... f •CONGRESS. < IN SENATE, f Thursday, June sth, 1794. t ( Continued. J ( On motion the blank in the second ' f-'tion reported by the committee was ' filled with " twenty" and the feftion 1 adopted as follows: Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, ! ' that the non-corfimifiioned diScefs, pV'i- , ' vat js and mulicians of the fa id regiment ! ' (hall receive as a bounty after their en- liilment th< ium of twenty dollars, and i ■ that thev together with the commiffi-y i 1 oned cers (hall receive the fame pay I ' and allowances in all refpefts and be go- 1 vei ned by the fame rriies nndartides of ' war as the other troops of the United j < States. | 1 On motipn to agree to the report of 5 the committee of a id feftion as sol- j 1 h.WS! Sec. 3. And be it further enacted, That the President of the United Stated ' be, and he is hereby authorized to ef- 1 tablifh such military polls without the •ilrifdiftion of any individual fWte or the | \ territory aforefaid, as he may deem ne- ' 1 for the permanent security of | I the foutii-wettern frontiers, and that 1 he said posts lh;\U be guarded by troops c on the eltabli(hment or by the militia. ' It paflecl in the negative. ' On motion, the Senate agreed to adopt the report of the committee of a 4th and sth feftion of she bill—as sol- ' c !ows: £ Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, a That whenever the United States (hall be invaded, or in eminent danger of in- 11 vafion, from any nation or tribe of In- ° dians.it (hull be lawful for the President of the United States to call forth foch n number of the miHti:t,of the state or 0 'tales most convenient to the place of danger or scene of aftiion, .?s he may e judge necessary to repel such invasion, .'nd to iif lie his orders for that piiYpofe, ti 0 such officer or officers of the militia s he (hall think propci. Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, ix That the militia to be employed by vir- | e: tue of this aft, (hall, while in feryice, \ j r be entitled, to receive the fame rations, '■ tl pay and cloathing, money in lieu tl ; iereof, as the troops now in the service t f the United States are entitled to. [a, 011 motion to expunge the 6th feftion 3 c , reported by the committee as follows": ' si, Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, ; ] 0 1 hat all pcrfons who (liall be afiembled I tl < r embodied in arms upon any land be- j 0 f I ofa'hy 1 (hite • orefaid, for the purpose, or wijh the ! th "'tent, of waiting againll the Indians, j di «' of committing depredations on any j rfi I .diari town, or person, or property, ' (1 all thereby become fubjeft to the rules j V e and articles of war, which are, or (hall j e , be eilahli/hed for the government of the troops of the United States. ]£, It palled in the negative—Yeas 7 — t le v, y s to - _ F , Ihe yea? and nays being required by tie en- -fi-fth of the Senator's present, tin I hose who voted in the affirmative, are M Trs.Btirr,Frc , :nghuyfen,Gunn, Hen- wo ry, Jackson, Martin, and Rofs. jjy 1 hose who voted in the negative, are, ~ / Meffis. Bradford, Cabot, Ellfworth, ' R er. Hawkins, King, Eivermore, am M ims, Potts, and Vining. the ' n ifiotlon to agree to the 7th fee- wo wet as reported by the committee ar he roll ws : h "I " C '-f 7 *i And bC furt,lcr er)a fted, th c , c nf, Ple,ldcnt of the United ( "" U s " ,all deem the fame conducive to a mt .ne good of the public service he be and fefl a Y is, authorized to appoint a Ma- J -eneral to command the troops an- the 1 ed by this aft, who (hall receive r -»: fame pay and allowances as are the panted to a Major-General by an aft Z e ( entitled, "An,aft for making further bill pro.i.ion ,J<l« p " b '"' ,iKU.Ld _ It pnfled in the negative, T A bl " _ A m -flag* from the House of R, pre , h , S[ „ lt *V flution tor adjourning the two Houf-s th,i r day ' and that thereof • ) adjourn 011 the 9th inllant. ' , Jl' C L^ aVe i' amxl , a hill, entitled, , a . a to continue in force, for aII , mited time, an aft f„ p ple,n,„ tary to t J e " * litrht a:! f eftabl,n « lnt ' nt a od support of f eh ps- " d' t e n COnS, , bl '°>' a P''bhc nV, P' tr • a. d a bill entitled, "An „ cont'nu , f orc , r ~' . f 4 " to Sec. & Biftrict Courts of the Umted State's aid fe ""** f.r other purpofea," i?l which several bills they deiire the conciir+cficc of the Senate. " They infi't on one and recede frrtm other ame:.dme)it's dilagreed to on' the bill, entitled, " An aft laying ad ditional duties on goods, ware and mei nnd chandize imported into the United was States, &nd on the tonnage of Ihips or ;ion VeiTels." And he withdrew. . A ijieflage from the President of the ted, ! United States' by Mr. Dandridge his pV'i- ! Secretary. icnt ! " Mr. President—The President of en- the United States this day approved and i and signed, " An aft to authorize the iffi-v! President of the United States during pay j the recess of the present Congress to cause to be pQrchafed or built a ntirri s of Bcr of veiTels to bs equipped as gallics [ted ' or otherwise in the service of the U | nited States and "An aft authori t of zing a settlement of certain cxpenfes of sol- i the (pommiilioners of Loans.", rffnd he withdrew. :ed, Ordered, that the Secretary acquaint iteS Hottfe of Reprefentativeg there cf_ With. the Mr. Gunn reported from the Mana the ' gtTs rtt the conference on the ditayree ne- I h!g votes of the two Houses on the of | hill, entitled, 41 An aft laying addi hat tioiial duties on goods, wanes and mer ops chandize imported into the United i. States, and (in the tonnage of (hips or vefTels." to Whereupon, f a Resolved, that the Senate so far re fol- I cede from theic amendment to the firll feftion,' as that the duty on coal (land ■ at one half fcentjjer buOn.'l. rail They also recede from their lad a- } in- inendment to the firft feftion to it rike [n- out " except window glass." :nt Ordered, that the Secretary com ,ch munic.rte this resolution to the Houte or of Reprcfentatives. of After the consideration of the exe iay ecutive business, jn, The Senate adjourned to 11 o'clock fe, to tfiorrow morning. tia Friday June 6th, 1794. Mr. Yining repoited from the torn d, mittee on enrolled bills, that they had '«•- ! examined, the bill, entitled, " An aft ~ e > ■in addition to the aft for making fur ns. ; ther and more effectual provision for e " the. protection of the frontiers of the ce j United States •" the hil] entitled, "All t aft for the rertiiffion 'of the duties pn <> n \ certain dilHlled spirits destroyed by ; ■ ; fire l" the bill, entitled, An aft al ' j lowing an additional coin pen fation to «1 j the principal clerks in the department 1 ,e - \of State, and the Treasury and War ; <f1 seven hundred and ninetv~fou7;"";>nd j bill, entitled, "An ? ft laying ad- ! is. j ditional duties on goods, wares,'and 1 >y j merchandize imported, into the United c >j : States, and on the tonnage of (hips or dl < | V j '" ai,d that th< 7 u ' erc d '-'iy enrol- { > e The bill, sent from the Houfc of 1 Repiefentatives for concurrence, enti- 1 tied, "An aft for the more effectual F protection of the South Wefien, Fron- l '< J tier settlers," was read the third d time. o On motion, p It was agreed to strike out these 0 >" words from the second feftion reported P by- the committee, to wit, « after their 11 •> cnlijimcnt." ft '' °n motion it was agreed further to w ' a l mend the second feftion reported by the committee, by inserting these T " words_ after '« dollars," « one half to vi * be P aid t immediately after enMment, the F< other half at the end of three months ea > thereafterti' • On motion, it was agreed further to di ' amend the bill by (hiking „ ut the 4 th lection reported by the committee. mi ' Resolved, That this bill pass with du toe amendments. ! by Ordered, that the Secretary desire j the concurrence of the Houfc of Re- ! to pre entatives -in the amendments to this j P e ap] (To be Continued\) tio LA W OF 'HIE UNION; pre THIR nSn RESS 0F THE UNITED STATES, offi AT THE FIRST SESSION, aW < Begun and held at the City of Philadel 1 f'!! f 2"m'?'":*4ir Sr Monday the ferond of Dc. ' / cemier > °ne thousand fe- , ? hundred and ninety-three. <iu "' s °" Lic< " r ' s for S J S W'ne, and foreign dijldledfpi- sign ntuouj liquors by retail. 2nd Sec. 1. T"> F , wit! H ' Z r hy the Sena " era! to be carried or sent out of the houfs, ' the building or place of his or her dwelling, ina less quantity, or i:i leis quantities, :ed< at one time, than thirty gallons, cxcept > on' in the originalcafif, ease, box or p»ck ud- age, wherein the fame (hall have been net- imported, shall be deemed to be, and ited hereby is declared to be, a retail-dealer sor in wi:ws within 'the remaining of this aft ; and that every person, who fhali the* deal in felling of any fwieigil diftiil«d his ipirituous liquors, to be carried or sent" out of the house, Iniildiitg or place of i t of his or her dwelling, in ltfo quantities ived than twenty gallons, at one time, (hall the be deemed to be, and hereby is ■ ring declared to be a retail dealer in ' : to foreign diitilled fpiritiums liquors: lim- Provided always, That nothing herein ['lies contained shall be conilrued to ext'ertd U- to perlons, who, as keepers of taverns, j iori- inns or houses of entertainment, duly J i ;* of licen&d or autliuntid under any law of < Ynd a (tare, shall vend or fell really and tru ly for confumptioii, within the houses, ' aint buildings or prctrife, only", by them J 1 ere- refpe&ively occupied or kept; as taverns, i 1 inns, or other houses of entertainment, j i ana- wines or diitilled fpkituous 'liquors, in j i ree- rfhatfoever quantity, no* tophylicians, 1 the apodiCcanes, furgeonfc <jr chemilts, as ' ddi- to any wines or Ipirituous liquors, which I ner- they may life in the preparation or mak- 1 ited ing up of medicines, for sick, lame or i Sor difcafed perfoirs only. 1 Sec. 2. And be it further enabled, <■ That every person, who,onithe thir-] c re- teenth day of September next; shall be i hrlt a retail-dealer in wines, or foreign diltil- ! and j ltd spirituous liquors,'as atxwe c i ed and defined, both; or either of them, t a- j (hall, before the laid day, and every a ike | person, who, after the laid day, shall c ■ become, or intend to become such re- t >m- [ tail-denler in wines or foriegn diftiled fpi ni!e riruous liquors, both or either of them (hall, before he or (lie (hall begirt to c :xe- vend, or fell by retail, any wine oi*! e wines, or foteign diltilied fpiritous li- j f X'k quors, apply for and obtain, in manlier J f herein after dire&ed, a licenle for car- j t rying on the birfinefs of retailing wines S e )m _ Or foreign diftil'ed spirituous liquors, as j n la( ] the cafe mav be, that is to fay ; one li- ■ h a( cense for carrying on the buiinefs oi re- jfi " Ul ._ tailing Wines, and another license i f or for carrying on the business of re- j 1 t |j e tailing foreign diitilled spirituous li. •si \ n qirors; which licenses refp.edtively, (hall si on he granted for the term of one year up ft by on the payment of five dollars for each a ]_ license : and (hall be renewed yearly, to upon the payment of the like fuln of . nt five dollars,for each license. And if r ar any person fliall, after the said day, deal i" tl' - f or '' J '' 1 nd led ipirituous liquors, by retail, as a id- hove deferibed and defined, without nc j having a hcenfe therefor, as a'forefaid, ed continuing in force, such person (hall , or iorfeit and pay the sum of fifty dollars, j1- to be recovered withcoftsof suit. And no such license (hall be fuffieient for the of felling of wines, or foreign diitilled fpiri li- tous liquors, by retail at more thtm one at la ] p.ace ; but any person, whoby eolof-of an such license shall fell any wines or foreign ' n ld diitilled spirituous liquors, at more than T one place, (hall be deemed to be, m res- P e '\ t° °f thc f a 'd articles, as he nf' fe °!" a '' 10 f c ") St more than one of 'd I ace > a retail-dealer therein without the i r hcenfe, and (hall forfeit and pay the like are sum of fifty dollais, to be recovered o with costs of suit. - y TlfT"' n. n't ' be , " f urthcr 'nailed, ' ' e That lt (hall be the duty of the funer- ers ■ 0 visors of the revenue, within their res- " , e peftiye diftridts, to grant licenses for of", carrying 6n the said businesses, refpec- of " li r ',/r - rCtaill ' ng . Wines and f° r eign - 0 diitilled spirituous liquors, which licen- beei les | hal ' ' 2e marked or (tamped with a' a , b< mark or stamp, denoting the sum of the 1 thereu pon ; and (hall be iigned 1?- L T"t' ,he ** - !,' " ! r uc j he sam »r cause the fame T . to be nTued, and (hall be granted to any Le ( i person, who (hall delire the fame, upon bere application made at anv office of i„fpc c U P O ' t|on, for that purpofe,'in writing, f pec i_ , f)' ,n g the namc of the person, for' whom, a hcenfe is requelled, and the place or well Frem-fes, where the buiinefs, for which a!uf the lame is requested is to be can ied on fufpe and alio upon payment or tender to th- accic °W thc L r - ° f ' ° f tKc sum or d "ty pay- eitlu n // I' aa '"P°» license re- I r ' . Ant '' to the end > that all per- s Ol sons carrying 011 , or ; mendln; , to £ on, both or either of the said bufine(fc-s, their' may obtain, with ease and difpatrh, the »et, ■We- „ r aiw . The I Ot the lefpea.ve supervisors, to iireoare , andl furmfh to the several Ji„ -si"? «n.,„ ,C, ; ™ u iT V , r competent number, and - | f la,lk 1 s for 'He namt-s of the t.er sons for whom they (hall be requelled o- life, tion, to whom, such application and ing, payment, or tender as aforelaid, shall be ;ics, mace, shall forthwith issue the hcenfe :ept or licenses requested, having firft filled ick- the blanks therein, and countersigned teen the fame. Provided That no and license (hall be gtanted to any person to aler fell wines or foreign diitilled spirituous this liquors, who is prohibited to fell the hall fame, by the laws of any state. il«d Sec. 4. And -be it further enafied, sent- That the duties aforelaid (hall be re ■ of ceived, colle£ted, accounted for, and [ties paid under and fubjedl to the fuperin hall tendance, controul and direction of the is department of the treasury according to in the authorities and duties of the ref irs : pective officers thereof. rein Sec. 5. And he it further enacled, crtd That all fines, penalties arid forfeitures, rns, S which shall be incurred', by force of this li.ly | adtf (hall and may be sued for, and re vof covered, in the name of the United tru- States, or of the supervisor of the re ifes, venue, within whose diftridt, any such rem J fine, penalty or forfeiture, shall have i-bs, ! been incurred, by bill, plaint or infor ent, ! mation, one moiety thereof to the use , in ; of the United States, and the other jns, moiety thereof to the use of the person, , as who, if an officer of inspection, shall J lich firft discover, if other than an officer of 1 lak- infpedtiori, shall firft iiiform of the cause, j :or matter or thing, whereby any filch fine, ' penalty or forfeiture, ihall have been in- ( ted, ciirred, and where the caiife of ad ion or 4 hir- cotnplaint shall arise or accrue more than 1 ibe fifty miles distant from the nearest place < (til- by law established for the holding of a ■ rib- diltriei court.within the diltrift in which cm, the fame shall arise or accrue, such suit cry and recovery may be had before any hall court of the ltanr hoiden within tlic &i'd re- diftrift having jurifdidtion in like cases. Ip ! - Sec. 6. And be it .further enaSed, em That it shall be lawful for the President to of tlu' United States, and he is hereby oi* | empowered to make such allowance> 2 li- for compensation to the officers o? in, ner ! fpection employed in the colledtioh of :ar-1 the duties aforefaid, and for incidental I nes | expenses, as he shall judge reasonable, as j not exceeding in the whole, two and a | j li- | half per centum' of the total amount of re- • the said duties collected. nfe f Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, n re- j That this aft fliall continue and be in j si li. i foice for the term of two years, and j all from thence to the end of the then next •• C lp feflion of Congress and no longer. 1, ch Frederick A. Muhehnberg, c ')'» Speaker of the House of tl "j. Reprefentati\'es. b 1 Ralph Izaud, President of the fl :a Senate, pro tempore. h " - JuututiifcL r 79-4-- —-"w? G°. Washington, a Pref.de,H of the United States. f{ s, i 1 oreign IntelJigencc. d id \ e VIENNA, March 26. rr -i- The prince of Waldeck has at lensrth o; le accepted the command of the combined m ain ' y of the Italian States, to beaflembled t( :n ,n A "ftnan Lombardy : his letters patent ~, in were diipatched to him on the 23d. On n f the following day Duke Albert received his commission for the command of the army m ,e p m ( ? ,re ; ' nd M - O'Donneil that C ° m General of the army of us It the Nediechnds. The Jews of Gallici, ri, are t0 dD the dut y °f army waggoners. pt VALENCIENNES, April 8. ''' !, t ' Th f ,s continues to be thehead quar- ° •- hnn ° u r a i my '. the Pl " inCe ° f Co ; "°. residing in the town. The CO r nf'^ 6 ° , , range c °mmands the left wing dc of the allied army at liavay, as the Duke T - of 1 orK does the right at St. Amand. 1 ihe fortifications of Valenc;enn« have .j been completely and are now in , 5 a better condition than they were before ' 'ft h' ' town > towards the fide t atta f, ked » ft'H remains a heap of ruins— ,5t JeT r " ay ti,ey are at work u P on a new Ar The day before yesterday happened near .1 Le Cateau an aflicn, which is to be num- , bered among those. which refieit disgrace Um f lLty ' W ' th ° Ut tendi "g material- rc P y to the advantage either of the one fide ! anl Jar '-rt, Cr 'r ln tf ! e S en eral purpose of the on c . lie trench and Austrian picquets # der ueanedof perpetual ftirmiftes and mutu- \ aw f. f r att ? C c ks .' h=d a^"d to a truce or suspension of firing t° r 24 ho Urs- Byfrfme accident, one of the Carmagnole sentinels " bfc either unaware of the agreement, or difre gardmg it, killed an Auitrain on his pcft. P ar t i- mpenal commandant, on being in- com ormed of the circumitance, drew out his wou nen, fell upon the French who were off men tar guard, and put them all to the bayo- t i net, to the number of between 2 or 300. ! , The barbarity of this aaion may be prov- !l' ef ed ii om their own relation and the non-re ;trn 0 * Frrneh 5 for on the fide of Imi ': na " s ' according to theirftatement of el (and there is none left to give another) one jets r ,o,Uy was loft, andhchappenfd ! obe jf { - men LONDON April , 9 . aft « Sir John Jervis's fq„ a d ron vvh ; h P° rt 35? Si La w ..v™ r™ Hi." and before the counter-order reached them. Ibe These vessels have now been rcflortd. :nfe By letters from Ireland we learn, that v lied the White Boys, in the County of Cork ned • assembled a few nights ago, and captured : no seventeen pieces of small brass ordnance, nto at Roftillon, the feat of Lord Inchiquin. ious This artillery belonged Jo a fort of so the tification, which had been erected to guard his Lordship's oyftcr bank from Hed, the depredation of the Sans Culottes re- fifhermen. For these few weeks, how and ever, there has been no other diflurbance •rin- of consequence in the county, the April 22. gto A party recruiting for the French res- regiments, and wearing white cockades, were flopped yeiterday by the people on 3ed, Weft milter bridge ; their white cockades ires, torn from their hats and trampled under this foot amidst loud and general acclama . re- tions. ited ; re- f FRANCE. uch NATIONAL CONVENTION iave for- 20 Germinal, April 22—Concluded, use The following decrees were read and her adopted. "on, _ The National Contention, after hav hall j'lg heard the report ofits committee of - of legislation oil the letter of themimfter of Life, justice, and various petitions, &c. &c. ine, relative to the punishment to be inflicted in- on those who should harbor or conceal lor eccleliallics, fubjeft to banishment, or han who had incurred the punishment of ace death—Decrees : ,f a Art. i. From the time of the publica iich t' on of the law of 30 Vendimaite con fuit cerning ecclefiaftici subject io'banifh sny ment ; and in execution of the 17th "id article of thai law," ftich persons as (hall f cs . be found guilty of cortfcfraiing any Jed, ecclesiastic, fubjeft to banifhrnet or re ent chfi n, See. shall be punlft'ed by ;by banishment. cU 2<3. From the publication of the law, in- pei sons found guilty of concealing of ecclefiaft cs, fubjeft to the plinilh ital ment meti-ioned in the former article, >le, j shall be deeintd their accomplices. ia | 3 d - T!l ' s Deere.' shall bt published in of the Bulletin of Coriefpondence. A decree also passed, relative to the ed, new paper on which the laws are in in | future to be printed. 'id j The National Agent, in the diftrift :xt ; Cahors, informed the Convention by letter, that the fabrication of saltpetre continued with the utmofl activity, and that, by the end of the month; he should be enabled to fend 2odo pounds weight to the general depot: He adds, that he has sent off a great number of - with fifty quintals of brass and copper • and that the effects of the Emigrants are Idling with the utmost rapidity. Several letters, or a similar kind, were received from the National Agents in different diflriSs. The Republican Society of Bois Com mun, and the Revolutionary Committees th of La Ferte Bernard, and La Coin ed rnune d'Heraclee ci de-bant Saint Gilles, ed congratulated the Convention on its hav mg punifl.ed the new epi fpiratorsagainft lis I ' b l rt s r > aild '"treated the memberstore ly main at thei.-ppfh at w,) g'als manufacturers, viho made of use of halls of various sizes inrrianufa&u ia ringglafs, made an offering to the Re public of 272 cannon balls of different sizes, which they deposited in the arsenal of Paris. On the report of the comittee of Suc e cours, the Convention passed various decreed. e Ihe firft fixes, at 400 livres, the in demuities to be given to the ci-devant t filters who presided at the Hospice de n Tours. C the second, grants relief to the wounded soldiers. j And the third, gives a recompence to fueh citiz.ns as have been acquitted r .by the Revolutionary Tribunal. " The committee of legislation made a ; report relative to a doubt which had i ! arisen as to the punishment to be infli&ed ; on persons convicted of emigration, uh -1 der circumstances unprovided for by the ■ low. A member observed, that it was abfol itely necessary that the penal code | should be uniform. Persons in one de | partnient are led to the fcafFold for the cothmiffion of a crime, who, in another, would have been punished onlvbv banish ment, or imprisonment. It certainly is the intention of the Convention that these diftinftions should not . exifl They are the source of monstrous abtifes. I move, therefore, that the commiflion of emigrants make a teport on the sub ject in three days. It certainly is cnief to fried the blood of a man whose ciit.ie merits only banishment. The Affemhlv after these observations directed the re port to be made in three days. Letter from the Popidar Society of Any Sur-Aube. anton, born in our Commune, is do more—The Republic is avenged, accomplices have also fallen under
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers