' ' The CarclcRB tso of Ice. ' ' r.IMs only in this country that ice .enter ro lardr into the apparent com fort of its inhabitants, and a very dan gerous comfort it is, Dyspor&ki and a .number of evils follow directly in the train of the consumption of ice. To the great pitchers of iced water so temptingly displayed on Lot days may be traced a number of maladies, for it is evident that no person can, without danger, snddenly and violently lower the temperature of his stomach' by fill ing it full of water at thirty-two degrees Fahrenheit. That valuable organ will certainly resent the insult, especially if followed up by repeated injuries of the same kind. In the tropics, where the ioe has more temptations surrounding it than in any other part of the world, the iuhabitaats most carefully avoid it. Tori cannot get a Cuban to indulge in iced water. People who have been previously addicted to the foolish habit of using ice-water, after visiting the West Indies, forever eschew the dan- gerous practice. A party of men who recently visited San Domingo on busi ness (who would go there for any other reason?) on the first arrival mourned greatly at the absence of ice. "Ah," said thoy, " when the English Bteamer runs iu here we will go aboard and have a treat in the shape of good iced brandy and soda." Tho steamer arrived in due time. The ardent foreigners jnmped into the boat of the captain of the port (a negro gor geously arrayed in uniform covered with gold luce) and, barely saluting the captain, rushed to the saloon for the coveted refreshment. It was duly ab sorbed, and the whole party rendered ill in consequence. Nono of them huve ever touched ice since that time. In yie West Indies it is only the colored race which patronizes ice to the white people it is not only no luxury, but a dangerous enemy. Ice has its uses ; in the hospitals it is invaluable; for the preseivation of provisions, especially fish, it is useful, although detrimental to flavor if allowed to touch the meats to be preserved ; but as an article of human consumption it should be avoid ed. There is yet an essay to be written upon the maladies and woes produced by the careless consumption of ice. It is only with us that this takes place. Abroad, ice is simply a .'uxury only re sorted to at times ; oven in California the residents ro wary of it. In short, ice is e very good friend iu moderation, but a bitter enemy when the intimacy is too absorbing. Nets York Hour. A Cnrioiw Trai. Among tho discoveries made recently in the great dead sea of the West, were soma gigantic oyster shells, more than six feet long, each pair of which once contained an animal that the average boy render of St. Nicholas could not lift. In other localities shells of but one valve wore found fifteen feet long, and each of these was inhabited by a cuttle fish, that forced itself through the water by a method like that used to shoot a rocket up into the air; and some authorities say that these cnttle fish attained a length of even thirty feet. These lonar fellows had a long dame, Orthocerotite, and they had a cousin, tho Ammonite, which grew as large as a cart-wheel. Such were some of the shells of a thousand years ago; to-day tho only really largo shell is of the clam family. It is named Tridacna gigas, and is found in the Pacific ocean; the length of its life being sixty or seventy years. It grows imbeded in the coral, and is fa3t- T A - J 1 1 , 1 11 1,1 eueu to mo tucks vj a cora caiiea me byssns, which is so tough that itjean only be cut with an ax. The shells themselves are six feet long, each valve weighing more than two hundred and fifty pounds; while the animal part often weighs thirty cr forty pounds. When alive, the tridacna lies with its great valves ajar, capturing any food that may pass within the scalloped edges. A shark was once caught in thi3 way, as shown in the picture. Swimming along in search of food, he unwarily passed into the doorway of the preat clam's house, his tail rudely striking the animal. Like a flash the tremendous jaws snapped together, squeezing the man-eater as if he were in a vice, and rendering him utterly powerless. As the tide went down, the shark's head appeared above water, thrashing about and churning up the sea. The hubbub attracted the atten tion of some natives, who soon cap tured both shark and clam. St. Nicho las. Quill Pens. An advertisement in a New York paper for an experienced quill pen cutter called out an interview with tho only quill pen importer and manufacturer in that city. Ho said that twenty years ago there were several quill pen makers here and in other cities. Now one iu Philadelphia and himself are all that he knows. Qaill pens are nsed mainly by old lawyers and judges, partly from cut torn, but chiefly because they are easy to write with. "Most of the quills come from Itnssia. The Ilnssian goose has a hardier quill than our geese. An nn clarirled pen from the wing of aKnssian goose is the most durable. The German quills have tho best plumage. A two dozou box of good quills will last two or three months easily for a man who knows how to mend his own pens. The instrument nsed in pen making is the ordinary blade of the penknife, inserted firmly intu a wooden handle of peculiar shape, tapering to a point. A pen is made with two cuts or three. The blunt end of the quill is first cut off, because it is not tough. Then the point of the handle is inserted, and the quill is carefully split for a certain distance. Two slashing cuts then form the nib, and the pen is done. The plumage is neatly trimmed. Swan quills are sometimes nsed for pens, but are very much more expensive than the common goose quill. Quill pens are sold at retail for about three shillings a dozen. The demand is steady, such as it is, but it is growing less year by year. Public Debt. The following is an official statement of the total State and looal indebted ness of the United States : State debt 1200,377,310 Oonntydebt 125,453,100 Township debt '. 30,l!t0,6bl HohooJ debt 17,493,110 Debt of cities sad towns of 7,500 population and over 710,535,924 Debt of other municipalititn.... 56,310,209 Gross debt 11,200,359,514 Deduct sinking funds 115,051,121 Total net debt $1,065,808,393 Since 1S70 there has been a decrease of twenty-five per cent, in State debts, and a decrease of eight per cent, in county debts. But there has been an increase in municipal debts of 100 per oent, ' -THE. FA1UI AND HOUSEHOLD. . Lltnr, Lime benefits the soil partly by sup plying plant food, as almost all the use f oilplants contain considerable lime, and partly by decomposing inert substances m.the soil. Lime liberates fixed am monia, decomposes vegetable matter and destroys the acidity of sour soil. Its absence from the soil is generally shown by the presence of useless or noxious plants, and its presence is ordinarily in dicated by the growth of tho more valuable plants. When refuse lime can be obtained it is one of the cheapest fertilizers that can be employed. Old I'nMnrcn. A few years since, says a writer, I had an old pasture that hud almost run out, covered with weed and patched with moss. I mixed a few barrels of salt and wood ashes, and applied about two barrels of the mixtnro per acre, covering about half the lot. The result surprised me. Before fall the moss had nearly all disappeared and the weeds were rapidly following suit, while the grass camo in thick, assuming a dark green color, and made fine pasturage. The balance of the lot remained unpro ductive as bf fore, but the following year was saltod, with like results. Hone lor 1'ouliry. Some persons are in the habit of burn ing the bones before feeding them to poultry. It is true that after being burned they are much easier broken up, but the raw bones contain a large amount of gelatine, which is a most ex cellent food for making hens lav, and gelatine also contains a large amount of nitrogen, which is driven into the atmosphere by the heat. When the bones are ted raw this nitrogen is re tained, and having done duty as food for the poultry and constituting part of their systems it is still capable of again doing duty as a fertilizer, but once be coming free nitrogen in the atmosphere it is not so easy a matter to combine it in such a manner that it shall be ren dered available as plant food. In pound ing raw bone it is not necessary t j make it so fine as people suppose, for a hen will swallow a much larger piece than many would think possible, and when once in her crop it will be digested and properly economized. I'nil llnlrv ( own l.lbcrnlly. Wo believe, says the National Lire Stock Jourval, the dairyman should study how he mny produce all the food necessary for his cows upon his own' farm, and that ho should niuko all the provision that an intelligent foresight can do; but ho should never suffer his herd to go with deficient food, even for one week, for this he cannot afford to do. And that we may encourage him to be liberal, oven when his pasture is short, and he has no extra green food for them, let us compare tho extra cost of nutriment in some by-product, such as bran, cotton-seed meal, linseed meal, corn meal, etc., some one of which the dairyman may always find near at hand, with pasture grass. Pasture grass has about eighty-nine per cent, of water, and the nutriment in 100 pounds of it is supposed to bo worth twenty-one cents. The nutriment of nineteen pounds of fine bran is just equal to 100 pounds of pasture grass; ten pounds of cotton seed meal, twelve pounds of lin seed meal, or ten pounds of corn meal, is equal to 100 pounds of grass. Now 100 pounds of pasture grass is a ration for an ordinary-sized cow per day. If the pasture, then, is short one-third, Or one-half, or in any other proportion, it is easy to make up this deficiency by feeding some one or several of these foods, which are so easily handled. It is seldom that more than one-third would have to be fed to make a full ration on short pasture. Let U3 sup pose the danyman to be feeding seven pounds of fine bran ; this, at 87 per ton, would cost l.S cents iier day, or about nineteen cents per week. Xow.the extra milk per week produced by this bran would mnca nioro than pav the cost. If he should feed, instead of bran, four pounds of linseed meal, it would cost him twenty-eight cents per weok ; or if 3 12 pounds of cotton seed meal, would cost twenty-two cents per week ; or 0 1-3 pounds of corn meal, twenty to thirty-five cents per cow, per week. If he has the com mand of all these, let him make np a ration nearly as follows : Four pounds bran, one-half linseed meal, and 1 1-2 pounds corn meal to each cow per day, which will probably cost only twenty cents per week and will keep a generous flow of milk till tho fall rains renew the pasture, and tho extra food can be discontinued. We have known many who have used an extra ration similar to this during short pasture, and never found one who reported it unprofitable. The ration may be varied to suit all circumstances. Corn meal will be found cheap in some localities ; bnt it is always best to mix some bron with it j and in most parts of all our broad dairy belt bran will be found the cheap est extra food to make up for short pasture. llrccdiuir Hon. The Prairie Farmer has an able article ra this subject. To be practical, it says, this interesting native, the breeding sow, should be, as anything else upon the farm, first rate broad, lengthy, deep, short-snouted, of fine bone, with tail well set on, a thin ear and skin gathering in folds even to the hock, and of a breed that will fatten on clover and grass in summer and on mangolds in. winter, sliced and sprinkled with ground corn and oats. Various are the breeds nowadays possessing such characteristics. Wherever they may hail from you will have no great difficulty in obtaining what you want, especially if you attend our 'State and county fairs, or proceed on a tour of in spection among the more prominent and successful breeders of the country. Grudge not a few extra dollars, whilo on such a journey, in tho purchase of an exemplary sow-in-pig to begin with. It is loss of time, besides disappoint ment, to buy second-rate stock, however excellent your judgment may be. with the purpose of improving it. Climb as far as you can on the shoulders of others who have pioneered before you, and then take np the path. You will be passed in turn, never fear, by some one now a small boy munohing a crust. Start, however, as forward as you can, nd do your best while your hours lasts. Reserve for breeding the sows which have about ten or twelve teats. Retain not, however, more than nine of a litter, if you get so many. It is curious how jealously nature has taught the pigling to recognize and ad here to his own peculiar one or pair of teats. The sow sixteen weeks with young, should be managed that she be ready to farrow in March and September, as oold weather is death to little pigs. A high bred lot are apt to drop their tails. This disfigurement, however, for such it is, may be prevented to" a certain de gree by a light dose of phybio (b, lasie of oil in sweet milk, which, they will drink), and anointing the sore place with a little digestive ointment, such as any druggist can prepare. Around the sty iu which tho breeding sow is kept at th time of farrowing there should be run a couple of rails, one above the other, a foot from the wall, the lowest being about three-quarters of a foot from the ground. The great risk at such time i". of the littlo pigs being smothered by her lying helplessly upon them in her pain, whereas if there be a rail she is likely to bear against it, so that tho little ones, if they havo the bad luck to get underneath, will either work themselves out, or escape the direct burden of her direct weight. 'Ihey soon learn worldly wisdom enough to take refuge behind, where you should have a little soft straw or hay for their especial rise. Under the sow at farrowing time there should bo little or no straw, us with tho best disposi tion she is then more apt to annihilate some of the wee ones who may be lost to sight, having gone burrowing on their own behalf. The best practice, however, is to have her watched and tho little ones taken from her as iney appear, ana 11 tue weather is cold, kept near the fire in a hamper for a day or two, being carried to and fro for suckling. This entails a little tiouble, but it is well repaid, as you may so save a whole litter, three fourths of which, if left with her, the chances are you may find with their tongues out "done to death within twenty-four hours after birth. As soon as they are pretty strong upon their legs and can expostulate lustily you may leave thf m in the fenced sty with mamma altogother, having taken care first to initiate them into tho secret of their harbor (tho railing around the wall). All this a savage mother will not allow; nay, often she will devour her offspring if meddled with at all. As a preventive against this awkward finale a wash of aloes and water into which tho piglings are dipped, just newly farrowed, has been used. A " fond parent" of this sort, it will pay you best, however, to fatten and con sume in turn. Gentle sows are sum ciontly attainable to permit the iainic diate sacrifice of a savage. If the woo ones be oiling a hot bath fer them and a dose of castor oil (say four ounceR) to the mother, of which they will en joy a reversion through her milk, as safo and usually successful treatment, That the sow will reqniro warm fopd, gruel, etc., after her labor, and must be carefully tended and not hi hly fed for some days, it is almost superfluous to remark. Indeed, unless the tyro have servants about his stock who of themselves will exercise such ordinary thought, we will have a verv mountain to surmount. We rnav notice only that boiled food promotes especially tho now of mult, and that for those sows which litter in autumn lettuces are tho most wholesome and juiciest of food. Toward weaning time turn out tho sow occasionally by her self, and accustom the nursery to take warm milk and slops on their private account. This will grease tho slips of their final launch into life, which should take place as soon as they have shivered through the ninth week, when the matron should bo thinking of baby linen again. Mind and do your little pigs well. Tho sow should bo richly fed throughout the nursing, so that when yon wean the litter they shall bo pretty stout to shirt on their own ac count. Still, at the best, it is a tick lish period when they are first put over the nest. Ruinous as cruel is the policy of stinting on infant. It is far better for you to keep half a dozen in good trim, ready ever for pork or winter baconers, than half a hundred trotting everlastingly, half fed, about the yard scabby, wizzen-looking and pot-bellied in anxious search for anything to sat isfy the pangs of their hunger. Starved in infancy, young stock seems to lose not only size, but in a great degree its aptitude to fatten. Clover an a Fertilizer. All plants draw much of their food from the atmosphere, and of those used in agriculture none are exceeded by clover in the large proportion of nutri ment thus derived. In this respect other leguminous crops are much like red clover. Here we include all the clovers, vetches, beans, peas, sainfoin, lupins and lucerne. To keep up the fertility of our soil, we must restore to it phosphoric acid, potash, nitrogen and other substances which are found in furm crops. Of the three very important and valuable sub stances just named nitrogen is the most precious and costly to obtain. In vari ous places there are abundant supplies of potash and phosphoric acid. As may be said, these are " in sight." Agricul tural chemists are now studying on the problem of the future supply'of nitrogen for agricultural purposes. So far, clover seems to be tho important factor in this problem. Whoie crops of clover are often plowed under, to restore or keep up the ertility of the soil; but I am safe in saying that it has been proven a better practice to cut off the clover, feed it, and use the manure than to plow under tho whole crop. In other words-for various reasons, all of which may not seem plain it has been shown that plowing under a clover-stubble is fol lowed by about as good results (often butter) as though the whole crop was turned under. Again, Vcelcker shows that laud on which clover has been grown for seed in the preceding year yields a better crop of wheat than it does when the clover is mown twice for hay, or even once only, and afterward fed off by sheep. Says Dr. Vudoker, in the " Journal " of tho Royal Agricultural Society of Lngland : " 1. A good crop of clover removes from tho soil more potash, phosphorio acid, lime, and other mineral matters, which enter into tho composition of the ashes of our cultivated crop), than any other crop usually grown in this country. VS. There is fully throe times as much nitrogen iu a crop of clover as in the average produce of the grain and straw of wheat per acre. 3. Clover is an excellent preparatory crop for wheat. 4. During tho growth of clover a largo amount of nitrogenous matter ac cumulates in tho soil. 5. This accumulation, which is great est in the surface soil, is due to decaying leaves, dropped during the growth of clover, and to an abundance of roots, containing, when dry, from one and a half to tw j per cent, of nitrogen. 6. The clover roots are stronger and more numerous and more leaves fall on the ground when clover is grown for seed than when it is mown for hay. In consequence, more nitrogen is left after olover-seed than after hay. 7. The crop causes ft large aocumuU- tion of nitrogenous matter, whioh are gradually, changed in the soil to nitrates. 8. Clover not onlv provides an abund ance of nitrogenous food, bnt delivers iiim iuoa in a readily avaiiuuie iorm (as nitrates) more cradually ani con tinuously, and with more certainty of a good result, that such food be applied to the land in the shape of nitrogonous spring top-dressings. PnOP. W.J. DEATi. Hfclpes. Rice Fkttit Pudding. Ono largo tea cup rice, a little water to cook it par tially; dry; lino an earthon basin with the rice; fill up withquartored apple or any fruit you choose. Cover with nee. Tie a cloth over the top and steam one hour. To be eaten with sweet sauce. Do not butter the dish, .Potato Puddiso One pound pota toes boiled and well m&shed, one-qnar-ter pound of butter stirred in while warm, two ounces of sugar, the rind of half a lemon chopped fine with the juice, a teacnpful of milk; butter the tin, put in the mixtwe, and bake in a moderate oven for half an hour; two eggs may be added. Cookies. Three and one-half cups flour, one cup sugar (a little heaped), half cup butter, one third cup rich milk or cream, two eggs, half teaspoonful soda; work the butter until creamed and beat the sugar smoothly into it, then add the soda dissolved in the milk; let the whites of the eggs be beaten to a st'ff froth and add the last thing be fore the flour. Pancakes Beat up three eggs and a quart of milk; make it up into a batter with flour, a little salt, a spoonful of ground ginger and a lntle grated lomon-peel; let it be of a fine thickness and perfectly smooth. Clean your frvincr-nan thoroughly, and put into it a good lump of dripping or bntter; when it is hot pour in a cupful of batter and let it all run over of an equal thickness; shako tho pan fre quently that the batter may not stick, ami when you think it is done on one side toss it over; if yon cannot, turn it with a slice, and when both are of a nice light brown, lav it ou a dish before the fire; strew sugar over it aud so do tho rest. They should be eaten directly, or they will brcorne heavy. CiiARLurrn Russe. Soak two-thirds of a box of gelatine in a cup of good milk; put three Clips of good cream to scald in an inner boiler; beat the yolks of six eggs to a thick foam; stir and dissolve the gelatine in the cream at the boiling point; add a lound saltupoonful of salt; beat a heaping cup of sugar to tho yolks of egg, letting the cream and gelatine stai.d meanwhile where they will be kept, scalling hot; pour the cream gradually to the yolks and sugar, beating the while; continue :o beat till all is quite light and cold; give it into a second hand to keep beating, whilo you beat the whites of eggs to a stiff froth; add the whi'es of eggs, and beat all to gether to a fine froth; flavor with two teaspoonfulsof any extract.and turn into molds lined with slices of sponge-cake. Do not use stale cake; that is only fit to be made into puddings in which it will be recooked. Provide cake nice and fresh enough for tho tea-table. A Wrecked Crew's Terrible Experience. The Philadelphia 'Timet reports the adventures of James Fisher, chief officer of the bark Brunswick, which left Phila delphia for New Orleans May 16, aud was wrecked off the coast of Charleston during her return voyage in the terrible cyclone of July 27 and 28. Fisher says: Wo were about seventy-five miles off Charleston, just a little to tho north, perhaps, and apparently in the very vortex of the cyclone. We decided to throw the deckload, comprising some thirty-five thousand feet of timber, overboard. Well, over it went. We went along better for awhile, but only for awhile. Our hold was rapidly fill ing. Wo felt that the vessel must sink, and we threw oyer everything that we could get rid of in the hope of saving her. In trying to break tho anchor away Theodore Shadduek, a Greek sailor, was swept overboard. I saw him on the crest of a mighty wave behind us and I thought he would bo swept back, He seemed to think so, too, for he called out, ' All rightee, sir." But in a moment after he threw np his arms and disappeared. It was every man for himself, and so I told the men. They blubbered for awhile, of course; death's a terrible thing when it comes and laughs right in your face. " No use, men," said I, "every man's got to go some time. If any of you can pray, why pray. Now is the time. But don't let us be women. Let us die like men." Six of us lashed ourselves to the stump of i he mizzenmast and three to the spanker-boom. There wo cowered, the sea beating over us, until at last the cabin broke up and the stump of the mizzenmast shot up into the air. We disengaged ourselves as rapidly as pos sible. e crawled for our lives to a beam that served to fasten the skylight and lashed ourselves to that. The hull broke up and the cargo Moated up around us. We were ou nothing but a raft composed of a part of the deck, When we counted heads there was but six of us. The rest had floated off and were drowned, we scarcely knew how. It was pitch dark and we could hear nothing but the awful rear of the ele ments. So we lay there all night, fight ing the sea and wreck. Heavy logs forty feet long were whipped up and twirled around like shingles. I got just a little tap of one. It knocked all my front teeth down my throat. In the morning we banded ourselves together so that the wind could strike us made a sail of ourselves, so to speak and we slowly worked ourselves freo fr m the debus So we drifted that day and the next, hungry, thirsty and despairing. Three of our men who had boon drinking salt water began to liwn their minds. One the negro steward wanted to eat his bands. The two others sailors imagined they were still in the fore castle of tho vessel and engaged in a quarrel over an imaginary theft of to bacco aud wanted to kill each other with their knives. Wo could scarcely con trol them, but we managed it somehow, We had drifted down near Savannah after vainly striving to signal passing vessels. We were weak and helpless and had almost given up hope, when pilot-boat JNo. 5, Captain James uen, sighted us and took us up. Said Mrs. Younehusband, " Charlie, wny is it you never talk with me as you did before we were married I notice that yon talk fast enough with other women." " DeareBt," replied Charlie, without taking his eyes off his news paper, "don't you know that people talk to conceal their thoughts 7 I have nothing to conceal from you, love," In another moment he was deep in the stook market reports, while something V, . . 41 A A -.. ,i ,il i 1 1 V a ll, n ml in ,t: trembled on the lipa of Mrs. Younghue band as she slowly left ine room. Their-tatxrnenfs Indorsed. Pittsburg Catholic A strong statement unqualifiedly in dorsed must induce confidence. In this connection we note the following from Dr. Louis Bock & Son, Sheboygan, Wis.: We have been handling St. Jaoobs Oil and are pleased with the large demand. Hardly a day goes by without hearing from some one or another of our patrons having used it with entire satisfaction, saying it is the best thing they ever triod, and we join them in so saying. The preacher took for his toxt : "He giveth His beloved sleep." And then he said, as he glanced around, that the way his congregation had worked itself into the affection of the Lord was amazing. Boston Post. Boston fllass.) Cultivator. -Mr. M. F. Morse, Westboro. Mass., mentions to us the giatifijing informa tion that St. Jacobs Oil relieved him of a very severe attack of sciatic rheuma tism and is an excellent thing. A water monster is said to inhabit the Mokelumne river above Jackson, Cal. The Chinese are in mortal terror over it, and say that tho creature has killed one of their number. f'nrrd of Drinking. A young friend of miuo was cured of an In satiable thirst for liquor, that had bo prostrated his eysletii tuat ho was unable to do any busi ness. Ho was entirely cured by the nee of Hop Hitters. It allayed ail that burning thirst, took away the appi-tiio for liquor, made hi nervos steady, and lieha-4 runiHinml a sober ami sternly man "for more than two years, and lias no rto eire to return to liis cups, and I know of a number of others that havo been cured of drinking by it. From a Leading li. H. Official, Chicago, 11. A man on Cumberland mountain, Tennessee, is shipping wild ferns to the North and realizing a good profit. KKSlTEn FROM DEATH. William .1. Conghlin, of Somorvillo, Maps., says: In Hie (all of 1X761 w-a taken with ulnertini: of the itinn. followed by a sevcro couh. I lost my appetite aud flesh, and was confined to my bed. In lS77Iwas ad mitted to the hospital. Tho doetore said 1 had a nolo in my limp a3hi at a hall-dollar. At one lime arc-l-ort went around that I wus dead. I pavo np hoj-e, but a friend told me of Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Ll-nor. I pot a bottle, when, to my surprise, 1 eoniinenecd to feel better, and to-day I feel better than for three years post. I writo this hoping ewry one afllieted with diseased lunss will take l)n. Wil liam Hall's Balsam, and bo convinced that cos- UMiTtoNCANurccuiiL-ii. I can positively say it has ono more Rood thau nil the other nicdleiu-js 1 huvo tkun since my sickness. WAU It ANTED VOIt 31 YEAKS axd xt:vi:n vmled To cmK Oronp, fcnams, TMarrluca, Ihsentcrv and &ea hicKnesH, t-tKen lUKTiiany, utut iii.Ai(.. l l:l',u oWectiv Ii.irmlcs; Hlo extcniiiliy, Oils, linil-cs, lirotiit- Uhi-uiiiatiHin. Old Sore, rain in lie limits. wk and rli-st. Sneh a remedy is Dr. TOlilAS' KM 1 IAN MMJItM. I ?- i one once truiii; it will ever bo without it: overliihl phsiciaus use it. i'i ( cuts will liny n Ti-eniixe upon the Horse and his Diseases. Book of lot) pajios. Yultutblo o every owner of horses. Tostao stamps taken. Sent postpaid by NEW YOUK NliW Sl'Al'liU EMUS, 1 .Vl Worth Street. New York. 1 11 i; M Al.KKTS. M'.W Yil'.lK. Beef Cuttle Med. Nat. live wt. n (if, lt4 e" :. Ives Cioo.l to Prime c-nl.. it (") 4 H 5 (K K.V'4 0 Oil 0i) 5 70 fil. Sheep Lambs Hogs Live 7 !l 7 75 H 0:) Drawn, city Flour Kx. State, good to fancy esU'tn, good to cmueo Wheat No. 2 lied 1 4ii!. 1 17 No. 1 Whito 1 ; 1 41' ; 1 07 live Slate 1 01 B5 Barlev Two-rowed Srate S'.l ?5 57 41 70 23 Corn UngradodVostevnJlixed Southern Yellow 72r,(J Oats White State .. 51 Jlixetl Wc-stern ,. 42 .. C5 .. 00 ... 20 ..19 75 ..12 10 ..12 50 llav Primo Timothy H H Straw No. 1, live Hops State, 1881 66 i oi k .Mess, new, lor export Lard City Steam M20 0, W,12 40 CU2 50 H 7'i Helmed rctroloum Crude Helmed Butter Stato Creamery 35 2S 2li 18 Dairy Western Iui. Creamery Factory Oft 0b Cheeso Stato Factory UK Mams Western (t) 12 Eggs Stato and Pcnu 21'jO 22 l'ot atoes Early ltose,Mato,bbl 2 5'J (a 3 ao BUFFALO. Steers Extra 0 25 Lambd Western 5 00 Sheep Western 4 70 (fj C ".) H 5 50 Co) 5 CIO dC C S3 (n 7 25 Ot) 141 nogs, liooii tocnoieo lorKors.. t o Flour C'v Ground, No. 1 Spring (i 75 Wheat No. I. HardDuliith 1 44 Corn No. 2 Jlixcd Oats No 2 Mix. West 70.V.I) 70.' 43 0i 48 00 0J) 00 Barley Two-rowed Stato BOSTON. Beef Extra plato and family. Hogs Live Hogs City Dressed , Pork Extra Prime per bbl . . , 1'lonr Spring Wheat Patents 1150 ffi:i3 00 ft 1 1' frh hi? 15 00 ( 5 50 8 00 On 8 73 0b 77 0i 50 Corn Mixed and Yellow 7.1 Oats Extra Whito 52 l!yo State 1 10 Wool Washed Combi Delaine 42 (b 1 15 11 yo Unwashed " " 2J on WATEItTOWN (MASS.l CATTLE MAUKLT. Beef Cattlo Live weight 4 On Sheep 4 ftj Lambs 5 06 c1. 51 o1 s, Northern 8,VrS PHILADELPHIA. Flour Penn. Ex. Family, fair. 7 23 OT) 7 25 W heat No. 2 lied 1 4( 0b 1 4l5 live State 1 10 of, 1 pi Corn Stato Yellow 7P '.on 7!'-: Oats Mixed 3S Oh ys Butter Creamery, Extra I'a... 35 On 30 Cheeso New Y'ork Full Cream. 121f5 12 Petroleum Crude WJt 71 lielinud 7 V4 V, Vegetine. Female Weaknesses. Xo better remedy In tho whole materia meilica has yet been coniiKmndoil for the Micf aud euro of Female Complaint, of the ordinary kind, than, Vegetine. It seem to art in those cases with un wonted certainty, and never fails to give a now and healthful tune to the fcinulu orcaus, to remove re laxed debility and unhealthy secretions, aud restore a healthful vigor and elasticity. One of the most common of thvue complaint is Leucorrhccct White, which are brought on either by the presence of Scrofula in the s stem, or by some ailertiou of the womb, or oven by general debility. For all these complaints, and when dunftfr bek'ius to threaten woman at the turn of life, Veoetinb can be com mended without qualiiiciition. The Kreat prevalence of these disorders, and their cure by Veuktine, has amply shown that the sure alleviating aent remains not yet to bo discovered, but is already known, and is a favorite with American lad its. Too lontf has it been the custom to nresenbe nauseating aud uncer tain remedieH in place of what in pleasant, eJncacious andchuap. Try VtotriNE. and do not doubt its power to carry you Bafely through danger and disease. A Splendid Medicine Heart and Kid ney Disease, Female Weakness. GsuoosvrtXE, HI., July 25, 1878. H. It. Stevens, Boston Dear Bir: I was afflicted with Jeatt and KiHy Ditta aud other Fcmule WtaknMM, aud doctored with severul physieians and receiver, no neneui uuiu i ineu your vegktine, aud alter taking two bottle 1 was completely cured, ana nave ieeii uwhuj "iu ct mute, anuon lamin mv i'JLth vcar. I do heartilv rernmnwiiri it a MBplfudid medicine to all afflicted as I have been. and 1 bleb the day mat u kii into mv nan at. MliS. MAKIA UOBSON, Vegetine. riiEPAEUD BY H. It. STEVENS, Boston, Mass, Vegetinp is Sold by All Druggists. Thnt Terrible Fndemte, Fever and ague, shatters tho most vigorous constitution and physique, andtbe after effect of the alkaloid often taken to arrost it, sulphate of quiuino, are scarcely leas pernlelong. The bost remody proven io be bo, not alone in mularia-striekon regions on this continent, bnt also in those portions of South and Central America whore malarial fovei s are most preva lent and malignant is Hostotter's Stomach Bitters. Its remedial and preventive effects as an opponent of intermittent and remittent fovers are owing to its tonic, regulating in fluence upon the liver, etomacu anil Dowels. By it theso co-operating organs, upon the Joint, harmonious action of which depends the health and vigor of the system, are made to act like clock-work. The consequence is that digestion, assimilation and soeretion are thorough, and the system sustained and dofended against miasmatio influences. There is a young laly in Rookuk, Iowa, who is six feet four inches tall, aud she is engaged to be married. The man who won her did it in these words : " Thy beauty sets my eoul aclow I'd wed thee right or wrong ; man wants but little h:re below, but wants that little long." Buffalo Ex press. no Ye Mice Foolish. For ten year my wife was confined to her lied ttith such a complication of ailments that no doctor could toll what was the matter or euro hor. and I used up a small fortune in, humbug stuff. Six months ago I saw a United States ling with Hop bitterson it, and 1 thought i n.,,,,1,1 l,i f,,l nnen more. I tried it. but my folly proved to be wisdom. Two bottles cured her. Sho is now as well and strong as any man's wife, and it cost me only two dollars. Bo yo likewise foolish. If. If., lMroit, Mich. The poison of a bee sting maybe forced out by pressing the barrel of a small kev firmly for a minute over the wound. No wound or swelling will ie suit. fn Ani-tl T.nat. Twenty-four members of Arlington's minstrels wore taking Warner's Safo Kidney and Liver uuo. it niauo mem nappy. The statistics of the ferries which ply between New York and the towns and cities adjacent carry, in the course of a year, upward of 100,000, OUU passengers Tcbe Cod Liver Oil made from selected liver, on tho soashore, by Caswem, Hazard & Co.. jscw York. It is abbolutely pure and sweet, l'atieiits who have onoo taken it prefer it to all others, rhvsiei.ns havo decidod it superior to any of tho otiier oils in market. 'J.I f'eiu. Will ltnv Treatise nnou tho Jturso and his Diseases. Hook of 100 pages. Valuable to overv ow ner of homes. Postage stamps taken. Sent post paid by Now York Newspaper Union, 150 Worth otrocr, acw lone. Vegetink. The great success ot the Veoe- ise as a cleanser and purifier ol uio blood m shown beyond a doubt by tho great numbers no havo taken it. anil recoiveu immediate. elicf, with Biich remarkable cures. " Kouch on lints." Asl; Druggists lor it. ,t clears out rats. mice. roaches, bed-hues. Hies, vermin, insects. 15c. There was a young man sn well bred, That the hair would not stay ou his head, lint the C.MinoLINE oil l'ut new hair on the soil, And now w ith an heiress he's wed. (Tli Is engraving represents the Lunjs In a healthy state ) A STANDARD REMEDY IN MANY HOMES. For CniiirliN, C'ilt, Ci nim, Di-fiiietiitNonrt all ther :ill i-liriiis cil the Tin mil inel I.I MiS, it uuiIh imrivuled aud utterly beyond all eomietition. IN CONSUMPTIVE CASES It aiiroaehes no near a sneelfle that "Nlnety-Ave" j '-i eent, ;ire i,erniauenlly etirod where the direc tions are Mrictlv eumplicd with. There is uo eliemi eal or other ingredients to harm tho young or old. AS AN EXPECTORANT IT HAS NO EQUAL! IT CONTAINS NO OPIUM IN ANY FORM ! J. N. HARRIS t CO., Proprietors. CIXt lXXATI, o. FOR SALE BYALL DRUGGISTS. sib u :is AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GEORGE E. LEMON, Atfy at Law, wasiii;ton, i. r. Hf-ff-rrUl'K L'ivC'li tn artltRl rli.lit in nonrlii Avam ('OH lit V 111 lllf l S. '.ITfsl.niiirii iiivitj-.l Knurl nki'N-h or in td.'l lor oiiiiinn a to i;itiitalilitv. No i-ikuvhii '.Hrrviei'siii.lPSKsm-fVKMiii. tsfhlisii'd IRIi? 5,000 Affciittt Wnii It-d for I, I. roiitai.s tin full hiMory of hisnnbl and eventful litt- and d.it-t.irdly asas-Muatinu. Million of lHioplo ari wuitiiif.' lor 1111 nook. Tho best otiaucn of onr liiv to makf lnonoy, lt-.-wan; of " catrliit-nny " imi tation. This if tlifoiilv authentic hikI liillv illiip. trut'd lilo of our martyred l'msident heud for riiviili.ru and extra terms to KR'itn. Addix-M NATIONAL rritUrilUNG CO., riiiliidHimia, TRUTH ' l,Tr. Th-mi --4 t W M rr,!j-' r-tnf.MAHnNr7.ili. Grt i Im tuili iivi W.i.rl wilt for ;) rcuu will. tt. he it(.,t. Cl -f of f)t, Vil i'tekef iiftit.MUl ft 0'iRHfT li mi uf 1'inr TuTura huiliaiict or wits- iitirui nirall rmiiftrd, .b nm, li'Jit ftiiil )scn tif mlil, fciiit Add I0 Prof. L. Mkllinai, 1.. Mottt'j I'l. UolOQ, JliM. MANHATTAN BOOK CO . 16 W. nth 81., N.T. P.O. r,ox 4iS0 W ANTLl.--Kv-rv oui-t'i u.ivc lots of lun with on hi ihoKt! nr Milvmi; liimi i I'iuzIih. tv uttoaui ariilrexH ltir'to. i-tmiiit. Exct-lxi'ir Blue tiluU iavor ia evir uousi'liolil. Acid's li. Y. Pour, HrmnnuUin, Vt. 7 7 7 A YEAR AND EXPENSES TO AGKN'IS. Outfit live. Aildr. ss I". O. VicUi-ry. AukuxIii, Me. tln t9fl porrttivathome. 8iiniiliworiliMri!fl. a 10 AuMivimK'riNKiiN Oo..l'ortliin(l.Maino. YflUNfi MFN If o would learu TidoKraj-ihy in wwiiu niL.ii tour nicmtbH, aud bo cerUiuof a situation, a-Mru.s Vali ntin Uv.wi., Xtnehville, Wis. 4 IdiK.N'K Hrnin KfMid-curctiS.'t'rvoiiKDpbilitv& J (aliU''K(iHi.-U' rativeOruauH. il--alldru'Kirt. Hi-lid tori 'inmUr. Alum's rh:irniacv.:.l;i Jurat av..NY. 4 -KTS 'WANTED for tue Iis't audTaWiit J V hWiiiiK Pirtonal litN.KHun'Utibl . Pri4 trdiH rd &i H i" ct. National PiibliKlimK Co., Miiladidi'hia, Pa. $66 ? wto!f Ui your own town. Teniw and i. outfit tree. Add'a H. HALLETTaJllai.Maine. Xf A fprTTT7! CaUloffue free. addrca,Suiwrd JTT"jVTQ Hevgivora. Cauiog u Incr AMnu, 3r - flrcat Wttt. Pun Work. TMmt.tirrh. IV ? 79 A WKKK. tl'i a dav at home easily made. CoMly Ontm tret. A.ld'nTitPK k Co.. AiiKUta.Mj.ii.. ETROLEUf.1 ii or IEXjD MHtAPEsr T100KS Ira TH TITQkLu 5" Jdiiruulrt, 'bills. VJ T.iine,8 ilihtuiy of ifll tuudc I .cmyul EtiuUmt. rifutf. Literal lire. 1 I'ge lU tcfititi lit IVe M i. o Vitn. I 1 i-jhiu vol. h.tii'lfroruclj' 1 1 cf-gi4 Welotu;oul 2.tb' buuiid, luruul i'liu. I I . Used and approved by the leading PHYSI CIANS of EUROPE and AMERICA. The most Valuable Family Remedy known. B0EZS. BKTT DISEA8E8L EHEDMATlSltl CATABBH, KEMOKSHOlia Eta. AUnTZ uonena, voiai, eore inroat vroap MirTrj them. Si and SO eent aIzm HCOAl. AT THE FUILADU.PHIA gm-ss-.-f I a n CUA- , ILYI MEO AX, AT TUB fAJtlsl iULroWTJoa. (JULOAXE & CO-JtY. THFfiRFAT' UlBEttl RHEUMATISM, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Lumbago, Backache, Soreness of the Chest, Gout, Quinsy, Sore Throat, Swell ings and Sprains, Burns and Scalds, General Bodily Pains, Tooth, Ear and Headache, Frosted Feet and Ears, and all other Pains and Aches. Ko Prfjmrnilon on earth fqiwls St. Javim Oil as ft ftafe, sure, simple and cheap Ext.roal Ilempoy A trial entails bnt th comparettTety timing outlav of 50 Ontl, and eery one suffering ulth iialn can haTe cheap and posillva proof of it claims. Directions in Eleven Languages. BOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS ND DEALERS IN hEDIOIUE. JL. VOGELER r. CO,, hop bitters: (A medicine, not a Drink.) CONTAINS nOPS, BICIUT, MAJfDKAKE, DANDELION, A SD Till! PrM!ST AKP rlEST MEP1CAI. QCALI T1KB OF ALL OTHER JilT'i'KKS. THEY CUKK All Dlfcnspsot thrPtomnch, Bowels. Wood, Liver. Kldnrvs.nnd I'rlnury Organs. cr vousucss, su i'pli'sxni'SnniKl especially x-eniaie iumiuuiuba. $1000 IN COLD. Will be paid for a case they will not euro or help, or for anvihliiK Impure or Injurious found In tin m. Afkronr drnpitlsKor Hop Hitters and try tlieiu before you sleep. Take uu oilier. D t. C ts an nliflolutcnnri !rr-MKIMoMire for Drunkenness, line ef opium, louueco and nurcoiiti. Send yon CincfLAK. All !ov lold l,Y drucjHW. Ip Blttm Mfs. , lln lictcr, N. I ., A Toroi MANUFACTORY And Wholesale Depot, 465 FULTON ST., BROOKLYN. Iirjortaiit to tlie Tnvali!ls of America. Th- MOST MAHVI I.OVS INVENTION In tho Woiif.n in tho ' V lll).MA" iHAtiNLTIC ;.t H.UENT!. Tliev ouiv i. KftY EOinl OF DISEASE known to iiiaii, without niwlicfti''. rlianKt'g of dii-t, or oorupa lion. ino.uou I'l'.liSONS, oiiro HELPLESS INVA LIDS, run now lvjoicinji in ilio blessings ot ltE STOIiEM HEALTH. All. h.-c'iH and imntofne" ordf in for " W1I.SONIA mtniiitloni.ilcpaMi(.h! to WM. WILSON, 40.J 1TI.TUN ST.,liH"OKLVN. Send lor ciivuliirs, pi i.'f lipt ani other memoranda riTlirdillk' Hie "WI1.SOXIA." we tiivpfroin the hat ol thousands of " WILSOMA" patieiitf the tnilnwinir ltEl'HESES lATIVF. REFERENCES! Hon. ll'r.l!io Sevinniir. t'tira, N. Y.-. Hun. Tt'trr Cooper. Hon. Thurlow Wii'il, Commodore 0. K. liar rison, Oi-nenil S. (irnli&m. Jild-.-e Levi r.u-soim, of S. V. Citv; J. II. Hot Inn reliant I, Sprnco M N. Y.i l. V. Kainve.tllier. (iip'ivli.uil 1. Sernee St., N. Y.: E. II. summon In;, -reliant I, S; nn-e St., N. Y.; Thnnm H ill, IhI Clinton Ave., ilroolip. n; Colonel Jiiivar.l l Marl;, ft I E. 40tli St., N.Y.: II011..I0I111 Miti-ln-ll Itn-u-erei i. ilronklyn: Mrs. It. Kolli.:;'.i5Vyekoirst..U'klvn. CONSUMPTION CAN BE CURED 1 DR. WM. J FOR THE LUNGS. f'nrpft G'onniittpt Inn. fold. I'licnninnln. Tn Hiiotizu, Hrourhiitl IillirnH JlroniliiliH Hoiii-Hcn', Acllniin, I'roiii hoopiuR 4'onuh. mid nil li"ifr of ilio llrnihiiiir OrsnniM. It moo tti en nnd Ileal flic itlmihriinn of the IjUIIkn, iiifliiitr?(i ii ml poiHOiifd by I ho ilianr. and prevent the niche nmphIb nnd litflitne ucrn iu-lier which nrromnniiy If. Coiiiiniption in not mi incurable tnulady. HAlils It A Lv l will euro you, even tliouuli professional nid lull. PaYne's'Autbmatic Enj Ines o 3 Reliable, Durable and Eeonomleal, trill furnish a hot-w poicer uilh ft lex fu?i it.nt witter than any other hilt"" built, not lilted with an Autoinatio Out-otf. h'eud tor Illustrated C.itiilcuo "J," lor Inhumation k friees. U. W. 1'ayxb & Suss. Box tu'iU CorniPK, N.Y. Cyclopedia War. The trreat I.ibrnry of I nlver-nl Knowledge now cmui'lett-d, laiv typo editiou, mmrly 4u.j topira in every department of human knowledge, alHJitf 40 itercent. lam r than Chambers' tnovclope ilia, 10 percent, larger than Applton'H, 20 pc-r cent, larger than JuhnnduX at a inero 1 ruction of their coMt. Fifteen laru Ortavo Volumes, nearlv IM.imiO paw, rouiph te in eloth binding, 11 Hi in half Hus sia, 'HU in lull library sheep, marbled edyts, Stcial terms to elub, $1 0,000 REWARD We0 'itW JJTC and August. (Send nuiek for speeinu-n pai;es and full partieulare to AMEKU'AN HOOK EXCHANOlf, John U. Alues, Miuiaji r. 7li I Uroadwav. New YorK INVEST YOUR EARNINGS In the stock of the Ienver Land and Improvement Company. Profits more f ban two per cent, per month. Absolutely sate. No peixuml liability. leal onlv in Denver Heal KMute. limdcndn paid repularly. 'Or ganized by prominent hiiHin b men of Denver, Keter tfi any of our banks or busuit-KH men of Denver. Any number of shares at Ten Dollars each, sent by mail on receipt of niuuev. ( 'ireulurs sent free. Address AKCIilK c. r'lKK, President, A. H. Estes, Treasurer; M. li. Smith, Kberotary, No. 454 Larimer St., Denver, Col. Pill kUllM Plii'uill i 11 IN lllitke New Hie lllood, aud will completely change the blood In the entire system in three months. Any person who will take one pill each n iht lmm 1 to Vi weeks mav be restored to sound health, if such a thins be possible, bold everywhere or sent by mail fur 8 letter stamps. I. H. JOIINMIN tft CO., Ilottiou, Mum., fuimerly liunu'ur. Me. AW0NTH-GENTSWNTE0-O beat AddrcM tluar Ili-uusun, Di-iiMi. Mi.-n. JELLYTSss TueAollel Article? rom pur iweune ucn M Pomade VascUna, Vaselina Cold Cream, Yawlise Camphor Ioe, Vaseline Toilet Soaps, s. sssrtor t. aa similar hms TASELINB C0XFECT10SS. An agreeable form of tak log Vaseline internally. HI nmaM a ti r For th Treatment fl WOUHDS. BURNR CUTS. CHIT.BT.atwb and DiDhtharim. ami of ail ou goo da, ' EDf. BALSAM m mi mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers