is. kmt paid . K. P. Hall for "work 111 Benslnger tp amt paid Hall A McCauley; genenu fund amt m bond Id. 30, Ridg way township 1,848 45 10 00 1,995 00 10,180 6 8,704 85 balance due fiiuci 13,885 61 3By aratdue for work tlbiie oil . road and not yet paid for BUI of H. M. Rolfe, lumber Bill of Wilcox Lumber Co., . for lumber . Bill Wilcox Tanning Co., for work Amt due J. McCauley, late treat., for overpayment of funds 660 02 1,418 89 180 43 2,285 24 The Commissioner of the Rldgway and Brookville State Road in account with the funds of said road for the Tear ending Jan. 1. 1879. To bal. due last settlement H 8 30 -amt tax reed from co treas. 3,309 22 3,517 52 1,840 80 Sy bill of H. Carman for work do; e bill of Geo. D. Messenger, jr., for work done bill of C. H. McOauley, ser vice as secretary bill of Geo. D. Messenger. jr., building bridge and dashing bill of J. O. Hall, service "as treas. for eight years 1,086 75 20 00 105 12 200 00 ,252 67 balance due fund 204 85 3,617 52 We. the undersigned, auditor of Elk 'county for the yw 1K7H, having mot at the commissioners ouicc in iiukoi county, on the flmt Monday of January, A. r ihtu hoin theslxth dny or the mnntti. and adlourned to Tuesday. January 7, 1K71I, nt which time we proceeded with the settlement, 'and do hereby oertlfy thtitwe have carefully examined, audited, settled and ndjimtcd the account of the commissioners of the Knpe, Hldswav and 8t.'Mnry 's unite road, and of the 'commissioners of the Rldaway and Brook ville State road, and find them severally correct, a set forth In the foreRolns; report. In witness whereof, we have hereunto set our hands the Wth day of January, A. D. W7U. J. J. TAYLOR, ) CHARLKR MILLER, VCo. Aud'rs. J. M. MKCUM, ' J Attest )fr . Klikk, cierR. &WtHtt, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY G. 1879. Local Notes . Dried green peas at Morgester's. Another wedding the gossips suy Potatoes $1.10 per bushel, at Mor- gesler"s. Horse radish powder at the corner grocery. Joseph Holseybrook Is reported on the sick list. Mackerel', white flsh and siscoes at lorgester's. Peter Kennedy is in a precarious fitate of health. --Th-e Democrat bins regained its patent -outside. -Cotfft proceeding will be found In another column. -Election for tewnship officers "Tuesday, Feb., 18. Beu. Dill has been under the "weather for several days. Miss Sallio Stoner goes to Mary land on a visit, starting to-day. Jackson' Best or Wardle's Above All tobacco for salo by Morgester. Presbyterian sociuble nt the resi dence 'of D. S. Luther to morrow eve ' ning. Miss Emma Ross has just com imHiced the second term of three months at the Boot Jack school. The work of fitting up Messenger's hall for the use of the Presbyterian society is rapidly going forward. Geo. Foust made his regular annual visit to the Advocate office a few days ago. May his shadow never grow less. After our thaw and mild weather another snow storm struck this place yesterday and winter holds undisputed eway. Dr. EarVsy has been appointed on the following house committees : Ways nnd Means, Judiciary (general), and Railroads. A-.very poor winter this has been for skating. There is ice enough but It takes too long a time to reach it through the snow. Martin Luther aud daughter, of Luthersburg, Clearfield county, are in town on a visit. Mr. Luther is a broth er of D. S. Luther, of this village. The mines at Wllmnrth will be ready to ship coal about the middle of April. Upwards of one hundred men will be given employment in these! mines. -The Presbyterian festival in the; basement of the M. E. church, last ttlday and Saturday evenings, was a financial success. The net proceeds were $130.00. Senator Hall, who represents this district, has been placed on the follow ing committees: Judiciary, Educa tion, Public Buildings and New Coun ties aud County Seats. At a special meeting of Company H held at their armory on Monday evening last James McAfee, of this village, was awarded the contract for making the new uniforms. Rev. H. V. Talbot praises the ladies of the Presbyterian society very highly for the "boss" job they did in cleaning out the basement of the M. E. church after the late festival. Crayston, the miller has moved Into the rooms in Mrs. Houk's store, recently occupied by Jerry Thompson, and Jerry has moved over the creek, into the house next east of Mrs. Houk's. The Weekly Journal, published at Lock Haven, Pa., by H. Blxby, Is a new aud welcome addition to our ex change list. The Daily Journal has been received at this office for several months, and now we have Vol. 1 No. S of the weekly. It is only $1 a year and worth double the money to anyone. Ik toort Proceedings. JANUARY TERM 1ST. Hort. L. D. Wetmore, presiding. Hons. Geo, Ed. Wets and Julius Jones associates. ARGUMENT LtST. Richard Dalley vs. Lewis Feglcy & Co. Rule to perfect appeal and rule to show cause why appeal should not he dismissed. W. W. Ames for plaintiff, J. It. P. Hall for defendant Settled. CIVIL LIST. Anna Htdllgan vs. Walker A Son. Sheriff's interpleader and feigned issue awarded. Rathbun A Rlghtmyer for plaintiff; Hall A Ames fur defendant. Verdict for the plaintiff all the prop erty except the potatoes. Thomas J. Burke and Ida G. Burke his wife and right of said Ida G. Burke vs. D. C. Oyster, Sheriff. Tresnass " vl et armis." Continued. The Township of Jay vs. William P. Luce and William H. Getrldge. Trespass on the case, damages $1000. Hall A McCauley for township; Lu core Hamblen for defendants Ver dict for the township In the sum of six and one-fourth cents. BE3SION8 LIST. Commonwealth Vs. Geo. W. New ton. Embezzlement. Note. In this case a verdict of guilty was rendered at last term, and a new trial granted. Defendant found guilty In manner and form as he Stands indicted On the first three counta cf the indictment, and not guilty on fourth and fifth counts. Sentenced to pay a fine of $100 to the Commonwealth, costs of 'prosecution, and undergo an Impris onment in the county jail for a period of three months. Com. vs. John Bromley False pre tense. Nolle prosequi entered upon payment of costs. Com. vs. H. Blesh Selling liquor contrary to law. Verdict of guilty In manner and form as hestands indicted on first count. Defendant arraigned and sentenced on the count for selling liquor on election day (to which he pleads guilty) to a fine of fifty dollars to the commonwealth, costs of prose cution, and give security for the pay ment of the same within ten dnys and stand committed until sentence is complied with. Com. vs. Jacob H. Shaffer Miscon duct In office. Not a true hill. Com. V. Frank S. Intres Oyer and Terminer Burglary. Defendant not guilty on the first count, but guilty as to the other counb). Defendant ar raigned and sentenced to restore the property stolen, If not already done, or pay the value thereof, pay a fine of ten dollars to the commonwealth, the costs of prosecution, and undergo an imprisonment by separate and solitary confinement at labor In the western penitentiary, in the county of Alle gheny for the period of two years and four months. Note. C. A. Harkness fc Co. receipt for ?13.29 the amount of money claimed to have been stolen. Com. vs. Philip Finkley Assault and battery with intent to kill. Deft found not guilty on the first count, but guilty on the second count lu the manner and form as hestands indicted. Sentenced to pay a fine of ten dollars to the commonwealth, costs of prose cution, and undergo an imprisonment in the county juil for a period of three month. Com. vs. Lorcnfz Vogel Selling liquor contrary to law. Not a true bill and prosecutor Philip Finkler to pay the costs. Prosecutor arraigned and sentenced to pay the -costs within ten days to tire Sheriff, or give security for the payment of the same. Coin. vs. Thomas J. Burke For gery, Ac. Deft, ordered to enter into his recognizance in the sum of $500 with two sufficient sureties In like sum for defts. appearance at next term. Bench warrant issued. ROAD MATTERS. Petition of the inhabitants of High land township for a road view. E. E. Williard appointed artist; Emmitt Hovencamp and Levi Ellithorp ap pointed viewers. In the matter of the petition of James Cockburn for private road from his dwelling to J. W. Overturf's coal mine in Benezette township. Eugene Lentz appointed surveyor; A. W. Gray and G. G. Messenger appointed viewers. Road to lead from line of warrants 5027 and 5028 to the village of Bene zette. Confirmed absolute. Road to lead from the mouth of Wynkoop run to Adam Zimmerman's in Millstone township. Confirmed absolute. Petition for review of damages as sessed by viewers of road from water street in the village of Benesetteto A. V. Railroad. Review confirmed. GRAND JURY PRESENTMENT. To the Honorable the Judges of Quar ter Sessions of the Peace in and for the County of Elk, January Sessions, 1879 .- The Grand Inquest of the Common wealth of Pennsylvania, Inquiring for the County of Elk, in all matters re lating to the same, do respectfully re port : That they have acted upon six bills of Indictment of which four were found true bills. We beg leave further to report: That we have visited and inspected the county buildings and find, 1st, That the jail Is cleau and teems prop erly kept, that the prisoners are sup plied with wholesome and proper food, properly prepared. The jail building is of " the olden time," small, ceiling low, poorly ventilated, or not venti lated at all, the number of rooms are insufficient and insecure for the keep ing of prisoners, as the several recent escapee sufficiently proved. We further report that the court house roof is represented to us as so rotten that it cannot be repaired ex cept by a new roof. We think the court room unsuitable in size and ar rangement for the business of the county, and the almost total want ofi Ventilation Is seriously detrimental Mi the health of the court, the jurors am) the bar. The jury rooms are without ventilation. The one set apart for the Grand Inquest is too small, neither of the rooms have any seats except flat board benches, without backs with only three or four chairs. We respect fully present that It Is unreasonable to call men front their homes to attend to the business of the public, keeping them for bout's Ht a time, and often from day to day; Without providing them with reasonably comfortable seats. We do not hsk for Upholstered chairs, or velvet lounges, but we do ask that In this day of Improvements, those who succeett us. in the Jury rooms be provided with comfortable chairs, and we respectfully present that the court house building as a whole Is unsuitable for Its purposes, that it is not wise economy to repair, that the county being Out of debt, aud haVing a satisfactory surplus of assets, and money lit Its treasury, with the low price of later rind building ma terial, It is a measure of prudence nnd economy to replace these structures with new buildings, not costly and mammoth structures but with sub stantial and comfortable buildings. We respectfully tender our thanks to the Honorable Judges and District Attorney for their courtesy and assis tance rendered us during our delibera tions. A. B. PRESTON, Foreman. ELECTION COfTf EST. In the matter of th5 contested elec tion for Representative in Congress, of the Twentieth district of Pennsylva nia, upon the petitions of Seth H. Yocum, the Court made the following order: "January 28th, 1879. On hear Ing the foregoing petition, It Is ordered and directed that the persons In whose possession or custody the ballot boxes were placed, containing the tickets, list of voters and. other papers of the lost general election, shall keep the same to answer the call of any court or tribunal authorized to try the merits of the contested election for Congress, or take the evidence lu relation to the same." Mrs Peter Kennedy, whose death we noticed in flur last issue, was in her 97th yeur, and was In many re spects a remarkable woman. She had been married three times, Peter Ken nedy, her third husband, she married in her C7th year, and at the time there was not a grey hair in her head. Peter was then forty years old. Her first husband died tin the voyage across the ocean from Ireland, niid nfter a few years of single life she was married to u Cunningham, father of Mrs. Cun ningham of this place, by whom she had two children, one a boy, dying in infancy. For a woman of her years she was remafk-abiy active, only being in bed about two Weeks in her lust Ill ness. Washington Letter- From our regular correspondent. Washington, D. C, February 3, 1S70. One of the things that agitates Con gtess at every session, and stirs up the minds of our lawyers, and nearly evsry body else In and about Wash ington, is the famous McGarrahan claim. The Judiciary Committee and Public Laud Committee of both House and Senate have each In turn wrestled with it und both Houses now have it before them, with a faint prospect of getting it out of the way forever. William MeGurraban is the owner of apiece of land in California, which he purchased of a grantee of the Mexican government. His title to this land, in all that constitutes evidence of owner ship, is perfect, nnd so, in numberless Instances, has been pronounced. Be tween him and his patent there stands a single tech nical obstacle: A clerical omission by a copyist in the Land Office whether accidental or fraudu lentis unknown a merely formal, not a substantial defect. Operating against McGarrahan, is a rich corporation known as the New Idria Quicksilver Mining Company, which has fought and harried the poor;lrishman with the money it had made out of a quick silver mine on the premises. This company is not known to the Land Office records, &nd nobody knows how it acquired the shadow of a title to the Eroperty in question. If it does not elong to McGarrahan it belongs to the United States ; yet the manner in which the company has mantained its tight is but another illustration of the unjust power of wealthy corj)orations. With the large profits which right fully belongs to the man it is con spiring to rob, it bribes officials, per suades members of Congress, suborns perjuries, rewards forgeries, und sub sidizes newspapers to create public sentiment, and slander and ridicule turn whom it has determined to de stroy. It Is the quicksilver of the New Idria company, secretly adminis tered to persons of power and influence, that puts in jeopurdy the rights of the proprietor, and prompts the efforts in innumerable ways to defame his char acter, becloud his title, immerse him In an ocean of expenses, nnd divest him of his estate. A report has Just been made in the Senate which may iwssibly effect a settlement of the case, t assumes that the title to the nro- perty is in the Government, aud offers a bill referring the whole controversy to the courts, by authoriziug the claimant to bring suit against the United States in the Court of Claims, with power to anneal to the Supreme Court This is similar to the procedure in me case or tue not Springs, property. If the final decision is in favor of the United suites, the court is to order the property into the hands of a receiver until Congress directs what shall be done with it- This would seem a fair disposition of the case, but for the well Known delays of the courts which win give the company plenty of time to add to tlieir ill-gotten gains, and by the use of them an unfair advantage in the litigation. And now we have a congressman from Michigan, which his name it is Elll8worth, who thinks he can stop the flow of llouor in Washington. He might as well undertake to stop the flow tif the Potomac River. But he has introduced his little bill. Some time ago he summoned the keeper of the House restaurant and asked him if he was selling beer, wine and HquoW, in th fnnltai TIia nhHWPl1 Was In the affirmative, accompanied with the information that It was only sold to Congressmen) aud that a majority of mem were witn mm. i ms is prooa- oiy the truth and Just wnas im its worth Is going to do about It I dttn't see. There is Already a very stringent rule banishing nil drinks of a boozy nature from the building, and Speaker Ran- nau una stated once or twice mat lie intended to son It enforced. But what's the use? If It Is kept nut of the restaurant It goes into the com mlttee fotlms. for Congressmen will have their tipple. For a time there was none on sale on the House side, but the Stsnste caterer kept it, and it was Intcrestlnir to see the pairs of Con gressmen lock arms and walk over to the Seriate Side about every fifteen minutes. Now all they have to do Is to bo down stairs and ask for cold tea. If a stratlger goes in and orders a cup ot tea ine waiter iooks at nun snarpiy to see whether he tips the masonic wink sb I think it Is a mistake alwut the saleof drinks being confined strict ly to Congressmen. If the honerable member wants beer or ale he asks for a pitcher of milk and the beverage Is brought in a little sliver pitcner noid ine lust a bottle of beef. A bill has baen introduced In the House to regulate the charges of the Pullman Palace and Car Companies and other sleeping cars patented by the United States. It certainly ought to pass. If there Is ny one monopoly more thnn another in this country that needs regulating It is the Pullman Palace and SlWriliig Car Company. A good room with all conveniences at tached, and an excellent breakfast in the morning, can be obtained at the very best hotels In the United States for What Is exacted by this monopoly for a narrow contracted bunk in a nasty Ill-ventilated car. At most hotels these accommodations cost but half the sleepirigtat charge, and when time is not the consideration health and comfort are served by stnppiug over Few can enjoy a good night's rest in the sleepers, nnd fewer still es cape them without bad colds or some thing worse, for the luxury of which one don't like to pay a round price. The bill proves that it shall be un lawful to charge more than one dollar for tlie use of the Palace Car by one person for twertty-fbtir hours, under a penalty of S500 to $5,000. The new Pension bill Which has now become a law, does not extend the benefits to any one not heretofore entitled to them, but it removes the five years limitation, nndenublet those who have neglected their clailns to come In and get what others no more deserving have already secured. It also dates back to the day of death or discharge all existing pensions. It is estimated that ovsr thirty millions of dollars will be disbursed the present year on account of the law, and as the money goes mainly to the poor people who need it and will circulate It, some benefit to business may be realized. Claim Agents will not be recognizee! by the Pension Bureau in the disburse ment of dues under this law. Don Pkmio. A Monthly Royal Scrap Bcok. The most Intelligent readers have Scrap Books for preserving the choicest articles clipped from time to time from newspapers, magazines, and j books. These collections, although comparatively very small, arc often esteemed of more value than many liooks, because they embrace only the most precious gems gathered from large fields of literature. If several persons of culture nnd experience, who are especially adapted- for making these selections, should submit the results of their lalmrs to a competent editor tr classify and arrange into de partments embracing every variety of des'iraablo household reading, nnd if this matter thus affatigcd and classi fied, should be printed in book form, we should have something like each number of Wood's itcvschold Magazine, which con tallies one hundred large pages. Tills Magazine is designed to be a Monthly Royal Scrap Book of the cream of the world's literature. The February Number on our table, being the second number of the sixteenth volume, embodies a feast of literary gems suited to the tastes of all readers, and Its articles breathe a spirit of economy, morality and virtue which is highly refreshing in this age of fashionable folly and ex travlgance. No family can afford to do without it. The subscription price is $2 per year. Sample copy will be mailed on receipt of only 10 cents. Address, S. S. WOOD, Tribune Building, New York City. For very low prices for organs and pianos write to D. S. Andrus & Co., city music store, Williamsport, Pa. Organs nnd pianos to reht by the month or year. Sheet music sent to any ad dress. Secohd hand instruments for sale. Pianos from $75 to 193 : onrnns from $30 to $50. From the NE W YOJiK TRIli VNE. New Yt)rk Tribune. New York. May 16. 1806. Dr. ill M. Fciiner, Fredduln, N: Y ltlarHir: I'leiuin Antif! mi turn mnr. bottle of your Blood and Liver Remedy und Nerve Toiiio. My wife Iihh been taking ft and thinks It has done her good. Yours truly. C. A. TRACY. Dr. Fenner's Blood arid Liver Rem edy nnd Nerve Tonio may well be called "The conquering hero" of the times. It Is the medical triumph of the age. Whoever has "the blues" should take it, for It regulates and re stores the disordered system that gives rise to them. It always cures Billious ness and Liver Complaint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headaches, Fever and Ajue, SPLeks Enlarge ments, Scrofula, Erysipelas, Pimples, Blotches and all Skin Eruptions and Blood Disorders; Swelled Limbs and Dropsy ; Sleeplessness, Im paired Nerves and Nervous Debility; Restores flesh and strength when the system is running down or goliig Into decline; cures Female Weakness and Chronic Rheumatism, and relieves Chronic Bronchitis, and all Lung and Throat difficulties. It does these things by striking at the root Of disease and removing Its. Dr. Fenner's Improved Cough Honey will relieve any cough in one hour. Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief cures any pain, as Tooth-ache Neuralgia, Colic or Headache in 6 to 10 minutes, and readily relieves Rheumatism, Kid ney Complaint, Diarrhoea, Dysentery. ir; xenners St. Vitus Uance Spe cific; One bottle always cures. For sale by Dealers. NE WAD VER TISEMENTS. Estate Notice. ESTATE of Anna Dorathea Eckie, late of St: Mary's Borough, Elk Co. deceased. All persons Indebted to said estate are requested to make 1m mediate payment, add those hating letral claims nirnlnst the same wll present them without delay In proper oruer for settlement, to JOSEPH ROSKNHOVER, ExeCiitaF, Estate" Not lee I late of St. Mary's Borough, Elk Co., deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make Ini- meaiaie payment, and those naving legal claims against the same, will preseht them without delay lu proper oruer ior settlement, to IXJUIS VOLLMER,Executor, NOTICE. NOT" ICE1 Is hereby given that the commissioners or Jilk County will hold a Court of Appeals at their office, In Rldgway, on THURSDAY and FRIDAY THE 27TH AND 28TH DAYS OF FEBRUARY. 1879. for the purpose of henrirtir and determln ing appeals from the assessments, and revising ine military enrollment for ioid, at wnicn time uud place all persons feeling themselves aggrieved oy saia assessment, or enrollment. can attend If they see proper. isy order or the Hoard, Attest: W. S. HORTON. Clerk. Commissioners' Office. 1 February 1st, 1879. I HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started In Ridirwav un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with HISS L. E. irm. as Agent axil Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods on hand and selected with great cure. HMBUOlDEltlKS. LACE EDGK. FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS SAMPLE SILK3. Machine silk, thread nnd needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods, Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes d-c, Ac. All cheap as the cheapest and goods Warranted first class. Call and examine riiir stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent for the Society. PATENTS AND TRADE-MARES. We procure Letters Patent on Inventions. No Attorney fees in advance in application for Patents in the United States. Special attention given to Inference Cases before the Patent Office, and all litigation apper taining to Inventions or patents. We also procure Patents In Canada and other foreign countries. Caveats Filed, Copyrights obtained. and all other business truuwctvd before the Patent Office and the Courts which demands the services of experienced Patent Attorneys. We have had ten years experience as Patent Attorneys The Sciential Retard. All Patents obtained turouirh our agency are noticed in the Scientific ItHcoitn. li monthlv nnmr nf Inrfrn cir culation, published by us. nnd devoted to hcientlllc and -Mechanical matters. It contains full lists of all allowed Patents. Subscription 25 cents a year IMistpaid. Hja'cimeii copy free. Send us your addrvss on postal card. INVENTORS Send u a description of your Inven tion, giving your idea In your own language, and we will give an opinion us to patentability, with full instruc tions, charging nothlnir for our advice. Our book, ' How to Procure Patents," about the Patent Laws, Patents. Ca veats, Trade Marks, their costs, etc-. sent free on request. ' Address R. ..& A. P. LAC BY, Patent Attorneys, No. 604 F street, Washington, D. C-, Nearly Opposite Patent office. Arrears of Pay, Bounty and Pensions. We have a bureau in charge of ex perlenced lawyers and clerks, for pros ecution all Soldier's Claims, Pay, Bounty aud Pensions. As we charge no fee unless successful, stamps for re turn postsge should be sent us. R. S. & A. P. LACEY. A GENTSa D WANTE FOR Ol'R GJIEAT WORK, NOW IN I'RESS, THE INDUSTRIAL Horisty of the United States Being a complete history of all the Important industries of America, In cluding Agricultural, Mechanical, Manufacturing, Mining, Commercial and other enterprises. About 1,000 large octavo pages atid 3uo line en gravings. No Work Liko it Ever Published- For terms and territory apply at once. THE HENRY BILL PUB. CO., Norwich, Connecticut. v8n43-6ni THE most useful present FOR YOUR WIFE, In nded wife, mother or sister is one of our Nickle Plated and Polished Fluting and Crimping Irons. 4 irons on one handle and at greatly reduced prices. King Reversable Fluting Iron, 3.60. Home Fluting and Crimp ing Iron. $2.75. Sent Prepaid on receipt of price. Hewitt Manuf g Cs., Pittsfcurga, Pa P. O. Box 868, or 166 Penn avenue. An Agent Wanted in this County. 9-6w ' Health and Happiness Health and Happiness are priceless Wealth, to their possessors, aud yet they are within the reach or every one who will nse WRIGHT'S LIVER PILLS, the only sure CURE for Torpid Liver, Dyspepsia, Headache, Sour Stomach, Constipation, Debility. Nausea, and all Billious Complaints and Blood Dis orders. None genuine unless signed "Wm. Wright, Phila. If your drug, gist is not supplied, send 25 cents for one box to Barrick, Roller & Co., 70 N. 4th street, Phila. n7v50yl Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Calf Skins wanted at 42 Main street. FRANK SETTELLF PENNSYLVANIA KAIL KUAD Philadelphia & ErleR. R- Dlv. WINTER" TIME TABLE. fr artd after SUNDAY, November VH) 1878, the trains on the Philadel phia A Erie Railroad Division will mil as follows! WESTWAriD;. . erir itAiti leaves, Phila: ......11 M p. in. ii " Renovo...-ll 00 a. ni. " Emporium. 1 15 p. m. " St. Mary's2 07 p. m. " Rldgway ....2 33 p' m. " Kane 3 45 p. m: arr. at Erie ;.-7 40 p. m. EASTWARD. a KRlri Iaii leaves Erie SO a. rh. i " Kane 3 65 11. m. l' Rldgway. ...5 00 p. m. 11 St. Mary's..5 20 p. m. ' Emporium. 6 20 p. m. " lteuovo......8 85 n. m. n .i it " arr. at Phlla......:t;7 00 a. ni. WM. A. Baldwin. Gericrat Bup't. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY GRAT'S SPECIFIC UEMElrti TRADE MARK-T' especially THADBM r ecommend de as an un failing cure for Seminal Weakness S permutor- rlifta Tmtui. Before Taking tencv and all After Taking. diseases that Wljownsn seiluenby .on Self Abuse j as Loss of Memory, Uni versal iMssiuuiu, ruin in ine isac-K, Dimness of vlssion, Prometure old Age, olid many other dlscWei that lead to Insanity. Consumption rilld a Premature Grave, all of which as a rule are first caused by devlatirig from the path of nature and over indulgence. The Specific Medicine Is the result of a life study and ninny years of experi ence in trcntlnfr these special diseases. mm particulars in our pamphlets, which we desire to send free by malt to every one. The bpeciflc Medicine is sold by all Druircists nt $1 per nackaze. or six packoges for $5, or will be sent bv mall on receipt of the money by ad dressing THE GRAY MEDICINE CO., No.l Mechanics' Block. Detroit. Mich. earSold in Rldgway by all Druggists. everywhere. Harris p,wing, wholesale Agents, Pittsburgh. Awarded the Highest Medal at Vienna and Philadelphia. E.&H.T.AWiI0W&C0. 5!1 Broadway, - - New York, Opp. Metropolitan Hotel. Manufaclurcrs.lmporters and dealers In Velvet Frames, Albums OrApIio- scopks-. AND views, ENGRAVINGS, CHROMOS. PHOTOGRAPHS And kindred goods Celebrities Actresses, etc. Photographic Materials. We are Headquarters for everything In the way of STEREOPTICONS AND MAGIC LANTERNS, Being Manufacturer! of the Micro-scientific Lantern; Stert-6-pnnopticon, University Stereepticon, Advertiser's Stereepticon, Artoptlcon School Lantern, Family Lantern, People's Lantern. Each Style being the best of 1U elau In the market. Beautiful Photographle Transpareneiea of BtaAuary aud Eugravlugi for the windows. Convex Glass. Manufacturers of Velvet Frames for Miniatures and Convex Gloss Pictures. Caiai ogues of Lanterns anil filldwi with directions for using, sent oh re ceipt of two cents. teaCutout this advertisement tor reference. Young men prepared for active busi lies life. Advnntiiiri'H iinommlori Course of study and business truiuing the most comprehensive, thorough Una practical in existence. Students re ceived at any time. For circulars con taining full particulars adirfPm J. C. SMITH, A. M., Pittsburgh, Pa. nosinnnz; Note paper arid envelopes at this office. JRK. QJ Business Cards; Rates of Advertising. Orle" Column, one year IJS j 8 jj zz":zi::izz w i " " M 14 W Translpril advertisement ppr jquare of elitht linos, dhe Insertion 81, two insertions $l.l, three Insertions 82. Uusinesu lamia, ten lines or less, per year Advertisements payable qaartorly GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORNEY -AT-LAW. Main street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. HALL . M'CAULEY ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office In hew brick building, MUib street, Rldgway, Elk Co., Pa. 1r82lf LUOORE & HAMBLEN ATTbRNE YS-AT-LAW, Ridirwav. Elk County. Pa. Officii ncross the hall from the Democrat ear tabllslitneilt. Claims for collection promptly attended to. Jnel5,1878 B. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST & PARMACEUTIST, N. W. corner of Malh and Mill streets, Rldgway, Pa., full assortment of care fully selected Foreign and Domestic Druirs. Prescriptions carefully dls1 pensed nt all hours, day or night. vinay T. S. HARTLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Office In Drug Store, corner Broad nnd Muin street. Residence corner Broad street, opposite the College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. aud frdm 7 to 8 P. M. vln2yl J. 8. BORDWELL. M. D. ELECTIC PHYSICIAN A SURG'N, Has removed his office from Centre idreet to Main iitreet, Ridgway, Ta.. in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. ...u-" Office hours : 1 to i p. M. 7 to 0 r;Ms MRS. N. T. GUMMING. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF NEW STYLES HATS JI ST RECEIVED at Mrs. N. T. Cummings, also ties, col lars, cutis, hoisery, gloves, and a gen; eral assortment of Lndtes' Fancy Goods. Remember the place, In H. S. Thpyer's Building, Main street. Call and examine before purchasing else where; APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLeV PEDIA. Volume 16 of this admirable work Is jujit out, making it complete'. t Each" volume contains 800 pages. It hiakes a complete library, and no one cart afford to do without it who would keep well Informed. Price $3.00 a volume IK leather, or $7.00 in elegant hulf Tur key. C. K. Judsoh, Fredohia, N. Y.; controls the sale In Elk county. Ad dress him for particulars- epl7-tf HYDE HOUSE. " W. H. SCIIRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk county, Pa: Thankful for the patronage heretiv fore so liberally bestowed upon him; the new proprietor hopes, by paying strict attention to the comfort and con venience of gucMts, to merit a continu ance of the same. oct30'60 MILLINERY ANB DRESSMAKING: MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk County, Pa tnkes this method of an nouncing to the citizens of Elk county that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking ill all its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Bail & Co.'s Patent Ivory nnd Lignum Vitro Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl Chambers' Cyclopedia of English Liter ature. Brief biographies of all British or American authors, from earliest times to the present, with specimens from their writings, making a work not only thoroughly entertaining and useful to all intelligent readers, but nearly iri dispensibie to people of culture. The newly revised and beautiful edition contains over 3,0(M) pagi, and the en tire work, in eight handy volumes, is furnished free of express or mail charges, for $2 in paper, $3 In cloth, or $4.50 in half morocco. The publishers sell only to subscriber direct, Instead bf giving dealers and ugents the usual 60 or 60 percent discount to sell forthem, which accounts for the remarkably low prices. Special inducements are offered to those sending early orders. Specimen jmges with full partifularat sent on request by postal card by .the publishers, the American Book Eiti change, 55 Beekman street, New York. NOTICE is hereby given that a pei tition of citizens of Ridgway township will be presented at the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Elk connty for the incorporation of a Borough of the town of Rldgway. Howe Sewing Machines. Among the great variety of goods of every description for sale nt Powell & Kime's Will be found ah assortment of th celebrated Elias Howe, Jr., Improved Sewing Machines the best machine ilbw manufactured rh . j - -v.v il appointed sole agents for Elk countys T 1 wi.. n.lll fffK 1 I m . ii.cj mm hci-jj uii iiauu i ucxersj Corders, Hemniers, Braiders and Ruf flers, Needles, Sewing-machine Oil, Thread, &c, &c. Will also furnish at any time detached parts for siild m&i chine, ; All at greatly reduced prices, and will be sold On accommodating terms with approved security. Ridoway, Aug. 20, '78. it N EW LIVERY STABLll IN RLDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES Ttl inform the citizens of Rldgway, and the public generally, that he has started a Livery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD'.CARRIAOErj and Buirgles to let ran nnrt oKIn upon the most -He will also do Job tekmihff. SUhle on Broad street, above Mairl, All orders left at the Poet Office will receive prompt attention; Aug201871tf
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers