Henry A. Parsons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY, FED- 21, 1878. The sleighing Is getting thin. Election day passed off quietly. The snow Is fast disappearing. Call at this office for note paper i , - huu envelopes. Go to J. H. Hagerty's for choice groceries. Our Wilcox correspondent sends an Interesting letter this week. Sheriff Oyster has sold his horse "Morgan" and purchased a neat black pony. The Pennsylvania railroad com pany employes 4.000 men In Blair county, to whom flCO.000 are paid monthly. Isaac Avery will build a house In the spring on the lot at the corner of South and Elk streets, west of the "Printer's" property. That interesting story "Auditors' Settlement" will be discontinued after next week, when we will be prepared to give more reading matter. The bill before the Legislature to fix the pay of jurors proposes to re duce the pay from three dollars to two dollars per day and mileage. The communication from Dry Saw Mill. Is too much of the nature of mis cellaneous matter to appear in our in side. We hope to receive more items from the same correspondent. We want a correspondent In each township In the county. All com munications, or items of interest sent us will receive our attention, and for such favors we will staud ready at any time to recipocate. The Rev. A. J. McFarland, will preach in the M. E. Church the first Sunday in March, morning and even ing, and on the Monday following will deliver a lecture in the same place on National Reform. There will bo a festival next Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday evening at Rhines' Hall. The object ia to raise funds to assist the Lutheran Sunday school. All are Invited to perticipatc. Mr. C. E. Lyman, of Lock Haven, uddressed the citizens of Ridgway last Friday evening, at the court hoine on the principles of the Greenback party. The Court House was crowded, and the audience seemed well pleased with the speaker. The silver bill has passed the Sen ate by the decided vote of forty-eight for to twenty-one against. The bill now goes to the house for concurrence. The free coinage section was omitted. Senators Cameron and Wallace of this State voted in the affirmative. Charles Woods who committed an outrage on a girl eleven years old, in Oswego City, N". Y on Sunday last, was indicted on Tuesday, plead guilty, and was sentenced to twenty years, Imprisonment in the Auburn prison. Which we would call quick justice, and i pity it is that the men who rob poor people of their hard earned savings, can not receive their just deserts as speedily. Mr. Adam Herman, of York, was burned to death on Monday. While she was engaged in preparing a linament over a stove for the purpose of bathing the throat of her son Wil liam, a bottle of turpentine, caught fire and exploded in her hand, scattrring the burning fluid over her person and Immediately her in flames from head to foot. Her husband and son William were badly burned in trying to extin guish the flames. The officers of the Post Office De partment most familiar with the sub jeat estimate that the revenues of the department are now suffering at the rate of not less than a quarter of a mil lion dollars per month by the flood of stamps sold by postmasters at small country offices, at a discount, for use in cities and towns. The Postmaster at St. Louis alone shows conclusively that his office is defrauded of revenue to the amount of $180,000 per annum in this way, and a special agent in Maine reports that a postmaster there has confessed to having peddled one housaud dollars' worth, Alexander Wilson of Clarion county, will be a hundred years old if he liven till the 4th of next June. He has lived in the county since 1801, and was among a party who went to that part of the country to take up land. He received two hundred and sixty acres at sixty cents an acre, and lived below Curlsville for three months without seeing a white man's face. The gentleman is hale and hearty yet and goes about visiting his children, of whom he has ten. All are alive but one. His eldest son is seventy-two years old. while the baby is nearly fifty; Church Directory. GRACE CHURCH. Services next Sunday morning and evening at the usual hours. Subject of the sermon In the evening will be, 'Creation and Redemption." The Rector of Grace Church has or ganized a Bible Class to meet ever Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock. . Al ready much interest has been shown as the good attendance indicates. He would be glad to have others attend. It is open to all, and everyone will be cordially welcomed. CATHOLIC CHUHCH. ' Services next Sunday, morning and evening at the usual hours by Rev. M. Meagher. PRESBYTERIAN. Services in the Lutheran Church, J next Sunday morning ana evening. Ridgway Township Election. ELECTION HELD FEB. 19TH, 1&78. Below we give the names of thecan dldates, and the number of votes polled for each candidate. The contest was an animated one, and the total vote cast (295) within twenty of the vote cast in the township last fall for Sheriff. The tickets in the field were two, viz: the union ticket, a fusion of Democrats and Republicans, and the regular Greenback ticket. The result of the election shows that the Greenbackers have a majority over either the Demo crat or Republican party, and, within a few votes, as many as the two united. As it is the Greenbackers take six and the Fusionlsts seven of the thirteen offices filled: CONSTABLE. W. S. Horton, G. 157 Frank VanOrsdall, F. J35 Horton's majority 22 SCHOOL DIRECTORS. Peter Meenan, G. 119 S. W. Miles, O. 149 Horace Little, F. l7 Fred. Schcenlng, F. 140 There were two directors to be elected, therefore, Miles and Little are elected they having received a ma jority over the others. ACDITOKS. Charles Holes, G. 'three years) 13. Jas. L. Clark G. (two years) 136 Jas. Penfleld, F. (three years) 158 W. S. Hamblen, F. (two years) 160 SUPERVISORS. Melvin Gardner, G. 155 Morris Sherman. G. 168 John Gulnack, F. ISO Isaac Avery, F. 141 JUDGE OP ELECTION. Edward Derby, F. 104 S. A. Olmstead, O. 127 Derby's majority INSPECTORS. M. E. Lesser, O. Dubois Gorton, F. John VnnOrarlnll fi. 37 131 105 54 The two pcrsous receiving the high est number of votes are elected inspec tors. W. 11. Hyde, F. Byron F. Ely, G. 150 130 Hyde's majority ASSESSOR. J. S. Powell, F. Frank C. E:y. O. Powell's majority. CLERK. Capt. Jas. Woodward, G. J. O. W. Bailey, G. Woodward's majority, 20 140 143 159 132 27 Notes from Dry Saw Mill. Dry Saw Mill, Elk Co Pa., February 10, 178. f Prospects of finding oil arc good at Benezette. J. S. Johnson Injured one of his horses while skidding timber. Our seventy-five dollar choir singer has taken refuge in a coal mine near Benezette. George Apker has purchased an organ for his daughter. L. Wilcox Notes. Wilcox, Pa., Feb. 19, 1878. Two more of Mr. Payne's children have died, and two more are very sick with diphtheria. The deiot at this place was burg larized 011 Friday night between ten and eleven o'clock. The door to the ladies' waiting room was pried off with an iron bar taken from the depot win dow, and the partition scaled between the ticket office and gentleinens' wait ing room. The combination lock on the ticket-office safe was successfully opened, and the safe's contents, viz.: one hundred and seventy dollars in money, a revolver and several other articles, were taken. The thief unlocked all the drawers in the office, appropri ated the small change he found, took the tickets from the case, and had evi dently stamped some of them, as he left the stamp and tickets together on the table. At ten minutes to eleven o'clock, as John Smith, a young man who lives near the depot, was going home, he saw a man leave the depot and run across the bridge, and at once gave the alarm. The bird had flown, and was no where to be seen until, on Saturday afternoon George Smith, a young man, was arrested and brought before J. L. Brown, Esq., where he was identified by John Smith as the man who emerged from the depot on the night previous. Nothing was found on the person of the prisoner, oramong his effects, to fix the crime upon him. An attempt was made to prove an alibi, when he succeeded in proving where he was on Friday evening, with the ex ception of the time between the hours of ten and eleven o'clock. John Smith swore positively as to the identity of the defendant. The prisoner was held in the sum of five hundred dollars for his appearance at the next term of court, in default of which he was sent to the county jail at Ridgway. How a man, unacquainted with the safe and combination, could unlock it Is a mys tery hard to solve, and, if there is any thing in appearances, that fellow is a slipiery chap, and I M ill wager a five cent nickle against a pint of jieanuts that that old rat-trap in Ridgway wont hold him until the next term of court, unless extra precaution is taken. . Pete E. K. Thompson, Dear Sir: I am 81 years of age ; have been" troubled the past nine months with the thread or pin worm. I have used Worm Candy but with little benefit. I used one bottle of your Sweet Worm Powder, taking one teuspoonn.il before breakfast, dinner and supper, after which I drank pumpkin seed tea and castor oil, as you directed, and the effect was astonishing. I now feel perfectly well, and recommend the Sweet Worm Powder as a sure remedy. Kl have lived in Titusville five years. John Welch, Bloss street. Titusville. Prepared and sold by E. K. Thomp son, Titusville, Pa. Price, 25 cents. VSoldbyDr. T. S. Hartley, Ridgway a. TEXT OF THE SILVER BILL. Following is the text of the silver bill as passed in the United States Senate by a vote of 48 to 21 ; Be it enacted by the senate and house of representatives of the- United States of America In congress as sembled. That, there shall be coined at the several mints of the United States, silver dollars of the weight of 412 grains Troy of standard silver, as firovided in the act of January 18, 837, on which shall be the devices and superscription provided by said act, which coins, together, with all silver dollars heretofore coined by the United States of like weight aiid fine ness, shall be legal tender at their nominal value for all debts and dues, public and private, except where otherwise expressly stipulated in the contract. And tlie heeretary of the treasury Is authorized and directed to rmrchase from time to time, silver bul lon at the market price thereof, not less than $2,000,000 worth per month nor more than $4,000,000 worth per month, and cause the same to be coined monthly as fast as so purchased into such dollars. And a sum suffi cient to carry out the provision of this act is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. And any gain or seign iorage arising from the coinage shall be accounted for and paid into the treasury as provided under existing laws relative to the subsidiary coin age, provided that the amount of money at any one time invested in such silver bullion, exclusive of such resulting coin shall not exceed $5 000 000 and provided further that nothiuu in this act shall be construed to authorize the payment iu silver of certificates of deposit issued under the provisions of section 254 of the Revised Statutes. Sec. 2. All acts and parts of acts In consistent with the provisions of this act are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. That immediately after the fus?age of this act the President shall nvite the governments of the countries composing the Latin Union, so called, and of such other European nations as he may deem advisable, to join the United states in a conference to adopt a current ratio between gold and silver, for the purHseof establish ing internationally the use of bimetalic money, and securing fixity of relative value between those metals; such conference 10 be held at such place in Europe or the United States, at such time within six months us may be mutually agreed upon by the execu tive of the governments joining in the same, whenever the governments so invited, or any three of them, shall have signified their willingness to unite in tiie same. The President shall, by and with the consent of the senate, appoint three commissioners, who shall attend such conference on behalf of the United States, and shall report the doings thereof to the Presi dent, who shall transmit the same to congress. The said commissioners shall each receive the sum of $2,500 and their reasonable expenses, to be approved by thesecretary of state, and the amount necessary to pay such compensation and expenses is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury not otherwise appropriated. Skc. 4. That any holder of the coin authorized by the act may deposit the saint with the treasurer or any assis tant treasurer of the United States in sums not less than $10 and receive therfor certificates of not less than $10 each, corresponding with the deuom inations of the United States note. The coin deposited for or representing the certificate shall be retained in the treasury for the payment of the same cn demand. Said certificates shall be receivable for customs, taxes and all public dues, and when so received may be reissued. KE II' AD VER TISEMEJSTS. BOOK; S3 newest nnd. most pnmilnr snntjs, with writ ings of lnstrue- tinn tun! nmiicnient: also, h list of nil the buttles, when mid whore fotijrht. tturlnMic war. for 8c stump. Address, Desmond & Co.. Ill.j IU.-e St.. Philadelphia. nlvtC'inlni. pf)OrrO Kluht benutlful Every- 'wOIjO, blooming Hoses, remly for Immediate flowering und "The Garden," for one year, sent postpaid by mull on receipt of one dollar. SFi'P'TSQ 25 varieties of Oholeest OCjCUO Flower Weeds, und "The Garden," sent postpaid, by mull, on receipt of one dollar. The Gardpn the gakdkv is nn 11C UaiUCU elepint quarterly MHsnzine. devoted to the culture of Flower und Vegetables. It is printed on f)nu book paper, profusely illustrated, and contains a splendid Colored Plate of Flowers. Price 35 cents n year, nnd 'ii cents worth ol'Seeds free. Splendidly Illustrated rutulonueol'Flowe.s und Vegetable Seeds und Plants for a three cent stump. Hpeclal Price List to Market Gardners fee. Wholesale Catalogue to dealers on applica tion. Address : BEN.T. ELLIOTT 4 CO. 114 Market St.. Pittsburgh, Pa. I11V.S-4U TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser having been per . silently cured of that dreiid disease. Consumption, by a simple remedy, is anxious to make known to his t'el ow sufferer! I be menu of cure. To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the prescription used, 'free of charge) with the directions for preparing und using the same, which they will find a Siimc Cuki for Consumption, Asthma. IIkosciiitis, io.. Pur ies wishing the prescription will please address, Kev. E. A. WILSON, 191 I'euii., Williatnsburgh, N. Y. Notice is hereby given that a peti tion will be presented to the present Legislature of Pennsylvania to reduce the wages of Road Supervisors in Fox township, Elk county, from $2.00 per diem to l.2o. J. J. TAYLOR, It. T. KYLEK FROM THE FRESIDEST OF THE NEW YORK STA1E TEACHERS' ASSOC J A TIOA'- Dr. Fen tier's Improved Cough Honey (1 ) Will break up a cold iu the head before any cough has yet formed in two to three hours. () It will relieve any cough in one hour or less. (3) It is the best remedy known for the relief of irritable and worrisome children. It is pleasant to take, handsome in appearance, safe in its action und certain in its effect. It does not dry the cough but loosens and heals. From the lowly cottage to the princely palace and offices of State come ordere and commendations : From Fro. If. R. Sanford, Fresident of the 'New York State Teacher' Ansoeiation Supt. of Fulilio Schools at Middlctown, JVr. etc. From repeated and present use of Dr. Fen ner's Improved (.'ouh Honey in my family, I am fee to suy thai I consider it the best remedy now known for coughs. Its action Is prompt and reliable. In the frequent colds so common among; children the use of the Cough Houey will prove a great boon. H. K. SASFORD. From John B. Miner, a wealthy banker of Fredouiu. N. Y. I was afflicted with a harras sing cough. Three doses of Dr. Feu ner's Im proved Cough Honey tutirely relieved me. J, H. MINF.K. Painted Post, N. Y. Aug. 2S. Ma, Dr. M. M. Fenner, Fredonia. N. Y. Dear Sir I have used your Improved Cough Honey for the past two years for asthma and colds and And the beet remedy I ever triod It U a real pleasure to recommend IU . Your truly, J, W.'BONST- QUOTA 1 IONs White, Powell & Co. BANKERS AND OKOKEKd, No 1 eiith Third Strict. Stocks and Bonds Bomrht and Sold on Commission-. Philadelphia, Feb., 19, 1878 BID. AKn U. S. do do do 1881. e - 106V 106 061 do '65 J and J 103 iQijg do '67 do 105 100 do '68 do 108 100 10-40. do coupon 107 107 do Pnoiflo ti's cy .... 1191 1I9.J .'Sew H i rieg. issi 104 tui 0. 1881 103$ 104 4J, lieg 18'Jl 102 102 " o. 1801 1031 10:) New 4's Keg. 1007 .......101$ 101 c. 1007 101 101 Gold 101 101 Pennsylvania 2U$ 2of Heading 14$ 15 Philadelphia & Erie 8$ 8$ Lehigh Navigation 17$ 17$ do Valley 88$ 3!) United K H of N J ex. div H(jJ u$ Pittsburgh, T. Buffalo IU K 6 C Northern Central ex. div 14 1 j Central Transportation 82$ Nesqueboning - 47$ North Pennsylvania 80 83 60 87 8f O O Arent Wanted to subscribe W V for the Agents' Journal, a handsomely bound. 24 page Journal brim full of interest to Agents. Specimen copy sentfree. Agents' Jouksai,, N. Y. n52lnlm. WflTIpfl t cure n case of CATARRH I VV AiX bell each neighborhood, with Dn Karusor's Remedy, to Introduce It. Hainpr free. J. C. Tllton. Pittsburg, Pa. i r novin.'Hu. Gold. Mines mid Lands. Coal. OOI.D. MIXES AND LANDS COAL NILVF.R HOLD. on, I.F.AD COMPANIKSOHAGNtZKD.STONK IKON MININ'O AHK.NfY, COPPF.R MARBLE 200 .S. NEVKXTH STREET, LIME HOA L Plin.AnKI.PHiA. MICA M A RL A. H. W Y MAN & CO. G Y ITU M w'ffiTO BUY A FARM WHERE Send for our Catalogue. A. H. Wyman & Co. No. 206 South Seventh St PHILADELPHIA. nS2-2in.lm NOTICE. vrOTICE Is hereby Riven that the Commls 1( sinners of Elk county, will hold a court of appeals at their office. In ItlclfzwHV. on THURSDAY and FRI DAY. the Jsth and 2Mlh of February Inst,, for the purpose of hearing nnd determine appeals Irom the assessments, nnd revision the military enrollment for 1S78, at which time and place nil persons reeling themselves nggrieved by said assessment or enrollment can attend, if they see proper, by order of the Hnnrri. Attest w. . uuutun, Clerk. Commissioners' Office, 1 February 4th, 1878. n!2-3t. Glad Tidings for the Wrak, Nervous and Dchllitaled. Our Latest Improved Self-Aellntr Galvanic Appllnnc s are a speedy nnd Permanent cure for Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Kidney, Liver and Female Complaints, Nervous Prostra tion, Weak Lungs, I'.nck nnd spinal irrita tion, and Kidney Diseases. Prices, Waist llelf Sr,.iKl; splmil licit, for Paralysis and spinal Ailments. tflfl.iMI, and upwards; Arm lets, Anklets. Head Rands, Knee Caps, Si.OO each: Suspensories, S5.00. Illustrated Pamphlet Free. Address. UiVLVAXO-MEDICAL ASSOCIATION. 27 East Ninth Street, New Y'ork. Notice. AH persons are hereby forbidden wiling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted after this date. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, 1 877.-1 y VICE'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE GARDEN Is the most beautiful o'k cf the kind in the woild It contains nearly 150 pages, hundreds of fine illustrations, and six Chromo l'Utes of Flowers, beiiulifully drnwa and colored from nature. Price SO cfuts in paper coven; in elegant cloth. Printed in German and English. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 82 pngi'8, fine illustrations, and Colortd PUtes in evcy number, Vick's Catalogue 300 illustrations, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. VICK'S FLOWER AND VEGETABLE SEEDS nre planted by a million people in Amer'cft. See. Vick's Catalogue 300 illustrattnus, only 2 cents. . Viok's Illustrated Monthly Magazine. 32 pages, fine illustrations, nia Colored Plate in each number. Price, $1.25 a year ; Five copies, $5 00. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden. 60 cents in paer eovers; in elegant cloth cover (1 00. Address. JAMBS VICK, Rochester. N. T. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED PRICED CATALOGUE. 8cvenly.five pages 800 illufirations, with Descriptions of thousiuds of the best Flowers and Vegetables in lh world, and the way to grow them all for a Two Cent posioge stamp. Printed io German and English. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 60 els. iu paper cover ; in elegant cloth oover $1. Vick's Illustrated Monthly Magazine 82 pages, fine illustrations, and Colored PUie in every Dumber. Price $1.25 a year. Five copies $3 00. Address, JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y. VICK'S ILLUSTRATED MONTHLY MAGAZINE. Each number contaius Thirty-Two pages of reading, many fine Wood Cm Illustra tions, and one Colored Plate- A beautiful Garden Magazine, printed on elegant pa per, and full of information.. In English acd German, Price $1.25 a yeart Five copies, $5 00. Vick's Flower and Vegetable Garden, 60 cts. in paper cover ; in elegant olotb oover 1. Vick's Catalogue 800 HluAfstions, only 2 cents. Address, JAMES VICK. Rochester, N. Y. Winter Is upon us, .which is ft re. minder that you need an overcoat M'Affoe will make you one cheap Rata of Advertising. One column, one fear... 573 00 - 40 W) 7 tt UI y m i. is oo Transient sdvertlsemeuts per square of, eluht lines, one insertlou el, two luser l..Vi, three Insertions M. fut Business cards, ten lines or less, per $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. Business Cards. GEO. A. RATHBUN ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. HALL & M'CAULEY. ATTOItXEYS-AT-LAW. Office in New Brick Building, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. v3n2tf. J. O. W. BAILEY. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ridgway, Elk Comity, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Accident Insurance Co., of Hartford, Connetlcut. vln25y 1. LUCORE & HAMBLEN. ATTORNEYS AT-LAW. Ridgway, F.Ik County Pa. Office across the hall from the Dkmocrat establishment. Claims for collection promptly attended to Jne.15-1870 E. Q. FAY. LUMBER AND INSURANCE COMMIS SION BROKER. And General Collection Agent. No. 208 Walnut Place, (311 Walnut Street.) Philadel phia, Pa. ntl-ly NEW MEAT MARKET. MERCER BROTHERS have moved their meat market from D. D. Cook's building to W. S. Service's hardware store, where they Invite all wishing beef, pork, veal and snusuge to give them a cull. V7n47tf, CHARLES HOLESI WATCHMAKER, ENGRAVER AND JEW ELER Main street, Ridgway, Va. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, etc.. done with the same ncenrncy as heretofore. Satisfaction guaranteed. vlnly G. G. MESSENGER. DRUGGIST AND PARMACEUTIST. N. W. corner of Main and Mill streets, Rldgwuy, Pu full assortment of carefully selected Foreign and Domestic Drugs. Pre scriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnly T. S. HARTLEY, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office in Drug Store, corner Broad and Main Streets. Residence corner Broad Street, opposite tho College. Office hours from 8 to 10 A. M. and from 7 to 8 P. M. vln-1. J. S. BORDWELL, M. D. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Has removed his office from Centre Street, to Main Street, Rldgwuy, Pa., in the second story of the new bilek building of John G. Hall, west of the Hyde House. Office hours: 1 to 2 P. M. 7 to 9 P. M. MRS. N. T. CUMMINGS. A LARGE ASSORTMENT of Ladles' Cloaks, at Mrs. N. T. Cummtngs, also ties, collars euffii, lioisery, gloves, and a general assort ment of I .allies' fancy goods. Remember the place over It. I. Campbell's store. Main street' Cal 1 and examine before purchasing else where. HYDE HOUSE. W. H. SCHRAM, Proprietor, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new pro prietor, hope, by paying strict attention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance of the same, oct30'G9 Ridgway Oystor, Fish and Produce Market. The undersigned having leased the build ing formerly used by ilercer Bros., as a Meat Market will occupy the same as a General Market House, and will constantly have on hand. Shell, Tub, and Canned Oysters, a variety of Fresh and Salt Fish, Foreign and Domestic Fruits nnd Nuts, and ull kinds of Produce. Canned fruits and Jelllls. Fresh Invoices of Oysters and Fish Dally. A. C. MATHEWS (X CO. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING. MRS. J. R. KELTZ, Kersey, Elk Co.. Pa., takes this method of announcing to the citi zens of Elk county, that she has on hand an assortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking In all Its branches. Agent for Dr. J. Ball A Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vibe Eye Cups. Send for des criptive circular. nl7yl. APPLETON'S AMERICAN CYCLO PEDIA. Vol. S of this admirable work Is Just out making It half complete, as there are to be 16 In ull, of 800 pages each, one being issued In two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can afford to do without It who would keep well Informed. Price $6,00 a vol ume in leather, or $7.00 Inelegant half Tur key. C. K. Judson, Fredonhi, N. Y.. controls the sale Iu Elk county. Address him for patlculars. . sep 17-tf. E. K. GRESH. DEALER In all kinds of cabinet ware, wood and cane seat chairs, kitchen and ex tentlon tables, wood and marble top stands, wood and marble top bureaus, whatnots, looking glasses, wood and marble top cham ber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, bed steads, cribs. Laferty's metal lined wood pumps, 4c, 4c. Cane seats replaced with perforated wood seats. Weed sewing machine reduced from 865 to $45, the best ma chine In the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on hand and trimmed at shortest notice. All the above goods are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms In masonic building, Ridgway Pa. v7uolt. GREENBACK S FUR BONDHOLDERS! Ft lt GOLD GAMBLERS! GREENBACKS OR NATIONAL BANKERS! GREENBACKS FOR THE PEOPLE GREENBACKS FOR ALL PURPOSES ! For which money Is used Interchangable at par with Gold and Silver, in a sufficient quantity as to promote Industry, Invite iml gration, and develops the resources of the wuji .y , in wnai me (TVl'IV ViTT CVAf'ID ru claims Is the only remedy for the ills brought upon the country by Legislation andws, enacted for the benefltofa Monied Clas. aud the oppression of Labor and Industry. Government PrAH ii ... the benefit of the wealthy, let the same Credit Sustain Greenbacks For the benefit of the People who sustain the Governmet. Daily Enquirer per year $12.00 Weekly Enquirer ' ....M... . 1.15 K roo uj posmge. Agents wanted. v . t, a r .t . 6nJ? fr Pwliaen eobles. at x-uousners. - CINCINNATI, OHIO. I MUST A N I ; A Ij STATKMUXT OF RtlXJWAY lOWN,-Hlf SHOW 1 in the ueis, imtuie amJ olin'acter tliurtof. and the iudcfoUtlneM aud liabilities, eto , aud aiuuuut of taxub ; property up to Jauuary 21, 1878 j ASSETS. By amount due the Township from various sources, vis t OASH. ROAD. Tax of 1876 on Unseated Lands 81.7VSU7 Slrtt.Ol " ' " due from J, W. Morgesler, Col Wl.WS 615.61 " 1877 on Unseated Lands 1,5W.5 8U " due from Geo. D. Messenger, Jr.,Col. l.tMJ-SS 9J1.51 " " 1ST " H. 11. Weusll, Coll 810.64 1874 ' " " " 603.16 The above taxes subject to exonerations aud commissions. Due from W. H. Hyde, Treas., 1877 80153 " " Hoi ton Township, Total taxes collected, levied and In course of VUim-UUII, 4.IHII.K M .(UUA-M I V,'". -..( Judgment of Kldgway township vs. W. H. UcUram and V. S. Wheeler, and interest inereon to January a, itsia, Excess of Liabilities Judgment of Township vs. Patrick Maloneand uuoouuciuuie, ....... LIABILITIES. Judgments against the township. Interest thereon to January 21, 1878, and costs ROAD. POOR. SIDE-WALK. Outstanding orders .S3,Bij.61 81,671.60 8451.09 Probable amount duesupervlsorsand sundry other persons 210.68 181.03 84.78 Total Liabilities Taxes llvled and Expenditures tip to McGovcrn, Supervisors of said township fur Total ara't of taxes levied Unseated, " " " Seuted . Total of funds Deduct cash tax to be applied to payment of Total rond, poor and side-walk taxes Deduct probable exoneration and costs of collection EXPENDITURES. ROAD. POOR. Paid by orders, $1,191.12 $745,76 Amount of tux worked seated 623.58 " " " unseated 216.11 Probable amount due supervisors and sundry other persons 2U9.21 181.03 Total expenditures 2.215.02 926.79 Excess of funds. Amount of taxable property In Ridgway Heal Estate Personal Property, Occupations Attest: M.S. KLINE. Township Clerk. XKJURAHCE AGENCY. OF P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency ia either Elk or its adjoining counties, representing through his General Agents about 80 respoiirtible and prompt loss paying companies, among the priucipal ones are the following: NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE, Grcs3 ssots $32,533,612, ..ETNA, OF HARTFORD, CONN.. Asset' over $7,000,000, FIRE ASSOC f AT 'ON OF PHILADELPHIA Assets fJ.uoo.uou NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets $l,ouo,oo0. 8HAWMUT, BOSTON, MASS., capital -oo,ooo. GERMAN AMERICAN. NEW YORK, Assets $.500,000. TRAVELERS, (Life and Accident) CONN., A.sets $,20o.oou. n30y 1 . New York Weekly Herald. ONE DOLLAR A TEAR. The circulation of this popului u -wspaper has mere than trebled during the fast year. It contaius all ike leading cews contained in tie Daily Ukhalu, and is arranged iu baudy dtpariuieuis. The foke:on SEWS embraces special dispatches from all quailers ot the glnhe, together with un biassed, fniihliil and graphic pictures of the great Wur in rurope. Under the head of A.MUKICAN NEWS are given the Telegraphic Dispatches of the week from all pans of the L'uiou. This feature alone makes THE WEEKLY HERALD the ni"st valuable newspaper iu tue woild, as it is t lie cheapest. Every week is given a faithful report of POLITICAL NbWs). embracing complete und comprehensive dispatches from Washington, including full reports of I lie speeches of eminent poli ticians on the quest ions of Hie hour. THE FaHU DEPARTMENT ol'the Wkkkly Hkbalo gives the latest as well as the most prsctical suggeslinus nnd discoveries relating to Hie duties of the far mer, hints tor raising Cutilo, P-iuliry, Grains Trees. Vegetal. leu. do , &c. with suggeslinus tor keeping . buildings and laiui'Ug uieuails in repair. This is supple mented by a well edited departuieut, Widely copied, under the head of THE HOME giving reciprs for prao'iuul disehes, hints or making clothing and for keeping; up with the latest fashions si the lowest price. Letters from our Put is and Loudon cor respondents ou the very latest fashions The Hume Depuilmeut of the Wkakly Ukhalu will s ve the housewife more I ban vue hundred times i he price of the paper, ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. There is a page devoted to all the latest phtsses of the buatues markets, Crops. Mcchiin Jixc, fco , Ste. A valuable feature is found in the speciully reported prices aud conditions of THE PUOLUOE MARKET. Whle all the news from the last fire to the Discovery of Mauley are to be found in the Wkkkly Iuualu, due attention is given to SPORTING NE S at home aud abroad, together wilb a Story every week, a Sermon by soma emineut di vine. Literary, .Musical, Dramatic, and Sen Notes, There is no paper In the world which contaius so much news matter every week as the Wkkkly Hksald, which is sent, postage tree, for Oue Dollar. You may subscribe at uy lime. THE NEW YORK HERALD in a weekly form, one dollar a year. Papers publii hing this prospectus with out heiug authorized will not necessarily receive uu exchange. Address, Hew York Herald, Urondwsy & Abu Sr. New Vuik N EW LIVERY STABLE IN RIDGWAY. DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO inform tbe citizens of Ridgway, and the publio generally, thai lie has tarted it Lvery Stable and will keep OOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES and Buggies to let upon tbe most reasonable terms. t&llo will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Slain All orders lea at tbe Post Office will reovive prompt attention. Aug201871tf . POOH. tlOI.WAtK. M2.H1 4.1 678.11 17L40 1 15.69 IR5.61 sa.oe 1.28 61. Bl 87VM-13,476.44 I 87.55 6,050.00 819,368.11 406.lt ..$12,783.65 Interest thereon to January 21,1878, 4,OjU.0 2,062.72 46645- $ t6,59.4 819,38.11 January 21, 1878 of John Gulnack and Daniel 1677. CASH. ROAD. POOR. SIDE-WALK. $1..,M Sl.22d.74 St.U.91 1,933.811 l,6i.0tl 678.94 1S6.64 8,4ti7.l 2,772.64 Judgments, $7,461.69 8,4U7.S4 - $3,997.35 80U.00 $3,697.35 SIDE-WALK. S127.31 6.39 132.70 $3,304.51 892.84 83,697.35 township for the year 1878! (329,039.00 6.900.00 18.425.00 JOHN GULNACK, DANIEL McGOVERN, Supervisor 1877. THE 1878. UNRIVALLED. THE CHEAPEST, THE ABLEST AND THE B EST 8-Pae Weekly FAMILY NEWSPAPER PUBLISHED I IT THE UNITED STATES. READ IT AND YOU WILL NOT DO WITHOUT IT. THE PITTSBURGH WEEKLY ' TELEGRAPH. An 8-Page Paper, Only $L DEVOTED TO : 1. Literature and Art. II. Choice Miscellany. III. 8cieniiflo Discussion. IV. Social Topies V. Wit and Wisdom VI. Home and Foreign News Vll. Agricultural Interests VIII. Household Economy IX. Live Stock Marked X. Groin and Produce Markets XI. Congressional Reports XII. Telegraph Io News XIII. Editorials on all live Topics In short it is the most complete Weeklv journal in every detail now published, and win De under the personal edit oral super vision or Mr. W. A. Taylor, the well known editor and author, and a large corps of able assistants. BEING STRICTLY INDEPENDENT in all things, and untrammelled by cliques and combinations, it will have no other end to serve than to benefit, interest and in struct its readers. A GRAND SPECIAL FEATURE which will commend it to Farmers in partic ular, and all others in general, will be its conip'ele elubotate aud strictly reliable Live Stock and other Markets. Look at our unequalled. TERMS, POSTAGE PAID: Siniile Copy $1 25 Clubs of 5 and less than 10 1 15 Clubs of 10 and over 1 00 The price at which we furnish THE KKLY TELEGRAPH is but a trifle more than ihe cost of the white paper, but we depend upou a generous publio for a sufficiently large patronage to reward us lor our efforts in supplying them with a household newspaper that has and can have no rival iu eicelleuce and cheapuess. The Daily Telegraph Published every evening except Sunday, the uewsisest, brightest most enterprising daily published in Pittsburgh, containing ail the news of the day, by Associated Press aud Special Dispatches, Congres sional reports, Markets, etc, and edited with the highest ability, will be sent to any adirttss, posiage paid, for (3 per year. Wherever we may have earners or agents THE DAILY TELEGRAPH will be deliv ered at 15 cents per week. NOW IS THE TIME TO SUBSCRIBE, and begin with the beginning of winter, wneu so piessint a companion win De welcomed to every fireside. Money may be sent by draft, Ptstuffice order, or ia registered letters. Aedress all communica tions to THE TELEGRAPH, U2 and 124 Fifth avenue, Pittsburgh. Jkreeud tor a specimen copy. KALPU BAvJALEY, Proprietor. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1857, the trains on the Philadelphia ft t'ri: UrUroad will run as follows t WESTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 66 p m " Kenovo ..1100 am . ii Emporium 12 65 p m St. Mary's 1 46 p m " Eidgway 2 16 p m " " ' Kane.- 3 80 p m arrive at Erie 7 85 pm EASTWARD. ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a m " " Kana . 8 60 p m " " Ridgway 4 49 p m " M " Bt. Mary's 6 18 p m " " " Emporium 6 15pm " Kenovo. 8.85 p ' ' " arr. at Pbiladepbia... 7 00 a m Day Express and Niagara Express eon. neot east with Low Gra Division and B. N. Y! & P. B. K. ! Wit A. BALDWIN. ' - Qaa'lBuy't.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers