Numbfr 1571^ Tbt price of tbis Ax at tit# is -*Vj Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in tbe city of Philadelphia. Ait others piiy *ne Dollar additional, for enclosing and ik reding ; and unless some person in this cttji will become answerable for tbe subscription, it must be paid Six Mor.tbs in Advance. *,* No Subscription Will be received for a shorter term than siit months. December r 1799. ALMANAC From December a —to Deceniir 30. HIOH WATER. Wedn«f<Uy Tfcarfday TriUj 6*uri*f Sunday M»ist»y T*e{* r Wednesday Thurfdiy Friday ►- '".rday Sunday Mon<;ky Tuef j»y CHINA GOODS. Landing fro.n tbe sbip America, Walte. Sims, Commander, from Canton, AND FOR SALE Br NICKLIN, GRIFFT. Bohea, Congo, Souchong, ift & atod quality, I Caper i'nuchong, Hyfor.-ilcin, Tmkay, J Single, Young hyfoh, Hyf-m, tit & »d quality, im penal, "Yellow n4>ite nankeem Lutcftrings, black & color'd ( In Boxea Sinfhawa do. f afTbrted, S-rt ;►.« do. J Lmeftriiigs, maz. blue k dark green , V VoL' Persian »*ffrtu, dark green ) Tb tr have also on band for sale, received 6v the late arrivals from Europe, We. 1 lufraaltpack- Striped and checked ginghams i agei aflVted, White figured fc color'd Muf- I rijculated tor ' linens the Weft-lr. White corded din>itie« | d'a market l> Color'd silk, striped Nankeens I entitled to •*"* if; ■ I drawback. 14 Trynki printed CaViie*, f do. do. 3 Bale*feir.e tw'ne (F.r.titled to 10 Cat'«k Eaßlilh China t»aie, I drawback, is tea (ctts J 6 Cases mineral black, I do. white, 10 do. calcother, 3 Calks purple brown, 35 do. naili aSrrltd, q do. I/ondo# porter in bottlea, Eng ! ilh fail can va», No. 1, 1& 3, Buffi* duck, »7 Boxes white Havinna sugar, 13 P!pr» old Madeira wins, Gunpowder, Empty wine bottles, ao i» do. 9 do. 15 <To. 9 do. with carriages, &e. ißo,f colb». Ceribon coffee, lit quality ( Entitled to iO,opolb«. black pepper Cdrawback, jo Lrgs GLASS MANUFACTORY. THJi PROPRIETOR* Of the Pittsburgh Glass Works, FJ.WING prorured a fufflcwi't number of A themoft approved European Glass Manu fu<fturers, andhavipg on hand a large Hock of the heft Materials, en which theii workmen are now employed, have the pleafurc of alluring the public, that window dial's of a I'uperior qua lity and of any size, from 7 by 9, to iX by 14 inches, carefully packed in boxes containing 100 feet c» h, may be had at rbe (horteft notice. Glass of larger size* for other purposes, may also be has!, fnch as for pifluvcs, coach glade*, clock faces, 4c.,Bottles of all kirds and of any quantity may also be had, together with pocket flafks, pick'mgjars, apothecary's Ihop furniture, or other h»llow ware —the whole at lead 15 per cent, lower than articles of the fame quality brought from any ef the sea ports of the United States. A liberal allowance will he made on sals of large quantities. Orders From merchants and otiwws will fee punctually attended to on ap plication to JAMES O'IIARA or ISAAC CRAIG, or at the Stnreof Mefl'rs PRATIIER and S.MILIE, in Maik?t-3treet, Pittfburgfc, Min-h t, tuthtf. 2Q Dollars Reward. RAN away* fyo* tht frigate CoaMlation, capiain Mtrriy, U'Mtrcm Hook, i mil* )ut« William William*, buj ticker known "by (B* - oiim of JOHNSTON.— He mm* 6f<r to the miriney ori bitted fikj lbip, ihfit a* |(iri <<( ap-, j t'«i, 7 or H- letfie« a llH'epock m:rtied, and '.tr.t, 4)Kit (lout hair tied in a H a -.l <>n when he w<«t a»*y, a« oli*f-<o.ur'd jiaitti and piftiilfOßf, the colour of *hitJ. ii uot rfttlltAcili Having befo K- Ckllomtd to the Ini il baa enter* ri,'toJ failcA, 011 board lomr mmchantdhp.— Tea will he piven, f r certain inform*- tint, veflal It Ka» Oiled no board of, or »h$ »6<Jre reward and rtidmb'f rxpcoce*, for in |ny part of the.Unit«d State*, g|vilt{ iflii&fdkte ihfrtrtnailon thereof, to RiCittzd Co****, Efquirc, of Baltimore, JaMKtStTdM, Bfqr. of New-York, ee the luotcrlbera in Pbiladefpkii, Tbetfiat {3" Ptttr Mmtiu, rU.114, f»»tfc team' fire«t. «4iot- Diceai'jft S Gazette of the United States, & No.'lss,louth Water lirett, White &brown Havanna Sugars Holland Gin • Old Canhc Brartdy London particular Madeira Wine Pale red ana yellow lefuir's A large aflortinent of CORDAGE, &c. decrmhrr ' 3 mw.Vfa tf For Sale BY JOSEPH ANTHONYS Co. Hyson Souchong ant) > TEAS. Bohea J Mnfcovado sugar in hhds. Br n'ly ilt proof Lilbm wiwe in quarter caflcs Madeira wine in pipes ChiNa,-<aflbrted, and a few bales white and ) ysilow nankeens } A few boxes choerdafe and dipt eandles Spermaceti oil and candles Rr ember 11 3ta«3w Gideon H. Wells" Has Just Received, By the late arrival*—a large and general aflort mrot of Hardware, Cutlery & Sadlery, Which he offers for fait, fr cath or the ufu*l credit. Market-Street. No. i; 5. 3 H. M. 9 ie 9 53 10 36 IX »3 " *9 0 35 1 »s -trill tiT> 7 15 « 7 *5 4 3 S 7 »5 4 35 - 7 iy—»4 35 - 7 »J 4 iS 7 »4 4 36 1 l« 4 36 I'H (s* Co. TEAS, MOORE WHARTON. Becmber 8 fod.lw Spring »nd other Clocks ; gold aud filvc Watches; Tools, Files and Materials ; flee id gilt Chains, Seals and Kty» ; Springs', &<t. Bsc. CLOCKS ANP WATCHES Repaired as usual. r 7 u " e t, takftf RUSSELL's Modern Europe. THE Second Voluu» of MODERN EUROP3 ts now delivermgto fcricera, ani may b had of W. Y. Birch, No. 17, South StconC Street Ofloher 15. Philadelphia Academy. & Mr. Francis Gallet, A N experienced anil approved Inftruflor, hai A undertaken toteacr. ;be FRENCH I. AV CSfAGE in thi» Seminary, to such of the Young Qcntlem#i: at may cfiooft to place tfcenjftlfca uii der hi» care £T t'are t« and OtiaHhna ar« requeued make im«ij(< application, that all the I'rhohr may begin at once. Samuel 1 Directors of James Abererombie j tie Academy. Ofloher 11. ;tawff. -W tnftw tf LJ7EST F.NGLISH <jf IRISH EDITIONS EVT ' £1 SJt^OLi,f.CTION, Imported hy lundry arrivals from London ID.d Duhltr, How nr»i»?ri and rfadv for hWi " ' AT HIS'STORF,. N*. 319, Marlet-firttl) Wbtr* Caul j£ic» will be dtlr-rid on ippli* HC take* »l\i» opportunity ftf r- turrinj lit fiu. cert ukntwinliiiiknti ro ih; Cciul«im of the Bar, and (b'ir Ou>lrtit« in iLc Unr.od Etatn, tar (b* bl»W'n« kumet wilfc.fT (f ---uMiO»ing s ■tor«,f*dofi»tlf lor thr £»'e of i *« Benin. I>» * :Ti"t:gc« whidi otf.r <>?mlU*ca i" the profcSoa, from ka»irrjf such to spcVf t», kr irnlb are ttodeni ohfioiii by the lutiliiWi'.ion, that conftaiug liii«rr/-a(ioa ((the hqwrWlM o' nook I, only in that Line, *•« Ki» it io Kh Co keep conliwl; Wy him. i g<u>Mal uJ aiol) iJu iblclspply at la<«4 lu« hell EJitloOt, aut lr««i hia raJy Mt». to i]ifp"(e ol :fcrn», m irrjii> fomoJeritt at in jrwJorte the rrtefluj of jftntlf tarn impfoing their o\rn Libra tiei. Any jrr maj be with, from a ftngie fotume tp Jtiy oir«>b r, (ball ituqilntlj ■>d promptly lie ati«>n]e-i i®. rawinur >6 tm 20 Dollars Reward, DC«« renilrt rvaning. JOSEPH PARKIN. SOW, priv«c ip the marine Corp* „f the UnlUd #**!«*) Ifc inli4l»tnf, ii abouO) fart <44. & feet i anJ a hajf incho higk, d»ri rftm hlarfc h»ir, and fellow Alia, JEkEMMH Ct.AiiltSON, born in KnjtatM, town of " 39 yean of if«, J fce« j iocb» high, pry eJYt, light browa hair, florid and by trirfe a Mattar; Un ttU ap. practice of Hi* ftco the mod evident Mi>L< of *t tacNaoent 40 dri. ktnty ht traced, (fcuyheve both (tr*e.l io the W«iV»» Army, and saw Hcfemd in 'all uniirrra. The j'<»ve amount will tw paid with charge* to apprchrnd tb>.Bi j or r«n DoJlar fur either by applying to AN APPRENTICE wanted, At the Office »f the Gazette of the United PH t I A'DELPHI A, lUJLSDAY EVENING, DECEMBER s 3 , ,g 0 ,. FO* SALE, Br Joseph SIMS, A Genteel three Story BRICK HOUSE, in Spnit* star Tlurd flrett, TO LEI". Enquire of BENJAMIN CLARK, Clock & Watch Maker, HAS REMOVED To No. 36, Mahket Street, Where he has for Sale, Law Books. GEORGE DAVIS'S catreu. FRANKLIN WHARTON, Captain Commanding. Marine Barracks, Nuv. 8. St-atra. By C. P. WaVne, No* 6s t South Front-ftreefe ■ ■ '' : V'.S- . J '- The American LADIES POCKET BOOK", AKD Gentlemen's POCKET REMEM BRANCER, For rue. rejß IPOO. Just Publiflied, By JVilliam Y. Birch, No. 17, South Second-street. THE Ladies' Book contains an 'interfiling scone in the lite of General Washington, ein bellifhe 1 with a beautiful engraving. An Almanac—ruled pages for memoran dums and acconnt ot monies, &c. for every day in the year ; Miliellaneous»- moral, and enter taining pieces in prude at<d verse j new au 1 eele hrated songs, and feve al ufefu! tables. The Gentleman's Book Coritasns an intercfling scene in the life of General V\ afhingtori, with an engraving. An Almanac, ruled pages for mem randums and cash account; the Bankrupt Law complete; Duties ou goods imported, (lamp duties, «!o, on domestic States, Departments of State, War, Navy, Treasury, and Judiciary, lift of the army and navy, fcveFal ufc-ful :abfc9, and other intertill ing ma:ter. V. . y. Birch hai jult received from London, a general ffortmciu o.' Enplilh Writing and ©rawing paper* of the firfl qjality ; copying machines, paprr and ink powder, fine hit pr-f fed post ; an aflortinent us the latcft an.l heft Maps on rollers, twelve elegant Atlaffes. fle keeps always fur l'al«, a peneril affurttnen' of stationary ; Ladies' and Gentlemen's pocket books, with and without ii.ftniments; maho gany writing deflss, pen and fruit knives, play cards, &c &c. December 4 we6w Proposals Forpublijh'tng, by Subscription, A DIGEST Of rfie .Law of Aftions and Trials at NISI PRIUS. By lfaao 'EfpinafTe, of Gray'= Inn, Esq. Barriftcr at Law. Tht tkird edition, corriAcd, with confiJerablc »d 'itions Irom printed and nunufcript cases. spes el ratio studiorum. Jur. IN TWO V'ILL'MKS. THE work is now printing, and in confidera- Me lorwardtiels, on 2 fuperfinc paper, of royal..fixe, at.«i oibvp f'um. It ill he fruited page Ivr p'gr <*• 11i: tlielatcil Louuon edition,ip-1 ;.o pain' will 'ic spare to render the work cor .e&, and free of typegrapi ical errors. It will h. neatly U'liiidanii lc.trr-.d ia (wo tn 'u-nc«.ray»| r>& ,»o, Irn! to fuMcribin will be put »'■ I'M lut1»r« »nJ ftltr «n»t'prt set—to nunfub- I'riWrt the price will bt fume what tnhancd— The price of ihr Lonilox edvion i> Iftrji dnllin Vho/cwho fu'ifcnbe 4cr eijfcl. 4bi» fluti has* * ninth glKl. fhc t»o *'!uairt will cutAA of ibntit nine liur.(jrr4 j-ajp >, «f which the one annexed (o tlx. >ropnr«|i II 4 fptcirn-ii. A» til* work u t*«r fmMilinp, and will ha comjiktcd wtrh all cvate cicot «ipediikm, tbufc who wifc to profit bf (lie will plcaCe to (übtcribc Wsoiuiy. N. ft. OruiUtrkoa (ui rVnpttau pa;>cr» arc ro return (hem to IHu n%S the publiflim, by rhcftrll ofjaouiry rext. rhl hookfeHirnir. pt itilelfftia trr rafpeA. faHy infarirxH, that <h«y will fc« suM either binitid •r fathered ia fhett, hy Iho fiMrribm, tt (Kpr afual low yiitm. ■ Thrfe who- Wife to pnrcfcafr will plaafe to apply by Wctrr to in* pobfifhi rw— Ttic wcrk will be out of prehfamc n«w h the winur. THO'M \S W THOMAS. Wa'pole (N H.) Oc\. tBo-j (jV) c«i/ A HANDbO'viK hDH JON LINDLRT fiiV&RAY't English Grammar, AN APPENDIX, Has thi3 Day been publillud, by AstUJl) Djckins, opposite, Fiiilaiiclplii*. [Price One Dollar.] Qflnt*r 7. Education FOR TOU NG LADIES. COLUMBIA HOTTSE, BOARDING DAY-SCHOOL, KE-CO.Vi UENCED For the winter leafon, on Monday, Oflobtr 6UI, Walnut, between Fourth and Fitth.Uierts. MP.S. GROOMfIRIDGE rcfpedlfully ac knowledges the liberal encouragement Ole has experienced, for more than feveu ye>rs in hia, and, as the mpa expr< ffi«t proof; of gratitude, will be a continuance of the uuie miitinj attention, already pa t l to her pupils • flatters herfeif, it will be the bell leci tnmenda' tion to futnre patronage. TS'e following branches (or ijiy of th<m sep arately) may be engaged !or, as moll agr«eabie, the Eng'.iili, French, aiid Italian languages grammatically ; writing, arrithmetir, geogra phy, use of the globes, hiftcry, music, vocal and iiiftrn mental, drawing and dant-ir.g. Plain work, marking, embroiJcry ami 'am bour in gold, fflver or rolours, filigree, artifi cial flowers, fancy balke:*, r.etting, hur, print «loth,and m<>flin work ofevery kind. AO- iq. daw tvetv Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the VHlth and Mary-Andrew Playing Cards, fer sal« «heep fpr cash—Apply at this Ofiice. feptembet 13. WITH STAGES REMOVED. THE pubii« areher«V>y in farmed, that the Bal timore Oouurht:e ie future start fr»m tha In dian No. 15, ir-ut* 1 . S'"T-'h ftrcrt, every Hay except "Sunday, t: 7 o'clock, v.'ili ai Peck'. Tavern, Baltimore, thencxn dayat f>o'»lock and the SUjjtm to New Yotk, will ttart ev~ry day at 2 and la o'clock. JOHN H.- BARNEY & C.. N. I)—A. book i» k'ipt open at Mr. Ely Chan dler's Fratilili'i Head, where feats may aHo he ta ken in the above line of stages. oitober a § LANCASTER STAGES. r PHK Proprietor# of the Philadelphia and l/*n- X caftcr line of St3ge» DISPATCH, return their graceful (tanks to thoir friends and the public in genesat, tor the patl favors tfcey have received,and inform thenj that in addition to the regslar l.ine, thay ars provided with Carriages,fober and careful drivers, to go through between the City apd !soro*g'i i.E two days. Tbof« who prefer this mode nf travelling caii be accommodated at ti-c Stage Office, of United Sutas Kagle, Market street, Philadelphia. Sitntfb, Do9nmg % Eunmodj V Co. V«v. jo. f at-r-f A FEW COPIES OF Gifford's Epistle to Peter Pi»idat, (Price 37 1-» Cents) AVD Oif Dutton's Poem on the present state of Literature, 1 (Price I* t 2 C«ats) < Have just tun received by A. DFCKENs, opposite Chrill Cliurch. n«v:ml;er ?. dtf PATENT American Balloon, OR Vertical Aerial Coachee. This new, curious, and elegant MACHINE, Which has heen exhibited to, and a commoda tcd'i houfands of Perl'ons in New-York, is no v fixed »p at the CIRCUS, IN FIFJH STREET, In this city. Properties of this wonderful Conftruc m- lion are as beneficial *s they are various affjrdisp the m ft delica.e plealure, and at 'he fame time operating as a reilorjiive to health, and for which pnrpufe the »requent use of ii is ree«mmeti"rf by th- faculty, to trie sick, the weak aud those recovering The rr.o ion of the Walloon is from four to abaut twenty miles per hour The rats of tra vei ing, however, will be res ulated by tfce will of the paffei.gers eight of wlu m can hi comforraby accwirtiimhred j but the Balloon will set off with !wo only. Sweet the air, behali below, The city, country far around, Ai.d then defcendine, quick or flow, Vvu you move on ground. Conftsn: attendance will he given, for a lew days billy, when tile exhibition wtU clof. - . Every rcfptclful attention be fiiewn by PHIN'EAS PARKER. Adini'tance to view, one-eighth of a dollar; and for exsreifing the machine (in the whole) one-fourth of a dollar Any ptrfou defiious of purchasing the exten sive privilege thereof for this city i.r State, will be informed of the terms by applying as a' ove. P P rovember 29 FOR SALE, The following- Real Elkte 5 the property of Anthony Francis Haldimand, Efqnire, of London, 582 and an half A.cres Patented Land SITUATE on Vinfyard <?r the townfiip and e-ur.ty of Huntingrfo -, is the (late of Pennfylvauii, 1.11 a public roatiabcut .tmilctfrom the town of Huntingdon, which is Gtuated oa a boa table river—thrre are or the preaiiiet a wati r Grift Mill and Saw Mill—fcveral Log dwrllir.g Houses—ore of which is occu. ied as a Tavern with a Diftiliery fwpplied by a powerful spring o excel;, or wan r—a coufiderabte quantity of Tiaio thy Meadow fit for the scythe, and fcveral acres 01 arable I.and already cleared—f hintraift wiU admit of being divided into threr farms, with a d»e proportion of meadow ar.d arable bud in cacti At prelent in tenure of Adam Hall, lifq. John Hicks, and others 187 and an half acres on Trough Creek, in Union town(hip,a flotirilhing fcttlenKnt, firft rate land, with a ftnall improvement, '7.1 at.c! 3 Quarters acres adjoining the above and the kmc quality—as those lal mentioned trails are adjoining furvejs they would make one valuable farm In Bedford county, acres situate on Ounnings Creejt, rate lam), on a public road to JJe-rtord. 364 and 3 quarters acres adjoining tfte above, and of (he fame quality. 388 acres called the Springs, fame quality as above 198 and 3 quarters acres on half way run, a gcsd improvement and now in tenure of Ucob Moles. Terms of fale,M follows viz—One fourth part of the consideration money mud he paid in hand, and the reliJue divided into font or five annua! ia (lalmcnt», as may suit the pt:rchafers— to he foa»- red by mortgage. Apply to J oil u F.fq. Oounfcllor at, in the town of Huntingdon, or to ci- fub fcfibers in the city of Phil delphia. Willings & Francis. Oilober 14 tawSw To Printers. VVANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a L'eunt ef Bravier, weighing 400 lbs. or upwards. Srptembai 2. ■"■".rs INSURANCE COMPA3 T^ B - A w«w «ir*. n* * c<ww#r<Z - fcejw vf<*>iiy tfik ,«K d*f ot J«4wr^?jL 11 *'ctjclc in thcjortaooo, to nlStt DMkM forth* Mfoiag feu- f ■'*• •• ' i. JAMM J. CO*" fttiW. Coffee and Cocoa in b.igs, Also, about 3j,000 weight Black Pepper in bags, Of a Superior Quality. All entitled to Drawback. For sale by WILLIAM HUSTLER, No. 69, fjuch Fourth Ittcc December 18. $ For Sale, or to Let, THE HOUSE, Jn C/jcsnut Street, Near t&e corner of Eleventh street, at prefeot I a t.W tenure of Mr. A. M Cail— may he !i*d the firit of November next, or fooncr if re quired—— Apply to Edward Shoemaker. September 3 $ Prevention better than Cure" For the prevention and cure of Bilious and malignant Fevers, is recommended, Hk. HAHN's Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree «f fuccef# highly gnteful to the inven tor's, i.i ievrral parts of the Weft-In ditSjind the fauthern parts of the United Statei particularly in Baltimore, Peterfourg, Rich, mond, Norfolk, Edento:i, Wilmington,Charlef toir, Savannah. Bcc. I*he tcltimony of a nam berof perfonsin each of the above placet can be adduced, who have reason to believe that & timely us« of th s salutary remedy, has, under Providence, preserved their lives when in the mofl alarming circtmflances. Fails of thii conclusive nature fprak nore in fav.iur of a medicine, than columns of pjmpou* eulogy, founded on mere aiTcrtinn, could do. It Un -t indued profumptuoufly proposed as an infallible cure, but the inventor has every possible neafon, wbich can result from exteefive experience forbtl-evingthat a dofcofthefe piU*, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of out annual bilious fevers, will prove an infallible preventative ; and further, tint in the earlier stages of those Aifeafes, their use wiH very generally fueceed in reltoring health and frequently in cal'rt eiieemed dei'ferate iftii bey ond the power of common rerr.ejk'6 The operation of these pills is perfectly mild ind may be used with l'afery by psrfona in ever situation and of every ag*. They are excellently adapted to carry rfiffu perfluous bite andprei-ent iu morbid ftcretiont { to relSore amend the appetite ; to produce a free perfp'iratiop and thereby prevent coldv which are often of fatal conlequetice. A dose never i'ailn to remove a cold if taker, on its firft appearance. Tliev are celebrated f»,r removing habitual coftivensfs, ficke.efi of the stomach and fevcre head-ache, aivl ought to be taken by all petfons.on a change of climate. They have b;en found remarkably efficacious an preventing ind curing molt fiiforders attend ant on long voyages, and ftjuld be procu.ed and carefully preserved for use by every Teaman. Dr. HAHN's Genuine Eye-water. A certain and fafe remedy for all difeafitofth* »ye>, whether the effe/k of natural weaknefr, or of accident, fyeedily remcvir,- ififlarmnations, de fluxions ol rheum, dullntls, itehing, and films in the eyes, never failing to core those maladies which frequently fucce».l the fmill pox, measles and fe vers, and womier ally (lengthening a weak fight Hundreds have expenencej its eicci!e::t virtues when nearly deprivsd of Cgfit, Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet dilcoverod whi»hgives im mediate and lasting relief in the mut fevare in stances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kii.d ei'heai-seise,and •( pains in the face and neck. Tuhdliblt Agumnd Prvft Tt>»» medkl»i tUrt' oe««f ift h»»j trtdcifa not mie In* hLro<rcd'f»i i fc»<tec3UaW t*k« m»rt cfrac botefr, 109 ibMtUr Tlmdmoct »*» if «•**#«' bo«( fwfwui. >■. '* • *y • SOLD BY VVm. Y. BIRCH. STATIONER, South Second Street, And no Mere else, in Philadelphia. Where alfn may he had, Dr. Hamilton's Wcrm Dsfiroying Lozenges, his Sovereign Elixir for coughs, &c. Reftorstive Drops, Eilerce and Fx trad* of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment lor tfceltch, Dr. Hahn's inCallibie Ocrman C«rn Plaiftcr, In dian Vcgetable Specific for the Veter-sl com plaint, Gowland's and ycrfian Lotien, Reftorauve Tooth Powder, Daroalk Lip tfclve, Church' Cough Drops, Andcrfou's Pills, &c. &< apriho mtf • " 1 " " ' .... War Department, November 13, i£ o2 . r pHOS£ Gentlemen who have applied tor roi liiary appoii tin ms in th<r fci vic» or the United Stitea are informed thrt their applica tions wi'h al the reoron sudatory lettcis ..ccowi panying were coiiftimed by fire in ihe W'tf Cf. fire, on cenii g !;!(. Thole v.h > continue to desire to be oonli ered a.- can } due* will lee the propriety of rent ing their apjii,. cxkioxis. SAMurr urxrEß, Sec eUtry of War. «* xvni. \ r,. - -r~
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers