Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY HVKNING, DECEMBER 46i Prices of Public Stock-, PHILADELPHIA) b.e EMBER 18- |C7* The Books for transfering funded Stock closed yesterday laitbtbv following prices. for amtmn V* * flare Eight per cent, ftocb— Id) Six set cent, fleck. 5 « , Navjr ditto Deferred 6 per cent. 8?4 aBB Thre» per cont. $s * SJt 5 l-» per eent; ) A M per tent. J none at market BANK U, States 140 o 139 p. cent Pennsylvania, 1350134 ditto f N. America 151 ditto f Insurance C®. Peuns'a 117 alii ditto J North America 714*74 Turnpike - 150 a 460 dolls. Schuylkill Bridge ... par Water Loan, 874 dolls. Land Warrants 45 * 30 dolls. 100 acres Sl.AuguJirni Cburcb Lottery Titith, 9J dollars EXCHANGE. On London at 60 days 70 * Bates of Foreign Coins and Cur rencies in the United Statei—per act of Congres for payment of Du ties. DODI. Ct,. Englift pound (let ling 4 44 Irish do do 4 10 / Dutch Florin ot Ouilder o 40 f Hamburgh Mark Banco o 1-3 J Corrected at M. M'GOKNELLJ Gbetnut striei t No, 14). MESSAfeE Of Governor Jacisan, To both Houses of the Legislature of prefented Nov. sth, 1800. (Concluded From bur lift) The twenty-third ieAion of the firft arti» ele of our (late confutation is in perfect un'u son with the articles of confederation and the conditution of the United States, where it is " provided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall be condrued so at to prevent a sale to or contrast with the United States by the legislature of this (late of and for-all or any part of the Weflern Territory of this (late, lyirg westward of the river Chatahookie,*' and it is again provided that 41 the legislature may give its ednfent to the eftabliftiment of one or more governments ■westward thereof.", Is it neeefTary for me to aik the legislature of Georgia if (h* has no claim of foil and jurlfdidtion to the territory eßablifhed into a government by that act ? Is it not expressly included with in the limits of Georgia by your land laws, by other la«s in force, and further, by the said twenty-third feAion of the firft article of the constitution ? Is it not evident that if Congress have a constitutional power to eted the territory claimed by Georgia on the Miilifipi, into a government without her confent, that they have a right to form one on the Okmulgee without that consent, or even on a cavilling principle that the char ter of Georgia extended no iurther than the Alatamaha, to ereft.GlynnJand Camden counties into a territorial government ? if it he said, that Congress also claims the Miffifippi territory, ought not those clash ing claims fir ft to have been adjusted, and then the government established ! Is it just, is it magnanimous in the Uni ted States, with the strong arm of power, thus to evade the claim of Georgia ? It may also be ft id, that it is provided, that the rights of Georgia shall not be impair* «d by that aft. But is not its very exigence an impairing and violation of them, and the principle dan gerous to all ft ate rights, and oppreflive to ■the. inhabitants over whom the government unconstitutionally presides ? As well might « man in private life enter afcother person's house, keep poiTeflion and rule the family at will, and then ifTue a provisional notice that the right of the rerl owner (hould not be ( impaired. The inhabitants on the Miflifip pi, are of the family of Georgia, and Were •refled by the legislature, into a county by the name of Bourbon. The aft existed some years, did Congress ever objeft to that ift," mate claims in opposition' to the right of Georgia ? A majority of theie set tlers at this fcday, conCder themselves as Georgians, and entitled to the benefit of her republican laws agd'couftitution ; and from refpeftable information J am informed, a petition is now or will soon be on the way to the legislature to that purport ; and the spirit of our laws and eonftitution is, that when we do part with them, a republican government shall be guaranteed unto them. Under whatever imperieus circumftanccs then (and that is only ground of excuse) the government was formed—lt has been formed in violation cf the confederation, and the constitution of this state, and of the United States i and it wiil continue to be that vio lation, until the consent of Georgia is ob tained. But the aft is not only reprehen sible in this refpeft btat on other grounds it A. - - jl . i Mm;', 'ji'lhe ■ HI - coroinilfioners of the U. States, in its ioth fettiofi, after authorising them to fettle by tomproxnife, with Georgia, and to receive a cefiion from het, " And also that the said eommiffioners on the part of the United States,* or of awy two of them, be authori zed to enquire into the claims which are or fliall be made by settlers, or any other per sons whatfoe*er, to any part of the aforefaid lauds s and to receive from such fetlers arid claimants any proportions of compromise which may be made by them j and lay a full statement of the claims and the propo rtions which may be maide to them, by the jfettlm or damanu to any part of the laid lands r together with their opinion ithexe.on, as soon as ,in*y be, before Congreti For their decision thereon." Let us, feUow-citizerts, examine this clause. Is there uot here a tribunal eftablillird unknown to the consti tution ?~-Is not the legislature of the union ailuming fundi on not belonging to them, and that too to decide between the state of Georgia and individual citizen 6 and foreign ! lubjefts in the very face of the confutation,! and an amendment' thereto, which declares "..the judicial powers of the United States, fha'll not be construed to arty I'uit in law or equity, commenced or prosecuted againd one of the United States by citisens of another slate, or txy i'ubje£l' of any foreign state." Nay do they not go further and undertake to decide their own causes that is, if the U. States h*ve any claim to onr Wefttrn Ter ritory. Hive they not corrftituted their comnsiflioners, as it were matters in their chancery to report on those claims to Con gress, as lord high chancellors to decide thereon ex-parte without the aflent, orcon fent of Georgia, or even hearing her objec tions to so dangerous a measure. If the U. States chofeto decicde on claims of individ uals, let them at lead obtain the right of Georgia. It is far you, legiilators, who have the rights and priviledges of her citizens com mitted to yottr care, to take some step to preserve them, and to advert to the blow which appears like an entering wedge to undermine your (late title to all her Western Territory. I (kail not pretend to advise, but with all refj>eft for the general government I do not think you can pass over this un conflitr tional flride, for such hjwerer hard the term, it certainly is, in silence govern ments and constitutional rights are never overthrown, or attempted to be overthrown at once ; like the gradual mouldering of a wall whose foundation hat been once injured so a constitutional right falls unobserved to I "lay and another to morrow an til the whole fabric gives w*y, and tyranny rises on its ruins. It is hot difficult to perceive for whose benefit theft extraordinary powers were vested*"the claimants are of two clafles—one of them settlers on the Missi ssippi, and grantees under British and Span ilh governments—the other, the pretended grantees sknd claimants under the usurped aft of the 7th day of January 1795, com monly known as the Yazoo speculation & is a fad, which I am well assured of, that in the Senate of the United States this aft of Congress, giving those high powers, was committed to two persons, one of whom was «n oiigiital pretenaed grantee in that Tpeculation, ana the other a person from Massachusetts deeply engaged in the mea sure. Where may it be utitti was a chance of juflice to Georgia. Let me next call your attention to the proportions—To speak in the language of our comtniflloners, I was really fuiprifed »t perusing them. You are called en not 10 300 ,0 I I oo only to repeal your laws but your very con (litution which it beyond your power to do, could it be poflible for a Georgia legisla ture to be found so degrading at to attempt it. for what ?to answer the views of a set of men who corrupted your general aflembly and obtained a usurped ad, betraying your rights and thofs of future generations, to make fortunes for thmfelves. The proposi tions demand as a kind of ne plus ultra as to corapenfation for'your WefternTerritory, the date's lodging the Yazaoodepelit in the bank of Charlelloti,and that in such cafe the United States will indemnify Georgia a gainst the claimants—it mud be acknow ledged that here the commiflioners *r« ex ceedingly generous. But does Georgia seek this indemnification—is she not within the verge of her jurifdi&ion Sc cojiduitutonal rights as foverieign as much as any other state or the United States—and can (he not do equal judice were her clemency,is fought for or judge of injuries done her dignity as well as either of them. What is this proportion but comming to the old point—that taaoo money (hall procure the extinguifiiment of In dian claims, and that the monopoly of so many millions of acres unknown in any nation on earth, despot c or free ihall acknowledged as the unbounded right of a few individual who so iniquitoufly obtained the aft and th»fe who hold under them, But were you to a (Tent to this degrading measure, it is beyond your power to lodge the depofrt as required —One fourth of it is with drawing un der your laws and constitution, and the pretended rights to that amount arc of course lodged in its (lead. Ihe propor tion therefore is calculated not only to take from the amount of compeiifation for the ceflion k but thofo rights, if they can be called so, likewise, which the most prejudiced judge on earth would acknow ledge the Hate to be entitled to. I sub mit these propcfitons to your confidera. tion with this observation, that as an in dividual citizen, I would rather the ter ritory should remain unceded and unfet tied for twenty years to come, than that terms so humiliating to the (late, her laws and constitution, ihould be acce ded to —in the latter cafe the vile mono poly, the bane of all republics will be revived—on the other hand the lands will remain open for the -future settle ments of our children and their pofteri t7- It may however be remarked that the executive had the power of fending an a gent to the Creek Nation to co-operate with Mr. Hawkins, the fuperintendant in t procuring a ceflion of the Oakmulgee fork i and Tallaflee country. The proportions da ' and I alio admit it, but in i*y best opinion, and I con Inked many of your prelent jnein ! bers, such a step would hav* been an execu tive fanflioning not only of the proportions i but tfct law under wkicb tbey were fraoied,- wljich I did not feel rpyJVf- warranted- in doing, and which had it been done would haVe been in dired violation of the law under which our conirniffioners were appointed. The expression sis this part of .the propor tion is " and Mr, Hawkins will be intrud ed tp with and promote in every reasonable njanifcr the pbjeds ot Aich agent as the of Georgia may appoint on her part. We si nee rely hqpe that a cession of the lands. Jyipg'. fetween the Oconee; and Olkrnulgee and theTalaffcq country, will be the fruit of the proppfed meafare. " The 2d fedion of.the ad<?lititled, an ad to carry the 2S r d'fediop of the firft article of the conditiition'int'p operation}declares, " pro vided alwiys neyerthelefs, that the faio U nitid St»ti» &ili within three, years restore to this ftMe'allthat trad of Country called and ktifevftt By the nam# of the Talaffise which was purchased of the Creek Indians, by this state, at a treaty held with the Greek Indiahs, at Galphinton, on the 12th November, 1785, and which was ceded by the United States to the said Indians by thetreaty of New-York, in contravention of the said treaty of Galphinton, and this feneral aflerably doth hereby unequivocally eclare that the said tt-ad of country, is,and of right doth belong to this (late, in virtue of and as derived front the compad afore faid. Was the giving pertniffioa for an agent of Georgia to negociate for a ceflion of Talaflee county, a reiteration of it—has the state not negociated and purchased a cession of it already. Would not the appointment of an agent to negociate for it-give up the right oar law infills en as well a* the lien the (late hat on it from the report of Meffr*. Hura ph«yi, Lincoln, and Griffin, commiflioners of the United Stltet sent to Georgia on puryofe to invefligate the treaty, and who declared Tallatfee county to be our fair bought property and which has since been confirmed by a report of a committee of the House of Representatives of the United States, that .they could net firtd on what grounds it was taken from Georgia other than motives «f general policy, ahd that it ought to be restored of compensation made fpr it. It then on those grounds was be yond thepawer of the executive to fend an agent, were the measure otherwise proper, at lead a power which, if he had aded on, wonld have been contrary to law. But what it mod astonishing and which will no doubt furpriee you, .is that although the commiflioners fay «• Mr. Hawkins will be inflruded to co-operate* kc." on my re queuing th*t gentleman to inform me what inftrudions he had received as to a treaty or cession for those lands, his letter in aa fwer to my.request marked No. 3, declares M . I hare not lately 'received any advices refpeding a cession, and until Bowles is efFedually removed and the ferment he has occasioned has subsided, it would be ill judged to preft it. Whild we here ac knowledge the candor of the agent, the mind Is 'at a loss to conjedure what the intentions - of the commiflioners were or how to account for his contradidorjr and myfterittns condud—furely not intended for deception—could eledioneering views have entered the breads of high officers of the union to hold out • semblance of cession to catch lhc vote of Georgia at the ap proaching etedlon—however improbable the thing is, it looks dark, it cannot be ac counted fori In your on this fubjefk whilst I recommend firmnefs, I am convin ced yau Will aft with vioderation ; akho' the a A and proportions are certainly hostile to state rights, I am not yet without hope of an amicarble settlement, and an extension of our frontier, it is to be deli red by this state, apdthe United States, the ceifien witt prove of immense value in the redempti«n of the public debt, whtlft it will harmonize between the two Covereign ties, anddeftroy those animoGties which certain individuals find it their interefl to ferment* You have three firm republicans for -you cemmiflioners opposed to monopoly, the bane, of all republics; and zealous for your intends, open the doors of ir.yeft'.ga ti«n by a new aft extending their powers, and-*f temmiffioness of the United Stares, 1 on due examination, if they be sincere and ; unprejudiwd, muftbe convinced of the ini j pofiibility of our closing with thir present ' propositions, and of the necessity there is forthe United States to accede tomore li beral terms, to use the language of ohie of our commiflioners, they cannot get along in their Milfifippi government on any prin ciple of jottice without as.—But lliould the present commiflioners persist, it is more than polfible tliatfroin a change of adm>nifltra tion, a change of the commiflioners *iay take place, and to be prepared for which will be politic and neceflary, you can reserve a ratification of the ceiGan for the legi(la tere. And herfc let me remind you of she great and important dirty which you have to provide for in the choice of eleftors of pre. fident and vice-pr«fident of the United States; in right anil justice this choice ftiould Uy With the citizens at large; but the change of the time of our general elec tion,' and you'know ledge of the difficulty of colle&ing the people so reeontly after a general eledlion, to as to obtain a fair ele&ian and gemaU voice, will probably throw the important burthen on your fhoul- J * tters. I have the latisfftion to inform you, that the decrees of the supreme court of the tfnited States in the cases which affe&ed our confifcation aft, and in which I was authorised to employ counfei, have firmly established its validity and constitutionality, whereby th« state is relieved from the ap prehenfien of refunding art immense sum as money to the, purchasers of confifcated pro perty, and those who betrayed their coun try are forever barred in their expe&ations of a itcovery of the propefty which wat so juft!y-far.feit«A By this Day's Mail NEW-YORK, December 19. Ma. Lang, I observed in your Friday lad, a publication under the (ignature of Cband Price, copied from the United States Ga zette of the 9th injj. threatening to arred Mr. William Athearn for something which he had published in the Bodon Mercury, re fj*fling the brig Pplly, T. Randal, com mander, in which lie stated that the said brjg was boqght at Porto Rico by a French* man called Cartang, is French property, bu<; coyered as American by Capt. T (> Having foftie knowledge of tjus.hjsfinefs; I thitik it a duty, which I owe to the pub lic, to lay the result before fhem, in order that they may not be deceived by an impro per representation, and declare that I am willing to atted before any proper Judge or Tribunal,' that Mr. Cartang was, at Porto Rico, considered as the sole ownei of the brig Polly, and that from the time I got on board the said brig, (he was under his sole management and controul. Lit the following facts speak ftr themselves. At Porto Rieo where, though a prisoner, I was not under dose confinement Capt. Randal, Captain Williams, some other Gentlemen and myfelf, happening to meet at a Puneh-houfe, I strongly solicited Capt. Randal for a paflage, for myfelf and another man, who was along with me ; I told him that the brig bad only three hands, and that I was fatisfied the laws of the United States would compel him to (hip their Citizens a» ieansen till be had his full complement, or at lead to take them as passengers when they had no other means of getting to their own Country ; and that the said brig Polly was the only American in port; to which Capt. Randal, gave me to underfktnd, that as the brig was net under American colours, I could not demand a passage from him, and this expression was warmly resented by Capt. Williams. I then told him that I was lorry to fee him Covering any Colours except those of his own nation. The brig soon after failed, and when we (truck foundings, at Capt. Roman to the eastward of Charleston, I informed him that hit Merchant would undoubtedly be difpea fed with him for hilling so far to the west ward. His awfwer waj, th&t th£ veflel was solely his; and that he had no merchant. He again spoke in the fame manner at Stoning-town, when he got the brig on Middle ground. Few comments are necessary on the pre ceding paragraphs. A difeerning public will e«!sly perceive that there must have been some very extraordinary reafona to induce the Captain of a veflel bound from Porto Rico to New-York or Philadelphia, and hav ing a fair wind to fall in with Cape Roman. Other inferences may like wife be drawn, to (hew that Mr. Athcarn has very little rea* son to fear any threats of an arrest, for any thing he had advanced on this fubjeft. I have one thing further to observe, that though Capt. Randal put me in charge of the starboard watch immediately after leav ing the Moro Castle : thougt he then pro mised me wages, and I faithfully discharged the duty afligned to the firft officer of the watch, during the whole palfrge, I am now diQmiffed without receiving a single farthing. Seamen, be on your guard ! It will sure ly be your interest t« take care how you risque your lives and spend your time in such service, where you can neither expert regard nor thanks. I arij Sir, yours, See. ALEXANDER BAILEY. BERMUDA, Nov. 22. [ It may be seen clearly that a certain fetof American merchants are continually iflifting their good allies, the French, etc. with all kinds of warlike (lores, particularly gun powder. One vetfel from Baltimore called itVie Peggy, was jnft going into Curracoa, laden with gunpowder, when {he was captur ed by the Experiment, capt. Frith ; the kegs were put into lmgfhcads, on the heads ot. which were marked " irtdian meal." About 400 kegs were in thie schooner, and fte is now tinder adjudication. The American schooner Rising Sun, from Cumana, for New-York, with cocoa and hides, is taken by the ship Minerva, Thomas Smith, commander. The American {loop Union, from Tene rifle for Curracoa, with wine, brandy, etc. is taken by the &ip Minerva, Thos. Smith, commander. Arrived the privateer {hip Minerva, cap tain Smith, from a Cruize. Current Prices of Provisions p &c. in Ber, muda. Freft beef, ij to «6d. per lb. Mutton, 14 to zod. do. Veal, do. do. Pork, to i6d. cl». Fresh butter, 2s. td. to 3s. 4d. do. American fait beef, 1 o to 12 dels, per barrel Prime Pork, 15 to 18 do. do. Superfine flour, 13 to i4do. do. pine do. 12 to do; do. Ship Dread, 5 to 6.d0. do. Corn, 10 to 13s. per buftiel. Hams, peas, beans, and potatoes—none at market Coffee, is. Bd. to 2s. per lb. Muscovado sugar, 9 to 12 dols. per cwt. Loaf do. 2s. 4.4. to 2s. 3d. lb. Rum, from p.f6i. per gal by the puncheon. Soap is. to is. 4d. per lb: Mould Candles, is. 6d. to 2s per lb. Yellow Pine Lumber and Scantling, 40 to jo dollars per thcnifand. White Pine ditto, 24 ditto per thousand. Spars high, and few at market. Price of Dry Goods very high. Bermuda Currency 6s, Sd. per dollar. Sales Poftponqd. THE SALES of the property of Robert Morris and John NichoU'an, advertised by the Marshal, have.been poftponeij until Mon day the lid instant, when they will positively commence at the Merchant's Coffee House, in the city of Philadelphia, at J o'clock in the evening, precifelv. v JOHN HALL, Marshal. f December t'j. Was Loft~ v». ON the 17th inft. between 10 and IS o'clock inthe forenoon, a losfe Letter, dir«9«d t« Wnlum Bowlei, No 9, Little Water street, Phi ladelphia, care of Thomas Robbies, erclofing Meflrs. Beckley Jt Soo's Note on Messrs. Jtffe and R'Aert Wain, in favour of Witliiiri Eovfles, for 160 Spani(h milled Dollars. Whoever has found said Note, and..will return the' fifbfcriber, N». 9, Little Water flreet, ihpU be fnitthly re warded. As tbe payment is (lopped,,» be at ao use to any person but the fubferiber. WILLIAM BOWLES. dccemfrtr 19 House to Let. IT is the third house weflward of the eafi blocß of buildings lately ere&ed on Walnut street, between Sixth and Seventh ftr«ets,No. 161, (late ly occupied by Mr. G. W. Bryan ) Said house is just papered, and in eompleat or* der—poffeflion may be had on the firft of January next Please apply at N«. »t, feuth Seventh ftrect, near Walnuc (lreet,.to CHARLES P. HEATH. December 16 d4t INSURANCE COMPANY Of the Stale of Pennsylvania. 1 December i6th, ISOO. THE Stockholders are hereby- notified that an Ele&ion will be held at the Company's Of fice, on Monday the 1 »th day of January next, at 11 o'clock in the forenoon, for Thirteen Dircflora fer the enfuieg year. JAMES S. COX, President. * dtiajany. Coffee and Cocoa in. bags, Also, about 35,000 weight Black Pepper in bags, Of a Superior Quality. All entitled to Drawback. : For sale by . , WILLIAM HUSTLER, No. 69, south Fourth ftrec December 18. ■: * f ' To-morrow morning, WrU <be Landed, 56 Hogsheads excellent M O L A SS E S FOR SALE BY *' Moore Whartov. December jrß The Cargo Of the Sloop SALLY, CONSISTING OF ' AN' afTnr'ment of CORN WtBAL, PLOTTK, and B9 HAD, together w ; rh the said SLOOP, will be diipofeJ of at a lib raj credit, if immedi ate application be made. Shu can fcil is 3 days.—- Apply t» MOORE WHARTON, No. 18, Dock Arret. December 16. d^r. 200 Barrels Prime PORK, For sale by THOMAS KETLAND. Pecember 16 , djW Cod FiIET" A few quintals left Cod Fish and 100 quarter calks Sherry Wine, just received. On hand, Wine and Cyder Vitlegar In? pipe# an 4 quarter calks, ... >v j FOS'SALE BY / * BENJAMIN Cq, December t». eod^t Propofels Forpublijhifigy by. Subscription, A DICES T Of tie Law of Aftions.and Trials at NISI PRIUS. By Ifaaa 'Efpinaffe, of Gray's Inn, Eft}. Barriftar at Law. •' The tKird edition, torrc&cd, with confiderabie ' addition* Ir6m printed and mantifcript cases. Bt spes el ratio studiorum. >r. IN TWO VOLUMES. THE work is now printing, and in eonfidera ble forwardnefs oa a fuperfine paper, of royal file, and odayo form. It will be piloted page for page with the latcfl London edition, and do pains will be spare > to render the work cor rect, and free of typographical errors. It will be neatly bound and lettered in twovo lumetjroyal oiftavo, and to fubicribtrs will b» uut at five dollar* and fifty cents per fu-—to nonfub icribers the price will be somewhat The price of the London edition i< seven dollar*: Those who fublcribe for eight sets {hall ninth gratis. ■ The two volumes will conGft of about nine hundred, page*, as which the one-annexed to th« proposals is a specimen: As the work .is now publilbing, and wilt be completed with all conve nient expedition, those who wißi t* profit by the fubfeription, will pteafe to fuMcri'ie seasonably. N.B. Gentlemen holding fuWcription.'papers are requeued to return them to Ii homas and Tho mas, the publilhtrs, by the firtl of January next. Jp" The liookfellers in Philadelphia are fully informed, that they will be fold either bound or gathered in fhctts, by the fabicribers, at their •fual low price. Those who with to purchase will please to apply by letter to the publifhcrs.— I The work will be out of prets lome time in the winter. THOM \S & THOMA.S. Walpole (N. H.) Oft. 1800 (»8) c«f
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers