AUDITOR'S SETTLEMENT. Receipts and Expenditures op Elk County for the Year End ing January 6, 1879, receipts. To tax roc'd from unseated lands " tax rec'd from collectors fl8,922 14 6,513 12 " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com missioners " amount rec'd from Bcn linger township for sup port of C. NiBt and Mary Krleg at Dixmont " amount rec'd from Jones township for support of A. Parsons and Julius Btelling at Dixmont " am't rec'd from stMary's borough for support of M. Gregor at Dixmont " am't rec'd for redemption of lauds from county " am'trec'd on noteof coun ty vs. D. Kain " am't rec'd on judgment of county vs. Pat'k Lamb " am'trec don costs In Com monwealth vs. Mary Cook ' am't rec'd on costs In Commonwealth vs. W. Swelers " am't rec'd on Judgment of Elk co. vs. Cameron co. " am't rec'd, fine and costs In Commonwealth cases " am't rec'd for jury fees in civil cases 120 72 8-58 74 873 42 51 00 67 43 12 00 86 16 15 00 20 00 801 81 020 8D 44 00 $28,459 00 EXPENDITURES. By am't paid M. Weidert, commissioner, services " am't p'd W. H. Ostcrhout. 176 00 commissioner, services, 123 00 " am't paid Geo. Reuscher, commissioner, services, 171 00 " am't paid V. 8. Ilorton, commissioners' clerk 600 00 " am'tp'd Hall&M'Cauley, commissioners' counsel, 100 00 H am't pnid Daniel Scull. sheriff, bal. due for 1877 452 10 " am't pd D. C Oyster, sher. 113 28 " amount paid constables (officers' fees) 424 24 am't paid justices (of rs f.) 424 24 " am't paid district attorney 235 50 " am'tp'd ctcrier.M.L.Boss 72 60 " am't paid tipstufT 50 00 " am'tp'd prothonotary, &c. 239 82 M am't paid county auditors and clerk 97 00 " am'tp'd const's.Com costs 217 84 " am't p'd justices " ' 129 73 " am't p'd witnesses," " 522 94 " am't p'd assess's fornsses'g 170 20 " am't p'd asses's forregis'g 134 00 " am't p'd grand jurors 940 32 " am't p'd traverse jurors 1,730 44 am't p'd for juil expenses 1,508 82 " am't p'd Dixmont llosp'l : Forsupuertof A. Parsons 100 50 For support of Conrad Nlst 800 65 For supportof M. Gregor IliB 10 For support of J. Rtelllng S21 4.5 For support Kate Wllliunis 26 20 For Bupport Mary Krelg 20 60 For support Oeo. Anslnger U'i 85 For Interest on above bills 42 70 1,754 05 " am't p'd west'n penitent'y 112 68 " am'tp'd forpublishing au ditors' settlement for 1877 800 00 "am't paid for publishing election proclamation " am't paid for printing and 161 00 advertising 170 50 " am'tp'd election expenses 658 87 " am't paid for road views and damages 398 64 " am't paid for stationery and postage 54 20 ''am'tp'dbount's.wolves.&c 43 00 " am't p'd for fuel and lights 118 11 " am't p'd for repairs to pub lic buildings, painting, &c 247 52 " am't p'd court house exp's 22 00 " am't paid for institute ex penses for 1877 125 66 " am't p'd Geo. A. Ratbbun audit'g prothonotary 'sac't 9 00 " am't pHid lor interest on county bond 68 71 'am't p'd judgment note Jas. D. Wetham's executors-vs. Elk county 202 07 "am't paid jury commis sioners and elerk 53 88 " am't paid official steno grapher 128 69 " am't p'd premium on ins. on public buildings 142 50 " am't paid Penna. Reform School 330 79 " am't pnid for establishing the meridian line 106 00 am't paid for painting courtyard fence 116 10 " am't p'd for lumber for court yard walk 15 64 " am't paid for blank books for prothonotary and com missioners' ofliees 74 50 " am't- paid for miscellan eous expenses 23 23 " am't paid for inquests 48 46 am't p'd Jacob M'C'uuley, treasurer, for commission on amounts received and disbursed 1,041 51 $14,763 95 13,695 95 " excess of receipts $28,459 90 Assets and Liabilities of Elk County, January 7th, 1879. ASSETS. To am't county tax accrued on un sou tea lanus surged to com'n and exoneration. " ain't of tax due from col lectors, subject to commis sion and exoneration " am't due from Fox town ship for support of Kate Williams and Geo. An singer at Dixmont am'tdue from Jonestown ship for support of Julius Btelling at Dixmont " amt due from Lock Haven borough for support of John Condon, a lunatic, at Dixmont Judg't against Ridg'y t'p " ' udg't note ag'st A. Kreig udg'tnoteag'stGeoKrieg " udgment note against M. Herbstreet "judgment note against J. L. and J. E. Bon ham M judgment note against J. V. and J. G. George " judg't note ag'st JosHanes 41 amount due from Jacob M'Cauley, treasurer, as per auditors' settlement- 9,906 41 9,164 09 742 Gl 53 55 365 00 214 73 26 78 28 78 26 78 41 58 82 83 67 28 4,677 61 $25,345 64 LIABILITIES. By county orders outstand'g 862 93 " am't due Dixmont Hosp'l 176 85 ' am't due D.C.Oyster, sher.. 9 74 u amount due Fred. Sohoen ing, prothonotary 411 30 961 82 24,884 22 " excess of assets $25.845 54 We, the undersigned, commissioners of Elk county, no hereby certify that the above and foregoing is a correct statement of the receipt and exnendi tures, Ac, of Elk county for the year 1878, and also of the assets and) liabili ties or said county at tins uawj, MICHAEL WEIDERT, W. H. OSTERHOUT, GEORGE REUSCHER, Count CommitHtionenf. Attest W. S. Homo, Clerk. Amounts Received from the Sev eral Collectors of Elk County During 1878. Collector. Townshln. Year. Co. State. Wm. Clyde ..Millstone '7i 8 00 T). H. Wlnslnw.Jlennzette '70 lfto 14 Jacob Mover Fox '78 76 W Ollvln l)odge....Jay '78 BM4 81 M. Miseimnn wpring i.rees: ii itn 4 Henrv Blesh. ...lienerette..... T? 171 00 -Michael Ulntt...Honclnirer...- '77 100 00 JnoMMnekln..Fox '77 1,0(16 !H Geo. W.CIInlon. Horlon '77 22 77 KHir'm Hewltt.Jay '77 2H0 96 17 m Lawrence Fee. .Millstone..... '77 Kim 18 20 U.D.Messcnger.Kldgway '77 801 98 W. A. Irwin Spring C k ... '77 . 13 U Mlch'l Ht-hlch..Hl. Mary's '77 1.082 U 0 91 Whi. Murray ...llcnezetle '78 In 00 J.Hewitt Kox '78 430 00 H.O.KlllthorneHiiihland '78 40 00 T. Huron Helif.. ..Horton 78 183 57 Arincrrurley....lay '78 liosii James H. Wells Jones '78 793 81 23 78 Ja.'haniplon..MlllMone '78 88 00 W.H. Horton...Hidgway. ... . '78 4S2 M Matt. Hlinnlcy ..Spring C'k ... "78 44 00 Mlch'l tlteliloii .HU Mary's.... '78 64 00 $0,51.1 12 (08 01 Amount Due from the Several Collectors of Elk County, Jan uary 0, 1879. Collector. Township. Yenr. Tax. Nathan Hippie Horlon '75 loo 01 I. 11. Wlnslow Henerette '76 S3 21 Jacob Mover.... Fox '76 611 68 Thomas Campbell Highland.. ... '78 73 80 Pnnlel I'halen (...Morton.,.,,..., '76 180 81 Hiram F,lselman...i.Hprlng C"k. '76 136 76 Henry Blesh Uenexette..,. '77 862 85 Mlchnnl Olatt.. ...BrtiKlUKcr.... '77 4.T0 60 John M'Macktn.w.Mi.Knx '77 110 26 Levi Kllttnrope, Highland '77 9 08 George W. Cllnton.,.ll(irton "77 80 44 F.phrnm Hewitt Jay '77 803 40 Robert Manett Jones '77 321 83 O. i). Messenger, Jr...Illclgway '77 672 46 W. A. Irwin Spring C'k... '77 95 03 William Murray ......Hene7.ctte 78 6KS 58 Frank Warnlth Honzlnger.... '78 69 78 Jeremiah Hewitt Fox '78 726 68 Henry O. Elllthorpe..Hlchland do 68 01 Thomas liurchtleld...Horlon do 474 07 Armel Tilrley Jay do 5H9 23 James H. Wells Jones do 194 66 James Champion Millstone do 91 08 W. 8. Horton Kidgway do 1,200 70 Matt. Sbauloy Spring C'k... do 236 53 Michael Stobich St. Mary's... . do 1,194 79 (9,104 00 Jacob M'Cauley, Esq., Treasurer of Elk County, in Account with Said County for the Year End ing January 6. 1879. county fund. To bal. due from last settle ment " tax rec'd from unseated lands " tax rec'd on seated lands returned to county com'rs " tax rec'd from collectors " am't rec'd from Benzinger tp on am't due Dixmont " am't rec'd from Jones tp on amount due Dixmont " am'trec'd from St. Mary's boroon am't due Dixmont " am't tax and costs on 400 3,019 84 18,922 14 126 73 6,513 12 856 71 873 42 61 00 21 03 30 00 12 00 86 16 15 00 20 00 801 81 acres in Highland tp, sold to county credited last year in error " am't rec'd fine in Com monwealth vs. Wilson George " am't rec'd on noteof coun ty vs. D. Kain " am't rec'd on judgment of county vs. Patrick Lamb " am't rec'd on costs in Com monwealth vs. Mary Cook " am't rec'd on costs in Com monwealth vs. W. A. Swelers " am't rec'd on judgment of Elk co. vs. Cumeron co. $30,856 38 By county commiss'rs' re'pts lor co. oraers reueomea i,ins i " county commiss's' rec'pts for co. bonds redeemed 8,474 23 " county commiss's' rec'pts for exoneration orders re deemed 362 47 " couuty commiss's' rec'pts for refunding orders re deemed 443 26 '' county commiss's' rec'pts for redemption orders re deemed 18 05 " county commiss's' rec'pts I'for orders to townships for Windfefder bal. redeemed 716 30 " county tax and costs on lands sold to county 693 78 " county tax on warrant 4996495 acres of which was assess'd and charged in error 19 80 "Jtreas. com. on am't rec'd 553 62 " treasurer's commission on amount disbursed 487 89 26,178 77 4,677 61 $30,856 38 " bal due fund STATE TAX ACCOUNT. To bal. due account at last settlement, less commis'n 15 12 " tax rec'd from collectors 63 94 $79 06 79 06 $79 06 By balance due account SCHOOL FUNDS. BENEZKTTE SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due fund at lastsettle- ment 1 80 " amount tax received from unseated lauds 3,612 05 8,513 85 68 77 " balance due treasurer $3,572 62 By school treasurer receipts 3,375 76 " tax on lands sold to co'ty " by tax on warrant 4996 495 acres assessed and charged in error " treas's com. on am't rec'd " treasurer's com. on am't disbursed 34 36 24 75 70 24 67 51 $3,572 62 BENEZKTTE SCHOOL BUILDINO FUND. To balance due treasurer 8 04 $6 04 6 04 $6 04 By bal. due treasurer at last settlement BENZINQER SCHOOL FUND. To amount tax received from unseated lands 2,581 li " balance due treasurer . 108 09 $2,689 14 By bal. due treasurer at last settlement " exonerat'u ord's redeemed " school treasurer's receipts " school tax on lands sold to county ' treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't dis'd 189 94 10 95 2,247 13 144 66 61 62 44 94 $2,689 14 BENZINQER 6CHOOL BUILDINO FUND, To bal. due fund at last set tlement 41 18 " am't tax rec'd from un seated lands 674 $711 By school treasurer's receipts 840 " tax on lands sold to county 36 " treas. com. en am't rec'd 13 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 6 396 314 balance duo frwfi $711 FOX SCHOOL FUND. " To bal. due fund at lost set tlement 59 49 " tax rec'd from unseated lands 1,391 24 " tax reo'd from seated lands returned to county corn's 96 84 1,549 67 25 19 " bal due treasurer $1,574 70 By coin's' rec'pt for exotiera tlon orders redeemed 15 83 " school treasurer's receipts 1,896 78 " tax on lands sold to county 104 43 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 29 80 " treas. com. on am't dlsb'd 27 92 $1,674 78 FOX SCHOOL BUILDINO FUND. To balance due fuud at last settlement 43 43 " tax received from unseat ed lauds 1,052 99 ' tax rec'd from seated lands returned tocommlssioners 73 14 $1,169 66 By commissioners' rec'pt for exoneration orders re deemed 13 19 " Bchool treasurer's rec'pts 1,011 68 " school building tax on lands sold to county 77 61 " treas com. on am't rec'd 22 62 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 20 23 1,143 23 24 83 $1,169 66 " balance due fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 321 19 " tax rec'd from unseated lauds 1,027 66 $1,343 85 By school treasurer's receipt 1,301 39 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 20 65 treas. com. on am't disb'd 26 02 1,347 " balance due fund $1,348 HORTON SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 68 1,273 1 " tax rec'd from unseated lands " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to county com. $1,344 1,267 25 25 By school treasurer's rec'pts " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 1,318 26 " balance due fund $1,344 41 HORTON SCHOOL BUILDING FUND, To ain't received from Bchool treasurer 67 $67 67 By balance due treasurer at last settlement $07 JAY SCHOOL FUND. To tax rec'd from unseated lands " balance due treasurer 1,574 13 $1,587 90 By balance due treasurer at last settlement 62 22 " school treasurer's receipts 1,444 91 " tax on lands sold to county 16 40 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 81 48 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 8 89 $1,587 90 JAY SCHOOL BUILDINO FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 67 68 $67 60 1 61 6 By school treasurer's receipts " by on am't dis'd " balance due fund $67 68 JONES SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due fund lost settle ment 198 "tax received from uu seat ed lands 2,765 " tax rec'd from seated lands sold to county commis'rs 6 $2,970 By county commissioners' receipt tor exoneration or ders redeemed 5 " school treas. receipt 2,846 " treas. com'n oh am't rec'd 65 " treas. com'n on am't disb'd 66 2,964 05 " balance due fund 6 40 $2,970 45 JONES SCHOOL BUILDINO FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement 96 94 " tax received from unseat ed lands 614 66 $711 60 By school treas. receipts 685 61 " treas. com. on am t rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 12 29 13 70 $711 60 MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND. To tax received from unseat ed lands 723 71 " tax received from seated lands returned to county commissioners 17 20 $740 01 By school treas. receipts 689 30 17 99 " school tax on lanus sold to county " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 14 81 13 78 735 5 $740 " balance due fund RIDOWAY SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement " tax rec'd unseated lands 2,156 2,156 " balanee due treasurer 89 8,195 2,070 By school treasurer's rec'nte " school tax on lands sold to county " treas com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 40 43 1 41 43 2,195 61 SPHINO CREEK SCHOOL FUNDI To tax received from unseat 34 89 ed lands 1,417 41 " tax reo'd from seated lands 80 returned to county com, 18 94 67 1,436 1 f " balance due treasurer 61 1,437 By school treasurer's receipt 1,800 68 " school tax on lands soid to county 20 87 treas. com. on am't rec'd 28 73 treas. com. on am't disb'd 27 21 1,437 86 ST. MARY'B SCHOOL FUND, baluncn iIiia funrt nt last . To settlement 83 19 Tax received from unseat ed lands 43 29 tax reo'd from seated lands returned to county com. 12 06 88 50 78 74 09 5 24 1 10 1 48 By millitv nnm on'f fnr n. on emtio n orders redeemed school treasurer's receipts tax on lands sold to county treas com. ou am't rec'd treas. com. on am't dtsb'd 82 79 6 71 " balance due fund 88 60 ROAD FUNDS. BENEZETTE ROAD FUND. To tax fee'd from unseated lands balance due treasurer 2,204 97 42 28 3,837 25 By bal. due treas. last settle't 8 62 Jlll1tl4r nntvilri.J iinnlrtf for road orders redeemed 1.708 00 " township treas. receipts 495 00 " road tax on lands sold to county 23 40 " road tax on warrant 4996" 495 acres assessed and chareed in error 12 88 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 4.5 89 " treas. com. on am't disb d 44 00 2,837 25 BENZtNOER ROAD FUND. Tax rec'd f 'in unseated lands 2,666 96 2,566 96 By bal. due treas. last settlm't 86 81 eration orders redeemed 10 95 " commis'rs' rec'pt for road orders redeemed 1,648 00 ' township treas. rec'pts 499 85 " road tax on lands sold to county 128 06 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 42 95 2,417 95 149 01 " balance due fund 2,566 06 BENZINQER ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last setm't 68 28 tax receiv'd from unseated lands 'i - 1,283 43 1,851 71 71 44 " balance due treasurer 1,423 15 By county com'rs' rec'pt for exoner n orders redeemed a 47 " townshin treas. receipts 1.801 96 " cash tax on lands sold co'y 64 03 " treas. com. on am't rec'd 25 66 " treas. com. on am't disb'd 20 03 1,423 15 FOX ROAD FUND. To bal due fund last set m't 129 78 " tax rec'd f m unseated l'ds 1,385 12 1,514 90 29 94 " balauce due treasurer 1,544 24 By county comrs recpts for exoneruui oroers reueemeu i m county 'oomrs receipts for road orders redeemed 1,123 00 township treas. rec'pts 332 67 road tax on land sold co 18 67 tretts. com. on amt reed 27 70 treas. com. ou amt disb 29 11 1,544 24 FOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'in't 26 77 tux rec'd f'm unseated l'ds 72-3 77 752 64' 183 60 balance due treasurer 936 14 By county com. rec'ts for ex- onerut'n orders reueemeu i.i ta township treas. receipts 880 76 cash tax on l'ds sold county 10 07 treas. com. on am't disb'd 17 61 930 14 HIGHLAND ROAD FUND. To bal. due fuud last setm't 82 36 tax rec'd f m unseated l'ds 1,771 20 1,853 56 By county com. recpt for road orders redeemed uo township trens. receipts 100 00 treas. com. ou amt received 35 4: treas. com. on amt disbd 26 94 1.409 36 balance due fund 444 20 1,853 56 HORTON IIOAD FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 1.273 85 1,273 85 76 76 By bal. due treas. last setmt county com. recpt tor road orders redeemed treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on amt disbd 1,052 00 21 04 1,175 27 balance due fund 08 58 1,278 1,809 JAY ROAD FUND. To tax reed I'm unseated Ids 1,809 1 By bal. due treas. last setmt county com. recpt for roud orders redeemed township treas. receipt road tax on lands sold co. treas com. on amt reed, treas. com. on amt disbd 1,420 26 16 88 03 91 86 34 1,793 15 balance due fund 2 04 1,809 JAY CASH FUND. 88 To bal. due fund last setmt 5 30 00 33 47 By township treas. receipts treas. com. on amt disbd 4 21 84 balance due fund JONES ROAD rVUti), To bal. due fund last setmt tax reed from unseated Ids tax reed from seated lands returned to county com, balance due treasurer 40 6 215 83 8,338 3 26 90 3,557 16 22 3,558 6 By county com. recpt for ex -oneratu orders redeemed 38 county com. recpt for road orders redeemed 9,612 00 lownsnip treas, receipts xt treas. com. on amt received 68 84 treas. com. on amt disbd 68 86 ,8,658 98 To tax reed from unseated Ids 1,807 49 tax reed rrom seated lanus returned to county com. 80 82 1,838 81 By bal. due treas. last setmt 17 county com. recpt ior roaa orders redeemed township treas. receipts road tax on Ids sold county treas. com. on am't reed treas. com. on amt disbd 600 00 719 18 85 46 26 70 ' 24 88 1.823 24 balance due fund 16 07 1,338 81 MILLSTONE CASH FUND. To bal. due fund last setmt 16 76 tax reed from unseated Ids' 385 95 401 71 1 20 balance due treasurer 402 91 By township trens. receipts 376 23 casn tax on lanus sold co. treas. com. on amt receivd treas. com. on amt disb 12 47 7 71 7 50 402 91 RIDOWAY ROAD FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 2,057 04 balance due fund 71 09 2,128 13 By bal due treas. last setmt 32 64 county com- receipt lor re funding orders redeemed 85 59 county com. receipt for road orders redeemed 1,618 00 township treas. receipfs ' 822 73 road tax on land sold co. 89 22 treas. com. on am't reed 41 14 treas. com. on amt disbd 88 81 2,128 13 RIDOWAY CASK FUND. To bal. due fund last setmt 285 81 tax reed fm unseated lands 8,188 44 8,473 75 49 13 3,622 88 3,343 22 49 04 63 76 66 86 balance due treasurer By township treas. receipt casn tax on land soia co. treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on aint disbd 3,622 SPRING CREEK ROAD FUND. To tax reed from unseated Ids 1,467 05 tax reed from seated lands returned to county com. 84 60 1,502 55 155 04 By bal. due treas. last setmt county com. receipts ior road orders redeemed township treas. receipts road tax on land sold co. treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on amt. disbd 1,188 00 70 85 9 66 30 05 25 16 1,478 26 24 29 balance due fund 1,502 55 SPRING CREEK CASH FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 582 75 tax reed from seated lauds returned to county com. 20 602 75 By township treas. recpts 659 44 7 66 12 05 11 18 casn tax on land sold to co. treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on amt disbd 699 33 12 42 balance due fund 602 75 ST. MARY'S ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund lust setmt 48 tax reed from unseated Ids 64 23 tax reed from seated lands returned to county comrs 13 60 68 31 By comrs receipt for exoner ation orders redeemed borough treas. receipts road tax on land snld to co. treas. com. on amt reed treas. com. on ami disbd 78 52 54 6 33 1 85 1 05 61 bal due fund 7 26 68 31 ST. MARY'S CORPORATION FUND. To tax reed fm unseated Ids 27 37 tax reed from seated land returned to county comrs 6 30 83 67 By bal. due treas last setmt comrs receipt ior exonera tion orders redeemed ' borough treas. rec'pts " cor. tax on I'd sold to co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 26 2 80 " balance due fund 3 06 33 POOR FUNDS. BENZINQER POOR FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't 77 " tax rec'd f'm unseat d l'ds 1,284 85 29 1,361 69 " balance due treasurer 1,430 29 00 By co'y com. rec'pt for exon eration orders redeemed " towuship treas. receipts " poor tax on I'd sold to co. " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 5 47 1,309 64 25 00 84 62 26 1,430 18 13 FOX POOR VEND. 67 62 To bal. due fund last set'm't 17 " tax rec'd f'm unseat'd I ds " tax rec'd from seated l'ds returned to county com. 532 12 29 662 " balance due treasurer By co'ty com. rec'pt for exon eration orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " poor tax ou I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on am't reo'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 13 6 30 675 6 08 529 429 18 41 1 01 10 89 10 675 30 13 40 71 HORTON POOR FUND To bal due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseated l'ds " tax rec'd from seated lands returned to couuty com. 44 209 24 254 174 98 5 By township treas. receipts I ,x treas. couk on am't ree'd- 190 4. 8 80 197 9 68 22 " balance due fund 254 21 39 84 1,669 01 1 27 JONES POOR FUND. To bal. due fund lnstset'm't " tax rec'd f 'munseat'd l'ds tax rec'd from seated Id's returned to county com. 1,710 12 2 77 1,639 60 33 40 82 79 By co'ty com. reo' pt for exon 401 eration orders redeemed " township treas. receipts " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 1,708 46 1 66 " balance due fund 1,710 12 MTT.t.oTovia poor i'ttwn. To tax rec'd f'm unseat'd l'ds 265 61 tax rpfi'ri from seated l'ds returned to county com. 6 89 271 90 By township treas. receipts 255 20 6 87 6 43 " poor tax on I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas com. on am't disb'd 6 10 371 60 30 271 90 ' balance due fund RIDOWAY POOR FUND. To tax rec'd fm unseated l'ds 958 40 " balance due treasurer 27 61 080 01 143 71 By bal due treas. last set'm't " townsnip treas. receipts " poor tax on I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 792 68 14 71 19 16 15 85 086 01 SPRING CREEK POOR FUND. To tax rec'd from seated I'd returned to county com. 6 12 G 12 12 6 00 By treas com. on am't rec'd " balance due fund 6 12 51 30 95 ST. MARY S POOR FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't " tax rec'd f'm unseated l'ds " tax rec'd from seated l'ds returned to county com. 6 30 37 76 63 80 34 All 74 60 By county com. rec'pt forex- onerat n orders redeemed boron crh treas. recelots 88 " noor tax on I'd sold co'ty " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 35 32 2 44 " balance due fund 37 78 STATE ROAD FUNDS. KANE, RIDOWAY AND ST. 51 ARY'8 STATE ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't 665 70 tax rec'd from unseated lands in Benzinger tp tax rec'd from unseated lands in Jones township tax rec'd from unseated lands in Ridgway town'p 2,555 91 8,33 85 3,198 53 9,658 99 " balance due treasurer 1HU 43 9,839 42 00 county com. rec't for ex- I nnaniir'n nfftav ifllAnntofl 16 50 9,278 40 177 10 mviui ta ui mii ivuvvuitiu " State road treas. rec'pts " do do tax on russomco. " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 181 86 185 56 0,839 42 STATE M'KEAN, ELK AND FOREST ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't 8,411 76 251 99 " balance due treasurer 3,003 75 By am'tpd Fred. Schoaning, as per Aud. Bailey's report " am't p'd V. S. Horton, as per Aud. Bailey's report " am't p'd Hull & M'Cauley, attorneys for creditors " am't p'd Wm. J. Stubbs, treas. Highland township " am't paid Martin Sowers, treas. Jones township 4 84 1 50 2,035 58 300 00 1,250 00 71 83 8,663 06 I 1 treas. com. on am't disb'd RIDGWAY AND BROOKVILLE STATE ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't 20 " tax rec'd from unseated land in Ridgway town'p 2,349 "tax rec'd irom unseated land in Spring Creek tp 1,170 8,540 40 8,581 " balance due treasurer 22 By State road treas. receipts " State road tax I'd sold co. 29 09 72 3,399 43 " treas. com. on am't rec'd " treas. com. on am't disb'd 70 67 67 52 3,581 61 WILCOX AND HAMLIN STATE ROAD FUND. To bal. due fund last set'm't 67 By balance due fund 21 Jacob M'Cauley, Esq.. Treasurer of Elk coun 03 ty, iu account wnn tne tieaemption Fuud oi sam county for the year ending Juuu 24 41 65 as is. 29 03 68 riZnis '4 nf 9 ''7 eM 18 65 H 72 r-3-S, 2 83 10 B. c e h c 99. gr W 65 s u & D O. 02 a Si Id 3 5Q2 67 59 ! f ." 20 a if 4 B till tfiSlsfi p 58 67 B ftiitttistiisti a 3 56 17 BBS- o: h B 48 21 f 3 'B iff XT ? 00 I 19 1 Jr cob M'Cauley, Esq., Treasurer of Elk County, In account with the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania for the" year ending January fc 1879; To bal. due com. last setment 28 w tavern licences reed, as per report of elk of quarter ses. 850 Ov eating house lie'es rec'd as pef report of elk of qr. ses. 100 00 retails liccs reed, as pef mercantile apprs rept 188 667 00 brews' lies reed, as per mer-' , cantile appraisers rept 1878 125 00 blllrd lies reed, as per rept mercantile appraiser 1878 w 00 billiard licence applied fof , and lifted afterapppraismt 0 00 circus licence received 60 00 am't reed fm F. Schoenlng for tav 11c reed by him 76 860 00 six copies pamphlet laws for 187$, 60 cents 8 60 2,303 70 By St. treas. recpt. tav. lies. 969 45 By St. treas. recpt. tav. lies. 807 NJ By St. treas. recpt, liquor lie. 47 60 By St. treas rec- eat'g h lie. 85 00 By St. treas. rec. billiard Ho 86 60 By St. treas. rec. brewers lie. By amt paid advertising ap- praiser s list, l7S z w By treas. com. on am't reed 113 78 2,299 48 4 22 2,803 70" By bal. due Commonwealth Wa Mia nnrienfforned. auditor of Elk Co.' fnr the year 1879, having met at the com missioners' office In Ridgway, In aid county, on the flrrft Monday of January, A. D. 1878 being the grsh day of the month, for the pur pose of auditing, nettling and adjusting the accounts of the geTeral county officers, Te adjourned to Tuesday. January 7, 1879, which time we proceeded to audit, settle and adjtmt the accounts of the several county ouicers, ana rounu mem correct, i smwu In this ouf rportv . . . Jacob McCauley, Esq;;- treaKWref. of said county, having been duly notified, was pres ent in person and presented his account. After having carefully examined, audited, and adjusted the accounts of the said Jacob McCauley, we fount! One from him, the said treasurer, to t he several funds, as is fully set forth in the foregoing report, thesurapf six thousand five hundred and nineteen dollars and three cents, and due to Irimy tjre.ialjt treasurer, from certain fun(K, a Set forth ill said foreiroing report, the sura of one thous two hundred and eighty-four dollars and seventy-one cents, leaving a net balance of, five thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars and thirty-two cents due to the snld county of Elk from the said treasurer. Also, due from the said treasurer to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania the sum of four dollars and twenty-two cents, as is full et fourth in the foregoing report. In witness whereof, we have hereunto, set our hands this ittth day of January, A. D is iU. J. J. TAYLOR. 1 CHARLES MILLER. J-Co. Aud'rs. Attest M. 8. Kline, clerk. The Commissioners of Elk county in account with said county for the, year ending January 1, 1879. Michael Weiderl. To county orders received 175 00 By 68 1-8 days' service, $3 W. H. Osterhout. To county orders received By 41 days' service, $3 Oeoro'e' 8eucher. To county orders received By 57 days' service, $3' D. C. Oyster. Esq.. High Sheriff of EH county, in account with said county ior tne year enoing jan. o, isy. To lines and costs collected in commonwealth cases 600 39 jury fees reed in civil cases 44 00 county orders received for fees and boarding prisoners 1,046 19 $1,689 68 931 91 413 28 75 00 125 00 68 75 19 60 100 300 8 45 6 00 100 460 By Jail account for boarding aiui wasning ior prisoners up to January 1, 1879, serving jurors, May, Sept. and 2sTov. terms, 1878, und January term, 1879 conveying 1'at, Simmer line to penitentiajy conveyinir Goodman and Dailey to penitentiary iees iu criminal cases fees on commitments execut'g attachment, com monwealth vs Simmerline serving sub comth vs. W. 75 iiitumett, jr serv paprs com v. A. Chase drawing 6 juries dur 1878 pub. electn proclamation serving notices in matter of Frank Kenig, lunatic serv. papers for rev. of road from Benezette to A.V.R. serv sci. fa. judgment of county vs. Overholtzer serving bench warrant, commonwealth vs. Coffee fur. 2 pair blankets for jail fur. 2 coverlets for jail cash paid for reng shackles 8 days, filling jury wheel for 1879 40 29 7 20 60 9 50 800 400 1 75 760 1,679 84 9 74 73 42 72 14 22 64 40 98 14 balance due sheriff $1,689 68 Wo. the undersigned, auditors nt viir 22 county for the year 1879, having met at the cuiiuiiiBBiuuerif- ouice in tuugway, in said county, on the first Monday in January. A. D. 1879. being tiie sixth dav of tK mnnth for the purpose of auditing, settling and ad " Justing the accounts of tbe several county I nflt . u' a niliiiti.narf .a rf.. 1 . " 22 7th, 1879. at which time we proceeded to audit, settle and adjust the accounts of the several county officers, as set forth iu this uur repurt. Daniel C. Oyster, Esq., high sherlffof said county, was present in person and preen ted utM account. , After carefully examining, auditing, set tling and adjusting his accounts, we found due to said sherllf, from the said county of cm, uu nuiu oi nine dollars ana seventy four cents, which sam we hereby certify to be true and correct, as set forth Id the foregoing statement. la witness whereof, we have hereunto set our bands tbe 2t4th dav of January. A. - 187U. 3 s J. J. TAY1X)R. ) CIIARLK8 MILLER, Co. Aud'r. J. M. MECVM. Attest-M. B. Kline, Clerk. .3 The Commissioners of the Kane Ridg 51 way ana St. Mary's state Koaa, in account with tbe funds of said road for the year ending Jan. 27, 1879. To bal. due fund last setmt 8,10711 amt reed fm Elk co treas 9,278 40- auit reed from M'Kean co treas 1,500 Off lilt RAA K1 By amt paid Tbos. L. Kane ior worn in sergeant tp 718 21 amt pd Geo. D. Messenger, jr., for work in Kidgwy tp 1,654 95 amt paid Wilcox tanning co. for work in Sergeant tp 1,203 83 amt paid Wilcox tanning co. for work in Jones tp. 2,921 82? amt paid John Nagle for work in Jones township 83 86 amt pd J. Doland for work in Jones township go amt paid W. 8. Horton, general fund 5 oq. amt paid J. L. Brown, general fund 10 00 amt paid John Ernhout, commissioner Jones tp 172 00 .5S - ? a re j 175 00 175 00 175 00 128 00 123 00. 128 00 123 00 171 W 17100 17100 171 00
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers