\ DAILY EVENING AD [No. 126 of Vol. Vl.] J. M. Bart, tfo. 170, Ntrth Second Sirul, JUfp*AA»!ly Ulformt lb* Cttiwos, tt»t t» t»op»n »l> Evening School, VinmSlX to KIKE o'llock, «!«* mxt M.>nda*j »;ti» nft. w>ttrr bt wilt t.ach the French & Italian languages Arithmrtick and Book-keeping. On llx muj rtafonMe Terms. A ftrift attendance may be depended upon by tftoie irbo will favour him With employment Oft. 11 d FOR SALE, At the STORES «f Jcfle & Robert Wain, f"ORT WlNfe toftfWs, hMs. «nd«{ttar t»» caifc* LISBON fipe*«nd«f<»>WrcsKk* jkmcfcoitgand Conge TBA®, In qudrtsr ctwfts A afttonitp nf Lilb»n»«Hl C«i<iSAl,T Ml ftwllnd AtMONDSIn We* VeJ*ft CfiftKS, *»<<* Kuffift MA-TTS. fa" 9 Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No. 78, Cheshdt-street, INFO ft WS Friend J that duripg his JftOnCffrerli Philadelphia (on the Wwftern £X|M4tttonjltU Bufineft will be tarried on at hi» <Xic« |l ttftlal. by Mr. Thomas Bale nhK Order* in hi! line will be thankfully Twelve*, firfS tvety Attention paid to tb*M. OA. to A FEW BALES OF Brown Russia {heeling I uportrd In the WHUarn Penn, fVonr Lon Hun.* roil SALE BY Curtis Clay, . HIGH ST*EtT. Nov. i JUST PUBLISHED, Aftd to be fold by benjamin DavieSy No. 68, Market street. Prici 4 Dols. 33 cents per daa. and 44 etnts^tgte, American Repository. This nest Pocxtr Almanac*, is fint of the kind that hath been executed in Phila delphia, or perhaps, in any of ihe BnUed rates; and contains, lwfides, 4 A Complect Calendar, ALMANACK, for the Yia* 1795. Lifts of the Oflf<"er» of the Artcriewi «o vcrnment, Givil aod Mil tary. The tftrmt of tfce Fod3t»l Circuit & Dif- Courts. 7he latitudes »nd Longitudes from ~he Meridian of Philadelphia, of ill the Capi. tal Cities in CTfc Onloh. The dates of the periods wh*n each Of the States w»« <rfl fettled; Th*ir refpefltiv* awl nirtß ber* of People; The number of Inhabitants of each, in oatfh square mtle—and » brief State Of their relative prog'efs ] olation ; to gether with virtus other Articles •! Hi formation. Ornamented with an Prcntif pitce, Tttlt Page, a»d twelve VIG NETTESt al/uttmgio fients in Tbmp- Jw't Seasons, engraved by tie mts inge nious Artifls in the City. Speedily <will be published, and /eld at tht fume pleue, A PLAN OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate furixy. Thi» Map wvll be inchet fijuw* ; *"6 Will be delivered ai heft fu,t '7 P"*,' (haters, either i. (V.eets plain or "loured or canvafled and affixed to roN",; ot «> fit them for the pocket, they will be cut «d lolded inica&s- . ' Those who have been so oblißing, as to receive SiibfcriptiOnsTor this quelled to forward thenariies to tbcEditb at No. 66, rrt Ms*et-»tr«t, * r.ftcd ; as he intends » c |oft ' Ihert time, «nd tofer.d be-infer ted in the front of the Pamphlet which vflß b* delivered vritJ> the Jnsm. " O 4W 3 UW - v'Z J - J oajefte of the HMte H . * For Dublin, Waftnngton, KH-KRY G1 9* T O fail out e3J I\ Hbremfeei; as rood accommodations fur paffei g r , hav ing hen knplt tor the Dublin ti ade. For freight or paffag--, apply on? board at Cirth. bart's wharf, toCapt fieddes, or t» HOLMES and RAINEY, WILLI AM SMITH, jun, and Co. or ot- ;■ For LONDON, <-2Ln. The SHIP ||B|yWILLtiM PENN, jAMts JosiAH, Maft^r. To fail with afl convenient speed. freight or passage, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, Or, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. OA. 14 £ The SHir €WBSr n n '» •- Jatncs Wii!iamf''it, Majhr. Now ready to receive a cargo on board. This veflel is completely found, buitt of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for pafleligers, to fail with all con venient fpecd. For freight or paflage, apply to the Captain on board, or Tbos. y John Ketland. o<s\. it d Charter, Lady Walterjlorff.\ 'Jacob Bennens, Mafler. BURTHEN' about 17--0 b.irre It flout" or 8530 bulhek grain, fails rej»»rk»t»ly <aft and will be leady to eceive a cargo in » few day«, For terms, apply to the Captain on board, ot 10 Joftph Sims, Who has !or Sale t A fenu Chests of Red and Pale wß«tf Of tlif-Firft Quality, Madeira & Sherry Wines, For Amsterdam, n THE SHIP HOLLAND, IjjsjfwM'j Christopher Franklin, jun, accommodations for pafirn zcrs, wi4l f«) a " convenient speed, #*»- ing the greaieft P irt ° f h " c » r g° ,tiA 1 10 on board. For freight or pafTagf, apply to the matter on board, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. ■v W- • . Thursday, November 6, i 7£4- George Latimer. For Hamburgh, PERSEVERANCE, Peruvian Bark, Fit for immediate use, &c. &c. i- 22 A.ng. o 6 *TL VJ NJ A, David HarcUng> Mailer ffUßTHEN about 3100 barrel#. For terms apply to Gurncy Ssf Smith. Ofl. ij For Liverpool. The SHIP HAS a confidcfable part of lier cargi ready to to on boatd, and will Tail To at t< return to' hW port an early Sp'in? flup. For Freijht or p—<T.igc, apply t0 th J Captain onboard at Wrtm* ftrcet #ttarf. ° r Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Wain*' street. , ■ German Passengers. " Healthy Tradejmen y A>» in ft arrived »• the fni|> Pe^y ? nfterd.m, whefr t me* are to be r by apptyirtf: o»rbnard said fh'p, <* ,n Runtfle & Murgatroyd, No. 11, Walnut Jireet <U)harf. Nov. 4 AND ADDRESS. T/ie Public arc reljicdlfiiHy informed tnJ: the Suhfcriptiom foe this Gazctte.iire daiVy mrreaftnz <:i the O.ky— thr.t it* rltr «uWiqivis e. :. >,»■ , Wiur foit to every state in the I. probably ex ebangeA-witii <- »- *H* 4ifi«- <ent Status than anf viUrr Gazette — thefc cireumftances enhance its utility at an advertifmg Vchicfe. The generous patronage which the pub lication has already rdccived, demands the Editor's ihoft grateful acktiowledgfnents —He folicks a continuation of advertising favors. Frbro thcie principally arifrtlie (tefourccs which enable the publifhet of a | daily papor to extmd his plan of genera! entertainment and information. landing From o" binrJ the Birmingham Pallet, lodger, and tlx Henry a ail .Cbarlcf, /rem Hamburgh- HEMP, For Peterjburg b's firfl quality BAR IRON, Siiitdes, ajjforied TIN, in plates, do. do. GENEVA in hbds. BAGGING, German njfbrtei OL ASS TUMBLERS, and Black Quart Botties* DEMIJOHNS, Window Glaji, f eathets e>f superior quality, MATTS, toVSV. rr>* s »*.* Thomas & jotin Ketlami Aug* . ■ . (1 City of VValhnigton. SCH EM E Of TH* LOTTERY, No, 11 fSr. the IMPROVEMENT or T H F FEDERAL CITY. 1 A nugnitici-iii / 20,000 D..li>is, .and dweitmgl>o#fe, \ ca(>i 30,000 Hf 1 ditto 1 j.ood & «'>. 25.000 1 ditto <5.000 4: cafli 13,000 1 d'"° >o|ooa&:cafti 10,000 , ditto £,000 & caOi j(000 1 ditto 5,000 it calli 5,000 , P"»e oi 2 ditto 5,000 eachj are io ditto tjooo 20 ditto "500 ,00 i'«o ,c ® 200 ditto 4° 400 dittw "4 1,000 di'lo 15,1*0° ditto «• filankJ 10l ooa Tithrtl at# 4ott«* This Lottery will afford an e.rgaut fpeei mcn of the private buildings to beered 6 in theCilyof Washington—Two beautiful dc si fi ni are al«*dy frit ftedfor tti» em ire froms on two of the public squares s from the(e drawings, it is proposed to erect two centre jnd touretjrrter batldiwgs, «s soon as pnflifrft i a!t«r thW> Lottery it fold, end to convey them when complete, 10 the fortunate adventurers, in the manner defcrflbed in the fehpme lor [he Hotel Lottery. A nett di duflion ol five per cent, will W maArtodtlrjy .he neeef fat» expellees ol printing., &c. and tlictoi plus will be made a pait ol ihe fund intended lor the Natioual I'nive.fitv, to be erefM_ within the City-'. (onn TIK drawing will commence as toon a 5 fold, or at »'.L event, on HJ-lf.y, the 22nd of December next: The money prir.es will be payable in thirty days alter it is fmifhed, and any ptt»« for which Comma.' number. a« ?**» twelve months alter the draw.it, ikl'* " he confide.ed )• given towards the tund L the Vniverfi.y, i* «• fettle the whole business m a yearl.omriie ending of the drawing and to lake up the bonds given aj fccmiiy. The real feev>ritie.s given for the paymen. ofthc Prizes, are H*ld «nrt two ©ireftors of the B-<.k of Cok.mh,t,.nd are valued .unrtre.h-n WW UK MnoUnt o rtte Lottery. The drawing *1" be under the management ol «4 rfrn.lemen »PP««* by the commiffiontts lor the City of Vt» tngton, for she tU»e being, and afitng on s. BLODGET. M t.cklM U **" h n '^ CouTsnb*. ; Of James Weft „t Gideon Denifon, Swan«ah ; d Peur Gilrnan, Bollon ; of John mo,id : and of Richard V» His, Coop" I™- «odrf Amr- "*> —" w A. N T C 1?, An Apprentice To the Watch Making and Repairing liuiiotft, A T T b Y TO C. Co.mj.bd!. No. 3V" south Fourth tv/o floors fromMarVet-ftse** (pit* r ? *■ VERTI S E R. A FEW PiVSS Of Bcfi QfJitji Holland Gin» Will be laa'rcl TH.'S DAY, fsois un tIK" fl «>p A f:<w wrv It/iiy hogfktaii* nf 'Stigsxs, juuxor, in #'>«» Ami vevy g«. it Guacla loupe MelafiTes, FOR SAI.t EV Leviuus CJotkfon^ No. 216, fMjth \Viicr StfP«t. also; A f£W K;.G,<tftADS or Prime Antigua Rum, $d. £s* qth pre«f Jin* jlawur, Sis*. 39 • NOTICE. m vHf. New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Offite, At Mr. SAMUEL LR\U rORP's No. 75, tiortbFroM street, 2 doors from Ait! ftren, Ticktis art examined and j Higrfttierfbj fwrtft ncfrcrlc«l :t<"l ' giftci £<>oks, st th* follw-flj nwWrai* #t«rgps, ♦»«. ; to'^ > BKcti Tictrt )-VOTti Vfr re?jlterif )t » tfP&tS T.CKiTI-W m Dollar. And notits will be f*rt l-J !#«t«r (if fortunate or loftoy part of the fionthjetn- tickets In the City vf Wafhingtdn Lottery, No. 2, (Which w.iJl con;dWkt,e rtmwii very foun) Rcgin«red, and the earliefl account sent of their (niceTs. N. B. The Earliefl Tt tcViprnre of cnch t>aT , sdrawing wW he receipt! si this Of fitc. Ami the flip* fill t'4 signed toW t'orrcflj theiefore ! to be depended oil. Rrpt 24 50,000 40,000 3C ,000 20,G00 50 Dollars Reward. RAN away very unejcpeftec'lj' from the Subscriber, 0 > Satu dity thi itth October, A Mulatto Man, 10 000 10,000 1 0,000 j«,r 0 io.oco r 0,000 io,opo io,soo IP, 000 ao,ooc i£o ; OcO named George, by ht» aciyiaiotanr.e t*Hed I George Jivan ;, ai)aur2{ y<*fs o.d, J leet j 9or IS inches high, ftr.»ght a«.jt w f ii ina.le t hchas longbfftiy black hair, whi*h be ctim- Cttonly wears hij check boucs rather hiafi, bis la»£h firm pi* ; hchas always ferv |ed a r . a v.-.jlter, was a favorite fei vant,and spoiled by exceflTVe ui<iulf,encc, undcr ftands dfeffing and (having, and plavs well« on the viltiia I he took with him ? Vowta fuftlin coatee and jacket, boMC with yel low silk terrctf, a pail' of ltjjit co'lcmifl la jrathy breaches and haH boots ; as he had many oihfi cloth and liglit funy iact wear, it it ittay chatige his <!><?»,it it I'ofpcfci h« has efoflcd over into Virgin'*- W'hoevf f ftt'DHi the above nxtn fh 11 re ceive the Above reward, ft'd irjfnnsbte char S' s i f troupl* >><rt«e. A l Maftei S of VflWs wltl receive him en oai'dat their p;ril. Marfham Waring. Ocorge Tc.tfn, in CVumlrisi Nov. i ±JI±IMIU~ If , r rvr I Forthi- are hereby refpectttri ly reqttefted to pay up thtr Sifpfcrlbtwn to tlie filft «)' January nem. Tke Edttoi will lie under the necessity oi cooGdmng those who do not the* "*"» s^- fcriptioii V> paying Sijc Months in A'i raivce, assUcl'mmg to K*k« the wiy lO 'al there is a confutable Snm due from j remote Siibfc iber, for thf IMJ lvraper puMlftedby the Editor, he mexft foiwftly reqmfts those v hn may be delin quent, to tate the earlied opportunity of .efnhtinp; Win •'he balance they may ref pefttvrly be .ndtbied-*the fbms me mm vidu-illv I'ifli' f—f c want of the A SB re " ga.t is fcverefy _ Forty Dollars Reward. KAN *<vay tUe fnbfcribers in* WMod -ury, G?o»c*fler C«ui«r, New-je»- ley, »*' Sun4*y ** I»th inßar.t, Two young Negro Fellows, named IwK an<f l "»'i 1 ' rli »?•»«» of J K e iJckis cf ? diirk b!?ck colour and a fmir look ; to* 1". of "" "P.en counte nance, of a yellowiftf and touch »Hfpofcd to laugh. 1 hey ore (pi i'btly active fellow j, and, lnitlittle llvon of fj? jecthigh j .th*'? *H \ both *rrH dreffW ; lack lad on * broad cloth coat aud iiflcrent kinds ol rioihe"!. 1 Whoever vaSsef top fVM fervSnti, ami f cures rl*tn in ?»> B«al Hi >*>e United States, fottiat their matters may get them a?ain fliall receive the above reward and reafoiw bit mt|*n cr. y,A.u Sparks, Andrea* Hunter. ifWtf •a. H fates ALSO d4<V n«rf [Whole No. 676."] LANDING, frtm tie Ship Adriana Kicriw FitzfMrk^ Ahrfltr, from Arnflcrtfatn. Holland Sail Duck, Sfcertwp. Ofnaburgfc, ■yi hlte ami Bi own Linen, Diafer, fine Check?, Be«!lu:8f, Hair Ribbon, Great Oats, boxes Window- Gl4, l>rtto Tumblers, Oinft in pipes, Gins Cafe«, Mill Saws 6 feet, ( Anchors, from 7 to 14 cwt. Frying Pans, Junk, Oakum, &C. FOR SALE BY Tlwmis tst John Ketlan-d. October at. d. The Office of the Insurance Company, of the State of Pfrnnfyivama, will bt open for the of I'ufi tefi on Widnefday the yh November, instant, »E No, Ijji South Front-Street. Nov. 4* Alt ferfons indebted to the fubfcrtber ate hereby rtefircU to r*ike in»- pajinentt wd tiwfe to wlia»> 1« is joiibtecl, Vill piffle to funiift their ;ac jtibnts in order to receive 1 heir iiotf , •» «<otcHng to Ate letter ol" i.L«ixe_pfcta:ojM . tMtn. SAMUEL SWITARDS, No.J». North, Je*Q«<J»#r*rt. J, 1 A+t " Philadelphia Society, for the Information and Aflifiance of Pcr fons Emigrating: from Foreign Coun- tries." A Monthly Meeting will be held, alialt fait Six o'clock, or Vcdi.cl- cv' nin£ the fth of NoWft'ir, i:t Rharplefs's School Rocm, in Tior.ibcrger's To acccmpKfli the Views of it« Inftitu tioo, it will be requisite, that the Socirty Ihmtld potfeii ii'.ucli infoUnatioiv ) s>s, wh»t pnrt'. of the United will afimd tbe grca 'ft probability of fucteft to amcs< f ri..? Te cut di let iptions, arid to per (oris tairu'a :ed for various oilier employments, tv<3 mffellTng ceniun of capacity ilant ; where and fo> what pu'pofi- t':e memploytd are in qttdiatt!y wan. ire; a- d n order to ronti bute, as Riot I' a Jttil^biV, o the imm'date comforts of En:ii, i.'! n ;ener»l oil tl cir arrival. it will Ik ikii - '»Xf ;o know the names o» the pet'on .vf to :etrp JLSilpii.gHtfAft'j ,TCir \ t'~< - *.i - >ode, *r.d Terms of Accommodation. Any ommunicationupon these particular I < ; ds vrll he received with pleafirre by Mr- Tl.o. nas Ptarce, at No. 4J, tr south Tl. r J beet, who is *PP' jnted JVgftei by tie "ommiuce : and all inhumation ofamore ;cneral nature, by the fecretaiy. By nrt»rr of* the Committee William Turner, Sec'ry. No. 149, Ckelnat Street. Oft. 29 Wanted, A man and ivoman kitchen Servant. Accustomed to cook'me, to whom gorcroi;! w*g#» wiWtrf r*'i »Pfty AuHr.*» c*n he w*H r«cointite'»4«d. E«- quir* ©' t6< f OA. jo <i ~To W^oTan>7"Auction, On Tjttfaitf Iht nlhday as fiez-tiiitr f ,rrt, at mo*, at the koiifcoj 4lchcr Cifcid, ip A-.n erk, A'«" Jfjiy,, if not fTcrwufly ijptfcS p' I fa trivate cunttaß, ' tHL FOLLOWING Tracts of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Compafiv, filtrate at Rihgwood, Long PcH : , a'd CtMtloUCßfcwg, 111 the Coiinlits "1 .Uri in vhe said state oi Nf« J"* fry? vi *- * 12 trads of land, contatfl ipg ab o u. 6533 acrej, filuate .t Rinfty-oo,!, on pait o1 wtii&Ji the Ring**** IwS'* Heufeand Siore are ercflci!. 4 i*a£ls. ol L*n«t, containing about 6i{B acres, fitualc on Long Fond River. 7 tracts of L«i>o, romtfitjir » abotit €165 [ Acr«, SWft* »t Cfiar'otlen*>TO K . fhcfc Bft*t<-6 arc will vanhy ol the .it j»ntU>n of any Qrntlcman orCoiTtpapy in clinAJ M>«ng«g* c*ttnfivriy in lion Wot,).- ; There *1* levcral Building » and Aef»Wr.l«>pr»»'<trient»on O rfc Lap,d»; *1 ' s 6 o Ati'-s pt cxaUml M*a{jnw, '■">! V cleared, and much more navght be sndiC :■ t 3 i.tflio? EApcncr. On (he Pierrifrj t I e ' ate *cty colivcn'ciu Scats lo« Vti't. r f,- JWUU, &c. There iff alio Wu- <-»v valuable lion Mines. Most ol the un.mpr-.v el Pam ol Oicle 1-aiidl aie coveted v i b Mi. heiithy Timber. These Rltacei Vill he (hewn V y Cap xn JpUpli Board, of Rtogwood, and lbe 1 »' ft .1 ol Sale made known by applying 10 bun, <«r »• Edward Edwards, I« Philadelpt.ia, at the comer ci x. *rj| Ra;i-stre,-t». iept. ' J»jr.-.--«- -■-1 4H.C*'f - "'' tod i W •avt(>
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers