AUDITORS' SETTLEMENT. "pECEIPT.3 AND EXPENDI IV tures of KU county for the year ending January 7, 1878: RECEIPrs. froru ungate 1 Tu tx reed lands, " tax " 14210 7,721 32 1,489 20 6,788 90 135 00 603 19 101 19 800 00 4S7 OS 102 20 " collectors, seated, lands re deemed from county. " nut ree'd on judgtn't, In and costs county vs. Jos. Windfelder. ain't ree'd in full of note Co. vs. Win. Zelt, " from Benzinger tp., supp't of "C. Wist and Mary Krieg at Dixm't, ' fm Fox tp. sup port of Kate Wil liams & George " Jones tp. supp't of A. Parsons & JuliusStellingat Dixmont, " St. Marys boro. suppt of Martin Gregor, O.B.Grant, costs Com wealth vs. Hotfman, " sale of co. map to J.M.Scbram, 800 $16,928 90 EXPENDITURES. By am't p'd M.Weidert. serv ices as co. corn. 210 00 ' W.H. Osterhout. serv's as co. coin. 177 60 " " ' GeorgeReuscher, serv's as co. coin. 233 00 ' " ' W. S. Horton. ommlss's clerk, 500 00 " " HulldMeCaulev. com. counsel, 300 00 ' " Dan. Scull, sh'fF, 620 10 " " " constables, ofli- cers' fees. 401 82 " " " Justices, officers' fees, 29 10 " " court crier, 77 50 " " "tipstnfF, 62 00 ' prothonotarv, 178 62 " " " county auditors -and clerk, 149 C" M " " janitor. 80 00 " " constables, eom- monw'lth costs, 203 20 ii k justices, coin on- -w'lth costs, 113 75 " " " witnesses, com- nionw'ltli costs. 654 63 ii i assessors, assess ments, 483 84 " assessors, regist'y 191 00 ' grand jurors, 923 20 " " traverse jurors, 2,044 50 " ' " jail expenses, 734 58 " " " district att'y for 18-0-77, 852 50 V' " " Dixm't hospital supp't of A. Par sons, 137 30 " " " supp'tCon.Wist. 137 8. " " " " Mart. Gregor 143 00 " " ' Marv King, 117 SO " " " Kt. Williams 129 43 ' " " Jul. Stelling, 49 50 int. on bill, not paid when due, 21 85 " ' '' sheriff, common wealth costs, 1 50 ii ii west n penjtenty i88 40 peun'a reform school, 101 14 " publishing audi tor's settlement, 300 00 " " " publishing trien nial statement, , 75 00 " publish) p !cct- ... - iiiii proclamation 315 00 m u ii pUijisii'g appeal notice, 43 00 m ii ' printing and ad vertising, 187 24 ii . ii election expenses 572 1(. i ii ! j.0!Ui views and damages, C8J CO By amt paid for stationery, pastage, books fcc. 107 31 "amt paid for bounties on wolves &c. 21 95 " amt pd for fuel and lights 294 02 " amt paid for repairs to public buildings 148 52 " amt paid for advetising laws stricken off by comrs. 28 60 " amt paid Geo A Rathbun auditing Prothy accts. 9 00 " amt paid institute expen ses 1870 155 33 " amt pd for appeal expeses 99 79 " amt paid Treas. for lauds sold to county 68 94 M ain't paid reward for Cas per Wilhelm 100 00 " unit paid establishing line bet. Elk & Cm meron Co's. 21 6i " amt establishing merid ian line 81 00 lt amt paid reward and ex. penses for capture of Me Colluni 100 0- amt paid jury commis sioners and clerk 85 0G u am't naid inouests 49 55 " am't paid W. B. Weed offl. cial stenographer 90 00 41 am't paid miscellaneous ex penses 101 47 am't paid to township for balances due them irom Jos. Windfelder treas '875 1,589 83 M um't treas. com. for am't received and disbursed 633 74 15,372 01 1,555 dy u Excess of receipts $10,928 90 Assets and Liabilities of Elk County, January 7, 1878. ASSET3 To tax due from unseated lands, subject to commis sions and exonerations " tax due from coll. subject to coin and exonerations ' am't due from Benzinger tp. for support of C. Nist and Mary Krieg at Dix mont "amt due from Jones tp. for support of A. Parsons and J ulius Stelling at Dix mont amt due from Fox tp. for support of Kate Williams and George Ansiuger at Dixmont " amt due from St. Mary's Boro. for sup. of Martin Gregor at Dixmont u am't due from Lock Haven Boro. for sup. of John Con don at Dixmont M amt of judgment against Cameron Co. "amt of luugment against Patrick Lamb etal. " am't of judgment against Ridgway township " am't of judgment against Michael Hauiau ' am t uoteagainst Anthony - ' Krie8 . . o "am't of note against Geo. Krieg " am't of Judgment note against Martin Herbstritt " am't of judgment not against Daniel Cain am't Judgment note against J. L. fc J, E Boh ham ' 19,401 C2 7,643 30 724 87 710 22 679 02 61 10 365 00 276 60 49 27 214 73 67 26 26 78 26 78 26 78 1168 4168 130,216 89 T . T A ntr.tftra jy county oruer outstanding ' county bonds outstanding Int. on bonds to January 7, 1878 1,156 81 6,279 10 6H9 24 1,201 40 l'9 00 am taue uixmont hospital am't due Daniel Kcull, sherlt " am't due townships. Windfelders bal V am't due Fred. Scbcening, prothy. 1.948 29 859 22 $12,212 60 Excess of Assets 18,003 83 . $30,210 89 . i, .V. ''"""' sjummoi r.iK county no Hereby certify that thn nbovo and foregoing In n correct statement of i- j ."peIV7.'".r3 elc" or KIK I "Ui'ty lor the yeai kll, at ,ieH"t" liabilities of thexnmo. uur iinim niis nisi, o.iy oi .iiitiuury, A. D. 1878. MlCHAtX WKIIIKHT, 1 Attest) W. B. Hortow, Clerk. AMOUNTS RECEIVED FROM THE 8EVEH Afj COLLECTORS OF KM COUNTY DURING 1877: Thos.Campbell, coll Highl'd tp.,1874, 8o'iS7 $'rt'C A J.Avery, do Jay ao do 833 93 C.II.Winslow, do Benezet, N. DeWalt, do Benz'gr John Koch, do Fox Levi Kllithorpe, do Highl'd do 1873, do do 26 29 21 35 435 75 4 !H) 151 90 lort 97 250 00 780 99 055 08 140 34 300 00 220 02 09 CI 480 22 71 09 920 19 109 21 201 80 109 00 80 43 324 33 97 02 049 01 120 07 538 97 120 51 do do do do do do do 1870, do do do do do do do do Nat. Hippie, do Horton E. Moody, do So arCr'k do D.B.Wiuslow, do Benezet do M. Glati, do Benz'gr do Jacob Moyer, do Fox do Dan'l Phalen, do Horton do Oliver Dodge, do Jay do Theo. Cook, do Jones do Jas. Champion, do Millstone do J. W. Morgester, do Ridgway do Hi. Eiselnian, do Ku tr Cr''k do Albert Weis, do fSv. Marys 7 8 18 48 do Henry Blcsh, do Benezel. do 1877, M. Glatt, do Benzing'edo do no. McMackln, do Fox do do Levi Kllithorpe, do Highland do do Geo Clinton, do Horton do do Eph Hewitt, do Jay do do Rob't Manet t, do Jones do do Lawrence Fee, do Millstone do do O D.Messenger, do Ridgway do do Mich Stibieh, do St. Marys, do 66i 42 20 1 3 31 $7,721 32 $02 9i AMOUNTS DUE FROM THE SEVERAL COLLECTORS OF ELK COUNTY, JAXUAHY 7. 1878. Win. Clyde, collector Millstone twp., 1873, Geo Futist, do Horton do 1873. T,.U.. TT ,. .1.. T-i . . " 5 63 2! 15 ' John Koch, do Fox do 1875, 43 6: Nat. Hippie-, do D. B. Winslow, do Jacob Moyer, do Thos.Canipbell, do Dan'l Phalen, do Horton Benezette Fox Highland Horton Jay do do do do do do 1870, do do do do do 1877, do do do do do do do do do do 190 01 222 ( 132 4' 73 8 189 8i Oliver Dodge, II. Fisclman, Henry Biesh. Mich'lGluht, J no. McMackln do do 309 0; 1900; do do do do Spr'g Cr'k do Benezette do Benzinger do Fox do 642 4' 604 01 i,22s o; 9 9S Levi Kllithorpe, do Geo. W. Ciinton, do Eph. Hewitt, do Manett Robert, do Lawrence Fee, do G. D.Messenger do Wm A. Irwin, do Mich. 6tribich, do Highland do Horton Jay Jones do do do do 377 CIO 3'. 323 8 50 8 1,052 5: 285 8 Millstone, Ridgway do Sprg Cr.t do St. Marys boro, 1,148 W $7,G40 3;; Those marked with a have paid since settlement JACOB M'CAULEY. ESQ. TREASURER OF ELK COUNT IN ACCOUNT WITH SAID COUNTY FOR THE YEAI ENDING JANUARY 7, 1878. To bal. due fund at last settlement 1,791 8 " amt Co. tax ree'd iroui unseated lands 142 li '' amt C. tax ree'd fr.,n eolie .jtors 7,721 3: am't reed on judgment of Co. vs. Wrlnd- felder. et nl. 5,602 amt ree'd tor redem. of lands from Co. 1,489 2(. aim. rtj vii mini uj.izuiger tp. on ain't due Dixmont 568 I! nmt ree'd 1st. Mary's on am"t due Dixm't 487 6b " do do Ir. Jones tp on ain't due Dixm't 300 Oi " do do fr. Fox tp. on am't due Dixm't 191 1! do do in Benz'gr tprdod Wm Zelt note 135 0i, do do fr. O. B. Grunt costs com wealth vs. Hoflinan 102 2( " do do for coumy map sold 30o $18,534 It-. By Co. Com'rs rec't for Co. ords. redeemed 12,264 o; " do do rect for redem. or ds redeemed 003 4 " do do rect for refd'g or ds redeemed 32 St " do do rect for redemption of orders to townsliip for Windl'elder's halance 1,589 8- ' treas. coin, on amount received 314 8 " treas. com. on umount disbursed 297 63 15,514 3-, 3,ol9 Hi " Balance due fund $18,534 1 STATE TAX ACCOUNT. Fo bi.lance clue at last settlement, " antount received from collectors, 142 8; 02 9: $205 7: 190 1 15 V ; By State Treasurer's receipts, oaiance ctue account, less commission, $205 7- SCHOOL FUNDS.. BENEZETTE SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund m last settlement, $1,270 3 13 4i amount received lrom unseated land, $1,289 7: By county commissioners! receipt for refund. ing oruers redeemed, 5 nil school treasurers' receipts, 1,250 8 treasurer's commissicu on am't ree'd, 2". do do do payni'ts, 25 5i $1,287 9i 1 80 balance due fund, $1,289 7: BENEZETTE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund nt lust settlement, $286 3. " do do titubuiy, 6 04 $292 41 By county commissioners' receipts for refund ing oruers redeemed, " f-chool treasurer's receipts, " treasurer' commission on payments, 5 Oi 280 05 6 84 if 292 41 BENZINGER SCHOOL FUND. To am't tax ree'd from unseated lands. $ 11 50 " do ree'd lor redemption of lands from county, 141 70 $153 20 189 94 balance due treasury, $343 20 $340 14 300 By bal, due treasurer at last settlement, " treasurer's commission ou am't ree'd, $343 20 BENZINGER SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, $384 15 am i lax reo-a irom unseuieu lands. 1 03 40 99 do do the county,' for redemption of lauds from . $420 17 876 47 84 7 68 $384 99 41 18 By school treasurer, receipts, " treasurer's, commission on am't ree'd, " do do do payments, " balance due fund, FOX CnOOL FUND. $426 17 22 27 To am't tax ree'd from unseated lands, " do ree'd for redeption of lands from co., 49 09 $71 86 10 45 142 $1187 69 49 $7186 By bal. due treasurer at last settlement " treasurer' commission on am't ree'd, balanoA due fund, Fox school ntrii.niNn To bal. due fund nt last settlement " am't tax received from unseated lands " am't rec,d for redem. of lands from Co By school tres receipt " treas com. on amount received " treas. com. on amount disbursed ballance due fund HIGHLAND SCHOOL FUND. To bal. due fund at last settlement " amt tax ree'd from unseated lauds By school treas. receipts " treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed " Ballance due fund HORTON SCHOOL FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement rjy school treas. receipts " treas. commission on amount disbursed " Ballance due fund HORTON SCHOOL RUILDINO FUND To ballance due Treasurer By ballance due treasurer at last settlement JAY SCHOOL FUND To ballance due treasurer By ballance due treasurer at last settlement JAY SCHOOL BUILDINO FUND. fo ballance due fund at last settlement By school treasurer receipt ' treasurers commission on am't disb'd ' ballance due fund JONES SCHOOL FUND. To ballance dr fund nt last settlement amt tax re ived Irom unseated lands ' unit recel 1 for redem. of lands from Co. By school tri. .Hirers receipt ' treasurers commission on am't received ' treasurers commission on payments " ballance due fund JONES SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. To balonce due fund at last settlement, " amt tax ree d from unseated lands, " do reed for redeptn of lan ds from co., By school treasurers receipts, treasurer's commission on amt ree'd, " do ' do do paid, " balance due fund, MILLSTONE SCHOOL FUND. To balance due fund ut last settlement, By school treasure rs receipts, " treasurer's commission on payment, MILLSTONE SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. I'o balance due fund at last settlement, ;Jy school treasurer's receipts, ' treasurer's commission on payment, RIDGWAY SCHOOL FUND. i'o balance due fund at last settlement, By school treasurer's receipts, " treasurer's commis'n on am't disb'd, balance due fund, RIDGWAY SCHOOL BUILDING FUND. fo balance due fund at last settlement By school treasurer's receipt ' treasurer's commission ou payment FI'RINO CREEK SCHOOL FUND. I'o balance due fund at last settlement By school treasurer's receipt s ' treasurer's commission on judgment ST. MARY'S SCHOOL FUND. i'o balance due fund at last settlement " am't tax received from unseated lands By Co. Commissioners recipt for refunding orders redeemed " treasurer's commission on am't received treasurer commission on am't disbursed balance due fund, ROAD FUNDS. BENEZETTE ROAD FUNDS. To balance due fund at hist settlement, " tax received troni unseated lands, balance due treasurer, By co. comm. rec'ts for refd'g ord's red'm'd twp. treasurer's receipts. " treasurer's commission on am't ree'd, " do do do payments, BENZINGER ROAD FUNI. To balunce due fund at lust settlement, tax ree d irom unseated lands, " am't ree'd for redempt'u of I ds from co., " balance due treasurer, By township treasurer's receipts, co com- rec'ts tor road 01 ders redeemed, " treasurer's commission on am't ree'd, QO do disbursed, BENZINGER ADDITIONAL ROAD Piisn. To balance due fund at last settlement, ' am't ree'd redempt m of lands from co. By treasurer's comujiksion on am't ree'd, " balance due fund, FOX ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement tax received from unseated lands ' amt reed redemption of lands from Co. By Co. Coins receipt for road orders redeemed treasuer'scommiesion on amount received treas. commission on amount disbursed 15 65 13 64 23 01 $52 10 7 80 73 14 " ballance due fund FOX ADDITIONAL ROAD FUND. To am't tax received from unseated lands " amt ree'd redemption of lands from Co. By treasurer's commission on am't received " ballance due fund $52 10 697 64 84 88 $781 74 450 00 1 08 9 00 821 19 400 68 $781 87 - HIGHLAND ROAD FUND To ballance due fund at last settlement " tax received from unseated lauds $154 10 By township treasurer's receipt " Co. eoni'rs receipt for orders redeemed " treas. commission on umount received " treas. commission on payments " balace due fund 164 1(1 83 40 1 67 85 13 68 97 HORTON ROAD FUND. To balance due treasurer, $15410 67 66 By balance due treasurer at last settlement, 67 50 67 60 JAY ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " balance due treasurer, $67 60 60 22 By township treasurer's receipts, ' co. coins, rec ts for road orders redeemed, " treasurer's commission on amt disbursed, $30 21 CO 2. $00 22 $333 04 833 04 2G4 10 5 21) JAY CASH FUND. i'o balance due fund at last settlement, By balance due fund, JONES ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " tux received from unseated lands, " amt ree'd for redempt' n of lands from co., 205 3(. 67 fit $333 04 541 2 7i 199 3: By township treasurer's receipts, ' treasurer's commission on am't rcc d " do do do disbursed, balance due luud, $250 li . 53 07 4 (M ' 1 08 58 1! 198 01 MILLSTONE ROAD FUND. To balance due treasurer, By balance due treasurer at last settlement. ' co. comm's rec'ts for road orders redeem'd, " treasurer's commission on am't disbursed, MILLSTONE CASH FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, By township treasurer's receipt, " treasurer's commission on um't disbursed, " balance due fund, RIDGWAY ROAD FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, " do do due ireusurer, $250 1!' $ 1 4(, J . 07 65 $103 3 j 4 8i 1 9". 08 $6 37 90 94 $103 31 $72 0' $72 6' 71 2l 1 4;; By township treasurer's receipt, " co comm's rec't for roud orders redeemed, " treasurer s commission on am't disbursed, $72 0 ' RIDGWAY CASH FUND. To balance due fund at lust settlement, ly ba'ance due fund, SI'KNG CREEK ROAD FUND. To ballance due fund ut last settlement " ballance due tieusurer $70 3i $70 3 68 9 1 4 $70 3l $407 1 $107 It 457 01, 9 15 $400 81 2!; $107 10 220 14 $220 14 215 74 4 4i . $220 14 170 30 $170 8' 100 llo 3 40 By township treasurers receipts "Co. coin's receipt for rd. orders redeemed " treus. commission um't of payments SPRING CREEK CASH FUND. I'o ballance due fund at last settlement By townsliip treas. receipt "' treus. commission on payments ST. MARY'S ROAD FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement ' tax received from unseated lands By borp. treasurer's receipt " Co coin's receipt for refunding orders re deemed " treas. commission on amount received " treas commission on amount disbursed ' ballance due fund $170 30 35 95 14 ST. MARYS CORPORATION FUND. To balance due fund at lust sottlement, ' tax rece'd from unseated lunds, $37 30 400 03 08 baladce due treasurer, By borough treasurer's receipt, ' co. comm's rec't for ret'und'g ord's red'm'd, ' treasurer's commission on am't rec d, ' do do do disbursed, $ 4 17 83 19 $37 30 POOR FUNDS.. BENZINGER POOR FUNDS. To balance due fund at last settlement. " tax received from unseated lunds. ' am t ree'd for redempt'n of lauds from co., $100 5 6 70 $467 28 8 52 By am't p'd co. com.'sasperorderof tp. treas., " treasurer's commission on am't ree'd, 1 do do do disbursed, $475 80 14 80 451 87 13 9 50 ' balance due fund, $475 80 608 41 11 50 138 18 FOX POOR FUND. To balance due fund at last settlement, ' tax ree'd from unseated lands. ' am't re'd for redempt'n of lands from co., $658 09 30 81 By am't p'd co. corns, as per order of overse's, " township treasurer's receipts, treasurer's commission on am't ree'd, do do do payments, 694 90 402 35 216 00 2 99 " balance due fund, HORTON POOR FUND. To ballance due fund at last settlement By ballance due fund JONES POOR FUND. To tax received from unseated lands " am't recejved for redem. of lands from Co. By treas. commisson on amount received " ballance due fund 13 66 694 90 4 76 6 22 68 69 69 67 1 29 1 29 68 28 69 75 MILLSTONU POO FUND. 60 07 27 80 62 16 To bal. due fund at last ctl'ui't 882 ll By township treas. receipt 874 47 " treas. com. on payment 7 61 3R2 11 RIDGWAY POOR FUND To bal. due fund at last settle't 60 29 do do trea.urer, 143 71 9 75 129 78 By orders redeemed, treus com. on am't disbs'd. 200 00 410 $130 63 204 00 2 75 ST MARYS POOR FUND. 24 60 To bal. due fund at lost set nit, 16 li ' tax ree'd frin unseated I ds, 1 19 27 81 64 1781 By twp. treas. receipt, 16 45 64 treas. com. on am't rec d. 0 28 7 ' do do do disbursed 83 27 81 IS 80 61 " bal. due fund, 62 68 120 47 17 31 173 15 61 03 85 Or STATE ROAD FUNDS. KANE, RIDGWAY AND ST, MARYS STATE ROAD FUND. To bal. due f 'd at last settlem't 228 5t; tax ree'd f m unseated I ds 14 li' " amt ree'd for redemption of lauds from county 829 90 2 41 1 7- 00 7 82 30 173 15 572 68 6 88 565 7 70 70 By treos. com. on amt rec d, " bal. due fund 70 70 672 5f M'KEAN, ELK AND FOREST STAT1 ROAD. To bal due f d at last setmt 3,242 14 " amt ree'd for redempt'n of lunds from county 173 Of 124 8( 1 (X 125 8( 112 4. 110 2 4' 8,4 15 2. 3 4 3 411 7 By treas. com. on amt ree'd bul. due fund 125 8; 5 3 5 8l 3,415 2 ,IIDGWAY AND BROOKVILLE STAT, ROAD FUND. To bal. due f d ut last settlemt 20 4 iy bal. due fund 127 3! 2 7: 199 3 S0 4 .VILCOX AND HAMLIN STATE ROA1 FUND. fo amt ree'd for redemption of laud from county 829 4 108 1 4 0 2 1- Jy i-oin.'s. J. L. Brown's rect treas. com. on um't rec d do do do I'ttid 114 3t 215 V. 80 5 " bal. due fund 329 4, 14 4' 36 7: Jacob McCouley, Esq., Treasurer o Elk county, in account with 1 1 1 Commonwealth of Pennsylvania fo. the year ending Jun. 7, 1878: To bal.dueCom'th at lust sett le nient. 234 7. unit of retailers license as per mercantile appruisers return for 1 87 7 747 5 " unit brewers' license as per mercantile appraisers ret. '77 125 0- " unit billiard license us ht mercantile appraisers return for 1877 220 0 ' unit eating house licenseas per ret of cierk of (piarterses. 750 0 ' umt store or liquor license grunted in 1870 and lifted in 1877, as per returnof clerk of quarter sessions 60 0 "am t store or liquor license us per return of clerk of quarter sessions 60 0 " unit circus license as per treasurers report of same 60 0 " 10 copies of pumph. laws as per treas. return of sume 10- 15 4: 2 IK 0- 17 0i 89 8 72 0 1 4 74 Il ia 7 89 8 93 1 285 8. 285 8- 813 o: 155 0 408 0. 300 7 152 (k 9 8 408 0 . 19-4- 0835 13 4! 2,132 5- $2,307 i. Ay state treas. receipts retail ers license " do do rec. brewers lie. " do do rec. billiard do " do do recent, house lie. " do do rec. tavern lie. do do rec. liquor lie. " do do rec. circus license " do do rec. pumph. laws "exonerations ou amount of 1870 allowed by coilith. " amount paid for printing in 1870 allowed by comth. ' treas. com. on am't charged with in 1870allowed by com monwealth " umount paid for printing in 177 ' exonerations of 1877 "-treus. com. on am't charged with 715 7 80 6. 109 114 0 004 0 95 0 67 0 19 5 30 0( 48 (X 88 8 72 0t 72 Oi 106 61 697 4. 9 8." 2 8( 12 li 9c: 1 8( 0- 2: 4f $121! 11 i; 1 1! 12 3i 2,339 U 28 11 bal. due commonwealth $2,807 2i We, the undersigned Auditors: of Elk county Tor the year 17, having met ut the Commit -loner' olliue, in Kldyway, in suitl counly.oi the first Monday of January, A. D. 1S7K, be iiik the seventh day of the month, Tor tin ourpoKe of auditing, setlllng and adjusting iheuecounto of the xeveral county officer e adjourned to T-uesduy, January 8. 1K78, ai vlitvli lime we proceeded to audit settle and .ill usl the account of the several counu illicers, and found them collect as stated li: iiiis our report. Jaeob McCauley, Esq., Treasurer of said county, having been duly notltied, was pre sented In person. After havirg carefully examined, audited settled and adjusted theaccounls ol the sail! Jacob McCamey, we round due from him Hit laid Treasurer tothe several funds, as is fulij "el forth in the foregoing report, the sum o. lulit thousand nine hundred and seventy, lour dollars und seventy-one cents, and dui to him, the said Treasurer, from certain lunds. as set forth In suld I'o euoluu reuort.tli, 12 5! 10 91 1 8 0. 23 12 54 sum of ciKht hundred and one dollars and ninety-two cents, leaving a net balance oi eight thousand one hundred and seventy-two 408 & 6 7 Of- lonars unu seventy-nine cents uue to the said county of Klk by the said Treasurer. Also duo from the said Treasurer to tin I nnimmi wealth of Pennsylvania the sum m tweniy-eight dollars and ten cents, as fully ct forth In the foregoing report. In witness whereof we have hereunto set 480 77 400 01 1 50 8 Or our hands this 81st day of January, A. 1). 1878. W.H. HYlJli. S-Co.AuU'1. K. I. SPAXGLFH. I Attest: M. B. Klin g, clerk. 409 6G 77 21 The Commissioners of Elk county in A i. . . j, 486 77 221 62 760 10 68 uuc-nuut wiiu huiu county ior me year ending January 7, A. D- 1878 : Michael Weidert. To county orders received $240 00 By 80 days services at $3 239 70 191 19 26 00 36 4 43 W. H. Osterhout." To county orders received By 69$ days services at $3 $177 60 Georere Reusc.her. To county order received 221 98 17 72 233 00 By 77 days services at $3 $233 0'' Daniel 8cul', Esq., High Sheriff of 230 70 44 66 44 50 .cut coumy. in account witn saiu county for the year ending January 7. 1878. To fines and costs in Com. cases! 218 18 do jury fees ree'd in civil cases 20 00 do casli ree'd from U. 8 Mar shal ror medicine furnished by co. to Rath bum Klnar ' 15 65 do am't proceeds sheriff's sale Jan 22, 1877, of Windfelder's property ... 18608 do reward and costs for recap 40 65 ture oi aucnaei uccoiium lou oo $139 53 8 00 1 69 10 $240 00 177 60 1 81 89 34 40 65 81 89 84 do county orders tor bal. due at lust settlement do county orders for fees and 158 10 403 60 boarding prisoners $1,101 61 609 00 do bal. due sheriff $1.830 51 By bnl. due him at last set'm't 168 10 do jail ncc't for boarding and washing for prisoners, etc, Up to Jart'y 7, 1878 49 8 60 do servinglury notices, May, Hep. and hov. This. 1877 and Jan Term 1878 444 00 conveying Casp.Wilhelm, Mich. McColium and Den Ills Bllllivuil to peiniciii y, ;. two half $120.00 aud on full fare $120.00 - 240 00 conv'g Oreenawalt, Hart man and Mnlone to Penn'a ref'm school special agree ment wit co. coin's 225 0 conv'g V. Brown to pen itentiary 120 00 conv'g Henry Horn beck topenitent'y paid accord ing to fee bill 50 00 turnkey and officers fees in Commonwealth cases 89 91 drawing lour juries du ring 1877 4 00 advertising gen'l election 100 reward for cupture of Mi- ' chael McColium 50 00 $1,830 ei Daniel Scull. Esq., High Sheriff of Elk county, in account with Hortou school district. I'o am't due dis t at last set'm't $50 00 By school treas. receipt do bal. due district $27 60 22 50 $50 00 We, the undersigned. Auditors of Elk :ountyfor the year -1&73, having met at the mniissloner's office in ltidgwny, In said minty, on the first Monday of January, A. I. l7. for the purpose of auditing, settling nd adjusting the accounts of the several ounly officers, we adjourned to Tuesday, auuiirys, l7S, at w hich time we proceeded o audit, settle and adjust the accounts of the everal county officers, as set forth in this our Prt. . Daniel Heull, Esq., High Sheriff of said ounly, was present in person aud presented In account. After rnreinlly examining, auditing, sel ling and adjusting his account. Is revised nd settled by the County Commissioners, wo und due to him. by the said county of Elk, lie sum of six hundred and sixty-nine dol irs, which sum we hereby certify to be truo nd correct, as set forth in the foregoing tiitemeut, in witness whereof we have hereunro set mr bunds the Hist day of January, A. D. 187S. GEO. T. ROTHROCK,) W, H. HYDE, I Co. Aud's. R. I. KlAX(iX.KR. litest : M. S. K.I.1NE, Clerk. The Commissioners of the Kuno liidgway and St. Mary's State Road. In account with the funds of said road for the year ending January 7, 1878. :'o bal- due fund at last set'm't 1,605 80 lo unit reed from treasurer of McKean C. 1,980 C5 lo proceeds of bond No. 80, Uidgway township 1,859 38 lo unit reed W. H. Osterhout, money advanced 600 00 io amt reed W. II. Osterhout paid by merchandise to Mes senger on contract 61818 $0,563 67 ly amt puid Q. D. Messenger on contract, Ridgway tp. 2,018 00 .o amt paid bond No. 8 ser geant township 1,885 60 io unit pniti v. 1j ADuott Jones township io umt puid lor copy of assess ment of .Sergeant township io amt puid tor copy of assess ment of Ridgway and Ben zinger township o hint puid J. L. Brown sec retury services o umt paid Hull &, VcCauley prolessionul services ,o amt puid treas. for expenses 22 88 2 00 8 00 10 00 10 00 6 18 3,456 50 8,107 11 lo bal. due fund $6,503 67 Vmount due for work done in Jones und Ridgwny townships and not puy for, as below stated .ml due Wilcox Tanning Co. Jones townsliip 1,583 87 nit due John Nagle Jones tp. 79 12 nit due John Dolanud Jones township 66 62 mt due V. II. Osterhout, Ridgway township 1,118 18 The Commissioners of the Ridgway and Bmokville State Road in ac count with the funds of said road for the yeur ending January 7, 1878. i'o am t ree'd of co. treus. in 1876 $775 54 lo do do ofS. P. Johnson, being part of orders held us collateral for int. ou bonds 48 29 By bal. due commissioners at settlement of 1870 Jo work done under comm's, Messenger, 1870 io workd one under comm's, Messenger, 1877 Jo work done under comm's, H. Cur nun i. lo am t paid Horace Little In full for services as comm'r lo am't paid C H. McCuuley in full tor services us sec'y $705 53 118 80 lo bal. due fund $823 83 We, the undersigned. Auditors of Ellc county lor the year 1878, having met at the ommlssloners' office in Kidgway, In said coumy ou the first Monday of January. A. D. !88, being the seventh day of the month, and idjourued to Tuesday, January 8. 1878. at hich time we proceeded with the settle ment, and do hereby certify that we have uarelully examined, audited, settled and ad justed the accounts of the Commissioners of the Kane, Ridgway and St. Marys KUUe road, and of the Commissioners of the Ridgway and Urookville state road, and find them sev erally correct, as set forth la the foregoing re port. In witness whereof we have hereunto our bauds the 31st day ol January, A. I. nT?' OEO.T. ROTHROCK, 1 A 8 R. I. SPANGLKR, (LO' Aur ' Attest: M. is. Klink. Clerk, The balances marked with a have been paid since settlement. PIIE SOCIETY STORE. A new store started in Ridgway un der the auspices of the ladies of Grace Church, with KISS A. E. M'KES.' as Agent and Saleswoman, A fine assortment of goods ou hand and selected with great care. KM UhUlDEK 1 KS. LACE EDGE. FRINGES, HANDKERCHIEFS. LADIES TIES. TOILET SETS. LINEN SUITS. CHILDREN SUITS SAMI'LK 8ILK8. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a fine lot of Dress Goods. Fancy work of all kinds. Framed mottoes c. All cheap as the cheapest and goods warranted first class. Call and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'KEE, Agent ftr the Society. $823 83 489 80 900 500 156 73 25 00 20 00 i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers