Ik Henry A. rargons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, FEB. 17, 1881 Entered at the Post-office at rldgway, pa., a3 second class mail matter. Rislev's Witch Hazel Cures Headache. Burns, Sprains. Cuts. Wounds, Rheumatism, Tooth ache. Earache, etc. Warranted equal to any made, at half price. 6 oz. Bottles 25 cent; Pint Bottles 60 cents: Quarts SI. Have your druggist order,' if he has not In stock, of CHARLES F. RISLEY & CO., Wholesale Druggists, 64;.Cortlandt St., New York City. n47 4m. The elastic plant sprinkler. An indispensable article lor showering plants, keeping them in a healthy condition, and useful in sprinkling boquels and moistening clothes Cal and see a sample at The Advocate office. Scrap pictures, shelf pnfer ma chine made, and note paper and en velopes atT he Advocate office. Jam Poles. Mlddletovvn X-Cut Saws. Jeffard's, White's and Mann's Axes. Tubular and 00 Lanterns. Files. Diston's X-Cut Saws. Boyntou's Lightning Saws. Corn POPI'EKS. Coal Hods. Stove Shovels. Repairs furnished for any store. Ax Handles. Pick Handles. J lb. Best Polish 10 cts. at No. 42 Main street. n39 Shelf paper sent by mail to any ad dress 25 cents for 25 yards. Try a few yards. Address, The Advocate, Ridgway, Pa. This' paper is machine made, and we furnish in many co Irs. In ordering name the color you wish. This is a very tasty article for pantry shelves, clock shelves, library shelves, cupboard shelves, and in fact shelves o;'; all dcM iiplions. That splendid rrgnn sold by D. F Andrus & Co., Williams-port, Pa., for $75.0(1 cash with 7 stops, solid wal nut case and 5 'Vet t' J inches high, is fold now for $0.00 with one more stop and the grand organ knee swell additional. rite tlieiu. leruuteasy on long time also. Scrap pictures, Authors, pen hold ers, note paper, envelopes from size 1 to size 14. A large and elegant stock of aney note paper in boxes at THE Advocate office. Also shelf paper, which is neat, ornamental and dura hie. No trouble to show these good even if you do not wish to purchase. Horse brushes, curry crir.l s. cir t ingles and bhuil-cts call on Jacob Buttn fuss. .lEOETABLt I TRENEWElf V 9 Has baen In constant in by the publlo mm for over twenty year, and I the belt preparation ever invented for RESTOR ING GRAY HAIR TO ITS YOUTHFUL COLOR AND Ths Stat Ass&jer anl Ohcmfit of IfOEft and leading endorss an! it as a preat triumph in medi LIFE. It sappUee the natural food and color to the hair nd without (tainlng tit kin. It will increaee and thicken the growth ef tha hair, prevent Its blanching and falling off, and thus AVERT BALDNESS, It curei Itching, Ernp- tlone and Dandruff. As HAIR DRESSING It It very deilrable, giving the bair a liken softness which all admire. It keeps the head clean, iweet and healthy, cine, WHISKERS wiU change the beard to a BROWM or BLACK at discretion. Being in one preparation It Is easily applied, aad prod noes a permanent color that will not wash off. VKEFA11ED BY R. P, HALL & CO., NASHUA, N.H. Sold by ill Diiier Is MdicUa HI HOP BITTERS. (A Mediclae. aot a Drink.) OOVTAnil BOFS, BUCHU, BUNDKAJU, DANDELION, In m Pciixst AitD BrTMsr,iCitJcM Tina or all oiiixi Ui iisw. THEY CURE All Diseases of the Stomeh. Bowels. B'.sed, i.lver, Moneys, sau nuarj vii-'Mj.,pse Vftasnrs, 9ieeuii;wui:uuu vaywaur t'emJe CouijiUluu. - 8I00O IN COLD. Will he pud i m a cue they will not ear or help, or (ur u thing impure or lujuriiiu fouau in tuma. Askyonr a.u--lt for Hop Bitter M rry Urnm Utters ) ou slei a. Take aa albert D T. C. 1st stisolataitnltrri-slslhleenrefef . nsreouts. Snn roa CiMi TLi. All ho MUWnvxittt. Hf itsn M( . C Kwh.,icr, H. V., A TmmU, 0L . .1 n 1 n N wmmm AUDITORS' SETTLEMENT. Receipt and Expenditure of Elk County for the Year Ending Dec. 81, iau. KUCMPT. Trt llm't. rwvlVMl frr.ni bqIa nfMltintr bond 13.603 CO To nmount received from tuxes on unvested Inrtcln 31,611 40 To ain't received from nle of rounty . ImiiiI t.133 71 To nm't rec'U frnm tux collector ..... 9.313 07 Tosin't rec'd from Isndn redeemed. 821 W To nm't rec'd from Rented InntlH 8186 To nm't rec'd from Kox townolilp poorrund. on nm't due Dlxmont... To nm't rec'd from HenilniriT twp poor funds, on nm'l due Dixmnut... Tocnsh from Klk fount v Hnnk Tocnsh from nleof surplus mnterlnla Tocnuli collected on JuilKmi-nt Tocnsh on Judgment vs.Lovkliuven 62698 4W61 901 07 40 00 221 00 21012 48,818 94 To exoess of expenditure.. inritsrittrBrs. By amount pnid M. Weldert, com. mlloner, services By nmount pnld Geo.KeuHcher.com mlnriiiner, service - By nm't pnld W. H. Omerhnut, eom miKRloner, service By nmount pnld W. 8. Hurton, com missioner' clerk By nm't pnld Hnll Mct'nulcy, com mlMsloners' counsel By nm't pd. eoiiKtubles, ofllccrs' fee Hy nm't pd Justices, otllcers' fees Ity ii mow nl pnld district Attorney Ilv nm't pnld court erler. M. I.. Hns Hy uni t pnld tipslnfl, II. H. Wensel... By nmrmnt pnld pnitliomimry. dec,... By nmount puld county auditors and clerk By nm't pnld jnnltur, Lvvld Morenn By nm't pnld Tnnltor, John Young... By nmount pu. sheriff Com. fees By nm't pd. constable " By nm't pd. Justices. " " By nm't pnld wltn. sso ' " By nm't pd. nssessors for nssesslnir... By nm'l pd. nssessors for registering By nmount pnld (frniul Jurors By nmount pnld traverse Jurors...-. By nmount pnld lilxnimit Hospltnl.. By nm't pnld Penn'n. ltcform Wcliool Bv nmount ml western 1'eiiitentlni v 743 OS 4V 01 for 18711 73 SO Bv amount tm d for tuu Isliiim ulec tlon procliunntlon 1C100 By nmount pnld for l ubllshlng audi tors' settlement 330 00 Bv nmount ml. for mibllsliliiE trieu ninl stnteiuent 121 90 Bv umount mild for nubllshiiiit up penl notices 36 00 Bv nmount mild for tiilscellnnenu prlntlnennil ndvertlshiK 174 96 By nm't pnld for election expenses..,. 63 0ti By amount mild for road view and dnmnRes , 20S0 By am t pd. for stationery nnd postg. 88 41 By nm't lid bounties on wolves. Ac... 48 By nmount unld for fuel nnd IIkIhs... K-'i 8'J By nmount paid for spittoon. 4c 19 00 Bv nmount until for nn d cul e.xiiml .nation in Kni.'llsli cii 2"00 By amount pnld for Stnte tux 963 43 By nmount puld for uoiirdlnu Juror lit English cese 44 75 By nm't pd forofticlal stenoKiaplier... 98 10 Bv nmount pd for reward for tinny EiiKllsh 1.000 00 By nm't pd for hose for court house 81 13 By amount pniU for Insurance on courthouse 173 00 By nm't pd. lor unpen I expenses ht "i0 By nm't pd. for institute expenses... 17467 bv nmount paid Inr iiuUIUnir urotho- notary's necount 9.00 By nmount paid for l-sue book for commissioner' office 17 75 Bv uni t lid for UlUcei iiiieus ex penses 17 82 By nmount pnld ior kervli e of Jury commissioner B6.30 Bv nmount mild for lnouests 23-.' 8j By nm't pit. In bui Id in court house.. 20.41 lirfi By county bond redcemc,! 1,000 1) By Interest pnid on county bonds 2,013 tjO By rrfundlne orders redeemed llha By exoneration order redeemed 206 1;0 By Inx aud cost on Ids sold county.. 29931 By nm't iu. Joi e townshlD on atct. of III? Level HtHte road 252 0(. By li ens, cumniisslou on nm't rec'd... 7.i7 4t, By trcaa, com. on am't Ulsbursed 9C7 30 819,610 71 AtfcU and Lialilitif of Etk County Ucventotr, 31, ibeu. AtlRTS. Te stn't tnx oo unseuted lnnds, sub ject to eom. nnd exoneration To amount of tax due from collector subject to com mission nnd exnn'n.. To nmount due fr. Renzlnxcr town ship for support of lunatic! at Dlxmont lloi t,Hnl To nmount due from Fox township for support of lunatic at Dlxmont Hospitul ,. To amount due for support of Ellen ijulnn at. Dlxmont Hospital To nm't due from Jncoli McCnuley, ex-trenurer, for county tax rcc a aud not credited To Judrment not aKalusl J. L. atut J.E. Bonham. 14.C-49 15 103S3 46 491 125 2S 264 31 100 68 41 58 25.955 51 To ies of liabilities... 21,006 do lrl6,961 5! LIABILITIES. By county bond outstanding 45.G00 00 I By county order outstanding 295 Wi By am'tdue Dlxmont Hospital 5'J06i By State tax due for 18ft).M... 7IS By balance dun l. C. Oyster fur 1&0 429 56 UO. 901 51 Total eott of court house to Jan. L'81 JC.'.Wl Ci U'e, th undersigned. Commlsslonersof Klk county, do hereby certify that the above and foreeoine la a correct statement of the re ceipt and expenditure of Klk county for the year i,na aisooi mensseuanu nubilities oi saiu county at tins date. MICHAF.I, WKllU:ilT. W. H.nsTKllHOl'T. 5 Co.C'om rs. lir.UIin KKI 'HC1IK AtteeU-W. 8. Houton. Clerk. Amountt Eeci ivcd from the Scvrml Collectort of Elk County during 1SW. Collector. Township, Year. Co.Tax. ! Nathan HltiDle ..ii or ion i7i ...Kox Is7 ... Horton 1S76 ..SprlnnCreeklil ...Benzlneer....l:-77 Sitm j Jacob Moyer Daniel Phalen Henry Elselman. Michael Olott John McMnckln .. 2; ii i as m 75 Ii: 5-r. it ...Kox 177 2S ii: . Wm. H. Murray..., Thne. Burchtleld... Armel Turley , ...Benexette... .Is74 ...Horton 1.V78 229 Ot. MM ..Jay 1X7S 131 rt Jns. H. Champion ...Millstone... .1878 ni or. W. 8. Horton ....... Kldffway .17. Matthew bhanley,..HprinK rteklTK John Burr Benenelte.. 179 Frank Warnlth Benzinifer ... lr,T Joseph Emmert Fox 1ST9 Jo. Chamberlain ...Horton 17! Ephralm Hewitt lay ito Klchard Brennnn ...Jone 1S79 A. Zimmerman Millstone i'"1.) W. C. Healy Bldnnav 179 . Martin Perrin Hprlnet r. ekP79 , Philip Vollmcr St.Marvv IK79 ' C. R. Kexton Iieneetlc 1h0 ) Joseph Young. Bemsliiger....f0 1 K. B. Hyatt. ...Fox PK) 1 Daniel Phalen Horton lNiQ ; Williams. Cole Highland IxsO ! Jacob R. Miller Jay..... tW'O Riehard Brennnn ...Jopes Kso 1 Oo ifrey Parrott Millstone lu 12 ! 375 A fVI.' 459 4 V! OA 212 12 in, 210 7f fiio: 1.175 P 340 2." iu7 I): 450 (X 2l',8 ( 51 fr 225 1!7 5 1J W. B. Horton Hlilirway lvO 1.449 Matthew Hhunley ...SprliiKCreekls.'-O George Welgel. Jr...Kt.Mary 1SH) 117 1- 190 t9,2995: 4moun Dvefrom the Several Collci- tort of J(c County, January 3, 1881 Year. Collector. Township. l75...Nathan Hipp1e...Horton ls76...Henry KiselmanStpi Ing Creek 1878...Vm.H.Murray...Benei!ctte l7S...Tho.Buichfleld..Horton ls78...Armel Turley Jay 1878...Ja.S.Chnmpion..Mil Intone 17(I...Mnthew Klintileysprlnn c'ruck l78...Michael fstebeck.Kt. Marys 179 ..John Ba r Benezette 1879... Joseph F.mmert. Kox Is79...p:phriam HowittJny l7fl...W.C. He.Mly... Hidgwuy I8H0...C. R. geztnn Bcneettc SH0... Joseph Young Benztnger 180.. Kug. B. Hyatt Ko - 18.S0...Wm. F. ole Hlirhlund Tax. 13u 6V 16 si 12 If, Hlu IIS. Sf. M 4'. 1142 21 'i Jb Ii'. 68 3. : 2-l .V. 875 70 VM 10 tMI 111 1104 100 lSN0...Danlel Phnlen.... Horton 4"7 lKho...jacol N. Miller. ..Juy ivyjn, 1880...RichardBrennanJoiiee 101(1 W. lK80...Qodlrey ParrotL.Millone........ ,V. 1880... W. 8. Horton Kidgway 173.'! 1880...Mathew HhanlevHulnr I reek 2 41 lW0...Qeo. Welgle, Jr.'.Kt. Mary ;i"J.i 408 82 paid tinea settlement. t.VO 00 paid since settlement. J500 00 paid since settlement. Michael ISruuner, Esq , jreaaurer oj Elk Coutity, in account with atd County for the year ending January 8. 1881. CorSTY FUND. To balance duo fund at last teltelmt 72.1 To am t rec'd from sale of Co. bonds 13,003 TO am't rea a from tax on unseal, d lands 21 .SI 1 40 To am't rec'd from sale of Co. lands 1, 1:1374 To ain't rec'd from tax collector tUU-'l 07 i To am't rec'd from laud ledeemed... To am't- rec'd from seated lands ........ To tm'tTeo'd from- Fox twp. poor flindi on amount-due IUnlont...... 8.'1 Mi HI SO f20D8 TO am't rec'd from BenzliiKer twu. poor funds on am't due Hfxinont... 428 To cash from Elk County Bank ol To eaeh Iron tile turnlu ruHtrlal o ToeaetaooUs d oo Vltiiu.- til To cash on Judgm't v. Lock Haven 210 11 149.644 04 I WMIMH.HMH 1,144 0ft To balane in treasurer., 950,688 70 1,000 00 2.0ISO0 118 59 By com'm ree'pt for eo. ord'i rdmd By county ootid rpdwrnwl' Hv Interest psld on Bounty bonds.... By refunding order redeemed Ity exoneration orders redeemed Hy tux nnd cost on Inndi sold Co. By nm't paid Jones twp, on account 29S80 2W84 oi ms ievei Hint ronci 25208 7 W 48 Hy trens. com. on om't received.,, By tree, com. on ain't dlsbarel V67 86 t!j0,6fc8 70 BCHOOL FUNDS. BENFZETTB BCHOOL FUND. To unit tax reed from unstd Ids 1278 25 amt tax reed Iroin ids redmd 24 "4 127 29 23 96 balance due treasurer $1321 25 By bal due treas at last setlmt 03 79 " tm I due treasou BCliool buna- Ing fund e i school treas reoclnta 1200 00 " conimixsion on amt received 23 02 " com on amt disbursed a 38 $1321 25 BENZINGEH SCHOOL FUND. To amt tax feed from nnst.il ld2589 35 " amt tax received from seated lands returned 0 72 $25!9 07 Bv bal due treas at last ectlmt 1H7 70 school treas receipts 2100 (Mi " rcfundiiijr irds retluid " exoneration ords redmd " tax on Ids sold to county " tax on double afHessmeut " com on amt reed " com on amt disbursed 4 90 10 68 6 34 8 77 61 98 42 o'J 2 41210 186 97 balance duu fund $2S'.I9 07 BEXZ1NGER SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 824 45 " amt tax reed from seld Ida 1 10 " bal due fund at last cetleuit S8 71 414 2i Hy school treas receipts " rel'iitidinu; ords redind " exoneration nrds redmd " tax on lands sold to co ' tax on double asxetnients " com on amt received " com on amt disbursed 3ul) ( 0 2 10 1 33 67 90 65 7 08 80B i,9 45 67 J414 2U " bal due fund FOX SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last setlemt 6 04 ' amt tux reed fiuin unstd Ids 2071 76 " amt tax rwd from std Ids 29 5h " ami tax reed from Ids redmd 4 14 By sehoel tress receipts " exoneration ords redind " tax on Ids sold to county " com on amt received " com ou unit (ii?buted 1017 36 494 16 $2111 52 " balaneo due fund FOX SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last sellmt 33 76 " amt tax reed from unstd Ids 638 85 " amt tax reed from std Ids 11 6n 03 ' amt tax reed from Ids redmd 1 08 $584 25 6 94 1 fit 11 92 03 18 fi'5 565 59 $584 25 By exoneration ords redmd " amt tax on Ins sold to eo " eom an amt received com on amt disbursed " balance due fund niGIIT.AND SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last set In.t 102 33 " amt tax reed on unstd Ids 952 43 $1054 81 900 00 19 05 18 CO By school treas receipts com on amt received com ou amount disbursed 937 05 ur 76 " balance due fund $1051 81 HORTON SC'UioL FUND. To bal due fund r.t !;it setlmt 14 , " amt tux reed from unstd Ids 1339 30 1353 87 By scl.ool treas receipts 1250 00 ' refunding tirds redeemed ' com m unit received " com on amt disbursed 4 AO 27 0 25 09 li 106 76 " balance due fund 47 11 $i:53 87 JAY SCIIOML FUND. To bal due fund at lisl sellmt 15 61 ' bal (hit- scbt'ol buildii'K fund at Inst M-ttUmciit 6 U ' amt tux retd liiin unstd Ids 1472 8: tl49l 48 By school trrneurcr's receipts 1380 oo " amt lux on his suin to county 0 08 " com on amt received 29 t-S com on amount disbursed i7 W r. I 1447 71 balance due fund 40 T $1494 48 JONES K'HtlOL FI ND. To bal due fund at last seltmt 17 31 "amt tax reed on utistd lamls 273 70 f -J801 ('7 Bv school treasurer's receipts 2000 "' icl'iuiilintr orders 15 " com on amount received 60 oi " eommiasiou ou amt disbursed 52 31 2723 "ft " balance due fund 77 40 f :'80l 37 JONES SCHOOL BL'ILDINCl Fl'ND. To bal due fund at last setlmt 1 M " amt tax reed, from unstd ldc 1203 Sl'-Wi By school treasurer's receipts " refunding orders " com on amount received " com ou umount disbursed 1150 7 1 24 23 1204 " balance due fund 10 Ul 1205 MILLSTONF. SCHOOL Fl'ND. To amt lax reed from unstd Ids 1027 " amt tux rccd from Ids redmd i 4 ' r- -' '.. - . U.60 61 Bv bal due treas at last setlmt 1 07 " school treasurer's recepU 1000 " coiouiuxiion od amt reod 21 4sli ft) $2111 52 1515 00 23 To 6 38 42 22 30 00 ' com on amount disbursed 20 03 1042 78 .8 22 " balance due fund $1050 98 MILLSTONE BCHOOL BCILDINW FUND. Toamttnx reed from unstd lands 128 81 " amt tax reed from Ids redmd 2 93 $181 74 By school treasurer's receipts 120 00 "'commission on amount reed 2 t3 " commission on amt dlsbrsed 2 40 125 03 6 71 balance due fund $131 74 R1DQWAY SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at hint set I tot 87 " amt tax reed from unstd luds 792 29 792 60 8 69 " balance due treasurer $796 25 By school treasurer'! receipts 730 00 35 10 rciumiing orders " commission on amt reed 15 85 " eoumilfsion on amt dlsbrsed 15 30 $790 26 RIDGWAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmt 8 66 " amt tax reed from unstd luds 476 67 79 23 78 " bal tue treasurer $480 01 457 00 4 21 9 68 9 22 $480 01 By bcIiooI treasurer's receipt refunding orders " com on amount received ' com on amount disbursed SPRINO CREF.K SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmt 37 58 " amt tax reed from unstd Inds 1292 19 " amt tax reed from setd lands 79 !'8 " amt tax reed from lnds rdmd 6 3 $1416 68 Bv school treasurers receipts 1116 66 " unit tax -on lands sold to co 6 70 " commission on amt received 28 83 " commission on amt dsbrsed 23 62 1233 31 " balance due fund 1S3 37 $1416 68 ST. MARYS SCHOOL FUND. To bal due fund at last setlmt 7 43 " amt lax reed frm unstd lands 4 01 " amt tax reed from seid lands 34 64 $88 68 By school treasurer's receipts 04 42 " unit tax on lauds sold In co 3 c9 " ami tax on lands sold to co 1 66 " commission on amt reed 1 77 " commission ou ami disbrsd 1 'J 73 02 " balance due fund 15 U'J 88 U8 ROAD FUNDS. BKNKZETTB KOAD FI ND. To amt tax reed frm unsd lndsC185 35 " amt tux reed on lands rdmd 14 1: $3198 4 Bv bal due treasr at last setlmt 46 30 ' road oi'dt-is redeemed . 2444 00 ' two treasurer's receipts 660 00 ' commission on uml received 63 97 " com on amount disbursed 61 00 'balance due fund 22 2U $3193 47 BF.NZINGER ROAD FUND. To amt tux recti frm unstd Inds2'89 3 amt tax reed irom setd lands 9 t8 (2599 03 10 68 07 08 1031 00 ui" ou 5 6" Bv exoneration ordrs redmd ' bal due treasr at last stlimt ' road orders redeemed ' twp treasurer's receipts ' lelunding orders redeemed ' amt tax on lauds sold to co ' amt tax on Ids doble assestl ' con. mission on amt received 4 4 8 70 51 98 " commission on amt disbrseil 4T 86 247e 00 121 03 " balance due fund (2599 03 BEN3INC1KR ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To amt tux reed frm unsetd lnd-58'j U.'i amt tux reed from setid land 9 8s (259S 72 Bv exoneration orders redmd 1 1 68 lit -2H 23uo no 5 81 8 76 I " l,ui. due tiensr at Inst tellmt " twp treasurer's receipt " unit tux ou minis sold to co " amt tux on liuis dubl ussid " refuiidilig ordrs redeemed " (tun on amt rccciwd " cum ou amt disbursed 51 66 47 68 2505 10 93 OH '' balance due fund $25i'8 7o FOX ROAD FUND. I'o Hint tax reed from unstd Ids 1802 38 " amt lux reed Itom send Inds 'J 65 " unit tux reed frm Ids redmd 3 tin (1833 63 fly bal due treas at last setlmt " bal due ou aditieiil rd tund " road orders leileemed " exiuieraiion orders redmd " com on unit received ' eom ou ami disbursed 19 95 18 CI 13'Jt (Hi 2, 86 36 67 82 0! 1693 67 " balance due fund 139 96 (1833 63 00 03 HORTON ROAD FUND. To amt lax reed on tiubetd Ids 1074 47 (1674 4 0(1 By bal due treas at last setlmt " road orders redeemed " twp treasurers receipts " reluudiug orders redeemed " com on amount received " eom on amount disbursed 6 39 11 1159 430 4 83 81 1664 9 $1674 07 38 t(7 balance due fund 35 00 10 HIGHLAND KOAD FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd ids 1012 14 30 DO (1912 13 111 81 1466 00 88 24 . 8164 1647 69 264 55 (1912 18 By bal due treas at last setlmt " road orders redeemed " eom on amount received " com ou amount disbursed 85 50 " balance due fund 08 71 00 02 JAY RoAlt FUND, To bal due fund at lust setlmt 86 24 amt tax reed from unsetd Ids 1941 61 1976 75 1 07 " balance due treasurer $1977 82 1622 00 864 94 14 03 88 83 88 02 By road orders redeemed "township treasurer's receipt " amt tax on land sold to co ' com on amount received " com on amount disbursed $1977 82 JONES ROAD FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 3657 97 " balance due treasurer 149 $3659 40 17 04 2 28 2897 00 600 00 73 10 69 98 $3659 49 By refunding ordrs redeemed " bal due treas at last setlmt " road orders redeemed ' twp treasurer's receipts " com on amount received " com an amt disbursed MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 1173 35 ' balance due treasurer 42 72 $1210 07 18 fio 10 58 By bal due treas at last setlmt " hu I due treas on casn lunu " road orders redeemed " twp treasurer's receipts " com on amount received " com on amount disbursed 500 OO 640 0 23 40 23 38 $1210 07 BIDOWAY ROAD FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd ids 1882 87 $1882 87 By bal due treas at last setlemt 42 30 "bal due treasurer on cash fund at last settlement 35 52 By road orders redeemed 14S4 Oil " refunding orders redeemed 28 08 " refunding orders redeemed 33 C9 " refunding orders Bidgway and Brookville state road 21 79 " com on umount received 37 Wi " com on amount disbursed 33 1 1726 13 156 74 balance due fund $1882 87 EPRINO C'KEKK ROAD FITND. To bal ilue at last settlement 2 69 " amt tax reed from unsld Ids 1050 48 " amt tax reed from std lands 41 50 " amt tax reed from Ids redmd 6 00 1100 7 By road orders redeemed 8118 00 ''township treas receipts 175 00 " amt tax on Ids sold to county 4 84 " com on amt received 22 00 " com on amount disbursed 19 75 1029 59 71 08 " balance due fund (1100 67 SPBINQ CRF.LK ADDITIONAL ROAD FIND. To bal due fund at last setlemt 2" 27 " amt tax reed from unsted Ids 701 99 " amt tax reed from std lands 23 20 " amt tax iced ou Ids redmd 3 00 (755 46 700 00 2 07 15 10 By township treasurer receipts "'amt tax on Ids sold to county " com on amount received " com on umount disbursed 14 04 731 21 24 25 (755 46 " balance due fund ST. MARYS ROAD FUND. To bal due fund at last seiemt 28 38 02 34 68 " amt tux reed from unstd bis " amt lax reed from std lauds Hy borough treas receipts " amt tax on his sold lo county " com on amount received " com ou amouut disbursed " balance due fund ST. MAKVS COUl'OkATION FUND. To lml due fund at last setlemt 14 amt tux reed from unstd Ids 28 4t) amt tax reed from std lauds 17 34 (48 91 34 71 3 12 88 74 39 45 4 46 By borough treasurer's recpts ami tux on lamls soul to co com on amount received com ou amount, disbursed " balance due fund $43 91 rooit kuxd. BEN ZING Kit POOR FUND. I'o amt tux reed from unstd ids 1811 73 " unit tax iced from seated Ids 6 78 (1818 51 By bal due treas at last setlemt 84 70 " towusliiii treasurer's receipts 775 48 " casli pd county on account of Dixmout as m-r order of sup ervisors 428 61 " refundim; orders redeemed 1 4o " exoneration ordrs redeemed 7 48 " amt tax on lands sold to eo 3 87 ami tax ou double assessmt 6 15 " com ou amount received 36 3' " eom on amount disbursed 20 00 137 12 " balance due fund 448 $1818 51 FOX POOR FUND. To amt tax reed fiom unstd Ids 1084 " unit tax reed from std Ids 6 " amt lax reed Irom Ids redmd 2 (1093 By bal due treas at last setlmt " cash pd eo ou amt due Dix moiit Irom Fox township " exoneration orders r deemed " unit tux ou ids sold to eo 3 020 1) 8 21 18 980 113 00 ' com on amount received ' com on amount disbursed 00 OU 49 98 86 61 47 " balance due fund $1093 HORTON POOR FUND. To amt tax reed irom unstd ids 422 13 By tow nsliip treas receipts "refunding' orders redeemed " com on amount received " com ou amouut disbursed balauce due fund (422 JAY POOR FUND. To bal due fund at-last seUemt 18 " amt tax reed from uustd Ids 902 (9S0 (72 98 53 2T 4 51 1 W 1 14 0 a 12 60 $72 98 $422 08 404 00 80 8 44 809 421 83 75 By township treasurer's recpts 830 00 ""townshlD treasurer's reclpU 18 26 amt tax on Ids sold to oo 6 23 " coin on amt received " com on amount disbursed 18 42 17 08 889 99 80 U2 (020 91 " balance due fund JONE8 POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last setlemt 1 60 " amt tax reed from unstd Ids 865 92 (367 58 800 00 2 90 7 35 6 05 By township treas receipts ' refunding orders redeemed com on amount received " com on amount disbursed . 816 80 balance due fund 61 28 (3G7 58 MILLSTONK POOR FOND: To amt tax reed from unstd Ids " amt tax reed from std Ids 321 64 7 34 $328 97 By bal due treas at last setlmt " township treasurer's recpts " com on amount received " com on amouut disbursed 5 31 250 00 6 5 5 10 266 98 61 99 " balance due fund 32a U7 RtDOWAY POOR FUND. To amt tax reed from unstd Ids 1104 50 (1104 50 Bv bal due treas at last setlemt 15 47 " township treas receipts 800 0(1 " refunding orders redeemed 13 34 " eom on amount received 21 09 " eom on amount disbursed 16 4 807 237 " balance due fund (1104 50 SPRINO CRKEK POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last setlemt 4 8 " amt tax reed from misted Ids 343 01 " unit tax reed from sled Ids 6 92 " amt tax reed from Ids redmd 1 5 (361 28 330 00 1 02 By township treas receipts " amt tax on Ids sold to co " com on amouut received " eom on amount disbursed 7 i 6 Gi 344 86 10 42 " balance due fund (301 28 ST. MARYS POOR FUND. To bal due fund at last setlemt " amt tax reed from unsted Ids " amt tux reed from std lands 14 26 41 19 54 (46 U9 34 59 3 12 92 75 89 38 6 71 By overseer's receipts ""unit tax on Ids sold toco " com on amouut. received " com ou amouut disbursed " balance duo fund (46 09 STATE ROAD FUND3. KANE, RIDGWAY AND ST. MARYS STATE KOAD FUND To amt tax reed from unseated lands situate in Jones twp 8415 47 amt tax reed from unseated lauds situate in Bidgway twp 2944 94 (6300 41 Bv bal due treasr at last setlmt 187 39 ' relnding ord rdmd.Jonestwp 17 04 " relnding ord rdmd.Benzinger township 1 40 " relnding ord rdmd, Ridgway township 42 12 " bond No 31 rdmd, Ridgvwy twn funds 1232 36 " interest pd on above oonu o io " bond Xo 33 redeemed, Jones twp funds 1418 89 " interest paid on above bond 113 51 " bond No 34 adiud, Joues twp funds C18 00 " interest paid on above bond 52 00 " bona No 4 rdmd, Jones twp funds 700 00 " interest paid on above bond 21 50 " recpt of treas, J. O. Hall 1199 30 ' com on amount received 127 20 " com ou umount disbursed 114 13 $3948 0T 412 34 (6300 41 " balance due fund Michael Krunncr, Esq., Treasurer of Elk County, in account with the. Commonwealth of J'enusylennin for the year ending Januury 3, 1881. To bal due ut last settlement 59 29 " amt cash recti tavern licenses 900 ' amt cash received for eating house licenses 180 " unit cash reed store licenses 50 " amt tax col from retailers of merchandise 785 " amt tax col on billiard tables 140 " amt tax collected from brewrs 75 " amt tax col from bondholders 125 (2314 95 By State Treasurer's receipts 2005 49 " amt cash pd printers lor pub lishing mercantile uppraisiut 85 00 " com on amount received 111 72 2:202 " balance due Commonwealth 1 12 (2314 We. the undersigned, auditors Elk county, for the year 1881, having met at the the commissioners' otlices, 92 84 16 at Ridgwuy, in said county, on tirst Monday of January, lhol.it being the third day of the month, for the purpose of auditing, settling and ad justing the. accounts of the several 42 county otneers, we aiiiouriieu m m day, January 4th, 1S1, ut which time la 98 88 32 80 78 00 42 we proceeded lo auuii, seine nun just the accounts or the several county omcers, ana louuu mem cuirvct, stated in this our report. Michael lirunner. E-o., treasurer sahl county, having been duly notilhd was present iu person, and presented Ilia account. After having carefully examined, audited and adjusted the accounts 42 suid Michael Bruuner, treasurer, we found due from him the said treasurer, lo the several funds, as is fnlly set forth in the foregoing report, the sum of four thousund uml ninety-six dol lars and sixty four cents, and due to hint, the m id treasurer, from certain luuds, as set forth in the sahl lore going report, the sum of one thousand two hundred and eighteen dollars and tweniy-seven cents, leaving a net bal ance of two thousand eight hundred and seventy-eight dollars and thirty un ,! due to the county of Elk 08 08 from the wdd treasurer, and also due from th said treasurer toihe Com moii wealth or Pennsylvania the sum of one uuudred aud twelve dollars und seenty-four cents; aa la fully Bet forth 1n the foregoing report. la wltuena whereof,, we have bere- 63 28 91 to set our hands this U5tu Oajr or January, A. I. 1881. J. J. TAYLOR, ro Auditor CHA8. MILLER. Auanonx, Attest Thomas J. Burke, Clerk. Tfie Commissioner of Elk County in account with said t.ovnty jor servi ce rendered during the year A. D, 1880. Michael Weiderl. Esq. To county orders received 88100 $881 00 881 00 (381 00 899 00 $399 00 399 00 By 127 days' services $3 Ocorae Ite.uncher. Esq. To county orders received By 133 days' services (3 (399 00 258 00 (258 00 2r8 00 $2 8 00 V. If. Ostp.rhnnt. Fon To county orders received By 86 days' services (3 D. C. Oyster, Esq., Hi h Sieriff of Elk County, in act unt with said County jor the year tnd ug January 8. 1881 To co order to bal las' setlemt 410 35 "tines and costs collected in criminal cases 70 98 "jury fees collected in civil eases 28 "r " orders for boarding prisoners CU5 12 " error in last settlement 19 49 " cash paid for washing for prisoners 82 83 " balance due the sheriff 429 60 (1736 30 Hy bal due at last settlement ''jail account for boarding prisoners " juil account for washing for prisoners " serving jurors for May, Sept. aiidNov. terms, 1880, mid lor Jan. term, 1881, ((1.00 " costs in cases wherein Co. is pl'IT " rule ii case vs. Pollen Quinu " t wo days tilling jury woeel " fees in criminal eases " fees on commitments " drawing four juries in 1880 " pub. election proclamations 410 31 695 12 82 80, 40000 7 60 2 CO 6 00 110 42 17 50 4 00 1 00) $'73 30 We, the undersigned,"' auditors of Elk county for the year 1881, having met ut t he commissioners' oilice ii Kidgway, in said county, on the lirst Monday in January, A. I), lt-81, being the third day of the month, tor the purpose of auditing, settling und ad justing the accounts of the several county ollleeis, we adjourned to Tuesduy.Jan. 4, A. D. 1881. ut which time we proceeded to uudit.Kcttle und adjust t he accounts oi tlieseverul coun ty officers, us set forth in this our re port. Daniel C Oyster, Esq., high sheriff of said county, was present in person, and presented bis uccount. Alter carefully examining, audit ing, settling and adjusting his ac counts, we found them to le correct, us set forth in the foregoing state ment. In witness whereof, we have here unto set our hands the 24Ui day of Januaiy, A. D. 1881. J. J. TAYLOR, nn ,,;,, CHAS. MILLER, Auditors Attest Tho.mas J. Burke, Clerk- The Commissioners of the Kane, liidg wayaiulSl. AJaryu State Jioud in account with the. 1 units of said Itoad from lust settlement to the 81. t day of May, A. 1). 1880. To bal due at last settlement 2847 23 " unit reed from co treas 1199 30 (1046 53 By cash pd J. K. P. Hall for work done in lienzinger town ship 1595 34 " amt pd Gen. Thos. L Kane 92 46 " cash pit J. L Brown on bond 304 43 " amt pd W. I I. Osterhout on bond No 29, Ridgway twp 695 12 " cash paid on G. D. Messen ger's orders 471 60 " casli pd Ridgway township 112 03 " cash pdBenzinger township 875 65 (4046 63 We, the undersigned, auditors of Elk county for the year 18H1, having met at the commissioners' onice, in Ridgway, in saitl county, on the first Monday in January, A. D. 1881, be ing (lie third day ol the month, we adjourned lo Tuesday, January 4th, ISKl, at which time we proceeded with the settlement, and do hereby certify that we have carefully ex amined, audited, settled ami adjusted the accounts of the commissioners of the Kane, Ridgway and St. Marys Stute road, and found tliem correct, us set foith in the foregoing report. In witness whereof, we nave here unto set our hands the 24th day of January, A. 1. 1881. CHAynLER,lCo'Alit0 Atiest Thomas J. Bukkk, Clerk. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY CRAY'S SPECIFIC REMEDY. 00 00 00 50 00 00 16 Trade mark Is especially TRADE MM?. recommend ed as an mi 's "iB inning cure for Seminal Weak h ess 21 74 95 H pe rmutor- m m . . rniM ii mi. CeIorellUtulStcncyaudallAfter Taking. deseases tnat follow as a seiiuciicy on of Self Abuse; as Loss of Memory, Uni versal Lassitude, Pain in the Buck, Dimness of vission. Premature old age, and many other diseases that leads to Insanity. Consumption and u Premature Grave, all ol which as a rule are first caused by deviating front the path of natureand overindulgence. The Specific Medicine is the result of u life study and many years of experi ence in t renting those speeiul deseuses. Full particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by mail to every one. The Specific Medicine is sold by all Druggists at $1 per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent hy mail on receipt of the money by addressing. me au - of ol THEUKAY MEDICINE CO., No. 1 Mechanics' Block, Detroit, Mich. fitajrSold i Ridgway by all Druggists, everywhere. Harris & Ewing, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh. ul2-ly Shelf Taper and Scrap Pictures. At the Advocate office. The shelf paper is Iu many colors; the scrap pic tures iu endless variety. Also auto grap albums, fancy note paper, etc. Call and see us, over Powell & Kime'a store. Visiting cards, and Christmas cards, besides Reward of Merit and other cards. It won't cost you a cent to call and see our- new ' stock,. Jusf r oelTedi - :.. .' .- .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers