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FORNEY. - ~. , ..,... -z---..,-,,- L i ll orrtvia No. 411 CHESNUT STREET, - 4 " - '' ,. .• ' 4 Ami c .••••- ~,,-, , • , 1,-- 4, 1 „it,,,,,,, 4111 Lf - - .7 : ..:*r., . ..,. :,. --: ••••. ....-. ' ' '' '''''''k . ' - -' Nig''.."6.. '! , ..' -'• ' 4- . '': e. ' • , -RT "r.:;="2 :' •-.L f . ,i; , - ...--a __ I * ilk • - .•L1 . ...t.L - - ..,-..:, ~.... r• • '....----,-----' ' -r-,==-... -' - e.r . " : '.= . A'C-"., . --r .."..., '.? .i.A• .-''' . " -:' a ilim .•'' - 'f $ "... 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V - -Postmasters are requeateeS to act id Agerkta for ,TAN,NVit,Faciar Pasha...: . . qtrangtis' 'Ornbc in, pl)ilatitligiia. ,tor the benefit of strsusgere and ethers who ,may de- . sire to visit any of our, public beetitutions, we publish the annexedlist. innosn iLdOlCit 07 AYnßaXxai. 'Academy of Music, (Operatic,) °stoner of ; Broad mid, 'Locust streete.•-, " • ' ' , Arch Street Theitre;Arehi above 6th street. - ; - Firkin:wires Garden, Chestnut, above Tenth: • • , Theatre and Circus; ,Walnut, above Eighth: Sandford's Opera Houre,(Ethlophsu,) Eleventh, below ' 'Walnut edrept. Theatre; nerthoest ceriler Ninth and Walnut F ' " • • -:" . • „ • ' Thomas's Rears House, Arab, below Seventh,'' • - - • sure AND aoredeerl.' ' Aesdeiny of Natural Belem:ea, cornet , •of Broad and George streets. • - - .• • • • Academy of Pine Arts, Okeetnut, above Tenth. • „Artilits , Bind IfalLlCheetent, above. Tenth. • , Franklin Institsite, No. elieuth Seventh street. ' •,„ 111M6YOLVIZT INSTITUTIOXIL Almshowie, west aide, of .fichuyikill,. opi,esite South .street. : ' • 'Almshouse (Friends'), Walnut street, above Third. Assoeiation for the Employment of Poor Women, No, • 202 Green street • Asylum, for Lost Children, No. $8 North Setienth Street, , , . . , • Blind Asylein, Rime, near Twentieth street. ,• • = ohrlit Olitireh Hospital, No.'B, Cherry street. ,City Ilospitall Nineteenth street; near Costae. ' ; • ' Clarkeottle Rall,-Tio:188 Cherry street. •" • I , • IllipenneiT,ififtli,„below * Oheetrint street: ' 'Female Seelety_for the Relief end-Employment of the . ' Poor, Ne.. 72 North Seventh aireet. Guardians of, the Poer.,oilloe Ne, N,orth:Serenth 'street. • -'German SOclety 110. Nto. B,Soittli Seventh Street; Homo for Friendlees Children, corner Twenty-third and Drown streets.' "I' " Indigent Widows' and Single Women ' s Society; Chant; cater Eighteenth etreat. • - .• , . , 'Masonic Hall, Chestnut, above Seventh street. Magdalen Aeyintu, corner.of Race end - Twenty-Heat ''streets., .• . , • • • I • • Northern Diepeneary, No.l Spring Garden street. Orpheus,' Asylum, (colored,) Thirteenth street, am Oalloehill, - Odd FellomerlfalirSisth and Rialueeetreet. " H.R.:corner Broad and Spring lar den streets. Do. • do. Tenth and South streets. • „ Do. -:- do; Third end BrowAltreets. Do, do. Ridge Road, below Wallace. - Pennsylvania Hospital; Pine street; between Eighth and Ninth. .1 • , Pennsylvania Institute for the Imitructionef the Blind, Corner Run and Twentieth street. , • • • i Pennsylvania BochitY for Alleviating the Miseries of Pulite Prisons,' Sixth and Adelphi streets., . • •: • Pennsylvania ?nailing 'School for Idiotic and Feeble:, Mffided :Children • Sehool House Lane,Germantown, - office No: 162 Wal nut Meet: , Pblledelphlo•Orpbasia , Asylum, northeast tor. B!gh. teentk and Cherry • • • • -,Pieston Itetreat;lfamiltee, near. Twentieth street. 'PrOildenee Society; prone below Sloth street. Southifn Dispensary, No. 98 ißdppen street. Union Benevolent. Awsoelatien, . N. W. corner of Seventh mid Ibusseimintriceti. ' • Will's Hospitelj Rate; between Elghtlenth and Nide teenth streets. • -.. . lit. Toseph , sillospital, Girard nvenise;'betireen Bit , teen% and Sixteenth. - • ; „ • Episcopal Hospital, Front etreet, between • Renting den and Lehigh avenues. , •- Philadelphia Iteepltallor Dieealee of the obeet, /31 W. 'Voiner of Oluistieut and Park, ate, West Philadelphia. • • - • ' 1.1311L10 BUILDIIIOB. lilistom Roue, Chestnut l etreet, above Fourth Ccitinty Prison, Passyunk road, below Reed.' - ' City Tebecco Warehouse, Dock and spruce streets. "-City Oontrotter+a Office, Girard Bank, second story. :Oommbisioner of city 'Property, office, Girard Bank, !locoed Moty, ' - • . • Oily Tresuinierhl Offic e. Girard tink, second atoryi City Commis:goner's - Office, State House. , -, • 'City:Solicitor's Officalliifth, below 'Walnut. City Watering Oennuittee , s Office, Southwest corner -Fifth and Chestnut. • •-•- - • . lasrecount•Wtstet Works, Vatrmossnt on timoleltnyl- Girardi'inet Treasurer'i Offiele,Pifth • Aboie Chestnut. House of Industry Catharine , above &Teeth. " Howe of Industry , Se v enth ' above Arch street,: ' ' ' ROW a:Refuge, (white,)Perriehk' between Twenty second and Twenty-third street. • • • ! House of Refuge, (colored,) Twenty.fourth, between Parrish and Poplar streets. , - • • • - • - Health Office, corner of Sixth and Benson'. - 1 , Rouse of Correction, Bush Hill. Marine' Hospital, Grays Ferry road, below South street. • - Ildernos office; W. corner Fifth and Chestnut stree• New Penitentiary, Goatee street; betneei Ticwily - first and Twenty.second streets.' - Navy-Tardy on the Delaware, Corner Trent and Prime streets... , - Nortberuildberldes Gas Worlui, Malden, helow Front ' Street; , , Yost Office,",•No. 237 Dock street,' opposite the F.x.: Post'Office, Kensington, Queen street, .below Shitcha. nmoon etreet. ' - ." - ' - - j Post Office, Spring Garden, Twenty - fourth street and . Pennsylvania Avenge. . • • - - D ock streets._, Szebbagiii. enreer Third, 'Walnut a • Dock streets. • - • ,•• - I phitadelphlielneWorkft,TWentleth end Markets office, - No. 8 ft Seventh street: . Pennsylvania Institute for Deaf and bomb, Broad and Pine streets. - • • Penn's Treaty Monument, Beach, above • Hanover Pnblio High 'School, S. 11.•meriseir Dread and Green, , Pnbllc Normal School, Sergeant, shove Ninth. Recorder's Office, No. S State House, east wing., : 'State Tfonse; Cliestnit etreet,between 'Fifth and Stith streets, ' fltierlffis Offide, State Home; near Sixth street; ' Spring Garden Commissioner's Hall, Spring Garden and Thirteenth streets. - • .Union Temperance Hall, Christian,' above Ninth United States, Mint, corner of Cheetaut and Juniper United Slates Arsenal; Gray's Perry' Road, near Bede 'mil street: Wend Algyilll3l, on the near South, street. ' United Stott:sex* and Clothing BquiPage,coruer of . Twelfth and Girard streets:' .:•• 'United States • Quartermaster's Office,' corner: of ,Twelith end Girard streets:,• • • • Datums * *. e - • • • College of Pharmacy, Zane street, above Seventh. - "Eclectic 'Medical College, Haines street, west of Sixth. ' Girard College, Budge road and College Avenue. , - Ilernceopatble Medical College, Filbert pullet, above , Eleventh. • - ' • . JellersonMeffieslCollege, Tenth street, below George. Polytechnic College; corner Market end West Penn enneylearlin • lifeffical Bollege, ,Ninth street, heioW Philadelphia Medical - College; "Fifth street, belOit Peinale Medical College, 229 Arch etreet, . University of Pennsylvania, Ninth street, between Market and Chestnut. , Unleereity of, Free Medicine and Popttlei Knowledge, No: 88 Arch street. . ~.I.OOATIOX 00 001MTB. llntto4 Ptitca Orrinit 'and bletriot Clouds, N0.,24 Pifth'streef, below Chestnut. linprenie (lona of Pennsylvania, Pitch and Chestnut irtreets.• , . r , ~. Caudill' Common Pleas; Independence Fall. '. ~ , Ilistilet Court!, Na: 1 and 2; corner of Edxtb - and Chestnut Avesta., . . , . Court of, mster Bercienk, corner, of 13Isth and Obeid. nut . . . . - . • ; • - astiotonB,raerrrunotia. Arnericari baptist Publication Society, Ni). 118 Arch Atreet, • • American and Poreign Christian tinlen, No. 344 Obeid. nut street. American. Bunday • School Union (new), No. 1122 Chestnut etreet, Americaii Tract Society (new), No. 029 Chestnut. • • Menoulst, Crown street,.below 0411ov/hill street. Pennsylvania and Philadelphia Bible Society, corner of Seventh.andiVainut etrects. Presbyterian - Board of Publication (new), No. 821 Chestnut tree • Preel4l43riati Pabitiation goose, No, 'llll Oheotnut arrest.'„, YOuns]lipi!‘ Ofirlet*Attioelatlaw, No, tea Chestnut street., • • , , • , Northern' Young, lien's ChriStiari Asaocdation, Cer mantownltoad and Franklin. . • „ Phliefielphie 'bible, - Tract, and Periodical OSles (T. H, Stockton's), No, 030 Arch street, first house • below Sixtblitreet. north side, tuttierin Publication Society, No. 7= Arch street, below Eighth. • • 1/raveller's Ottibr-, RAILROAD Pentt4. Central .111. E.—Depot, :Eleventh: and Market. - ,1 A. M., Matt Train for Pittsburgh and the West, , - ass P Fast Una for Pittsburgh and. the Went 2.30 P. IL, , for.Harrieburg and Oolumbia.• • - ,4:30 P.31,-,-Accommodation Train for/Lancaster; ' 11P, M., _Express Mail for Pittsburgh and tho West. • • • Rending Iloitronet—Lomot, Broad anti Vine. • 1010 A - , M,l -Express Train for Pottarille, Williamsport, and Niagara Falls, 8.30 P. ILI as shore (Night Azores's Train.) - Seto York Lines. / - A. front Remington, yin Jersey City. • 6 A. m., from Camden, Accommodation Troia. ' 7, A. 18, - from Camden,' Jersey City Mall. - /0 from, Walnut street wharf, riaJersoysity. P,ll. tle Camden and Amboy, Express) OP. Morin Bowen, Acconunodation Train. • ' M., Via Camden and ,fersey City, Mail. .8 P.M., via Can den and Amboy, Accommodation: • -•-_ Connstiing Lines.- , 0 6.14.,fr0m Walnietstreetwharf;for Belvidere,Buton, „ . - Water. Ga p; Scranton, die , 0A; M., for Freehold. , • - , • - 1 A. II.; for Mount Holly, from Walnut street wharf, :2 r. u., for PreohoM, %go for Monet Holly, Bristol, Trenton, Ad: 4P: M.; for Palmyra, Darlington, liorentown, &e. •• 4 Pad, ifor Belvidere, Eaton, Ac.', - from Walnut 'trent • •.0 P.M, fel Mount Holly, Burlington, fro, • _Baltimore IL B.—Depot. Broad and Prime; r 0 6..11.f tarlaltimore, Willett - 100n; New, Castle, - • dtetoan; Dover, and Seaford. • P. 14., for Baltimore, Wilmington, and New Outlet.' 4.15 T, ILifor Wilmington,. New gristle, Middletown, •• • -noser,ned Seaford. ' for Perryville, Fast Freight. 31.-P.M. - , tor Biltheiwe and , 12 1 1 1 11 10 10 02 . ' ' •, . Nora Pennsylvania Ili ./L—Depot, Front and Willow. 6.16 A. M., for .Betbleheui, Easton; Manch Chunk, ko. )BAS A. IL fay Doylestown. A6namroodation.' • 'Das P. IL, for Bethlehem,lastun; Mauch Chunk, - ha. . M., for Moyiestoorailtdonnoodatioo. OM P. M., for Uwynedd, aecimmodation. Camdm and Andatte .11.4L;- , Fine greet wharf. 1.30 A. M„, for Atlantic .• .304115 A. Id., for Haddontleld. • • - , 4 E 144-for City. , , •-- 4.,46 for Ussidoolleld. ' - - , For : • - ' ByAktlninbla R. B. and Westchester Branch. • From Market street,' smith aLle above Eighteenth. ' - Leave Phllmielphia 7 A. 111, 10 7J4 P. M.- -.WeNtehiniter 1/80 A.,,se, add 3 P. M. ” Imavii Philadelibin 7 - •- , • Westethaster 3 P.. 14- • ' • Westattester Directliallroad open to - PenneltonOiruidel ,Sfors,Ortheast'Eighteenth and Market itrosts. V.44eraPhils4ilphiali; - end O'A; }f; 2,4; and 6P. PenheltOnktfrubbef Nagel 1; giaud 1/4:11; an& On Battetiaßt hts,t train from Pannetten at ILA. M. 4 - •=T; , 4el,l*ilifittlidelOUlLLA:3l-Autd 2 - PAL :dt.vi Pa, isnettoti liff•A. M. andtS PAC Oth • sa4 ;II , Nrsero' I- • • - 4,40;3.461am/ 11,16 6 4•,1 - I:FL '..--"t ,, ,qttre No/fist : Own ') B.P.ldij6r Downingtown: • 2,; 4; ! fr aud fit ' for Cbeetnnt. /HIE •• • s.• • T i S i Ili 1010; out 11.844 A.lst.'4 aid -1•40.10i 4 4i 6, 0 7 - 6 0 sad 11.80 P. M., for Oenniintrrn. VOL. .1-NO. 70. Cheater Valley R. R.—Leave Philadelphia 6 A. M. and 8 P. M. Leais Downingtown TX A. M. and 1 P, STEABIIIOAT LINES '2.00P. M., Richard Stockton, for Sordentown, from Walnut street wharf. 10 and 11.45 . A; if. and 4 P. M., for Tunny, Stirling - • ton and,Bristol, from Walnut street wharf. 0.80 A. M. Delaware , Iloston, and Kennebec, for Cape • May, &staler bolo/Spruce street. 1.80 A, Id., and 2,. 3, and dP. M., John A, Warner , . and Thomas A. Morgan, for , Bristol, Bur - • , Ilugtou, &o. aR4 A. la., latnieral .McDonald, for Cape May, every Tuesday. Thursday, and Saturday, from • Arnh Word wharf. WE WEEKLY PRESS. THE CHEAPEST AND BEST •NEIVSPAPER IN THE COUNTRY. GREAT INDUCEIVOUNTS TO CLUBS! - TUE WEEKLY PRESS is'published from the'City of Philadelphia, every Saturday. St is conducted upon National principles, end will uphold the rights of the States. It will resist fanati cism in every shape; and will be devoted to consort , stave, doctrines, as the true foundation of public pros perity and social order. Such A Weekly Journal has long been desired In the United States anti it to to gra tify this want that VIE WEEKLY PRESS is published TILE WEEKLY PRESS Is printed on excellent white paper, clear, pew typo, nod In quarto form, for binding. It contains all the Noun of the day; Correspondence from the Old World and the New; Domestic Intelli gence; Reports of the various Markets; Literary Ile viewa ; ,Illacellaneous Selections ; the progress of Agri culture in all its rations departments, &c,, Ito, ULF" Terms, invariably in advance. TEE WEEKLY PRESS will be sent to subscribers, by mail; at - - - $2 00 per annum. .Twenty Copies, when eent to ono ad- Twenty Copies, or over; to address of each subscriber, each, - • - 1 20 it Sor it Chili of Twenty-one or over, we will send an extra Copy to the getter-up of, the Club. Poet Masters are requested to' act as Agents for TILE WEEKLY PRESS. - . . . . will esteem it _a great raver If my political and per. aerial friends, and all others who desire a first chum Weekly Newspaper, will exert themselves to give Tlilr WEEKLY 'PRESS a large circulation in their respective neighborhoods. . - lOHN W. FORNEY, • Editor and Proprietor. Publication Office of TILE waxy PEWS, No. 417 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. C4t Vress+ :WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1857 • TEHERAS FRANCIS MEAGHER This day-we publish a Democratic speech by TROMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER, well known as the Irish Patriot—a title which now merges into the yet higher and more ennobling Ono of American Citizen. Last spring, by length of residence and compliance with the usual forms demanded by the Constitution, MEADUEII oh tabled the 'privilege of naturalization. lle had no difficulty, it Will readily be believed, in mak ing the preliminary declaration of his intention to relinquish 'allegiance to all foreign poten tates, and more .particularly to " Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Viwroina,'! and, with still less regret, we dare affirm, did he, last. May, take the solemn oath of allegiance to the Constitution of the Gilled States. 'MEAGHER is a man of whorl it may be said, he loved his country !‘ not wisely, but too well!" He saw his country misgoverned; he heard the murmurs of discontent all around him; ho distrusted Mr. O'CONNELL'S perpetual euckoo-tioto of g The Repeal;" he rentember ed Ireland had suffered from her subjeCtion to England ; he thought that his mi.. tive land was worthy co'f'a loftier destiny than to be beld'in Vassalage en a mere contributory province of, Great Britain ; he had the ambi- film of raising her into a nation,—of making her, once more, what she once bad been— "Greet, glorious : , tud frge, Birst flower of the earth, Othi first gem of the flea." In association with other young Irishmen of talent and patriotism, MEAMIEn impulsively thing himitelf• into the arena of politics, and 'Mildly bearded O'Commx.r.' in his own strong hold, the, Repeal Association. .lie did this, 'bedause ho believed that O'Comis.m. was luke warm in the esuse of nationality. :And, indeed ? many circumstances combined o create and rionrish such a belief. O'CoNNELL bad rendered the greatest services to Ireland and the 'lrish. Ho had obtained Catholic Emancipation' for - his country, and bad taught his conntryinen the advantages of political and numerical organization—"within the law." Ever, with CrPONNELL, the loophole for retreat wag the expression cc within the law." In the' days when Manhood was strong within him, when life and - energywere quick, and decided, he:would address the most exciting language to the masses, and, after he bad appealed to them, to battle for their rights, would fall down on their, excitement with these three words— cowithin the law." . He all but desired them to appial to'the,argument of force, in default .of the force of argument being of avail. He Woltht draw a lovely picture' of their native land, (twilit its blue skies above them, and its green fields around; its lofty mountains rising like monuments of vanished glory; its mighty rivers rushing forward to the broad ocean; its brave'men, and its 'beautiful and virtuous women?' and would then ask whether such a country should any longer be in thraldom 1 Then"wonld the shout arise, cc Never !" Then would men hold their sticks with as strong a hold as if they, were loaded. and bayoneted muskets. Then would every man feel that if, at such 'a moment, the Word ' c 4 Charge !" were uttered, a resistless battle-array would rapidly be formed. And; then, when he had raised their excited feelings to that crisis when men will do and dare, regardless of danger and its consequences, 14fr., O'Cosinnt, would throw a wet blanket on the 'enthusiasm he had awa kened, by coldly tolling them that all he had entreated them to do must be performed "within the law." There was a great deal of humbug in this, and the higher class of CONNELL'S adherents were painfully conscious of it, though they merely shrugged their shoulders and kept silence. In truth, o , Conxnu. had become a Dictator. Lethini only have his own way, and tti'iro never was a better-tempered or more complacent man. Unopposed, he was a living f+ specimen of placidity and good temper. Re. sist liim, or even venture to offer an opinion at Variance with his views, and a she-tiger de of her cubs (or a jealous woman) was not more, infuriated. Therefore, when SMITE( O'BRIEN, MEAEIIER, and a: foil' more men of station , character, abi lity, and earnestness, honestly and firmly dis faulted from the within the laiv" principle, 'and ventured to say that the liberty of Ireland was worth fighting for, Mr. O'OONNI,LL became enraged.' ..Ther'e aroae two parties,—O'Cox urrx's, contending .for the gentle mission of Moral Force, and' the party of Young Ireland declaring that, it Peed arose, freedom was to be won by Physical Force, that it' words did *avail weapons might, The conflict between the, parties was long, and it ended in the defeat of O'CoNNELL. The press was generally upon hid nide,'lnit the young patriots commenced neWepapereof their own, In which they boldly proclaimed their country's wrongs, and their own determination 'to redress them. In the with the forum and the pen, the sanguine young orators and writers battled strongly for the good cause—the great cause of Nationality. The result was, the defeat of O'CONNELL. He retired from the contest a baffled and a beaten ,man. He felt that hie power, once so great, was at zero. Vexation, at thus being virtually deposed, preyed upon his mind, and the reac tion; - operating on a frame debilitated by the quick-pressing infirmities of advancing years, injured his health.' Ile went to Italy, in the hope 'that change of climate and abstinence from that political excitement which had been to him the,ver) . 7 breath oflife, would renew the failing Springs of health. But his course was ' near la do se, and ho died at Genoa. His heart rests in Rome, the Holy City, which it loved so well, and his body reposes in the cemetery 'of 4 Ghtenevin, near Dublin. 'All thiough his long and eventful career, thmigh the leader of the Irish Hemotracy, , was essentially a monarchical man. At no time did he venture to suggest that ,Ireland should really become, what he more than ones Maple opportunity of making beri. art, indepandent- Nation. Much ado as tyaii , mit-dentn:it Repeal, the agitation for which Wes considered as almost treasonable by many sensible- and sensitive people in England, it tinietidateitin'thittlreland should, once more, km'a Pirlitimelit of her own, but that the Sovereign of England should still be the Sovereign of Ireland. Far differently thought Illnmannn and his friends. They went, not •for Repeal, bu t for Separation—aot for subjec tion, but , for independence. The design was to declare Ireland a free and indepen dent nation—the American Constitution was to have supplied the principal model for he r government—and SMITH O'BRIEN would pro bably have been the first President of the free Republic of Ireland. Most of the leaders in the patriotic confederation were Catholics, but so thoroughly free from sectarian feelings was the movement, that their general desire was, to elevate SMITH O'BnrEN, a Protestant, to the Presidential chair, had Ireland appeared among the nations once more, with her own flag of independence floating proudly on the breeze borne across the broad and almost boundless Atlantic. The organization ripened, after a fashion, into what was. called a Rebellion. But the loaders had no army to lead. Hopes of sup port and association had been given—but the influential parties who could, at ono word, have called an army of peasants into the field, declined to utter that word. So the rebellion ended before it was well commenced, and most of the leaders were taken, tried, and condemned. Upon SMITH O'BRIEN, MEAGIIER, and a few more of surpassing ability and dreaded influence, the death-doom was passed— but these bravo men mot the sentence with oyo undimmed by dread, with cheeks unbleached by fear. It was a sentence which those who pronounced it dreaded to carry into execu tion, and the affrighted Government mitigated it to Transportation for Life in ono of the penal colonies of Australia. From that exile, MEAMIER escaped to this country, where he was well received— for we thought, with ROOREFOUCALT, that it is not the punishment, but the crime, that makes thd disgrace. here, admired and ho nored, lifummun las realized what his coun tryman, Moons., so beautifully and so truth fully has described, when writing 'about this country : " Thrice happy land! whore ho who hies From the dark ills of other skies— From scorn, or want's unnervtng woos— May shelter him in proud repose. ' Hope sings along the yellow sand Ms welcome to a patriot laud; The mighty wood, with pomp, receives The stranger on its world of leaves; Which soon their barren glory yield To the warm shed and cultured field ; Awl ho who came, of all bereft, To whom malignant fate had left Nor home, nor friends, nor country dear, Finds home, and friends, and country hero." Throughout the whole land, wherever he Went, REAM/ED.'S progress was an ovation. His youth, his bravery, his genius, his prinei.. - ples, and, above all, his misfortunes, were so many claims to the attention and regard of a free people. ne had the further prestige of having broken his chain—of having done so without a taint upon that high personal honor which to him is everything. Lord PALMER fiTON. may safely insinuate a calumny against such a man, at the 'distance of three thousand miles, but, in the eye of the world, Mumman stands acquitted, fully and clearly, of all hut having too long yielded to that too scrupulous delicacy, which urged him to keep faith with those who kept no faith with him. Actually, as well as legally, taking back his parole, he effected his escape, and he was right in doing so. Moro than five years have passed since MEAOUER first trod this land, and he has use fully, honorably, and brilliantly employed his rare and varied talents for the information and the advantage of his adopted country. As a speaker, he ranks among our most eloquent. Nearly two years ago be commenced a journal called The Irish .News,"(in which he has shown himself to be as able a writer as he had proven himself to be a speaker. Webellove that THO MAS FRANCIS MEAMIER, in The Irish News, was the very first editor in the State and in the City of New York, to place the name of JAMES before his readers as the llemoera- tic candidate for the Presidency of the United States. Not till now, not until actually an American citizen, did Mr. MEAOHEIL come into tho poli tical arena, as a speaker. He was too fasti dious, perhaps, in thus abstaining from the actual strife, with his lips, while Ito joined in it with his pen, but his feeling evidently was that, as a non-citizen, ho had better not pre sent the appearance of intermeddling in the af fairs of a laud, in which up to the time when ho actually had accomplished his citizenship, he felt himself, however at home, somewhat as a guest. He has broken ground, however, at last, and his fine speech addressed to the Democracy of Now York, which we publish this day is worthy of notice, from the lucid exposition of princi ples, and from the eloquence and fervor which breathes through the whole composition. Child of Democracy as he is—it caused his exile, and it brought him here—TUOMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER, young but experienced, gifted and honest, has before him, we hope, a very brilliant future. Such a man must rise. THE MAGAZINES FOR NOVEMBER As far as the principal illustration is con cerned, Peterson's Ladies' National Magazine is fur ahead, this time, of its immediate cotem poraries hero. The graceful figure landscape, called The Harvest Home, is beautifully de signed and well engraved on steel. Tho lite rary contents are of average merit—a novelette The Mysterious Box, is much above the usual run of magazine stories. The steel engraving in Godey's Book we can not praise. The artist has not done justice to the faces of the figures; the man's profile is es pecially defective. It is absurd to call this "an engraving, the superior to which cannot be found in any English annual." Much bet ter is a tinted wood-cut, representing an old man teaching a child to write. There aro nu morons fashions' engravings, which, we dare say, are found attractive, or they would not be so profusely given. The best literary papers here, this month, aro Aunt Sophie's Visits, (commencing a series,) The Family Drawing Master, and the conclusion of Chemistry for the Young. Graham's Illustrated Magazine substitutes a couple of tinted wood-cuts for the steel en graving usually given. Tho colored fashion plate (steel) is neatly engraved and colored. The wood-cuts, introduced with the text, aro so very coarse and badly worked that au amend ment in these particulars would be advanta geous to the character of the Magazine. The best paper hero is an historical sketch, by Mr. Reed, of Inez d' Castro,tho beautifill and hap less wife of Don Pedro, King of Portugal. It is a romance, and it is true. Flower and Garden Hints are practical and well-timed. We usually read the "Editor's Easy Talk" with pleasure, for Mr. Leland is a scholarly and agreeable writer,—but does his actual "easy talk" include such familiar colloquia isles as “That's so 1" (first cousin to "Yes, Sir-ree,") "You'll do," "Strikes us that," "Knew beans," "That's it," and soon. Surely, even if such slip-slop were used in speech, it might properly be left out of printing, whence every thing touching on vulgarity should be excluded. The Ileretltage. [From tho Nashville 'Union.] Under the authority of the act passed by ibolast Legislature, the Hermitage was purchased by the State. The same act made it the duty of the Governor to tender the place to the General Government. Gov. Johnson has performed this duty; but tho late Congress took no motion on the subject We understand that there is much oppo sition to the establishment of another national school, and that it is likely Congress will de cline the gift of Tennessee, since the establishment of a branch of the military school nt West Point is ono of the conditions of the gift. In view of this foot, the question arises, Must will be done with the hfermitage? The people of Ten nessee demand it of their representatives that the grave of Andrew Jackson shalt he forever pro tected; that rinee the cenotaph covers the re mains of ono who was, and Is, and will be for ail time, fresh in their affections, no mercenary specu lator must desecrate the sacred spot by his vandal step The proud form, the lofty character, and the heroic deeds of Jackson belong to the State, and BO Mat his grave. If, then, Congress, at the ap proaching session, should decline the gift of the State, we trust the Legislature will follow the re commendation of the Governor. In his late mes sage, Governor Johnson suggests that the Hermi tage be Oct apart as the residence of the future Governors of Tennessee. The Memphis (Tenn.) Bulletin learns, from a private letter, that "the Into murderous affray, reported to have ocautlred in this county, took place in Tipton; and that the name of the man killed by the two wood•choppers was Chambers, instead of Slaughter. The two wood-choppers have been arrested and committed to the Jail in Covington on last Friday." PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1857. COMMUNICATIONS. NOTES FROM THF. DIARY OF A COMMIS. SION-MERCIIIANT. For Tho Prems.J Pinlatia., Ort. 4. Got up at day-light; law the• sun rise ; beautiful sight. Passed a restless night; Dreamed of banks, discounts, brokers, and bills payable. Thought I had $lO,OOO to pay and noth ing to pay it with; awoke le find it was a dread ful reality—fact; hayo that amount to pay and only $2 000 in bank to moot it. Prospect gloomy; as all the newspapers say, " this is to bon dreadful day in the money market, the worst ever expert oncod." Got up and dressed myself; commenced shaving; cut my face in several places Went doWn stairs to breakfast; no appetite; nibbled a bit of toast and swallowed a mouthful of coffee, and put off for the counting-house. Half dozen ]otters on my desk; ono from Jenkins, another from Brown. Feel much bettor; both promised remittances more than a week back. Jenkins says, "extremely sorry; terrible state of money market precludee the possibility of doing anything at present ; hope to be able to announce a better state of things shortly, when I will remit." Brown says ditto, ditto. Curse Jenkins and Brown. Smith advises of having drawn at sight for $2,000, which he hopes I will honor. OS monoy is very tight, and drafts at longer time can't be negotiated. Not a dollOt's worth of his goods sold; made up my mind not to accept. Smith will be mad; won't got any repro consignments from hint; can't help it. Jones' "regrets exceedingly to be under the necessity of saying that it is entirely out of his power tonna his note coining duo on the sth, and bogs that I will not allow it to be protested, and asks fdr an extension of ninety days. Jones a good customer; can't lose Jones; note discounted Borne timo back; will have to take it up—if I can. Evans is ABM° short to-dap ; requests the favor of a couple of thousands till the 6th. Green desires to know If I can possibly wait till to-morrow for tho thousand I loaned him yesterday; very encouraging; cursed them ail. Placed all onfidoneo in Jenkins Brown ; never doubted Jones; thought I was sure of $2,000 from Evans, generally flush ; and counted on Green's thousand positively; mad as a March hare; wrote immediately to Jenkins it Brawn a srorcher• ' cooled down a little to Jones; told' him how much I had to pay, and begged for heaven's sake that he would send a part at least, if not the whole, and not to leave anything unturned to accomplish it; wrote to Green that I must have It if ho had to srll his shirt. Got down the bill-look; examined the time of notes duo to-day; might possibly be a mistake of a day in ono of them; got no consolation; all cot.' rest; shut up the book ; wont to tho Ore-proof, and took out a dozen bills receivable; beat in the market; put off to try my chance; mot Fry coming in looking very cheerful; put on a plea sant face also; hadn't time to ask him if bo had anything over, before lie asked me; both of our countenances fell considerably. Mot a dozen in tho street with long faces; all "hail fellows well met " White was just coming to see "how I was off;" Black ditto; had intended to call on White and Black myself. Stepped in to see Kiines; was very glad ; just the man be wanted to see; was nhort, and had put me down for a thousand ; both obliged to give a ghostly grin. Off in a min uto ; called on Parker; heard him say to his clerk, take this check to Hopkins, and ask him to be kind enough talot me have a thousand for it day or two; steppad up and told Parker I was sorry ; couldn't accommodate him ; eamo to borrow myself. No luck there ; tried everybody I knew until 12 o'olook ; all short. Put ou a bold face and stepped into a broker's office; Grindstone wasn't in; sot down and took up a newspaper and tried to read an article on the money panic; waited half an twig till Grindstone came; took him aside arid asked hint what ho would charge; nild the notes hag, al ways boon A No. I ; didn't consider anybody at present strictly good; bad been in business thirty years and never saw such a terrible state of affairs before; everybody was hard run; had Just acoom ntodat3d a person to a considerable amount; didn't think ho could raise enough today; know a friend who might accommodate him at 5 percent. a month and half per cent. for his trouble. Tried to bring him down a peg or two; couldn't do it. Told him to go and see hie friend; waited another half hour; Grintlatono Came back and sold half food be done at 5, the other half at G per cent. ; got the refusal for half an hour, and tried half dozen other bro kers; hoard the same story repeated ; wouldn't do them for lose ; cameo asked loom \Vent back to Grindstone's at quarter past 2; stood the shave and got a check ; walked a mile to the bank to get it marked good, and arrived et hank to make deposit at two minutes of 3; found thirty depositors in line ahead of me; heard the bank clerk call Out my name; answered hero; all right; made deposit, and at quarter past 3 went out the back way and wont bank to counting-house. Entered deposit in cheek-book; balanced, and found ono dollar and slalom cents over. THE WORKINOMEN'M FATE For The Preen j " The poor are crushed ; the tyrants forge their chains." Mn. EDITOR: It has been sagely said, that walled towns, stored arsenals, goodly TACO of horses, and the like, although formidable in them• solves, are no indications of the prosperity of a peo ple; but that the true and lasting welfare of a na tion consists in a distribution of its wealth, in sueh wise as to afford to all an opportunity to acquire a competence. While our statute-books groan under the weight of enactments for the protection of capital and capi talists, wo rarely carne in contact with any move ment having in view the safety and advancement of that largo, but sadly neglected clam of our citi zens—the workingmen. Banks are chartered un der certain legal provisions and restrictions; these provisions and restrictions aro disregarded when ever the private views and interests of currency regulators are conflicted with; and the people—the workingmen—aro coerced to acquiesce in the in auguration of a system of events, tho very nature of which Is to render the toiler tho only loser. The wheels of enterprise aro stopped ; thousands of worthy and industrious mechanics aro ousted from the various branches of industry; a depre elated paper-currency cute down the earnings of those who are fortunate enough to be kept, and want, upon whose brow sits crime, stalks through the land ! What is the artisan to do? lie is powerless? lie knows that Legislatures will legalize the most flagrant injustice. lie sees that money and in fluence min overweigh the scruples of the people's representatives. Ho beholds that power will* under a free Dovernment, should be supreme—in terdicting the wrong, and enforcing the right— obsequious to the wishes of a few, whose great gain is in the impoverishment of the many. To whom, in this, the hour of his adversity, shall the m'echanie look for support? Shall he look to those influences which, Shylock-like, aro exerting their every energy to reduce that pittance which now barely gives him the Nip n' to meet the re quirements of life? No. They would crush him out. Shall ho look for the proteetive hand of those legislators who thoughtlessly give legal being and vitality to Institutions almost irresponsible in their character, and who steadily bolster up a rank, un wieldy ream of financial rottenness ? No. Bitter experience lies taught a far different lesson. From what quarter, then, is the hardy son of toil to ex pect on ameliorating act—a helping hand? Lot the workingman look to his own class for help. Dire winter is upon fiat Let those me chanics who have employment imitate the noble example sot by the journeymen printers of the United States, and they may materially be of benefit to each other in the approximating crisis The printers of the United States have perfected I a combination for trade purposes which has done, and is doing, much for theta as it class. Each city has a local organization which regulates the scale of prices, and makes all other needful arrange ments for the promotion of the craft, whieh union is subject to eertain general laws, framed by a con vention of delegates from the different States. This convention meets annually, and its mom hers are elected from 'the subordinate unions. When, es is the onee'now, many aro thrown out of employment, it be usual on the part of those who retain situations to absent themselves one or two days in the week, in order to give those mem bers of their combination who are idle an opportunity to keep themselves above want, and by this means of mutual support they have been enabled, in many emergencies, to preserve their prices and organization, which, otherwise, must have fallen through, In this man nor, some years ago in this metropolis, the printers on the daily morning newspapers sustained a great majority of their fellow-craftsmen engaged in the book-publishing offices, who were on a strike for increase of remuneration, and kept them above actual want for an entire year, at the completion of which period the employers yielded to an intact and determined combination. There is no doubt that a system of this descrip tion is predicable, and calculated, not only to keep wages above starvation rates, but to bring relief to many a hearthstone, whore, otherwise, misery and want would reside. Let the working , men of Philadelphia look to themselves for protec tion, and combine. "In union there is strength." R. J. B, Payne, the Democratic candidate for Go vernor of Ohio, we FICO by the official returns, has 3,154 majority in Hamilton county. The entire Democratic county ticket was °looted. SPEECH OF THOMAS FRANCIS MEAGHER, Esq. At a recent Democratic meeting at New York, of which State he became a citizen, by naturaliza tion, early in the present year, Mr. Meagher spoke as follows : Mn. PRESIDENT AND GENTLEMEN : In compli• once with the invitation I had the honor of re ceiving from you, a few days sinee,l have attended here this evening In obidicer° to the call that fans just been made, chimes of New York, I hare risen to address you. My words, however, shall be few. The speakers, by whom I have been pre ceded, have left me little to say. Eloquent, COM proliensive, forcible, their speeches have r.mdered full justice to the great topic which interests this meeting. Nothing, in my power to add, could im prove the light in whielt that topic has been submitted to the people, nor is an appeal to the popular intelligence and enthushemi necessary, where both these elements have been nitidly called forth. Were it not, indeed. that I destio, once for all, to identify myself with the Hentocra tie party, and stand committed to the principles it upholds and the public conduct it diotates, I should, most probably, be silent. That I have, for some time back, been thus iden tified and committed, is the truth. All through the Presidential campaign—front first to lust—=from the challenge to the announcement of the triumph —my hand and heart were devoted to the in the name of which this meeting has been con vened. Mt this Is not enough. Anonymous ser• vices may bo useful. They do not correspond, however, with the spirit of Democrecy, There are no mysteries in Democracy, no disguises, no false inodesty. Having its origin in the heart of the people, it grows with the people, and like them boldly manifests itself. It is right, therefore, should throw WY the reserve which has, up to this moment, kept me aloof from the proceedings of the people. As a Democrat, it becomes my duty to do so. It ls.full time, too, that such should be the case. The citizenship which, for some time past, it has been nay pride to enjoy, entitles me to express nay opinion, publicly, upon any and every question which alTeas the interests of this city, the State of which it is the choicest ornament anal best protee• Son, or the Union of which its unswerving patriot ism, iu an eminent degree, contributes to main tain. No longer an exile, no longer a foreigner, no longer without a home I can call nay own, a country to boast of,and a government that ennobles the loyality it invites, I have come hero, as an American citizen, to utter my protest against a got of measures and a political invasion, which has, for the time being, within this city anal throughout thlg State, itnpairod the worth of (ho high title. Protests, however, have little weight. Injuries the niestgrievous have been inflicted—taxes have been levied, properties have been confiscated—all under protest. and to this day the mischief has not been repaired. There aro some maxims learned by heart, as we leave the cradle, upon which neither the expe rience nor the study of matting years can im prove. That possession is nine points of the law, and that might is right, we aro early taught. The knowledge we acquire in after life but serves to confirm, In our minds, these pious doctrines. The condition of Europe, at .tbis day, vindiontes their truth, and establishes thdb. conolusively. Hungary submits to Vienna undue protest. Sho submits, however; snit the protest, being little better than a vain ejaculation scrawled upon Is prison wall, goes for nothing. Francis Joseph has lit his cigar with it long since. Italy admits the Aus trian inside her gates. and delivering him up the key, presents him with a protest. The Austrian endorses it with instruetions to the police, to per mit no beards, no murmurs, no newspapers, no fashions, no amusements, no liberty but what his parsimonious discretion may prescribe. Se much for tho protest written in the 'language of the Di vine Comedy and the sonnets of Petriiich ! So, too, with others of the like nature. which, famili arized as the public mind has been with them, it is lielleamigury to particularise. Enough to say. that—just. enlightened, noble as they are—for all tho respect they command, the remorse they ken, the magnanimity they inspire, the restitution they aohieve--therusight its not have seen the light. And why" The reason is obvious—distinct as the spire of Grace Church—though, taking an opposite direc tion from that white finger-punt, this Heavens, it points disparagingly downarans. 'Virtuous max ims, addressed to the recusant and powerful. have to bo enforced with souls degree of muscular or vetorint strength' The Millennium is indiscernibly remelt,. iyen justice, in the quietest of towns or reluirs a crier, ri door-keeper, and, in most eases, apolleeinan within mall: As fur forgo, it must ho met with force. Authority, legislative or executive, or both uoinbined, made one and in. divisible—nominated in a camp, ratified by bayo nate, and by means of tempi and bayonets estab lishing itself as a raibeal nuisance in to country, eon be upset and swept away only by a people who have gathered their strength behind ramparts—dß the torrent does its waters in the gorge—and bears down upou the despotism with protests transfixed by bayonets. This is the truth; the truth as the experience ortmoteriei—the - history of Judea, of timer., of Spain, of Gene:my—conveys it ; the truth, as the inferences of common sense, based upon history and a plain haorylodge cif human nature, impress it upon every people that has tho um Of jly t ioulties, its eyes open, liberty to read, end !ohm ro to discuss. Fortunately, howevoi, thera'aro same Ilatioll4 so cirountotoeced ' ay not to he corepollcd to not upon it. There aro some nations—llelgtuni, England. the Cumulus, Switzerland, for instance—which have been so liberally provided for, or hare so wisely fashirned their own laws, political maehin ory and mode of action. (halt SKI violenee is re quired, when, by nrcident or design, through in ddverhanep or studied inaliee, their domain has been Invaded, ther limbs crippled, or their good name maligned. I?orehgpit of thew notions, and high above them, t.iiruls the United Stoics. Against proscriptive laws—lowa which would disqualify the citizen its a chastisemont for the sin cerity and zeal with'which he clings to tho altar at which he woe baptized—there is here a remedy at hand; a remedy less precarious, and, as to personal sacrifices, far less exacting, than that which tho political eironinstances of other countries demand. Against the enactments of an intrusive fanaticism ; enactments such as the Maine law of 185 b, which, with pit the pretentious morality of their pream bles, harp no cdh,or effbot than to substitute smug gling for legitimate trade, and infernal bad liquor for comparatively good; enactment; which would saturate ns with cold water, by the prohibition of tobacco in every shape; would throw spittoons on the market; and, slatting up the moat stalls, would drive us to winter squashes, bran broad, and flummery—agalmt all such enactments no aro here enabled to proceed in a peaceable and effective style, without endangering the life of a single citizen— the Rev. Mr. Stiggins or Neal bow—without smashing a solitary pump or:pumpkin to which one or other, or both of them, in their intemperate Sobriety might lay claim. So. too, when an arro gant and audeciousfaetion—whipped ignominious ly from the PPlit of tho Federal Government— whipped buck to the pantry front tho National Treasury, upon which, in the lowa pf freedom and humanity, and all that's lovely, it was Montt to pounce--endeavors to console, itself in its hunger and humiliation by a rapaelous desoont upon tho inherent rights of a wealthy and distinguished city—a city of which every Amorionn has reason to be proud—proud as Pericles was of A thons—ao the Foseari were of Venice; when such an event occurs—mischievous, odious, galling though it be —all has not come to the worst, nor have the out raged citizens been driven to the last resort. For the blackest evils which 0 corrupt or factious Logislaturo may originate, there resides in the Amerioan people a corrective passer which is not only inviolable, but omnipotent. Thu ballot-box is in your hands. behold it r Pll,el:ll4Ta, sacred and indestructible, of the liberty ultiolt-io your in heritance! Whilst that remains—and remain it will—remain as long as the Dodson hears upaii its bosom one proud shy to promulgate your name, or a solitary eagle floats above the Apidaebian chain to remind you of your freedom—whilst that great safeguard rematitm, (lucre can be no perpetuity of wrong and insult, and no necessity, oven in the most desperate straits, fur you to invoke tho divi nities of war. What Europe—with her centuries of jurisprudence. government, civilization, and philosophy—what Europa cannot boast of, America possesses. She pegesses the means whereby liberty and good order, roforni and conacryatism, progress and immutability, the sovereignty of rho' 10.01110, and tho gentility of the laws— the vital antitheses of a free society—aro, at the one and the antic time, secured. France, it is true, has - what iscalled a ballot-Goa. But it is a French imitation—a ballot-box of pa ptcv Cognac manufactured out of gennina Juriongithela—a man-trap of %%blob an Emperor holds tho Seldom, if ever, hap a . polltical crisis arisen in this city—not, at tiny rate, since King. Opmge gas flung upon his back in the Dowling Green and run 11110 Continental bullets—which so loudly calls for the , interposition, and so clearly demonstrates the value, of the ballot-box, as the present. We are on the ova of an Ovation of absalitto importance. There are certain State Hippos to be filled nest month, the political character of tho cilizeno mew pying which will to a groat extent detortaing whether Now York is henceforth to be governed as it was in the days of Daniel Tompkins and Silas Wright, or (3 It olutneed to be in the leas historic epoch of Myron Clark. Other issues are involved. Tho Stato election, whichever way it goes, will influence, more or less, the elections %illicit succeed it in the city and coun ty. The Pennsylvania election in October last, foreshadowed and decided the Presidential elec tion in November. lit every cunstituency—tho most enlightened and independent—Clore are a number of teen who wait for auguries before they make up their minds which way to vote. Such men aro popularly desoribed 00 011 the form. iJ human nature, if it ho not, political science, and, however much wp may &plops the fact, it is well to deduce lessons of practical wisdom from it, and secure tho augury which, in oar favor, will com mand the votes. The purpose of this mooting is to ratify the Dentooratis nomination of the Syractiso uonven- Wo do so promptly, unequlvanally, unani mously. We do so with perfect oatisfaotion, dense, enthusiasm. Wo do EO, thoroughly 0011. rimed that tho ticket which bee been submitted for our approval, contains front first to last—front that of tile candidate for tho Secretaryship of State to that of tho eandidato for tho State prisons inspectorship—some of the very best names to be found in the Democratic directory, State, city, or county. thir. Meagher hero entered into a critical and laudatory examination of the Domooratie nomina tion of the Syracuse convention, which is only of local interest. lie proceeded :1 Triumphant In this contest, the prestige of the party, to which you belong, will be sustained. Tho supremacy It has achieved, through the Electoral Colleges, trill be confirmed. Thp principles ?pen which it is foondoil will noggins 9 now linpinse— be invigarated with a rto4lll4lrniarity—itild, stand , ed with an additional anthenticity, will trassmit themselves to the future., To insure this event should ho the aim and effort of ovoiy citizen who adopts and echoes the words of James li Polk— uttered in his Inaugural on the 4th of March, 1511—that mince the Union Wes formed all dis tinctions of birth or rank have been abolished ; that alt citizens, whether native or adopted, are placed on terms of precise rurality; that r th ai tat un d to all seats and creeds— that all should re member r t t a i n e member that, they arc members of the same politi pi‘e)lrife°clti' tebdeotawieeonf Chinch opin ion a i n s d cal family having a common destiny; that the Federal Union is one of the noblest structures of (.11,:em'isle7ohlitte t a ra w n o sn r i d ii l t h o o human i%isdom, and that no treason to mankind, mince the organization of society, would be equal in atrocity to that of him who would lift his hand to Democracy—s houldti ;Ye t r o s f y ITi . c P h rY ss c o i r e t , bev i n il d (t'he t e s s o ti n eonu t etris ei c a rsii i era s ta l lil ti ttei t ha e Cni s n: w anee si i r'i t t: h itonifut love the the nation which, gifted with this incomparable instrument of stability and freedom, has risen to greatness and become a sounder to the world, through the observance of the duties it prescribes. It in said of the last of the Roman Tribunes, that to excite in them an emulation of their ancestors, be used to take the people to the ruins or the Forum, or to tho foot of 801110 arch or column, the inscription upon which be would interpret to their glory. To you, citizens of New York, base been bequeathed encouragements to patriotism of a na ture out less exalted. The bell still tolls as the boats on the Potomac pass and repass the home stead of Mount Vernon. A. few feet beyond the walls of this splendid edifice--which has been de dicated to song, and, therefore, dedicated to the people, whose history, as in the spectacle of the Puritans. or that of the fisherman of Naples, has furnished to song the most exciting themes—with out there, stands the effigy of the first soldier, the first magistrate, the first citizen of the American Republic. Still on the heights of Monticelle the oaks andchestnuts put forth the leaves under which the Declaration of Independence was con ceived, and up those heights many a pilgrim still mounts to look with gratitude upon the grave of Jefferson, as Columbus kissed the sands which as sured to him a now world of which the old had. dreamt. INTERESTING FROM MEXICO The Death of Don ,Alanuel Alvarez—Suppree. Mon of the Collins Revolt-111story of the Lute Conspiracy—Congress and the New Cali- net—Satisfaction to the British Consul for the Sun Ws Robbery—Stoppage of the South. era :Ilan by Rebels—Departure of the Tehu antepec. Commissioners, &e. We havo received whites from Mexico city to the 4th inst. The "Alvarez," who was mentioned in the tele graphic despatch from New Orleans as killed, was Don Manuel Alvarez, and not Don Juan Alvarez, of high military and political reputation. Don Ma nuel was killed in the Colima insurrection, of which the following account is given in a letter dated the 20th of August : On Wednesday, the 20th, we had a pronuncia miauto said to have been headed by two young loon of our city, Don Mariano Vefar and Dun Jou Rubio. The plaza and quartets were taken in a few minntes by the pronunciados. who, I am told, consisted principally of the soldiery of the city. Our tlovernor, Oenoral Don Manuel Alvarez, was shot dead while entering the Plaza do Artuas at the head of about twenty nt the police force, and was probably the first man killed. Altogether there have been some five or six deaths, end pro bably as many morn 'wounded. I have been told that yesterday Colonel Don Jose Washington had accepted the command of the city, which is at pre sent under inertial law." By subsequent accounts we learn that General Nunez had taken thecommand, and had sentenced the insurrectionists captured to be transported to Yucatan and Lower California. Order WAcCat length completely restored. The priest who officiated at •rho burial of the bravo General Alvarez demanded $2,000 from the family for performing the lust holy rites, and made other exactions of a stringent and mortifying character The cause of this is supposed to he the devotion of the deoeased to the cause of the existing Om eminent The Mexican E rtraordittary, in its Imo of the 28th nit., gives' the following' account of the dis covery of the last conspiracy against President Cotuoafort " Tho excitement which affected this capital on Thursday night, during all of Friday, and aeon spread itself over n good portion of Saturday last, has, wo aro happy to say, entirely passed. As we intimated in our issue of Saturday last. the ex citement was not altogether tho result of sponta• Oboes combustion. It bad a real cause, and that cause was a badly formed plan for a revolt that was to have overturned the Government. Reports differ as to how the secret movements of the con. spirators became known to the Government. The treachery of HOMO of the parties engaged in it is the most likely solutinn of )ho cause. At all events the Government in duo time became thoroughly acquainted with every movement, and it is nsnorted, on good authority, only waited to obtain every necessary proof of the object of the conspirators. It is believed that the Government has now In its possession strong testimony against the parties who are under arrest. "Among those who have been arrested we find the following Generals Mariano Rains, Manuel Obstn do, Domingo tlallossd, Agustin Ziree, Antonio ttutentlents of police in 'lime Of Banta Anne,) Lie. Manuel Fernandez de Jauregul, Col. Detninuguex, Francisco Outtiew"P. M. Rodriguez Falcon, (son of him who pronounced in Tem meal tepee.) The foregoing do not comprise all. There are many more who aro not well known to tho world." wo havo already said, groat pradui must be bestowed upon the authorities for their vigilance and promptness in putting down this conspiracy. It has doubtless boon most completely smothered and broken up. On political matters the Ertraordinary of Sept. 29 says : 'The rumors of revolts have died away, and we hear of nothing now but the forming of the now cabinet and the granting of extraordinary powers to President Cotnenfort On Saturday lust, Congress having succeeded in obtaining aquorum, eolutnittee vas pleeted to 'examine and report spun the elution returns. Saor Ruts was elected President of this committee, and Seliores Palacios and SaborioSeeretaries. The gentlemen compos ing the committee were Seliores Matte, Oleora, Zeinacona, Flores, U. Sabino,) and Buz, (D. Jose Yal ente,l and the second, Sehores Lerdo de Tejada, Flores, (1). Bernardo,) y ()equities B re am. " One hundred members worm, present on Satur day, and a lively contest took place in the election of the President of the Committee on Credentials. it is understood that Senor Ruiz represented the tiovernment party, and Seiler Lerdo the able of liengresjonal rule, or anti-extraordinary powers party. Seiler Ruiz was elected by a bare ma jority; still, we consider the circumstance suffi ciently strong Knot that extraordinary powers will lib conferred upon President Comonfort." The estates of Sehor &imam:lige have been or dered to to sold by the courts to meet a portion of the $210,000 stolen from the British consulate, at San Luis Potosi, last winter. A protest has been entered against thisproceeding by the attorney of Seiler Satuaneige. This gentleman, who is accused of the robbery, is now spending his time in Eu rope. Ile left the country with a largo number of friends, and, it was understood, was paying their expenses. If he was not a person of a great deal pf ready money. tote cireu'lqi/NC of jltppresent emir o e (Oohs suspieteua, No mail has been received in the capital from the South for a mouth. The road had been closed by the war going on between old (ion. Alvarez and u number of guerilla bands, beaded by souls of the nowt desperate and unprincipled men that the prolific country affords. They have held at times Tixtla and Chilpaneingo, but the latest fie counts state that these points have been restored to the (lot ernment. It is more than likely that these bands of ruffians have made it a point to regularly take the mail bags, which has for Lk, long a time deprived the citizens of the capital of their correspimileime. The I: di noliltnal it, in notieirm the ilcparitire of the Telmanti.pee tammitssMners "from the capital, qsys By the diligence of Tuesday morning, Messrs Benjamin and La Sere, Commissioners of the Tehuantepec Company, left this city for Vera Cruz, en touts fur the United States. In noticing the departure of these gentlemen, we are pleased to say that their mission to this capital has been heaped with success and coninlitnents. The first object of their visit was to settle the le,ng-ve4eil question of TelmantePpe. Sc far no we can learn they have succeeded in thiS to their tallest eNpec tations, and to the satisfaction of those interested with them in the great Mexican natitinal enter prise of on inter•i r etinic railroad florets Tauante pus. The hest proof of their success is to be found In the eagerness which has bee» evinced in taking up the stock of the company in this capital. Al though but a week has elapsed since the books of the company were opened, already several hun dred thousand dollars hate been subscribed, and wo are fully assured that as much more has been pledged, and that too by Mexican capitalists 'lt is not flattery to say that thesogentlemen hat o shown themselves to be fully equal to the mission they Mulartook, in coming' to this country to er lane a matter that has for years ltecn h blight upon every other measure that was calculated to do good to Atelier, They have not only arranged the Tehuantepec transit, but have lamed Into the enterprise such an mama of confidence that the universally timid Mexican caidtalislt have come porward to Invest their money init. And all this they lied fislly accomplohed before they hail been here one month. The brevity of the time, taking . all things into consideration, not the loan OVI 11PrICP no hale Or their nativity and business cha racter. These who are acquainted with thedelays of courts, and especially with the "to-morrows that infest and delay proceedings in the National Palace of Mexico, will fully appreciate this." Messrs. Benjamin and La Sere have both written to the Trait fl' Union, formally denying that they have had to expend any money for thelm , antopec Railroad privilege. Their letter was in answer to an article that appeared in the Trait fl' Maim., in which It was stated that the nen company trill ho compelled to pros ide for the ex penses and presents incurred m the capital in order to obtain the privilege, which can scarcely amount to less than half a million of dollars. To this assertion, Messrs. Benjamin and La Sere give their emphatic denial. They wither nay "Theo who !clm the Publicity which in the United States Is given to all acts of cotnpanies, or gaillited like that which wo represent, those es pecially who are aware that the directors of this company are bound to give an annual account of their payments to their stockholders at a public meeting, and to furntsh Touchers for Mete pay -mews, cannot fur a moment believe the possibility of the fact which you allege. We re p eat our de• nial of Its truth, mid add that we have not spent o sentsle (lona , in order to obtain the concession in fever of the company, either n expenses or pre sents, and that OUT only mO4llB of SUCCOS4 were jus tice, the enlightened spirit of those yh reason, o, hnpl,iiy for Mexico, now preside over its destinies." !qr. 4. T. Smitli, who has been cashier of the /Tudor! County hank at ,fersey City, 81000 its ( . )1- onization, has been removed from his position, in consequence of the alleged discovery of an ir reiViarify in his account to the amount of $lO,OOO or V 12,00. An examination of the books of the bank showed that this defieiency had existed for somo time, but had been adroitly concealed from the managerA, and was only aceldentallybrought to light. The cashier has made such an assignment of property to the bank as to secure it against loss, and it is understood that this will eattlo tba that. ter. TWO CENTS. ITEMS OF FOREIGN NEWS. pelectea from our flies of EuropeauPaPt".) BRITISH RAILWAY STATISTICS.—The report of Captain Chilton to the Board of Trade on the Railways of the United Kingdom for 1856 has just been Issued. Notwithstanding that the preferen tial and loan capital constituted 43 per cent. of the whole of the railway capital raised to the end of 1850, and that the interest payable on this. owing to the state of the money market, was higher than during any former period, the per centage having been 5.08 against an average of 4.72 tor the pre ceding seven years, the average rate of dividend available for the ordinkry share capital was 3 12 per cent., being equal to that of 1555, and consitle• rally higher than the average of the preceding seven years, which was 2 59. In 1854. however, the rate was as high as 3 39. The period of extra vagant outlay, however, was prior to 1819, the average cost of lines constructed since that period having been only 1:9.508 mile. The working ex penses lavt year experienced an increase of 1 per cent. in England, and a diminution of 2 per cent. In Scotland and Ireland, the average being 47 The eent- as compared with 48 per cent. in 1855. The development of the goods traffic bus gone on upon a rapid 'ratio, and its proportion to the passenger train° is now 53 to 47 per cent., whereas eight years ago it was only 44 to 56 per cent. The total of passenger s conveyed in 1556 was 129,347,592, being an increase of 10.752,457 on the previousyear ; and the number conveyed per mile of railway open was 15,213 against 14503 in 1055, the receipts per mile being £1,191 against £1,164. Only one traveller in 10.166,449 has been killed, and one in 451,370 injured, showing a de gree of greater safety than in any since 1851. The general effects of the ralsing or lowering of fares are detailed, and the result appears to be against the policy of high charges The length ot line open for traffic in the United Kingdom on the 30th of June, 1356, was 8,505 miles, and the persons employed amounted to 102,117, or 12 per mile. There wore also 963 miles in course of con struction at that period, of which about 205 were opened before the end of the year. The whole are double lines, excepting 2,511 miles. Betrimen 4,000 and 5,000 miles authorized by Parliament remain to be constructed. The total will then be 13.173 miles—namely, 9,700 in England and 'ales, 1.647 in Scotland, and 1,820 is Ireland. The number of acts paged in the session of 1356 was fifty-nine, authorizing a length of line of 322 miles at a cost of £5,704,420. The late Mr. Croker, who was a Privy Councillor, used to allege that no writer of a letter bad a right to place his name on the envelope of the letter unless he was, at Iraq, a right honorable— that is, of the Privy Council of the Sovereign. Two or three of his friend, have been rebuked by him for making use of a right (dishonorable) they were not entitled to. Mr. Croker was fond of his privi lege, We remember to have seen a letter which he wrote anonymously, and sent, as he thought. anonvtnottsly, unpleasantly detected as his by the "J. W. Croker" in the corner of the address. It so happened that he could not by custom write even an anonymous letter without unintentionally affix ing his right honorable outside.—London Neer:. Omar Paella is nominated Governor General of Bagdad, a very lucrative post, the revenues of 1,11101 amount to 50,000 francs. Ile is charged with the duty of establishing a line of steamers upon the Tigris, and upon the lower Euphrates, and with protection of commerce against the Arabs. It is stated that the Arabs have tried to destroy the posts of the telegraph in order to show their sym pathy with the Indian mutineers. SUPPLY OP Ausis TO TIM INDIAN MUTI— Nueloi.—Accordlog to Prussian journals, public notice has been given by the diplomatic agents of England in tlermany and Belgium that the intro duction of firearms into India will no longer be permitted. The gun manufactories of Liege and the German States have been driving of late a roaring trade with Calcutta, and wore unprepared for the prohibition. AHMVALS 'ROM NMA.—According to the monthly "Band-Book of Information," published by the Peninsular and Oriental Company, their steamers should leave Calcutta on the 10th and 24th, and Bombay on the 3d and nth, of each month, and they should arrive at Suez on the sth and 19th, Mareeillee on the 12th and 27th, and Southampton on the 4th and 20th of each month. The Nets Prussian Gatetre saya Prinoe Frederick William will, according to arrangement proceed to England in November, and pay a visit to the - English court on the 21st of that month, which is the birthday of the "Princess Royal. The wedding day is Ogod fur the 19th of January, nod the 34 of Veltruary is named es the day of their entry into Beilin, Tine Aetna) loss of 148 on the ocean from the . year 1852 to the year 1856, both inclusive, was 4,349 ! And an analysis of the various causes which have led to this loss shows that out of 1,153 ships, only 268 were lost in a gale, storm, or hurri cane, and only 121 by the conjoint agency of the latter. There is little news in the London publiih leg wet M.' Tbetifir kriiit - Vornies IdtxtaY ilsoitilf9r t pit mots, Oloit aupkeal r ? aka mo th . eisrlier. _Muria* beide ealrlti Urfa to, Re icy is is wisely keeping his trump ea (and he has one) somewhat of a secret. The Emperor Napoleon attended a play given in the camp by the Zounces, who represent ed a Moorish wedding: at the end of tho per formance the Emperor rose to retire, when the Be douins caught up the lanterns, formed a procession, and escorted the Emperor to his quarters. At the little Sunday balls, of about one hun dred and sixty persons, given at Biarritz, by the Empress Eugenie, her Majesty has introduced, with immense success, our old country dance, •-Sir Roger do COverley." The Emperor of Russia has sent his aid de-camp, Gentili], to Sebastopol, to inquire into a charge made against eortain Russians, of having desecrated tombs in the French and English ceme teries there, and to punish the guilty parties. Baron Mestmacher, chief of the customs district of Odessa, and Colonel Potemkin, chief of the quarantine port of that place, have been con demned to dismissal, and WS of privileges of their rank, for peculation. 111 South Australia, a marriage bill which makes legal a marriage with a deceased wife's sis ter, has been read a second time A elate is to bo introduced providing that clergymen shall not ho compelled to solemnise such a marriage. The King of Prussia has nomitied Marshal de Wrings, Governor of Berlin—a post which has not been occupied since the death of Baron Muf fling. The yellow fever has made its appearance in Lisbon It is believed to have been imported in merchandise from South America, and to have been fostered by the heat of the weather. The Weekly Register states that Cardinal Wiseman has intrusted the preparation of a cor rected version In English of Holy Scripture to the care of lAr. Newman. ThO French Emperor has ordered a special gallery to tko set apart in the Palace of Versailles for the exhibition or eicture.3 representing scenes in the Eastern war. A letter from Vienna states that a reduction in the Austrian army, evecially in that in Italy, 13 to take place atter the autumn manceuvrea shall be concluded. It consists with our certain knowledge that Russian and other European officers are nt this mo ment flocking to Ilindostan to command the re volted Slopoyv.—Loudon The Peninsular and Oriental Company have now in the Indian eels a fleet of twenty-five steaaioro, or 3243 tons burden, and :1,020 horse power. A railway from Lille to Strasbourg, liaa beeu conceded, and it is to be censtrueted by the three companies of the Northern, the Artlennes, and the Strasbourg. Ateheuieti raelta, the Turkish cola raarvier at Kara during the siege, has now the di reCtion of the Turkish artillery Lat.% year « only one person in 1t1,168,419 who travelled by British railway WAS killed" from "causes beyond his own control " The French Eastern Railway and the Baden Oompany have agreed, it is said, to eonneet their lines by an iron bridge across the Rhine. There was a falling off of no less than 1:421,- 953 in the exports to India last month, as compared with the corresponding period last year. A subscription for the relief of the sufferers in India has been opened in Algiers. 'll'itshlugtsueli Opaolcut of Paper Money 'The following, letter, written by lien. Washing ton wore than seventy years ago, on the paper or Lank currency question, will be read just now with more than ordinary Interest : MOUNT VERNON', Feb 27, 1757. - TWA Btu ; Your favor of the tlieth ult. came duly to hand. To giro an opinion in a cause of so much importanaii as that which has warmly agi tated the two branches of your legislature, and Which, from the appeal that is made, is likely to create great and perhaps dangerous divisions, is rather a delicate hatter; but as this diversity of opinion is on a subject which has, I believe, own. pied the minds of most men, and Limy sentiments thereon have been fully and decidedly expressed long before the assembly either of Maryland or this State was =ironed,. I do not scruple to de clare that it' 1 had a vote° in your legislature it ti.ould have been given decidedly against a paper emission, upon the general principle of its utility as a representative and the necessity of it as a me dium. To assign reasons for this opinion would he as unnecessary as tedious ; the ground has been 40 often trod that a place hardly remains untouched; in a . werd, tho necessity arising front a want of specie iy represented as greater than it really is. 1 contend that it is by the substance, not the shadow of a thing, that we are to be benefited The wisdom of man, in my humble opinion, can not, at this time, devise a plan by which the credit of paper money would be long supported ; conse quently, depreciation keeps paeo with the (yawl. ty of emission, and articles for which it is ex changed rise in a greater ratio than the sinking value of the money. Wherein, then, is the fer nier, the planter, and artisan benefited? The debtor may be, because, as I have observed, he gives the shadow in lieu of the substance, and in proportion to his gain the creditor or body politic suffer Whether it Lea legal tenderer not, it will, as has been Ohserred very truly, leave no alterna tivc—it stunt he that or nothing. An evil equally great is the door it immediately opens for spec 'Ala lty which the least designing and perhaps most valuable part of the community aro preyed upon by the more knowing and crafty speculators. But, contrary to my intention and declaration, I am offering reasons in support of my opinion— reasons, too, which, of all others, are least pleasing to the advocates for paper money. I shall there fore only observe, generally, that so many peoPle have suffered by former emissions, that, like burnt child who dreads the fire, no person will touch it who can possibly avoid it; the natural consequence of which will be, that the speele which remains unexperted will he instantly looked up. With groat esteem and regard, I am, dear sir, ke. tiaonen Witslunl"' NOTICE TO coßansPuriosairs. Correspondents for a Tax Plus" will Ouse beer la toted the folloving rules: Every oommtalicatioa wait M macampaalial by the Lima of the writer. I. order to tame oarreenneee la the tYPegreoby, bat one side of a shut &mid be written apoa. we shall be greatly obliged to potholes in Peouryl reale and other States for 000tributions siring the tor rent DIM of the day to their pertLealar lonejlties, the to ogres' of the BOITOOOding country, the lIILTSSOI of population, and any Inform/lot' that trill be interesting to the general reader GENERAL NEWS. Advices from San Domingo to the 2d and 19th ult. gives a full account of the rise, spread, and progress of the revolution, which then had ap pro/wiled the ere of complete success. General SITJUAII6 had arrised at Port Plats from St. Thomas, and was bailed by all the leading patriots, north and south, on his route to Santiago. Bees was still in Sao Domingo, but closely besieged. and it was said that be was disposed to surrender. A good many patriots had been imprisoned in San Domingo, but the desertions fipm the Baez army were very numerous. A number of refugees were sheltered in the house of Mr. Eliott, United States consular agent, who was popular in the city. The Ilaytiens were still held in cheek on the borders by the revolutionists. The Reading (Fa.) Press, of the 20th, says: Up to this hour no clue has bean obtained of the murderer or murderers of Miss Adeline Barer, whose body was found under the Irish Creek Rail road Bridge, near Mobrsrille, with her throat cut and otherwise mutilated. In this connection we may add that on Sunday last the body of the mur dered girl was taken np for a second post-mortem examination. It was ascertained that she was not eneiente, and the 'notice for the crime is still as great a mystery as the murder itself. A. Slat crowd had collected to witness the disinterment, in the churchyard, and the examination was com mitted into the hands of Dr. Luther, of Reading, and Dr. Spatz, of Leesport. Port-an-Prince advices have been received to the 4th inst. The provision market was still heavily overstocked, and Soar $1.40 per barrel lower. Tobacco had declined. But coffee was pretty firm The case of Capt. Mayo was still under consideration by the gorernment, and the resi dent partner of a lioston,house, although perfect. ly innocent. was put in prison on charge of being concerned in the introduction of the counterfeit bills. The Ilaytien newspapers contain glowing accounts of a fete given by the Duke of Limonade to his Imperial Majesty Fannin I- and the royal family, at which the entertainment and amuse manta were conducted quite is the style yf the courts of Europe. Morris B. Johnson, a printer, employed in the office of the St. Louis Democrat, twenty-eon years of age. and married but a few weeks since. died soddenly on Friday last. Re was suffering excruciatingly from the toothache, and resorted imprudently to chloroform to allay his distrem. His wife baring left bim a short time, returned and found him dead. lie was from Ramisborg, Pennsylrania, where be has friends. who will learn tho strange tidings of his death with poignant sor row. His halite were those of sobriety and indus try. The editor of the Pittsburgh Post compli menu tome of his editorial brethren who hare been elected to offire—.E. J. Keenan, as Register and Recorder of Westmoreland county; T. B. Searight, as Prothonotary of Fayette county; and J. Nelson Smith, as member of the Legislature from Cambria county. Ile says that they' are all de• serring men, and fully competent for the responsi ble posts they are nowcallcd epee to AU. The Ilarrisburg Telegrapk, of Monday, says : We regret to bear a report from Pittsburgh. this morning, that Mr. J. B. Deckhouse, a Repub. lican member of the last Rouse of Representattre•, and re-elected, died at his residence in Ohio town. 'MP: Allegheny county, on Friday last. Be was detained from his seat at the extra simian by Siek ness. Ills disease was consumption. A new elec tion will be necessary to fill the vseaney. Died, in Taylor county, Georgia, on the 20th of September, Mr. Daniel Whatley, aged nearly one hundred and fourteen years. Mr. Whatley retained his mental faculties, and a eonsiderable degree of bodily aetirity till the tick* of Maitre. lie AM probably, at the time of his decease, the oldest inhabitant of the State. We do not see any good reason why the fact should be doulsted.. Charles S. Spence, Esq., who was sent out by the Department of State to make arrangements for the ratification of the treaty between the United States and Persia, as we see by the Snn. has arrived in Baltimore Kr. Spears has been several days at Washington upon official bilainta eatitleeted with this treaty, and has been entirely sneeessint in his IDISAOrt. Many of the clergy of the Evangelical Lu theran Synod, now in sermon in Baltimore, OD Sun day last occupied the pulpits of other Protestant chureher. and preached with great acceptability to large congregations. All the pulpits cf the LY• theran congregations were also filled by numbers of the synod. It is stated that there is no leas than 25,0Ca),- 000 bushels of grain in store in Chicago, but not more than 1,000.000 will be brought forward va rious to the closing of the canals, for went of money to send it on. A German, named William Berg, committed suicide on Monday, in a lagei be 'alone, 'No. 12 Walker Meet, New York, by blowing hL brain awed* iennitEket: " Win vappceed than he was in toxicated at the time. 'Mr: •Ttiortmal W cDttff ey , baggage-master on the Ohio and Magnipn railroad. was killed near ilol ton station on Saturday. He leaves a wife and two children. James N. Rodman, lately tried at Danville, Missouri. for the murder of Captain John W. Ricketts. in Andrain county, Missouri, last Fe bruary, has been committed. James Adams was killed in Robinson town ship: Allegheny county, Pa , on Saturday last, by baying his arm torn from his shoulder by a thresh ing machine. A man had his neck broken, in Cincinnati, on Saturday night, by being struek in the back of the neck with a brick, lie died instantly. The names of the Congressmen elect in Mis sissippi are L. Q. C. Lamar. Reuben Davis, Win. Barksdale. 0. R. Singleton, J. A. Quitman. The New York Tribune fears that Sibley (Dem.) is elected llorernor of Minnesota. Most of the pitilo.mpher's fears now-a-days are realiti. The Lynchbnrg Virginian of Saturday says there was snow on the mountains, within sight of that place, on the previous day. Mr. John Elstner, an old and esteemed mer chant of Cinc;nnati, died on Saturday. The Daily Republic, of .Budalo, formerly Republican, is now aDemo...ratie paper. James Wilson, an old resident of Allegheny city. Pa., fell deal in church on Sunday last. Godard, the aeronaut, made a very success ful ascension at Pittsburgh on Saturday last. lion. James B. Clay, of Kentucky, is on a visit to Washington. RALTISIORE AFFAIRS [From Ma Sun of the 200 j Jacob Mixcell, Jr., who was shot the other day io Baltimore, and had his leg from the thigh amputated. has sinee died Jacob Cooke, the last remaining member of the once celebrated independent police firm of Bays, Zell, Ridgely, and Osoke, died on Sunday last. at 'Wooster, Ohio. after a brief bat severe ill- Lees. Mr Cooke was over sixty years of age, and was lattettY a member of the poliee firm of Jeffers Cooke Ho was on a visit to Ohio at the Untie( his death. The condition of the police officer who was wounded in the election riots on Wednesday last, is announced by his physician, 1)r. Dammann, to bare improved. The wound on the head, which was inflicted with a hatchet. is healing up. though at first conahlerea dangerous. The pistol-shot wound in the back promises well, though his ph)- siolant.4 not without apprehensions concerning it. Sat tfic only danger would now teem to be from mortification. should it set in. Between eight and nine o'clock last night, a young wan, named Collins, was 'hot whilst stand ing at the corner of Fawn and President streets_ Five or six muskets were simultaneously fired at hiss, and a hill struck him in the right side of the neck Ile fell to the pavement mortally sounded. it is supposed, and was carried to hit borne in Presi dent street, between Fawn and Stiles. Their:Oared party belonged to an association called the Peelers," and his assailants are supposed to be a rival gang. Thu jury of inquest, selected by Coroner Stevens to examine into the cause of the killing of young Vonderheiter. reassembled on Saturday at the old City Hall, anti rendered the following de cision : We, the jury of ing , uest, are of opinion that the deceased. Henry onderheiter, came to /16 death from pinto:-balls fired by some person or per ins unknown, during the night of the 15th of 0o- Giber. We further believe that the deeeased a.sss wantonly shot down, there being nothing Arian in. the evidence before ua that there was the least pro- vocation for the act. "Resoieed, By the _jury empanneled in this case, that we farther give it R 3 our fall belief that the neighborhood in which the runnier was com mitted requires the immediate lineation of the Po lice. Crowds of half-grown boys, without any risi ble means of support, are nie.dy in the habit sf prowling about and committing acts of violet:was, using deadly weapons, and in fact causing tenor to all quiet citizens." On Sunday night, a colored child named Ling Renard, between eight and nine Years of age, died at the house of her aunt, Henrietta Ke nitra, No. 270 Itaborg street, under circumstances which gave rise to suspicions which finally led to the arrest of the woman, yesterday morning, by Officer Lee, of the western 4istrict. At the exami nation, which took place before Justice Carl, the tuwit revolting details were revealed. Siltnee.aet, neighbors of the accused, testified to severe and inhuman beatings, and other ill-treatment, con tinned up to the time of her death. The coroner has ordered a post-mortens examination, and the accused has been committed to prison until the re sult is known. Yesterday, as provided by taw, the various companies of citizen soldiery paraded for drill ex ercises and inspection. Thu number of companies represented woo not so numerous :Is on other simi lar occasions, yet the display WM h ighly creditable. The regiments assembled—the Fifth on South Gay street, and the Fifty-third on North Guy street, and the ritlo regiment on Holliday street. Tho day being the anniversary of the battle of York town, additional patriotism was given to the occa sion, and several thousand persons were gathered at the several rendezvous to view the mancearrea of the corps Mtss 1f tDELINE S3flTll--Slarning Disclosure —The public may be prepared to hear an astound ing disclosure in a few days, in connection with tho case of Miss Madeline Smith. We hare been in formed, by a mast reliable authority, that one of the servants, in the house at ltlythwood square, in March last, has just died rather suddenly ; and that, on her death-bed, seized with remorte, ehe made a confession of the important fact that arse pie was mixed with the coffee given to l'Angelier on the night of his last visit to fdias Smite. On the trial it failed to be proved that l'Angelier was at the house of his betrothed ea the night in ques tion at all, although the servant. whohas now made this disclosure, was examined for the proeecution at the trial. We trust to be enabled to lay further particulars before our readers shOrtly.—Zeifig. Mercury,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers