Nvmbf.R i 186.3] For Sale or Charter, •jfn-sgk THE snow J BOSTON, BUaTHEN about 1030 Bbls. of flour—(he may be sent to fca at a small expenee, her fails and rigging being in very good order—apply to James Campbell, or Geerge Latimer'. r April, 19. ? Snow Hebe. i;I r—TJ-. FOR SALE, jn The Snow H R B E ' fiith r ul Philadelphia built vessel, car- 3 ries 1,3000 bushels of trram or 2600 barrels flour, is rea - dv to take in a cargo. She is about four years old. Apply to PETER BLIGHT. Who has for sale, Sugar, Goffee, Cocoa, and Pimento. Also,' A Parcel of CHOICE PORT WINE. June 6 eo For Cadiz, ■ igar*' To fail on or about the 15th inft. from The Hazen ' 1 Excelleut accommodations for Faffengers. For passage only apply to Miller and Ho op: 1 , at New-York ; or to the Printer hereof. [June 13. t3 w l tor Sale at Att&ion.] /~\N Thursday, the 30th inft. at 7 o'clock, at th« Mer chant 3' Coffee-Honfe, JT*7-v. Tbe Schooner s Poim& Sally, BURTHEN 77 tor.s, well found, and may be seen at the wharf of Messrs. Jeffe & Robert Wain.— The terms of payment will be one'half el the purchafe jnoaey at 60 days, and the remainder at 90 day*, in ap proved notes, Footman Ss* Co. Au£lioneers. June 22 For Sale, Of 83 tons burthen, and can be fecit to ' sea at a small expence. For terms apply JOHN WELSH, A r0 .82 South Wharves, WHO HAS FOR SALE, 1 36,000 Pipe and barrel STAVES and heading » St. Croix SUGAR MADEIRA and PORT WINES LAMPBLACK, of Kuhn's "warranted" in order to Ihip, fceing put up in pound papers and flowed in good _ hoglheads SPERMACETI CANDLES ; SOAP SWEET Oil. CORDAGE , , , . Boston BEEF and MACK A.REL, and knockdown HIDES, BLUBBER OIL, MOROCCO SKINS. Tune 22 FOR SALE, THE Oargo of the Ihip Catharine, John Farraday, mas ter, from Hifpaniola, at the wharf of Maffrs. Jeffe & Ro bert Wain, Confiding of 156 Hoglheads of SUGAR 51 Hoglheads") COFFEE icß Bass j 44 Hhds. of Clarified MOLA6SES 72 Bains of Cotton _ ALSO FOR SALE, The said Ihip, p BURTHEN about 24 or 25 00 barrels— f')V' QllStrong, well found, and may be sent to at a small expense. Apply to John Craig. June 21 §. UNITED STATES, 7 |T Pennsylvania District, ) Notice is hereby given > That in pitrfuanceof a Writ to me directed, froitithe honorable Richard Peters, Esquire, Judge of the DiftriA Court of the United States in and for the Penn sylvania Diflridl, will be exposed to Public bale, at the Merchants' Coffee-Houfe, in the city of Philadelphia, on Tuesday the sth day of next, at 12 o'clock at noon, The Schooner or vessel called the Delight, With all and fingu'ar her tackle, &c. The fame having been condemned within said court for the payment of Mariners' wages, &c. William Nichols, Marjlial. Marshal's Office "J 2,1 5 June 21, 1796. $ Freight Wanted. For WASHINGTON, (N. C.) THE Brig SALLY, Capt Samuel Brad ford, will rail on Wednrfday next, MfflU the 29th inft for freight or passage apply to the Captain at Jones's wharf or to fp i JEHU HOLLINGSWORTH (i Co. June « 4 . d.t.n. w. - ~~~ T. NOBLE, broker, J? ESPECTFULLY informs h!s friends and the public that h« has removed his office to his house No. 1 47, Chefnut Street, next door to his former residence, where, every Bufinefsin the line of a Brokir, are f.ut..fully tranf albc d : Money procured to any amount at a moment 1 notice. ALSO, WILL be kept a numerical book of the drawings of all the Lotteries now extant—For the purchase of Tickets, infor mation will be given asufual. CaDjl Tickets in the second Class are now tor lale. From every information received, Wathington Lottery will absolutely commence in a few days. . June dr f ' TO BE SuLD, THE time of a Black Man who has'.en years to f rve, he is an excellent cook and good houfc «*»»« wdcilbri* the circ of of Horlo perfeftty and fold for no fault, h.s pre sent owner having no employment lor him. Enquire at the OftVee of the G«ette of the United States. June 24. £E&stne of tkUtiito&tatts PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY EVENING, JUNE 27, .'796. Landing, j AT the Subscribers' wharf, from on board the ship An- j rora, capt 3uter, 150 Hogfiiead* Prime Jamaica Sugars, For sale by Willings and Francis, May 17 § Take Notice, < r T , HAT the Subscriber intends to make applica- t A tion for the renewal of a Certificate, No. IAO9, t i for 4000 dollars, dated the 14th December, x 795, bearing 3 i intareft at 5 ' percent, from tft January, 1796, in the I name of D*vH Dunderdale & Co. of Le.ds, in Yerk- , j ftiire, merchants. The fame n supposed to have been loft ' on its way to New York, under cover to Bleecker & j March, of placc, on the 6th of January last' t Thomas M'Euen. 1 Philadelphia, aadjune, 1796. §6 j Wanted, . < A YOUTH of from 12,t0 15 years of age, of refpe&able chaiafterand conne&ions, as a« Apprentice to the Mer cantile business. Apoiy to the Printer# j»"g 13 11 Bill of Exchange and London Market Madeira WIN E, In pipes, hogfhesds and quarter calks, fit for immediate use 1 OLD SHVRRY WIN £ in quarter calks 1 A lew hhds and qr. calks R£D LISBON WINE Old Jamaica SPIRITS, to Wj fold by George Meade, At his Store, in Fourth, near Walnut-Street. He has also, TO RENT, Twp Lnrpe Cellars, floored with 2 inch plank. _ and can supply Store-room for a confiderabie quantity of ■ Wet and Dry Goods. June 16 §10 To-Morrow Morning Will be LANDED, at Hamilton's wharf, FROM on board the I'chooner Eliza, Thomas Arnold, master, from MALAGA, FRESH RAISINS, in kegs, Ditto, in Jars and Boxes, SOFT-SHELL'D ALMONDS, infacks ANCHOVI S, in Kegs, MOUNTAIN W INE, in qr. calks, &c. And for sale by Peter Kuhtt. June iz $6 CINCINNATI. THE Members of this State Society are hereby notified that their Anniversary Meeting, for ihe pup co! Officers of the Society, and tranfacing such other busi ness as may come before them, will be held on the 4th diy of July next, in the State Houfc, at 10 o'Cluck in rb. morning : wherethtir piin&ual attendance,is rtq cl\cd. As r tne bu , finefs is finilhed, the Society will adjourn to Mr. C) E .«rs Hotel, in order to celebrate the birth-day of our Freedom and ' ndepenoence. The dinner v/ji'. be cn the :»>b'e at o'Clock. The Membersoi the oiher St itcSocieties o tie Cincinnati, wfio tna* be 111 this ciiv on that day, are particu larly invited to join in cclebra' ing it- By order of th»". Handing Commute. RO3ER I PORTER, Scc'ry. J« e 24- / _ A small Invoice PER the Ihi Harfi t, capt. Thomas W. Norman, from Hamburgh, confirming of | Ravens Duck, Damaflc and j Tabl? Cloths Diaper. J Holland Linen Cambrics, &c. ADSO, f. NEAT ASSORTMENT Or Gold and silver Watches. Which will be difpefed of together or by the package. Apply to Isaac Harvey, jun. 3 No. 5 South Water Street. June 2J To be Sold, A LARGE commodious house at the corner of fourth ; and Prtine streets, between Walnut and Spruce s>ts 13 feet by 42, and two story back buildings—adjoining ; the house theie is an office two stories high, and a vacant j ® lot on fourth lire t 33 by 102 feu-t. Poffelhon w.U he e g;iven in September, and 12 menths credit will be allowed ( • for the greatest part of the purchase money. j Enquire ot r ' '■?*• • " June 25. §3. No. 10, Pruneftreet TEN DOLLARS REWARD. LOS T, e TUNE 15th, between Shippenand Market streets, a red e J OROCCO POCKE V BQOK, containing a Check on the Bank of the United States, drawn by Peter and Henry Mierckinin favorof Mr.R Potter, for I,ooodol lars, aud several notes of hand pad due ; together with a (hare in the New Theatre, and several other papers of no j consequence but to the owner. Whoever will bring it to No. 136 Market street, lhall receive the above reward. , , N.B. Payment of the Cheek is flopped at the Bank. !_ June 15. Landing, !q This Day, at Willings & Francis's wharf, from the Brandy wine Miller* A cargo of Rum & Sugar from St. Croix. ' For Sale by John Nixon & Co. 0. T'""' g 3 - ii2_ Sales of India Goods. The Cargo ef the fliip Ganges, capt. lingey, from Cal cutta and Bengal, consisting or M \ Lircc and general assortment of Bengal and Madras r - f\ COI TON and SILK GOODS. *d Xmonc WHICIi ARE N A -variety fine worked and plain .Mujlins, Doreas, &c- Also, A Quantity of Excellent Sugar, he In boxes and bags—and BLACK. PEPPI-R. For Sale by » - Willings Francis, I,e No. »1 Venn Street. June 8 Notice to Claimants For BRITISH SPOLIATIONS. THE COMMITTEE Appointed by the Merchants of this City, who are fuf ferers by Briti/h captures, Ricommend, THAT every Claimant who has not already exhibited well authenticated proofs of his property, furniih, without delay, proof that the property claimed is bona _ ■fide American, of its cost or value at the place of expor tation, and at the place to which it was destined, (where that can be done) and the freight payable or cuftomarr, j at the time of exportation, for like goods and voyages. When the claim is for vessel, to fpecify the tonnage, age, where built, and the a>3«ual cost or value. These documents ought to be proved by oath, or affirm ation, of the party claiming, made and certified by a ma- j giftratc or notary public, and corroborated by such other tt;ftimony, as the nature of the cafe will admit. Such of them as are handed to the Committee, will be forwarded to the Coir miflioners appointed on the part of the United States, to adjust the Claims of American Citizens. THOS. FITZSIMONS, Chairman of tha Committee. Philadelphia, ift June, 1796 d4W Wm. HOLDERSKSSIi, No. jfrHigb Street, v HAS received, by the latest arrivals from Europe and u the Eall Indies, a well fele&cd assortment of Silk Mercery, Linen Drapery and Haberdashery Goods; which he will fell, Wholcfale and Retail, on the lowed terms ; AMONGST WHICH ARE, Some fine India muslins embroidered with gold and silver Superfine Book, Jaconet, aad Mulmul ditto Do Cto do do Handkerchiefs Some extra black taffetiesjuteftrings and colored Persians Bandano Handkerchiefs . Lcvs and Qiort Nanketlis Mantuas of the firft quality Damalk table linen and napkins, very fine Silk Hoficryj an elegant affortmsnt Theadand cotton-do Umbrellas—-green (ilk, oil'd do. and do cloth French cambrics, very fine Iri.Ti Linens, do. sic. &c. June 14 § A" vjenteel family wish to rent a COUNTY SEAT, in ail agreeable situation, within a few miles of Philadelphia. If furnifhed, it would be more agreea ble. Apply personally or by letter to Mr. Taylor, at Dr. Ycatman's, No. 225, South second street, corner of Second street- June 6. § Just Arrived, In the Show Boston, James Kirkpatrick,,mafter from Li- 1 verpool, 5000 Bulhels SALT ; j 100 Crates QUEENS WARE ; and j An Aflbrtmerit or SHIP CHANDLERY; FOR SALE On board, at Pine-ftrcet wharf. Apply to James Campbell, or George Latimer. April 29. 5 Fcvr Sale, /y Three story BRICK HOUSE and Lot, in Chefnut ■ 1. street, between I'r.ont and Second streets, in which Muffr'. James Calbraith & Co. have for many years (and now da; carried on business. PotfSfion wiil be given in one month, or sooner. For terms apwly to WILLIAM BELL, or HECTOR CALBRAITH- April zl. § Country Seat for sale. . N elrgarn House, and highly cultivated Farm, on the eaft ''.» etn b ink of Htfdfon's river, bounded 011 the north by VViplanck's '.'oint, and diitaiii forty-five miles from New York ; the farm consists «t 295 acres, and isoneot the tnpft pi£lur 'qiv and beautiful fnuatmns on the Continent ; com. manding an extensive and variegated profpeft ; the foil is rich, chi'flv laic down in Englilh gra!», and is under excellent fence, The house is a har.dlorne two story double building, in the moll modern llyle, finilhed with much t2fte, and pofTeffes e very reqoifite for the accommodation of a genteel lamily ; thereare alfoon the premises a new overfeer's-houfe, a new barn, cKtenfive stables, cow-shed, cyder-house, frnoke-hotje, poultry house, &c. There are abundance of Iruit trees com prehending all the' choice 11 kinds which cnuid be procured from the nurfenes about town, now in full ocaring, and a well ftock'd kitchen garden. A {loop goes twice a week to ' tlie city, from a landing convenient to ttie farm, and the Al bany poll road forms the eallern boundary. The house, &c. arc kept in neat otder. for the reception j of t'he purcha'.er on the Ihorteft notice, who itiight also be I accommodated with about Ito acres adjoning the farm 011 the , south, the greatest part of which ftretcbes along the river, j which abounds with ovfters and avarietyof filh- Should he ' be averse to farming, there are many rtfpeftable neighbours : who would work it on advantageous terms. Apply to GEORGE & HUGH POLLOCK, GoKverneur's Lane. New-Yolk, or to JOSFPH ANTHONY & CO; M,y 2-7 Vim Philadelphia. Samuel Richardet, TV ESPECTFULLY informs the Gentlemen ! IV Merchants, that he has this day opened the CITY ) TAVF.RN and MERCHAN TS COFFEEHOUSE in the city of Philadelphia. The Subscription Room will be furniihed with alj the daily papers published in Philadelphia, New-York, Bos ton, Baltimore, together with those of the principal com mercial cjti«s of Europe—They will be regularly filed and none permitted to be taken away on any account. Tea, Coffee, Soupes, Jellies, Ice Creams, a,nd a variety of Frtncn .Liquors; together with the usual rcfrefhmeiits, will at all times be procured at the bar. Gentlemen may depend on being accommodated with the choictft of Wines, Spirituous Liquors, and the most approved Malt Liquors tromLpndon and other breweries. The I .arder will be supplied with the prime and ear He ft of tho Season. Large and small Parties, or single Gentlemen, may be accommodated with Breakfafts, Dinners, or Sappers, at hours molt conv nient to thcmlelves—a cold Collation is regularly kept for conveniency, the Bill of Fare to be had at the bar. The Lodging Rooms will be completely furnifhed, and the utmofl attention paid to cleanliness, and every other requisite. s £5" Samuel Richakdet will behappy to receive, and execute the commands of his Friends, and the Public at large; and with gratitude for their favours, he pledges himfelf that nothing on his part fhaii be wanting to pre » fcrve that patronage with which he hat been so diftinguifh ingly tionored. Philadelphia, April 19. § TO BE LET. A LARGE Commodious No. 124, Spruce street, with a convenient liable and Coach House, —Also for sale a Chariot but little the worse for use, June a. sett For sale by the^ubfcribers, IN PiNN-ST* TKT, 130 quarter Chests frePi Hyton Ten ; 100 ditto do. frefii Souchong Tim . 300 Boxes China, containing (mall tea setts of 4* pieces; 400 pieces Bandanoes. I Willing & Francis. ' January ;o 3t.iw. Just Arrived, , In the brig (■ ftpt* , Qvtlerforu and ivill begin to land thin day (H Sims's wharf• below ' the Bridge, TENERIFFE WINES, In pipes, hoelheads and quarter cafVs. For fate hv SAMUEL cjf MIEkS USHER. They hive aifo on hand, 7 Butts Malaga, ami 1 5 Butts & 23 Qr. Calks Sherry, Which they wist to dispose of to ciofe f.iles. bth monthl7, George DOBSON, ' T> EGS leave to inforit ihe Store Keepers in Town and fj Country* that he hns reinoveM f oti M -wket-Strcet to N°- 25, south Third-fireet, where he is opening a Large and few mt ARoitmeiit of the 1 undermentioned articles—viz. Superfine London Cloths and Kerseymeres, I Yorkshire fecorid Do. Do. Elastic do. do. Mix'd and Blue Coatings Flannells, &c. Manchester Printed Callicoes, London Chintz ditto, 5 Blue and ditto Furnitures, India ditto, Lon£Cloths, Co(fte*. Biftas, Corvjevrems» 4-4 q-8 & 6-4 Ind-.a 3ook Mullms, 4-4 and 9-8 India iJook Handkerchiefs, 4-4 and 9-8 Scotch ditto, 4-4 & 6-4 plain do. Muslins, 4-4 & 6-4 Britidi Jaconets, 6-4 Britilh Checks and Stripes, 4-4 India do. do. do. 4-4 ditto Chilloes, Madras Handkerchief*. &C. , A large assortment of figur'd and plain Muflinets, f Quillings, Dimities, and Sniped Nankeens, Fancy Waiflcoatings, Ginghams of the firft Quality, fubjedl to Drawback, India Nankeens, * Men's White and coloured Si'k stockings. t May 9 TenerifFe Wine. * q-'ENERII'FE WINE, in pipes, bogfheadr, and X quarter caiks, and 170 Filtering Stones, j■ ■ft ar rived per the schooner Polly & Saily from Tener.ffe.aiid for Sale by John Craig, No. 11 Dock ftrect. . WHO riAS ALSO FOR SALE, Best Soft-fhcll'd ALMONDS, RAISINS in Frails SHERRY WINE, in Quarter Calks, Irilh CANVAS, Bristol and Irift. WINDOW GLASS. t May 30 eo d Yazoo Lands. May be had at the Editor's Office 119, Chefnut-jlrerl, A few Copies of " a Report of the Attorney General to Congress containing a Co'ie&ion of Charters, Treaties and other Documhnts, relative to and explanatory of the Title to the L-tnrt *" situate in the South Weflem parts of the United v States, and claimed by certain Companies under a II law of the State of Georgia, pafled January 7th, t 1221: * RECEIVED, t- By the Brig Welcome Return, from .Savannah, J 27 Bales COTTON. e, My the Schooner Abigail, from Charlejlon, , »- 100 Casks Prime RICE. a And, by the Schooner John, from Bojlon, 10 SEWING-SILKS, various colours, 1- GURRAHS COSSAHS, and India Bandinno Handkchfs. For Sale by T c N. & J. Frazier, ■r, No. 9 j, South Front street- Whc have also on hand, and for Sale, Prime Boston BEEF, in barrels, teife f WINES. Carolina INDIGO, &c. &c. May 311 mw&fttn Lottery and Broker's Office, " n N Q 64 South Second street, r ~r , ICKETS in the Canal Lottery No. 11, are now rea» L dy for sale, a Check Book kept for the eximination of Tickets, and Prizes paid, without dedu&ion. e The Subfcriher solicits the application of the Public or any ot his friends who wilh to purch 'fe or iell Bank Stock, n " Certificates, Bills of Exchange, or Notes, Houses, Lands, Lotts or Merchandize of any kind, or to cbtain Money on deposit of property. z WILLIAM BLACKBURN, Late Agent for the Canal Lottery Company. t ' l June 6. w&« oft ■ el Rofs & Simfon, , HAVE FOR. SALE, French Checks is Stripes Printed Cotton, ' a Muflinets n j Table Cloths and Napkins cr Nanlteens of an excellent quality per the package, 0t for the Weft India market, and entitled to the Drawback n( j Grev Ginger in bags t Superior old Sherry in quarter calks ir A few pipes and quarter caflcs Lisbon Wines ?e- June ii §iw A Small Invoice of L C A MB R I C S, Fo Sale, by * c 4 N. & J. FRAZIER, for No. 95, Sout|i Front-Street. ,t June 18. jwjtaw. /- ' [VOI.VMK IX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers