ffiili HENRY A. PARSONS, Jr., Editor and Publisher NILi DESPEEANDUM. Two Dollars per Annum. VOL. XT. TIIDGWAY, ELK COUNTY, PA., THURSDAY, MAY 12, 1881. NO. 12. Ebb and Flow. Life throbs with tides that obb and How, With tilings that como, and things that go. Tho mists that rise when morn is fair, That rise and float, then melt in air, Are nut more transient in their stay Than ure the, hours that speed away. For often life seems like a dream So quickly flush with glance and gleam, A thousand things that come and go, And cause the tides to ebb and flow. A sad, sweet strain that's borne along !y breath of w ind; n bit of song, A few fond words when dear friends meet; The music of a laugh that's sweet; The sympathy that prompts a sigh; A win-,iric .to that parses bv; ISrief joys, flint stay their littlo while, A kindly glum e, a loving rmilo. Those evei come ami ever go, And like the lidos they ebb and llow. A lovely hiniUrapc, fair ami bright, One moment seen, then lost to sight, The gorgeous clouds at set of sun, That crown the day when it is done. The frosty pictures on the pane. That fade and come, and fade again; The euilinj; smoke that tlonts away; A snow wreath on a winter's day; All these like waves that ebb and llow, With ceaseless throb still come and go. .7. l.lMyalU THAT AWKWARD GIRL. Colonel lialeigh felt really indignant. The iiloa of imy one's expecting him to dunce with that gawky, ill-dressed girl, Julin Pinch ! it was as irritating as it was ill 'Mu d. However, he had no choice in such a matter, his hostess' will was law. So he found himself, with his feet in the first position, opposite the young lady, bowing as he requested the pleas ure' of the waltz, and in his heart an athematized both the music and his partner. Julia rineh was only seventeen, and had the angular, unformed appearance of a younger girl. Her dress was old fashioned and unbecoming, and as she nervously accepted the flattering pro posal of' the handsomest man iu town, she pulled n torn glove over her red wrist, and stood up expectant, with as little grace certainly as was well con ceivable. The first round of the dance was ex quisite torture to the gallant colonel -unspeakable, but scarcely definable, delight to the girl. It was" such an un expected honor for her, poor little neg lected wall-Hower! Her invitation to this her first bull had been altogethei irregular. She knew no one, and her coming had been "brought ubout by a singular con catenation of circumstances, which she afterwards called "fate." She was an orphan and lived with her old aunt, whose stinginess increased with her years. Old Miss Deborah Brown was re spected in Hillsborough, but her visit ing days were over, and she had been gr'nlly surpiised a week be fore the (d)icers' ball by a call from a far-away elderly cousin, who, in passing through the town,' had remembered her existence, lie was remaining for the ball, and, as he took his farewell, his eye rested carelessly upon the awkward girl who had retreated into the furthest corner of the room during his visit. With a good-natured impulse he took a ball ticket from his pocket, and, throwing it down upon the table, said: " There, young lady; if you like to go I'll fetch' you at 8 o'clock! " And so, to Julia's intense surprise, she was to make one of the select company invited to the officers' ball. Aunt Deborah had strange ideas of the fitness of things, and it is not, per haps, very remarkable that Julia's ap pearance was scarcely creditable even to her position. The best-chosen toilet would have scarcely redeemed her awkwardness; bnt with the old-fashioned garment her relative had had "made over for her," and ill-litting gloves and boots, she was as little beautiful as she was ever des tined to be. Colonel Ualeigh's anger calmed down somewhat as, after the first round of the dance was over, his partner, more at her ease, proved to be an admirable waltzer. She was light as a feather, and her step was so springy and free that in his own mind he reflected that it covered a mul titude of sins. He was inclined to patronize her, and when he led her breathless to her seat, btood for a while beside her, and finally, with a sudden impulse of good nature at which he marveled himself, offered to take her to have some refreshment. Silly little Julia ! how her heart beat, to be 'sure. She felt ready to shrink iuto tho smallest atom of herself as she walked through tho beautiful rooms with her handsome partner. When he left her at last her eye fol lowed him, and her foolish heart beat high with hope that such another treat might be in store for her ; but this was not to be. The colonel had done his duty much more than done it, indeed, he con sideredand her light waltzing could not even commend a second experience to him. So Julia sat, unnoticed and alone, until Miss Deborah's cousin was ready to leave. He had promised to see her home and when he came to fetch her, said, good-naturedly: "Capital ball! Hope you enjoyed it?" " Yes, indeed, thank you," was the shy response. " Have you been dancing much ?" "I danced with Colonel Ealeigh," Eaid Julia, in exultation. ' Ah, indeed ?" said the elderly cousin, with what she thought scant considera tion of her bliss. Well, come along. Your aunt will think you are lost." And Julia's first ball ended, and the quiet monotony of her life was to re commence. Never again, though, to be quite the same, for cow Julia had an object in life. This object was to watch for, dream of and romance about the handsome colo nel. One a week the regiment to which he was attached passed her aunt's house. On Sundays she knew that for one bliss ful moment she would behold her hero of the ballroom; for that one moment she endured much. No persuasion of her aunt could in duce her to dress for church, or move from a certain window, until after the event to which she looked forward throughout the six days of the week. Old Aunt Deborah never imagined any deeper reason for this obstinacy, as she called it, than general admiration of the soldiers, which, to her mind, was suffi ciently foolish. Had she known the truth she would have considered that Julia had lost the little sense with which she credited her. The colonel never saw her, neveronce glanced at the house, never even knew where she lived; and, alas ! for her, had he known, would not have cared. He was a fast man; not bad in the ordinary acceptation of the word, but of no particular principle or character. He was accustomed to the admiration of all his lady friends, and was in many respects a very spoiled man, as little likely to think twice of awkward Julia as to stop to pick a daisy at his feet. At least, so he would have said. As it appeared, he knew nothing and cared nothing, and certainly, had any one pointed out the silly little girl watching for his passing, would have failed to recognize her as his partner for one dance, which was only remem bered by him as an annoyance. Time passed. The regiment was ordered abroad ; its quarters filled by 6omo succeeding corps, and Julia's object in life taken from her, she re lapsed once more into the old languid conditions of her life. Some weeks later, when spring had come and gone, and summer was at its height, Aunt Deborah died, leaving her little property to the lonely girl, whom she had suffered to live with her under a sort of protest. As soon as she was laid in the grave Julia surprised all those whom her sudden inheritance had interested, by declaring her intention of going to a finishing school. "Aunt Deborah," she said, "would never pay for my education while she lived ; but I know my own needs, and I intend to learn." There was no one to eainsav her. She took her own way, and offered her self as parfor-pnpu to the Misses Jones, who kept the finishing school in the little town, and who were glad to re ceive her, promising her tho comforts of home and every advantage from mas ters that her money could procure. There were two other parlor boarders of her own age in the school, and each had their romance. Each had a lover, or a friend who was to become such, but Julia had none. Deep in her girlish heart she treasured the memory, of the one man who had come, as it seemed to her, right into her life. It was the thought of him that stimu lated her to self-improvement. In her day-dreams she imagined meeting him again, when he should be to her what all the other girls claimed for them selves. She had been told so often that she was plain and awkward that she be lieved it ; but still in her heart she boped that in the future she might, at least, hold her own with others. It was a year since her memorable evening. A school friend of hers, Amy Chase by name, had invited her to her house, tell ing her that a dance was to celebrate her birthday. " Not a grand affair, you know," she said ' just a carpet dance." Julia lelt very little excitement about I it; she accepted because she had no I reason for declining, and was about to ask some questions as to her dress, when to her intense surprise Amy con tinued: " Colonel lialeigh is staying with us, and he is such a man for dancing that on his account we must have some." "Colonel lialeigh!" exclaimed Julia, involuntarily. "I thought I thought " " Do you know him?" asked Amy, in quisitively. " Isn't he handsome and delightful, a perfect dear !" "I I don't know," said Julia, hesi tatingly. " Don't know ! Well, then of course yon can't have seen him," laughed Amy. " No one ever forgets him; but I'll intro duce you ! He's just sold out and como iuto a fine estate." Julia's feelings at this unexpected disclosure can scarcely bo conceived. Tj her this man had been the idealized hero of every day-dream. Now all her languor was gone. Her interest in, in everything connected with the coming event, was intense. She consulted the leading dress maker in the town, and put herself into the hands of the hair-dresser, whose ex ploits were renowned. After all she was to be congratulated in having secur ed the assistance of real artistes, for their choice did credit to their taste. Her dress was ' veiy simple white tarlatan over white silk and by the mil liner's advice a bunch of field daisies for her hair and bosom were her only orna ments. " So simple, miss," said the woman, "and simplicity is the best for a young lady." Julia herself did not know how much she owed her for her suggestion. The awkward, ungainly girl did not realize the change that had transformed her into a sweet-faced and not ungraceful young woman. Her fair hair hung in curls about her neck, the expression of her blue eyes were so childlike and her whole appear ance so modest and retiring that, with the pure white dress, relieved only by the daisies in her hair and bosom, she looked like some lovely child, and might have stood for a representation of Innocence itself. The finishing touches had been put to her dress by her admiring compan ions, and she proceeded with a beating heart to her friend's house. Dancing had already commenced, and Julia, who depended upon her friend's mother as chaperon, waited in an ante-room till Amy should come to her. "How lovely you look, Julia!" ex claimed the latter, as she ran in. " You will be the 'belle of the ball,' I de clare 1" She turned to her mother, and, introducing her, continued: "Now, mamma, be sure and introduce Colonel lialeigh to Julia. He's just splendid! But I hope you can dance, for he will only take good dancers as his partners; but come along." The dancing-room was full as they entered, but Julia saw onlv one figure. The handsome colonel of her memor able ball, the hero of every day-dream since, was leaning against the mantel shelf, iu earnest conversation with a lady. To Julia's eyes he was handsomer than ever. She had no desire to join iu tho dancing; she felt as if the mere sight of her hero was enough. Sho took a seat, by her friend's desire, on the sofa, but was soon to re' alizo that her wall-flower days were over. She did not think what a pretty pic ture she made as she sat there, all the admiration in her innocent heart shining in her eyes as, without any idea of attracting notice, she enjoyed the real ization of her longing to see him once more. She accepted one partner after another, always hoping that fate would ot last bring her old friend, as she con sidered him, to her side. What fate might not have accomplished her own attractions brought about. " Deuced pretty girl, that," said the colonel to the lady with whom ho con versed. " Dances well, too. Introduce me, won't you ?" " I've a great mind not to," said his friend, laughing. " I haven't forgotten your scowl last year at your own ball, when I asked you to dance with that friend of old Lane's." "Well, I might scowl!" the colonel, laughing " that ward girl! You certainly to make every amends in said your power by giving me a better chance to night." And he followed her across the room to Julia, whose partner had just released Jier. " Miss Pinch Colonel Ealeigh," she heard, and trembling at the realization of her dream, she held out her card almost mechanically. She scarcely heard his first words. When she re covered from her nervousness, he was saying : " Mrs. White threatened to punish me for an old offense by not introducing me, Miss rinch. It would have been too cruel don't you think so V "I do not know what the offense was," said Julia, in her .childish voice. "But" and she hesitated " I don't think it could have been very bad." And the great blue eves were raised to his face. He laughed. " I will tell you," he said, "only your kind heart would be hurt if you had to blame me." ' Perhaps I shouldn't have to blame you," saiil Julia, wistfully ; but the music was tempting, and his reply was merged in the first steps of a waltz. "How divinely yon dance, Miss Pinch,' said the handsome colonel, as he bent over her at the conclusion of the waltz. "You are as light as a feather. I never danced with any one so light before, exeept--yes, by Jove! except the time I was going to tell you about, when I shocked Mrs. Whits. Why, it was in this very town so it was at our own ball. She would introduce me to a gawky girl whom nobody knew, and I scowled over it, lean tell you ! But sho danced well, I must give her that credit uncommonly well, she did ! Lightest waltzer I ever knew except yourself !" Poor little Julia: llow ner heart beat ! She took courage. " Who was she ?" she asked. " I don't know; never saw her be fore nor since she was all angles ! I remember I was surprised to find that she could dance at all. I wonder how she learned. Strange it's; no compli ment to you, but do you know, Miss Pinch, you rather remind mo of her ? Please forgive me," he added, hastily, thinking her deepening color arose from annoyance. " She had lieautiful eyes, I remember, and might have been good-looking, only she was so awkward and oh ! so ill-dressed !" "Can't you remember her name?" asked Julia- Then she added: "I was at that ball." " You !" said the colonel. " " Impossi ble ! I couldn't have forgotten you if I had once seen you !" " Oh, yes, I was !" ii. sisted Julia. " I remember it because it was my first ball." And she looked down and blushed. The colonel considered. " I thought I knew every pretty girl in the room that night," he said. " You must be mistaken. I'm sure I should have danced" with you if you were there if vou would have permitted me, that is." - " You did dance with me," said Julia, in a low voice men suddenly becom ing very bold, she added: " You didn't want to, but you did, and and I en joyed it very much." The liandsome colonel looked an noyed. The idea of his forgetting it, if, as she said, he had danced with her ! " What dance was it?" he asked, after a pause. " A waltz," said Julia, softly, as the delicious memory of that evening came over her. "A what?" asked the colonel, with a sudden and unpleasant idea in his mind " A waliz," she repeated, with a blush, and again she looked up at him with those lovely, innocent eyes of hers. " Miss Pinch," he said, " you are laughing at me. Do you want to make me believe that I met you, waltzed with you and forgot you ?" "Yes," said Julia; then after a pause she half whispered: " But I didn't for get." The colonel pulled his whiskers. He was very much put out. This "girl was so pretty how hateful she must think him ! Well, there was no danger of his forgetting her again. What lovely eyes she hail What a sweet, innocent baby face it was ! He felt annoved as another partner coming for her whirled her off in the dunce. He stood watching her. How grace ful the light, girlish figure looked! Yet, as he gazed, some vague remem brance came back to him, rendering him uneasy and annoyed. " It can't be," he muttered " impos sible ! that awkward girl" Just at this moment Amy came up. "Have von been introduced to Julia Pinch?" sho asked. "Isn't she pretty ? " Meryl" lie saw. "Who is she? Sho declares I have met her. I am sure I never have." "Oh, yes, by the way!" said Amy I remember, she did say somethinir about knowing you. Where can it have been ? Here she comes again; let's ask her," and going up to her friend, Amy put the question, to receive the same reply. An unpleasant idea still remained in the colonel's mind so unpleasant that ho persistently refused to pay any re gard to it. He was so charmed with this pretty Julia he danced (yin and again with her devoted himcdlf to her whenever her nuruefous partners left her free for a moment, and was as completely her slave as if he had known her for W'eeks. He could not divest himself of that shadowy, undefined resemblance to some one. Quite late in the evening she was sitting down after a dance; and as he Btood beside her, in rapt admiration of the sweet face down into which he was gazing, a sudden movement of her hand arrested his attention. Her glove had eome unbuttoned, anJ, as she pulled it up her wrist, she suddenly tore it asunder; and, annoyed by the accident, blushed deeply as she involuntarily put her hand to hide it. Her sudden movement supplied the missing link in his memory. He remem bered the torn glove on the red wrist of that awkward girl, and at the same moment so did Julia. She looked up, half-laughing, half annoyed, and said: " When we met before, I had a torn glove, I remember." "Impossible," said he, in 'his sur prise, " that you can be " " That awkward girl V" she asked. " Yes, indeed, I am. Are yon sorry?" The colonel never knew what answer he made; I doubt if she did, either. But it is a suggestive fact that years after ward I found iu his wife's drawers a little packet labeled " That awkward girl's;" and, opening it, I found it to con tain a solitary glove, soiled and roughly torn about the wrist. Horidn Oranges and Alligators. "For three hundred miles south from Jacksonville, along the St. John's River, and still further north and east,"saidJay Gould to a New York reporter, "the coun try is dotted over with orange groves of from twenty to twenty-five acres in ex tent. It takes about five years for on orange grove to mature so as to produce fruit for the market, but nevertheless new groves are constantly planted, mid are looked to as a sure source of revenue. When an orange grove begins to bear fruit it apparently never wears out. I heard of one tree which bears annually from six to eight thousand oranges, but that is above the average." "What is the cost of an orange grove?" "As I said," replied Mr. Gould, "thev vary in extent from twenty to twenty-' live acres, and are worth from $50,000 ! to 8100,000. But thev yield a handsome j percentage. For instance, Mr. Hart, who lives lust above mo here, owns a ! grove of about twenty-live acres, and he informs me that it yields him a net in- ! come of from $15,000 to 820,000. "Is this interest growing?" "Decidedly so, and I think that with- i in the next five years Florida ought to be able to supply tho entire demand of the United States for oranges. I believe that the sweet orange is not a native of I Honda, but has to be grafted upon the tree which bears tho sour orange. On one tree you sometimes see oranges, lemons and limes growing together. Of courso the several fruits have been graft ed ; but it is interesting and peculiar to a Northerner to see these fruits grow ing in a happy family on one tree. It suggests a horticultural paradise." "Is orange growing the chief industry of Florida?" "By no means. Not to speak of cotton and live oak and the like, you must not forget the alligator, said Mr. Gould, smiling and evidently thinking of his alleged "alligator farm." "But is the alligator a sufficiently val uable animal to make his cultivation re munerative ?" "No ; his hide is the valuable por- i '. e i l . ii . i . l uuu ui mm, uiiu ceu mai is worm com- paratively little, though I believe they make it into boots iu England." "But does Florida cultivate these rep tiles?" "That is not necessary. The alligator cultivates himself and produces quickly and numerously. The whole swamp and river country is filled with them." "And are thev dangerous ?" "Well," said Mr. Gould, "it is as well not to get in tho way of their tails. I think they strike their victims chiefly with their tails. Nevertheless.the eleven inch jaws of some of them are not at tractive. My son killed one which resembled a whale on four legs. Our party killed over thirty of them. Wheth er I killed any or not myself is a diffi cult question for mo to answer. I saw some live ones just before I fired, and some dead ones just afterward ; but as several rifles went off at the same time, I cannot assume that it was my gun that killed an alligator. But alligator shoot ing was not what interested me in the South ; the blossoms, our wedding blos soms of the North, you know, were on the trees, and yet the ripe, golden fruit was there too. Population of the West. At the beginning of the century the population of the great West, which is now about 20,000,000, was a little more than 50,000. The following interesting table shows the growth of that popula tion: Per cent, of Year. Population, 17'J0 1800 51,0(16 jncreane. 1810 203, 109 475 1820 858,957 193 1830 1,610,173 87 1810 ; 8,581,542 120 1850 6,582,413 57 18IJ0 8,715,692 75 1870 13,971,021 45 1880 19,131,810 37 That table is a very interesting one. It is one of the most remarkable features in this remarkable age. FOU THE FAIR SKX. Nrulnes" III Women. A woman may be handsome or re markably attractive m various ways ; i but if she is not personally neat she cannot hope to win admiration. Fine clothes will not conceal tne siattem. a young woman with her hair always in disorder and her clothes hanging about her as if suspended from a prop, is always repulsive. Slattern is written on her person from tho crown of her head to the soles of her feet, and if she wins a husband he will turn out, in all proba bility, either an idle fool or a drunken ruffian. Tho bringing up of daughters to be able to work, talk and act like honest, sensible young women, is the special task of all mothers, and in the industrial rank there is imposed also the prime obligation of learning to re spect household work for its own sake, and the comfort and happiness it will bring in the future. New Turbnn Kniinrl. The new turban bonnet is of a low crowned shape, setting close to the head and covered with old gold colored satin. It is trimmed with a scarf a yard and a half long of black Chantilly net, upon which are embroidered tiny crescents iu gold thread. It is finished by a hand made fringe of mingled skein silk and gold thread two inches wide. WThat dis tinguishes this bonnet from other styles is the disposition of the scarf, which is confined in the exact center above the forehead by a small and very finely wrought crescent in gold filigree, having a plumo-like ornament in crimped gold thread, which is placed upright. It is two inches high and so set as to be by no mean-- conspicuous, seeming merely to serve to give a turban-like look to the loose folds of the scarf. At the back the folds of lace and the fall simulate the arrangement of the turban ends in Oriental style. Wcililliiux. The present style of church weddings says a New York letter, does not admit of bridemaids and groomsmen entering the church arm and arm. The grooru chooses his best man and his ushers, generally six in number. Tho ushers are in attendance early and seat the guests. When the hour for the service arrives tho clergyman takes his place at the altar, followed by the groom and his best man. The organist starts the " AYedding March," and the ushers, two and two, enter the clmrcfi door and walk up the aisle followed by the bride maids. Then comes the bride on the arm of her father or whoever is to give her away. Upon reaching the altar the ushers take places at the right and left ; the bridemaids also move to the right and left, standing next to tho ' altar rail and a little forward of tho ushers. Tho central place is occupied by the bride and groom, who meet at the altar. The service over, tho newly-married people turn from the altar and leave the church by the middle aisle, bridemaids and ushers following in reverse order. Fnslilon l'linelen. The new plush gauze comes in tho lightest and softest tints, and has a silvery luster that is very becoming. Old Pekin striped basques are brought out, furbished up and worn as new striped garments, superseding the old brocade. Collars of white linen embroidered with small dots to match the color in the dress are to be woin with gingham suits. The shirrings at tho upper part of dress sleeves sometimes run around the arm and sometimes from the shoulder to tho elbow. The black spun silk originally made for Jerseys is used for making draper ies, and is combined with plain and brocaded grenadines. Colored sweepers are not to be worn with long dresses tliis summer, and even with short dresses creamy lace will be preferred to any other border. Six or seven two-inch tucks set above a side-plaited flounce are used to trim the skirts of white dresses, and the back draperies are also occasionally tucked. The scoop hats are the best of the small shapes for summer wear. They really protect the eyes although they I leave the cheeks and nose to be merci- i-filv fnrill,i i les y The half-pointed basmies are now made very short, and are cut into ten or twelve points. Plaitings of plain satin are set between the points, and some times a full point of Spanish lace is added. A substitute for the soft drapery at the back of a dress skirt is a succession of fan plaitings reaching from tho edge of the basque to the hem. These plait ing are lined with crinoline and are stiff in effect. Muslin embroidered with a color makes the prettiest of summer dresses. They have plaited underskirts, Grecian overskirts and surplice waists, and are trimmed with a great many satin bows matching the embroidery. Side pouches and chatelaine bags for summer use are very dainty affairs, and are made of tinted satin, hand-painted in delicate sprays of fkwers and trim med with flutings of lace. Elbow sleeves will continue through the spring and summer months, not only for evening but for afternoon dress. With out-of-door toilets very long gloves will be worn, edged at the top with lace rallies. A remarkable incident occurred at East Baltimore the other day during a rain-storm. A large flock of swallows suddenly made their appearance and began to descend the chimney of the residence of police officer Wolff. They followed in such numbers that the lead ers were driven to the base of the chim ney, and tne noise they made led Mr. Wolff to remove the fireboards, when the birds quickly filled the room seek ing exit. The doors and windows were opened and they flew out. There were thousands of birds engaged in this strange demonstration, which lasted for some time, when the swallows, finding they could not make a lodgment, wont off in a great black mass to seek shelter elsewhere. FACTS AND COMMENTS. The advantage of living in a country so vast that no crop can be a failure in all partii of it is illustrated by late re ports from the wheat fields. Cool headed men in Minnesota are predict ing a largo yield of the best quality, owing to the reserves of moisture stored in the soil at au unusual depth, while from Ohio word comes that the crop of 1881, contrary to premature re ports, is likely to bo above the average and may be the largest ever harvested in the State. So far as Kansas is con cerned the Leavenworth Timos frankly admits that the wheat crop of that Slate will undoubtedly fall very much below the average. According to that journal there has been no little unwarranted boasting of an enormous yield, but it is more honest and n better policy to face a disagreeable fact. The American Inventor always man ages to come to time when he is needed. The laws passed within the last few years to prevent body-snatching have faded to accomplish tne desired euci, and a number of patents have been issued recently that will ' operate much more effectually than any laws on this subject. One of the patents is lor a clock that gives a loud alarm if any at tempt is made to open the grave in which it is deposited. Another pro vides for the sudden explosion of a dynamite bomb whenever the burglars move the coffin. The last patent, re marks an exchange, should be gener ally applied. The friends of deceased persons could slumber in much greater security if they knew that tho first body snatcher who attempted to disturb the remains of a loved one would be blown to atoms. The Mudical and Surgical liyrkr publishes from a medical contributor a very interesting and suggestive account of a man who was an habitual periodical drinker, accustomed to get upon a two or three weeks' drinking spree every six or eight weeks, and who insisted upon being bled freely from the arm at the end of his spree as a means of " sober ing up." At one of these bleedings an attendaut holding the vessel to receive tho blood " was struck by the odor of the blood being so strongly alcoholic, and concluding to see for himself if it was alcohol in the blood, he set. the ves sel containing tho blood aside for a couple of hours, when there was found floating upon the coagulated blood a liquid resembling alcohol, and which burned with the characteristic flame of alcohol." " This is additional and sig nificant evidence," says tho National Temperance Aftiwcrtlp, "as to the in utility of alcohol as food. Not only has alcohol 110 food value, but it is so for eign to the human body as to work therein serious derangement of its nor mal functions." Colonel Roberts, tho inventor of tho nitry-glycerine torpedo named after him, who died in Western Pennsylvania re cently, left an estate valued at about $2,00(1,000, to bo divided among his nephews and nieces, to the exclusion of his own children, whoso mother had sued for a divorce on tho ground of in compatibility of temper. All the per sonal estate was devised to Owen M. Roberts, a nephew. The colonel hr.d been urged by his brother and legal ad viser to modify his will and had express ed an intention to do so, but tho con summation was prevented by his death. Hero was a chance for some costly liti gation, and it would have been improved had not the dictates of common sense prevailed. Tho parties interested got together, and in view of Colonel Robert's declaration previous to his death made an equitable division of the estate among themselves. It was a decidedly wise conclusion. Of the many curious things certain to be seen at the forthcoming exhibition of electricity in Paris, not the least re markable will be the electrical cooking range of M. Salignac. That ingenious gentleman is going to fit up his op paratus in the grill room of the m: taurant, and intends to furnish a great variety of meats which have been cooked by heat generated from the electric current. At the last Paris exhibition M. Mouchot roasted mutton in con densed sunshine, and literally turned his split on the hearth of tho sun-; but an enthusiastic admirer might say that M. Salignac had far surpassed this in broiling steaks by lightning and warm ing coffee with the aurora borealis. As a matter of fact the electric current is as well fitted to produce heat as it is to produce light, and just as electricity will, in all probability, be made to yield the principal artificial light of the future, so will doubtless it be applied to household heating. The same ma chines which light the house by night will heat and cook bv dav, besides per forming other duties, such as driving a coffee mill or a sewing machine. Giovanni Bettocchio, a master sad dler of Turin, having been summoned to Nice by business engagements, took with him his only daughter, an intelli gent child of seven, whose fondness for music prompted her father to purchase seats in the theater for the performance which terminated so tragically. He secured places in the front row of the gallery, and was occupying them with his little girl when the alarm of fire rang through the house. Snatching the child up in his arms, he endeavored, and suc cessfully, to break through the panic stricken crowd to the gallery door; but during the struggle tho girl was torn from his grasp. By an almost super human effort he contrived to re-enter the gallery, by that time plunged in all but total darkness, and while groping about among ttio overthrown seats, caught hold of a little girl insensible from fright whom he carried out into the street, fully believing her to be his own daughter, blie proved, however. to be a strange child. Hastily settiDnr her down upon the pavement he dis- perately fought his way for the second time into the burning theater, frcm which he never again emerged alive. His charred corpse was found two days Ltjr ; aii .1 , wvuf iwe ruins yj me gauery staire. Two Journey. I go on a journey far away," He said -and he stooped and kisSPd mo then Over the ocean for many a day Good-bye," and he kissed mo once again. Hut onlv a few short months had fled When again I answered my husband's kiss; I could not tarry away," he said; "There is never a 1 ind as fair as this." Again I stood bv my liuoband'g Bide. 'I go on a journey, sweet, to-day; Over the river the I oatmen glide Good-bye; I shall linger long away." ' Ah, he will como back soon, I know," I said, as ho stooped for tho parting kiss: " Ho cannot tarry, ho told me bo; There is never a land bo fair as this." But many a month and many a year Havo flowi since my darling went awf.y. Will he never come back to meet me here? Has he found the region of perfect day? Over tho ocean he went and camoj Over the river, and lingers there! Oh, pallid ljoatman! call my namo Show me the region bo wondrous fair. 77ie Argoty. HUMOlt OF T1IE DAY. Old as the hills -The valleys between them. After some jocular remarks the Senate adjourned. New Haven Ifrgister. The editor of the Oil City Derrick claims to have a country seat. It is a stump. Miss Annie L. got married, and now they speak of her as an Annie-mated young lady. Soldiers are always tho most adept lovers, because they learn to present arms and salute. It is peculiar how sound a man sleeps when his wife crawls over him on her way to the kitchen to make a fire. Tho maple sugar days have come, the sweetest of the year"; when sugar is down cellar made, and sold so dreadful dear. Since 180(5 0,000 divorces have been granted in Italy, Milan being set down for no less than 3,000. Since 1870 Rome has had 000. It is a noticeable fact that a hog has to be killed before he is cured. This is true of two-legged hogs as well as of quadrupeds. Ilnston Post. Tho New Y'ork Sun says that a man with mutton-chop whiskers need have no fears of the future. He can always strike a job as coachman. The New York A drert h w believes that men would have more luck fishing if they bought live trout and put 'em in a bathtub and fished with a sieve. The first man to try to fast forty days was a horo, the second an imitator, and of subsequent ones the public simply re mark : "The poor deluded fools." " The harp that once through Tara's halls The soul of music shed," Upon the street now caterwauls, lo cam a paurone s nreau. Indian npol is Hera hi Births, marriages and deaths are re ported bv an Illinois paper under the head of ' 'Hatched, Matched, Snatched." But it could save type and expense by using tho words "lied, vted, .ueaa, instead. Dampening! Old Triggs " Hello, Jones, got your feet sopping wet, haven t you ? hy don t you wear rubbers, as I do ? ' I haven't wet my feet for six months." Jones" Well, 1 should think vou'd be ashamed to say so." The New York (iraiiliic has ' about banished tho nuisance of tall hats at the theaters. It remarked that homely women looked best in high hats, and now all the ladies aro trying to snow that they aro not dependent on tall hats for their beauty. "Mr. Gilhoolv," said a diminutive bov with a handful of bills, "when are you going to' pay this bill for them boots vou got on ? " ' ' How old are you, sonny?" "Ten years old." "Go tell your pa you have got too much curiosity for your age. uatveston mews. A Rapid Exit from China. The Chinese, said Professor Draper to a New York reporter, paid great at tention to astronomy in ante-historical times, and they have always linked their knowledge of astronomy with astrology. Historical events were noted by their writers as taking place while the stars held certain relations to each other. Speaking of astrology in China, I am reminded of the unceremonious way iu which the lato lamented Profes sor Watson, of Ann Arbor university, Michigan, was compelled to quit the Chinese empire about the time of the transit of Venus a few years ago. Pro fessor Watson, with another well-known astronomer, was at the Chinese capital. The emperor of China was taken sick with the smallpox, and he died after a short illness. The event was looked upon, as all great events are in China, as influenced by the stars, and it be came noised'abroad that the two distin guished astronomers had so influenced the stars as to causo the emperor's death. The viceroy, who did not share the popular belief, quietly informed the astronomers that they might lose their lives if they did not go away. They de parted in the night. Four Years of Industrial Progress. The following interesting statistics are taken from a treasury department statement of the financial and economic transactions of the United States dur ing the past four years: For year end- For year cud -I'd NUr. 1,'78. fcd M ar. l.'7D. ExiHirU ot live Mock, ; hxi'orts of other tood, i Total t-ip't iut-rcbaudiae Knvlc. I Total iniu'ts mercliaudUe H,'205,SW '.'.l.7-VJ,ol W.t,4s3,'Jo'J 47,lo:l,:)t',5 47.t,KW,UlH K.i.Voy.O.TO' 4.4.",41 '47,0IO,0l4l Hti4.1'.l4.14i l,y4'i,S."is,iniii '2,Hrf.r4 64,;jos,-iio io,sr.:t.-241 3'i0,7.vj.(i:i 7'Jo,s.t,v:i1 M,:iyi,u:i 4:tJ,o'.i4.r.'l) 20,9'.i'J,'JBO 4. Ml, MS 211,ooo,ooo 420,123,400 l,aBS,'21H.7.r K,3ol,'J15 npeeie, Cotton, No. of hales, Woul, No. ol IKillIJi Is. W beat, So. of biiHlit-ui, Corn, No. ot buln-ls. i 1'iK lrou. No. oi tuiiH, ' Coal, No. ol tous. Vor year eud- -For year end ed Mar. l,,t.,rdfar. 1,'sl. Export of live ftock, i Exiwirtt of otber food, j Total exu'ta lucre haudige; SlNViU, j Total iuip'U incrchandW Cnttou. No. of bales. Wool, No. ol iouudn. W beat. No. o! buHbt'bi, Corn, No. of bushels, I'iK lrou. No. of tow, Coal, number of tout, ri.oc5,4r91 374.5iiH,4'il 7i;7,S'5.740 r.i.T.-l.'j'ri C.S5,.s')lJ,0'.Hi 'J,7U.'iln 6,07a,Ml i:t'J,5oo,uoo 44H,7M,Oi l,v47,ttol,7HO 'J.741,MMl jo.(jhi,7;is ill ivsn.iNta ltS.O-2B.Ho;t 7o:i.l:i'j,ss!i !IH,f70,lw7 MtH.'iiVj 3C4, (ioo.ooij l,W7,M5,UOO a,3oo,ooo 6S),'.vo,toi
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers