Gazette of the United States. PHILADELPHIA, • ' TUESDAY ftViJJINO,. J-Uli* 22.* PRICES OF STOCKS. PniLADELrHi«, JULT 19. g jer C«nt?Stock for cafti 10s ta jo6J-p. ct. Six per Cent. \6o. 84 Navy do. do. 84 Three per Cant. do. J>4 Deterred, - do. - 80 . B\NIC United States, do. «9 _ - rcnnfylvmia, do. 24 —— North America, do. 46 Infuranae comp. N. A. (harfe 8 to 10 per cent, below par. - Pennsylvania, fliares, «8 per cent, adv, Haft-India Company of N. A. > f per cent advance Laitil Warrants, *5 dolls, per too acrss. > COURSE OF EXCHANGE Bilfeon l.on. at 30 days for cash 171 per ct. Do; do. 60 days do. 170 do. Do. do. 90 days do 169 Bills on Hamburgh at 60 days 36 a 37 cts. per Mark Banco D», in Amllerdam, 60 days 39 a 40 tts. per Florin. IiCP The carriers of this paper have bee n strictly fjrbid to sell or give away the Ga zette of tie United States. It is requested tbdt, should any person detect tbem in deitig so, they will give immediate information to the Editor. By the attention ot' a friend, we have re ceived late St. • Chriflopher papers; from the extia&s which are placed under the WeO India Head, will be fecu that Ameri can Tars have not befcn idle. lOFFICIAL.] Extratt of a letter from captain William Cowper, of the United States (hip Balti. ronre, to the Secretary of the Navy, dated tc Sea, June 34> l3cm. " On the 21ft inft. I captured the French fiiip !Manuel, with a cargo of sugar and dye wood, aiid have fcnt her for Norfolk. On the'2jth, 'I re-captured the American fchaaner, JoUy Robbins, of Rhode Island, and sent berfor|St.:Kitts, where fee arrived fafe." [O F F I C I A L.] A List of Merchant Ships and Vessels, under the convoy of the United Stjtes Frigate, GenenLGreene, Christopher Raymond Perry, Esq. com mtnler. Havanna, June z6, 1800. t;> Ship's name. , Master's name. Owner's name. Where built, men. guns. tens. Lading. Where bound. Ship Mary, George Webber, SimueJ Will, America, 15 8 300 Sugar, " Newport, ? r-k/'• wers ' Hinkiey, ditto 1 • Molafles and Sugar, Boflon, Ktlolution, A. fturgefs, S. Gray, ditto n8 ditto and ditto, Salem, Bug Hope, H. Hudson, Simon Martin, ditto 8 10 119 ditto and ditto, Newport, Sloop Blue-Bird, Steph en Stone, Samud Wheaton, ditto 7 72 Sugars, New York, Srigantine Eliza, James Israel, J ,mes Jfrael, ditto 8 ' 105 ditto, Philadelphia, Schr. Two Brothers, James Dryhurgh, M'Clane, ditt» s 30 ditto, Charleftui:, Brigantine Aurora, Nathaniel Taylor, N. G. Injgraham, ditto 10 10 140 ditto, New York, Schr; Chance, I. Graham, M.ller & Graham, England 6 4 75 Sugar, Fustic & Hides ditto, Ht>pe, F.lias Grant, Elms Gn.u, America 6 48 Sugar, Salem, Venelia, Thomas Pieronnet, Thomas Pieronnet, ditto 7 87 Sagar and Segars, New London, Barque Lydia, j homas Lane, * 1 nomas Lane, .ditto 11 116 Sugar and Moneys GharkHoii. One vefiel, name and particulars r.ot known. -—_ , ■ 1 •- v.. ' i • • ♦ * . / +■ o •The United States frigate Gen. Greene, itely from the Havanna, put into the Bay f Chesapeake on the 12 th iuft..and after anding General Wilkinfon and family, fail td for Rhode Island. Lieutenant Colonel Bnrrows, Comman lant of the Marine Corps, arrived at George Town on Tuesday last* There were no United States' veflels of war on the Havanna Piation when Captain Wefton of the sloop Washington, left that port. The United States'frigate John Adams, arrivad at Bafleterre, St. Christophers, on the 21 ft June. From the 13th to the 20th July, there were 3 J deaths in the City of New-York , _Jt is with regret we observe, that one of the decenfed, Mrr John Walker, aged 19, died of the Yellew Fever, >iu Muiray ilreet. A letter from an Officer en board the frigate Philadelphia, Captaui Decatur, an nounces the recapture of a valuable Ameri can vessel. , A letter from captain Tarris, of the brig Mary, dated/St, Croix Jane 24th, fays, a ship loSded with Coffee, &c. from Batavia, has been recently taken, and carried into Cayenne. ixtrnct of a Utter from capt. y. Walare of the Drig Sallji, (nuiid from PLitadel pbia to Suriinam t > bis owner in Pkilad. dated at State Island, 17lb ju 'y 1800. I Jisive ju'fl to inform you of the the Brig 6ally, captured June 9 bv the F. Piivateer Union of 14 Cap. Hoiijjhcs who toojc me, mate and pecy'.e, except two, out of the brig on board the privateer, whel-e we remained 7 days. He,bad taken the brig Mermaid of N. Y. from Calcutta, and, the brig Mafcs, Meyeys, of Norfolk, fron) Ma deira, and about 12 took a fliip from the ! South Sea, loaded with oil ; atfo brig Cri- ' terion of Biltimore, and a fchoaner with fumber—He put us »11 on board, 37 in number, very short of provilions and water, We arrived at St. Kitts on 2id, and on 23d the brig Criterion cime in ; was re taken. She infojmed me that brig Sally had got in Defoada ; I was taken in lat. 38, 30, and long, by account, 57, 30, W. The captain of the privateer told me he had been as to the Northward as 37, Wed.—l hope you had infurred the brig in time.—l never saw nne of our veflels of war till I arrived at St. Kitts, where I saw seven fail fafe and snug in haibour. I only noted a prot?(l at St. Kitts, and shall extend it when I get home." The 7th ult. the U. Ss *h. Experiment* Capt. Maley, of 12 Gups, arrived at Wil. mington, N. C. Capt. Maley, informed the Custom House Officer there, that duriug his Crulfe he had taken 13 Prizes. FRENCH PIRATES •h own COAST. Lou Oar. Captain Boycr, of the Brig Polly, ar rived at New York on Saturday from New-Providence, informs, that on the Bth July, in lat. 27, long 74, he was boarded by the British (hip Thunderer, Captain Hardy, whofaid he information of two French privateer brigs, one cruizing off Cape Henlopen, and the other off Charles ton, for which place captain H. was ftcer ing. General Wilkinfen, his family and suite, with Mr. Charles Rofs, of Philadelphia, a'rived at Norfoik on the 13th inft. The General debarked from the frigate General Greene, at Lynn-Haven bay on Sunday the 13th, after a tempestuous paflage of thirty five days, from the mouth of the Miflifiippi. : The Editors of the Norfolk Herald, fay, the report of the Yellow Fever beitlg on board a vtflel in the harbor is untrue. Dub, at York town, Va. Dr Thomas Reynt 'ds, late surgeon of the United States' brig Richmond. When he found his' at tack was serious, his virtues was such, that as he could render the United States no service, he sent to the Secretary of the na vy, rcquefting permission to fend ia his warrant; As be lined beiovedy he dud lamented. FROM THE CHIRPING COBLER. In the Spe&ator, Ambrose Philips has translated an Ode of Sappho into very rafy and flowing English. Every one remembers his " Blest as the immortal Gods is he, The youth, who fondly fits by ihee, And hears and fees thee, all th# while ; Softly speak, and fweftly smile." Here follows a Parody, Lloyd to Dunne. Drunk as old David's sow is he I he wretch, who takes his grog with thee While wi h thy Irish tongue, so glib, You boldly swear, or quaintly fib. 'T was you fir ft made ine love the dose, Which rais'd frefc pimples on my nose. But, Wkilft I drank each July toast, My health was gone, my senses loft. T fancied whilky like ahampaign; In flam; my blood and mad my brain : While oaths fell faultering from my tongue; I loft the bawdy Catch you sung, I felt my gorge and ficknels rife ; The candles dane'd before my eyes ; My eyes grew dim, the room run round, I tumbled senseless on rhe ground. Extra 3 of a letter from Mr. PatrckTagert to Andrew Ellicot, Esq. dated Carvetah Tatlahejfee, Creek Nation, June tl, 1800. " St. Marks was surrendered to Bowles the 20th May last, and by the articles of capitulation between him and the comman-i dant, the latter was permitted to march out, and with difficulry got an escort to fee him and his men fafe out of tht Bay. D,u ring the siege, Bowles captured two or three vessels laden'with provisions and other (lores, for theufe of the fort, just as they had arrivd. " Since General Bowles got pefleflion of St. Marks, the Indians arc flocking to his flandard from every quarter—even the prince of this town, immediately af ter the Colonel* had gone to the "talks at at the Tookabachees, started down to the mifchief-maker, with many others of the Tallafees, Cuflerahs, &c. " The Colonel arrived here the night before last from the Tookabatchees*; the chiefs there have taken his talks, and have promised to hold their warriors in readiue* to go with him at his call, and aid him with all their might in reftering peace to the na- V '• ' • t ti'on, reducing the Sefninoles and others to .obedience, and expelling or taking every mifchief-maker that comes into their land, j "'Bowles's next deiign is fufpedted to be ; against Peilfacola, as he has now got riot only a strong force, but plenty of provisions and other stores " * Coloriel Hawkins, agent general for. the United Stat'es. Fort St. Marks is situated on a point of hnd formed by the junftion of the A pa lache and another river about the fame size, and initiated by a deep wet ditch, jeining the rivers. The fort is built of hewn stone ; the walls are nearly 20 sett high, and de fended by twenty pieces of ordinance. It was formerly a place of considerable impor tance and the refidenr.e of some of the Spa riifh Governors; bjit has been on the de cliae ever fiace the Floridas were ceded to. Great Britain by the peace of 1763,-—On account of the Pnoals, and ntrmerous oy (ler banks in the Bay and R.ivef', rt is nistcoufi dered as a good sea-port, but is advantage ously situated for the Indian trade. A son of Gen. La Fayette has joined the Confulaf Army of Rcferve at Dijon. The Plague lias lately so ravaged the city of Bufibra, on the Persian Gulph, a» to carry off 10,000 of the inhabitants in a ftiort fpaceoftime. A late London paper fays, •« the nolt determined animosity exist» between the crews of the French and Spanilh ships, which has extended to almost the entire number of their refpe&ive officers ; those of Spain declaring that they are treated, and look upon themselves as virtual prisoner On a review of the last campaign in Ita ly, there were fought 16 battles and 120 engagements ; there were taken by the al. lies 19 strong places,, 430 1 piects o( can non, fourteen howitzers, 38 mortars, 122 waggons of ammunition, (0,959 .mulkets, 500,e00 catridges, and upwards of 15,900 quintals of powder. The enemy ,had 73,-274 killed arid wounded'; and loft 78,401 prisoners. They had one general in chief killed, and another wounded ; and amongst the prisoners were reckoned 18 generals of divisions, and several othe« of inferior rank. From late London papers. If Maflena be irideed what Buonapartd used to call him the darling childof Vic tory," it mult be allowed that he has of late had some reafop to complain of the fic kle and capricious temper of his Mamma. The only appellation by which Buona parte is now mentioned an Paris,is the Cor fican and many persons afTcit to pronounce this tern: with contempt. The circum (lances too of his birth and education are eagerly ransacked, in order to furnifh ma terials of detraSion. A Lady, washing one day to mortify Madame Buonaparte upon this fubjeft, afktd wheather (he was fully acquainted with Buonaparte's origin. I know, as all Europe does,'' replied Madame Buonaparte witli a placid fmilti" thrt ke is the son of Mars and of Fortune. !i_ BY THIS DAY'S MAIL 0 . NEWPORT, July 15. On Wednesday arrived in town from Charleston, the Honourable John Rutledge, juur. Esq. Member of Congress (or South Carolina. r. -r* NORFOLK, July 14. An unfortunate gentlem*a who felt him felf bold, being pretty well fraught with wine, on.Saturday evening, at the Theatre, when the music struck up, " Hail Columbia," having just arrived from Europe, and not knowing what the tune meant ventured to h'tfsy but all the apol«gies of his ignorance or otherwise that he made, coyld not avail with a few of the audience, who politely handed him out, the music still playing " Hail Columbia. WILKESBARRE, July 1. CeneraW Irwioe. Porter and Bounde, the Commissioners appointed under the ad, en titled " An aft for offering compenfatioo to the Pennsylvania claimants of certain lands within the seventeen town/hips of the country of Luzerne, and for .other purposes therein mentioned." have arrived here, and we expeft will immediately proceed on the business. A PERSON OF abilities, integritr and experience in mercantile business, would willingly en gage at CLERK to a merchant or public of fice, or be concerned with any person as part ner, as be has an interefloF about onethouf'and pounds in real estate in the city. Please to ap ply to the Printer ; Or a line left at the office for B. Y. will be attended to imrr.gcEiately. Mayio d.;t m&th tf A CERTIFICATE F®R a three quarter Share of Bf.nk Stock of the United States, No. 3818 in the name of John Holmes, Jun. ha« been lost or miflayed and for the Renewal of which application has been made at said Bank, of wbi«h allconcerned are desired to takeinotice. PETER TREGBNT. May 19. d3m. Loft, (TESTER DAY) CON TAINItJG sundry notes of hand, and le veral pieces of silver—the fuWcriber's name marked on the inside of the strap. Whoevtr has found it, and will leave it at No. 40, Cherry street, fliall receive Five Dollars, and the fllver the Pock et-book contained. JOHN SIMS. July 17 dtf Gazette Marine Lift, PORT OF PHILADELPHIA. ARRIVED. Days. Schr' Amphitheatre, Porter, prize to the United States' schooner Experiment. Wa/hington, Wefton, Havanna 12 Nancy, Morris Richmond 5 Coal—to Captain Sloop v agJe, Remington, do Hanpah, Skipner, Onioa Arrived at fbe Fort, Schr' Bilboa, Norman, Kingston—lest it lit July Cecoa. Came up from the Fcrt, Ship Maria, Thompson, Leghorn—-Bal. Isfl—.J. Craig;. Schooner Sally, Labbre, St. Thomas— [ Ballaft—J. Skyrin. CLEARED, Brig Chnftiana & Andrew, Brown, iiam burgh Schr' Farmer, Richards Havanna David L'Hommedieu New York Ship William Little John, Fofdick, from hence to Oporto, was spoken June 24th, in latitude 39, 20, longitude 59, all well. Swedilh ship Charlotte, Coningfon, from hence, was spoken nth July, in latitude 39, 53, longitude 71, all well. The brig Altona, Neath, from Bordeaux for St. 1 homas, has arrived at Guada loupe. Schooner Andrew, M'Crefibn, from hence has arrived at TenerifFe. A brig and two schooners. inward bound, came too at the fort yesterday afternoon. Snow Guardian* Stevens, of Baltimore, branded on Abacoa, crew and part of her cargo saved. Brig Rebecca, Simpkin, of Charleston, do. do. do. Capt, Pack, in a fehoener belonging to New-London, struck with lightning and foundeied; crew saved. The ship Fame, Jonei, in 28 davs from Philadelphia to Canton ; was spoke May 29, latitude 35, 25, iongtitude 30. BOSTON, July 15. Arrived, rtiip Bald Eagle, Pratr", Lilbon, 57 days. May 29, lat 35, 20, N. long 22, 51, W. (from London) spoke brig Betsey, of and from Baltimore, for Leghorn, out 28 days, Isaac Blackwell, commander. June 19, lat 41, 7, long 46, 27, spoke ship Sufanoa, from London for Chatlefton, Francis Lightbosrn, out 40 days. June 23, lat 42, 59, long 52, 24, spoke ship Uof«, Joseph Carpentar, from Guernsey for New York, out 25 days. June 27, lat 4+' lo "g 55> 22 > fp®ke brig Sarah, Wil liam Stover, from Newburyport for Liver pool, out 10 days. July 12, spoke Ihip Iris, John Conway, 48 hours from Salem for Copenhagen. July 13, spoke schooner AbigaiLHaftings, 48 haurs from Kenne beck forTJemarara. Same Jay—schooner Catharine, Hender. ipn, Lisbon, 64. July 16. This day arrived a brig from St. Johns, N. F. L. ■ Yesterday arrived at Salem, thr-e veflels from Barcelona, tfle of May and Marti nique, The schooner Rover, Malloy, of and from New-London, was spoke June 26, in fight of and for Bermuda, 12 days out. Ju;he 21, lat 24, long 51, 30, spoke the ship William, captain Towne, from Isle of May, 15 days out for Salem. The Frigate Boston, on her passage from Halifax, for New York boarded the (loop Union, from Boston, for TenerifTe; and brig Olive, from Pifcataway, to Martini co, which were both politely dismissed, NEWPORT July, 14. CLEARED. * Schooner Seaflower, Baxter, Philadelphia Liberty, Hawes, Ditto NEW-YORK, July 21. ARRIVE©, Ship William and Mary, Dillingham, Mil; [ford Haven Brig Nancies, Forrift, M;ideirr Polly, Boyer, Schr. Betsey, Chefby, New Orleans Three Brothers, Bell, N. Carolina William and Mary, Rowland, St. ' [Thomas 24. I Sloop Sufa, Wood, do. I • 'Betley Bas, St. Augufline 10 CLEARED, Ship Catharine, Ingerfol, Hamburgh Charlotte, Merry, Havannah Schr. Clara, Harton, St. Thomas M " . jalaga Polly, Turner, Cadiz and Malaga Lucy Ann, Champlin, New London The (Lip Riling- Sun, Captain Newibn, has arrived at St. Bartholomews. Sloop Qrpha, from this port to Cape Francois, was taken by the French priva teer Le Union of Guadaloupe, and after ward» te-taken by a Britilh frigate and car ried to« Martinique. Part of the cargo plundered by the French, prior to the re capture. Lift of American Vcffcls left at Madeira, by brig Nancies, Robert Forrift, matter. Ship Pacific, qf Pqrtfrnouth, N. H. Perkins [for St. Übes Cleared out. Hazard, Salem,'Gardner, Canaries do. Spy, Philadelphia, Wood, difchargtng ' ■ [for India Franklin, York',-Goodrich, do. in four Apollo, do. Adams, repairing foi [Jadelphi'a 3 v Brigi Moses Myers, Norfolk," Bare [loading for Norfolk, fail m da ■P Paragon, Baltimore, Choatr, for CaJ'iZj I [cleared out I Sophia, Newbury port, Fofenfbe, dif- fll tcfiHrging-- I Sea Flower, do. Pierce, do. I ■Schr'§. Littie Jim, Gljarleflown, Wood fward, Charleftown, 8 days I I liawk, Boston, Lalo'r, difchargirig" j I he fchr. Fair Trader, Was to fail for N. I York in 4 days after Capt. Boyer. also tli® I e brits Dove in 8 days. I Sloop Eetfe.y, Bass, St. Align (line* I 2 July 18, flat. 39, 12, long. 75, 10, spoke I 5 the United States frigate General Greene, I Capt. Perry, lafl from Norfolk for Rhode I Island. - ■ BALTIMORE July 19. I 1 Arrived Ship' Six Sifters Mathers I Liverpool, and 11 weeks from Cork, I Left at Cork, ship Washington, Coffin, ill - of New \ ork j Oftorr, of Norfolk, and I L>rig Sally Rinker, all bound to Liverpool. I Spoke ship Chesapeake, of New-York, I o»t 43 days to London, in long. 22.30, I lat. 49, 48 In lat- 46 30, long- 62, spoke a I Bremen ftiip from Baltimore 'round home, I ' captain's name not known- Thlat. 47, 36 - I N. long. 6j, 40 spoke brig Sally Coffin, 7 I days from New-York to Liverpool, Left I ship Union ia Liverpool, bound to Bslti- I more. H Ship Phoeniz Martin, 32 days from Ten- ■ I eriffe. and 35 from Madeira. H Left at Madeira, ship Franklin, Gocd- I ridgec of Rhode-Island, and a ship of' Phi- H adelphia, bound to India. At Tencrffej H ship——, Adams, of New-Bedford, toPor- H tugal, put in there in distress, and fchr. H Polly, of Charlctyon, bound home. H Spoke a brig from St. Thomasto Rapa- H hannock, and brig——, of Portssnomhj I H (V.) to Jamaica, 13 days out ; also a fchr. H 18 days from Philadelphia to C. Francois-. '* ' H ■ Arrived this day, * ~ f ' Brig Amelia, Higgins, 72 diys, St."-' H sebaflians. Ship Atalanta- Captain—l—-yfii- H led two days before us for Baltimore. 1 " Left at St. Sebastians, the fpllawing vtf- H fels Ship Columbu9, capt. Diftion of Baltimore H Brig Etfcharis, Dade, do. H Polly, Lake, of Philadelphia H Berentine, Graper, New-York Amazon, Neil, do. Sloop , Ingram, do* Schr. Miles, Stan<Jifh Carver, ef Plymouth. Spoke on our passage, June 2, in latitude 37, 40, longitude 18, 30, fliip Abigail, H John Clarke'of Baltimore to Madeira, out twenty-five days; all well. ————WIBWBIIW——M— A FEW COPIES ■ The Anti-Jacobin H Review 5c Magazine, I Have just been rettived and are now for sale, By A. D>;KINS, ' '■ Opposite Christ Church- July vi. ■ Found, ■ A Red Morocco Pocket-800k,.. H XTTI-lOEVER has loft it may receive it «n 351- VV plication at the office ol this Gazette, and paying the expence of this advertisement. July OFFICE ■ For Public and Private Commission Business, I AT yo. ij, ARCHrStREtr, ; t ■ Trania&ed Exttnfively. PURCHASES and faies oftall kinds of Public -T Stock; H Money advanced ou good Notes of Hatd, on Mortgages, on Deposits and Merchandize. Fur chafes & Sales of Lands made, Lifcewife Books of Account's adjutled, and. As' counts of ever; description made out ,wi£h accu racy, secrecy and dispatch, by JAMES NEWPORT. ■ July 11 law H £3" THE members of the Society of the Son# of St. George, eftabliflied at for the afiiftance of Engliflimen in distress, are rsqueftei to attend a quarterly meeting of tha said Society, at the City Tavfrh, on Wednesday the 43d day of July, at 7 o'clock in the «veiling. GEO. DAVlS,Sec'ry. N. B. Several members to b« ballotted for. July 16. VALU AELETEALeST ATE. H FOR SALE, ' About 25 acres of Land, T AYING on the eafi fide of the Falls Road.— 1 i On the Baft it it bounded by property belong ing to Mr. Tench Francis, fan;—on the south, by a road of two perches, and on the north by a lane, witich feparaecs it from Mr. M'Call. It is jSropo fed to divide this land into 3 equal parts in order to suit the purchasers* AJfo,. 31.acres, situated on the weft fide of Oermantown road, adjoining Mafters's estate, keing part of th« property of'the late Bamuel Mifßin. For terms apply to Samuel Mifßin, corner of Market and nth streets. January 14- dtf. Imported, I In the Ship AltgaiU Stth JVebter, Mqster, from Liverpool, andfor Salt, i fiw thousand bksheu as High Stoved Salt, H AND SOMF. EXCELLKNT H O U S E - C O A'L. H x GIPEON H. WELLS, at MOORE WHARTON. H Joly 7. <r '' lomas 24. weeks
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers