LATA FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. London, j un e c. From the Vienna Court Gazette, June 4 " According to accounts received from General Kray, dated Uim, the 27th,-28th, and 29th of May, no material changes hid taken place in t,:e pofitioos of either army After the G nerai had received intelligence Hiat strong French corpn were on march to Aujfburgh and »ht Ltch that Co lonel Pmhafzka,' ftatio-ed 00 the 28th, in the evening, ' the enemy had aftually enter ed thai city with 20 o men, he detached General Count Merftld with two regiments of cavalry to that neighbourhood, wha will the foouer succeed in N diflodging the enemy from tiiat neigjibbuihood 'ks they will not be able to maintain themselves ia so exten ded a position. anil a* lie principal objett of thcfe excuvfims seems to be the raiting of Cohtß* General K.iay has lilt - wife reinforced General Sz'array witti five battallions of infantry and twelve squadrons or cavalry, to enable him to fend Itrong de tachments against Augfljurg, a d to me nace the enemy's flak. (ja the 251:1, the Captain cf Cavaliy, C unt Mier, happily executed Swell combine uttdertaki gagainlt the enemy. By fix o'el ck in the morning of That dav-ht fil.pHfe'c! tfxr'eoemy's garri* on' at Donaiitfchingen, made pnf.iners fix officers !trtd abut one hundred and fifty pri vates, the remainder being dispersed towards Sc affhaufei?, " Refpeding thr march of General Me las to the plaiiU of Piedmont, he rep ;rt«, that on the icrth oSf May he had arrived at Sofpello, and on the jOtlTat ITinJapwhmr he received uccoun-ts from th: c>rp» which he had left behind "on the banks of the Var, that in the night fr >m the 18th to the 19th the e iemy had crofled the Var with our halfbrig3..'s), two of which observed our righr wing while the other two advanced against the ceutre, attacked the regiment of Orange, and afterw rds th* battalion of Weirenwolf grenadiers, but were- rVpulfed across the Var with considerable lols, vhieh would have been (till greater had not the fugitives found (hclter under their arullcry of the bridge entrenchments 00 lie opp >- site bjnki ntlie z_ 't, General Meiai ar rived at Limont, and dn >Ue 22 i at Cou'i, where he learned that duriug the b >mnard tne t of Gen a by the Lnglilh. Several shells had fallen into that city, which cr a ted a fer eat - among the inhabitant* but that MafTefia immediately doubl-d-theguar'ds. aad.Jor .hi pc-.-.Li al ufeiy, drfcw Up touf companies ot grcnadfers with touT pieces of cannon before his quarters. Ti.e deltrtioiV' amung the cccmy'. troops from that city i 3 very co- and njifery inc eufis eveiy hour. On the j 7 General MalTena liberated all our otftccrs, wh.iui tie hcla on their i|t thf f.ime time int'uroiing j *G;i«£ral that the privates wouldlikrwile be vtiy soon delivered up. ! Oil the ijd, Me Hi arrived at Sj viglVan j, whence he reports th;t lie expelled to arrive a't' Tunis \he diy sol. owing; that I the enemy penetrating into the Valley 6t j Aoftaj arrived at the gates of ivrea r,n ' the hut the town and citadel regained yet in our hinds ; that Gen. Dedriey, with his brigade", taken port behind the town 1 and ,F. M. Lieut. Connt H;iddick, ■with two regiments ps cnvalry, had advan ced to llomaiio, if VjfCefl'iry, cither to join or sUpport General. Several detach ments of the enemy's troops have advanced from Mount (Jer.ia and from Kxlles, but withdut effethng any thing. From the 'WoVius St. Gothard and Siiwplior, no ho ftil.e movements .had been oblerved. From Car gnano under date of the 24th, the Gene ral of Cavalry reports, that the en my con tirtuned to advance from the V :llry.of Anita along th# D'r?> and t'-t the regiment Francis Kin'flcjr, after a wry brave refinance of four hours, had withdrawn from Ivrea, according to the orders it had received, and .joined F. M. Lieut. Count Hiddick In the night of the 30th, the city of Gr.najt was again bombarded with the best success, which greatly encrcafed the enibarraffment of the gar'ifon and of the inhabitants. The lEnglilh, who employed ali their (loops jind bomb-velTel'on that oiCilion, took a jralle'y ' and a gun-lloop from the enemy, rear the lantern. Exccpti'g- some flight Ikirmilhes between the patroles, nothing of importance has lately taken place in the Voralberg of the.Grifon country. ULM,' June 4. The Imperial cairy has at length broke up from the neighbourhood of this city. The army under General Kray marches in two div;fi )hsj one towards Mcinmingen, the other tow ards Augfbuig, to attack the Wench. Imp'brtanrmilitary event? arc now looked for.—As early ss the 30th and. Stft ult. the Imperi lifls, under Generals r?v, Guilay, and Archduke Ferdinand, le pulftd the enemy with configurable loss be yond lUerdrflta^ , s MENTZ, June 6. Consul. ' n , . / ~ . The French have found at Milan the Pnk A uep h:is at length bem taken which , . , , r. r r , -r , . , of a-uillery, ni; magazines of the Ivefervr. proves the Fiench government 11 determin- , „ .■■. , . , ' r . , rrtr r i_ ia. il \ r and r 1 c »aih<»g ami equipment, wftit the ed to keep pofleflton of the left hanks ol .. . . ... , . , n, . : 1 • • 1 . Depots ana holpital eftaclittimenti relonif-mpr the Rhine, and intirely to incorporate it . 1 . ■ ... 1 n ., . h . . ~ 1 , , N to the- Aultrian?. Ihe captures are im ■tti.h France. Isle day before yeflerday, , . , . 1 e ~ . , : mente, but n-i-regular returns of thele have the CommilTnner of government, citizen , , . 3 Chee, iflued a proclamation, in which it is ,een m "'°" positively faid,-th:it in the foyr departments 1 letter from the MioiAcV6f Police to of the Rhine Prefers and Sab-Prefe&s are """ 6t the Fiench Republic diiedls to be introduced, the fame as in France, thtin to admit to the declaration ot fidelity In the department of the Rujir, therefore,, the Gonftitution,'all<he tr.inillers of every there will in future be a Prffed\ural Council worlhip, without regard to political fitua of five members, and the Gsneral'Depart- tion, belnre the a 1 It Nivote, January l ( t. mental Council of >w«uy-four members. The treaty of the 7 th of August 1792, In. tMt of Dor.nefberg, the former will between Kuill? and ProfllJ, lua hreiirein-w ---confifl of nine, and the l*tter x 6i twcn'.y ed at' Berlin. Is has not yet been made •* ' ' • ....... • • / ■ s • ' r * . lUcmFifrr. And in tlitfTs of the Ssar,Rhinr, ■ahfl MofclL-, the former 'of> the latter of Sixteen member:'. M, AUGSBUIiOH, June 6. '■ Lflft night tils- SVruc'u* entirely withdrew :r«m this city. 'l;he magazines ot oats which the AulWiina had left behind at Fri gdherg, vretfc atfj left by the Fjench. 'file following' are the contributions ralfed here hy general Lecourbe : the city paid 600,c00 livres, 1 -0.006 of wfiich wore tur «ifiled by t!je (ijnvents ; it likewii'e furnilh cd jo,roo rations of bread, qUaVtf<ol beer, 500 hottles of wine, 1000 +»6ttl:-s of ; brandy, r.OOO ells of bljie cloth, 300 elis'tft white -cloth, JDO etls of (cadet cl 4ii\ ,6c|93 pai r of (hoe-, 600 jjsi'r of boots for 15 harfes with accoutrements, n train ot pofl-horfes;" and a carriage tor tjie Generally The Chapter furnifhrd ."oo.cob livres, uoo ells of blue clot!', joo ells ,ol" whits cloth, and jro ells of fivlrlet 'cloth ; 260 quarters of oats in money, 4c oxen of 5c cwt, ejtch, and 50 horjes. This visit fro'rn the French coU this city and chapter about Soyooo li- Vres. Orders have been ifTued ny tiu.' tor, for raiting upwards of jo.Ooo, n>eo ; those who have been difcljjirgtd from the service iire not even excluded from tcrving again. This day tie cons Hug-orders were rtcefved here, for all lhVps, laden with pro-' vitigns, agiin to fall down the ftremn. FALMOUTH, June 23. Arrived thelSarl Gower Packet, captain Dial ,/frcm New-York and Halifax, with mails and dispatches. This packet fa led from hence on,the 12th of Fsbruaiy. and arrived at New-York on the ioih : of April, on'which day a very fine frigate called the -EieiidiELljpa» launched. While (he rrmain; ed at N. w-fork his M jefty*s fliip-etrop#- tra arrived there on the 28th April. The, Earl Gower left N<w-York on the 12th of May in company with the Cl.opatr , which parted from her on the following day, and arrived at Halifax on the 2ld, where (he found hit Maj (ly's fhipsAfia St Alban'«i Boston, Aflilta ce. Cleopatra, Lilly, and Porcupine; and onthe 23d aletter of marque arrived there in.Bo days froJh Liv erpool The Earl Gower failed fr.iin Ha lifax for England f it the 28th of May, arid on the 15th June was chafed by a "French corvette, and wai obliged (o throw foifle of her gu s overb'-ard in order to lighten her, which prevented her being captured, a d on the fallowing day, in lat. 40, 22, long. 27, (hef:ll n with' the homeward bound Well India-fleet, under convoy of la Vifto tie fe (loop of war with whom (lie failed un 'til (he made the land. ;• ' PORTSMOUTH, June 25. Arrivtd from G ernfey and Jersey the following tiranfports with. 3000 Ruffian troopsl'under conVoy of the Rambles, Chsf ham, L rd I-laod,. Amphitjrtte Qooderict, \!arg«retta,.Lady Jane and Traveller ; al so the lieavcr (loop, from a'emif-. \ T*liis for nooo failed from St. Helen's the Aftive frigate, with the outward bound Eat! India convoy ; and the America with the fleet to Halifax, amongst which are the ; Laughton, Rutland Diamond and Laurtl ! tranfp ns with the Surry Kan -.ers on boaid j —alfathe Happy (loop 00 a crnife. LIVERPOOL, June 23 Six veflfls from Norfolk in Virginia, and from New-York with fl-iur are laily e*pefted. The Weft India feet that failed from Cork the 17th March, are fafc rrived out, •, ne only excepted, not belonging to this port t but name unknown, foundered. LONDON, June 26. Lift night arrived the Hamburg mail due on the l3th inll. but it brings no intelli gence »«t Any importance with-which we are < not already acquainted. It gives fume ex tracts fr >m the Vienna Couvt Gazetjb of the 4th June, which, With ether articles, xviil be found in the preceding colurpns. Nn French p'ajyrs had arrived, wheu. this j paprr 'v^nt to prci's. j After this pjper 'wtnt. to press, another Hailihurgh, mail,, that whs due on Sunday, | j fall, arrived. The Vienna Cuut Gazette of the 7th, Contain! official account' from General Mela's, down t<> the 27th May.. By theft- it appears thit the enemy .attacked .Ge neral Hid'lick in his portion nea,r Chiwfella, on the 26th, and obliged hjm to retreat to Oiea. On this ccafion Ge.cpia\ PtlfFy was liilled. General Kami also fe veral tiiiK'. near Avigliaflo, or the fame day, when five of'the enemy's officers, and ijo I privates were tiki'n prifonerl. The Auftri -1 an Government has' ordered a new levy cf , 60,0>0 men. A letter from Leghorn men tions the Arrivi.l there of an Enelifl) 74, and a to a fqtiadron which Jiad carried 7000 Bruilh tioops belonging to Mincyca, where 14 000/ more were fpeediJy opeaed.' . ..j, - I It i&ftatetlin the Paris JotfrtYals tlist the Bitavian Guy-nimint Jias fertt -Admiral de Winter on * facial million to the Chief Con&l. pilblic whether *ny «JiilUonal iitioki h»«t atintjccd u> it. * It appears by advices frdin Sweden, dated the 3 i;t of May; that a violent uproar took place'at the »f Nork occalioned b/tbe order of the Nobtlity, who violently opposed the financial project that had been pvrfeiited by aft e ret committee. Some ot'l the.i\i ruih.-d in a body towards tile Prefi- j dent's chair, to protest agii.Ud the proceed* j ing that was abont to take place : Several nudf-a public abdic«tfion of their order of Nobility-; and ill:: reft declared opened that tliey would-fit?no-longer in the Diet. At length the MtrrihaJ of the Diet put an end to the fitting iu order to appease the tumult. ,3'be ijfing fojpdu& of the Jwarßut. HOtfSE OF COMMONS, June 25. Mr. Secretary Duhdas brought down a meirage from the K;n*, which was read. " His Majesty acquainted the Huufe oi j Commons, that he ha 4 entered into a con- 1 ventioli Ivith the Hereditary Prince of j Orange, Stadtholder, end Captain-General of the United Provinces, for placing the (h ps and seamen, lately »ak-n in trull for his under the absolute dilpolalof Ins M ijefty, to be employed as he Ihould think pr per in the present war ; that he had ordered copies of the Convention to be laid before Parliament, and he recommended it ti the H'uufe, to fake such ineafures as wo * 1 enable his Majesty to fulfil his en gagement with the Hereditary Prince,' and for prosecuting the war with the said (hips, seamen ,iuj troops." Mr. Secretary Dundas then fnoved, that it (hritu'J be referred to a committee of the whole H*>ufe to-ftiorrow, Mr. Tferney thought the time too (hort, and that longer space ought to bt given for c nfidv.atioii. Mr. Secretary Dundas said, a bill mud he < brought in which would afford' ample lime for conlideration The papers he was about to present to the House would contaiu the terms of the Convention. Mr. Tierncy added, that the hon. gen tle ian ieemed to think the money to be paid no object ; but he thought it a mod important one. He did not fee any i:ecef fuy for the Dutch Feet at al«, we had (hips enough already, and were perfect mailers of the fe'a ; all thtfe con liderations ought to be weighed. Mr. Dundas replied, that it might be done Upon the report on Fiiday, as well as in the committee to-morrow. Mr. Tierney said, h« could net attend to* morrolv, and several things (tood for Fri | day, but he woyld not fuffer this measure to pass without his protest against it. After a (bort conversation, it was fined that thfc cpmmittee (hould be to morrow, and' the;ftpAjrt CO fidered on Monday. June * 9. Madame de Kulins, the fair A ,nc "' can and amie of the dafhin/ 1 col hel M 'had a Violent quarrel on Friday with her Paiamour. Finding herTelf menaced con fcqtienily by a total defcrsion, (he looked a round for another friend, whom (he found in the person of the hon. Mr. V. who fat with her the whole evening at lalt Saturday' Opera. LAW. Court of Common Pleas, June 12. Admiral Sir William Parker ?. Adin. Earl St, Vincent. Tliis aflion was brought before I.OTd'El dou and a special jury to recover a small portion of the freightage of some specie 1 brought borne in Earl St. Vincent's fleet, and claimed by Sir William ai one of tho Junior Admirals belonging to that fleet. ]t was unflerjlood that the iflue was joined merely to try whether the claim was eftab ltlhed by cullom. A'iiniral Wolfely was the firft witness, and dep. led, that in 1761 he got for freigh tage ot fp: He, to the amount of 1991 6j brought home in a fleet, 661 9s lod for his (hare as Junior Admiral in the fleet. Admiral Hotljiam prcived, that he had t paid, fqc'n freightage to Junior Admirals unr i der 'him. ; Admiral Calder deposed to the fame ! effe£l» j Admiral Biigh's testimony went t« (Lew, • tlflt a number of Admirals had received j payment in that w ay. I Opt. O'Brien, when under Adm. Gam bier, knew him to admit such claims, from ' 1 the Junior Admirals. ' | Admiral Lord Hood gave in evidence, ' that he «ever received any such (hares, nor ' th' ugh he brought a good deal of. fpecic " and bullion from the Mediterranean, did ad mit-any claims made on that account by Ju r ! nior Admi ah, as there was no law that en , joined him to do so. He acknowledged, . however, that he was i Junior Admiral only for twelve m nths : and thafhe would have * paid the claim- of his own Junior Admirals ' hut hearing that Earl St. Vincent had re e' (ifted, the present demand, he waited t? fe< e what wo>j!d be the rcfult of the trial ' j T: .1 Pay'"!, - - , , P nents to the noble and gallant officers whc itterided on this occalion, from his know edge of both the plaintiff and defendeni :xj>rtfled his conviaion that the sum in dif pure was no objedt to either of them, bui rfiat their wish was that the question fhoulc be pot at tit in future, which no doubt it would he by the verdi& of this day. After the long lilt of AdirirJs, who since the ye?r i,62- and pr. bable for a long series of years before, ha' fandl or.ed thole claims by their admifii n of them, he could not but think that the jurtiee of the cafe was on the fide of the Pl3i»ti!F. The jury, without fcefitation, gave a ver dure of i 1 if.between fix admirals. . * PJft6ls,' Guns, Gun locks and Flints, Far salt hy EI.ISHA FISHER Y Co. No. 36, North Front'ftreet. Augufl 14 Just Received,' Br A. J3IQKINS t oppotite Christ Cburcb, /V View OF THE V " CAUSES AND CONSEQUENCES OF THE American Revolution, lp Nineteen Di'.tourles. By the Rev. Jonathan Bouchku, J%. M. F. A.-S. Price 1 Dollars jo Cents. j«iy 3 n * FOR SALE, In the Ci'y.of Bw/ington, Slate of New* Jdrsey, TWO NEW TWO STORY Brick Houses, Situate on Marktt street, BEING twenty feet front jn4 thiity-two feet Jeep, each with cellar them and kitch ens in the rear, likcwife a well of good wjUr in front. 1 Four twenty feet Lots, Adjoining the above premifet, one hundred and filty feet deep. For terms of sale apply to the fubferiber in Bur lington, by whom an indisputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlington, July 9, iseo (»}) eotf For Sale, In the pleasant village of Mount Holty, Bur lington County, 18 miles from Cooper's Ftrry, and 7 from Hurlingt n ; ONI LAIICE TWO STOItY , Brick - House, FIVIi and thirty feet square, four rooms on each floor, and a cellar under the whole Likewise adjoining, a forty foot front Lot, situ ate on Mill flreet, near the rnirket, with a new Carriage Houfc ind Stables on the rear of the Lot, fronting a public alley. For further par tnubri apply to MAHLON BUDD, or ISAAC CARR, in Burlington. Who will (hew the prtmifes and make know n thertertm, or of the fubferiber in Burlington, by whom an indjfputable title will be given. MICAJAH ELLIS. Burlii'gton, July g, 1800. July 19 eodtf. FOR SALE, A VALUABLE THACT OF LAND, LYING on the Potomac Rivor,county of Ner tiiumtieriand, state of Virginia; Containing' about 1400 acres—it' fituatien is equal to any o' her in the Northern Neck, icmarkable lor every kind of wildfowl, oyflers, fifii and crab, and n<mc bet ter for Health. 11 is about the fame distance from Baltimore, Alexandria and Norfolk, and not more than'one days fail from either. Thore are three improved plantation* with dwelling houf'es, the one known by the name ol Exeter Lodge, former ly the residence of col. John Gordon, is an elegant' two (lory brick houfc, with four rooms on a floor, and a paffagc sixteen feet wiie. The other two are commodious and convenient ly fitted, with good andfuitable out houses, atone of which John Murphy, Esq. (now of Weft more land comity) lived fcveral years; on this farm there is a good grift mill, with water fufficient to turn any number of stones ; alfa convenient store hou ses and granaries on a public road, \"cll Gtuatid for a country (lore. On each of those places there are fine apple and peach orchards. The greater proportion of the land is of the firft quality, and near the half of the whole heavily timbered. The terms may he knownby applying to Wm Baltimore, Foulhfc G. Tebhs, esq. of Richmond county, Virginia, or te Thomas Murgatrojd and Sons, Philadelphia. , | Feb.-J*—14. 3taw " WHEREAS, AN attachment was lately iflued out of the in ferior eourt of common pleas of the county •f Essex, in the state of New Jerffy, direded to the fceriff of the said county, against the rights, credits, monies aau effefls, goods and chattels, lands and tenements ol Cltvci Symmts at the fuitof William Weill,in a plea of trespass on the cafe to his damage thr«ethoufand dollar*; — And wkertai, the said (heriff did, at the term of June lift pall,return to the said court that he had attached the defendant by a certain bond given by Matthias Denman and Samuel Meeker to the said defendant; to the amount of near two thousand dollars,and alfoby sixty land warrant*;— AW Iktrrfort, the said John Cleyes Symmes (bail appear .give special bail, and receive a declaration at the suit of the plaintiff, judgment will be entered against him, and his property herein attached, will be fold agreeably to the statute in luch cafe made a«d pr«y : ded. Aaron Ogden, Clerk, fcfe. Pli»tt*ffc-ta«o _Wy I l »o (n) immui A PERSON OF abilities, iritfgrit • an.l experience ih mercantile bijfinefs, would .feelingly en gage as CLE KK to a merchant or publjc of ri e, or be concerned with any person 55 part ner, as he has an intereftot about one ihouland pounds in real ettate in t» e city. Pleal'e to ap v,ly tQ the Printer ;«t a line left at the office for R will be attended to imr ediately. May 10 djtmk'.hH Philadelphia fc? Lancaster j TURNPIKE COMPANY, Jul) i+tb, { 800. THE President and Managers ha*a th't day stared a divi end of Eight Dollars on each share ot stock, ot which, fix dollars per (hare wilt be paid the ? >ckholrter« or their reprefentativci any pay alter the »4tK inftant;"the remaining two 'oliars ha» been retained and expended in om- and repairing the road agreeably to a sfolution of the ttockhoMrra. Wm. GQVETT, Treasfier. July 14 • Health-Office. Bth month, \slh, iSco. TTrHEREAS ihe board of Health VV lia»ir.g recrived information that a cowtageous diftafe, dangerous to the com munity, uow exists ill Norfolk, Virginia , Whereupon RESOLVED, Tbat all Duffels from thence bound to the port of Philadelphia, bring tot at the Lazar tto, to receive a v'fit from the l<efident Phyjtcian, and there tuait the determi nation of the Board. And further, That no per/on (orgoods ca pable of retaining in/edion) from NorfokVir ginia, Jha I e permitted to come to the city or' county of Philade/p ia, until hey produce a fatisfaflory certificate of their being at leajlfif teen days from thence, under the plnaj-ty of IIVE HUNDRED-IK)t-LARS. agree able to the th fiaittri of the Health Law, half , of which <wi I be paid to the informer on can• [•vision . • J 6DW iRD GARRIGUES, Pre/,dent. PETER K TSER, Secretary. Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignant Fevers, is recommended, Dk. HAHN'S Anti-bilio-us Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree or success highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in feveril parts of the Wefi-In di-!S,an<l the fo.uthrra parts of the United States, particularly in Biltimdrfc, < Petersburg, Rich, raond, Norfolk, Edentorr, Wilmington, Chirlef ton, Savannah. &c. The-tellimony of a num ber of pcrfoAs in each of the above places can be adduced, who havg rtafon .to believe that a timely us* of th's falutiry remedy, has, under Providence, prderved their lives when in the moll alarming circum'iiances. Fafls oft hi-, conclusive nature speak more in favourof i medicine, thSn-cffllumns of pompous eulogy, founded on mere aiTcrtiin, could do. It is n't Indeed prifiih>ptuoufly proposed u an infallible cufe, but tire inventor has every poffib'.e reason, which,can result ticpm experience for believing that a dost? of thrfe pills, taken oncfc every two wetki during the preva lence of our annual bilious, Severs, will prove aft infallible preventaiive ; and further, that in the earlier Images of fhofe diseases, their life'wilt very generally fucceeij'in' reftorigj health «n.l frequently in cases esteemed desperate and bey cud the power of common remedies. The operation of tNefe pills is perfpdtk iiid and may be uffd with fal'ety by perfoniii every CtuatiQn and oftvtry age. They are excellcntly'adapted to carry .iff fa perfluoua bile and prevent! ts morbid fccretitme ; to reflore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perfpirstion and thereby prevent colds which are often of fatal eonlequence. A eefe never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firfi appearance. They are celebrated for removing habitual eoflivenefs, fidtnefs of the ftutoach and severe head-ache, and ooght to be taken by all persons on a change qf donate. They have been found remarkably efficacious in prevsmtirig and curing mod -'[(orders attend ant on lor,-voyages, and (h .uM be procured i and carefully prefervCd for ufc by every f«amari. Dk.HA.HN's Genuine Eye-water. A certain and fafe remedy for all diseases of the ey,es, whether tha of natural weaknefj, or of apcident, fpecdily ,removing inflammations, de« .fluxions.of rheum, dulliiji's, itching, aud films in the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which frequently succeed me small pox, meaflss and fe vers. and wosrler. ully strengthening a weak fight. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of fight; , * Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet dif&vered which gives Im mediate and tailing relief in the njoft fcvere in fiances. 7h e-Anodynt ixir. ft* ifce «um if avcry tun 4 *f lfcid*tcli e, md iit Infallible Ague and Fever Drops. Thi« medicine has never failed, in mjn, thou fandcafes not one in a hundred has had occafinn to take more than one bottle, and numbers not haft, a bottle, l'he money will be returned if the cure is not performed. ... A ' SOLD BY Wm. Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Second Street, And no where else, * n Philadelphia. Where also may be, Dr. Hamilton's Worm Dtftrnying Lozengev his Soven itrn Elixir for coughs, Ste. Restorative Drops, Kljerce and Ex trail of Mustard, -ov<reijn Ointment tor the Itch, Dr. Hahn's intalliMe German Corn f'laitter, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venerxal com plaint, Gowland'a and Persian Lotian, Reftoracive Tooth Powkr, Damaik l.ip Salve, Church'i Cough Dri/ps, A nderion's Pills, &c. &t aprili v ■"« m tf RARITAN FARM, A' VALUABLE and diifirable Eft ate, Ctuated on the river Raritan'in Jerfejr, near Soaier fct Court-Houfc, 16 miles from Brunfwick, and 18 from Princeton ; confining of upwards of 700 ' acres, equally divided intc meadow, arable and ' wood land ; the whole within a ring fence ; the bar*, ftaibles, fltc.are fpacioui, am! adequate to the a.. fire of the Farm ; there it a plenitude of game, with a good fliad fifhe'r/. The eft ate is now in the hands wf Mr. Hvnry AVorlfy. Further particulars may l»e known of Messrs. NICKLIN GRIFFITH Merchants, Philadelphia,aßd of JAMES GIBSON, Esq. Of Mr. RICHARD POTTER,. '■ Germantown, Or of the Tenant on the premifeg Stf 1 *«r»' Three Lents tie-ward. O UN away from the Subfrriher cm the eveniDg IV. of the a bound Servant GIRL, named Elizabeth HoWcUel, had on and took with her three different changes of garment aad money, proud,hold and iirpudent, a noted lyar ; any p»r fon apprehending Se entitled to the above reward—no cpPs or.charges will be paid. N: 8, he years"and lomc month# to serve OA mi L FITZPA'TRICK. Gofhea Townftip;CbiCUi County, July 19. august 6 » ' i*"tf J*Qi? - El' fOX SOLE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers