mm mmmtt. Hrr A Parsons, Jr., r.Jllor THURSDAY, DEC, 1, 1882. tiSTKRED AT THR PoRT-OKFU'E AT RtnowAY, Pa., AS bkcond ci..nn HAIL MATTER. In sofne parts of Bpaln where" (n.t Irr Is n fare nrticlc f merchandise It is sold not by the pound but by ihc j-ard. It Is brought from the moun tain districts In sheep's Intestines, like snuwages that are "tfed off" with string In lengths w required by the buyer. - The sfory if the little mt boy In Boston falling liclr to a fortuue of two millions by the death of a qu'cr old uncle In Australia, turns out tn be more Action than truth. The story had Its origin in the rich ancle giving directions that the! boy should be cdu eated at his expense. Postal Reform. THE OOVEKNMENT ADOPTS LETTER SHEET, ENVELOPE AND STAMP. A Washington special utvifcr date of November 22, gives iu detail a new arrangement entered into by the Postmaster General, whereby a great change will be brought about In the matter of business correspondence This was In the conclusion of neon- tract with Mr. Leo Ehrlich, of St Louis, for the use of his recent ingrni us invention of tt combination letter sheet envelope. The contract ww signed to-day. By the middle of January the Ehrlich invention will be on sale at the principal postofftces fn the country, iu the shape of a letter sheet and envelope and stamp, all for three cents, and a circular letter, and stattp, for one cent, added to the cost of the paper. The unstamped article will find its way iuto the public market through the stationery world. This is a return t the simplicity of correspondence, as it was before en velopes were invented, without re turning to the d Wad vantages of sen 1 Ing wax, tapers and wafers. The single letter sheet is maftufaetared With gummed fl.-ips, which, when the sheet is folded, lap over twoopen edges and secures the missive. The Govern nient stamp is to be embossed on oue f these flaps which comes over like the flap of an envelope, and the whole tiling is licked, stamped and scaled with the same motion. This brings the stamp where the old wafer and seal used to he, instead of being ou tlie upper riht hand corner as at present. A OftKAT SAVING. The postmaster will uot be coin pelted to apply the cancelation stamp, as the letter cannot be opened nor the embossed stamp removed without des troy ing the stamp. While the whole arrangement looks like a neat trick, the principal udvantuge is its cheap ness, both to the Government and to the business public. To the man who writes his communication on one side of the wheel, as most business men do, it will be a saving f 50 per cent, in time and expense. To the Govern ment it will be equally advantageous. It will cost, but u trifle more than an ordinary envelope, and in general use -will save,- it is alleged, half the present weight ofthe letter mails. 1 be contract wirh the inventor pro vides that the stamped article shall be manufactured under the supervision of the Government stamped envelope agents at Hartford and New York ; that the Government is to take no risk of the public demand and re ceive no profit from such deniund-only by (lie convenience and advantage in handling. Those that are to- be put on sale at the stamp windows will be o:' the denominations of &, 2 and V cent. ' The letter or circular form, being minus the end flap, or open. ADVANTAOF.H OF THE INVENTION. The patent letter sbeet will be sol J at a price ranging from $2 to $1 per 1,000, according to the quality of paper used. The contractor retains his right as patentee, the Government merely set i rig as his agent and making re turns of sales to him every 90 days for the use of his scheme. Every facility for their sale Is to be offered as is now o tie red in sale of stamps and stamped envelopes. The importance of this Innovation on the future of the postal department, will depend wholly on the favor and prejudices of the general public. If the department should carry out its design to sell stamped envelopes at the price of the stamp as recommended by the Postmaster General, the law will carry this invention with it and the public can have a letter and stamped envelope for three cents in ene. It would seem to be if severe blow to the stamped envelope busi ness and to be an important factor in hurrying up cheap postage. The Government, It should be ad Jed, loses nothing in cae of spoiled sheets, hav ing reserved-the right of cancelation. T. P Dukehart, 6upt of B. A O. R. R. Co.' Hotels (Conductor on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad for 28 years.and previously a Druggist,) writes: Cumberland, Md., Deo 17, 1881 : I have used but oue bot tle of Peru na between myself and son. He had Diphtheretlo Sore Throat and te now well. As for myself it has en tirely relieved the dullness in my head, which has been of longstanding the result of Chronic Malaria. I ever took anything in my life that gave me such great satisfaction.- My wife is now taking Hals."" Ask your Druggls for ttie "Ille of Life," and low to eune them a book. George Rudy, Wrlgbtavllle, Pa., ays; "Brown'a Iron Bitters relieved ut tt I waa bloated with dropsy." TRUE Temperance Is not signing" ft" pledge or taking 8 solemn Oath that cannot be kept, because of the non-removal of the cause liquor. The way to make a man temperate is to kill the-desire for those dreadful artificial stimulants that car ry so many bright intellects to premature graves, and desolation, strife and url happiness into so many families., , Itbafactl BtowN'tlROH BrtTM J, a true non-aleohol-k tonic, made in Baltimore. Md.,by the Brown Chemical Company, who art old drug trisU and in every particu lar reliable, will, by remov ing the craving appetite of the drunkard, and ly curing the nervousness, weakpes, and general ill health result ing from intemperance, do more to promote temperance, in the strictest sense then any other means now known. It is a well authenticated fact that many medicines, especially ' bitters,' are noth ing but cheap whiskey vilely concocted for use in local option countries. Such is not the case with Brown's I ron Bitters. It is a medi cine, a cure for weakness and decay in the nervous, muscular, and digestive or gans of the body, produc ing good, rich blood, health and strength. Try one bot tle. Price $1.00. THE SUN. NEW YORK, 1883. More people have read The Sun during the year just now passing than ever before since it was first printed. No other newspaper published on this side of the earth has been bought and read iu any year by so many men and women. Wo are credibly informed that people buy, read, and like The Sun for the following reasons, among others: Because Its news columns present In attractive form and with the great est possible accuracy whatever has in terest for humankind; the event, the deeds and misdeeds, the wUdom, the philosophy, the notable folly, thesolid sense, the improving nonseuse all the news of the busiest world at present revolving in space. Because people have learned that in its remarks concerning persons and af fairs The iSun makes a practice of tell ing them the exact truth to the be-t of its ability three hundred and sixty live days in the year, before election as after, about the whales as well as about the small tisli, in the face of dis sent as plainly and fearlessly as when supportxl by general approval. The Sun has absolutely no purposes to serve, save the information of its readers and the furtherance of the common good. lieeause it is everybody's newspaper. No man is so humole that The Sun is indifferent to his welfare and his rights. No man is so rich that it can allow injustice lo be done him. No man, no association of men, is power ful enough to exempt from the strict application of its principles of right ami wrong. Because iu politics it has fought for a dozen yxnrs, without intermission and sometimes almost alone among newspapers, the light that has resulted In the recent overwhelming popular verdict against Hobesonism and for honest government. No matter what party is in power, The Sun stands and will continue tn stand like a rock for the Interests of the people against the ambition of bosses, the encroachments of monopolists, and the dishonest schemes of public robbers. AH this is what we are told almost daily by our friends One mail holds that The Sun is the best religious newspaper ever published, because its Christianity is undiluted with cant. Another holds that it is the best Re publican newspaper printed, because it has already whipped half of the rascals out of that party, and is pro ceeding against the other half with undiminished vigor. A third believes it to be the best magazine of general literature In existence, because its readers miss nothing worthy of notice that is current iu the world of thought. So every friend of The Sun discovers one of its many sides that appeals with particular force to bis individual liking. If you already know The Sun, you will observe that 1883 it is a little bet ter than ever before. If you do not already know The Sun, you will lind it to be a mirror of all human activity, a storehouse of the choicest products of common sense and imagination, a mainstay for the cause of honest gov ernment, a sentinel for genuine Jef fersonian Democracy, a scourage for wickedness of every species, and an uncommonly good investment for the coming year. Terms to Mail Subscribers. The several editions of The Sun are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows: Daily 55 cents a month, (4.50 a year: with Sunday edition, $7.70. Weekly $1 a year. Eight pages of the best matter of the daily Issues; an Agricultural Department of unequal led merit, market reports, and literary, scientiflce. and domestic intelligence make The Weekly Bun the newspaper tor tne farmers nousenom. to ciuos of ten wita (10, an extra copy fre,e. Address J. W.-ENGLAND, Publisher, The Bun, N. Y. City. NOTICE. Whereas my wife Mary left my bed and board without just cause or provo cations on Saturday evening, Nov. 2. The public are hereby notified not to harbor her or trust her on my account as I will not after this date pay any debts of ber contraotlug. David Akerlev, Rolfe, Pa-, Nov. 80, 1882, 1 or or any other day. I am now receiving the most complete assort ment of goods suitable for the Holiday trade. Vases, China Toys, Cups, &c, CHINA 11 ii Chamber Sets,! FANCY LAMPS, Splendid Assortment, Hand Sledsy Great Yariety Roger Bros Plated KniYes7 Forks and Spoons MERIDEN BRITTANA CO'S SILVER WARE an elegant assortment will be in store for CHRISTMAS. Do not make your purchases until you sec it. STOVES A 3XHOTVTO HALL I3XJILXITVO, GWAY, PRINCIPAUUNE He bUOBTEST, QLlLKtST and And llvefrjjsBEST Una to St. Jctcph, polnn In lowvxSAtchlwn, Topclt. Dtnl KebrukOI Iwourl, KftuJCga-Kii, IMUu, Gl- , New Mexico, Arizona, Muo&i?g Tenon, tana and Texiit. icr OHIOAOO Jhia itoute hat uo tuprlor for Albert Universal Lea, Minneapolis and St. Paul. V.lintiallw n.nittoA mm ly conceded to iSiS" belnit ilia Craal he tu. beat .quippt -UaGh'c Kallroad In the World for Af"" Lin KANSAS CITY Ail connections made S f In I'nloo vA Depots. jySy Through QVf Ss$yr Trym Tickets via thilvT XyViij you wilt Celebrated Line t"S(nc "nd trvellns" sale at all offices 'S'V 'uxurr' Instead .he U. 8. tu,y'y. ot dl Canada. 1CW AllSJoiV comfort. Informations fi about Kates of Z'A Fare. 61eepii:g Cars, etc . rhTrfn'lr aireo I T. i POTTER. PERCEVAL LOWELL, Id Vic4 iVat! e Gen't Manager, am. Pan. Agt Chicago. 111. Chicago, IU. Wo continuo to act asaolicitors for Ta tents. caveat3. trade-marks, copyrights, etc, for the United States, and to obtain put- V cuts ia vaiiBUB, .ii.iju, iimiJk 3 Germany, and all otiior countries. aaBBBaaad ThiWy-aix years' practice la charge for examination of modela or draw. ukb. Aanoe oy man ires. Patents obtained through tis aro noticod in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which haa the largest circulation, and is the most influ ential newspaper of its kind published iu the world. The advantagesofsuchanoticeevery patentee)- understands. This las and splendidly lllnstratod news fa ncr is published WKKKLV at f 3.20 a year. (iQdis admitted to be the best paper devoted to Beienoe, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress; published In any oonntry. Biiiglo eopiaa by maul, 10 oeuta. Sold by all news dealers. Address, Mann' St Co., publishers of Scien yfio American. 361 Broadway, New York. Haudhni'c r.brmt patonts mailed free. The most coni lete Inetitution In the United States for the thorough jiractl tal education of young and tniddlu aged men. Enter at any time. jfeS"For circulars giving full partlcu 'ars, adrcHS J. U. SMITH, A.M., lUthburgl, Pa. CHRISTMAS TEA sm ii . oY s7T s1? No. lit FIFTH AVKNCB, IMTTNIItTIlGII, IA. To Import n PRACTICAL BUHIN'KSS EDUCATION hag for mnny years andlwlth grent succenfi been theHlm f DutPg rollfire. The I'Hlthlul RtuiW'nt Iidh here fttcllltipi for such a training as will qualify him for an tmmeclliite pniranee upon plnclirHl duties tn any Hphere of life. For circular", address I. DUFK SUNS, Pittsburgh, Pa. tru-Vvvr'H Hooklkei'inq. pupllsheil by Harper Urns., printed In colors, 400 paces. The largest work on the science published. A work lor bankers, railroads, businessmen and practical accountants. Price SUM) Huy tlio Celenrate4 YALE & JUBILEE OANS. The Best, Most Celebrated, Purest Tone, Host Durable, Most Simple, Most Perfect Okoah in the world. Send for circular. NEW HAVEN 0E.GAIJ CO., , New Haven, Conn. Birthday cards, a beautiful variety at The Advocate office No. 6 Bhanty row. L aJlfcflrP Infill (S3 ti ? a to a Ms E- 3 5 n ' ?1 'ri'St.--'"! I ef l -pit B-p'Hi W fii cole ea Bt 5 Sing & 1 M b s S s o ? J ti cm PUio,us at Mils office. FOR LITTLE GIRLS. eautifu 4 CIA S. SERVICE, AGENT cat Business Cards. " HixxTirii'c AU LEY fBT ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v32t GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORXEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa Particular attention given to ths examination of titles, also to paten and patent cases. jTsTbardwell, PHYSICIAN AND SURQSON. Over twenty-five years practice. Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., opposite the Bogert House. Office hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P.;M. W. L. WILLIAMS. PHYSICIAN AND SURGON. Coroner of Elk Co., office in rear of Jv-rley'g Drug Store, next to Hyde House. Office hours 7 t 8 A. M. 3 to 0 P. M. 6:30 lo 8:30. P. M. Q. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreisrn and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis- penttea at an nours, day or nignt, vlnSy J. D. WOODRUFF, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURQS0N, Office Hocks. From 9 to 12 a. m., 2 to 6 and 7 to 9 p. m. Residence Office al r sl lence, opposite Elk Ciunty Bank, Malt) Street. CALLS DAY OR NIOHT PROMPTL'J ATTENDED. A fair share of the people's patronage so llclttil. J. T. WAID M. O. OFFICE IN HALL'S BRICK BLHLDM Officb Hours 8 to 9 a. m. I " 2.30 V. at. 7 " 9 v. u. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thaukful for the patronage hereto fore so liberally bestowed upon him, the proprietor lioi es. bv pavinir strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a contlnu ance of the sume. ocWO'UU Bucklea'a Arnica Salve. The bebt Salve iu the world for Cuts. Bruises, Burns,. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores-, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Erup tions, and positively cures Piles. II is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money., refunded. Price 20 cents per be For sale by O. G jMesucuger. M LT The Independent The Independent needs only to be better known to add to Its already large list of friends. It has been pub lished for thirty-five years and has acquired a world-wide reputation' as the best religious and literary news paper. The Independent Is not denomina tional. Its creed and field are broader than any sect. As a Christian jour nal, its aim is to strengthen and ex tend Evangelical religion and to de fend it against the attacks of Mater ialism, Atheism, and unbelief. It is free to approve or criticise in any of tne denominations whatever it believes is designed to advance or hinder the progress of the Gospel of Christ. In civil and political attuirs The Independent will contend for sound ideas and principles. It fouirht against slavery and the iniquitous system of tne unetua t;nmmuimy. it is now righting against Mornionisni. It be lieves Iu the reform of the civil service and tariff, in the purification of poli tics and in cheaper postage, and will maintain those principles which the highest ethics and best intelligence rea ii ires. The Independent is designed to suit all tastes and wants. We provide weeKiy stories Dy tne best magazine writers, poems by the leading poets of America and England (we tirst pubt lished in America Tennyson's last poem), and for others, who look es pecially lor instruction, whether iu ralifrimia lltArorv oilimoliniiol tli(1. sophical, or scientific articles, we furnish what no other periodical docs or can. we pay large prices to obtain the mobt eminent writers. Besides the editorials, there are twenty-two dis tinct departments, edited by twenty- iwo specialists, which include liiblieul Kesearcn. isanitarv. Liecal. Fine Arts. Music, Science, Pebbles, Personalities, Ministerial Register, Hymn Notes. School and College, Literature, Relig ious intelligence, Missions, Sunday school, News of the Week, Finance, Commerce, Insurance, Stories, Puz zles, Selections, and Agriculture. 82 Pages In all. We will report in full Rev. Joseph Cook's celebrated . Boston Monday Lectures, which will begin in January. Mr. Cook has just returned from a two years trip around the world, and his lectures this Winter will attract greater attention than ever. OUJl NEW rri0IltM for H3. One subscription one yer..... JptU.OO For month, Ml.ttO fori months One subscription two years S.OO One subscription five years 1U.OO These reduced prices ($2 per anuuui in clubs of five or more) are very much lower than any of the standard religious weeklies. In order that one may read a few consecutive numbers of The Inde pendent, and thus learn its value, we otter a month's subscription, as a "Trial Trip," for 80 cents, which can be remitted by postage stamps. Pay ment of $2.70 iu addition will secure the balance of a year's subscription. Send postal card for free specimen copy and judge for yourself Address THE INDEPENDENT 251 Broadway, New York. Notepaper and envelopes the same as before at No. 6 shanty row Advocate office. Note paper and envelopes at The I Advocate office No. Shanty row. AGENTS WANTED. ' FOR IIEH0ES OF THE H-AIS, By J. W. HvkLl.. Trtil.mnttwr tlm llvtm flfi.1 ti-ftiwtrirfiil adventures of Wild Hill, BntUIJ Rill, Kinjarsnn, Copt. Payne, tupt. Jack, TpTim limlr I Vllf'ornln .Inn Ami other coli'hrnted Indian Fighters, Scouts, Hunters snd t.uldcs. A true historical work of thrilling adventures on the plains, nnd in western pro gress and civilization. Fights with Indians: unmti r.uiMlo HulitsI ins perate Adventures! Narrow Escape! Wonderful Kbnntlnir nn.t l?l.1in.rl Wild Life In the Far West I CSir M3 Illustrations I la Kull-pngn Colored Plnteat A crrnnrl honlr fnr AtKtita . Outsells everything. 648 pages, price $2.00. Agent's complete "outfit fi( cents, (mint ana copy ror war- w me Ht once ror agency, or terms mill illnutriitc'l jl rrn tn ra In X. IV THOMPSON & CO., Publishers, N. v-ur, am, auu uroauway, i kw York. PIANOS. $160 up (Stool, Cover and Book), Elegant Square Grand, 8 strings, full Agraffes, every Improvement, only $245. Cabinet Grand Upright $210 and $250. Other Grand Holiday Bar gains. Jubilee Organs, $56 up (Stool and Book). Escelsior, style 42, Five seet of Reeds, 15 stops, only $87, "Oriental," style 103. Ten set of Reeds, 20 stops, only 125. No. "bogus" sets of reeds or dummy" stops. All sent on 16 days trial, night free tfunsatif factory. Fair and honest dealing guaranteed. Sheet Music J price. Plsno, Organ, or Mimic Catalogue free MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Box 2058, N. Y. ORGANS. N EW LIVERY STAULE IN RIDGWAY GOOD STOCK, GOOD C A RRtAGF.H and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. 8QfHe will also do job teaming. Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post OlHce wl'l receive prompt attention. AtiE-'01871tl , ' Job work such as note paper, let ter heads, business cards'; tags and envelopes at The Advocate otllce. HOW LOST, HOI RESTORED. Just published, a new eilitou of Dr. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the1 radical cure oi'Spermntorrhoa or Semi nal Weekness, Involuntary Seminal Losses Impotency, Mental and' Pbyi cal Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riage, etc ; also, Consumption, Epil epsy and fits induced by self-lndul' gence or sexual extravngaiice, &c. The celebrated author, in tills ad mirable Essay, clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice thnt the alarmini; consequences of self-abuse may be radically cured; pointing out a mode ot cure at once simple, certain, and cftVrtual, by means of which every suffcre.-, no' matter what his condition may lie may ture himself cheaply, privately, and raci cally. fc-iJ-Tliis Lecture should be in tlio hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal in a plain envelope, to any address, pout-paid, on receipt of six cents or two postage stamps. Address, The Cui.vdrwei.l Medical Co., 41 Ann St., Mew York, N. Y.; To-t Office Box. 450. FRANK JAMES' ISl'KKENDEK. AGENTS WANTED for the Illus trated Lives and Adventures of Frank and Jesse James and the Younger mothers, the noted Western Outlaws. iv nun. .1. A . imciiM. fii. if. j . inif- anu winning account ot meir bold op lions or tne ileum ot Jesse, the sui lllil lF ,Ia t f i . 1 1, .1 I I 1 . 1 ! . . . meuis mt Biurucr anu niguway ivou bery. Profusely illustrated, with en r r I s T.i i , gravings of tlie outlaws as boys and men, their young wives and little chil dren, the Ford boys and CO other en graved from actual photographs. A Bonanza for Agents! Send for full particulars and be convinced that this is tlie most salable and profit able book published, or, to save tlnia, send 50 cts. at once for canvassing book and state your choice of town ship. Outfit and sample copy scut prepaid for $1 60. Address, N. I). Thompson & Co., Publishers, N. W. Cor. 8th and Broadway, New York. PERFECTION STOCK IhM. Water-tight and rnoeT-PRooF. tuwj Tiiuks are constructed ofthreo-iuchluulx-r solactM Mifhtgvt vfn, an I are LcU topetSu uiu improved Lug hoops so arratigwl that tiny can t) drawn up with common wieuth. Whcu covorel with two thicknesses of common lWii-itK ( lar board between), they aro ma Ja frotit-proof. We any large manufacturers of railroad tanks, an 1 apply the saws principles and material to the construction of thcpe stock tiulis that wo embody tu our rulroi 1 work. All tanks are set up, pleeea marked, tbsr koouked down aud cratod fur ahipuiect. tyciuEAF JUTE, or rnr.iGHT securid. sxasxia. 8it,tS, Oft. uottom. Capacity S3 bblav M M q u IS j (S f3A. i -P'i lor CfttiaoVdliSy:S Anti-Freezing Iron Force Pumps FUW fur tnj depth wellswd marked m any otw ma pot tbn toIthr fcnd ; tbgia work perfectly. ECLIPSE WIND ENGINE CO. W. IL WHEELER, MMur.IILLOITt VTU. Umahlftattnof thaotjlabr 'UJ E. ll Win.J tfa, UrM-frnnlU tUtty kwrM-powr. Fi O'ld MwUla I tkc i i Worltl'i 1 ir', fwU, 'til CoutsWAt1 'I AuUalia, 4 ' Aunitlsi, G.t Here We Are Masonic Hall Bulldlrg ready tosup ply you with anythlng'Ja the line of Stoves, Hardware, Tin, ware, Lamp goods &.c, Leave your orders for tin ware, stove reparing Ac., as usual they will receive prompt attention W 8. Hi HVICK, tlytUl
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers