cosrixuAriatf cf FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE, Nerj-Tork per ike skip Factori ft am London. May. 14. Thi6 m rising a: 3 o'clock the French eroded the Rhine niar Sandhofen, and di redled a severe mufquetry fire against the German troops stationed 011 tke opposite banks of the Neckar. At 3 o'clock in the afterenoon the fol lowing capitulation wa; concluded between the Fr&nch general Thune and the Imperi al commandant of the city. Captain Szten kerefty' Art. I. Hostilities Until cease until fix o'clock in the mornirg of the 15 h. 11. The Austrian commandant may with draw at that hour, or looner if he chufes and the French will enter the city. 111. The properly of the eledtor and of private individuals, the fafety and liberty of the inhabitants (hall be refpe&ed. IV. The civil adminilhation in the city and the palatine (hall remain in force. V. All religious fefts fyall enjoy the full ■nd free exetcife of their rites. VI. The city and country Ihall be ez empted from all contributions and requifi tiors, To Art. t. The French Goneral answer ed: — ll That on account »f the able de fence made by the Imperial troops, they lhall match out at the Hcidelburg gate, without being prisoners of war." To art, 6. " Considering the disasters which the cit* of Manheim has fuffertd during the prtfent war, it (hall remain free from all contributions. The < ffer of supplying the army with 500 (hirts, and as many pair of accepted, ai>d must be fulfilled this <*»r- The money belonging to the elec tor be delivered into the treasury of the army, agauft a xeccipt. to prevent fraud.. If, ■lter mature confide ration, any of the article* of the prefentcapitulation ihould be fraud infufEciently exprelTed, it (hall be decided in favour of the French republic." TOULON, May 6. Leters arrived from Mai ain seventeen dan (late, that the French occupy all the fortifications of that place, and have not aba idored the suburbs. The Neapolitan •nd English troop 3 that have been landed are oot nuiiierou» enough to effeft a rsgular siege, and confifle themselves to blockading. There are no Kuffian troops. Those who were (ent Hopped only a few daya. The F»erch have 4100 mui in a condition for fervtce, without reckoning the Mahefe who have taken up arms to assist in defence of the piace. It is not true, as has been said, that several it habitants, ajid especially the Bifhnp and all his Priette, to quit the city. The French and the in h ibitar.ts fuffcr mmy privations; but they have fubi.ft nee for four months. Medi c nt a are scarce, though the number of sick has never been considerable. The p<ace is blockaded front the sea by twenty seven (hips of war. Doublet, comtniffiiry of the French govern ment in the islands of Malta and Geza, to cit'Hjn Buonaparte) firft consul of the republx. Malta, 20th Fenltfe. Citizen Consul, "Rcmaininc;f->r more than a year without »eceiving frfin the government any answer to my cii(patches, I had doubts refitting the favr of the republic, because you were DO longer in Jtnly. But as toon as I knew •f your return t« Toulon 1 1 exclaimed " the republic is saved !" My love for my coun try, and my admiration for you, inspired trie -with the idea. Yei, you will verify the preiiflion, for all true republicans repeat ■with joy that Buonaparte will l'avii and fe- Ctjre the republic. His name inspires the brave d<-fpnders of Malta with fre(h cou rage. 'We have arms and provisions. The acquisitions of the island to France, and that is fufficient to give us confidence. Health and refpeftj (Signed) PARIS, May 26. The following account, dated May i,has b-en publilhed at Florence : —" According to official accounts, the enemy shut up in Genoa made a fcrtie in the night of the 27th and attacked at all points, but was repulsed with great loft. On tliis occasion our troops took from the Frerich the bridges and the fivft hotifrs in St. Pierre d'Arena. The 0- tadrl of Savona began to capitulate on the cvtning'of the 27th, at the time of the de parture of? captain of a ftry. (Signed) SOMMARJVA, Maj. Genl." St. GALL, May 13. The French entered Bregenzon the loth Floreal, May 10, at night. ,« . " LONDON, M>r**' A letter from general Melas to count de Cocbflelli. at 't'unn, April 24, announces, that Maflenais (lrutupin Genoa with 8000 fitting men, and 18,000 sick. the sum of 76,2501. was paid into the Batik of England, being the deposit on tbe lottery that was contracted for a few days since, at 161. 10s. 6d per ticket. May 23. To the King's mott excellent Majesty. The humble Address of the Lord Mayor. Aldermen, and Commons of the city of London, in common council aflembled. M»ft GracWHs'Srvereign, WE, your Majesty's loyal and dutiful fuhjtfti, the lord mayor, aldermen, and common* of the city of London, in common i i/uncil aflVmhlcd, humbly present to your Majcfty our sincere and heartfelt congratu lations on your providential deliverance from the lite wicked and atrocious attempt on your Majesty's sacred person. The more we reflcft on the incalculable blessings we enjoy under yoUr Majesty's aufpiciou* reign, and on the rieterated proofs cf your majesty's unremitted solici tude for the best interests of your fubjefts, with the more hotror do we recoil from, with' the more indignation aod aftonilh meut do we contemplate the enormity of this diabolical attack on a sovereign, whose life has been an uninterrupted fenes of the moll affeftionate and diffufive benevolence to his people. We renew to your most gracious Maje sty our a durance of our loyalty t« your Ma jesty's person and government, and our zealous and faithful attachment to our most excellent constitution, and of our readiness to guard and defend with our lives ynur Majesty's most valuable life, both against the audacious attempts of foreign enemies, and the secret machinations of domestic treason. To which his Majcfy mat pleased to male the following gracious Answer : I thank you lor this dutiful and loyal address, and for your affeftionate congra tulations on my provident al delir. ranee from the attack which was lately made up on my life. This frefti proof of the uniform attach ment of my faithful Ciiy of London to my person and government, and the warm expreflions of "your zeal for the defence of our excellent constitution, against the at tempts either of its foreign or domestic enemies, afford me the highest fatisfac tion. May 24. HOUSE OF CFMMONS, Mny 22. The Speaker reported to the Houfc hit Majefty'a answer to their addref» of yester day. " My Lords and Gentlemen, " I receive with increased fatisfaftion every frefli testimony of that invariable at tachment of which yo«r conduit has afford ed me so many proofs. The steady loyal ty and affe&ion of my peop!e« animate all my endeavor* for their welfare, and I am confident that I can make no more accept able return for that proteftion which has been vouchfafed to me and my family, than by persevering in my unremitting solicitude for the happiness of those whose intereila Providence has committed to my charge." It will undoubtedly give real pleasure to every one who wilhes well to the common eaufe, toperufe the Subjoined account of a fete given at Guernsey, by the officers of the Ruffian troops, to celebrate the anniverlary of hi* Imperial Majesty's Coronation. It certainly tends very strongly t® confute ma ny of the abftird mid malevolent reports which have been industriously circulated with refpeft to the conduit »f that army, and their dispute with the inhabitants of the ilhnds where they are quartered. It mud be, of necessity, that foine not very pleaf.vnt circumstances may have ai'ifen, from differ ence of babits, manners and language. But those circumstances have been much exrgT rated, and have, in every cafe, been fatis fa&orily ananged, by the prudence and ma nagement of a gentleman employed by go vernment, and whose long acquaintance with Rulfia peculiarly qualified him for the situ ation. Owing to his exertions, aided by the constant support of the Government of the i (lands., and the acquiescence of those who had the diredlion of the Ruffian troops, it may be-fairly said, that much less of unplea santness has occurred than might have been .expetted ; and that one illand (Jersey) has been almost totally exempt from it. WAYNE COUNTY TAXES. THE owners of unimproved lar.d« in Wayne county, are fc«reby notified, that Taxes arc become payable thereon for the year* J'99 and l? 00. Those who have not already paid their taxes, re hereby required to discharge the fame to JO dN BPvINK, Esquire, Trcafurer of said Cyunt at Milford, within three monthi from this da other to sale, according to the -A of AfTembly in such cafe provided, wiil be had oy the Commissioners for the said county. DOUBLET. . sa Stenton, ~l obn Carsin, > Commiflioner* tbannes Van Etten, J Attest, £. Kellogg, Clk. July 9, tßoo d 90t To Printers. WANTED—in Exchange, A FOUNT of Long Primer, weighing 6 or 700 lb. or upwards, and a Fount of Brevier weighing 4Colbs. or upwards—they must not be nwich worn.—Any person having types <if the above description and disposed to Exchange them for otfcer printing materials ; or will fell cheap, may apply at the Office of the Gazette of the United States. July 12. WANTED a compUie*Book-Keeper ani At comptant, who is matter of the German language, and well acquainted with the manner of trania&ing bufmefs ip this city—to save trou ble none n«er! apply uniefs anfwrripg in every res pe& fully this advertifemsnt, and produce fatis f»Clory tefliiwonials of character and talsnts. Apply at the office of the Gazette of the Uni ted States ' July IJ, d4t May 28. RUSSIAN TROOPS. /V Book-keeper WANTED. WEST INDIES., BASSETERRE, (St. Chri*.)June at. A Cartel from St. Eufotius, arrived on Monday lsft, with two Prisoners on board, and returned again the fame day with len Frenchmen. A Letter of Marque from Guadaloupe, laden with Sugar and Coffee, was brought in by the States Brig Eagle on Mon day ; aud On Wednesday the United States Schr, Enterprize, Capt. Shaw, arrived, accompa nied "by the French privateer Schr. Cygne, of 4 guns, and upwards 0t.60 men, which (lie had captrured the preceding afternoon, after nil engagement.of about three quarters of an hour. The Enterprize was becalmed under (without (hew ing colours) and three o'clock P. M.on Tuesday, law the abave Privateer coVne out, running before the wind, and about 4 the latter (being then under the lee of the En terprise) fired a (hut at her, when an en gagement commenced. The Privateer, find ing it impoflible to el'cape, kept up a heavy fire of mulketry (her guns being of little use in her then situation) on the Enterprize, and (truck to her, after receiving two rounds of grape lrom her, in which (he had 5 men killed, ahd the Captain and 13 wounded. —The Enterprize had I man killed, and 2 wounded. This morning a re-captured English Schr. and an American Brig (the former from the latter bound for Philadelphia,) were sent in be the United States (hip Merri mack, It is with great fatisfa&ion we announce the arrival of our long-wished for London Fleet, as by the United States Frigate John Adams (arrived here this morning) we learn thit a (hip was spoken with yesterday bound for Jamaica, the Captain of which informed Capt Cross that he had left the London Fleet at Barbados,—-We may therefore daily look out for the veffcls bound to this Island. A fever? engagement, tve und4rfland, has be fought in the Baltic, between the Are thufa, cf 31 guns, and the French Frigate L'Angelique, of 44 guns, in which the lat ter ftruck< after an engagement.of fix hours, *nd having,upwards of 160 men killed the Arethufa is fiid to have had 81 wen killed. It is also reported, that Capt. Trow bridge hag fallen iu with and captured 13 fail of Spaniards in the Mediterranean.— We have a few days will enable us to lay the particulars before our readers. The Uftited States Frigate Adams it momently expe&ed from Martinique with a Fleet homeward bound, which, with the veffcls now here, flie will proceed with, early next week to America, accompanied by the Enterprize Schooner. BASETJERRE, (St. Kitts) May 31. The United States Frigate Philadelphia, Stephen Decatur, Efquiie, commander, ar rived here,on Sunday, in company with a schooner the h»ti optured. Same day the United States ftiip P:>tap fco, Henry Geddes, 'Esquire, wirh the Flori da armed brig, laden with {lores arrived. June 14. On Sunday last the cartel that carried the French prisoners to Guadaloup:, return ed from thence, having upwards of twenty j matters of American vessels on board, in ex- ! change ; among whom were the following : ! Joseph Crown, ®f the schooner Betsy and i Lucy,.from Newburyport for Grenada, with j lumber taken the 30th May, by a schooner j of IX guns, name unknown. Elnathan Atwates of the schooner Neu- • trality from New-Haven to Martinique. J With stock" and provisions, taken the ift May by the schooner Conquest of Egypt, j Nicklamar, of 17 guns. I John Bromhain, of the sloop Anna, from j New-Haven," for Martinique, with provi- ; 1 lions and stock, taken aßth April by La Fidelle, of 4' guns, j Bolomen Stur&ifs, cf tKe schooner Ata- 1 ' lanta, of Fairfield, bound for Barb&does and Grenada, witli provifvens, taken within ' three leagues of St. George's, Grenada, by the fihooiier B' oux, Collar, of fix guns. The above four vcflcls arrived at Guada loupe. The following two were captured, and have been since retaken, the matter* of which arrived in the above cartel, vivs. Luke Codwife, of the brig Ceres of New York, from St. Croix for New York, with rum and sugar, taken the 11th May by the lugger privateer Augulla, Serjeant; recap tured by his majesty's Ihip Unity, and lent 1 into Tortloa. *■ And Richard Smith, of the brig Martha and Mary, from Baltimore for Barbadoes, taken th 29'h May by the above lugger, and retaken by the United States (hip Con ne&icut, and brought into this road A French cartel St. Martin's also a: rived here on Tuesday, witb twenty-five to exchange for the like number of Frenchmen, which having obtained, (he proceeded witb to Guada loupe. On Tuesday some American vefiels home ward bound, arrived here; and a French privateer schooner was Tent in by the frigate Adams, Captain R. V, Morris. Baltimore and New York. Mail Stage Office 18 removed from No. 13 South Fourth street, to No. 18 South Third t'.reet An Office for those flag«s is also kept at mr. Hardy's Inn, No. 98 Market (treat. General Post Office, April a 8 for SALE, A Printing Press. Apply at the Offi«e,of the Gazette of the United S-'tate». Prevention better than Cure. For the prevention and cure of Bilious and Malignant is recommended, DR. HAHN's Anti-bilious Pills, WHICH have been attended with a degree of fuccels highly grateful to the inven tor's feelings, in several parts of the Weft-In d:9s,and the fo'uthern parts of the United States particuiarly in Baltimore, Peteriburg, Rich, mond, Norfolk, Edenton, Wilmington,Charlef ton, Savannah. See. The testimony of a num ber of perfoasin each of the above places can be adduced, who have reason to believe that a timely ufu of th's salutary remedy, has, under Providence, prelerved their lives when in the most alarming circumstances. Fa£ls of this conclusive nature speak more in favour of a'medicine, than columns of pompom eulogy, founded on mere assertion, could do. It is nf>t indeed presumptuously proposed as an infallible curt, but the inventor has every poflibie reason, which can refolt from exienfive experience for believing that a dose of these pills, taken once every two weeks during the preva lence of our annual bilious fevers, will prove an infallible preventative ; and further, that in the j earlier stages of those difeafe9, their yfe will very generally succeed in restoring health and frequently in cases esteemed desperate aßd bey ond the power of common remedies. The operation of these pills is perfeflly mild and may be used with falety by persons in every situation and of every age. They are excellently adapted ts carry off fu{ perfluous bile and prevent its morbid fecretioos ; to rettore and amend the appetite ; to produce a free perspiration and thereby prevent colds which afe often of fatal conlequence. A dose never fails to remove a cold if taken on its firft appearance. They are celebrated for removing habitual coftivenefs, sickness of the stomacH and fevert head-ache, and ought to be taken by all perfonJ on a change of climate. They have been found remarkably efficacious in prevtnting and curing most disorders attend ant on long voyages, and fh.iuld be procured and carefully ptcferved for use by every feamaii. Dr. HAHN'S Genuine Eye-water* A certain and fafe remedy for all difcafes of the eyes, whether th« cff«6t of natural Weakness, or of accident, speedily removing inflammation?, de flexions of rheum, dullness, itching, and films in the eyes, never failing to cure those maladies which frequently succeed the small pox, meall ?s and fe vers. and wonderiuilyftxengthening a weak fight. Hundreds have experienced its excellent virtues when nearly deprived of fight« Tooth-ache Drops. The only remedy yet discovered whichgives im mediate and tailing relief in the most feverc in fiances. The Anodyne Elixir. For the cure of every kind »f heail-ache, and so psins in the face and neck. Injallible Ague and Fever Drops. This medicine has never failed, in many thou and cases not one in a hundred has had occasion to fake mere than one bottle, and numbers not halt a bottle. The money will be returned if the cur is nut performed. SOLD BY WM, Y. BIRCH, STATIONER, No. 17, South Sec»nd Street, And no where else, in Philadelphia• Where also may be had. Dr. Hamilton's Worm Dsftnying Lozenges, hi» Sovereign Elixir for coughs,, &c. Restorative Drops, Essence and Ex tr»a of Mustard, Sovereign Ointment tor the Itch, Dr. Hahn's infallible German Corn Plaifter, In dian Vegetable Specific for the Venereal com' plaint, Gowlatid's and Pcrfian Lotion, Reflorative Tooth Powdef, Damalk Lip Salve, Ourch's Cough Drops, Anderfon s Pills, &c. &c. afjril 10 m " 1 o the Inhabitants of the 3d Col le&ion Diflri^t, Comprehended by the Sill and Weft Northern Liberties, arid the townlhip of Biotkley in fiiftdivifion, ftjte of Pennsylvania. YOU are hereby notified, that the tix which has been afleffed upon dwelling houses, lands and (lave* within this diftrift, by virtue of an a6l of Congress palled the nth ot July, 1798, entitled " an aft to lay and colleil a di re.'l tax," becomes due ami payable on the nth day of July next, and that I will attend at my house, No 363, north Second ftrcet, t# receive the fame, from tnd alter the nth day of Jolv to the firft day of August next, from 10 o'clock in the morning till 6 in the after noon, except Monday the »ift and Friday the 15th, when, for the greater convenience of the inhabitants in the townlhip of Alockley, I will ] attend A the house of Mr. William P Js, at the Cross Roads, of which all persona concern ed are to take not ce that on defau't the delinquents wll immediately be proceeded against as the law and fubjefl them- Wves to an additional expence of eight per centum on their refpe&rie taxes and c>ft of prosecution. In conformity to the 6th fe&ion of the aft aforefaid, a full and corre& copy of the tax lift remains at the office of John Browne, No. 368, north Front street, Northern Liberties, the surveyor of the revenue for the fiid aflefs ment diftr'dl, open to the infpedlion of all per sons inclined to infpeft the fame. JAMES SWAIN, Colleflor of the 3d collection diftrift. Northern Liberties, June i 8 wiA Tbat large and commodious HOUSE, At the corner of -Arch and Ninth Jlreett. TO BE RENTED, And entered upon this month, the Koufe, Sta ble, Sonch-Houfe and Lots, now in the tenure of Major Butler, situate as above. Enquire at No. 18, nsrth Fifth street. July 10. mScth 3 W TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE, OLD Long Primer, Small Pica on Pica Body, English, Chafes, Composing Sticks, and a grea variety of articles necessary to carry on the Print ing Business. They will be fold cheap tor cafli- Apply to the Printer. Laws of the United States. Stutfjontp* Sixth Ctmgrejs of the United States, At the First Session, begun and held at the City of Philadelphia, hi the State of Pennsylvania, on Mon day, the second of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety nine. RESOLVED by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That a Marble Monument beeredted by the United States, in the Capitol, at the City of Wartiington, and that the family of General Walhington be requeued to permit his body to be deposited under it ; and that the mo nument be so designed as to commemorate the great evenu of his military and political life. And be it further resolved, That there be a funeral procession from Congress Hall to the German Lutheran Church, in honor of the memory of General George Washing ton, on Thursday the twenty iixth instant, and that an oration be prepared at the request of Congress, to be delivered before both Houses, on that day, and that the PreGdent of the Senate and Speaker of the House of Representatives, be desired to request one of the members of Congress to prepare and de liver the fame. And be it further resolved, That it be recommended to the people of the United State* to wear crape on tlie left arm as mourning, for thirty days. i And be it further resolved, that the Pre sident of the United States be requested to direst a copy of these resolutions to be trimf mitted to Mrs. Waihington, afluring her of the profound refpeft Congress -will ever bear to her person and character; of their con dolence on the late afflicting dispensation of Providence, and intreating her aflent to the interment of the remains of General George Washington in the manner expressed in th» firft refofution. And be it further resolved, That the Pre fideht of the United States be requested to issue a proclamation, notifying to the people throughout the United States the recom-» mendation contained in the third refolutioru THEODORE SEDGWICK, Speaker of the House of Representatives« THOMAS JEFFERSON, 1 Vice-President of the United States and President of the Senate. Approved, December 24, A. D. 1800. JOHN ABA MS, President oj the United States. RESOLVED, by the Senate end House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress AJfcmbled, That the Secretary of State be, and he is hereby au thorized and derefted to procure and tranf init to the Governor of the State of North Carolina, a number of tl e Copies of the lawa of the United States equal to the number which the Secretary was heretofore authori zed to transmit to the Governor of the said States, by an Aft intituled " An aft for the more general promulgation of the laws of the United States" to be deposited and distributed agreeably to the provisions of the said Aft, far the ul'e and information of the citizens of the United States, within the said State. THEODORE SEDGWICK, Speaker of the House of Representatives, THOMAS JEFFERSON, Vice-President of tie United States, and President of the Senate. Approved, Februaiy 3d, A. D. 1800. JOHN ADAMS, President of the United Slates. ROSOLUTION Respecting the Copper Mines on the South side cf L.ake t Superior. RESOLVED, by the Senate arj House of Representatives of the United Slates of America in Congress Assembled, That the President ef the United States be authorized to employ an Agent, who fltall be inftrufted to colleft all material information relative to the Copper Mines, on the South lide of Lake Superior, and to alcertain whether the Indian title to such landi as might be requir ed for the use of the United States in cafe they fliould deem it expedient to work the said Mines, be yet subsisting, and if so, the terms 011 which the fame can be extinguish ed ; and that the said agent be inftrufted to make report to the Prefident'in fucli time as the informaticn he may colleft may be laid before Congress at their ne*t session. THEODORE SEDGWICK, Speaker of tie House of Representatives. THOMAS JEFFERSON, Vice-President of the United, States and President cf the Senate. Approved, April 16, A. D. 1800. JOHN ADAMS, President of the United States. Bank of the United States, July 7th 1800. THE Direflors have this day declared a di» vidend for the last G* months, of sixteen Dollari per Sharfe, payable totht St? ckholder* or their legal reprefentativo after the 17th Instant. July 1 f* Q, SIMPSON Cafh'r. eo6t,i 1 m
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers