IL PUNISIDIENT.—Prom the tlip the following : " Some AtammissireiteonakibOLM state- , -,a bright, %Whi g Rtleation-,,—was deteeted by en . his father in thersembettekto of an offence, for Which T dontironerited' ,n 4 Ird °tlve4Aconflid ol6o- ot thi r ,o d 4 0 of thi )10100.11 st ead tap- plyteg.the puaistutiont wash Insult oases ofyoutb - furdollimumioy,:arraignedliiribil stripped hint *of bis ordiaartolothingfahaved the hair from his - drowned him in' the striped garb' oft gonviet," maned him. within the - walls of a UMWildsd•P wadi the in -, As 4Wrin :11Mo heap lips the tuarblele m y self h, tia . • " ' itrial t derwent the lied alsotplinci of the prison; and,per • fornonl i the du tie s aseignadlo. isonviota; the mist li; humiliating.: and degrading of , width was to dp. pear Inthe, -pablie thoroughfares of native town, ,lind -thist,with a team engaged in .hauling. 'attimat shook 'their heads, aridimidm azimration : , ' - 'tdriaiis the' leaden Wawa bo ilfroiffind debided that he Was omenelltki 46 , onria to restore hiliwia to liberty, and lie,earrie very, near being' .taraiii. gut , of once.- - "As /non as released, the disliotiors4 bey, broken '''in'pride itiad4piat, , ked sfrom-'his home end for a -"'' 'long Alinti:notkinewis ,heated' of halal-n*od op' fir the Oilifornittepurts tio•c i - 'etrised of bargl,ary, t„,wee soputted, , about a yaw sill;* re' itefried o the. 2A Untie; -Skitemireinufrout 'one; to' another, of oar. large Milos, .•and , plumes% --ovary speoies of 'dissipation* and -viati:•• A few .mouths alio+ he , was arrested to one df hat prin.! - oipal cities for arms and' robberY,' hit trial bud footdired . fo - Vs; sentence Isayaait ocifitliniment in' the isinitentlary- I stnill, but,,ipat f . ~ week he washrought back to the home ,of ibis bey. hood, one of a gang of thirty. obstined-l'eloneqn charge of the ..sheriri: Re- met at the prilaoh'l -..2 threshold; hie ow,n father, stilt the *ardent And ea near father, toothery„,bnithePrOtad siitepi=ofbo' ate 'redpeotable members,' of 'iscaletyi4te''in t ' serve but his long ind drdiny,teiauf . . . GROUND *f.Triblif 4 pilt2 l °P I neaota and Paolo Railroad Compasyluire- ' -arrangements bywhioit they will Aura employmsat to a large number of laborer:kiln-lug Misled so long as the weather haroldPeowitti , Mohan*e geed bows to a large class who be s tNtYoirii date of employment by the stoppagd df eityiniPfoym• merits, The Timpt gays the dud. ground Was broken on the let instant, and a, numlier,ofAezi , engaged at work betwien:;thia -oltrand , St. 4a-; thooy, , that portion of the road bellg.tballtstir, will Ms eompletedlo,'Six istUtitykeidu = staked 'oat' for' the operations of tbeitintlitie Be: Pa INentear: -- Tim:Min jot)* swag OM I. Balton Dr RII3 OirV Mnients.-4 German d or Urbana, 111.; the mandfaettrer 'ef Wilke to modielam caught a tatt/oanikahli, tbe, took: it home 'arid offered ,t 6 tot the Snake bit*: every time any iP 0 r0 01 4,)) 0 1114 it.ttok 0 1 h ‘ Ficii . eine for One Amber, .on.Sanday of last weekor to c fooling with, his pet, it bit hies:in:the head. . applied his medicine without effect. Mtn ay he sent fora doctor, but too late; be died Angara day. THE MONEY, MARKET. - ,' f. ,Pitiadnaesta, Oetobee r ,llo, 1861. The stock Marketfeentimois /leery, though With cere ' firmness aa to prices. The 1311MAIMUI are llmigd, and fancy stocks' 'exceedingly dant Readintriltall ' shames closed at lc the, bonds it 021‘, - , Pennaylv is Railroad shares aro stited'yht,Bo; azei /Heir, Ayes dolt ' to 811 i. In other remittles there Ii no ciudige,,to Port. , The money matheeli duil; sed - Wiii ll-, 1 4,1 1 .' -- 'l*e in mit .T Moil our /Lemke ewe:orrice !wit! deelded tame for Am , hitnet, , theitgli the generst fooling is ine of ehearki.- ,ti: neer and buoYincy. • :The sitieti of the !mire InWrikng - - for the 'anneafrateiligt 9f, {heir' itaiklusldlete to 4e de , - the queetion_ef amit — iiitetithe reltel.44W done :nee II • the comninnity, Yap, emit eetednettaii: , It -Ii by no: means in keeping with the promptittiileirithitillialt e: Loglilatore - wu conireeed' ht . : their ' enisegitioy,,, 4, '..., 'i - hardly 'flat Ilie peep - to kayo ranee - Jib:44od *sm th m,: 1 ; :all Orcumetances, considered. - There: can be no it re •-: .- Lion, we think, as to the , acceptance of the retie( " law by them, though It may be - ,lti thiiiinlMloet ', ' Postponed for si few ',days, . , der, other, IM , MO 11 , . lollop ,death to the -basks' and increased distrait ~. to .the community,' and; - can'' be rodnetire ; Of . , - nothing bet „rule ; . while In Ltheli!'aceeptinbe of tbo orlinalieir there _Pi not =only hope for the tubers, bit a genientee.Of better times to All partial!, which, } to : itself, as i Mari ;Of restating confidence 'maim* tileir . i- -, 3ctuitot Met friends, brwesth many tentiteretbil be - . ltee or iincontenienc4dhat :might 'Melt ,ta.thi from thele'iderifiseeel z , , 1; : .; , -- - zr , . ,- ,1 i , % . .I. •'' Tie - United ' . 9iirtnie; :144aiia'reili wee f allifi f i t ~,,. . shows the amount to fill credit ; anbisottoilliile op e: day, October 12th : in,eoe,sti; of-eltich UMW' iii'' :New. york 18,141,058, in Philadelphia s2ooo,lTititel . toe '51,803,290; in Saltheera 1541,407;in - hew' Oillass ~ . $1,1111,910, end itlit„Linde,ll,lloB,lBB. -. ~ 4 a, .. ' : Ties decrease in the amount hold aubjeet et. draft f' , m Belot to the 12th °debut was $2,817,558F -, 1 , 31- ' - . The receipts and erpenditnreeof, , ths State ;Timm _IL ; alai:limy at, trunk Soyentber lB9O, tp.Oeto • - 304 107; were u follows: e ,1- Reeeipb llirlaitee For: 30, 1868..51,224,102 go - . . December 1838 817,482 18- • - January, i 867 • ' " 5 70, 8 4841 5 2 4 A0 0 13., Bebnurry, - -214,987 11'; ; • les - atloo Mardi, • • 203,911 r 94 • .102;466: oa April, • 1, • 298 OM 18 148,8 A 38 May, • 41 . 20,878 64' 448976=12 June , t • 291,190 ' Art2:7s3fie July, - • 1,640,008 04 -'' 800,748 31 August, •ut ~:-.. 404,06011 • 1,2111A46185 &Towbar, - .......... 118,083.83 ," ' , lie 681118 - Total " • 16,566,811884 .118,078181102 ' - 5 ; 015,18282 Rat, in Tremor) , Oet. Tut 14.80,022 72 , ' , The folliniini ahtement shows the expo* of ie from the portof New Yo rk for the week ending Oct. 7, . •- , 0ct.12, brig Ooodjr; Podolia co, idly*, $B,, 4, 12, doer Catawba Ramna, Am. gold ''4, 00 14, • Arabia; Idrerpeol, sorereigne,..... 1 58 " 4 . 17, Balton, Mere, .iiiirte'an . goldt.::: 81,000 " / 7 , " P 4 l / 1 1 4F 1 PhIsditYstaits7:• , - ts 77, • IS Total for the Week - - 14 , ? 15 2 Tet*J'ainei,jkimaitiist ' ' ' task", Tr fkonetime in 1866 • 21090,204 Game time In 1865 • ' ' " 24;184 Tea Barre time in 1868.. - , 3 . 2 ? 1133 3 The steamer Black 'Warrior, which snared et- ew - York yeeteittsy, brought -848,000 in,iutie — te:Bbmt i ' ew Orleane;and $135,222 'fro* . liarar4.'- The Southern mail brlnge to Aka seat Raw' bank etatennot, matlielip prior .to - the'paill* there d ikeikepension'or ifeleila Of them. The footings' ari as • Oet.lo. tains: `vm,786,520 $20,820,888 ihei..0468113‘ • 8,844,9115 s 5,4121,122 2460136 Atentdictel4.;,.-,1,864,944 ,20. 21 1,484,' 249.:Ateid10' ' 10,108,037 - 9,600,728 Danz,1014202 The earnings of *afire -Toth end. 'Boe Railroad for. , Septeinlki Were .` • - ^ Beitimber;lll67 WV* **mbar, 180 • • NOMA Dixielin '- '' ' ' ," ' laileCie PRILADELBRIA • BTOOR BXIORN 6 R7I4IIIB " 4 '' ' Dit'obii'l9, 'RT.' 4 . ' Reported by R. Manly, Jr., 09414 Broker, :, No. --•-• ' • 11 1314 Trabiuc'sentito : • : :- ~ f f PUtIT 4 / 9,ARP4 , _ _.:, y 800 City 84 84 4 Schuyl Nay pro d:.14 ' 1,600 ; —B4 ~‘ ~ 61toutdoWn AI • 02 1,400 do -" • 84 ',, •101410wi1iii...0k.r..16 3,000 ;a do • •H 4 - 62-- ~. , 4 0.;- 1 .40AP..*6 2,800 4o!,;:i - • 84, 4,110411114 •., 2,800 „do ...10t5.2.84 ;11, do' - • i n 1 • 80 N Formal 'B% 20 do • .., 20 1 ...2 di.. -8,4 i •2 - , ••• ~.+ i t i. , :••' • • . . BEITBABN BOARDS.,„ 1 • . _. 2,000 N Poona R 84;...47 3 1,600 Pe Oa 81% 600::_ ,do ~...,, . .41 , 't • 1 ltiaolAil 11..14t2.144 ; , 10/0 du ..ti567.47 , I , -'-.60 1 / 4 4ding 71 • 4 6w 4 •8X 1,400 do '47 • -100 ~-,..," do- ... ‘.......: .48 ~WO. . do , 47 , :' , 6ollBlost 04441:... 11% wo City 84.. .New..lB3X 12 N Poona 11‘...i...i. 811 - -- 710001ty60, 1 60,...83 • 2 5 : 7 10 30 4 .14 60k-,4 ii BRpOND BOARD. ''''• °'' • - ''-i 4 : ', 600 Penile 4s. .... ::'.82% id ii4iiiin Er ...,..I. l i , ', 800 . d0:.:.:‘....8234 'l4" ' 40:',..:'.: . dpoo ' •"' dit '-' 4 - 81% 60 Union 0. 1,81.` 'O% - 1,00014 - Pm* it tar 88.;,47 - lOO l / 6040477i.;r7:: . /S , / 1,000 8ead1161 4 7040 - ,oi)e/: Pi i-i de 4 .4 , ' ,'4,.g - 25 Fo ruUll.W.a. , . 4.88 .: 7 , 24141Peidui•14:3 44:. 834 1 n do 811 ,, ' 26"Lost lidandlit.O. 2,1 i .., 6 „. 6 0 ilA y i".. '2..14 214 2 i kith , ' ~._.,43, 4 AIN io . do 2do OkP,:.00; , ! 1 -• -' - ' C• 11 4 010 1,,AY M --6 444 ,' .1' - i ' Bid. Askadt _•., '-__,l- , Bic Isi s ad. Plell.4l' 8 , 8....88X• 84., •BoN Di 4 1112:1 14 • -, _. it . -4 41 1 41.'7:28 3i N : it t! . ,7.AT IA 4 7 !ell: 41 , 1 Poineylv 6 , 0....813i 62 ' do - do Rdenl2,-..,41 .1 Readingl ij.0,71 All:" 4 A4101,b16041 . ...• 8,4( AN, 4. <1 10 4 1 d4 40 02 / 4 ilk :, viiiiigargw....A4 43 - • Aii. :14 04 , 44 , 70 ,-.; olt 10116i4,11060.0-760 17% INinniv,ag. . .5.:14,4g - :, 141214•245 a - 64 • 16( Miirio Out& 06 - , ,•701. •: 14 1 4006061..,..1{,./ . • 1 2 / 1 .! •16:610116512.,.,61 - '62 „A Nor 0T80K.2.4... li l. , "W „Tit ' „.. SX 19.6 4 1 0424,11,11.. ii 8,„ -WoNniujoetotiirr 40 ~Gliercitron park in all 400.60000...440**P1*- t; and today, sitdss:fou Int quality Inas Width a:2, BAN n further , 9dteline..-Armadstuilly etioliht44lo.4up arstattl, ed,und froM 150 'l,lslrOblirsiiiiilll Plod*, grted lrOderr4rssids chiefly, /Am boon *Ad 4lt q f pintleuhire of which are kilt pinta, latai• ; T A" P f ia !' P 4 J 541012 :m 4 5,55 ,5 R POP k " 5 lA, Ainqs94 'xisteni4l. to : goad sof glitiac brands cites and fincY family)lour, as to lnand 'quillty, but there 1. not Intuit! salltng.: , Oa t ii lug Bp Flour, ire Sale and held, at 11&1$ for Ilia fernier; ikr,if s 4 i 9; ,bbl fcl•A u p, l ly4Kultiunity44., actions. 'Wheat , miseis withs fair at $1,161151.20 foy, counhon and g1i,64 - 0640 i 1010 1,444 1 i5t 51.50 for,white, tat there is V uol'iisteeh' ',offerisig 00 SW: ' lag:AS GAO riies,`Moit holderi./.004 ;All 440. _ UAW. 9 01 7.0 00 0 b 000 2,500,bu5r ittnittlisdr 0 84, prices are lo betkUotitti - ealea of -11,010 iris OduthAti' Yeli 4 w 4 01' 6 * hittSillioig/ Sit! isirorth 0,1 0110 4.4iii 00 4: 00 1 4- 44; 0;0444-234 1 0t0 4 11 1 44 irr and only ab0ut.2,500 belt limbo:it have Anandiaikerii at . 55•140 'the latter for' goOd DelawiMiOuloit.l Syll ' , waded; And about 500 bus Satmayliiida 71.10 in Ater. The dewed fer.Gottou byre* sockauspood.., ad, an d buyers are taking a few Malt iota attlynt fay low prices. Groceries are held illiet*ShiSs ;ides, ibut 'lliefe Is a meagre business dultifiluipir:' 4 o ca w . 2, ? ortil 3 1110.1 4 0 41 ffMri t e / 1 " tai 44',4 bu 7 ce mess'. lers,Proiisions Show .n 0 ,alteration .ptiOaA4t d' and there is nothingdang worthy of Seeds continue dull - siadrisisitYad, balm krtiar ta k4 , 4 advantage; and Oloyerseeo,)ba. - , 114 11104.66 pp: f o o' o, in!Onii• IVO* TfickPtiOrtit 4* KO fox pti l oAtifilagfi 3 OfilsitrAi aaniesig. tor • - _ •, Y,S f.,:ai-kr,i-,,T,f,. r MPOttatiOnSV 4 fir r ' ,, a Yd r ita kAlos !?r v ' v rinillittiritti . 0501c0..1 box Ltsigclow Skit krowo MA 14r Wool W Wood , I'liddi W Y Chown 4 owilif -, balliDit*Om *. igtigh • o,3llWait l k OW :'.‘ 1. 0116wirlikimovi• lit .016 lbsts ~ M l O ll ,-4 11,', 1 01641~Jdoio,Vde$ illiqrag It - :I NOW ki- saturols. 8 'pkil• 1 eallottßokilo ,- A SiisTosoouggt• ibor, 4oakiaa 4k notiotrom;:l $ ,i; ;wt . , It t atutir* B. 1 4,4.. •. wailori.„„ctir , $ ~,,,,• X_ 0160•104 Apr wskat v0i16147 - 11TF 7 ' P.4 - ;1 ers loo WillieWK6oli , Sl6lo4 S'Otkl 7. Al "4, il,•••Srpi4:_ , 1040_016110 - 06 . 0tairitSiri • * Lo - ,-8 do K Srlfrrhap-tdolili , 4 !, - '•• ,. 44 14 4 1 1 11 1 1 6Ak11- 11 VOIPasegm neetA„ 44l ,W l o' Jra 41k11." , ! . IMllle : Alk9% XS do W ealbiliSol SI ' , :i XttliA , lx,ipit :1.a.big4 . 4.,, ,.. ‘ A tf of r.§ ,91 140 empty carboys 31 Phillips; 25 do Powers A Weightman; 13814 dry Y 'hides A Peterson; 673 empty casks PouHuey & R t' Araritlt'ilifidiehardestose:--Barine Cord°lis, IJndsay 7 -200 tons logwood 92 bags pimento iirellsford & PRIIADELPIIIA BOARD OP TRAWL, Wit. O. NIS; Snoutolt; i Cowgirls' OY ELLIS YAattau, • LETTER. BAGIb • At , the Metchdats'' Exchange, Philadelphia. Bhip Joeeph Jone,i,'YloWore , , .... ,San Francisco, seen Brig Oregon', (Br) Green..., .... . Fort en Prince, soon (SAILING Or 411E•ocrA.rt STEAMERS. • ' ' • .P,SOld TWO UNITIID, SYAYEB. STYLUS% ' : , . 'PROM nit DIY Niagara ' ' ' "Boston Liverpool . . —...'. Oct 21 YooderbUt ' ' Nevi York. Walton k. lioVre....Oct '24 Kangaroo ' • Nei York Liverpool ....Oct 20 . - ~ PROM BUItOPS. ' i FROM /CO . DAY BOYWI/lia. , . .Hamburg New York Oct 1 Gen Willisres. , ..Liverpool Quebec Oct 3 North Stir...Elontbampton New•Nork . •••• • Oct 7 Kingsroo Liverpool New York Oct 7 Introit:: ts. I - - Liverpool 'Boston., • ' • Oct 10 Bettie • • Liverpool 'New York 00E14 Persist.:..... ~ —Liverpool( New York • Oct 17 Ansio.;...,..,Boulharopton, New,Tork Oct 21 „,,.1140Y1131INTil OULU - NANA, BTHAMEI3B. -.; XRltAnii,l l 4 l . - 71Y01 8 Now Yea a, Arriving at Ha. vela B th, 4 0 41 1 / a orielosa Irrora , Now Orleans 20th ; Havana 934, : arrivlog at New York 28th. QUALIIR OnT—FromNewYork Ith of each month, triLlVltgigng:ba67l.ll/,°i:Neewllithoikgr M. OAnewaA—YrondlifirW.YB44l .2t , Arriving at Havana 17th, and. liewOrleans 19th. From New Orleans 27th, 111,01009 th, arrlvtag at New York Bd. 'Nwepte, Over,lrom New York 17th, arriving at Ha vana” 93d,:assa New Orleans 2eth. , From New Orleans .684, pavan Bth, arriving at New ;York 13th 81401- Yrkiiition—Prom New ;York 27th, arriving at istasid Weir FOrlesoni 3d. 'From New Orleans alithillavamentle-,dne - est- - NewYork 18th. - 03111,0114Fr0al Oharlexton , 19th and 4th, due at Ha- TWA SU elhotttllavana 10th and 20th, due at New York lethrouLftlat, The California mall stemmas/11 from New .York'on the btkaa4 **Liao! isath month., 'Aci iri4lltgenu aiti*C9,74,pgiumimpule, Oct. acp, 1827. SUS MRS e 25-81:124 UTS 5 25 WWI ... 1 .il' , •I"ittlit:ilditiatainiierlitate of (Gores, 3 3 Garvin, r, llotiftadfßiboinil 'from (Savannah. with nub° t A Reron, Jr. Passengers, 3 it Newell, Saud Noble, 0 Atlitisliff *Agri andalacin the steerage.., f gart% oo . l i t R. Wellteatenitt, 11 days from Cardenas, wake to etonein. . , alma Gen.:Warren; 011dord,113 days from Now Gr ieves, Witil.Mtbe to Pettit, Martin & Co. RanymiAlordelle, Lindsay, from Black River, 3a, via Olimiletitot4l9 days, with logwood, &o, to Watford & Willson,. ',Nfig,, Reerm. Zion, S lilyy, 14 days from Havana, with 'clize,&e:te .1d nenot & Co. ( brig Junes Marfa; Thomas, 17 days from St Jago 4 . C..., illitaltast to Captain. : Dr brig Mary nollandePayson, 8 days from St John, NB, , ,wittvpise4r &o. to N A Sander & Co. Brig May R Milliken, Nordon, 16 days from llama, in bailut to D W Prescott,-„ _, 'i I tilchr.emanda, iiney,6 day. iroia riecteriegabari. with 7220 baskets shorts, to Swells, Galant & 'Galvin. 1 Behr Convert, Snownteni9 days from Piston, NS, with Wong to W Rough. ` . , • : ..(iichr: S. If Shaddick,'Williams, 0 days from Middle town, with atone to ThOosta Mansfield: i Behr Mary Ann Gantt; 'Barrett, from Richmond..., ! Bohr $ Hewitt; Rots, froni Boston. : Bohr Prances Rimer, Smith; 2 days from New Yoik, with ceireitti &c. to 0 ti Smith & Co. } Aar lAN Chase, 8 days from New York, with mdse to Crowell & Collin.' (.: : t : t Behr Robert elnowles, Scott, 3 days from Concord, Delimit/I bark and corn to Bewley, 'Wilson & Co. Behr Mary, JUckards, 2 days from Camden, Bel, with oorn *Morley, Wilson & Co. - • Behr-Annie B Russell, Warrington, 3 days from Lew'es, Del, With van to Bewley, Wilson & Co. ' j .48clir -Telegraph, Truitt, 2 days from Camden, P,el, with wheat iind - rya to Jan Barrett ec Bon. Salem Jas L Jieveren, Pearce, 2 days from Little Creek irdaeabeg; Witte bark,to Jen Bartlett & Bon. Bohr Jae Wllarly, Sipple, 2 days from irederica, vibes to Jai Barrett as ElOn. ' 't Behr , llldciredo, Williams, 4 days front Laurel, Bel - . With timber to / et Rehr Belt 4 ethepherd',' Minh, 4 days from Laurel, Vol, With Bitabar.X•l MCColley. ' ' ,With JDiaiMditd State, (Withal, 2 days from Wilfoid,' Dedi4rlth taikkal groan to a aseco;tay. OLBARBO.' • thlWortiti, Copes, N Toik; • Bari:woe cheater, Crosby, Boston, Twells,,Gesklif & ' '• ' • Brig I:yie;Wialdill, Boston, D Pearson & Co: • met u Means; Treworgy , Boston Yen Dusan Norton Wing, Andrews, Alexandria, T Webster, - Behr A Guest, Barrett, Richmond, Vandusen, Nor tad .tyoo. • • ' Judea 0 Hewitt Boss, Providence, Tyler, Shine & Oo: • • '`' " ' I, Ow, Iler,'Baltkaore,'A Groves, Jr. ,•• , A ,„. , „ yaX is , l "4lorxesondelace cif the PhiliulelphisYschange. CAPE ISLAND, Oct. 1.9;43,4; DIE ,Tike ship Arbor:right, for Mobile, went to sea this fore amid, In 'oompoupy with several schooners , apparontly 'w5t.1014.40 ! Nothing in sight inward bound. Wind Unto; THOS, B. GIIGEBBI , , „ • to winsonara.] , . • , ' ;" ( 3mrsepondence of The Press.) ; • „ Nsw Yon, Oct Itr, 4rrived daer Sdinharg,trom,GLesgow; brig A Pe ters, from Tr io Wad de Cabs. , , s „ BOMA, Oct, 19; Arrifed,latino ' Rivet, from 'kitchen; Novade, Irina 'Malign Lancestei, from Ardrossan; brig Lucy Ann, m 'Auass4'Alte,,Lpß t ftsdr,L 3acmel. „ Cort oeinatica of The Preen., , 0111111 Da °num, Oat. 19 Eleven baits left herothis morning, laden and ilgaad folhirrai' Abbe ff Read; lblinminvis coal to 1' Burma; llobt T ton- and Olt, of Philadelphia, lumber to II Croakey; Geo fitockhom, lumber to Bolton, Vanderreer & Co; Sarah Alice, Ittoitiorto D D Taller & Co; Copt J Maly, ,lumber tO'Notiroaa & Sheets; Datoansan lc don, lune or to Oattalkldaj J . II Zimmerman, light, to A C lialokiskaanitinin 3'D Bogor, ontlersette cal to , Dol.4iloom City; Lykens ,Valley, ,, anthraette coal! to Oliaostaaike City—, ~, . , - , . . UMORANDA T akasnahlts Keystone ilitate, Marahman, hence at lia vannah Ifith Inst. Skosestdp City,of , hiew..York, Bowes, hence, arriled at Boehm yesterday. ;.. OVerenekip Eriospoui Lowber, from New York, at hre men Ski Inat., .., , -,. i ..-i Bioallnip. td • West Orgy, from New York Stir "fill for-Asphisratt, listranit 13th inst. • -• • • ' Steamship.lllsok.Warrior, Smith, from New Orleans and Hayamailth Watt at New York on Sunday. • l StesunaW_pAilaaker City, Bhufeldt, at Havana 12th !bat from Hatcyork, andlsalled 18th for Mobile, • Sterinwhip MB Basch, Ramsey, at Now York yestir daYfemndhsitlmore. • Stearnehly.ltdlnbtorg, Cumming, from Olugow, i3d last, arrived at New York yesterday.. , • gtassnalilp Kangaroo, Jeffrey, sailed • from Liverppol Ith inet. for,New York. atearnaldpEiwupaifasitch, from Boston, via frallftx, at Idverpoollid hat, Steamship Baltic,. Comatook, from New , York, at P.. verpool Itls inst., • • • • ~ ShlpJanso 11-Wolaix, (not Jae B Walker, as raper i d) sailed from Martelllea•W•th' ult. for Philadelphia. kW, iHaphaid, Butehirt, for Montevideo, clear at . flaw York. yesterday_, • , Bhlp Joe•ph of Bangor was spoken Bug as, _tate 87rfOng 4 0 /a, h4and round Bangor, Born. ) Chase, from Boaton for Camas, Wu Adltanffbanlt. lit la 43Ni-fang 3548. • BhipillyingliMitAbensll, 4o.MArica, Peru, meted up at Baltimore_ yetterflay. „ Baran* Cavalier, Mirwad, from Rio do Janeiro , r rived at Ilikiimse yesterday. Bonne I 'IY Reid, Reed, cleared at Savannah llith hut. torPhtledelphis, in ballast. , Baran* Atirißlbeth, Norgrave, hence, via Lavin, !waived at,Trleste dug Barque Zinn" ) 41e, was loading at,Harana 14th that for New York. „ Barque Ellen Morrison, Lewis; from Montevideo, hr, rived* iffewyoriallith Mat,, • I 'Banal Taylor, ' and Warren' Millet, NM et, hese!' 04 llostottysiterily. itarattellorehestir, White, from Alps Bay, area od at Balton lath WC , - yesterd , IlitthiroPark luince,irrived at 800 n ay. ' airtgaßiad_ dillhinotijiPinoli, Yoroi, , , •nadtaeo Barr% lfwasalti hence, at Boston 18th inst. , Nrit a ltrandrrine, Conner*, for' Paraiba next days to load Philedelphia, was at Pernambuco about 23d •t. Brig litiltoniPotter; from New York, was Marburg ag it Port an Prince 14th ult. • lienkkOrook, far Mak Inver next day,lo load for New York, Arsalat Montego Bay 10th nit. B a ri ri t i fohn Cashier, Johnson, for New York, sailed from isidadffaChtba Oct 2. • • •'/ • I g Ganges, horn ;Wilmington, NO, for Bushes arm, inst. in distress. YOrkMar Taylor, Taylor, for Philadelphia, cleared at N fiehio 6 Waterbury; Cook, from . Charleston, at Ma. tasura — s 12thieet.,4 Bahr. HOo./larris, boron, front& Marys, (hi, was dis ,rdualerstifatartsas 9th lost. • fight ,North, Neatest Richmond 11th Inst. Bahrgaha !nine, Pei*, hence at H York 18th loot „ , L; . • , ;11AILINS MISOBLLANY. • NA Lewis, of barque Mien, Morrison, at New York, reports having seen, Ilth Instiolfßatteme, the of AWOMlAlkOnefalle)r.V,, • •, ; 4 , - ,Baskundasialonper; Herd ;York, reports, Sept2B, 1. reu in with the wreck of a , Prenelt ship, ashore oil a reef eight sales east of Wolf Key; she was full of wster aciltnlMitdOneldi toidn frau her 1 ease "of mud* hooka, 1 t___...,h o P4 - iflf Thenhil , weineen gz A sp rea d,, le 012 her , bow; e t,. , Wore for Havana,. as some es taken ihlid Saraseed to psitles in Bala. /P a!, • ea 49 had been In ,H er as y 'BunasielEt e crew had 'eft her only. at sandialag, ag um* Omit*/ birditaken from her had boen (44 *:sham 41.4« um!, the seid,ittibe cops hot 'Wag wilted: - ♦ portion of Ilinholl,end. 0,000 Worth of goOdal of ti 4 o 4o .o4p;Spinii!.,:bavelmearecovaied. • Thogdode karnoldat, anct lon, and large salvage 'allowed 77 - - OPDXEN, Wins ' afr - orillattertitH SA' s - PiireViro' Mhe Spanish Main, for Hiltliner,V filth inst. Ist 01,30, long Ma brio KumbeddSKinisge, from New York for Man 26th nit, off 'poems, brig Antelope, from New Rfog haptikall, Io,W of roatubodut find gaff, ribs/dogma* igrangi and sails spilt ; would ko of-Maxi:op do repels.; -• • , , • • 81011th,dat 8.808 long, 47.18 Vf, ship Bertha Jen/ett Mr) ftom Callao for Cork..' 4th lust, lot 2047, long' ea, ship North America, steering B. B. W. • : -; - 1 . .- •.. DORYSTICI PORTS. _ i ' HIW - -YelUft, Oat 141.-Are steamship Roanoke, Mi ner; tom Norfolk.- Ship Jacob A Westervelt, Atustin, Ikons ,Itlve I; SW , passengers, 'all well ; was towed 'into q In* Br barque UM, Lirooutettrt Pertain. Won*. 'Hamm 'Oadet r Guide,. 21• day. from Bathe, ROM, Ma the Northern Triangles; •Wyandotte, BMus, from Torten* Island; Cornelia, Barton, from Havens— iltit Ind,' 4111ne BMW, of Brooklyn, a semnan, died, i aireSif nate t- Isoorisse, Ryder,. from Havana; I m ' to , ikuips!;/frons, Nuevltail, Sept 2.(q vie Hampton Bo s. Brigs Saginaw, Cade, from RIo Bache :. Henry 0 llrodks, Bberrtili from (1011111•011, _• , Oareline,Wightby, AsPhlwilli .Prinatton, Allen, from Montego Bay, Jam; Mechaille, , logio, Olealkagos;. throw Albert Thompson, from ' Havana.. Dr sear motes Conran, Turks Island, gohr 'Martha Mai Omer Jacksonville; II Bruen, Houghs., GeOrgotmil, a o ; , Oiallage,Smlth ; Yorktown, Woglom, OW ;. ghatagq Ler a oy, Osborn , Norfolk ; Olobe, (huller, itehMlMataLt '... '' ' '', • I ~,Q1439, - . AV hi l l*Plut Elignet, Lords, Auckland, New zittsm l ditty ,- is• bound to Yortimouth, (Eng.)!put in to r ely: burps WOHam,Heath, Where (Oust,) Thoodori IMAM,' 011Ver ' Sarni - la (Triode,' Crier sa, MIMS, Nitritaa; PH: girt, ipbafir, Remedios; b 'gs, Stenislrleg Wiederlety. :When, out dust rodiaifigo; Baernita, tHroggeritHavans, ,T M Mayhew. 'Haney 'lllernuMnitWwarlerer;of Weetposti Itteturty ,- 0 0 .4...! mks Julia FA lbscwoond, Wilmington, ir o t „,I a_ tOtler of BuokspFpkins, Jame', It B Wool ii, itemokimi,..wasf i l , 81/17*, Marshall,' 0 days on. Hatitittren f lt 0, obtra, Howes, Savannah, JWM er, TM*, 11104-Dlownir, Siatimare; Old' ship Old cur -1 110 . 1 4 BOUM, NOW 061111110; O.Z. baHansel, Osho' e, r i ta,ll_,,ttylor, Taber, tts If .Morton, Bul ey, i ""* lstir th oiM "''' 3 S l l k olg u il at I n - 4 11111 44tta r g; 'ohm IN;Iphle; {BOHollandt it : I liblart 4 1ail*sh Oolpowni Nmfolk, Ann D Illinonlen,. Alcusidets, . , la. ,ff r 1 -, " i IffASION _ports: • :, 1 , 1 :: ~ , ' „1 4 / 4 telFaskti, .. ,it rftelb America. ti ' i Az rrri.Alktn.nllntr gdalsne, at Bremen R SWUM , ' t liptahurr Sth; Akyab at Helroet; 4th, Orient, ti o,ftgi*l'. 1 4 '..- ~ ' SilattAirPr Nor TO* 4 44i,tioll;,tr•RO,freonOl; stb, XOPIAO 4 4`,:Se ;Mile f ' Havre; , , ram Oh, Ran , •4 5 e a Llt t On 4 fl a wlt i verL inilt , .„ ~, 1 t . ) 1„0, , fro lirerpook, 1 11 1 . 1 41 -4164 r Sago ha PoilumiN. - o - -up ~ :,-.. 1, , • , ', . t 1 KSOTT-A AT,%V.411-oif ,j, s 4 i‘tr.g,' , •i , .(44a 16q,) ARRIVALS AT THE PRINC / IpAIJ Up to 12 o'clock La*ti Nig (. " CFIRAED 110 TEL--Chestnut struck, between Bth Sr. oth 0 Davis, N Y I. Warner, Bolt 0 Wendell, IVaehlugton 11. K Hartley, Texas Win M Coslah• Misi 3 3 Oreehun, Ca Geo W L Twiggy., Augusta Cleo P Swift, 0a II Twiggs, N Y Win Edgar, N Y John Sanders & la, N Y Win Ournmtngs, Serseyeity H J Seymour, Troy, N Y Casper, Now Orleans James McCullough, N Y J 'Jenkins, N 0 H Parrneler, New Haven HS Pearce, Carbondale, Pa 0 Eldridge, Pa 0 If necking & la, N Y Bingham Willing, Phila A M Jackson, Va P H Read, Ohm, Ohio A V Brown & la, Va Wm IT Willard Wmegort Mies Saunders, Yet, II Thorn & le, Y BAI Oakley, Fort Whine E G Cushman, N Mrs Andrews, Fort Wayne AI W Chandler, Win J X Atelanahan N Y Geo W Berger, N Y Silas A Bradley, 'N Y Jae B Prince, N .5 9 II Oondlet, N W N Siren Va MI, Ward, Newark, N V J Taylor,Oeorgetown, DO D Ryerson, 13 0 S It Bates, Now York R Douglass, N Y Than B Hudson, St Louis his 1.4 Dickson, Semi Thompsoo, Si Conuiegtoo, N J Oakley, N Y GW Anderson & lady, Sa- SMs Anderson, Savannah vannah E 0 Anderson, Jr, Savannah EL W Mercer, Savannah G A Mercer t Savannah Hon E 0 Anderson & Son, J L Morgan & le, N London Savannah H Duryea, N J 0 P Co oman, N T Letlene, Cuba VI II Pendleton, Washingtn Chas M Erbed, Lancaster F Dodge, Georgetwn, DO Wm Dedge, Md 11, Panora, lirwriabg John L Mayer, York, Pa J F Hunter, Reading Geo M. Leman, Reading W F Keynolda, Bellefonte Mre II Weller & Son, NY J W Blackley, New York Mrs J Limb, Danville J 1' Breve, Danville John Grove, Danville .Nathanil Eaton, Cuba James B Murree, Tenn Thomas I' Williams, NY J L Wilson, New York E G Duvall, Baltimore C T lI4W &. le, Savannah Mr Wyer, Savannah Molter & la, New Y ork Mre W E Treadwoll, NY Geo hi Balite, Virginia Cleo II Balne, Jr, Vs. T A Balite, Ship Alex'r A IV Leisenring & la, Pa W Cameron & lady, W 0 Albert, New York F 8 Thayer, Troy J S Thayer, New York S A Whitney, Glaaboro , Milton Hall, New York. Wm E Pearson, New York G Hargrave, Georgia B Cronin, New York 3 II Wright, Kentucky .1 Allen, New York II N Camp, New York. 011 Waldo& la N Orleans A. Hollingsworth & wife, Baltimore MERCHANTS , HOTEL—Fourth street,below Arch. A M Coburn, Haverhill Sami D Myers, Vs .tno B Myorn, Va J GLlftllau, Chester co Sylreeter Lewin, N NV Shioldo, N A D Gilchrist & la, Vbarre T L Schick, Gettysburg Oboe Spangler, York, Pa Hugh S Cole, NJ 1 Harris Forbes, Princeton R L Mosley, Pit Hon J Yost, Pa L Morton, Ilarrisbyirg Benj Gennulel, York co W Bayford, Pa liardenbergh, Cal Jno B Furst, Cold Springs Win APitite, Clintonville AII Bent, Salons. J P Reesman, Salons Win Heiner, Milton , G P Parrish, Wilkesbarre Jon Howarth, jr, W'barre IL D Reynolds, Wilkeebarre Hon Philip.rohneon, Rasta Mrs Burket Berwick, Pa T L Tudors, Philo Wm J Booth, Cooperstown E 0 Wells, Money, Pa ' V S Doebier, Pa AMNPIOAN MOTEL—Ohostnut street, above Fifth, Ceo Pouge, Va WC D Bell, Ye f , James Crawford, Vs John II Harris, Ilarrisonv IlissM E Harris, Harrisonv M N Williams ,k, dan s Mass lion II P Wildon, Nose Miss N P Wlldon, Mass 1 Griffith, Jersey City Wm II Harrington, War- Wm J Barker, Harriet % ceder A W Goodell, New York AB lymyer, Lewistown 8 .5 Brisbin, Lewistown W T Purnell, New Jersey Sohn L Bowers, AltiryPd P ROarretson,Port Deposit It Duffield, Port Deposit W G Konsett & wife, Wash- Chas If Hobart, Piffled& ington II NDu Bola,Doylestown II P,Sibly, N Y Geo W Frally, N Y 8 J Preston Trenton, NJ Jae id Smith, Reading A Strauss, ti Y Geo Smith, N Y , NATIONAL HOTEL—Race wired, above Third. 0 0 James, Harrisburg Lewis Vastlue, Pottavilld F 0 Harris, N Y H S Hardner, Pa O B Foust & la, Wheeling John McElroy, N Y Joshua Boyer, AteKaanaburg Paul Sengel, Pa P I Phillips, Phcenixville Semi Lewls, Fa Jacob Rico, Bethlehem Wm dliiler,'Oatauqua, Pa Wm MaJom. Leesport J E Nice, Sch Haven Joa II Landis, HAMS, Fa At A Smith, ilmnmeiton Geo Doig, Phila BTATEB UNlON—Market streak, above Sixth. Cleo H Wood, Pittsburg Ll' Carter, MA 0 Carmony, Lancaster L B Lanning, lEarrlaburs N 11 Boileau, Easton II McDonald, Pottsville John N Eckert, Peuna l' M Bruner, Conestoga 0 3 Rhodes Lane co, Pa John Doper, Lan co, Pa 'Amos Sourbeer,Lanc co,Pa John Campbell, Bloomfield Bawl Strayer,McAlestenflle Coo Livingston, Ilellefont Dent Herr, Columbia, Pa Daniel Yoder, Harrisburg J 11 Fog, Pa Amos Rocker, Lane co H AlcOleee, Atlantic City Mrs B Rotten, Marietta, Pa Win Buchanan, Pa Al Spode, N Y , Oliver B Yoder, Ilarrtebg , , UNION lIOTEL—Arch street. above Third J 0 Cone, Conn 8 Brush, N P 2 Fries, N 0 ' W P Andrews, Shelby, N 0 0 G Mann, Scranton Pa John Mock, Pine Grove, Pa strx At E Whitmore A c de, Pe. Ohas hltckle, Allentown , Aug 0 Wcilekim, Pa E W Reinecko Md Chas Shepley Pitta 118 Burr, Pitts JR Saylor, Pitts Chas P Schaeffer, Gettyabg J Maxwell, Penns , Harrison Carver, N J John T Swift, Ai Chunk Steph Jones, Tamaqua 1)11 Beecher, Pottstown W K Jones, Tamaqua Philip Cenral, Tamaqua Martin Early Palmyra : 1) 8 _Early, Palmyra A 9 Ilurmall, Mercer , Chas E Boyer & la, Readig lilies Mary Boyer, ResuVg 1/ I/ Hoover, Poterabg 0 MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. Banal L Roberts, N J D 8 Baker, Trenton, N j AII Rlnsley, Easton, Pa 8 Oundaker, Easton, Pa, (I Marcbett , Ito W E Carter, Dover, Del 1 TII Rlggln, Laurel, DM Thos H Burgess, Del II P Peeks, Laurel, Del E J Brown, Missouri daml James, Camden Geo Brown , Camden ' Adam Jamea, Missouri 0 G More, kid 1 Woo Paine, N Y - BLACK DEAR INN—Fifth awl Merchant. Z'Williams, Chester co, Pa Lorenzo Olbson,Chester co John Trainer, Chester co Truman Coates, Chester co Wm Carlisle, Del J Pemberton, Chester co Davis Kimble, Chester co E Ilartrautt, Pottstown , II It Oheyny, New London Dr Snyder It la, Lancastre.o D Stubby JD Stephens, Pa V 0 York co, Pa HY Valrlamb, Lancaster co Jos Ihustead, Pottsville BLACK BEAR HOTEL—Third street, ab J Iteßash, Northumb'd co Chas D Shama, Hamburg 0 Rutudcker, Lehigh co Chas Roads, Southampton Mr Roads, Southampton Goo 0 Schmid, Moutg'y co S Cope, Montgomery co Maury Thomas, Franconia D B Boyer, Boyeratown J HaWicker, Cooperstown Jos Miller, Ea Peter Gross, Pa J P Hasa , Long Swamp John K Grim, Grimsville Miss grim, Grin:mill° John Jarret, Ennuis Saml Bak, Lycons Valley W H Langdalo, N 13petia1 Notirta.. Jackson, JOB PRINTER, AIM:01111NT STREET. Cheeks, Notes, Drafts, Dills Lading, 11111 Heads, Cir culars, Cords, and all other kinds of Job Printing, at prices to Inuit the times. 0c17.1y Buffalo Robes.-100 MOM; Buffalo Robes of the various onalltiee, Just received from Minnesota. Also a handsome assortment of Fancy Rolm of our own manufacture, and for site wholesale and retail by GEO. P. IVOMRATII„ 416 Arch Street. octlllm Seamen's Saving Fund Office 209 Walnut street, one door west of second %treat. Recetres de posits In come of One Dollar and upwards, from all classes of the community, and allows interest at the rate of five per Gent. per annum. Office open daily, from 9 until 6 o'clock, and ou Mon day and. Saturday until 9 In the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Charles M. Morris; Bedm tary, James S. Pringle. Bowers Infant Cordlul.•••Thil invaluable Cordial le prepared from a variety of the moat choice and efficient aromatics known in inedleine,'and In the meet perfect and reliable carminative extant for infant's and young children. Dy lie powerful influence a speedy ewe is effected in all cases of Ohatic, windy pelna and spume. Relieves and mitigates much otchildren , a Retracing during denti tion or teething, and by Its soothing properties tran• quilisee pains of the bowels, looseness, vomiting, &a, The Infant Cordial has become a standard remedy, and has been need in thousands of cases with the molt abundant success. No Madly should be without it. Prepared only by Ungar A, Dowse, At his Drug and Chemical More, N. 11..conser of Sixth and Green ate., Philadelphia. To whom all orders moot be addressed. And for este by Druggists generally. - an 111-1 y Slaving Fond—Flro Per Cent. Interest:—Na float! Safety Trutt Company, in {Patrol Street, tooth. went corner of THIRD Street, PHILADIMPHIA, AMA/ over Out MILLtox Aim A. lIALr or, invested In RIUL ISOTATII S IO.OIII.O,IQI6,IIIIOI2IIID RENTS, old other Bret clue securities, as required by the charter. his institution conduce Its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. The office is open every deg from 0 o'clock Ist the morning until ?"o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday eveninge until 9 o'clock. illartiages. On the 20th September by the Rey . Olathe Louden, THOS. ANDERSON to Miss XLIZA MILLER, sit of this city. At Sycamore, Chester Valley, Oct. 16, by Rey. Wm. It. Bingham, LEWIS 0. PAINE. of Wilkesbarre, to ANNIE E., youngest daughter of D. 0. Lee, Esq., of the former place. On the 12th Oct., by the Rev. D. D. Choosy, Mr. ISAAC E. DROOKAL to Wee MARY M. BLYTHE, all of Philadelphia. Ilicatha. Ou the 17th Instant, Mr. RODDRT TENER, formerly of Dungannon, county Tyrone, Ireland, In the 87th year of hts age. Rio friends and those of the family are respectfully Melted to attend the funeral from b❑ late residence, 611 Routh Third street, to-morrow (Wednesday) af ternoon, at 2 o'clock, without further notice. Interment at Monument Cemetery. On the 17th inst., in the 52,1 year of his age, GEORGE 01.I.ARLEBWORT1f. On the 18th inst., SAMUEL CRAIG, in the 19th year of his age. On the 17th inst., MARY ANNEULALLA GORMAN, aged 21 years. On the 17th instant, Mrs. MANTRA LINDSAY, widow of the late Wm Lindsay, In the 98th year of her age. OnSatneday morning, 17th Instant, LAVINIA R. dawife of Daniel Story, aged 42 nitro, 11 month and 23 m On Saturday morning', 17th lost., Mrs. MARY ELM DIA% WATZEL, in the 224 year of her age. On the 17th Inst., Mr. RALPH 11. KNOWLES, in tho 68th year of Us age. On the 17th Inst., Mrs. ELIZABETH LLOYD, in the 48d year of her age. On the 18th tact. In the ad year of his age, JOSEPH ARNOLD, son of Wm. and Ann Jane Carla. On the 18th Mat , JANE, wife of Wm. Dishy, and daughter of Cant. Benj. 'Holbrook. On the 18th Inst., CHARLES, infant 804 of Charles and Eliza Jane McClean aged 11 months and 8 days. On the 17th Inst., JOIN EARLS, Infant Bob of John and Jane Earls. Oa Saturday, JAMES MARTIN, aged 88 years ' On'the 17th Snot., SARAH LYNOU, aged 11 mbnthe, Infant daughter of William and Julia Lynch. , On the 11th inst., MARGARETTA BEORLER, in the 89th year of her age. Oa the 18th Inst., CHRISTOPHER HADFIELD, aged 80 years. On the 17th Inst., Mr. ROBERT TERRE, formerly of Dungannon, County Tyrone, Ireland, In the 87th year of hi, age. On the 17th Inst., Mrs. MARTHA R. BEWLEY, aged 48years. Suddenly, on the 17th lust ROBT. BILLSBORROW, am or David and Mary Peters, In the Bth year of hie age, of Brooklyn, New York. , MARGARET, wife of John On the 17th 'nat., ROBERT JOUR, eon of David and Elks Jane Claret', aged 16 months arid 8 days. On the 16th hut Robert eon, In the 48d year of her age. On the 17th Inst., JOHN CLINCH, in the 48th year of Ids age. , J On the 180 instant, JOHN BARRY, aged 2@ yeare. On the 10% Ipetalet ? ITAX7O H.ELSH, aged 07 Imam THE PRESg.- - -PMLADELPMA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 20, 1.857. irr L cruiP, #ll 4 , otin, pffit/DimpatA4oetober iee • t NOTION IS HEREBY GIYNN, That, the trommta , stoners will hear Appeals by all persode rated f or State and Munitipal Tax , in the oily of Philadelphia, for the year 1868, for the severed wards of the said city, a9t . bair °floe, No. 11 west wing of the State Howe, Lap sta irs on the following days, between the hound 19 01 / 4 4 09 E A. M. and 1 o'clock, 2. N. let and 3d Wards—Ou Monday, October 19th, 1857. lld ," 4th " Tuesday, '2oth, " 6th '' oth " " Wednesoley, 4 $ 21st, "" 7th Bth " " Thursday, 'I 22d, " 9th "lath 44 " Friday, " 23d; " 11th " 12th " Monday, " 28th, " 13th 4 ' 14th " Tuesday, " 27th, ‘ 44 16th " 10th 4, " Wednesday, I , 28th, " 17th "18th 44 " Thursday, ‘• 20th, " 10th 4, 20th " ' 1 Friday, 4, 8C414 " 21at " 224 " " Monday, Nor. 2d, " Ltd " 24th " Tuesday, 3d, " The Assessors of much warns to hare not been supplied with Blank Notices of Appeals are hereby notified to call at rho Oommiftsioners , Office and procure the same. °FORGE M. MILL, jj JAMES M. LEDAY, City Clomroisslobere. JAMES LOGAN, ocladtnoll LIQUID GUM DROPS, MOSS, AND Mellow Pastes of a euperior quality manufactured by E. G. WIIIESIAN & C0.,102 South SECOND Street. Druggists and storo•keepers please, call and see them. oceu•Sta WANTED TO RENT.-A CONVENI- T C ent ROUSE, with Garden, &o. within one hour or the Exchange. Address " PIiuMPT, ,, ve spitett. clad 81# 4TANTED, FOR TEE UNITED STATES CAVALRY—AbIe-bodied, unmarried men, to whom will be given good pay, board, clothing, and medical attendance. Pay from $l2 to $22 per month. No man having a wife or child will bo acoopted. Apply for MOUNTED BEIMIOE, at No. 817 MARKET street above Eighth, north elide. WILLIAM D. ROYALL, let Meat. 2d Regt. of Cavalry, ' oct b-Imie , Recruiting Officer. WANTED.—A FEW AGENTS, EITHER Male or Female, are wanted to sell a new and eery popular book, Just issued, entitled "The Orooked Elm; or, Lite by the Wayside." Four editions have already boon othausted in Boston and the Now England States. Agent. are wanted to °envies the Southern, and Western Stet... Some nos, engaged make from $5 to 812 per day. Address, by latter, Book Agent, 17 State street, Boaton; or call personally at same plate. F OR SHERIFF, EDWARD T. MOTT, TWELFTH WARD SOUJXOT TO DIXOORATIO RULES. 000=1111* FOR SHERIFF, GEORGE ERIE% TWENTIETH WARD. ocl6lw F ARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK, PHILADIMPRIA, October 6th, 1867. The annual olootien for Dlrectora will be held at the Banking House, on MONDAY, the 16th day of Novem ber next, between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M, and 8 o'clock I°. AI.; and on TUESDAY, the 9d day of Novem ber next, a General Meeting of the Stockholders will be hbld at the Banking Mania, at 4 o'clock P. if., agreea bly to the charter. oc7-inol6 E. H. LEWIS, Cashier. KENSINGTON BANK.—Punanmais, October 7, 1867.—Th0 annual meeting. of the Stockholders of this Dank will be held at the Bantitigg. house, on TUESDAY, ad November, 1867, at la (Prolix& M. ocB-thsatutNB An election for thirteen Director. to serve the awn ing year will take place at the Banking-house, on Mon day, the lath day of November, between the hours of ii A.M and 3 D. M. O. T. TERRE% ocBtheatutNlo Nattier. T. LEVY & CO. L e Rave We day made a FURTHER REDUCTION IN THE MUM OF 111515 STOOK GENERALLY. oelB-St No 428 CHESTNUT STREET LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND KNITTING ZEPHYRS. NEW GOODS OPENED DAILY, J. G. MAXWELL & SON. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL STORES 1020 CHESTNUT Street, four doors below Eleventh And 318 8. BECOND St., below Spruce. PACTURIES.—Noe. 95 and 97 GEORGE St., below Tenth, and SECOND Street, near Union. Onion made at a few hours , notice. sell emit JOHN B. STRYKER, Ja., Wholesale Dealer In AUCTION DRY GOODS. No. 12 BANK Street, Philadelphia. oetl.2m VALUABLE LIBRARY BOORS. PCBLIBI7IID IDt J. B. REDFIELD, 94 BEEKMAN STREET, NEW YORK. SOLD BY ALL BOOESSLLERS. SKETCHES OF THE IRISH BAR. By the Right lion. LA1116114 Lalor Shell, M. P. Edited, with a Memoir and Notes, by R. Shelton Mackenzie, D. C. L. Sixth FA- Don, with Portrait mid larosimile letter. In 2 vole Price $2. THE NOOTES AUBROSIAN,M. By Professor Wilson, J. G. Lockhart, James Hong, and Dr. Magian. Edited, with Memoirs and Notes, by Dr. IL Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. In 5 volumes, with portwdts and fee- Minitel'. Price $5. MAGINN'S MISCELLANIES. The Mierellaneons Writ ings of the late Dr. Manion. Edited, with a Memoir and Notee, by Dr. It. Shelton Mackenzie. Complete in bvolumes, with Portrait Price, per vol., cloth, $l. LIVE OF THE RT. HON. JOHN PHILPOT SCREAM. Ily his Son, Wm. Henry Curran; with Notes and Ad ditions' by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie, and a. Portrait onSteel and fenalmile. Third Edition. I2mo cloth. Price $1 25. THE CoBRIENS AND THE O'FLAHERTIES; a Na tional Story, being the Bret of Lady Morgan's Novels and Romancee. With an Introduction and Notes, by Dr. R. Shelton Mackenzie. 2 vole., 12m0., cloth. Price $2. BARRINGTON'S SKETCHES. Personal Sketches of his Own Time. By 81rJonah Barrington, with Illuetra tiowi by Dimity. Fourth Edition. With Memoir by Dr. thicken:le, 12m0., cloth. Pri c e MOORE'S LIEF OF SHERIDAN. Memoirs of the Life of the Right Hon. Richard llrineley Sheridan. By Thomas Moore; with Portrait and fac.limile. Sixth Edition. 2 vols., 12mo. cloth. Price $2. BITS OF BLARNEY. illy Dr. ' R. Shelton Mackenzie. Third Edition. 12roo„ cloth. Price $l. THE HISTORY OF TGE WAR IN THE PENINSULA. By Major General Sir W. F. P. Napier, from the au thor's last revised edition, phi, fifty-five Maps and Plans, Bre Portraits on Steel, and a complete index, 6 vole ., 12tuo, cloth. Price $ f ao. NAPIER'S PENINSULAR WAR. Complete In 1 vol,, Bro. Price $.2 60. TILE FOREST. Ily J. V. Huntington, author of "Lad Alice," y "Alban," Ice. 1 vol., 12uto. Second Edi tion. Prim $1 25 ALBAN ; or, The History of a Young Puritan. By J. V, Huntington. 2 vols., 12m0.; cloth. Price $2. oe7-tf - - I_TENDERBON & CO's GREAT LITER ILK ARY FAIR VIRTU and AROU streets. In order to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa. tronp, and induce the book.buying public to All up their libraries at the usual low prices, we intend to prosent to every purchasorof books to the amount of al and up wards, a OM* value of from 26 rants to $lOO. pall at our mtablliddhent, look at oar valuable stook, and 'sleet for yourselves. limoolleet you are not baying at chance, for *very par dialler gate hill books at the usual pries, and very will get, In addition, a present worth having. au2l-8m TOHN CAMPBELL & SON, BIBLIOPO LISTO, the CUSTOM ROIIIIII /venue, have al ways for side rare and scarce Books. Gentlemen book. worms are Invited to call and Judge ea to Pik" and Herr. Law and culacallaneoue boobs purchased fantail or large quantities. hooks continually receiving from untlon. 6,124-th to 3cri* SPANS' GREAT GIFT 1300 K SALE, No. 439 OFIBiSTNIIT 'Street. N. B.—No mouse Lion with any other bootie to the City sta.fina NEW LAW BOOKS.— Juni Published by LITTLE, BROWN k CO., Law and Yoreign Bookietiers, 112 Washington at., Roston. UNITED STATES ANNUAL DIGEST, 18511.—United States Digest ; containing * Digest of the Decisions of the Courts o: Common Law, Equity, and Admiralty In the United Staten and England, for One year 1816. By George S. Hale. Royal 800 P. ANGELL ON lIIGIIWAIB.—A Treatise on the Law of Itighwitys. By Joseph K. Angell and Thomu Dur fee, Bye, 84. ocl7-3t-s to /lc tit gPLENDID GIFTS AT 489 CHESTNUT 1.7 STREET. THE ORIGINAL STAR GUT BOOK STORE.—.G. G. SPANS would Inform his friends and the public that he has sanitised his Star Glft Book Store and Publishing House to the splendid store in Brown's Iron Building, 439 CHESTNUT Street, two doors below Fifth, where the purchaser of each book will receive one of the following gifts, valued at from 25 cents to $lOO, consisting of Gold Watches, Jewelry, eco.i.. . . wORT7I 550 Patent 1112 g. Lever Gold Wittchel—.Bloo 00 each 510 Patent Anchor Lever Gold do. ... 60 00 " 400 Ladle. , Gold Watches, 15k. cues..— 36 00 1. 000 Oliver Lever Watches, warranted ... 15 00 ~ 500 Parlor Timepieces /0 00 1 . 500 Cameo Sete, Ear Drops, and Pins.... 10 00 1, 500 Ladles' Gold Bracelets 12 00 ~ 600 ~ .. Neck Oboists /0 00 4, 1,000 Gold Lockets, (large ale and dentin Gold 10 00 1 . 2,000 Gold Lockets, small sloe 300 1 . 1,000 Gold Pencil cues, with Gold Pens... 500 4, 1,000 Extra Gold Pens, with cases and HoldersB 60 4 . 2,600 Gold Pencils .., 260 ~ 2,500 Gold Pens, with Silver Pencils 2 60 " 0,500 Gold Sings 100 1, 2,000 Gent,' Heavy Gold Rings 2 76 4 . Thla Breastmns. - 2,600 Ladies' aad Breiuspi n T g by €, 0,600 Misses' Gold Breastpins 1 60 8,000 Pocket Halves 76 2,000 Beta Gents' Gold Bosom Stud. 800 2,000 Sets Gents' Gold Sleeve Buttons.... 800 2,000 Pairs Ladles' Ear Drops 2 60 " EVANS'S Catalogue contains all of the most popular books of the day, and all the flawed publication., all of which will be sold so low as can be obtained st other storee. A complete catalogue of booka,sent free, by application t Orß U ßNeT e St rn re l eT " 14""425 Agents wanted in every town in the United State.. Those desiring so to act can obtain full particulars by addressing as above. N. B —MOO worth of Gifts will be given with every 81 ; 000 worth of books sold. ae26 atuthtf HELP FOR THE FOOL—The Agents of the HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY of the city of Philadelphia-- Roy. JOHN STRNET, Mr iolin P. Analsom, Rev. R. T. Kamm, Mr. ALUM' Q. ROWLOID, Rev. I'. S. Daltilia, Mr JAMIIB NOUN, Are now making their Annual calls on our citizens, to solloit subscriptions to aid the Association In the noble work of relieving and elevating the Poor, end in view of the terrible amount of distress and want that must, necessarily, grow out of the &filleting crisis we ere pass ing through, the Managers earnestly hope for and urge Increased liberality on the part of their fellow-citizens. By order of the Board of Managers. GEORGE U. brOART, President. R. R. Manton, Secretary. Toe T. 1 4480 X, Treasurer, ocl7-ii to k th-2w No. 4 3 4 Market street. HOUSE OF REFUGE.—Applications for the pituation of ASSISTANT SUPERINTENDENT and TEACHER of the Boys School, In the white de partment of the UDUSE Ok REFUGE, will be received by the subscriber until the Brit of November next. /AUER 3. BARCLAY, Chairman Executive Committee, 0e11.3t-e to & th Athoumusu C ROUSE, PIiILADELPUIA. lug to accordance with the spirit of the times, and with a grateful appreciation of the liberal intrOnge they have on,loyod from the travelling community, the Proprietors of the GIRARD ROM claim the privilege of being the oral In Philadelphia to respond to the universal demand for retrenchment. On and after MONDAY, Mb Oka ber, their price of board will be reduced from $2.60 to $2. per diem. - 0017-ft PRODLUPP, was it CO. Wants llolitital. With Notices il)rn (booba i3ooke. illiotellancous. '2l.inuaentritto AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUSIC. E A MARSHALL Sole Leueo POSITIVELY LAST MOUT RUT TWO OF THE . . OPLL ON WEDNESDAYITALIAN EVENIN EI G, October 21, Will beproaented DonizettFe Opera, entitled LUOIA DI LAMMERMOOR. LuelLuria Signorina Ramos. Etiardog Signor Brigno ii. Ashton Raimondo Signor Amodio. ..Signor Colletti. AX 111ARETZEK, ?dueled Director and Conductor. Pawn or AMMON :—Parquette, Drees Circle, and Balcony, $1; Family Circle, 60 cents; Amphitheatre, 25 cents Ili - e fox Office of the Academy Is open from 9 A. M to SP Th . ,for the securing of Reserved beats and Boxes, without extra charge. Treasurer Mr. T, McKeon. The Opera will commence at 8 precisely. 11.?Oarriageg will get down heads South, and take up heads North, WHEATLEY's ARCH ST. THEATRE. —Sole Lessee W. WHEATLEY. SOMLIt OP PRlOSS.—Orchestra Stalls, 60 cents • Drees Circle (no extra charge for Secured Seats), Secants ; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 25 cents; Seats In Pri vate Boxes, 76 cents ; P/hole Private Box, 1.3 ; Gallery, 13 cents ; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 38 cents, flex Office open from 10 A. 61. until 8 P. M. Doors open at (leader before 7, performance to Como/Out° quarter past 7. J. SI. B.WIIITTON Treasurer. THIS (Tuesday) EVENING, October 20,1867, Wilt be presented, by the great Star Company, the celebrated Tragic Play, written by Judge Conrad, entitled JACK CADE. Jick Cade, Mt. Davenport; Lord Clifford, Mr. Tango hill• Marlamne, Mn.s Dowers; Kate Worthy, Miss Taylor. To conclude with the laughable comedian entitled RIDDEN TIIOUGMTS. Impulse, Mr. Dolman; Jack Cabbage, Mr. J. 9 Marko, Sophia, Min Emma Taylor. VSTALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Los see p Mr. E A. Morahan ; Stage Manager Mr. John Sefton. Prlcee.—Drees Melo and Pareuetle, 50 octal; UpporOleole, 26 cents; Private Box and Orchestra Beata, 76 cents. Box Mice open from 0 o'clock A. M. to a P. M. Doors open at 6X o'clock; performance to commence at 7. ME • DISTIN4IIIBIiND PERFORMERS MIL AND num wALLiit: • THIS (Tuesday) EYENIN(t, October 20, 1851, Will bo promoted the favorite play of the H UNCHBAO K. Meeter Walter, Er. Waller; Sir Thomas Clifford, Mr. Daly; Lord Tinsel, Mr. Brink; Moduli, Mr. Showell; Fathom 11Ir. Chapman; Julia, Mrs. Waller; Helen, Mrs. Proctor. ' To conclude with the laughable farce, called TO OBLIGE BENSON. Me. Benson, Mr. A'Becket; Mrs. Benson, Miss Price. NATIONAL THEATRE, WALNUT ST., i. near Eighth. Ammon—Dress 041le and Parquet, 26; Family Oirelo, 24 cents Secured Beats, 37„ti c o ot s ; Seats to Private Box, td canto; Orchestra Chaim 50 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at Tx o'clock. Box Mee open from 10 to 4 o'clock, idler, seats can be secured. THIB (Tuesday) EVENING, October V), 185 T, Will be presented 8 E. Harris' woad-renowned UNCLE TOMB CABIN. Uncle Tom, (tho great original,) Mr. 8. E. Harris; St. Olair, Mr. H. Howland; nitwits Vletcher, Mr. 8. Brown ; Topsy, with songs, Bose Cline; The Gentle Eva, Little Mary; Harry, Little Ida. SANFORD's OPERA ROUSE— ELEVENTH Street, abore Chestnut. Doors open at 7 o'clock—to commence quarter before eight. Admittance 21. cents. Ethiopian Life Illustrated by Sanford's Troupe of Start—New Dances by the Sanford Children. To conclude with A LAUGHABLE ABTERPIEOE. THOME ITF'S VARIETIES, FIFTnd CRESTNIIT Stree, I X L. MIISIOAL AN D D TERPSIOROREAN ts MELANGE NIGHTLY, Which will be found superior la talent, respectability, and accommodation. Commence lAN. Admission, 10 cents. daily. irr For further information, nee Public Ledger, T. D. TLIOIitEUP, Manager and Proprietor Legal Notices. IN TILE DISTRICT COURT FOR THE 1 CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Thomas Williamson, Trustee, &a. vs. Robert Palmer. Levarl Facial, March Tenn, 1857, No. 863. The President, Directors, & Co. of the Bank of Penn sylvania Cs. Robert Palmer and William Clayton, late treeing as Palmer, Clayton & Co. Yondltioul Exponas, March Term, 1857, No. 1033. The Auditor appointed to attribute the money In Court, raised under the above entitled proaeedings, by Sheriff's sale, of No. 1. Idessuage and lot of ground on the west side of Delaware, second street betweenP inn snd Union streets, in the city of Philadelphia, containing In front 18 feet and In depth 95 feet to a five-feet alley •, bounded north. ward by ground formerly of George Fitzwater, now of the heirs of Charles Allen, and southward by ground of Joseph Marshall. No. 9. Lot of ground, with frame and brick tenements, on the south side of Mary street, between Front and decond streets, in the said city, beginning 183 feet from Front street, containing In front 20 feet, and In depth 85 feet. No 3. Lot of ground with the two three-story brick mee images thereon, on the north eide of Prime or Washing ton street , In the mild city, 01 feet weetwant from the northwest corner of Delaware Fifth and Prime streets, containing In front 24 feet, and In depth about 59 feet. Subject to t pearly ground rent of forty-eight dollars. Will attend to his duties upon MONDAY, the 20th day of October, 1861 . , at 4 o'clock P. 11., at his othce, No. 204 South FIFTH street, below Walnut, in the Bald city, when and where all persona intereated are require to utako their claims, or be debarred from coming 10 upon 'said funds, 0012-10 t GEORGE W. DIDDLE, Auditor. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS TOR THE COUNTY OrPHILADELPHIA. The following Charter of Incorporation will be granted by the Court on MONDAY, the 7th day of DECEMBER, A. D. 1857, at 10 o'clock A. 11., If no sufficient 1 . 01.4013 be shown to the contrary, to wit : ' TILE EMIGRANT BENEFICIAL SOCIETY OY THE CITY AND COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. ocl3 20 21* IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE City and County or Philadelphia; Estate of FRAN CIS AIoAVOY, deceased. MARGARET MoS.VOY, widow of said decedent, bee presented to said Court en inventory and appraisement of personal property, which she hu elected to retain under the provisions of the Act of April 14,1851, and unleas exceptions are Bled before FRIDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1857, at 10 o'clock A. M., the urns will be allowed and approved by the Court. ANDREW MILLER, Attorney for Widow, 2008. FIFTH Br, oott.tu&th 2w* IN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE orrir Olf PHILADELPHIA. Estate of JAMES HAMILTON, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, adjust, and settle the account of THOMAS OADWALADEB, Executor and Trustee of the last wilt and testament of JAMES HA MILTON, deceased, arising from that portion of the estate belonging to schedule B annexed to the inden ture of partition in said estate , dated January '2O 1849, recorded in the aloe for recording deeds. too., in Phila delphia, in Deed Book WO, No. 1, page 497, and to report distribution; and also, the 27th account (A) of the said Thomas Oadwalader, Executor to Trustee afore. &aid, milting from that portion of the estate belonging to schedule E, annexed to the indenture of partition dated 11th day of Juno, 1852, recorded In Deed Book TH , No. page—and to report dietribution, will meet the partial Intecestod at his office, No. 628 WALNUT street, in the city of Philadelphia, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER 24th, 1857, at 1 P. M. ocl34athirsa-6t PRANOIB WIIARTON, Auditor. IN THE ORPHAN'S' COURT FOR THE °ITV' OW PHILADELPHIA. • . • . Estate of WILLIAM WALLACH COOK, deceased. The Auditor appointed to audit, adjuet, and settle the fourth account of JOHN T. LEWIS, Administrator a. t. a. of WILLIAM WALLACE 0001 t, deceased, and to report distribution will meet the par t ies interested at Madame, No. W S W ALNUT 'treat, in the city of dabble, on SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 24th, 1827, at 12 M._ oolS•tn th,itea..6t FRANCIS WHARTON, Auditor. JuLIA A. OARR, BY HER NEXT trine &a., os. OIIABL}S D. H. OARlt—Diroroe Common Pleas—No. 18, Sept . T.,1868. Please take notice, that depositions of ',Hansen on part of said libellant will be taken before me on FRIDAY, October 23, 1867 1 at 4 o'clock P. M., at the oflioe of Henry 0. Huts, Lig., No. /33 South FIFTH street, Philadelphia, when you can attend sod owes examine if you think proper. WILLIAM P. SMALL, likaraluer. Pe 011Alltilli D. H. CARR. od7.l6tit ORPHANS' COURT SALE.-ESTATE of DAVID laillidAN, daceaseA.—THOMAS SONS, Auctioneers. Valuabte REAL EBTATE, BT. MIN street, be weep Green and Coates streets. Pursuant to an order of the Orphans' Court for the City and County of Philadelphia, will be sold at Public Sale, on TUESDAY, October Wilt, 1851, et &Mock in the evening, at the PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, the following described property, late of DAVID LEH MAN, deceased: All those frame inessuages, and lot of ground, situ ated on the east side of St. John street, between Green and Coates atreete, 121 feet 4 inches north of Green street; containing in front on St. John street 21 feet 8 Inches, and in depth eastward on the north line 100 feet, and on the south line 99 feet I,k; Inches to a 15 feet wide court or alley, on which it is in front or with 12 feet ON inck co. This and the following will be sold as one property— And two 1ne......0are, and lot of ground thereto be longing, situated on the east side of St. John street, 105 feet northward from Green street; containing in breadth, north end south, on St. John street 18 feet, and In depth eastward, gradually narrowing from St. John street, d 9 feet and 1 inch toe 15 feet wide alley, and in breadth north and smith on the said alley IS feet 8% ', L obel', including the one moiety of e 2 fest 9 Inches wide alley on the south side, to be left open forever, for the use of this and the adjoining premises on the south. Bounded northwardly by the lot and Ineuuages heretofore described. 840 to bo paid at the time of sale. Ay the Court. JOHN MERRY, Clerk 0. C. /UMW MUNN:IEI3IEII Trustee TIIOIIIAB & SONS, Auctioneers, 189 and 141 (formerly 07 and 69) S. FOURTLI St ocl-1946 Vote, eape, mac. cl H. GARDEN & CO, Menutsoturers of and Wholesale Dealers In HATS, OAPS, FURS, STRAW GOODS, FANCY SILK AND STRAW BONNETS, ARTIFICIAL FLOWERS, BOUCHER, FEATIIERS,te., te. No. 522, (old Na. 190) MARKET fittest, Below Blzth, south side, And Na. 629 MINOR Street, Phllidelphla. 0. MINAT °ARDIS; DANIEL DOXOY/N. Mewohants are respectfully invited to examine our stook sel-201 SULLENDER & PASCAL, RATTANS, No. 8 8. SIXTII street, Philadelphia Sot Oak FOB SALE—Or in exchnngo for Stocks.— A hendeome modern residence, No. 820 North SE VENTII Street, shore Drown street, west side. Lot 20 b 176 feet—aids ard. A. .1 on the 'remises oel7-2w Sewing margineo A GOOD SEWING MACHINE.-11IINT, .L7l. WEBSTER, & 00., bog respectfully tolintroduce themselves to the public aa the manufacturers of the . IMPROVED SEWING MAOHINE adapted to manufactarlug or family purposes. F ree from the objections which have been urged itgaioet thole rased,' known to this market, THIS fdACOUNE COMBINES THE 000 D QUALITIES OP THEM ALL, and will be sure to commend Itself, upon examination, to famillea, tailors, toddlers, ehoemakers and seamstresees. Thom wanted' A 600 D ARTICLE, that will make a handsome lock-stitch, work WITH LITTLE NOISE, that willltEld, pIDID, STITCH, MIN, or GATHER; Indeed, that will give entire satleaction even after they have been need Tor years, am invited to call at our rooms, 820 CHESTNUT Street. RUNT, 'WEBSTER, & Co. Bowing of every description executed in the best pos sible manner, and oa reasonable terms. Samples of our work sent by malt to any part of the United States. au22-tuthe Bm. ()BRING, FOX & CO.—. DRILNII9 IN SONUKLKILL AND LEDIOII COAL, Oonthweat corner of eli-stn&tkOt ItAOM ANA JAQAD gatro bil 'Auction MTHOMAS & SONS, No 139 and 141 8011T11 FOURTH BTRIIET, (Formerly Nu,. 67 and (.9.) REAL ESTATE, STOCKS, kn. Public Sales at the Philsctelplita Exchange every Tuesday Evening. 117 - Ifandbiifs of each property isnot( aeparately, in Addition to which wo publish on the Saturday prea JOIN to each sale one thousand catalogues in pamphlet form, giving full descriptions of all the property to be cold on the following Tuesday. jl7 . FURNITURE SALES AT 'FUR AUCTI ON STORE every Thursday warning. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SALE _ . il7" We have a large amount of Real Estate at Pri vate sale. Including every description of City and Country property. Printed Lists may be had at the Auction Store. PRIVATE BALE REGISTER. 117" Real Estate entered on our Private Salo Re gister, are advertised occasionally in our Public Sale Abstracts, (of which 1,000 copies aro printed woeklyd free of charge. STOCKS, REAL ESTATE, &c., THIS EVENING. Pamphlet catalogues now ready, containing lull de scrictions of all the property tube sold on Tuesday hext 20th inst., with a het of sales 27th October, end 3d No vember. STOCKS, LOANS, ko. This evening, 20th instant, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change will be sold without reserve, for account of whom It may concern -1123 shares Philadelphia and Pittston Coal Co $lOOO Coupon Bond Columbia Coal and Iron Company, 25 per cent. of the purchase money to be paid on each of the above at the time of sale, . . Mao, 10 aharea Philadelphia 'Mercantile Loan and Building Association. $42 per share paid. 5 shares Ridgway Farm and Land Co. $2OO per share paid, for another account. . . L original shares of the San Francisco Lutd Co., cqun to 100 new alms. 50 shares Empire Coal Company. Also, 10 shares Philadelphia Exchange. 5 shares American Academy of Music. Sharon Philadelphia Library, Mercantile LibrarY, and Philadelphia Atheneum. Also, the patent right to KoppePs Snow-Plough. LOTS MOUNT 510RIAR CEMETERY—Lot No. 341, section 37 i lots Nos. 30, 41, 43, and 44, section 42 i lot No. 17. election 36, in the Mount iforieh Cemetery. FIFTY-FOUR SHARES BANK PENNSYLVANIA. Also, 04 shares Bank Pennsylvania. ELEVENTH PALL SALE, THIS EVENING This sale will include— • • • • • Valuable Property, known as the VortProtidenco Ala and Edge Tool Factory, on the Schuylkill Canal, oppc. alte Phcentrrille. ELEGANT MODERN RESIDENCE, Ac. Elegant modern residence and °Paces, N. W. corner of Thirteenth and Arch Arleta. 25 feet front on Arch 'artist, 128 feet on Thirteenth street. Ohans' Court Sale. ESTATE OF rp DAVID LEHMAN, DEO , D, VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Valuable Real Estate, St John street, between Green and Coates Streets—several messuages, and lot 37 feet 8 Inches front. BUSINESS STAND. Three.stnry Brick Store and Dwelling, N. W. corner Eleventh and Christian streets. Sale 'bacilli c. VALUABLE ILESIDEIiCE _AND LARGE LOT, 230 Valuable brick residence, barn and stable, and largo lot, ooruer of Cherry and Nahanni/ streets, late borough of Frankford. It fronts on three streets, and is a very desirable situation. POUR BRICK DWELLINGS. Sour t►ree•story brick dwellings, on Ninth street and Charles street, between Willow and Noble etrecte. LAMB AND VALUABLE LOT. Large and valuable lot, occupied OA a coal yard, east aide Ninth street, north of Poplar, with rallioad track, office, Au. . . DWELLING, POPLAR STREET. Three-story Ileitis Dwelling, No. 815 Poplar etree between F Ighth and Ninth etreete. NEAT DWELLING. New three-ntory brick dwelling, No. 120 Frankton] Road, north of Bodford street, with a throe-story frame dwelling in the rear. NEAT MODERN DWELLING. A neat modern three-story brick dwelling, with bock braidings, No.lllB 8. Fifth street, below Waqilngton, 12d Ward.) . GROUND RENT . , PO, Also, a Ground Rent of $BO a year, on the pro perty at the N. B. corner of Putnam and nomad Arent.% (late Kensington ) NEAT DWELLING. Neat three-story brick dwelling, No. 410 8. Eleventh street, below Pine street. TWELVTR BALL BALE, TITR OCTOBER Will inelsde the following— FOUR VALUABLII MARKET IiTREET STOIIE3 Four substantial four-story briek stores and dwellings, Nos. 1621,1619, 1517, and 1513 Market street, west 01 Fifteenth street. MODERN DWELLING. Neat modern throe-story Brick Dwelling, S. W. cor ner or Twelfth and Citron streets, above Wallace street, with a three-story brick dwelling on Citron street. PEREMPTORY BALE—POUR VALUABLE LOTS— BRICK DWELLING, STABLE AND GRAVEL-BED —FIRST WARD. Valuable lot S E corner Jefferson avenue or Maya manning road and Moore street, and Crosby street. Large and valuable lot N E corner Jamison avenue, Moore street, and Williamson street. Large and valuable lot, with two-story brick dwelling and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above, and extending through to Williamson street. Valuable lot and frame stable, Moore street, adjoining the above. Baled the whole absolute. Full particu lars in handbills and plan. HANDSOME MODERN RESIDENCE. . . . Handsome residence with double back building, and replete will all modern conrenionces, No. 1347 Spring Garden street. This is a very desirable residence, and Ina beautiful neighborhood. Ilk/AGM, STEAII ENGINE, Ace.—Two and a half story factory, steam engine, &c., Twenty-first Ward, fronting, on Clearfield, Twenty-first street, and the Phila delphia and Germantown railroad. TWO-STORY 'MTGE, DWELLING —Two-story brick mounage, S. N. corner Township Line road and Clear field atreet, Twenty•Srat Ward. VALUABLE Lor.—Valuable lot, N. E. corner Seven teenth street and Woodpecker Lane. TWO BRICK DWELLINGS —Two three-dory brick dwellingl, Spring Garden street, east of William street PERaMPTORY SALE.—FIVE GROUND RENTS, vie; Two of $37.60 each, two of $22.50 each, and ono of gto • year eecurod on ve three-story brick dwellings and lots, Spring Garden street, Owen street, and Diddlestreet, teat of William street, Fifteenth Ward. Peremptory Sale—Estate late of Joseph Yo deed. TiFeTIIRENBTORY BRION BrIYkibLINIIS Two three-story brick dwellings, Nos. 870 sod 873 Apple etreet, between Fourth street and York avenue, and Coates and Brown streets. Bale absolute. THIRTEENTH FALL BALE, M NOVEMBER This lisle will include Orphans' Gout Salo. ESTATE OP WILLIAM A. BUDD. DEO'D. TIERED LARGE AND VALUABLE LOTS, AND TWO BRICK DW.ELLINOS, SEVENTH STREET, PRIMESTREET , AND PASSTUNK ROAD. Valuable lot, N W corner Prime and Serenth streets. Valuable lot, fronting on Prime street, and on Palle. yank road. Valuable lot, Passyunk road Two three-story brick dwellings, Eleventh street, west aide. north of Prime street. They will be mid sepa rately, See hiuldbllla and plan. Also, by order of Orphans' Court. ESTATE OP JOHN PITZWATER, DECD. OVER SIX ACRES OW GROUND WITH VALIJAIILE STEAM SAW-MILL AND MACHINERY, LARGE MANSION, THREE FRAME DWELLINGS, LARGE WHARF, WITH A FRONT OW FOUR HUNDRED PEET ON THE RIVER DELAWARE AT TA. CONY, TWENTY-THIRD WARD. Same Estate—THßEE-STORY BRICK DWELLING. Three-story brick dwelling, No. ZIEI North Fifth above Noble street. Same Estate—TWO DRIOK DWELLINGS. Also, Two brick dwellings, Union and llanover streets above Prince street, Kensington. Executor's gale—Late Residence of Amelia Smith ELEGANT MANSION, BURLINGTON, N by order of Executor, to close an estate, the valuable residence No 23 Main street, Burlington, N. J., replete with modern improvements and conveniences ' 39) lest front, the lot 110 feet deep to Wood street, the garden Improved with finest fruit trees, Ac. Also, a handsome reaidence, Wood street, Burlington, recently occupied by Mr. William Ohaloner, and a lot adjoining, MI by lbe feet. va- hall particulars in hand bills. FOURTEENTH PALL 9ALE-10T11 NOVEMBER Sale Nos. 139 and 141 South 'Fourth street. SUPERIOR GERMAN FLOWER ROOTS. This Morning. At 11 o'clock, at the Auction Store, one case superior German Flower Roots, from R. Varoleroolaoot & Sons, Haarlem. VALUABLE LONDON AND AMERICAN BOORS TILLS EVENING , (TUESDAY, OCT D)O Inttuft! among toady nthers are the following • Pugit's Clammy of Ecclesiastics] Ornaments and Costumes, with eighty superb plates in gold and comm one vol. folio; Italian School of Design, one hundred engravings, from the best painters; Constable's graphic works, very numerous engravings, one vol. folio ; War rington's History of Stained Glass, twenty-five colored illustrations, one vol. folio; Wild's Foreign Cathedrals, twenty-four engravings; Nicholas' History of the Orders of Kuighthood,4 vole fol., numerous plates; Illustrated London News, six volumes; Bryan's Dictionary of Painters; Book of British Ballads; Life of Gov. Morris, three vole - Clarendon's History of the Rebel lion, six vole ; Fuller's complete woks Robin Hood's Ballads, two vole ; Wall's foreign Etchings; Proud's History of Pennsylvania, two vole ; Tom Brown's comic works, four vole.; Secret ilistoryof the Court of Berlin, two vols.; Burnett's History of his Own Tiinva ; works of Richard Hooker, fte. For further perticulars, sea catalogues of the books, which are now arranged for examination. STEAK TUG "MARRY LESLEY." This L'estang. October 20th, at 7 o'clock, at the Philadelphia Ex change, the steam tug ' , Harry Lesley." ller length IC about fifty feet, draught of orator (our feet, propeller four feet diameter. The whole in perfect order and nosily hew, the boat having been used but every short time. She now lles at the foot of Coates street wharf, Fairmount, where she may be examined. BALE OP VALUABLE ENGLISH AND AMERICAN BOORS, ILLUSTRATED WORKS, bc. The greater portion from a private collection. This Evening. October 20th, at the Auction Store, a collection of valuable and ititereating books on varialtasubJects, many of them embellished with tine engravings. O'er particulars atm catalogues and the books, which will be arranged for examtnation two days previous to the attle. PEREMPTORY SALE ON THE PREMISES—ELE. GANT RESIDENCE AND PURIsIITURE, WALNUT STREET. This Morning Tfth October, at 10 o'clock, without reserve, on the premises, the elegant Brown Stone residence, No. 1404 Wainut street, south side, third house wort of Broad street, built for the nee of the late owner and mu occupant in a superior manner, and finished throughout in elegant style, with every modern improvement and convenience. Particulars in handbills. ELEGANT FURNlTURE..lnsuiedistely after the sale of the house will be mold the elegant furniture, extra large mirrors, splendid curtains and chandeliers. ptano•forte, &c. Sale at No. 1919 Spruce street. HANDSOME RESIDENCE AND FURNITURE. On Wednesday Morning 28th Inst., at 10 o'clock, on the premises, the hand lame modern four-story brick residence, with three• story bock buildings, No. 1919 Spruce street, wrest of Nineteenth street, replete with ail modern Duro,- ments and conveniences. $5,000 may rennin on wort. PBRIOR FURNITURE, TAPESTRY CARPETS, nti GAS FIXTURES, &c. Immediately after the sale of the house, tho superior household furniture, all made to order by Moore k Capplon, and been but little used. DV — Particulars in handbills and catalogues. Fele Non. 139 and 141 South Fourth Street. SUPERIOR FURNITURE, ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, FRENCH PLATE kIFERORS, TAPESTRY CARPETS, Ac. On Thursday Morning, At 9 Wei ock, at the Auction Store, an exteusive assort ment of excellent second-hand furniture, rosewood lanaforte, French plate mirrors, tapestry carpels, fee., from families declining housekeeping. SALE OF A PRIVATE COLLECTION OF MISCEL LANEOUS BOOKS, AND MICE 'LONDON EN CRAVINGS. On ThursdarErening, October 22d, at the Auction store, a collection of valuable miscellaneous book' from a library; also, cboice and beautiful London engravings, comprising a variety of pleasing and Interesting subjects. /or per ticulars see catelogulle. BALE ItOPE.—Buyers are Invited to call and eXaroine our Manila Dale Rope, which we can Can sell as low as American, and warrant it superior in strength and durability. WEAVER, FITLER k Co., Na.lal 4B N. Water at. and 44N. Whimea. sntes bn auction VATOI,BERT & SCOTT, AUCTIONEERS, 431 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Ouotoro How,. loitween Fourth ond Fifth Streets NOTICE —The sale of 200.003 feet of lumber, to be held At Powelton this (Tuesday) morning. at 11 o'clock, is Doi thy the attention of carpenters, builders, and pur chasers generally. Sale positive for cash. 11. , s1,1: OF LUMBER, be., AT I'ol's - ELTON. This Morning, At 11 o'clock preciAely, wo will sell without reverse, at Puiveltou, 200,000 FELT LUMBER, Con , isting of 31 conimea white pine boards ; 3z 4 h,intnek scantling; joists and &sued spruce; with e. variety of articles used at the late state (sit. EXTENSIVE SALE OF GERMANTOWN KNIT 1100D0 On Wednesday Morning, 21st lost , commencing at 10 o'clock precisely, we sit sell to close an account, 0000 DOZEN OREM kIsiTOWN KNIT 000DS, 0.6' SUPERIOR QUALITY. Consisting of 1000 dozen gents' woolen cravats, in scarlet, white and fancy colors. A 1.., 100 dozen ribbed scarfs A !so, 100 do ladies' wool habits Also, 100 do ladues , wool talmas, Also, 500 do ladies' newest style opera hoods. Ako, 00 do mit., V.OOl hoods Alec, 200 do wool hosiery, men's, women's, bop' and misses. Also, lad do men's lamb wool and merino shirts and ')rowers Also, gIOVV9, mitt, pelorines, shawls, victortpes S&LI1 OF FA.SIIIONABLO FORS. Included in Wednesday's sale will be found en in voice of furs for Lebes" and gent's wear, comprising victorines, capes, muffs, boas, pelerines, talmas, call., &c Also, one tiger sleigh robe FURNITURE, &c. Abo, will be included an assortment of furniture, looLiog.glusses, mattresses, &c , belonging to the Es tate of Jam Guy, deceased, to bo sold by order of the admittistratrix E3IBROIDERIES, MILLINERY GOODS, &c Also. in Weilumlay's sale will be found, a large and elegant assortment of choice French and Scotch em• bcottkries sod millinery goods, bonnet and trimming ribliona,ke CLOAKS. TALMAS,IIANTILLAB, AND BASQUES. Also. a line of newest Paris style cloth, silk, and Petoredsurn cloaks, talmas, mantillas, basques, &e. NOTICE.--namplem of the whole will Ln ars-ward for examination early on morning of sale, when the trade and purchasers generally will find it their interest to at tend. TAMES A. FREEMAN, AUCTIONEER, NO. 422 WALNUT STRUET, above FOURTH. CARD—RALF OF HOUREHOLD VURNITURR—.TUES _ . . It • We beg leave to inform the public that we hold our regular weekly sales of Furniture every Tuesday, at our SPACIOUS SALES ROOM, NO. 100 WALNUT STREET, where every possible attention is given to ob tain the highest prices for the goods of those who may favor us with consignments. Families haring portions of their furniture to dispose of, or those declining house keeping and not wig/mg sales at their own dwellings, can have their furniture CAREFULLY REMOVED TO OUR SALES ROOM, WHERE THEY WILL REALIZE BETTER PRICES FOR THEIR FURNITURE. THAN THEY CAN OBTAIN FROM ANY OF THE FURNI TURE DEALERS OR ANY OTHER AUCTION STORE IN THE CIT V. 1:17- Persons favoring ns with consignments can rest aavnred that their property will not be sacrificed. Commissions more moderate than those charged by any other Auction noose in the city. flj Consignments respectfully solicited. Sales paid immediately atter the goods sr. sold. TO RENT A three-story !Wick Dwelling, with two-story brick buck building. 195 North Ninth street, above Wood. atreet. Rent 1,400 per annum. Apply at the Auc. Roo Store. AT PRIVATE BALE . . A first-class Printing Office, with a good run of bttsi• 'teas, four printing presses, two Ruggles and one Adams Typo and everything necessary for the business. Apply at the Auction Attire mM=aNammmialai - - - - TIONNER of a PRINTING OFFICE FOR BALE, in the Bulletin Building, has no connection - with our establishment. MaLRIGILLAN BROTHERS IfYOSES NATHAN S, AUCTIONEER /Tx AND COMMISSION MBRCHANT, S. E. corner SIXTH and RACR. Streets. AT PRIVATE SALE—GoId and silver patent lever, I,epine, English, Swiss, and 'Preach watches, jewelry, of every description, musical instruments, kn., ite. AT PRIVATE BALE—Arranged on second Boor, household furniture, of every description, beds, mat tresses, carpeting, looking glasses, fanny articles, /cc Sac., die. Out-door soles attended to personally by the Auction ear. (Menges very low. Consignments of furniture, clothing, jewelry, An. iko., solicited. NATHAN'S PRINCIPAL LOAN OPP/CH, S. E. Corner of Sixth and Base Streets, Where money will be loaned on gold and silver plate Watches, Jewelry Diamonds, Clothing, Dry Goods. Groceries, Segars, H ardware, Cutlery, Furniture, Bed. ding, Homes, Vehicles Iferneas,Stocks, and on all a Grief' of value for any length of time agreed on, on more satisfactory and liberal terms than at any other estal. Raiment flieSJ NATHANS, NATHAN'S great sale of PORPEITED GOODS will take place in a few days Due notice will be given. IVIGHPS great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Guns, Pistols , Musical Instruments, Ac., will take place alertly. Due notice will be given. WEBB'S great este of Dry Goods, Clothing, Bedding, Sim., being forfeited collaterale , will take place shortly. Due notice will be given. VERENISTORY SALE OF FURNITURE, AURRORS, BEDS, 3LkTTRESSES, &c. &c. Ou. Wednesday morning next, October 21st, at 10 o'clock, in second•story rooms, S. E. corner of Sixth and Mee streets, entrance free, Race street. TO PAY ADVANCES Consisting in part of oval and square French plate mir— rors, in rich gilt trances; mahogany and walnut frame Idoklng glasses; bedsteads of every description; walnut eribs; cradles; bureaus; card tables; marble top tables, edam; lounges; plush divans and chairs; spring seat parlor chairs; cane seat rocking chairs; stuffed rocking chairs; windeor chairs and settees; cherry tables; mat tresses; feather beds; marble top sideboards; and nume rous other articles. The whole will be sold without reserve, to pay advances. Also, a quantity of second hand furniture. Out-door sales aolleited. either at private dwelliuga, stores or elsewhere. Charges low. Consignments of second hand and new furniture and goods of every description solicited. Liberal meth all iances made At private vale, a superior furniture wagon, nearly now, will be sold low. FURNITURE AT PRIVATE SALE. Furniture of every description arranged in upper 11 . 001118 at private sale, at unusually low prices. QA_IILTEL NATHAN.% AUCTIONEER, 1...7 and MONEY LOAN OPPICE, No. 112 Soot) THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear et., only eight doors below the Exchange. Hours of business from 7 o'clock, A. it., until 10 o'clock in the evening. Out-door sales, and miles at the Auction House, et. tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL E 200,000. Establitlissr far the last Thirty Year:. Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia mends, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Her chandise, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigars, Instruments, Guns, Homes, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time ',greed upon. All advances, from one hundred dollars and upwards will becharged 2 per cont. per month ; S5OO and over the lowest market rate. This tor ]louse having a depth of 120 feet, has largf fire and thief-proof vaults to store all valuables, and pm rate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy inn ranee effected for the ber.ofit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. 8.--On account of having an unlimited capital, this oleo is prepared to mate advances on more milli factory and accommodating terms than any other in this city. Money advanced to the poor, in small emanate, arlth ont say charge • AT PRIVATE BALI. Gold Patent Lever and other Watches, Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced prices. aul-ly JWIN BAYLIS, AUCTIONEER—No. 815 ARCH Street, between Third and Fourth Streets. SALES EVERY EVENING, at I o'clock, Of hoots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, llosiery, Whipa, Trunks, Farley Goods, Notions N. 13 —Out-door sales attended to All goods sold at the Auenou Roe. packed. CLEORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER %A N. E. corner of BARRON and SOUTH Streets above Second EVENING 8.11.28. SALES EVERY SATURDAY RVENINtI,I At 7X o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Hardware Cat. ry to, Llounekeeyang Jewel. ry, Diaechns, ry, Fancy Articlen, Wines tuttt Liquors DORT WINE.—In bond and to de benture 250 casks St. Joseph's Pure Juice Pori Wine, in qrs, and eighths Ten puncheons John Ramsay Islay Malt Mitch Whim bey 2 years old Fifty pipes Anchor Gin Ilarett, Martel, Bouvet, and I. J Dopey Brandies, al of which I offer to the trade at reduced prices. . JOS F. TOBIAS, au27.3mos SS and 90 8 Front St.. below Walnut. ,t LEXANDER V. lIOL3IES, WINE AND .t LIQUOR STORE. No =O, Southeast Corner o (MORON and SOUTH Streets. aul-ly CI. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINE WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS,4ke ,2r South FIFTH street, Philadelphia fRANDIES.—Pinet, Castilian & Co., Ma. watt & Co , and other brands of Cognacs of Tarim/. vintages, In ball pipes and quarter casks ; Pellevoisir Iltosbelle Brandies, pale and dark, in half pipes, quarter asks and onseeightla casks, all in Cantors fauna stores Imported and for sale by lIENRY DOEILEN .t CO , Nos 221 Ilnd 2..:3 South Fourth street rtITUMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, LE .11L, AND LAMER BEER BREWERY, No. 320 (nevi N 0.939) North TLIIRD Street, Phllsdelphi4 ordore promptly atteedeol to cal-tf OLD IVIIEAT WIIISKEY-E. P. MID DLETON & BROTHER, importers of Wines, Bran. dies, &o. Also, sole proprietors of the Old Wheat Whiskey, No 6 North Front Street sepl7.lm _ _ . illourn MEW YORK, BOSTON, AND BALTI MOUS FUNDS—Uneurrent Dank Keels—Gold and Silver—bought and sold by EDWARD CLARK A' CO., 35 soeh TIMID street. PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 15, 1537. ocls-1w AMERICAN GOLD NEW YORK FUNDS AMERICAN GOLD /ND NSW YORK FIINDS, HOUGHT AT TIM DIQUEST PREMIUM BY DREXEL & CO 4WD BOYS ' CLOTHING. F. A. HOYT Sc 11110 here now on band a very large ansortment of IthADY-MADE goals suitable for the present neason which they feel disposed to sell cheap. ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS, Southwest corner TENTH and CHESTNUT streets. N. 11.—We have a large alsortment of new goods of a euperlorqualityand make eep2d-lmtuthe COTTON -100 bales Gulf Cotton, in store and for Bala by MARTIN at MAGALISTRA, ant 110 North WO*, Atroat SPIRITS TURPENTINE--200 bbls Spirits Turprotine, to arrive, for sale by dIARTJA & MAOALISTER, a m t aro - rth Water Street. in W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS . No. 87 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly male on all accessible points in the United States and Canada. Stocks, Bonds, ho ßought and Sold on Commission. Uncurrent Bank Notes, Checks, &c., bought at the lowest rates. Depeelte received 11111 d Interent allowed, se per agree • meat ei.nm WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE• MEN'S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No Teti CHESTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and IFestem Merchants, and Strangers, is particularly Invited to this improved cut of Shirts, the most perfect fitting article made. At whole. sale and tvtaO , and made to order. aat4yit A CADL✓ii ; t i STANT EPIsCUPAL UilE111:11. LULL st AND JUNIPER STREETS. 'This Institution has Neu te : opencsi for :he Autum nal Session, under the stipervistua of the Rev Ja311.8 ROBLNS, A. >l ' as Princip-al The Episcopal Academy presents vcul.a.r facilities, both for the moral and intellectual traica:. ea L.: the development of the youth entuthitt, I to it: No pains will be spared to perfect the put.,:, in the :I nous studies which, from lime to thae, they L.., fur sue ; while It will be the anti of the is his instruction and in lice daily intereourao with the burs, to lay the foundations of an upright, manly, ant religious character. The rooms of the Academy Building are ranercus, lofty, and well ventilated; and the pupi's during recess enjoy the advantages of an enclosed pley-grotum and an ample Gymnasium. Boys able t 6 read, and not less than eiglit years of age, and received as soon so they hare tegun to write and cipher, and are couturted thrum:Ai the various classes of the Academy with a rapidity proportioned to their ability. The lowest class (A) is ocirapiel in Spelling, Reading, Writing, Arithmetic, *LI lieu,Tra phy the highest class (11) in the branci..,s I.udly Studied In the Freshman year of a eettez,,ace Caere,. The studies of the intermediate clans are smtad to the carious ages and abilities of the pupils The Tuition Fee for those in Cleat A Is silty dollars par annum; for all others .renty-fire dollars per an man; paysble half-yearly in advance. tins fee, tLere are no other charsee; the French Linguage, Fuel, and the use of the tiymuseituzi being iuctuded in the price above mentioned. Boys not studying the Greek and Latin Languages have sib's lessons in lien of classical The school :in.'s not spells under instruction is employed by the pupils in Study under the superintendence of a teacher, and In a spacious apartment arranged (or that purpose_ Thu Institution is inspected monthly by a com.iitteo of tbd Board of Trustees, and visited hem time t., tc an by the Bishop of the Diocese. Applications for admission may be made to the Pran cipal daily during the week (except on Saturday). be te•een the homy of 9 A. 11. eon d Y. M. oc 8-ta,th,sat-tf nRITTENDEN'e PHILADELPHIA CUM MERCIAL COLLECT., S. D corner of si:VENTH end OILESTNUT Streets, Second and Tbird Stories. 800 K-EDE P I NO. P ]IAN SDI?, every style. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND 1 1 011-113. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTQRi:9)ke. Each Student hat individual instrnersonlrom eorupe• tent and Attenttve Tetehers, under the hamaiato enpervision of the Principal. One of the Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writing Deportment. Please ennead see Specimens and get a Catalogue cl Terms, ko. oed-y PROFESSOR SAUNDERS' INSTITUTE, Nun PHILADELPHIA. No Seminar' , whatever is more like a private (amity. The course of study is extensive and thorough Pro fessor Saunders will receive a few more ptipla utter fourteen years of age into his family. Enlinre ct Hews. J. 8. Silver and Mathew Newkirk, or Cul. J.W. Forney, ,Editor of this Paper, whose, 2•046 or wards arg now members of his family. QPRING GARDEN ACADEMY -FOR YOUNG MEN AND BOYS, N. S. paver and BUTTONWOOD streets. Profs.-sours of the hfghest qualifications employed. OLtstlogoes eczitz.zulr.g full particulars, pupil,' names, tooth:ululate, ca „ to had on application. an.2.5-2no P. DONLEAVY LONit. HALL OF ST. JAMES THE LESS, PHILADELPHIA. A PAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL PJR LO YS. Rev B. B Bttrsss , BuTon. The Anntuil Session will begin an TUESDAY, Sep. camber 1. Circulars me ybe obbuned at the Book Store or ft HOOKER, 8. W. corner MOUTH and CUE:ANL - I', or of the Seater, Poet Office, Salle of Sehuylka., .1317-0 m XOTHING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE parsons, male and female, CO gain a share of this world's goods arid ow:aorta as a BUBINE..S3' EDCCATION LUDY BROTHERS.' 1:1 EnS ACADMMY: Nos. 148 and ISO SIXTH Street, near BACA will reopen on MONDAY, SiIPTE.IIII4.B Ist, foe rod winter Studlee, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOR-NrIt:PLSO AND ARITiIkIiTIG by simplified methoda, In a short time Tll LEIDY'S take pleasure in sating, that during :he pant year a Large number of persons montured lICBINEB3 XDUCATlON,ennbling many to encare pro ltable eituetioon, and others to prosecute them. Luria:inn ipentions sumeeasfully. iDatocs, Jetueirn, S;r B AILEY & CO. CHESTNUT STREET Manufacturers of DRITLCH STIRLING SILVER WARS, Under their laspecticua, on the premises exelostrely Citizens end Strangers are invited So Tull% ant mean &Wary. WATCHES Constantly on hand a coley:lid stock of Superior Watches, of all the celebrated maker. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches, Ear:lthigs, Finger- Rings, and all other articles In the Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made free of charge for those wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. beentifal easortnient of all the new styles at Pine Jewelry, sue! ea Pineal°, Stone end Shell Cameo, . Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, iterricualte, Lam, to., do. 511.EFFIRLD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS, fru Also, Bronze arid Marble CLOCKS, of neirest styles, cud of roperior quality. anIA tw& srly & A. PEQUIGNOT, • MANUFACTURERS OP WATCH CARES AMR IMPORT/MS OT vAlcnse, 1 SOUTH THIRD STREET, BELOW CHESTNUT PIIILADSLPHIA Jo9a:•9r PAWNER' sal9-smos* TAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., OP No. 432 CHESTNUT, illitUJW FIFTH STREET. Importers of Watches and Fine Jewelry, Simulator. rare of Sterling and Standard Silver Tea Site. Forks end ipoons, sole agents for the rale of Charles Frodsham's law series Oold tiedal London Timekeepers all the liatte 011 hand, prices £250, $275, and s.9oo. English and Swiss Watches at the lowest prim. limb fashionable Jewelry. Shefileld and American Plated Wares. • mei jS. JARDEN & BRO. AY •xazUraayllasaa AND oT BILVEILPLATED WARE, No. 304 Chestnut Street, same Third, tap stairs,' Constantly on hand and for sale to The Trade, TEA SETS, COMMUNION SERVICE SETS, URNS, PITOILERS, GOBLETS, CUPS, WAITERS, BAB ILETS, CASTORS, KNIVES, SPOONS, FORKS, LADLES, he , Sct. Gilding and plating on all kinds of metal anly VRANOIS P. DIIBOSQ & SON, late of Dobosq, ()arrow tr, Co., Wholesmle HAN UFA°. CURERS OF JEWELRY, $ Ol CHESTNUT street, Pluto ?Junto P. D17308Q au3l Ern SILVER WILLIA E 3I — WILSON de SON., Iff4NUFACTORERS OF SILVER WARE, (ESTABLISHED 1512,) S. W. COESER FIFTH AND CHERRY STRISTS. A large assortment of SILVER WARE, of every d.o. a niption. emaatantly on hand, or made to order to mstela toy pattern desired. Importers of St.effielS ant Itirmingloun Import.: Ware. se.3o-4.1. sty hotels anb iirstanranto rIIHE OLD STAR HOTEL IN HARMONY dL 00V R T.—The public are respectfully lc furdled that the OLD STAB HOTEL is emstenes. The roprietor will be glad to ese los old friends, sad pro nises to furnish them with a soperior gash ty of dlr. d'ules ' and Liquors. He feels assured, thst cc, psy Uhl a riait they will not be thsappointed Hs Li also prepared to furnish Oysters in army style, at the shorttmt notdoe. Lunch from 10 to 1.2 o'clock. imp 24-1 m WILLIAM BANNING'S CITY LAGER BEEN SALOON, No. 2= Carter's !alpha, 31oGOWAN'S RESTAURANT, SOUTH west corner of BROAD and DAL:NET --Oalze lad all other delicacies in sewed. Loathes cith Oysters on the shortest notice. ApIICHAIITS' HOTEL, NORTH FOURTH STREET, Anori ShimEr, PHILADELPHIA. an 2441 llMania 1 SONS. P/CFRIMI. jaCOTT HOUSE—Corner of Irwin Stree; s.J and Dagusems Way, Pittsburgh, E. D. bi.xl.F.Eit, Jroprietor. anti-an (Comtrussiott illerctjaitts 111. OHASE & CO. la • GE NERA L • . . . COMMISSION MERCITA.NTS, 14 North VIONT owl 44 WATEtt Strret, Phtletaelphl• CONSTASTLY RECEIVING CLOVER SEED On conalg - nment from the interior or PannWranis, where our new Cleaning Mill is now in gt-coral use • Also, TIMOTHY AND RID TOP als - sy4 hand. arl2-ti HANDY & BRENNER—COMMISSION muteneNta tad Dealers lh Forel - n ar.d Hex° HARDWARE and CUTLERY h.. :le an.: North lf 1 11'11 Street, Rut aide &Dote Cietni,erce Philadelphia CLIARLES TETE, CO3iMISSION MEE - 011 ANS and Importer of HAVANA Sai'Ar-' , . ,New) MS Walnut greet. ftoond story.. insurance Companies COMMONWEALI9 FIRE INSURANCE RANC COMPANY, OP THE STATE OW PENN,PiI,`, SlA.—Otilce, N. W. Ctxuer FOURTH aul IA ALICUT Streata, Philadelphia Sub2crttrd i Izoo,t(ru. Paid-qv Capital. $ 2 U 0 . 000 . DAVID JAYNE. U. D , Freablent. THOMAS S STEWART, Vlce Prrs BAxtrsu S. MOON, Secretary ant-l 7 GIRARD FIRE AND MARINE iNsua- ANON COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA-4M., EA. 304 WALNUT stmt, west of THIRD. NOM Bi2El Wm. M. Swain, John Artsipach, Jr., H. N. Burroughs, J. B. Hughes, P. D. Sherman, Wm. P. Hacker, .7. P. Steiner H. A. Shackelord, Hon. 707.1 JONSB, Pi,ti<nt Hon. O. W. WOODWARD, Tice J3O 8 llckfct &.cretary. Islas B. At.soao. Assistant SrZ. tuy sal Jer. Walker, Jac Mcf..ll.,re, Tho ern, A 3 G.IIcIS, Farman SI: e:oreni, 3.1,11 Juza23, D , Joseph litspp, JE. he B. SCHELL'S • CITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY. MARBLE HALL, B. E. CORNER OF TENTH AND VINE STRUTS, PLIILADLLYIIIA Where every rariety of MARBLE li ANT ELS rOM"S. MoNIIMENTS, TABLE TOPS and FLOORING, ouppliell upon reasonable term, HOTEL AND SINMEIZ. RANGES sold by CHADWICK It 11110 . EEC ON J.) sae CONGRESS RA.NGE.—SOLD BY GIIAD WICK & BRO., N0.a12 N SECOND Stmat anal ft-Rmo. Ri YER STROUSE, ATTORNEY AT LILI LAW, CENTIIXstnot, Fott Ps. - WELCOME RANGE.—SOLD ay t,UO- ...4. WIC K Wy2 N SRPON D St to WELCOME RANGE.--SOLD BY CHAP WICK& tato, ion sYa9aDee. 11e.13-3C.1. Ao 6 oSllPiacmasoi Wm. H. DCIIOII.I JOHN CORLEY
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers