DAILY EVENING ADVERTISER. [No.' 15 of Vol. .Vl.] LAND I N G Out of the Brig NANCY, Capt in Shapley, a: Race-Street Wharf, SUGARS ill lioglheads and Barrels, COfi'EE in Hoglheads, Barrels and Bugs, infilled to drawback. For Sale, By JAMr> CKAWFORD, or WHARTON & LEWIS. June d. Two or three Toung Ladies may be Boarded if) an airy pi afant lit ua ion in a genteel • amily- 1 — For pai ticulais apply to the Printer hereof". June 25. d- Cincinnati of Pennsylvania. THE Annual Meeting of the Pennfy!- vattia'State Soc.ery ««f Ci cmnati, will bi Leld on the fourth of July next, at the State-Houle, the Members are defn ed t > meet precisely at 9-o'clock, in th: morning; at which time and piace such Members ot the different State Societies as are in the City, will be pieafcd to tiiejr attend ance. The Society will diye at Mr. Richardet's Tenth-Stroet—Dinner 011 table at 4 d'clotk June 25. •. TUITION. WILLIAM FIN(JI1 of the New Thea tre, b« j gs leave t<» mlorm bis Frietlds ni:d the Puulic, that he has removed from the corner of Eighth and ArcHilr,eets do No. north Eighth betwfett Arch and Rate ftreeis, and that lie continues to give Jn fti uftions in the French and Engf.ih Lan giwges as umaV,'as also the Claries, rakes this opportunity of exprelfing his ac knowledgements for the very liberal en couragement he has experienced, a conti nuation of which he begs leave to solicit. N. B. Translations frcmieither languages coiTe&ly executed. d To be Let, For Merchants Cotnpting Houfcs or Public Offices, Two brick 3 story Houses, HAVING 6 1001ns in each,with fire places befidc garretsjfifuate on the south weftcrly fidt of Duck llucH, between Pe'ar ao<i Walnut ilrects. Enquire of benjamin iv. Morris. April 17 luth&sil \ NSLiRANGE or- NORTH AMERICA. THE Stockholders are hereby reminded that an inllalnien'f of two dollars 011 each lhare of the (lock is t»> be paid on the lecond Monday, (being the fourteenth day) ol Ja ly next; and that according to the charter of Incoi poration, any perfbn or perfons,co pttrtnei fhtps, or bodies politic negle&fru or refufing to pay the fame at the time pre scribed for payment thereof, shall tefpec t ve'y forfait to the use of the Company all the monies previoufiy paid pn account of he (hare and shares in fay ment whereof, such default shall be made as aforefaid, together with all righr, ti tle, intereff, emolument, profit, claim and demand, of, into and out of tlie f uird 6t the said company, and the profits aiifing t-herefrom. By order of che President & Diieftor«r, Ebenezer Hazard, Sec'y. Offic* of the Insurance Company of North America. '8- w&i«ti4j STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA In the House of Representatives, December 21ft, 1793. yTTHEREAS the Com mi flit >ncrs ol pub- I » V lie Accounts,have reported, that they cannot proceed to the investigation of the Treasury Accounts, refpefting special In oents, without knowing the oOtftanding a mount thereof tn circul.ition *.—1 herefore, Refotved, That all holders of special In ints be dire£fed, and requireo, on or before the firft day of November next, to deliver the ptcial Indents in their poffeffton to one or other of the CommifTioners of the Trealury, who arc to give receipts for the fame, and to rep rt to the Com mi (hoiiers on public ac counts, on or before t'hctcnth day of Nov emoei next, the amount by theiw refpettivc } i tceived,, and also to the Legislature, at their meeting i n November next, and that a pecial Indents not rendered into tlie trealury as above, on or before the firft *lav '.""'["her next, (hill be, and the fame are heieby barred. Rrjolvri, That public notice of this reFolu-• tion be civen in the (ev cra l Gazettes in this Slate once ' very ihree weeks, uniil ihe fiift >y ol November next. And iliat the Dele- Ratesof ihuStale in theCongrefs of the Uni-' ates, be rrquefted to cause this rcfolu "Mo e publilhcd in one or more papers >n the ctt.es of Philadelphia and Nrw-York, '" lUa ' P TOV 'fion will be made far the cx n'J "' Cniw 6 f "ch publication. That the refol ul ion be sent to •he Striate for their concurrence. Bv ofder of the House, JOHN SANfORD DART, C. H. K. In the SENATE, t> r! j w December 21(1,1793. fjo ved, Tnat this House do concur with the lidtffe of Representatives in the forego ing resolutions. That resolutions be lent to the House ol Repreleniaiives. by order of the Senate, , u ,„ FELIX WARLEY ,Clerk. c\»tNov» ' Iwrtfc of tHje & FOR SALE, At the STORES of JefTe 8c Robert Wain, I'ORT WINE in pipes, hhds. *nd qnar ter calks I.ISBON do. in pipes mid quarier calks Souchong and Cong:» TEAS, in quarter chests A quantity of Lisbon and Cadiz SALT Soft (helled ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, j n do. Rnffia MATTS. J'"'e 9 d All persons who have any de mnnds upon the New are ed to fend in their accounts lo No. 204, in. Arch Ifreir, r>ear Eighth street, as loon at v convenient. WIGNELL & REIN \GLE. May 30. dtl'. It is Requested, THAT" no peifori will fypplv any articles for the use ot the New Ilieatre,' without an order in writing, signed by ourselves, 01 ■Samuel Anderfon, lor us. WIGNI.LL & REINAGLE. May 30. dtl". F O R SAL E, Excellent old full bodied claret In hoglheads and cases. App yto F. COPPINGSR, No. 165, S. Second-street. - June 2.5. eodtf. Scheme of a Lottery, 10 ra'/e 39,900 Dollar 1, on 266,000 Dollars, deducing 15 per Cent, from tke , prizes—this Lottery con/ijls of \ 38,000 Tickets, in which there are H'S39 and 23,461 Blanks, being about one and ah half Blanks to a Prize. ' THE Dire&orVof ilifc Society foi eflabiifh ifi'g Uleflil M«uiufa£tWcs, having Yafolv ed to cre& ERICS'Co* raising One Hundred Thousand D( >i.lX' rs, fcgrt e« hly to an A'& of the'Lrgi-fidture of the St<ftc of New- Jer(cy, have appointed tK 'foilowing ■ I- ' ffC - nig of the fain*-, viz. Nicholas Low, Rufos King, Herman Le Roy, James Wat fori, Richard H«"rrifdil, Aoijah Hammond, and Cornelia's Ray, of the city ol New-Yoik— Thomas Willing, Joftph Ball, Matlhe-C* M - Conncl and Andrew Bayaid, «4 the city of. Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How- 1 ell, Efcj- Elias Boudinot, Gene'i&l El as Day ton, JaiYvs Pa-iker, John Bayard, Doftoi Lewis Donham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua M. \Vallace, Jofepft Bloomfield, in'd Elifti., Boudinot, of N: w Jersey, v#fio offer the following Scheme *>f a Lottery, and pledge themselves to the public, that they will take every affur.mce and precaution in their powei to have the Monies paid by the Manager?,, from tinae to time, as received, into tht Banks at New-Ychrk arud Philadelphia, to ! remain for the pdrpofe of paying Priz s, which shall be imm<diat#ly discharged by a check npon one of the Banks. SCHEME: 1 Priieof 20,000 Doliars is 20,cb0 t ic.ooo 10,000 2 5,000 10,000 ,5 2 ,oco io, r ooo 10 1 ,co© to,ooo 20 500 I^,ooo ico 100 » 10,000 300 50 I£,ooo 1000 20 20,000 2000 15 36,000 3000 12 36,"ccq 8106 10 81,000 1 4,539 Prizes. 262,000 23.461 Bjanks. First drawn humtfcer, 2,000 Laftdiawn number, 2,000 38.000'{"Tickets at 7 Dollars each is 266.000 The drawing will commence, under the infpe&ion of a Committee of the Superin tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. The Superintendants have appointed John N. Camming, of Newark, Jacob K. Har denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan Rhea, of Trent#n, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample security lor dtfeharging the trust rcpofed in them. (£3T Ii order to secure the punflnal pay ment of the Prizes, the Superintendants of the Lottery have dire&ctl that the Managers shall each enter into bonds in 40,000 dollars, with four fufficient fecuriti s, to perform their inftruftions, the fubflance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers shall receive the fnm of Tbree Hundred Dolf lars, he (hall immdiately place the fafne in one of the Sanks of New-York or Philadel phia, to the ctedii of tf>e Governor of the Society, and fuc'h of the Sopefmtendams as live irt the city where the monies are placed, to remain there nntil the Lottery is for the paymnt of the Prizes. 11. The Managers to take fufficient Te curity for any Tickets they may trust, Othier wifeto be refponnble for them. 111. To keep regular books of Tickets fold, Monies received and paid into the Bank, abftratts of which Ihall be sent, monthly, to the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the above gen tlemen, information will be giv?rt wheTe tickets may be had. February 2-4. t«&fcf. AND Saturday, June 28, 17^4. Cfe For MADEIRA, J The Ship CATHARINE, Capt. M'Cqllom i O latl diredlly. A few barrels will be taken on freight, if speedy application is maae. Apply to PETER BLIGHT, Or JOHN CRAIG. The Owner of the Catharine begs to in torm the g-entlemen, importers from Ma de'ra, the Catharine returns diredlly to this port, and will take freight on mode rate terms. *9 dzw J cre mie, The fch'ooner BELINDA, Captain Stetson, SHE is \ remarkable fact failing vefTel ; 'will lail very ihortly. A little freight will l)e received, and a few passengers well ac commodated. Apply to LOUIS 'OSMONT; _ N0.5117, north Second street. . - r ' jne 2 7 . . . dti r ;■ For Sale, N A N C Y, (As Jhe came from Sea.) IS a good double decked velfel, and will carry 900 bam els. Inventory to be seen on board at Race (treet wharf, and the terms made known by Wharton & Lewis-, Who have for sale, W EST INDIA AND New-England Rum, OLD BILL Madeira Wine, Coffee, &c. June 37 d JgvSK THE BRIG Noah's Ark, New-Orleans, HAS begun tj take in her cargo at Cltf- | the Stibfcribcr with some freigm. ' room lier cargo may leave, are requested to fend down their as shortly as pos sible. LOUIS OSMONT, No. 117, north Second street. June 27 d Wanted to Charter, will carry 600 or iooo barrels for Madeira, load here immediately. Also a vefTel of to ia,ooo bulhels,to load in the Chefapcake. Apply to PETER BLIGHT. June 17 diot Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14. d Nicholas Diehl, jun. Attorney at Lait), INFORMS his friends and the Public, thai he has opened an OFFICE for the sale and ptirchafe of Real Estates at No. 19, loutli Fourth street, where he will thank fully receive their commands. He also draws Deeds, Mortgages, and other Writ ings. _ June 10 tutb&stf Ail Persons indebted to the Estate of John Cottringer deceased, are a gain requested to make payment, & those who have any demands on said Estate, to present them duly authenticated to GARRETT COTTRINGER. Acting Executor. Jute 26 Jiw Louis Ofmont, No. 117, north Second Jlrect. Has now on hand for fa le, A few Packages remaining of his importa- ' tions this Spring, consisting of Irifii Dowlas, Baftas, Sattins, Feathers and Fiowers, Black Lace Looking Glailes, si anted. ALSO A few Chests of Hyson Tea, Burgumfy Wine and Claret in cases, Madei ra Wine, Sper.naceti Candles. Jnne 16 d JAMAICA RUM, LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, above the Drawbridge, out of the ship Bacchus Cept. Vanneman, from Jamaica, FOR SALE BY PETER BLIGHT. , May 16. d faite Choice St. Croix Sugar, Medical Hooks. JUS'l' IMPORTED, And for Sale, j USI puaLg; ,n, By JAMES YARD. £y Thomas Dobfon, at the Stone lloufcy Also a quantity of RUSSIA Marts. N /lutb S«c « frvat, June 2 4 th. dtf. | ' yC L. 11. Found Medical Inqt Irics A pair of GOI.D EAR-BOBS—Tiie AMD owner by applying to the Printer, may be OBSERVATiO I*l S. informed where to g<t them. By BENJAMIN RLbH, M. D. June 24 • Protefior of trie liitlitut<& oi Mt .e, rva _ of Clinical P/afticc in iht Uwvcr- Ju/t Published; lu > o ' p "ifyivania. U ** J CONTAINING and for Sale by the Printer* M. PARENT* I. An inqui»y into (he influence of physical No. 85, Vine-Street, corner of'Third»ftreet> causes upon the moral faculty. tml'by M. CAREY,No. 11 9, Mat ket-fti cer, a. An inqui<y iuto the «ffe£ts of fpirirous li- An ENQUIRY into, and OBSERVATI quors opon the human body, and their in- ON3 opoa THE CAUSES and EFFECTS fluence upon the happint fs of society. 6F THE 3 An inquiry into the causes and cure of tic • T\*f* C pulmonary. c< : niumption. jjneaie* |4. Obfervafions an the fympiums and curc of •dropsies. Which raged in Phii ADELrnr a from yAn , ; into , he caufcsat , d lhc cmeof the month oi AußLft till towaids internal aropfy of .he l„,in. ihe middle of December, ,793. '6. An account of the as they ap- By JEAN DEVEZE, < pearcd in Philadelphia, in the year 1789. Mailer in Surgery,fr< m Cape Fr v.oi, Ao»cco.;ot «t the influenza, as it tppeai- Phyiician of the Hoipital at Bufh-Hil),Sur T P y "" >7 8 9'>79°, to n-XI aim arti piii < ip: Physician of tiie 0"« "'9' Military Hoipital eftabliihed by the French ' t ?°' thC "n" ' republic at Philadelphia. * g ' " J ll 9, An inquiry into the causes and cure of fort - - ltgs. AT? T? HP l -®* An account of tUc state of the body and excellent tLAKH 1 , mind in old Bg e, wuh ajhfc,various upon In hogfbeads and in cafcs of 50 bottles each. ' fs difeafts and their remedies. also, Price one dollar and 3 quarter unbound, or A few cases Champaigns 'wine: one f)ol^ r Bur ' hr ;t hound. MADEIRA, ' Medical Tranfa&ions In pipes, hogfhc«ds and quarter casks, Cf . Tf,E for sale by College of Physicians of Philadelphia. JOHN VAtfGHAN, v : 01 I~p AK \ No. , M> Soutfc Front iireet. Pricconec. .r in LoarO,. 1794. dtf . just receTved, A 1 reatile on the Diseases of • And for Sale M, Children, Mathew CtlTey's Store, W!th.reneral direS'-os for Ihe management No. 118, Market flreet, ft 1,,0 m ,J birlh > "darned sot TV< r T' c TTr'PQ /* TT l '* r of p.ivficisns and piivjte fimilies. L,Hlh.Ko jrom France ; By Michati Under«'ood, M. D. CONTAINING a great variet>ol6ri- J" M.elwifcfy in the Royal C.I ginal information concerning the most im- k J,, . la " f * |?J An "> and po.tant events that have occurred in thit Lv , * in H V \ 1 t w mrriJ „eTTa6or Jiy Helen Maria Ivilhams. which has been publiOied onthe i'ubjeCt. anc« Price bound, I'jfl l-J—fewed in blu u pa- is calculated for the use of par.nti. 1. rfes, per, 10/io. and private fani'lies, a» well as for phyucian* Said Carey has in the fre/s, and willfpee- —The two volumes handlornely prt.ncd in dilypublijh, one, and the price only about oik ;hitd of j what ihe imported copies fell for. Ad impartial history of the French Revo- lution,from its commencement, to the death The Edinburgh New Dispensatory, iwo of the Queen, and the execution of the Gi- dollars, ronde party. System of Surgery, cxtracied from the JI. wotks of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Waleis, 2 Ploivden's hiftoty of the British Empire, d ols. 50 cents. from May 1792 to December 1793. System of Anatomy, extracted from the IH. Encyclopedia, with 1 2 copperplates, 2 doJ»'. Moore's Journal, . ,ai fitted ii tFict ch. t System of Chemistry, extrafled from Ihe jy Encyclop:edia, exhibiting a view or thepio. . Beattie's Elements of Moral Science! gr f fs M lhe [ cle " ccc , the different fyftcms volume 11. which have been published, 2 dols. 50 cents. v Brown's Elements of Mcdicine, 2 dols'. Gibfon's Pocket Atlas. 67 cents, - yi J . Dobjon Las in the Prqfs, Adventures of Rod.ric Random. Edward's treatifc on" the Religious affix- t £ , five si.st volumes, which contain the fitft tetj J 20 * tUlhJefaw volumes of the European edition, which fell ■, foi twodollaiscacli. Nine volumes will in. TTJST PTTRT TSHFTi clude l 'g h,ec " European which 1 w til briog the publication up to ihe piefent B Y tirrp. ( , IHOMAS DOBSON, Likewise for fale'd conjiderable number of Seckfeller, at tbeSjtme Houfein Second * Cullen . s fw^Medii;i, Jtreet, Philadelphia, °logy, and Synopsis. Bell's Sergei v 6 vols VOLUME XI OF I or 4 vols, do. on Ulcers, Buehan's Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, C.hefeldrn's A KXT CYC F OPs netomy, Hunter on the Venereal, Swed'eea- V- 1 1 vrr ohdo hollo o'p Weft India Difeafcsi OR A R'gby on Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton's Diaioriary of Arts, Sciences, and Mis- o u''ir.e» of the theo M and pradice of Mid- 11„ r*. wiferyj with or without plates 1 , do. on the rnM Cellanrous Lrterature, minagenier.i of Fimale complaints. Mcfe tr. ON a plan entt.ely new ; by which the on Hydtophobii', &c. &c. different sciences and arts are digefled in- Maich to the form of diftinft treatises or fyftemj. ' ( — — This volume contains the articles, medals, t 7 ' / j»// D 1 medicine, metallurgy, metaphyfics.metho- UC \J/ OU/ICI JL l&Tl difts, microscope, midwifry, and op a great variety of biographical ar.ti mifcel- . . laneous articles, illuftrateti with nineteen CltV aild SuDUl'bs copperplates. J (f3T The tables of logarithms, tic. 0F were d ficient in the tenth volume, are PHILADELPHIA. fubioined to this. - • • Eleven vofumts of this work are now T „ .* . . VAL , siK f n '- publiflied, and the Xllth is in some for- IT , U w ' th that th , c P<'b!.ft.er lias, wardnefs to inform his tubfenbers and the public in On the'firft of September, ,792, the price that the plate is now u, der the of fubfeript ion was increased TEN dolia.s hanrf , s engraver, and ,n grrtterfor on all setts not taken before that t rae.- r; ar r d,,fs than Wa u s a, L firft f 0 "t"'plated. At The fubfeription isflill open on these terms, " ame V^ur' 6 - C ® S eave to - r ' * T 's*>d and il any cooies remain bvthe firfl of July 1 J_ u cupt 1011 papers areftill o next,the price will be railed TEN dollar, Pen at most ot the noted bock-stores in the more, on any copies which may belubflrib- C ' ty , ; and u tl,at If 1 ,0 P" f, om ,lle wl '<>le ed for after that period. to bt , e^b]e f t0 f " m '«•='' a res- VAs many of the fubferibers have ta P e£ \ ablc «' a, "g» e name, as will do a ken only two, three or four, &c. volumes, crc .,' t {? Ile wol 'as we 'as a ff°rd a they are earnestly requested to take up and encouragement to the under, pay for the remaining volunies, as it be- * r , . r r r . - ' comes difficult to complete the fetti, and Those who are defirotu of farther mfor the publiflier d<»eS not lioldhimfelf boaud to on are requeue oca on make tip any setts after tile firlt day of July JDClljClTTllfl 1) CIV ICS, No. 68, Market fireet. April 22. tni:th6\v. April 14- [Whole No. 555.]
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers