i It A TIM VX& tltAMnP.Rt.AllT. I atieetssors to 0. A. Rathbun,) Attor- ' ttieys-at-Lnvv, Main Street, Rldg- . way, i-iK ut., I'd. M,i ..MAULEY, V , Attorneys-at-Lvw. t,0 ni Kc' Bmk Building, Main 8t i.w'ay, f.lk Co.. Cb. v8n2lf. ; L"7r WE T; MJ1LEX. Attcrr.'".-"-t-Lv.w, ftbuiitv Pa OiMvv nei Ridgway, Elk .' too null troni thvDEMoe. at establishment. Claims lot collection rronu tly attended to , Jne. 15 '70, A VllAKLV&i HOLES, Wflto'i r niW, Fnjraver and Jeweler Main strain. Li-Jwr.y, Pa. Agent l'or tlie tiaKe Simvihi- iii;liiLu, end Morton Gold jt in., ' lifiiiiiriri.i v. atuhos, clo, doitewith 5k riiiiio accuiaoy e:i heretofore. Satis kotim guin -i' v-'l. tlnly ! . ; . ,. O. i, Ji.AlL T.'Yj "1 ATTOBNEY-AT-LAW. J.j?l. ' Pvidgrtajr, fell County, Pa. Agent for the Traveler's lfe and Aooi f at Insurance Co., of Jliwtford. Conu. lUML'S 1: n i.l.EtlTON, Surgeon ftess"'. '.n-.-::: porTinnfntly lo- ated in Bis nr. fit's .e i.-'n ?irofes1onal er ritea tn tho ci'.izi-js Wflgwuy ana sur rsHtnlins: ' country. A'.l work Warranted. Office iu Service ft. Wac'.er'aBtlildiRg, up- tail's, first tlooji io the Irl't. 73-U-32 ly G. O. MESS LAG EH, Druggist and rannrtceuti.tt, N. W. tbrnei bf Main and M1 street, UidgWay, Pa. full assortuieul of cure fully selected For eign ami I'o'ii---le OrufH. Prescriptions earel'iilly 'I'm' ') ! ai ail hours, day or iglit.. vln3y T. S. UAH r LEV. M. I)., Fhviji.in nn-i Surgeon. Cdict-in i r.i Mtnve, comer i'-rond and ,.lair rUs. (;:' ..-'t c-'i-ucr Broad St. ha iositt 1 1, j Cv!' ',o. OTioe bouts from B to 10 A. V. ::: '-rr.m V i) H P. M. vln2yl. J. S. :lv:-:ll, m. d., ftrlootio l'l-.y si'.1!"! i; :"i'rv--oii, has remoT ' i o siret, to Mail- 8t. second story of the J'.'lin Hall, oppo- :i'M 7 to 9 P M bU his ofiic: 1V-T. : rtidjwf.,'. 1 ., :u tl It Unck b'-i'diiir oi ft V Ily.ic's s': If U 'iirowAT. ElsCo.. Pa. V,r. FT. HCHKAM, I'rcpi'iotov. ThonUful for ti".' Jjillronagc heretofore Xi liberal! v lioatowed upen him, the new tiLiMoi". fcopes, by paying strict ai jfenluJJno tlie "t r.-.fort and convenience ol fgneBts, to nrvii. a continuance ci the fell til a. Oct SO ls-'i;:). KEkcKV HOUSE, CpNTiEtit,LE, Elk Co,, Pa. J-v.n v.oi.i.irjs, rr opnet . T'tanitful r..- t Cb k.'erilly ijct-j-w ,bro ,'tiftor. !i-'ft?, : palroiiRgn heretofore : 1 1'i'ou hint, the nc t'i' paying nirict ut--for. Riid convenience a co'jtirnonoe of the iVutua to c t l guest t. t r..ri'. E. O. FA V. ND INSURANCE COM minion nnoKEn, -L coll::u'th. Ai'i i:xt No 2(0 Walnut Place, (DIG vValtm? 5rf'!l,) p'riL.r.-t-piiiA. )'A. The ut' . i isciits the l'ol i.itijics t':.r this loving Illatrict. ( Aetna JI-jV North PriL ; Ui(rm:in A (V;agra X fcll'l :;.) Mi ivuntile.. ni rioi'.n, -N. Y.. f 7,'i()O,O00. . 10.0li'.,()tK). ouo. 1,SOO,000. . 1,0(10,000. J 00,000. MO (ii'O. liua,.ii!, Oiii j. .. W'BOerson. . .1 . . . fFarmville, Va.... Tnveicr.-i Lue & Accident 4.000,000. 4lnrrftsi.r!iiden"f' Mfilifitotl ff.m thoMo dafijiiiig in -!i;.ince. 8il x si Mary's Pa. iii i 3ry C::is, IToiicKs, wrrceries . and C-enival Variety, FOX ELK CO., PA. 1. HELtY, P. HAltlJ'AS, M. , & IfART.MAN. 1) RS. I'A Ur. W. P.. Jf'.Hinan. formerly of St. Mary's, hi.s a--:od!;til himself with M. J, Earley, !. in the practice of medicine f.t r.i.!,.jwiv. P.y close at tention to uut i. they hope to re ceive a liberal t.i.tre of Ihs jmtrouage of the public, tu-. Vv'. J!. Harlnian can he l'ouii-1 !:! ;;;1 hours, either at his rooms, o'-jr ti e post-oijee, or at Dr. Eariv 's ii u-r io. Dr. M. J. 'ir. H. i-.iiriey, or at his Drue . , mm . - - , . -. . ij. v .... l.j ui liltlf :i It ( f- tl 1 -. Vf.li u tirinnta litr WOi . " ' ' ' r. k.'gre-sii,- tealer in all kiuvis f cabinet ware, woodaiid cane scut chairs, kitchen and (-xtcm ion tables, wood tmd marble top lands, wood and marble ton bureaus. what notn, looking glasses, wood and ruarble top chamber suits, mattresses, f.f.i.i-.T'u ,,......1 i:.,..,i -..i kc. Cane scats retraced with .. i - ) erfo rated wood peats. Weed sewinir .ittchine le.liuvd from SGo to S-W. the ,oit machine in the market, and pic ture frames made to order. Also a large assorted stock of ready made coffins constantly on" hand and trim jned at shortest notice. All the above goods are sold at panic prices. Ware ,Kooui3 iu masonic building, Ridgway voiuuipaapr7 77.- Sites of Advertising. , one year $75 00 " 40 00 " 25 00 " 15 00 - advert isenieuts Der aouare of (hues, uiic instriion .t.T ion iniur. on. M.50. it.v i.,.i..... .Tes" CH,,,K' o'' 'ess. Per ' Adyuec-iui.nie qu,lrtr7, 9 PRIED APPLEd'AT POWELL & KIME'S. I Ti ,'llv no fail (I'll ir, THUKSDA Y, JANUARY 18, 1877. Arrival and Pepnrturo of Mails. Eastern Dnlly txoepl SunJajra; nr lives nt 2:22 p. iii., lenvt-snt 6:16 p. ni.; AVcRtern Daily cXct-pt Hundnys; IdaVcs at 2:22, flrrlvos nt 6:16 p. m. Urookvllle Daily except tiumtays arrives nt 12 m., leaves nt 2:30 p. in'. Spring Creek Arrives Tuesdays and Thursdays at II a. m.; leaves AVednes days anil Fridays at 8 a. m. Lodge Meetings. Elk liodgo, No. 379, A. V. M., meets the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month in Masonic Hall. Elk Chanter, No. 230, It. A. M., meets the third Tuesday of enfh month in Masonic HalL Knftpp Commandery, Nn. 40. K. T. meet? the fourth Thnrsilny of each month in Masonic Hall. County OiTlcprs. President Judge-Hon. Li. 15. Wetntbrc Associnte Judges Hons. J. K. Whit more, t'has. Lulir. Sheiill Daniel Sctlll. T reasurer Jacob M cCa uley . District Attorney J. K. P. Hall. ClOi Superintendent Geo. II. Uiton. Prothonotary, &c Fred. Schoening. Deputy Prothonotary W; B. Horton. Commissioners Michael Wedert, W. H. Osterhoni, Georg; IteusCher. Commissioners' Cletk W. B. Horton. Auditors W. II. Hyde, R. I. Spnng- Ier, (jJeorge notnrocK. Township Officers. Judgo of Election Will Dickinson. Inspectors Jnmcs Peiifield, P. R. Btnith. Justices of lh" reaco Charles Mead, Jus. l. Fu'lerton. School Directors O. R. Grant, Jas. Gardner. . T. Wheeler. N. T. I'uni- mings, WT. 8. Service. Eng. J. Miller. Supervisors-O. li. Fitch, Ja. Riley. Treasurer W. II. Hyde; Assessor M. fi. Kline. . Assistant Assessors Geo. Dickinson, John W'almslev. Auditors J. II: llagerty, James Pcn- lield, J. S. I'oweil. Clerk-M. S. Klino; Constable I. W. Morgcster. (hiircltesi Luiheian Rev. I. Rremumaii, pas tor. Services every alternni" Sunday, in both English and German, at 11 a. m. and 7 j). m. Sunday school at 10 a.,m. the pastor Superintendent; Geo. A. Walker, assistant. Grace Episcopal Rev. IVm. James Miller, rector. Services every Snnday at the usual hours, 1 1 a. m. aiitl 7 p. in. Sunday school at 10 a. in. All are cordially invited to attend. Seats free. Methodist Rev. A. Van Camp, pastor. Services every Sunday at 11 u, m. and 7 p. in. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. C. E. Holhulay, superin tendent; Geo. R. DiXon, assistant. Young Folks' Dihle (.'lass at 3 p. m. Regulur Ofllcial Meeting the second Monday Of each month at 8 p. in. Roman Catholic-Rev. Father Maher pastor. Services every other Sunday at 10 a. vi l. PflKsnVTEUIAX. Rev. A. .1. Mont gomery, Pastor. Services every fourth Sunday in the Lutheran ihurchat 11 A. M. 'and 7 P. M. V. R t S i' A 1) O t? O J S AJR D f Iff 9 tht) Orislndnro's Hair i)ye ii" SAFEST and REST; it acts Jr.Manta neously, piOibicing the kiiwh natural shades of Black ;r Brown; dies ;TOT STAIN the SKIX, and is easily ap plied. It is ft stanu..id prcpa'aHon and a l";ivirite upon every well ap pointed Ti.ili'i for Lady or Gentleman. Sold by Druggists. .T. CPISTADORO, P. C). B )X, loiis, 7STev York. Xt-U RAILROADS- PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD Philadelphia & Erie I'.. H. Division WINTER TIME TABLE! ON and after SUNDAY, NOV. 26. 1876, the trains on the Philadelphia & Erie Railroad will run no follows s WESTWARD". NIAGARA EX loaves Rnovo... 4 45 p at ' ' Drift j6od.. B 58 p m " " " Emporium 0 50 p m " ' Et Marys... 7 45 p ni " Ridgway... 8 14 p m arr at Kane.; 9 20 p m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 11 55 p m " ' Kenovo 11 00 a m " " " Emporium' 12 55 p ni " St. Mary's 1 40 v m Bidgway . 2 11pm ...3 30 p m , 7 35 p ni Kr.Do... arrive at Erie EASTWARD. DAY EX leaves Kane... ....fi.00 a ut ' " " Ridgway 7.r6 a m o: JUarys 7 Win " " Eiuporium 8 10am Driftwood 8 58 pm " ' Kenovo 10 10 pm ERIE MAlLleavss Erie 11.00 a m " " " Kane 3 50 p m ' " " Ridgwey 4 4?p m " " 8t- Mary's...... 5 15pm ' ' Emporium 6 10 p m ' " " Rcnovo 8.35 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 7 00 a m Day Eiprcss and Niagara Express con ncctcast with Low Gnsde Division and B N. y: & P. R. R. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gcn'l Sup't. SCIENTIFIC FARMER. BOSTON, MASS. Science in knowledge, scientific is knowing. Can a hotter motto be udoptei Iu tlie interest of a protHa'olo culture. Entering families in every section. Never has it failed to give satisfaction To the intelligent farmer. In all things practical; For it treats of the doctrine of uocs In matters that pertain to the farm. Cannot you afford to give it a trial" For only One Dollar a year. And your name and address plainly writ ten. Remitted to tho Scientific Farmer Co., Boston, Mas. Much of uiouthly value will be received, enacting you io front rronl others experi ence. Reflect that ideas turned to uses are money Five Copies, 75 cents t'acb. THE BEST 14AGA2I1TE. A Combinntionnf thai Utrfui, the En- Icrtainlnff and the llcaullful. Wmorest's Illnstratod Monthly, The Model Parlor Mieat.ine of America, Contains the essentials, of all others, in eluding Homo Interests in all its depart ments, The only RolUblo Fashions in all their details. The beauties and utilities of Literature. Poetry, Sketches, Stories, Musio, Floricul ture, and every branch of entertaining and useful reading calculated to enliven and ele vate society and make our homes attrac tive, useful and happy. This unrivaled Mncatine win commence ltd sixteenth year with January, 1877, and as' heretofore, full cf new literary, enter. tBiiiinu and useful subjects to which it is devoted. With twich htimber will bo given a stiperd colored cabinet picture (wotlt the worth the whole cost of the Magazine.) in joii, mounted on a mat ready for framing. Every subscriber at three dollars is en titled to the selection of a premium (of which there are eighteen,) delivered or forwarded immediately orl receipt of the subscription. Every article ofiered ia of first quality, includiug Books, any one wdrlh thi price of subscription: Chromos from Celebrated Printings aud equal td the originals, of large site and Suitable for any parlor; Pocp.et Cook SrovFs; Svstbm or Dress Cutting, (this received tho Highest Centennial Award;) SiWfc'rJPlated Ware of all kinds, Stationery, Linen Marker, etc., etc., etc. FOR CLUBS; Wo have larger and more valuable, Tre mimums, including Books of all kinds; Silver-Plated Ware, Brr.cket Saws, Scissors, Stereoscope, Game?, Table Cutlery, Clocks, Adjustablcs, Fluting Machines, Knitting Machines, China Cinue'r and Tea Setsi and numerous other desirable articles of whioh a full liBt will be furnished on application to the publisher. W. JENNINGS DEMOREST, 17 East nth Street. N. Y. A cents Required Everywhere. Send for Particulars. PREMIUM LIST FOR EACH SUB. SCRIBER. Etali subscriber at S3 is entitled to a selection of one of the following premiums, delivered or forwarded by Mail inane diatclv on tho receipt of the Subscription. 1 Choice of o.ithrr cf the superb Oil Chromos, ''After tlie Storm," "Home Sweet Home," ' Old Oaken Bucket," add "The Cnctive Child.'' in nil their Original beauty Size, 17x20 inches. fRctiiil price 15 ench.1 An additional Chromo can be had for 50 cents, or two for 'JO cents, or three for 81,30, including postage; or mounted on canvas and strechcr for framing, 60 cents erch, extra, which includes transpor tation. 5 A Pocket Cook Stove, packs in a space 4 inches square li intlieS thick &n:i weighs only 13 ounces. Postage required. 15 cents. 0 Jeni.y June's Cook-Book; the most popular of modern authorities on Cooking M.U Pnfes handsome elo'.h binding. Pobi- fr?5.. 7 Mmc Denloren's Excelsior System fod Cutting Ladies' Dresses. Price, S3, and Mine. Demoret's Children's M.igio Dress CiMrt. PricS SI, 50. Postage free. This systeiii received the Centennial Award. 8 A beautiful, silver-plated Napkin Ring. Postage free. The ring is solid while metal, double silver-plated, richly engraved, and rests upon supports formed of silver stems and leaves. It is unique in style and elegant in finish and a very hand- somo pift from a gentleman to a ludy, or vice versa. 0 A fins, aoiiU cilver-plated Butter Knife. lost-free. 10 The ChihK'cii cf the Abbey, a large, standard nnd highly entertaining work hy H. ,M. Roche. Uetavc, cloth, gilt, ovur 000 piice3. Post free. 1 1 i hardens of V.'n-ja-.V, 1 fftphio 'vork of hci ton. 1-y Mies Jane 1'jrtcr. tl'itavo, cloth, Kilt, 000 pages. Pci't-freo. 12 The Scottish Chief, a standard book of greai interest and power. By Misi Jane Porter. Octavo, clcih, gilt, over COO pages Put liec. 13 A large box of beautiful and fnsh ionable Stationary, Containing 3 quires of latest stylo note paper (assorted tint, envelopes to match. Post-free. 3 4 Any one volumo of Sir Walter Scott's Novels, each complete in one volume; clear type, handsome cloth bind ingS n)w edition, crowji, octavo. Postage tree. J. Waverly; or "Tis Sixty Years Since. 2 Guy Manncring; or tbe Astrologer. 3 The Antiquary. 4 Rob Roy. 5 Old Mor tality. '. The Black Dwarf, and a Le gend cf Montrose. 7. Tbe Bride of Lam mernioor, 8. lhe Heart of Mid-Lothian J Ivah e, a Romance. 10. The Mouas tery. 11. Tho Abbot; a Sequel. 12 Kcuilworth. 13. The Pirate. 14. The Fortunes of Nigel. 15. Peveril of the Peak. 10. Qucntin Durward. 17. St, Ronan's Well. )8. . Redgauntlet. 19 The Betrothed.-20. The Talisman. 21 Woodstock; or the Cavalier. 22. The Fair Maid of Perth. ?o. Anne of Geier stein. 24. Count Robert of Paris. 25 Castle Dangerous: Surgeon's Daughter. 26. The Highland Widow. My Aunt Margaret's MiTor. Account Of the Scott Centenar. 15 A Triumph Linen darker and Card Printer, for marking clothing, etc., with type sumcient tor several names, ink, etc complete. Post-free. 10 iancy Work, 800 pages, f 6x81 inches. 600 illustrations. Postage, 20 cents. Uniform 17 Household Elegancies 1- in size, Postage 20 cents- I print and IS Window Gardening. binding. Postage, 20 cents. J l'J Dollar's worth of Mme. Demorest Reliable Patterns, post-free. Selected from ata! o:ue or Magazine in one order. r YOU WANT TO BUY GOODSCHEAP GO TO JAMES 11 IIAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa DBY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AXD CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARE, TOBACCO AND CIO A PS A Large StoCk of Groceries and rrtvibfaiis The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, and told as cheat nthf!HEAPF.ST JAMES H IIAGERTY' 1 . NAILS AND GLASS, AT POWELL & KIME'S CJTJoTATlONS v . nf White,- Powell . & Co. BANKERS AND BROKERS, No. 42 b'outh Third Street. Philadelphia, Jan. 16th 187T. DID. ASKItO U. 8. 1881. c Ui H4J do 5 20,0 '65. M and N....;..;.10!) do do '05 J and J.... 110 do do '65 do ..113 do da . '65 do no; 10-40, do coupon 113i do Paoifio O's cy Int. off 122 J 10!) 110 113 111) 113 122 111 ew 5's Reg. 1881 Ill C. 18H1 112 107 100 Gold 100i Silver i 100 Pennsylvania ex ive 4' 47 Readme ii Philadelphia & Eri5 '13J 18 Lehigh Navigation.; 29 2t)J do Vallev i '' ''' Uuitcd U R of N J. ex. div;i 140 140 j Oil Creek i ; SJ 8J Northern Central ...ex. dir 2ol 26J Cenlral Transpdrtitibn H2 40 Nesquehoning J oz North Pennsylvania,....;..;. 40J & A Mortgage u s 8 J..... too iiuj A NICE LOT f)F NEW PRINTS nt POWELL & KIME'S, only eight cents per. yard. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR: AXD Graham Flbur at POWELL & KIME'S. BOOTS, SHOES AXD RUBBERS a new stock just arriving, at TOWELL & KIME'S. AT POWELL & KIME'S, YOU pay cash for gdbda, and g';t more than the worth of your cash. SLEIClH BELLS AXD WHIPS.- a nice little assortment, at POWELL & KIME'S. FLOUR, PORK, FEED, CORX- Menl. Oats, always on hand at POWELL & KIME'S at bottom pri ccs. A FEW MORE OVER COATS and Buffalo Robes at POWELL & KIME'S, List of Jurors drawn for January term, ls7. GKASD JVKORS. Benwsctte. D. B. Wlnntow. Fprrior: Boiiziniior. runrU'H V'.-', lu'.nnvi'; Joseph Young, luhcrr"-: .'I'cob ullincT, liinucr. Fox. Franklin ShowerB, Mmksmith ; Jacob Hod!i'oeeo,fiir!ni;r; M. U. ')Vcr, nirmcr; John W. Alover, nirnier; .lotiii Kyiur, mii iiht. Hor'fii. L'l'ni'iiov Hro'i'kway, Hi'nL'ur'itan; C. K. ISliulo, luborcr. .lay. outlier uocers, mriiii-r. Jtuies. Truman Utu'llck., laborer; Anthony Cole, carpenter. Htdswav. M. P. KPiiP, law sluilent ; Ouo. It. WoodVnrd, t'lcrk; Ciio. Vwi'l'pr, bboo nia'ter; H. A. Olnistcad, milhr?s;lit. MlllKtone. II. K. Jloorc, luiuuerinnn. Soring Creek. Martin ren in, luinbei'man. ur m,ii't.b .Tnhn ll.!iiiiltc. Kuloon kei'por: Gee. licttuer, carpenter; Oilfori!, Mer- cliun'; Michael Gerg, l'hotoKraphiT. lT'Tiezette. Timothv fluilfoylo, black smith; Doeutur lUwctt. butehor. lienzlnsrer. losepri llalni'K. innorer; jonn Kroeckl, flirnier: ijrnrire l.i'i'Korv, tMBini'r; Georgo Htaull'T, fiiriner; Joseph Kreig, far mer. . , Fox. John Jlosier, inrmer; Aiuim ivvm- cror. lurn'or: liavs jwiit, mririer; i"""'" HulUvan, farmen 1". X. l'.nz, tailor; Alonzo Mvers. laborer; John Kuiiuiomiin, furiien- tcr. . , Jiiv.C nitric: is. i:ciri.-r3, inuorcr; jwiaii . Mi'iul. funnel1. .... , , .loims.-G. O. Oiuiitl'', ilioemnker; 1-red. Plstner, laborer; Mielia'.l Miller, lahorer; J. H . aietieri, iaiinr r. JHIw'imo.-James i ;iam.iou, laimirr. Jlcirton.-Jiw.v.h l'ollt, -liii'iucr; Geo. V. Clint"", fiirmer. Hldirwny.--A. A. Mftiin, liinnt'i, j. CuinmlUK. luniiicmiaii: 1. C. IMefcini-on, luipliLMinnii; Euict'tie J. Miller, tit'tor; O. 11. Grant. Taiinor; Georg'1 Galin, luliorer; 10. C. Ilurrett, clerk; Daniel M Govern, iiiDiuer. r-prillg l. rt.CK. .leremian j'.nn'n., i.uiei. St. Mary's. Plillli) .Myer, hliounniker; Jacob Kijjus, Sidoon Kwiicr; Anthony l-'i'ey, blaek smilli; Mutt. Maloiio, linrness maker. Caution Notice. All persons nre hereby enut'eneu not to mreliuse.or In any way meibllo with the fol inwiitK ftescr't'ed pro'i'eity iu ponscusloit of Justus eed. ... Two horses, double Harness, single iL.i i.ess, tvo wiicons. one natr sleiuhs, ono sinsrle iMffgh, one bURiiy, three Jiltrs, one cow, three tuns bay, ono plow, one harrow, one cutting box, lour acres of wheat in ground, a lot of straw and household c.'oiIh., 1 pitrolngietl the same at Sbcrilfs fair aim have lelt tlicni with the siild Justus ween lor a lime omy. i. C ui. rial. Dec. 28th, 1S70 ,V, License Petiliorts. The follow'nj lictnse petitions have be5n led in tho Court of Quarter Sessions for anuary Term 1S77, und will bo presented to t he said court on Wednesday, the 21th day of Jan uary, 1S77, at 2 o'clock V. M.' ('That If any person or persona Fhiill negioet r refuse to lift his. her or f.l'iolr Incense, with in fifteen hays alor the fia'iio has been granted, fueh neglect- or refasal, shall be deemed a forfeiture of said llcensa " Purdou V. 2d, Page 0).!.) TAVERN.' nenuzetto Henry Blcsli; D. Ii.' Win'ilcw. Bt-nzlnger. Frank X. Sorg. Fox John Collins. , Ridgway Wm. II. Sehram; Murphy & Mc- Farland. Kt. Marys Anton Fochtmnn; Lorer.lz Vo'gel: John Waehtel & Son; Aiilliony Sehauor; James Ilogan; Henry Lrihr ; Joseidi F. Wlndfelder. EATISO HOUSE . Ridgway James Maglnnis. St. Mary's Win. Gels; Jacob Kraus . STOltE . St. Mary's Joseph WUhelm. FliED. SCIHEMXG, Clerk, SUGARS AT POWELL AXD KIME'S are high to bo sure; but s ill are a Ktfli cheaper thau at any other store in town. N. O. MOLASSES FOR COOK ing, also choice syrup always oh baud at PO WELL & KIME'S. OXIOXS, A NICE LOT AT P. & K'S. FOR YOUR STOVES AXD TIX Ware call at Wr. B. SMITH'S, corner of Main and Mill streets. -pVLIVERY STABLE' IX RIDGWAY. DAX SCRIBXER WISHES TO inform the citizens of Ridgway, and the public generally,' that ho has started a Ljvery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES anil Buggies to let upon the most reasonable terms. J6t2rHe will also d6 job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Olllce will receive prompt attention. Aug201871tf NOTES. Coiirl coinnicnces nex t Monday ; Subscribe for the Advocate. The prospects arc good for plenty (if waitr In the spring. M. 8. Kline has been appointed Notary Public by Governor HArtrnna. The Enlscopnl Vcskry have secured the ser vices Of Rev, W. J. Miller for another year. You can buy note paper and envolopos cheap at the Acvocate otllco. Next Sunday there will be Services In tho buthcrnn Church, Gorman In the morning, English in tho evening. "It never rains but It pours," that seenis to be tho way with tho snow. Last winter hot enough, and this winter too much. It has been decided that the Louisville I.lhrarv lottery is an illegal Institution and any money put Into It can be recovered. C. II. M'Cauloy has been fe&orn In ns Dis trict Attorney, and hnS had tlto old District Attorney's olllcc, lit tho court houso, newly fitted up. Going down the street tho other evening we noticed two or three small boys snow bal ling a drunken Sweedo. For shame boys, for limine. ''Its an ill W ind that blows no ono good." The lienvy fall of snow, recently, gave em ployment to a large number of men. Teams Wanted for Hark Hauling at Urooltston Tannery, Brookston, Forest Co. Pa. (Nrt.t Tho Democrat boasts of being the only pa lter In Elk county printed nt. homo. And might have added "the only illustin'.e.l (?; paper In the county. The Household, A sprightly magazine, of 2-1 pages, published at Brnttleboro, t., Is on our tablO for January, 1877. Terms $1.00 per year In advance, postago 10 cents. Address, Gect. E. Crowcll, Bralt'.eboro, Vt. If the little editor of tho Democrat will only wait "till the spring time conies gentle Annie." wo will then have n new suit of clothes, and renew our youth, and "bo some body." "Vncasy lies the head that wears a crown," thus it Is with the postmasters, now, In this time of Presidential uneertanity. Let us quote then: "Uneasy sleeps the man who has a pcstotllcc." It.tyarii Taylor, the great traveler, will lecture In tho M. E. Church next Tuesday evening, on "Ancient Egypt." The lecture will be given under tho auspices of tlie Ridgway Lecture Association. There Is serious talk no t of having a road from tho foot of Broad street to connect with the road at Osterhout's tannery. Mr. Wll lard, the engineer, was survcyirg the toad yesterday morning.' Tito editor of tbio pdpi.'r i.as succeeded in getting some wooi", (gixcn suit maple,) and one might ns well try lo burn icicles. Hope some one will take pity on ns nnd send In load of seasoned wood. The Thayer House will change hands, on and after February 1:4. Messrs. M l'arlnnd & Murphy nre the new proprietors. The Hiley Bros, have the credit of keeping a flrst-class hotel, and they will be missed by the travel ing public. The weather has been moueruiir.s for a'few days. On Tuesday morning a strong wind was blowing at tills place. The streets are all of a glare, anil people go staggering around as though muter tlie inl'.ueuco of "colIin varn ish," as Frank Dill says. The committee on permanent certificates will meet in tho llidgway school building, Haturdnj , February 21, 177, for the purpose of examining applicants, nnd transacting such other bLshiKis ni may be ncciecd neces sary. Our thanks nre duo Hon. C. It. l.arli yfor documentary favors. Wo notice he hns been appointed on tho following important com mittees: Appropriations ; Education ; Counties nnd Townships ; Railroads ; nnd Federal Relations. There arc two good v. nys by wiiicii io pre vent passengers being roasted to death in case of accidents neither of w hich nppcnr to liavcbcen fully tested by any oftho railroads. One ol these Is to have no accidents and the rtther is io have no lircs in the cars. Orin Head, a little son of A. II. Head of this place, fell irom the roof of his father's houso to the ground one day last week, and strange to say, was not injured in the least. Ho rolled from tite main part to tho roof oftho porch, and from the porch to tho ground, barely missing tho slops, r.nd landing In two or three teet of snow. Ridgway is cccnssi6nall, enli .-ened by tho presence of two or three stalwart tramps. Wc noticed two or three on tho streets this week, and very fond were they of bread and butter but a wood pile was an Ashtabula hor ror, with a Brooklyn tragedy thrown in. Work or no bread should ho tho rule when these gentry apply for relief. The Advocate office is over l-owcll Klme's stora. Main Street, 'vhcro you will find tlie newest styles of fancy type. . The fact is our neighbor of the big sign, always borrows our fancy type when ho w ishes to do a nrsl-classjob. Why not eorr.e, then, to the place where you can find the type, printer, and paper all "at home." D. A. Farrand, is announced ns a candl dato for tho Democratic nomination for the office of Constable at the ensuing township election. Of course a recommend coming from the Republican side would not influence the Democratic caucus to any great extent, but this we can say: we believe if Dan. is nominated and elected he will fill the oflieo acceptable to all .parties. Fast freight west ran Into the rear end of local west last Tuesday morning, on tho curve, a few rods west of tho depot. Tho caboose of tho local was quickly reduced to kindling wood, and tho sinoke-stoek and bell of tho fast freight engine wero knocked off and tho engine otherwise damaged. Tlie engineer oftho fast freight, reversed his en gine, nnd then ho and his fireman jumped leaving tho cnglno to its fate. Luckily no one was Injured ns the pabooso happened to bo empty at the time 6 ihe accident. OF SOEET1IROA T. Attacks of sore throat are common and annoying. Only one remedy is known at this time that will cure any case with certainty nnd rapidity. That remedy is Dr. Fenner's Golden Relief. From C. T, Moore, Proprietor of the Celebrated Wholesale Coffee Unci Tea jlousc, 14 Front Street, Poehcutcr, AT. Y, Dr. M. M. Feivuer, Fredohia, N. Y. Dear ir: I am subject to severe and prolonged attacks of sore throat.. .Your Golden Belief cures mo moro speedily thun anything I have yet found I keep it in my family and use it in cases of severe toothache, headache, neuralgia and many other ills and prlzo It highly. In fact I think ncf ono would like to be without It who hndonce learned Its value, Yours truly, C. T. MOOHE. It'never fails to cure tho worst cases of Diarrhoea, Cholera, Cholera Morbus, Cholera .Infantum, Summer Com plaint, Colic or Bloody Flux. It will relieve any of these affections in from three to thirty minutes, and it will re lieve a painful neuralgia', toothache, earache, sorethroat or reumatisiii just as readily. For sale by dealers. ' WOLLEX SOCKS AND MITTENS at POWELL KIME'S I lie' Nr s; Alexander' II. Stephens is perlotiply 111 nt Washington, with hemorrhage of tbe lungs. Tho fire nt Lancaster, on Monday night, destroyed $30,oo0 worth of property. Trains on tbe Xew York Cciitrnl railroad arc blockaded by ieo and snow. Edinburg, Clarion canity was visited by a fire, on the night of January Pilh. Loss estimated at 5100,000. On the 13tli insi,. a valuable busi ness nl'ie.K. at M-ranion, nt,, was destroyed by fire. Loss about $1'0,- 000. Ex-Govetior Ishatn G. Harris, has been elected United States Senator from Tennessee to succeed I ton. lien ry Cooper. At Br.vn Marr, Pa.; last Monday, David Mundell a shoemaker, Was shot dead by an olllccr whb was en deavoring to urretit him on a charge of drunkenness. The recent h-c ttood in the Monon- gnlielii river, was very destructive of valtl'.tblc property. Tho coal men fin-tire un their losses at millions of dollars. A dispatch from Xew York states that the notable event of the day on the street is that the bank average of gold iu the weekly statement is 000,000 higher than the greenback average. Such a thing has not hap pened since the original issue of green backs in 1802. Tlie iliiiioiial executive committee of the independent greenback party has been called to convene at Spring Held, Illinois, on Tuesday the 2:',d inst. to consider measurers to extend nnd strengthen tho organization of the party and to ed'ect a more active proprogiition of its principles. Iligli.Pi lied JD'rseflesh Killed. Poughkecpsic, January 1.1. During the trotting carnival on South avenue, this afternoon, two trotting hor.-es, owned by Lesson Iloldridge and Charles Phelps, came in ecllNion, when the shafts of the sleighs petio. t rated the breast of each hrse, killing both instantly. The loss is S'.'.-WO. skirmish Y.'iih Hostile Indians. Chcyerne, Wy., Jan. 14. Last night on. the Elk Horn, "0 miles north of Fort I nfamie, fresh tracks of I n dia! wero O.'scoA-e.i'cd by Sergeant Bcs?y, aiid an tsic'rt of the tith cavalry. To avoid a surprls'j In camp the ser geant with three men made a recon noissaiice, and about midnight met a party of fifteen Indians. In the fight which ensued Bessy undoncof lii.'com nnuions named Taggart, were slightly woiiniled, and the other named Feathcralt, was badly hurt. They also lost three horses killed, but the Indians were forced to retire. A company of cavalry left Fort Laramie, to-day to ei'deavor to intercept the Indiar..!. Losses by the Ohio Ice Hood. Cincinnati, Ohio, January 1". The following are the estimated damages suifei-.d by coal dealers through the movement" of lhe ice Saturday night and Sunday:. At Walker's Landing, $00,000 ; fit Stewart's Landing, 85,00ti; at frails A Wells' Landing, 22,000 ; at Walm'.'f's Landing, $:5,OoO ; at Cocheiiov's Landing, $2,500 j at Pick lehema's Landing, st',,000 ; at Samuel Brown's Landing, S 14,000 ; at the (iueen City, elevator, $20,000; at Collier A BuV.d's Landing, ?3,000 ; at Zimmerman's Landing, So, 000 ; nt Salt Barges Landing, Sii.t'bo ; at Lick ing river, $7,000; two produce boats, S;l,ooo. The river here and at points above U reported full cf floating ice. No gorge remains in this vicinity. W-b lia,ve received the January num ber of Leisure Hours, a handsome mammoth 10 page '54 columns family paper filled with tlie choicest litem- ture serial and short stories, sketches, Doetrv. wit. humor, etc., &c It is en tertaining, nmusin and instructive, aud is one of the cheapest papers the amount and quality of matter con sidered that wo have seen. The price SI. 20 per year, including as a premium a genuine tme-Dno steel en graving, called " I nc lUtinerics Bairn," printed 6a 22x28 plate paper which tlie publishers claim is superior hi point of merit and attractiveness to any premium ever oiiereu oy any other lianer iu this country, and is alone worth the money asked for both. The publishers, J. L. Patten fc Co., 102 William St., New Y'ork, authorize us to say, that in order to introduce the paper iu this vicinity they make a special offer to every one of our read ers to send them tlie paper a "trial trip" of four months, post-Mild, com mencing with the Januaiy number for 25 cent?. Our readers i ho avail themselves of this ofl'cr Will, we feel certain, thank us for having called their attention to it; The publishers of LcUure Hour frould like to employ some one in every place to canvass for this paper, The Famine in India. London, January 14. The Times1 special from Calcutta gives tt later sum inary of the situation. In one o? the Bom bay districts, Cholapore, the crops totally failed. Things ais nearly as bad in two other districts. Crops partially failed in six districts. Already 287,000 persons are on the relief works, Ia Madras famine prcvaib' in twelve districts, and no v a mil lion' of persons ere on tho relief works The cost to the State is estimated at over two millions sterling In' Bombay and four millions in Madras. Samuel Ecker, of Chester county, catches hundreds of patridges through the winter. feeds aud shelters them', aud lets then: loose jn the spring. Con fof. Boiitoi.s. A fr'si ..ErSjo- remedy Is to lisi pulverised saltpolrs r.nsf sweet oil. Obtain at the druggist' five or six cents' worth of saltpetre J put it-'to a boltle.wlth sufficient olive oil tu nearly dis solve flj shake up well nnd rub the in flamed ports night and inorulrg. and mure if painful. This is a wall tried remedy. Three oftho liohest men In the t'rite I Slates have died within the last fifteen months, vi.: Astor, Stewart and Vander bilt. The three, joiiu'y, had at !hc com mand nearly, if not quite, f 250,000,000. Like poorer men, they will scut be foig-'t-tcn, or rcmombered only becau.it4 bf their" connection with th! "altr.ighly dollar." It is stated that after tl"! next six months' the yield of wheat in California will bo so immense, that at le.tst a ship's cargo will be landed every day at Some European port. This demonstrates how largely the Unite I States c-mtribulos to the food supply of other nations. We aro in truth rapidly be coming tho graneryt of the world. Advanced FffTgltt Rates, Chicago, J miliary 14. The following m creased frc'ght rate? will g into efl.jct to morrow, Mond ly: From Clreagc to York on fourth clas freight, -13: grain, 10 ; to Boston, 50 and 45 ; to Philadelphia, 4()J to 30 ; to Baltimore, 30 to 35 Thi is an advance of 4 cents NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. A GOOD WORK. A Biirtliitg fauso of bebilit., i.i ' t i' nes: fullv explained in a luge noiavo I' re.: lise by "Dr. (). PHELP.s' BROWN, 2 Grand Street, Jersey City, X. J EVEU Y MAN AND WOMAN who is ai.iug in an; wiy plioul'i sen t uu i get a copy at onie. us it is sent free, prepaid by mini. Adiires tie author as above. liul24-.i, PIMPLES. I will mail Free she recipe fir pr -pir ing a s'irple Vkk i;TAiit.E BaI.J! that will re move Ta.n, FISKl'KbbS, PIPPLEd n:d Blutcmfs, leaving tho skin soft, clear and beautiful ; al.u instructions for prclncia.' a luxuriant growth of hair on a bald head or siuuoth lauc. Address Ben. Vundulf dr Co., Box M21, Xo 5 Wooeter St., X. Y- A GENTLEMAN who mtferel f.n- ye ns from Nervous Debility, Prtinniui-e le cay, and all the clleuls uf youtlif. l md.tei e lion will, for the salia r.f siill'erii.g hu. inanity, send free to ail who need it, the recipe and direction for making tho simple remedy by which he Was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the advertiser's ex perience can Co so by a.'.Jict'siii in perfect confidenuo. .. JOHN B. UGDKN, 42 Cedar St.. New Yuik. T0StJMPTIVE3. The advertiser having been per uieni v cured of that uread ilieease, ( oiisuuipiiou by a simplo remedy, is anxious io ukIkO. known to his fellow sulVerer tbe means of cure. To all who desire it, be will imk1 h copy of the prescription used, ilYee of charge) with Ihi ilireclions for pre 'arin and using the eruie, which they will find n Scnn Ci:re for (.'orsi'Mrrio.s, Asthma. Bbonciiitis, Sic, Pnr.ies wishing tliu prescription w.ll please adilrc-is, Uev. 11. A WlLSttN. I4 l'enu., Williaaisbu'.gh, N. Y. Can't be made by every aent ...!. :.. .1... i : iiii'i.iit in iiiv.- U-...--I it WO I'lmiMl, uui I'luae vuiii'i, iu r. ui n u'iii nisiW earn a 'J-j'i n dollars u day right in their own lo-jnl it i'-s.' JI.ivu no room to ex plain here. , business plca.-ant and hoii-.i ile. v crr.cn, rr. J roynnu g'ris uoasw. i as men. tie win lurmsii yet i compie'i Outfit free. The business pays better than anything else. W o will bear expenses of starting you. Particulars free. Write and sec. Farmers and mechanics their "n:i and daughter?, and all classes in need of paying work at hon.e, shouiu write to us and learn allubout tho work at one. Now the time. Lon't delay. Address TP. I'M & CO., Augusta, M auie. Laws Utitthig to New-paper Sattscrip lions a;il Arrearages. 1. Subscri'-crs who dn sat ?r. express notice to the contrary, aro cinn-lered wi?h ing lo continue their subscription. ! If subscribers order 'he discruii urn aiion cf their periodicals,! lie publishers ma,, continue lo Ecnd them uuti! all nrre.irag"-. are paid. 3. It subscribers neglect or refuse iu take their periodicals from the o.Tiee whero they are directed, they arc held responsi ble until they have settled their bills, and ordered them discontinued, 4. If subscribers move toother places without informing the publishers, and the papers aro sent to the toriner .liree'ion they are held responsible. 0. Tho courts have decided that refus ing to lnko periodicals from the ollicc, or re. moving and leaving tlieut uncalled fjr is prima Jaeie evidence ct intentional lraud. (i. Any person who receives a newspaper and makes v.sc cf it. whether ho lifts ordered it or Hot, is held in law lo be a sub scriber. 7. If s'ibf ciibeis pay in advance, they are bound lo give notice to the publisher at the end of their time, iftheydonot wish to continue taking it otherwise the publishers are authorized to send !t cu, and tho sub scribers twli bo held responsible until an express notice -.Tith payment of all arrears, sent to Ihep-.blisher. SOTICU. A GOOD PAPER. r.Tt:RVDorv knows The lNur.rENUL.NT, of New York, ns the leading, most euterpris- ng, and all ngree, most readable and in-. structive of our numeroui religious papers. It is not slow lo recognize the fact that the popular passion for Chromos lias died out, aud it makes the remarkable oiler of any one voIuiiit 6f Dickeu's Works, a hand somely illustrated and bound duodecimo, to anybody who will subscribe and send the regular Three Bollr.rs subscription. This is equivalent to offering the paper for a dollar and a half. Everybody wants some volume of Dickens and everybody ought to want The Independent. NEW TIME TABLE V. k K. R. R. Commencing Sunday, Nov. 20th, 1870 WILCOX. nr..:i t.v. ... , . 1 ;l :i3 n m West .. 2:47 u Day Express East . (:22 a in Niagara Express West.. 8:55 p in 4:43 yj m 2:11 p m 0:-r.O a in 8:14 p m 5:T5 p in 1:40 p m 7:20 a nt ' 7:45 p n?" KIDQWAY. Mail East............. Mail West Day Express Kant Niagara Express West... ST. MABV'S. Mail East Mail West Day Express East Niagara Express Wet,t iu
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers