M-' ,3. li's?— s 2 ,°.>„ P -. J *: ■ yosterday still oontin-, «M, and though very high,rates arbstill naked and y 6 ;fA^TtiQnfly r ifc:is 6bt'aipabio tb-day, and, com* thjreo 'dayaj : fronil2 to‘24 per Jafctef rate! olearTcg Koaab ; tHis morning, wta ylin^KiMpt^and'satisfactory.' The exchanges ' £©59,374.29/ fjom Oalift)«i» by the Illinois, together witk,p^t^ninsfttiin:difert^t'soatec»V,an)qtintliig, . in all to eloae dn s3,tl9(hot)6,'wiilcahae’a welcome' inoroßse bn’tbe bank average of last week. Since iheir lari statemeht/ihe.hahks.have keqeired from' the finh/Traasiify 2381,000'. /'’The,California remit tance 13 51,890,000, Remittances are on their woy fromHavaiia and/bfher places onder. insurance amounting to. $1,000,900, - and, the .Vanderbilt, front :Vui6pe, f ' broaght. $100,000,' ; making In all $2,981,000. Large : as, is this aunt, every .cent is wanted. The banks must and 1 will.continue to contract —but it. is hoped more gradually-und, thongh a, brighter; iky.inay/npw,, be anticipated, there is no oonfidehbW anting . well informed men that it will bo cloudless, or that wo have note hops ferttletto fight; for a month . or .twb to come. Among commorciol cireles thoro iadccidedly a: bettetand more trßthfvil fiielingj irhioh is all the mbreproniLsrog l.epauso it is net too rapid. An Imprsyeiniht to tjo laßling and beneficial must be gr»duel,and the strength lost by the last fort i ;Witb:pSi4e«io!foresight;and mutual good fed injf weathered; bat it toidle to befcrodheeiad of:Uieyoar./: Ihero is nothing doing, RHtescpnUnues nominally as before; I Chappy to.S»yttSat,,. w’ittt tho 'oxception. pf/lbo Island Cityßanic, and Moots. Williams;* Stevens, pictnre X.have no failures to recordlllikformer,is » small and weals insiitu tlon,rwHh.veiy ,BmaU.lUbilitie3, whose notes have been discredited for a day or two, and it is not ap pnAihilW. tbatdSk'fallnwwill do mstph harms dAy moHont was made lesd «■! for, i.tho. appointment,pf a reoeitardli tbo'Cftfio of tho .Mechanics Banking As eobiaSbO^which-Sot 'or efttill! tO'Morrow.i lit is thought that the application, will certainly be granted. The following is the aScia!'statement of this afiMrs»f the bank!” '• •• •• ‘ .Si ttsvU&Hioted:; a. ;•; * Lmnio'.'V^-*- .$724,302 89- ' ' • -.i 1 . 4 '228,500.00’ ; 1 29,040 42 , ' --- - 1 1 ■V.*',20,600 00*“ • • ,J 800,663 72 • { •40,703 85'. 118,367 40 ' ' " l 480,234'97 : ’37,531'63‘ . . 68,485 02 1,638,103‘83' 632.000 00 242:98100 641 274 11 f _' 6,453 M' 131IU' B^i*awkv, f . Bonds wid'.MOrtgftges.;'..;: fltodu.V*.:.... .v. Duo from. Bank?;,. Cash frems;.,/.,.. fipSclß./j./... BXcHsogfts./;., OftpiU? .taxft,..’.,;*' Circulation,,,.;. dur li«pMitof*.v.>v. .* Doe Jo B&nfcs'.: 1 ' v ' ' r - • ' $1,521,708 85, The at tho Sab-Treasury for to-, day.weto.a® follows t . Yotil'YMelpU .vwii.'.V ’5220,989 33 ToUipsyments.' ...........i,,...... $Bl,OlB 00 T0ta1t0Unce.i1ii.f;.;....,...!;........ 12,008,629 $0 C&llfbjmi* drafts,,a v,..... • . ’'• 43.-000 Th<t at -the Castor-House,' for dufilij^er^rigS.OWj' . . V>'- Yi 'Y ,\ There was such a rapid and astounding improve- Blent, '-this, morn'ipg, in .the, stock ' market, that 1 the dore -hopo that ifc willoobthme} The 'advance wos genera!. .Illinois Centra! tiohdßhrbft? 7./per-Wnt., andTthfr SWok to 104,.end a smadl and olosod firmly at 104, aa s&iVinfeVbf tf^TOrcente* 1 Pennsylvania Coal Company rose 3i4 Cumberland 5 Coal Oo.;T; Hey a Eeading,,,i; Miohigaa Southoni, preferred stock, 4i'; Aofatcsck, A Rock Island, 6f. 1 • » In State stocks MissouriG's'baVe risen to 75 (an MrMoifprTMT'cvtitf) and Yirgini&fi’s, 2; Indi an* S(ates'i have fallen to 71,' undfcho stock of the Bankokkncrica has fallen,4; that of tho Mechan ici’ -Bank 6 ; and that bt the Park Hank Z per cent. AtlheJeeoad Board had slightly hut prices were firmly maintained in following stocks and.bonds were *Sftredffbr-dil'o J by aaction to-day #,<ro’Wli4ih*iQ.oeaKH cent Ist- •«.* - { Vmbftcojrr’tiShkinS fundb’dsJV Passed. '‘i- .* BR Ist mortB percent., ccnr’t slaking hind : f . Sold at 60c., .d .-A-. t f , ... prirttosale. , $4,000 I*a Crowe and MU RBSper cent. WieO-Taerfli/afedirtatand TttMftrawaa-',.? i. m > >, . KB7 per cent, bonds Passedw.-v $71,000 Chleagb-and Miss;. HR i2d sort' 7 , h#r ceaU' bonds,36X \ i < ,OOttCity.,ot Cincinnati. 6 per cent. . • i toads...-.../........ 71%, 72 slo,<kM<aiVaaMid Cbk. Uuloa RB lKt ~ , lH)nds.-.*..i.4,,$2 l OOOafc9oX,' -s '■ r ‘ $2,009 afcoo, balance passed. $20,000 BelleVilleond XULootaWu KB Ist * > • . 'mQttbond*-.'.'.37X $16,000 MlTViwkie Rad Beloit B& lrtmort. *< ;• u/,-<fiper fcent.copT'tsinicing fund ..v bonds CO *sX&,oo9Chfca&oCity $ per cent.,, water •. i , , , IMO.i n*,JIJj.TIK '#6 l to*OMras!b,;-8t r .i Jml lind-Jfoild da r * , L*rflßl6tmortBpercent.land f ■-♦»;WOhloBta*e,«j>BrJceot.r<!tock,'dttB/ rr>*“" - -1808. >. V.. f ‘.; i. , i.,i>... $3,000 p, galo^ , , ;.'/>* $15,000 at 03. *sf$ J <WDeL t , Xack/aiid-WesteroJiß-Sd l > i , i , snort 7 per cent; conr' bonds.,. Passed, j , SijbOOMohtgomery 0 per cent, bonds Withdrawn. ■ $20,000 Detroit, Monroe amt Toledo RR , rr, < ;‘':v i lst-ttorti7 jfer-.eent, bonds, • • Guaranteed by Michigan South- CJ «? 'XOletflß 8.v.. -V. i.■ 65 V , » , , • $l,OOO Islington CJty/OKy,, 8 per cent. -< bonds;;....i»-59V , ■■ $B,OOO Michigan Southern RR .Ist mort.7 •. itw , peecdnt.bond&i-...;.i(.-;.... i . 81#* 81# 1 $5,000 Chicago. gtPaul and Pond da Lso m6rt;7 percent, con’tt • ...• ? • i>« = ringing fund bonds Withdrawn. ; $lO,OOO Cfn., Dam. and Dsvfon JFt’R2d’V , ; . mort; 7 per cent; bonds. CA,M% COOibM Buffalotioa'StaftLinoßJt.ssoea. 100. 99% ‘Tsodo;Firemen?Blns oo„.»v*..rv.l7*a i H1%t0143% -Vs2s'd&MftreajiliteinsCu,.. oo ca .Withdrawn.. «a.IJO,UOX'; ' 25 do Excelsior Ins Co...»6Q*a, 217%', , liifl.Cp.*.,.loo en, Withdrawn., ■ 75 do Hamilton Ins C 0... .16 ea. Passed. 20dttBroadwsyBanlc...-...;..,..26ea.,323 20lda Farmea’&,Citlsena’lßk,Ll 25 ea, 73 , 45 d* Chatham Bank,...* 25 ea. 76% ■ - 2fr,d©B*nk of Commerce..loo ca; Passed. JOO4O. Brooklyn'City Gaslight Co t 25 e%;.120# 121122 t W:„* -< cv- -SO share*, balance passed. $6OO Atl&uUcMat.lnaur.flcripof 1860, 79V i $4O Union / do.Ti do < //do 1852. > • - ' .. do.; do ;,1853.>50 , 'do do., do . i isw.y . r do,, ,1653. 34 f IBAIESBY A. H.iroUEE,, >T u ‘ 7 percent, const’nbonded - • jt-v '' 1 f; bypofhrun4i4*Mt.i. ..i,B33/ BB7per cent, consi’nbond,' 1 ' '* * t ••*• * • •♦***• ‘ * * • •’ 83V .r»a *?®iS ftwt & ,,wo **•*••*••• slooea 100* , 1 's74o Great Western Insurance Scrip of 1857, *a*U,V. *t >m^-*‘**’‘*v*.*---..-..40 ’The market. for. State and Western PlWJit I* from,6 to 30c lower,'and fa steadier with sales fpr, common, to, good State; .«#fi-25 for esttr&do; ,$5.6005,75 for common tq good -JlWilgAo, .-Jbidlena. Ioj«. &£: . sB,?s«g' for 'Extra - JP$ PlJtotyvK fbr.ewnsfit. liopia^Soathoru . $6.6007.50 f6r.aitra.doj for Illehmond coun , ,£ -Cttjr,' Canadian Plourls Joirer■ vrtVaiue<of 350 obis at $5.60®5.75 for;'superfino,, and j. c s6.26a7,4Sjoi;extra do. t Bye Flour Is in demand and F AraratJH*ss.2S far ftoni fine Corn Meal is \.. for "Jersey, W $4.40e4.50‘ for Oorroil,—Them&rket is'quiet andunchan’ged. H Jv-fl GaA**d-~»T!ui market Tor Wheat is firmer, with ante* of ,-j50,160 onthela at $1.45a51.6d for Bouthcrn'rcd, and t 8 tot .Southern white, .and $1 62«r51.55 for 'good red *etftueVy. : ~0&t« are mill at 57ff (30c for State - andEl mp&f So r, "W este ra. Bye \ a heavy afc'Bo»Ssofor .s, '«I« of M.OOO bushels at ' • 75a760 for Joed tuixw Western, attdSSc for do Southern J ~ ‘ri udeiinioh;-'', 1 ': - JEfffiM'ife'rcry dill!.',' :',.'.'"''* lw ' ,l-\ h JWi*m *ts»for Scotch Pig. • Bara are nominal. - ,U. oreja'a: little more activity for Hemlock. Bote ahd Oak, at previous quotations;'' Narai; SroßM.—Spirita; of turpentine continue »t 47a48c. Crude turpentine U Common rosin H dull at . v-- Jbsf flnc do firm, -and. little doing, at ‘^Wftraft'fcl.' Tar hi •in ieqptat > $2.12 V for , r . Morf9lk J An^s2 ? 37V«f2.6oforWilirtiDgton: Olt*:—The 'market is* quiet for Crude' Whale and Sperm. Manufactured whale in in demand at 86b8Sc. . foriusEjnßrand fall. Lard Oil.is quiet at $l2O for winter prime,*;*»! Linseed OUfe j n Remand at $0b8)o. JB»WB|Ojr*>-the market for Pork l» dull and heavy,. . for’ tneasTind SW,TS«S2J- for grime;' r ßfcef in vmy dull, withaalos of 140 hhU atsl7«slB for,repacked Wettoro, add $18,60® <*B<er‘hams are nominal;-'Lard J« ,='*jttir«#|jrit]r ailir ; of : I6#a»l6# v Kochange in : sscaANjtE' .'Biiis, >s»pt. : s. . v ‘ i r ifthT'’aoAßn. ' r - . &V/‘>^;soM:J*fiiate ; 5s >.J3^ f ‘ 4£o Heading R; «3 64V itim . Ao : 'V f nL; aw . d»> • too so *&rit933,U'M*9)t.;> 5a So>!lcb Oen B, r , 00 : 2000 do ' 88 '6 'do 05K Jr ~i Ugj-yfio^. 88# .7 sixth At it , \ 87# , 7 ? 250MSo&tfIaB:*3 23tf - $OOO .do •' . 74' 200 . do' '' MO 23 OS • 823 do / ' & 22V. it i . ,«0 . “o' M S SOO4JT»rBl«t Jllgo Jl CM 8 & N Tuf stk <2 67; I 35 r do ' ' f stoodTir&ammti6K '■§: a “- '• !;£ - , v.«i s , 7000 do 46 60 do /rB2 V 100OlA4D#MfI.ah35,. 13fi do- «3&T « MKUEIuk .110. 150 Tit Cen R s 3 im 30Bk<jf America 105 50 do . sOO 105 ,102 : -8. d0,:;,-.110 V 05 300 olov&Dtt»H .' 38,V «®k'o«Jom 100 , 32 do , , w 3 K.d ' ■■■MX 2® do is 31 fttk&uk 45 ' 50 do , 17 v lOO 400 , d 0::.... *ljS . . 140 t«om Coil Co . TSX 37 Clev Col & Cio B ,52 ■ : .: 17 142G0* Ohio It 81 / SOOOuarOotlCo Ur 180 do' 1 SIX- Vd,: 13#. ,43, .do ■/." 81K ‘92.. v d “, „ , 13« 200 Clot 4, 1018 HO 40 t ,,.,3soN¥O«nS,lißifT6 860,,, do, , »310 r . i?S a . O - snok 16K 40 ’do , , s 3 40« 1/do •B..*!'-,*,': : bio 41 IK ’ ‘.do.: -5 ‘.,-O®.SA ,100 , Vdo,, •• NT 40,V' *»4P*Sl6»»g 251.0 04 Mi , R rh i g , .ilvuioo. ’ -'to : WO 66 “- 000 Hud River B ! i?# i ,':0/a8K.'|»)0KV.oeuIt - , 764' t#aST|IIMOSU^*IVu76,IDO aldo,-,,',:, , t?s. .:• tiMW**!,' •«* MHudßlverß 1*", il'.-liKtliSt i.: eeOßJtdiojt it- ;,’ «10 66 • ;. m(}4 BM iiday . 654tf 60 Il! Oca 8.i•,tr■13 , 104* : 200 Clot't Pittkß I 18 ; .’IOO Gldy dfe Tol;B.-uib 40'--' K ~85 100: do:rM.::,i: 40 siwiCft tern * MOUANQE BAIS/I',' (8, IMT. _ . lr,\ Slocic Brctir, Ifd. WH it Streak ■ _ HO ' PlilLADJStfcfllA<BtOOJ 2.; ; . geptombw -MtporUd bg R. Manky, }i ’ *... Walnut «' . ■ JTIBBTJ ftwbNPenn’aßC’fl 68' UO<M do 68 *: 1700 City 0»« . 2dya 89J{ 100 -do ■ new 05 . 6 MtaehUl R &Bjf. - s]>eun’aß 45#] } 10 do t&X I • JO ■ do ’ 43 X ‘lO ‘ do - 5 ’«« ■ JO do ' 45* ' 2 Own* Am R'- 103 , SO Reading It cMh 21; ' 21 do ‘ Civsh 27. V ‘ r . 14 do cosh 27X . IS ‘ do cut! 27 X - 24 do . «5 MX ■4‘ do. 2TJ» ‘ 6 do 2t)j 1 . betwsf *ib*KeMfa*R *»t’r f X 100 do c*«* 3* m'.'-Z . ■»»* 100 do s?* 100 do .ji 50 do ■ «■*** 60 do WWH 100 do ““s life 60 do . •* *JK lfi NBk KootocKT 113 6 Kentucky Sk • 109 4 do 109 10 do I" 3 lilt of Perm’a 112 2 Farm * Mec Uk o«>f 38atrMdJ0k M* r BOARDS* 1100 Bong island R 10 SOOt’enn’ae's 0) Readings SECOND new 95k • 89* 46* 48* 33 Beading & 2T* 6 do 37* 100 do W 37* 12 do 27* IS do 2JX 3 Norristown R ' 69 ‘35 Girard Bk 10* 10 do' 10* 60 do 10* 4 Farm Ic Mec Bk 62* . 1000 City 6’a 1000 City R O’a 10 Penn’aß 10 do 10 do b 5 45V 8 'do • 45V 100 Reading B 6 do . 27* .10 do .27V 100 do b 5 27V > \ closing,pan - [ - / £id, Asked. usevea- n«.> Rhiladafls 89 .083 V . do / BB 69 ©B9V do New 95#*95* Pennafis, - - 81V® S3 . 27*087* > ido Bonds !7077 *7B* > Mort6»fl'44. 85 : ©Bo* Penna RR 45 *4s* Morris Caul Con 48 ©5O •„ Schyl Nav 6s *B2 80©83 * do Stock 11 *l2 Bid. Asked. BcijlNaVYrel 19*020* Wmio’tAßlmß 20* dolalmortl>s73 ,»M* ,do .do2d m 62* ®B3* Long Island 9* 310* Vlckrirarff 7 OlrardDank 10*®10X Lehigh Zino IX® 7* Union Canal B*3 9* Now Creek X®,„X Oatawlssa BR 9 , 010 200 Reading It 65 28 50 'do s 5 28 100 do 2dye S 3 ibo Reading R sswn27* 100 ' do sswn 27* 300.:. do 27* 100 . do . ‘ '27* Beading c105e5.........*... j ThofaUnre, on Third stre< announced this afternoon. 27*328 ret, of asmelL concern, was THE ‘MONEY MARKET. • iur", •. v j , 'PHainßLrtu, September 3,1857. ) There is an old story, which an.editorial in to-day’s Herald recalls very forcibly. A Scotchman, more teal oUB) perhaps, than charitable, had been deprived of his wife's: the, morning, church.by domestic affairs, and on his return, he reported to her the* dis course Sf the day with ‘great fervor and enthusiasm. M He took,” 'said he,*’ “ ho took the sJnnor by tho two ears, and he held him at arm’s length over the lake that burns with’flre and brimstone, and he-shook him and shook him till all the'congregation half roso in their seats and stretched their necks to see him fall into hell. But, -just as we expected for certain he wonld drop him, he brought in the heavenly mercy, and raised the wretch up gently, and set him down again on dry land for another trial. la troth it was a narrow escape.” Just such an escape have wo made from the hands Of the prophet of evil, the New York Herald. Bor months the fferald has been ringing the changes upon the com ing crash.' Losses, bankruptcy, depreciation, delinquen* cy, fraud, repudiation, revulsion, ruin, have been its household words, We, poor heretical unbelievers in tho promised cal&mitleay havebeon held out and well shaken over a fearful expanse of failures for millions and mil lions of liabilities; of general prostration of all domes tic interests; railroad companies, banks, merchants and manufacturers''‘all a mass of ruins} rails rusted, cars worthless; sirlps laid up to rot, and the Sheriff *s auction sale flag flying from every window. The railroads were already gone, “hookaud line, boh and sinker;!’ there was no douht of ’it) and the sooner the stockholders made upiheir mindo to the fact the better. The revulsions of 1817,1827, and 1837, were brought from the oblivion of another generation, to frighten us with their ghastly specbea, and they, certainly did scare a great many, who, though j they aro. ’afraid of all ghosts, are jet always ready to fancy they see them. The, climax-of' the Herald's dim forebodings was reached when tbit gambling In stocks of the New York speculators, like pycry other evil carried to excess, com menced to work its own cure. Instantly a few stock gambling concern* wore forced to the wall—a great out* cry was made. Tho whole country would be seriously affected; our prosperity was at an end. On August 24th, the said-i-** That it (stock speculation) will re sult in a collapse and in the rain or prostration of many Important interests# no one who takes a cool and careful vie Wot things can for a moment doubt.” On the 27th, 4hiee days later, it said—” The cans© of the present de pression in prices for railroad stocks and stock securities generally, .!* 'not,-merely a Wall street matter. It is deeper, aod beyond the influence's of the Stock 3Sx .chkngo,"and it Is not in the power of all the banks and brokers of tho city to put a stop to the panic which has seized upon the public mind.” On'the 81st—“At this moment there are hnedreda of mercantile houses in this city, and scores upon scores of' speculators, bank rupt beyond ail hope.” 1 ‘ 1 ; No. later than yesterday, it gave us a more terrific shaking than at any time previously, iq the following language: “Wo are, beyond all question, in the midst of a fcorfui revulsion J and where it will end the wisest ajnong ns cannot toll.' We do not look for any mitiga tion of our embarrassments and difficulties ‘until scores upon scores of failures have taken place , and a long po riod .of,'prostration/ The recovery from this collapse must be very gradual,’and it will leave marks of itsexiat ©nce and power forbears. The end is by no means yet- We have lust e&ientt Upon It, and as it extends it will gath° r five®, ‘ If we had not known better, we might have looked for final ruin to be announced this morning, but w« would hare boon sadly deceived, We advised our readers to disregard tbreffort* of the panic makers, to believe in tho signs.of great.pyeaperlty which were to be seen everywhere in the country out of New York, and to im prove the golden foment to Invest in the really valua ble securities which senseless fright had brought to the prosent low state of depression.* -to-day the Herald has its tactics. It gives as an editorial with .the*,.heading, “The financial Crisis—No Cause for Alarm,’? and naively confesses as follows :J l A paper that is owned by a Wall street stock gambler will of course - cry out that the end of the world is at.hand .when Wall stroet Irtock gambling ceases to'pay; but that Journals which aro entirely dis connected with'tho’gambling enterprises of Wall street, and whose owners have no part or share in the specula ting monopolies of that region, should share the delu sion iffbdd ohougli) and reflects but little credit on their discornmeut.”. It says of the stock jobbers who have failed “that their solvency and insolvency aro really matters of so much uncertainty and so little interest both to the pub lic and to themselves that it is' not worth while dwell log on them ; J ? and adds that “ when we come to look at the real Interests of the country, our agriculture, eorn» and coiton—our -great manufactures of the Bast and Middle States—our shipping interests, our foreign trade—we find nothing save a temporary cause of em barrassment. * -■ * . * # * Th?ro is nothing to warrant alarm among prudent men who have not speculated, or dabbled in railway stocks or railway paper. The heart of the country is sound.” The final conclusion is, (hat “honest, prodent 'men need not break their hearts after all, because a few score of speculators are going to the wall.” So we aro reprieved. Tito country will breathe freer and deeper. The great bear interest has done Its work, and the panlc-#triekea' victims, who have suffer*! In money and credit, may again go to work and labor to re trievethoir losses. We will hare cheaper provisions and breads and the laborer will be able to procure for bis family more of thb comforts and necessaries of life thau have been within J?bi reach for a long iimo. Onr trade will go on prosperously, as it woutd have done, despite of Wall street ravings. The comparison of these few extracts from the news* paper which' has led the forces of the bear interest ,daring tho..last year, tells a tale; the moral of which ought to belong remembered.' There is no doubt that the .parties who have wrought all this mischief will be the one's who will profit ,tbo most by it*' They profit by the ruin of those who have’had to.piy into their hands the differences between the late/ high and the present low prices of stocks, and they will immediately invest .these profits. in tho depreciated stocks and double them when the reaction that is sure to follow brings them up again nearer.to their fair value,- - •, .After iWhitb, when a* fair opportunity offers, the game gwue will be again played out. Another a crash” will be predicted, perhaps brought to pass in Wall street,—a, few more thousand of frightened stock holders will bo induced to rush upon a falliug market, and sell their'inyestment At a ruinous rate, aud needy borrowers be forced to pay heavy interest*, and then, wbon alUa made that can bo gotten out of the panic, tho trick will be again confessed,' and the victims ia suited and derided. Bnt/for thA present, we are re prieved, ' ' " ' ~ "' • , •The Stock sales to-day Bhow marked signs of improve ment. % Some thirteen hundred shares of Beading Bail ybad, stock were sold'from' at which they closed yesterday, ,uptb27tf. There is little change iii invest ment securities, which hare maintained fair prices throughout all the late period of fluctustion. The money market Is easier than for several days post, and financial maters generally, wear a brightening aspect. The Vanderbilt steamship brought $lOO,OOO in gold from Europe to New York, and the arrival of the steam ship Illinois, adds $1,693,‘697 from California, Large re mittances of specie are duly received at New York from the interior. ... The steamship Arabia, from Now York for Liverpool, yesterday carried out only $54,000 In specie. The Bo russls, from that port, 1 carried oat $23, WQ in specie. We have to report the failure of the banking firm of Hatch & Langdon,of Cincinnati, in consequence of their funds being unavailable in the hands of Messrs. Beebe A Co. The Grocers’ Firo Insurance Company has declared a semi-annual dividend of ,8 cent., payable on demand.' The receipts of the Long Wand Railroad Company for August were $10,907 90 against $37,388 98 for the same mouth last year, making an increase for the pres ent year over last year to the same time of $12,180. ’ 'Tho receipts of tho Morris Canal for the week ending the 29th'instant, and siuco the opening of navlgatiuu, compares with the corresponding periods last year as foHowsii . *. 1, ' ’ 1867. 3850. Week ending August 29 $10,246 23 $7,403 61 Previously this year, 179,883 42 382,017 87 - 1 * ■ 190,128 65 • 369,481 88 Increase to date this year, . $647 27 Tho London Item’ oily Article or the 824 Aujuit says: t .« • - Consols, which closed yesterday at 01# to X for the 9tb September, opened this, morning at the same quota tion, and gradually receded, closing at 90# to 91. For money the lost price was 90# to %.■ The official busi ness report-la as follows Three per Cent, Consols, for money, 91#,90# J ditto, for account,9th Sept., 91#, 90V, 91, wH iTUree per Ccut< Reduced, ollf.K, k\ '•Now Three per-Cents., 92#, X»:%> X f.'lnd/aTfitocit 213£; Thcee-aud-vUalf per Cent. Exchequer Rends, falling payable in 1859, 98#, 98#. Exchequer BUts were quoted 4s.<Hsj to par. 1 - - The return of the Bank of England for the week end log RatanUy, l August 15, comparod with the previous retUni, showa the following result#: • - „ Circulation issue £25,075,765 Pecrewe--* £22,555 Circulation active...... 13,393,026 Decrease--164.436 Public deposits..../ 6.630 867 1 Decrease ...760,904 Other deposits. 10,886,839 Increaw ...48,494 4*b7*n«u«it‘socurltes in v '■ < ' ' i -\i 49prtniont..l° 1 69S 1 66. Withoutalterttlra **"•?*••:•*** 733,000 80mmi«.....3,5M 8,634,317 IncroaM t,<m,wpumn ..miw 6 The treasury’ dWoslts 1 have diminished £760.004, .whilst the "other-” deposits have Increased £423,494 variations which are ascribahle to the payment out of the British exchequer of the Sound dues redemption funds. The “other securitise” having attho same time run off to the extent of £476,658, the reserve of unem ployed notes hod increased £131,630. It is satisfactory to find that the Bank has boon enabled to discharge this heavy liability of the government without trenebjeg on its reserve. Tho decrease in the bullion is triflings Failures, Assignments, Ac* rfrorn the Independent, Bept. 3.] . 7be following are the reported failures, assignments, Ac., for the week: „ „ . . Crawford A Dauforth, Concord, N. H., suspended. Jefferson Knowles, Manchester, N. U., failed. Beniamin A. .Smith, Boston, Mass., suspended. Mechanics’ Jinking Association, Now York city, sob -5 Itoebo A Oo<, “Bankers,” New York city, suspended. Atwood & Co,, “ Bankers,»’ New York city, suspended. J 11. Prentice, “ Hats,“ New York city, suspendedi: liabilities large, butasurplus of about $600,000, and will undoubtedly soon resume. _ . .. Adams A Buckingham, “Flour,” New York city, suspended; have Urge Surplus, and will probably Soon "wnflkma, Sterons t Williams, New York city, f ‘jl d AJ,O.Socor, » Fonndora," New York city, ana pended {liabilities largo—offer forty secured. John'Thompson; “ Broker,” New York city, before reported, has assigned to Platt Adams. .. , ThouiMbn’a Bank Bate Bepoeter lies been published for Bve years peat by blr. Platt Adams, eml itspublica. tlou'ia continued without interruption. Goldsmith A Gutmen, “Cloths,” Now Yorkelty, sus pended ; UeblUtlea said about $lOO,OOO. Chambers A Helser, New York city, failed «ml as- SlB Henry Antler, "Ololhlug," New Yorkelty, fulled. Louis Wustermau, "Yura.” New York city, failed. John Allen, New York city, failed. J. L. Wycoi, Williamsburg, N. Y., failed. John W. Batea, ‘'Broker,” Troy, N. Y., suspended. Reciprocity Bank,'Buffalo, N. Y., suspended tempora rily. Hollister Bank, Buffalo, N. Y., suspended. Swarts Ironworks, Buffalo, N. Y.. assigned. Wm. Flanagan, Buffalo, N. Y., failed. John 0. Crosby. Buffalo, N. Y., assigned. Drury A MeneU, Delphi, N. Y., failed. W. AII. Bollman, Saline, N. Y., failed. W. I. Ouyler. Cuylersville, N. Y., suspended} liabili ties said about $90,000. ' Stephen Childs, New Hartford, N. Y., assigned. Harvey Pierce, , Essex county, N. Y., as signed. Breeae, Kueoland A Co., “Locomotivca,” JeraoyClty, N. J., suspended. Ralph Lee, Camden, N. J., failed. Sloan A Gaddis, Hightetown, N. J., failed. Jacob Stine, “D.G.,” Philadelphia. Penna., failed. Clark & Co., Tremont.Penna., falted. Platan A-Lehman, “Fancy Goods,” Baltimore, Md., failed. ‘ . i S. Wallaek, Baltimore, Md,, assigned. Thurston A Ely, Louisville, Kyassigned. . It. Harmon, Marion, Ohio, assigned. Robert A Moffat, Cincinnati, Ohlb, assigned. Casper Bess. Dayton, Ohio failed. 8. T. A K. Langley > GatUpolis, Ohio, reported somo time since as suspended and assigned, hare obtained an extension from all their creditors and resume business with£good prospects. Success to them. Wm. Ward Easton, Chicago, 111., suspended. Adams A Herrick, Now Bedford, 111., failed and aa signed. - J. B. Smith, Urbane, 111., “sold out.” Jas; L. Lyell, “Banker,” Detroit, Mich., suspended. Burns A Wheeler, Saginaw city, Mich., failed, Rothschilds A Bro., Muscatine, lowa, failed. W. A. Jenkins, Winterset, lowa, sold out, Peter Beard, Frankville, lowa, failed. Read, Shields A Co., Keokuk, lowa, “sold out.” John £. Balfo, Lafayette, led., assigned. L&mherton Doolittle, Warsaw, Wia., assigned. PHILADELPHIA MARKETS. Thursday, September 3— Evening.—The market for Breadstuff's continues unsettled and buyers of Flour aro holding off for lower prices. About 1,600 bills, mostly Brandywlno and extra family Flour, have been sold on terms kept secret. Shipping Flour is froely offered at $6.60, but thoro Is nothing doing for shipping at this figure, and the market closes with a smaiyiorae demand at from $0.60 up to $8,60ff19 for common to extra and fancy brands. Rye Flour and Corn Meal are quiet but firm, and the latter scarce at previous quotations. Wheat U very dull to-day, and prices favor the buyers, with sales of 2,600 bushels at $1.3001.43 for Red, and $1.4041.6$ for White, according to quality. Corn Is also, dull -aud held at 39 cents for Southern and Pennsylvania Yellow, without sales to any extent. Oafs are not so plenty, aud more in demand at 35c, at which rates 2,00033,000 bu Southern have been taken. Rye is steady at 80085 c bushels In Bark there has been quite a decline, and about 05 bhds Quercitron have been sold atft&for Istquality. Cot ton holders are firm in thoir pretensions, but buyers aro shy, and the market, has been very Inactive for somo day* past. -Groceries exhibit little or no alteration in price or demaud. Coffees are steady, and a small busi ness has been done in Bio and Laguayra at full quota tions. Provisions are quiet and prices fully sustained. Seeds—very little doing to alter quotations. Whiskey prices are merely nominal at 23c for both hbds and bids, and the market very dull. Chicago Lumber Market, Aug. 28. The following are the present yard rates t Common hoards, joint and scantling, 16 feet and under, $6 W MfdoJOto 20 feet,sl7; dry finishing lumber, $25; lit clear, $3B; 2d clear. $33. ’ Green lumber of these kinds sells at $5 less. Shingles—common, $3. No. 1, $3 60, and warranted, $4. Lath, $2.76. The receipts for the week ending to-day hare been as follows: Lumber, ft 12,886,636 Shingles, N 0.... .2,443,000 Timber, ft 252,000 Staves, No 70,000 Lath,No 2,336,000 The shipments by canal for the same poriod am as fol lows •. Lumber, ft 3,060,211 Shingles 670,000 Laths, ft 504,300 Siding 40,921 The following are the total receipts for the season to the present time: Lumber, ft.. t . .316,096,815 Lath, No 63,799,388 Timber, ft 4.021,433 Shindies, N0....83.429,303 The above statement sbowß a material falling off for the week, and as an indication that it will be a perma nent feature, we may mention that tho current of ship ments from St. Glare river it turning strongly eastward —particularly to Ohio; and vessels hare found difllculty in obtaining up-frejghts from that point. Weekly Coffee statement of Lonsdale, Bon A Co., Now Orleans. Total imports of Rio, 1856-67. “ “ “ 1855-66. Increase of imports in 1850-57 Arrivals, dlreet.slnce IstJuly...., flame time last year Decrease this year..., A 10,170 Stock in flwt bands this day. 61,008 stock in aecoodbandß this day. 43,485 —-95,453 Same time time last year 30,107 . Increase this year Arrivals at quarantine— “ Sam Slick” to Johnson, Moke & Co. Not included in stock of receipts 0,400 Bales of the week— -160 bags . live. 2550 «“ like. 1076 “ llalltfc. 5785 « Stock on hand laetwoek ....00,208 Received this Track N0n0—90,268 Stock on hand this day ,95,483 Taken for consumption 3,785 Market—Ordinary lie. Low fair 11 Vo. Fair to g00d... ll^all^'c. Prime ,12c. FOREIGN MARKETS. JAMES M’HENRY & CO’S CIRCULAR. [Per Asia and Vanderbilt.] Provision*.—llacon is in steady roquest, and choice qualities rather dearer. Cheese Is more wanted, and arrival# keep well cleared off. Beef and Pork are very dull. The Government bavo advertised only 6500 tierces and 5000 barrels Beef, and saute quantity of Pork, to be contracted for this season. Bacon—LongMiddles, ribln, 48s to 60s cwt. Boneless, 2* more. Short Middles, do., 61s to 53sdos Boneless, 2s do. C. Out, do,, 45s to 48# do. Cheese—Fine, 64s to 66s do. Ordinary to Fair, SOa to 40a do. Beef—New Prime Mess, 140* to 250# tierce. India, 10s to 20s more. Pork—Now do., 90s to 95# barrel. Shoulder#—New, none. Lard is slow at 71s to 725. Tallow has fluctuated greatly—at ono time there were buyors at 665. but there are now sellers at 6is. Breadstuff#.—We have a return to fine weather. All excitement ha#disappeared, but the very moderate stocks cf all articles makes holders careless sellers at any de fine. Wheat—White Canadian, 9sod to 9s 34 4P 70 lbs. do. Southern, 9s Od to 9s4d do., red Western, 8s 3d to 8s 0d do., do. Southern, 8s 9d to9aod do. Flour—Western Canal, 30# Od to 31s 0d 190 lb#; Philadelphia, Ac., 31# Od to32#Qd do.; Ohio, 30# Od to 33#Od do., St Louis, 33a Od to 86# Od do. Indian Corn—Yellow, 36# Od to 37s Od 4? 480 lbs, Mixed, 06s Od to 30# 6d do., White, 40s Od to 44s Od do. /AMES M’HENRY & CO. importations. fßeported for The Press.] RlCHMOND—Steamship Pennsylvania, Teal—33o bxs tobacco Bucknor, McCamuion tc Co; 33 Mercer & Ante !o; 67 do 17 cases do Delias Sc Talt; 32 bales rags P H Wbitehunt; 24 Server Sc Marker; 14 Wm Frank: 4do yarn Z 8 Woodward tc Bou; 10 T Martin tc Co; 2 bbls mdse Doli&ui, Baker & Co; 10 E Wilson; 0 do flour T Webster,Zr; 40 pigs leadO / AdamiA Co; 30 bags wheat Miller tc Bro; 216 pkgs sundries order. 4Wiirinß Jnldlitjnifß. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, Sept- 4,1857. SUN RISES. 6 86-SUN SETS high water ARRIVED. Steamship Pennsylvan’a, Teal, from Richmond, via Norfolk, 30 hours, with mdse and passengers to Thomas Webster, Zr. Barque Laconia, Be&rso, 7 day# from Boston, with mdse to David Cooper. Brig Winyaw, Swazey. 2 days from New York, with mdse to K A Bonder tc Co. Brig Velooa, Sims, 3 day# from Now York, in ballast to E A Bonder cc 00. Brig Trindeleu, Havener, 5 day# from Boston, in bal last to captain. Brig Aoiiua, Lewis, 6 days from Boston, in ballast to O A llecksher & Co. Sohr H F Psysob, Nickerson, 6 day# from Boston,with mdse to Crowell A Collins. Bchr Anna Gardner, Harding, 7 day# from Eastport, with laths and plaster to E A Souder Sc Co. Schr Fred Bheerer, Sheerer, 0 day# from 8t George, Ms. la ballast to captain. Schr Cot Lester, Foster, 4 day# from Norwich, in bal last to captain. Behr Clara, Crowell, 7 days from Boston, with fish to Stroup & Bro. Bchr /as MeOluskey, Dickinson, 4 days from Haddam, with stone to captain. Bchr Flyaway, Davis, 4 day# from Greeoport, LI. in ballast to Browu tc White. i Schr Hosannah Hose. Wyman. 5 days from Boston, in ballast to Cbas Miller & Co. Schr Mary Anna, Bowen, 5 day# from Bostou. Iu bal last to Van Duaen, Norton Sc Co. . Bcbr Ellen Kuril, Cain, 5 days from Bouton, in ballast to N Bturtevant & Co. Bchr Ann Turner, Gifford, 5 days from Boston, in bal last to Tyler, Stone A Co. Bchr Lewis Mulford, Doyle, s*days from Bostou, In ballast to Noble, Hammett Sc Caldwell. . Selir Br* y e, Marahan, 3days from Little Egg Harbor, in ballast to Noble, Hammett & Caldwell. • Bchr J W Hall. Hollingsworth, 1 day from Little Creek Landing! Del, with wheatto Bewley, Wilsou tc 00. Schr Ad*, fimltbers, 4 days from Deutou, Md. with wheat and corn to Bewlev, Wilson tc 00. , Bchr Emma, new, Vent, 2 day# from Muton, Del. with wheat to J W Baeou 8c Co. Bcbr SI B Corner, Elides, 3 days f ro m 8t Michaels, Sfd. with wheat to 3 w Bacon A Co, Bcbr Win George, Jackson, 1 day from Smyrna, Del. with Wheat and rye to Bewley, 'Wilson A Co, Scbr A B Bussell, Warrington, 1 day from Lewes, Bel. with wheat and com to Bewley, Wilson A Co. Bcbr Ida Ponder, Grace. 3 days from Milton, Del. with corn to JII McColley. 1 Schr A M Brady, Coverdale, 2 days from Milton, Del. with bark to JU MeCoUey. Steamer Tbos Jefferson, L FSebellinger, 6 hoars from Delaware City* baring In tow 6 tidewater canal barges. Udeu with flour, grain, coal, iron, lumber, Ac. Towed down 7 others, bound to Havre de Grace, laden with mdse for the'interler. Steamship Boston, Bellow, 23 hours from Now York, t!»Gape May, with md^emjd^ai^eagors to J Allderdlce. Ship fcrel/u,french, Mobile. liarbaeli A Co. BafQue Ala, Davis, London, Tbos Richardson A Co. Banins Moore, Richmond, (with part of In* , ,* co. Ww*Wi Svwey, Boston, J 5 Jl Bonder k Co. gm M'Mj PortUnd, 0 A Itecbier & Op. Vptoa, Portland. A Pird.e A Co. ' i j*‘oia»k e r , D tskeon, io ■ do && W? 0 mi, City, {T & Co, TM ffßiMYy SEPTEMBER 4, 1857. Schr Anna Turner, Gifford, Boston, Tyler, fftbfli & Oa. , . Schr.Clara, Crowell. Boston, do , „ Schr Fred Sheerer, Sheerer. Salem, Van Du«d» Nor ton A Co. Schr Mary Aona, Bowen, Providence, do Schr Jaa English, Noal, New Haven, do Bebr Lowlb Mulford, Doylo, Boston, Noble, Hammett A Caldwell. * * * * Schr Brave, Marshall, Georgetown, do Schr Col Lester, Poster, Norwich, Haves, Smith A Co. , Schr Flyaway, Davis, Sag Harbor, Brown A White. Schr Hosannah Rose, Wyman, Boston, 0 Miller k Co.' Bchr Vanquish, Inalay, Baltimore, 8 J Ohristl&n. Behr Oxford, Crayton, Baltimore, do Steamship Kennebec, Hand; N York, Jos Allderdice. Str Farmer, Dennis, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. Barge Delaware, Poynter, Baltimore, A Groves, Jr. [9Y TELEGRAPH.J Correspondence or the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Sept. 3, 6# P M. Ono barque, a brig, and several schooners passed up this forenoon. The barque Belle, from Boston, Is now going In. Wind SB—Weather warm. Yours, Ac., THOS. B. HUGHES. (av TSLBQRAPH.I CCorrcspondenco of The Press.) New York, Bept.3. Arrived ships Admiral and Shamutfrom Havre; Ame rican Eagle from London; Equator from Bremen; B Rutkley from Rotterdam; Howard from Hamburg; barques Elida from Hamburg; Edward from Bremen, and brig S. P. Snow from Porto Rico. Below—Ships Emigrant and Meta from Bremen; Cal- Jioun from Liverpool. ’ ' • Correspondence of The Press. Havre Di Grace, Bept. 3. Twolvo boats left here this morning, laden and con signed as follows; Ellen A Nina, flour and corn to Bobeaon Lea; Garden City, lumber to Young A Woolrcrton; Robert Liptou, lumber to H Crosbey; John Ilelsley, lumber to Matooe A Taylor; Maj J U Zimmerman, lumber to NorcroSA A Sheets; John A Sheets, lumber to U Trump A Bon; J B Bally A Sou, lumber to Wilmington, Del; FortDosmolne, Thos J Woolfe, ATI Sutnray, Niagara, and John Wiat&r, anth coal to Del city. Stcamsnip Illinois, Boggs, from Asplnwall, via Hava na, 28th ult. arrived at New York 2d inst. Steamship Central America, Herndon, from N York for Aspinwall, arrived at Havana 21st ult, and sailed again next day. Steamship City of Now York, Matthews, benco at Boston yesterday. Steamship Stale of Georgia, Gavin, hence, arrived at Charleston Ist inst. Steamer Delaware, Shaw, hence, arrived at Now York yesterday. Steamship Asia, Lott, from Liverpool 22d ult., arrived at Now Yorlt yesterday.’ ■< Steamship Catawba, Bullockyfrou New Orleans 27th ult, arrived at New York yesterday'. -* Steamship City of Norfolk', Green, 4 days from Savan nah, arrived nt Niw York yesterday. Ship Edward O'Brien, Creighton, from Havre July. 9th. arrived nt New York yesterday. ~; , ~ , Ship Kossuth, Dawson, from Liverpool, at New York yesterday. ’ •" Ship Neptune, Peabody, from New York for Liver pool, was spoken 26th alt, lat 43H, long 49 45. Ship Eveutldo, Partridge, for Wilmlngtoii, NO, sailed from Liverpool 24th ult. Ship Ocean Belle, Kelleran, for Now York, sailed from Liverpool 21st tilt. Ship Independence, Eustace, from NeW Orleans, at Liverpool 19th ult. Ship Buaan G Owen, Norton, entered at Liverpool IStU ult. to load for Charleston., Ship Consul, Mortimer, to load for Savannah, ontored at Liverpool 18th ult. Ship Creaar, Carols, for San Francisco, cleared at Lon don 20th ult. Ship Rowland, Emerson, for Charleston, sailed from Dublin 18th ult. Ship Undaunted, Freeman, from Oallao, was off Fal mouth 20th ult. Ship Cygnet, Graves, for Hong Kong, Railed from San Francisco 22d July. Ship Star of Hope. Pearson, for Callao, sailed from Ban Francisco 26th July. Ship lied Rover, Logan, for Valparaiso, sailed from San Francisco 26th July. Ship Bombay, Hill, from Boston, arrived at Charles ton 31 Bt ult. Barque Sea Nymph, Stagg, from Siam, arrived at San Francisco let ult. Barque Samuel Merritt, Wiggin, from Oregon, at San Francisco July 20. Barque Elm. Taylor, hence at Boston yesterday. Barque Corolla, Pettlngitlj from Rio da Janeiro,wit h 7335 bags coffee, arrived at New Orleans 27th ult. Barque William Henry, Young, for N Orleans, sailed from Mataiuaß 27th ult. Barque Elisabeth J, Thomas, for Philad. via Black River, sailed from Kingston, J&, Bth ult. Barque Utah, Alexander, for Monrovia, cleared at N York yesterday. Barque Mary J Kimball, McLellan, for Pernambuco, entered outward at London 19th ult. Barque E P Swott, Swett, from Charleston for Am sterdam, was off Dungencss 17th ult. Barque A B Kimball, Blotheu, from Ohlneha Islands, arrived at CuxliAveu 16th ult Brig Daniel Matoncr, Bteolman, for N Orleans, sailed from MatAnras 21st ult. Brig Oregon, (Br) Green, cleared at Baltimore 2d inst for Philadelphia. Brig Mary 11, Kelly, for Baltimore, clcarod at Boston 2d inst. Brig ITenonah, Rose, cleared at Boston 2d inst, for Philadelphia. Brig Waterloo, Condon, honce at Falmouth, Ja, 29th July. Brig Chicopee, Howes, for Philad, sailed from Boston 2d Inst. Brig Mount Vernon, nail, for Rio de Janeiro, July 6, arrived at New* York yesterday. Brig Baltimore, Johnson, Montevideo, July 7, arrived at Quarantine yesterday. Schr ZAvalla, Gawley, for Philapelphta, sailed from Havana 27th ult. * Schr Lodoiska, honce at Gardiner 27th ult. Schr Sultan, Day, for Halifax, cleared at Norfolk Ist Inst. Scbra Snow Flake. Weaver, and Eldorado, Sandora hence, arrived at Richmond 2d inst. Schr Fly, Checsman. hence at Nantucket Ist ult. Schr J 0 Brooks, benco at Portland 31st ult. * Schr Mary Fletcher, Crosby, hence atEastport, 26th ult. Schr Wide "World, Dickinson, from Fall River, for Philodephla, at Newport Ist inst. Schr Luther Child, Baker, from Cape HayUen, at Boston 2d inst. Bchrs John Harris, Robbins, and John Beattel, Sharp, hence arrived at Neurburyport 2d last. Schr A K McKensie. Drlscoe,'/or Philadelphia sailed from Ncwburyport 2d Inst. Scbrs 0 Looser. Snow, and Jane Fish. Wiley, hence arrived at Weymouth 29th ult. Schr Juliet, Baxter, honce arrived at Weymouth 31st iiU. Schr Caspian, henco arrived at Braintree 31at ult. Schr Richard Yaux, Frink, hence at Boston 2d ult. Schr ElJrabethSegur, Paul, for Philadelphia, sailed from Mystia 31st ult. Schr Telegraph, for Philadelphia, sailed from Alex andria Ist inst. SchrsLStnrteT&nt, Baker, Charlotte Bhavr, Shaw; A Henderson, Godfrey; Nebraska, Oaakill; LS Levering. Corson: Gazelle, Sowers: Geo fleering, Piukham, and Lomotil Dupont, Corson, hence at Boston 2d fust; Bcbrs John walker, Fatten; 1) B Doan*, Veaxle; Wm If Mailler, Crowell, and Pearl, Crowell, cleared at Boa* ton 2d Inal. for Philadelphia. Schr S L Crocker, Preabry, hence at Tannton Ist inst. Bchr B Watson, Robinson, hence at Boston 2d Inst. Scbr Almon Bacon, Williams, hence at Dichton 29th ult. Schr Martha WrigMington, Wrightington. hence at Fall Biver 31st uit. Bcbrs Lillie Bandore, Williams; Charlote Williams, Golding; Sarah E Jones, Joues; Jabez L White, Foster: Urban*. Norton; Sophia Godfrey, Williams, and F O Smith, hence at Providence Ist inst. Schr Expedite, Beboe, from Delaware City, at Provi* donee Ist Inst. Schr* John R Plater, Gandy; David Ilalc, Atkluscn Caroline M Wilson, Cauip; Monteven, Falconbutg, &n«> Fidelia, Shaw, sailed from Prorldonco Ist inst. for Phi* ladelpbU. Bchrs It M Browning, Conover, and Seaport, hence at Pawtucket Ist inst IT S steam frigate Wabash, Com Paulding, won at As* pinwall 19tb ult. V 8 sloop of war Saratoga sailed from AapicwaJl 16th nit. for Ran Juan del Norte. The U 8 ship Cyano, sailed from Boston, 2d lost., for a Cruise. Tho United Staten eloop-of-wer Decatur, Captain Thatcher, arrived nt the anchorago offl’auama on Tues day, the 16thult., from Vuuti Arenas, which port the left on tbo 27th of Juljr. She brings 23 sick and wounded flllibuatera. being the Uat of tho men left at San Juan del Sur, from which port thoj were conveyed to Punta Arenas in a sailing vessel. July 3,lst 35 N f long 39 W, ship J p Mono, from Li verpool lor Calcutta. Aug 27, 8 A M, Ist 37 40, lon 74 63, ship Creole, from Now York for New Orleans. Aug 24,15 t 30 w, long 71, ship Manchester, of New York, steering S. 29th ulfc, off Hatteras barquo HA Stephenson, from New York for Mobile, Havana, Aug 28—Tho Holland screw steamer Cuba Packet, which arrived yesterday, reports having fallen In, off the Bahamas, the barque Ylctorlne, of Southport, a total wreck. Aug 29—Tbo Victorine, of Southport, from Mobllo, bound to Nassau, was spoken 25th Inst on tbo Bahama Bank, Stump Key bearing E N £ 8 mllos, by the Byne, Qov Farris, arrived yesterday from Portland. The Victorine. requested to bo reported, but she was “all right” Sohr Raven, of Bucksport, from rhlladolphlo for Bangor, which was ashore on Robinson’* Rock, Fonob seot bay, was sold for $3OO, subsequently got off, and taken to Bucksport. full of water, was toweu to Brewer 27th ult,, to go on the marine railway. Ar at Kingston, Ja. July SO, barque Dency, Averill, Baltimore; Aug 8, brig A J W Applegarth, Townsend, Baltimore via Norfolk; 9th. *cbr Peerless, Patterson, Baltimore. Ar at Havana 24th ult, brigs Henry, Downy, Wilming ton; Jehosso, Stephens, Mobile; 20tb, str Central Ameri ca, Jlcrnden, Now York; 27th, brig N Stetson, Treuis, New Orleans; 28th, barques Slrl, llann, Boston; Gotr Pnrrls, Muwrnns, Portland; R II Knight, Lisootqb, do; ships Ifespor, Perkins, Liverpool; International, Sirey, Sunderland, Eng; brigs Busan, Gibbs! Boston; Albert, Thompson. New York. 1 Sid 23d, brig' Mary Capen. Johnson, Portland; 26th barque Brupette. Pjnkhain, Boston; 27tb, barques John Benson, Smith, New York; Stary Merrll, Kinsman, Port laud; Ardennes, Marsh, Matanras* Lanark, Parris, Bos ton; schr ZaTala, Orpmley, Phita. fPer steamship Vandorbllt.] Liverpool—Ar 39th nit, Barnabas Webb, Watts, 8t Johu, NB; 20th, E A Lowfs, Cloinonts, Quobec; Almi ra. Palm/ra, Mlramfchf. Sid 19th, Klfxaboth Hamilton, Lewis; Now York; 29th, Star or the West, Shoppy, do; Harry Bluff, Redman, Mobile; Geo Evans, Cooper, New Orleans; Germania, Barilos, Point Isabel and Texas. Cld 20th, John S Cushing, Pluiner, Calcutta. But for Idg 18th, Jas Nesmith, Wutta, and Stranger, Brown. N Orleans; Sir Robert Peel, Larrabee, and Jere miah Thompson, Blake. New York; Colista Haws, Haws, Quobec; 30th, Alamode, Crocker, City Pomt; Judah Teuro. Moses, New York; Vesta, Koran, Wilmington. NO; 20th, Kangaroo, (u) Now York; Robert Kelly, Barstow, and Georges, Slater, do; Mary E Belch, Wood, bury, Valparaiso; Echo, On, N Orleans, (changed from Corfu.) Cld 20th, Cffisar, Garrels, San Francisco. Katdout I9th, Devonshire,Lord,Now York; Moultan, Poarco, Singapore; 20lh, Rhine, Moore, New York. Passed 19, Auguste Erick, from Richmond for Bremen. Off tho Start Nth, Carolina, Weatorborg, from Gello for New York. Off Brighton 10th, Charles Cooper, Cefflu, of aud from New York for Antwerp, has been 3 days in tho Channel. Off the Wight 14th, Athena, Schilling, from New York for Bremen; 16th, Epauiinondas, Brandt, from New York for Rotterdam. Iu the Channel 18th, Johannes, Bruun, from New York for Hamburg. Buuderland—Ar 18th, Boston Light, Crowell, Bremou. Bristol—Ar 19th, Catliopo, Goodwin, Quebec; 21st, lUouibsl, Patterson, Havana via Falmouth. Sid 20th, Tanaro, Arey Cardiff; Kossuth, Batchelor, do (ana passed Pill 2let.) - Cardiff—Ar 18th, Gold Hunter, Perry, Dublin; Red wood, Ross, Bristol. Sid 17th, Lucy Ring, Thurlow, Now York; 19th, North Carolina, Poster, Mobile. In PeoartU Roads, 10th, Geo W Hail, Mowrey, from Nantes, peeking. Sligo—Ar 16th. San Clark, Elliott, St John, NB. Gottonburg—Cld 6th ult, Hammond (is) Heydtmauu. New York; John Bertram, Kuudson, do. old lflth, Eliae, Nielsen, New York; Sir R Peel, Jurgens, do (and from Cuxbaven 17th) 17th, Atalonta, Uorstmann, do. Texel—Ar 18th ult, Goiusters, Visser, New York; Adleer, Gerties, Baltimore. Autwerp—Ar 17th ult, Corinthian, Winchester, New York. Plushing lloads—Sid 16th ult, Wabamo, Doty, Now York. Bremen-r-Ar 17th ult, R B Mioturo, Cook, Savannah. Brake—Ar 10th ult. Nepluoe,Brane,aQd John Abler*. Bchwoicbel, New York; Hth, O’Tbyea, Addieks. New Orleans. TOTW TREATISE OF LAND SURVEY* 11 ING.—E.O.AJ. BIDDLE, No. 60S MlNORHtreot, neve in press, and will publish eu or about tbo J6tb in, uat, . TTOATISS OH BUKViimo, b? SauvtL Albop, author of “ A TroaU«o bp Algebra," Ac. In tho above sained work the eubjeefc is presented In Its practi cal a* well a* its' theoretical relations; the theory being comprehensively and, plainly elucidated, end the direction® for practice being definite and precise. The work 1* designed tot the use of Schools and of practical gwrejow,. ~ } - 7 7 iefst MEMORANDA MARINE MISCELLANY. FOREIGN PORTS. list of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL—Tourth »t«ct, bolowArch. E Woodruff, H V OH Loro, PiUrfcurg J W Perkins, Augusta £ H Dolt, Nortel'* A F Powell, Md IS G Clayvcll, Md id W Meyers, Oln - A Edwards, Pa i J W Stine, Easton T G Rogers. Phila Chfts Giant*, do btes Root lUco, Scotland Jis Gibson; 111 H W Laugley, 111 J Forney, Klttannlng 0 S Mygatt, Canfield, 0 B H Henderson, Pa H E Roman, Lancaster ASehcick, Gallon, 0 J Beibort A dau, Pitts J WeJdwau, Lebanon Mrs Grant, N 0 W J Sauders.lowa city T M Rogers, Brownsville Miaa Emma Jfox, Jamaioa J L Rogers, Ain Mias E Smith, Lancaster K Ohadscy, R I T J Albright A lady, Moytn E B oodruff, N Y W A Lowry, Danville Mary C Hunt, Mo L H Sconce, do Mrs ME U Carson, Me 0 R Mines, do Mlm U U Emory, Me Mr*Gol*sifttth,N Y U H Hunt, Mo MUs Goldsmith, do 0 Pollobone A la. Wyom'g D V Miller, Kansas City T CUancullor, Parkersburg 0 W Moore, Pittsburg A 0 Spring, Boston Albert Hall, Warren W t Whooler, Vt JO Elkin, Illinois GIRARD- HOUSE— Chestnut Street, below Ninth. Wm II Wilson, Va N 8 Forbes, Va .John Jock do Danl Garhens, Va F Ferret, NY IV 0 Johnson. Utica, N Y R G Rankin, pa A Burnside, 8 0 IV 0 Burley, 80 HS Carrier, Iterrlsbur^ 0 Wilkinson, Norfolk, Va Jame* Barclay, N Y Wm Brooks, Kallaro&zoo . M M Hubbard, KalU- Mlss Brooks. do iuu4od T W Neely, Bavanuah Miss Tyson, Rpadlug, Ta Miss Lftuman, Rcad’g, Pa Benj Tyson, Jr, do John Lyon A wife, Va Mias L Springs, Va J D Yates. Charleston, SC 0 J Walker, Richmond,Ky RLUinckiey, M D,Boston John Stuart, N Y Dexter A Tompkins, do Win White, Newark, N J Thos Greet!, Mt Ida, Ky J J EKhelmau. Lancaster WMM Lee, MtSterling, Ky Simon Stevens, Lancaster H L Wilson, Lox’gten, Va John A Mathias, Belt Miss Baxter, do J Rose. SC S M Simpson, Va L Mondelrsslin, Miss W'F'Pratt,SC J G Coffman, Va Mrs W B Prince, Mias Wm J Barney A wlfo, Balt Miss Mitchell, do T W Wllkluaon, Memphis, Miss McLeod, do Tenn A G Springer, do C Hayer, Peuua B F Chambers, do J WormctsdorfT A lady, Richd F Wyman, Boston Columbus, Mtea 0 E Franklin, Wolbervlllo A Miller, CAtmda Kdw Burton A lady, Au- Thomas Barrott A lady, gusta, Ga Augusta, Ga J II Gross A lady, La Miss Jlregham, Boston ’ Grango, Ga EM Dillard, Moutg, Ala Mrs Brewster A daug, Ky P B McKolvey, N 0 L Conies, N U Ct W T Itrowu, Carlisle J A Zoigtor A lady, Boston J G Brown, St Louis Mias Buck ' do Vlorencio Ribas, N Y R G King, Aberdeen Miss E P Butts, Florida > G Burnham, N Y > Mrs Pctora. St Louis SRuukoKNC 3frsßuAsoli, do T L Hatyls A lady. 11l Mrs Carr A child, St Louis SH Waldo At lady, NO T J Carr, do dam Treat, Frankfort 8 Ingalls, N Adamn W F Reynolds, Bcllefont B G Hoarduiau, N Y U Schoonmaker, N Y James P Gardner, Tcnu W TiUinghaat, Albany N Y Mr Mosob, N Y Jolm II Barns, N Y Sirs Abreatu, N Y J F CoWtell, Richmond. Va H Van Kvllor, NY J K Rdgerten, Fort Wayne Mr Sattlor, do T 8 J Johnson, Washington Jos Baker, do A F Jennings, Chas’ten,SO J B Montgomery, NY W Shear, Georgia Geo IVhitsford. do J W Crawford, £ 0 Geo II Haig A lady, do G W WilJKm, Richmond A h Reynolds' do A Samson, New York UNIOSI UOTED—Arch street, above Third. Albert Mory, Dayton, 0 T M 0 Armbruster, Bait J 8 Franklin Anon, Circle* Jo* A Orovo & lady, Del villa wont, 0 John T Jakei, Camden* Del 0 O Fawcett, ‘Westport, 0 P J Steer, ‘Washington J H Thompson, N 0 B f F,liner, New Joraej S Adler. lowa D R Darla, Ohio JohnJ Hurst Sc wife, Mt W Jones. do Pleasant, Pa Wfl Catlin, Spencerrllle, G Henderson, Newcastle* Indians . Penna JamqaMcCan, Alleg city 0 B Siilyman, Pottsville KCrouch, Carrollton, 0 8 Starr. Bellefoutaiue, 0 Oeo W Lawrence, Louis- SHAcnosou, Pittsburgh title,o James Nol6on, do J J llurst, UtPleasant E J Stono, Wheeling, Va C P Dalian), Ohio A Diasmger,Eli2abi*th- J 8 Dixon A lady. Cincin- town, Pa uxti.Ohio 8 S Dixon & l&dy, Cin, Ohio T 0 Paul A ly, Kentucky A P Smucker, Dayton, 0 H Botscblld, Savannah, Ga E V Uauilo, Lancaster M Drown do J R Henry, l’a (led Oareeck, Harrisburg H Haym, Savannah, Ga L Atwood, Manchester, Yt W Hetherington, Pottsville 0 Lcrolvr, Chamboreburg A U Koninger, Allentown 8 U Lind, Baltimore Kdw 8 Shinier, do I OelsaonDorgcr, Lancaster M Litionthal, Columbia,B C L LUlenthfti. Savannah, Ga 811 Strnuse, X Y S G Clark, Easton, Pa Dr Lewis, do A llaymao, Wheeling, Va KII Ifall, Indianapolis, Ind AMERICAN HOTEL—Chestnut Street below Sixth. F 6 W Barkraer, N Y John 0 Jones, Washington Jos P Tuttle, N J WS Smith, do John M IJrower, N 0 S Smith, do JJ B Williams, do 1111 Ladd A (it,Mauches- Jt K Hardcostle, Md ter. N U Wm FCulberth, Doter. Del 0 A Putney AU, do Sand Sawyer, Rogersvtllc, John H Bradley, Ind ’Tean N 8 Wade, Va T A GUI, NY JW Jones, do HII Sanders, Thila J H Payntor, Union Coll’go JaaUraham, do Ell Paynter, do G Edwards, do J W I’ort, N C G 0 Cummings, do D K Moore, do Jno Harrison, do J T Phillips, Va D 9 Hughes, Centre co Pa flgEdw Kiel!/, Lancaster OW BrcnoinanA lady, N Y SOeorgetou, Wash’n, Pa LGlnhouhls, do 33 3 ohusou do P J Perin, Taunton Michael Morgan, Phllada J Purdy, Mansfield F L Harvey A lady, Wash- H It Fuller, Cubes, N Y Ington E Sturdevant, Danbury, Ct Ilobt Clark A la, Jerusalem Edgar Bturdov&nt, do 0 ll Payuter, Del OJ Cowles, NC Isaac 8 Jones, Baltimore. STATES UNlON—Market, nbovo Sixth. A Palin, Columbia, Pa W D Morris, N York JofcnM Phillips, Taunton II Hastings, Tauuton 9 L Bcesc, Columbia, Pa Dan’l E Holmos, Mecban- John Brown, N Florence icsburg Rees Palmer, Newport, Bernard Mann, Lane co Perry 00. Pa ' Amos WhlQler, Springfield, Win Boy, Ohio Illinois A Patterson, Mercer, Pa M 8 Rouse, Erie, Pa R A Patteraou, do John P Rider, Clearfield WF Rogers, Scranton, Pa Goo Rogers, Shelby, 0 H 8 Doyle, Locansport,lnd Daniel Hinder, York, Pa York, Pa John Bha*?r, do Chaa Leltner, do Fred Sultzbich, York co G W Wheeler, New Haven Jan J Louden, N York ncurr Loatuan, Lane co D W Bom, Mcch&ntcHlmrg Satn’l Lockard, Columbia John McVey, Harrisburg Jaa W Iluutor, Columbia Alex D Ooggi, do CITY HOTEL—Third stroet. above Race. Jos E Collins, St Clairsville SSferltct, Reading JB Cox. Now York U A Meritot. do R Rollins, do Jo« Dupuor, do Henry Kyckot. Del Samuel Moore, Pittsburgh John Button, Norristown Mrs L Moore, do Henry Matters, Centroco James Florence, Maino Henry Bttgftr, Pa John Ruhl, Trim N WatorsuiUh, Moutgo.ne* U V Dluestono, Niagara ryco Falls Homy Brown, Doylestnwn J Richards, Pittsburgh John Needles, Lewisburg Mr Richardson, Plattsburg Geo Johnson, Philada Sloan Smith, Princeton J Aulick, do F R Gilbert, Middleburg W llislngcn, Berks co. NATIONAL HOTEL—'Race street, above Thinl. Isaac Harko, Canton, O If S Stull, Phiia MGuyenheim, Non Castle, Roger Roger, Trsppe, Pa Penna Thos J Filbert, Wayues* Adolph floucbcim, Elkhart boro, Pa Henry Kurtz, Wheeling, Ya Win Coles, Trenton, NJ Mrs Kurtz, do T M O ArmbrusW, Halt W O Hopkins, Schuylkill JosMFeger, Pottsville CO, Pa K Mendenhall, Bloomsburg MADISON HOUSE—Second street, above Market. 0 H Weiotraut, Balt J B Orr, N J J Catherwood A son, Ta Mrs Connelly Pittsburg J B Fallsou, NY II Kirkbrlde, Ohio W D Mcdows, Ohio Jos Thompson, Salem MissSuaan Jones, Memphis J Suliiran, Iroiand Miss Sally Joues, do Juo Jackson, Dol BLACK BEAR HOTEL-Third street, ab. Oallowhil Levi Eckfco), Tremoot, Pa Oeo Kline, Enrlvillo Tho* Shade, Smuneytown E U Gilbert, Limerick Special Notices. Seamen’* Saving Faud Office 203 Walnut *troet, one door west of second street. Receives de posit* In earn* of Oao Dollar aud upwards, from all classes of the community, and allow* interest at the rate of five per cent, per annum. Moneys paid on Demand. Office open doily, from 9 until 5 o’clock, and on Mon day and Saturday until 9 lu the evening. President Franklin Fell; Treasurer, Cbarloa M.Morris; Secre tary, James S. Pringle. Bower’s Infant Cordial.*—This invaluable Cordial i* prepared from a variety of the most choleo and efficient aromatics known in medicine, and is the most perfect and reliable carminativo extant for infants and yonng children. By it* powerful infiuence a speedy cure is effected in all case* of Cholic, windy pains and spasms. Relieves and mitigates much of children’s suffering during denti tion or teething, and by its soothing properties tran quilise* pains of the bowels , looseness, vomiting, Ac. The Infant Cordial ha® bocomo a standard remedy, and has been used In thousands of cases with tliu most abundant success. No family should be without it. Prepared only by Iluxity A. Bowbk, At his Drug aud Choinical Store, N. E. corner of Sixth und Green sis., Philadelphia. To whom all orders must be Addressed. And for sale by Druggists generally. au 13*ly Saving Fond—Five Per Cent. Interest—Na tional Safety Trust Company. In Walnut Street, south west corner of Third Street, Phiudhlpuu. Assets over On* Million and a Half or Dollars, invested In Rial Estati, Mortoaqss,Ground Rsnts, and othor first class securities, as required by the ohartor. This institution confinos its business entirely to the recei ving of money on deposit. Any sum, largo or small, is received, aud the money is always paid back, with out notioo, to any amouut. The office is open every day from 9 o’clock ia tho morning until 7 o’olock in tho evening, and on Monday and Thursday evenings nntll 9 o'clock. marriages, On the Ist of Sept., by Itov. Francis Church, Mr. DAVID OOILVIE STEWART to.Mlss MARY LAURIE, daughter of Mr. William Laurie, of Klrkinner, Wigton, Scotland. By Aid. YTra. P. Ilibberd, on the Ist Insi-aut, Mr. HUDSON BURR OALVEIIT, of tho city of Philadelphia, to Miss ELIZABETH ANN BYEKLY, of Willow Grove, Montgomery county. sDeatljs, At Laucsstcr, on Sunday, tho 30th August, in the 73th year of her age, Miss MARY HUMES. A most excel lent end estimable lady, who was endeared to e large circle of friends and relatives by a gentlo disposition and a warm and affectlonato heart; a meek and humble ChristUu who attested tho reality of her faith by along life spent lu tho practice of o\cry Christian virtue, aud by u calm and pcacelul death. On Wednesday tuornlug, 2d instant, of consumption, MiwBALLIE 0. LANE,youngest daughters tho late Capt.AloX.H Lane. The relatives and friends of the family are respectful ly Invited to attend tho funeral, without further notico, from her late rosldouee, No 803 Routh Ninth street, on this (Friday) afternoon, 4th instant, at 3 o’clock. To proceed to Monument Cometerr. Ou the 2d iustant, MARY FRANCIS WATTSON, daughter of Josbna and tho late Mary Wattson, In tho 17tb year of her ago. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend the funeral, from thu residence of Mr. Jos. Knox, No. 745 South Third street, below Muuroe, on Friday afternoon, at 4 o’clock, without further notico. 03* Notice to Consignees,—The ahlp “Stal wart,” Captain Luena, from Liverpool, is nowroadrto discharge at Bhippen street wharf. Consignees will please send their permits ou board. All goods not per mitted in five days will bo sent to public storo. THOMAS RICHARDSON & CO. NEW FALL CLOAKS.—Just received at th* Boris Hautilla aud Cloak Emporium, to which the attention of Ladle® and strangers visiting tho city, Is respectfully invited. GEO. BULI'JN & Co., _ 708 Chestnut stroet. NEW FALL CLOAKS. atWholcaalo.—Merchauts will find tho largest stock of those Goods, iu the greatest va riety of materials and prices, at the Par)® Mantilla oud Cloak Emporium. Prices low, ahd term® liberal. GEO. BULBIN & CO , S#4'ln 708 Chestnut street. F)R SALE— The Stock and Fixtures of a Grocery Store now doing a good business, if ap. plied for soen, os tho owner ia going South.' No. 603 Germantown Road aboro Fifth, NEW WAREKOOiU— roR BROAWLOtbs, CASSmERBS, SATINETS fr VESTINGS WHOLESALE AND DETAIL. ’ Wc havo added the whale of tho adjoiului storo No 454,) tp our coUbllßhmont, which hts boea fitted up fora MEN’S AND BOYS’ WEAR DEPARTMENT By this arrangement we are enabled to keep much larger assortment th'in heretofore, aud by au increase of ealea, sell a still leas profit. Our stock comprises— FRENCH, BELGIAN AND AMERICAN CLOTUS; 80. do. do. CASSIMKIMSS; OVERCOATING IN* ALL DESIRABLE STYLES; FANCY AND PLAIN SATINETS; 80. do. KENTUCKY JEANS; CASHMERE VESTINGS, VELVET do. SILK do. SUPER SATINS; TRIMMINGS, Ac., Ac. Constant attontion to Auctlou Sal** Jo New York and :ftU city, enables u» to purchase at the very lowest uiut‘4, >*l ( |c]| adyiU)tBgo to aro disposed do share with the Tatlor, Clothing hlan»fa‘tuter or Consunm, OUIIWKN STOIiuART & UKOTUKR, 450, 452 and 464 North SECOND St, ihord Willoir, Philadelphia. iN TOE ORPHANS’ COURT FOR THE CITY AND COUNTY OY PHILADELPHIA, In tho matter of the Estate of Jmuea McUarrity, de ceased. An Appraisement, under the Yjftli section of the Act of 14th of April, 1851, having been filod in this matter, uotio© U hereby given, that Mary \u u McGarrlty, widow of tha said James McGarj-ity, claim* to retain the per sonal property referred to theroin, to the valuo of threo hundred dollars; aud that she will apply to tho Orphans’ Court for approval of the said appraisement, on FRIDAY, the Eighteenth of September, 1557, at 10 o’clock, A. M., sec. rog. ALFRED 0 TOWE, bo4-4 8 11 & 15* Attorney for Widow. For SAIjK'—A flrst-ftos Dwelling nml Lot of Ground, on W4 9 IUNOTQN Bi ro °t east of SEVENTEENTH Btrei't, FHtoonth Ward. Lot 20 feet 0 inches hy 95 foot. House threo stories, double three story back hack building, and contains every modern convenience. Immediate possession. Will ho sold very low, and hut $lOOO cash Required, or will bo ex changed for Pity loan, or good stock. Apply to It. 0 WIQMDSGN 4 Q- Vf. PQMHjm *e4.St* CopyeyaaooN, 633 ARCH Street, Refined sugar and syrup.— O. DONOGIIUE, 15 South WATER Street, offers for sale 8,000 harrols of various grades, at greatly re duced cash prices. ss4-3t# Amusements, WfALNUT STREET THEATRE.— Los- M sco, Mr E A. Marshall! ; Stage Manager, Mr* John Sefton. Trices —Dress Girclo and 5O couts; Upper Circle, 25 coats; Private Box and Orchestra goats, 75 cents. Box Office open from 9 o’clock A. M. to 3 P. M. Door* opon at 7 o'clock; performance to com mence at 7X. OPENING NIGHT, This establishment has boen Newly Decorated and Painted, tho Lobbies New Carpeted. Papered and Em bellished, and tho Boxes re-Uttud and Cushioned. MR. AND MRS. JOHN SLOAN*. On SATURDAY, Sept. 6th, will bo aotod Morton’s domestic Piar of ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD. Stephou Plum Mr. Daly Jasper Plum ..... ...Mr. A’Docket Slartha Gibbs.... M’llo PonUi Lady Leathorbriilgo Mrs. Silabw To conclude with tho Laughablo Farce entitled dob nettles. Mods Toarblllou.. Mr. John Sefton Dob Nettles Mrs. John Sloan W addilove Mr. John Stoau WHEATLEY’ 8 ARCH ST. THEATRE. f f —Sole Louie® W. WHEATLEY. SoiLR of Priob3.—Orchestra Stalls, 50 cents; Dross Circle (no extra charge for Secured Scats), 50 cents; Family Circle and Amphitheatre, 2o cents; Seats in Fri villa Uoxes. 75 cents ; Whole Private Box, $3; Gallery, 13 cents; Gallery for Colored Persons, 25 cents; Pri vate Box in Gallery for Colored Persons, 33 cents. Box Qfllce open from 10 A. 11. until 3 P. M. J M. B WIIITTON Treasurer. THIS (Friday) EVENING, Sopt. 4th, will ho present ed the Tragedy of JANE SHORE. Mrs E. L. Davenport Mrs. D. P. Bower* J&ue Shore, Alicl \ Lord Hasting* Mr. Win. Wheatley Duko of Oloator. Mr. Dolman To conclude with the Cwnic Drama of TIIK TOODLR3. Mr. Toodlea Mr. J s 8, Clarke Mrs Toodlra Mr*. Thayer National theatre, walnut st„ above Eighth. Admission Seat* In Private llox, $1; Orchestra Chairs, 75 cents; Dross Circle and Parquet, 50 cents; Familly Circle, 25 ccuta. Door* open at 7. To commence at o’clock. Box Office open from 10 to 4 o’clock, when *eata can be aocured. Stage Manager Mr. If. Watkins THIS (Friday) EVENING, Sept. 4, will be played the Comedy iu firo acts of THE RIVALS. Boh Acres Mr. Barton To conclude with the Capital Farce of THAT BLESSED BABY. John Thomas ..Mr. Barton miIOMKUF” 5 VARIETIES, N^wTcm. X FIFTH nnd CHESTNUT Streets, entrance on Chestnut. MUSICAL and TERPSICHORRAN MKLANGH EVERY EVENING THIS WEEK, interspersed with the almost miraculous performance of SIGNOR FELIX ROCHE/*. throwing real daggers AGAINST A LIVING MAN, and playing a SOLO on the FLUTB, when Standing upon a Pyramid of Wine Decanters. ’Commencing at half-past 7. Admission 10 cents. eep‘J-it* WALNUT STREET THEATRE.—Mr. and Mrs. HERMANN YKZIK, from tho princi pal English Theatres, will make their first appearance in America, at the above Thoatro, on Monday evening next, September Bth. sel-st* CSANFORD* OPERA HOUSE— ELEVENTH Street, above Chestnut. Poors open at 7j< o’clock—to commence at 8. Admittance 25 cents. GLORIOUS SUCCESS. SECOND WEEK of tho great burlesque on the Opera of LA TIUYUTA Written expressly for this establishment by John liar rlngton, Eaq. The Maunjer respectfully announces that In conse quence of the iimticme excitement produced by the performance of the above burlesque, it wiU be repeated MONDAY Evening, August 31st, and evory owning this work. Previous to the pieeo ETHIOPIAN MINSTRELSY BY SANFORD’S OPERA TROUPE, £egal Notices. IN THE DISTRICT COURT OR THE AND COUNTV OP PHILADKI I'UIA. NICK, ot al., rj. THE FRANKFOHD 0 i'.UALL. L. V J. fir. No. 47«. PETER CASTER rs.SVME. L. F J. 7. No. 942. ADEL REED rs.SAM Y. h.Y.S 57. No. 724. The Auditor appointed by tho Court to make distri bution of tho fund arising from thu snlo of tho follow, ing dcacrilieil Real Eitato fold bv the Sheriff under tho above writs ou Monday, July 6th, 1857, will moat fur tha purpose* of hla appointment on Thursday, September lOtl), ISAT. at 4 o'clock I*. M. at tha Wwtliarill Hon**, George streot, above i>iXtli, when and whin ,* ail persons having claims tiro requested to prefer them before said Auditor, or they will otherwise bo debarred from com. lug in on said lund, All that certain lot or piece of ground sitnsto <m tho unuth-casterly aide of Maino street, in tho borough of Fraukford, in tho county «>r Philadelphia. Bow in tho city of Philadelphia, at thediatnneo of 278 feet north-easterly from the north-east *ido of Green atreut, containing In front ou said Main street 60 feet, and in length or depth south-easterly, botweon parallel lines at right angles with fnul Main street, 200 foot, to a 35 feet wide street contemplated to l>e opened called Thomas stroet. Boun ded south-westward and north-eastward by other ground belougiDgto tho estate of thosanl Isaac Whitelock, do ccaiivd, south-eastward by said contemplated street, and north-westward by Main streot atoresaid. Being th» samo premises which tho said Biieaboth Whitelock, Mary Whitelock and Ellen 1,. Whitelock, Executrixes of the last Will and Testament of Isaac Whitelock, deceased, hidonturo bearing even dutu with tho said mortgage, and executed immediately before said mortgage, for tho consideration theroiu uamod, part of which is intended to bo secured by said mortgage, granted and conveyed unto the said *> TUo Fraukford Odd Fellow*’ Hall Asso ciation,” their successors or assigns, in fro. Together with tho freo use and privilego of tho said contemplated street, 35 feet wide, when opened so far as the samo ia laid upon lauds of the Kstato of tho said Isaac White lock, deceased. DAVID WEBSTER, Auditor. au3l-niivAfsfc IN THE ORPHANS’ COURT OF MONT GOMERY county, August ]Bth, 1557. Notice Is hereby bltou, to all persona interested io the estate of Mary Alderfer, late of the township of Lower Sallord, in said county of Montgomery, deceased, that Abraham, John, and Benjamin Aldet Tor have applied to said Court, by petition, praying for a decree for tho sale of the real estate of said Mary Alderfer, deceased. Tho said Court have flxod WEDNESDAY, the 30th day of September, 1857, at 10 o’clock A. M., at tho Court House, iu Ncirria imui, for all parties interested to appoar and show cause, if any they ha?©, why the prayer of said petitioners should not be granted.* Byorderof the Court. J. B. DAVIS, Clerk of the Orphans’ Court. au2o-diw ociUicmcu 1 s fnrnisljiiig <S?ooi>s, WINCHESTER & SCOTT, GENTLE MEN’S FURNISHING STORE, and PATENT SHOULDER SEAM SHIRT MANUFACTORY, No. 700 CIIKSTNUT Street, above Seventh street, Philadelphia The attention of Southern and Western Merchants, aud Strangers, is particularly invited to this improved cut of Shirt*, tho most perfect fitting article mode. At whole sale and retail, aud made to order. aus-lyif hilts, ffinps, &t, WF. WARBURTON, FASHIONABLE • HATTER, No. 430 CHESTNUT Streot, below Fifth, Philadelphia. nu4-im rp SULLENDEH & PASCAL, UATTBRB, •ul-flul No. 8 8. SIXTH .tree!, Philadelphia. for Sale nub to £ct. T"b"LET^ STAR HOTEL, ITariuony Court. ao3-3l# For sale—two large eagles, and three Watches, for Signs, at 207 Carter street. U 11. TRYDAY, Architectural and Ornamental Carver. nti 31-mtvAf 3t* For sale—a hakd-vaue sign, 1 Padlock, 0 feet high; I Padlock, 22 inches high; lAmil Hroadaxe, Hammer, and Saws, at 207 Carter street. G. IT. TRYDAY, Atchlteclur&l aud Ornamental Carver. au3l-mwA.f3t* TO BUILDERS.—FOR SALE, Carved Front Door Bracket and Mouldiugs, at 207 CAR TER Btreet. GEO. 11. TRYDAY. Architectural and Ornamental Carver. auffl-tmvfOt* JE. & B. SCHELL’S • CITY MARBLE WORKS AND STEAM MANTEL FACTORY. MARBLE HALL, S. E. CORNER OF TENTH AND VINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. Whore every variety of M VRBLE MANTELS, TOMBS, MONUMENTS, TABLE TOPS and FLOORING, can bo supplied upon reasonable terms au24*tuf3uj dftqnn or $&oo book bindery for tn»o\_JU SALE—Soren years established, doing a fair Job busim-rfs, which can bo Increased, both blank and printed jobs Location, 535 Arch streot, below Sixth. Blank books at cost, jobs bound to order, aug IQ-5w TO BE LET —THE HANDSOME THREE Story Brick Dwelling, No. 8 I'OBTICO SQUAItE, ai’RUOK etroet, above Ninth, south elde. Apply to S. .V W. WELSH, Ou2o--wa No. 218 Bouth Delaware Avenue. PRIVATE RESIDENCE IN GLOUCES TER, N. J., FOR BALE, handsomely located aud bhailed—Lot, 75 feet by 140. Price, $3,000. Also, Lota suitabto for manufactories, fronting tho river. Apply to O. ROBB, No. 311 South Fifth street. au26-lm* David m. hogan, blank book Manufacturer, Stationer and Printer, No. 418 WALNUT stroet, botvfoonFourth and Fifth, Philadel phia, ao3-lm Thomas e. baxteii.—hardware, 011TL3SRY AND TOOLS, No. 910 MARKET ST., AtrOTO Nfat)i, fJUtlt *M», fSU«i(elfht«, (til-Os) (fembtimtee for (Office. Foe assembly— JOSHUA T. OWEN, Twenty-second Ward—Sixteenth District, Subject to Democratic rules. *e4-3t* EhTr assembly— : l ~ **• WILLIAM J. ASHE. eBVBMTBEXTU W.IBD, I3TH DISTRICT. _ Subject to DtmotratU Rules, sel-lw# IpOR ASSEMBLY— X JOHN M. WELLS, n-i- Hi.trict-S.coud W»rd. UJ aunj.ct to Domocfattc Holes. au 23-10t* pKOTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT Of TbXi wirt. Subject to tho rule of tb. Democratic party. »ul-tf ■jpOE AMEmBLV— JOSEPH J. KEEFK. U T-®'? 0 " 1 LegUlatlTO DUtcict, BCCOU4 Wut »uMt44° th * “ ec "“ ,!1 of 11,9 iX-u-cntt. Convention. For recorder of deeds. t. b. TOWN, Vouith Want. Subject to Democratic rules. au2Q-4ta% For clerk of quarter sessions —WILUAXI BAFFIN, First Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. au 20-tsep 8* OECOKDER OF DEEDS—ALBERT D. XX BOILCAU, Sixteenth Ward. Bubject to Demo cratic Rules, aug]B-dtsep3* For protiionotary of the dis trict COURT, WM. M. REILLY, of First Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. For assembly—John h. brady, Eighth War I—Seventh Legislative District. Sub ject to Domocratic rules. anlfi-tsepS# PKOTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT.—WM. LOUGHLIN, Second Ward. Sub ject to Democratic rales. auls-Sep7* FOR ASSEMBLY—EDWIN SMITH, NINTH DISTRICT, TWELFTH WARD. Subject tQ Democratic Rules. au!4# FOR ASSEMBLY—Secoud District, PER RAN J COOK, Second Ward. Subject U> Democratic Rules. *ul2-tC* C'lLEinroF QUARTER SESSIONS— J JOSEPH CROCKKTT, Sixteenth Ward. Subject to Dqmoeratic Rales. a u 12-4w* FOR RECORDER OP DEEDS—THOS. J. HEMPHILL, Tenth ward, Vina street, above Eighth. Subject to Democratic rules. aulO-lra* POR ASSEMBLY—THIRD DISTRICT— FRANKLIN MciLYAIN, Subject to Democratic rules. auS-dtspS For coroner—dr. feodore mier- SON, Fifth Ward. Subject to Democratic Rales. auB-lm* For puothonotahy of the dis trict COURT, LEWIS T. MEABS, of Twelf A Ward. Subjoct to Democratic Rules. aug-lm* PKOTHONOTARY OF THE DISTRICT COURT, GEORGE F. MKESEK, Twenty-second Ward Subject to Democratic Rules. au 4-tSeB I}lOR RECORDER OF DEEDS—R. R. . YOUNG, Seventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules an4-lm* FOR CORONER—N. C. REID, M. D. Subject to Democratic Rales. au4lm* OR ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT.— JOSEPH H. DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to decision of the Democratic Convention. aul-sw* I7IOR ASSEMBLY”—THIRD DISTRICT.— 1 DAVID R. McLEAN, Fourth .Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. aul-tse&* FOR RECORDER OF DEEDS— -OHARLE3 M. MILLER, Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, on aul t seB For recorder of deeds—george W. WUNDKR, Thirteenth Ward. Subject to De mocratic Rules. &ul-sw* 1710 R RECORDER OF DEEDS-N. F. WOOD, Thirteenth ward. Subject t© Democrat!, mice. au3-te* C' 'LERK. OF QUARTER SESSIONS.-- GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.- Bubject to Democratic Rules. anltsepB (EdncfUionrti. MISS BOaVNEY and miss dillaye will RE.OPFN their BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL at 1615 CUUSTNUT Street, ouMONDAY, Sep tember 14th. REFERENCES Revs. 11. A. Boardman, D. D , Philadelphia; David Malic, do; C. Wadsworth, D. D., do; M. G. Clark, do; J. Newton Brown, P, D., do; Wm. D. Jacobs, do; Win lUackuood; D. D., do; A. Converse, D. D., do; John Lejburn, D. D., do, James n. Cuthbert, do; Wm. T. Brantley. D. D . do; E. fl. Cheney, do; William Brad ford, New York city, A D. Gillette, D D., do; R. Bab cock, D. D , do; K. Fuller. D D.. Baltimore; George W. Eaton, B D . Hamilton, Now York; G. Kompton, North East, Non* York; Thomas Rambaut, Casstille, Georgia; Howard Mnlcotn, D D.. Lcwisburg. Pennsylvania; John 8. Hart, I*l*. D., Philadelphia; Paul T. Joues, E.«q , do; Col. A. l». Waterman. Jo; Caspar Morris, M. D., do; Robert A. Erell, Esq , Marshall, Texas; John B. Sem ple, K*q , Pittsburgh. Pennsylvania; James Edmunds, K-iq , do. do; George W. Jackson. Esq , do. do; JnhnH. Raymond, LL. D , Brooklyn, New York; Mayson Bray son, Esq., Chicago; Hon. George W. Bradford. Homer, New York; Stephen D. Dilla/e, Esq., New York city; lion. Daniel 8. Dickinson, Binghamton, New York. scp4-1m The west Philadelphia insti tute FOR YOUNG LADIEB—WALNUT Street, south bide, between William and Till streets. This excellent Seminary will open, as usual, on the Ist September. It is delightfully Incited In a situation which combines the advantages of country air and ex ercise with proximity to the city. The health, moral and personal comfort of the boarding pupils are the special care of tho indefatigabio principals, Mr. and Mr*. RffßP, why devote e» err effort lo render the Inrti tuts a home as well as a school, both for boanlcrx and day pupils. The terms are moderate, considering the many advantage* offered, being only per annum for boarding pupils. Tho system of instruction embraces tho whole scope* of mental training, and tho best mas ters hare charge of the various departments of lan gu*s?B' music,drawing, painting, Ac ; tho object being to furnish a really impiud education to the pupil from the commencement to the completion of all studies to which tlu» feonle mind can ayply itself. For further particu lars apply to tho principals, Mr. and Mrs. Rsid, at the abuvo address. Wc cordially recommend tho above Institute to all pa rent* desirous of prov lJinga really sonn<l and good edu cation for their daughter*. Sirs, itsco has hod upwards of seventeen years’ experience,andbersystemof tuition' has been eminently and uniformly successful in forming accomplished pupils. JodHpii K*r\\* West Philadelphia. Rcrca Bicksfi l. M. D., “ A, Oonybhsr, D. D , Philadelphia. Henry W. Woods. West Philadelphia. E. D. Sirsi»Eß3, Professor Saunders’ Institute, W. p. I most heartily coucur in tho above recommendation, and think any parent highly favored to bare a daaghter under Mrs. Ilzxo’e training and instruction. CHS. D. CLEVELAND, ppf3 3t 903 Clinton street. fißl'n’ENDEaN’* PHILADELPHIA COM MKUCIAL COLLEGE. S. E. corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Second and Third Stories. BOOK-KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, ©wyitjlu. COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS. COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES, Ac. Each Student has Individual instruction from eonipe tout and attentive} Teachers, under the Immediate supervision of tho Principal. One of tho Best Penmen in the Country has charge of the Writiug Department. Please cull and sec Specimens and get a Caialoguo of Terms, Ac. se3 Ira HEMAN ALLEN, A. M-, is prepared to receive a limited number of pupils on the Violin, or ou tho Piano, and to play Violiu parts or accompaui ments with advanced pianlsU Apply at tho residence of hi« father. Professor ALLEN, N0.*215 South Seven tcuiith Street. Circulars, with terms and references, at G. ANDRE ,V Co 'a, No. 1104 Chestuut St. sel-lm* ST. MARK* EPISCOPAL ACADEMY— LOCUST Stroet, wort of SIXTEEN ill, will be opened on MONDAY. September 7th, at 9 A M. The Principal will bo in attendance at the Academr dvrring the first week iu September, between 9 A. M and 2P. M ,to receive applications for admission. Circu lars may be had of Mr. HILL, Sextou of St. Mark's Church, or at tho Academv. au29-2w* J. ANDREWS HARRIS, Principal CJCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES,SOUTU ►3 WEST CORNEItOF ARCH AND TENTH STREETS The pupils in thii Imtilution will be inatructed lu all the branches of a thorough English Education, and every facility for the acquirement of kuoirledge provided for them. Tho discipline will be a careful pointing onward and upward. The ichoo\-year Is divided into two terms, of flva months each, commencing first of Ninth 3lonth (Sep tember,) and first of Second slonth (February.) TERMS F»r*t Department, per term of five wonthi $25.00 Socoud “ 20 00 Third “ “ 35 00 Fuel, &e M per term 100 Philadelphia, 1857, REFERENCES Thomas Ivlmber, Saroael Ut'tlJe, Jr., Mariusulako C. Cop#, William bettla, Thomas Wistar, Anthony P Morrii, Joshua 11. Morris, Uriah Hunt, au2S-]m. FOB YOUNG ►3 L\DIKS, (boarding and day pupils ) N W corner ELEVENTH aud (JRLKX btn-wt*. Pifth ecarion will open on September Till. r.*L.reaco jjivtn, in* eluding all present and former patron* auvTO-tf SPRING GARDEN ACADEMY FOR YOUNG MEN \Sl> liOYd, N K. corner EIGHTH and lIUTTON WOOD stieeta. Piofes'orn of the highest qualifications employed. Catalogue* containing full particulars, pupil*’ names, tostuuoniais, Ac, cau bo hail oil application. ntfiW F. PONLEAVY LONG, Principal Hall of st, james the less, PHILADELPHIA. A FAMILY BOARDING SCHOOL FOR BOYS. Her. 11. 11. Sjitbr.K, Rectum. Tho Annual Session will legiu on TUESDAY, Sep. teinborl. Circulars may bo obtained at tho Book Store of H HOOKER, S W. corner EIGHTH and CHESTNUT, or of the Rector, Post Office. Kalla of Schuylkill, Phila delphia aul?-6m MRS. BARTON* 2 * "BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL rOR YOUNG LADIES, No. CHESTNUT St , below Twentieth, will re-open on the SECOND MONDAY in September. aul9-fit>* TVOTIIING SO NEEDFUL TO ENABLE J. i persons, malt# and female, to gain a share ol this world's goods mid comforts n* a BUSINESS EDUCATION LEIDY BROTHERS’ BUSINESS ACADEMY. Nos. 148 and 150 SIXTH Street near RACE, will re-open on MONDAY. SEPTEMBER Ist, for fall and winter Studies, embracing a knowledge of WRITING, BOOK-KEEPING AND ARITHMETIC bv simplified methods, in a short time. ‘THE LEIDY’S taku pleasure iu saying, that during the past vear a larw’o number of persons acquired a BUSINESS EDUCATION, enabling many to secure pro. Stable situations, and others to prosecute their business operations *ucei“*«fuD/- au22-3m. Dancing academy.—naylor & DAUGHTER’S DANCING ACADEMY. TENTH and SOUTH street?, commencing TUESDAY, September 1,1857 Tho subscribers, in offering this prospectus to the dancing community, ropcctfully acknowledge their kindness during past season*, and pledge theinsolres that nothing shall bo wasting on their part to make the coming season surpass in brilliancy that of former years. Mr. N. and Daughter bavo. with untiring exertions, added to their already full list of fashionable dances, wauy new oues, which will bo introduced during the season. DAYS OF TUITION. For Children—Tuesday and Saturday Afternoons from 3 to 5 o’clock ; for Ladies and Gentlemen—Tuesday and Saturday Evenings from 7 till 10 o’clock. au 97-3 m HS. TAKR ,S MANUFACTORY OF e CARVED AND ORNAMENTAL MARBLE WORK, GREEN Street, above SEVENTH, Philadel- aug2P-lw Glenwood cemetery office, no. 249 TfAWfW &<i Mew FIFTH, »u Utf Lewis b. coffin.— THIRD WARD HO M EM°CRX tic HEAD South-east comer FIFTH and GUEEN Streets, *ep3 lmo Philadelphia. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, KOBTH rOOBTH STREET, Abo.i M*ur, PHI LA DELPHI A »uli-tf McKIBBEN A BOSS. PtOntlOTl. CLINTON PLACE HOTEL, BROAD WAY. comer of EIGHTH, street, Hew York. THIS ELEGANT MODERN ESTABLISHMENT If now open for the reception of guests, In the European style. SINGLE ROOMS from 60 cents to $1 per da/. SUITS of ROOMS for Families, from S 3 50 to £lO per da/. Tbs MEALS served at all hours by the CARD, at moderate rates. 0. J. MACL2LLAN /“ bo; and ftTorablf known to the patrons of Jones’ and the United State* Hotel. Philadelphia,”) is associated in the management, im has especial charge of the Catering Department. Beery attention has been paid to make the organisation per fect, and oar friends, patrons, and the travelling jrabiio in general, rosy rest assurred that no effort shall he wasting to make the CLINTON worthy the favor which wo hereby respectfully solicit. aas-lin* CJCOTT HOUSE—Comer of l.win Streel »nit Duqot.o, W»J, Pittabu-gfc. B. D. MiHKfc'R, Proprietor. »bIS-3hi aulT-dUeS* pORT WINE.—In bond and entitled to de- JL bentore 230 euki St. Jo»ph'. Pen Join, Port nice, iq qrs. and eighth*. Ten puueheons John Ramsay IsUr Malt Scotch Whis key, 2 year* old 4 Fifty pipe* Anchor Ola. Mirett, ilirtel, Bouvet, and J. J Dupuy Breadita, all or which I offer to the trade at reduced price* M JOS. F. TOBIAS, au27*3mo* gg and 60 S. Froot 3t., below Walnut EP. MIDDLETON & BRO., XAfPOKT • ERS of BRANDIES, WINES. Ac ; *uo. and sole proprietors of the old WHEAT WUISiIKY. No. 6 North FRONT street aodMm A LEXANDEK V. HOLMES, WINE AND Xl. LIQUOR STORE. No. 229, South** t Comer of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets. *al-lr Cl. LE V7IS, IMPORTER AND DEALER • IN FINK WINES, LIQUORS, CIGARS, fce.,Tfi Sooth FIFTH Street, Philadelphia. anl-ly BRANDIES.— Ptoet, Cast Mon & Co., fiU- TtUkCe., and other brand* of Cognate of venous vintages,in half pipes and quarter casks; Pellevoiain Rochelle Brandies, pale end dark, in halfpipes, quarter casks and out-eighth casks, all Is Custom House (ton*, imported and for sale by . HENRY fiOHLEN & CO., »u 9 Nos. 221 and 20 South Fourth street DITHMAR & BUTZ, POKTEH, ALE AND LAO EH BRER BREWERY, No fc» in.. No. 933) Norti THIRD Str».t, Pbilodelobli.—ahiooinß order, prompllj attended to, *ul lf Sales Sturlion. VSTOLBERT & SCOTtTmJCTIONEBBS. FT 491 CHESTNUT Street, opposite the Custom House, between Fourth and Fifth Streets POSITIVE SALE OF A HIGHLY VALUABLE COL LECTION OF EUROPEAN OIL PAINTINGS, about Two Hundred and Fifty in number, on MONDAY MORN. ING, SEPT. 7th, at 11 o’clock, at the Auction, 431 CHESTNUT ST. We will sell one of the finest Collec tions of Modem European Pictures ever offered in this City, including choice and beautiful Landscapes,Marine and Coast Views, Figure pieces, Interiors, and a great variety or elegant and interesting subjects*, all finUfced in the finest style, being mostly originals by celebrated artists In the Collection wIU also be found a number of exceedingly correct Copies, after the Old Masters, taken from the originals withexquisite care and beasty. All the Pictures hare been framed in rich gold gilt Frames, made Expressly to suit each picture, ami ail being in perfect order, are fit ornaments with which to a lorn the parlor, gallery, or drawing room. The whole of this Superior Collection will be open for all day oa YRIDAY and SATURDAY preceding the Sale, and in the Evening until 10 o’clock, whan the Ladies and Gentlemen are invited to examine them with Cata logues prior to the time of Sale. Parties from a distance can have their pictures peeked on the spot so as to be sent with perfect ra/eir PEREMPTORY SALK OF EMBROIDERIES. SHAWLS AND MILLINERY GOODS. BY CATALOGUE ON A LIBERAL CREDIT. WEDNESDAY NEXT, Commencing at 10 o’clock precisely, we will sell, without reserve, a large and valuable assortment of French and Scotch Embroideries, thawl* && Milliner j goods of redent importation, suited to present sale*; in cluded will be found Cambric. Jaconet, Book and Swiss Collars, Cambric and Jaconet Flouncing* aad Gauntlet Sleeves, Chemesittes aad Habits, Cambric* Book, Jaconet and Swiss Sets, Ladle# and Gents’ lanes Cambric Handkerchiefs BONNET AND TRIMMING RIBBON. Also, Silk Velvet and Poult de Sole Bonnet Ribbons BiIAWLS. Also, Paris printed Cashmere long and square Shawls, Brocbe 1-ng Shawls, plaii wool long Shawls. Also. Ladies patent woven Corsets, hooped Skirts. Also, Thread, Laces, Inserting* And juris**. Nets, silk Blonde*. Also,. 100 carton* French latest style*. The whole will be arranged for examination with Cata logues, early on the morning of sale, when the trade aad purchasers generally will And it to their interest tc at tend. Moses nathans, auctioneer AND COMMISSION MRROSAKY. g R m, SIXTH and RACK Streets. BALB OF SECOND-HAND FURNITURE, At the S. £. comer of SIXTH and RACE Street*. THIS (FRIDAY) MORNING, Sept.4th, At 10 o’clock, eooaUUag in part of—Jessy Lind, high pest, Cottage, aad other bedsteads; dressing bureaus, vuhiUuii, feather beds, mattresses, carpets, spring seat sofas, marble top sideboards, boqust tables, elegant spring east parlor theirs, card tables, centra tebtn Windsor chairs and settees, cherry tables, leapt. Ac. Ac., together with a quantity of seperior second-hand furniture, plush divan parlor tablet, stuffed xitt* h chairs, bedsteads. Ae. Dealers, housekeepers, and others, will And it to their advantage to atteud the «aU GILT FRAME MIRRORS. Tn addition to the sole of Furoitar* on TRZ3 (Friday) MORNING, at IQ o’clock, at the E. E control SlXTUand RACE itiwU. will b# told several hand some oval French Plat* Mi ror* in rich c ilt 010 circular top square French Plate Mirror in riti gilt frame, with handsome bracket; several gilt-mart fo*cy top Mirror*. together with walnat and mahogany frame Looking Giaascs, Ac. NATUA.N d great sold of FORFEITED GOOD 3 will take place in a lew days. Du*» notice will be given. WKUIDS great sale of forfeited Watches, Jewelry, Gnus, Pistole, Mua cal Instruments, dee., will take place shortly Due notice will be given WEBB’S great sale of D.-yOwds, Clothing, Bcdiin*- Ac , beiug forfeited ctjlUn.ralj, will take plac. ahcrtjv Due notice frill be giv.ui \ollx BAYLI6, AUCIiOAEEh—I2-. v ARCH Street, between Third aud e'osrth Streets SALES EVERY iViMNU. st 7 o dotk, Of Boots, Shoes, Hardware, Cutlery, Watches, Jew elry, Hosiery, Whip#, Trunks, Fancy Goode, Notion*. Ac., 4c N. B —Terms of Night Sale#, four months* credit fc* approved city acceptances, for sunu of #lOO end with in terest added from date of sole. aepl-lm G FORGE W. SMITH, AUCTIONEER, N. S. comer of BARRON and SOUTH Street, above Second. EVENING SALES. SALES EVER* OAiUtU-A* EVENING, At o'clock, at the Auction Store, of Bard ware. CufJ lerj, Housekeeping Articlee, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry. Fancy Articles, Ac. CAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER. L 5. El MONEY LOAN OMICS, No. U 1 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Peer it., only eizht doom below the Exchange. Hours of basinets from T o’clock, A. M.« until 10 o’clock iu the evening. Out-door sales, and sales at the Auction House, at tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL #200,000. Establiskui/oT last Thirty Years. Advances made from one dollar to thousands oo Die monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Met chandite, Clothing, Furniture, Bedding, Cigar*. Musical Instruments, Guns, Horses, Carriage*, and Goods of every description. All goods con remain any length of tbs* ofi**d upon. All advances, from on* hundred dollar* and upwards will be charged 2 per cent, per month: #6OO and ovar the lowest market rate. 1 This Store House hiving * depth of 120 feet, hoi larva fire and thief-proof vault* to store all valuable*, and pri vate watchmen for the premises; also, a heavy insu rauce effected for th* benefit of oil persons having roods advanced upon. N. B.—Oa account of having an unlimited capital, this office is prepared to mahe advance* on mere satis factory and aeMniimfldi|n)y terms Uiu ray other is thi* city. Money advanced to the poor. In amounts, with out any charge. „ AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Laver and other Watches. Jewelry, and Clothing will be sold at reduced price*. aul-ly HARRIETT BROWN Revised edition of lyman’s HISTORICAL CHART AND QUESTION BOOK— Containing la a most attractive form the prominent eyPi* „ 0 X the CIVIL, RELIGIOUS, and LITERARY lIIbTOBY of tbs WORLD. It will be found one of tho most compute methods of imparting Historical informa tion. By its use in families, the reading of any work on History will be rendered much more interesting and profitable, and to Teacher* one of the most invaluable aids Retail price #1 50. Just published by MOSS. BROTHER.* CO., (N«w) No. 16 South FOURTH St. Copies aent free of postage on receipt of price. se3^>t J. D. White, M. D , Benj. S. isune-jr, M. D. Robert K. Wright, Thomas D. Smith, Ot-orgo Griscom, William F. Pilfleld, Dai )d Vender* eer, William B. Thomas. PILOT.—IN PRESS AND WILL \J SOON BE PUBLISHED, the following standard Book*, tu: lUunt'i C<iast Pilot. ISth edition: Bow difcV* Navigator,27th edition: Shipmaster’s Assistant 9th edition. * Wo invite attention to oar new Spring Centre Com passes, which answer for either light or heavy weather aud are e«pecially adapted fo? «Warner*, and vessel* where tho motion is couaideroble. They reaair* fewer repairs thin any compass now In ose. Marine Open Glasses of superior quality. Spy Giattec, Aneroid ana Mercurial Barometer*. Thermometers, American, French and English Sextant/, Octanta, Quod r* Azimuth Compasses. Bin&cles, Log Glasses, and all kinds of Nautical Instruments and Books, constantly on hand. Also, Charts of all parts of the world from the Latest and beat authorities Agents for Rogers’ American Code of Signals, Derd's Chronometer* au.l Compass**, and for Abbott’* Horo a.t-tiT, ami an instrument for working ont problems In Nautical Astronomy by simple inspection and with per fect accuracy. They have received the approval ot ex perienced t.hipmsJters, and have been adopted bv the C. S Navy. 5. 4 G. BLUNT. ’ aulS-lm* No. 179 Water Street. HENDEKSON & CO’» great liter AKY FAIR, FIFTH .nd ARCH «tM*U. Ju orucr to gratify the wishes of our numerous pa tron*, and induce the book-buying public to fill up their libraries at the usual low prices, we iuteud to present to w'Ciy purchaser of books to the amount of $1 and up wards,* Gift In value of from 25 cents to #lOO. Call at our establishment, look at our valuable stock, and select loryoarscltes Recollect you are ot baying at chance, for every pur chaser gets his books at the usual price, and very* many will get, in addition, apresent north having. amil-Sm EVANS’ GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, No. 336 CHESTNUT Street. N.B —No connec tion with any ocher h<iu*e iu the City aoI-Xn Girard fire and marine insur ance COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA— Office, No. 302 WALNUT street, west of THIRD. FIRE RISKS ONLY TAKEN.” JXUOYOIg. Wn M Swain, John Anapaeh, Jr., n. N. liurrouglu, J. B. flugbea, T. D. fihermiß, Win. P^fiaeker, I. P-Steldar, * U. K : •,>% JBEII JOXKS, Proliant. Hon. O. W/tfOODWARD, Vice Proliant. Jnu. 8. McMolljs. Secretary. _ Jams B.<AiTP»P. AstiaUnt Secretary. *al-3m T|f ACGREGOR HOT-AIR FURN \CES. 1"X Sold by CHADWICK & BRO., SECOND Btr*et, first door abova Bsca «nrl&-3mos. 'yy'ElrCOMj; RANGE.-SOLD BY CHAU, TT WJW.* Q t K»H,MQQ!IBM. taXMU. hotels onb Restaurants. WIN ANT k CO. tUincs ant* Lianors. SALE POSITIVE, ARTIFICIALS. , Hacks. Jer. W*lk*r, Jdo. MeClur*, Tho. Craves. A. S. Oilfett, Foroao Sheppard, S&ml. Jo&m, it. D,. JoMph KUpp, H. D.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers