eed with the utmost a&ivity.—All the troop 3 Hill in the Hereditary States have received orders to repair partly to Italy, and partly to the frontitr3 of Bavaria. These mealures however, will not prevent the Beg tiations for peace from going on. Count Lehrbach arrived here yesterday ; it is said that he is to preceed to the Tyrol. VIENNA, July 6. According to every information, our Court, in adopting provisionally Jthe Con vention concluded in luly.has anfweredthe proportions of the French Government ; "That his Majesty had never been averse to concluding wiih the French Rrpublic an honorable and solid Peace, tending to pro mote the welfare of the States finking under the preflure of war, of whii h France had received repeated and sincere afTurances ; tut that his Majelty would fail in his ob jeift if he mada a feperate Peace. He there fore leaves it to the French Republic to irnke proportions for a general Peace, in which the. Crown of England (hall be inclu ded " It is also said, that in this declaration he has protested against the establishment of th« Cisalpine Republic, because the dif trifts which had been previously annexed to it are necefTary for the security of the States of the Emperor ; and besides, that the lia bility of several Provinces would become very uncertain by the cftablilhment of the Republic. A c-urier was sent with this answer to Gen. Berthier who had made 'he proposi tion, and couriers were also immediately dispatched to the Courts, of London and Berlin, to inform them of the resolution »f cur Court. Just Received, Via. New fork, And for Sale by WHUAM FRENCH, No. 48, South Front Street, Vkhy Low, By the Package only, About thirty Bales of Woollens as fol lows : Blue Broadcloths "2 Brcadcluths aflortcd != Cafliiner« alfarted g iS Plans & Forest Cl 'ths 1 u.3 Fine Coitinps and Naps |j? j* Low priced Coatings -Jj London fuperfine Mroadcloths Fslhio.iable Swinfduwni. Jf- Septeniher 15 Horses A PAIR of well broke, found Hnrfe«, and a handsome Phsctoo,for sale at Thomai Allen'i Livery-daMe, in 6th near Arch streets. feptemker 13 d6t W anted, BY a small family cjding to the Weft Indies, a Woman, who en he well recommence to a& in the capacity of Houfe-.Keeper. To f«ch an one a very handsome compensation will he allow ed—ipp'.y to No 56, north Fourth ftrcet. feptember 13 An Invoice of Playing Cards. SUPERFINE Columbian, Harry the Vlllth, and Merry-Andrew Playing Cards, ferfale cheep for calh—Apply at this Office. ieptemher 13. . _ _ ELISHA FISHER and Co. No. 39, North Front Strret, HAVE FOR SALE, Ironmongery, Cutlery, Brass and ? (apan'd Wares, 5 6d B<i rod iid and aod flat point nails, German Ste-1, Hats alTtrted iu cases, Piitols, guns and flints, &c.&c. September 11 PRINTING, Neatly executed at the OJjice of the Gazette of the United States. Book-Work—Pamphlets— Cards—Blanks of all kinds, • &r. &c. Will be printed at the Shortest Notice. augnft 23. Imported, AND TO BE SOLD BY CHARLES WHARTON, At his House, Nn. 136, south Second ftrect, Lisbon Wine, ©f a good quality, in pipis, hogsheads and quarfr caflcs. Bottling Corks, in bales, Women's Shoes, in trunks, &c. September 15. mfw Simon Walker HAS UKMOVfD HIS COUNTING HOUSE, To No. 79, South Fourth Strekt, Corner of Union Streef —wh. re he has for sale JUST 9 ECEIVED, EARTHEN WARE, Afforcerl for exportation or home markets <Slaf, Ware double flint, ia cases. Fr' fh 01 ' tcs Nutmegsatid Mace. July 24. PRICES OF STOCKS. Puu.*n«LPuiA, September 9. Old 8 per Cant Stock for cafil too per cent. Nkw 8 per Cent Stock do- 10*$ -1* pjr Cent, (net amount) 87^; Navy do. do. 87' Three prr Cent. do. <3 Deferred, - do. 84^ U4NK United States, do. 31" —— Pcnnfylva'jia, do. 26 North Aroor'ca, do. 48 >ufuran>s comp. N.A. Ih arcs 10 per cent, be low par. Pennfylvania, shares, 11 per cent-, adv, Turnpike ''hares, to per cent, r.tider par. Bridge (Schuylkill) 3tock, par. E»ft-fn<lia Company of N. A. 7 per cent advance (..and Warrantt, %S dolls, per 100 acres. Water Loaß, 85 per cent. COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bills on Lon. at 30 days for cash 170 per ct. Do. do. 60 days do. i6B£ do. Do. do 90 days do. Ib 6 v Bills »n Hamburgh it 60 days 36 « 37 cts. per Mark Banco Da. in Amsterdam, 60 days 39 « 40 cts. per Florin THE GRAND QUESTION STATED At the present solemn and momentous epoch, the only question to be asked by ev ery American, laying his hand on his heart, is, " shall I continue in allegiance to We can upon the best authority as sert, that our Government ha? received explicit and satisfactory affiirances, that the Ministers of his Britannic Ma jesty have given no authority, commiflioti, inftrucftion, or promise of support to William A. Bowles, and that his hos tile practices among the Indians have been without their knowledge. When M'Kean and Rofs were candidates for the chair of State, die Jacobini laid that no inan, except a religious one, ought to be placed in any office.—What fay they now ? JefFerfon's their candidate ! Phaeton. No man ought to be Governor of Penn sylvania but a Chriflian, said the Jacobins ; yet fay they, a Prelident of the United States may believe in Twenty Gods or no God— thus these fellows deceive the people ot Amerisa ; at one time they are christians, the next day infidels, one dnjr tlv y < ring* and flatt-r the people, next day they abul'e and insult them in the person of their fellow citizens whom they have chofc t» rule thim. A letter from the American Consul at Port Republicain, dated August 12, states, that the whole liland has submitted to Touf faiHt j that Rigaud and a few of his officers have left it in a boat. The Bite is now no longer infelled with piratical barges, And there ns no neceflity for vcfll-ls bound to Port Kepublicain, to touch ?.t Cape Francois, or the Mole, for convoy. A quantity of Coffee is said to be in the Mountains of Grand Ance, and a large colledlion of pro. duce at Jeremie ; the result appears to be fa vourable to our Commerce, and opens a new channel for trade. dtm G.izette of the United States PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY F.VKNIJTG, SEPTEMBER 16. A'RELIGIOUS PRESIDENT ; Or impiously declare for JEFFERSON— AND NO GOD !!! The Editor hat received a letter from a refpe&able gentleman at Snewhill, Mary land, requeuing him to Hate that the ac count publilhed in this Gazette September 4 (refpe&ing the brig Mary, James Taylor, of and for New York, from Pui t-au-Prince, (banded on the 17th July la(i, on AlTi teagne lfland, about 60 mil<-j to the South ward of Cape-Hcnlopen, in which account itis said " the moll siumkfui. pursuing took place ! although an Inspector, ap pointed for the purpose by the Collector ef ibt Revenue, attended part of the time,") was very erroneous, »113 that in juflice to the gentlemen, whose charaders are implica ted, a suspension of the belief of the ft ue ment is requeued, until thole who mad the chargf, (hall prove it. The owner of the vefTel and cargo, denies being the uthor of the paragraph and is called upon, if he has any thing to fajragainft the cuUeftor, or the person appointed by him, to do it, that a full and clear inveflisfation of the bufineis may take place in a legal way. Wm. Hamilton, fen. of Derham, Bucks county, was way-laid on the sth us July last in a piece of woods in Derham town fliip. He was knocked down and beat, threatened with death and was robbed of some ba k bills ; he offers a reward of Ten Dollars to apprehend the villa n whose name is John Landers, a man between 60 and 70 years of age, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, dark complexion, has a long nose and thick lips, had on a fliort dark colour striped nankeen coat otter colour veil and breeehes, white (lockings and coarse rorum hat. From Sunday, September 7, to Wednes day September 10. there was one death at Providence, R. I. of the Fever, and teven new cases, one has recovered and eleven re main lick. For the last 7 days there has been 56 deal 1)6 in New-York. 3 of the Fever as men tioned by Dr. Tillary. , From Friday evening, September 5, to j Monday, September 8, there was 8 deaths , in Noriolk, and 34 new cases of the Fever. ' For the 24 hours, preceding Saturday morning fun-rife, there were, id deaths it ! B ltimore and Fell' 9 Point there was then l 64 in the Hospital, 8 convalescents, and 5 [ had been discharged, cured. The writer of a letter from New-York, clearly traces the origin of the Fever, in two inltances to foreign causes ; one a car ter, who died, and who acknowledged he caught it, by hauling a load from on board a vessel which had evaded the quarantine re gulation and got up to the city and was af terwards ordered down ; the other was a boy of Mr. Warner's, the fail-maker's, who had a&ually been on board a vefTel at the quarantine ground ; and which vefftl had lick people 011 board ; the latter was a very violent ca!e. Report fays, that Demarara was lately re-taken by the Dutch, they being diffatis fied with he rcltri&ions laid upon their trade by the English. It is expeded Stit rinam will rife also. \For the GAztTTt: of the UsiVed Spates. S 0 N G. The trifling maid, who idly vain, Contemns a faithful lover's pain, His torments all her joy ; Who changeful as an April day, With captive hearts drlights to play, As infants with a toy : Deserves of Cupid's bittei draught To taste a drop and from his (haft A flroke or two to feel ; Then tremble, nymph ; for, taught by ine Strephon lhall soon give wounds to thee No vanity lhall heal. NOTES ON GALLATIN. In a new pamphlet by Gallatin, it is as , ferted tliat the Committee of C tigress, in flead of matter of tact, impcled the " pii vate opinion ol' a few individuali" on the people of the United States ; that the llate ment by the committee: of th aniou t of bondi receivablr, wis improper, bt-caule the people, i. e. the United States, lhll owrd the money, the amount of thefc bonds ; thus if what people of the United States, owe the people of the Ur.i»ed States is a fal lacious item in account, the public dent due to our own citizens is not due at a.I Hravo Mr. Gallatin, you have wip< d away the d-bts at once without intending it. But how d<> you prove that the mere ar rangement of an old debt, by the new gov ernment, makes the whole a fair charge to the incidental expence account of the ict'e recs only. Wh/ tell us, how much it colt us to prepare for our defence againfl the mifteis of your country, and conceal the aniomu of the lavingßtheieby. Are not the arn s purchafcd dill on hand ; is not our Navy entire, with the addition ot a line frigate taken from jqw masters ; is this the galling thought that mak •> you for get your obligations *9 Amenta; have we not taken and re-taken SCO fail ot velVels from the enemy ; has not the couviys, Sic. by ihe navy saved twenty per cent, on tbe imports and exports, and 011 the (hipping employed by our commerce for 3 years pati Answer these queltions if you can. A True American Farmer. [Let every Americau rend the followiii" account of the bravery of our Countrymen and whill), he iympathiles with the brave but unfortunate Capt. Bra f >rd ; lie will rr collett wi li pUafure his CfikUutry, and that ot his Crew—and wiH pav julf tribute ti the generous and brave Bri ilh officer, wlk< gave affiitance and comfort to wounded A mci icans.] Mk Cutlf.k, BY publishing the following very ho norable teflimonies, of the unprecedentrJ bravery of Capt. GAMalieh BitAuyoitD and Crrw, of the Ihip Indufhy of th.s p>rt, and the humane condu£l ot Capt. Hsllowrll of the Brit ilh Ihip Swiftfore ; you will ob lige, Yours, &c. L. isf C. Extract of a letter from Mr. Charles Ihu ley, 011 board the Industry, dated Lisbon, July 2j, 1800. " I have the misforture of Having the painful task alloted me to communicate the very unfortunate accident that Capt. Brad ford met with on the 8:h of July. We tail ed from Naples on the 15th Junr, and ar rived fafely off Gibralter 011 theSth of July. Conceiving it not iafe to enter this port hy reason of the annoyance given by the Spa nish gun boats, we proceed tar Lilbon : S>"on after entering the Gut, about one league there came from (hore, a large ttench privateer which came in fight of our gun% but did not like our appearance ; Hie hauled Ler wind, and went a (tern, the then fired a gun andhoifted French colors, with a bloody flag ; and began firing at us ; but was at luch a dinancr, that we could not rarh her without' (krn guns, although (lie from her bows was throwing her grape fiiot into and beyond us. Capt. B. laid, all we could do was to wait until Ihe came nearer, when he hoped we should be able to give the rafcak what they deserved. After firing above an hour at that diflance she came nearer, but finding tl ere was danger in the attempt, (he again returned to her former distance, where (he continued firing her bow chatcs. Soon after three other privateers, one nearly as large as the firfl caine out, and allot them commenced firing at our (lern. Conceiving themselves much fnpertbr in force, they be came bolder, and approached nearer lo that we were enabled to keep a fleady firing upon ; them ; bat tbry had much heavier gv.ns than ; we, particulariy the two i»r,je privateers. Th* wind blowing frefher, the twol'malle(l were not. able to do much harm ; a ftro»ig current against us, and having many of our fiil,and spars Hiot away, we could not carry fail, except before the wind, and in that courfe,moved.flowly.through the water. After engaging these pirates three hours, capt. Bradford was unfortunately wounded by a grape (hot in the thigh which entered the I ack part, a little above the knee, & Went nearly through, you m.iy suppose this was a great (hock to us all, that he should We the firlt wounded. We tonk him into the deck he addrefled the crew, bcggjng them not to be alarmed at his situation, but to keep Ready firing, and to prevent them from boarding the (hip, uhieh I have the pkafure to fav they did with determined cpOrage Mr Bradford, mate and brother to Ihe captain. sighted the (tern guns during the whole aftion, which continued two honrj and a half after capt. B received his wound. W hen the priv tfer sheered off, and left us to proceed 011 our voyage which we were poorly enabled to do, from the (battered condition of our rigging and spars Capt. B. then ordered us to (leer for Cadiz, it hopes of meeting with some Briiifh vessel of war, which we very fortunately did the next day, and received from cap. Hallowed, who cotamanded the vessel we spoke with, (the Swif(fnre) every mark of attention and humanity. On being i formed "f the melancholy iituation in which capt B lav. he tf en ordered his Chief Surgeon on bodrd to take care of the wound, and adminifler every relief in his pow r It was the opinion of the Surgeon that the ihigh ought to be amp'ita'ed as soon as poflihle, but finding a high fever had set in, he recommended and folicitcd the removal of capt B. declined, as he «idled to reach Lisbon, and the wind then promised a speedy passage; the humanity of capt. Hallowell however would not allow the veflVl to leave him until! he had supplied every thi- g thar was wanted ai;d feut - n board, his S'-rgeon's mate, (which wa» the only one i>b board) to accompany capt. B to Lisbon, and furnifhed an order for his being admitted to the Britilh Hos pital there. Owing to contrary winds which enlued immediately after we left the fwiftfure, we did not arrive at Lisbon under 10 days, when we landed our unfortunate Commander, and this day he underwent the amputation of his thigh It is now 3 lioud since the operation was performid, ami I have the high grat ification of informing you that he is likely to do we 1. He bore the operation as he did the agony of the wound with t'negreateft c Imnels and fortitude. Except capt. B. there but one other p rfo i wounded on board the (hip, which is a Mr. John Bay. ler, who receivtd a grape (hot in his bmc'y, and is now lo ged in the fame hospital, w'>tre every attention is , aid him." It ought to be mentioned here that this is the thiidtime wilhin 18 month* hat capt. Bha 6 a fimii r force in the fame fess a.d h seach time prcferved the property of his owners, through his un daunted skill and bravery. Gazette Marine Lift. PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. No arrivals at the f rt. Ship Pame, Griffiths, for the Havanna, le.'t NewCaftleon Sunday Lft. Brig Harriot, Hubber, to Batavia, left New Callle yesterday. Brig Nancy, Brufter, from hence, has arrived at Capt Francois. Fr m Lloyd's List of Augns' I. Arrived at Biiftol, ship Luanda, , Philadelphia. At Liverpool, (liip Friendlhip, Ward, Philadelphia ; MiiTiiTlppi, Cullaghan, Phi ladelphia. At Dover, Criterion, Weeks, Philadel phia. At Hamburgh, Farmer, Philadelphia. At Ainfterdara, Harmony, Wickhawi, Philadelphia. B \LTIMORE, September 13. Arrived, ship Fidelity. Weems, fifty one days London. Left there ship Halcyon, Captain Wife, of Baltimore, bt fides tbofe mentioned by the ' merican. July 23, {poke the ship President nf Salem, to Lon don. July ?t, '.attitude 47, 18, longtitude 17 W. spoke the ship Mercury, from Lon don to Chirleftrm. August 18, lattitnde 46. 23, longtitude 26, spoke (hip Mary Ann, of Bolton to London, Augufl 22 lattitude 37, 43, longtitude 58, 20. spoke (hip Two Brothers, from Norfolk to Fal mouth. August 27, in lattitude 56, 54, longtitude 66, the fgow Robert from Bal timore to Rotterdam. Next lay i'.i lattitude 37, 21. longtitude 68 5 spoke ship Re becca, from Lifeon, to Norfolk. Ship Stafford, Shaw, 76, days Rotter dam ; (hip Juno, Willis, of New York f r Philadelphia, a: d brigs Traveller, Lee, of Bolton, for Lifb 111 ; Hayt, of N. w buryport, and schooner Washington, Ro gers of Bolton, failed in co. with us. Left there the snow Java, Nice, of Baltimore, Ready for sea. , We were boarded by the Kng'Mn Latona, and treated politely. A few days after in latitude 59. K'i>gtitude 10, were hoarded bv the Lyn* Hoop of war, whose tiv uaient was very different, though polite enough to inform us, The was cruizing for American fr.ips from Batavia, and that the fame day (he had boarded the fliip Manches ter, Jacobs from Amsterdam to Philadel phia. In laititude 41, longtitude 53, spoke the fliip Lucy, of Boston, from llif bon. . 1 ' , Schooner Scorpion, Sarenfon, twenty ore days Cape Nichola Mole. • Left there the febooner Two Brother?, Captain Monro of Boston Brig Eliza, Waits, sixteen days Cape Francois ; brig Dispatch, Noble, of Bos ton, failed four days before us, for Balti more. Loft this morning, Thomas greeves'r note, in favour ofThemas Mifflin, uated September 17, 1800, at 60 days, for 1750 dollars, uot en dorsed. Any pe. son having f*>und the fame, and will re urn it to T. Greevet, No. 73, Walnut flreet, Jhall be rewarded, fejtember 16 Hd3t For Charter, Burthen aboat 1400 barrels. Shr fait* wcll v Apply to Moore Wharton, JV'. 18, Dock-street. WHO HAS TO DISPOSE OF Coffee, in bags, And a well ass rted Invoice Ironmongery: (Vptrmb-r i 6 FOR SALE, Ship India, Burthen 401 tons; now laying at tlie Still-house wha>rt. For terns apph to JOSEPH S. LEWIS, september 16 « diot Lottery For completing St. Augustine's x Church. The second or iaft Class. r T"'HE few remaining Tickets in the above A Lottery, which may t! >c hands me prizes of Ten tb uf.ind dollars! F"ur thou/and dollars' Thre' ihoufand dd'.ars ! &c. Ac injy be hid if called for foor., for f e imall sum of Nine DJlars Sh.uld any remain <-n hind on theJSrJlofCßober-, they will be railed to Nine and an half Dollars. ■Apply to GEOKGE TAYI.OR, Jr. N0.39? Cbesnut M. M'CONNELL, No. 143 S street fepteiiiber 16 Houses to Let: ONE large convert ent three-story Btick. Dwelling House, with four rooms oh a floor, anj two Kitchens ; there is a pvmp of w&ler, and a rain water cistern n 'he yard"; situate on the ''>( l tide of Fourth- Street, one door above Race-Street, lately occupied by Solomon Moroche. ALSO, A convenieut Three Story brick house, Next door, but on?, north ot t'.above, No. 157. — It lias a Pump and Cilt rn in. the yard, &c. For terms apply at No. 116 Arch-Stieet. August 4. Sep. 16 the Remaining Tickets, In the second or .est Class of the ST. AUGUSTINE CHURCH LOTTERY, AUh NOW SELLING OHLT BY Go. lay lor, jr. at No. 39 Che j nut AND > „ M. M* Cornell, No. 143 j AL vRGE p. rtion of the ) I_KE VS beins; alrea y I'■ !.ai d the fir-t Deo-nber positively fixed on as the mojl d'ljlar.t period Jor commencing ibe drawing ; the p. ice h - with r he content of the Maragtrs, bi'en raifrd to nine dollars, and will be raised from time to time until the drawiag is smithed, according tii circu:: fiances. It is to be obfcrved that by taw, the M:mpers are obliged to fiiii(h the rirawi-v in thirty diy« from its comineticeraen' — nd to pay the prizes wirhin thirty day» after the drawing is finithed. Philadelphia, Sept », 1800 tuthfsiw tO-Tbc friends of the Federal Govern ment are requeftrd to meet at D .nwoody's Tavern, on Thursday Evening, the 18th. of September inllant, at seven o'clock— oa business of importance. Sept. 15th t '4 t * CAUTION. KP THE PU3LIC are cautioned r gait.ft having any commnnication with the GANGES Sloop of War, (now at New- Castle) or any of her ufficers Or ciew th re, as they msy depend on being prevea ed fr< m returning to this city in less tflan thirty days. And means will be tak=n u> pioic cute all without diftin&ioofor violating the Quarautine Law. September n. 4 tf $ • » '( in flew tX
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers