f £ r i/jrop'i 25Q5,"; Kj* The price oftbi' (iaeette is Eight Dollars per annum to Subscribers residing in the city as Philadelphia* JU otb'.>~? f i?y an? Dollar adiitii-tiil, for encbsitfr and <.«•- retting ; ami unless*some person in this city mill become answerable for tie subscription, it mil jI be paid. Six in Advance. *** No Subscription will be received for a shorter term than six months. ' December 1 1T99- ALMANAC ' Fr*m OfUf+r B—tb OjlArr 14. > hich water,. WedmfJuy Tlmrfdijr Friday Saturday Sunday M*ndty Twfitj WedneTday ThnrFdty % Friday tttirday B»oday Monday TseMay Saddling Business* WILLIAM JONES is" EDMUND , KIXSEY, jfl| 8.1 r. ' . it'll that lorn- c-ftablifhctl stand ot Chefr.ut and-Thirtl St eeti, f- It it public patronage, and pnrticul .rTy iuv«ie a cotitimiaace of the (,» ur» of the former friends .m i cuft orncrs 0 Hai es £ Jones, and Shaipiefs k Kiufey, to w'aofe buQrjcf» they have fucc.eded They offer for sale a large and general afT rt merit of elegant Saddle- and Dridle*, all kinds common do Plated and Bras» mounted Harness, Saddle-bags, Valir* *5, Cart an 1 WaeginGear#, &c. Tni k3 ot all kinds, particularly hard lea thcr P irtmanteaus. They ilfo manu'aiSure at! k nds of Silver m uij'ed ar.d P.ain Whips, having ferfral ex tellcnt W<> k en in that branch. They fhtt<r theinfelves from their united ex pericn c ir.dthe arringements they have made, 611 be able to fell any of the above artirlts on as 2 > ; terms as-any Uherp in the United States. A liberal ance will be made to tWe who p' rcbjfe by the quantity JONES y KINSEY. piiilad. Sept. s? Sa.tu.th.4w REPUBLICAN Book- Store, "Jfcrtb Seuttd Street, opprii e tbrist Ch r:b. JUST PUBLISHED, Vfith lllwtrati man J Additions Desultory Reflexions K£W political aspects ©» . v public: affairs In'lHr Unitfd Sutes of. Amniei, Guce the of t>>« yMr.1799.. , *l. T; ttAwLF, pui«Cdrnng Uut in tku uoliptry thfnr/» *f fr e prrft, it decermi ffihii Bjok-Stott* Hull vfijbjp fr* topub liwioM ofcvrry iteiM>«i»ioi»tion, whether po. lincl of fjrlißiQa*' The *""1" of Whig* • 'at -Tofir* V- *»r Mwrdt.iftt ) . Ariftucritt or I>rrottfr»t*'; fedcraliM or AaUi-frieraWU 5 . Quiftiaqv J* w *i Hea or Turk*, »re rqudly ffe? f<»r file, | an 3, whstcwrr m*y be hi* prm* opinion* it reCJved, *i I IJiV'kfcller.,.and in thft um fjwrit sf.l)t« pftf«%inn, **' T* be open to al gff»*it| r tnflusrcfa by lysiici , . N. B. "ift kwf.7\fk&, thrlattkbo Stationary Ml INDEBTED to the Kftaro el" Jofepl" En?!e, • late of'he ortherih"l.ihefl|<», flCceiff"!,V rtquffled to m.ike immediate and tli >:e having any drman \s againlt the lame, to briiij' i« their A-co'inrs to R2NJ AWIN ! HAW, Ad • inilrjtor. si o v tv. t. Wiw. A PRINTER," WHO -fjp-r\ frhiitle l« a FtJiral'/l to upaiertat ' the arduous tafc of. eiliti- pot * paper and enemies <f .Vniff icv, may heir of a I eligiMr fitua i >d in the inti rior of Maryland -506 fitta'crik- > c m t»- c wucjl 011 he torehr Cpnfnienc~, -* A Nat v Apnr'tca<i will he prcfcrci ; —But if is not so li.ui lerltoy.! thar well ffrincipled persons though not natives, are 'o t exefuded. *,* PaTrifcvb'rs tniyhe learacd on application to the Editor of this Gazette. P 5lo?-er 3. __ An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Cn!uin!>nn, Harry th«* Vl'lth an<l Meiry-Andrew Playing CarJa, fer sale cheep for cash—Apply at this Office. jeptennber 13. , PRINTING, Neatly executed at the OJjice of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work-—Pam pli lets-—Hand -Bills, C.irds—Blanks of all kiiitis, &c. &c. Wil! te printed at the Shortest Notice. august 23. Gazette of United States^ H. M. 6 IJ 1 6 7 57 8 49 9 41 10 J9 it 16 lira < »c j 40 . ' a'-ratf 'ft - ft m— 3 ; - t> J 5.5 6 17 $ .1.1 a »8 < .11 oM TH* V '» Arsons, Marshal's Sale. f/Vited Stats*; } r •• • Pfifntytfania ' Bisiiict. 'y' ' Li, > "»rtue rf 1 writ M; vei»d,i:.'»/Hn »>r~ ''' 'f'• lTee'! rt'.it :if't!re Cifce'iit ' rr ®..' r ' e nr'!t«l ; S»avp(iv • ki^nr! %• die Perihftl' a ma D.fti-ia. wjji be exp.ifel to -)h': f.'ir *< Coffee : .oule'l* ' the ; Ciiv rf P..i'ad-ldl-,rj, 0.1 FrW»y the 1 bth Hay of o'd>-i oer next at 7 o'clock in the evei.ir.j;, Ml the r! "^ r » esa> snri tr.rere!) of Oliver Pollock, | a and so t«vo thoufdnd acres of ch :cr lincls fuu?te on Fine Creek in tia county of i.ycnmmg.-- " eized and uken m ex"eu:ion Jud 10 be fold at t.'ie, property of Oliver Pnlhck by JOH.N MALL, Kti'shall. Marshal's Office, 1 Philadelphia Sept 29, 1800. f >iw tS. Just Received, And will be Sold Very Lo<*. if applied for imniediitrly, hy tlie only 4 S B*)C* "roid-tSothj, offjrtcJ, "* 1 Foreit clot hi, - .2 j< 1 Do. npHßig|i, iitiii j, ! ■« • *-■» Do. Kriuiall "Cotcoßf, I'i S V> Hc»flira<l» f-'ein* T»i:ie, . J 5^ 4 C«lu London Pewter, J w to V* KiLfAVT FRF.MCH, W«. 48, tioath Front ftrcft Vpcnjb/r jp. l - .'at A \ nd. w. | tor S;?|e, . V • THE K«W PH.OT EVIJUT V" > , " : f ST. TAMMANY, LYING at Say's Wharf, above Market Street, burthen 70 t-ir.s, fu;ip<>le»l t» he a remarkable fail failing vessel, a.-4 may " ",t ---ted for (eain a few days, Inven'ory to be leeti and terms of fa!e known by applying to,the iuu fcrib«r. CRQOKE. STEVENSON, .A'Om 4' South Wa'er Street ALSO, FOR SALE, 3; Hhds- Mufcovid .Sugir. White and brown Hava • uah.dit nirt h< *es hart India do. in bags. Welt India and C m-.try Hum. 100 Hhds. MolalTej. Holland Gin French and Spanish Brandy. Pepper, Coffee, &c. An nilt p. fa ni&th tf. Charles Marlliall AND SON, No. 46, Cbdsnvt Street, HAVE RECEIVED, Per brig Liberty, crpt Hendcrfun, from Amlier dam, arid other ariivi'p, A q-ianrity i f the foilotrinp artirlrv which they fell far cash, or the iifual credit— Amimoti crui Ol Anifl AWenica'.b Juaiper Sac faturni >'u-eini \ Vitriol alb Riolii Brrax Ci'jiphor Opium CoccinneUy Annctto Gum Benzoin Merc Dulc Arabic Troecip rub —— Myrrh Corros sub Kino ALSO ON HANI), S.ilC iu)ier j Marina flak Rad gentian i | Com FloSuljihur ! < i Liquorice ball S<vcct <il 1 t,n Peru slav Sem aniS ! jj Hub Kheubarb J L Ami b. fwtntitf tf forolwre. forjeor it N w rrw<, pMmt. medicine*, fce.—Mtdicifc <%A«. »nd of/titJjiir ike cpunlrf) put up on moderate •crmi. ij '• - *" •*":•:• *or Sale,. . , fiX PUBLIC AUCTION—IN THE CITY- 01' WASHINGTON. " THB following property Mongiiijt (b'ttie Trof M***& ifc* Puq4[ provided for t|u 'HyitKß! Iql Rex r tojl! J^axterecAtapf. * • :jOI J Mo*4aj t/y GlirOct'cber inU- Vthe Cily ! 1 »f ii wiiaii tlar»if I * ill' be. exfttffcd « PttHir , .{Audipg ait «uiJ)*na VKich irf *i>> i(i,or» fjij fawre No }T3, » luti Hn fqnirr 974, yt Intt IT'"* 1 '"•• 9^J" k Jf "*M i* Of fquit r ' K>i«t 19'kxun t»r lo . y lo« ; io (yiara 1 c*ii, 7 101 l K ioyj. 4Mt m 3 lot 1 iii '■•"1» •in rtjyjrt $046, <f fct» in- t%Ju* ia wirh 'ot*Al4'in vnriuii<4>irt> j Jin turf ttcmr acinyifi fly Mr tVtiloiif «a^^rT>fl*c^rf !► W{<&' ,eitX miln lio«n [he f Ofow»C);"W AilkH 1 IA. 'tamer it fqblre 4f: jTeCzqo Ijjlrcn, tat'; <nd4« ItfctuufeuLhX) Sr«a■itOttm&dicHjt : n«", ;Jkc.pusniAjsj[ .the 7a«TK" in«. jfcbJS* fr»<P, r cpjti»<« f>daf£ >h(t. hay loft jo f«jt I>T ji,' Mid » (Mttip. tfyiWdent' «tir ilii oPinc Vi(UK"» the Jo* nm i jr-fl*«tf, «jl* 139 feet 1 hifch fciiiN"!.;!, 'of i«. gt'tht iwira. '■' »• fe*tre*ti«k rflif'£jrgig«ti. "."' '" •*■" ' ' " IIV ''tilkr'tiK* W4rrf>'-itt WWt r"<lcqtls»tU b<i*ieebK-tNrr»m*ii>- *>'• ttioVy * (<•«.-)(*«>,. ptfm—* ,B*t rhj, cj«Jir«jr,.iTi «te>Tlfipvl*rn»f -*i IkVcF pig ment of vhew l>j jof .itK-lniltjci 4t lh« «fcrp#flx|; Jiviitriirf r»ke »*pk»qo«> U die lor*l v v 4 fe ,crtlfi ■*nt« rrlnrbcd Ui t*wjjinc pryjwrtfen. , r- ■Htwvtfwtl.Ji ." 'j -. Thelnfe W.F/aflcii |- - i luhn Millet, jn». < | 7 ohp Aftrcf ' ,? r , ' / ; ' 1 %*** By C. P. Wavnk, No. P 1! I I. A D R LP F;<lb/Lt- SVSM\*<V OCTOBER i;, 1800 Ma. ,v h ; 4 r „_ pi * uud'he pub! •; in v.. : c: j.I, tha* he intend% tohcr , t hisnr-arafl :n!)'y room, No, 64, f« ui.h Fourth "net. Mr. Qjjefnet •- tr, the La 'ir>. :u> * Gen. t'« mf.n, lor r.\; !;hct.:l c he* h""- rx peiu.-nccv! < v, ry v as us !' r Come time to raerr with a g -title-nan of whom the cha r -v!V- ,v• 1 rait nt-, coul ! I'lircl t'yr-I.r r -I'IV-v-; tlv confidence of the public •. deprived of fu ! a I v \; ,Mr v'.ivi • i r :X ':> ' r.i:n • r ... t u;♦ lUbir f|-i :\- f • n 1 - i.h > ! c! ' e v -'{ o: ,• "?»ir \ in-re liavi '•> 1 itr ).!i:co -Vir i* :io : , a« ;t: -.fliflant t > hm. > a - er! •• of .Vuiiity, Jhe Ic'.c' I P.ia'l 1 •• ittepde 1 three tifoe* a Wc* k n« ufbal—La<he- in r h 'rn '•".•7; yotn i ".t(e r -i> r' in rht :iltt r.n'joti ; a:..! t»--.wn Gen'lern* r in the eve:-i?:g. N. '■> • .')•! ' r'l pr ;G. 1 bah i" ] ri\ntc for the . hol.tr s, wi!i ff t- \'< vv »!*iys a'ter ti r <■* , nir.g ?>i riu. fch. <>l ; v 1 rhehr't I: aI i will be nn J'huri.J:.y, the 1 sth 0:-lv.bcr next. Dancing. Mr. AURIC)!- lir.'iy arrived Pari-, re fpeft uljy in!oros the f üblic in general, that hav 1 v- ' me tin e t"> dif;-.-)fw 01, t>v -v)!J .'.ttm i 1) rf 1 if - a'• Ocntl , wll -> wiih to be f;.ug t * r;v 4r» r!, ir own huf <• His are a' N< .32, f wth Third Uree*, where direction* can be l. it witli his lady it he is ai.-itiu. Out her r. th&ftf GLASS MANUFACTORY. THE PROPRIETORS , Of tie -Pittsburgh Glass Works, HAVING procured a ftitlicitn.t number of the moll approved European Glass N'ami j fuJWers, and having on hand a largs (tock of I thf Mntcriili, 0111 which their workmfnarc ! now fippidved, have the pieafure nj' aiVurinp the pubi-ii', that window glaf»ot'a f:jpeiior qua ! lify and of any fiz?, from 7 bj 9, to x 8 hy 14 1 inchfs, earefully packed in boxes .containing j 100 feet i-i h, may be had at the fborteff notice. Glsfs ot larger fizti for other purpofo, may i also be hj !, fnch as for piiHures, niach glafTc-i, j 1 lock faces* icc. Hotties of ail kinds and of any ! 'pantity may also he had, together with pocket | i;afkspic!: ingjarj, apothecary's Ihop furniture, j .r other hultow ware—the whole 31 Itall 2; pel cent, lowrr thin artijes of ihe fame quality J ' rought h i.m any of tjie lea ports of the 5 'niteti ! '."tf:.. A liberal allowance will he made pt 7 ji-ik ol I.\yteqii4ntiti( s. OrtJtrsfrom merchants 1 j iid others will fee punilualiy attended to on ap- I ! plication tf» .J-IStES O'HARA -r I-\*AC CRAf<5, drat the S'oreofMeffrs• PRATIJER and SMILIE, in Maiket-Mreet, P tt/burgh, ! March 4, tu-htf. Journeymen PrciTmen. I t XT ANTE]) JwmeiHalaiy three or f)iir J >ll mc y >' / -!; HRii ; th> je w!io <a \ brm:-• 1 ,>h}pu»ai>i- r< c T;dj- r .i< ir cf their beiMg hoc,! " fltrncn.. ■;' , ->.» T'r-nc-t, r \ay fin 1 i&onftant • ■ ployui: t the V-'v * ' v g office of Ifdiah Thomas, jr. '.Vtr-crVr.feptctr.beJ- 17.18.-0 (11) w ( * ' •' /' j I binding, Prcri th- ftio r nmcr c.t r u n from Ham ■'"'■?• a -irfci, * n invoice of j, bales ?!' r e,ilfre-H-h HritjnJj. (, p n <t 4 , which are oj vd fcr cn piper, or ><i hmtt for '.'.'eft-India produce. Pritaniujii,. reil Vrerec'i, ' Beee-^'iHos f Msd 7.* Bi ')»felJ Lißens r:t l "i r « i.aees Plattilliai.V r.ya>s fivinl Jtinds l-.ftopi!la« -i 01 !• r v ri ? - p canters „ ' ,mls an ! pint tumblers Or»»s n la 'rHv.,;iing Cases Chvckj Mo » ft 'i»rips» tteada, violins and . fioj Aorr> of Pntieola White Window Glass, Ol ** firft <i,ulU r , rft 9 , Bby .0, 9by d, 'O by 1} and ttyttaMt, ON I/ANI), Ol !jtr loip'Tration : Eftofi.'l*.. Bi r.cadiMov, Quadruple Sdifias, Dow- JJ*» C; t! *ri.'lJl fine Check., He. parchet, Flinders Bid '' icks, Tapes of all drferipf.'.rs Co*er IWfJI,, Scythes, Decanters, 'II Tii«l>li.rs Trave'.lir.jf Calcs, Selling Wax, Qnids and Demijohns,— "pply to JACOB . v PERRY W Co. .oajhri- 6 diotwSte im. ■ Loit, This mori inj on the WifTa&ickon Rt.a' ; CXec*. Mor.cco POCKET- BOOK' CON I AIMING I'unriry paper? and letters, of bo cuuftqusnc;-■wh-uever to any one but t'le owner Whoever may have found the iaine, and will return jt to the Pr:<:er of this pap r, (ha!! handloijiely rewarded. N.B.— !he .wners' name is mentioned on 10 :itr 1 s direifled to him. OAoSer 8. d Mary Beck,,; RESPK-rFHLtY Frien* mrtthe Public, that Ate totfendt u|>aoicjr Wr 5C H'K)L oa th* Oa«!>et; m Fifth' n*ar Waluut Street, oppj(ftt the- T«fd, wtcrc fte wilt ufof). t«a4 Wf po. Ihe in I «'efur Utenhiiw. I4clt&<n|r «*ngraphy. rlilrjnoT- , Writi»<, *«ery ac (omplithment neteffuf t*f«aw* a cdi*{>ltle liberal 1 - < '• . Yo«i:jr Ladiei mj)« • with Boar I. Ac. in Che NealiTtf. .( »J*.O Btce'«Dr*«rw|a»| ( sig i9S \ will eommcucaar tfee Xama liof. , fipumbcr m tu th* (ja r\fc, ' Dancing Academy. Daily Advertiser. ji South Front-fircet<'" —T'- - Russia Sheeting, TVIOGIJEOA LINENS, fine 4 4 InfhLio rrr ens > pooling Diapsr, Cotton Velveir, I hickfe(:« an-! Fancy Cerrfs, Printed Linen and Lotton t anfl'-erchicfs, Silk Handkerchiefs, Sat tins, P?lor»(T«j Modes and Persians, Callmian ; s, I '.ViMborei and 'kmbjzeen.Fineand coarse f.-p s, jiibbons, Ferrets, Scotch Oz naburp., Thr ad, at 7 and 64, coloured Threads i 6' •' ! ' 1 ' •». 4 '-2 and c ib. Pewter afTorted in casks, Tin, and has jutt received by t e lata arrivals a general adorn ment o) Woo lens. 10 mo. 8. fdiifaj DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA— to wit ; BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the tad day oMuguft, in the ajthycir of'the Sndepaa dence of tbcT'nixJ Sutn of Amrtiti, William Voomc {BeokfeJlcr.) of the bid Diftria, hatb depobrsd in thii Office, the title of • Book, the right whereof he eiaimi Hfnpridm ) io the word* fallowing, te wit. _ IN CONFORMITY to the aft-bf the Con grelsof the United States.intitnled *' \p Aft for the enceuragement of learning [.eaj..] by f..-curing the copies of Maps, Charts and Boi*!;y to the Authors and Propri e'ors of such copies during the times therein ment.oned " D.CALDWELL. Clerk of tbe Diitrict of PennsyUanij. leptember iB *aw 4 iv. District of Pennsylvania to wit : BE it remembered thit on the Tenth day of July iri the twenty fifth year of the Indepen dence of tiic United States of America', Alexan der Addiloa of the l'.id Dift-iift hath dep ifited •n this office 'he title of a book the right where of he claims as Author, in tho words following to wit, " Reports of cases in tfee Count/ cour!s of the Fifth Circuit and in the Hiyh Court of Err >rs and appeals ofthe State of I ennfylvania, •u»d.charges to Grand Juries of those Cour.ty Courts. Hv Alexander Addifnn, Hrrfident of the Courts of Common i'ieas of the Fifth Cir cus of the State of Pc-nnlylvania." In conformity to the aft of Corgrefsof the Uni ted States ii* titled 11 An aft for the encouragement oi learning hy fecurine the copies of map* ckarti anl b iokj to the Authors and Propriety s of such copies during the times therein mentioned." nrered to Ittßuftcra. by Mr JbplW«A iookfrlkr. '• -b l r -»j ~ ■- . J . ' HE commanding Officers of corps, de tachrrients.pofis, garril'inj, and recruiting parties, belonging t the military eftablilhment "f the United State', .ire to report to, and receirc orders fmm Brigadier General Wil- L .iw(t:n, in the City <-t Wafhingtwn,. and all officers on furlough .re to report themselves to the fmie offic:r with all poffi'tie difpatth. SAMUEL DEXTER, Secretary of War. •£?" Ag Printers wihi/i the United Slates who have pubiifherj invitations for contraflsof the 13th or March last are reqiicfted to insert the i~avt in their refpeilive pipers,-once a week for twi months. To be Sold THAT Handfjme and healthy COUNTRY SKAT, ct 1 c'! Laurel Lodge, the late J r?fide-tee of Thomja Riutu', Eiq. fi.mte in j Poms G ov*, M mgomery County, 'hirty-l'x ( roil« froth Philadelphia, atoowt 106 twenty ©t u'l.ich a.e ptirce WffoJU fift ;u -xc -il -fit w iterc'i fti£a<ioW, the rciHuc divided in n vole 1 t9. On the pvemiles are a hrgt !)a::dr.nneßrick H-ufe ami adj< ini- gbgild >Hg4» contains two parlours, a targe dining ro. : m, and a ii;!l, twelve feet wide, by f..rtv lo:;/, a large ki l.en, house with a pump " : • c <•'" •• t V at>ri.» it, fix !.an il'otne chamW ». two li .rt .01:, v, son- j'jr.-rt chatn.'vrt pla>fieml a doublelpiii'p house, with a (Tin ke ' oufs ovu 'lie fame, wiilonli'M' yards ofthe kitchen—The spring, in t!:e dritft fcafon :,c>t. k-.own t . low ei i!) Ills lea':, and from which the meadow is watered ; a garden containing about one acre, li cited »i ll the molt delicious fruits, Rich as pradics, y'uml s, cherrbi, pe.-rs rafb.-ri ies. &c. leveral aij)'ragu> beds in great prrfertion Alio, a young bcaring appletree orchard, inntairmi.' fietit parts of the 17niied States, a conveni ent barf? with i threfning floor, with couuriodi rHis llabling for h-'ries and c us, carriage ant bouses, grain room, &c. A.'so, f'-ind-y nut build ings, Cor.fiftir,g oi a iart;e frame p 1111ry htjuf and corncrib, f<c. Alio, a tenant's hiu:fe, g»r cen and flab!-, and a pjrnp of excellent wjte ! l, r fnmii'in ol Pc!ts Grove is rentirk heslthy, rei-marly lup.lird will CiitehcrVu n'l pnnltr? in ionndaiy". to K-e p ;rc!; 11t ' low i ate, and t'e Sc 1 uv ic'l affords .1 ;<I -r.i•.' si- ply of rxre'lc: ft!h T-vo prilt ini;. i>. ! rear of ilie to'vn. Perhaps fe** efrtiftt'r 1 ' to'.v? or ba\e mor> I. .I adyirityrei tftJn Pot( Grove. The several pij.-e<- puM:r .»,-r Tsip ilie fllubrity ol tW ail-, rcntr.l ir.cf.-ty j;,»: ch#jpnef« ot living, are am nj the !ew t*.; « it pofl'i if s. Any per son wifllinaf to view t'e prrniC's, will plcafe t> a; ply 10 Mr, Win. OTTS, in slid for teinii io tile itlbfcria JOHN CLEMZNT STOCKER. Sept. 19 iawtf. 1*• •» Imported, and f<jU J\I,U BY EBENF.ZER large, \ 9-5] wide ■' Essay on Political Society." D. C .Li)Wr.U„ > V WAR DEPARTMENT, e . 4*gvtt 4(6, igco. To Printers. t i ED—in Exchange, / of. Pr; ms r, welching 6 II , or '° '!' or "" w - r -i>» Jr.tl a Fount of wig.h'Wr 400 lbs. or upwards.. P] revention better than Cure. For the f rever.i.'j/i end cure of Eittovs and Atjlignani Fetert, is recvKmencled, Dn. HAHN's ■dnti-Uilious Pills, WHICH hive been attended with a dtgree » v of fttCCff. hiuJj'y grateful to the inven tor s feelings, m feyeral parts of the Weft In dies,and the fgnthern parts of the United Stares paiticularly in Baltimore, Prterlburg, Rich, iriond, Norfolk, Hdenton, ilrr ion, Savannah. &c. * lie tcftimony of a ntitri ber of periods in eacfi o'f the above places can b£ adduced, who ha<e reason tp believe that a tireely use of th sfalutary remedy, has, under Providence, preserved their lives when in the mou alarmipg circHmftance9. Fails of nature jeak more in j favour of a rriccfic;ije»tban cnliunns of pompout : eulogy, founded on mere afiVrti n, could do. it s n * indee I yreiumptuoufly proposed .in infallible cure, hut the inventor has every poflib.e rcafon, which cati result from extensive experience for believing thit a dofeefthefe pills taken orce ev ry ivo weeks during the preva lence of or annual ! iliot.s fevers, will prove an infallible prevents ive ; zr.ri further, that in the earlier fta,/<3 of tJ.ofe diseases, their use wits very generally fucceerl in refloring health and frequently in cases ef!e;med dtfperate aRd bey ct:-' the power of common remedies. 1 he operation o: these pHls is perfe<SHy mild and may be Ui' u d with fafety by perfjnain every titration a< !of every age. They are excellently adapted to carry off fa. ; perfltious bile and prevent it*'morbid fecretionj'; to rcftore and amend the appetite ; to product a free perfpiratJcn and thereby prevent which are often of fatal consequence. A dtfe fails to remove a cold if tjken on its firft appearance. They are celebrated r r removing habitual coftivenefs, ficknef- £ the ftaneicfc an*! severe head-a-he, asd ought to be taken by all persons on a change of climate. 1 hey have been .ouud remarkably efficacious in preventing and cur : -g most disorders attend atff on long voyages, arni should be procured and carefully prcferved for use by every feamai/. Dit. HAKN's Genuine Rye-water. | A certain .mrt fafc reniejy for ali dftafa of the j eyo, whct.Vr thr- , foil of nasllr.ll we .knef., or of I acciikut, fjerdily removing infia:iai»ii.nor's, de» I fl»xion» of rheum, iullncf., itching, a.,d films in ; the eyes. never failing to cure -hofc maladies which \ frequently faccecd th- small yox, an'] fe vers, and womler'nl!y a weak fight. lit virtues t. H Thoonly remedy yet discovered whichgivesim mediate and tailing relief in the mo!! severe in fiances. . < The Anodyne Elixir,\ For thr cure of every kind sfheid-attc.and of pains in the face and neck. I Injalhble Ague and Fever Drops. i h's medicine has never hMi(4, in rr.iiny thou sand cases not one in a hundred Tias nccafion to take more than pne bottle, ami mincers not halt 1 bottle, 'j he money will be returned iftfee cure s not performed* SOLD, BY Wit. V I, | M No. 17, South Second Street, And 11 a where elsH, in Philadelphia. V. r.CT' alfrt may be I'.ad, Dr. Hamilton's Worm ."toftfoying I.ozcng«<, hi* Sovereign Elixir for cough*, icc. Restorative Dr» ( % Jjffeuce and Ex cf Muftcrd, Ointment for the Itch, Dr. Hahn's intallif-le fierman Corn Vlaifier, Inl ' dian Vegetable Kj cific for the Vfcftereal com t'l'jirit) Gowlmd 8 a lid Ptrfisn Lotion, Re^orative : m 41, Chefn'ut Street, General Wa/hingtdfs. n Mimt c i t«)c Fit ft Prsibytcrian Congregation * f r. Chaulroti's Oration will be publifiied Troming. Runaway. ON Satnrdiy the 7.3 ] AOguft. rin away from the fubferiber, living in H.rrifburgh, an uGnefjk named Ber.ja- I min Murr'fcn, a li> ; ol about to y:ari j?[ age, '''/ J 1.-nail of ft at 1. re and very \a 111 .rt'kir and of j a foiling countenance—Had on an!i took "with ' j him a calico coitef, a pair rf trowfart si nearly •! j the fame, a pair of CTtmon nankeen (jitto, an \ a ':t I homefpßn ly« calnurec l ftri; ed ditto, aid a Ih.-rc - i jeektt of the f«m°, with a -isw hat—.l,l perfcnt I are forhid harb luring said apprentice at their -cril. Reasonable charg - Will be p i 1 for feca rin£ the boy, so that his mr.st-.-r Jiiay t'et him again. John v. y;-:th. Karrifburgh, ?ept. I I * A Printing Press. Apply at the Office of the Gazette of he United States-, J"- ! y 'y- Dtatp of ~ !n imitation Sl® A i ** '* ■■h", V. TT, «*» ISS 9T- XVIII. - '' *> ■qs •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers