P'-Hadelphla, Mfc>, i 1794- JUST PUBLISHED, B/ MATHEW CAREY, No. 118, Market Jlreet, TH£ FIRST VOLUME OF A NEW SYSTEM OF Modern Geography: OR, A Geographical, Hijlorical, 'atia Commercial Grammar; And urefent Itafe of the fevei al ' NATION§ OF 'THE WORLD. CON T A I N I N G, ' I. The figures,,motions, and distances of the planets,accoj^ipg'to the Newtonian fyf tent and the latest rqfervations. 2. A general view of the tli,confidered as a planet; with feverai ufefal geographica: definitions and problems. 3 The £rand <Kvifions of the globe into "land and water, continents and ilUnds. 4. The'fituacion and exterjtof empires, kingdoms,ftates, provinces and colonies. 5. Their-climates, air, foil, vegetables, productions, metals, natural curi cfit e^feas,rivers,bays,capesjpioniontoriesj aud lakes. 6. The birds and beasts peculiar to each country. 7. Observations on the changes that hare been any where observed upon the face ol nature since the most early periods of his tory. 8. The history and origin of nations; theit forms of government, religion, laws, revenues,taxes,naval and military strength 9. The genius, manners, customs, and habits of the people. 10. Their language, learning,arts, fcien ccs, manufactures, and commerce. 11. The chief cities, structures, ruins, and artificial curiosities 12. The longitude, latitude, bearings, and distances of principal places fromPhila deJphia. . To which are added. 1. A Geographical Index, with the names ami places alphabetically arranged. 2. A Table ol the Coiris of all nations, and their value in dollars and cent?. 3- A Chronological Tab£,e of remarka ble events,from the creation to the prelent time. By WILLIAM GUTHRIE, Esq. The Agronomical Part corrected by Dr. Rittenhou^e. ! To which h&ve been added, The late Discoveries of Dr. Herschell, and other eminent Astronomers. The FIRST AMERICAN EDITION, "Corrected, Improved, and greatly Enlar ged. The firft volume contains twenty-one Maps end Charts,belides two Ailrouomical Plates, viz. 1. Map of the world. 2. Chart of the worle 3. Europe. 4. Asia. 5. Africa. 6. South. America. 7. Cook's discoveries. 8. Countries round the north Pete. 9. Sweden, Denmark, and Norway. 10. Se ven United Provinces. 11. Austrian, French and Dutch Netherlands. 12. Ger many. 13. Seat of war in France. 14. France divided- into departments. 15. Switzerland. ;6. Italy, Sicily, and Sar dinia. 17. Spain and Portugal. 18. 1 urkey in Europe and Hungary. 19. Ire land. 20. Weft-Indies. 21. Vermont. 22. Ar miliary sphere. 23. Copernican lyftem. With the second volume, which is now In the press, will be given the following Maps t 1. Ruflla in Europe and Asia. 2. Scotland. 3. England and Wales. 4. Poland. 5. China. 6. Hindoftan. 7. United States. 8. British America. 9. State of New-Hampftiire. 10. State of MafTachufetts. 11. State of Conne&rcut. j2. State of Rhode Island. 13- Srate of New-York. 14- State of New-Jersey. i 5« State of Pennsylvania. 16. State of Delaware. 17. State of Maryland. 18. State of Virginia. 19. State of Kentucky. I 20. State of North-Carolina. 21. Tenneifee Government. 22. State ot South-Carolina. 23- State of Georgia. TERMS. i. This work will be comprifid in two volumes. i. Sublcfibers pay for the prelect volume '""delivery, fix dollars, a „d the price of binding, (56 cents for boards.) 3. They may receive the fucieeding vo lume in twenty-four weekly numbers, at a quarter dollar each* or else, when fi nlfhed, at the fame price as the firft. 4 ' ™ ; , rubrcri P»°n wiil be raised on the firftday of June ,794. to fourteen dol lars, exclusive of binding. J. Should any copies remain for sale after the completion of (he work, they will be , fold a- fifteen dollars, and the price of binding. r «. Ihe names of the fubferibers will be publilhed as patrons ol American litera tpre, arts, and sciences. It is wholly unnecellUry to expatiate on the advantage,to American readers, that this ed.t.on poflelTes, over every imported , edition of any fyfte.n of Geography extant. . The addit tion of maps of the several testa , procured a very great expense, and from . the belt materials that are attaioable, . speaks such full eonvuetjon on this fubiect l time it would be difrefpeft to the read' it er ' s ""derftanding to suppose it requisite t to enter into a detail of arguments to prove its superiority. In no similar work have such maps beenever introduced. The emendationsand additions which are made in this work,are innumerable,a.,ri occur in every page. The public are re- ] ferred to the preface for a flight (ketch , ot a .few of them. The publi (her takes the present oppor. ' tunity ot returnfng his most fmcere thanks to those refpeftable chararters who have farored him with documents for improv the nap.of fevsral of the stats requeftsa continuance Of their kindness j and hopes that such public spirited citizens as are polTelfed of similar documents, wil ,1 favor him with theiiafiiftance in perfect , : ing his undertaking. The extraordinary encouragement witl which, he has -been favored, has excitec • in his breast ihe warmed lentiliieiits of gra titude—sentiments which time wijl not ef 'ace. He pledges himfelf to the citizen % of the United State-., to fpai e neither pain nor expense to r ender the present edition . of Guthrie's Geogi aphy improved, deserv ing of their patronage. waftf }f Jofepli Clark, f- ARCHITttr AT ANNAPOLIS, I Propofu to publijb, by fubfhription, POLYMATHY ; O R 0 The American Builder. s, A Work calculated equally to edily and en teitain the Gentleman, Farmer,Sur s> veyor, Builder & Mcchartic. 1 THIS work will contain various on iens 7 of the best writers on Archite&ure, Arts, and Science; together with experiments, and accurate notes of obfeivation, by the author; being the re'fult -of thirty years study and ex . perience in his p-rofeflion. It will also contain jn alphabetical account of the quality and value of the various kinds of materials, and numerous species of.lai)or, : i cxiptnded on building. s, Exempl.fications, to ascertain the quaiiti h ties of materials and labor nectary to tom id pleie, almost, every part in a building, of whatever dimensions. 1- An account, and explanation of all the terms and pbrafes, ufeJ in ancient and mo s, dern archiiefture and building. To persons inclined to builri, it will afford S) an opportunity of regelating their plans wiih iii the compass of their finances, aud prepare them to prevent impositions trom tricking venders of materials, and extortionate work e men—To Mechanics, who cannot, for want of experience, calculate the value of their r«fpe£tive labour, and materialsiexpended in '' their particular branches of buildthis work will afford an opportunity to ellimate wiih ( facii'ty and accuracy, any or in tended to be done, either in tne aggregate or the minutiae. It will contain many eurious and valuable recipes to make and coarse vapiifhes,foi . prefeivmg roofs of houses, barns, palings, troughs, pipes, &c. Fecipes to make yai i ous glues and cements ; recipes to make com positions for elegant, or minute ornaments, and enrichments for oufide or inside com partments : recipes to make composition for figures and mcruftations—to endure the weather i" any afpeft ; recipes to make ftuc c co compofnijons, for floors, malt-houses, dif -1 tillcries, hearths, linings for cisterns, &c. Tablesto afcertam thq scantling of difterent e species of tinjber necefTary to perform their . refpe,6live fun6lions, in proportion to their ;. various fufoenlions : Tables to ascertain the dimensions of the various apertions introdn _ ced in uifferent edifices, and doors, windows, , chimniesy fky-Ughts, flair-cafes, &c. in pro - f 10 * 1 to their different uses -nd inientions— . whether for beauty or utility : A concise mode to and square the dimensions ol all kinds of artificer's work belonging to I and to afceitaiu the cubical or fu _ perficial contents thereof : Observations G f the doctrine of echo and found : A diiTerta tion on the phiWophy, doctrine, and con- ftru&ioft of chimnies, to void or emit the t Propositions and recipes to cure 3 [ m «ky chimnies; Observations on the i„fta biluy of tfie edifices heretofore, generally erected in America ; Suggestions of modes to pursue in buildings here, that will, without additional txpence, tend more to their dura bility than those heretofore, commonly, con «ru£led : Descriptions and proportions of the general and particular members of vari ous orders in Architecture, viz. the Tuscan Done, 'lonic, Corinthian, Composite, Chil nt-'le, AttlCjCargatic, Arabesque, Moresque, Orotefque, Saracenic, Ruflir. Ant.que, Anti quo-Modcm, Gothic, and Britannic: Many curious historical accounts of various won derful buildings in different parts of the world : Many curious and original Accounts and eulogiums on Free Mafopry. fhis work will be printed in two o&avo vo)uines, each to contain upwards of 400 pages, on fine paper of elegant letter press • The pi ice to fubferibers, in boards, five dollars; two and a half do,. larslo be paid on the delivery of the fir ft, an d two and a halt DoiLAßsonthe delivery of the Itcond volume. Mr. Clark afTures the public that he will literally p er :brm all that he hath let forth in these proposals. Gentlemen inclined to promote this work, by subscribing thereto, arc requefte.-l write, I poll paid, to Mr. jofeph Cla.k, a, Ann.po is, authoring him to annex their names to the lubfctipuonlift. Tho Printers in the United States, are Co .'cited t0 S' v< ; these proposals, occasionally, a plac< in their papeis. Morris Academy. THIS institution is now open foriie re c!rp' 0n en C i f "" d f r l ts unde ' t he immediate ° n^ r 'xi R ussell, whose abilities as an inftruftor and attachment! the bu siness have long been kndwn and a proved. He has under k,m the best affi ants in f bra nches—The fciiOlars arc taught the English, Freneh, La,in, and Gi.ck languages, Public-Speaking, Writins Arithmetic, Geography, Astro-son y" ' ai fd ' f Va l r, °"' bra »ches of the Mathematics Tie healthy fuuation of thiifpUce is fu h have°th eC ° n^ nd ,0 th ° re ' who <o have their eh:ldre» In the country. B:ard wa(hl"g. nending, Sc. will be provid ed in good families, ard the morals of the scholars carefully attended to. &c T " '" c] L udi "S firewood, "five of the Frenfch languace) will "cvner" th 'v y pount,s proclamation mo ney per annum) an addition of three dollars Per quarter will be mac-e to such scholars Osre taught the French language. The tion to"tf' ed l- rmU,ed to P" a > such a "'»- feZfl J mftUution, as w.H render if relpectable and ufeful. Gabriel h. ford JSC' 1 " Morriftow/i, Mayi 5 , , 794 J Oiw. w2m PHILADEI Pm A r> —~— " tuts J From and Walnulflreei J-ADELPHIA: PRINTED BV L ' "°* 3» SOUTH Fourth Strfet T> „ — STREET.—Price S U DotLARa P £a AHSUM. 5 ; Bank United States, I] 'June Iph, 1794- PROPOSALS will be received at the Bank of the United States until the firft h day of July next, for the Masons and d Carpenters work of the Banking House, - to be built in Third-street It is not expected, that more than the ■ foundation will be compleated this season The plan may be seen by applying tc JOHN KEAN, Cashier. ' dtij^ A New NoveL To the LAiJIKS of Philadelphia. This Day is Publjjhed by MATHEW CAREY, 118, Market ftrdet, Pricc, bound, ot a dollar, sew ed in marble paper, half a dollar, 'Chariotte, a tale of Truth, IN TWO VOLUMES. By Mrs. ROWSON, of the New Theatre, s PhladeJphia, Author of Vittoria, tliejn » quifitor, the Fille de Cluimbi e, &c. * Of Charlotte> the Reviewers have given the following charaS&r- IT may be a Tale of Truth, H>r it is t not unnatural, -ami it is a talc of real di.i ---5 'tress. Charlotte, by the artifice of a teach* , *ei, recommended to a school, from huma nity rather than a convi&ion of her inte ■ grity, or the regularity of her former con ■ "dust, is enticed from her governed, and a-, f ccompanies a y*ung officer to America.-— Tlie marriage ceremony, if hot forgotten, ■ is postponed, and Charlotte dies a martyr *0 the inconftanpy of the over, and treach ery ot his friend —The titrations are arfc lefs and affe<sting-—the ctefci iptions natu ral and pathetic; we should feel for Char lotte if such a per fan ever existed, who for one error scarcely, perhaps, defervetl so severe a punish nient. If it is a fic tion, poetic justice is not, we think, pro perly dilti ibuted. Said Carey has-jujl puljifhed, A 2 sheet map of Kentucky compiled by E.'ihu Barker, price one dol lar and twop thirds. War Atlas, containing maps of France, Germany, Spa n, Italv, the United Provin ces, the Netherlands, and the Weft; Indies. Price two dollars. Map of New jersey— Half a dollar. Map r . of Vermont, Connecticut, Dela ware, Georgia—Price three eighths of a dollai each. April 29. , tuth&s3w GUTHRIE's GEOGRAPHY Improved. THE fubfeription lo<- this work 011 the original term , of iwelve dollars and the binding, will be doled this day—and on Monday the fub'criftion will open at four teen dollars, exclusive of the price of bind ing. > The new map? added to this edition are twenty one ; anions which are those o New H unpfh'ire, Malfu-hufett*, CoiinefK cut, lUiode.Uland, Vermont, New YovP, New Jersey, PennfyUania, Delawaie, Ma ryland, Virginia, Kentucky, North Cam lina, tile Gcneif. c Government, South Ca rolina, and Georgia. Thele maps have ne ver been given in any former; system of Geography, and, it is hoped,'would alont be fufficient to entitle this work to apre fer»nce to any other edition of Gttrtnie. N B. The map of the United Suites, which is compiling by Mr. Sinuel Lewis, from the refpeftive state will be far more comp'ete than any one yet publith d, and be printed on two large sheet& of paper, neat ly the lize of the late Mr. Mur ray's map. . ' 3' (J. juit Publiihed, By Benjamin Johnson, and fold at his Book/lore, No. 147, Market Jlreet, The Life of Dr. Franklin, with a striking likeness, executed in a niaf terly maimer by Thackara and Vallance, price fivelhillings. The Ready Reckoner, or Traders' Sure Guide, 3yg The Voting Bo * keeper's 6/3 ~ Chriftiun, a poem, by Charles Craw lord, 2/4 Efop's Fable,, 4 JB Swan's British Architect, 37/6 Pame's ditto 3oj Town and Country Builder's Affiflant. "/6 hi the press, and will be publi/hed in a few days, and fold as abfiue, Reflections and Maxims, by William Pcnn, with his advice to his cftil den, 4JB. 16' mo. 2, 1; 9 4. mfew.m Congress of the United States, In Senate, Tuefaay May I yh, 179.).. /"""XRDERED, that Rnfni Puti-ain, Ma- M. "2' fah Cut 'er, Robert Oliver and tjrihinGreen, do, upon the third Monday of December next, fhevr caufo to the Senatr thi'f. v « U ! h ° f th " " rants " f ,a " !l » 'hem the fa,dßuUts Putnam, Manttffali jCv.tier, Griffin G,ee ", [Hirfuant to an Aft entitled " An aft authorizing to thfoh nr CO " VCyanCe lands * ° h l° Company of sffociates," (hall m ,'? ec,3red void, as may intertere wtth aod be fufficient to fatisfy „ te claims „ Fr . ench se ttlers at Gallinpolis. ftl L \ e ' * tl)e tic,iv<rr y of a copv <r h ? °T e or i cr to / ufl " Putnam. Vla nalTah Cutler, Robert Oliver, or Griffin <-rcen, and the publication of the fame Extras from the Journals of Senate. Attest, fray ,4. SA * Vl ' A * OTIS » Secretary. im, FOR SALE, A few BOXES of White Wax CANDLES, 1 Of a moil excellent quality, far fuperio 1 to Spermaceti, and a lmall Quantity of White Wax-. G. COTTRINGER, No. zxi Market street. June 18 3t The Partnerihip of Wood WALKER, & H AYES. Bottlers and Deal ers in Wine, Spiritous L quor<s, &c. is thi day dissolved by mutual coulent: The return their grateful acknowledgements t their cuftoiners for their .part favoi 1, tin continuance of which they folfcit for thei Srtccrffors, GILL '& wholi attention and exertions they have not tin ieaft doubt, will-give faiisfaftion. Th< 1 eqjeft,that all out-Handing Dehts may bt oaid immediately, either ro themftlves 01 10 Gill & Henlhaw who are duly authorize! 1 to receiv.the fame And all persons u whom the laid Firm are indebted, are re quefled to deliver in their accounts imme diately for payme-it. WILLIAM WOOD, EDWARD WALKER, JOSEPH HAYES. Philadelphia, June 17, 1794. mwSrst'f. GILL & HENS HAW, SuccefTors to Wood, Walker, & Hayes, Ha-ve for, sale, at their BOTTLING STOKE, No. 244, South Second-flreet, oppqfite the New-Market■, WINE S, viz. Madeira, ") . . „ Sherry, C P' l '"' Claret' and Port 5 andbottles - - S . . Lilbon, " r i bo±t ' es or Mai ga, Ac. 5 casks " SPIRITOUS LIQUORS, viz. Brandiet, Jamaica Spirts, Well-India and Country Rom, Gin, in Pipes and Cases, &c. ALSO London & Philadelphia Bottled Porter, Beer, and Cyder ; Common and Diiiillesd VIN'EGAR, in hog (heads, barrels, and bv the Gallon. N. B. Captains ef Vefjels supplied with any of the absve articles,, on the JhorteJl notice. ■ ■ *t* The highest price given for EMPTY BOTTLES. i Juoe 17 mw&stf MADEIRA, I SHERRY, | PORT, I WINES of the firftquality LISBON, & | is TENERIFFE J OH Jamai'ca Spirit, Antigua and Weft In dia Rum Coniac, French and Peach Brandies (. aret and Port Wine of a luperior qua- in cases. , Win: Cyder and Vinegar, in pipes and hhds. Corks in Bales,ftavannah Segars in Philadelphia Porter, in Calks and Bottles London do. m do. do. Philadelphia Ale ah<! Beer in do. do. London do. in d >. do. and Cyder :n bairels a d bottles, prepared Tor exportation or 1 mediate ufei FOR SALE BY Benjamin W- JVlorris, The corner of Dock and Pear Jlreets, Where he has provr ed fuitablc (lores and vaults, for the reception of WINES, &c. Which he proposes to ftorc or dispose of on commiilion Caprains of vciFels and others supplied with any of the above LIQUORS bottled* and feaftores in geneal put up. May 9 tu&f*2m Just Published, In one handsome vohime,i 2 mo. Price 5s AND FOR SALE BY JOHN ORMR OD, At Franklin's Head, No. 41, Chefuut Siren, AN ESSAY ON THE Natural Equality of Men, \ On the ixightp that result from it, and on' the Duties which it imposes. To wliich a MEDAL was adjudged, bv the feyleri'an Society at Haarlem. Cor reded and Enlarged, by VY ILLIAM LAWRENCE BROWN, D. J). Profeljor of Moral Philosophy, and the Lavv 01 Nature, and of Ecclesiastical Hiftoi-y ; and Minister of the Enalilh Chui ch at Utrecht. .-.liquid temper ad cotnmuncni utilitatem alferpidnm. Cicero. T J " e F"jl American Edition. HEgrand principle of Equality, if rigjftly underllood, i 3 the only 'basis OB which univerlal justice, sacred order, m, perfea Ireedom, can be firmlybuilt, i»d permanently fecuted. The viesv of It exhibited in this eflay, at,the fame lime thai ,t reprefles the infolc-nce of office, the tyfanny „< pride, and the outrages of oppteffion ; Co,;-, », in the most ( > cjble a a ne " ffity of subordination, and the just demands of lawful authority. off! I , ' f ' oni loofeni "g the bands ocety, that it maintains inviolate, e- V natutal and every civil diftinft'on draws more c!o ely every (hcial tie, unites fvflJm JnTh""' and Proportioned eveht'i , men on the 8' ound 0 f the inherent 1 ightj of Im mannaute, of reciprocal obligation, ,n d ol common re ] atiol) to the CoJamunitv March ,8 - tuts The Public are cautioned to beware of counterfeited Five Dollar Bill of the Bank of the United States J'l Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of Norfl r America, federal of which have appeared*, m circulation within a few days past -the are good general imitation of fhe\rl„„; ■" fol'ing"' d,Ji '" SU^hcd b theft MARKS. Five Dollar Bills of the Bank of a, United Stales. ALL thai have appeared have Hip , F. fotheir Alphabetical Mark! " er The Texture of the Paper i s thicker , , , winter and it take, the ink mure ft £j than the genuine paper. ' The O. in the w,„d Company i s r mal ,„ ; than the M. and other letter, ot , hdl Wo " , so that a line extended from ,h» nf ' O, to touch the top the M would extend ' ""'J thC ra " 8e oflhe w 'iole 1 In the word United the letter, are „ ar ' Ue V b[ll 0f " together than the| cft of The i and / in the word promise are not parallel, the/incl,„, D g niuch than the;. rJ The engraving j s badly executed ,k J ft okes of all the Letters are stronger' he dev. e'Hthe.nargr, coa.fer and appears darker ,han in ,I,^, Mils. Some ot the coun ( e.f!,ts bear da.eia '; 9 ,-Where., lhe Bank was not in oner tian tiH December, and no five clo Jbifo were lilurfl in ihatvar. Twenty Dollar Bills of the Bank of North America. ALL that have appealed have the letter B. for their alphabetical mark. They are Panted on a paper nearly fimi. ar to that ot t |, e coomeifrit Five Dollar Notes above described; the enpraviiw i, bate-executed, and they approach neater " of the genuine bills. J he Tine ruled lines through the word -lr-cnty, in the tw.dy of die bill, are in num. ber th rteen in the genuine b lis, and but i\yclve in the counterfeits. The woitl Company is much like the fame word in the Five Dollar Bills as described , above, the o being less than the n, and o tners following. There is no stroke to [the t in the word North whe "eta in tlie genuine bills theftroke is well defined. The letters ent in the word Twenty, to flic left hand at the do noi come down so tile line, but are To cut as to give an irregular appearance to the word, the Tw and the_y below them. )Thc signature | Nixon, has the appear ance of being written With lamb-black and <»'l> and differs from other inks used in printing the bills and the cafhiei's signa ture. It is supposed these forgeries were commit ted in some of the Southern Stales, a- all the oumerfeits thai appeared, have come from thencc, and two perfohs have been ap prehended in Virginia,on suspicion of being ihe author,of them. The reward of !ONE THOUSAND 1)01* LARS win be paid to any Pei/on or Perfoni who shall discover and profccute to convic ti'on the leveial offenders of the following _or any of them, viz. T he perlon or persons* wh6 manufactur ed the paper on which the Bills are printed. The per'on or peifons, who engraved the plates. The primer or printers, of the bills. Evcr.y per fun who has afled as a principal •nanycihei way, in the counterfeiting k aud uttering the said bills. Philadelphia, March 28. ■« 794 April 2s, 1794, Other counterfeit bills of the Bank of the United States have ap peared in circulation. The denomination is of TWENTY DOLLARS,- and the alphabetical mark ii the letter B. They may b< diftingpifhed frofti the ge« nuine by the following MARKS : The paper of the counterfeits is of a more render texture and glofley fur face than the genuine, and there is no water mark in them. The letter C. in the word Cashier, in he true bills is fl;rongiy marked, whereas in the counterfeits, the whole letter is a fine hair stroke, evidently in an unfinifhed ltate. The letter a in the woid is badly formejj and the whole word ill done and there is no comma at theend of it, as there is in the genuine bills. The marginal device, is much darkef in the falfe, than in the genuine hills ow ing to the shade strokes being coarser, much '>earer together, and confequeutly much more numerous. This difference fh ikes the eye at firft view. The fame reward of ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS, wilj be paid for apprehending, & prosecuting to conviction the several above described Offenders in re spelt to this, as to the last described bills. THOMAS WILLING, Pfefideot of the Bank United Suits. JOHN NIXON, Pcefident of the Bank of North America. By order of t lie Committees of the Rcf oeftive Boards. _ FOR SALE, BY MATHEW CAREY, No. n8» Mai ket-Strcct, An EfTay on Slavery, Designed to exhibit in a now point <>f view its eftV&s on morals, indujiry, and the peace of focicty. Some fa&s and calculation* <re offered to prove the labor of jreemen to be much more produflivc than that of J» | 1 hat countries are richj powerful and heppy# n proportion as the laboring people enjoy I the fruits of their own labor; and y ex \ c f t the nt"Otffary ronclufion, that slavery is impoltd : tic»s well as unjujl. Pa ice 25 Cent 6. February 15. dtr rHE office of the President and D' re(^OJf *>(the insurance Company of N ORT * America, is removed to No. iO7» Sout» Front ftreer, being the south ejaft torncrw Front and Walnut flreets.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers