COSCERXIXU SOME AREAS. Imrrrstlna Utocrnnlilrnl Infnrmntloa net fJuKaVH II Si km. There is grent iguorauee in America respecting the area of onr country, say a ow lurn i-iii-rr, x. w no mnrvei, therefore, that Europeans should so often make mistakes on this subject. Like want of precise and correct infor- ujiuiuu is muniiem m iuib country re specting Europe, particularly Great 1 tri t n i n orwl I rti arA Him HuHaM " u ...... u . va. ivmioiD TV 111, we donbt not, be pleased to see the matter oorrecuy staiea. Ltei us begin with North Britain : Sootland, Including the Hebrides, Ork- M"' nSTB and Other adtsoent l.lanrla. haa an area of S 9,683 This Is larger than the whole state of South Carolina, which bas 99.888 It im Ismm XT . ... . , ' " B 1 nju j.vw nauiiiBiure, "fir. rnont. Massachnaette and Rhode Ta. land, whose united area la 29.898 It la mnM Hon .1 - , . . 1 ...... i iiuiraan large as me State of Connecticut. And It la Tery considerably larger than the nnited area of Maryland, District of Colam bia, Delaware, New Jerapy, Connecti cut and Rhode Island, which reaches the aum of 27,f04 Ireland haa an area of 83,518 This la larger than the united area of New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut, which ia 81,168 It la larger than the united area of Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey and Vermont, which Is 81,776 It la nearly aa large aa the State of Indi- ana. which Is 83,809 Enaland and Wales contain 88,220 Thie is larger than the State of Georgia, which! 18,000 It la larger than Mlohlgan, which ia 50,248 v "fm msu id.wj greater man i-enn-aylvania, which la It la more than 11,000 greater than New York, which I It la more thau8,UOO greater than the united area of Maryland, Dela ware, New Jerapy, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont and New Hampshire, which la Ireland and (treat Britain united have an area ol This ia more than 4,000 larger than all New EDgland, New Jersey, Dela ware, Maryland and South Carolina, whose untied area Is It ia more than 2,000 larger than all New York, New Jersey. Pennsylvania, Delaware and Maryland, which la And yet Great Britain and Ireland united 48,000 47,000 84,138 120,316 116,987 117,808 " " vuuiuu uuc-uiu iue area VI New Mexico, which ia 248 063 And Is not by 6,000 as large as Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, whose united srea i 127.170 Omitting Alaska, the United States owns on this continent... 3,913,601 But the British possessions In North America amount to 8,691.8 0 And the whole British empire, exclusive of Transvaal, Fiji, etc, embrace 7,684,614 So that the British empire controls nearly thrice as large an area as the United States if we leave ont Alaska and more than twice as large an area if we include Alaska. Missouri is by more than 2,000 square miles larger than all New England. London has a larger population than the whole State of New From these figures it is easy to show what will be the population of the United States or of the British empire when their possessions shall have 100, or 200, or 300, or 400 souls to the square mile. It may interest our readers and lead them to further calculations for them selves to see the area in square miles of our several States and Territories. We append it for their nse : Maine, 31,760 ; New Hampshire, 9,280 ; Vermont, 10,212 ; Massachusetts, 7,800 ; Rhode Island, 1,306 ; Connecti cut, 4,674 ; New York, 47,000 ; New Jersey, 8,320; Pennsylvania, 46,000; Delaware, 2,120; Maryland, 11,124: District of Columbia, 60 ; Virginia and West Virginia, 61,852 ; North Carolina, 50,704; South Carolina, 29,885 ; Geor gia, 58,000 ; Florida, 59,208 ; Alabama, 50,722 ; Mississippi, 47,156 ; Louisiana, 41,255 ; Texas, 237,504 ; Arkansas, 52, 198 ; Tennessee, 45,600 ; Kentucky, 37, 680 ; Ohio, 39,964 ; Michigan, 56,243 ; Indiana, 33,809; Illinois, 55,405 ; Wis consin. 53,924 ; Iowa, 50,914 ; Minneso ta, 95,204 ; Missouri, 67,380 ; California, 188,981 ; Oregon. 102,606 ; Kansas, 78,- 418 ; .Nebraska, 122,007 ; New Mexico, 243,063; Utah, 128,835; Washington Territory, 176.141 ; Nevada, 45,812 ; Colorado, 105,818 ; Dakota, 818,128. Bismarck as An Eater and Drinker, The London Times, in giving extracts from Dr. Busch's book on Bismarck, furnishes the following summary of the accounts of some of his personal adven tures: " The personal inoidents recorded in the book are numberless. From his student days he has had no end of duels. He has beaten topers in beer-houses with such a glorious sense of manly ela tion that he takes two pages to recount his victory twenty-five years afterward. He has been over and over again in peril of his life, from the old Russian days when a sentinel offered to shoot him, to the entry into Paris, where a tierce-looking individual was disarmed by the prince coolly asking him for a light. He has jumped over abysses in the Alps, with a fair bnrden in his arms; he walks about alone at night in Ver sailles, revolver in pocket, ready to kill and die; and, to excel his neighbors in everything, does not scruple to tell us that he is the most accomplished diplo matist of his age, so he can also chal lenge assembled humanity to outdo him in point of drink. So terrifio are his achievements in the potatory line that one dreadful day King William IV., happening to witness his libations, had recourse to his sovereign word of com mand to forbid further display. Then, as regards eating, who can compare with the chancellor in point of discernment and receptiveness ? When the crown prince dines with the broad-shouldered chief of the foreign office in the camp before Paris, his imperial highness is astonished at the dainties served up and the rotundity of all his officials present. ' This,' explains the complacent Bis marck, ' is due to donations we get from fatherland. The German nation is de termined to have a corpulent chancellor.' To which the crown prince replies: Bucher is the only lean specimen here; I dare say he has not been with you long. " Columns might be filled with the culinary knowledge displayed in the memorable work before us. The in telligent prince dilates upon every im aginable variety of fish contained in ocean or river. He lays down the law upon crabs and lobsters, discourses freely upon eggs, and claims the honor of being a heaven-sent benefactor to Aix la Chapelle, having taught the benight ed citizens how to fry oysters. His dis crimination in cheese is perfectly won derful. He can hold forth by the hour upon wine, and on dire occasion, spirits becoming scarce in the tents, causes a desperate appeal to be telegraphed home as to the strong need of a supply of gin incontinently. Always good natured after dinner, he threatens cor poral punishment to the steward of Baron Rothschild for refusing to bring forth wine for the king when every bot tle is paid for. Nay, albeit a loyal sub ject, he allows the tumor to circulate un contradicted that he has killed a brace of pheasants in M. Rothschild's park, contrary to the express prohibition of his sovereign. His excuse, it appears, is the paramount duty of self-preservation, the winged victims having been the flr6t to begin the affray." Ingratitude is almost criminal, and yet there ia everything to admire in gratitude. FOR THE FAIR SEX. News hi Note for Women. One lady still remains at Judge Hil ton's hotel in New York for the original price of $7 a week. MissOrace C. Bibb has been appoint ed a member of the faculty of the State university, at Columbus, Mo., at a salary of 82,000. ' Miss Sarah H. Leggett, of Brooklyn, N. Y., has opened a home for young women, where, for four dollars a week, they enjoy the social life of a family. The crown princess of Prussia is a sensible woman. When she visits an exhibition she goes in a simple black silk gown, with a straw hat with black band and a vail. A writer of fashions observes that the head-dresses of ladies among the Greeks didn't destroy the contour of their heads. The dressings of the hair of some of the modern girls have a decided tendency that way. Fists and other designs applied to the heads produce awkward bumps. Miss Maxwell Graham, an anoient and somewhat eocentrio maiden of Eng land, has left one hundred thousand dol lars to four charitable societies, where with to relieve poor Protestants who are named Hutchinson or Maxwell, and to eduoate their children. . The French government, during the summer, sent the school teachers, com- ?osed largely of ladies, to visit the aris exposition, and paid their expenses for them. They went in batches of one thousand at a time, holding conferences in the morning and then dividing into parties to visit different points and study systematically. Misses Boxanna and Elizabeth Lowd, sisters, and Miss Elizabeth Whitcomb. are farmers in Warner, N. H., who own and work profitable a farm of one hnn- dred and sixty acres. They superin tend personally the farm work, do not hesitate even to take hold of a sevthe. hoe and plow, and are seen almost every day in the field hard at work. Miss Louise McLouehlin. whom the Cincinnati Commercial describes as a young Cincinnati lady, slender, with large eyes and a delicate, bright face a peculiarly American face, full of in tellect and refinement has discovered the famous process of nnderglaze paint ing pottery, which, if not the identical Haviland process, is one so similar that it appears to produce the same effect. The Commercial wonders, in view of that city's having almost everything else, why it should not have a famous art pot tery. Woolen Multa. Short suits of woolen goods trimmed are the accepted street costume for the win ter. Now that fashions are settled definite ly, India cashmeres and clothes of solid color are found to be most popular. They are combined with embossed vel vet, moire satin, and striped goods that are partly velvet and partly satin ; some times a third fabric is added for facings. Silk of inexpensive quality is used for the foundation skirt, to prevent trie cos tume being two heavy, but the silk is seldom seen, as the flounces are usually of wool. There are, however, stylish plans of making wool costumes iu which silk plays a conspicuous part, viz., when three deep flounces are put on the back part of dresses with apron drapery, and in the revers polonaises that turn back from the front and disclose two or three flounces of silk on the front breadths. Such polonaises are called the Trianon, and their jaunty shape is an excellent design for remodeling the princess polonaises of last season. To do this the side seams of the skirt are ripped open as far up as the hips ; the fronts are then cut off short enough to dispense with any cross-way folds, and turned back in a broad three-cornered revers to the middle seam, leaving the buttoned part below the waist about as long as a plain cuirass basque. The revers is then cov ered on the outside with silk, satin or moire, and the side seams are sewed again, leaving all the length possible in the back to be bunched up in bouffant drapery by means of several tapes. The lower skirt worn with this polonaise re quires deep trimming -on the front breadths, such as very narrow kilt-plaiting beginning so high that the top is hidden under the short front of the polonaise ; this plaiting is usually cf the wool of the polonaise. When some thing more dressy is required, three plaited flounces of silk cover the front breadths. This suit has been prettily made in dark blue ladies' cloth, with revers and flounces of blue silk with tiny polka dots of white. A vest of the silk may be laid on the front, or else a wide belt may be sewed in the side seams under the arms. The reverse of this, with the plaited flounces behind, is also very fashionable; but care is required that the flounces be very full and well lapped, and that they do not extend too far forward on the sides. Ladies who prefer black suits use camel's-hair and embossed velvet to gether, and pipe them with satin. The vest is of the velvet, and the camel's hair basque is doublo-breasted, and but tons across it. For cloth short suits seal brown is the favorite color, and is very handsome with either striped or em bossed velvet. For dressy suits the overskirt is made on the lower one, and in many parts of the dress is the only skirt over the foundation ; this does away with the great weight. The plainer cloth suits are merely long round over-skirts and basques that may be worn with any black silk or velvet skirt. Young ladies wear garnet cloth or camel's-hair suits that have many pipings of satiq of the same color, or else the striped velvet forms trimming. Plaited wool flounces are often made more dressy by a bias band of satin an inoh wide laid on an inch above the lower edge of the flounce. The gray suits most worn are of the checked suit ings or cloth mixtures such as gentle men have lately worn ; these are simply made, and their only ornament is rows of stitching and large smoked pearl buttons. A few more dressy gray suits are enlivened by garniture of maroon velvet. It is. however, a matter of comment that few somber-colored cos tumes are worn at present ; garnet of a very dark rich shade, myrtle green, duok-breast blue, and very red-tinted seal brown are the colors most used in euits ; navy blue and gray have in a measure lost favor as complete suits, though often used in combinations. Bazar. Two gentlemen who were passing a house in Worcester, Mass., recently, were attracted by a large Newfoundland dog which kept running toward them, and then returning in the direction of a pond in the grove, where something was evi dently wrong. They followed the dog to the pond, where they found another dog in the water and unable to get out. His front paws were on the curbstone, but he could not get sufficient hold to draw himself up. He wan nearly ex hausted, and would probably have been drowned had not the gentlemen assisted him. The dogs showed their gratitude in unmistakable signs. An Indignant Head and Neck. A most extraordinary sensation haa occurred in the American colony of Lon don, writes a correspondent from the British metropolis. A young lady from Philadelphia was walking down Regent street with the mother and sister of ?onng gentleman of rank, when the at ention of all three was attracted by some photographs of notable people and others exposed in a window, and they drew up to look at them. Fancy the astonishment of the American girl on seeing her own photograph exposed there among the others, but in the most amazing shape it is possible to conceive. Her head, her face, the arrangement of her hair, the turn of her neck, it was impossible to mistake ; and yet, there she was, almost as nndraped aa the Venus de Medici in fact, got up in tights and fleshings and labeled " Ma zeppa I" " What can this mean ?" she cried to the elderly lady, her lips blanched with shame and terror. I really cannot tell you," replied Lady Disdain, with steel-hard eyes and icy voice. " You perhaps can tell us whether on any occasion in America you were in the habit of appearing in this dress?" " Oh, what do you mean to insinuate," uttered the poor girl. Do you think I ever stood as Mazeppaf Oh, how cruel of you to speak so." "It is certainly your portrait," added the other lady. By this time one or two bystanders had drawn up to the window, and notic ing the likeness were nudging each other. " It is some coincidence of course: cannot be meant for me. " " You had better take a cab and sro home and tell your father about it," said the lady, still with her frigid man ner. " My daughter and I have some calls to make." - In a half-dazed state of mind the young Philadelphian drove home and told her father of what had happened. To get back to that shep, to have that photograph out of that window, to de mand an explanation of the stationer. was not the work of many minutes for the enraged father. But, though it was easy enough to demand an explanation, it was not so easy to get one, Suspioion falls upon the servants in the house, one of whom might easily have abstracted a photo out of a package of them, which has been kept hitherto in an unlocked drawer of the young lady's writing desk. Of course, it is a " cooked " picture ; only the head and neck of the American lady s photograph, the rest that of some one else, and together the picture rep resents one of the most beautiful women it is possible to conceive. The matter has caused so much indignation and so much comment that it is not impossible it may check: the mania now so preva lent among society beauties for bavins themselves photographed for sale at a shilling a carte de visile. Greeley's Trouble With His Shirts. One winter Mrs. Greeley went to the West Indies for her health, and the fol lowing spring she sent for her husband to come after her and bring her home to New York. Now, if there was one thins; the old man hated, it was the sea. The very smell of salt water made him sick. But nevertheless he obeyed his wife's call, as he was accustomed to obey her every whim. In due time they got' back to Gotham, and that morning Mr. Sin clair received word that Greeley was not feeling well, owing to his voyage, and had decided to stay at home for the day. in the evening smcifiir was going to Washington on business, and so, valise in hand, he called at Greeley's house an hour or two before the train was to start. He found the old man in bed. and actu ally very ill, having suffered terribly from sea-sickness all the way out and all hi way back. He was alone, the other members of the family being ill or away from home, and so Sinclair determined to pass the night with him, giving up for that time his trip to the capital. "Sinclair," said he in that querulous whine of his, " I'm as naked as the day I was born. My trunks haven't arrived yet, and I haven't got a night-gown." " But why not wear this r pointing to the garment he had taken off before get ting into bed. ' ' Oh, I expect to be out to-morrow, and I want that to wear then. How would it look after I'd slept in it ?" Well, in due time his luggage arrived, and Sinclair made a bolt for the article be wanted. After some rummaging he found it, and helped the old man to put it on. It was speedily fastened at the neck, and the nurse took up one of the wrists and tried to button it. There, however, he stuck fast. The ends wouldn't meet by fully two incnes. He tugged and twisted to his utmost, but it was no go. Still, as the patient said nothing, he supposed it ought to be fastened, and redoubled his efforts for that purpose. For about twenty minutes he labored without success. Then he said : " This is a failure. It won't fasten." "No," replied Greeley, with exasper ating calmness, " I knew it wouldn't. The fact is, I never could button the thing myself. But you seemed to enjoy it, so I didn't disturb you." lie lay DacK on tue pillows lor a few moments, as if thinking deeply, and then, sitting bolt upright, he brought his fist down upon the quut and ex claimed : " If ever Mormonism works as far east as this, I'll be blamed it I don't have one wife to take care of my shirts t" Chicago Tribune. Disturbed by an Earthquake. The newspapers long ago had their laugh over the deaf old lady who said " Come in " when the third shock of an earthquake had roused her just enough to fancy that "somebody rapped." Speaking of the late earthquake felt in Westphalia, a correspondent of the Katholishes Volksblad writes: Some ot the effects of the earthquake were very laughable. A government official, as he went through his house on a tour of inspection after the first shock, found one of the maid-servants lying on the floor. She had a broomstiok in her hand, and was groping about with it under the kitohen cupboard to strike that " horri ble oat," which, while she was in the sitting-room, had been rattling among the dishes. She did not and any cat, The rattling had been caused by the earthquake.. An old man stood writing at his desk in his somewhat riokety house when the shock began. A orackling sound was heard through the house, and the walla appeared to tremble. At the same in stant he heard a loud knocking at the door. He hastily tore open the window, and saw a beggar standing at his door. " Stop shaking my house I Now you'll sret nothing at uu V he exclaimed; ana it was the work of an instant to slam down the window angrily, as a rebuke for such wickedness. In peace there's nothing so becomes a man as modest stillness and humility, unless be is engaged in the life insurance or some analogous business. Near New Madrid, on the Mississippi river, is a region known as the " Sunk en Country." In 1811 there was a ter rible earthquake, whioh had its head quarters at New Madrid, It shook the ground for weeks for three hundred miles, from the mouth of the Ohio to the river St. Francis. Humboldt and Lyell both describe the event, and state that the " Sunken Country " is about eighty miles by thirty. The Utioa Observer truthfully re marks, when a printer sets on a poem it is bound to be printed, but when an editor sets on a poem it will never be irinted. . A Problem I.ona Miner, HoWed. How to remedy those proliHo causes of dis ease, an Impoverished circulation and an im paired digestion, waa a problem the solution of whioh had often baffled medical (kill, but whioh wag solved over a quarter of a century go by the introduction of Hoatetter'a Stom ach Bitters to publio and professional notice. Since that time, whioh may well be said to have initiated a new epoch in the history of medioine, the remedy and preventive referred to has obtained a foothold in the confidence of the Amerioan people that each succeeding year has only served to strengthen. It is re cognized throughout the Union as a tonio of the first order, a remedy for and snre means of preventing fever and ague, and disorders of the stomach and bowels ; as a reliable means of reforming a disordered state of the liver and of counteracting a tendency to rheuma tism, gout, nrinarv and uterine disorders. Dr. It. V, Pierce, of Buffalo, N. Y., the pro prietor of Dr. Pieroe's Family Medicines, and also of the Invalids' and Tourists' Hotel, of that city, has recently been elected to Congress by the very Battering majority of nearly 8,000. He has already served bis oonBtitnency as State Senator, and this renewed indorsement signi fies that his services have been highly satisfac tory. His extensive practice in the treatment of Chronic Diseases will not, we are informed, be neglected or Buffer in the least when the time arrives for him to take his seat in Con gress, it being intrusted to his brother and other experienced medical gentlemen who have long been associated with the Doctor in the Medical Department of bis celebrated World's Dispensary and Invalids' Hotel. Besides, as the Forty-Bixth Congress does not convene until December, 1879, Dr. Pieroe's patients will not lose bis personal attention for some months yet Slop Diinklna; Vlnennr. How many young women who have inherited predisposition to embonnoint have ruined their health by drinking vinegar to reduce their lorms to graceful proportions. Allan s Anti Fat is absolutely harmless. It promotes diges tion, and accomplishes its work simply by pre venting an undue assimilation of the fatty ingredients of the food. Excessive fatness is a vexations bnrden, and there is no longer any excuse for enduring it, since Allan's Anti-Fat is an effectual remedy for this abnormal con dition. Colorado Springs. Col.. Jnlv 15lh. 1R7S. Botanic Medicine Co., Buffalo, N. Y. : Gentlemen I lost three pounds while taking jours truly, Mrs. M. B. MYER3. A speedy qnietus is given to a hackinsr conch by that inestimable Bpeciflo for pulmonary, throat and bronchial complaints, Hall's Balsam for the Long), which cares consumption, bronchitis, pneumonia, pleurisy, labored breathing and other disorders of the respiratory organs. Whei a cough manifests Itself, the early use of this beneficent medicine is earnestly recommended, as the difficulty is more easily overcome in its incipient stage than later on. Sold by all druggists. For throat diseases and affections of the chest, " Brown's Bronchial Troches" are of value. For oougLs, irritation of the throat caused by cold, or unusual exertion of the vocal organs, in speaking in publio, or singing, they produce beneficial results. OHEW The Celebrated "Matohuss" Wood Tag Hug Tobaooo. Tbi Pioneeb Tobaooo Oohpakt, New York, Boston, and tihioago. For npwards of thirty years Mrs. WIN8LOW8 SOOTHING 8YROP has been nsod for children with never-failine success. It corrects aciditv of the stomach, relieves wind oolio, regnlat the bowels, cures dysentery and diarrhaa, whether arising from teething or other oaneer. An 01a ana weu-tnea remeay. cts. a bottle. Plmnlnu Freckles, mitt. The most wonderful discovery yet known. Mrs. r. L. K. Shaw's Moth and Freckle Lotion. May be bad of your druecrist. Price onlv $1.00. For particulars, address Mrs. Dr. L. K. Shaw, 140 East 28th Street, New York. Mrs. snaw s Layer fin. uen in me world. Valuable information Johnson's Anodyne .Liniment will positively prevent dipntnena. that most to be dreaded of all dreadful dis eases. Don't delay a moment ; prevention is better than cure, jno ramiiy snouia be with out the Anodyne in the house. Dealers will, of course, often recommend an organ as best because they have it to sell, or can make more on it. But it has been demon strated at all world's expositions for twelve years that those made by the Mason & Hamlin U.-gan do. excel all others. To partially atone for our many sins during the year now closing we wish to expose a f rand. We refer to the large packs of horse and cattle powders now sold. Sheridan's are absolutely pnre and immensely valuable. This statement is true. Hon. O. B. Parsons, mayor of Rochester, was radically cured of Bright' Disease by Craig's Kidney Cure. vepot vt university VI., ri. X To cleanse and whiten the teeth, to sweeten the breath, use Brown's Camphorated Sapona- oeous Dentifrice, xwenty-nve cents a bottle, Chew Jackson's Bast Sweet Navy Tobaooo. The Markets. HCW TOBK. Beef Cattle Native 06V(A 10 Texas and Cherokee... (rj(4 09 Milch Cows 45 00 mo 00 Hoga: Live 0) 9 03 Dressed 0i'i Hheen ot (4 o Lamba 0IVO 0 V Cotton: Middling 09H( 09. H Flour : Western : ooou to uuoioe.. sis () B DO State. Fair 10 Choice....-0J 9 6 56 Wheat : Red No. 1 Bed 1 0 VQ 1 0) White State 1 10 A 1 i Rye: 8tate 83j Barley: Bute TJ 9 11 Barlev Halt 1 25 ft 1 81 Oata: Mixed Western iH9 SIX Corn: Mixed Western Ungraded... Dig 41 Bay, perewt 46 A 47 X Htraw, per cwt o (A au Hops 76's 08 316 768 03 C4 18 Fork : Fainilv Mesa 1 50 6 T 60 Lard: City Steam .C6.0:A .60.00 Fish: Mackerel, No. 1, uw..., ou ewoo " No. 3, new 1 00 a T 60 Dry Cod, per cwt 8 75 9 4 60 Herring, Scaled, per box il a U retroieum : uruae.......uin5U3Knennea Wool California Fleece 32 Texas Fleece 20 S5 36 41 14 1' Australian Fleeoe... State XX Butter State Creamery,... Dairy Western Creamery 82 li 16 11 08 06 0) 06 21 19J 23 li 0) Factory.. ...... Cheese : State Factory , State Skimmed Western , Eggs : Btate and Fennsylvania., BUFFALO. Flour OS OH 2X ITS eT 41 !! 60 A (21 118 3 41 3 3 60 Wheat No. 1 Milwaukee.. Corn Oau. Mixed Barley Barlty Malt PHILADELPHIA. Flour Pennsylvania Extra. Wheat Red Western -, Bye..., Corn Yellow Hall Mixed 1ts Mixed to .3 0 1 10 3 1 20 4 IS 3 4 75 1 04X1e 1 06 61 3 68 4 3 48 44 3 24 3 (4 2 X Petroleum Crude.., 0107H Bedued, 0 X Texas g BOSTON, Beef Cattle.,....., ot 20 20 ueep , ( j q Hons...... wjurt ,04 M Flour Wisconsin and Mlnneaou.... 6 60 alio Corn Mixed. 61 3 Oata " , Wool Ohio and Pennsylvania XX..'. OalUornU Spring BJUOBTOM, MASS. Beef cattle 6V 82 84 18 06 32 3 84 3 12X3 04,3 04,3 04 3 063 BUeep Lambs ' Bogs 04V 06 W tlwayi Uke pleMnra la reoommending tMll ir nod article, flnoh tfl Vfcnderroort'i Flexible Gament. for itormtntr all water 1-ftaka everywhere. Ton oan render anything perfectly water-tight with a 60c or 75o. can of It. Bold by hardware and paint anpply store. Bend stump to Vandervoort, 116th at, New York, for oironlar. Agent wanted . IMPORTANT NOTIU Bo-Far tar. Frnnl- Mm And Othmwo pnrohaae bo Remed? aqaal to Dr. TOBIAS' VRIfPiTlAH I.fNtMVlfT tor the enre of Cholera, DtnrrhoBA. Dysentery. Croup. Oolie end Hntv slckness, takfia internally (H ta perfectly harm I mi ( ee oath accompanying MOh bottle) And externally for Ohronlo Rheumatism, Headache, Toothache, Sore Throat, Oof. Barns, Swellings Braises, Moftqnita Bite -Old Sores. Pains In Limbt, Back and Ghent. The KNKTIAN IjINIM KNT was lntrodtioed In 1H47. and no one who has nsed it bnt oontfnuee to do so. mani statin. If it was Ten Dollars a Bottle they would not be with on t It. Thousands of OertiHoatee oan be sewn at the Depot, speattinc of its wonderf nl onratiTe properties. Bold b7thDrnccistsat40eU Depot 4 Marray.Bt. w Ynrk. THE LIGHT RUNNING NEW HOME b tha Best. I.ittfat Improved, and moat Thar nahlT Constructed Sewing Machine ever Invented. It Is CKliiafiNCE than all otbsr Maabinaa eombinad. IW-AflENTK WANTED In loealltiM ben m are not rapreaented. OHNSON, CLARE & CO., 30 Union Square. New York. Ormnae, IMaaa., Plttnhurc, Pa., Chicago, III., Mt. J.ouln, mo, 7H0 WANTS A FARM WHERE FARMING PAYS THE BEST FOR SALE. 91111 nntl Acres Rich Farming OUtl.UUU I.ANDW. wall looatod in Miohtita?, ' at from !i to 88 per acre.onaaai term, of payment. Also. 9(1(1 nnil Acres of Choice Pine Ull U.U U U l'ANOSin brat Lumber Dlatrlcta VWW of iHlrhljwn. Bend (or Uluatratea rampniet, lull or raota. jB O. Itl. BARMEN, I.nnd 'omml.loner. I.nnelnn. ftllch. BOSTON TRANSCRIPT, Daily and Weekly. Quarto, BOSTON, MASS, The lWffMt. DheanMit and Bftst Family Rewvnanei In New Roffland. Edited with special reference to til varied tastes and requirement of the home oirole. w the foreign and local news published promptly. Dail Transcript, J 10 per an nam in adTanae. o copies io one aaareee,; 9 ,aj pei annum in advance, SEND FOR SAMPLE COPT. XMAS 'W0NDER BOX," ; Paper. 12 Envelope., 8 Rbeeta Colored Paper, 1 Lead Pen oil, 8 Pen., 1 Teit, 12 Oomio Card., 40 Shilbouettea, 36 Motto., 85 Pattern, for Fancr Work, 112 Decaloo mante. 131 Rmhosned Pictur-a, 50 Fancy Ore amen!., 1 Penbolder, 8 Book Mirk., 6 Black Tablet., 6 Picture Card., 9U Hcrap-Book Picture., 1 Xmaa Banner, 1 Game egeiwra,.! Am.. uaras, i 107 rnrafloi. by mail, 63 cts. Retail value, $1.45. Pnntagt ttampt taktn. J.JAY GOULD, IQBromfleld St ,Boton,Maa Price. arj. -:uOaNt Tiutow oia,u Bnt darn them. Robe's Nams Writing, Fancy Htitcbinq and Dauninq Attachment, oan b applied to any tewing machine, and with it the oper ator on easily darn stockings as well as table and bed linen. Rnnri for it. Room 4i Snn Building, Nmw York NEWSPAPERS and MAGAZINES at elnb rate.. Time, tronble and expense saved by .nb .onbinir throosh the Rooky Mountain! Subscription AKenoy, wnion rumisne. any paper (except tocaii pub lished in the United States. Musioal InHrumente, Bew ins Machines of all kinda, Ubromos, rritmee, newinf Machine Needles and Attachmente at .ednced prices. Rockv Mountain Stereoscopic Views a specialty. Don't fail to write at onoe for our oircnlara. Agents oan make Dig money. aanresa wini. win. N t N U 49 Cures Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, fUCCESSFUL FOLKS. W 1 Matthew Hale Smith's newbook 1000 Prominent pernoni men and women an It zed. Hte-t Port i STEWART, bf 'ortrntiit ni i. F.NNETT.Ktc. The A N l K K n 1 L i KI bad nation of the season. Now is the time for J AtOCWTC toseenre territory. Adrtreeafor mw-i sj atrency circulars and terms. American fi;bj,iiii;m r . tlartfordi Conn. MASON & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. HrnonrraUl 6;f bu HIGHEST HONORS AT ALL WORLD'S EXPOSITIONS OR TWRLVE YKARS. ri.: tt Pahis, lKt.7; Vienna, 1h73; Santiago, 1876; Philadelphia, 17 ti , Paris, m 8; and Grand Swedish 'Jo ld MkpaL, 1k7H Only American Orleans ever aw.rdrHl hiitheft honors at ny such. S Id fur cash or lastuirnvnt-. JuxsinATru UATiwa nmi ircn Lire will nw nt ! Mid nriirt, eM 'r. MASON A i AM LIN ORGAN CO , B-mt n, New York or Ohi o Is used from Maine to San Francisco, brinsing with it r w iuM.uj muiuers. nuuLtiiun at uu. on every EMBOSSED PICTURES For DeOor&tlnJT And Vtnnt Wnt-b Kinul imnnrt. d, including Flowers, Birdo, Heads, Leaves, Insects, ifturva, Ao. 7 sheets for 8uo., 13 for bOc., an or for $1 UU. Catalogue of loo.) sheets. So. Agent wanted. Stamps a? . vjoun nireet. Boston, aiaas PIANOS '4 b I 400-faotory nrl highest honors Mat hushek's soale TOT tflniriat..nnMt nnnahla (a Mnmnw-oTw u,wu in nse rcuier i y incorporate,? Mf'g Oo. Pianos sent on trial--49-pa;e eitaiora free. Mendelssohn Piano Co., SI H 15th Street, N. Y. TEAS! 6 lbs. Best Sample Tea, $1 60; 6 lbs. Very ceac new urop Tea (green or Diaca), ia. Bent in packages of 6 lbs. and npward to any address on receipt ef price. ice. Uirculara mailed free. pirifct, new x un. rwHimcn uoi o;a. Agenie wnma. AGENTS, READ THIS We witf DAT Asenta a Salary of ft 100 oer month aiiH eipeiuea. or allow a .arge commission to aell our new ana wojiaenut inventions, n mean wAai we say. Dtftiuyta iivo. auure ; WHEFJIAN fc CO., Marshall, Mich riOHUINATlUN Dinner. H'kPu unit Hat. Icu piaoas, M 1 4. fine Knurared Goblets Tfo a doa. iTori-handled Table Knives, tttia doa. Houaa r urnisblog complete. Goods baaed free. 60-paga Prioa ina. nnnaiura. uooDer innitate. n. x. oit. TO THE From htrnrlrt Fever. iHeHalra.Ria. DEAR 11 ran in k means 01 sen-core (no aninotal drum humbug) aeni .. on nceint of address and tump. Da. CAMPttKLL, iu uuidkhw Avenue, new xora A tlOots. Retailers supplied by an. Wholesale Notion House in the United Htates. Send (or circulars. Manu. V 1 "V H Pitlanl U.lKl!l....l M.mnl. U T7VKHY PABTlTlWrprTJie K A W XZi tiled with uaiu xi.iv u our New in m-i'iavi win out smooxn ana true, roce 12.MI. 1J Bstrated ciroular free. K. Roth A Bro..Kew Oilord.Pa Hurercllei VinncD'e daotii i cc rrtwou.aaiiu iMuuL.11 o rno i illlo by malt tttowel'-1 Ja H 'liirlaalAu... $10 to $1000 invested in Wall St. Stooks makei 1 on unas every noma, nook sen fnui am ainin Mvnrvt hinar Adrtreea BAXTER k OO., Bankers. IT Wall tft I T VOUNC MENVWiWi month. Small salary while learning. Situation fur. nished. Address R.Valentine, Manager, Janesville.Wia, $7 A 1AY to Agents oanvaeaingfor tile firealel VlflUar. Terma and Outnt Free. Addreu P. O. VK1KRRT. Angnst. Mitas f M af lluure Mueleal Inetrurilon $15 I AWS New Kngland Oonservetory, Musio K 1 1 1 1 u . d rr i' . all, Boston. B. Tourjee, Director. $350 A MONTH Areola M'anted-UU fce.l selling aruoiea in me worm ; one aample re aaarese iiAi owinaun, ueuoit, Alloa, A Tr m vho with te take up V. B. L.b1. worth sis. OS per sere, flUU , .ndoao,ndllllb.l price. Send ll.os lor area. Inf. F. l.throp bltltlh, Burv.yor, belt Lafc., pub Ty. Camnlkien hi ft 111 f nra Ananle Men and JUliiGlimiu 11c it iui nubiua worn wanted in eTerr rillac. address Box TSS. New Yora BIG PAY.-WithStenotlOattlU. What ooata oU. aella rapidly tor 50 ota. Catalogue fr B.M.bUNOIB.i 1 1 Waali'n Bt, Boston Jbtasi OPIUM llRbIt Sc, HUln Dlaeaete. Toon ands cured. Lowest rrioea. Do not lal' to writ. Dr.F.B Merab.Quinoj.Miott aTKW and Beaatitui Photograph Oerd. witn Kama W AimDlW HO. Mwnuiwai. .. ... " afiw Year A Vlelllna l arda. tiend ot. stain N for samples. J. MINKLkH A JU.. Hasaau. M r' lAKO Prlnirra, bur Blant Oarda ! A l?o.. Oard MTn, Harruburg. Pa. Blank Uarda from Johnston Dena lor List, .-..ernrl fmllC IIA1K RKMOVEp. Oircular aUrCr.ri.UUU free. B. V. UPUAM. PhUad' I. AM. RALI.W. Traps, AcPrloa list rrea. Ad IT drua Great Western Qua woras, nuaourg, r, Li C IS Gentle " Women Wli.) want glossy, luxuriant and wavy tresses of abundant, beautiful Hair must use LION'S KATIIAIR0N. This clpcaut, cheap article always makes llio Hair prow freely and fust, keeps it from falling out, arrests and enres gray ness, removes dandruff and itching, makes the Hair strong, giving it a. curling tendency and keeping it in any desired position. Beau tiful, healthy Hair is the sure result of using Kathairon. established lh.73. i Gargling Oil Liniment "ellow Wrapper for Animal and White for Human Flesh, is good roa Bum, and Srald. c:nr.i.. .mj n-,,:... Chilblains, Frost Bites.StringnaK, Windga'lls. Scratches or Grease, Foot Rot in Sheep, v.nijnij a.Miiiroa Foundered Feet. riesn wounds. External Poisons, Roup in Poultry, Cracked Heel,, Epizootic, Lame Back, Hemorrhoids or Piles, Toothache, Rheumatism, Spavins, Sweeney, Fistula, Mange, Caked Breasts, Sore Nipples, Curb, Ola Sores, Corns, Whitlows, Cramps, Boils, Weakness of the Joints Contraction of Muscles. Galls of all kinds, Sitfast, Ringbone, Sana uracKS. roil u.vii, t Swellings, Tumors, Gareet In Cows. Cracked Teats, Callous, Lameness. Crownscab, Guittor, Foul Ulcers, Farcy, Abcess of the Udder. Swelled Legs, Thrush, Merrhant's Oanrllna' Oil Is the standard Liniment of the United State.. Lnro-e size. 1; medium, 50c; small, ace. Small size for family use, ,5c. Manufactured at Lockport, N. V., by Merchant's Gargling Oil Company. JOHS nOPGE. Set?. THE SMITH ORGAN 11 First Established t Most SuccessfuM THEIR rXSTRUMENTS have a standnr vnluu iu ull the LEADING MARKETS OP THE WORLD I Everywhere recosnlied as tho FIN US r IN TONK. OVER 80,000 Made and In use. New Designs Uest work and lowest prices. . J&i Scud for a Catalogue. Tremont St., cpp. Waltho St Boston, Kasr CURED FREE! An infallible and nnezoelled remedy Ki Kiln, Kpilemy or KitllliiR Nlrkuc WHrranird to effeot a speedy and WHrrniif rd ITS ANKMT care. A fr bottle" of nu renowned spocitio and a vitlnabM Trc atise sent to any sufferer sending me hir P. O. and Kinross addreaa. H. O. ROOT, 183 Pearl Street, New York. Kor lien ii ty or I'oIIhIi. Having Lnbori C'lcon lincan, llmnhility A tjhpnimtw lincgnnlcd TEAS! AHEAD Af.I,Tll.vTIrtIF The very beet goods direct irom tue im norterfl m.t Hit If thm asnal oot Dest pi m ver ff traa to Olob Agents and laree buyers, .New terms fc'RKR, TheGreatAmericanTeaCompany, ii unci s . vcary nireeiy new Torn. P. O. Box 4 215 THE GREAT ALLEN'S LUNG BALSAM REMEDY ajoiiann, union, nnnuuiifi ion. Aeilimn. Bronrlilila. nnd nil FOR CURING Throat nnd I. una Aiiecnona. Inilorxpil bT the PreaD nnd Pliyalr.lnna. Taken dt lliou " SOLD EVKRYWPERB.M The Great? family lfeekfy. fHE CHRISTIAN UNION. I1KNRY WARD REECHERkt vrfirn. Ij Y.MAN ABBOTT, ( E"lor AnTJnsectariaiijIndependent Journal, Devoted to Religion, Morals, Reform, News, Liter tura, tiousenoia natters, Agriculture, ao. A larse e&tih oommiaaiun nad to uenta. Send 3-cent ma uer nil nu in. nooiMS Drrunia. stamp for sample onpy. Addrens rnnunHiHri&n uniuw,K7 rarg nace, . if , MOLLER'S TaV COD-LIVER Oil Prnnnnnced the beet bv the high eet medical authorltieRin the world. Oiven hiKhest award at 1 World's ExTKflitlonB, nnd at k'ane, 187. oia ny uruKKiBts. v. II. ptrnieiieiin iv toM n x The Antidote to Alcohol Found hi Iiiet THE FATHER MATHEW REMEDY Is a certain and sneedr oure for intemoerance. It de. stroys all appetite for aloobolio liquors and builds up the nervous system. After a debauch, or uny Intempernie Indulnence, a dingle teanpoon- i win remove uu iiieiiiiti ami iinvHiem e PHMion. It also cures everr kind of Kevkr. Dyh- pepsia and Torpidity or the Livrb. Hold b a.11 drtiKRiHta. Ml per bottle. Pamphlet on M Aioohol. tta KtTeota on the Human Body, and Intemperance as a Disease," sent free. t'ATUKB Mathew 'Ikmferascc and Manct facto rinq Co., 30 Bond 8t., New York. HOMES III THE WEST Excursions to Lincoln, Nebraska, I ,.n? a Nmw VaiU aail Nw Vn.l.n. ,h. Third Tuesday In fivery lonlh. Kioonaioo no. IS leaves r. EW YIIUH, Tl'KSUAY, IJerrsnbrr I lib. Fitre ubout half reaulnr Kalea. Faat traina aDd Ur.t-olaaa aooommodatinn. f uaranteed. For deaoriptire Land Oironlar., Inform ion about Tickets, eto.. send address on Postal Oard to PI.INV MOORE, 317 Broadway. New York. WAENEE BEO'S C3ESET3 rrceivril tin- lltglii-Ht M-U1 hi I lie rorcut PARIS EXPOSITION, over nil American mini pet Theti Pl.tXillLK HIP COKhtl (l.j BcaeK Bis with porfect eiM, snd U war. samthd not to tre&k down over the lilps TUlr HEALTH COKhET wlih ill Im preved Bust, Is now a gre&ter f voi-it thin ever. Their N UHSINU COBbET Is tha deli Klt of ivsry mntbar. For r!c h all Issihns mrhanli WARNER BROS., 51 Broadway. K, T. HUNT'S Ia not inn.. . Y ueen neiore the publio luuiy jears ana nsea br all olAsses, with and without the advice of phyiioUtin. , III NT'H RE' DV baa saved from It eriae; diseane and death hundreds Of OTttll.knftsarM A.iam REMEDY II II NT'M U RllV IMira. rkrrx.. n 1 -A .11 Disesaeaof tho Kidneje, Bladder and UrinAn brgana. bend for pAmpblet to ' WM. E. OLaRK. Prorldenoe. R. I. Z WANTKD! AG K NTS FOR THft Wtthfuli direeMomi and form for all Transaction, im . very Stat of the Union. ijt theohiiii,i;h pahhonm, ll.. u. A Book you Kvbuybody. Kxplaining; the rights, dutiti, and obligation of all the relations of life, aa well M every kind of oontraot aad lecal obligation. A eorrt' t, wonomiral, and aj Counselor and adviser. Giriog directions for every proceeding, and shorn Dg how to draw and exeoute every kind of lgal instra ment. The only reliable Book ol its kind. Send for decrtptive circulars and terms, ft. rt. MCHANTUN A.' CO. Hurt ford Conn. B KKT HelUnc Book Ever Isnued. 8 weeks out. lu.uuueom. -J Hit rui TKil'N AKT a nmlory of Ceramic, Vuttery and Porcelain, by Mrs. Annie tL. uoiwr. raper, iajmo.,voo. Agenia waniea,pros neotus free : salee enormous : nrohta liberal. Add 'a UtKFUL Arts Pub. Co., tf Htuyvasant Btiuare, N. V. 1KNTM WA NT KD. For the best and fasteat aellins' riotonal tsoous and uiblee. fnoea redaoed perocnL Addrese NAT. PUB PP., Fhlla., p. CQQOHAVeAR. H.w I. M.k. It- Xtm irM OOtUU'" toE lfOUE, KI. Leule, Ma, t 'db. BEST AGRICULTURAL PAPER TO BRLP A FARMEB TOake Money by Farming , IS, BITOND AIX DOUBT, He Country Gentleman, Whlob baa a larger elraalatdoa than any otbsr Pas f Its slaas In the world. as wbal Preeminent Jaaraal sml Uaa a. tatned Its position on the sround of real mitt. CinetnnmH Vie. Cmrenl. lJl,.r, number worth mors t h.nthe fear's subeerlB- I -wtainlT stand. Ai T" "WDI'TO- L Bit. PBMS.-rolTO' UtlpT. ... ... t ana that we guarantee to par the biggest proflt to all 0 aubieribJra-A'itord VI.) Ad.rtUr. UnlTersallf conceded the BIST AOBUjnLICBAL papw in U. b,WoA(" Indepnuunt, -one oan read It without Interest and profll.-A i kapa, (io.) Cotton Bolt. rilike it one year, and yon "t wlU00' ' 1 aitirwards.-Aal. r,U Hvvrdtr. iS .plels with short.pKbr luims relating to rural Inter. t, . tirst-olass paperf Bubsorlbs lot Tag Y 0o"MYO?HTl!iKAVoAari. Union. & GV, .ipienoe of saooeesf aj larmers ln all pasta "he oounUj. Aw Btdjori Standard. ttdited with ability; b.t oorpsol I ooirsspondeot. A wii bin onr know.edgo. Concord Ptopu. No ohsr paprf of the kind shows snoh enterprlss and lioaValitf .-sl.(4s I M UUgrapn. finite chosen rehicle of the writing of Jibs TB7 boa i farmers in the oountri. K. atmaa. Ieadius Journal of its olaaa, a safe ad riser and staad. J tast hiend.-a'o (AT. r.) So'. laiphatioilly a ml Trv.-Ckur Onr. JtJ tyloania) Jim M. ter and style always aooeptable to the calUvated 1 . a Faim Journal, it haa no superior in this oonntry. A a,- iriii a. A'tsu Era o farmer oan well airora w wvai .w, ' 1 . 1 l.ka..l It IhsImi Volar aaof irtvunw. HUteen large pages weeklri illnatratedi ; speelmsa nnmber Ires. Terms-sjse.ou per 0 lO; sleren, sua a oir-. i"-"" nnal (1 pages, ibd owuihui . tubtoribtr. I.UTHEK TUCKER as WON, Pabllshen, Albany. W. Ys FRANK LESLIE'S CHIMNEY CORNER Ooonpioa a field that no other journal attempts to fill. It is essentially a paper for families. Avoiding all politics and questions of the day, it devotes its col umns to healthy fl'otion for the enter- - taioment of its readers, ana well-written, agreeably-instructive articles for the home oirole, biographies of- the good and great, anecdotes, rrt, invention, t.rnvplfl nnrinflitiefl nf forpiirn lifA. fliA tastes of the day, the marvelous in nature and art, essays, attractive reading for the little ones at their mother's knee, ap-1 fo)r those of larger growth, combin ed with pictures that attract the eye and tlx iuipre:'ions vividly on the mind. ''"It w issued evory Monday, and can be had at all tews depots ; price 10 cents. An nual snhBcript.ion, SI. Three months, $1. 1'oBtpaid. SulmTlbrra oan rein t lli-ot ! P. O. Order, Or.;u oq evT Vork. or Rt.xi.t rd 1 eMor, n nur pi... T:i iMh find it aims 0'irv-niui to ascribe itir uui 'n aait can 1o s i ui ilit.r o n riiai:, bat n mid nst a -iur tbumslres of the hgjnt's rospaosi iii:itr. AJdress, Frank Leslie's Publishing House. 1 53. 55 & 57 Park Place, New York. Holiday Music Books! CHRISTMAS CAROLS. KSEeST t-isi OmusTMAt MCBIO. We reoommenl Dreisler'a ( In i I ..! (hi in on (20 ci.), 90 btaatiful and eHAjr tntheins, or Uownrd's Ten Chrltinas (' ( iOots.). or Howard's Klevea liirlet im m ( arola (at) cU.), or i UrUtiuae V vices t.t ot It) Carols by Wnterburx, or i:iiriMiniH r-i t t-o,.iiM (94 per bandred), oonUiain t-Loitie piecej.4. A valuable book ia I'll. Winta t . U il and New, (40 cts.); alio luu other -im e l.i role (5 to 10 ou), Church Offering, f 8!.?5), bf U O. Emcbsow. haa Six U irulinas Anthems, and albo a oomplete aet ol Ant m in and Uhants for all the restivaist and br vice ; 01 the year. A tine book. Miiq1 B' Haint-Bakns (9D. i ChrlntiDU nOoli uuAToaio The School Song Book, ni , ti an oioellent book for Girls, IliRh or Normal SctitK.ii, or tor Heininaries. tiood inatraotions and vry (jood inusio, Kulfvin lour linger for Chrstmas plajingby praotle 4t etMMON'M I'lANOKOKTE TKCUMCH i & 4 iO) ; the best Finger Uymnaaium known. tif Adj book mailed, postfree. for the abore prleaa, OLIVER DITS0N & CO., Boston. . 11. D1THON ds CO.. 843 Brsaswsri Naw Tata. I. H. UIT80N Si CK, f)8a )lssstaat Bu, Fhllsu 115 'the m BlWTLEBORpyi ANU FACTORY, SAPorysFis Is the Old Reliable Concentrated Lye FOR FAMILY SOAP MAKING. Directions aooompanyjns eacb oan lor making liaid, IT IS FULL WMGHT AND STRKNaTB. Tbs market la flooded with (ao-oalled) Oonoentrated Lre, whioh ia adulterated aita aalt and roam, and eW Whakt toap. 8A VE MONET, AND BUY THE MADKBYTHB Pennsylvania Salt Manuf g Co., p H it. A n fi.pii I ; PENSIONS ABKPAID erenr soldier dlsahled In line or dutr, br Aeeldeut or olirwlMe. A. WUIllli ol aur kind. Ions of FIN :H.TOK.rkTK. m- i-n It K, If but sIlKlit, or fUaa ot I.IMJS, HUVNTV IMscluuse for Wound, Injur ies or ttupture, l re ri l.l. ttounir. iMt Horse. OIIIn Accounts and all War Claims krttlra. KK. JKCTRII CLA1UM us:iskmui. SeiMlSS rrnla lor lT or Arts i:i. Iris e ranaioss, KV1.1TV AMIS lisauuuia, seua stamp Circular. WM. If. CUM WIHOH 4k CO v. s. viiAim au i 'a ana rs I s. t A lTl k i.; B. u. Wssnlsttnn. I. si. TTV AGENTS WANTED FOR THE FJLK AU XTLJLA JLe HI5.TnRYGPTiiRlAfr.RI IT It oontaini 7 if Une hir 1 engravings and I 4MI Jl ahiry uf th W..rld bvr poi,.hL It sella at aight. ena for .e:uit:n pair m& t- t trna to A sent. AddMas, NATIONAL PUBL'UHINrt OO . . , Ptiiudelphta, Pa. t A a ii it a. J; . . . Ss iui Wtaari. s..U fc Ut "r ke. aa,(H. ssaH r 4 muA HI Ural sui. r:tl IV t si W-Wtistk, lisi Tit. yaT,Sr.t. I'.u.iiaa SasM. Maw. f4a M SRBSMasa I afX V3-wsi.BV,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers