I. r i fi ' GEO. A. It A TUB UN, Attorncy-at-Law, Main Street, Ridgway, Elk Co.,' Pa. 11 A LL & AT U All LEY, AUorney-at-Lw. Office iii New Crick Building, Main SI fcidway, Elk Co., Pa. 8n2lf. L WORE & HA MliLEN. -Atforneys-nt-Law, Ridgway, Elk County Pa. Ofllee across the ball from the Democrat establishment. Claims Tor collection promptly attended to Jne. 15 '7. CUAHLFS IWLh'S, Watohtnnkpr, Engraver and Jeweler Main Ftreet, Kidgwny, P. Agent for lh rlowo ewlng Machine, and Morton Gold Ven. Repairing Watches, etc, dorewilh le imo nocurncy as heretofore. Entis taction guaranteed. tlnly J. O. H. 1JA1LEY, ATrOUNKV-ATLAW. Tln.a.,1. Ttiilgway, Klk County, fa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Acoi Jent Insurance Co., tit Hartford. Conn. JAMES 1. FCLLEItTuN, Surgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Kigway, offers his professional ser vices tn the citizens of Kidgway ana sur rounding country. All work warranted Office in Service & Wheeler's Building, up. stair, first door to the left. 73-n-82-ly C. V. -MESSKXCfili. Urugglst and PavniHceniint, N. W. rornei of Main nnd A3 ill aireMs, Ridgway, l'a. full asortnieni of rnvetnlly selected For eign nn.i DoMieKtic lriijfn. I'voscriptions rnrel'iilly dispemed at ill liultrs, liny ot nijlit. vla.1v T. S. IIAIITLHY M ., t'liysioiiin nti-.t Surgeon. Office in iliug Stoic, corner I'vomiI and Main 8tp. Iieidi"nc.p corner Uroad 81. opposile the t'oll-'ge. Onice hour from 8 to 10 A. M. nit-i from 7 to S 1'. M. vl2jl. .r S. liOliDWELL, M. !., Eclectic l'liysicinn nnd Surgeon, has remov ed his ofiice from Centre street, to Mait st. Kidgwny, Ph., in 'lie fecond story of the nc at brick building of John 0. Hall, oppo site Hyile's srore. Office hours: 1 to 2 P M 7 to 0 P M ii yd:-: house, RnniV jY, Ki.k Co., Pa II. Sf!H It AM, Proprietor. Thankful for the pnlron-ipe heretofore o liberally bestowed upon liini, the tier proprietor, hopes, by raying strict a. teution to the comfort and convenience ot guests, to merit, a coutinunnce oi the BI1IUU. tic I 0 IPfill. E. 1. FA Y. LU Slil ii II A SI) INSURANCE CO.M MISSION' BROKER, A.SMI GENE UAL COLLECTION' AG' EXT No 216 Walnut Place, (.':! Walnut Street,) PHILADELPHIA. PA. M 4!-ly '. K . II A IX, IlKAlE IN Dry Goods, Notions, Grrcsrice. and General Variety, FOX EL.X CO., PA. Ear Sty V. (. y vlni7if. K. K. UiiKSII. S Dealer in all kind of cabinet ware, fowl ami eiine sent flini .-, kitchen '.nil cxtiitioii tables, wood jinl marble fop stands, wood und marble top V lilll'l'iui J. whatnots. Irwtl.-inir irl,ww Ywood and niuvhle top chamber suits, mattresses, spring bed bottoms, lied tr i .,,-..,... i.. i i i , inn, jjuitl t 3 lill-lill lllli-tl wood jiuinps, i(c, &c. Cune seats re placed with perforated wood seats. Weed sewing machine reduced from $05 to $45, the I jest machine in the market, and picture frames made to order. Also a larire assorted stock of ready made eoftlns cons'antlv on hand nnd triinmeil at shortest notice. All the above gjod are sold at panic prices. Ware Rooms in masonic huilding, Ridgway J'u. v'nolt. JSEW LIVEItV STABLE RIDGWAY . DAN SCItrilXKU AVIHES TO In form the citizens of Kidgway, and the public generally, that he has fctarted a Ljvery Htable and will keep oood .stock, c;ood;cakriagks and Buggies to let upon tho most leHBonuble terms. ?IIe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main All orders left at the Post Oillco will receive prompt attention. Aug01871tf JF YOU "WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO , JAMES II HAGERTY Main Street, IMdgway, I'a DBY GOODS, VXOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, AVOOD AND WILLOW.WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS A Largo Stock of Groeerleu r id Provisions The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and sold a cbean ms the CHEAPEST JAMES H HAGERTY , Conn t y Officers. President Judge-Hon. L. D. Wetmore Associate Judges lions. Geo. Ed. Weia, and Julius Jones. Mierltr Daniel Soull. Treasurer Jacob McCauley. District Attorney C. H. M'Cauley. Co. Superintendent Geo. It. Uixon. Prothonotary. &c Fred. Sehrenlng. Deputy Prothonotary W. S. Morton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. If. Osterhout, Oeorge Rcuscher. Commissioners' Clerk W. H. Morton. Auditors W. II. Hyde, R. I. Spang ler, (k-orge Rothrock. Call at this office for writing paper and envelopes. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. K8TATK of John E'Cusker, lute of Fox township, Klk county, l'a., (Iccensiil. LKT TKRsjot' ALIM lNIHTHATIUN havlnft been irrimtcHl to the undorslirned upon thesnld es tntonll persons Inilebted to wild pstate are requested to mnke pnyment, nnd those havlnir clnlins to present tlirm for set tlement. JACOB M'CAULEY, Admr. ll.'lltU. UEOISTEirS XOTICE. Notice Is hereby flvcn Hint the following accounts will be presented on the first day of tne next lerin oi me "irpunns rain lor coll Urination, being the.Sd Mondny ol November next, to-wlt : 1. Final ni'count of Lawrence Mobnn exc entorofthe Inst will nnd testiiinent of Patrick Kuiltn, inte ot Kox townshiji. l'n., deceased. Itl-.IJ. HlHtEMXO, Keg I'lilster. TO CONSUMPTIVES. The advertiser, having been permanently cured of thnt dread disease, Consumption, by ti simple remedy, is Anxious to make known to li:s fellow sufferers the menns of cure. To nil who desire it, be will send a copy of the prescription used, (free of charge) with the directions for prepnring nnd using the same, which they will find a Siirk Ciije for CoNsrMrrioN, Ihthma, I'BONcniTis, &e., Piirties wishing Ibe prescription will please address, hev. E. A. AVILSOX, V.U I'enn., Williamsburgh, N. Y. Appletou's Ainrricnu Cyclcptdia. Vol. 8 of thiM admirable work i.s junt out, making it half complete, as there are to be Hi in all, of Hi) pacs each, one being laxued in two months. It makes a complete library, and no one can atl'ord to do without it who would keep well informed. Price $r,(H) a vol ume in leather, or 7,00 in elegant half Turkey. C. K. .TipNon. Fredonia, N. Y., controls the sale in Elk county. Address him for particulars. neplT-tf IvEHOSENE OIL 110 Fire Test at iMe jjer (iallon. Dianiontl Head Light Oil. at only 12.3c per Gallon at l he W est En i .-; r SPECIAL XOTK'ES. Fk' vTxi i VKirsr lph uk soa i Hit. VAN DYKE, whose life long s-i:ci.: itv. nnd world wide reputation for CIJU1N0 SKIN 1USKASEK, has endear nril for ietr. to combimj an kxkhnai, tbkatmfnt. lie ins acciuii plishcd llnsde. sirablo rrsi iT in the prpurntinn of his compound '.-CI.lMll'lt M)AI'." the merits of which are spoken pf by thousands: it is highly reeoMiiiended to all cur renders. i i-ice zo i:h: l uke; o Uos (three Cakes) tiOCca's. .-Jfnt by JIah, (prepaid) on hickii't or phioe Oflin.?, o'l N. 5th ft. WiioLKsAl.fi l)i 'it, 400 N. fid St. 1 hiladel phia. I'a. Sold by U HUGO 1ST. n21y lcow. Co to I'OWELWc KIMK for your Hour, feed and pork, and everything else in the provision line. N. ). MOLASSES FfJlT'cOOlT ing, also choice Fvrup always on hand at POWELL KIME'S. SCUARS AT POWELL AND KIME'S nre liili to be sure; but s'ill are u li tie cheaper ihan ni uny other 'ore in (own. A NICE LOT OE NEW PRINTS at POWELL. & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. FLOCK, PORK, FEED, CORN Meiil, Oats, alwiivs on hand at POWELL i: KIME'S nt bottom pri ces Xot lee. All persons are hereby forbidden selling goods to, or trusting any person on my account, without my written order, as I will pay no debts thus con tracted alter this dale. M. T. FRENCH. Ridgway May 2, lS77.-ly MILLINERY AXI DRESSMAKING MRS. J. R. KELT, Kersey, Elk Co., Pa., takes this method' of an nouncing to the citizens of Klk county, that she lias on hand an as sortment of fashionable millinery goods which will be sold cheap. Also dressmaking in all its branches. Agent for Dr. J Rail & Co's Patent Ivory and Lignum Vitiu Eye Cups. Send for descriptive circular. nl7yl. CANNED COODS reaches. To matoes. Cherries, and Tlums at the store of Powell & Kime. List of Causes, SET down for trial at November Term of the Court of Common Pleas of Elk County : 1. John Wainwrlglit, adm'r. ac. vs. W. II. Johnson et al. No 14, Sep tember Term, 1S75. 2. Jacob II. Walters et al. vg. Thos. L. Kane et al. No. 83 Septem ber Term, 1S70. 3. Chas. Webb xi. Simon Roinig. No. 112 September Term, lS7il. 4. W. It. Konkie vs. C. It. Earley. No. 211, September Term, 1870. 5. Barbara Eckl. Widow &c. vs. Edward Rabel. No. 223, September Term, 1K70. 6. Stout, Mills, and Temple vs. Ralph Johnson, udm'r, &c. No. 07, November Term, 1870. 7. MichaelShe ehan vs. Joseph B. Powers. No SU January Term, 1877. 8. N. M. Brockway vs J. S. Hydo etal. No. 03, May Term, 1877. "J. Jas. II. Hagerty vs. Walter Bry ant et al. No. 05, May Term, 1877. 10. John W. Briggs, now for use, vs. R. I. Campbell, adin'r. No. 1 May Term, 187i. 11. George Dickinson et al. vs Fred Wilmarth et al. No. 103, May Term, 1877. 12. Racbael Gross et al. vs. C. R. Earley. No. 115, May Term, 1877. 13. The Township of Ridgway vs. V. S. Wheeler et al. No. 17U, May Term, 1877. 14. C. H. M'Cauley vs. Patrick Lamb etal. No. 71, September Term, 1877. 15. Solomon S. Johnson vs. Janette C. Houk, executrix, dc. No. I1S Sep tember Term, 1877. 16. John Tudor et al. vs. Peter IIol iabaugh. No. 146, September Term, 1877. FRED. SCHCENINO, Clerk. INSURANCE AGENCY. OF P. B. WACHTEL, St. Mary's, Pa. The largest agency in either Elknr its adjoining counties, representing through ills General Agents about 30 responsible and prompt loss paying companies, among the principal ones are the following: NOIITH niUTISH A MERCANTILE, Gross etseta $32,533,612. JETS A, OF IIAUTFOni), CONN.. Asset over $7,000,000, FIRE ASSOCIATION OF PHILADELPHIA Assets $4,oo0,ouo NIAGARA, OF NEW YORK. Assets $1,600,000. BHAWMUT, BOSTON, MASS., Capltalj!500,000. GERMAN AMERICAN, NEW YORK, Assets $2,500,000. TRAVELERS, (Life nnd Accident) CONN., A:sots $ ,205,OtlO. n30jr1. NEW TIME TARLE OF THE P & E R.R. commencing Monday, Sept. 24, 1877. WILCOX. Mail East - 4:13 p m " West 2:50 p in Day Express East 0:22 n m Niagara Express West 8:22 p ni ItlDOWAY. Mail East , 4:40 p m Mail West 2:19 p m Day Express East :5ft a m Niagara Express West 7:4.5 p m sr. Mary's. Mail East 6:18 p m Mail West 1:57 p m Day Express East 7:20 a in Niagara Express West 7:18 p ni Township Officers. Judge of Election G. R. Dixon. Inspectors M. E. Lesser, II. H. Wensel. Justice's of the Feace Charles Mend, Tas. D. Ful'.ei'ton. School Directors 0. B. Grant, Jas Gardner. G. T. Wheeler, N. T. Cum mings, W. P. Service. Eng. J. Miller. Supervisors John Gulnack, Daniel M'Govem. Treasurer W. H. Hyde. Assessor M. S. Kline. Auditors WiH Dickinson, Jumes Pen Held, J 8. Powell. Clerk M. S. Kline. Constable -Geo. D. Messenger, Jr. J. C. Seidell VK. JiuifSlioUlrakP ot ul., AliiiinlNti'iitor iiiul the Widow Hiid Heirs of I 'liarloH shrhlruke, diTMiNed. ELK CtUM Y.ss: In Elk County Common PIcrh. No. 50, May T., Tin.' i.ommonwmltli of Pennsylvania the Mipiill'of siilil County. Ureetlnir: to Wiikkkah, J. C. Welilon, on tho'sth dny of iXM'i'iiiiit'r. in t ii voar ni our loru onv iiiouk unit rijilil liimdrt'il und sovinty-four, obtained HKiifiiit'iii in our couniv v ouit oi toinmou I'li-ns of Elk County iifori'milil, before our Judge fit KUlirwny, ulilnst Juno Sheldrake aiiti r.. li, iMxoit.iHiininiHiriiioi-H oi ine esiaie oi Charles Sheldrake, deeeaseil, lute ol your county, yeoman, an well for a eertaln debt of two hundred thirty-one and eljsht ont-hund-redths dollars, lawful money of the Coiled states, and Interest thereon from November lTth. 1X74. im also twenty-nine and ilveone- liiuulredths dollars like money, which to the sutd nhilntllf in ourstild court were awarded anil adjudiiod for his damages, which he sus tained by oeeasion of the detention of the debt whereof the said defendants convict as annears to usof record. &c. let the execution ol I he said iudmuent w ill remain to be made. as we liuvelieen given to understand by the said plaintllf, who hath besought us to pro vide for him a proper remedy in that behalf. ami we iieiim wiuini; iniu wiml is rijjin in Hint hehali should be done. Then-lore we command yon, Rieut plurliis preeepiinus that by honest and lawful men of your inn w ek vnu make Known unto i inii ies Sheldrake that he be und appear before our JihIkcs nt Uidaway at our county Court of common i-ieas. mem to lie neiii lor said county, on the third Monday of November next, to show if auythliiK for himself has or knows t'isav why the said nlai mi If should not have the bovc staled judgment revived to continue fio lien, und aUo why the said Pliiintill should not havo execution iil'hIiiM Iiim for tlie said debt and dauiaues, accordhiK to the force, form and ell'i.et u the recovery and iiiitauicnt atoresaid. If to him It shall be expedient. And further to do and receive what our said court shall In that behulfcon sider, and have von ttien and there the names ortlioseliy whom you shall make it known unio nun ami mis writ. Witness the honorable L. 1. Wetmore president of our said court, at Kkluwav, the nun uay oiiieiouer, in tne year oi our corn one iiiousanu elyiit iiuntireil anil seveuiy seven. t'UKD. SI IK K.N'INl. L. 8. l'rothonotary. Sept. 14, 1ST7. Order ot publication on ChaB. siieiarnife u.v. jh.L, iscl i.i., Hheillf. QUOTATIONS OF White, Powell & Co. liANKEUS AND OKOKKKd, No. 42 t-outh Third Street. Stocks and Bonds Bonsrlit and Vold on I oniiaissioii. PUiladelpbia, Nov , 6. 1877 U. S. do do 1881. do do " UOi 110 '(55 J and J.... 10o 105 C7 do 1S 10H do do 'OH do II Ml 111) 10-40, do coupon do Pacific 6'g cy , . New 6'b Keg. 1881 " " 0. 1881 " 4J, l!cg. lS'Jl " c. ISill New 4'n Heg. 1007 ......iohJ 10SJ - Jli 1 )un jug J it tij 100 !. 10o J l(oi ..-1052 10o loaj 102 c. IU07. Gold 1IC1; 1U3 - I()l4 102 Pennsylvania Beading , Philadelphia & Erie Lehigh Nnvigaiiou.. , do Valley United It K of N J .... BCJ 80 15J 15 t - 17 17 381 8! ex. div120 1201 Pittsburgh, T. Buffalo It. U IJ Northern Ceutral ex. div lu 16 Central Transportation Nesquehoning bo 45 46 nuriu g euosyivaaia, w jf. 89 THE SUN. 1878. NEW YORK. 1S78. Aa the time approaches for the renewal of subscriptions, THE BUN would remind Its friends and wellwlshers everywhere, that It Is again a candidate tor their consideration and support. Upon Its record for the past ten years It relics for a continuance of the hearty sympathy and generous co-operation which have hitherto beeu extended to It from every Quarter of the Union. The Dully Sun Is a four page-sheet of 23 columns, price by mail, post puld, oi cents a luonui, or go.ou per year. The Sunday edition of The Sun Is an elicht. page sheet of bb columns. While giving the news of the day, It also contains a large amount of litem ry and miscellaneous mutter especially prepared lor It, IHKi-iNUAy Bin has met with great success, f ost paid 11.14) a year. The Weekly Sun Who does not kuow 'I he Weekly Bra T It circulates throughout the L niiea huiles the Cunudas. and beyond, ninety thousand families greet its welcome pages weekly and regard it ia ine nguioi guiue, couuseiior. ana ...... 1 f . m.u.ii .ul!t...ii.l U..l...ll, IIIGUUi ilBHQ.IfGUILUIWI.milvui.ul.l, CkUU literary departments make it essentially a Journal lor the family and the fireside. Terms: One Dollar a year, post paid. This price, quality considered, mkkes It the cheap. est newspuper a per published, tot ciuus on tun. wun iuu Address witb Kluuufch, we will send an extra copy free. I'l jJljjftur.jv ur i nt PL.,. . New York CUy. n36-8t. Jobn 11. Kime, I)em... D. C. Oyster, Rep James Rogan, Ind. 00 T-l CD w m S w o z I I J u i i o z o o u w Thomas J. Burke, Ind- Oco. Everitt, Ind. o tB 3 -- a 8" Jolin Trunkey, Dem James P. Bterrett, Rep Benjuniln S. Bently, L. Q... Anion C. Noyes, Pem s. i William B. Hart, Rep i j,- is James Ji Wright, L. O William P. Seliell, Dem J. Ai M. Passmore, Rep.. Jumes K. Emerson, L fl., W ft Y. rJ O o H o Wilcox Graded Scliools. . Principals Report for month ending October 80th, 1877. J22 rt O it a TEACHER. 55 3 2. So T e 19 Miss Eula Hclmltz Miss Winuie i. Murphy. W. H. I'riiJcatix. Huniinury. 1! 50 il lit 1 921. 2H 18 100 041 5 08 1 1 "Ml 85 78 The Ktandurtl ueil in the following mnrkingfiis 100 which number denotes perfect recitations, &c. The highest average cla ulandiitfl during the mouth is 100 the lowest 2S. The highest gcttvral average 100 the lowest til. o ft 3 (5 P ft 3 K ? i r. I C : 5 Firxt rlhuxian. A'tTli'ADK"" Ella Locke Aniiimlu Wilcox .lecf-ie I'nrsoiid 15 (JHADK. Katie Murphy Mai lie Locke . Aila Miller Martha tiroat Inntha Schult Mary Schriner Jolinnio Murjihy Eugene Parcon Freddie Aldrh li (J (i RADIO Eva rchriner t- 100 08 ioo; i 100 100 100 1001 ioo! A3 1 97 07 99 ! 1 CIO j in 01 9.5 Oo 8S 94 94 KHI 100i 08 08; ioo! ioo; lOOj 80 100 mo! Iiotr ;ioo; 1001 00 100 100 90 UK). (, tut 100 07, 04 8:J 92; I 93! 70, 59 82 831 101 i 1 100 ioo! 100 100 100 100 os! 100 100 tjeorge Scbriner Eddie Wells Frank Snwen Williani Miller Mary Murtoutrh Set o id d.'vinion A UHAD10 Itenuie Murphy (irant Allen Frank Brown Willie Kwei.-t Eddie Bevier Keliie Brown Martin Brogan Jackson Sehultz Minnie Whitman Flora Weinning B GRADE Iluttie Wiiituiau Ellie Whitman loo; 7.T loo! 9(i' tMj tiol 04! 100' 00! 99 89 : loo! 100' ion! Uo 7'Jj "i il.-,1 iiO1 05 I ion' !rj yo; 97 ''0 1HI no 87 ; 7 !" 100 fM 100 90! 90 03, 0(J 921 9 881 92 82' 91 701 92 0. 100 98 1)7 t)2 87 100 100 73 02, 0.5 oi! 100 97 100 100 99 75 80 100 97 '95 88 83 40 78 90 97 01 100 80 07 100 ioo 97 02 80 71 90 Lillie Brown Fannie Hantaan! H7 Alice I'avne Ellie Leonard Edna Walker John Flannigan Wille Locke Frank Bulle George Wcining Mintie Wescott Ijucy Kturk Fred. Hohjuist Charlie 8toltz Gustaf Anderson ioo: ioo 81)! ioo! ioo! tu: 100 100 100 100! 051 518 ioo! ioo 09 100 90 08 98 92 1 97 07 00 00 100 97 92! 94 92 1 95 100,100 1(H) 100 45 1 79 100 00 95 100 2Hi 82 OUi 1001 llooi W. II. PRIDEAUX, Principal. "Miller an insect whose wings appear as if covered with white dunt or powder, like a miller's clothes.'' Webster-on-a-bridgc. The clothes of our miller arc not covered with dust. The dust is In his head, where in ordinary people the brain is located. Oyster, Kime and Burke men buy their Stoves and Tin Wure at 42 Main Street. In the late canvass, not one word was said ii our hearing against Kime, and, defeated, every one lias a kind word for him, but alas, like poor dog Tray he was in had company. The Democrat however "went for" Oyster personally and secured his election. Thanks. i i "A prophet is not without honor, save in him own country and in his own house." As a prophet the moustache that runs the Democrat is not a success at home or abroad, that assumed infalli. bility should be so mistaken is matter of surprise. To use one of his own fa vorite quotations. "Can such things be, and overcome us like a summer's cloud, without our special wonder." Miller says its a lie; be is to be berth clerk and not bar-tender on that salt river tnn. A - MI-lOr.n5lOtlSH Ci r. 1 to C-J CA if I-. CD i CO -f tB (in o woo iftpM 5?1 ri - I-l O 8 s V 05 i 5 a a to TrtcnaQOsci-f:o,-i BMni.ienM 111 r- N a - C- I a r r . i - - s. 3 Ol s -i 3 -? to o n r a i c: a r us cc o t M r-l , 8 c 6 SKi-Haoi-i-ni-stl ln ntl fc8 iCfioiiwiot- i-jif if Ml MUli IJ iss J e 5 S M Go to Daboll thou fool, consider his ways and learn figures. . State Notes. A manufactory of butler tubs in Craw county turns out 200 lubs a dny. The barret deparmeut of I he Allegheny county workhouse turns out 200 barrels u day. The stock of rye whisky in Philadelphia is estimated nt 40,000 barrels, and its value is flhout four millions of dollars. Williani J. Cook, a letter carrier, has been arrested for opening letters. This is tne third arrest of letter carriers ia Pitts burgh the past year. - At the ball recently given to the United States officers at Manch Chunk the value of the dresses worn by the la-lies was esti mated at $10,000. The new ship Wandering Jew, 1,737 tons register, cleared last week for Antwerp, witb 10,500 barrels of refined oil, equul to 525,000 gitllons. On Friday afternoon two policemen found a dead male infant floating in an orange box iu the Schuylkill, at Lombard street wharf, Philadelphia Sul unlay nrlernnoa. al. (he new Catho lic church at Warren, by (he giving way of rafters a scaffolding fell, buiyiug six work men. One was killed and the other five were daugerously injured. Miss Julia Zerser, if Ca a-ifuqa, was seriously and probably fatally burned on Thumdny last by the explosion of a coal oil Hmp. Her umthcr and a gentleman named William Wolf were also burned in the effort to insist her. Samuel Harmon, jr., killed three bears on the Muncy hills. The old one climbed a tree, nnd received four bullets before she would surrender. One of the cubs atUoked Hie dog that was wilh I lie hunter and held en tight to his jaw thutit was necessary lo run i he muzzle of the gun into its mouth lo mnke it yield. William Cully, a brakrman, living at Wrightsville York county, fell from his train on Friday night and wis killed. He wa about iweuly-iliree years of age, un married, hut tho only support of aged par ents and several bro'hers aud e'.sters. A year ago his brother was kil'ed in Wright s. ville by boing run over by a wagon in a political procession. When the vote for sheriff in Ridg way was counted, Miller's moustache disappeared in haste down some dis-u-ied wood-chuck hole and drew in the hole after it. Laws Relating to Newspaper Subscrip lions and Arrearages. 1. Fubecribers who do not give express notice to the contrnry, are considered wish ing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order the discontinu ation of their periodicals.the publishers may coutinue to send theui until all arrearages are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse lo take their periodicals from the office where they are directed, ihey are held responsi ble until they have teitled their bills, and ordered I hem discontinued, 4. If subscribers move toother places without informing the publisher, aud the papers are sent to the former direction, Ihey are held responsible. 5. The courts have deoitled thnt "refus ing lo take periodicals from the office, or re moving nnd leaving them uncalled fir is prima facie evidence of intentional Ira ud." . Any person wiio receives a newspaper and makes use of il. whether lie has ordered it or not, is held ia law to be a sub scriber. 7. If subscribers pay in advance, Ihey are bound to give notice to the publisher al the end of their time, iftheydonol wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send it on, nnd the sub scribers will be held responsible uuiil au express notice with payment ot all arrears, seul to the publisher. NEW GOODS nearly every day at Powell & Kime's Store. They keep a large assortment of Groceries, Cloth ing, etc., etc., all of which they sell cheap. The day after election Miller was busily engaged in studying the "double rule of three" in Daboll. He now says 4 and 6 is 11. At the millinery establishment of Mrs. N. T. Cummings, tho ladies of Ridgway and vicinity will find a large assortment of fashionable hats feathers, etc. Hats pressed over ut reasonable rates and at short notice. Rooms over R. I. Campbell's Store Main Street. Give her a call. The Republicans elected their en tire county ticket iu Elk county this fall a thing unheard of before. We might explain that sheriff was the only county office voted for. In what character will Miller, the little tokcr, next appear? As a prophet he is ptayed out." rttfltrnfrftt4ff i 2 THURSDAY, NOV. 8, 1877. Kotos. Our Oyster was not cooked on Tuesday, Miller's gooso was. All kinds of Job work cheaply nnd neatly done at this office. Ladies' Shoks, Gaiters and Rub bers, a large variety at P. A K's. -Nast would do well to call round here if he wanted any long faces- How about that trip over the frosty hills of Elk in search of the last bout. Three hundred and fifteen votes were polled in Kidgwny A mucn larger vote than anyone anticipated. The query now is wh it will Miller do with the Democrats who voted fur Oyster? Hides, Sheep Pelts, and Calf Skins wanted at 42 Main Street- FRANK SKTTELLE I guess that old man knows how Fox and the balance of this county is going. He knows now without any guess work. -Winter is upon us, which Is a re minder that you need an overcoat M'AfTeewill make you one cheap. The editor of the Democrat before election weighed 24 minces to the pound. A Teac-ukhs' Examination will be held nt Arroyo, Tuesday, Novem ber 20th, commencing at 0 A. M. That fellow who swore nil sorts about the Republicans on election dry felt better after a short nap John Welsh of Philadelphia been tendered, and has accepted, has the appointment of Minister to Eng'and. Given Away A Premium Steei, Enobavino. Every reader of this paper can get it. Sec advertisement in another column. The question is not "Has Oyster gone into lii3 shell?" hut "Where is the cob from which the corn was shelled that got granger H-tindy offthe track?" J. S. and W. H. Hyde's store was illumlnnted with gas last evening This is anew thing in Ridgway and another testimonial to the enterprise of J. S. and W. H. Hyde. There is one living in this place who is to be banished for ever. He voted for Burke. Is there no way to save him. What is the difference between prize fight and the editor of the Demo em(? Give it up? One is a mill, other a Miller. A large number of persons were confirmed in the Catholic church this place week ago last Sunday The day was pleasant, aud the church was crowded to its utmost capacity The stars Miller saw in the Advo cate before election were nothing the stars that danced before his eyes in the murky blackness of election night. Rev. II. S. Gets!, of Trinity Mem orial Church, Warren, will officiate (race Church on Sunday next, morn ing and evening. All are cordially invited to attend. Millers are insects that are supposed to be less harmful than annoying, the wasp-waist of the Democrat played considerable venom in his paper. The sling-shot nusiance, indulged in by the small boys of Ridgway, should come to an end. McAfee's sign was riddled witli shot, and the glass in Magi u nls' trcet lamp shattered. First class in arithmetic, stand up I If a big moustache and a square timber cane make a Miller what will make a yellow-Jacket ? A Card. To the Citizens of Elk County : undersigned tender his sincere thanks to his friends who, regardless of party affiliations, so nobly stood by him in the election of the 0th insl., and begs to assure them that their kind efforts will ever be gratefully remembered While he met with opposition that was unexpected, lie also received sup port not counted upon ; and now that the smoke of the buttle has cleared away, he is able to distinguish be tween his true friends and thos-.i whose friendship was but formal iu ids presence, and hopes that he may never be called upon to visit uny in his official capacity, but if so, to per form the duties of the office without partiality, as he is under obligations to no clique and controlled by no ring. D. C Oystkb. Ridgway, Pa-, Nov-8, 1877- One hundred of the worst seared men we ever saw were gathered ou the street corners, after this week's Demo crat appeared, all asking "what will Miller do with us?" Following is the verdict of the Coroner's Jury In the case of the per sons killed in the collision last Thurs day morning. Tho evidence we are obliged to omit: That Maurice Farrell, Calvin Shearer, William Stevens, Wil liam Collinge and William Gallagher came to their death by a collision on November 1st, 1877, about 7:05 A. M. on the Philadelphia and Erie railroad about one mile east of Ridgway station , between first section of Empire freight west and day express east, caused by a neglectful disobedience of the train orders by Conductor J. H. Butler and Engineer William Collinge, received by them at Johnsonburg from Supt E- B. Westfall, on the morning of Nov. 1st. 1877. In mitigation of the neg lectful disobedience, on the part Conductor J. H. Butler we Und many extenuating circumstances. - R IDG WAV rUBLIC SCHOOLS. Principal's Report for month end ing November let, 1877. 5? 2. a S 9 US r-- TEACHERS. 11 Mr. Hnd Mrs. J.B Johnson. MissS.B.Kinnler MissB. E Wilcox IS 60 80 6o 44 CIS DO 88 80 Summary, 208 175 8! Tbe following markings are bas-i on 100 as the standard, that being the . . mi highest per cent, attainable. me highest average class standing obtain able by any pupil for the monin is w, and the lowest 52; tne uest generui average 100, and the lowest 74. n SKSIoltS. ! ml mJeJ Carrie V. Luther 07 0 100 86 Helen M. Little PHI IOO 77l 04 62;i00 6;ioo: 93, 100 03l 04 97:78 looiso; ioo! 100 70 1 f if i 60 Julia Flynti Jennie (Iresli Tillie Cunningham Minnie M. Service Hattie E. Warner 100 801 03 100 52 74 100 7i 77 lOOjSOj 70 100 99 100 100 W 92 111:1! liomns J. Mulouc 50 94 42 100 37,100 Katie Callahan Charles Olmsted "A" Gadk. Daniel Irwin Chas. Meiiun Oscar Gardner 100 100 78 MO ill! 100 iooioo 101 04 ioo ioo 30 07! 01! 0"! 82 '190 loojioo 07 97 77 100 Emma E. Ross Agnes Barrett 94,49 ioo;4 100!06 Dura M. Irwin Ovin Head Katie O'Connor 9- , 1002 93 100 . 100 74 94 ioo;8o 01 100,0 80 Ida M. Olmsted Emma Olmsted lthoiliv Wilcox Aliie Tooiny "Ii" Grade. Lewis Lesser Maggie Flynn Michael O'Connor loolioo: 100,00 02 .100 100 ; 100! , 100j0 05 100 80 77 82 100 ioo 100 Dan. Cunningham (Jlyue Kime Annie M. Irwin Jack E. Barrett Eddie J. Luther Michael May Nellie Schram Patrick Holland Ada Young Mary Horning Ella Wicks Florence Stafford Fred Fitch Taylor Swartz Charles Johnion "C Grade. Ellie Kime Henry A. Paine 82 IW 951100 97! 05 8o78 100 18" 97 73 i 100 971100 97! 97, 100I Cfi 07 75 04! 100 10;)! 100; 100 68 100 82H00 fvjilOOi 100 "1 05 60 100:64 ion' 90 1011I ipilOO 100 93 a 03! 100 100 '91 ioo'oo the 60,1001 Amanda Lindgren 100 103 9i UK)! Jennie Hall Willie T.Neill Elmer Gart'n jr Willie Median Maggie Sliean Edward Paine Viola Neill G. C Kime Addie Bordwell Arthur Hcrton 07 83 97 a 75!88 loot 100 92 100 93 100 no9' nt 88100 ! 08 0 88 100 50 100 100 92 84 37 68 100 100 100 lOO loo! 10090 02 i to Willie Schram "D" Grade John G. Whitmoro Charlie Gillete Josie Messenger Rollan Cook Chancey M.Wilcox Willie Luther Annie Klino Minnie Kline 100 100 100 91 1 IOO! lOO'lOO 05 91 inn in 77 100j 100 100 100; 100 100,01 inn 87 iSl771 IOO 100 100 97 ioo'wl 80 J 95 7 07 67 89! 04 Rosepha Meyers but dis Kittie Whitmore 01 100 73100 00: 100 26 100 Eddie Powell 100 w last John IiUby John Healy 100 65 "E" Grade. Katie Median Gussie Woodward Eddie Horton Ada Malone Eddie Laymon Flora Irwin Alice Neill Ella Luhy Charlie Miller Nizzie O'Brien Mack Kime 97!lOO 100 88 100 100 100,100 98 100 92 100 92 100 100 95,75 100 08 100 100 75 93 77 0' 0-5 07i5 5 100 100 100,06 100 100 68 95;68 73100 The Names of those In the Interne Jiate Department who excelled ut the monthly review. E Grade. Minnie Miles and Gleunl Johnson. F Grade. Sadie Scull. G. Grade Eugine Wlllard. Minnie Miles, Glenni Johnson, Luie Eglar and Eugine Willard wrote 40 selected words correctly. Transfers . After having passed a satisfactory examination transfers wore made as follows : May Barrett, Maudie Kime aud Charlie Lindgren from Primary to Intermediate Dept. and Lizzie O'Brien from Intermedi ate to High School Dept. Visitors Messrs. G. C Brandon and E. E. Willard: Mrs. W. H. Schram, Mrs. D. B Day, Mrs. J. Hor ton, Mrs. P. Smith, Mrs. F. Dickin son, Miss Katie Callahan, Miss Hattie Hinds, Mis3 Rebecca Miller, Miss Ida Luther, Rev. W. Jas. Miller, Arthur Horton, Matie Sherman and Edith Sherman. J. B. JOHNSON, Principal. A Request for Information. Any one kuowing the facts will please answer by-clothes-line. Bosting Nov. 7, 1877. To Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Elk Advocate. I am suffering severe mental torture which can only be relieved by an answer to this question. Was Miller mistaken about the sheriff or did he only lie? STARRY. Some of our Democratic friends, and a few of our slick let on to be Republi cans think Oyster ought not to run for offlce'they 6ay it is a shame. If some 6f the fellows that talk that way were running it would no doubt be ail right. Miller can now add three years more to Oyster's political record of For interesting reading take t bock numbers of the Elk Democrat. L i 16 V4 0 3 o.- 94 88 82 88 08 m J'J 98 97 92 03 90 05 89 87 93 90 81 93 07 8 100 98 85 89 95 84 94 90 82 89 05 97 97 00 98 93 05 87 01 89 89 99 97 99 95 93 98 95 84 80 82 M.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers