'Aug. 1. S3^«®^'®' aS ®®!ss? -.amt extra ■ftt [ $|j,603ffl >78... flß wnßA^§hih*>*=* et fOCIWW pri»>« v«3 app,. while ,]™J™wSu%h9iS»l»» embraced 1,200 buaht-ls “iSnSSsSt»W , ,.S,T(HI ao.>Oaand!au fair old Ehlta n6lt S”«oda,DM do.. Jlihvaukio club, at II ,45.. . roHifewMiW a! % o W M ' t f tt i l4 oloscd,heavy,!while Bales wore caadood !o :10,!4K)»el5jOUO bushels .Western mixed „„ fiQftQucfci-ct'l sV.'Jjiw 4*1.1', \ i i'| . .. •. POR&waa 2Qoe39Obbls.>meBs, sold in reguh«iy M3U Wim 2,ooobblMo., 7 deliverable in 60 day*, seller's option, at $24. WHISKEY.—Some fipQftfOOfbbls. were .sold on the spot at 81#082c., withe-considerable amount to arrive within the same range. \ , , tl ~ _, The pal<fe ;r of -cotton yesterday -embraced about 800 bales, closing firm at 15j$c. for middling uplands, and at 7S%c. for middling New Orleans. :Flour w as Armor with out important change in pricea;. >Araoug the sales 2,000 bbls. Southern were boughtjfor ahipmont-to the Medi terranean!''•'•There was. also a feiirlocal ami Eastern de mand. Choice now white 1 Maryland whert was sold at $1 98, old white Canada, sl’B3, and Milwaukle club at $1 4j. Corn was less buoyant, and sales moderate, at 88c. ® 89c. for sound Western mixed.' Pork was firm, with sales ih fho regular way in lots, at $2425, and 2,000 bbls. were sold, deliverable in 60 dayß. sellers 5 option, at s2l. Beef was better, and good- to extra repacked Western improved aboutufc. per bbl. ■ Por stocks of pork and beef in this market'see another column/ about 870 hhds: sugarwas soldatprices given elsewhere. Coffee was steady, with moderate sales, 1 The.re were rather more freights offering, mhile rateß.were uu changed. To’LirerpoOl 8,000 bushels grain were taken in ship's bags at 3d., and to London 5,000 bushels wheat on private>tertns T and I,OGO tons oil cakes at 14s. NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE SALES, Aug. 1. ; , (f f .FIRST BOARD. lop shs Erie R b6O 34# &0 -, ido b 3 34# . .100 Hud River R 21# •100 Reading R b6O 73# 500 * do , -M0 73# .'6oo'. do >als 73-i ,500 / doi opg 73# ; 200«. ■ do opg:73#. 1400 do opg 78^ 185 Mich Ccn R. 83# i: 50 do 83# j 200 ', do ’ . 1)90,83# .100 MS&NInR 1)30 50# , 160" v do *3O 47 ' 422 do 60# (50#. > ,Bi.i do; i ,, ,&Q# 270; .dp . . c,6o# ; - 350.; • do , *10,49; 100 , do *2O 47 10 do .;50# Panama R 06 SQO Cl & Pitts R s3O 40# ,'SOO' do b6O 40* 250 do S 2 40£- ' ITGoloimiOSia 80 . 20P.01sviTolR 60 oMfcSl»Wiß*o«4ji 100. . .do .6Q84. •160', do ' . 95' 100 do 530,95 100 , do . sl& 95# ,50 do 1100 95 ■ 50 Mit&Missßs a9,'6l>i 50 do 52 "• 200' . "do ' " 52 50 L&CrOR&MR .4 34 ' .'am do l 4 34 50 do bow. U% ' do' ~ , 34£ 125 do „34: 50 " do . 600 34. $6OOO Virginia 0» ‘ 90# 6000 ./-.do j). : 91 8000 Missouri* Cq; c (79# 8000 mint m ,8Q 6000 NY Oen R 65 80# 1000 ,f • do--;- ' •- 86# 6000 £rie R3dMB >BB 87 1000 ErießOvtßs‘62 71 2000 do -70 1000 do CB# 1000 HudliCvtßs, 53. < 2000 111 Cenß'flds 99# 600 dbi -99# 1000 111 Erldßa.Trp' 94 * 86 shs National Bk 110 6 BkN'AnieHcA 106; : 961etropoln,Bk. .108 300 March Bk Scrip .109# 20Pftfk Bank / 102# So AmerEx Bk ill 26 Continental Bklos# 12 Dcl&KudCnl U 9, 25 Penn .Coal Co 87 20 da (,; ;' ;Bo# 60 < ' do 800 87 19 do ",. s6# 200 N YCeuß.s?o..B2# 160 do ’ pic 82# 100 ~ ~do opg 82# 100 dpi,’ hs».',jte . 300 , -,do 690 83# 800 d'o f sOO 82# 25 t ; do opg 83 60 Erie R - bu) 34# 203 k* ‘d0.... . p,.34#. 50 do , *6O 38# 650 ~ : do 830 34 ioo k 30 * . ido, . 34# 200 di», ' 800,*'34# 600 i . do_ m c 34# 300 do‘,„'klo 34# 100 Cht&Rklfil R-83'05# & La Crosse & Mil R 34# 74 . • do* 34# 56 7 do; • ‘ s 3 33# 50111 Oen RR' * 'llB# 300 do b6ollB# bOOClev&Pittaß s3O 40 ,400 Beading R ■ •', *72 ’ 300 . do s 4 '72 ' 50)fS&N Ind R s 3 50 50 ' * do ,b 3 50 -150' ,do 830 46# TOOOTII tterlfiirMßlo2 ! ‘'' 8000 ERR C bds 1862 . 69# 4000 TA&A23m eX Irif 60 - * 65 Penh Goal Co ’ SQ 60 do .. 85# YCenBT pic 83 '‘ do ; ' p&c’Sd#' do opg 83# %)ErieEß „ b2O 34' 100 do 5 * ' - * •34#- 100 do ~l>3o 34# 60 Gal & Chi R • *'9l 96 . 50’ /'do s2O 47 .. At th"e Fim Board,'Reading declined# per cent, j Michigan Central, # ; Michigan Southern, # ; MilwSu-' kio and Mississippi, 1; )ba Crosse and Milwaukie, #. New York oentral advanced # per cent.; Panama, #. While the, flfsh ptock in Michigan'Southern sells at 50# 3oiißyB 'aremade at 47 per cent. ’ ' ' At thq SeC9Bd Board,the market generally was loweri PennsylVa^iuboalCo'mpanydeclincd # percent.*; Erie, # ; La Crosse "and Muwaukie, # : Reading, 1; Michi gan Southern, j#.\Rock Island'advanced # percent., and New York* Centre! #. The shipments of specie to-day. waa nearly nine hun dred thousand dollars. , The Atlantic, .for Liverpool, carried but JSWJftoO^aud' the Yanderhilt, for Havre. $500,000//'/;;., . .. , The cqupops dae August Irt, on all the bonds of the Pittsbuigh'ahd; Steubenville Railroad Compauy, .which had Bee'n disposed of,' were promptly paid at the Nassau Bank on presentation^/ «_•, , The Midjlfetqipn Sep ttjtel announces the failure of tho the Air Lino RaUread’Oompany, and states that Gabriel W. Colter qf MlddTetovnu.aud Henry Button, of New Haven t havd/Wen appointed .trustees.. The. commis sioners op met estate bo appointed on Monday. .. At tHOjSrieeting.of flip of tho Providence*,. Warren'andßristolßailroad, it was voted to issue pre-‘ ferred stock at six percent, to the amount of $160,000. in order mortgage of.fIOOjOOO ana floatingjdeotM.s4o,CiOO,’and add $lO,OOO lo’.the' equip mentoiiherdatL*' *'' ' The reports .to-day as follows: Total receipts. . $293,216.64., Uotal payments,.;, J*. ii .............. 133,260 >62,. Total ba1ance... 1.'.../,*., .* <; MEETING OP THE. UNBRED, OIL/MANUFAO-, TIJRERS.—The GlbßlftoatliJPJjto Current of. Wednesday last says; jv-Aotnebtuig 6f the manufacturers,of Linseed Oil ia Southern Ohio and Western Indiana, was held in this city;hwt?(Ke.eki and after some discussion the meet ing adjourned to meet in Dayton, in this State, last Sa tu rdsy.th $ profits of,the meeting wore more fully discussed and action taken. It is not.j>pr\Jateptionto.giveaj , eport in detail of these meetings, hut barely the important features,' Six teen oil mills Kfire; represented. A resolution was adopted unanimously,} that the rule o£ selling linseed Oil by weight, 48 prescribed, by the law of thisBtate. passed last winter, be adopted by all dealers, so that after the pfsfr''crop;* oil ,is in market, it will he sold .by weight, at the rate of 7Jf lbs to the gallon. It was also agreed,th%Hhd.|}e^Bge>f'iin r which the oil la contained be charged for in all cases henceforward. The rtUp4ift%tfifo}g*?lfKrvod' in-the .loaning otjseed. to farmers were revised. The,mbst • important changes mads are as Callowai. ifa the time ft is taken into story, by itha manuCatU«»ra., and not at tEiojft&by the grower..aa has been the case heretofore. The rule of giving third par ties priviiegpiiTin imaWnprioans-of seed has been abo lished: hpn<se(orwanl the loan shall bo made by the ma-. farmer who rbows it direct, and.,the seed retsrtt&tpihe manufacturer, or; his agent in like manner, .{'tibl' h /CA.iii i • Witlrreforenee to -the present crop -of Flaxseed, the reports ly m&tiafaeturd» /roiuithf various sec;-: tions, beyond p douift } A greater breadth oflanawa* sown tbe .present than in any jt£f v «op more ; fully apd coraplefelyfhantor severalyeow, and based upon these facts the yield least be. thirty cent, greater than in lorioer Reason.., The,quality of the seed is prime and uulfprinly.jio. ’ It was one manufacturer {hat ho. ,ka4 ex amined theories in two or tbrte fieldsin.bis nojghbor ' hood, and found tep#;ed4 In top'boi'ce, , " \ The question of what'tiie price'should bo" was very lengthily discussed,hut 2)9 Eqsalationwjas parsed, though A census qf~ttt were in favor of \ftl-20 'The estimates of,-all th^manufactu-. %en showed-aUutpiiis of seed, above 'their capacity to, '' it is ptobablo, however, that the price of, seed will open rath«w iQghenthaii the'one above pried of Oil andfit is quite as pfobhble'fHat the. highest pfldes'raiidtduring".tbs season;' win'be paid at thecodfficegent;;^; f . Extracto£*-Zfliterdafijdf • ’f'' CyiHDRSAa, 22d July, 1867. Wo inst., and slncd tbenbate notrefeelvod-w# of-your favors;- 1 ' Bin<#- , tW l «te'‘bfbtti#'last, there have beer! ;sonie transactions - Prodoefl, and'the prides Eiid have kbVdGbwer'biSn "those ffrAviously asked. We are heafd*c»Sittefl^MOOO l hhds. Muscovado Molasses, at lira., etad'bfSOO hhda. Clarified' no. at lOrsv < A small parcel-,gtfpdiSfusodvadd Sugar, sold at 12tf t ' Freljftt¥areJjSi!f. charters hayV been st'B4 50 1 ll^ftOroV-Muscov^b. ^ - 'l^,'', Without anylfolng- of interest—io communicate; ■we are, dear siii, ■' v -* * 7 ydufB,d;c, ' 25,'-~ihb Ration markef has prices’ remain, vrithdut. changetKer wedk httbimt'to 680 Ai 12® 15#c; biA - grade 'and iilddllng, 'quality:' ■t ..-.oi&yetM JXoiueki Saving’ F&d—Five Per Cent. Interest—No; tlonal Safety Street; south west corn& <f Tatm> r, PnriiixLniu. ,AssW more Don'iiss, all invested In GaocumlttKTS, and other first d*63 required by }ho char* tor. ite basfnesfl cnweiy 4 to' tbV Veielvlng of raonoy’ on de posit. Any smju large or small;.,l* received; and tl»e. money notice!,*tb‘any amount,. t - ■ m The'office ’ir T dpen erbry*’day'from^ o’clockin|l>Q moralngt,until |j)?cldcl»ju‘ on Monday, and Thursday evenings until 9 o’clock. Teas, Winton'd'^lfluors.—Pare Old Pori and. .Brdt^litigttMA^tsiA'to b& old;s McOong&hela Whiskey of differtqt fiayo.rs, wrth'V largo stock of Teas bought Old Stand, and'lombard 'streets, au 1-34.4-. 'I J> F. »; ikntat c*’ G&geri , Th!«iij^ly^Ji^|in^^{^r't^B;sea§Vjy^oa. affections of the stpmach and bowels are so common ..no "be TVitftouVit,* It is r |h;<^jjner : ,complaints., of and'^preijrihpd.by/tjtem'edjcai’ faculty. See advertisement. ! .:i ,< : * . . Veas alnce/the,tapi*- bardmpmiof British} has been on good jOolongß, *26 dojs) , ”]l<r^eehti' 4 ’Having : a on band ptpvlous ;old prices'. j 4 “ ’* " ' 5 anl-3t 2 \t h sSi.®icodidr>Jlhlrd ami Lombard, i A Great Salatirander Safe vctorjfjpfe '&$l7BOS, is-op? pf the most ,eresttioge&bHahm6ntb lutthe -The; building in W'b6lbufliS in lhth^Btree^ear c Yinej l fKb* South Fourth etreet. Between fifty and sixty men ‘ employe®itftbe virions 'departments b£'the; inaiiu turtog,establishment, Of the, extent, 0/ elr UMlffaij’ of the rk they^M'g/ROWin JisadilrTbeiriWorkioen erenow jaged In constructing large safes forJ the-following' V for the Strausburg 'BAnky'linod' all rough w£R»£hMea iron/weighing Sbopt Bj^DOj^imds; b of &nk •flfiS- for the Bank of Jersey *to banking house In WJtls!«biu4£, sT?n*j s one for a ivate ,banlUng liQase at Norriatyiyn^Pa.: t and oup rge scV^Mfinlfec^lroti, ytfultMot>r&{fciV a 1 how' Ali thesis. ar^'ii.^jiupflied, th Spnjc topic' - lich Ifl equ&i to any other lock now In URe fpr safety.] tl convenience. ‘ Folf to the value of this ,k, can refer to the City and A.} .Newark,BfcQk, Bela-' re? Bank of Fulton, Alabama,/and;?oe & S«rift ? ma, Ala. ..There anTahjo’toV c -' Itiie'faotoiy, in, ‘cess of 'coh'flfructftm,* b6* ‘ |t d6ora for, the 1 Pennsylvania lUP' "stand WjU 1, CutfAßD Btbamebs.— Private advices from Eng fund qro'.to tho ‘effect.thftti tho British govoramont hag'agreed to.guurantoo £3,000 atcrUng per annum in addition'to thV£7,ooo granted, by Newfound' -land for* direct'stoam 'communication 1 between England and St. Johns,* Newfoundland, and as Mr. Canard dbolinos terminating his mail contract for St. Johns .until Its'oxpiratiou in 1863, an arrange ment will probably be made with"the North Atlan ’tio Steam Company to run a stoamer'forfnightly between Liverpool amlSt. Johns. This, with the mail brought by the Cun&rd'stoamers to this port and thenoo forwarded to St. Johns, will give tho Newfoundland people weekly mailsfroiuLivorpool. Tragic Affair at Neversink.— Tho New York Herald of yesterday contains the particulars of a murder committed at Neversink, N- J., early on Saturday. A little after 5, A. M.j a young man named Alfred F.‘Moses, a temporary bar-keeper at the Sea View House, was heard crying murder as he was running in kia. night olothes from tho hall of the third floor of the mriin bpilding, and on the approach of those attracted by the cry',’ ho retreated to his room and his bed, some twenty feet from tho stairway. He was found in his bod with bis throat out and bleeding profusely. The matting on the passage floor was literally covered with blood to the stairway. Upon inquiry, the dying; man said that James P. Donnelly, the book keeper of the house, had killed him; that during the night thoy had been gambling; that deceased had won some fifty-five dollars of’Donnelly, and that the assassination was the result of a desperate molution’on the partof Donnelly to recover the monoy. One of the New York Coronors (Connery) was called in and held an inquisition, assisted by Alderman Wilson, of New York, and a volunteer jury of six. Albert E. Moses, (the dying man,) being duly says—ls —I beliovo I dun about to appear be fore my God, and I know that if I die with n lie staining iny immortal soul that it will bo awful; I therefore charge James P. Donnelly with outting my’throat; .1 won, motley* from him,'and this sad result followed. James P. Donnelly, being examined by a Juror, says-f-I live in Washington oity ; I have been in this house about three weeks and two days; I came hore on tho sixth day of July; I never saw Albert S.-Mqses until Wednesday; wo were playing enrds .last evening; we had*no quarrel; wo parted about or between eleven and twelve o’clock; I was called on this morning 'between'five and six o’clock; I saw Moses" at tho head..of the stairs; wo had no words; ho, was; bleeding; I ran down stairs; I won no money of Moses last night; 1 have won no money from him since he came to the house; I think I told Mr. Truesilale thut deceased was bleeding; I think I-also told Mr. Miller I had a dirk knife a few days ago; I don’fc know whore it is now.” Other witnesses were examined. Moses died while tho inquiry .was proceeding,.and the follow ing- verdict was returned:—“Wp find, from tho testimony given to üb, both by the dying man, who was : n his perfect senses, and, other witnesses, that Albert S. Moses received itiO’ wound in his throat, from which he now lies dead, at the' hands of Jus. P.^ Donnelly, on Saturday morning, August 1, Mr; Connory of New York, had no jurisdiction in No* Jersey, but bis- inquest ” has elicited tho fact, that on Friday evening, Moses had won a considerable amonhtfrom Donnelly in gamb ling, and had his throat cut, and’ tho monoy taken away the faoxt morning at day-break. Tho Herald says, that-Moses, when asked by ono of the porsons attracted to his room by his cries aud. groanß, of tho oireuuiefcanoes 'of this bloody affair, ho replied, that the first intimation ho had of the presonoo of his murderer, was the fatal blow 'at nis throat, which startled him in pain and terror from bis sleep'; that be instantly sprang up in his bed and, said, (for, it was daylight,) that Donnelly was tho man.—-that Donnelly fled—that his victim pursued him down tho passage, crying murder; that-the fifty or fifty-five dollars whioh deceased, during the night had won of somobody at oards, was not tho money of Donnelly; but the money of tho house, or of a guest or guests of the house, of which, as'bookkeeper, bo was the custodian; that Donnelly was searching for his money about- tho bed when Moses mudo a stir; when, from' the desperate excitement of the mo ment, Donnelly stabbed him in tbo ncok; that thereupon, frightened with ,tho instant conviction of bis terrible crime, ho instantly fled to make such efforts,to cover it up as tho exigenoy of tho ease would allow. Perhaps hod Moses deposited his money between the bods he ocoupiod, his life would not have paid the.forfeit, but he had taken tho precaution to put themoneybctwcon tho mattresses of abed in an adjoining room, not occupied by any ono, but hav ing a communicating door with nis own room. Un able to find tho money, tho presumption Is, that Donnelly’s mind was wrought up to a-state of frenzy, and benco the murder. Tne 1 deceased, us 1)0 Jay upon his' bed, the l&st of big blood slowly poring from the wound, in his throat, told a friend presepf'lvherp tofifidtho money—it was according ly produced, and- found to. consist of threo parcels in ft handkerchief—one parcel thirty-five dollars in gold, and fn'bank bills; another parcel •of about twelVo dollars in small ohango, (bar money,) and tho thlrd parcol aToli of smaHlmls, the whole amounting to nearly nirtety-two dollars. The de ceased requested, tho,-sixty-one ono dollars of the first parcel to be sent, to ft lady in 151’ Locust street, .Philadelphia, and said * that tho othor monoy was not, bis own, meaning, perhaps, that it was the money of _ tho bar. < ” --The coolness and self'po3scaion of thp dying man in his last agonies were very He per sisted to the lastthat Donnelly had killedhim; and when tho latter stepped forward to assist tho-Doc* tor in something about the wounded man’s throat, deceased said, ‘ ‘ Keep that man away; don’t let him come near me.”- 1 • , • • - When exhausted from the immense outpouring of blood from his throat in the ball, complained of tho pain find cold in his Jogs as far greater than the pain . of his ten ible wound, and, called fpr something to wftrm his chilled extremities. He also callod for water, but it passed outof the gash ih his throat, the the trachea opened by that single dekpernto and ugly stab. v ‘- ■ i 1 Upon the strength of the testimony before the Coroner, an examination was made of tbo water closets of the back yard, and ft lot of bunk bills, torn f to pieces, wero fished, up from the sink. Thismoney ; consisted of one one hundred! dollar bill and a* number of small bills, the whole amounting, weuh- Aerstand, to about one hundred and sixty dollars. The key of the sqfe could not be found; Donnelly could give no acoouUt of. it; land the dirk knife of -which be tfus known to be possessed, and with whioh it is believed ho committed tho murder, was proba-. bly thrown into the river. ! Donnelly appears to bo some twenty-five or twenty-eight years of age—is a small man—very pale, very excitable and impulsive. Yet be bore himself voty woll under trying cir cumstances ,of his situation. Ho was neither sto lidly indifferent, nor abject or weakly confused, but ceeined .to -feol *at: onc& ft becoming regret for the catastrophe, and tho necessity of keeping awake all’ his faculties in his own defence. Moses appears to have been of nearly the eame ago/ and ! has/wo un . derstand, led a rambling and irregular life, though ; ndt regarded as a'bolligercnt or quarrelsome char 'actor. • i , : ‘ ’ , Ocean. Stkaitkrs.—-Tho' steamships Atlantic, Vanderbilt and Jfammonia, sailed from New York ‘ oji Saturdayjor Liverpool, Southampton and Ham , burg, respectively. The Atlantic loft the dock at noon prooisely.. As .sho passed the berth of tho ..Vanderbilt,•‘that steamship ;gqt .undor Way,., and both-vessels proceeded down the hay, amid tho cheers of a large concourso of .spectators,-who 'browded the niors on bo.th shores of tho river. Tho ; starfcVas d (hironc. 1 arb pend* . fug upon the' speed of these’magnificent steam . .ships. ’ Tho ‘Atlantic took out fifty-map passengers and $364,405 in treasure! The Vanderbilt carried - otit one hundred andsixty-two passengers. Tho | ■ Hammonia sailed at, threo o’clock, with fifty-six '-j cabin and fifty-five steerage passengers. l - j / -lilarricb. ■ :At:CoVingtpn,i?tt.,fln Thursday evening, July 16th, : 1857,by the Rcv.S.J. McCullough, HENRY K. KEENE, of Philadelphia, to KATE LGUESE, daughter of Uon. •Edwin .Dyer. .* •’ •, ! : f_, (‘' :. ■;. •# . At New York .July 30th, by the Key. Win. P. Corbit, Mr. JOHN■ J|/ PEARSALL to Mins JENNY W. FAR QUHAR, all of that city. * .At the Church on the Heights, Brooklyn, Long Island, •July 80tb, by the Rev. D.Quackenbush, My. P. T. TEN EYCK to MARTHA J., daughter of the late Rev. Thos. Cochtan. - L t ,. . * , On’the Ist lust., J OSEEHINE, McGOYEBN, daughter, of Edward and Catharine McGovern, aged 11 yearaaod H xdpjfo' 'i, . * .. . • 1 Therelativeg and friends of the family are respect* ; fully Invited to. attend tjio funeral, from the residence of her parents, Market street, west of Ninth, this (Mon* day) morning, pt 9 o’clock, without further notice. # l On the Ist inst., B. FRANKLIN GASKILL, in the 23th year of hlaage. . .Ilia friend* and those of tho family are 'respect fully[invited to attend his funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 207 Carpenter street, above Jefferson avenue, this (Monday) afternoon, 3d inst.,' at 8 o'clock. To pro* ceeU to Mount Moriah Cemetery.. . 1 * *±bn the Slat July/EMILIE 8. trifo of Hon. James •Campbell. ' ' > The male friends of tho family are invited to attend her funeral, Without further notice, from the 'residence >of her husbandyNo. 49 South Sixth street, below Wal nut, this (Monday) afternoon/ 3d fhst., at 4 o'clock. * ' ; 'On'the 31st utt./CATHARINE, widow of Thomas McDonough, fn the 69th year of her age. Thp the family oro respectfully invited to attend hhr'funeral, from the resldeneo -of her, son, Patrick McDonough, Sixth street, near Fitzwater, on Tuesday,morning,nth instant, at 9 o’clock,' without fur ther notice. 1 -,' T<j proceed to St, Mary’s. Cemetery." * , Vdnl thp.'Sdlh, TtIt.V‘&KjLINX li. CtJRUiV/ only daughter of'Mrs. Catharine Curleyi in the 20th year of henaj{t\- and California papers please copy.] • The relatives and friends of the family ure respect fully invited to attend the funeral, from the residence of be'ranother, S.>W. corjjcc Fourth arid Monroe streots, (iateiPlum street,) this (Monday) morning at 8 ojclock, withdut further m?tfce.- To .proceed to Bt. Michael's Cemetery. * ’ 'H'eeklV repo: Interments in City oi the 31 ! * fe i:: ~ & 1 DISEASES. O S DISKABUB. £, p. "" ’ f § . ?g. ■ . .v j ~ Apoplexy 3 ’ Elfusion on Brain. 1 3 8urn5...*,......2 Erysipelas * 1 Coupde 501 id.... ,1,1 Knlargui’toflleaTt 1 ■*Cancor 1 • Fever, Bilious.... J I Casualties..‘ '2 3 *• 1 Gastric } I Cramps ~1 <“ Scarlet.... 1 3, Croup. |’4 “ Typh'old.... 3 lj Cong lion of Lung* 1 3 Inflammation 1 . ' Brain ‘ 2 “ Brain... 1 7 1 Childbed 1 “ Bronchi. 1 Cholera Infantum. . "4 “ , , Bowels,. 4 3 ‘Oholiitt. 1•' “ Lungs... 3 4 Carbuncle l “ - Perito'm 2{ 'Consjtidii'of Lungs • 23 ■ 9 Inanition • 1 Convulsions....... i 22 Injuries.*...l Cirrh05i5,..,,..,.. i Mania-a-P0tu.,.... 4 DiarrhoeaV. A ,2 /8 Marasmus. 1 ..■ 39 Dropfry 4* Old-Age 1 i “ ! .Brain / Palsy'?f.. 1 1 “ j Chest .1 Rheumatism,...*. .1 “ * Heart 1 Scrofula. 2 Disease of Brain,'. 1;3 f 2Q , 3 , [Softening of Brain 1 i ** Bungs r - #J . 1 Tabus jfescntcrica 3 Liter.'... 3 Teething 2 , u :,Splne....i 1 Turaom v ,,1 . Browned 1 1 Unknown 2 4 By wsfetery........ 1 7 • •BebiUty | 14 ST 227 ‘ . } OV THE ABOVE THERE WERE ?TJild ey 1 year...... t ’* .147 Prom 40 to 60 17 Frffnf Ito 246 “ |>o to 60 12 “ 6.V. 21 60 to 70 it.. 9 • *“ ; 5t010.,.,...... 4 70to80. 4 « >lO to 16 0 ;80 to 90../ ,2 :16t020 ..,10, < ,9010 100,.. .»%.»> 0 !<•' UotoSo i a ■ ■ (30t040 il *oto|. 314 , - i«7 >1 'Tot*. *••»•»> Male*,l7o; Females,l44; Boj*/125j Girls, 101. } fer* tke.'Alra*Ho'Dße ) 13;JPeopto of Color, 6j 1 t.J» °M4.<iK SjeliiiiWi ■ „» I Vk-.lQm N. X>iliieON,Uo»ttb^isc NEW YORK. NEWS. Pwtljs. „. > fRT OP; INTERMENTS. Health Office. July 31,1857. ' Philadnlphia from the 24 tk to yt.o/,/w1y,1857. / PAILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE. Israel Morris, . ) Joseph 0. Grubb, > Committee of the Month. John Welsh, ) LETTER BAGS At the Merchants' Exchange, Philadelphia. Ship Philadelphia. Poole, Liverpool, Aug. 15. Barque Achilles, opedden,.... .London, Aug. 1. Barque David Lapsley, Bishop Matanzus, soon. Brig Eureka, Daly, ..Cardenas, soon Brig Black Squall, Bryant, Havana, soon. BrlgP. FaharS, Burns,.,, St. Jagodo Cuba, soon. iilariue 3utd%cuce. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA, August 3, 1857 BUR RISES 68 1 SUN SETS. HIGH WATER ARRIVED, Steamship Boston, Sellew, 24 hours from New York, via Cape May, with mdze. and passengers, to J. Allder dtef. At *9 o'clock this morning, off the Brandywine, pasned the ship Saranak, for Liverpool, in tow of steam tug America. Off Delaware City, passed one barque and three berm, brigs, upward bound. Steamship Citv of New York,‘Matthews, 48 hours from Boston, with wdzo. aud passengers tolL Winsor Steamship Kennebec, Hand, 24 hours from Now York, via Oapo May, with mdze. and passengers, to Jas. All dordice. Ship Euphrata, Lanfair, 60 days iroin Leghorn, with marble, rags, Ac., to Y. A.Sartor!. July 18. lat. 39 54, long 50 20, spoke ship Luconla, (of Now York*,) from New Orleans for Cork, 28 days out. Barque Isaac P,. Davis, Hand, 10 days from Now Or leans. .with indze. to Pettit. Martin A Co. Barque Grand Turk, Donver, 4 days from New York, in ballast to C. A. Hecksber &■ Co. Brig Orison Adams, York, 3 days from New York, in ballast to captain. Schr. Farm, Jeffer, 8 days from Boston, with old iron to captain. Schr. George C. Gibbs, Gibbs, 14 days from New Bed ford, With oil, Ac., to Shober, Bunting A* Co. Schr. 11. Blackman, Bhermati, from Salem. Schr. C. C. Sadler, Sipple, from Norwich. ' Schr. Star, Taylor. 8 days from Providence, with mdze. to John M. Kennedy & Co. Schr. Victory, Chambers, 2 days from Lewes, Del., with wheat to Bowley, Wilson & Co. Schr. Mary. Rickards, 2 days from Camden, Del., with wheat to Bow ley, Wilson & Co. Bchr. James w. Early, Sipple, 1 day from Frederica, Del., with wheat to Jas. Barratt A Son. CLEARED, Steamship Palmetto, Baker, Boston, H. Winsor. Steamship Delaware, Copes, New York, J. AUderdice. Ship Mohongo, McDevltt, St. John, N. 8., R. Taylor A Co. Barque Laconia, Benrsc, Boston, D. Cooper. Barque Graud Turk, Doliver, Salem, 0. A. Ilecksher A Co. Brig Roconockot, Teaguo, Salem, Cain, Hacker & Co, Brig Orison Adams, York, Portland, Van Dusen, Nor ton & Co. Brig Thomas Conner, Gooding, Boston, L. Audenreid & Co. Bchr. Henrietta, Winchenback, Boston, Van Dusen, Norton lc Co., , Schr. Polly Price, Price, Boston, do Schr. H. Blockman, Sherman, Great Egg Harbor, J. It. White. . . Schr. Riug Doqe, Donobo,Alexandria, T. Webster, Jr. Schr George W. Krebs,Emprsoo, Baltimore, do. Schr. Indiana, James, »icbjmoud,Bl&kigton,CoXic Co. Schr. Emeline Chester, Brown, Providence, do. ’* S6hr. Isabella, Adams, Washington, Hayes, Smith & 00. Schr. Martina, Barason, Petersburg, Va., do, Schr. J. W. Linsey, Crowell, Salem, Mass., do. Schr. Alfred Day, Creekmove, Norfolk, Va., do. Schr. E. Pharo, Rutter, Providence, do. Sfihr. Eloulse, Thatcher, Boston. N. Sturtevant & Co. Schr. A. Townsend, Townsend, Boston, do. . Schr. C. 0. Sadler, Sipple, New Haven, Davis, Pier sou Sc. Co., Schr. Saco, Facemire, Richmond, Va., L. Rothorinel & Co. Schr. L. Clark, Soey, Hii/rham.C. A. Hecksber Sc Co. Schr, S. Bright, Noblo, Saltm, Bancroft, Lewis Sc Co. Schr. 8. Godfrey, Wiliams, Providence, J. R. Whito. Schr. A. Heaton, Ryan, New Haven, Brown & White. Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. Lewks, Del., July 31—8 A.M • The ship Chaos, for Brunswick, Oft.; burques Mary JL Kendall, for Mobile ; Edmund Dwight, for Boston; eight brigs and same twenty schooners still remain in harbor; A few light schooners have gene up this morning.— Wind E, N.E. Weather cloudy Yours, See., _ WM. M. HICKMAN.' Correspondence of The Press. IlavßE Dr Griou, Aug. 1. , Sixteen boats left hero this morning, laden and con signed as folloVrs' 0. Fallon, lumber to Young A; Woolvorton. Samuel Hepburn, lumber to.Malono & Taylor. J. Daily & Son, and Thomas Craig, lumber to J. B. Daily Sc Son. • Sarah Jane, lumber to Schuylkill. Margarctta, anthracite coal to Morris Sc Murray. C. Dougherty, anthracite coal to New York. Fcronia, J. G. Sterling, Pennington Sc Raymond, Fred Coder, Amelia, Margaret Jane, P. W. Burg, and Eliza Louisa, anthracite coal to Delaware City. Thomas Hunt, lime to Frenchtown. [BY TELEGRAPH.] Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. CAPE ISLAND, Aug. I.—s# A. M. The Steamer Augusta, before reported ashore off this pldco, was got off this afternoon and will be towed up. BKCONU HKBPATCU Aug. 2d. 4 P. M.—The ship Saranak, for Liverpool, in company with a barque, name not ascertained, wont to sea thiß morning. Wlnd,N. W.. and weather verv warm. ■ Yours, Sco. , ’ THOS.B. HUGHES. i Correspondence of the Philadelphia Exchange. LEWES, Del., Aug.—B A. M. .The barque E. W. Dwight for Boston; gchrs. North ampton, Perseverance, Pacific, Albion, Jos. Fifield, Champion, J. G. Dougherty, Mary O. Jones. W. 11. Gatzuier, Z. It. Mather, Geo. Washington, and Thos. Wallace, have just left the harbor. Bhip Chaoß, barques White Wing, and Mary 11. Kendall, are the only vckaolr remaining. One ship, four brigs, and some fifteen Schooners, passed ip yesterday. Wind light and nearly calm. Yours, Ac. MEMORANDA. i Ship Helen sfcGaw, Tucker, for New York, cleared at Stockholm Oth.ult.. .Ship, Win. Cummings Johns, at Liverpool 17th ult., loading for Philadelphia. - hence June -11th, entered imfard at Loudon 15th ult. •Brigs J.iNiokcnjon ami Beatrice, cleared.aj Boston 31st qit.. for Philadelphia. Sclif. A. M.Kldridge, Williams, cleared at Salem 30th ult., (or Philadelphia. Schr. Cicero, Yales, cleared ot Providence 31st ult., for Philadelphia, Sch, Qlass Blower, cleared at Provincetowu 28th ult., for Philadelphia. Schr. J. N. Baker. Leo. for Philadelphia, went to sea from Charleston 30th ult. Schr. Wm. S. Treasdale. hence at Washington, D. 0., 31st ult. Schr. J. M. Ford, Tupper, for Bristol, arrived ot New port 30th ult. , Schr. Transport, Tilton, cleared at Fall River, for Philadelphia, 30th ult. Schr. Jno. Beatty arrived at Dlghtou 28th ult., from Philadelphia. Schr. 11. Mason, Mapes, and Albert Field, Phillips, arrived at Taunton 28th ult., from Philadelphia. Shr. Ossuna, Torrey, for Philadelphia, galled from Warchatu 28th ult. - Schr. E. W. Perry, Sampson, arrivod at Nantucket 99th ult., from Philadelphia. Schr. Francis, Sprague, cleared at New Bedford 30th ult., for Philadelphia. Schr. (Stm.) Josephino, Grumley. arrived at Hartford 81st ult., for Philadelphia. Schr. SI. J. Caritou. Shaller, arrived at Hartford 31»t ult., for Philadelphia. Schr. Smith I)., Bellows, Clark, cleared at Hartford 31st ult., for Philadelphia. List of Arrivals at the Principal Hotels< MERCHANTS HOTEL.—Fourth street, above Market. P. 11. Flanegan,S.Carolina. L. N. Hopkins s Raltimore, J. F. Frank, Memphis. Jos.Buckol, LoulsyiUo. Z. T. Mellum, Maryland. J.'A. Brackenridge, Texas. ‘John Gordon, Indiana. W.lf.Bennett, New York. B.F. Little, lowa. Geo. Mr Jones, N. Carolina Johh B. Hart, Philadelphia Geo. P. Shilling, Penn. W. A. Geddis, Pittsburgh. L. Powers, Nashville, Ten. Thos. A. M&gulre, Venua. D. W. Anderson, Ohio J. Woodruff Sc la., Galena. M. Delanr, Washington. J. A. Bishop, Galena. N. 0. Williams. Chicago. Thos. Foster, Galena. H. 11. McGee. Tennessee. John 8. Black, Phila. W.D. Mims, Arkansas. Wm. 11. Fitch, Madison. Henry GodJey, Phila. Mr. napkins Sc la., Phila. J.W. Olajk, do. R.J. Templeton &wl., 111. 8. R. Hanccil. do. Mrs. Jeans Sc son,Pittsb’h. It. T. Bla;k, do. MissSeabur. Salem, N. C. Jas. Smith, do. J.W. Emmet, Utah. G. G&rro Awf., Cincinnati, W. T, Richards, Georgia A. Brabrook, Taunton. E. J Williams, Phila' I)anl. Welch, Farrandsvlle. 1 8. 11. Spencer. Charleston. Major Cunningham, N. Y.. E. T. De Marbais, Balt. A. Pitman. Warren, Va. g. T. Barstow, Pa. R. G. Smithors, Maas . GIRARD HOUSE—Chesnut street, below Ninth. 8. J. Bingham, Indiana. J. P. Grove, Danville. J. G. Harrington, N. 0. Rodman Benson. Brooklyn. C. D.’Thompson, Va. R. W. Chalk, Va. 8. L. Moses; St. Louis. T. D. Winchester, Oregon. W. A. Glass, Ky, C. C. Bowles Sc lady, Ky. ‘Sami. G. Jones, Alabama. N. S» Greenfield, Bt, Louis. W. It. Preßton, Indiana. J Armstrong Sc son, Balt. John A. Grace, Va. 8. 11. Gray tc lady, N. Y. ChHs. G. Conkling, N. Y. Chas. Eckert, Reading. Dr. Thornton and lady; Ky. Miss Eckert, do. 0. Wi Cordle, Ala. E. Banksmith, N. Orleans. Miss Cordle, do. T. Galo Sc lady, Memphis. David Moore, do. James Stewart, Scotland. J. B. Cameron, Balt. nugh Hamilton, England. J. S. Bmirall Sc lady, Md. John B. Morris, N. Y. James Monteith, N. Y. Wm. Kerr. Harrisburg. Geo. 0. Do Costa, Phiiada. Miss Kerr, do. j.Leedom,' do. Dr. E. L. Orth, do. Col. 0. 0. Myers, S. 0. Mlbh Orth, do. W. Bennett at 2 daughters, W. K. Alricks, do. "St. Louis. Jos. P. Pennell. N. Y. W. Perpignan, St- Louis. W. Mitchell, Md. C. J. Du Pontijr., Del. John Mitchell, Md. 0 R. Tyler & lady, Ky. J. 8. Barret, Louisville. Miw It. Murray, Ky. , If. C, Trigg, do. B.Davis 4. lady. Cincinnati. E. R. Pichler, Boston. Miss Sarah Davis, do. Thou. J. Homer, N. Y. N. H. Davis, do. ,G. H. Uarbutt.' do. H.ll.Alleu, Jackson, Miss. Win Tipman, N. Jersey. F. W, Hulings, Louisiana. Henry Bceckman, N. Y. 'Geo. Wyman, Vicksburg ‘ P. W. Herbert, Texas. Jas. Taylor and lady, Cln- Mrs.M. B. Kinney, Texas. cinnati, O. Miss Herbert, “ Mrs. Jon. Tuylori GiriJO. W. B. Dobbin, Baltimore. Miss J. A. whitehead, Ga. J. B. Starr, N. Carolina. Missß. B. Whitehead, Ga. C F Klein, Cal. Mrs. Neoly and chi’dn, u W. D. Broe, Mexico. T. W. Neely, Ga. A. 11. JoneH, S. Francisco: Louis A. liinmanand wife, J. A. Poor, Portland. Baltimore. - ’ E. C. Hewett, Worcester, Wm. A. Tutt, Augusta. Mass. Wm.C. Sibley. ,“■ MrSftUerthwait«4ly,NY. J.B. Platt, ' “ ' Miss IJleecker, NY. Wm. H. Carroll, Balt. J. McCartney, Kittanning. Miss M. Wallace, Ky. J. T. Smith, Paris. Teun. Miss 8. Pope, 55 Miss Fanny Smith, “ A. W. Adams, New York. Mrs. G. 8. Vandyck, “ 11. A. Cook Sc wlfo,iUtlca,' R. A. Harbrook, Matagor- N. Y. da, Texas. J. Sbilito, Cincinnati, 0. H. 8. Harbrook, “ W. C. France, Baltimore. J. 11. Hammond, Balt. • James M. Taylor, Waver- B. Z. Straclian, New York, ly, Mo. , N. 0. Williams, Chicago. M. G. Askew, Ala.' J - ■' 1 W. L. Bcbaffer, jr., Phila. J. C. Cornell, Wash’ngton. A. Brastart, Waterbury, N. James F. West, Ricamond, . -Y. - Va. " Eugene nigglns, Balt. Wm. Matthews, Maryland. J. W. Duncan, Pittsburgh. W. 8. Lance, Charleston, A. Monheliuor,N.Orleans S. C. J. R. Boyd, Now York- W. It. Lee, Boston. John J. Boyd, jr., “ Thos. C: Fearn & ly, Miss. L. Lamb, Pittsburgh. Miss Lewis, “ 11. 0. Ashtey, Ark. C. A. Harris A, lajly, 55 J. F. Taylor, Mp. N. S Renban A daughter, James B. Qardenheira, Jef iMis*. ‘ for/»on City, Mo. t. Chapman. N. C. W. Pope A lady, Ky. 11, Arnold, New York, A. J. Springes, Mlsas., Mr. James, Albany, Miss Mitchell, ■ “ W. F. Wells & ly, N; 0., F. F. Chambers, < “ Jr J. May, Washington,- IsaaoCosle. Jr. Baltimore, E. Jarvis, Toronto, Ca., Jas. 11. Easter, “ Mr. Vinre, N. Y.,• C. W. McCoy, . ' 11. T, Simon, St. Louis, W. Reiman, Mississippi, J. D.'Guyer, N. J.« - L. Sanders, New York, ,W, L. Calberwood, 8. L., N. HUlyer, “ A.;G, Smith, Miss., ■ (7. E. Morse, . « Vf. R.Brennrd A ly., Weßt L. Forbes, St. Louis, Port, .Maine, A'. Banfora. Now York, Miss E. 8. Bernard, “ John Buckingham, Miss., Mias F. C. Bernard, “ W» H. Brown. Meadville, J. B. McDonald, Bt. Louis, A. Robinson, New York, F. 8 Wood, Buffalo, ' W. Robinson, “ Mrs. W. B Prince, and 3 Jas. Forester, ,{ children, Mississippi, Louts Btox, Cincinnati, 0., Mlbs McLeod, u Geo. 0. Mulford, “ ! Geo, Lenford, Cincinnati, Ohio. STATES UNlON.—Market Street aWe Sixth. J, B. Wilson, Balt., G. W. Warne A ly., N. Y. B. N. Laningj Phila., W. W Bell. Franklin Co., Wm. 8. Baird, do. R. M. Harkins, Cumberl’d G. W. Huun&gle, Ndw Co., Hope, Pa.* G.HxKUgore, Port Wash., B. McDonald, Pottavillo, A. H. Chase, Lancaster, H. L Amer, N. Y„ W. Yerkes, Chester Co. S‘ *£ e “ nl ?SitH*rriBb’g., E. Ventry,'Boston, Mass. ( ftaii S- E./OBttlngs, do, Geo, Z, Bent*, Columbia; THE PRESS.—PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, , AUGUST ,3,. 185,7.. AMERICAN HOUSE, Chesnut street, above Fifth, N. Fcgly, M. Chunk, Pa. James B. Phillips, Balt. Wm, Snodgrass, Va. Geo M. Darlington, “ John Bowman, “ A M. Canblanil, Altoona Mrs. Briufcon and daughter, Henry Ebersol, “ IV. Chester Pa. B.F. Cudter, “ It S. Johnson, Pa. H. M. Toung & ly, Pittsb F.Jo'nnnson. “ Laac Vv ortlndyke, N.Y. O. Charleson, Boston. John Brown A. lady, u Joa. Yard. Trenton, N.J. JP: Witderming, “ Wm.B Mount, N J J IV< Reldmau, N. J. Henry Moriord. N.Y. ML* Reidman. “ W.B.WeUensA ly,Nfk,Va. Jaiuos B. Smith, N.) . Chas Uufuß, Texas M. B. Ilildcrbrant. A, B. W. Shepherd & Son. Balt. George Holt. ‘ Edw D. DavtouAly, “ Peter Brcdeutimlt, Philad: Henry Lory'lS. V. Miss Alice Sm.w, N.Y. MOUNT VERNON HOTEL— Second street, above Arch. B. Pike, New York. 1). K. Ritter, Ollrton co. John Ilardv A lady, N. Y. R. M. Dunlap, P«. H. 8. Soil, Wilkesb., Pn. A. Weaver, D.C SA. Mason, Allege,N.Y. G.Kulp, do. Sam’l Morot, Pa. Win. D. Biglor. Clearfield. A. S. Paxson A lady, Pa. P. Augustus, Pa. Win. Carr, Doylestown, Pa. Ueo. Lougshoie, Blair co. M. Jackson, Harrisburg 1 Kdw. P. Moyer A vvife,S 0. Oliver Conklin, 111. Dr. Page. Levvislmrg, Po. UNION HOTEL—Arch Street, below Fourth. R Wallace. Cincinnati, 0. L. C. Goodwin, Ga L. W. Brodhcart, Del. John S. Shannon and lady, Thos. Ilalcomh, Baltimore. Kansas City. John R. Deihm, Pottsville S. Franklin, Richland, Ark. Joa. Snell. “ Jus. F. RobiusOn and lady, N. C. Bui t and wife. Balt. Columbia. Ark. E. Wiemanfi, New Orleans. 11. 0. Robiuson, Ilunthig- E. Shepard A ldy, lowa 0. don. Pa. Wm. D. Gallagher, Cin ,O. Miss C. Robinson', “ Mrs. J. D. Doughty A lady, Jos. Filler, Miuersville, Pa. Cincinnati, Ohio. \V. M. Lee. Reading. h. J. Barclay, Ohio. B. B. Smith, Tamaqua, Pa. J. W. Waggoner, Ohio. 1 W. M. Woods. Tcnu. W. Dutzell, New York'. Moses Geisenborger, Lau- Mrs.C. F. Goodwin, Ga. caster, Pa. J. M. Power. Johnstown. J Schiniroel, Milford, Pa. G. W. Maurer, Philad. L, R. Barton, Philad. The new books of the season, PUBLISHED BY HARPER A BROTHERS, 327 to 33<*> PEARL Street. (Franklin Square ) MARRIED f>R SINGLE? By Miss Cvtiiariuß M. Sedgwick, Author of “Hope Leslie.” “TlieLln woods,” “Menus nnd Ends.” “Lheand Lot Live,” Ae Ac. 2 vnls 12mo. Muslin, sl,7*> VIRGINIA ILLUSTRATED: containing ft Visit to tin* Virginia Canaan, and the Adventures of Porte Ci.iyon /md his Cousins. Illustrated from Drawings by Porte Crayon. Bvo, Muslin. $2.50) Half Calf antique, s3..*>o; Half Calf, extra, gilt, $4.00. THE ATHELINGB; or, the Three Gifts. By Mrs. Oupuant, Author of “The Days of My Life,” “Katie Stewart.” “The Quiet Heart,” Ac. Bvo, Paper, 50 cents. THE PROFESSOR. By Cuiuikr Beu. (Charlotte Bronto.) 12mo. Paper GO cents; Musliu, 75 cents. THE ROMANY RYE. A Sequel to “Lavengro.” By Gkurok Borrow. Bvo, Paper, 50 cents. TENT LIFE IN THE HOLY LAND. Bv William C. Prime. Author of “ The Old llouso by the Rivet,” and “Later Years.” Illustrations. 12mo, Muslin, $1 25. BOAT LIFE IN EGYPT AND NUBIA. By Wil li in C. Prime. Author of “The Old House by the River,” and “ Latci Years.” Illustrations. 32m0. Muslin, $125. LEONORO D’ORCO A Novel. By G. P. R. James, Esq., Author of “ The Old Dominion,” “ Ticondcrogu,” “ Agnes Soiel,” “A Life of Vicissitudes.” Ac., Ac. Bvo. Paper. 50 cents. THE FORTUNES OF GLENCORE. A Novel. By Cnvni.ns Lv.vf.w. Bvo, Paper, 50 cents. NOTHING NEW. Tales. Embracing Lord Krlis ton i, Alwyn’s First Wife, M. Anostasms, the Water Cu: •, The ’Last House In C Street, A Family in Lou*, A how .Marriage, The Double House. By the AuMiorof “John Halifax, Gentleman,” “Olive,” “The Ogilvios.” “The Head of thfl Family,” “Agatha’s Huh b.n: 1,” Ac. Bvo., Paper, 50 cents. RANDOM SKETCHES AND NOTES OF EUROPEAN TRAVEL In 1850. By Rev. John* E. Edwards, A. M. I2nio, Muslin. $1 00. TIIB DAYS OF MY LIFE. An Autobiography. By the Author of “Margaret Maitland,” “Lilicsloaf,” Ac., Ac. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. ISABEL; or, tho Young Wife and the Old Love. By John CoruyJkaffbeson,'Author of “Crewe Rise,” Ac. 12mo. Muslin, 75 cents. VILLAS AND COTTAGES A Series of Designs Prepared for Execution in the United States Bv Cal vert Vadx, Archt. (late Downing A Yaux,) Newburgh on the Hudson. Illustrated by 300 Engravings. Sixth Edition. Bvo, Muslin, $2.00. - DORE. By a Stroller in Europe. Third Edition. 12mo. Muslin, $l.OO. THE CHILD'S BOOK OF NATURE. In three Part*. Pap.tl. Plants. Part 11. Animals, Part 111. Air, Wator, Heat, Light, Ac. By Worthisqtox M. D. Richly Illustrated. Tho three Baits complete in one volume. Small 4to, Muslin, $1.25; separately, Muslin, 50 cents each. STORIES OF THE ISLAND WORLD. By Charles Nordhofe, Author of “ Man-of-W -c Life,” “ The Mer chant Vessel,” “ Whaling pud Fishing,” Ac. Illustra tions. 16m0., Mualin, < 75 cents. KATHIE BRANDE. A Preside History of a Quiet Life. By 'lolmk Leu. 12mo, Muslin, 75 cents. THE BRONTE NOVELS. THE PROFESSOR. By YILLETTE; By CuflßEft Currku Bell. 12mo, Pa- Bell. Paper, 50 cgnt* ; per, GO cents; Muslin, 75 Muslin, 75 cents. JAYNE EYRE. ByCuiwEn By Elms Bell. Muslin, Bell Paper, 37# cents: 75 cents. Muslin, 76 centß. THE TENANT OF WILD SIURLEY. ByCofiRKR FELL HALL. Ry Acton Bell. Paper, 37 % cents: Bell. Muslin, 75 cents Muslin, 75 cents. #** HARPER A BROTHERS w ill send either of the above Works by Mail, postage paid (for any distance in the United Slates under 3.000 miles,) on receipt of tho Money. a«3-lt ramuel a. mkrrick SOUTHWARK FOUNDRY', SIXTH AND WASHINGTON Street. Philadelphia MERRICK A SONS. ENGINEERS AND MA CHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engines, for Laud, River, and Marine service. Boilers, Gasometers, Tanks, Iron Boats, Ac., Cast ings of all kinds, cither Iron or Brass. Iron frame roofs for Gas Works, Workshops, Railroad Stations, Ac. Retorts and Gas Machinery of tho latest and most improved cormtructioii. Every description of Plantation machinery, such as Sugar, Saw, aud Grist .Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opon Steam Trains, Defecators, Filters, Pumping Engines, Ac. Bole Agents for N. RillieuX’s Patent Sugar Boiling Apparatus; Nasmyth’s Patent Steam Hammer; J. P. Rors’ Patent Valve Motion for Blast Machinery and Steam Pumps. „. , , • Superintendent— B. If. BARTOL •• aui-y WM. M. HICKMAN. SEA BATHIN’ G.—PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY.—This well-known and fa \orite House is uow open for .the reception of Boarders it is situated in tho middle of the Island, and close to the Sea, and its accommodations equal to any of the large Hotols, combined with the comforts of home ; and no pains will bo spared by tho Proprietors in giving sat isfaction to all who may pay them a visit. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL, CAPE ISLAND, N. J., is now open for the reception of visitors. This House is situated within n hundred yards ol the Bench. The Proprietor promises that no euro shall bo spared to render thoso comfortable who will fa\or him with their patronage. Terms moderate. nug3-lw* J. LYONS, Proprietor. TO ALL WHO WANT MONEY.— JONES & SON, BROKERS, corner THIRD and GASKITjIj Streets, below Lombard, adumce Cash, in largo or small amounts, upon Watches, Jewelry, Plate, Guns, &c., on moderate terms. uu3-3t TO THE PUBLIC. —I WOULD CALL the attention of the public to the following RV.CIVK, which I have tried in a number of cases of SCART.ET FEVER, TYPHUS FEVER, ami in ouo ca«o of tho most malignant SMALIi-POX. I have not known a death to occur where it was used. The following is the plan that I have always adopted: Put ono peck of charcoal in a furnace and burn tho gas off in tho open air; then I have always taken it to the sick room and sprinkled over it gradually about five pounds of common brown sugar, then sprinkle over it one gallon of cider vinegar. It should bo tried every other day to make it effectual. Of course medical advice is required besides. SIMON OARTLANJJ. It.* Philadelphia, July 80, 1857. CHARLES MAGARGE & CO.,— Wholeaalo Dealers in PAPER, RAGS. &c. f No. 30 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia. aul-lm rp O BOOKFOLDERS. —WANTED, a few X first rate hands. Apply at the Bindery, 404 COM MERCE Street, above Fourth, 603-21* WANTED.— A Journeyman HARNESS MAKER, to go to Bucks County, about twenty miles north of this city. luquire at tho Black Horse Hotel, SECOND Strcot, below Callowhill. au3-lt# WANTED. A GIRL, to go to the country, to assist with Housework and do plain Sewing. Apply, this day, between 10 and 12 o'clock, at William Penn Hotel, No. 831 Market Street, between Eighth and Ninth Streots. auil-lt* /HREE BRICKLAYERS WANTED.— X At Corner of NINTH and CHERRY Streets.—None but good front workmen need apply. nu3-3t* QK YOUNGMEN WANTED.—For choice corps of tho American Army. Fine chance for travel, promotion mid study. Excellent pay, and free board and clothing. Apply at 248 S. Front. au3-lw* WANTED.— A number of LABORING MEN; good wages given. Apply at Chorry Hill Post-office, near Blkon, Cecil County. Maryland, for FRANCIS GREEN, Contractor. nu3-3t# WANTED —A GIRL, to do general House- work. Apply at 121 8. NINETEENTH St. It# WANTED IN CAMDEN—GOOD PLAIN board, by a young nmu, in a respectable family. Mechanic or otherwise. Comforts of a homo desired. A liberal price will ho paid. Address M, J. C., Ledger Office. au3-2t* LOST, BETWEEN TIIE exchange aud Seventh and Walnut streets, a small PAR. CEL, containing a Peed and sundry inemornndan. The finder will'be rewarded by delivering them to JOHN ABEL, No. 217 Walnut Btroet, up stairs. It# Lost.— a pocket book contain ing two Five Dollar Notes on the Girard Bank, wud sumo small change. The finder will bo suitably rewarded by returning tlie same to Aug 3. 2t* DITHMAR & BUTZ, PORTER, ALE AND LACIER BEER BREWERY, No. 520 (now No 038) North THIRD Street, Philadelphia.—Shipping promptly attended to. aul-tf Archer, Warner, miskey & co., Manufacturers of GASALIKRB, BRACKETS, PEN DANTS, FITTINGS, and all kinds of GAS and LAMP WORK, GIRANDOLES, Ac., No. 320 CHESTNUT Street, Philadelphia. ARCHER, WARNER A CO, No. 370 BROADWAY, Now York. Buildings fitted with Gas Pipes, aud all kinds of alteriug aus repairing of Gas Work. ‘ aul-lra# Handy & brenner-commission MERCHANTS and Dealors in Foreign and Ame rican HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Nos 23, 25 and 27 North FIFTH Street, East side, above Commerce streot, Philadelphia. aul-tf Daniel dougherty, attorney AT LAW, Southeast Corner of KIGHTH aud LO- O JST Streets, Philadelphia. aul-lj- ,T.OHN BINNS, UNITED STATES COM- J MISBIONBR AND COMMISSIONED OP DEEDS, •AND THE PBOBATE OP AOOOUNTS for several States and Territories: He is, by low, authorized to administer Oaths and Adirmatlons to bo received In all the Courts iu Pennsylvania. ■ JOHN BINNS may be found In his office, No. 110 South SIXTH Street, opposite the County Court House, f romS A. M. to OP. M. »nl-lm B, W. TINGLEY & CO., BANKERS, • No. 37 South THIRD Street, Philadelphia. COLLECTIONS promptly made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. ‘Stocks, Bonds, Ac., Bought and Sold on Commission. Uncurredt Bank Notes, Checks, Ac., bought at the lowest rates. ’ Deposits received and interest allowed, as per agree- WUTHERING HEIGHTS, J. VAUODAN MKKIUCK WILLIAM n. MERRICK, H. Hi STUAUD, ) „ . . S. It. 81’RINGKJt. j Pro l ,nrtnr * tUants. tost nni> Jrbnii&. IV. EtIEN, No. 708 Ridgo Avenue, Breweries <®ns JTixlutca. Commission lUerrljants, 'JlUorucgs at Cam. fttimeemciits, Academy Of music, broad and LOCUST Street,—Mr L'. A. MARSHALL, Sole Lebheo.—PROMENADE CONCERTS -A GREAT SUC CESS.—THIS EVENING, August Ist, the following artists will appear :—MAD. JOHANNSEN, MISS 11ICIL INGB, SIGNOR AMODIO, MR. FRAZER, uu'l tho great GERMANIA ORCHESTRA, Under the direction of CARL BERGMAN Admittauco 25 cents. aul-3t JOHN DREW’S NATIONAL THEATRE. WALNUT fitreet, above ElGHTH.—Lessee and Managcr*John Drew Prices—Dress Girclo and Par quet, 37# cents; Orchestra Chairs, 50 cents; Seats In Private UoX. 75 cents; Family Circle, 25 cents. Doors open at 7. To commence at 8 o’clock. Box Ofilce open from 10 to 3 o’clock, where Seats can he Secured with out oxtra charge. MONDAY EVENING, August 2d, Second week of the zKrmiaut nnd Wizard, MONS. K. GODARD, Who will peiform niifhtly a selection of vvouders. To conclude w ith the laughable farce entitled MISERIES OF HUMAN LIFE AUyCroaker..Mr.J.Drew J Margaret, rpnoMKUF’s VARIETIES.TIx.' cool ej>t place in the city, and the most respoctablj at tended”—X. W. corner FIFTH and CHESTNUT. THIS, and EVERY EVENING this week, those beau tiful and well-tried Philadelphia fat oritos, FANNY TOURIST. JENNY 3RLLMAN, , and M’LLK. LEFOI.LE, Will appear, aided by a SUPERIOR COMPANY. A laughable Afterpiece will conclude the performance, which commences at a quarter to fi. Admission 10 cents, JOHN C WARREN, aul-lw __ Conductor of Amusements. tjonses for Sale aixb Rent Three very neat and genteel suburban VILLAS, Tweiitv-secoud and Master Streets, west of Ridge Avenue, and above Ulrurd Col lege, 8 rooms, bath, Ac ; rent $lB. For sale, two House''. Nos. 2013 and 2015 Cherry street, nearly new; all modern conveniences. Also. tiueu Houses. Nos. 2341, 2343’fttid 2345 Jefiei>on street, six rooms, lot 10 by 300. Also, one unimproved lot nt Richmond. 223 by 80 feet. Any or all of these improving properties will he sold at a nriccdo nay 10 per cent, on the investment. . A J PKllKlS’B. au3-2t* N. Ei cor of SIXTH and MASTER Sts. A NEAT HOUSE TO LET IN A FEW days, No. 480 GEORGE Streets, west of Twentieth, $lO, in advance nu3-‘3t% TO RET.—A seven room HOUSE, on Nagle street, at $lO per month Apply to HENRY M. BOYI), 452 and 454 N. TENTH Street au3-3t» TO UjT LET- — Several fine ROOMS, .suita ble for light manufacturing purposes, north side St. James atrebt, between Market utul Ar a and Sixth aud Seventh streets. ApplytoJ.ll CURTIS «Sc SON, Real Estate Brokers, au3-2t* 433 WALNUT St., 3d door east of Fifth. A HOUSE, two iinrlors, J\. h -f, dining room mid kitchen, dry cellars, gas uf -s, bath, good yard, Ace., on Franklin street, oen—rent 160—by D, B. VAIL. NINTH undßU. A’OOD Streets au3-3t# SALLY AND JACK.—A TALE OF LOVE AND MARRIAGE. (By JACK himseU.) When first I saw my Sally dear, Her voice lu song was soaring; I wi»v her at her father’# door, And could not help adoring. I saw her next within the house. And still felt interested. She was ior Bennett making vests, I then iny lore i«*vejf-erf. I thought it weak, and, for a week, Against the sex I ranted ; But, when I saw- her making pant-., Again for her I panted, I felt the passion was sincere, And thought my love I’d proficr ; I called; they told me she was off— I could not make an ojfrr. I saw her in the country next, The summer sun was shining; She sat beneath a shady pine, While I for her was pining. I saw her with a milking-pail, When to the baru*yurd going ; And.when I saw tho milk’s pure flow, My heart wan ov>*r-llow*ing I saw her through the garden-gate— The fairy form retreating— I saw her pull a blood-red beet. Oh, how my heart was bent- lug' I saw her ’neath the cottage roof, And when I was permitted To see some stockings she had knit, f 2^ly.heart to her*s was jtntf-ted. I gated into her deep blue eyea, With pure attention shining. Sho seemed to me almost divine, While thus her thoughts //inning I told her all my tale «>F love— How sadly I’d lamented; And giving thus my feelings \eut, A broken heart pre-tv/il-ed Bhc jyiys, “ Dear Dick, when I am thine, . No whim must bo restricted, You must not be u contrary Dick, Nor I bo contradicted ” I yielded with becoming grace. On every point we mooted; “ Go get your wedding suit— in .that, let me be Muted.” I asked. Where shall T get my clothes 1 ”’ I saw her brmv was low erlng— Sho pointed up to Bennett'a Tower, That to tho clouds was loierr-ing Says «he, “That is the onl) place To get your wedding raiment; And if my hand you e’er would claim, Dress there, K>r he no chiim-aut. ’ , laaw, was firmly fixed, - * Aud. I must act right warv. Shejdflnd “Excuse” her Pjck tqshitn, *' Without a ‘dictionary. i I felt that I should hang mvself, 1 If .rife, in love, should falter; 1 thcrqtoro went to Dennett's Hall, And'kaiod mystll ahnlt'i. I bought my clothes, nnd wore them home, And {hen our vows we pllghiod ; Hereyes they danced with luve’.sown light, My Bally was de-JigAf-od We married, and this song I sing— A well-deserved ovation— To Bennett’fl elothen, that won tnv S.il, And proved mj own NuM-iilion Ye lovers then, that night hi uiglit, On maidens fair are railing, If urit attired at Tower Hall, You’ll get an over-Aaul-mg. Heed this, my pong. am! to your friends. Of Bennett’s clothing tell. I urge it for your own welfare, And bid you all farewell. BENNETT’S NEW MAMMOTH TOWER HALL CLOTHING BAZAAR, No 581 MARKET Street. South side, between Fifth and Sixth streets. Sales bn QUution. 'Jons lUyus, Auctioneer, NO. 325 ARCH STREET, between THIRD AND FOURTH STREETS. SALKS EVERY EVENING at 8 o’clock, Of Boots, Shoes, Brogans, Gaiters, Hardware, Cutlery. Watches, Jewelry, Hosiery, Whips, Truuks, Fancy Goods, Notions, Ac., Ac N, It. Terms of Night Sales, four months credit for approved City acceptances, for sums of $lOO and over, with interest added from date of sale. CARD.—Out-door Sales solicited of Household Furni ture at dwellings, Stocks of Hardware, Underwriters’ Sales of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Consignments soli cited to he sold at tno Auction Rooms. Charges moder ate. Apply as above. Advauces made on Consignments of Goods. uul Im Woluert & Scott, Auctioneers. 4QI CHESTNUT STREET, OPPOSITE *4O A THE CUSTOM HOUSE, between Fourth aud Fifth Streets. PEREMPTORY SALE OF 40,000 WASIISTAND AND TABLE LEGS, TUESDAY NEXT, commencing at 11 o’clock precisely, We will sell without reserve, 40,000 Maple and Pop lar Washstand and Table Legs, turned and finished in tho best mariner. Tho wholo nay be examined on tho morning of sale, when tho Trade and Cabinet Makers will find it their interest to attend. NOTICE.—Our sales of Embroideries, Milliupry Goods, Ac., for tho Fall and Winter, will commence during tho early part of the present month, and will be continued regularly throughout tho season, duo notice ol which will bo given. lw By Gbo. W. Smith, Auctioneer, NE. CORNER OF BARRON AND • SOUTH STREETS, above Second. EVENING SALES. SAI VERY SATURDAY EVENING, At 'the Auction Store, of Hardware, Cut lery. Houi, Clothing, Watches, Jewel ry,* Fancy , \*s, Ac. 700 16--*OF FORFEITED COLLATERALS. Large IVremptory Sale of Valuable Gold and Silver Watches, Fine Gold Jewelry, Guns, Pistols, Musical Instruments. Fauey Articles, Ac. THIS MORKIXd, At 9K o’clock, at the auction store of Geo. W Smith, South Street,‘above Secoud, corner of ltairon Street, comprising a largo, valuable and dcdrablo assortment of goods, N.U.—The goods will be open for examination early on the morning of sale. Terms rash. _____ SAMUEL NATHANS, AUCTIONEER, and MONEY LOAN OFFICE, No. 112 South THIRD Street, below Walnut, opposite Pear st., only eight doors be’ow tho Exchange Hours of business from 7 o’clock, A. M., until 10 o’clock in tho evening. Out-door sales, aud sales nt tho Auction House, at' tended upon the most satisfactory terms. CAPITAL $200,000. Established fur the Inst Thirly Years Advances made from one dollar to thousands on Dia monds, Silver Plate, Watches, Jewelry, Hardware, Mer chandize, Clothing, Furniture. Bedding, Cigars, Musical Instruments,* Guns, Hordes, Carriages, and Goods of every description. All goods can remain any length of time agreed upon. AH advances, from one handled dollars and upwards, will bo charged 2 per cent, per month ; $5OO and over, tho lowest market rate. This Storo Houso having a depth of 120 toot, has large firo and thief-proof vaultp to store all valuables, and pri vate watchmen for tho premises; also, a heavy insu rance effected for tho benefit of all persons having goods advanced upon. N. 8.-t-On account of having an unPmited capital, this office is piepared to mako ml van cos on more satis factorv and accommodating terms than iuiv other in this evty. Money advanced to tho poor, iu small amouuts, with out any charge. AT PRIVATE SALE. Gold Patent Lover and othet Watches, Jewelrv, and Clothing will lie sold at reduced prices. aul-ly Personal. Notice.— my wife, eveline jani- SON, left my bed and board without auy iuo\ora tion This is to caution the public thit I will not be responsible for any debts she may contract, au32t* ADAM JANISOX Boarbing PLEASANT ROOMS, WITH BOARD can be obtained at No. 014, Wood itrpct,abo>e Marshall. au3-2t* A RESPECTABLE YOUNG MAN CAN be accommodated with board aud use of bath, at 28, Burton Street, West of Seventeenth St., between Lombard and South. au3-lt* riOPPER.— \J LAKE SUPERIOR INGOT. FOR SALE. W>l. H. WOODWARD A CO , aUI-3t#rp ’ 516 MARKET Street. T7ILOORING BOARDS—2B,SBO ftet Caro X 1 lina fioorlng boards, afloat, for sale by MARTIN Sc MACAMSTER aul 119 North Water Street. CSPfRITS TURPENTINE—2OO bbls Spirits Turpentine, to arrive, for sale by i MARTIN Sc MACALISTER, , gaui; . aid North Water Street. SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL.— I «m daily receiving, nt my yard, ILe best quality of SCHUYLKILL AND LEHIGH COAL. My customem, and all others who may favor me with their orders, may rely on getting Coal that will be satisfactory to them. 10* No interior Coal kept at this establishment to offer at LOW PRICES. ALEXANDER CONVKRY, N. E corner of Broad and Cherry Sts. Lehigh and Schuylkill coal.— DALY, POUTER &. CO., COAL DEALERS, No. 821 PRIME Street, above Eighth, keep constantly on bund, at the very lowest rates, a full supply of Lehigh and Schuylkill Coal. au 1-Grn R~ ESOLUTION PROPOSING AMEND MENTS to the constituion OF TIIE COM monweultli 1 Jleiolved by the Senate and Home of Rcpresenta 'tcr\ of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania tn Qen ♦ ral A 'tnnb’y met • That tho following amendments are imposed to ;he Constitution of the Commonwalth. m lecoidnuce with the pro\isiun« of the tenth article thereof .Mrs J. Drew FIRST AMENDMENT There shall he an additional article to said Constitu tion to ba designated ns article eleven, ai lollows ARTICLE JCf. OF rUULIC DEBTS. Fiction 1 The State may contract debts, to supply casual deficit or failures in revenues, or to meet expen ses not otherwise provided for;’ but the aggregate amount of such debts direct and conringtnt, whether contracted by virtue of one or moro ncU of thugencial assembly, or at different periods of tinie.shall never ex ceed seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars, and the mouoy arising from the creation of such debts, shall be applied to the purnoso tor which it was obtained, or to repa) the debta i-o eontracted. und to no other purpose whatever. Sittios 2. In addition to the above limited power, the State may contract debts to repel Invasion, suppress iiiMiriocthni. defend the State iu war, or to redeem the present out-funding indebtedness of the Stilt"; but the money arising from the contracting of such debts, shall be applied to tho purpose for which it wan raised, or to ropu) such debts, ami to no other purpose vihatever. Bhctiox3 Except the debts above specified, in ncc- LUms one and two of this atticlc, no debt 'whatever -hall be created In . or on behalf of the State Sicrios 4. To provide for tho payment of the present debt, ami any additional debt contracted :u aloresnid. the legislature shall, at its fir-.t sowdo'n, alu-r the mloj»- lion of this amendment, create a sinking fund, which shall be sullldent to pav the accruing inferest on such debt, and annually to reduce the principal thereof bv a sum not less than two hundred and fifty tho isand dol lais: winch sinking fund shall co»si„tnf the net annual income of the public works, from time to tune owned by the State, or the pioc*eds ol the sale oi the same, or any part thereof, und of the Income or proceeds of sale of atoiks owned by the State, together with other funds,’ or resources, that may bo designated by law. The said linking tund may be increased, from time to time, bv as signing to it tiny pint of the taxes, or other revenues of the Xtute, not required for the ordinary ami current ex pense# of government, find unless in case of war, inva sion or insurrection, no part of tho said sinking fund shall bo used or applied otherwise than in extinguish ment of the imblic debt, until the amount of such debt in reduced below the hum of five millions of dollars Skbtiox 5. The credit of the Commonwealth shall not in any manner, or event, be pledged, or loaned to, any individual, company, coiporation. or association; nor shall the Commonwealth hereafter become - joint ovv nor, or stockholder, in auy company, association, or cor poration. PSSkctiox 6. Thp Commonwealth shall not assume tho debt, or any part thereof, of any county, city, borough, or township; or of any corporation, or association; less Htich debt shall have been contracted to enable the'' State to renel invasion, suppress domestic insurrection, defend it'-elt in time of war, or to ashiat the State in the dischiUge of any portion of its present indebtedness. Bvctios 7. The Legislature shall not authorize any county, city, borough, township, or lncorpoiated dis-y tiiet/by virtue of a vote of its citizens, or become a stockholder in any company, awsocbitiory or corporation ; or to obtain money for, or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution or party- SECOS'D AMENDMENT. f There shall bo an additional article to said Constitu tion. to be designated as article XU., as follows:’ ARTICLE Ml. i OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall be divided by a line cutting off over one-tenth of iN population, (either to fojui a new couuty or otherwise.) without the express assent of such county, by a vote of the electors thereof; nor shall any new county be established, conjkitaiug less than four huudred square miles. THIRD AMKXDVie.VT. j From section two of the first article of the Constitu tion strike out the words, “o/ the exty of Philadtlph m, and of each county rcepcctii f/y;” from section five, same article, strike out the words, PAilndelpAui and of the several from section seven, same article, strike out the words. the city of PAi ladelphia nor nny,” and insert io'Beu thereof the vvoids, "and no;’’ and strike out* i 'seetion four, fame articled' and in lieu thereof inserrthe billowing: “ Section 4 In the year ono tßou«and eight hundred ami sixty-four, aud in every seventh )em thereafter, re presentatives to the number of one huudred, shall be apportioiiied and distributed equally, throughout the State, by districts, in proportion to the number of taxa ble inhabitanta in theithvoral parts thereof; except that any countv containing at least thieo Uiou».uid live huudred taxablemay be allowed a separate represen tation; but no more than three counties shall be joined, and no county shall be divided, in the formation of a district Any city containing a suflicient number of taxnbles to entitle it to at least two representatives, shall have a separate representation assigned, it, and shall be divided into convenient districts ot contiguous territory, of equal taxable population as near aa may be, each of which districts shall elect one representative ” At the end of section seven, same article, insert these words, *• the city of Philadelphia shall be divided into vi’ng/c senatorial districts , of contiguous territory as nearly equal m taxable population as possible, hut m, ward shall be divided in the formation tlurrof ” The legislature, at its first session, alter the adoption of this amendment, shall divido the city of Philadelphia into senatorial and representative districts, in the man ner abov e provided ; such dmtrict.s to remain unchanged until the apportionment in the ) ear one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. There shall be an additional .section to the first articlo of said Constitution, which shall be muuheicJ nnd read as follows: Section 20 The legislature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or auiiul, auy charter ot incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general law. whenever in their opinion it may be injurious to the citizens of the Commonwealth; In such manner, however, that no injustice shall be done to the corpora tors Resolved , That this resolution pass On the fir c t amendrin*iit, v eas 24, nn.i s 7 , on the second mnendnu nt, \eas2t irivsS, on the third 'uni ndment. ; r i-, 24. ii'ivs 4 ; (-it the loiirth amendment, u- is 23. mu 1 [Extract Irnm the Journal ] GKO. \V HAMKRSLY. Clerk. Is IIIF JIoI’HP of RepBKsKST vtii FS, Apiil 20. 1857 finalve<t. That this resolution pas«. On the first amendment, i eas 78, nay s 13, on the second ninendnieut. yeas 57. ua\s 31; on the third amendment, u-ih 72. nays 22; on the lourtli amendment, yeas R 3, mus * [Extract from the Journal.] JACOB ZIEGLER, Clerk. Filed in Secretarj \s office, May 2. 1857 A. G CTJITIN, Secretary ol tho ComnmnwoaUh Pf’/ijijy/i'nittfi u • I ao certify that the above and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the original •■Revolution proposing amend ments to the Constitution of the Commonwealth,’’ with the vote in each branch of tho Legislature upon thu final passage thereot, as appears from the originals on file in this office. In testimony w hereof [ have hen unto set my (m 1 hand and caused to he nthxH the muil of the Secretary's Office, the tlav and u*ar above A. (} t’VHTIN. Secretary of the Coiiimouuealth. The resolution proposing amendments tn the Consti tution uf tin* Coimmmivculth being under* unsideration. On the question. Will the Semite agree to the tint amendment 1 The yea® anil naya were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and Mere as follow, viz* Yiias —Me®«rrf Brtsuur. Browne, Coifey, Ely, Eians, Fetter, Fletmlken. Fra/er, Ingram, Jonlati, lvillinger. Kbot, Daubach, Lt*ni<*. Myer. Scofield, Seller®. Shu man. Steele. Straub. Welsh. Wilkins, Wright and Tag gart. Speiib*/—-4. N vys— Messrs Crahb. Cromwell, Finney, Gregg. Harris, Penroso and Souther—7 So the question was determined In the affirmative. On the question, Will the Senate agree to the second amendment l The yeft® and nay* wore taken ngreeaMv to the pro visions of tho Constitution, and were as follow, viz* Yris—Mertsis. Brewer, Browue, Cre-*swell, Ely, Evans. Fetter, Finney, Fleuniken, Ingram, Jonlau, Knox, Laubach. Lewis, Myer, Sellers. Shuioim. Southor, Steele. Straub, Welsh, Wilkins, Wilght and Taggart, Speaker —23. Nna-Me«sr®. Coifey, Crabb, Frazer, Gregg, Harris, Killimrer. Penrose and Scofield—B. So the question was determined in the nflirmntivo. On the question. Will the Senate agree to the third amendment ? The vvi® and nay ® w oro taken agreeably to the* pro* isioris of the Constitution, and wero ns follows, viz. Ye vs—Me-.hr®. Brewer. Ihowne, Crahb. Cresswell, Kly, Evans. Fleuniken, Frazer, Ingram. Jordan, KUlinger, Knox. Laubuch, Lewis. Myer. Scofield. Sellers. Shuman, Souther. Steele, Straub, Welsh, Wilkin®, and Wright —24 N ns-Messrs, CofTey, Gregg, Harris nnd Penrose—4. ,®o the question wn® determined in the aifirnmtiu* On the question, Will the Senate agree to the fourth amendment T The vena and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions ol the Constitution, nnd were ns follow, v iz • Ye is—Messrs Brewer, Browne, Colley. (.'re®swell. Ely, Evans. Fleuniken, Frazer. Ingram. Kililnger. Knox, Laubaek.Leu is, Myer, Scofield. Sellers. Shuman, Souther, Steele, Straub. Welsh. Wilkin® nnd Wright—23. N’t is—‘Messrs. Crabb, Finite », Jonl.in ,imj Penrose—4 So the que®tmii was determined in the affirmative lx the House of lUphi sisth ivk®. ) April 2d, ls*»7. y The re®olution proposing nuiendment® to the Con®ti tution ol the Commonwealth bt ing undei consideration. On the question, Will the House agree to tho first nmendinent 1 The vens and na\ s were taken agreeably to the provi sions ol the Constitution, and were as follow, viz : Yi v®—Mews Anderson, Arthur, Backhouse. Ball. Beck, Bishop, Huuor, Brown,Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, (’leaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eystcr. Fausold, Foster, (Ivlihonev. (iildeA. Hamel. Harper, Hun®. Hie®tuml. lhll. Ihliega®. llolfman. (Berks.) Imbrie. Imie®. Jacobs, Jeiikiu®. Johns. Johnson. Kautlmau. Kert. Knight, Lei- M'liruig, Longaker, l.ovett, Munear. Mauglv, M'Calvv.ont. M’llv.iin, Moorhead, Mumma, Musselnmn. Nichols. Nicholson, Nunemncher. Pearson. Peter®. Petnken. Pow nail. Put tell. B.n«i*ey. (Philadelqhia.) Ramsey, (Yoik.) Iteamer, Reed, Robot tn, Rupp. Shaw*. Sloan, Smith, (Cambria.) Smith. (Centre.) Mevetwm. Tolan, Vail. Yamoorhia, Vickers. Voeghley.Wnltoi, Werdbiook. Wlnuton, Williston. Witheiow. Wright. Zimmerman and Get/.. Spinier— 7B. Nays— Messrs. Backus. Benson. Dock. Hamilton. Han cock, lline. llotTmau. (Lebanon.) Lcbo. Struthur*. Thorn, Warner and Wintrude—l2. So the question vvuh determined iu the afuriuativo. On the mo'Hbon, W ill the House agree to the second amendment ’ The yeas nnd nay® were taken agreeably to the provi dons td the Constitution, ami were as follows, viz.' Y». vs— Messrs Anderson, Backhoti.se. Ball, Beck, Bower, Calhoun. Campbell. Carty, Ent. FflUeolti. Foster. Gildea, Hamel, Harper, lleins, Uiestaud, lHUegas. Hurt man, (Bmkh,) Housekeeper, Imbrie. I tine®. Jenkin®. Johns.JolinMin. luuiliman, Knight, LfcfHeurfngei. Lmiga kor, Lov ett, Man ear, Mangle. M'llvain. Moorhead. Mu®- M*]iimn. Nichols, Nicholson, Ntineinmher. Pe.ir®on, Pe ters, Petnken. Pmvnall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Phil uiel))hi.i) Ramsey , (York.) Reamer, Roberts, Itupp. fdinw. Hoan. Tolan, Vail, Yoeghley. SYaltei, Westbrook, tShaitou, Zimmeioian and Getz, Sprniktr —•'l7. Navs—Me®-is. Arthur. Augustine. Backu®, Benson, Bishop, Brown. Chase. Cleaver. Crawford. K\®tei. Cub- Inmev, Hamilton, Hancock, Hill, Him*. Uoftman. (!.»•■>- anuii’,) Jacobs, Keir, I,eho. M'Calmont. Mnmmu. Heed. Smith. (Cambria.) Smith, (Centre.) Stevenson. SUuth er®. Thmn. Vauv oorlii®, \ ickers. t\ agon®eller, M arner, \V intrude, Withemw and M light—3-1 So the question was detemnned iu the aflirinHtive On the question. Will the House agree tn the third amendment? The yeas and nay s were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Cmibtitutiou, and were as follows, viz . Ye i>; Moors Anderson, • Backhouso. Ball, Deck, Ben®on. Bower, Brown, Calhoun, Campbell. Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyster, Fausold, Fos ter, Gibbonoy. Ilauvel, H.irporr, lleins, Ilieatand, Hill, llillegas, liolTman, (Berks.) Hoflman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper, Imlirle, Inc-s, Jacobs, Johns. Johnson, Knullman, Kerr, Lebo, Longaker, Lovett, Mammr. Mnugle, M’Calinout, Moorhead. Mumma, Muiselnian, Nichol*. Nicholson, Nuuemacher, Pearsou, riken, Fownali, Purcell, Ramsey, (York.) Reamer, lteed. Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambria,) BmltU, (Centro.) Btovenson, Tolan, VtUl, vanvootali, Vickers, Yoeghley. WagonsoUer, Westbrook* iWiUlaton, With erow, Wright, Zimmerman and Get*,,Speojfcsr—72. Nays—Messrs. Arthur, Augustins, Backus, Bishop, Carty, Dock, Gildea, Hamilton; Hancock, Hino, Jen kin®, Knight, Leiseuring, M’lU&ln, Ramsey, (Philadel phia,) Roberta. Strothers, Thorn,.‘Walter, Warner, Wharton and Wintrode—22, So the question was determined in tho affirmative. On tho queatlori, Will tho House agree to the fourth amendment ? Tho yeaa and nays were taken agreeably to the pro visions of the Constitution, and were as follow, via: J' Ybib—Messrs. Anderson,Arthur, Backhouse, Backus, Ballj Reck, Beneop* Bishop, Rower, Brpwn, Calhoun, Campbell, Carty, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Ent, Bjfeter, Pausold, Foster, Glbbonejj Gildea, Hamel'. Harper, Hems, IheHtaud, um, Hilegas, Hoffman. (Uerkh,) Hoffman, (Lebanon,) Housekeeper,' Imbrie, Imieh, Jacob-*, Joiikin*, Johns, Johnson. Kauffman, Kon. Lobo, Lin enrin,' I.ou#aki*r. LureM, Mauej>, Mauglc, M’Cilmout, M/Ikdine, Humnn. Mus-elucun, Nichols, Nicholson, Nuiieiaacher, Pearson, Peters, Pe trtken, Pownall l’urcell, Ham ey, (Philadelphia.) Ram sey; (Ywki) Jleuuicr, Heed, Roberts, l;upp.t)haw,rjloaa. Smith, (Cambria,) Smith, (Centre,) Slcum-on, Tolau. Vail. Vanvoorhis, Vickeim Yoeghlvy, Wagoo->eller. Walterj Warner, Westbrook, Wharton, WiiUatun, Witherow, Zimmerman, and Get/.. Speaker—S3. Nays—Messrs. Dock, Hamilton. Hancock, Struthers, Thorn, Wintrodo arid Wright—7. So the question was determined in the affirmative. P«nnjyJrajiin, .<« I do certify that the above and foregoing is a trutsand correct copy of the Yeas” ami *-Xavs” taken oil the resolution projmsiug amendmends to ihe Constitution of theComWouwealths as the same appears on the Jour nals of the two Houses of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth for the session of 1857 (l.s] M itue-ts in) baud and the heal of said office, this twenty-second daj of June, one thousand eight hundred and illty-s*'veu A. G. CURTIN. au3-m3iu Secretary of the Commonwealth. CRITTEDEN’S PHILADELPHIA COM MEROIAL COLLEGE, S. K. Corner of SEVENTH and CHESTNUT Stieets, Second and Third Stories HOOK KEEPING, PENMANSHIP, every style COMMERCIAL LAWS AND FORMS COMMERCIAL CALCULATIONS. LECTURES/* c Each Student has individual instruction from compe tent and attentive Teachers, under the immediate super* ision C 0 the Principal Oue of the (Boat Pennien in the Countr* has charge of the Writing Department. Please call aud see Specimens and get a Catalogue of TeroiHj Ac. aul-lm Alexander v. holmes, mine and LIQUOR STORE, No 2id, Souths Corue- of GEORGE and SOUTH Streets aul-ly WILLIAM F. BITFIELD,—IMPORTER of liR INDIES, WINES, Ac., Ac . No. ;',J3 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia. aul-lm Ci 1. LEWIS, IMPORTER AND DEALER J • IS FISK WINES, LIQUORS. CIGARS. Ac. 2d South HFTII Street. Philadelphia aul-ly WINES AND LIQUORS, OLD BUCK WHISKEY, MOXOXGAIIMA WHISKEY, French Brandy, Gins, Poit Wiuos. Ac. 1000 Pottles pure French Brand). Port Wines, pure, one dollar per bottle, Wholesale and Retail PURE OLD MADEIRA WINE AT WHEELER’S, S E corner of Third aud Lombard. aul-3t-rp WINE SUITABLE FOR COOKING PURPOBK3 at WHEELER'S, S. E. corner ol Third and Lombard. . aul-3t-rp. PUIIE OLD POET IVIJfE AT WHEEL ER’3, 8. E corner Third and Lombard aul-3trp Black teas, puke oolongs—so and 75 cents, at WHEELER’S, S. E. corner Third and Lombard. aul-3t-rp 17* 011 RECORDER OF DEEDS—X. F. . WOOD. Thirteenth ward. Subject to Democratic au3-le-* PHOTHONOTAIIV OF THE DISTRICT COURT, JOHN P. M’FADDEX. of Third Ward. Subject to the rules of the Democratic Party, nul-tf COKONEK—CHARLES S. PEALL, A Nineteenth Ward nul-lw’* FOli ASSEMBLY—FIRST DISTRICT— JOSEPH U. DONNELLY, First Ward. Subject to decision of the Democratic Conventiou. aul-sw* For assembly—tiiird district— DAVID It. McLEAN, Fourth Ward Subject to Democratic Rules. aul-lw# Is Senate, March 2y. 1857 SwxmiiY's Ut kick. ll\uui.®uuua, June 22, 1837. In Skxayv. Mnr.-h *27.1857. Skcrktaky's Office, Harui&buko, June 22,1857. iJtnniojislji}) anb book beeping, Uliiit’O anb Liquors. CHARLES STUART, No. 182, Passyuuk Read, below Carpenter st aul-3t* (ilnubibcilcs for ©ffitc. For assembly— JOSEPH nUNEKEU, Eighth District, Eleventh Ward. Subject to Democratic Rules. atl lm* F" OR recorder of deeds— CHARLES M. MILLER. Fourteenth Ward, Subject to Democratic Rules, only. aul t <?eB ORIRECM"DEirOFWEDS^UEWGE W. WUNDER, Thirteenth Ward Subject to De mocratic Rules. aul-5w *’ ('ILEKK OF QUARTER .SESSIONS.- J GEORGE SIMPSON, THIRTEENTH WARD.- Subject to Democratic Rulei. aults*:p.*i ijotcls mib Ikstmtvnuts. LOUIS B. COFFIN,— THIRD WARD HOTEL, (DEMOCRATIC HEAD QUARTERS,) South-east corner FIFTH and QUEEN Street®, aul-lm Philadelphia WILLIAM N. KING.—SOUTHERN * EXCHANGE HOTEL, South-east corner of FIFTH and CARPENTER Sts., Philadelphia, aul-lm CJIESNUT STREET HOUSE.—SAMUEL MILLER, (Old No. 121) New No. 3dl OHKSMJT STREET, W bin Fourth, Philadelphia. uu 1-lm WILLIAM HANNINGS’ City Lagor Beer Saloon, No. 32 CARTER'S ALLEY, Philadel phia. aul-lm drags aub ffiljcmicais. Frederick brown,—chemist AND DRUGGIST, north-east corner FIFTH and CIIF.STNUT Streets, Philadelphia, sole Manufacturer of DROWN‘S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER, which is recogm*ed nnd prescribed b) the Medical F.i eiiltj.and ha® become the Standard FAMILY MEDI- Cl Mini the Tinted State ? Thi'i E->. nn> !•» a pri p.iratjim of unusual (tivlJencv During tho Summer mouths, no minily or trawler .shoulit be without it In relaxation of the bowels, in uaunoa, and particularly in seasickness, it i* au active and safe, as well as a pleasant and ofilcient remc-dj CAUTION.—Por-oiis desiring an article that cun be relied upon, prepared solely from pure JAMAICA GIN* GKK, should be particular to a»k for u Brown’s Es sence of Jamaica Ginger,’’ which is warranted to bo what it is represented, ami is prepared onlj by FREDE HICK DROWN, and lor sale at hts Drug and Chemical Store, north-east corner of FIFTH and CHESTNUT Streets. Philadelphia; and by nil tlie respectable Drug gist* and Apothecaries in the U. States. nul-d.n Handel & uaydn drug store, EIGHTH and GREEN streets. Philadelphia. D L. STACKHOUSE, Proprietor. Alwavs cm hand tht choicest articles of DRUGS, MEDICINES. PKRFU* MKUV, CIGARS, Ac. Stiickhou-e’a Patent Silver 3< d» Water FounUii keeps th*> water at liu deg.; hi-- Sirups and Cream* arc acknowledged by all as being the richi st in the city. U)atd)es, Jcaiclrn, Ss r, Bailey & co., chestnut street, Manufacturers of BRITISH STERLING SILVER WARE, funder their inspection, ou the premises exclusively. Citizens and Strangers ate invited to visit our manu factory WATCHES Constantly on hand a splendid stock of Superior Gold Watches, of all tho celebrated makers. DIAMONDS. Necklaces, Bracelets, Brooches. Ear-Rings, Finger- Rings, and all other articles in tho Diamond line. Drawings of NEW DESIGNS will be made free oi charge for thoso wishing work made to order. RICH GOLD JEWELRY. A beautiful assortment of all the new styles of Fine Jewelry, such as Mosaic, Stone and Shell Cameo, Pearl, Coral, Carbuncle, Marquisite, Lava, Ac . Ac SHEFFIELD CASTORS, BASKETS, WAITERS. Ac. Also, Bronzo and Marble CLOCKS, of newest styles, and of superior quality aul-d twAw ly miscellaneous. CATIONS.—R. & G [XAL FRANGIPANNI, OR BE WAKE OP I MIT. A. WRIGHTS’ ORIGIJ EVERLASTING PERFUME Fr. ISGIPA-Wl P‘»M IDP, *♦ Soap, *• Saciist. Fiuxuipavni Extract*!. >• Huh Ou , “ Tootu PoW’der. Those uow, elegant and reehirfht perfumeries are from the laboratory of Messr*. R A: G. A. Wngbt, SOLE ORIGINATORS AND MANUFACTURERS in this country. The Perfume Frangipaimi is nn orients' production, |>ri»ught in its mi/iual state into this cour try, and prepared in its various form*, by them. The admiration and demand for these articles is be yond precedent, and, in consequence, a variety of imita tion*. arc springing up ; but tho-e. whether of HOME MANUFACTURE, ok SOLD AS •• IMPORTATIONS, ’’ have onlv an evanescent tragrumv, AND SHOULD BE AVOIDED BY PURCHASERS. For sale by all the Druggi-t*. in the Utrted States, Canada, and Smith America R. AG A WRIGHT, Sole Originate: *. and Manufi luren* in the United States. No 35 (late j>'J) South FOURTH St . Ph/Jad.i :uil-6t Philadelphia type foundry— N. M’. C«*r. THIRD and CIIESNI’TSt*. L PELOU7.E & SON, thankful *...r the Bln ral pa tronise heretofore accord'd to their iNtaldi-hnn nt. and de-Irons to merit it- continuance, woul l announce to l*iintoi’4 and Publi«!ior** that their new SPECIMEN BOOK is now ready, and from then increased facilities, are now prepared to fumtsh every thing necessary in ft complete Printing Establishment, at the 'liortc-at no tice. Their long practical experience in the bu-mie*.-, and the fact of their personal .superintendence of the nmiiutucturingdep.il tment, justifies them in .i—ertui-' that they can furni.'h a more durable and belt, r fin iahed article than their coteinporaries. Tho-o, therefore, who de'ire Printing Material’. Would do well to apply to them previous lo pureh.*.'in r ' einewhere. Old type taken at 0 cents per pound, m exchange ioi new at apecimen price*. Boston ’"benzole portable gas APPAR ATI’S, tor Lipting Stor.s. D* riling*, Fic tones. Hotels. Ac This lias Miclune has been in constant and successful use for f<u*r yeaM, and i* therefore no longei cui experiment Th" simplicity of tb«* Apjwirntm, its entire freedom from danger by expio nmi, the little attention vequua d. the ea.se wi,th which it is minag“d. by anr person, and the cheapness ami s.meriontvT.f the Light over .11 others, has gained for it the tiuoiable opinion of those acquainted with it* merits The cost of the Light is about otic cent per hour tor each burin r. Numerous certificates by ihovj that have used the maehiu*: and a Machtue in opera tion c.«n be seen ai the Gas Fitting Store ol S It. BLAIR, No 10 North Seventh Street. Forlurtlier information nppli as above, to C. P WEEKS, aul-stuth Itn Agent Boston Benzole Gas Works Co. m<) PRINTERS AND EDITORS—FOR A FILE—The undivided half of a NEWSPAPER aud PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, in successful «pe ratiou. in ita third year, located m au excellent section of Northern Pennsylvania, contiglou- to the Canal, Railroad, and Susquehanna River It r in a good, prosperous condition, with a respectable subscript on and advertising custom, and does all the JOB PRINTING in that locality —-it being the only paper in the beautiful Village wheie it la situated, with a full ahare of the Country patronage. The other partner is a practical Printer, u geutleman and a Democrat, hence, a young man, wishing to engage in the honorable profession, can, on the investment of r. very few hundred dollars, find a pleasant and profitable situation. lET Address Col. h. L TATE. Bloomshurg, or the Editor of this Journal, at Philadelphia, aul-St LUMBER! LUMBER!!—The subscriber, who has for several years occupied the premises at Sloan’* Planing Mill. Kensington, has removed to COATES STREET WHARF, udjoining the Phoenix Planing Mill, on Delaware avenue, where he intends keeping a large .•n.’ortment of Carolina and other floor ing boards, step’, risers, shelving, ceiling, Jencing and scaffold boards, thoroughly seasoned and well worked For sale at the lowest cash prices. Purchaser* are in vited to call and examine for themselves, and every ef fort will be made to give satisfaction. Orders received and supplied at tho shortest notice for all kind* and •sites of Southern yellow Tine. Timber and Scantling. ,uj.tr 8. s. wcixie. fltiscellaneiSs. JAMES KELLY, (Snccessor to "William Curtia) Regalia, Rooks, Jtvela Emblems, Masonic uni Encampment Chart®. Odd -Mlows* Hall, NORTH SIXTH STREET, below Race, Philadelphia Oiucrj troia any part of the country, addressed to Jaiues Kelly, promptly attended to an. l*lm silver waive.—wm. wilsox & son, Manufacturers of S.lver Ware. S W comer of FIFTH and CHERRY STREETS Established in 1312 Silver Rare “f every description on hand or made to order to match any pattern desired. Importers of Fine English Plated Ware aa x-iw {CHARLES TETE, COMMISSION MER \J CHANT and Importer of HAVANA SEGAR3, (New) 138 Walnut street, second story. anl-ly JOHN N. KEEVEbT CAKPENTEK AND ECILDER. PAhSYUNK ROAD, opposite County Prison. Order® for Jolbiug promptly attended to. aul-lm GJJVE HUFTY’S AMERICAN MAKU- J FACTORED STEEL PEN atrial. 407 CHEST NUT Street, above Fourth $1 per gross. aul-lm JOSEPH BLACK, Banner, Sign, Decora tive and General ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. N. £ corner FOURTH and WALNUT Streets, entrance on Fourth street. AIso—PORTRAITS, the sire cf life, painted from Daguerreotypes. aol-dltn Harness, saddles and trunks, lacey & Phillips, Nos u and is south SEVENTH street, above CHESTNUT, have manufac tured. expressly for the FALL TRADE, a larger stock of superior Harness. Saddles and Trunks, than any other house in their fine, and having reduced the mode of raanumctaricg to such a perfect system, they are be yond all competition for quality, style and price. P. S—Country'Harness 'makers can be supplied cheaper than they can. manufacture. aul-lm Thomas e. banter—hardware, CUTLERT AND TOOLS. No 910 MARKET ST , above Ninth, south side, Philadelphia. aul-fim ttULLEXDER & PASCAL, lIATTERS, So S S SIXTH street, Philadelphia. JACKSON, JOB PRINTER, MERCHANT STREET CHECKS, NOTES, DRAFTS. BILL HEADS. CIHCfLASS, And JOB PRINTING generally, at shortest notice and fair prices anj-lm If T C. BRIDGES, GENERAL AGENT, * * • No. 6 LODGE STREET. PsiLaDSLPHU. All lju>.lne%:> l'i>bhdentia! I\, Lone-tir. and troiopUj attended to • • P.E»EKS lo Messrs. It. P Howard «fc Co., 1 Me-'-fri Harris .V Co., t C Henry Fi s her, Esq , * j S I! Bancroft. Esq., Philadelplua Charles S. Boker, Esq . i Vt'm M Swain, Esq , j Win Badger, K=q. ( j aul-Ttrp* TIIE ADAMS EXPRESS CO., OFFICE, 320 CHESTNUT STREET, forwards PARCELS, PACKAGES, MERCHANDIZE, BANK NOTES and SPECIE, either by its own LINES, or in connection with other EXPRESS COMPANIES, to all the principal TOW NS and CITIES of the United States. E. S. SANDFORD, General Superintendent. pHAKLES P. CALDWELL, yj H'iilP AND CANE MANUFACTURER. No. 4 North FOURTH Street. Philadelphia. Particular attention paid to Repairing. aal-3m Choice farm lands for sale mi ILLINOI3CEXTRAL RAILROAD COMPAXY is now prepared to sell 1.500.000 acres of choice Farming lands, in tracts of 40 acres and upwards, on long credit*. and at low rates of interest. Xhe*e lands were granted by the Government to aid in the construction of tbis Road, and are among the richest and most fertile in the world They extend from North-East and North-West. through the middle of the State, to the extreme South, and include every variety of climate and productions found between those parallels of latitude. The Northern portion is. chiefly prairie, interspersed with fine groves, and in the middla and Southern sections timber predominates, alternating with beautiful prairies and openings. The climate is more healthy, mud and equable, than, any other part of the country—the air is pure and bra cing, while living streams and springs of excellent water abound. Bitumiuous Coal is extensively mined, and supple* a cheap and desirable fuel, being furnished at many jiointiatjd to $4 per ton—and wood can be bad at the same rate per cord. lluilduig Stone of excellent quality al«o abounds, which can be procured lor little more than the expense of transportation. The great fertility of these lands, which areabUdf rich mould, from two to five feet deep, and gently roll ing-, their contiguity to this road, by which every* foci iity is furnished for travel and transportation to th* principal markets North. South. East. West, and the economy with which they can be cultivated, render them the most valuable lme?tinent that can be found, v.nd present the most favor^M* l opportunity for parsons of industrious habits and small to acquire a com fortable independence in a few years. Chicago is now the greatest grain market in the world; and the facility and economy with which the products of these lands cau be transported to that market, make them much more profitable. at the prices asked, tbau tlioM* more remote at government rate*, as the addi tional cost of transportation is a perpetual tax on the latter, which inu-t b * borne by the producer, in th* re duced price he receive* for h'« grain. &c. The title i* perfect—and when the final payment* are made, deeds are executed bv the trustees appointed by the State, and in 'whom the title i* vested, to the pur chokers, which convey to them absolute titles in fee sim ple, fiee and clear ofei.ery incumbrance, lien or mort gage. The price* are from ?d to s2o* interest only 3 per ct. Twenty per ct. will be deducted from thepriee for cash. Tho-os who purchase on loug credit, give notes pavabla in two. three, tour, five and -nyears afurdate, and are required to improve oue-tenth annually for five years, so .is to Ime orw-hnlfthe land under cultivation at the end of that time. Competent surveyors will accompany those who wish to examine these Lands, free of charge, and aid them in making selections. The Land.* remaining unsold are as rich and valuable a 3 those which have been disposed of. SECTIONAL HATS Will be sent to one who will enclose fifty cents in postage t-tamps, and books or pamphlets containing cu merems instances of farvaing, signed by re spectahig and well knoWA tanners living in the neigh borhood of the Railroad Lands, throughout the State— also the Cost of t-noitig. price of c title, export** of har vest. ug. thrA:hic.*. etc -r uny ether information— will hr ch>.euuUy appl.co.t.cn. either personally or by letter inEnghAh 1 reach, or German, addressed to JOHN WILSON. Land Commissioner of the Illinois Central E. R. Co. Office in Illinois Central Railroad Depot, Chicago, II- Unt>i* aul Shipping. SAVANNAH AND CHARLESTON SHIPS. FREIGHTS REDUCED Th» will kno.vn first i.lt’s side wheel Steamships KEYSTONE STATE and STATE OF GEORGIA, now form a Weekly Line for the South and Southwest, on* of the -hips -ailing EVERY SATURDAY*, at 10 o’clock. A M FOR SAVANNAH. GA THE STEAMSHIP KE\STONE STATE CflABLEjj P HAB-iHMax, Commander, Will receive frvu'lit on August 6ih, tod vul on iATCRDAY, Aucuh bth, at 10 o’clook, A. SI. FOB CHARLESTON'. S. C THE STEAMSHIP STATE OP GEORGIA, John J. Garvi>. Commsrtier. Will sail THIS (Saturday), August Ist, at 10 o’clock. .. M. At both Charlesto'i and Savannah these ships connect with steamers for Florida ar.d Harass, and with rail roads. Ac , for all places in the South and Southwest. Cabin Passage in either ship $2O Steerage do do 8 No freight received on Saturday morning. No hills of lading signed after the ihip has sailed. For freight or passage apply to A HERON,*Jr.. 81 North Wharve*. Agents at Charleston. T S A T. G. Budd. Agent at Savannah, C A. Greiner. FUR FLORIDA, from Savannah, steamers St. MARTS and St JOHNS, every Tuesday and Saturday. FOll FLORIDA, irom Charleston, eteanier CAROLI NA, every Tuesday. FOR HAVANA, from Charleston, steamer I3ABEL, on the 4th and 19th of every month. aal The new york and Liverpool UNITED STATES MAIL STEAMERS The Ship* composing this Line are : The ATLANTIC. Capt. Oliver Eldridge. The RALTIC. Capt. Joseph Comstock. The ADRIATIC, Capt. James West. The«e ships have been bailt by ccntract. expressly for Government service; every care has been taken m their const!uctiou, as also m their engines, to easare strength and speed, and their accommodaticna ter pasicngera are unequalled for elegance and comfort. Price of passage from New York to Liverpool, in first cabin, yloO; in second do . J 75; from Liverpool to New York, 3d and 'JO guineas. No berths secured unleu paid for. The ships of this line have improved water-tight bulk heads. PROPOSED DATES OF SAItfN'G. FROM J>6W TORE. i FROM LIVERPOOL. Weduesday, Jane 24. 1557 Wednesday. Julv 8, 1867 Wednesday, July 22. 1857 Wedne=dar. Anj 5, 1857 Wednesday. Au*. 19, 1557 Wednesday. Sept. 2, 1857 Wt.dnesd.l7, Sep; Cl, 1857 Weinejlay, Oct. 14, 1857 Wednesday. Oct. 2s, 1557 Wednesday. Not 11, 1557 Wednesday, N'ov 25. 1807 Wedrc-sday. Dec. 9. 1857 , Wednesday. Dee. 22. 1857 For freight or passage, applv to EDWARD K. COLLINS. So of Wail street, X Y. BROWN. SHIPLEY A CO.. Livorj-v: STEPUEN KEXXARD & CO 27 Austin Friars, London. ij 0. w.uswnuniT a co . p*r^. Saturday, June 20, 1557 I Saturday, July 4, 1057 | Siturd.iv, July 15, 3557 J Saturday, Aug 1, 3857 Sitaralay, Aug. 15, 3LSST | Siturdiy. Sept. 12, 1?57 | Saturd.iv, Sept ‘Jo. IVi7 S lturdsy, Oct 10. 1 ; 57 Saturday. Oct. 24, 2P*‘»7 i Saturday, Xuv. 7, 1i57 1 Saturday. Nov 21. 1507 I Saturday. Dee 5, j The owners of th« (.hip-. "ill taut K* aerountabla for gold. -ilvor. liallion. sp.'C.t'. j.**eln\p* edoas **.vci3 nr metals. unless hills oi laJmr ’* : ned therefo-. and the value thereof e\?re-«r 1 therein ajl-U FOR I.OXDOX—SATCRDAY, August l, lsiT —T!'C P‘Art Wiu» AOHILILA COO tons. C*ptmn J A Spedden, * ill shil as above. Cabin i*.i«*J«*-* » s's Second Cabin....» 20 StoiTJ.v 16 p (l -e nrer- m Second C.ihm and Strora-e. found with j,,„v i.'dju according to the American Pas-enger Act. i’or height or passage, appls to .ml THUS. RICHARDSON* *t Co. CiOR LIVERPOOL—SATURDAY, loth .4? August —The ship PHILADELPHIA, Capt. Chaa i . Poole. will «ail as above Cabin Parage SSO Second Cabin 20 Steerage 1? Second Cabin and Steerage Pa--enger«i famished with pr«\ moil-*, according to the American Passenger Act. aul TIIOS RICHARDSON d: CO. i\TEVi' YORK AXD HAVRE STEAM II SHIP COMPANY—The Ccited States Mail Ste*m er* ARAUO, (2500 toa».> D Lines. Commander, ?CL TON. (2ouo tons.) J A. Wotton. Commander, will leave New Yorh. Uavre and Southampton, for the year 156 7 , on the following days • LEAVE NEW TOBK.VIA SOITBAUPTON, On Saturday .V«r 31 Aram June-5 Fulton July 26 Ar&so Au/ 23 Fulton S-’lt CO ; At*:o »K-t Ju j Fulton Nos 13 Ar Fulton Araga FjU)ii Arago Fulton Ara^o j Fatten Dec. IT Theu stumer:?, built esj.:e-»ly for goveremeiit ser* tice, %*iih double under deck, every care has Weu taken in the construction of hu'l and machinery, t-i insure tnfrtv and The «hip 3 has-* fi\e arater ticht compartments. euclosm; the engines, so that, in the c\etit of f> cllisions or straniinr. the vrater coaid not reich then, and the pumps bem? free totrork them, the safety cf the vessel and p&isehrers wcull be se* cured lucent experience has demonstrated the ab*o> lute nccca..ty of tins mode of coustruct.oa. The «- cownjodat*ony for passengers ar# believed to combine every comfort and convenience that can be desired. PMCta LF PIbSIGE y Tv 'n Xrs York to cr Hacre. First CaVir. • Sloi 1 Second CiLvn . $!» Frsrx Havre cr Soutkanivton to AVic York. First Ca’.'iu . f $OO \ Second CM.n . f. 500 To jj.iisOUaLrs ffu.i’? to London the#a steamers o?sr the advantages of economy, both in time and expend Fi»ecie delivered in lx>r.ion. Hagg'iire not wanted dunnj the rovare to he sent ca bu.irJ the day before sailing. inarfc-*! ‘-Below. 5 * No jussage secured until paid for An experienced surgeon on board Ail letters and ncwrpapera cum paw throagh tne post office. For freight or passage, applr to MORTIMER LIVINGSTON. Acent, aul WPrc*d*»j. LEAVE havee, via soctuavpio*. Oa VTednMiAT, Jure 4 Julv 2 Jult 30 Sect. 24 Ch: 22 Nor 1$
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers