BOOKS, Printed for and Publijhed by MATHEW CAREY, N°. 118 MARKET STREET. (Price Sixteen Dollars.) New Syfhm of Modern Geography: Or, a Geographical, Hiflorisal and Commercial Grammar ; andprefentjidte of the federal Nations of the World, , CONTAINING, The figwres, motions, and ciiliar to each country, diflances of the Planets, ac- VII. Ottfervations on the cording to the Newtonian fyl- chaagcii that have been aay n the iatcft febferva- where oVferved the face ©f nature jftnee the mod car- tions t II A general View of the ly peri ,ds of hiitory. Earth considered is a planit; Vfll. History and origin with several ul'eful definitions of nations; theirformsot go and problems. vernmtnt.refignation, laws, 111. Grand divifi®ns of the revenues, taxes, naval ar.d Globe into land and water, military ftrcn°rh. continents and ifiands. IX. Genius, aianners, cuf- Situation and'extent of em- toms and liabit. of the people, pires, kingdoms, ft&es, pro- X. [It ir language, learn viiKcs and colonics. irg, arts, sciences, manufac- V. Their climates,air, foil, tures and Commerce, vegetables, productions, m- XI. Chief cities, ftruflures tal6, minerals, natural em it.- ruins, and artificial cUriofities. iities, leas, riverj, bays, pro- XII. Latitude, longitude, moHtorie<and Lake's. bearingsanddiftancesof prin- VI. Birds and Bc?.:!s pe- cipalplacesfromPhiladeipliia. ID WHICH ARE ADDED, 1. A Geographical Indux, with the names and places a pha reticaHy arranged. 51. A Table of the Coins of all nations, and their value in dollars and cents. Tts. A Chronological' Table of remarkable events, from the Creation to the prefcnt time. " By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, E/y. The Astronomical part by Jams Fergufon, F. R. S. Corrected byPy. David Rittenhouse. To ruhiob are added, thi late Discoveries of Or. herfchell, and other eminent Aftronomcrs. The riRST am.'.rtcan edition, corre&ed, improved, arid gteatly enlarged. Containing the following Mips and Plates. X Map of the World S3 Hindoftaa 4 Chart of the World 14 Africa 3 Europe S5 United States 4*Co«Etrksroua<ltlKNorth 26 Eritifh Dominions in A- Pole. morica 5 Sweden, Denmark, Nor- 27 Indies • .way and Finland." zß*Province of Maine 6 RuiTia 2p*Nev Hampihre ■ ■ 7 Scotland jo'Ma.Tachufetts • o England and Wales 3 f'CoiHieSicut 9 Ireland 3J»Rfeode Ifiand 10 France 33*Vermost 11 'Seat of War 34*Ne\VYork II Seven United Provinces 35' New Jersey 13 Austrian, French and 36*Pennfylvania -Dutch Netherlands 37*Bela\vafe 14 Germany 38' Maryland j/ Switzerland 39* Virginia 1$ Poland 40* Kentucky 17 Spain and Portugal 41 "North Carolina 18 Italy 4 j'TenefTee government r$ Turkey in Europe 43 »South Carolina 13 Afii 44* Georgia ii'JDifcoveries made by cap- 45 Copcrnican fyflem tains CoOKe and Clerke. 46 ArmiUarr sphere 22 China I The Maps marked with stars are added to this edition, «iclufive of thole in the lift London edition. The United States Register for 1795, Price <0 Cents. C 0 N T E N T S. Calendar, with the neccfory Boundaries of the United tables, &c. 3cc» States. Population GOVERNMENT. Lift of the Officers Legiilature Statement o! Exports judiciary Public Debt Department ef State Pay, &c. of the army Department of theTreafury Mint Eflabliftment CommTffiooori of Loans Rules for reducing the cur- Oificers of the CUftcms rencies of the different Ret enue Cutters states to a par with each Light Hsufes otheh Officers of the Excise IVtvlcs of the number of Duties and Dutiable articles cants and decimal parts Exemp s from duties in any number of fhillingg Duties on tonnage and pence less than a del on abmeilic obje&s lar in the currencies o{ Drawbacks, &c. and regu the different iUtes lations to be olerved in Tables Clewing the value of obtaining them dollars in the currencies General Abflraet from the ol ditto revenue laws relating to Poll-office e'flablifhmcnt the duty of i-nafters of Lift of Post-Towns, &c. vessels, of the owners, Latitude and Longitude of icc, ef goods, and the the principal towns in the officers of the cuftoins; United States to the payment of duties, Banks and the importation of Literary Inftitutio.u goods National, IWanufa&ory txpences of Government Sessions of the Courts for 1794 Wefterß Territory Department of War 2 uprem~ Executive State Governments. New Hampfliire South-Carolina Vermont i . Georgia Mafla'chufctts r Order of tinie in which the Cunne&icut feverai States adopted the New-York federal Coaftitutlon New-Jersey Table ot the Sun's rifiiig renafylvania and fitting Delaware AbftrnSk of goods, wares, Maryland a*d merchandize export- Virginpa ed from the United States Kentucky , from the ift of Oifobcr North-Carolina >90, to 30th Sept. IJQI. Charlotte a tale of truth—by Mrs. Rowfrin,. of the new Theatre, Philadelphia. Second Apatrican edition Vrice 75 cents. [ The rapid sale of the firfl edition of this enterefting novel, in a few months is the best criterion of its merit.] EXTRACT FROM Tli«s CRITICAL REVIEW, ABRIL I 791.p - . 465. <« It may be a tale of truth, for it is not unnatural, and it is a tale of real diferefe—C%rl6tte, by the ajtifice ot a teacher, resommended to a school, from humanity ra ther than a convi&ion of her integrity, or the regularity, of her former conduct, is enticed from her govefnefs, and accompanies a young officer to America—the marriage ceremony, if not forgotten, is poftponcd, and Charlotte dies a martyr to the inconilancy of her lover and treach ery of his friend. The liquations are artless and aifeifving—the defcrip+ion naturil and palhetii 5 we Ihould feel for Charlotte if such a pcrfon ever exilted, who for one error, fcarcejy, perhaps deserved so severe i If it is a fi&ion, poetic justice is not, v e thijik, properly distributed," I. The Inquifitor—6y Mrs t Rowfon., Second Philadel phia edition. 87 1 2 cents. a. Adventures of Rodenc Random. 2 vols. 1 dollar and JO cents, coarl'c paper—l dollar and 75 cents fine. 3. Notes Oil the Sate of Virginia—by Thomas Jefferfon. Price neatly bound, one dollar and a half. 4. Ilistbry of the French Revolution, from its com rrencMuentto the death of the Queen and the cxccution of Briffot. 2 ollars. .$ Plowden'i History, of the Brilifh Empire, from May I79*> December J 7?3.* * dollar and a quarter-. JThis is an interesting and valuable publication as ha appealed for?many ye«.rs. O. Beattie's Elements of Moral Scicr.cs. avals. One dol lar and three quarters. SCHEME of a Lottery authorized by an a£t entit led " an a& to enable the President and Managers of the Schuylkill and Sufquehanna Navigation, and the President and Managers of the Delaware and Schuyl kill Canal Navigation, to riife by .way of Lottery, the sum of four hundred thousand dollars, for the pur pose of completing the works in their a&s of incorpo ration mentioned. t Prize of 50,60© dollars is 1 33,600 J 20,000 to b* paid to the pofTetfora of the tickets of the five latt drawn numbers, 100,000 I l.?jOoo . Is>ooo 10,0 c o are - 20,c00 15,000 I 2,000 to be paid to the poflclfor of the ticket of the fir» t drawn number, i,oo£' £0,000 ifi,soo 16,G87 Prizes , 33>3»J Blanks,, 53,000 tickets at 10 dollars each, All Prizes fnall be paid ten days after the drawing is finished, upon the demand of the pofioflor of a for tanate Ticket, lubjedl to the d«du<3ion of fifteen per cent Such prizes as, are not demanded in iz months after thf drawing is fmiihed, of which public notice will be given, foall be considered as relinquilhed for the use of the Canal, and applied accordingly. At a meeting of the r'refident and Manager 4 of the Schuylkill ana Sufyuehawa Canal navigation—and the Prefulent and Manager! of the Delaware aud Schuylkill Canal, IVednejilay, May 13, 1795. Resolved, That David Rittenhoufe, Joseph Ball. Jolm Stein metz, Slaiididi Forde, and Francis Weft, be a Commit tee to arrange and direct the mode of disposing of the Tickets ; which Com.nittee :ha!i deposit the Money m Bank, to be c irried to ihe credit of an acsount to be opened for the Lottery. Extract from the Minutes, r. MATLACK, Sec'ry. to the joint meeting of Jie two Poards The drawi.ig of this Lottery wiii p> tiveiy commence nn the lirft day of September rit* : r Tickets may be had at the Company's Office near the Bank of the United States, and of either of the sub scribers. DAVID KITTENHOUSE, "J JOSE.-H BAI.L, | JOHN STEINMET7., STAXDISH FOR.DE, FXAXCt-i .T£.yr. bcheme ot a Lottery, To ruife 39,900 Dollars, on 366,000 Dollars\Dctfu3in% 15 per Cent, from iht frizes—l his Lottery cvtijtfts of 38,000 lu'kcls, in which iherc arc 14,539 I'rizes, anli 23,4b! li-a*ks t fining about vie and an hoi/ blanks to a Prize. nHHE Dire&oisof ine Society toi eftabiifnmg Ufelul Ma» -A- nu failures, having resolved to erect LOI i fcKIEStor railing One Hu#d red Thousand Dot la*.s, agreeably to ao Ad of the Legislature ot the State ot New-Jersey, have appointed the toilowing pcrton* to superintend and dire&the drawing o'. the lame, viz. Nicholas Low, Rutus King, Herman Lc Roy, James Watlwi, Richard Har mon* Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city ot New-York—Thomas Willing, Joleph Ball, Matthew M'* Connei and Andrew Bayard, ot the city ot Philadelphia — Hts Excellency.Richard Howell, E(q. Elias Boudtnot, General Elias Dayten, James Parker, John Hayarri, Do& or Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua \ A . Wal lace, Jofcph Bloomfieid, and EliOta lioudmot, of New. Jerley, who otter the fallowing Scheme el a Lottery, and pledge themiclvcs to the public, that they will take every aUur oce and precaution in then power ;o have the Monies paid by the Managers from time to time, aareceiv* cd, into t|>e Hanks at New-York and Pmiadelphia, to remain tor the purpolc ot paying Priz a which ihali be immediately discharged by acLeek upon one ot the Banks. 1 Piizeof ICO 3°® 100© ZOOO 8100 1 4'539 P'iits. 23,461 Blanks. 38000 Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing wtif commence, under the infpef.b n of a Committee ol the Superiniendants, as loon as the Tick ets art* fold, of which timeiy notice wtil be given. The Supeiinteadants have appointed John N. Camming of Newark, Jacob R. Hardenucrg, New-Brunfwick 9 and Jonathan Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Manager thereof, who fjavc given ample lecuruy lor difelisrgi g the truJt rcpofed in tnem. (£3" in order to secure the punttual payment of .th Prizes, the Superintendams of the Lottery have di<rc£ieu that the fh'all each enter iUio bonds in dollars, with fobr (uliicicntfi cuTiii s, to perfoiro their >n» (ttu6lions, the 1 tuSUance ot which is I. That whenever either of the Managers shall receivc thrfuin of Three Hundred Dollars, he (hall lmmduteU place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York or Phi ladelphia, 10 tire ciedit ot the .Governor of the Society,, and f&ch of the Superintendents as ive in the city where the monies are placed, to remain there until the Lotftry is drawn, for the payment of th? Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fulficient security for Ticket#, tliey may truft,othcrwife to be responsible for them. 111. To keep regular hooks of Tickets fold, Mo nies received and p«nd int* the Bank, ahftra&s of which {hall be Tent, nonthly, to the Governor oi the Society. Pateffon, January i, 1794. On application to either oi the above gen-.lemen, infor mation will be ®iyen. where ticiy-ts.»)UV be hud, tu&t j AT a Meeting of the Stockholders in the InfuraHce Company of the flale of Penrtfylva nia y on the 25th May lall, convened for the purpose of fixing the time of payment of tne remaining part of the Capital Stock of said Company Refolded, that the remaining futn of two hnndflH dollars per lharc, he paid on the 6th day of Novem ber next, under the penalties annexed to default by the a& of Incorporation. Published by order of tlae Meetings ' SAMUEL W. FISHER, $> C y HiN§6 Jane 17 yuST PUBLISHED, In one volume odtavo, price one dollar and an half, The Federal Politician. To be fold by the following principal Boofcfellers in this city—F. & R. Bailey, Matthew Carey, John Qrmred, Thomas Stephens, William Woodhoufe, and at th? offiec «f the Aurora. 8 4-§t3' •SnSfwjN 'HILaDELPHU, P*i nt* n m .JOHN FENNO, N # * 119 chf f nut Streti — Pr,cs s,x - CANAL LOTTERY. a,500 2,0C0 IjOOO 5 so IG3 SCHEME: a-3,0c0 Dollars i« 20,000 I 0,000 5,000 2,0C0 I ,CrOO ,50© » 00 5° 29 *5 X 52" 562,00 c Firfl drawn number, Laltdrawn numbtr, 2,00© jit bis HOSIERY STORE) No. 48 Chefnut ftreety RESPECTFULLY informs his Friends and the PuMic in general, that he has just received by the Ihip Liberty from Liverpool, a further supply of Men's & Women's Silk and Cotton Dollars. 50,000 30,000 Alneng which are a very exienfive afiortment ©f Gentlc a*en's plain white, fancy, and pat«nt Silk, fuperSne iancy plated silk and cotton, fine whit", plain, and ribV] cot ton—a very large afiortment of fancy Patent and fine ran dom fancy cotton, &c. which he will fell upon the most reafonahle terms by the dozen or single pair. 1 jf L S Of A flor»ment of every other article of DRT GOODS, newly imported. Thofc gentle-mil who please to favorß. C. with their commands, vail meet with, at his store, a moll elegant, extensive, and wefl chosen alFortraent of every description *f Hosiery* Also. a great Variety of 20,000 20,000 I'o,ooo 198,000 500,000 500,000 Revenue OJJice, /lpr'il 27, 179? PROPOSALS toill be rcceiwd at the Office of the Com MissioNTiß. of the Revenue for building on the head land of Caj>e Hattrras on the coajl of North Carole /?<J, of the following materials, dipieffjiont t ami defer ipiion. THE form istobco&agonal.— he foundation is to be of ftonc, to be funk thirteen feet below the bottom of the water table or the furface of the earth, and to be commenced of the diameter of twenty nine feet.—From such commencement to the height of four feet the foun dation is to be laid solidly and from thence to the bottom of the water table, the foundation wall is to be nine feet high and nine feet thick. The diameter of the base from the bottom of the water table to the top thereof (where the o&agonal pyramid is to commence) is to be twenty eight feet four inches and the wall is there to be fcven feet thick—the wall of the octagon al pyramid 13 to be fix feet thick at the base thereof, on the fop of the water table. The height of the building from the bottom of thp wa tef-table, and from the furface of the earth, to be nine ty feet to the top of the flone work, under the floor of the lantern ; where the diameter is to be sixteen and one half feet and the wall three feet.—the whole of the walls is to bebuilt of.ftone : the water table is to be capt with sawed flone, at least eight inches wide and fioped st the top to turn off the water. The outside of the walls is to be fac ed with hewn or hanim«r drafted stone, laving four win dows in the north call and five windows in the south weft: The sashes are to be hung with hinges, and each fafti is to have twelve panes of glass, eight by ten inches } Managers, ; On the top of the {lone work is to be a framed tier Q f I joifla,, beded therein, planked over with oak plank, exten ding two feet beyond the wall thereby formingan eave which i is to be fmilhed with a corpice, the whole having a de j scent from the ccutre fufiicieat to throw off the wafer, and to be covered with copper. A complete and fufficient iron j lantern in the o&agoi*al form is to reft, thereon. The eight corner pieces or flanchions of which, arc to be built in the wall to the dejfch of ten feet. These stanchions to be nearly three inches fqtmra in the lowter ten feet, and 3 1-2 inches by 1 1-2 inches above. The lantern is to be ten feet and nine inches in diameter, it is also to be ten feet high • from the floor to the bottom of die dome or roof and to have a dome or roof of five feet and nine inches in height. The whole space between the potts or upright pieces at the angles is to <>e occupied by the sashes, which re to be mould ed on the inside and struck solid. Eachfafti is to have twen ty eight panes of glass, fourteen by twelve inchc6. A part of the sash on the southwest fide is to- be hung with hin ges for a convenient door to go ©at on the platform. The rafters of the lantern are to be framed into an ire a hoop, over which is to be a copper fuilneJ,thro' which the smoke may pass into a large copper ventilator in the form of a man's head, capableof containing one hundred gallons. ThTsheadis to be turned by a large vane ; so that the hole for venting the smoke, may be always to leeward. Eight dormant ventilators are to be fixed in the roof, a large curved air pip; is to be pafifcd through the floor, and a close fl©ve is to be provided and fixed in the lantern. There are to be eight pairs of stairs to ascend to the lantcin, the entrance to which is to be by a trap door covered with copper. The building is to be furnifhed with two com plete electrical condu<slors, or rods with points. The floors are to be laid with plank, of at least one inch and one -half in thicknefe.' The entrance to the light house is to be well secured by a 9trong door hung uponhinges with a strong Lock and latch complete. i«\ooo 10,000 io,cco to,ooo 10,000 15,000 20,000 30,000 Also a frame House to be thirty four feet in front and sixteen feet deep with a cellar under it. The cellar walls to be eighteen inches thick and seven feet high. 36,t0c 18,uc© The firft story of the house is to be eight feet, and the second, seven feet and fix inches high. The floors ar« to be laid in whole lengths, nailed through. The flack of chimnies is to be finifhed with two plain fire places on each floor, one of them large for a kitchen Two windows below and three above in. front nd rear, cach fafti to have eightaen pants of glass ten byjtweh# inches. The doors are to be | hung and furnifhed completely. The ciehngs and fides of the House arc to be plaifler ed with two coats ; all the wood work inside and out is to be well painted and the wKole to be finiflied in a plain de «ent manner. An Oil vault is to be built twenty feet by twelve feet in the clcar, Arched over and covered with earth or /and over which a Ihed is to be built— It is to be furnifticd with nine strong Cedar Citterns with covers, each capablc of contain* ing two hundred gallons. The entrance to the vault is to be secured by a strong door. "A well is to be funk at a convenient diilance, and furnifhedwith a curb, buekct and rope completely. The builder to find for all the materia s, labor, workmanship, proviflons, and objects of cost, charge or expence, for a sum tp be agreed upon, and to execute the before described work.and evary part thereof in a good and workman-like manner. Convenient payments or advances, on ltecurity will be •made. April 17, /\LL Perions indebted to the iiltate of Alexander Ritchie, deceased, are requested to make im mediate payment to the iubferibers; and th«fe who have dtmands against said eliat*:, are requeftedto bring in their accounts and receive payment. FRANCIS GJRNEY, } ROBERT SMITH, £ Executors" DANIEL SMITH, J Philadelphia, July »7. >795 ~ . , y • • Del Pino's Spanijh Grammar, To which is added, an Enghfh Grammar, for the uie of Spaniards. At the fame place may be had, a few copies of ' Boyer's French & Engljb Didiona y New Hosiery. BARTHOLOMIW conollt, Hosiery. Gentlemen's Out-fizes. Treasury Department, A Light House J A iVI L 6 YARD Has for sale, at his fore on Walnut-street wharf, St. Croix Rum and Sugar of superior quality. St. Domingo Indigo. Laguira and St. Domingo Hides. 100 Pockets of fine Cotton. Lsilr.LT fUlirLlStiJiU, And to he had at JJ. DA FIES't Bcvk-Stort, _ No. 68- Higb-Jlreet,^ SHOT, OF all (izes, from 3 i lb to Grape, Cimboolts, Pots, and other callings executed at the fharteft notice, Nail rods, from rod to spike, Hoop Iron, of allfizes, forcaflcS or cutting into nails, from a brad to 1 zd nails, Anchors, from 17 Cwt. to loolb. Bar Iron, A (Quantity of James JUver Tobacco, Carolina Pork. Herrings in barrels, Rife-dried corn meal in Hlids. anil BMs. Rye flour &c. toie-foldbf Levi fef Son. Au uft 4 r ~V y HY',l'uhfcribir offin fir file, a FARM, cmtaimng about A 300 dcrei :' dtjlunt from the City as I#ajlinp vn- and George- Toum between# nr <}'mU ( . A •PUi B fihir£.*n„ i„ the ban* tf Mr.Ptltr CafMaverf. G«rg<*Tmin, Uevifi »f Mr. 7U. maj Fitxftmont, in PhiimJelpbia, and Mr. Rtirrt IVM, in Bill timore. Tie I.anf wilt be finvn to ajty person, iy applying- to "J tin. Lydjm,n-ba livesajjoinlty. It lay; in a mo/ihealtu'y mmtry, and a good neighborboid. There are cn it a common country dwelling* hcmfi, a targe tobacco-ioufe, and an orchard of good frlit, a conjiuat Bream with a great fall rum tiro' it, and between 30 or 4S acres, tj good mea-hnu may be easily male. The lines of tie above in duett about 40 acres of ivoodLnd. Convenient credits will be affords# to tiepur chafer if defircd. DANIEL CARROLL. Montgomery County, Jutft J, 1755. ■dj Thil.vid lies betnueen two merchant n,ill: f one dsJiaKt bout a mile, tie other eltnoft adjoining. June 15. COLLEGE of NEW-JERSEY. THE Grammar School formerly attached to this .Co lege, having gradually declined through the incceafingj infirmities of the late PreSdent for fame time before his death, it ts prop'ofed Uy the fubfenber immediately to revive it, and to put it under tne moll careful initrutfion and government. The Latin, Greek, and French Languages shall be taught in it, to gether with the principles of Englifli Grammar, of Geography, and practical Geometry. Parente, I ke wifc, who do not chufe that their children fhrmld go through the intire course of (tudies in t!:» Collepe, may now have them inftruaed in any 'particular branches in the fame manner,' on the fame terms, arid to the fame extent as it< the College—particularly in' the antiquities and mythology of Rome, in Geogra phy, in the Mathematics, m'Natural Philosophy and ( Aftronomv, in Moral Philofiphy and the Principles' of Civil Government, in EK.qiience, and in the Ele ments of History. They may address their children : to any of the Mailers in the College, or to N. B. The young gentlemen fcal! be under the fame rulrs of moral difciplin? as, the other fltKkrnts-* jhall be I'ubjefled to pu die examinations, and, at lw,~• ing the Col.cge, lhall be entitled to public teOimoruMs of the bran ehes they have fludied, and of their profi ciency in them. P. 8. The School is already opened, and under the direction of Mr. Scott. EuilfMcr and Stationer, cirner 0/ Cirfaut a<d id Strert, Nn. 52, Has jufi received a Urge and excellent »fitment of Stationary i Writinc, Drawing, Superfine Imperial, Ditto do. wove, Ditto do. flat Ditto i\o. common Supsrniie super foyal . Ditto do. wove Ditto do. flat wove Ditto Ho. common Superfine royal Ditto do. wove Ditto do. flat do. Ditto do. common %y * Super&ne medium Ditto do. wove Ditto do. flat do. Ditto do. commoi * Superfine demy Ditto do. wove Ditto do. flat do. Common and fine glazed waters in b \:t?. from 2 tun tea to 10 pounds <?ach, fuperfine i dling vai, commoj, do, 500 Reams K.oyai Printing Paper, forJNewfpapels. London brown afiort&i, log-book paper, hatter's papir, ftaincr s paper, common brown, patent Awaiting p.iper, bonnet boards, biijdcr'sboartfo. Alio, a variety -jf Wcdgcwood, afrd cut and plain rlafi philosophical kik-ftanJa, wcli afTorted; pewtcf ink-cnefts of various fixes j 'round pewter ink'-[lauds, pwer, bsafs, and polilhed leather ink-stands, for the socket. Shitting sand and f.i iid-boxe., rouncc and pounce taxes, ink ilfd ink powder, biacK leather and red morocco pocket books, with and without iuftruinents. « {fces Countiilg-hoiife and pocket pen-hnives 'of the be£ quality, afs-ficin° tartlet" memorandum bocks. Quills, from half a dollar, to three dollars per hundred, Black bad penc Is, math •matical iijiftramcnis, ftc. All iorts of blank books ready made or made to ojdet, Ea.ik ch. cts, blank bills of eiontnge, and notes of hariX executed i« copper-plates, iomkins copper-plate copies, s ' a<^'n g> manifests, fearnen's articles and ioaraah, &c . &c. 1 ? A well felcAcJ colk'ftion of law books. Also, of Greek, Latin, andEngliih clafliics, are how in use in the colleges and schools of the United States. June 30, English Cheese. JUST imported, and .in, excellent order, 3 •• of DOUBLE GLOUCESTER CHEESES forfaje, while lajc or by the angle chcefe, by GIJLI* & HENSHAW, JVe* 128 SoUib Wafer J} reel* a l so, Bottle Porter/for exportation, taverns, fa.mll Port \* iiie, in cases of one doi. each Branny, Ruin, Gin, <Sct, Augitfl 1 m, ft th tf Nb. 60 South Second Street. I 'HE Whoiefale and Retail Store far books, STATION,'. fr- J. ttVSXC, PRINTS, OIL PAINTINGS, DRAW!*? fiOO:iV and Fancy articles. Jtawim THOMAS STEPHENS, For the greater convenience of mulaßing Lis bufmefs M ,v v Im rmntJJhm No. 57, tcNo. 60 South Second Str a :~,cr. A u-CTr'7, n h " & the la J } „ , °" J "" w Alio, a J,-**, oj Nrui Mujtc, s curious Caricatures, Privi; Oil Fa'--1- ,ng,, Drawing Book, tfV. Hfo. all wbub he will Jill, as iifita', for a small proft. J * T. S. embraces this opjxrtnmty to acknowledge the liberal e~- eours merit be has always experiencedfrom the citizen< bf Pklla dclj*.a—return, his mo/ifintere tbaah, and pledges blm'rl conjtant exertions to merit continue.favor, ,nd ft have till*reW Uau for dcgtnt and ujlfnl literature, 1 June 2J, may 16, I7oc. ADVER TiSE ME N T. SAMUEL S. SMITH. William Young, O article*, a won?(I nthiih dre and Printing Paper's, v/z, Sup«rrf:nextr Urttiotoptlfk Ditto 'iat and vMjjft Superfine fo|io pofl Drro do. v. ovf io. Ditto do. flat aril wove Superfine thick and thftr,4to-foft, plain Ditto do. vilt J - Ditt« do. wov? Supsrfi.ntf/aialj jjoft, folio & tlinrit)' Common & Yfve, gilt and -pJain Stiperfin'e foofcap DutO d*>. \Wva and gilt •• D!iru->fo. 7,j f & 5 *1 ranfpArent Mio post, for * tracing mjj*, &c. &c. coarse papers. m VH vr Sc's 6 w fir
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers