I Wat JUtorafei THURSDAY, SEPT. 22. 1881. Notes. The best lumberman's flannel at 40o at the New York Store. RldsrwBV Is lively owing to'tbci September session of court. n Rain don't seem to visit thin sec tion in very great abundance. j If you want set of springs o any sort or size go to C. Bowers. Another new lot of scran Pictures Just received at The Advocate ofllce.Kj If you want Doctor Warner' health corsets call at the New York Store. Jas. Maglnnls' house Is painted on the outside. And the frame of his barn la up. The Republican County Convcn tlou will meet In Ridgway on Tues day, October 4lh. 2000 cans choice, new packing, tomatoes Just arrived, will be sold low at Morgester's. Subscribe now for The Advo cate and read your own paper during the long winter evenings. Bowers keeps Hall's Giant Frame extension table at the West End Store the best table lu the market. Fall weatber will soon be on U9. And now Is the time for laying Inn big stock of wood and coal. Vote for Silas M. Baily for State Treasurer. He served bis country faithfully In her hour of need. A rear addition has been built tog! Doctor Earlev's building on the cor ner of Main and Broad streets. fM. 1 .1 . , o 1 1-In nt ntnfl.tnn. Iifut received at the New York Store, cut in trie latest styie ana ms guaruu-uj teed. new j" "-""WAssociiue Judge, wr. iuorey is oiii'Kjtn.vnBhin ttb iuu ..i. Ik. -V-... Vrvl, Sl. TTnn.lSJ prices. From surface Indications we judge the Elk county Republicans will stand firmly for Silas M- Bally for fctate 1 reasurer. Get your garden plowed this fall.Uabout $700. Joe is one of the best The satisfactory manner In which itKjjcollectnra Jones has ever had. In will work next spring will more than Jones township the Tax Collector is - - fci-r repay the cost. " A new stock of lumberman's flan-f nej just received at the New Yorkg Store. Will be sold lower than atanvH -100 baskets of grapes per weekHserved his time and has mastered theK' tnrougli the season at 4o cts for 7 aiuIS,letails of the "art preservative" in at' 8 lb. boskeUfor choice Concords atSmnnnpr vorv creditable to himself ndB,,0USnl "lto u,e col,lu-v ovtr 'V3UJ'uw,chair Morgester's. potatoes are selling at l,2r per bushel at Ridgway. In Coudersport last week, potatoes sold at 80 cents per bushel. Potter Enterprise. The Bogert House has a lunchM''"1 Cto which is a' great convenience to all wishing a nice, quiet lunch. Just received u big stock of ladles' H shoes at the New York Store. . , , , , . , .every pair sum guaranieeu u oe as represented or the money will be re funded. II Tiiprpwin ho n fpativai in HipW ba-wment of the M. E. church on Friday and Saturday evenings oft)ie evening bulletin his condition! next week, Sept. 30, and Oct. 1. Allg are invited. H Don't forget that the New YorkK STORE sells cheaper than any otherRlacllon on au siaefl tnat ne niwawatcr, scour the neighborhood foi establishment in town. RemembeiBJescaped another risor. which hadssibreak fast, have a jaw with the grocery Dm nloiia iiATlHiiiiii In .Via rrnt .itTl .ia v..v 1...... . . . " i... uim.i;,ij Main street, Ridgway, Pa. fi -Just received by Mrs. Reese InW Holes building. Main street, an Kant new stock of milJiuery goods forES1"" hopetully, aud the peopkoaiance oi tue day you nave to your- oeautirui line, everything new andtthe usual hour, havine almost no! nrst-class. .. - vuii v, viioiiiunii zmivo iiifj another column it will he seen thntrS;UOrmn& the Republicans of Elk countv will II hold their primaries on Saturday .Lfcerted. A few of the more vigilant October 1st. The County Convention Hnewspaper men sat talking on the October 4th. "KLlberon piazza. Dr. Boyuton wa.- f?Antftln Rf.firotllnri. lina Mnontli-F' " - t WVMW.ll.ua i X. V. V. V . J purchased of Judge Andrews forK 576.00 a Durham beifer which Is aEain the dark and whispered to him beauty in every respect. She wasMcxp:t0(i The Doctor turnr-d hwh raised ou tho farm of Charles Knzot.w, 12 miles from Columbus. Ohio.- elrlsB1" L" S'"UP ul 'T"""8- xuewai .-Mar s giove ui ill l,o, wnen lie re C feet 2 inches, and gives 33 quart ' C of milk a day. On the announcement of the -1 At. - 11. . I , . ... 1 ueaiu ui uio i-resiuenii in iviogwiiy business places were draped, the courts house front hung in mourning, the flag in the court house bound with mourning and at half mast, while the court houso and church bells tolled in sad remeinberance of the death of the Immortal Garfield. Cameron county is tho place for blackberry picnics. It is lively there and no man or woman win go to sleepfcjsaymg: uiiia, ii iue lujiuwiuK, irom me AJiui-tJ v n , -i i woA alette, is within two snakes oflF0"" one of the "ecretaries, who ui.. i .... r..ii .!.. e . t T. . ! P. MA being correct: '"James Wylie, ofl"ilK)ie' Sterling, went out after blackberriesN In an instant the little telegraph; one day recently and returned InHriffice in the Elberon Hotel was sur-l tl'hr7 vciiica, auu Haul jktiicu iti u iuivio snakes and a laage copper head. H banded us tho trophies in the shape ofHparalyzed operators. No more than! two pairs of rattles." If you want one of Dr. Warner'MS'uld be 8ent on 83 the Government! Health Corsets call at the New YoRK3at once took the exclusive use of thi Store. DEATH. Irwin On Monday. Sept, 19, 1881, of consumption. Elizabeth C. wlft of John Irwin, of Ridgway, aged 2h years auu & uioiiins. The funeral sermon was delivered ty Rev. Mr. Carpenter, of Kane. The funeral was largely attended the Interment taking place lu the new eernetery. , PERSONALITIES. I Alt. Chapln was over on Sunday. Nelson Robinson, of Jay, called at this office Monday. J. S. Towell was In town this week from the oil couutry. 0. W. Barrett and wife were down from Dngus Mines on Sunday. II. Taylor, more familiarly known as "Bub," was on our streets first of the week. Hon. J. L. Brown, 'Squire Parsons, Constable Cole, and others were down from Wilcox this week. Mrs. Andrew Loux, of Clarion, Master of Mrs. M. L. Ross.of this place, was visiting here several days ago. Mrs. F. Marshall of Ellenville, Ulster Co., N. Y., is on a visit at her on'a Mr. Frank Marshall of Ridgway, Pa. A. Swartz Ross, and wife, returned on Tuesday from an extended visit to friends in the eastern part of the State. W. C. Healy arrived on Satur- Wday from Philadelphia where he at- tended as a delegate the Grand Lodge K. of H. Mrs. Mohney, mother of Mrs. II I. Wensel, arrived Saturday evening and will visit with her daughter for a few weeks. Mls9 Sadie Lamoreux left Ridg way on Thursrlny of mt wepk for the purpose of attending school at some point In Yorkstote. On Monday last Jas D. Fullcrton und wife, left for Brookville to be ab sent for three weeks. They propose to take In the Jefferson county fair. Charles Mead, Esq,, of this place, Whus heeii talked of ns a candidate fcrj wthe office of Associate Judge. We link the convention could do no belter that nominate Mr. Mead for tin position Erasmus Morey, of BenezeUe, ha 1 iinti on iTiviiuf u1 it a n On nrl i itn lo flit1 w.ot Uie 0U(e8t eitizeng oi ttie county. ta .... ... ... - .. M and his years and long residence en-Loutl, bItle of the county amounted to titles him to great consideration at th'pabout 2,700 acers, and were made hands of the Republican convent ion. feU rough Messrs. Brown. Lonn. Smith Joseph Tambini, Jones townsliipHadd Pantull. About the same time fetnx collector, wus down on Mondn.vMMr. Mullen sold to Brown several Wntirl n.itn nwr tn TrniiKiirr-r limner Reelected at -the spring electiou the namcES H K2. las other township officers. J. Luther, for three years an,ull"u deliv of dc,C(,s- fr 8" , t.. mi n..ii,- Mourehases. Yates and Abbott maki trade last Friduy. Ed. has dil i-c-n tl -ntlifnrtorv to us. ITr o-ops to ErldH'" "-J.-u.u)w,... iH.uh swhere he has a situation on the JMS-tt . aa patch. We can recommend Ed as sober. Industrious, and faithful ap-fe iprentice, and we know be will provejglmve to do is to get up at five o'clock excellent workman and an honorjjg t iir nroif'smfin nnn r.noHPn.t.iir. tii nuiiua hi i thuiira l.i-inir in. ... , it ii. . c iuc w nine ..!. i..llic vaiui, put Ull It-U-Ki-'ILH;, 1U(4 send our best wishes for his future! Isuccess. Faithfulness in small thingsE is the sowing that will bring the har- la . , .? . cavest of merited success, DEATH OF THE PRESIDENT. l-ionff lirancti, oept. iy. 11K' rjPresident died at 10:35 to-nleht. At , , .fl mfnrt ; - " " & tli i n i .ntnlnii rpirn rrl I ii it triu ni-jpA nf Viiiltoi ipnii nnvinnc it Tivifiif cinna t na n n e . n t i i T 5" elc-HB lV ' ening taiKea even alH ten o'clock-time to go to bed. The ti , , n fjlear ol auy serious change before At 10 nVWlr S.wirnrvR'iel'fCM'i of AaS 27, the followingKpeopie or jeiieison county, ins unuseKtlic United tutes, . . . Brown s cottage was dark and de fejaraonjr them. At 10:20 a colored messenger called Dr. Boynton out! .i ..rn, M esident is 6'inking rapidly!" aid, and disappeared across the lawn toward the President's cottage. In a minute the scenehad changed.! There was a hurrying about the liouse, and the word was quickly sent the length of Long Branch that the Piesident was greatly worse. The reriorters went out on the lawn a8 far as the guard lines to wait for tidings. A voice was heard "It is all over; the Presi dead." It was Warren and there was a shower oil ii .... . Eruilctu,i5 "wa upon uie two Mthe simple announcement of death' telegraph office at Elberon. No personal despatches were sent. War ren Young sent the first official an nouncement off to Washington and to Mentor. II The Presidents words when hi felt the death pang attack him were: "I am Buffering great pain. fear that the end is near." 0 Remaining in the Ridgway Post- office, Elk county, Pa., up to Sept. 12, 1881.' , Bally, Mrs. 8. O. Everitt, Mrs. Elvira . Enterline, Miss Elsie Krenberg, Peter. Fitzgerald, A. J. Hal berg, L.(2) Rnlberg, Alfred ' Markenson, K. Q. Oldham, E. D. Shoirer, Joseph Tlmblln, John. W. Westsland, J. A. Wandert, Miss Matilda Whaler, G. W. List up to Sept. 19, 1881: Brennan, J. IT. Black, Miss Emily J. Uariberg, Alfred Euton, Chaa. Huran, Horace Mix, Joseph Miller, Joseph Pitts, Geo. 8. Rice, Joseph B. Shaffer, E. M. Smith, Mrs. Roena Swanson, P. A. FOREIGN. Anderson, Brugt. Carl Hogland, B Lamby, Chas. (2) J. H. Hagerty, P. M. The meaning of the "ss," seen In nearly all legal documents and adver tisements is not generally known. Many have inquired the use of the' cabalistic device until the question lias got Into the newspapers. A cor respondent of tho St. Louis Qlobe- Democrat, after much research has Iecided that the symbol is derived nfrom the Latin phrase sous salutans i. e., "greeting or addressing its own,'' those within its jurisdiction. c.. . r- L1.....1. r hf..n.. ... 4 a-iihii mi. riuiiiv i- i.iuut'li, til jReynoldsvillo, we learn that the lanci n - . w .' nlm. In T..fl. ... . TT....1 Ip List of Letters. f. mown, ot iew xorK. and Yute.r""""" r-i""""-s'"K ind Abbott, amount to over 9.000 acres. Of this Brown bought about 6,000 acres, and Yates and Abbott the balance. The first sale to Brown embraced some Hi, 200 acres in Snyder and Washington ' ana was made oy Mr. Unllpn. Thp HiilpM to Urn w n In tin hundred rcers In Snyder and Washing ton townships, and has since sold him jseveral hundred acers more in the same locality. All the land purchased by Yates and Abbott are in Washington Ktownships. Brown has paid cash ii '"e . jaj menw' n . 10 l.p,r! , ; ' agreement, Pai'"' hiwuim Lq 1 - t 11 iivmt xi uues i eip iiuuse. This is a married man's experience:UiHidgway, Pa It is just fun to keep house. All you in the inorning, clean out the stove, . v. .. . . . . . i . . i. ....i.. i ! oal from the larlherest end ot the cellar, assist in preparing the quailj-f Hid othor rlf.lipnripR for hrpnlr fnnt ''swallow the meal, and hurry off to uusiness. At noon you bring upsa more coal and, drive a dozen or more nails for pictures, pokers, brackets, lish pans and other ornaments; move the stove about four inches to the left,s mash your fingers with the hammer, Bent your dinner ud get back to work KAfter supper you must split wood, putS'i jgit in theoven, bring up more coal and; . f w. v.. 'ft H'ooIi a11 over the house for burglars,!, gioek all the doors, and by that time i. Obituary From the Wilmington, Illinois a 1 Buotice is taken. The deceased was brother of, Charles Mead, Esquire, of Ridgway, aud was years ago a resi dent of Elk county, and well known Hlo many of our elder citizens: Mead In Elwood, on the 18th inst., Mr. John Mead, aged 83 years Mteei In the death of Mr- Mead atiothcin..t.. vacancy is caused in the ranks of titer early Bottlers of Will county he hav ing resided in this county upwards ; u years, ana was engaged in tanning j Jmoved to Elwood, where he resided a; the time of his death. Previous t leaving his farm he suffered a seven sunstroke, which in late years hat; ia;Si'""" entfjihe iei.gBoyf hi.-t-3..,..w affected his mind to such an exte that it was necessary that he be look alter, which tusk devolved upon hi.- kind aud loving wife, and by her hl' every wants was supplied, but on Tuesday morning o f last week, in an unguarded moment the members ol the household being engaged else- vvhf.ro lint, nntlfitnulinir tlio Hon.r.n. that lay in his oath he stepped intIijIuce or occasion- vour eal'8 are AHedj1 !uie Kiicnen where ne touud a which he supposed contained unttltf cine he was taking, poured some intoyman might give utterance to an oath a cup and swallowed it, the conteiitMWe understand, if we do not sympa of the bottle being spirits of turpen tine and amonia prepared for washing purposes, caused his death ou the fol lowing Thursday morning, Mr. Mead was born in Saratoga county, N. Y ., Aug, 15,1798, when lie resided for 17 years, then went t Pennsylvania and in after years mar ried Mrs. Betsy Cadwell, nee Luce; i wo children were born to them Ada line.wife of Jacob Rothrock.and Julia, wife of Jonathan Warner both oi whom had gone before. In 1866 hit- wife died, and be married Miss Nancy ;ox in 1807, who survives him, and had been to him all that a devoted tnd affectionate wife could be. Funeral services were held lu tin M. E. church at Elwood, and his re mains were tuken to Star's grove emetery for Interments, followed by i large concourse of relatives and friends. Mrs. Mead has the sympathy f the entire community in this her ad bereavement. On To Bradford. ' fl WORK ON THE BXTKWSfON OF THF.tlAN OPPORTUNITY TO VISIT ROCHESTER AtfD FITTSBCRQ RAIL ROAD. Work on the Bradford extension of (he Rochester A Pittsburg railway. .says the Rochester HcraUl, was begun Vugust 11th, at winch time but u small fraction of the right of way had been secured. Conductor I. M. Ludington was taken from his train with instructions to get the work under way and continue it until relieved. It was Mr. Ludlngton's old Hoccupatlou and he took bold of it with so much push and success that he ha been left to prosecute it to the end. ESFrom Salamanca to Bradford is a distance of seventeen miles Between the present terminus of the road and Carlton, six milts, the line is most graded, and as it was on that stretch Ithat the heaviest work was required, it will be seen that rapid progress has been made. ', The extension t ra verses the Cattarau gus Judlan reervauon, aua much standing timber required removal. The number of men, emploied at present Is 800, but 200 more, including a largenuniber of stone-cutters, will be engaged soon Mr. Ludington ex pects to begin traeklayitig in aboui three weeks. The iron Is alreudyg1 shipped. Track laying and bullust-f iug will go on together. It is expected that the extension to Bradford will rliolii riiniiinir nriti.r nlutnt. tlw. iiilfl.ll.'- of November. This new direct routed lo Bradford, when completed, wlli have great advantages over all others. In view of this work, the removal o; the city terminus to a poiut near the? business center, and thedetermiuatioiilf of the company to extend its line? southward to Pittsburg, even the most l3i.ii ii t Imi ami olr out win 1 Immiluti.tll l..i,.i.fj Htu.-ojMewiuoegiuceQo f the capit present muuageii.entBj,,, guraUon of the r Pittsburg Raihvaylul(,res!, f,.om t,le 63l l"ui lue e:v . r . l.l... . l. . . ot tue iiouliester is bound to make the l'oud an import- nut railway line, and one of iucaluula ble value to the future of this city -Choice Dairy Butter.Eggs, Cheese, i&c, at Morgester's. A meeting of the Green hack County Committee was held in Rldg-. ....... Xfn..i.. All A :.....!.. 1 ITtVJI J11 U.lJllUjr. I I IUQ UlSLllClni were represented with the exception; of Highland, Jay, and Millstone. B. F. Ely, of Ridgway, wa appointed Chairman of the. County Committee vice Cupt. James Woodward resigned. tjThe County Convention will be he Ridgway on Monday, October 3d Marble and slate nitiutles fur-1i)v nished and set by W. S. Service, ir J igt. Cu11 at the West End Fur nishinuH - ,iore ana see tlie McCabe re Just received new stank ot fallfcl Clothing at the NEW YoliK S'J'OKE At the change of every season sluggishness of the blood should be prevented by taking Peruna. State Notes. Wilkesburre is free from smallpox Blossburg claims a femuie sneak thief. Euston is troubled over severalti""r ul uew cases of smallpox. Jerry Mahan died near Pottsville last week, aged 113 years. A building to be used as a Kinder garten is being erected in Scrantou. The fune al of Charles Kronser,jS:roni his excellency, the President ol uieof the victims by nitro-glyeerinefRihe United States. An oration by thet explosion at Bradford, took place bygjHon. Robert C. Winthrop, of Massa- uioonlight. The estate left by Colonel hick B. Wright, of Wiikeib.irre, estimated to be worth about $400,000. n.i.. I.. in i. J:..:,tn.l I., ....... I.:.. f.v...Sa.j ,.k, .1: .1 rt. 1 uis is lu ucuiviutru ui;vni:i;ii uio iuui laughters and one son. Jacob Shilling, of itjship, died at his home on ' ThuraduyM lust, aged 81 years, 9 months and 'A rfuays. fS He was well known to nianyW -rifi .... - u iiEJIiaving been a regulur stopping place' - for many years for the teamsters whoggreview, participated in by all clas.-:esg followed the road from Perrysvllle to Worthville and Kinggoid. Ilo caim-j to Jefferson from Mifflin county about 1840 or 41. He was the father of seven-j teen children, hud one hundred tunl? ht grand children, and seventy rive great-grand children. Brookuilhfr Democrat Habitual Profanity. One cannot walK the streets or travel in the cars, or stop at publics; places, aua not oe sauiy loucuea oy amount of profanity he hears s Hardly old euougo. to taiK plainly: young men just . stepping M .L l..-. I.ll ..P nntlt.a 111... ..p.-L1 wuvcr iue lurauum ui i"i, H"J . , ,. 1 td'1Liv:iliilii.il tllV 1L .VIII ICUI v ou tiili B haired men bending over the grave,! , . ' , H liiid all in fetters to this degrading what the habit. It matters little jwith profanity. We can understands-' medi-Hhow under extreme provocation ihize with a passionate man, when he napsouta too energetic word. But 3 for a man in coraman, every day cou- ls . , . I . I . . ......til.. I versaiioil, lo uuiiuijr, even oiupiuiy. mix lu a dozen or more profuue ex pressions, there is no excuse; and it is the result of a habit thut hus Urown upon the American people and! deserves censure. No body utters liUli Itlrst oath without somethiugof ashud- l ler. No man with any regard for the! ! proprieties of society ever swears ine 'ilie presence or ladies, it is more he Kuiatter of habit than any vice to which 3 the people are addicted. Now, it those who have this wretched habit will break it, if only a few days, and listen to others, they will see how senseless, how unmanly it is, aud bow little necessity there is for it. It lb the most gratuitous and uncompensat ing of all sins. It neither gives force to remark, dignity to speech, nor 1m- nrcssi veil ess to thought. And It Is a yiiabit easily broken as formed. Ex, Excursion Tickets. BALTI MORE. WASHINGTON AND RICH MOND BY THE GREAT PENNSYL VANIA ROUTE AT HALF THE USUAL RATES. m l A.intA if T? t rl rr it-fl TT la Walt tta all other who mny desire to take ad-i vantage of the reduced fare a splendid opportunity will be effered to witness the ceremonies of the Oriole celebra tion in Baltimore, which takes place October 10th, Hth and 12th, and the centennial celebration at Yorktown, October 13th to 21st, and also to visit the national fair at Washington, October- lltta to 14th, as excursion tickets will be sold from all ticket sta tions on the line of the Northern Central railway and Philadelphia and Erie railroad division of the Pennsyl van la railroad from October 7th to 15th, tuclusive, good to return for ten days, at one fare for the round trip, or i;ood to return for twenty-one days at one and one-half fare (in one direc tion) for tho round trip. At Baltimore, during the Oriok carnival, there will be interesting and attractive features every day. On the 10th, grand parade of police, fire de partment, militia, societies, &c, &c. turning on of the gunpowder water works, which will be commemorated by the playing of beautiful fountains, of unique and elaborate designs. fjOctober 11th, reception of the distin guished French guests of the nation it the city hall. Grand Oriole pageant ain the evening. October 12th, enter tainment and grand ball to tho French visitors at the Academy of Music. The programme of the celebration at Yorktown, as announced by the committee, is as follows: Thursday, October 13. The formal opening of the Moore House the cene of the capitulation) and the e celebration by an J.uMress from the oresldentot tlie as ,. ,j.,.jon ...j.u reunion of the de pendents of officers and soldiers o; the revolution. Friday, October 14. Addresses by the Hon. Carl Schurz, Frederick R. Condert and Prof. Elie Charlier. A if rand ball in the pavilion. Saturday, October 15. A grand na tional regatta, with Yorktown centen nial silver prizes to winning crews. Pyroteuhuical displays and illumina tions. Sunday, October IS. Religious ser vices in the errand pavilion, conducted Kbv the Rt Rev. Bishon Keun. of the Catholic diocese of Virginia, assisted his erace Archbishop Gibbons, of and in the afternoon by Ejnev. John Hall, of New York. Mo nday, October 17. Anniversary jclininnfyof the sending of a flag of truce by K Lord Cornwaliis, asking a cessation rdnf linutiliHp ntuo thn nnnivp!'. , . . , .. Kjj-ary or tue surrcnuer ui weuerai uur- 'oyne at Saratoga; meeting or com oi industrial merciul, financial, and dissociations benevoleiH organizatlons.K Pincheon g&c, &c, with appropriate addresses hyM listingulshed representative Ameri-1 ean citizens. Tuesday, October 18. Opening ad-M Iress by the chairman of the congrcs-H lonul pommirtpp nml mi .irfdrpa tC&i SwolPomo bv his expellenpv the VPr.!iErickson, R. Underwood b.C is- r.'i.ipiinw - ( . 1 1 1 t r r I . net iiiniimn I i"TT.IU II&I-.IVIIV yJl IIIU lllvlllll . ( iueirt, with appropriate ceremonies j-.ind addresses by the Grand Lodge of j.Masons of Virginia and invited Ma sonic orders of the United States. m Wednesday, October 19. An address E&chitHcttH. A poem by James Barron es HarronM s, writtenfl Carolina, t Heu-fellope, of Virginia. An ode, nWiy Paul H. Haync, of South in ind rendered by a mammoth choirs voc;t iiu L'uoi us itnuur Mil' uircuili'M IMS g Professor Charles L. Siegtl, of Riclt Perry towu-yJmoiid. Thursday, October 20. Grand mili rJ;-ararv review, participated in by tliesM citizen soldiery from all portions ofsi ! Friday. October 21 A grand naval Sof vessels in the United States navy. This general programme, as out-Si lined, will be so enlivened for cue I luy's entertainment by vocal and in strumental music and militury dis plays, either of general parades am! reviews or competitive drills, so as td issure attractivencs aud novelty therein. The national fair at Washington!) will embrace hefcides tlie usual exhib its of horses, cattle, sheep, swine, anil poultry, trotting and pacing races. ompetitive militury exercises, and bicycle and chariot races; and, as the competition Is open to the world, it is . . . .1,,. 1. ,-n 11 1 . Fsi of the grainiest displays of the eeasou.E Be Wise and Hajipy. If ycu will stop all your extravagant ind wrong notions in doctoring your r-H n -elf and families with expensivif loctors or humbug cure-alls, that do harm always, and use only natureV simple remedies for all your ailment you will be wise, well and happy. i tnd save great expense. The greatest remedy for this, the great, wise ami ,J,'ood will tell you, is Hop Bitters rely rj m it. See another column. Press. What the ladies say about the; Vapor Stover It bakes better than the Cook Stove. I would not huve believed it possi iile to do such an ironing aud not lieu up the house. I cau start a fire in one minute. It is as portable as a sewing ma dilue. W. S. Sebvicf, Agt. The liver Is the organ most speed- iily disordered by malarial poisons layer's Ague Cure expels these poisons from the system, and is a most excell ent remedy for liver complaint; A largo stock of Arbuckle's, Mor- Kgester's bestcholce Java, and a ful Jllneof green coffee at Morgester's. BOROUGH ORDINANCE No. 10.S RELATINQ TO SHOWS, PLAYS, AC. Be it ordained and enacted by the Town Council of the Borough of Rldewav and it Is hereby ordained and enacted by the authority of the same 1. That If any person or peinoncj nail exnioic orcausw u ue exmuncu. for pay, within Uie bounds ot said Borough, any play, show, Jugglers. Mountebanks, aulmals, or any luusi oal concert or other exhibition, or de liver nnv Ippliirp. without, a special license in writing for that purpose firsti jhtatnea irom ine uniei uurgess, such person or persona shall forfeit and pay lor the use or saiu uorougn a nneoi rlftv dollars for everv such offense. a. That It shall be the duty of the High Constable, or his Deputy, to see that any and every person or persons so exhibiting or lecturing, nas a license u ftiorpsnld And for this Durnose ii shall be lawful for him to demand from such person or persons an Inspec tion of such license, and any refusal to exhibit such license shall subject the person so refusing to a fiDe of five dollars. It shall further be the duty of the High Constable, or his Deputy, to institute suit against any person violating the provisions of this ordi nance, before the Chief Burgess or a Justice of the Peace of said Borough. 3. It shall and may be lawful for the Chief Burgess, to grant a license under his hand and seal to any person or persons wishing to exhibit any such shows or plays or to have any such exhibitions or lectures on such person or persons paying for the use ol the Borough no less than two noi more than twenty-five dollars forevery Ij lav or night in which it shall be de rjsigned to show, play, exhibit or lec ture. Provided. That no such licenst shall be granted until the party apply ing for tlie same snail produce to iiu Chief Burgess, the receipt of tin Borough Treasurer, for the sum pre viously fixed on by the said Chief Murgess, as the price of such license The license so granted by theChiel Burgess, shall state specially the davsnr nights lor wnicn u is granieii.ta The Chief Burgess shall be entitled tojja demand and receive a iee oi nuyi cents for granting such license to be paid by the party obtaining me same. 4. It shall he the duty of the High Constable, or his Deputy, if required J3ly the person or persons to whom suchE license Is granted as aioresaia, to ai-gi tend at the place of exhibition, per formance, or lecture us aforesaid, and preserve peace and good order during i lie same and prevent any uuuagu vi distiirhiinno of the harmony of the citizens, for which such officer shall be entitled to a fee of one dollar to be paid by the person or persons requlr inir the services of such officer. 6. That this ordinauce shall not ;innlv to anv person or persons giving or iioldinir exhibitions, entertain-. ments. or lectures for the benefit ol :inv Church or School within said Borough. fi. That, this ordinance shall takt ofllct on and after September 80th, A. D. 1881. C H. McOAULEY, President. Attest W. C. Healy, Secietary. Approved this 12th day of Septem her, A. D lHl. J. POWELL.'.Chief Burgess- Republican County Coiuinlttee Benezette Jacob English, Jame. tlxhomas .Luther Lucore. .. T v r,rVl George UVH( I UVl f a.' wa wv . iwgew, xxoiimo.u...- M"' ""-- - Horton-James Waioy, u. vv. 1 . ' iciucosii m niguiana n. w. j.'.ui rlltuiana- thorp, I. C aji t.. ri..ti T Tambini, August Jacobson. -Tuv Justus Weed. C Ij, Thurston, . - MA. E Goff. Millstone Harry Cats, Wm Irwin, W. Donahue. Ridgway J. M. Schram. II. H. Wensel, William Johnson. Spring Creek William Doane, O, T. Miiler, H. Carman. St. Marys W. C. Spaflbrd, T Steumberg. GET TEE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS! Every Style & Price. Guaranteed Unequctled FOB OPERATION. ECQMQggilV, DURABILITY and ft A 1 Imjrovomeiitg a&l Conveniences found in no ethers. POPULAR EVERYWHERE. For Sal In Every City and Town in tha United States. The oldest, best, most thorough and! complete practical business college in! Who United States 'bi fiar-Seho JBsySehool always in session Stu- lents admitted at any time. J. C. SMITH, A. M.. Principal, Pittsburgh, Pa. N Peruna cure very time get soine tihe well keen it on band, and sin no more. The City of St. Paul, a first-class Enlarge new design, wood cook stove, Stake a look at it before purchasing a Hstove. "W. S. Service, Ag't Peruna by giving health also gives i. ... ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself u an Independent Candidate for the office of County Treasurer of Elk county subject to the decision of the - VOtew at the polls next November. John Fouster. St. Marys, Sept. 16, 1881. Business Cards. GEO. A. RAT H BUN. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW., ' " Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Particular attention given to th xamination of titles, also to patents and patent cases. HALL & M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office in new brick building, Main " itreet, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v82t J. S. BOROWELL, PHYSICIAN AMD SURGEON Over twenty-five years practice. Office on Main Street, Ridgway, Pa., opposite the Bogert House. Office hours from 1 to 2 and 7 to 8, P. M. W. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Strattanvillejf Physician and Surgeon, Ridgway, - Pa. Office In Hall's Brick Building (upstalrs) References J. D. Smith, H. L. Young, R. Rulofsotl, Strattanvllle; Major John Kltley,- W. W. Green land, Claricn. Has practiced his profession sccessfully for more than ten years. G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N.W. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care lully selected Foreign and Dotnestio Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at nil hours, day or night. vindy Hyde house. W. H. SCH RAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pft. Thankful for the patronage hereto 'ore so liberally bestowed upon him. the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of guests, to merit a continu ance of the sanies oct30'C9 Iiddi cm MsMrmriAM cvclo. PEDIA. This admirable work is fiow com- pletein lOvols. Eachvolumecontalns800 pages. It mokesa complete ana wen selected library, and no one can fcjuflbrd to do without it who would keep wen lniormea. rnce o w in cioiu, S6.00 in leather, or $7.00 in elegant half Turkey. For particulars address, W. H. airchiid, rortvuie, catt. uo.j X. Y.. who has been duly appointed agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. dressmakinq. Mrs. F. Pollman having moved into isthehouseof Jas. Penfleld near the Catholic church wishes to inform the itizens of Ridgway and vicinity that he is prepared to do in a neat and satisfactory manner all kinds of ploln ewing and dressmaking, at reasonable prices. All persons having work in this line are respecttuuy lnvuea to ive her a call. nlom3 MRS. E. CRAYSTON. In returning thanks for past favors respectfully begs to Inform her friends I'-. 1 Ll! . II.. .1... ..U- 1...- tiiu I Lie luiuuu gt ui-iuii iouii sue una just returned from New York where she purchased a large stock of Milli nery and fancy goods of the latest styles, also a nice selection of ladies' Skirts, Plain and Fancy hosiery, K Ladies' and Childrens' Parasols, Hair Floods, fancy ChinaWare, &c, which. she iuteuds to sell as cheap as the cheapest. Particular attention given to trimming and in a style that cunnot be surpassed iir this section. All are Jinvited to call aud inspect her goods Bjbeforc purchasing elsewhere. nlOmS Ayer's Haiv Vtaor IFOR RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS NATURAL VITALITY AND COLOR. It is a mott agreeable dressing, which Is at once harmless aud effectual, for pre serving the hair. It restores, with the gloss and freshness of youth, faded or gray, light, and red hair, to a rich brown, or deep black, as may be desired. By hs use thin ta hair is thickened, and baldness often tiwugn not always cured. It checks falling of the hair immediately, aud causes a new growth in all cases where the glands are not decayed; while to brashy, weak, or otherwise diseased hair, it imparts vitaUty and strength, and renders it pliable. The Viaon cleanses the scalp, cures anc. prevents the formation of dandruff; and, by its cooling, stimulating, aud soothing properties, it heals most if not all of the humors aud diseases peculiar to the scalp, keeping it cool, clean, and soft, under which conditions diseases of the scalp and hair are impossible. As a Dressing for Ladies' Hair, . The Vioob is incomparable. It Is color less, contains neither oil nor dye, and will not soil white cambric. It imparts an. ; agreeable and lasting perfume, and as an article for the toilet it is economical aud unsurpassed in its excellence. DU.C.AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass,, Practical and Analytical CbemUta. . GOLD BT ALL DRUGGISTS EVEBTWHEBJE. A. Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor -den of the red front. haa nn Rhand, and is constantly receiving tho E? latest Blld II(whiI. uannla nf nlnl Ii frvv spring and summer suits. Prices to suitthe million, Work guaranteed te oe as represented and delivered at tho time agreed upon. Folui ntr cribs, cradles. bedute.la ! Mattresses, 4c, at Bowers',
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