Is lie S THURSDAY, APRIL 6. 1882. faffif.-" 1'" JJ.J-L-Jl... "' To-rrionow In Good Fridoyj nest Sunday will be Easter. Presbyterian Sociable at Geo. Garritt's next TuciJav evening. All nre invited. A new stock of Scrap Pictures', Flowered Perforated Card Bourd, Gold and Silver nt The Advocate office. Autograph Albums; Birthday cards, Serop Roofcs, Portmonies, Jfew Line lust received atCraig's Drugstore. Dickens' Works complete, stand ard Poem Books, new publications. Any book published at catalogue price Craig's new Drug and Fancy good store. Whl'e Lead, dlls, Varnishes, Brushes, Wall Paper, Borders, etc., hi great variety nt Craig's new Drug ftore, RidgWny.'Pft. -Warner's Safe Klduey Cure, Peru nn. Maiinlin.Ht. Jacob's Oil, Mrs. Pink imin s and all other standard Patent Medici iic.s at Craig's new Driijj, Book find Si (it lottery Store. Debilitated persons, and smfloreri from wasting diseases such as con sumption, scrofula, kidney affections, will be greatly benefitted by using Brown's Iron Bitters. A Teachers' examination will be h !d at the Centrevllle S hoil house mi Saturday, April 15th, bcglnnini; ut U. a. . m. On the day preceding n Teacliers' Local Institute will bo held at the same place and on Friday and Saturday evenings educational ad dresses will be delivered. Monday night the Hungnriiiii! and Switzcrs, employees ot tho Rticliesler A Pitttburgfi K. R. Co. lmd a large linht in which four or live of the Swiss were roughly handled. One man it is said has not been seen im:e the irucas and liars arc entertained that the nun lias died in .some; out of the wav piutc. ';. J list received a new stock of hats, the. Intent style out, at the Xew York Store. Expecting to goeast In n few days after a general stock. Cohen Bitoa. & Browxstkine. The Hungarians have been on a strike here for about a week for high-r wii0'K, They were paid oil' yesterday morning and those not wishing to work for prevent vanes. Sl.oO, were discharged. Ji icy sirtii.'.v for $1.75. The Kit; comity Rt publican pri maries will be held .Saturday, Sept. f. The couuiy convention on Tttes- lay. Si-pf. lilh. Sometime iti the fu riuv b'lt yet imf o fur but Hmt we tan commence now to talk of clecthv delegates who will represent tiie peo people nnd niit doi;s the " Little Boss1' dictates. Just received at the New York Store a new and complete line of ladles and gentlemen's shoes. Sandals and walking shoes the lateut syles out. CoHKN" I.KOS. & liKOWNSTEINE. A person in the Democrat of last week signs nmiseli "A Republican, nnd proceed to pour out the vials of hU wrath on the head of the editor of thin paper. If a Republican had writen the article we would likely make a reply, but m "A Republi can" is a rank Democrat, it is not worth while from a Republican Klandpoint. "Merely a Wviniau," "Prof. San Grado," and "A Repub lican" are undoubtedly the tame individual The Horough council reorganized last Monday. V. H. Sohmm retired and John Flynn entered. H. S. Thayer succeeded himself having been re-elected. C. H. M-cCuuley was elected President for the ensuing year, and V. C. Healy was re elected Secre tary. B. E. Dill was appointed pound keeper. W. O. Healy Was re-elected Street coiumissitmer. And G. G. Mua senger re-elected Treasurer. E. 13. Wlllard was appointed Horouyh Engineer. The btatements etc. for the pant year will appear in our next issue. Easter Day Services. The Easter services at Grace (Epis copal) churoh wjll be of more than ordinary interest: The beautiful ritual appointments will be rendered still more impressive by the aid of rich and elaborate musical accompaniments, us follows; "Christ our Passover'' Eas ter Anthem Te Dum -Jacksin's Grand Jubliate IX-o Baurubach. "The strife is O'er Hymn. Christ the Lord is risen to day Hymn. Ter Sauctus Emersou ; Gloria in Excelsls Emerson. Morning services at 10:30. .. .. In the afternoon there will he a Sunday School services of exceeding interest at 8:30. Evening services, at 7:30, will he choral in character. At the morning services there will be a.Celebration, at eacli of the above services the Rector will preach On the subject of the resureetion. The church will be tastefully decorated with flowers and blooming plants pleus ing emblems of the wonderous truth set forth at this joyous season. To each and all of these services, all are very cordially invited. . George Vetter, Justice of the Peace, Toledo, a, says: "I was troubled with sciatica and kidney disease for years; at times Had to go on crutches and suffered untold agony. Prof. Guil fiiette's Kidney Pad cured uie in three wedu." Personal. M. M. Schultz. of Wilcox, was In town on Saturday la9t. Fin Ernhout of Wilcox, was In town on Thursday of laat week. A "Terrible Mystery" of the Rolfe sensation will appear In our nest Issue Martin Ferrln, an old and highly respected citizen of Spring Creek town ship, died on Tuesday, March 29, 1882, nnd Was buried on Thursday March 30, He was 67 years of age. Rev. H. V. Talbot, of Stanton, Jefferson Co., is here this week. He delivered a sermon, luesdav even ing, and another Wednesday evening in the M..E. Church. Rev. A. VanCump, Pastor of first Congregational Church, will preach hnster bermona next Sabbath morning and evening. Mr. Van Camp will also preach at 7J p. m, Friday evening on the crucifixion, All the service in the Public School bilildingj. Revitalizing the blood lsuhsoluttly necessary for the cure of geiieral debil ity, weakness, lassitude, &c. The best en richer of the blood is Brown's Iron Bittera. Tim tirwt Opportunity Api.rns fo b sulijoct In which Rldg way is deeply interested, below is re printed from t tie Sprlngville, X. Y. Journal and Ucrrihl, an Item which hits the null squarely on the head : "I Yiiinmuit. Otito, A vIIIurp nr the !. of r-priiiKvme, looxtt'ii nenr tile mite atiore nun IVmisylvunlii Hub. Iina f.oHirtcl it irrent prize. The irenpml rptnilr hIiup of tin N. V CliicHiio 4 fit. Louis Ky. are to lo lin.'Hteil there! Blxty neren or urouml will lie iverrtl with bullilinu's ntvl Millng. Six liumlrpil workmen with r.mlll.i will nJ,l 2.0J tn the ropulittlon nml it half mllllcm clolims will be milled to the rnlirulim of the plncc. To ko cure thtu grriit benefit tli citizens cnntrl 1'iiteil llbi'i'iiily. pUrchnslitK Irnct of bind 800 feet wkl.' nnd nearly n mile In length nbout seventy ueres nnd doniited It to the company. This libera! alft slid thi enter prisiiiK snlrlt thnt prompted It won the f:ivor of tlm olliclnls tlmucli anolher town Aslita bnlu po.4sen.ied some adv:intaees. The peo ple of the plans relied Mo mueli on iidvan tni;es, thinking they were aura of the prize whali'Vtr ('niineiint inlsrht olt'i-r. When too late llif-y awoke and offered three ttmes what Cunneant bud subscribed; but such Keii' roslty con Id not Keein u reeonslderatlon of the question, nnd lonneatit IB preparlni? to be made u city. The ease has many purullels." Oar ease cornea in line. The Iio- Chester Pittsburg shops will be lo cated here or somewhere else. Their location ut this poiut only depending on the prompt action of our A number of gentlemen have in sured us that they would subscribe to a fund, and do ail in ttieir power to secure the shops. And now it seems thutnll that is net'essarv is for Home one to have n paper drawn up in due form and circulate it among our business men. We have been requested to do this but much prefer that some other per son should take the lead und reap the honors. There is not u doubt but that nil the money needed can be raised ia it i-imrt time. A !1 that is needed now is to push mailers. Advaueu along tiie wiioie Hoe. deaths! . Jkv.-itt Alinira wife of Y'il!iam Ji. Hewitt died at her rtvideneo in .lav Township, this Countv, March 12, 1S32, aged 58 years,'S months, and 2 days. She came from Susquehanna to ins v ount v vnen anout is, mar ried, settled down and has lived here ever since. Two grown up sons and daughters, with her a;rcd companion, mourn the loss of a kind and affee- j tionate wife and toother. The com munity has lost a quiet and inoil'en Hve citizen. Rut our loss is her gain. Having led a consistent chris tian life in the Methodist Episcopal church for more than forty years when death came, she was ready to go. Her illness lasted but a'few days when at the elo:-e of the Holv Sabbath she entered into that rest which remaineth to the people of God. Appropriate services were con ducted by her Pastor who sixike brielly of the saints everlasting Rest, after which a large circle of relations and friends followed her remains to their last resting place. "O for the death ofthnun Who slumber, tn the Iird. O be like theirs my last repoxe Like theirs my last reward A. L, Mo. Murphy. Bernie- son of J. L. Murphy, at his father's residence in Wilcrx, Elk Co.. Pa., on Thursday March 30th, 1882, of spinal fever. Aged 11 years, 1 month, and 0 days. Uernie was a bright young boy, and was universally loved by the whole community. He was always full of harmless sport, and was a great'.fuvorite among the pupils, of the graded school, whose hearts are sad as they go to and from their studies and hear not the cheerful voice of Bernie. He was taken to Erie County for in terment, and theentire school marched in a solemn procession' to the R. R. station, thereto bid farewell to what was once Bernie. Anil as they turned from the sad scene, all eyes were filled with tears, and hearts wefe ready to break with grief. A committee was appointed by tite school to draft resolutions, which are as follows: Whkhkas, Our friend nnd school mate. Her nle M. Murphy has been taken from our mldn by an all wise Providence, therefuro be it Jtisnlied, That we hereby express our ap preciation of him us a kind schoolmate and faithful pupil. Jlrxohed, That we deeply mourn his loss and llmt we lender our heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved parents and friends. Jlcwlvetf. That a copy of these resolutions be presented to the family. Lewis On Thursday, April 80, 1882, Hattie, daughter of Mrs. Roxy Lewis, aged nearly 10 years. Laymon On Tuesday, April 4. 1882, nt Grunt's Tannery", of diphtheria, Eddie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Laymon. aged 18 years, 11 months and o days. This makes the third death of this terrible diVeaso in Mr. Laymou's family within a month. The thrice bereaved faaiily certainly have the sympathy of the entire community. "BlrUMttdafatUey that aleep ia Jesua." The Twins. One was old, and thin, ana! gray, and like a trooper, or n sailor could he swear. By this and by that wan the burden of his talk. No day so cold or warm but that lie could take ofT an oath. No one escaped hia ridicule. No one escapes his grimaces. No kangaroo could make move jes t tires. Thnt one gone tooth added beauty to his figure. His grumbling nnd his growling re mind one of u she bear who has lost her cubs. Better come twenty times a day for a letter for Smith. Get out of my postoffico or I will kick you out. Thus and thus spake one twfli. Also said he my conventions nnd my railroads 1 run. That rheumatic pain doth hurt me sore. And that Infernal "boy" of that half-soled Advocate doth hurt me" more. And will the (here lots of swear words) fool never cease. O! my country, and O! my rheu matics. But 0! themorethtttdrivingartide. For my soul (and thus I aAirm; is sore oppressed. For wltli till my honors, Street Commissioner, "Little Boss" and postmaster. Shaii a " boy plague me? By my faith but those squibs so full of truth. Do strike me sick sick und sore and sad. But this morn an Imp of a lad a mere bit of a tow-headed lad did ask me who owaed this postoftice. As though it was not well known that I own it. Every letter great and small, from lover, or lass ; from man or woman hath my name impressed thereon. As plain as A. 13. C. I " Little Boss1' do stamp them all with my authority. How doth my rheumatics hurt.. O! my, and 0 1 my. And yet, those little squibs do hurt me more. For twelve long years of sorrow and pain, In winter's snow Arid .summer's ruin, I have had this postofflce. And wiio denies my right ? And of nil the Republicans, 1 nm the most. My motto shall always be One Don, one postotliee, and one United countrie. I'll not notice thoe little squibs but keep mum, And this little storm will soon blow over. And another year the delegate will I cook. For the " Little Boss'' am I. No kicker shall ever vote with me. No half-breed share delights divine. But I'll keep the postoillce all the time. Then tiie other twin, lie sail sometliing. If the one twin was lean .So was tills, the other twin not lean, Hut full and plump. ,With paunch full and round Willi walk majestic and grand. He was not.a Republican though But a Democratic man. And possessed the brains of the pair The other twin had ehe cheek So cheek by brain Or brain by cheek they trained, And where one twin isa Republican and the other a Democrat, great Is the pair. We'll write down the "boy" who sits within the Advocate sanctum. Until ineu shall hang their head And say yum, yum. No good. We both will He In chorus, And hie to the Democrat office. And hit the "boy" hard, For we are twins And don't know which from to'ther Although not suckled by the same mother. We are twins all the same. Dixon, the County Superintendent did we crush, Didn't we though 7 In chorus" we did." And now flatter than flapjack we'll put the Advocatk man down on the ground. Yes and both jump on him, We'll tell him ull about those stock holders, That will make him mad. Good point, good point, And that he was a Gieenbacker. Another good poiut, another good poiut. Let's hit him hard, And put all we say In the Democrut. Said one twin to 'toher, I've a grput big point. That "boy's" father was a Demo crat years ago Good point, good point, We'll hit the "hoy" on that'. But even I twin and "Little Boss" Did make much prophesy Thnt that " hoy " could not curry his Borough, nor his township und I lost And do you know that cursed "boy" did almost beat me, The "Little Boss" ofail thecounty, And did fly in the face of the miirhty with hard knocks. Until I lied, aud lied, and iinaliy bent him. Not bad But egad I beat him And although with hard work, And much lying, He was heat. Aud thought I then he will stay beat, But he don't, And O! und O! My rheumatics, Could ben r these pains with pleasure, If that "boy" was in Jericho. Thus these twins a worthy set, Do frefand foam, And founi nnd fret, One lank and grey The other fat Until tiie people all do say They'll married be Some flue day. ' BUSINESS LOCALS. Views of the Court House and other publlo building in Rldgway at the West End Gallery. -o Jacob Butttrfu9 has Just received n new line of trunks niid satchels of nil kinds. Picture frames, chromos and Stat uary pnnels, oil pnlntiijgSj photo graph albums, and viewsat the West Etnl Oallery. Candy Nuts Raifllns Cheese and Maple Syrup at Morgkster's. Human Hair Goods of every dis cretion. Invisable nets and pins at Mrs. .labob BiitteiTuss', Main Street, opposite the Bogert House, West End, Ridgwny, Pu. Call upstairs and see them. Ham, pork, fish and lard ns well us butter, onions und beaiM ut Moles ter's. - o- . Ten penny nails, sliing'e tiiii!s fishing tackle, bait pins and woolen socks at Molester's. Potatoes a full stoek at Moles ter's Council I'nicre.illii's". . A regular meetlnc of town council wax held nt : A. M. on .Monday, April 3d. Members present C. H. MCnnlcy. presi dent, and Mensi'M. Tbnver. Sell mm and Oyster. The minutes of the lat meeting were read nnd tippriived. The lollowlng bill" were pmented and re ferred to com in it tee on llnance, iiceounls. An., to-wlt: W. It. Ilyoo Co.. mtd fund, '.'7.1I; Dickinson 11ioh.,ioiiiI fiind,'flK.!0;.I.M..scbrnm, road fund. J.t").l-'; W. V. Ilpuly, road fund.; W. II. Hclirnni. borou.-li fund, SIS.oO; W. I Hen ly, hot ouxh fund, tli The cniniiiiltee on flimncc, accounts, Ac, approved the rorcisolnir hill, when, on mo tion I hey were accepted and ordered p.ild by orders drawn on the borough treasurer. The report of H. H. Wensul, p.iund keeper, was presented, accepted, and placed on flle. W. C. Healy. street commissioner for ISSI, presented his Unul report, which was accept ed and rtlcd. Ueo. It. Woodward, horough tax collector for Issl, claimed and was a'lowe.l exouera. lions for taes of ISSI, to-wlt: lloroui;li tax. ).:), mad tax. S-'.ls. A settlement, wns had with Oco. R. Wood woord. borough collector, and (J. I. Messen C"r, boroMh treasurer, for the your ISSI, which will appear In our Issue. Adjourned tine die. , The first remilar mcetlm? of the town coun cil for the current year, commencing April ud, was held ut ll) A. l. of tliut day. Members present '. II. Mituauley and D. C. Oyster, of the old council, anil II. . Thayer and John Kly tin, meailierseleet. On motion, (.'. 11. M'l'aulej and W. U Ifealv wera unanimously chosen I'reslduut anil Secretary. On motion It. B. Dill was tinnniinouslv elected Pound Keeper, R K. Wiilurd ltor ouuli Kuglnecr. O. O. Messenger liorouirh i reusuivr, ana v. u. iienly street Commis sioner, for the enuiu' year. The bond of the High Constable was fixed nt rl.iyj, and that of tliu pound keeper ut Sealed proposals were presented from !lek Inson and VV. If. Hyde ,t Co.. for lurn Ishlrm hemioelc lumber for muds and street crossings for the ensuing year. I he proposi tion of IHckinson Urns, beimj at rate of per thousand feet, and that of Hvde & Co. at, ;S.1U the proposition of the lut.ter was accepted. The president announced the following standin' committees for the ensalim year: l-'inuiiee. Taxation, Accounts, Ac. II. S. Thayer. I). f Ovular, W. II. ostcrhnut Street, und Hridyes-W. H. Osteihout, V. H. Hyde, John Flynn. Sidewalks and pavements V. II. Hyde, John Fiynn, 1J. C. Oyster. Ordinances, Kales, Ac. 1. C. Uvster, H. S. Timycr, V. H. listelhout. II. S.Thayer wis appointed ns a special committee to proeuro comr.icts with AVA-Demw.-ut and Kuk Advocatk proprietors for neei-ssiiry printing for the ensiiin vear, and with the county commissioners for rent of Oi c.miuifl i.tmtiibt.r for 11 Ltti'm ol years. On motion, adjourned to Monday, April 10th lust., ut 7 o'clock i: M, A Drunkards Fatal Shot. Louisville, Ky., March 23. Alex. C. Wingato, of Lexington Ky., was shot and killed on tin Ohio and Miss issippi railroad tram early this morn ing. His assas.-iin was an unknown man who was crazed by drink and had no provocation for the shooting. After the tragedy the maniac jumped ofTthe train which was going at the rate of forty miles an hour, landed safely und walked a-half mile to the creek and drowued himself. Blaine's Friends Surprised. Washington, March 23. Tne special friends of Mr. Blaine express surprise at the tone of Secretary Frelinghuy- seu's letter to Minister . Trescott. sent . .I - 1 to the house yesterday. A senator well known for his friendship to Mr. Blaine said to-day that this letter was stronger than anything written by Blaine when secretary of state, and was to be commended for its firmness in opposing the destruction of Peru by Chill. Barring Out the Drunkards. The Pennsylvania railroad com pany has issued orders to all ticket agents to refuse to sell a ticket to persons who are intoxicated, and ull gatemeu are instructed not to pass any one who is under the influence of liquor. The company proposes in this way to protect itself aguiust suits for damages from persons Injured on the road while they are under the in fluence of liquor. A Sad Accident. MISS ANNIR WREN, OF SUGAR RUX, ACCIDENTALLY SHOT HUB WON PKHFfL FORTITUDE.. Lock Haven, March' 25. The ExprenH of this even ing says: As soon as the news reached this city this morn ing that some one up Sugar run hud been shot by accident, a reponerof the Exprcta visited the scene, which is six miles from this city, and gleaned the following facts: At seveu o'clock this morning, while a'' young man who has been working for Samuel Wren, father of the girl, was takiiiR his hut from the nail, bis coat which was hanging under it dropped to the floor and a loaded revolver, which was in the pocket, was discharged, and the ball entered be tween the tenth and eleventh ribs, on the left side, about four inches from the spine, of Mr. Wren's daughter A ii ii le, about nineteen years of age. At 1:15 the attending phj siciuns made an incision and attempted to locate the position of the bull, but at the hour our reporter left 2 o'clock its whereabout hud not been discovered. Although the case is a serious one, the phsieiuiis claim that with good cure site will shortly recover. We were very much surprised to see the young lady undergo the cutting preparatory to tiie probing, which she consented to do without .chloroform, aud which wus done, probing and all scarcely without a murmur. The largest stock of scrap pictures In town at Ths Advocate office, Tho Cameron Programme. A LUSTY BLAST PROM OOVBANOfl HOYT'S HOME NEWSPAPER fltOLI! ENOUOItl ' (From the Wllkesbnrre Record.) Mf. Hoyt never liiid the guberna torial bpe In his eur as most aspirant for that position have. Against his personal protest hN friends Urged his nomination and he rehteianilv con sented. In early years Senator Simon Cameron had been his warm friend, and had given evidence of his kindly rctritrd, 'mi rcl v disconnected with nn'v political trade. In after years whii Senator ,T. D. Cameron,' succeeded to the political Inhcrilitnee of bis father, lie absented, through th'esolic Itiition of mutual friends to1 the noml tuition of Henry M. Hoyt for Gover nor, though nt the last moment, and a vcrv short time preceding the con vention after the canvass hud been made. l;n desired to sacrifice Hoyt to the advancement, of his own personal ends, and would have done so but for the determined Interposition of Quay, who wns stronger thon he. For vari ous reasons nil of which nrc entirely honorable. Governor Hvt has recog nized on obligation to Cameron. lie owed him no personal strength, but was con strained to this course by the regard he bail for the elder Cameron, mm vuuy. 1 1 rem lie made sin error, hut. like nil of his blunders, it was at tributable to bis great heart and un swerving friendship. He has ever ex hilitci u dHtve-ltiou toencrllicr' himself in me nervine or mends. Few men tire so utterly regardless of their own personal welfare, honor und emolu ment os he. Whatsoever of blunders ore chanrcahle to tin- administration, may lie traced directly to the source from which come all the ills which the Republican party of this State Is suffering to day; eversinco teeyounirer Cameron assumed the reings of dir ection the pariy in this State has been thrown upon the defensive and it has been obliged to go into each campaign with an apology as nn argument. That it has been successful does not. prove that It has been right. Its victories have frequently been, by every meas ure of co-it, much more expensive than one good through defeat would have been. Last year with a Cameron can didate, the peer of any man in the State an excellent soldier and spot less citizen triumph was snatched from certain defeat through a divided opposition and Democratic votes. t his year there is a promise of a simi lar campaign with its doubtful result. How long can tho Republican nmlv survive such manipulation? Can it be traded and purchased into power forever? Aud, if so, ore the results worth the trouble nnd expense? Now there is another scheme in the programme, and again tho willing ser vices of Governor Hoyt are sought to pull the chestnuts from the fire. The same Senator Cameron who has been the author of so much mischief to the parti1 seeks n new lease of power. He is doubtful about the political complexion of the next Legislature, und a Democratic victory might make such un apportionment as would ruin every political aspira tion of the sou of his father. In this uncertaiiiity Governor Hoyt Is urged to cull n special session of the Legisla ture to fix up such an apportionment as will make things reasonablecertain. There can bo no other excuse for a spe cial session, ami ((' Governor Hos t yields in this last demand against liis heller Judgment, he will do himself and tho public a great wrong and not even accomplish the result anticipated. We do not believe the present Legis lature can bo depended upon to carry out such a scheme, while the attempt would almost certainly lead toa defeat this fall Is the modern Cameronism so uitractive so invaluab e that nailv prestige and personal Honor must for ever he sacrificed to its maintenance? Will the time never come when ordi nary set respect will cry out "hold eaougtr; ' The Uiieirlllz'.'d Part of America. A MEXIC AN CITV niCVOND TIIE RAIL' koads WHERE PEOPLE BATHE IN TIIE STREETS. (Correspondence of Eostou Transcript.) i.ii .. .-inuiiM v.uiieiues, u city or some twenty thousand inhabitants, is situ ated inland, away from the usual routes of travel, and the capital of the State of the same name. Its business is supplying the agricultural districts about with the articles they require, hike all the cities of any size In Mexico, it was founded by the Span iards over bt)0 years ago. The dis tinguishing feature of tiie Aguas Cal lentes is its warm butlis. There are a number in different parts of the State, but the most noted are situated just out of this city, some three miles from its center, where t he water comes from the earth at a temperature varying from 2 to 30 degrees centigrade; be tween these limits a satisfactory tem perature can be selected. A separate building is provided for euch bath, where the water is from three to five feet deep, bubbling up from a gravelly bottom.uud lurge enough fora comfort able swim. The overflow from these baths is a good sized brook, passing along the side of a long wide avenue bordered with trees leading to the city; making an attractive drive for the inhabitants in a country where flowing streams and large-sized trees are so rare. Here, too, the washing of the inhabitants is d ne, their clothes and their persons; the naturally heat ed waters coming osa beneficial equali zation of nature to muke up for the scarcity of fuel. And during the warm days can be seen the women and chil dren, the men and the inaiuens, here disporting themselves with an aban don suggesting the primitive times, before t lie conquerors forced their an cestors into a semblance of clothing. Kato Shelley, to whom the Iowa Legislature has just given a gold medal and $200, is only 13 years old She lives neurDes Moines, ut. a point where a railroad crosses a gorge at a great height. One night there wus a furious storm, und the bridge was carried away. The first that the Shel leys knew of it wus when they saw the headlight of a locomotive Hash down into tho chasm. Kate climbed to the remnant of the bridge with great diffi culty, usiug an improvised . lantern, and tho engineer's voice answered her calls; but she could do nothing tor him, and he wus drowned. Then she re membered that an express train wus almost due, and she started for the nearest station, a miledistunt. A long, high bridge over the Des Moiues Hiver had to be crossed on the ties an easy tiling to do in calm daylight, but peril ous in stormy darkness. Kate's light wus blown out, and. the wind wus so violent that she could not stund. Ho she crawled across the bridge, from timber to timber, on her hands and knees.. Hlie got to the Million bedrag gled and exhausted, but in time to give the warning, though she fainted im mediately. The new game Logomachy or War of Wordsat'tlieTiiE Advocate office. Also Improved Authors. History of the English People Qroen' Justly celebrated "Larger Blstorf of tha Engllnh People," ought certainly now to And aplaoe In ererjr home. Ths Elzevir edition, In five handy and tasteful volumes, cloth binding, nil forfl.SO (by mall tl.SO) Is certainly a upeclmen of book-making that will delight the eye of thoe who rejoice In beautiful books, and Is hardly less than marvel In economy of cost. But the Model Octavo million, In one volume, utility blnd Ins, caps the climax fur cheapness only 60 cents.or by mall Kt cents! These editions eru being, published by the The Useful Knowl eJc IViblisliln Co.. ICS Wl'llnm Hreet, New York' mid urn examples of the quality and prices of numerous ntutulard works which liiey ate ptibllsblnn. At these prices they self only to buyeis direct, discounts to deal ers and agents betjvj Impossible, end the edition published are llmlt-d to the orderg which reach them promptly. Catalogues and r.peclmen pages are sent free- on request.. Speclniriis of several of their publication" can be seen at the ulllee f this paper, and to accommodate, onr subscriber we will fur ward their orders for any they oiay wllh to purchase. OUT THIS O U T I We have stores in IS loading Cities, twin wlllri! nur esreut-.Bi.tsin their Mri!! quickly, i f Miieiiml oftirt'B v.i t onr j'liciiM l.ilc, V-.i. s .n I t, U-.M1- t- a reli. Net f:nt. iO(jue sua ti s H'ir"! i U23 French Street I'ulilic Sale. There wiil be exposed to public sale on ... TUESDAY, JUNE 1 1QS2. the valuable real estate on Rrond strppt known as the Ij. Luther property, and Is mi feet on Broad street and VJQ feet along an alley next Hyde's store. On which Is erected u fraum huilditur -8x 3 with wing 10x38, and one frame oarn. Terms cash. M. H. LlTTHER. Ksecutor estate of Libbeus Luther deceased. BIRTH DAY CARDS, AT ADVOCATE OFFICE. PUULffJ SALE. I will sell at my residence In Rldg way township on MONDAY, April 10th, 18S2, nil my household goods, farming tools aud stock. One Plow, one Horse Itake, one Mowing Machine, one Cultivator, one Wagon, two sleighs, one Tanning Mill.' Hoes, Kakes and other Tanning tools. Four COWS, two of them fresh, six head YOUXO CATTLE, two HOK.SliS and HARNESS. Household Furni ture, Heds and Bedding, two Stoves, three tons of Hay, one-half ton of Straw, forty bushels of Oats, eighteeii bushel of Potatoes. Sale to com me nee at 10 o'clock. ISAAC STEPHENSON. vcil-12 no o St. -V: W A ) VEll TISEMEXTS. T EOEIPTH. EXPENDITURES. I, of Jones Twp., for the year end ing March 1". Kenelved from taxes, etc ... Expenditures on roads... S 2,.W 42 ,tW2 Do I.tAUII.ITIFS. Orders outstanding lue M. M. richullz 3.131 ai l.ltis no i l.ilj 20 171) 2S 29 !7 I V) 01 l.HIT is 79 (io ASSETS. t;ie on old duplicates " from Issue ICeefer " " It. Drennen, lS-;0... " ,1 I,. Brown, 11., " Martlu (Sowers Liabilities over assets $ 1.152 W 2.SU 21 IJY ORDEK OF THE AUDITORS. Alimuch, T. C a. r. J. D. WOODRUFF, M. D, PHYSICIAN AND 3UHGS0N, n IDG WAY, PA. Office Main Street Hyde's Opera Rtiilding up stairs. Office Homis. From 0 to 12 a. m.,2 to 5 (Old i to !i p. m. liesldence Mrs Iir T S Hartley's, corner or Hnuth und lirond streets! CAI.f.:-J PAY OK VlttflT PHOMPTLY fMi-shnrooi Ha? people's putrouaso i llcitid, P K N'NS lr Ii V AN' I A RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R- Div.J WINTER TIME TA1JLEJ On nnd after MONDAY, Oct. 31. 1881, the trains on the Philadel phia & Erie liailroad Division will run as follows: WESTWARD. Niagara Ex. leaves Phila 8 00 a. m. ' " " Renovo,.o 45 p. m. " " " Driftwood7 00 " " " " Emporiuni7 60 " " St.Marys..8 40 " " " Kidgway..8 48 " " arr. Kane.... 10 05 " ekie maii. leaves Phila 11 55 p. m " " Renovo 1105 a.m. " Driftwood. 12 15 p.m. " Emporium.l 30 p. m. " St. Mary's..2 20 p. m. Rldgway ....2 3(5 p- ni. " " Kane 3 CO p. m. arr. at Erie 7 45 p. m. EASTWARD. Day Express leaves Kane ... 6 00 am. I' ' " Rldgway 6 5(j am. " " St. Marys 7 17 " " Emporium8 10 " ' " " Driftwood 8 67 " Renovo . . 10 05 " arr. at Phila. .. . 7 05 pm kkib mail leaves Erie 11 35 a. ni. '! " Kane 4 10 p. i, Ridgway....5 17 p.m. St. Mary's..5 60 p. m ' 65 p.m. " Driltwood..7 42p.m. " Renovo 9 00 p. m ) arr. at Phila Q0 a; nr. Erie Mail und Kiueara. Kvniw'. connect with Low Ora! nit-fLi Erie Mail west and Day Express con nect with R. N. Y. A P. R. R. HUBERT NEILSON, General Sup't. N EW LIVERY STABLE KIDGWAY. GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. fiSSTHe will also do job teaming Stable on Elk street. All orders left at the Post Office wM I receive prompt attention. Aug-201871tl 2t2 Business Cards., QEO. A. RA1HBUM. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., P Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to paten . nnd patent eases. HALL ft, M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . , Office fn new brick building, Male street, Rldgway, Elk CO., Pa. v32f . J. S. SARQWELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON; Over twenty-ftve years practice. Office on Main Street, Rldgway, Pa., opposite the Dogert House. Office hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. M. O'. L. WILLIAMS. , "" Lato of Mtrattanville), Physician and Mirgeon. Rldgway, -Pa. Office In Hull's Rrick Building (up stairs) References J. D Smith, H. L. Young, R. Rulofron, Strattanville; Major John Kit ley, W. W. Green land, Clark n. Olilce hours 1 to 2 P. M. and 7 to 8 P. M. G. a. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Mairi'anu1 Mill streets, Ritlgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night.. vln3y HYDE HOUSED W. II. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hereto fore so liberully bestowed upon him, the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort nnd'eon venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'69 ROBBED. Thousands of graves are annually robbed of their victims,, lives prolonged happiness and health restored by ths use of the great GERMAN INVIGORATOR wh ichpositively and premanently cures Impotency (caused by excesses of any kind), Seminal weakness, and all dis eases that follows as a se'tfeffee of Self-Abuse, as loss of energy, loss of memory, universal lasitude, pain in the back, dimness of vision, premature old age, and many other diseases that lead to insanity or consumption and a premature grave Send for circulars with testimonials free by mail. The IN VIGOR ATOR is sold at $1 per box, or six boxes for $5 by all druggists, or will bo sent for by mail, securely sealed, on receipt of price by addressing F. J. CHENEY, Druggist. 187 Summit St., TOLEDO, OHIO. Sole Agent for the United States. The most wounderful curative rem edies of the present day, are those that come from Germany, or at least origi nate there.- The. niost recent prepara tion placed upon the- market in tills country, is the GREAT GERMAN INVIGORATOR, which has never been known to fail in curing a single cose of impotency, spermatorrhoea, weakness and all diseases resitting from self-abuse, as nerveoti9 debility, inability, mental anxiety, lauguor, ' lassitude, depression , of spirits and functional derangements of the nervous system. For sale by druggists, orsent free by mail on receipt of the paico $1.00 SoleAgent for the United StatesJ Send for circular. For sale by Chas. McVean, St. Marys, Pa. PLANTS and SEEDS1 Fon- EVERYBODY Onr I LLUSTR A TED CATALOGUE and BOOK OF FLOWERS send free to any address. HARRY CIIAAPEL , Florist and Sce(lsuuin,'- . Williamspctrt, Pa. Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Local agent. Ridgway, Pa. STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St. A FULL, LINE BUILD ERS' HARDWARE, STOVES AND House-Furnishing GOODS At POPULAR PRICES'. W. S Service, Ag't; lK "ior P'ila 'a u, lliuba, bacii. etomarb. K I ''Fo ramp vt tha itoinueh. oollc tliu-- IN yt ma a, or vouiltlug, luka 1'luln.. ' ' UQUbSNJ J-'weouirn, mtnma, night sweats. sliort-l V J llSar.f h tali.. 1. . m -.. .i i I Pj '"For chronlo catarrh, bron lulpteur" l I , anil aoro liuuutot u; klud i'lau.sA. " KMt y I cmcliiut niullclno kuuwu toiuua.'' BfitidiV ll "PKBCXi III tha M .,T-.w,t!,.TTrJ ll-.-ifJP"1 C-1?' Ut 1'HIVKll llM A .i.T'.T"! I"'11 ,or ,I'B h'1,"t Imnurit" orfl 'J "ft i"J' beluuud la I'jsui ma." BSjXI ft B!1 nTo57!hr J?V"llt write tT If you aro bIc. foci liadlv. or In nnv lI unwell, Uiu nudrcuLita t!,., ' IXK I Ml i I IiIcjv, US u
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers