - illiileut ,psstisitns';. bat if the *terra origtriOlici4orted are corm* we Ailiknil'aisint4 he'''Whll in 'iikeined, - :)O ;Vs Anniston by the general sentiment .of, the whole !,:lettitip.-litfltirati MC 0,11.-'lo'-f "04 1 *i s gili - KOkif 44004=iii40"; h 4ent i - ,inetor:thitiicitizers coil lauThat, at: ttni late „4,Ogatittli,tt rOtiMF4tigidi '. ho *a di* , s ibmlo*.;iiptii‘lifi:More,,Ciedit"doek ;- iier #111411161 The , Demoeratic , party. is , pledged` It t lif 40,ittW , 3 1 git t l i 'OYO, I OP be" ' faltli, i igosernedilly,,thisestrhorepide within h e r ii9r l _ .4filictatv*Wi4tiliifillf Otoiy:VtArlz* has 91i AgOiiliNs4;44,44l.OP:WN Fe4tilld whilkßedlt angong fitiennit patriodomen in, all feltuffteirfoctitriptiMizlNoniAoitrt!eleetion 14.9V01t44;14:104W '44 4 b4Y,104,f ioitt=s Cinitior:slt VirtiortiitioipiPAO,fwitli few slight' ' 1 M 401i* 4 10: 1 4 1 A i r l l Ilr -li; fl irl i l bl O 011 14 li, itmlOriiii , iiettift,forOVoilo , 4 1010 lean isaiNtdratlion: lslo3Viy'Oonstitatton ' be rattled *aattla'k*lo'o,4.lo'ir,lAglitt:thei can demonstraten their ~ approval of it . „ end atter;they: 'haie donettloidetithb , submitted.to :Congress 416iraittitlidtry,ito,'.‘ibtindlnliuderf of; tko ; new 00#10.0:14itlid;:t r iilOW• . : Oii!?ilki q uestion Aiontiditchinirodusiatitobleiditrorao of 141 shed.' *PiIt I OV. `'#o4,okittle,rillillifiillPitliOl ' o ..)/111444 Mix Isliiii44linitikiit:,‘:- people 1 tioeit'iniolit In VongOili I,Torriforial Con it*******oo-uli*thd,to;oo-ifioPle I ilikiip*lt.. 04 bkeliktienriy. siijornieip !tam 1 ;t*inil tent#lolfo4ll'lnit: - I,4liroyis;r l tytit rito lifeitultiAlistonl'ef llps 1 people' , et, a = inAii l ,,PKio Ogiiii, ' Apidgf.gPoOtwito t i 1 - iitukoottot,tittobitt*-bieariy understood 1114 .=C# 4464 4 4 .ffi1 461 '10 , 1 6 i 41 t :111#004° to` I I ,iii , ..'o4 l ',lkesito.klilWilp`r , t4l4,4 6 :o `.tilt i It -I ,li I lc/been:l44 'vital trispbriatice , that their bviewi` 1,, , : *141 1 r iP# 1 ,; 041 #-All ir .oo 4o4` . l W: ,tl WM4 ranktat 7- teiv;:,-,:lsr.4kefielite" . 'ffi t; so: nec'erySea , „i 1 Wit they Aphid exercise thilr inherent love ,riik4i.''..l(*et :d.j;iiic hitie'sikefi:OonStitu.. 1 1 oOtti ( ra ined.: secording ItO ,theiti,. wislieS; the lightifif*Ottifg'thelditehl i riety under it may . 1 4.414(. 1 0440..i; '''' ;' 1. - :::; :::; I''' ' AI 4 1 ,11 , etian "iis , sereettinesturgedlialriSt! i.Olitill4.#A,Flo4oollilienWitt:their bOii *MAol4 thr4,,i!soiViillory, thern,are , ed.citil. zeisli7iibel.pheatissAineli a . right.ft , We , do not, lelliiiiti r thisloitile`iiliut '"iiii - oise.idingii - : :lotiabett -00. , be irt.it, ; .is„conspletely del , , sktoyedhrtittlefact'thit the foinration- of :p1.49 3 id* Ototo4 designed ' o , k &Ake , thilmmtple444 , !ferriterrseitisens; arid . gives Itheirt . L'sightlt,ii,ViitAr iiiyii i ii' l lidelt , *-initivOlit, i Ptirig,04,4W 1 44101 1 0,44 1 104 , , 1. Sininitie alkiitynrtiolii inn • irr)tteni . Oilier' 1 4;9ov;OrfieliN #liftlfle*l4-44 :Abe . tro9. I •:Orkitielifiiit Aire.4ln4t, lit, 44kijon'i 44ntil illivixbeoniinide public. 'AIR tnatlithtllti 1po l! $,.. ; ,.fi t * . .4\ i f*3 115 001.., '`;Alil -, CIiAOF !that ' .* „ :•.'=' SognAredlt! on , ntm.: ° lo'n '; bonen 'bin I 'OtnityllilkiAinpori.'anpbta I WO.* i ;0' . Iliiii'' ifi read thl;'nelile 'iteennent::Witionti feeling Ant truthatidpitrintlaintlittsted every' lifwdl t ..t., tfiLY'Lf .- .5,1 ~ ii $4 ,' 11'. 1 , , vI. r j , ~ . . ''', '!' d: i'Vrit tOttititli 'OV gOVliiiii#„ 1 - , ii We have ' already. referred "tti' thia 'auntie itineweiai epoohidnidne.experienew of tuir iler ; *Wit 3 / 4 riild'ith!,,,„ . 1111 f3AgAt it 4444 , . 0 ) 4' 6 ! firfinfistd.tf::koarnAoavittie:preepeets 9tPallay Pg JO)etlollo''it ilie;466rihrtill,i''lP .#o ( 44 4l l4#4,o. t :4ooeitlefigirl r i - WOW:A APls!)'t4Waterel-Whett , tha , 4th !{,r Ati l o ki a ii Fet(* . of; 0,0 Sore to Los R.:#l, Nei, c „io)oilb, i "th*eiA:l4l : sea'.. illet;oatsetollt:vres , alitply this : It. had long flieUthei:etatoiift tif , .ddr"fiteichituts4etiebaiii `-,Atia,:i4E4oiPt,'Niiliis44o4.l4; iiiio. 404+ ali tauhs-.46, setue.for,all their.pnrab aaes thiliugit ffiers#titi:itta:hft - I:4fitw:Y inkirefiipoi;ritil AWL#o4o4C.i , jokhi„ *l4iitiiii. Oval Monk. 4StkAlhioi , coininission . heiute:q in WfiT , ;: . tfi',.eit.,!*ailifitti,' iiiiition, to - in' Wyetiv. iit iessitde r ivere glad to giant Alta i taildititellti Ort'i as an' liOntive ftiV the jobinl'is 1 0 5 ' ',iii.,`Oir.,;:;:.Pe.if*eo l * . eo44; ll o 3/ ver, fexpetiouce taight , the: tamp... ot:thiS . policy, ,r 4. i9(o'ece,q i io7i fi lf lWbOC EA W ati. ' :**.:ii - .44:411441**1 13 Alik.lie*# r pr . [ 4640 ., .41cTtafireh : liabilitieerWer s . I } l o : ' 11144 1 eIW I Ae l k i leiOlgIrle N f tne„.r.L.....Ltree;.iuli,:preparu Uons itstutiii4dide . fe'itteet Ibis' . tr)ing' dki; `, bay,Yik t g'efte;o# ef4elbkijeg Ild:'fit of ii"o, overtibutuf utuohof itifonnermagnitudele core: titiekei . ,tdies . ':::'.itotfiditi9n ;to ' ihreetufing '1.0,9,940440114:14@n„.1441414ip.r, Y dpre; ithete, , itre . otber teiroutentaneesi'Whlch In:the . E t tikt i OrkA l o:o l 4 ol 9YA* 4 !N t e 31 °' ikesL , : viiJiiiii g fiitrii,ioritioifir=orA ! . : At, I,these . iril4. ma ttie,di rat;th : ttlf Weffe J r i ioo. ,ii-94 1 44fbe ' 4,04:0 0 14*Vekeeil - ' ,paittiveir tight p.:and,-secondly; :that wheu.ther Atglifeeln . g, itt ,the :tummy inarket , tirit • ei . iplti ,044047. 4 4. i Oki :. illOugii. ~ .60, iiiik' d4th , 4 Auguiviltuthe . early 'part' of Septembert '1 4iesk iiiiied , id) ninieliantl ivoo tempted Pxit/InAigh. Wog , 0., 41Kelltitm-AsPe'oisili, by' itheie:l93V:Kuw;;Toyitlniediteriejakei eti 1 .'grAle,:v#lll`oo,C4Csiiijioi v wffi,j,Tkok:efi'i, be .J to itionin*Lrnektyptonsagits!,ottlie;“ first litidfhtirth"?..papittitifitt , 'n#ieliants'hiVeVeen' Ailikoi4:wi3494,'Ficlf,:-.4 •:tAtif', - dak ,4 0 , 1 : piesAusei;:s . ot-irspeat that the piospeettof - pass. , " th,g, t h lp 0040 1 .4040,1e#41iiiit. is ' klidlit' 'W e llin g ' ,' X ini e -inveliitlif tlie- lini)iest 11,4. . , 1 100$4,61 1 11.04fiiiihensiti 011'1161* street 'we 1 i i*. 4 K,I4P9Oi,ENO kit, titteSje*:4 l .( olo oi am` pui tequeiteziotwum their paper up :tit ihi: yoniih t ibitt,loto,iluVfifteatithkeliitild.r4ith , thineer*Wtofilititiiiiikiptiii6o.osl4: itild Attfic__lfoAcq,olekitis.c4olooV:9,oeitO leieei , l l oJ.o4o;twe,Seltould)tkott beet: 4, 'llitrilii44 -IfAis 4010.1 of . litomnber .were, i niteed:,over, *Oman ninon v iolent.: , .• ' i ri, iimlervieftY,AlAwitni. , tk St!S*'ENSIOIY.iI H -yelotlimori-vilifi , nianT" of , our cotem*iti,J, gi , ;;W, , 440- , 4 ; l_kliii t" P,C numerous 811'6:,, 4urlbelrie, awe; Jarmo copied, from• the seinir religious paper, The lidepeadtht, 'oi'N:ew , XPFkl*fll v ffl e ,, k 4)( 4 q.filihlrel& suslTlidnillA ' 'ollPromialgs, and runningedtway4f tradera all 'Orriartilliollnletrindi4 llrgleti prilvitipO t , Nhln *00i'i1i,44 , 14 1 ,40? 441P.4 0 :3W4 1 ,4_, 1 1 1, 4 ..., nquziobet, tlnit ittackLiat vnurelloerly referred 'iit' ' - 't'*lll'llippear tl i o folio ''''Yb'e ?ollthvinii mm41(400004 ii9P4bni in yepladaY'm 4iidor 4,, e ,di n v, - d,:v...y; )... i,.,, —: ; r... 1, ,'•'l . ,: : , a Ntl i t - 4 g i ti f t 6 1 1 06 16 00144 ' ' I n:TAS;O r iit ip l e 6010 n, dd 14 t eKopiloty "et;epreeding a Vaillliende &Oreille pnbid4titing the pre.. 1 pentAisastremernifiCreerleg tliet - ear weofy re roped; .940 1 1 1 10 60, r l 'lt lir # ll 148 1 "M l" ' !**,0 ..... . 01",_,....... Alk i t L ic+.• I , :!;17- 3 14Titi ,'YPI.I.VICY :WV , Wet tlielandiOly, • oE4 i lti 1 , 1 - 0 ofhpiisibttuue ltditupped. Sikeorriiiii t t4flrti itt i ii# 11 4* 0 4 4 # 4 . 4 k 1 . 0 0 1 ; 0,1 101 _ci iit v of, iiiitnetibiiiiipor,wlick contained, 'illellit brbanlitigittcPkltt% t i lle pr6t , lenttloq 7 , *AlliLi'd,WlKTo,lo,lfikVitif,,olo4l";!AO Js. i••re...itt Iluolcbagf at tip ou t of itar own ref: imultitsix(orittheiAltir refoureetVa Messrs. 'finbilitt:!FiPfradijytteittletillt MIM' nile *loi ntl'Oli•eititydy atioleelpltai; lrelL? I.o4Erat e l:tcfkl l 4 Ilkc , 2,..,. 1 li., miCtlf,#q„prlti ios4: opoirk- e.• WrOeit.iliZielAnibliOutn 'AO , 1 r;theltnpairtlentp of thler tilsoftWilitebotklwlinuiVANitetilliatma of, , Whhttkfittetti l lint6i l litlitsi,iteilitillittivss ,pr lgolfeinultite4trpilr thejr lien natnea,(wlti k e, , 4401 iiiiret on'Aike ft pefit lftrfigg) iht6 , lyy . . ! lirteiritif s nlt eiltdllk,Fro* , , 50,peitti , t0,..:1441=1tt ' ' 4,004104, 0 40itt r um , " pnwiorin flit motto*, bus OW', • THE , Ornntaugsse4l.l Jonra .35r1gOAe fel News o! Failure on t truer, to chubs:tat -"WAtIHINQTaH~ . o, 1004 _ t Com mander RITCHIE, who was furloughed by tho,lete, retiring board, has been pending before,,bleva Court No. 4 sine t h tha,tmek.,2ll_ leitilV,'Sefer ;its le'eVn'"licy r'al fY I vit, i'd,,,sho;Y k eff whoM thonsinfls oat .1 be Inimbeind eti Philadelphia. 'Officers of the' f rito,,emed,.. with computetder,/ Ittrenur, Of higher and lower grade, have _,testified, ,to; his profeasionaloapacity and ids moutal,liteess for the, service; they he'd "seen hlsoduty , in every entergeney. Don. ,lost,eulleno&m.,. gape his hi 4; iceewn Commander Itrithrin for many years, and haa alwriye found him &gentleman of honor and veracity. AO, ,notrat B. i"Loneivori,"and, eifterten Itinaen,,T. hose SNOWDEN DAVID HAvee, t. 14. Many Other gen itameri, are' here ;to, testify in his behalf. 'fie bee Made out his 1111 So "as siring at loast as: any eppli iiant before either of the 'three naval oeurti. will be geed news When that he ban Edon restored to , Otire',o6iiiae; for'ehloh het hso well fitted,' ' 'nil' receipts &dm ; 'canteen, at the Port of Niiet' York for the leaf three dive hare 'amounted to 'soo,ooo','Whiell is in' evidence Of a'sllghtreviral In fdieign - tradis thit port', CcOnvre'eeks agle the redeipts at 'that port ,were, oily' at the rate Of $16,000 a`day.,. ll'eston and Philedi3lpitia, the reeetra ere rather lese than' they have been at any time during At tbilletiter port 'they' wore; for Cireo daye,OnlY.slo;ooo, and $13,000 far the'hist tive,daye et the' feriae.,, • ' The colleeter'of New York , and, oters, capable of 'gfyleg iittrisition, state that in their Opinitirt the reSelPfs iit'NO* York from' ouOtotitis' will itit - 'up ill - three 'or Ott itocelti'touoit, to the' zateofsloo,ooo ktiiiitattliereeelpti atttitir girlie Will 'alit doerrnritint to itegntiate treasery'netes'; the riiinue hens einiteMe wilt be ample roe the'oiBohoinl oilfutuitUtotratfour of the GO4einMent:' "NOr, vac thito any igi;oti,,ed for 'ieftslug y eti Works fOi; which apPrepriations have e hion'already made; it rinjoineh'dosign was erer'coatitatPl a ted,by . the AdininhifratidnY" • Theapecial mail agent af the 'Poet Ofttee'ildpart ininerepoite tVat OM new e4'reeiirMill from Belti-: more to Oineltiruttfigeln falle4d eenneot witll.,the Cent All heicause of 'severe Storm irtehaiinfipon'thein at'Moient Ai?Y. " , The following assignments to . duty of offieers of. 'thel'obilat of eiiinears hae 'heen' made .tho Seeretery of War,' add ;be "carried into 'eFeat'tinder snail apedheirietruetloite'as 'MaY be giviabylke ehlei el the eiwpa ; (1) - ' belt:disk, to' take 'eliatie' the. worke at'PerilifonMe';,Ve.;'itittf other: Works' now t'rade'r the Control of trevat COWS: ' (2)' Smitli,"te' take" charge of the; drieratierts IfOok,'N'. ' ' (3) B'reVit'hiejer kainerd, roller:4 tempo rarilifront theeharge of tho'iverks' lied' about New York harbor, end to take charge, temporari- Mi Pf:t.hit•?!,9litti blohile ; Day, Alabama; now under the control of Captain D. Leadbeater, who' hattendered resignation. '„ ' Captgia Q. pattern, relieved frent the Workaia Charleston harbor; ,housse,,asid aSslnne the ..Ilittrge, of the , work at Wiwi; Poiat, If ow , , (.5) paRtAto,4•AV:: Nohow, to take charge of the engineer opersettelts.itt,PortAdaras, , R. 1,,, to addl. ,tion,te his,present,duiles, , ; - - • ,;(0) LiC 4l 4 ll / 0 4 .Yant,:e_migned to,thOcbOrgo' of Fort Toybrr, KeY, Nftqt, ; Florida, 7oliovizeOsp tikin WindbluTAorefroln.,, .1' (7).Arevetfleptalp j:g., Foster, relieved ,from -the tenvevarYinteathros prellininary , to th e pain meneentent.of the fed P,Ol)lt,,NeW and tAtake °barge of tbo works. alsceo.obarl e ston linrbor,,„Obarleston E B, 0., under the „tiepin:4lton- Action' of Alaptsia, 0.. W. Callow, tholadiai his - 03,LFirst Uent. F. ,E,,Prime, to take charts; of, the works about Mobile Inky, Ala ' , rseolviag Atel'et thvitarpnrd, •.. , i a ; , (9) Seeeink Montt, ließberson,..relieved, foot tiuty a -assistaut •on: the yank& nudes, tin, obirgepf Pivot, ,144, J. GI Nerneni, and,tolteke °harp of the works on - Ales - trees') island, t4an p r ibi66o4o . l, A t:io 'ON' 4u4.4 1 4404.4 1 ;Ah4 IiNVA 4 4:B; gat : . :gineers; and to !sport tor, duty: as , assistont ou ,the works tiow , unaerf 'dings' Of Brevet %Idajoi andmbont the harbor of New The PATTP,fpatimeut heinielvedofflotal 4 4 01 1 9,9011040 A eg , fillltArOtwitierii;aiNew York, yesterday. Lieutenant Barris hadjustibeen sent home from the Mediterranean: , 11,,V •1 Lr ItAthM94MtB4er)l , 1 I AR! , YonFl, 9 0 L 2 fit - The atop Baited for jAverpooldhtg . tOgneOn: gith,Blo,oo PPeete.,,: 4 f+ , f t ,4 1140 4,°!-IrePt 9 1 T RYtF, I 4 till* dek• gargal Atav!. • ..BM , „11 11 , da,„Ei Clot. 29,..-70, °Torpor, lisort , g?tiod, a 'Proclamation tido' irioraing, atty _ander, Rkrt4kilkTo oSartatt tgra,.4lY4oal; 000- atettot,of , aoine„aexen ',tbottoand .men. : ;he ;0001- ,nolp4ing officers are ordered, to . oared at once!, and report Am spryly; -Joy, Saturday 'neat, and bold thefuseiveg in resat/On-to imagervti the • image on :Wednesday neat4mhe day of 'the general eleetion, Ttie o,oreracritakeethhi‘gteirsisinot 'dadre the.Mayg, bat Sat the -reqiiegt,'ind OiTrapie gentatierili aide "by, reipee table ottizincl::Ontaide rabfearanied,thti pm; 'elitrahttOniandtherei ig,aireatlfreitity Orophdote: taii,tardlo the gaearra::, Many consider It dad 4,the ezleting alrormagteneeg, rddho others re gard it Oe mot itnwhie t end, oaloalated 10 Inetease tha,dytteuttdeg aliprobauclad on alaation day. • • ' SECOND• DISPATCH ''BALTllipitg, October 29.—Goiernor; tigoti's: pro. oliMation baspredicedquitok a Sensation arid eome eYBiteinene ) ' 4 ; itri eity#liitejost haat' 'giibliiiiiti4iving,the; 'aiipOndentie hetirtion the ClOartior, and the iifilyer: Thelatter,ObjOitito any linterferezieri by the I°T.il°r i o OkßOi'.4r.outOl4 of the, :fait and say!,' in' P 0 °919,1 01 ! ..,.94 1 1 1 4,y0x of the,eity,of Baltimore, I hold" my Commission directly:from:die and am act 'pOolitebiti to Waif for the,inanner in which, I ;die. olitirke iby'that: `'Th . e“oftioe' which I have been chilled Upon to asauthe Wes °deferred upentue'llith... out Solicitation, and 'will be laid down whenever it shall b 4 toads to appear that I have lotit the - ebnit-' ;deuce of thoso.whorn it has been my highest; on-. deomzr serve. , , .I osa, geoognise !subordination' tom) pther poweivithin the , sphere of-my, duty. - "I deemed It dee to courtesy" to affeS4 Year lEr. 'Matters the amplest information in regardict the 'Matters lo `which - Yiiti, refer' in your lOtter, Mid` 'noir .invlto'from you any reliable 'evidendelipon. _Which I.canlegilly , Set,;of it combination en; tho Dort"of iloY;OC; elthuins to'bbetruot ;the teas at' . the, coming election ;,but while 'Am Dius frank in ,Biresluidovrini ovary Plan for the, preservation of, the' pubUe . peace, and'priliteation 'of every"voter, By every mettna"at tiy epruinehd, I niust'be'equal- ' in - deeliging -to' redognise - any joint ;ad ministration of affeire , isi.this Tims%ptrivers •of 'the' Idayor,aro hollered to bob ample. • Ji ; bie,resort, in peso cif egiergeney,,. to, the eivil piwea, ite well as to the military , arm, 'blob, ' ojermer, is placed, by law ttnder his control. It will' be ' his duty"to'use Vogt widiavortio see that every citizen is protected in his con stitutional righle, and that the peace of the city is preserved Vibe *swath at his' dispoestl. ;If, how ever, it should be attempted to introduce a power _in:the eity, of, Baltimore above that of the regular ly,tionstltuted authorities, or if the former 'should be mewed; in- entleipatiOn of a' state 'bf things *blob May notooeuri to bring the Military In coh• teat-with , the people on the' day of aleotion c with. oat On offietal requisition lea the pert of the local ttutherities,s. oast only 'express sincere 'belief that such is policy might -scriouslY :endangerthe pekoe of the eity,,and lead to nonsequeneesl which -lt Afield be the . duty% °tell good citizens to !en. --deavor,if possible, to avert , ' ; . , -,•;!;;;-- ; Tgos • Bwegrt, MOM'. i/Ofti"bit 29L-41'raning.±Tha'pro'cia ,ItnitiOn'Af'tha Ger , 'Canted 'greet-excite- Morir:BWtinn denies his, autbOrl tY, AWL re fuses to acknowledge his interference:. • Ttie'Qoverner,= in reply to !be' Mayor, holdi,' 'anionic other things, the felloWing language ; ' " t have jiiit readied your reply to ply letter of 'Yeste,o4, and beg, te ,88,y that your views of our leapoctire powers and duties do not accord with my own. , 011pthed with, authority to sea that the. lawn are eAtretiAithronghont the , entire State, I' Cannot mimprehom how Die oity,of Baltimore, pr Its; mOyor, nor to' the Beate Executive. „Jib, pirsor,:la prettied ,by r the' Constitution, and thaerganio instrument aim de. lines his duties Hal the mayor of Baltimore any 'Co-Srdinateiimition in that'obarter? orate not his -authority lend Abet. of; t e hroityrthe mere etidow iments. of ordinary Jog intim:a. lam' mortified .and pained to notice' iliac Spirit in a - Municipal agent I Of , the Governinent which; if. generally ,odopted; would subvert- the „whole theory of our institutions,' and end ,injealous.rtvalry among tie chafttof iffielals.,, I'f, willjnot now indulge in any protracted - raw cottony!' am o"rrort toll lob' must rather be thegrowth of ofilolal senfibility than of mistaken oonotiptioas' of,oonatitutionet position... The mantel •sequel . of snob MT arrovis the' further implicatibu that my powers andluttes ere lobe initiated into setirity by.,the diseretion. of - muntelpal subordinate's Do you thus *Wait .this'applitnition or your Subordi suttee?, :tilinot, why 'Simply because lett ate await to see the Uwe exedited ;:and whilst In $.410 end,. youlionfide ig,thts fidfilment of -their ,you eUll, hold au reserve those powerCof Inger, ,vision which are-made steeessary b;+;. the. fact that theta sabordinates,nuty tot`regard,their:own faults, and their serious bearing In the ;• ' gendr ii ifare. ofao . tu ty "l n so , ' ti ; E 4 frialin4artfainaLirltem'verY dOthOge aterdegatiditielle this peteditipiefei to reuttiitilet t he ir rr,this t vo ta io 7 ittittrbri itoltee*htirpar day Inithisite enothe% Itthe'efdteeteridEpetier Ottle der ird,i,4 4 fxo te • erhetlitheleViltitple , Otidigittiell le'leTetbetter ( t ie s loodirgfht. litt•ie_4437.! tee liellellfraliatafit„' that '" the . 1 4elititition hei r ' ilittnillet • • " au ,aidertiittal tite;''Sfoouttil , • nterrete *he Whet been st,a4o44.ll,dittOd. la:, past ;0o: : 'atoattiet • • ' " 1 " "You mention in your ; obittmailantion that' one at your Pallet wee murdered' at the reeeat oleo, THE pREM.; , -pRO4DELPIIIA; t7RIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1857, .1, 4 . .Y.f i -- v . : — WM. l ' A r n4l4. , ,'l,l ~140.,,,that 4 , sinlilar 'oe. eurreeetma ...4,;,1114 gain ht thottpplualildng oleetiou, utit ''': r,„•' ; , ~,,,_. uitte.arrongelnenta are ,0,004,f ex . ..., 1 - 1 4 ; ,..-. , ,00 ,oflainesan9ge,? 1, itavo‘P 3 ee ~. t , r..t. ~ 1 , , r,0r11 1 4 , crvir l ogeaut ~ . ,:. . . _,..'w.,, l'eiliiera every 41.4 ~,,,i,.,1001.., ,ot ,y •,.. ~,o.br o t it,a,,,, individualseeti 1 .*::: , . ~ .. of .400,r p:;44:114' . , i feerth hi *. -,,, ~ • Alueettor neatimi. that a fitoi ' Oh Wholsie repaired to a citylu' which thit''. 4 pritiihai notliesitatedio' declare that the rdOent election was a 6 reockerir,' from Intimi dation to voters, should be asked by its municipal bead to furnish him with Any reliable evidence upon which I can legally aot, of a combination om the art of 10*. elf , evir,bitlasqe ,ito °hotfoot t 'lawsint"the cading'illectlob ' "It 'is tote ditipli IlpittgilltialtibillguliklleAtJat , esitttatedAn. the: pe ormanee o our du es or nearing to every eltlten his legal rights, which vJolonoe'lute thus overawed, , toad that, you.deo, line , to, ' recognise aux ' , Joint, Administration of jhe alfaits of . thi s oity, vrheft'l tender you' Ex afiVo'co-operation. Thib fearful responsibility foutive tilkbe. ~ ',',T believe that o.,jnatnrelnded' oommunlty , ,wlll suferely con/tare this false ,Ipl i peridenoy ! , to not consistent With, one relative'. amulet positions, or consonant with 'that' spirit of union which should unite all-good men against the bad and lawless; but however this may be, I announce to you re apectly, that I • shall, norertheless, see th a t th e laws are' faithfully ogeouttal ' by every constitu tional power. ' , he hiayors response is brief and laconic, ao fol lows : , , MAYOR'S OFFICE, VITYSIIALLI • • 1. BOlti'mors, Oct: 29, 1857„ , To his Exe(liency Watkins mope Afarilansf :' I have had the honor to twelve, your 'otter. of yeaterday'o data by the handootymarseorelary. Ifeet no d i eleialtlon to diem's:, the relative powers, of your office atli mine, or 'the Other point, ferrod Ito in' your letter. Your Exeelleisy has thought proper to visit this , eity,' and upoi repro sentatione of He, inhabitants, hese deemed' suffi cient to Oise lts inhabitants under martial super vision: The resporistbllity is ivith your Vzoellenoy. "In the exercise otiskTunations I shall be go verned by the authority of•law,:aid I tract by the support of the,entire community: , ltVith greatyespoot, I;bave she honor to be , • _ " '" TEIOXA EI . SW4NN, Mayor, • Colonel McAllister, of the rifle 'regiment; ern-. 'bracing all the German companies, has informed the Mayor that hlsieglinent would be In rote:gone 'to oboythe orders of the Mayor, but not to reipond 0` the goveinor'i 4:reolneatien. Bert:44'6oam" have 'realgited,' fertudneto obey the governor's • pnielettititlet • . " the ceriiirvativii'portbin of the oemningyeesho nonnee 'the:notion tff the•Obvernor as"a , psetlean measure,' ill-advised, and' maculated to• radon mischief. The ,boys are narebing about thestreets drilling eath broorostioks, and the indintletuf are that an attempt will be made to ridleule the Whole affair. Nearly, a thousand, stand' n ,bt irtne bent 're:faintly been 'brought hero !rem Witehingtell, The Third, Dial:lion of,Mgryland Militia, one 'of the ordered for servilee, fine neither' Mir hers nor men,' the Intenithm or the Governer' being to 4 ,nrou,end, : equip, 3,000 men,: orden for - eiblids have boon given to , General Jettn Spear Suattt. 'thriaLitivetr, 'October 29.-Ahe dieenier Isabel hciatrired at'thiti nett, bringing linty's: trim Ns& venito Sutinftant. Nothing of interest bad oa °erred.' ' ' ' ' The atop of sintai'vine fivotable. ' The' fever had dleappeered from the Weil& All thq prime neeessarlei of Ilfe,iira hip end •''' • ti eN n n t vttas is K m ey d „ ef Autetl Oen ihtp'itecked at, • ,t NIM YORK, Oditoirer 29.—Tho atpantship :Gra nada, frank liaVana ,c 1 Aiturday, arrived Bahia port. She ininsa $850,000 in apeoie. Later trim Mexico. (Mumma, Oct. 27.—The steamship 'yin neasoo, from Vera Cent on the 21st histant,"trith rows from Mexico to the 18th, has arrived, bilak. lag $2e0,000 in specie:. A new Oabinet had bee n formed, as follows : • ' •• ~ Fuentes, .Minister of Foreign 'Affairs I. Snares, Minister of the Interior; Rule, 'Chief Justiee; Payne, Minister of the Treasury; Conde; Minister to Ntoaragua ,„Gleu,Alyarat had routed the rebels at the: klouth with great 'daughter. The whole ooaatof Fuoatart Was in the hands of the rebels'. - • . , lleaer Fresliet—Dnineige te respects.. teevou, Oot: 29.—A000unts from the Eastisard detail great damage from fteshete, resulting from the recent rains. The :Kennebec lais,risen eight feet apd carried off many, bridges.. ;; The Merrimac, at Lowell; has risen EtT feati and is Ptlll , rising. ; The , indloatiokm, of fair. weather,, yesterday, have been dispelled. ; Heavy rains fell during the night ,atid.still' continue; emits ap pmheusions of farther damage, r , -,•- clot. 29,--Tha ; recent hetvy tithul_have paused immense damage on Thu !lie of Ogdtmehttrgh Railway.. , The. traelt has been swept away in; seyeral;platuts, and nu Aldan have pmed ouerthe smut once Mouiday-,, ( 11 was hoped ,theywould get through to-day.. , Dams are broken, *Ca dwellings, . and: bridges_ swept 'away. ,Tim„losu. to Champlain village alone unill.eieeed .00,000. ; ; ' • f„;, , ; , The preshetOrtizlxbrkw—,4tiftetpt!a.sr•!qes Kneszunni, Nevi York, Oot,. 26,--The reoetit keivy mina have raised. the 'Amiable river 16' feet above low-witermirk; doinegritii damage to the bridles,. mUle, :handles, 46. TIM' bridges,' two store's; and- parts.' of-other .. buildings, htike been .awapt. away. Mears. Tylise.4 Pc.ttbes More, with their whole stook goods, Nniio eairied dorm the siker. Loss $lO,OOO. Mears. Regina &Ob. , have lost 76,090 ;bushels or coal; swept awai . bi the at a attain " Pnowrozwou t Oet. 29 —The Stahl boiler of Hay. ward'eXabbii works exploded this moreing. The works ate all .destroied.. ' Twe huidrid ,people were at work In the building at the time: 'Many of the 'girls jumped oiit of the windolis find ‘6ine Were injured; fiend . howeeer: wear. •men'werietriiiielyloiured. ' ' ' ;The boiler rtes thriven three' hisedred - fifet,iind Carried away h aide of the butldirig. ' The cane° of the explosion wet the look' of ' water in the boiler. The loss iinouniti to 250,900; irhloh Insured' in New York °Mobs. • , , with ~Ot Gea. Valentlao ues7, , - Ciotobor , Valentino Dist, who has long been wolk,known In the polltl -04 SUS" of Penney 414 II an, soWra poutoOrat, diOd last night at his residence In tyisphtoo. , Gen. Past Was .for4ientyAve years ettiler pt the Dan ville Dik;//iOneir, sync • aneteheT of the State eenitie in 1848, 40, aid '5O, 441 wee Speelier of body to the year 1850. 'fie was' In the 57th year eif • RAARIBBVEIO, Oct. 29: 7 —The' Trotting Park; As' sooiatiori ranee Dame off ible afterhoon. 'Per a:trot in harness, mile heats, best two in three, N, K. Shoemaker, of 'Philadelphia, mitered bay barse 4 = Bin' , •Pani," andllenrge M:Leunitie,Of Read ing, entered " a bay' mare.. "Billy Penn" won; having distanced the nitre; the fella being , run Id 2m. John Cordway, of PhUadelphiii, was, the driver, of " • . ; The Spuision't onventiOn l ai Clevelaud.• Dtzvebeite; °Motor 29.--filie Disunion Couven• tion is still in million, but 'nailing of interest has bean• done to-day. The attendance is not late, And will adjourn tonight. , i Fiiilures at Diktat Bosrou; Oot. 29.—The following failures are re ported today: George N. Warren, Barry & Co., and Wan. 4, Brown, Jr., 84 Company. ; ei-ar'9t•lespte edetsei *aches. 29:7-Netlihaii,wee 'dope in 'eichankeete-day,, prolOt 4 ,tiolCat 9 Ady. Man- Flatly the day da eery dull, ,t . , - 8A471119 . 11M, Ootobor 'IC."-L , The Flout market b firth wiles of Chit; and"liOittird ttreiSt,Flour at $5.25 for doldi t ' Rod Wheat tit 11, 15e.51.25;" white Wheat of $ 1.2541,41f. ' Cora 055720 ; ?ea: low 88471 `ooutal bat. Our,Fixo,,! , today 3 1 600 balqi..:Cugoro hivo an suPunoluttprlonoy: Bair to quoted at 41400, ana, prtnq bt Wok.; yno torsos 210. , Flour lo Advoluolug ; taloa at " Ellto:Bowitits.—We[iindorstond ; that 3frii. IX P. tiOvitro, oP tho Arch Streak Theitro;:#lll4oliiiiooo a Photl star,,opgogottiont thoittie, Norfolk, .Y. 1 4iWif ,.0 PA91449 iv en g sFLiami)ip i ttituAioni . a; rAingol94F i 4, ripinTupw, &C.—Thc•lP oitabt 3;otrroes,,elfgent ouFtelor, end felibleeltble fuveltpre, to be lola WI warping et Ifo. 1404 Welnat street, Ansi, be ,examlned et 8 o'clock. 800 Mbomec & pow', adceeticotecat. ' The Inquest upon the Bod, Vof Ann tlitiglei— 'This inVostigntion'wes del:Patched' list evening in a summery manner. The following was the only additionatteithrietiY: Luny Quigley, the daugliterfin-la* of deceased, recaUed,.A.t.tweive &cloak ort the morning of the death I want down to the miller; my husband said the Old woman wee sigh; the old rum; was walking the floor, and the ddoesded ice breathing herd ; the old maw asked me to leek et 'hor head; I . Just looked - at Wand started right of to get lay nor bandt4 gd tot. the priest; the - old man was in 11= quor; outer was in. the cellar before; know nothing about their quarrels; heard that the old man was MY rough when drunk ; never had any quarrel with them,because .1 married their son. . This elcised the evldenee,i, Red the coroner jtb vsiptly the don daffy to deliber ate upon their verdict. Tb 4 mauler will remember that on the day previous the . If:hewing testimony, be found In .the vincipai papers, was ' ! derab f liernoi,, swern—Neard the deceased crying put night before lad ; site was telling her husband etot to COMe her on the head 'know noth ing dise abent thereatter ; I IVO' at No 2, In the third Story Wk."- ' • • ..--ret the : NO deotared to out reporter, upon she Ing.them tbit evident:e t that they had never heard ,T,w,o of them, then mcprotrod a desire, to have the !omen 4ppapi: recalled, 1n order that the testi :mei:ly .might , repeated.. Xhe coroner 4elf !did, however, th close ate matter, at once. The jury retired and in I-few minutes returned' the follow. log: "'We find that Ann Quips' , same to her death frotri injeries itdileted upon her head by some person or panguis unknown to thisjury; on. or about the 22thof Oetober, 1&52.'f, , The coroner made 'mattem, ewe by eenteutting 'the buidnind and don to await the, aptiom of the grand jury, and dimharged the Mon ! . wll4lfioni oustody. Y?4i(ol)iir - 1(on apiyant, IMrom dtsvaiia. ~~"' ==l H E . . • ',..l3lllSEBlENTomptAirntitriG., • , -Afntaziir O r IdYsxo,l4, l tfolssa Or BROAD ,EED ,00-41.; or'Bpeeedatl olo -1',04 1 .01 as a fteutptie,•: , ,VrOTTibighliSliteiteet4, , iviVA4atit trail? Teialliat,tit i iikiaitakOO'AtilAnt: eratilice..4l , Nodal Of 0 . -Vite" 4- I`litese.; Arm* tiarbor"-- " eltauCtr at NalrYttr/hl.,,,'‘' .•• "' WEORIEEER'S AEOR STEREO Tel tioteir, stove/Ram. -"Jostens Guy ' Bilsone'm OxElla R0me,701.91311711, ETZEIT ADOTI OREEENOEO.-Eth:oplitu Life Illustrated, concluding with I laughable after,ilece. .I:44ausirkti a tottc,tailtu tiol , ,,whiGh, was., publialy formed an_ Wednesday evenin%, will immediately be held In various parts of th'o city. The BretewlllVelield at prrlig 9 . 1.rddl H4ll,:oorner 6f Thiiteengtlatreet. ,Thi.‘,offien of e Amputation Gehrgefinieet,' below Seventh. Applications to be made between 10 and 2 each day. The object Is to relieve the indastrions femalep. In the eity who depend for their dailY bread:tip:hi their daily toil. A particu lar object le to send unemployed, females to the *Pit; 'where'female` assistance or '" help" Is 'so 'Whitt Wanted. • „ Oily -Councils.—A 'stated • meeting Of City Ommoile was bald yesterday afternoon, at which rho follorrino haziness was transacted : SELECT Bradford proiented aiStitioiesking that a portion of South street be'used.as a' Stand for mar t Fuqua ,-Eeforred.„ , • . Mr. Neal presented rather a novel petition, sigronkby very large 'number of fertiales, asking that Condit would pus an ordinance prohibiting sparking in.the streeta of Philadelphia, hir, Neal stated that in looking at the lists of the various lidmmi Wei of the Chamber, he discovered the name 'of Mr. Cuyler, of the Eighth ward, at the head of that of the Committee of City Property, That r h ntleman, be undorsteod, was not a smoke r, ; and , therefore moved that the,petition be referred to 6 Oomfulttee on City PrOperly. Mr. Cuyler said that he appreelated the compli mentary remark of the member from the Thir teenth ward, (Mr. Neal,) but that be would be un 'able to give the proposed subject proper attention. Her suggested that it would possibly be a better plan to refer the petition to a special comioittee of the bachelors of the Chamber, of which his friendi *City, of the Second ward, might be ap pointed chairman. For, his part, he would destine the honor. - , Mr. Malay ;lima that 'be knew' but two bootie 'lons among the members of the Chamber, himself , being one of them.. If the oommittee wee to be -*opposed of these two Individuals, it, would be 'found' to contain one who does, and ono who does not smoke. At the request of Mr. •Neal the petition' watt re ferred to the Committee on city Property, iMr. Nolit also Filented Wition from a riumber of oEll62'll'd the Tviehtt-third ward, asking to be relieved from' the 'operation of the law relatire to the nomenolatureef street': n ' M. Ashton, of the Third ward, presented , a Pe tition from the engineer, employed at Girard .Col loge, relative to a claim for services rolidered.l Re: Tarred to the Committee int Girard Estates. , , - - , - ;A communication was re:le - lied from Mityoiiteux notifying the Chamber That be badsigned and ap.. ,provedoortainordinanoes and resolutions. ! - Mr. Neal read in plane an ordinance to regulate 'the 1108'0 *Ankles in the city of' Philadelphia, which !reinsert below : • - " • • Whereas, The 'practice of selling potatoes and ether.vegotahles.in,eur market, by the basket, of fords art opportunity of deceiving.tho.buyer, from the fact that baskets are the measure of no certain 'quantity r that their capacities rarylrorii one querry ter to four quarters of a peek, when. at the' same time the.prioa per basket, is generally the same ; and whereas, In the purchase of so staple an arti cle ,of food as potatoes, every ,person should be Satisfied that he Is getting ' his 'full measure and weights Therefore Senior The Beleot and Common Councils of the oily of Philadelphia do ordain, That from and after the passage of this ordinance, the article of potatoei shell be sold' In the city, by the bushel and Its divisions, or by the pound, not by the bas ket; thatoaoh bushel of while or Irish potatoes shall weigh sixty pounds, and each bushel of sweet potatoes shall weigh pfly pounds. Section 2. If any person selling potatoes in the city shall notgive at least sixty pounds of Irish potatoel to the bushel and' fifty pounds of sweet, and loin proportion for any greateror less mea surer such person or persons shall, .for every tomb effence, forfeit and pay live dollars, to be recovered lathe same manner as debts for the same amount ate by law recoverable;one half to bo paid to the Guardians of the Poor, and the other half to , the person prosecuting for the same. 'The ordinance }rag referred to the Committio on Markets. Mr. Benton offered the following: Whextax, It is understood that the Postmaste r General, during a resent visit to,,this•cityl er pressed himself favorable to locating the United States poet office and, court house building' on the south aide of IndePandenett'Sqriere: there fore, • • Resolved, By the Select and Common Councils,, that the Committee op City.Aroperty bp instructed to inquire into and report upon, the proptiOty and feasibility of locating the United Stites court hence and post-oilloe NeildingOn the tallith side of Independence Square; 'provided; that, if auffloient tkround be dedicated and accepted for said purpose; at Government be required to ride to the city, e banding and ground now used by said courts, and forderly owned by the'PhilosotdtiCal Society, near the northeast corner of raid equate. _Benton stated that be knew nothing of the merits of the matter,,but offered the resolution at the requeet,Of several °Miens, and deemed 'lt' worthy of being Inquired' into CS A matter of in , tenet to the welfare of our oity. The resolutionjwas referred to the Committee on City Property, The ooturelttfe to ,verif7 the Dash stemhte o t he City Titlasurir,.teported that - they raide amination of the looks on' the -27th instant, and :found that all the atmounta , bad been settled. up to, the 24th int, inclusive , the book* exhibiting ` the following balances: Cash belays°, October 24th - -• $5;75483 Of which' balance there Was' an deposit in' , the Girard Bank 4,149 49 Do. .do• interest aeoount -• ~ 42 A ,2 1 ' Iforthern Liberties - • -, • • 621 78 , Do. do. Interest account Southwark Bank ' • '67 S 3 Cash in,drawar The amount to the credit of the Girard Trust in the Bank of , North America at the same date ,wss., $98,887 78. • The oath book bedlam, of this Recount at that date armMO less than the .ba n k beletee,. eking to two checks, amounting together to that sum, not having been presented. Mr. Roberts offered the following: • , Resolved That the Committee on Pollee be i directed to mptire whether any or what action is necessary . on the part of Councils to anteroom ..eomplienee with the law 'requiring the sale of loaf bread by the pound avoirthlpols, and report thereon by hilt or otherwise. After a Prier discussion, the resolution wee: re ferred to the Committee on Pollee. ' A number Of ordinances and resolutions' from Common Council were boneurzed in. ' An ordinance from that Chamber was referred back to fieleet Connell with amendmentv After discussion, the bill wee referred to the Committee on Police. , The ordinanee frOm Com Mon Connell to the' construction' of the Cohoeksink oreekeVine street, Moore street, and Twenty-fifth street but. „mutt was debated at length , after which it was referred to the Committee of Surveys and Regula tions.. .The ordinance N 0.12, on Common Connell 13 1 , caning for plans and estimates for the oonstruotion of a bridge across tho Selnyikill at Chestnut street was concurred in without disaussion,after which tbe Chamber adjourned. ' COMUON COUNCIL The Chair aubmitted a communication from the Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, reporting the United States Rose Cothlpiny for running !out of , the district. 'Referred to the Committew on Trusts and Rine Companies. Also, a comtnupioaticn from the Solicitor, stating that the fixtures of his office had been levied upon for rent." Referred to the Committee on Finance. ''Also, a communication from the Commissioner of Highways, stating that do had contracted for °teaming the different districts at the prices fixed in a resent resolution of Councils. Laid on the table 'Mr: Modeler aubmitted 'a petition from AMI. Growl, coking the refunding of' certain over=paid water rents. Referred to Committeo on Water. Mr. Meagher, in plus, eubmitted the following : An ordinance to authorize a loan to, pay for the ininstruotion of a bridge over the Schuylkill-fiver at Ohottralt street ; for the construction' f Mock sink creek, Vine street, Moore itreet, and Twenty- Ailh• West oulverte; for the paving and rep Mrs of streets, and for tho puma of furnishing employ ment to a ?unbent 'the lehoring , classes of Phila delphia. ' • ' ' " ' IVhereas, a monetary mists of unusual' severity has prostrated thaindustrial interests of this city, throwing oat of , employe:met, and consequently Means of support, thousands of our Maisons; and Whereas, the completion of our public improve moots is demanded by the interests of our city, and whereas, those improvements can at this •preseut One be economically made: therefore. titration 1. The Select and Co m mon Councils of the City of Philadelphia do ordain,' That the 'Mayor of the City of Philadelphia be, and he' is hereby, authorized to borrow, at not less than par, on the credit of the oily oorporation, from time to time, as may be required. by the city , treasurer, inch sums of money as may be necessary to uay 'for the constrnotiou of a bridge over the Sohnyl , kilt river, at Chestnut street; for the oonstruotien of Cohooksink creek, Vine street, Moore etrept, and Twenty-fifth street culverts, and for the grading, paving, and repairing of the streets of Philadelphia, mot exceeding in the whole the min of One million of dollars, for which interest, at a rate not to exceed six,per oentum per annum, shell be paid half yearly, op the, first day of Jaugary and July, 'at' the office of the city transistor. The principal. of said loan shall be payable and paid at the expiration of thirty years from the date of the same, and nut before, without the oon. sent of holders thereof ; and certificates therefor in the usual form of certificates of oily loan, shall be issued in snob amounts as • the lenders may re quire, but not for any fractional part of ton dol lars, or if required, in amounts of fifty, ono bun dred, Ave hundred or one thousand dollars u and the said cortineatt, shells bare expressed thereia that'they are payable free from all taxes. 'PI, widest, That the provisions of section fifth 'of ;the ordinance approved August' 7th, 1854, entitled 4 4 an ordinance to prpvide for the issue of ; °Win. li mites of debt of the city of Pbiladelpisia""shall apply to this ordinance , except as prorided ror the payment for State tax. There are two additionel neatens prbridlng for the payment of Interest semi-annually, find prin cipal in thirty years, ,to,, do, ,The subject was referred to,the Committee on Pinup., - Mr. Stevenson submitted &Petitien from a num ber of Indies, asking the Odium° of im ordinance prohibiting smoking in the public streets. Referred to the Committee on Highways. • Mr. Casey, a petition from the Indepondout Eagino Company, asking a donation of hose. Re ferred to the Committee on Trusts and Fire Como ponies._ , Mr. Warticleki a petition aski4 for the grading of Morton Street, and the 'authority to mamma ' a drain, in Money court, to the Twentyleoond ward: • Referred to the Oomnsittea on Mighways. Mr. Matins's, ' a petition for , the grading of Huntingdon street,' In the Nineteenth ward: Re ferret to the lame committee.. • • , Mr. Drayton of the Committee on.Rinatee, sub ml4oo4 report stating that the denutad ma the city treasury could not he paid, in consequenoe of a delay' in the payment of taxes, and that the creditors of the city—WOO of them widows and orphans—were suffering. An ordinance wont peeled the report authorising the payment of in terest on outstanding warrants. e ~ Mr. Miller thought this was effeaticti4 Joan. . A 'preatintelemporary loan, oontrary3to _ ao ' , ',.A.ssegibl,y lon that eubjeot. He thou' , aheitir_Pase, ast'ordinanoe making those r , trieoeivedilit du payment for taxes, and ~. is ' not afford relief, they could pass this at itoce. .., . Mr. Dayton, urged the passage of the ordinane4 as every day of delay deprived the holders of those warrants of their interest. He argued that the working men and others were entitled to this inter est as an act of justice. Mr. Stevenson opposed the adoption, as the poor men wanted their money. The laboring men no longer hold these warrants, they having passed into Mr. Perkins thought it an act of justice to pay ,tll4 1 / 4 "lnit- upon ebese'isarranicl- • Me. knew o f some warrants which had been outstanding for a whole year. He WIZ satisfied ,that if cults wore ,potnlnenned en the warrants, the ,holders would re cover the interest from the moment they were pre sented for payment. , , . , , Mr. Holman urged the adoption of the ordinance.. He replied to the fallacious arguments of the gen lienian flut4 AO Elevonth War4l (Mr. Stevenson.) Some of the s nenibers argued that the taxes would Conte in morq freelytit the close of the year, but he tboug_ht this was a mistake. He stated that since the disouulon of the . propriety , of receiving the city warrants in payment of taxes, the receipts at the receiver's Office have bean smaller than at any similar period sine the passage of the Act of Con eclidation, and that - the - city leans ,itad become 'greatly depreciated In 'value. Mr. Wilmer .hoped they would settle this question at mum, so that the tax-payers would- know what to do. , ! ~ - - - Mr. Ridgeway was opposed to the ordinance, as it'would not afford the relief sought after. Mr. filiuscher moved to postpone the Suhjeot Pot ono iyeek • ' Mt. Drayton urgid a vote upon tho ordinance: The ppposition,be,oonsidered a very simple ono. Mr. Perkins moved to lay the motion on the table i when the yeas and nays being called, it was agreed to by a vote of 36 to 27. A motion was made to amend, " provided this ordinance shall notiontinue in force after January lot, 1858," which was last by a vote of 39 to 21. 'Mr. Crease moved to amend by substituting an ordinance authorising the treasurer to issue cer tificates of debt payable in specie six month% from the data of their 'creation . . • The Ohalrdeoltied the amendment out at order. , Mr. Miller spoke at oonsiderabluiongtti agaidat the oidlianoi, eentendinithat it would not afford the promised relief, and would .only result in lad vantage to brokers and money-shavers. Another, amendment wasoffered authorising the reeeivex of taxes to receive warrants in payment .of the same, , The Chair &Idea this ontntorder. Mr. Stevenson apPraled from this decision. Mr.O'Neill moved to lay theappeal on the table, Wititil , wits 1%1.41 to by a vole of 32 to 13. A other amendment was made to add " provided the warrants of the city should be received in pay ment of taxes.?' • Mr: Crease inbred ,to 'amend by substituting: an drdhumee authorising tkarnitY:triesurier 'to ilisue certificates oC debt in sums of S 5 and upwards, said certificates to he ' An payment of warrants, and.to be taken for the payment of taxes, 'but without thedlecount of *eloper cent. . I . Mr. Ring.said that , Sbe , misfortune of the times was their .00nstant , leXal ' tinkertrige: Time' only would bring things, right. Me tentended that these; eertifioitte Weald lonlY And, their, way into the brokers', handa,„and would fford no, Their object brokers', not be to keep up the price of warrants, 144 to Pay the, warrants promptly. Me' said in,Deoember..tke taxes. would eome 111 more freely, and they could pay all .elaims against ,the, treasory..l.l.n regard ' to the interest eh the' . funded debt, he knew nothing ; because , if - the treasurer had done his dutfiriacenidsnee; With the set of Amembly, be must 116 , 011,4111 s In hind to pay it. Mi. Miller Said that; after, ,giving the subject a fair and impartial examination, he arrived at the ,conoluallin that the :movement ~p roposed, viz : the proviso, would restore city warrants to their pros per:nine.. They'would be paid 'out and 'received for nierchandite,land pais aeorvrent: Mt the bids of solvent banks. •" • '. ! Mr. Faulkner offered pa` an amendment ' to Sir. Rtevenson's motion, the following additional Provided; further, that the said receiver of tax es be; and he is - hereby,' inatracted not to roadie in the paytnentof Vista dna' to the eliy ,ef Philadel phia more than 80 par cent-of the amount of °Soh tax.payer's bill, i the ' Warren& of 'the oity of Philadelphia; but, that the remaining 20 par cent. be paid to sash funds, as the receiver of taxes is now, authorised by lawito receive. . t After considerable debate, the matter was post. poned.in order to hear the report of the special committee appointed at the last meeting 'oteealudi to consider,tho matter. „ „ ; Mr. Known; then submitted *lengthy report upon the condition of , the finances, of the city, and re porting adverse to the proposition to receivelthe °Hy warrants, in payment of taxes. • , A minority report was submitted by Sdr. Burns giving his reasons',Why those warrants should` be received. , , , , Council 'thin:proceeded to 'Consider the ordinance submitted by Mr. Drayton, authorising• the pay moat of interest on the warrants, i Mr: Miller again spoke at much length Against the ordinance. • Holtman Spoke againtit the proposed amend ment. Ile said the payments into the city tree ; tory in October 'wouhl not. reach $80,000,„ about $lO,OO less ,than the mane month last year. There were now due for taxes $1,700,000, but it was all , folly.to say, that this immense Surat would be paid before the Ist of January. lie argued that •if they received warrants for taxes there'would {not be $lOO,OOO in the treasury on the, let of Jasivary • ki:pay the Interest on - their leans: Let; sabilhe, your interest go unpaid, and your low will Ink to 50 gents: ,„ Alr. , (linnodo , mild that the holders of the war ;ante had as much claim •upon .thii••oity as the holders of the bonds. He could see no reason why they should repudistte 'one mete than' ariother, 'W:preppie, laid hit, wialsr ,kavieteorl, iindit be comes Councils to adopt Conic nieeetired to relieve, `them: If ybd do not' adopt somethlng fir ,their, WagAnoot l l o 2 l SAY bft compelled ' to pay for soma:. thing wedo not receive. Mr. !Meeker, replied to• the'• retairks. mader Messrs. Miller and Ginnodo. He they tha if they reabivedsieriatdefer kali they would br ak down the' ateditid thaalfy; fl is theiy,Would'itc . bbe able to pas the **rest. ,Ile deolesrodit dhlgrator. , tut that , the oil., oeuld.asat fay, her ,warrants., did not consider aamiessrsion of 10 to 15 per cent. (rern the laborers of -the city any greater reduction in their income than 'the reel of the communlt7 are now being compelled to submit to: ' • bdr.t•Wolf argued' that the- city should Pay:all her debts, and should not d4orlin*.ate between bar ,oreditors: - .lle way faVer Of paying interest.' on the 'Warrants, and accepting these ohligatiosie .for the peyntent,ef tam.) , ' 'Mr. King wild he was op pond to all . .these schemes. Removed to IndelthitolY'poidp&ut the whole subject, as time only could, mend Albeinit ter. The receipt/fide the treasury were daily fall ing of r, strolling' should settle tha matter aterice. Dr.„ Drayton defended .the - Finenee couunittee froadthe keitiotions which had been , made against it. lie gave many reasons why warrants should not be received for taxes. Unless great'efforts wire made to collaot these taxes these'would be a great &Baloney on the find of January.' 'He thought it a paramount , duty to provide for the payment of the interest On'their , . ' 'Mr. Clay thought if they postpon e d thi s' subject' fer,tbe prtioePtitioy could Auer** whether this Ponnaylvania 'Railroad Company intended toi pay any interest—an important revenue to the city: , mr.,Eneass urged Immediate 'ection upon the ordinance. Ris vital objection to, this plan was that the la* 'made OchilPuliory' on She, receiver of 1 411 9 1 to recoil, IV/thing ,he.t , current ti ola ! in payment of texas.' The nudion,to Indefinitely postpone the subject was not agreed to. The amendment 'offered by Mt. • Faulkner was not agreed to. • . The amendment to receive warrants for Interest was lost by a vote of ;V to 21, vie Ysealilessrs. Brown, Burns, Cooper, Faulkner, Ginned°, Hall, Rauffman, Mug, , bleacher, And row Millar, Moyer, Ridgway, Steven. eon, Taylor, Tudor, Nosey, Waterman, Wildey, Wolf-21. $8,76183 .NAYS—Maord. Clay, Conrad, Crease; Day, Dort. Drayton, Ford ; Hanker , Dandy, Holtman, liutahinson, Kano. Kelton", Kerr, King, 'KAM!, McFadden, Moilvala, McManus, McNeal, O'Neill, Palothorp, Forking, Shoots, John Thompson, horn, Williams, D. F. Wright,,John Miller, (Prost den)-23. / . 2 Tho drat ssmtion of the bill was agreed - to. The' sooond seetlon was also agreed to. , The yeas and nays wore called on the motion to road tho bill a third, time, when the vote stood 34 to 32—no quorum. Adjourned.. 111E$SAGE OF MAYOR VALUX. OFFIOL OF Tno 1111Y0/10FTOS CITY Or YUIL•DIILPHIA, • • " - October 97, 1857. To the Presideht atylArembees of the Coeopton Colonel!theCity of Philadelphia: (.laBr4asina,:r4The following. preamble arid to eqiutions have beoh pro/anted for intoeutlfre'lrppro- Vinannall, One 'anioni c in noripanon the people of all seelloini of the countiy, are suffering from the' effects Of otfo of the most destructive finanoial embarrassments Aim nation OTOY Wit nessed; It therefore behooves us to exorcise more than ordinary economy and retrenchment in the administration of the affairs of the 'oity ; therefore, bo it Resolved, by the Select and CommonVonnoils of the city of Philadelphia That the heads the serious departments are hereby enjoined to exor able the most rigid scrutiny end economy in the further expenses of ,the city, and they, are hereby authorised to ourtait the expenditures of the public moneys in every department where the interest of the city will pessary permit. Furthermore, to re port to Oolineils what, if any, 'further redaction can be made ip, the expenditures of the depart ments in the estimates for the year,lB4B 1. fro(tmfiltHit ,rTe hereby call upon the citizens at. eige to and In our efforts to sustain the credit and interest of the city, and that all pinions who are indebted to the eityfor tatted or otherwise,are earnestly requested le' nialto prompt payments, that the pressing' denudade Ono. the otty treasury may be mot. After fully considering the palate embraced In this preamble and the first resolution, I cannot ap prove them. Let me take occasion/ to say I differ from the opinion expressed in the preamble, that thd present Is one Of the most destructive dnanolateMbartess manta this natide ever KU/sassed. The invaluable effects of, ,the frynkile currency of the United btates Treasury; ; the great amount of coin in ciroulation; the abundant resouraes of the (toiletry ;, the uncommitted crops; th e ab sence o f o valueless national paperourreney ;And the honesty of purpose or a large number of producers and entail capitalists, and meithentee, manufacturers, and Merobauti, and thiraiddiog faith I have in the unfailing efforts of this young nation, ail unite to negative the trio,: of untioreal bankruptcy and deepondeney wlsielt the; preamble assumes to exist at this time. . . As to the second' resolution, if It stood alone ' It would promptly receive that approval required by law. • • As I understand the object of the preamble, and the ,recolutious which atteMpt to loghtlate for the accomplishment of that oldeet, it means limply thisi and nothing more : the nation le financially embarrstesedi and, therefore; the Municipal Govern ment of Phibtdelphin le Whelp this embarrassient by refusing to centre at work boneet Men, en gaged at labor *hie , eight Months ago, Act partment eonselentiously deetorpti to be necessary for the public) interests. In a ,IF.CII.O.IItOOIIMb Before aiffinattlee, and, not boldbi,ess leiniAGy to meet them. •• • 1' , The heeds of the ;leveret departments ot j the City Government, In the estimates. made rbrthent for the year /857, are presemedle , havi honest ly formed th at duty. 'lf IV did neVisoiot; lei K o be shown. That no snob charge Mtn now be made, it should be remembered thet wealth Of public time were consumed In Itemising each estimate for 186 T. Allem iiii r f 4 , 1 44 .. ~ -.. ~ Is exhausted week after wts) in au ' pt ge - economise the public ex it pl*Lituresi b ;system of itemizing each appro pre, MI it effolisatisfied themselves they h ';sooomPlifihed a vett, improvement in the mu gal eyntenif elf expenditures. :re, see* by the .letter of the resolution,. that th„fsr)was time wasted; that nothing was gained ; that the heads Of departments themselves are pow ,enjoined to do what this committee thougkt they. 'bgd done—cut down the appropriation for the eur-4 rent year to the lowest amount practicable. VIP Inference Is patent, either that the heads of De partments were in March and April last as com petent as now to .make an economical intimate, or that the labor -of 'that cotatalttbd hal proved in effectual and haw (bp Raisago of. Um= preamble and' reablutiens now under consideration. . If these estimates were honestly and connects. , tiously made with the view to that retrenchment in the city expenses which this Administration promised our 'citizens to carry out; there is be ne cessity for % this preamble and' resolutions.' The other departments of the oily government did, I believe ' make their estimates on snob 0 basis. For this department I can speak confidently when I say they were so made. $10,986.34 was saved on the balance of the yearn:is% and the aP ptopriation for 1857 is less by $113,202 than the ag-_ propriation for the yearlBss. If this preamble and resolutions intend, there.' I fore, to imply that this department is adminis tered extravagantly, or that expenses can be Cur tailed on the appropriation made, I beg you will distinctly understand, gentlemen, that the in- ferenoe la unfounded: . No curtailments will be attempted. However this national financial embarrassment may operate, it cannot force me to stultify myself, or do'any Injustice t o the honest men now receiving the 'pay for their labor, which the appropriation for 185Ianthorized to be continued for the year.t It is impossible to curtail these expenses in fell iegard to the public interests. " - This preamble anti resolutions, therefore, mean nothing; or they imply a censure on the heads of departments; or they were intended only as a cautionary notice. In no view of their intended effect eon I approve them. If they mean nothing, they are unworthy of further consideration. If , they imply a censure, it is unjust, as has been shown. If they are a cautionary notice, I regret to consider them as aiding in a financial panic, with which the city government has nothing to do. The time for their passage is Councils Nast, most inauspicious. No tax payer, or public Isteetft of °Mums, have salted for. any inch action by the City Councils. - When many induatrions, honest mechanics end laborers are out of employment, asking not'for charity, butter pays'for labor they ate willing to give in return for wages, It is an inauspicious mo ment to attempt to increase their number or deaden their hopes by an effort at curtailing expenditures for public, work, the necessity for which is at least as imperative now ea it will be within this. time. the necessity of the public interests will demand it to be done.. The public have asked for no seals. curtailinent of expenditures at this time.: nay- - more, they neither eXpast nor , approve it. On the contrarz, they hate asked time h and - Ist. For a bridge over the Schuylkill. 2d. For, the reduction and equalisation in the price of gas. U. For the extension of advantages of culverts invasions parts of thec4: i- , 4th. For a gruseof Correction: bth. For the paving of streets,, for Which the lend-owners will pay., " These have been asked_ for as absolutely needs sary, as much so now as, in, the future. • The cost the public is willing to pay.•• . While .so many mechanics axe seeking work' in exchange for wages, giving to •the 'city an equiva lent fie what the -city giree thecONot more se homes to enrich speculators, but work for wages, does not benevolence of the •higiist , character come in aid of the call fist thesepublie Improvements, which absolute' necessity ban' long de aided: Instead, therefore,ef lending a' willing ens. to the cry of financial embarraumend kt the nation, would it not be better - to look at home, and lend au_equally, at least, willing ear and yelce to the suggestions which absolute necessity is making of public ex peliditure.: _ Independently of the enumerations above made, the public interests unquestionably demand- that the repairs of the highways; where water and gas pipes have been Introduced, shonblbe finished be fore the winter stops this kind of oat-deer kbur. The wire bridge over the Schuylkill needs repair, or else in a short time it may become unsafe for travel. In that event, and if the new railroads on the Market street bridgii be laid, great Moon sveniencii will be found' in crossing the Schuylkill. Tho culvert which empties into the forebaY at Fairmount, requires to be altered in Weenies And termination. Other property isjeft sumnolosed and liable to any intrusion, which might be Met objec tionable if permitted to he permanent: . i Several of the docks on the Delaware And Schuylkill fronts require cleaning. ' I The police etation-houses 7 libsolutcly demandre- I pair. In several distriets thiy are untinaptable, and in one - there is no such•pluee for the pollee force. These suhjects' haVabaCkflilled to the'at-_ tention of, Conceits, ,but no final action has been taken na to either. It would be safest to occupy the,attention of the agents of the "people with subjects which demand thelr notioo, before,agree- ins to leghbttioh urinedissitry,Mxitaked forrenap proved; and unexpected. Besides these subjects for legislation, there are others of great importunes which should be care-, fully considered at the earliest moment. •• : . The subject of taxation for municipal,purposes, Is one which requires 'reform 'and improvement. Now is the period in the year when Ads important subject: should be taken up: 'Early y lithetecuning year the tax bill should be passed for the expense! of 1.85£1, Alaimo that bill is completed the subject of taxation should undergo carefaLiexaminatiou. ; The interest - on the public debt Is dun is yst bla on the Arst'of alanuary;lBs9.', To I ds for. its prompt payment is trio ;pity' br lbeFti ,of I the publlo. Itepudlation;likeallkindstofsw ndlitig; ends no, favor with an konet "peeple„ ; The Ott- - Nein of Philadelphia are willing for any, swathe to sustain , their municipal: faith and -honor. j ',Whereto the true; Philadelphian' whis , -Coald Wok aspen onr esoutoheon 'with Chop words ' 4 ' unbroken; faith" blotted out. I. Taxation for payirighonesV.delste- hit_s l iurw, 'ln 'Philadelphia; been coniplainid,egaltist or. Wted 1 to.' who irembi. 'opiate taxation for-an al a purpose, qr atleutpt'to -,recruit' a new polltioal' par% or amalganuese the hroken fregutemte of an: old one, on snob re basis, should- -tite*orn tof every honest man: 1 ' k , ' , ' , . 1 : , . ,- , ' ;',''' i ; ~• You will permit me, gelitleinan; mist lresneot- Milt but 'plainly, Dins to give rat the ground fon which this pream ble and resolutemehave Caked to Twelve executivespecoval. • I hope, on ; farther' eenlideratiee, you will be satisfied that Mt Warr eau arise to, the publie interests, it tide preamble and resolutions fail to take 'their piles on the pub lic_ reeords, as an expresprion,of, the patio wil4 , ,Situll,the slain views; genflemen, sires preOeed fortriniknissien. (*.your ehigtheraummusigliav tldedio learn, that :you 'have- given' MOMS - bC the subjecti contained , . in tilt emniatinbistigh that further eensiderittiort I. invoked,' aikfill* can . firmed their propriety and justiao lit' advinett. The public work' your ebeitibtir,,_ bee 14 troperly, authorized to - be done' will- be' a 0011.04es:big, and I cannot refrain from thinking yo u on behal f of . UM 'industrial interests which will :be -thus benefited. Respectfully, = - -- r TiSelteitu.V-Sex,hilLY9ll of PpUaiAlpbfs. Formation of ilotoard associalioias.—tire have already referred at length' to the formation 'at Reward Antociations in a number of wards, havirleinviewAlni'adoption of Mean:Pea offrellef for the destitute poei instals the twining .winter. Last evening a meeting of .the °Rheas of-the teenth ward was held in theleetere TOOTS 'OT the _church of St....iiatthiests—Ptefollsevistrukthstiona drawn by }lsar/ 9. Leiserirtng,,,Ksw, the chief alerts of lielett Council; were adopted . Whereas, This ally and State, in, common with nearly all tie other ',Welland tialehof this Mien: severely feel the ' e ff eet of the financial rerdfsion Is which pow sweeping broadeist throughout the length and breadth of the land; and; Whereas, A systematist effort on the part of those whose eiremustances will perish for the ameliora tMu of the !meatiest of the poor of the city of Phila delphia seems to be indispenseblynecemary, in view of the unmistakable evidences of want among all Glasses of the community during the 'coming sinter; mid, • a • ,) ?T ' ' inerlas, The formation of Mard Assiefliticer Is believed to bide liiiitifelaitLie Col , the( relied the 4okititnte of this ward„ therefore : it la's Resolved, That a committee of novas be appoint ed to prepare a plan of operations, pettier ,with a constitution and by-laws lesi! tbolgovertioe* of an organisation for the milder the (teeming poor of the Fifteenth ward. • • Resolved; That the citizens of the wail-gene rally be earnestly invited to unite with us in the furtherance alias very desirable - object. Resolved, That the ladies of the, nerd, whose natural impulses artvalwayb charitahle,be' ed to aid this association In the promotion of Its objects. The citizens of the Eighth and Ninth wards knot, last evening at the Nell of the City Institute, at the northeast; eonser.of _Eighteenth and -Chestnut streets, haring the same object in view.' Me give below the constitution adopted for the government, of, this timoolation j as iheartieles correspond with thinibbf many t he Associations "already or ganized - 'ARTICLE : • The name or this associationshall he the Rineard Assoelation of the .Eighth Supt Nbith wrirsti.t its objects shall be the relief of persons In dda ring the coming winter. ' - ARTICLE 11.07PICEItS. The Officers of this association shall coax ofa president, two Ace presidents,•treasnite t. feta and twenty =wagon, drielfirbt OA' Mock, with power to,Wmasenehni. Antletaf 111..' — initES OP BP7JECEIta. Section 1. It Alfa 4479f.Aelrealdents or in his absence, either of 'the vice presidents; to preside at all meetings of the , board of managers, and preserve order therein,' and eign orders on tho, treasurer when directed by the board of managers. Seotlon 2.-Is shalt be the deity of the secretary to keep i3orreet , Minutes of the proceedings of the board of =gagers,' and attest aU?,rd?rf, Pit the treasurer. ~ Section 3: It ihall be the duty of the treasurer ,to reoehre all moneys collected by the block oom- Mittens, or donations from Individuals ; pay orders signed by the president and secretary; keep a eorreot account of his receipts and disbursements, andleport the same at each weekly meetjng this board of managers ' ARTICLE V.—BLOCKS. The ward 'shall be divided into bloekt, eeloi - lows: • Block No. I—North side of Spruce to aenth aide' of Walnut, from west aide Seventh to east side of Tenth. ' .. ; I No. 2—Spruce to Walnut, Tenth to Broad. ' • No. 3—Spruce to Walnut, Broad to,Eightionth. N o , 4—Spruce to Walnut, Eighteenth to 'twenty second. No. s—Spruce , to Walnut, Twohly-secUrol to No. 6—Front north side of Walnut to south side of Chestnut, west aide of Seventh to east side of Tenth. • No. 7—Walnut to Chestnut, Tenth to Broad No. B—Walnut to Chestnut, Broad to Eighteenth. No. il—Walunt;tr' Chestnut, Eighteenth to Twen ty-mond.' ' 10—. Walnut to Chestnut, Twenty-second to , No 11,-Prom :north aide of Chestnut to eolith aide of Market, Wett aide of Soyenth to east aide of Tenth.' „ , No. 12—Chestnut to Market, Tenth to Broad' "o.l3—Chestnut to Market, Broad to Els* teentli. No. 14—:-Cbestrat to Market, Eighteenth to Twenty-second. No. ,s—Chestnut to Market, TWenty-tiosent Schuylkill. No. 15—Prom north Bide of lifi l riakto,ea l lb:ladi, of Arch, west aide of Seventh to afst'aide'of Tenth. N o . 17—Market tos s 44tron*Ao Bald. No. , Braid to jBleit e enti, No. 19—Markt to Aroh, Eighteenth to Twenty mond. No. 24 erket to Ara, Twont:/-10491 1 d to Soltnylklll. " Pe cloaca thn evening, Went spiloalls Woke inarisf by , the 'r 0t6004 lyphratg clesk r Jr„ 9oorge It.. dernitn John ThOmpeon,'and others. • *How log gentlemen were Vaaniniondxseleetod as often of the Associatkm: ' - -Prerirfent- - Erifnatw Cuss c, Nis., Eight* ward. -Vies Prasideitts---k. Ninth ward ; 'Robert Senate,' Esq.' ? ..MOthArint , • Treuisurcrz--Georer Drown, E.N.'4140 1 , - Wskr 4 - Seererare—S. Henry Norris, Eitittit mum .111fastOsrsr.- - ' Etghth Word.'-= Slott, Esq.; Week No, l ; 8.0. Shepherd,.o44llsoik No. 2; Dr. Harper, block No. 3; W. H. Yrsnell,,P9:. block No. 4 vriAteraisteed,--Esq.Alook No. 5 • r. - Donnell, , Moak No. 6; W. 0. Norris. iev i block No. ; Dr. Onyley, Esq., block No. 8; Edw Gruble, Esq., block No. 9; Dr. Column, Mock 1 No. DI Managers—Ninth Ward. -- Francis Newland, block .110. II ; A. N. Bantu, bloekNo 13; TIM , " Riley, block No. 13; G. Vaal. bloekNo-14 ; J. W. Ilatotriersier,,blook No. 13; W. Apiece , block No. it; B: Lancaster, block No. VT:. W.H. Moore , block No. 18; Daniel Bteininetl, block No. - 19; 0- 'B. Linn, block No. 20. The ••• following - , reeointion wan unanbrio /sly ed2pted - Zen/WATpat.thh thinis of this meeting are due. tf. o Tun Passe, North American, Pennsylvania Publiw Ledger, Pennsylvanian, Daily News, Bun, Evening Bulletin,. and Journal for the generous manner in which they have advertised and noticed this meeting; and to the managers of the hall of the Philadelphia City Inititute for the gratuitous use of their hall. - After the transaction of some unimportant itusi. intse, the meeting adjourned. Grand Division of the Sons of Temperance. —The fourteenth annual &mien of this body eon eluded yesterday. The following oaken were elected to serve Gil the fourth Wednesday tober 'next: Grand Worthy Patriarch; Dr. D. Francis Condie ; Grand Worthy Associate, Charles Massey; Grand Scribe, William Nicholson ; Grand Chaplain, Isaac Muff; Grand Condreter, Joseph M. Bacon; Grand Sentinel, WiltiamG . Bambreyn. The session was much larger than any previous session for many years, and there are the mast decided indications of a cheering increase in this hitherto waning onto. Rescued' from_Droumiag.—Last night, about ten o'elock, a man named Chutes Bums wee rescued from drowning it Chestnut street wine, Delaware.: IctaSAs ELEcTiOU f"roclaniatlsa K 161•TerwurIker. Lnamervon, Monday, Oet. 19, Idfa7. To the People of Kansas: - By the thirty-seeond section of the organic act establishing this Territorial Government, it is Provideti,in rifilkfelblill to the election of a delegate to ton:wren, that -"the parson having the greatest number of votes shall be declared by the Governor _lobe ditly.oleetedruslueurtilleath thereof shall be given accordingly" By the sixteenth secotian of the set of the Territo rial Legislature of lismas„ entitled "m sate regu late ellotions," it is made/ the ditty otitis SO arstary to examine this returns in the pristine, of the UtrollAtr, and to O' give to the person having the highest camber of Totes" in their cespootiro districts otertificateeof their election to the Legis lative Asteumbly."-_ • . - : ...- Under. these two provisions of the laws- prevtil- Mg 111 thir - Terrltorerethe--treccut - tabletien has presented for She joint nonsTderstion of the Governor and Seetistary' e a question of the gravest importance, not only to our o ti u m triss, r to those of the whole Unions , - Th , •guMG arises upon the eitrurdinary rei made f ri the pfeciuot of Oxford, In the county of Munn. What purports oi be the returns edges elnitien, held At that preemie-lOn the sth and fith Instant, bars been received by the Secretary, eon teining I,6ffit names of pretended voters, or audy onerlialf the number given in the whole regiresentettre dietriet. The disposition to be made of thistinprolefvote is rendered allimportaxithy the fact that &apoliti cal character of the Legislative Assembly will be controlled by the additionot three Councilmen and eight Representativee, tei the strength of one on or the other, according to the adoption or rejection of the returns in question.' : , - . - In point of fact it it Well kivoinitlist art the whole county of Johnsen, mornprisiee IX- it does, part of an Indian reserve, Win* MeelreMlSMia tion of the law, we find ir 091 jet folt i tort *costae*. ment or pre-emption, can give non eth mete se that which is represented to have been palled at this inconsiderable precinct of Oxford.. But - W this unofficial knowledge, well-establialmel erabliddrer sal as it may be, could not become the ,groind of decision and settees upon eleetien ratan% LW them selvessreeder nod'eatheritist, the legitimitositifect of an appOont enenalty, anchas that hi eon:mien, would necesterily be to induie a elate examination of the piper presented, and to require for Ito ao eeptanee a, perfect Compliance with all the =ou tlet provide= of the law. Such an . eximination otthis document, econseientionstins4.lVan, Made; hiabronOht tr uto 'the 'eenelitioni the returns from Oxford pieeinet, in Johnsen evenly, must be *betty in„Pmted for the following reasons : 1. It does 'not 'appear...moths hoe of the does , meat promoted. to us, or in any other rsionner;that the judgeset election took the - exathlterriminly required by th e atstuto,in Seem th e impartial discharge of their duties wording to; lair' , • '- 2. 1 It doei net appear. that the miner preeented to ne was one of the two onsistatfilalookfitir at the election, ot ieteteired y lame" titit,Ust e contrary, it AleoCaPPear, freoe wombitaketole in tenth' evidence, that. the ppasppesrr is either Loopy of some other document, Or has boos Made sop for the emosion,and la net the neessim tneoielof eke vote, taken atthe eleetion. , Tbe Iserrognhato poll-books to:be Iretetne, 4 1, lOW ' ' , the Other to be IMPUffiestidth the Cluireci(MMßoard of Comtelesionerinf the propiiocenty. . ~.. &,..4.s . the vote of each deem was to ba recorded for each ormotthe twenty-two eandidates, and In ' more than a hundred OARS for twentyffire,nod that by a mom ettarviate, it Will a physical Wipe& bility Gait - Abe Munbevof vote,pretended to have been taken en the semoid. ile,Mag Mote than fifteen triindredevittithe name of tlinvoter mitten, and lecher the ,tatemay-fsa iseedideftes property disigruthed, could have been _taken and reseeded witMn giallo* pemerthed-br low- - 4. - ' ._ 4. 'Lit t& entratodinarthet,tendhtto throw distrust-up:on thir-Urtiegiv orkedding, Wet the, -Mxtion, hutted mad' nee' nti-eigit retie,may on* ' le &into the delegate sleet teCougme4 MA only one hundred end twerity-fourato resionlielea twin been Mod for the local oandidateaot -the tenniabip.. • Intineneed. by these ,ineteldetediamiciandkba previed with the grave responsibility renting upon ultimo regard to the fairness of the eliedoevand its freedom from all 'fraud - nameptibte of detection ann prevention withbi the. mope, of our ,datiest we deemed it essential to truth, and jetties that we Mould ascertain aosaY fret esandated !in le - StitO'Or emillini Gin tonelstelons- derived fr om the 'firi of the papers. Aecordingi7, we weld- to the . ,=rest. of -ofixford, , Awirnik is a villigerser six including ;toter; seed wi th eneir *um,/ and ascertained from the dtisena at that vicinity, . teed esmotally- thaw ad the beadsman aiii= b y elngeile Small Pie im Mimenti, Only. a street, and tentelning abut 'twenty houses,) that, altogether, Doi more than eimilicatla the number et persons repreiented to here * rioted ward present on the two days of than Mention— much the smaller number, not exueding thirty or forty, being present on the last day, win more than i,MoO votes are represented as baring bees ktra tt . t The peep& of Oxford, as well - a* them of Ntenel rams of Santa Pi, were astound ed at the magnitude et the roturne; and ,ariIPA OLIVA of Cli - pattioic in_ lefli t 4m a the edible a ff air with deritions or. , 'sod T ing heart the 0i1w.4 remelt eat Mx .:dye at lir fi ItlCOmund. In the eonesetifosir jouniey to aforom Oxford we passed ovef much the larger part of the toasty on doehneee,sod wet became thensmOdy " there is ao population in the whole eountrreen which more than ono-third the vote of thatdug! a precinct could halo been given. We loused tW some very few.pereona having cabins on the re serve in Johnson county, sad claiming a residues therein, though generally absent, bad voted at some of the prednets In 'thit county ; but we On conrineed that a very inecembionable minitheri j not reaching, web/Move, one bandied, of Missourians or other partial baying no admitted right to vote, 4 4 4 clout .or • attempt. to amass that right,WY wbere Within that county. The people of Missouri cannot be justly charged with any Wertereene is the late election, nor are they in any degree com plicated with the evidently frioadulenE returns made from:the preelnet of Oxford. - nose returns, beyond all doubt, are simulated and fictitious. - Under these eireumstances, we do not feel em ber taus& by any technical difficulty as to oar right to go behind the returns. We hold the re turns themselves to be defeettve in form and. in substance, and, therefore, butdmiasible. We go behind them and inquire into the facts, only, for the purpose of ascertaining whether by these valid objections to the mere returns' our -rejection of them will have time/feet of defeating. the will of people, 1, 044.10 be fairly expressed at the polls. An Ails ; event of , mete .00nseqemsems, we might hesitate to , reject a, .Tote -upon any defect of [ form,, however essential in law. - But in the present ease, We feel ourselves bound to adhere 1 to the very letter of the law, in - order to de. feat a grata and palpable Itald- ' The coele ration . that. our ten party, by this ' eleen, will line the majority kin the F atly. Assem bly -does not niche oar duty ilm premises letei salmi and Imperative. The eleetioe franchise would be utterly valcieft,M, and free government itself would receive a deadly blow, if so great an outrage id this Gould be shielded under the Gower of mere form and technicalities. We cannot con. sent, in any manner, to give the sanction of owe re spective official positions to such tranuotions i Car can we feel juittified to religye ourselves jha p rop e l , responsibility of our offices , in a case w ere there 1.1 no valid return, by soubeemew s ti ks qu ,.. lion to the Legislative Assembly, and in that vary act giving to the parties that might. claim to be chosen by this spurious nets; the power to decide upon their own 0114ikAL. - " '-' ' In view of titteehdiffieseol affairs in Kansas for several years Set, efthieffetta so long made to pet In operatiOn here sa revolutionary government, and of the fact that this effort was suspended studetthe ballet Math* political difficulties of this Territory might at length be fairly adjusted at the polls ; it that adjustment , Should now be defeated and the people deprived of their rightful power under the tune of • Congress by fictitious returns at votes rimer l iven, at is out solemn conviction - that the pa:ideation of Kansas, through the &tiro/aro( the nleotivefranchise, would become impracticable, and thatelvil war would immediately he recommenced in this Territory, extending, -we feat, to adkilimt .States, and subjecting the Government the Gaon to Immediate peril. , , B e caaeo, therefore ; the paper now under mud nation Is not one of the original poll-books, bylaw required to be returned, and from the nume o f the oath prescribed by the territorial statutes for the judges of election, , the returns being thus clearly inralid,and as we believe fictitious and siren lated, we have under the circumstances no alter native but to Meet the whole return from the Ox feed preoinet; and to give the certificate to those who appear to have bees elected by virtue at the other remeten returns. It. J. WAIXEItiI t . ' Governor of Kansas Territta. Paco. P. STANTON. Secretary. , 'By the annual catalogue of Dartmouth Col lege It ippeare that the slumber of atuaanta con nested aith the amoral departawata of tbs. Mar- Union le as Mows :Medical students, 43; ma/Ws, 58 ; juniors, 73 ;'11000"oithle4 T he, beldam, 39 ; chandler schoot t is ;. tettp, 344. nanAer at tending the college pew, 249. Mr. Edward td. Taller, receatly of New areamenee t3a puldieadat id a daily evening - newspaper In Heaart,J.t., oat Monday nest. It will devoted to vast local • latelllgelee, Mental*, and the Lion of Eiomooratio principles. - • Via Albtuiy (N. Y.) &gas teams as that Andrew Kirk, pnakident of do St. Aidnri's soda ty of thateity, bat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers