/ ' / DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No. 125 of Vol. Vl.] J. M. Bart, No. 170, North Second Street; . Refpeftf'ully informs the Citiaens, ti«*"Ue intends to open a»v Evening School, From SIX to NINE o\:iock, ,bcgjiiniftg nrxt Monday, 47th pft. w'-.crc he will tench tlje French & Italian language/ Arithmetick and Book-keeping. On the mujl repfunable Terms. A ftrift attendance may be depended upon by tHofc who will favour him with employment Oft : . 2 7 d FOR SALE, At the STORES of Jefle 8c Robert Wain, PORT WINE ii> pipes, hhds# and quar tev calks LISBON' do.in p pes and'qv><m<fr<;afhs Soucbpng ard Congo TEAS, in quarter *£ chests A quantitv of T.iibon and CfulizSALT Soft ihslitd ALMONIDSin bales VelvetCORKS, in do. rtulfia \TATTS. June 9 d Thomas M'Euen, Stock and Land Broker, No. 78, Chesnut-strei!t, IIjFORMS his Friends that during his ab'ence from Philadelphia (on the Weltern Expedition) his Business will be carried on at his Office as usual, by Ms. Thomas Ha' 4 where Orders in Ins line will be thankfully received, and every Attention paid tu them. Oft. 10 A FEW BALES OF Brown Russia sheeting I Jiported in the William Penn, from London, FOR SALE BT Curtis Clay, No. 57, High StA^et. Nov. i JUST PUBLISHED, And to be fold by Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market flreet. Price 4 Doll. 33 centjper dote., and 44 cents single, THE American Repository. This neit Pocket almanack, is'fiflt of the kind that hath been executed in Phila delpHa, or perhaps, in any ol the United Sratfs; and ci''ans, beside*, A Compleat Calendar, OR ALMANACK, for the Year 1795. LilH of tl'.e Officers of the Artjericah Go- The terms of tlie Federal Circuit & Dif .rift Courts. The Latitudes and Longitudes from Meridian of Philadelphia, of all the Capi. Ml Aitljes in Hie Union. Civi! aud Military.- "wtiuwf'r The date' of the periods when each of the Spates was firft fettled ; Their re/pettive Tefritories and num bers of People; The nnmbcrnf Inhabitants of each, in each square mile—and a brief State of their relative progress in Population ; to gether with various other Articles oi In- Ornamented with an elegant Front!/- piece, Title Page, and twelve VIG NETTES, alluding to scenes in Thomp son's Sea/ons, engraved by the mnjl inge nious Artijls in the City. Speedily will be publi/hed, and fold at the fame place, APL A N OF THE City and Suburbs PHILADELPHIA. Taken from late and accurate survey. This Map will be 26 inches square ; and will be delivered a-, may best suit the pur ehafers, either in (heets plain or coloured, or canvaiTed and affixed to rollers; or to fit them for the pocket, they will be cut and folded in cases. Thole who have been so obliging, as to deceive Subscriptions for this Plan, are re' *q efted to forward the names to the Edito_ JfctKo. 68, in Market-Street, as above di Tested ; as he intends 10 close the lift in a .Ihort time, and to fend it to the Prels, to be inserted in the front of the Pamphlet which will be delivered with the Plan. Oft. 14. CvtKttr of States For Dublin, hington, HENRH Gfboes, tT O fail oil t e 25*11 November; has gof.d accommodlriotn for pafl¥rp.r\, hav ing h-cn built for the Dublin trade. For freight or apply on Board at Cutfo beitla taCapt. Geddt";, or to .. JiOLMES and KAINEY, SMITH, jun, i and Co. or •ft. 31 For LONDON, Tb* fffi failing copper bot toned Jhip Ulae Adriana, K. Fitzpatrick, Master. Will fail with all convenient speed. For freight or paflige, ipply to the Captain on board, at Hazlehiirft s wharf, or Thomas £5* "John Ketland. October 14. <!■ For LONDON, The SHIP JgggL WILLIAM FENN, James Josiah, Master. To fad with all convenient speed. For freight or paflige, apply to JOHN FIELD & SON, JESSE & ROBT. WALN. Oft. 14 d For Hamburgh, PERSEVERANCE, James. JVUliam/on, Majitr. Now ready Co receive a cargo on board;. This vessel is completely found,built of live oak and cedar, and has good accommoda tions for paffrogers, to fail with all con venient speed. For freight or palTage, apply to the Captain onboard, or Tbcrs. y. John Ketland. Q&. 11 d w&*tf Charter, Lady Wciltcrjlorff, Jacob Banners, Mnjler. BURTHEN about 1700 barrels Flour or bushels grain, fails remarkably fail ind will be ready to eceive a cargo in ? ew days For terms, apply to the Captain on board, or to yofepb Sims, Who lias tor Sale, A few Cbejls of Red and Pale Peruvian Bark, Of the Firf> Quality, Madeira & Sherry Wines, Fit for immediate ufc, Sec. Sec. Oft. 22 A For Amsterdam, £-3-. THE SHIP HOLLAND, yn/wkv. Christopher Franklin, jun. HAS excellent accommodations for paflcn gers, will fail with all convenient speed, hav ing the greatest part of her cargo ready to go on board. For freight or passage, apply to themaftfcr on board, to PETER BLIGHT, Or PRAGERS & CO. An?. 26 • oa«id Hafriing, Mrfter- BURTHEBN ibobt asoo barrtfe. For terns ajply to , Gurney & Smith. d oa. v For Liverpool, The SHIP Manchejier, John Cox, Mailer. \ HAS a covfiderable part of tier cargo ready to go on board, and will Tail so as to return to this port an early Spring (hip. For Freight or paifage, apply to tlie Captain on board at Walnut street whatf, or Rundle & Murgatroyd, No. u, Valnut fti ect ov. 3 4w3taw. Wednesday, November 5, George Latimer. Or, eodtf A N, D ADDRESS. The Public arc i/u'ly mftntaerf tn>t the SobfcripHons to- i'.iij Gazette zte daily increasing in the City—that its cir cujition is extensive, being sent to every Pate in the Union—and is probably ex changed witJi more Printers in the diffe cent States than any other Gazette— theft; rircumftances enhance its utility as an advertising Vehicle. The generous patronage which the pub lication has already received, demands the EditoV's most grateful acknowledgments —He solicits a continuation of advertising favors. From these principally arise the resources which enable the publiftier of a daily papei l to extend his plan of general entertainment and information. LANDING From on board the Birmingham Packet, I.ockyer, and the Henry and CharleSy from Hamburgh. HEMP, Peter/burgh's firfl quality BAR. IRON, Swedes, aborted * "TIN, in plates, do. do. \ -GENEVA in hhds. ' BAGGING, German ajorted GL ASS TUMPHERS, ard Black Quarx bottles, DEMIJOHNS, Window Glass, Feathers of superior quality, MATTS, iS>c. &c. FOR. SALE BY Thomas & John Ketland. Aug. 26 City of Walhington. SCHEME OF THE LOTTERY,; No. 11. FOR THE IMPROVEMENT OF THE FEDERAL CITY. 1 A magnificent ) 20,000 Dollars, md dwelling house, 5 cafli 30,000 aie 1 ditto 15,600 & carti 25,000 1 ditto 15,000 & ca{h 15,000 i ditto 10,000 & cacti 10,000 1 ditto 5,000 & call> 5,000 1 ditto 5,000 & ca(h 5,000 1 Cast» prize ol 2 ditto 5,000 each, are jo ditto 1,000 2 o ditto 500 * 190 ditto 100 200 ditto 5® 400 ditto 25 1,000 ditto 20 ,5,000 ditto _ 10 '6,739 Pr '"> 33,261 Blanks 50,000 Tickets at 8 dollars This Lottery "will afford an e.egant speci men of the private buildings to beereAcd in the City of Washington—Two beautiful de signs are already fele £ted for the entire fronts on two of the public squares ; from these drawings, it is proposed to erect two centre and lour corner buildings, as soon as possible after this Lottery is fold, and to convey them when complete, to the fortunate adventurers, in the manner described in the scheme for the Hotel Lottery. A nett dedu&ion of five per be made to defray rhe necef fury expences of printing, tic. and the fur pVus will be made a part of the fund intended for the National'Univerfity, to be ere&ed within the City of Wafliingion. (J3T" The drawing will commence as soon , as the Tickets are fold, or at all events on Monday, the 22nd of December next: The money prir.es will be payable in thirty days after it is finiftied, and any prizes fdr which fortunate numbers are not produced within twelve months after the drawing isclofed are to be confideied as given towards the fund for the University, it being determined to fettle the whole bufmefs in a year from the ending of the drawing and to take up the bonds given asfecurity. The real fecuritics given for the payment of the Prizes, are held by the President and two Dire&ors of the Bank of Columbia, and are valued at more than half the amount of the Lottery. The drawing will be under the management of 24 gentlemen approved by the commiflioners for the City of WasH ington, for the time being, and a&ing on oath. S. BLODGET. • # * Tickets may be had at (Tie Bank of Columbia ; of James Weft & Co. Baltimore; at Gideon Denifon, Savai nah ; of Peter Gilmin, Bofion ; of John Hopkins, Rich mond : and of Richard Wells, Cooper's fer- Au?. 30 WANTED, An Apprentice To the Watch Making and Repairing Business, Art v y to C. Campbell. No. 3, foutli Fourth street, two doors from Markct-flreet. Sept 794- A FEW PIPES Of B'Jl Quality Holland Gin, Will be landed THIS DAY, fYctn 011 board she fl op Ma y, A feiu very heavy hogsheads of Port-au-Prince Sugars, BRANDT, m pipes, And .very good Guadaloupe MelafTes, Levinus Clarkfon, No. 216, (both Water Stieet. ALSO, A tIV HOGSHEADS Or Prime Antigua Rum, 3d. £sf 4th proof Jine flavour. Sept. 29 d NOTICE\ AT THE New Castle Pier Lottery Examining and Rcgiftering Offke, At Mr. SAMUEL CKAWtORD's Nc 75» north Frout street, 2 doors from Arc>. ft.-e.t. Tickets are examined and Regifteied by correct numerical and Re. gilter Books, at tile following moderate charges, viz. For examining a Sinou ticket 1.16 th of a Dollar. For regiliering a siNOts ticket l-4ih of a Dollar. And notice will b« f»bt by letter (if fortunate or unfortunate) to any part of the Continent. TICKETS In the City of Washington Lottery, No. 2, (.Which will cojnirerce drawing very f©nn) RegiAered, and the earliest accountfertt of their success. N. B. TheEarlieft Intelligence of each Day's drawing will be received at this Of fice. And the flips thereof will be signed by the Managers to be correift ; therefore to be depended on. Sept. 24 50,000 40,000 3©,000 20,c00 10.000 50 Dollars Reward. RAN away very unexpectedly from the Subscriber, on Saturday the nthOftober, 10,000 10,000 A 'Mulatto Man, named George, 6y his acquaintance called George Evans, about 2J years old, 5 feet 9 Or 10 inches high, straight and well made he has long btifby black hair, which he com monly wears qned, hijeheek bones rather high, his laugh limple ; he has always ferv ed as a waiter, was a favorite fervant,and spoiled by exceflive indulgence, under stands dressing and (having, and plays well on the vitlin : he took with him a brown fuftian coatee and jacket, bound with yel low silk ferrett, a pair of light coloured la gathybreeches and half boots; as he had many other cloathsof cloth and light sum mer wear, it is probable he may change his drefs,it is fuppoled he has crossed over into Virginia. Whoever secures the above man fh ll re ceive the above reward, and reasonable charges if brought home. AH Mctfterj of Vessels will receive him ontarii at their p"i il. JO,t>CO 10,000 10,000, 10,000 10,000' 10,000 20,000 150,000 400,000 Marfham Waring. George Tcwn, in Columbia Nov. 3 d4w DiJiant Subscribers For this-Odette, are hereby refpeftful ly requested to |>ay up their Supferiptions to the firlFtyf January next. The Editor will be under the necessity of confiriering those who do not then renew their Sub feription by paying Six Moriths in Ad vance, 4s declining to take tbe Paper any longer. - As thereis aconfiderable Sum due from Temote Subscribers for the late half Week ly Paper published by the Editor, he mod earnestly requests those who may be delin quent, to take tbe earßeft opportunity of ■ emitting him :he balance they may ref pe&ivcly be indebted—the funis are indi vidually trifling—the want of the Aggre gate is feveiely felt. Forty Dollars Reward. RAN away frorfr tb*. in Gloucetter ,Cottnty» tfew-jMv <ty, on Sunday morning "the ritti inftint, Two young Negro Fcttows, named Jtck sum Tom, *aeh about *»rja rj of age ; Jack is of a dark black colour anrf a.four took f Tom ii <>f an -opelf ioante i nknce, of * yeHoi*ilh colour, and much | djfpofed to laugt). eodtf They are sprightly active fellows, andl oa. 14 MWtf FOR SALE BY ALSO aawtf [Whole No. 675-] LANDING, from tic Ship AJruuta Kurtn• Fitzpatrick Majty, from Amjlerdam. Holland Sail Duck, Ditto—Sheeting, Ticklenburgh, Ofnaburgh, White and Brown Linen, Diaper, fine Checks, Betlticks, Hair Ribbon, GreatCoats, boxes Window- Gla&, Ditto Tumblers, Ginn in pipes, Ginn Cases, Steel, Mill Saws 6 feet, Anchors, from 7 to 14 c\rt. Frying Pans, Juuk, Oakum, ice. TOR SALE BY Thomas & "John Ketland. O&ober 21. d. " Philadelphia Society, for the Information and Assistance of Per sons Emigrating from Foreign Coun tries." A Monthly Meeting will be held, a halt p alt Six o'clock, on WcdneJ day evening, the sth of November, at Sharplefs's School Room, in Fiomberger'f Court. To accomplilh the Views of its Inftitu tiw», it will he requisite, th.:t the Society should pcffefs much information ; as, what parts of the United will afford thegrcateft probability of success to Mechanfcs of dif ferent defcriptiorts, and to perffens calcula ted fur various other eniployctents, and poffeffirrg certain degrees of capacity and ial«ut>; where pnd for what purposes the unemployed are immediately wanting j and in order to contribute, as much as [fcffible, to tile immediate comforts of Emigrants in general on their arrival, it wilt be neces sary to know the names ot the persons who keep Lodging Houses, their Places of A bode, and Terms of Accommodation. Any ccmmunicat'ODUpon these particularlieads will be received withpleafure by Mr. Tho mas Prarce, at No. 4J, in south Third street, who is appointed Register by the Committee : and all information of'amorfe gere-al nature, by the fecretaiy. By order of" the Committee William Turner, Sec'ry. No. i49> Chefhut Street. eodnv oa. 29 Wanted, A man and woman kitchen Servant. Accustomed to cooking, to whom generous wages will be given. None need apply but j fucli as can be well recommended. En •qoirt o> the Printer ! Oft. 20 d Pursuant to the directions of the Law for 'ncorpoi ating the insurance Company of North America, a Meeting will be held at the Company's Office, on Thursday the 13th day of November ensu ing, when Two Directohs are to be chosen tor the remairdef of the present year, to supply the places, of two Gentle men who have been elected Direftoi s of a nother Insurance Company. The Votes may be given by the Stock holders either irt person or by Proxy, but none may vote " unless the stock (hall have Hood in their names at least three months preceding the time of Election." By order of the President and Directors Ebenezer Hazard, Sec ry. Oft- tu&:lti3N. To be fold by Audlion, On Tuesday the 11 th day of November next, at noon, at the hovjeoj Archer afford, in New ark, Neiu Jerje'y, if not prevmujly ijpofed of by private comratt, THE FOLLOWING Tradts of Land, Belonging to the American Iron Company, situate at Ri rig wood, Long Pond, and Charlottenburg, in the Counties of Bergen aud Morns in the said state of New Jcr fey, viz. 12 trad of land, contain ing about 3 acres, situate at Ringwood, on part ot which the Ringwood Mansion- Heufe and Store are ere&ed. 4 trafti of Land, containing about 6156 acres, situate on Long Pond River. 7 trails of Land, containing about 6165 Acres, fnuatc at Chariottenburg. These Ellates are well worthy of the at tention of any or Company in cltoisd to engage e*'<nfively in Iron Work* • There are fevrral Butldinps and some ©onfi tlerabfc Improvements on these Lands; about 250 Acies of excellent Meadow, are already clearcd,ard much more might bearided at a trifling.Expence. On rhr. Piemifes t here are several very convenient Seats for Furnaces, Forges, Mills. &c. There ate also foroe very valuable Iron Mines. Most of the unimprov ed Parts of these Lands are covered with fine healthy Timber. These Estates will be (hewn by Captain Jofcph Board, of Ringwood, and the Terms of Sale made known by applying to him| or to E4ward Edwards, In Philadelphia, a t Ihe coinerpt Sifcth RacC-Strecti. Sept. It. aawtf. *
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