TTlijRSDAY, MA Y 10, IPS1. i . 11 . . .. .m. I. 0. of 0 F. Ridgway Lodge 009, 1. O. of O. F. irleett every Thursday won In jr. Vis iting members ore cordially Invited lo tend. OFFICF.RS: M.'Cohon, N. a ; J. A. Rn-. V. O.; tl. 8. Grow. Hce'y; J. W. Snilili, As t fee'v: H. II. Wensel. Treasurer. Note paper and envelopes at this 'oftlce. Flowering plnnts, nnd vegetable plants, a large variety nt Morgester's. Teachers' examination at Ridg way on Friday 2?th Inst., beginning nt 0 A. M. A flue line of fancy "ilk handker chiefs at the Grand Central Powell & Kline's. The Centre and South streets water company Is h new organization In Ridgway. Don't fail to pee the fine assort ment of penis traveling patclrvls at Powell & Kinie's. The Right Rev. Geo. F. Leymonr. bishop of the Diocese of Springfield preach in Grace church on the evening of the 2 It h Inst., nnd admin ister the rite of eonfirmntioii If there be any candidates. Flower! nir p'ants purchased of Harry Chaapel, Willinmsport, reach here the day they are taken from the greenhouse. Thus limiting the time of transplanting to the shortest period. Leave orders at The Advo catk office. New York's World's fair is nhotit busted, hut it don't effect trade nt the Grand Central, why is ir tney are sell ing more goods this spring than their tielghliors (almost as many as the large retail I oh! that is not strange, ( 'as. and Will are clerking there, the goods are to be had there, anything you want you can get there, and they have low firices there, ami you can get waited on when you go there, and they sell the boss calico for five cents per yard there. Chas. Guthridge, the gentlemanly Oeneral Agent of the Hill Home Nurseries, Tadmore, Ohio, with n corps of assistants has been tiikiii'jr orders In this wction several days past for fall deliveiy. These gent't tnen come well recommended and we understand have taken a large num ber of orders in this section. The Hill Home Nurseries' system of pruning seems to be ahead of the old fashioned way of root grafting. New goods received at Molester's this week. Granulated and Fx. C sugar, Turkish prunes, Race matches, Boyar's 3 lbs yellow peaches, Royal linking Powder, Evaporated Shaker corn. Dried unpared peaches,; Dried apples, Mackerel and Codfish, Choice Pic peaches. Corned Reef, Refined oil 12" and 150 fire test, Poisoned hj IVell Water. Port Jervis, N. Y., May 1 J. Three children in the family of John Van Gorden of Matamoras, near this place, are suffering from poison supposed to have been imbibed with water which they drank a few days ago from an mi used well. One of the children is likely to die and the other are very ill. Senators Con Id in ami Piatt, of 2ev York, liave resigned their seats in the United States Satiate. Tiiey expect to go before the Legis lature and s ek a vindication of their course in the Senate by being re elected. Friends of the administra tion throughout the Empire State are firing guns, and circulating pe titions asking the Legislature to elect other persons to fill the places of the Senators who have just re signed. The way things look now it is more than probably that, in the retirement of private life, these men will have time, and to sp:ire,in which to regret their hasty action. Yes terday afternoon the Senate "con firmed the nomination of Judge Robertson as collector of the port of New York, which goes to show how little impression the resignations of the two Senators had on that honorable body. Wilcox Items. Wilcox. May 13, 1881. Our town is called Wilcox. Justice Parsons Is full of business and is happy. The new railroad Is Hearing com pletion. The truck is now laid from the tannery across the pond. When completed it will extend about six miles. Married On Tuesday, May 17. 1881 by Justice Montgomery, Mr. George Bence of Fort Wayne, lnd., to Miss Annie Womer of this place. May " they live long and prosper.'' The saw mill is making full time. J. D. Potts has all the slabs cut and shipped to Cuarewood to make charcoal. A. T. Aldrlch Is as happy 83 ever Another Invoice of Swedes re ceived last week. Someone said that J. D. Stover of Bt Marys, was fishing In Wolf Run last week, hut I don't believe it, Joe cut't fliU be fieu tired too soon. Aoain Personal Horn. W. W. Wilbur, or Warren, Is In town. Dr. W. R. ITnrtman, of St. Marys, visited Ridgway this week. The Rolfe pchool, Miss Julia Flynn teacher, has closed. Alt. Chapln, Is over for the pur pose of making garden and having a visit. Tnl.Cuthbcrt and family of Brook vllle, are in town for a visit of a week or two Andrew Itnu, Supervisor of Fox township was In Ridgway the first of the week. The gnrdner pchool. Miss Hannah Pla "k teacher, closed last week with an exhibition which we are Informed was a grand success. G. O. Messenger has had ft new picket fence built nlong the entire South street front of Ids properly. Andrew Jackson Is the builder. Senator Hall has donated several beautiful evergreens to the County Commissioners which have been placed in the Court House yard. By an oversight last week we neg lected (o state that Mr.nnd Mrs James M'Catilcy desired us to thank the many friends who no kindly assisted during the illness and death of-their little one. Isaiah the Prophet has eme. We refer to our esteemed friend Tsaiah Cobb of Jamestown, N. Y. who is in town after a five years interval. His ninny friends here arc always happy to greet the Prophet. Mrs. C. IT. M'CuuIcy nnd chil dren of this place, are visiting frit mis ntOlean.N Y. Miss Mala M'Gibnoy of the later place, who 1ms visited in Ridgway for several weeks returned home with Mrs. M'Catilcy. On Monday Engineer Willard es lablisbed the cast lino of Rldgwny Horough the distance from the cast end of the freight bouse to t be line is about (i(M) feet; (ho distance . from the F.Ik creek dam to the line is UO0 feet and six inches. BIRTH. floitTON Saturday morning. Mav 1-5. lssl, to Mr. and Mrs, W. S. llorton, u son For hill-heads and note-bends call at the Advocatk office. We are receiving fresh groceries every , ... i . nay in me wee:;, customers can a. ways be sure of getting best groceries at Morses! cr's. A Ca;-d of Thanks. I desire to ex press,! h rough the prcs-s, my sincere and heart-fell ih.-mks, to the many friends whose kind solicitude and friendly oilieese in the sick-room. have been so great a source of strength and consolation to me during the so vcre illness of my husband. May the choicest of heaven's blessings he yours dear friends, and praying that in 1 lu hours of your trials you may be sup friendly ported by generous and hands. I remain gratefully your', Mrs. T. S. Hartley. Communications. Answer to Enigma No. 2. I am composed of fifty (.0) letter. My 10.4. 48, 35, , 43, is a valley Giheon. M.V :'. 3d, 4S, 40,43,15, 2-3, is a nurse Deborah. My 39, SI f!8, 40, 3, an article of the prie.-t's official dress Epical. My 1, 10 3o, u, I'd, 8, .VI, 21, is a lake Gennesarct. My 41, 4ii, 37, 4, 31, as, 21, 20, 1.3, 2-1, a priest ot On Potiphcruh. My 21. 83. 34 MS, 47, 0, js. a district of Syria Gcshur. My 0. 41, 3H, 42, 8, a country noted for the production of precious stones Ophir. My 12, 32. 42, 13. 23, an oCkcr in David's army Uriah. My 27, 42, 0. 4!), is a musical instru ment Viol. My 38, 7, 6,23,2fi,-I2,vas an Arehite Huslmi. My H, 17, 2H, 20, is the name of a tower Fdar. My 19, 15, 48, 40, 32, is a mount Tabor. My 37, 30, 45, 47, 31, u city ofPheiii cia Tyrus. My 20, 14,7, 4S,33,3(i,tt sou of Jacob Reuben. My 40, 40, 44. a son of Ilaram-Lot. My 22. 14. 47. 40. a mountain N.lo M.V 'I. l8. are consonants fund s. My whole Is found in the Psalms. 40, 1. "God is our refuge and strength a cry present help in trouble." Yours Truly, L. J. A. I E8SI.ll, Dagus Mines, Pa. Correct answers to enigma No. 2 are also received from K. G. and J. S. of Ridgway. K. G. wishes to know where the precious stone country of Ophir, and the Tower of Edar are found in the Uihle, as also the meaning of Arehite, and where Hushai is mentioned. A correct answer to enigma No has been received from a gentleman at Dauboro, Pa. Gil your i' tel. tails, letterhead and envelopes neatly printed at Tna Advocatk olllce Notice. There will be a meeting of the Cen tre and South street water company at Magiunis' Hall, Saturday, May 21, 1881, ut 4 o'clock P. M. All the mem bers are repect fully requested to be present. By order of the president. Era. J. Miller, Sec'y. The stock sent out this spring from Ilnrry Chiiapcl's greenhouses has given entire satisfaction. Orders left at The Advocate office will receive prompt attention. Gteo. W. Rhlnea and tfia Small pox. In our lust Issue we made the state ment that Geo. W. Rliines had re turned from Pittsburg and that It was reported that he hud the smallpox. The evidence on which we based the statement seemed to he well authen ticated. It was in this wise; Mr. Khl nes was returning from a trip to Pittsburgh, and while on the Brook villuaud Ridgway stage he cooly In formed the passengers that he had been exposed to the small-pox, ami that as he was broken out he hail good reason to believe that he had the dis ease. On the stage were several pass engers, who, of course, were highly delighted to think they were so fortu nate as to be in company with a small pox patient. Nearly any person would feel deliglrcd under similar circum stances. In his progress home he cheerfully hinted to oilier parties that lie wttscoming down with this loth somo disease. Of course wo are will ing to admit that, his former record for truth ami veracity would argue against any statement he might make public. We, however, took enough stock in the statement to say on his own testimony (hat "it is reported," etc. The gentleman In question came home on Wednesday night, and on Tuesday momlnir the new.slm'l ioix.i irom mouth to mouth that Geo Rliines had the small-pox. The Borough Council met and took action in the matter and ordered Constable Wood ward to have y.-llow 11 ig.s and notices posted on Mr. Rhiucs' premises to warn the public against the presence of small-pox, we will here it No state that the signs were removed before it was ascertained whether ho hud the disease or not and after one doctor fjave it as his opinion that he had at least the var!o!-4.1. About the next move tl.o p.'.li'-iit. Mr. makes Is to come down town and into the billiard saloon of Mr. Aaron. In this he did wrong, not knowing but that he had the disease, as he exposed in a p'cklcss and lawless manner the healthaiid lives of the whole commun ity to suit the convenience or whim of George RUines. A man of his age it seems would not desire to expose a community, and would possess sense enough lo stay in the house until every doubt was removed of his hav ing the disease. Then, we under s I a 1 1 ' 1 , l t the time a committee of physicians were to call on him, he deliberately shouldered bis gun and went to the woods. Ail these tilings v.i re forcibly brought in mind as on Monday morning Mr. Rhiucs accosted the editor of 'I'm-: . Advocatk, and with vile opith'-ts, and most abu sive language, without giving a clian.'c to explain, tried to browbeat and cow down the alT'iesaid editor. He would lie said, if c. eared of the law knock ye editor down. When informed ip.ih tly that it wouldn't cost him a cent to knock, he blowed around, as is his style, and went down the street still blowing. It in very little satis faction to write of u man who cannot read what is written of him, but we trust Ids friends will do him the kind ness of reading this article to him. It is currently reported that Mr. Rhiucs is a man of wealth, and his use of Billingsgate on the street Mond.iv morning stamps him as a man of do other recommendation. Whether Mr. Rhiucs had, or had not, the small pox. Iiisaclion all through the matter is deserving of great censure. Me should also understand thai lie is no! justified in opening bis foul-mouth, and loosening his blasphemous ton gue to abuse people, e.-pecially with out cause. There is no doubt but (ha! the authorities should l.avc compelled him to slay in the house if they Imd authority to do .so, until nil do-bt of hi having the disease lul l vanished. We fail, de.-pite his threats and loud mouthed blowing to see wherein Mr. Rhiucs has been abused. For if be had not the disease and knew he did in t have it (hen be is deserving oi censure for circulating such a lie If he had the disease and knew it (hen ids recklessness in exposing his family and ( be community to its dread rava ges would amount to a criminal wrong and he would deserve to be prosecuted as an enemy against soci ety. Taking cither horn of the dt lemma, the ijuicter he takes the mat ter t he better for him. He is either to be branded as an outrageous liar, or else a a dangerous criminal. lie ha committed an outrage on the com munity in which be lives, uiri ie serves to apol'ogi.c or else heluilti r he branded a- n ii:.ii hi '.vho:u no confi dence can be placed. "Boston Inside Out " Rev Henry Morgan says, he has ordered two sets of typo and engaged two of the largest printing houses in Boston, to print the next edition of "Boston Inside Out," up to 20,000. Over lotjO agents are canvassing for the work, &0 ministers and nearly 1000 students. They have the profits, as the book is for reform and not for gain. But few books have met with more diverse criticisms and a more check ered fate. Attempts were made lo suppress it but failed. Suits were brought against Mr. Morgan. Mor gun Chapel was attached for $10,000, but the suits were non-suited. Gam blers "pooled there issues," to "Turn Morgan Inside Out," but withdrew their stakes. Leading papers and ministers have expressed opposite opinions. Those who have praised, have not praised by half. They They make (lie Author a John the Baptist, a Jonah crying against the sins ot modern Nineveh. Mr. Mor gan thinks it the crowning reform ef fort of li is life. He expects to print 100,000 vounics. Address, Rev. Hi-nry Morgan, Boston, Mass. BOROUGH (RDINANCJE NO. 4. TROinPITNO THE RUNNING I at larg; OK HORSES. CAT- TLE. HOGS, rillEEl', POULTRY, AO. , lie It nrdahtd and enacted by the Chief HurgessHid Town Council of the Borough f Ridgwny, and It Is hereby ordalnd and enacted by the authority of tlnyame 1. That the IMef Burgess, with the advice and cmsent of the Town Council, shall mpoint n clti.en of said Borough, who shall be called the Pound Keeper, who shall tlil the olllce of Pound Keeper fiom the date of bis appointfient until the first Monday of Apil. ls82, and annua'ly tliereti.ter; and rheiiever, and as often as, a.iy vacatur may occur In the olllce of Pound Keeper, shall appoint one such citizento fill said office. 2. That said Pound Keeper shall give a bond in sicb sum as the Town Council may 'designate, with two snlHclent snretlis, to be approved by the Chief .Burgess, conditioned for the faithful perfornHuce of the duties of his Kttidi olllce, and for the payment, ol nil moneys to the Treasurer of sairt Borough, tis required by this ordinal!:-!. 3. That the saii Pound Keeper is hereby authorized and required to pro vide a good and fUtliciciit Pound, in which all horses, mares, colts, mules, cattle, hogs, goats, sheep; also, all do mestic ami barn yard fowls, viz: Geese, iblcks, turkeys, peacocks. Guinea fowls, co(is and bens found running nt, large in said Borough, may betaken up l:id impounded, and kept until rdocinJ bv the owner or owners thereof, or uhVi-.vlse disponed of, as hereinafter provided. 4 That it sha.l lie unlawful for the owner or owners of any hor-c, mare, colt, iiiu'e, ca'.tle, hog, goat, or sheep, losnll'cror permit the same, or any of them, to run at lar-;e at any time in said Borough; or ;r the owner oi owners of any goose, duck, turkey, peacock, Guinea 0 vl. cock or hen, lo suiter or permit the same, or any of them, to run at lar-c in said Borough during tlic mout lis of .May, June, July and August of any year. 5, That any pi -sen violating the fourth section ol'lbis ordinance shall forfeit and pay, for (lie use of the Bor ough, the lolhiwiiiR lines and penal ties, viz: For eac i and every horse, marc, mule, ci!t, tow or head of catt c of any kind. pig. hog, sheep or goat, running at largeat t.iiy time as afore said, a line of one dollar; and for every goose, duck, tur'iey, peacock, Guinea fowl, chicken, cock or lien running at laige during tlit mouth ol .May, June, July or Augost in any year as aforesaid, a line of twenty live cents. 0. It shall be theduty of the Pound Keeper or High ( oii'stabic of said Borough to take up and impound any and all horses, marcs, colts, mule, cows, cattle, pigs, hojjs, slicep and ;oats found running at large at any lime in said Bio'dtigb; and any and ali geese, ducks, turkeys, peacocks, Gui nea fowls, clii'. ki' i ., cock or In ns found running at Uav" during the months of May, June, July and Au giHi in any vear s aforc-aid. 7. It shall' be (lie duly of the Pound Keeper, wiiiiin t vc;vel ion rs alter any aniuini or fowl asaloresaid shall have been Impounded, to give personal no t ice to t he owner or owners of the same of the taking up and impounding of any animal or fowls as aforesaid; and in ease the owner or owners are un known to the Pound Keeper, be shall give notice as aforesaid by nt least six wrhleii or printed handbills, fully de scribing su id animals or fowls, posted up in the m v;t public places in said Borough: and if the said animal or an- ima's, fowl t fowls, shall not be claimed or redeemed within live days after notice given as aforesaid, it shall he the duty of said Pound Keeper, af ter giving notice as liereina 'ter pro vided, to in ike sale of the same by public vendue or eatery, ami after de ducting from the proceeds of such s de the cost and expenses of taking up, kt cphig. advertising and sale of such animal or animals, fowl or fowls, to forthwith pay over the balance in bis hands to the 'Treasurer of s-dd Bor roiigli, and all moneys so paid over .shall remain in the Treasury for the use of t lie person who was the owner of said niimial or animals, fowl or fowls, at and imiueiliate y before paid sale, for the period of one year; Provid ed, that "f such person shall make prom ot lus liWneisiiip ot said ttnimai or an imals, fowl or lowis, or bis right to said moneys, to t!.e satisl'iction of the Chief Burgess, it shall be the duty of said Ch ief Burgess to give such person a certificate oNiis right to said mon eys, ami the President of the Council, upon receipt of said certificate, is here by a.ithori.ed to draw his warrant, attested by the Secretary, upon the Treasurer of said Borough, in favor of such person, for (lie amount of said moneys; I'roviued, further, That in c:cc no. proof shall be made within one year by (lie owner as a foresaid, the amount of said moneys shall be for leiied (o (he use of said Borough. 8. 'Thai said Pound Keeper, before making sale of any animal or animals, fowl or fowls, as aforesaid, is hereby authorized and required lo give ut least 11 .'c days' pub ic notice of the time and place of sale of any duck, goose, turkey, peacock, Guinea fowls, chickens, cock or hen, pig, hog, sheep or goat, and ai least thirty days' no tieeof the linieiiiid place of sale of any lior.e, ii. a re, colt, mule, cow or bend of entile of any kind. by at least six writ ten or printed, or partly written and partly printed, handbills, fully des cribing the Fame, posted uji in the most public places in said Borotcji. '.' That the Pound Keeper is hereby required to deliver to the owner or oiviieis any animal or fowl taken up and impounded as aforesaid, ut any time before sale, upon the payment to him of any tine or lines impo-cd under t he tilth section of this ordi nance, together willi all costs. fees ami expenses iiieured in taking up, keep ing and advertising the same as afore said. U). That no animal or fowl shall be taken or removed front said Pound un til (he fines imposed by (he fifth m-c- li'inciftbls ordinance, together with all costs, fees and expenses incurred in taking up, keeping and adverti-in said animal or fov. I, as the case may be, shall have bien fully paid to su:d Poun Keeper. 11. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons to take or release irom the Pound m said lie rough any animal or fowl impounded therein, without the consent of the Chief Bur gess or Pound Keeper; and any person or persons violating (he provisions of this section shad forfeit and pay for the use of the Borough. the sum ol live dollar, together with the cosls, fees and expenses Incurred by the Pound Keeper for taking up keeping and ad verlising such animal or fowl, as the case may be, for each and every such ollense, to bo recovered In same, man ner as debts of like amount are by law recoverable. 12. That tho Pound Keeper shall- be entitled to demand and receive from the owm r or owners of any animal or fowl impounded oh aforesaid, or out of tile proceeds of the sale thereof, as (lie case may be, in auuiuon io uie cost oi 1 keeping, th following fees viz: -1' or (he taking up and impounding of any horse, mare, colt, mule, coW, bead of cattle, sheep, goat, pliror-hog, thesuin of onedollareaehjivml for the taking up and Impounding of any goose, duck, turkey, peacock, Guinea fowl, chicken, cock or hen, the sum of fifteen cents; for advertising any of tho aforemcn tinned animals for sale, the sum of one dollar each; and for adversising any of the aforementioned fowls, twenty live cents each; lor crying each and every sale of animals as aforesaid the siim'of fiftv cents; for crying each and every sale of poultry as aforesaid, the siltn'of fifteen cents. 13. That whenever the High Con stable shall take tip and deliver to the Pound Keeper, at the Pound, any ani mal or animals, fowl or fowls as afore said, he shall bo entitled to receive from the Pound Keeper the fees al lowed the said Pound Keeper for tak ing nil and impounding the same. 14 That the Pound Keeper is hereby authorized and required to sue for In the nume of the Borough, collect, re ceive and pay over to the Borough Treasurer, all fines nnd penalties im posed bv this ordinance. 15. That tho Town Council Khali have the right to remove, for cause, any person appointed Pound Keeper at any time at their pleasure. 10. 'This ordinance shall take effect on and after June 1, 1H81. ('. .11. M'CAULKY, President. Atte-l -W.C 11 kaly, Sec'y. Approved this Mth day of May.1891. J. POWELL, Chief Burgess. BOROUGH OP.DINAIIC3 NO. 5. r-kl.-KTAIN-INO Tl) HMALI.-roX AND O'l'llt.ll CONPAOIot's) on IM-I-.''- TIOL'.S MSEAJSI'.s ok A iu.ui,HHUi CilArtACTEtl. lie II ordained ami enacted l".V the Chief Iliiixi-ss ix , 1 J Vnwn t 'onn.-i 1 of tin; llorinerli ot Hniiiwiii , mid il Is heiohy r;nined nnd en Hi'led Ov Hie million, ,v oi l in-, stone I. Tlmt It siiiill be unhiwiui lor any person U-!; Willi the sin iii pox or v;'itilohl, or lor any person U inmin inmiite of liny house or Iminliiiiis In wiiieli is h person sii-k Willi the u:n ih. mix or v,nl. mini, without the pennis- ,,l ,n ol 1 lie Chief Itorni-is. to he upon the streets or said Huron ah, o.' in any crowd or nssi-iiilitiico of eh i.ens ,it" su.l lJormi,'h: und it, sh:ill lie the ilaiy ni Hie IIikIi Conslnhle to arrest mid hull's h. l'oi e the proper iiuihority iniv sin li pi'i's.iu or peixnis found upon the siii'l si reels, or in nay erowd or iissetiihhi' 01 cKi.eiiH us aforesaid; mid person or per sons HhoshnM violate the provisions of Ihls si etion, or resist Hie lilan v'onstiili.e in nmk In ' Mieli so '-est, shall loi ielt and pay n line ol tll'iy dollars lor each and tvciy tnieli ol- ' i'Vlmt it shall he the duty of every physi cian who limy Oe called to intend a e-n-e ol sinall-pox or other dandel ions, eontiiirloas or infections ilisiese in tho I'.or.nwh ol llidu uiiy. to report the umo. In writing, wltn Ine imnie of tne person havlmfiin.v sm-li disease, and tho location of the house in which much persi av he nt He- time, to the Chid Har ness wit Inn I wo hours nllcr Mieli cull (.If I'l tnedav time,, and laloi e ek'lil o'clock A. M. of the following day il such call shall l,e la the a'iclit lime, lie shall also make, re port in the manlier aforesaid 01 t lie inline or names of all in rsoTis lie may nt any lime know to have been exposed to infection; and m y p ivsiciun who shall iio-'h-ei or reiu-e lo 111 1..0 a' report as aforesaid, loi ielt and pav, for the use of I he doroii'.:h, u line of til'iy doilars for each and every such luglect 01 le Uiot. ;i 11 sh.i'.'. he the duty of the Chief Bilwu. noon receipt of the s.oid report, as proWdl lor in tne ilrst. seoUoa of mis n.-diiianc-, to take nl, luff'Siii','.' end cii-nonwry precautious to orevenl the sieead ol such diseases, nnd shall iorliiwiih piacnrd.-. and yellow ll-ii. haiiii'i thevnn the eaine ol the nisense In 1 In jlis.i, lo lie p. ace upon every house con tain i..u miv p. rson haviin: any Mien disci, sc. such p ae.iid and llai; to remain thereon no il 1 oh v. leant ia chel':;e of person ihn I cci'tiH' to the t in. 1 liuress tnat all il am;er of fiirdn T spied of the contagion from such poion or premises is pat; and if any r ai shall remove any placard or lla;? hcioio such cert tile ile is Klvcii. such person sha I mrf. .1. and pay a lire of Iwenly dollar lor each and evi vy such olfe .ce. lor ine 11 -e of said lloronrii. And 111 case tho Chid liurno s shad ili'i'iu It access il')' lor the public h. a, lb or security Unit uny person sirl; with Hie smaii-i ox or varioloid shmi be reinove.l, the said Chi.I lill fss i. hen by nut lloi'i.ed to is.-U ' his win rant to the ilich C0n.-I1.b1e 01 snid iioroiili, dire tim linn lo remove sueu pel son lo some palco in sill II wal'l ant ii. lined, and shall cause proper en e 111a i 1, ta i 11.11 ice and meilical ulleiiilanee 10 oe pi-nviucii 101 mi, 11 per son. at thecol orexpea-eoi Miiil nouiuii. 1 he ci i--t anil expense ol na il iciuovul, care, niaintaliiauce and medical attend nice may be recovered by said lioroiuli from such per son, or io ease ol'his death, front tue person or persons liable for Ins support under the laws of this Comtiioiiwetoih, in Ine same manner that debts of iikc uiimuiil lire by law "i'l shall be the duty of the Illuh Coestalde upon receipt of tiny wnirant, as provided 111 the I lilrd section of this oriiinaiice, lo cause the ir rson ti. otii-d in said warrant to be re l'oilhwith to tiie place titciei.i liesli:.! aied. umli r a peiiHliy of twenty-live donars for c-.ich and every otlciice, '). in case any ilani;. rous, contagious or in fecMieis disc iv shall break mil in said llnr oii..ii. the Chief iiiu-,'-ss is lie.i Iiy nutlioi ii'i it and directed lo provale a p:i')ier and suiiahio bun lii lo liieh any iK-rson sicit or siili'er I114 lioin such a iliseuse m.iy bo leniovcd and proi,er:y cared for. ii. Il sua, I be lawful for th Chief Iiuru'css, wnh Ihe advice nnd cons, nt of the town Councl., to appoint one p 'rson to be called the l!iiiou'h i'liy -iclan, w lioslnill be a prac ticing physician residing in said lioroiili. to serve lite current year in which Mich ap pointment Is made, Ull.tss sooner r- lnovi d. T. Il sliali be Hie duly ol s.dd Iiorouirii l'hy sici.1.1 to ntlclld ah eases of sickness ill said iSoiouh Which he may be directed to taae ehaiae of bv Ihe Chief Ilinwss or uverseer of the Poor of'said lloiotmii; and in case said lloroimh rnysician sliail ucuiect or relti-n to jove all necessary and proper attention to such cases, II shall be law tin lor the ollicers above tunned, 01 either of them, to procure such 'ttteiuheic' by sonic inner itiysii-iwn nnd tiie l"cs or chaiiro.i of such other phys ician sli.u! he deducted by the Tom 11 Council from the s.iiury of lite said lluinuutli l'hysi ciaie and furihcr II shall be the duty of the said II iron, vh riiysieiau in cause all ciolhim; nnd belldlnir. lllielll'i":. unit I'l'ellllso.'l. wliich may ciitilain or seem to proiauute iul'eciion, w hich 111 iv have been u.-ed or occupiea Ijy iii.v- nei'soiis tiavlm.' anv dan iei'olts. contn Uious disease, lo be properly aim inoiouuoiy ili-ii fcc!i;ii; and any liimscho.nrr 111 w nose bullae M'eh iierxuit may have ncen snail I n 'iiwiiii pioeiii'e tiie said lloroiuh Physi cian to ai 'end such process ol disiiileclioit; and uuv pel'siiil faiiilia to liolice to be liiven lo the said i'liy.-ician to so iillcnd nnd lii-inli ct mi such eiolhiue, bedding, dwelling and preriilsus. shad loi ielt and pa a line 01 tl v dollars, lor Ihe iisu of the lloioui;h, for each and every day such person shall neglect or refuse 10 uive such nonce. 8. The said pu s'.en.ii shall receive such salary as the said Town Council shall design ate. Ii. The Tawii Council shall have tho rlRltt to remove at any tune, for cni-e anv pets- 11 appoint d Uoiouth Phj s.ciau 1 11 .er.lil.-o dl nance. In 1 11 wise of the nhsencp of the Chief llur- L-ess. il shall he Ihe duty of the President of Town Council to receive the reports and per form Ihe duties required by this ordinance. 11. 1 Ills ordiitane 10 lake t-d'eet oil und af ter June 1, ls,l. C. If. M'C.M'LKY, President. Attest W. c. llsAi.r, Kcc'y. Approved tliis IU1I1 day of .'.lay, lssl. J. PtiWKLli, Chief liurgess. A IlamUoinn Papi r. Il.LUSTKATKD SCIENTIFIC The Nkws for May is before us, looking handsomer, if possible, than any of the preceding issues. Since its change of publishers last January, this iiiaga.ine has improved with each succeeding number. The present issue of the Ilm'Stkatkd Scikxtific Nkws is overflowing with handsome engravings and interesting and in struct ive matter. Among' 1 lie various fiiibjeets illus trated in this Is a superb specimen of cut glass ware; an exhausted article on asphaltum and Us use in streets and pavements; u new and ingenious hand car, show in operation; a new steel steamer for use in shallow rivers; the new Jobert telescope, and an Interest ing paper on physics without appara tus, also fully illustrated. Every number contains thirty-two pages full of engravings of novelties and science and the uselul arts. lo be hud of all news dealers, or by mail of the ntiblisbeis. Mm fe Co.. 37 Park Row, New York, at 51.60 per annum; sluglecopies IS cents NEW ASVEBTISEMZNT3. ELK CO. ADVOCATE RATES. Y ART.T AIV KTtSISO. One Column On Year Oim-lvilf Column One Year One-fonrtli Column "ne pnr Oiin.pinhlli Column One i enr ....tso.nn .....4".0l) 2r).00 I ii.OO lltJISfUNT AOV HTISIXf).. Onp Sqiinre One WppIc - no One Square Two Weelis oil. One Square '1 hree .Week .w) K.iirli n ditlonnl Insertion 50 cents a sqanre encli week. f.OAt, AnVRTIBISO. Ten cents n line first Insertion; five cnntu line fur ench ml I It If 11111 1 Insertion. EENHY A. PAR3 JNS.J3.. Proprietor. ESTATE NOTICE. Estate of John C. Corbe, late of I llenJnger township. Elk county. Pn, deceased. Notice Is hereby geven that letters testamentary have been granted to the itnderslmied, upon the above named estate. All persons In debted to snid estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same to present the without delay, in pro per order for settlement, nl3 to Susan Coruk, Executrix. MAY 25. GRAND MILITARY DRESS BALL AT TIIE Opera PIoush, MAY 28th, 1881. COME ONE, COME AM A cordial Invitation is extended to the Public. KEoIEMBEK PAY AM) DATE. MAY 25, 1881. MRS. E. CIUTSTOX. In returning thanks for past favors respectfully begs to inform her friends and the public generally that she has just returned from 2vev York where she purchased a large stock of Milli nery and fancy goods of the latest styles, also n nice selection of ladies' Skirls, Plain and Fancy hosiery, Ladies' and Children.' Parasols, Hair goods, fancy (.'hinaware, &c, which she intends lo sell as cheap as the cheapest. Particular attention given to trimming and in a style that cannot bo surpassed in this section. All are Invited to call and inspect her goods before purchasing elsewhere. iilOmf! Note paper and envelopes at the Advocatk office. V,' bite's cant, steel bark spuds at Powell & Kinie's. The f'.nesl line of teas in Ridgway IViro'iich at the Ur.ind Central, stlcn a pin there. You hear it on the street, in the hotels, at social gatherings, in fact it is the engrossing topic, what? The low prices at Powell & Kimc's mammoth store. Sometimes a little assistance at the right time will enable the system to throw oil" tin attack which might otherwise result in serious sickness. Aycr's PI I'm should always be kept at bund, and promptly taken for the re lief of slight ailments, before they be come formidable diseases. CENTRAL State Hormal School, (Kiijhth Soruint School Dinlrkt.) LOCK HAVEN, ( MaTON CO., PA. A. N. KAUii, A.M. .Ph. D. Principal This school as at present constituted cd'ers t lie very best facilities for Pro fessional and'cla-sieal learning. Uuildiiiys spacious, inviting and commodious, completely heated by, well ventilated and furnished with a bountiful supply of pure, soft .sprint; water Location healthful and easy of ac- Surrounding scenery unsurpassed. Teachers experienced, efficient, and alive lo their work. Discipline firm but kind, niiifor.n and thorough Expenses moderate. Fifty cents a week deduction to those preparing teach. Students admitted at any time. Con r-es of study prescribed by the State; I . Model School. II Prepara tory. III. Elementary. IV. Scien tific. AD.K'XCT COUHSKS: I. Academic. II. Commercial. III. Music. IV Art The Elementary and Scientific courses are Professional, ami students irradiiatiue therein receive State Diplo mas, conferring the following corres ponding i lei: r-es: Master ol the hie ments and Master of theScienecs (iraduates in the other courses receive Normal Certificates of their attain ments signed by the Faculty. The Professional courses are liberal, and are in thoroughness not inferior to those of our best colleges. The State requires a hiirher order of citizenship. 1 lie times ilemanu u. it is one of the prime objects of this school lo help to secure it by furnish ing intelligent and etlleient teachers for her schools. To thisclid. it solicits young persons of good abilities and good purposes those who desire to improve their lime ami ineir laienis, as students. To all such it promises aid in developing their powers and abundant opportunities for well-paid labor alter leaving school. For catalogue and terms address tne Principal, or the Secretary of the Hoard BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Stockholder's Trustees. J H Bar ton. M D. A II Best, Jacob Jirown, S M Bickfor.l, Samuel Christ, A JN nub, R G Cook T. C. tlipple, c.sip, G. Kent Jug. E P MeCorniick, Esij , YV. W. Rankin. V. H. Brown. State Trustees Hon A G. Curtin, Hon William Biirler, Hon. H L Diell'eiibaeh.Gen Jesse Merrill, J C C Whaley, K Millar McCormivK, Esi OFKICF.KSS Hon. William Biglcr, rrcsidcnt.C'lear field. Pa Gen Jesse Merrill, Vice President, Lock Haven, Pa. S. Millar MeCorniick, Secretary, Lock Haven, Pa Thomas Yardley, Treasurer, Lock Haven, I'a. A. Swartz Ross, Merchant Tailor, over Magiunis' Billiard Hall, has on hand, aud Is constantly receiving the. latest and newest samples of cloth for sluing and summer suits. Prices to suit the million. Work guaranteed to be as represented and delivered at the tiniejiiji-Kul upon. m jwntailli wim ii'wiii'iiip Business Cards. ATTORN EY-AT-L AAV. ,, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Fa. Particular attention given to the examination of titles, also to patent and intent eases. HALL BVCAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. x OQice In new brick building, Main street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v8W W. L. WILLIAMS. Late of Rtrattanvllle), Physician and Surgeon, IikUwnv, Pa. Olllce in Hall's liriek Huilding (up stairs) Roferences .1. 1) Smith. It. L. Young, It. Rulofson, Strattanville ; Major John Kitley, YV. W. Green r land, Clarii 11. Has practiced his profession sccessfully for more than ten years. G- G. MESSENGER. . DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. V. corner of Main and Mill streets. Ridgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dis pensed at all hours, day or night. vln;fy - J. S. BOrSQVfELL, M. D. EL EOT IC PHYSICIAN &SURG'N!, Has removed his ofllcc from Centra street to Main ntrect. Ridgway, I'a.. in the second story of the new brick biiildintt of John G. Hall, west of tho II vile House. Olllce hours :-l to 2 P. M.'toOP.M HYDE HOUSE" W. II. SCH RAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa. Thankful for the patronage hcreto foroso liberally bestowed upon himi the new proprietor hopes, by paying stri-t attention to the comfort and cons venieiice of guests, to merit a continu ance of the same. oet WO'.t APPLETOH'SflSflERECAH CYCLO- This admirable work is now conir iletcin 10 vols. Each volume eontaius&OO pages. It makesa complete and well selected library, and no one can atl'ord to do without it who would keep well informed. Price 80 no in cloth, SU.nO in leather, or Si". 00 in elegant half Turkev. For particulars address. W. II. Fail-child, Portville, Catt. Co., N. Y.. who has been duly appointor! agent for Elk county by C. K. Judson, general agent. CAUTION S0TICE. All persons are hereby cautioned not to purchase, or meddle with the following described property now in the possession of V. II. Sheely and Peter C Sheely as the same belotlgs to me and is left in their possession for a time only: One pair red oxen, tl years old;' I cow red and white, 1 red cow with crumpled burns. II. o. Ei.i.rrnoni'. Kane, Pa , April 1 Uh, 1SS1. nlt3 Register's Xolicc. Notice is hereby given that the fol lowing accounts will be presented at the next Orphans' Court for confirma tion: I. Final account of Mary Meyer, ad ministratrix of the estate of Philip Meyer, late of St. Marys, Elk county, Pa., deceased. 'i. Final account of Wni.TV Hewitt, and J. V. Mead, administrator of tho estate of Daniel Hewitt late of Jay township. Elk county. Pa., deceased. II. Final account, of Fred. Wilmarlh, one of the executors of the estate of Lyman Wilmarlh. late of Fox town ship, Elk county. Pa., deceased. Fkkli. SciiiKxiNO, Register. E&iATE NOTICE. Testate of Casper Ott.late of Ridgway j'ownship. Eik county Pa. .deceased. Notice is hereby e,iven that letteis tes tamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the above named estate. All persons indebted to said estate are rcijucstcd to make immedi ate payment , and those having legal claims ayaiust the same to present lliem without delay, in proper order lor settlement. John Ott, Administrator. ESTATE NOTIGH. Instate of Matthew MeQuone, late of j Fox township, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been, granted to the iiiidersijn'ed, upon the above named estate. All persona In debted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having legal claims against the same to present them without delay iu pro per order for settlement. . Hhxky Lakh ay, Administrator. . ESTATE NOTICE. I 7 state of Joseph Scbeider, late of jllhlgwiij township. Elk county, Pu., deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters testamentary have been granted to the undersigned, upon the. above named estate. All persons In debted to said estate are requested to make immediately, payment, and those having legal claims against the same to present them without delay,' in proper order for settlement. . Jost:ru Windfike, Executor. A Good Honsertife. The good housewife, when she is giving her house its spring renovat ing, should hear in mind that the dear Inmates of her house are nioro precious than many houses, and that their systems need cleansing by puri fying the blood, regulating the stom ach and bowels to prevent and cure the disease arising from spring uia lariu and miasma, and she must know that there is nothing that will do it so perfectly aud surely as Hop Bitters, the purest and best of medicines. Concord, N. II. Patriot. STOVE SIGN No. 42 Main St; "Bark Peelers' Supplies, STOVES, Cooking Utensils, Axes, Spuds CYC.', A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers