DAILY EVE NING advertiser. • » ■'■■■■ — — " [No. 8 of Vol. Vl.] Friday, June 20, 1794. [Whole No. 558.] LANDING jii Wain's •wharf, from on board the Brig Sufjnnah, llfm. Foulii Majhr, fr.iai Tenerije. - 80 P I P E S Teneriffe Cargo WINE, 53 Hos»rtie*ds do. do. 250 Oiiarie- Casks do. do. 10 H-njibeads India Market do. I3D Qp.irte;C Calks d'>. do. i£X> da. do. London particular, do. For Sale by PETER KUHN. Jone 14- , 6t. AMAICA RUM, * LANDING at Hamilton's wharf, ahove e the Pt»wi>riri|»e, out of the (hip Bacchus { Crpt Vakntm s.v, fiom JaMaica, e FOR SALE Br PETER BLIGHT. May 16 d ~~S~ HOES. A qumtitv of stout well made Men f [se SHO£S f adapted lor the Southern mar 3 Lei.ttxfalc at " No. 36, North Third Jircet. M»y 6 mw&fiot TUITION. WILLIAM FINCH of the New Tliea- f trr, (v.-g*feave to inform his Friends and j the Pablie, that he has removed from the a enrner of Eighth and Arch (treats to No. £ |8, north Eighth between Arch and Rate faeerj, ami chat he continues to give lu ll:! ofltoitsiu the Fretich ai d Engiilh Lan ga.j»es as afual, as also the Claflics. He lakejthisopportunity of expiefOng his ac- i knowtertgements for the very liberal en cn-agement he has cxperienred, a conti nuation of which he begs leave to solicit. N. B. TranlLitions from either languages caricctly executed. To be Let, Far Merchants Compting Houses or Public Offices, Two brick 3 story Houses, e HAVING 6 loonis m each, wi. h ftre plac-s p beside garrcts,fuuate 011 the south wetterly fide of Dock ill ei, between Pear and Walnut » precis. Enquire of BENJAMIN n\ MORRIS. April 17. ruth&stf STATE of SOUTH-CAROLINA la the Hoitfe cf Representatives, December 21ft, 1793. WHEREAS the CommiHioners of pub lic Accocnts,h«)Vc reported,*hat they cannot proceed to the ifovefligatiori of the Tre*fury Accounts, refjic&ing special In dents, without knowing the oulftanding a raoont '.hereof in ciiculation :-^*Therefore, Rtjtfvtd, That all holders of special In «?*r»ts be diretted, and required; on or before i}>c fiitl day of November next, to deliver the t f eial Indents in the'.r pofTcflion to one 01 £ o?l*er ofr the CommifConeis of the Treasury, r who are to give receipts for the fame, and to v ief><rtto the Commillioners on public ac- c coii-us, on or before the tenth day of Nov ember next, the amount by thena refpe&ive ly received, and also to the Legislature, at tfieir meeting in November next, and that ail special Indents not rendered into the Treasury as above, on or before the firll day of November next, (hall be, and the fame are lieiehy barred. Rijoived, That public notice of ibis refolu troa be given in the several Gazettes 111 this •Slate, once every three weeks, until the firll day of November next. And that the Dele gates of this State in the Congress of th« Uni ted States, be rrqueftcd to cause this rclolu »ion to be published in one or more papeis - in the cities of Philadelphia and New-York, j and thar provision will be made for the ex- 2 pences attending' such publication. Ordered, That the refoluiion be sent to . the Senate for their concurrence. • By order of the House, JOHN SANFORD DART, C.H.R. In the SENATE, December 21ft,1793. Refolvrd, That this House do concur with tht Houle of Representatives in the forego ing refoluiions. Ordered, That the resolutions be sent to the House of Representatives. by order of the Senate, FELIX WARLEY ,Clerk. ew*}Jov. NANKEENS. Nankeens of Superior Quality, for sale at No. 40, north Fifth Street. April ax. mw&ftf The Partnership of JONES, HOFF, and DERRICK, of this | city, Printers, having dissolved on the 2ath day ot May last, all persons having any demands on the ("aid firm are hereby reques ted tu preieut their claims for fejtlement, a:»d all those who are indebted, to make payment to the Subscriber, at No. 8, north Fifth <1 eef, who is duly authorised to ad j.utt the conccrns of the partnership. JOHN HOFF. .Wn« FOR SALE, At the STORES of jefle 8c Robert Wain, PORT WINE in pipes, hhds. and quar ter casks LISBON do.in p'pes nnd quarier casks Souchong and Congo TEAS, in quarter chests A quantity of Lilbon and CajJiz SALT Soft Jlieiled ALMONDS in bales Velvet CORKS, in do. Kuffia MATTS. June 9 d ■—11■* ■ 1 1 ■ All perfens who have any de mancts upon the New Theatre, are request ed to fend in their accounts to No. 2C>4» in Arch if reft r, near Eighth street, as foc« at eonveniant. WIGNELL & REIN \GLE. May dtf. It is Requested, THAT no person will fupp!y any articles for the use of the New Theatre, without aq order in writing, signed by ourlelves, or Samuel Ancle rfi»n, for us. WIGNELL & REINAGLE. May 30. dti". Advertisement. THE lelations of Mr Thomas Curtis, formerly of Ellicoti's Upper Mills, ami ' lately of the City of Walhington. deceal'ed, ; aredefired to apply and have his affairs let tied. City of Walhington, April «2, 1764. M. 5 ni&th4w • Scheme of a Lottery, To raise 39,900 Doli/trs, on 266,000 Dollars, deducting 15 per Cent, from i the Prizes—this Lottery conjif.s oj 38,000 Tickets, in which there are 14,539 Prices and 23,461 Blanks, being about one and an half Blanh to a Prize. THE Directors of the Society for eftabiifh ing Ufeful Manufa&ures, having lefolv ed to ere£t LOTTERIES for railing One ' Hundkf.dT housand Dollars, agreeably to an Aft of the Leg fl rurc ot the Sr-nr ot " New-Je»ley, appointed the foHowirig perfon f s to superintend ai d direst the draw ing of the fame, viz. Nicholas Low. Ruins King, Herman Rdy, Watfon t ~ Richard Abijah Hammond, and Cornelius Ray, of the city of New-Y-oik— r Thomas Willing, Joseph Ball, Matthew M*- Connel and Andrew Bayard, of the city of Philadelphia—His Excellency Richard How ell, Esq. Elias Boudinot, General Elias Day ton, jam » Parker, John Ka\ar<l, Doctor Lewis Douham, Samuel W. Stockton, Joshua M. Wallace, Joseph Bloomfield, and Elilha Boudinot, of Ncw-Jerfey, otter the following Scheme of a Lottery, and pledge themselves. to the public, that they will take every and precaution in their power to have the Monies paid by the Managers, from time to time, as received, into the Banks at New-York and Philadelphia, to » remain for the purpolc ot paving Priji s, 1 which shall be immediately by a check, upon one of the Banks. SCHEME: 1 Prize of 20,000 Dollars is 20,000 1 10.000 10,000 2 5,000 io,aoo 5 2,000 10,000 10 I,GOO 10,000 to 500 I^jOOO 100 10,000 ? 3°° po 15,c00 J 000 20 * 20,000 2000 15 30,000 3°°° 1 a 36,000 8100 jo 81,000 s ' *4»539 Pnzcs- 262,000 23,461 Blanks. First drawn number, 2,000 |.aftdrawn number, 2,000 5 , 38,000 at 7 Dollars each is 266,000 The drawing will commence, under the infpeftion of a Committee of the Superin tendants, as soon as the Tickets are fold, of which timely notice will be given. n The Superiotendants have appointed John N. Cumming, of Newark, Jacob R.. Har denberg, of New-Brunfwick, and Jonathan d Rhea, of Trenton, as immediate Managers thereof, who have given ample fecuiity for Jifcharging the trust reposed in them. (pf" In order to secure the purtduvl pay ment of the Prizes, the SuperiniendaMs of the Lottery have directed that the Managers shall eacfi enter into bonds in 4c,000 dollars, with four fuEficient fecuritirs, to perfonn their inffru6lions, the substance of which is I. That whenever either of the Managers ? shall receive the sum of Three Hundred lars, he shall imnidiatcly place the fame in one of the Banks of New-York ot Philadel phia, to the cieditof the Governor of the Society, and such of the Supenntendants as live in the city where the monies are placed, C to remain there nntil the Lottery is drawn, for the paymnt of the Prizes. s 11. The Managers to take fufficient fe li curity for any Tickets they may trust, orftfr y wife to be refponuble for them. 111. To keep regular bo c Ws of Tickets t fold, Monies received and paid into the ? Bank, abftra&s of which shall be sent, 1 monihly, 10 the Governor of the Society. Paterfon, January 1, 1794. On application to either of the abdve gen tlemen, information will be given where tickets may be had. February 24. tu&ftf. For_AMSTERDAM, Gardner Hammond. - Mafier. TO foil with all convenient fp ed, hav ing two third* of her carg.> already engag ed. For freight or passage apply to laid r on board at Kuileil's or «be lubfcriber, JOHN DONNALDSON. June 10. 4 > jjfl^ 1 SCHUYLKILL, Francis Knox, Mailer. LYING at Morton's, wharf, and to fail in a few days. She is a new veffil, ca!cu l-itej to accommodate pallengers, and will take some freight. For te.ms of which or paflage, apply to Captain Knox, or WHARTON & GREETES. June 10 61 Wanted Immediately Of the Burthen of from to 150 Tons, to go to ***Georgia, antl load With Live Oak and Cedar 1 for thi« City —Apply *o S. \V. at No. 28, Arch street. June 16 *4r . FOR HAMBURG, I.AVT IV At.TfRSTtP. TT, J^^^ WI LUAM WATERS, WILL fail in the course of a few days, for freight or passage, apply to the Captain on beard, at the fubferibers wharf, or to JOSEPH SIMS. June 12. d6t. For Hamburgh, The new Ship O 1 A R, John Vanneman, Master. *1 O tail wuh ail convenient fi>ee#l, having three fourth? of her cargo already engaged. For fraight or passage apply t» tlie iiiaftef on b< ard, or THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. June 3. d WANTED By the SUBSCRIBER, topvrchafe A stout and fact failing or Schooner, Fit for a constant tiarie with Qime part of the GULF of MEXICO. To CHARTER, For lome Southern Port ot Europe, A fall failing Brig, Of aboui 120 rons. Louis Ofmont, No» 117, north Second Jircet. Who as nowoll hand for sale, A few Packages remaining of hisj importa tions this Spring, confiding of Irilh Dowlas, Baftas, Sattins, Feathers and Flowers, Black Lace Looking Gl«lfes, framed. ALSO A few Chests of Hyson Tea, Burgundy Wine »nd Claret in cases, Madei ra Wine, Spermaceti Candles. , June 16 d^t Wanted to Charter, will carry 600 or 1000 barrels for Madeira, load here immediately. Alfoavfffelof Bto 10,000 bulhels,to load 1 in the. Chesapeake. Apply to PETER BLIGHT. , J""e 17 diot For Sale or Charter, To any part of the Con tinent or lbs IVcJI Ind'its, INDUSTRY, OF about 55a or 600 barrels burthen ; a fine strong vessel, and now ready to take is a cargo. For terms apply to the Cap tain on board at Walnut street wharf, or to THOMAS & JOHN KETLAND. June 17 d —— — * — THE BRIGANTINE Captain Knox, BOUND to St. Croix, will touch at St. Euftatms, to accommodate airy passengers who may wilh to be landed there. She will fail on Saturday morning next. Apply to WHARTON & GREEVES. June 19. '1 • ' k •• • ••• For MADEIRA, The. Ship CATHARINE, Capt. M'Collom i O tail directly. A few barrels will be taken on freight, if speedy application i» made. Apply to PETER BLIGHT, Or JOHN CRAIG-. The Owner of the Catharine begs to in form the gentlemen, importers from Ma deira, the Catharine*returns directly to this port, and will take freight On mode rate terms. June 19 daw Carolina Rice and Indigo, BAY MAHOGANY and FRENCH BURR STONES, FOR SALE BY Gurney and Smith. May 14.- <1 1 ADVERTISEMENT. LETTERS on the fubjedl of the Wafli- I ington Lottery, being by mistake repeat edly addreffedto the Comraiffioners for the City of Walhington. < Persons concerned are bereby informed, that all such Ihould be addreifed either to ' W. D«aKuis jitn.of Washington, or to the Subscriber. The commissioners never hav-' : ing contemplated any further concern in this business, than in their assent to receive the bonds and approve the name 6 of the managers. The prizes have been paid and are paying on demand by W. Deakins, ( Walhington, Peter Oilman, Boston, and by the Subicriher. For the Lottery No. 1, the securities al ready given will be retained by the com nih'iioners, or transferred by them at their J option to the bank of Columbia ; and the commifTioners will be consulted refpedting 1 a judicious and equitable disposition of the | houses to be built thereby ; tfiqir treasury er the bank of Columbia will receive the money intended for the National Univer- 1 fity, and they will be consulted in the no mination of the 24 managers ; but all the responsibility relpe<fljng the general dispo sition of the tickets, and payment of pri zes, will rell as in the Hotel Lottery, on the persons whose names are and may he hereafter published as affifUnts to forward . thisbufmefs with S. BLODGET. N. B. Mr. riodget will be particularly obliged if thole persons who possess prizes yet nr.paid, will apply for their money as , early as possible. June 7th. d. Richard Johns J In the Chancery Court •v of the John Hells r.rd I State of Maryland, Mordecai Cole. J May lUh 1794 1 The Complainant hath fil ed his bill, fur the purpose of obtaining a 1 decree, to veil in him a complete legal title to two tracts of land, lying' in Baltimore com ry, one called Painters-Levcl; con- ' twining 100 acre?, the other called Profpeift contain. 51 acres He (latesjthat the (aid ' John W«Us ou the 16th day of Mjrch 1774 contrasted to fell the said land to the fa d Mordecai Cole, to him p bond for conveyance,that the said Colej on the fame day, executed to the said Wells a bond for the pavment of the purchafc money amOun tir,gto/67J Pennfylvanij that the said Cole hath fine: difoha'rged the whole of the purchase money, and hath afligned to the complainant the said bond for con veyance; that the laid Wells hath never executed a deed ; agreeably to his contract but haili remo«ed out of the (late of Mary land, and now resides in {he fUte of Ken tucky. It is thereupon, and at thereqneft of the complainant, adjudged, and ordered, that he procure a copy of'tliis order to be infert dat least fix weeks fucce(lively, before thefirft day of Augiift nexr, in the United States Gazette at Philadelphia, to the in. teut, that the said John Wells may have no tice of the complainant's application to this court, and may be warned to appear here, on orbefo e the firft Tuesday in Oc tobcrnext, to fliew cause wherefore this court (h.uid not proved to decree, agr.e aHy tothe |.raver o f the complainant, and to the aft of assembly, for such cases made and provided. Test, Samuel Harvey Howard. ■ Keg. Cur. Can. J une '3 mw&fflw Excellent CLARET, In hogsheads and in cafei of bottles each A 1. SO, A few cases wine • . MADEIRA, In pipei, bog (beads and quarter cask-, fOR SALE BT JOHN VAUGHAN, No. ixi, South Front street Jan. 2, 1794. # dtf > — ■ 1 1 ' » Medical Books. JUST PUBLIBHE&, f, Bj Thomas Dobfon y at the Stone foulh Sect} dJlreet, VOL. 11. Medical Inquiries OBSERVATIONS. By BENJAMIN RUSH, M. D- Prote/far of «he Inilitutes of Medicine, and of Clinical Practice in the Unit c *" d filydf pLnnfylvania. CONTAIIt XIfC J. An inquiry 19to the influence of J)hyficel caufcs upon the moral faculty. 2. An inquiiy iuto the cfFifts of fpiritous li quors npon the human body, and their in fluence upon the Kjppinefs of society. 3. An inquiry in»o the causes airti cure of the pu'.raonaty consumption. 4. Obfet visions on the fjmpiurnsand cure «f dropsies. 5. An Inquiry into the causes and the cure of internal diopfy of the brain. 6. An account of the ifieafles, as they ap peared ig Philadelphia, in the year 1789* 7. An account of the influenza, a$ it appear ed in Philadelphia in the years 1789,i79°» and 179*. — 8. An inquiry into the causes of the ipomfe of biliou; and remitting fevers, fp Peni.- fylvania. 9. An inquiry into the causes apd cure of fore 1 <gs -10. An account of the state of the body a«4 mmd in old age, with observations upon its difeafts and their refnedies. Price one dollar and a quarter unbound, or one dollar and a half neatly bound. Medical Trarifa&ions OF THE College of Physicians of Philadelphia; VOL. I.—P A R T I. Price ont dellar in boards. A Treatise on the Diseases of Children. With general direflions fpr \he management of Infants from' the birth, adapted for •hcutof pliyficlansand priyat? families. By Michael UnderwOodj M. D. Licentiate of Midwifery ift the Royal Col* lege of Phyftciafo, in London; 'and Phyficiari of, the Britifli Lymg-in-Hofpital; Price bfle Dollar; This is acknowledged to be the h*ft bool which has been published on the lubjefl, anft is calculated for the use of parrn-s. nurses and private families,' as well a* for physicians —The two volumes handforoely printed in one, and the piice btily about <j ne t hird of what the imported copies fell for. The Edinburgh New D'ifpenfatory two dollars. " Syftcm of Surgery; extrafled from the works of Benjamin Bell, by Dr. Wateu s dols. 50 cents. . ' Syfteni of Anatomy, extrsfled from thp Encyclopaedia, with 1 t dols. , Syflenijof Chemiflry, extraflid from the Encyclopedia, exhibiting a view of thepro grefs of the fciencee, and the different fyftemj Which h«ve betti published, 2 dols. 50 cent. Brown's fleihehts of Medicine, 2 doll 67 cents. 0. tootf o * as th* Prrfi, An edition of the Medical and PhilofdphL cal Commentaries of Edinburgh. Two v») uttics aft piintrd wi onett s dollars and cents per volume; he ha. nearly finifhed the hvr fir A v-lumes, which contain the firft ten »olumcs cf the Eufoptan edition, which fell for twodollarieach. Ni„ e voluinei wl „ elude eighteen European volumes, which w ill bnog the publication up to the prefeut time. r Likeivl/i for sale a considerable number cf Medical Books, "viz. CUlen'i Prattler, Materia Mrdica, Phyfi. ology, and Synopfi... 6 vols, or 4 vol., do on Ulcers, Buchan's Domestic Medicine, Ledran's Surgery, CUefeldeit*. A netomy Hunter on the Venereal, Swedeea ver on do Rollo on Weft India jtMealc, , R'gby 01. Uterine Hemorrhage, Hamilton', outlines of the theory and praflice of Mid wifery, with or wnhout plates 1 do. on the management of Female complaint,. Me.fe on Hydrophobia, &c. &c. March 5. The Ground Plan QF THE City and Suburbs or PHILADELPHIA. TAKEN FROM /JCTVAZ SURVFY. IT is with pfeafure that the publi/hJr ha, to inform his tubfenber, and the pi! l,i ie " that the plate is now J der hands of the engraver, and i n grealer f ward 11 fs than « s at firft contemplated. At the fame time he beg, leave , n r ™ a them, th t fubfciipt,on paper, areftill'o pen at rnoftof the noted booit-ftore, the C S : 3nd th =t he hopes from the whole of them *°l,e envied t.,f'„ m (l , ch a peftablecaialogae of names, as will d„ , rltro 1 K? WOrk ' " <Ve " 25 a ff<" d a reasonable encouragement to the undet- Those who are defiroas of further i„f or . matton are requefled to cail on Benjamin Davies, No. 68, Market street. n&thtf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers