Mwrnk Henry A. Pardons, Jr., Editor THURSDAY. NOV. 8, 177. Tlic Result in the County. The vote polled at the recent elec tion In Klk county was timisuuUy small, reaching lu the aggregate 1(519, giving for Auditor General 1077 Demo crat 463 Republican and 7 Labor Greenback. On the; State Treasurer we find that Noyes, Democrat had 1008 votes, Hart Republican 417 and Wright, Labor Greenback 71 votes, which also aggregates 1610. For Su preme J udge the vote falls short reach ing but 1584 votes, of which the Demo cratic candidate had;i045,?Republican 448,Labor Greenback 80, and theTeni perance candidate 11 votes.JThe fall ing off of 35 votes on the Judgeship Is flue undoubtdly to'jhat number of voters dropping the "Judiciary alto gether. The Democratic majority over the Republicans anAuditor Gen eral is 614, on State Treasurer 651, on Supreme Judge 507, an average Demo craticjmajority of 620. Of course the Labor Greenback ticket vote should be deducted from thlsinajority if we wish to find the Democratic plurality. The largest vote was cast inJRidgway, ntid the smallest in Highland town ship. ."Of theLabor Greenback vote Fox township furnished 33, Ridgway 22, Jones 10, Benzinger 8, and St. Mary's 6. The vote was the'hlghest on Sheriff, and the lowest on Supreme Jndge, in each township The con test in the county was on Sheriff, for which oflk-e five candidates were in the' field.ScoiuiuginJ o:i ;the home stretch, as follows; Oyster 580 ; Kimc 522; Burke -Sol; Everitt 83; and Ro- gan 70. The total vote for Sheriff is 1620. "Who says Dan is not running ?" Advocate. No one says he is not running, ns it is a notorious fact that he is runnine. over the county urging certain of the canmciates lo Keep in tlie Held, and endeavoring : to induce other candi dates to withdraw. Oh, yes; Dan is running! lie is also running over the highways and bvwavs of the county begging men to vote for him in order to defeat Burke. Oh yes ; Dan is running! and has been running five years out of eight, and such is his egotism that there is danger of his running uis legs off in pursuit of the uuuoie mat oursts just as ,Jie eagerly reacnes torwaru to grasp u. uu, yes ; Dan is running! the same as he ran off to Pittsburgh last fall, when he witnurcw" trom tlie Assembly fight Oh, yes; Dan is running! But the tallest running in his pedigree will be his running over the frosty hills of .I.IK on tlie morning of the 7th of No vember, in order to catch the last boat lor salt river and get beyond the reach of the cheers and rejoicings of the irieiuisot Kline over his triumphant election. Elk Democrat. Yes, to continue, with the tense of the verb changed, Dan was running in Ridgway township 21 majority ; Dan was running in Horton township 87 majority; Dan was running lu Jones township, 20 majority ; Dan was run ning in Spring Creek 9 majority: Dan was running in Jay township 28 ma jority ; Dan was running in Benc zette township, 81 majority; Dan mas running into Democratic votes to the extent of at least 117 votes ; Oh, yes ; Dan was running 68 majority over Kime In the county; Oh yes; Dan was running for the Sheriff's office, and the fun of the thing is he made a utrongrun on the home stretch; Oh, yes; Dan will run, over the frosty Ji ills of Elk attending to his duties as High Sheriff of Elk county. Oh, yes ; don't forget it Mr. Democrat Daw teas running, and "what are you going to do about it !" Daxiel C Oyster lias been nom inated for sheriff in Elk county, Pa. 'Raw for Oyster." JV. Commercial Advertiser, "If Oyster can get through the campaign without ''shell ing out'' liberally he may consider himself a lucky bivalve." Norris town Herald. "If he does that he may bet on being iu a stew two-thirds of his time. Now it's in order to re mark that, being a C Oyster, he's likely to bo rowed up Salt river." Jierks and Schuylkill Journal. We opine ihat our eotemporaries are having much more fun out of Oyster's candidacy than Dan is himself. There is no question but that he has been compelled to "shell out" liber ally, while it is equally certain that he is '-in astew," not two-thirds butall ofhistiune' He is a good (J. Oyster, us he has twice made the trip to Salt river, once in 1808 and once in 1874, and will, consequently, make the trip in 1877 in good time and style, unim peded by the delays and annoyances that marked his first and second voy ages up the briny stream. Elk Demo crat. The "impediment" of a 58 majority is seriously in the way of the vogage spoken of. And now our C Oyster turns out to be a D. C. Oyst er, or Dark Color Oyster. The only "shell out" we noticed was tlie votes, regardless of paper, "shelling out" to elect him. The last heard of "we opine'' ho had reached the saline marshes. AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOU pay cash for goods, and get more than tlie worth of your cash. Since 1863 1 have been afiiicted with pains in the region of my kidney?, and upon taking the least cold would be very sore and stiff, unable to-stand up straight without a great deal of pain. And now am happy to say I am en tirely cured by using one bottle of E. K. Thompson's Barosma, Liver and Kidney Cure, prepared and Bold by him at Titusville, Pa. Sent to any address upon the receipt of one dollar, or six bottles for five dollars. J. E. Holly. Prepared by E. K. Thompson, Titusville, Pa. Price $1.00 per bottle, six for $5. For sale by Dr. T. S. Hartley, Ridg way Pa. The Whole Thing In Hot Shell. D. C Oyster's Vote in the county... 680 JohnR. Klme's vote la the county ..622 Oyster's majority 68 Thanksgiving Day. TIIK rKSlIKNT's PROCLAMATION AI-- VoINTINH THK 20TII OF NOVK.MHKK AS A IA V OF rtlAYK. The following was issued at Wash ington on Monday afternoon : By the President of the United States of America. A PHOCI.A M ATIOX. The completed circle of summer and winter, seed time ami harvest, has brought us to the accustomed season at which a religious people celebrates with praise and thanksgiving the en during mercy of Almighty God. This devout and public confession of the constant dependence of man on the Divine favor forall tlie good gifts of life and health and peace and hap piness so early in our history made tlie habit of our people, finds in the survey of the past year new grounds for its joyful and grateful manifesta tion. In all the blessings which de pend on benignant seasons this lias indeed been a memorable year. Over the whole .territory of our country, with all the diversity of soil and climate and products, tlie earth has yielded a bountiful return to the labor of the husbandman. The health of the people lias been blighted by no prevalent or widespread disease. No great disaster of shipwrecks upon our coast, or to our commerce on tlie seas, have brought loss and hardship to merchants or mariners, and clouded the happiness of , the community with sympathetic Borrow. In all that con cerns our strength and peace and greatness ns a nation ; in all that touches the permanency and security of our Government, and the beneficent institutions on whieh'lt rests; in all that afftcts tlie character and dispo sitions of our people, and tests our ca pacities to enjoy and uphold the equal and free condition of society now para mount and universal throughout the land, the experience of thellastlycar is conspicuously marked by the protect ing providence of God and is full of promise and hope for the coming generations. Under a sense of these infinite obligations to the Great Ruler of times, seasous, and events, let us humbly ascribe it to our own faults and frailties if, In any degree, that perfect concord and happiness, peace, and justice which such great mercie should diffuse through the hearts and lives of our people , do not altogether and always and everywhere prevail Let us, with one spirit and with one voice, lift up praise and thanksgiving to God for His manifold goodness to our land, and His manifest care for our nation. Now therefore, I Rutherford B, Hayes, President of the United States, do appoint Thursday, the 20th. of No vember, as a day of national thanks' giving and prayer, and I earnestly recommend that, withdrawing them selves from secular cares and labors, the people of the United Slates do meet together on that day iu their re spective places of worship, there to give thanks and praise to Almighty God for His mercies and do devoutly beseech their continuance. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my baud and caused the seal of the United States to be 'affixed. Done at the city of Woshington this twenty-ninth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-seven, and of the independence of the United States the one hundred and second. R. B. Hayks By the President. William M. Evabts, Secretary of State. T nVFRQ HOOK of KNOWLEDGE.. X,V V XiilTkO i-Hecruts of Love, Court ship and Murrlnge showing how to get mur ried, live liuj.plly obtain liuultt), wealth and distinct lun, mid appear to advantage In no clety iaupinjes siKi.ooiibold. Mailed forlocM, In l'ostiiji stamps or. Currency. Addn-t. TIIK UNION l'L'ttlJ.HUIXO COMPANY, Newiuk, N. J. novSm3in Temple-' with the WuKKLNU f'HIMtf-H A l!l Page Religious rumily Newspaper, de voted to Household theMumlay (School, Music and General Church Work. On 3 month's triul for Wets. AfSTS. WANTED. Aililrosn, J. 11. UHKWKR, 7 & 9 Wurren St., New York. llOV611i;ilU4. WE WILL mail one aud one-half doieu of I L e in os i, beautilul new Cbromos, iu French oil color ever seen for $1.00. They are mounted in Hi 10 black enamel and gold mat, oval opening and outsell anything now before the publie. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Two samples for 25 cent or aix for CO cents. Send 10 cents fur grand illustrated catalogue with chromo of Moonlight on the Rhine, or 20 cents for two Landscapes ami Calla Lillie on black ground, J. LATHAM & CO., 419 Washing ton St. Boston Mass., Headquarter! for Chromo. Engravings and Art Works. A FORTOE. n32t8. Go to POWELL & KIME of the Grand Central Store, Main Street, for your groceries. TVs oldest ud beat appointed laatltatloa tot obtaining a BiulneM Education. P. DUFF A 80NS, Fituburifk, Pa, POWELL & KIME have a fine lot of dress goods, also all other kind of dry goods at low rates. EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. ESTATE of Edwin Paine, late of Ridgway township, Elk county, Pa-, deceased. Letter of administration having been granted to the under signed upon the said estate all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those Laving claims to present tbera for settlement- CATHERINE PAINE, n82t& Executrix For a nicely littiug suit of clothes call on M'Afee the tailor. Administrator'! Notice. lPOTATW nfB.Mli A SWnl l.tirtf tav Ivn Elk crointr. Pa., deceased. LETTERS TESTA MENTARY, navlna- been rrnnted to the tin- dnrxiimed upon the aatd estate all ppraona innemeu lo nam estate arerequemeti to mane rnymcnt, and thnae havlngacialma to present hem for settlement. .1. M. nrtOOKINS. I ,imr. ELLTAHL, BKOOKIN8. A(,mr "' IiWIO. Paper Rags taken In exchange for goods 42 Main Street. List of Jurors for November Term, 177. mtAKD jvnoHs. Ileneetto. David peUnnft, carpenter; Dc- cutur Hewitt, butcher. Ilr-nnlnner. Michael Dcwnlt, farmer j John Kri'llf, lahorcr; Admn Josuvncnr, nirmcr. Fox. Ilrurp .1. Itiirrlnictnn, laborer j Jainca M'Clokey, farmer; N. F. Apkcr, school teacher. Itorton. William P. KwrlCKtoti, farmer. Jay. ChrlatlHii IMII.mvwj-er ; 11, 1. Hpnnsjler Atrmor; A. W. Urny, farmer. Jones. Joseph IMstnor, furmer; J. M. Johnson, farmer ; Christopher 1 (111 , fanner. Millstone. William Clyde, farmer. Hlttirway. James O. OeorKO, Jobber; O. T. Wheeler, lumberman; Wallace Morttcster law student ; A. It. Wheeler, lumberman. Hprlng Creek. John M'QafTick, lumber man Jesse Clnypool, laborer. Ht. Mary's Adolph Fochtman, merchant ; viiii O 3 rg, wagon maker. TRAVERSK JtTRORS. Tlcnezette. John Duly, hotel keeper; Ed ward Fletcher, farmer; Miles Dent, lumber man. Denr-inRer. John Haul, Jr. farmer; Teter Wllhem, farmer; Joseph Kronnewetter, la borer; Nleh. Kronnewetter, farmer. Fox. Bernard Canuavan, farmer; Jf. O. Btindy, farmer. Horton. Theodore Fox, farmer. Jay. Martin Clover, Millwright; V. L. Gardner, farmer ; Armel Turley, farmer ; John 8. Thomas, farmer; Justus Weed Dir mcr. Jones. Richard Brennan, fishmnn ; Dante Attleberger, carpenter; John Kngle, Jrj laborer; A. M.Struight, physician ; J. C. Ma . lone, Jeweler ; John Vogt, school teacher; Joseph Tamblnl. farmer; Joseph Derr, En gineer. Ridgway. Nelson Gardner, farmer; Hor ace Decker, Jobber; D. S. Luther, carpenter C. W. Barrett, printer; Hnrvey Malin, la borer. St, Mary's. L. W. Giirord, merchant ; B F. Lnwrcncu, Jlaborcr; John Bush, laborer John Dnllinger, wagonmaker ;.Insepli Han hauser, mcrcliunt: John Freindle, black smltb; John Leightncr, Jr., painter; John Shower, laborer. 00 CD o dd o EC 0 o o NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Hates of Adrtrtisintr. One column, on yes I $76 00 . 40 00 " " 26 00 " " " - 15 00 Transient advertisements ner iminre nf eight lines, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.60, three insertbna $2 Knsinesa cards, ten lines or less, per Jtm $5 j 1 Advertisements payablt quarterly SHERIFF'S SALES. IY virtue of sundry writs of fieri 1 facias, alias fieri facias, venditioni exKnas, levari fnclan, alias levari facias, and testattm fieri facias, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Elk county, and to me directed, I, Daniel Scull. High Sheriff oi said county, hereby give notice that I will expose to public sale, or outcry, at the Court House, in Ridgway, at 1 1 o'clock P. M. on ' MONDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1877. the following described real estate, to wit : All that certain tract of land situate In Horton lownshin. Elk county. Pennsylvania, hounded and (iescrioei as follows : Jieirlnninir at a post at the northeast corner of land of George Null ; thence south by land of pki iun one hundred ana iour(itt4) runs ion post; tiienee vest bv lunu of William Bennett sixty-one (61) rods 10 a posi; iiience north by land now occupied by Palmer Giles forty (0) rods to a post; thene west sixteen (lit) rods to a post in the center of a road : thence north bv land of Wil liam Hulett sixty (HO) rods, more; or less, io a post; thence east seventy' seven (77) rods to tlie place of begin niiip, containini; forty-six (4S) ncres more or less, being the same premises conveyed to John Rhinliulz by Je rome Farario and wife, bv deed, dated July 7. 1,S7, and recorded in the re corder's ofllcc in and for Elk county in Deed Book "Q," page M, &c. Re serving and excepting, iieverthelew, all tlie minerals contained iu tlie above described tract of land (except the limestone which may be required to be lued by the occupants for t'arni inp purposes,; togetlier with the right of ingress and egress for the purpose of mining mid working, anil the full enjoyment of the same. A Iso, reserv ing the right to cross said land with necessary roads foi hauling timber from any lands owned by Sampson Short. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold as the property of John Rhin liul., at the suit of 1). C. Oyster ALSO. All that certain piece or imrccl of land situuti- in Jay township Elk county, Pennsylvania, hounded and described as follows: Beginning at a post in th middle division line of warrant No 525, at tlie northwest corner of a lot deeded by John (. Reading aiid Charles Hurtles to !$ Brownlee, August' 1, 1874; thence south forty-three and one-half (4SJi degrees east ten and seven tenths (lo 7-lOlperehes; thence along public roiKlsotith forty. six and one-half 4U degrees west twenty and seven tenth (20 7-10) perches; thence along M Mary's road north fifty otl (Ugrees west sixteen HiJ perches, and north twenty-two degrees west thirteen (13) perches to a post in said division liti"; thence east twentv-four and eight-tenths (24 8-10) perches to the phi re of beginning, containing two and seven-tenths 2 7-10 acres, nunc or less, beiiiar lot No. 10 and west part of lot No f. with frame dwellings one (1 1 frame lilacksmith shop, two 2 mime barns ami other outbuildings thereon. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as tlie property of Benjamin Brownlee, at the snit of John 11. Reading and Charles Rurtlcs. ALSO All the l'ollotviiig ile-ei ibed traet or parcel of land spumed in the township of Fox, in the county of Klk, in I lie taie of Pennsylvania, bounded and Jcscrihed as follows, to-wit : Cntii'neneing at a post at the norihcasl corner of land ontrauied to he sol. I In Y'ver McKinney ; t ho nee south (00) sixty degrees east ("4) fifty-four rodi more or less, to a dead chestnut tree : thence east (10:!) one litinrtred and three rods, more or less, to a post ; thence north (l'.l) nineteen rods, more or less, to a post; thence west (76) seventy-six rods, more or less, to a post; thence north (00) sixty degrees, west (80) eighty rods, more or less, to a post ; thence south to the place of be ginning, containing (24) twenty four acres, more or lees, and being a pari of warrant (No. 4083) numbered forty hundred and eighty-three, upon which is erected one two-story frame dwelling house, 25i28 feet, with cellar and one bnrn lbxtt2 feet ; also, a good (veil of water tbereon Seized, hi I en in execution and to he sold as the properly of C. A. Bundy and R. S, Cross, at the suit of Jamea Bruyley. Also By virtue of a writ of fieri facial I have levied on all tne interest or tlie ue- t'endaut, William E. Wykoft, in ait that eer tain piece or parcel of land situated In Benezette township. Elk county Pa. bounded on the north by warrant (No. 501 2) nuuiiier htty nunurea ana twelve; emt by warrant (So. 5180) fifty-four hundred aud eighty: south by lands of Coleman, Johnson and others, ui.d part of warrant (No. 5023) number fifty hundred and twenty-three , and on the west by warrant (ho. 6022) fifty hundred and !enly two; containing (300) three hundred acre.', more or less, being part of warrant (No. 5023) nny hunurea ana tweniy-tnrec, unimproved Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the properly ot IV. t. Wykott, at the suit of J. A. Wykoff. TERMS OF SALE. The following must be strictly com plied with when the property is struck on: i. Ail bids must be paid in run, ex cept where the plain tilt' or other lien creditor becomes the purchaser, in which case the costs on the writs must be paid, as well as all liens prior to inai. oi me purchaser, ana a duly certined list of hens shall be furnished. including mortgage searches on the property sold, together with such lien creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such por tion thereof as he shall appear to be enuuea to, 2. All sales not settled immediately win ue continued uuin six o'clock v. M., at which time all property not seitieu lor win again oe put up, and sold at the exiiense and risk of the ner son to whom it was first struck off. and who, in cose of deficiency at such re-sale, shall make good the same, and in no instance will the deed be n re- sen ted in court for cofirmation unless the bid is actually Bettled for with the bhenlras above stated. DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. W. 8. Horton, Deputy Sheriff's Office, Ridgway Pa. 1 See Furdon's Digest, 9th edition. Short settlements make . long friends, and in order to settle in good shape you need some of those cheap and neat bill beads printed at the Ad vocate office,- over Powell & Klme's Store. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD -Philadelphia k EHel. R. Division SUMMER TIME TABLE. ON and after THURSDAY, JULY, 28, 1877, the trains on the Philadelphia 4 Erie Rr'lroad will run as follow t WESTWARD. NIAGARA EX leaves Henovo.., . 4 85 p m 5 42 J m 6 25 p m 7 1H p in 7 45 p m ft 45 p m Di ill wood. " Kmporiua " " " St Marys.. " " ." Ri.lgway., nrr at Kace. ERIE MAIL leave Philadelphia 11 65 p m " ' Kenovo 11 00 am " Emporium 12 65 p m " St. Mary's 1 4t) u m .. t. i.i .. -. iwugwny , " " Kane " arriv at Erie , EASTWARD. DAY EX leavea Kane " " kidgway.. " " St Marys... " " Emporium. " " Driftwood. 2 1 1 p in ... 80 p ni .. 7 85 p m ...fl.00 a m m ." 20 a ni ....k 10 a m 8 08 p m " " Renovo 10 10 p in ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.00 a p " " " Kane " " Ridgway " " " St. Mary's..., " " ' Emporium .. ' " Heuovo- ., " arr. at l'hiladephiu 8 60 p n . 4 4!) p n 6 18 p m 6 5 p ni 8.85 p m 7 00 n ni Day r.xpress and Niagara Ex Dress con nect et with Low Orde Diviaiun and D N. VI 4 l li. . WX1. A. 11ALDWIN. Uen'l Bup't 'HE SOCIETY STORE. A new store stnrtctl in liifhnvar nn der the auspice of the ladies of 11 race cnurcn, with MISS A.. & H'ZES. as Agent and Saleswoman, A tine assortment of goods on hand anti selected with irreat care. KMBlUMDEItlKK. LACE EDGH FRINGES. HANDKERCHIEF'S. LADIES TIE. TOILET SET?. LI MEN SUITS. CHILDREN' SUITS SAMPLE SILKS. Machine silk, thread and needles. Also a tine lot of Dress (Joods, Fanny work of all kinds. 1 ramed mottoes t-c, c. All cheap as the cheapest ami goons warranted nrst class, l.'all and examine our stock. MISS A. E. M'lvEE. Agent for the Society. THE SEASIDE LIBRARY. f 'hoick books no longer for I he few only. The best standard novels within the reach of every one. Rooks usually sold from $1 to S3 given (unchanged and unahridged) for K ami 20 cents, 1. EAST LYNNE, Ry Mrs. Henry Wood (Double No) 2V, 2. Jtm HAJilKAX,(iPlit.,Mv Miss Mulock. 20c, S. JA.NK EYRE, Ry Charlotte Hronte. ( Double No.) 2hc 4. A WOMAN HATER, Charles Reado's new novel. 20c 5. THE BLACK-INDIES, Jutes erne's latest. JOc, 0. LAST DAYS OF POMPEII, - I5y Jlulwer. - - 10c, 7. ADAM RKDE, P.y fieorge Eliot. ( Double No ) 20c S. TIIK ARUNDEL MOTTO Uy Mary Cecil Hay. 10c. !. OLD M V D D E L T O N'S MONEY. By .Mary C Hay 10c. 10. THE WOMAN IN WHITE. By Wilkie Collins. 20c 11. Til E MILL ON THE FLOSS. By George Elliot. 20c. 12 THE AMERICAN SENA TOR. By An t lion v Ti'olloiie20c. 13. A PRINCESS OF'THULK. By William Black. 2it-. 14. THE DEAD SECRET. By Wllkie Collins. He. 15. RO.MOLA. By Oeorgo Elliot (Double No.) 20c. 16. THE ENOLISH AT THE NORTH POLE AND FIELD OF ICE. In one book. By Jules Verne. " 0c. 17. HIDDEN PERILS. Bv Mary Cecil Ha v. 10c 18. BARBARA'S HISTORY. By Amelia E. Edwards 20e. 10. A TERRIBLE TEMPTA TION. By Chas Reade. 10c. 20. OLD CURIOSITY SHOP, By Charles Dickens. 20c. 21. FOUL PLAY. By Charles Reade 10c. 22. MAN AND WIFE. Ry AVil- kie Collins. 20c, 23. THE SQUIRE'S LEGACY. By Mary Cecil Hay. 20c. 24. Never too Late to Meud. liv C. Fmde. '0?. 23. Lady Adelaide' Oitb, Ity Mrs. H Wood 10c. 20. Aurora Floyd, lly Mies M E lirad- dou 20o. 27 Victor and Vanquished, By M C Hay 10c 2S A haualiter of Heth, IJy Williim ISIuvk 10 29 Nora's Love Test, Ey Mary Cecil II y 10c 30 Her Dearest Foe, By Mrs. Aleian- der 20c 31 Love Me Little, Love Me Long, By C Reade 10c 82 Tlie Queen of Hearts, By Wilkie Collina ' 10c 33 Handy Andy, By Samuel Lover 20c 84 A Simpleton, By Charles Reade, (Single No) 10c 35 Felix Holt, The Eadical, By Geo. Eliot 20c 30 The Vooing O'T, By Mr. Alex ander 20c 37 The Mystery, By Mra. Henry Wood 10c 88 Heritage of Langdole, By .Mrs. Alexander 10c 89 Antonina, By Wilkie Collins, (Double No.) 20c 40 The Heir to Ashley, By Mrs. Henry Wood lOo For sale by all Booksellers aud Newsdealers, or sent, postage prepaid, on receipt of price by GEORGE MUNRO, Pubi.ish.kk, 21, 23 and 25 Vandewater St., N. Y. P. O. Box 5667. Administrator's Notice. ESTATE of Adolph Btraubinger, late of St. Mary's borough, Elk county, Pa., deceased. Letters of ad ministration Laving been granted to the undersigned upon the said estate all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present them for set tlement. A. C. SCHAUT, n3U6. Administrator. SLEIGH BELLS AND WHirS. a nice little assortment, at POAVELL k. KIME'S. 44m Woods & Co.'S PARLOROBGAS Set v'rf',i.W'WV-ti'Sawli ' Si -1 ss i5i pSspl- r , ill it te! . .T ... ' . Adapted for Amateur and Profctsioml, and an ornament in any parlor, fy" Beautiful New Styles, BOW reaay. GEO. WOODS & CO.. Cambridgeport. Mass. WAItmOOJISi 00!!l Waahlnrtoa M., BoatonilTO State St.. Chicago; 88 Ladf ate Hill, Mmaoa. THE VOX VXmikrJ! -Bntain. from n , wortli cf !h finnt wlecied music. GEO, WOODS & CO., Publlshetl, Cambrlllgeport, M5 THE ADVOCATE, OHlce, over Powell & 2.00 A 3 'i:.'!L'-Sl SUBSCRIBE and yon news. - Send 50 THREE MONTHS TRIAL,. JOB PRINTING. BUSINESS CARDS, VISITING CAliDS, - WEDDING CARDS, mil HEADS, NOTE MEADS, fJIVlLlOPES STATIfWENTS. BOOKS, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed Estimates jrurn " ORDERS BY MAIL -VLL RECEIVE PROMPT ATTENTON Address HENRY A, PAR60NS, JS.," BIDGWAY.ELK CO., lAt S 1j I...:..i.(T. nntr bet ore attained Kime's Stoic, Main Street. 50 1 ' .11) W1XCE NOW get the political cents for a V .A.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers