lie fk&wtvtt. Henri A. Torsons, Jr., - tdllor THURSDAY, APRIL 0. 1SH2. Entered at the Post-office at rldgway, pa., a3 second clash MAIL MATTEId Pennsjlranla Contrrr-Minun Anxious About Braver. (rhlu11)i1iln Pros.) Washington Maul) SI. The Re publican member ol'tlio Pennsylvania delegation In Congress nre not l n perfectly happy nttd contented frame of mind. The reason I that the sltun Hon In the State Is altogether unsall? factory. Independent mid Stalwarts alike seem aarreed Mint Reaver will be nominated Governor hy the reirnlar convention, but thev cannot tell what the Wolfe erowd will do about It, and, worst of all, they are not sure that Beaver can be elected If he receive the nomination. "It argues badlv." said one of the Keystone Congressmen to day, "that in a State where we should have forty thousand majority there is a doubt of the election of a Republican candidate for Governor." The ablest Cameron men In the House express, in private, their fears that Reaver cannot be elected if he receives the nomination. , A Republican Congressman from Pennsylvania, who has borne the heat and burden of many a battle In the organization, always on the Stalwart side, said to day: "Our people were never placedln such a delicate position ns they occupy at present. I believe that Reaver to-day is the choice of a vast majority of the Republicans of Pennsyl vania forGovernor. He weak ened himself in certain quarters un doubtedly by the course he pursued In 1880 when he went back on his district as a delesrate to the Chicago Conven tion and voted for Grant. Apart from this slip, however, I regard him as one of the strongest men in the State. He is popular; he has a hold on the affec tions of the people that no other Re publican in the State possesses. At the same time I should regard bis nomination with the gravest appre hension. It doesn't need the ucumen of a politician to perceive the condition of the party in Pennsylvania. It is like au Immeiice prairie covered with parched dry grass- One spark will flre the entire plain and noone can tell where the conflagration will end. The impress-ion is cncral that Reaver is the choice of the bosses, so called. So be is, but I don't believe for any other reason then that they reirurd him as the best and most available candidate in the State. If, however, there is the slightest evidence that t he convention is fixed and that Reaver's nomination was cut and dried, I verily believe lie will be defeated. The sentiment of a majority of the people may be in his favor; a majority of t lie delegates honestly representing that sentiment may give him the nomination, and yet the very fact that Cameron is work ing for him will be used by the Wolfe bolters to show that the nomination is a set-up job If Reaver had kept out of thut Grunt business he would have been the salvation of the party to-day. As it is, I'm afraid hu may be its ins truction." With such confessions from a Stal wart ringing in my ears, I met an Inde pendent member of the delegation one who has invariably opposed the ma chine in the State, und usked his views on the subject. "I believe Reaver is the most popu lar candidate the party could select," he said, " but I am afraid he would be defeated. He is tainted withC'anieron isin, and the doom of the machine is sealed as surely as fate. I want to see a man nominated on whom Indepen dents and Stalwarts can unite. The party can't afford to lose the next election. In ordinary times possibly a chastening might do us good, but it will never answer to be beaten now. If the Democrats should will this fall they would apportion the State so that the political prestige of Pennsylvania in Congress would be lost for several years to come. The future of the party depena upon the next convention. If we can get together, confer frankly upon the situation, discuss our mutual grievances and arrive at a harmonious understanding; uuve a convention in tact as well as in name and all will be well. Rut as sure as there is any dis position manifested to boss matters, to present a particular candidate without giving the minority a c lit: nee to be beard, so sure will the candidateof the convention be defeated. The time is short, and the only question now is whether we can cbunge our front in the face of the enemy. If we can't we are beaten." PIANOS. S160 lilt fKton! Pnvnr anil Rrr.lr1 Elegant Square Grand, 3 strings, full Airraffes. everv improvement, onlv $245. Cabinet Grand Upright anadu. Diuer uranu Holiday liar gains. Jubilee Organs, $"u up (Stoo and Rook). Excelsior, style 42, Fiv seet of Reeds, 1& Mops, onlv $87 "Oriental," style 103. Teu set of Reeds 20 stops, only 123. No. "bogus" seti of reeds or dummv" utons. All tutn on 16 days trial, frefyht free iunsatia- ;uuui,y. i-n nuu uuncbt ueuiiug guaranteed, biieet .Music price, Piano. Ol'iran. or Mimii- 'utnlnmip frp MENDELSSOHN PIANO CO., Rox zudb, is. y. ORGANS gaj&- L-q S vj O H 4ru OIL STOVE STILL LEADS THE WORLD. 50,000 IN USE I TThcS' Orrtlnury Kerosonei - SAci talCootrXiual ts an Cook Itova. SEND FOR NEW CIRCULAR. MXEHS, OSE0RN & CO., O'-E' MANUFACTURE'S, OHILVDIiAVD, OHIO, Inm HtaacJU.!. LAKI SIBEX.",, . ULLQ.qUB I ARAL ACEKT. V'1 Kt:--i . ml3 " 811 1 VU 1 - jrfV IV III .1111 'II . TREASURER'S JSALES OF UN SEATED LANDS. ' . NOTICE Is hereby given that, agreeably to ail Act of Assembly passed the 13th day or March, A. D. 1816, entitled ' An act to amend an act directing the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes and other purposes,' ond the several supplements thereto, the following tracts of unstated lands, situated in Elk county, Pennsylvnin, will be exposed to sale by public ven due or outcry, at tlte court house In Ridirwav, in said county, on the SECOND MONDAY OF JUNK NEXT, being the 12th DAT'.OF JUSE A. I. 1SS2, for the arrearages of taxes for the years 1880-81, unless the taxes are paid prior to said date: RENEZETTE TOWNSHIP. War Acres. Warrantce-ior Owners. Taxes. o832 928 James (Stoke 100 00 53;W 1007 James Stoke 122(H) 6W 1007 James Stokes 122 00 5338 1 067 James Stokes 20 74 5344 1007 James Stokes m 00 5345 1007 James Stokes 2"1 74 5840 1007 James Stokes 819 30 5317 1007 James Stokes 182 60 5348 10G7 James Stokes 2jb 74 337'J 45!) James Stokes 200 74 n380 1100 James Stokes 877 00 o383 800 James Stokes 90 00 5384 10(50 James Stokes 420 00 5387 1100 Jumes Stokes 300 00 5849 1008 James Stokes 201 50 5342 1 100 James Stokes 2-'0 00 5008 990 James Stokes 225 00 5334 1100 Myron Merrill 157 00 5330 1100 Amos R Merrill 165 00 5287 275 Amos R Merrill 31 50 5288 275 Amos R Merrill 89 24 5289 223 Amos R Merrill 81 74 5390 1100 Jones. Hammond ACo 314 24 5349 1100 Jonathan Rrown 94 24 4994 345 Nathan W Ellis 7U 00 4995 458 Addison Swartwood & Co 129 74 5341 900 Cornelius Walnwrlght 61 50 0012 9(J Miles Dent una 74 5479 600 Miles Dent 57 24 5479 100 Miles Dent 9 74 479 224 Miles Dent south end of stiivev 25 50 5178 CO Miles Dent southwest corner 7 00 5011 60 Miles Dent 30tttheast corner 10 40 5481 450 John Rrooks 51 50 5000 090 John Rrooks 114 24 4997 481 H. C. Spaulding 110 00 5981 550 H. C. Spaulding 63 00 5023 288 Jno Johnson undi vided 6 74 383 1100 Hezekiah Mix 217 00 5023 60 Andrew Dent 2 74 5179 01 Hamilton Dawn 10 50 4994 150 William Shannon 34 24 5322 110 David S. Johnson 3150 5340 550 Henry Blush 81 50 "i001 t90 Kinney & Harrow 100 00 4990 196 Finney & Barrows from Fitch fc Hoyinglon 29 24 i002 9P0 J. G. Reading & Co. 396 00 5013 990 J. G. Rending fe Co. 220 24 "0f4 890 J. G. Reading & Co. 203 50 5009 990 J. G. Reading & Co. 283 00 5010 990 Tru linger, Croft &Co. Fitch iv. Hovington 283 00 5o24 134 John : DS'.Johnson 15 30 5025 802 John A D. S. Johnson 37 74 5003 990 Shaffer v Johnson 339 50 54.S2 605 Julius Jones 115 50 5482 28 Julius Jones 3 50 5330 550 Smith. M'Cormic & Maun 63 00 5343 1 100 Cook & Pardee 220 no 479 50 Levi Hicks 2 90 5478 1040 St. John & Roth rock 235 50 5011 930 St. John & Rothrock 156 94 5477 1100 St. John & Rothrock 84 24 5481 300 H. Merriniau 34 24 5022 65 Amanda Auker 15 74 5022 55 Maria P. Johnson 15 74 5024 591 Maria P. Johnson 59 04 5023 288i Maria P. Johnson- undivided if 13 50 481 275 Jos. Enz from Martin Enz 13 73 5023 28 Jos. Enz from Martin Enz 1 40 5020 990 R. Winslow Estate 169 74 5021 875 R. Winslow Estate 85 74 6015 990 R. Winslow Estate 169 70 5027 790 R. Winslow Estate 90 24 5026 000 R. Winslow Estate 75 50 6014 100 R. Winslow Estate 5 5027 290 R Winslow Estate Heimer & Johnson lot 23 00 183 13 80 R. Winslow Et-tate Rrockway 23 00 109 R. Winslow Estate 12 40 296 II. Winslow Estate 42 24 107 R. Winslow Estate 12 24 RENZINGEll TOWNSHIP. 4115 75 John Milne 24 99 147 Nelson J. Wimmer 23 77 146 Nelson J. Wimmer 23 77 75 Ctesar A. Jackot 21 51 4883 830 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matson 118 84 4882 828 J. J. Lawrence fr. N. Matsou 277 04 4959 990 J. J. Lawrene 805 50 4900 200 H. G. Williams 61 80 II. H. Williams 17 96 220 Gilbert Williams 66 10 4958 300 James Somers Smith 86 70 4958 500 James Somers Smith 144 24 4961 90 James Somers Smith 20 21 4961 900 James Somers Smith 246 84 4992 50 A. Hobbs u 02 4105 325 Earley, Brickel it-Hite Vino road, Nos. 7. 15, 17, 19, 21 & 2a. 109 34 4104 57 Earley, Rrickel&Hite Vine road, Nos. 13, & 7. 18 80 4106 1414 Earley, Brickel & Hite 177 08 4107 831 280 71 4108 4109 4110 4111 4115 8'.6 996 897 1025 302 335 18 301 0; 344 96 233 68 253 33 274 f!0 694 4116 1049 4403 tlhO 4407 107 29 25 23 4408 4886 7 6S Rrussels roud, E J of JNo. 30 4886 25 Earley.Rrickel & Hite Brussels road, E. No. 34 86 Earley, Rrlckel & 1 200 " " " 4076 2357 990 West Creek M' f'g & aim. to, f00 " " " 1483 " " " 990 " " " 990 " " " 952 Lyman Wilmarth Estate 090 Eugene Payne 4878 4879 4944 4945 2274 4905 4886 4887 4115 50 Edward Delehunt Vine street, Nos. 11 & 12 25 J. S. Rates l'0 George Wcis 200 Rainier & Co, 4958 4976 4115 4110 4980 4404 25 Daniel Frusler No.- 7 Cherry road 60 Daniel Frasier Nos. 8 ct 6 Maple road 275 Augustus Wolle From TIioh. Luckenbacu 522 Sheldon, StrebigU & Bates 4404 622 " 4406 6221 " 4406 622 " ' 4407 420 " 4408 600 " 4076 1033 " " 4105. 26 Mary H'Guhaa, No 8 I II I I ! 4105 60 Mary Heeni.n. Nos. IS and 15 16 84 4993 248 K. Morre C6 07 4408 84 Earley, Rrlckel & Hite Ave. R 9 49 1050 " ' 414 64 4401 4407 1 44081 .. 74 06 220 " 2 Owner Unknown N W corner Crossstreet 102 4103 73 C R EaHev Htorcr ave.. Nos. 22. 24 and 26 23 19 4104 47 O R Earley Poplar road. Nos. 2 and 4 15 82 4104 75 C R Earley Olean road, Nos. (t, 7 ond 8 23 19 4104 25 C R Earley Vine road, No 6 8 47 4105 24 C R Earley Vine . road. Nos. 9 ond 11 8 07 4105 60 C R Earley Poplar roan-, Nos. 16 and 18 10 84 4105 25 C R Earley Poplar road .No. 11 8 47 4105 260 C R Early Poplar rood. Nos. 19,21,23, 25. 27, 29. 81, 4, 8, 13, 15 and 17 87 53 4105 26 O R Earley Hickory rood. No. 17 8 47 4106 42 C R Ear'ey Vine road, Nos. 31 and 33 14 39 4100 60 C R Earley Hickory road. Nos. 19 and 21 16 84 4100 22 C R' Earley Poplar road. No. 31 7 35 4107 25 C R Earley Chestnut road. No. 29 8 47 4107 25 CR Earley Chestnut road. No. 30 8 47 4107 25 CR Earley Chestuut road. No. 21 8 47 4107 60 C R Earley-Chcstnut road. Nos. 25 and 27 16 84 4108 60 C R Earlev East Chestnut road, Nos. 1 and 8 16 84 4103 60 C R Earley East Vine road, Nos. 2 and 4 16 84 4110 25 C R Earley Maple road. No. 11 6 95 4110 81 C R Earley Olean and Maple road. No. 1 7 66 4110 19 C R Earlev East Ma ple road. No. 1 5 81 4110 61 C R Earley Cherry road. No. 0 and 2 17 34 4115 75 C R Earley Cherry roa.l. Nos 9. 11 and 13 25 19 4115 62 C R Earley Cherry road, Nos. 8 and R 17 46 4115 50 CREorlev-Chestnut road. Nos. 17 and 19 16 84 4976 200 C R Earley, 1880 tax 74 83 4880 400 C H Earley 154 82 4975 375 Sedonia Von Ersel 117 82 FOX TOWNSHIP. 4097 207 C R Earley, Townsend Fall lot 51 75 417S 90 Michael Sheehan 29 88 4077 231 Earley. Rrickel & Hite 47 84 4078 4081 4087 49 Farley, Rrickel & Hite 1166 10-5 Earley, Rrlckel & Hite 20 75 144 Earley, Rrickel & Hite 24 90 727 Earley, Rrickel & Hite 151 06 208 Earley, Rrickel & . Hite 60 40 262 Earley, Brickel & Hite 33 20 307 Earley, Rrickel & Hite 83 00 145 R F Tovlor & Co 24 90 4097 4098 4374 4082 4902 4S90 320.10 R F Taylor & Co 78 24 4901 40 R F Taylor & Co 125 00 4187 900 Hannah Barnard .112 0-5 439 O W Whittaber 48 00 600 Richard Gardner 110 20 293 Hichard Gardner 74 7 485 I A Stephens 78 85 200 George C White 85 17 20 George Krouse 8 20 100 Wm Apple 24 90 60 Putnck Mack In 16 00 66 Armel Turley 12 45 60 Horace Little 20 75 4190 4190 4900 4274 4274 4087 4097 4271 380 Horace Little from county 124 59 42471 4273 4247 4216 1 4247 4245 1 4244 f 4274 4097 4097 4098 4093 4008 4098 4087 72 Noble Coal & Oil Co 29 80 249 Noble Coal & Oil Co 116 00 560 Noble Coal & Oil Co 249 00 560 Noble Coal & Oil Co 249 00 40 Robert J Ruhl 3 40 22 Franklin Kuhn 3 52 243 Franklin Kuhn 3 60 12Koso Kellev 2 00 54 James Winkle 8 64 25Uohu K Jones 4 08 25 William E Jones 4 00 25 Richard Edwards S 0(1 14 Richard Edwards 1 80 150 Owner unknown Burth lot 12 00 50 Jacob Hartman Jos, Faberly lot 12 45 Henry Largay 1 lot from M J Earley 4 15 4082 4077 363 Sheldon, Strebigh & Rates 120 49 769 Sheldon, StrebitrU & Rut 249 00 200 Sheldon. Streblch & Rates 66 40 41 C R Earley 10 20 60 CR Earley 12 45 4078 4078 4078 4081 4081 4087 4087 58 C R Earley 14 40 60 C R Earley 24 96 45 C R Earley 11 18 37 C R Earley Birch lane, Nos. 5 and 10 9 08 25 C R Earley St. Mary's and Centre- vi lie railroad 8 30 4088 4097 4098 47 C R Earley Rldgway farm and land Co 12 03 179 C R Earley Cross road. N s. 1.2.3. 9. 10. 11 ond 14 45 35 67 C R Eurley Caledo tiia rood. Nos. 2 and 8 and S. half of 7 14 41 4898 4890 4271 40771 4073 60 C R Eurley 16 60 387 C R Earley 99 on 380 C It Earley 110 20 00 Michael Toomey 19 92 6 94 4083635.42 Northwestern M & Es Co 310 23 r 4094 444.50 " " 22130 8 39 4095 272.95 ' " 135 99 3 0 70 4090 478.40 " " 288 02 07 32 4079 70 " " t'4 86 4245 84 " " 41 81 335 38 4244 57.70 " 28 89 335 38 4373 109.30 ' " 84 15 499 09 4092 60 " " 24 90 803 87 4080 105.40 " " 82 17 834 27 4078 30 " H9 4091 51.07 " 25 40 274 68 4340 490 4k " 244 02 328 24 4243 902.47 " " 479 06 i 4178 20 " 9 90 31 80 b.p.s. 45.50 " 20 47 s. & 1. 1.60 " " I 83 Minerals, &c. only on 16 84 the following lands: 11 22 Northwestern M &. Ex Co 17 86 33.31 " " 8 80 61 20 4079 861.45 " " 90 05 4080 224.27 " " 303 78 7 66 4088 107 ' " 2 l4 4091 215.30 " " 63 63 12 76 4092. 105.94 " " 26 14 i 109.10 " " 49 80 73 96 4094 382,79 " 95 11 i 4095 685.90- " u 145 66 117 11 4096 109.64 u " 27 14 117 11 4083 174.65 " " 36 62 146 38 4243 62.50 " " 13 43 146 38 4244 80.60 " 19 92 117 82 4245 138.22 " " " 84 84 168 30 4246 143.60 ' " 85 75 286 83 4247 109.60 " 27 18 8 44 4378 79.80 " " 19 92 4374 82.60 . 20 41 b.p.s. 12.92 ii ii 2 97 h. 1. 24 94 " 6 90 4245 150 u 87 85 HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. HtiOZ 831 C. U Wright ct Duhrlng 831 O. B. Bnm Duhrlng 831 C. n 118 45 8604 3063 Wright Wright 'll8 45 1 & DnliritHr 113 4 127 45 140 95 2019 890 Walter Itrvsnt L78 1031 Walter Urvalit 'Mm 2025 2027 1830 2036 io . oir 100 J; and M. Mack Northwestern corner 402 George Dickinson 954 George Dickinson 880 Freeman Ellis 18 13 17 10 68 74 103 13 41 81 171 00 8788 100'J John N. Lane 8752 2S0 John NLiine 47 88 1831 1005 Allegheny Bank of Pittsburg 1803 903 John F. James 1783 962 Abner Cassell 1858 888 John P. Rrown 2028 1054 J. C. Chopin Estate 2034 9(1$ J. v. Chapin Estate 8706 1000 J. C. Chapin Estate 2463 315 J. (.;. Chapin Estate 112 53 164 60 164 50 151 85 151 28 12 84 171 00 44 91 41 21 2400 2S9 J. C. Clioniu Estate 8771 1799 1799 800 Nathaniel F. Jones 100 James Gallagher Sub-division No. 9. 64 00 17 10 800 Churles G. Gillis Sub-divlson Nos. 2, 3, 4, 6. 7, 8, 9 und 10 136 80 600 Charles G. Gillis 1776 Sub-division Nos. 13, 14. 15, 16 and 17 85 50 1799 2031 8781 100 Jacob Gilbert Sub division No. 6 1058 Mrs. Riekards 729 Thomas StrutlVers '; 17 10 105 87 110 81 190 27 136 8(i 41 34 41 04 2033 1038 William Robinsou. 700 800 Souther A. Willi 23b: 290 Souther & Willis 288 Jno. Nicholson 1 1019 Alfred Avery 100 Elizabeth Cooper Sub 2464 3653 1776 145 19 -division No. 18 9 60 2038 1043 John Rryon and others From Geo. Dickinson 178 37 auu niv li. wumiirtn ivsiato 7i io 1776 10 William Carley 17 lo 3762 1000 Geo. Brooks 142 50 377 400 Andrew J. Knox 3785 1000 Thomas Griffith 3776 1000 Thomas Griffith 8771 200 Thomas Griffith 2300 290 J B Sterlev 68 4ll 112 00 96 00 16 00 41 84 8718 180 William James ' 3601 835 John o. Hall 30 80 131 10 8761 541 Martin Hart 76 83 146 67 180 12 J054 1029 W'ray & Graham 377H 900 S. Jones fe Co. 3782 mi Little & Souther 154 06 11 29 W34 113 J. G. Hall sub div. 3 H0RTON TOWNSHIP, Northwestern M A Ex Co 4372 702.60 " 175 68 4271 224.20 " V" ' .-' 61 68 4434 876 00 " " 20 1 92 4469 805.60 " ' 199 68 4451 1030.30 " ' 307 20 4452 8U ' " 230.40 4242 28.70 7 08 4200 319 70 80 4188 405 " " 63 70 4272 518 " " 01 4 4310 06 " " 13 30 4341 R23.40 " ' 71 8:) 4248 116.53 " " 35 25 2P6 1 4255 1062.10 " " 407 68 4396 J Minerals. &c only on me ni lowing lands: Northwestern M & Ex Co 304 410.89 " " 78 52 555 139 " " 26 08 4242 737.78 " ' 141 50 200 89.90 " " 17 08 4248 111.00 " " 21 31 4249 2i.B.82 " " 38 97 4'-'o5 259.55 " " 49 63 4272 294.23 " " 53 44' 4340 450 ' " 80 40 4341 457.80 " " 87 75 4371 215.00 " " 41 28 4372 187.80 " " 3,5 71 4396 234.50 " ' 44 02 4400 57.30 " " 10 94 4434 100 " " 19 20 44-52 107.50 " " 20 64 4409 184.40 " " 35 32 4170 151.70 " " 28 98 r. & f. 75.94 " 14 39 4279 0.12 J L Ellis 178 04 4370 60 C & M Allwrt Sub- div. No. 20 11 52 4248 41 Noble Coal & Oil Co 12 63 4249 00 Noble Coul & Oil Co 18 50 4242 847 N R Laneand others 53 76 4200 660 Henry Lorain Car lisle 84 43 4182 990 Henry Lorain Car lisle 120 72 4271 610 John C French 45 2o 4370 25 George Weis Sub- div. No. 19 5 76 4370 50 George Weis Sub- div. No. 2: ...(. Horace Little from county ' Horace Little from J as Wilson Ignatius Grotzinger 11 42 4153 4344 4450 90 17 90 230 3 84 20 80 from county Minerals, &e., only on these lands: 48 Noble Cool & Oil Co do do do do do do do do do do do do 0 21 230 68 120 50 45 30 11 1 23 04 9 60 JAY TOWNSHIP. 6283 1100 Amos R. Merrill 272 80 5288 825 Amos R. Merrill 300 90 6287 825 Amos R. Merrill 3O0 90 6289 546 Amos R. Merrill 203 00 6290 612.7 Amos R. Merrill 277 96 4194 400 William Parker 86 80 4195 4190 6 Hi5 4197 4195 4197 4906 4843 5010 489rt 5007 5004 4185 4145 5029 5018 1898 6017 41-05 4 895 4893 6030 4180 4892 4194 4194 1845 6028 678 James Lynde 95 98 989 D. K. Jones , 183 9 080 James Stokes 199 46 220 James Stokes ' 47 95 207 (Sebastian Weis 38 51 200 Eli Kennedy 43 40 400 William Roblnsoil. 117 80 70 William Robinson 20 46 090 Phillii M. Price 245 6: 212 E. R. England 62 67 990 E. R. Enlsland 214 83 990 E. B. England 214 8 300 Hezekiah llorton 65 80 KKt Hezekiah Horton 18 60 60 Finlev. Youns: & Co. HI St 990 Finlev. Youiu & Co. 184 1 990 Henry Loraine 491 04 990 Henry Loraine 334 4 98 Tyler & Finney 24 29 98 Tyler & Finney 24 29 217 Abigail Woodward 47 1 207 A. E. Goff 74 40 990 B. C. Bowman & Co. 184 14 200 B. C. Bowman & Co. 87 20 100 Thomas Rei I ly 8 40 100 Patrick Reilly 8 40 100 David KirsUers 12 40 900 Sprimr Run Coal Co. t roui seated zw 60S! 72 727 Snrinu Run Coal Co. From Seated 191 58 100 Joseph WilUelm , 18 60 480 J. E. Pultuuii & Co. 182 28 4198 4892 4899 4198 852 J. E. Putnam & Co. , 109 1 89 Armel Turley from county 200 Armel Turley from county 50 Geo. Dlckisou from 8 49 4194 4194 4194 49 00 12 40 countv 100 Horace Little from county I8 60 84 W. K. Pl.ippen 7 '90 JONES TOWNSHIP 212 General Thomas L. 6030 3221 82221 8221 Kane 4 U 40" " " ' 8 70 81 " 6 67 1 802 " " 63 64 125 Gen- Thos. L. Kane 27 20 8293 8296 2610 8422 3221 211 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 46 82 93 8291 8222 114 24 04 84 80 87 00 21 75 43 60 J-2t 100 Gon" iyjj 400 Gen. Thos. Thos. Thos. L. Kan L. Kane L. Kane 261C 100 Gen. Gen. Thos. L. Kane 96 2610 813 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 170 90 3293 1-588 8214 8"0 Gen. Thos L. Kane 130 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 174 00 27 84 3290 Yl 100 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 21 70 2504 128 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 27 64 101 Gen. Thos. I,. Kane 35 09 232 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 60 40 148 Gen Thos. L. Kane 32 19 80 Gen. Thos. L. Knue 17 40 68 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 12 70 527 2553 2-553 553 25531 2610 f 2810 109 Gen. Thos. 390 Gen. Thos. 412 Gen. Thos. 509 Gen. Thos 200 Gen. Thos. 810 Gen. Thos. 50 Gen. Thos. 20 Gen. Thos. 990 Gen. Thos. 900 Gen. Thos. 247 Gen. Thos. 275 Gen. Thos. L.'Kone L. Kane L. Kane L. Kane I j. Kane L. Kane L. Kane I j. Kane L Kane L. Kane L. Kane L. Kane 12 30 84 08 89 61 110 78 4 3 60 67 28 10 73 5 80 143 65 14H 52 53 94 69 74 15 08 52 78 123 80 38 00 43 40 21 75 3 78 IS 00 1 45 2-504 3221 3222 3224 8290 291 3290 4903 2589 2554 257 3295 70 Gen. Thos. L. Kane 64 253 Gen. Thos. L. Kulie 825 Robert Halsey 254 Robert Halsey 200 George Dickinson 100 Andrew J. Low 30 Andrew J. Low 120 W. H. Osterhoat Mrs. Finnev Lot No, 204 in Wilcox 2331 2504 H290 322 i 3222 2-593 3290 3290 3203 3291 2610 25rt8 3400 W. H. Dykenmn etal 739 50 13 1025 Earley, Brickel & Hite 185 60 1073 ' " " 195 30 450 " .' ' 81 5J0 215 I. R. Rrown South of 3214. 27 65 4112 4111 4114 990 J L. & W. W. Brown 143 55 3143 121 Brown & Wells Rocky run lot 16 00 33 650 Johnson & Riddlo 99 75 650 Johnson & Biddle 990 Johnson & Biddle 540 Johnson & Biddle 510 Johnson ,fe Biddle 990 Johnson & Biddle 513 Johnson & Riddle 3233 990 Johnson & Diddle 179 45 3237 540 Johnson & Biddle 98 02 3242 510 Johnson ,fe Biddle 98 02 3-.'43 990 Johnson a Riddle 179 45 3251 515 Johnson & Biddlo 93 38 3180 330 Johnson & Biddle 69 74 3319 307 Johnson fe Biddle 44 37 2504 67 Michael Weidert 1189 330 Johnson & Biddle 307 Johnson fe Biddle 67 Michael Weidert 495 Collins, Hutchinson & 3231 Cloy 89 16 990 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 179 22 440 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 79 75 475 Collins, Hutchinson & Clav 85 84 900 Collins, Hutchinson & 162 98 249 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 45 24 789 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 142 97 247 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 44 66 326 Collins, Hutchinson & Clay 59 16 495 John H. Towns Estate 89 61 618 John H. Towns Estate 147 00 640 John H. Towns Estate 98 oi 990 John H. Towns Estate f79 51 660 Daniel Scull, Jr. '80 laz 61 80 70 Daniel Scull, Jr.'80 tax 6 30 600 Jos 8 Potts '81 tax 57 68 70 " '81 tux 5 88 62 Daniel Scull, Jr. 8 99 598 Daniel Scull, Jr. 86 91 330 Biddie & Dawson 69 74 330 Biddle A Dawson 59 74 400 Biddle & Dawson 83 52 990 Biddle & Dawson 179 51 90 A. A. Clay 16 24 240 A. A. Clay 43 37 600 A. A. Clay 108 75 600 Thomas Greeves 119 48 185 Thomas Greeves 20 08 86" Thomas Greeves 125 80 400 Thomas Greeves 83 62 807 Thomas (J reeves 125 86 9 0 Thomas Greeves 143 65 990 Thomas Greeves 143 65 02 Thomas Greeves 8 99 990 Eugene Payne 143 65 123 Eugene Pavne 17 98 123 Eugene Payne 17 98 990 Eugene Payne 143 55 600 Eugene Pavne 95 70 990 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 55 990 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 65 990 Collins, Clay & Hacker 143 53 990 John Llvesey's Estate 143 55 990 John Livesev's Estate 143 55 436 John Liresey's Estate 63 22 252 '232 B-Vil 32-53 3180 3217 2254 2791 3231 3220 3229 3230 3218 3228 3218 322S 2319 23-3 218 3220 2080 3290 24S9 2593 3220 2319 2361 3228 2363 2377 2425 2323 4904 2301 303 2487 2323 2316 2329 2332 2333 2326 2319 2489 2527 2551 2593 2599 -6JI4 3315 2000 26 tl 2527 2554 2504 2598 2008 2012 2014 2591 20(i4 2008 2011 2014 2060 2012 2527 3143 2010 744 Clav & Hacker 134 85 420 Clay & Hacker 77 14 990 Clay & Hacker 143 55 390 Clay Ss Hacker 50 65 990 Clay Hacker 179 42 300 Clay & Hacker 57 4J 990 Robert Pattf rson 143 55 05 Robert Patterson 9 28 74'i Robert PattecsoM 107 59 4 Robert Patterson 11 00 240 Robert Patterson 44 00 604 Robert Patterson 91 35 990 Robert Patter.-on 143 55 20 Robert Patterson 2 90 8!0 Robert Patterson 143 65 990 Robert Patterson J2:t 0 v:n .lames Jl. uressotr U3 o- 391 Jumes H. Cresson 80 13 97J James H. Cresson 140 05 2-18 James H. Cresson 35 90 100 James H. Cresson 14 60 925 James H Cresson 133 98 100 James H Cresson 14 50 04 James H. Cresson 11 00 11 J. L. Rrown- 70 109 James Wells 1148 MILLSTONE TOWNSHIP. 93 2548 900 2-312 000 2690 675 2790 900 2018 60 2018 375 2021 900 254-5 900 2517 900 2523 900 ;067 675 4134 900 4135 900 4129 900 207 2518 25 2518 100 2519 100 2032 900 2362 900 2U39 900 2792 291 2581 650 Darrah & Moor 125 24 Durruh &, Moore 250 60 William Di I worth 156 00 C R Earley 167 04 L C Wvnkooo and D L Patteraou 8 99 L C Winkoop and I) L Patterson 52 20 L C Winkoon and D L Patterson 167 04 James O'Hura 138 24 James O'Hara 138 24 James O'Hara 167 04 Prexel, Duhrintr & Wright- 167 04 Owner unknown 167 04 Owner unknown 107 04 Owner unknown 167 04 L C Winkoop 12 00 L C Winkoon X Stewart's lot 8 48 William Crispin 7 20 " 192 C R Wright & Dulv- ring 156 60 C R Wright & Duh- ring 8100 C R Wright & Duh. rin ir 150 60 C U W rhtht & Duh- rlliR 60 75 C R Wright & Duh- ring- 4500 60 John Wynkoop Estate 1 45 900 R. H. Wlnlack 167 04 225 D. L. Patterson 88 80 198 William Crispin 18 68 900 Joseph H. Trotlei1 167 04 2543 2607 2640 270 William Ltispiu, tor 1880 RIDQWAY TOWNSHIP. 8 78 4392 4869 4870 21" Oeoree Dickinson 910 Bryant & Euwer 916 Rr'vniit Euwer 100 87 201 81 203 82 222 50 210 93 88 11 16 39 6 74 19 79 13 80 64 90 23 75 264 10 4270 1000 4283 498 890 Rryont & Euwer Rryant A Euwer Rryont A Euwer Andrew M'Kibben Asa Cummlngs 100 4806 45 133 T R Cobb '80 tax 137J Elsie J Cobb '81 tax 400 B F Ely 170 B F Ely 1222 1155 RF Ely 8889 103 Sheldon, Strebigh & Rates 4390 50l Sheldon, Strebigh & Bates 4394 400 Sheldon, Strebigh & Rates 4394 420 Sheldon, Strebigh & Hates 4392 545 Sheldon, Strebigh & Rates 4391 966 Sheldon, Strebigh & Hates 22 21 68 00 64 07 68 18 74 50 132 45 95 Isaac A very from Cobb, part of C Mead fe Ely lot 6 93 183JEdw'nrd Crovston 13 62 747 W H.OsterJiout WIN . cox Loim lot 136 74 4848 63 O V Gillis 4 II 102 James PGarrltt-froni James Gardner 60 Horace Little 200 Horace Little 14 13 3 02 40 79 4375 4370 4389 4377 4390 638 c R Ear'ey 1 from f 156 52 1020 717 1020 190 132 61 Farley 2-50 79 170 19 250 70 40 71 81 94 11 64 Brick'l & Hite Kennedy lot 4389 SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP 2036 1338 Brvint fe Euwer 107 43 1502 501 Bryant & Euwer 6148 2942 S50 Henry Raught 103 01 2971 800 H Irani Currier & Co 301 17 2986 81IO " 3I1 17 2915 900 D Carrlerand others 341 88 2948 000 G Hloko 024 74 2937 1055 Allegheny Rank of Pittsburg 04 55 4-556 1 82 George D Messenger 19 21 4-509 150 Henry Truman 22 7 . 657 Soutlier & Willis 99 79 481 Soutlier & Will is N. W. corner of twp 73 27 2792 200 C R Wright & Duh ring 80 53 2775 329!, I, F Powers-nnd. of 12 11 2789 347 (ieo W Rhines fr. county 415t 100 (Jeo W Rhines 48 Geo W Rhines N. E. cor. of Strong lot 2792 200 Wm. Kelley from countv 475 Francis C Elliot 98 Taylor D Rhines Armairost tract 054 10O" A JGruber fromD. O. M'Knall 216 M'Gafttc & Truman from seated list 114 Taylor I) Rhines 1000 Rowman & Rros 81 74 20 34 4044 29G2 19-30 parts of from sen ted list, w. part 131 30 20 30 4502 200 J K Gardner ST. MARYS ROROUGH. Lot Nor. 4-'i. 44. 45. 1 Ridirwav Farm and 58 und f-2 Coal Co. Centre St. 5 71 11 03 97 14 4 50 30 30 86 30 30 31. 32. 33. 84.1 , , 35, 30, 37, 38. ..."MJ ......I Coal Co. Maurice Street 39, 40, 41 and half of 30 13 " Lewis St. Charles Overbolt zer Wulburger Street Geo Gregory fr. Rev. Louis Cur tuyval CR Earley, Lou is Street Geo Krellner Erin Street 5 100,113 and 114 Iff. Grotziiiffer A manilus .street Horace Little Louis Street Mary Wrinkle Louts Street 23 9 and 10 SEATED LIST. Rpttirnerl by collector, upon which there enuWI not he found Miftlficnt personal pro perty to pay me sovcuu uixes uHsct-seu inere- on: BENZINQEIt TOWNSHIP. A ORES. m War. William Young, '81 tax 20 53 Pntriek M'Tlitlony. '81 tnx 3 71 Edward Uitblo, 4 lots, '81 tax 61 KOX TOWNSHIP. Wm. Gibson, lions & lot 78-'79 2 84 1(H) Peter Hoi lolnuuh,'78-'79tas. 40 Peter HollobnuKh. " 15 80 1K John Hollolmugli, " 12y,.liitnes Shelvy, " l "Martin Johnson, 12Abrn!iinii Comb EKtnte,'79tax J C Hurkc. 1 lot. '79 tux 17 on 2 tM 13 49 8i 60 King liaise, Yuil King 7H-';u tax Alice Murphy, 1 hotioe nml , lot '79 lux 70 Henry Souther, '78 tax HIGHLAND TOWNSHIP. 52 50 0 5ft 2 50 STWt 7fl D Cmhani, '80 Inx trn F, Ai-kerly, 'M tnx M B Clementfer, '81 tux Pnink Hiiveiicamp 'si t-ix HMiryllhoff 2 flfl i in so Art 250 4 17 I 2 74 .778 4 20 8 40 R7'K 3780 J II WlndBof, " HORTON TOWNSHIP. Patrick Welsh, "78 tnx Jumes O'Hurru, '81 tax JAY TOWNSHiP. Ethan M'Cullontii 79-80-'81 tax 8 OS 4 20 19 3 15 12 62 21 41 as 411) 1 85 3S I 70 on 12 Roht Rothrock. ,79-'80 tax ) Rotit Rothrock, ' j Joslnh H. Morey " Hain'l Bell Estate ' Mitry J HitteniHU " 111 nun Howard " JONES TOWNSHIP. St John Peterson, '81 tax MILIJSTONE TOWNSHIP. 21 James Oeorire, '81 tax 42 A W Uilbrou und. i ot 81 tax SPRING CREEK TOWNSHIP. 3217 210 M'Gaffle Si Truman '77-78-'79 tax Geo W I. B Klllutt und. of 79 tax George ProcluR. 79 tux U.W Dniikle, '80--81 lax Roxranuati S George, '80 '81 tax O W Potterfleltf, 79-'80-'81 tax George Proclug Hownian Bros. 79 tax Geo W Uulnea ALU Elliott 22 12 72 48 1 68 3 16 2792 831 85 25 100 SS4 lux) 72 9 80 23 2t 17 00 1,20 27W 29t2 79 UIX ST. MARYS BOROUGH. Lo No. 1 Independent Fire Co. No. 1, and nniiaiuc, 79 lax 2 John Hoitinaii, lot uod houe. "tit tax I KihiicIs Kronen wetter; 79 tax 1 N A C Kronenwetter, and new stable, 79 tax . 18 ond 14, Martin riorg,2 low from Hill 79 lax T60 12 51 8 80 60 T 91 GEORGE WEIDENBCERNEH, Treasurer. Treasurer's Office, Rldgway, Pa,. April 1st '81 J, The Secret f the universal success of Brown's Iron Bitters is sim ply this i It is the best Iron preparation ever made; .is . compounded on thoroughly scientific, chemical and medicinal principles, ancl does just what is claimed for . it no more and no less. ' By thorough and rapid assimilation with the blood, it reaches every part of the system, healing, purifying and strengthening. Com mencing at the foundation it builds up and restores lost health in no other way can lasting benefit be obtained 79 Detrbom Are., Chicago, Nov. 7. I havtt been II great sufferer from ft very weak stomach, heartburn, and dyspepsia in its worst form. Nearly crervthini I at r m dn tress. nd 1 could cat but little. I hare tried everything recommended, hava taken the prescriptions of ft dozen physicians, but got no relief until I took Brown's Iron Bitters. I feci none of the old troubles, and am ft new man'.- I am getting much stronger, end feet first-rate. I am a railroad engineer, and now make my trips regularly. 1 can not say too much in praise of your wonder ful medicine. D. C. Mack. Brown's Iron Bitters does not cdntain whiskey or alcohol, and will not blacken the teeth, or cause headache and constipation. It will cure dyspepsia, indi gestion, heartburn,' sleep lessness, dizziness, nervous debility, weakness, &c. tTse on! Brown's fron Bitters made by Brown Chemical Co. , Baltimore. Crossed red lines and trade-mark ea wrapper. $500 EEWAEDf OVEK A II II. I ION Of Prof. ttet'it hold In this country und In France evt-ry one of which Iiiih given perfect Kiitlsriiction nndhis per-pi-riiitd cures every lime when used ac cording to directions. We now say to tlie afflicted and doubt ing ones that we will jiay the above reward fo a single case of LAME BACK That tho Pud falls to cure. This great remedir will Positively and Permanently cure I.uin bni;o, I .ti me Buck. Bclutlcn, Gravel, DiubeleH, iJmpKy, Bright'K HlKease of tho Ridnwys, In continence and llelenilnn of the Urine, Pain in the Back. Hide or Loins, Nervous Weak ness, and In fuel all disorders of the Bladder and Urinary Organs whether contracted by private disease or otherwise. LAI) IKS, if yon are suflering from Feinnle Weakness, Leneorrhiea, or anv dis ease of the Kidneys, Bldddcr.or Urinary Or gans. YOTJ CAN BE CURED I Without swallowing nauseous medicines, by simply wearing PROF. GUILMETTE'S French Kidney Pad, Which Cures by Absorption. Ask your drnggtrt lor PROF. GUILMET TK'S French Kidney Pad, and lake no other. If he has not got it, send $ and you will receive the Pad by return innll. TESTIMONIALS FROM THE PEOPLE. JUDGE BUCHANAN. Lawyer, Toledo, O., says: -Ono of Prof. Gul mette'g French Klclnev Pads cured me of l.nmliago In three weeks' time. My case had been given ud bv the best Doctors as Incurable. During all this time I suffered untold agony und paid out large stuns of money." GEORGE VETTER, J. P. Toledo, O. "I SKfl'eted for three years with Sciatica and Kidney Disease, and often hud logo about on' crutches, I wus entirely and permanently cured after wearing Prut. Guilmette's Erensh Kidney Pad foar weeks," 'SQUIRE N. C. SCOTT, Sylvania, O. 'I have been a great sufferer for 10 years with. Rrljthl's Disease of the Kidneys. For. weeks at a lime I wus unable to get out of bed; look barrels of medicine' but they give me only temporary relief. I wore two of Prof. Guilmette's M'ctney Pads six weeks, and I now know thut I am entirely cured." MRS HELLEN JEROME. Toledo, O. "For years I have been confined, a great parlor the time to my bed, with Lucorrluua and female weitknes. I wore cue of Guil mette's Kidney Puds and was cured la oue month." H. B. GREEN, Wholesale Grocer, Fhidtand, O. "I suffered for 2i years with lama bek and In three weeks permanently cured b wear 15 oo I&ESg ing uneui i-rot. ivuiuueiie s uver faus B. F. KEESLING, M. Dc Drmglst, , Loffansriort, Ind. When sending In an order for Kidney Puds, writes: "I wore one of the- first ones" we had and I received more benefit from It than unytlilng I every used. In fact the Pa-ls give belter general .satisfaction than any Kidney remedy we ever sold." RAY & SHOEMAKER, Druggists, Hannibal, Mo. "We are working up a lively trade In your Pads, and are heuring of good results from" them every day." Prof. Guilui8ttG' s FrencfiT LIVER PAD Will positively' cure Fever and Ague, Dumb Ague, Ague Cake, Bilous Fever, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, and all' diseases of the Liver, Stomach and Blood. Price $1.50 by mail. Send for Prof. Guilnit tleVTrvatise on the Kld ueys and Liver free by mail. Address FRENCH PAD CO., Toledo. Ohio. For sale by Chas McVean, St. Marys, Pa. appletoTsamrinIbyclo- PEDIA. This admirable work is now com pletein 16 vols; Eachvolumecontains800! pages. It makesa complete and well selected library,- and no one can afford to do without it who would keeiy well Informed. Price $5 00 In cloth, $0.K) in leather, or 7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. Faircblld, Portville, Catt. Co., N. Y., who has been duly appointed ageHt for Elk county by C. K. JudsoB,' general agent
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers