nenry a. ramus, Jr., . - Editor. THURSDAY," JANUARY 18, 1877 A W0UTHLER8 CHECK. ! 1MP0JITANT ABLE LFSSON CARS CONf AIl(I A VAMJ- ClsVelni-c1, Jan. 9. A cme Las jusl been tcmplettd in I ho Common rc3 Court which is gnnd leism to Ihose not ac quainted with the laws rosiiruitiR bank checks payable on sight. Tho suit was brought more than a year ago by Oenrgn F Lewis, of Youngstown, against John J. J'ate ct a'. Lewis came to this city n few, days before the breaking up of .lay Cooke Co., and Hold to the defendants $5,003 worth of gold, taking in pay their check for . for that amount on Jav Cooke & Co., of New York. He did not watt the money al once, and accordingly held the check, to be cashed at his convenience Meanwhile Jay Cook & Co. became Insolvent, and their bank was closed. Lewis had not drawn his money, nnd his check was then worthless ilo sued to recover the amount named. The law in mich cases is that after a chock is given the receiver is given only one diy to have the fame cashed, or if payable else where than where it was drawn sufficient time is piven to send, it by mail to that place. Meanwhile if the bank fails the bolder of the check Is responsible only to Mmself In this case the cheek w.-is not drawn in proper time and the bank failed, leaving his check a worthless piece of pa- per. In his petition plaintiff claimed that cevcral days lifter the check was glen he met one of the defendants, nnd said to him that, he had not yet had that check cashed, and the reply was that it would be all right anyhow. The defendants denied IN toto rny such conversation, and rested only on the law. acres, Hon. John C. Kewmyer, President of the Cictj Senate, is only twenty-eight years cf ace- He is the vouneest Senator that has ever held that position. XEW ADYERTISE3IENT8. LIST OF CAl'SEji. nPT TIOV.-X KOI? TItlAL AT THE .TAX 0:inry Term of the CimiI of Common Pleas of l .lk county, '.ominenciiiK, Mommy, January I. .Inhn Munii vs. Lewis S. lludd, So, 11,", A'ltpoKt Term. 1.N74. i." Mn-nli V. Wilcox, Wlitow, etc.. vs. Jesse ami John Piatt, No. HI, .May 1 eriii, 17... :i. .las. K. I' Hull vs. D. ICuiiL-s ct h1., No. nr. Mm' Tpiiii. 1 -,7"i. 4. Hiimnel Hsieiimin vs. W. S. Service & rv n:SI. Seiiteinner Term. 1Vj. S. Frwlci Ick Collins et ul. vs. Andrew TT-insnn. No. :', Si iitcinlifi- Term. IK7II. ii. H(.np:i' A. Ki'tnl'UU v.. (.'. 11. Keniloy, o. I :;t. Si plcinliiT Term IsT'l. I ...'oniiril Win man vs. Tlioirms Sullivan, . 1" cil'ioljtr Tirni, lS7il. .-. liui-hciu Ki-kl, Widow ol'Tiornard I-Vkl, :i, ii 't:.-,nt, vs. r.dwt.rd HuIk-I. : it. I'dxon vs Lutlit-r I.ucoro, et al., Vo. November Term, 1-7 1. I'RKK. SCIiarNlXO, Clerk. '.'.i'V,'va.v, Ph.. Den, 2S. "7:. . 0TI(E. VfOTU K i? lierr-hy Riven that the under iNiiiieil Intend to apply to the General As n'lnhlv of the state ol Pennsylvania, at its .ii-xt e-sstm, for tho pai-sau'e of ail net cn-Mtle-i An Act to pvovide for the payment of the debt and distribution of the funds of tho State- lioad authorized by the Ai t of iii'sl of Mnv,, cn I II led' All Act appointing '0111 ltiliislon.'i's to lay out. and open a S1;iie Koad in Hie counties of M K-u, IUk, Forest and fiat-Ion, nnd tho wvcml supplements thereto." The said Act Tvill elve to the Court of Com mon I'lea-i of CoV.n'y .lurisdicion toeol lett the hinds of mid ro-wt and apply I hem Is t. To pav the rosis of the proeeediiiL': il. To pay the jiil .lelns lawl'utly contr.ieii- l by the le'iii i ie'iiiiissiom is ofs--i l t iad. ;nid ye: tui)aid; ',d. The snrpl'i toli;i- several lonr xiiips fiom whence tiie fund is derived. The Vro'.'eedin'S to bo in-t!iii"-ii by petition of iMiy person Interested, and The further neces narv' proef.eftin'is to lie had iit'ler ten days notice shall have been uiven to the proper authorities ot tile se era I count ies and town ships iiilerestcd, and also by publication In '.ncli county. .tosjica n.vvis, J. C.JA MI'S. T. s. .! M F.s. W.M. V. tK)KITT1I, A. I'la iliiSUN. Jl!Cil-lt SHERIVT'S SALES. BY vhtm; fif sundry writs of fieri iV.cius, alius liuri fitt'las, vi'iiditioiii txioli:u.. li-ari li.d:w, tvlias loviui facias; 11 ml testatum liT; facias, issued cu't of 1 1 1 t .'otn t of ('oimi!! rieuMof i:ii; t'cMiitty, ainl to me (liref-tftl, I, j)uiiiel Heii II, High .lierill' of ::iiiil louuty, (! l.ereli.y i,rie notice t hut 1 wiil exii.'seto juililie sale or otitery, at tlie Court House, in Kblwuy, tit one oMoek. P. M 011 MONDAY, JANUARY, 21. I877. Al. I. that certain ike or parcel of nitiiati'il in the townslnii of Fox euunly of Klk a ml State -f l'ennsyl va j ilt. J'oinideil and deserihwl as ftd iu'.va to-wit: lUinvr -t N. tol) fifty-one in the Village of (.'elitreville njrreeahlo in the plot or draft ot said lilatrc as tiled in t he oflieo for the Keeordino; of Deeds in and lor said ( otinty wild lots, i-on- ta.ninf' i'i) fifty-seven and throe fourths siiuai'O rods more or less and I ltd uu a liai't of mine land conveyed to John tireen hy Sainttel M. I'Vix aiid (Jen. l-'ox .M. D. administialors of Samuel Fox, hy deed dated the !'lh d;iv id' November, Is 1(1, Recorded in Ji.edliooU A lniye- 301 dc., there ctcd on said iotjii two story lranie reel .'tv,'i;;ilng iRiuse- 4 feet, said 'Wid other im- lut is under good feue, jii'ovements. v Seized and taken 11, execution the property of 1. J. Iviinzelniaii, f;uit of Charles and AIadeleiia (jill Alii' the riffht tide interc:!., claim nnd demand of defendant in itnd to the following described landt Begin ning at what formerly was the south east corner of Charles I.eggeti's farm, which I. in thenoi lh line of Patent No: oti-lO and from thence west, along wild line ten chains and thirty links to a corner; thence north five chains and twelve links to a corner; thence east ten chains and thirty links- to 11 eorner; thence kouIIi to the place of beginning being live chains and twelve links, containing Ave ac res and forty-eight perches, being situated in south pait of Patent, No- oOC-') in .Ihv township Elk Co., Pa. AL6O one other lot or piece of land in Jay township as follows: lie winning at the southwest corner of land formerly owned by Win. Hart, in patent &o-9 and running thence west 20 perches and VI links to the northwest corner of said land; thence went 9 perches to the center of the road leading from CLarlcs Leggetts, to Caledonia; tbenco along the center of said road to the south lino of said patent, No 5029; thence eru-t to the place of beginning, containing one half acre, including all the land lying between the aforesaid land formerly owned by Burt and tuid Read. Seised and taken in execution as the property of Joseph T. Southard at suit of B. E. Iloorcy. ALL that certain tract of hnd in the town or settlement of Pt. Mary's . ia-tlie county of Elk aud Etate of Pa. lleglnnlngnt a post on the north St. Paul Street: thence east two-hundred and sixty perches and two thirds of a perch; thence norm nine perenes, thence west-two hundred and sixty- six perches; and two thirds of a porch; thence soutii louowing ihv i m uiu street nine perches to tho place of be- ginning coiiiuiiiinn nuc mien Thin lot containing oim two slory frame dwollitig house wixai one barn 10x:n. Ah'o a good spring of water and orchard. Seized end taken into execution nnd to bo sold risthe property of the widow nnd heirs of Michael 11 indie deceased at suit, of !he Wilcox Tan ning Company. ALL the undivided pfx-fortK-ths parts of all those certain messuages, nii-ees. unreels or tracts t land situate tying nnd being in the county of Elk ana Mine ot l'cnusyivaiiia, khomh and t'escribed as follows, to-wit: 1st Coniiiin ns! (..;) neres, he Imrlhc eastern half of warrant, No. Hub ALSO 2d Containing 002' beinc tho eastern halt ot warrant mm. ALSO 8rd Containing ol'-'J neres belli the western ludi of warrant 4400 ALSO 4th Containing kv.'ii neres bplnir nni-ts of warrants No 4l) nml - - - a a 4-KIS ALSO 6th..ContainIng lnt m acres linlmr tlin whole of warrant 4')Tt! ALSO tit ii Containing W -'-m neres t.ieing me wnoie oi wunaui. 4:!itl ALSO 7th Containing dP neres be ing that part of warrant 4.!-'J iymg east of t urnpike AIjSO Mil Containing 'iuo neres, being the eastern part of warrant, ALSO !fth-Conta!niiig Wo 0-10 acres being part of the northern ends of warrants No. 40HU, 4-'M, i'hi anil 408i! ALSO 10th Containing r,. ni-t;() acres heing the western nan oi war rant No. 4404 ALSO HUi Containing 020 acres being the western part, of varrunt No. 4:j'J4 ALSO V2;l;iTract described as fol lows to wit: situate and lying and being in the township of Fox in the Count v of Klk. bounded and described as follows to wit: Beginning nt n nost or stone In the north line of John Homing's land; thence west biu perches to land of Michael Hack: thence north along said Hack's land lij perches; thence west by said lands, 130 perches: thence north about i-i perches to the south-west corner of land occupied by John Summcrland; thence east about 14 rods to the ?otit h east corner of land occupied by Dennis Tooniy; thence north about -0 rods to Peter Connor's land; thence east about 70 rods to a post; thence south about li" rods to the place of beginning, containing 128 acres more of less ALSO, 13th One other tract situate and lying and being in the township of "Fox aforesaid bounded aiid described as follows to wit: Be ginning at a post on theMilcsburgand Smetbport turnpike, and uti the east Urn-of the George Licbel lot: thence iiorth 104 perches to a maple being the north east corner ot sani J.ienei fit; thence continuing northerly "7 rods to a post making in ail ioi ions; inenee easterly M rods to a post, on the west line of the. Kersey mill lot; thence southerly 161 rods to a post, being the northeast corner of a piece of ' land purchased for the Kidgway Co. now occupied by M. Hack; thence westerly 20 (twenty) rods to a post, being the north west corner of said piece of land; thence southerly 3-3 rods to a post, on tire Miiesburg and Smeth port turnpike; thence- north westerly along said turnpike 80 J rods to the place of beginning; containing 50 acres nnd allowance for Kersey mill road being a poll ion of the lands described in a certain deed made by George Wcis and wife to Klk count y Improvcmont and Mining Company, which suid deeil is dated April 17th, A 1). lw;-", ami is recorded in tln'Ko cordcrs ollice of Klk County in Deed bunk K. pa ire 4!l-" fee.: these bi tracks of land, above mentioned being the same which the Kll County Improve ment and Mining Co. convcycil hy indenture dated March 7th, 171 and Recorded in the Recorder's oftlce, m Klk Co. in Deed Rook O page 122 &c Seized nnd taken in execution as the property of J. S. Hates at the suit ot Geo A. Jiates ana i j Jaies. ALL the right, titie, interest, i-laini, and demand, of defendant in mil to the tallowing (iescniied laini: All those town lots, in Wimllelder s edition of St Mary's situate in lieiiin- er township Klk County Peiuisyl auia on the east side of lib street more generally known as Windi'elder street bounded on the north hy Depot treet. on the east by the P & K- 11: R. Co's lands and Fochtnian's land on the south by Mrs. Terney's land and on the west by 4th street The first of said lots described as fol lows: eom:ueneiiii! nt. the inter sec tion of 4th street with depot street! thence southerly along said street Udt thence easterly l ioit more or less to lands of P. A K. R-. R. Co.; thence, northerly 0.5 ft more or less to depot st; t hence westerly along depot street to the nlaceof bculnning. containing4'.00 square feet more or less, upon which is erected one storv and one-half frame dwcliimr house 17x25 feet with coal shed attached, said lot is under fence. Second lot joins the last described lot on thesouth is lo fpet on 4th street, by ". f ft more or less deep to the lands of P & E U R C-mipany, upon which is erected a 1A story lrame dwcliimr house lx32 feet, said lot is enclosed by fence. A third lot, adioinsthe last mentioned Jot on the south, being : feet on 4th I street by !- feet more or less deep to lands of' P & K it R Company upon which is erected a one and one-half story frame dwelling house' 17x25 feet, said lot' is enclosed by fence. Fourth lot, adjoins the last men tioned lot on the' soul h and is no feet on fourth street bv 120 feet, more or less to lands of the P & K R R Com pany, upon which is erected a one and one-hall story frame dwelling house 17n2."i fuet, said lot enclosed by fence Fi fill lot adjoins the land described lot on tll3 south, being 00 feet on fourth street by 80 feet more or less, deep to lands of P X K R it Company, said lot is also enclosed by fence Sixth lot, adjoins the last described lot on the south, being 80 feet on fourth st. to Ticrity's lot by Mi feet ("wp more or less to lands of Fochtmavt Also one other lot' situate on tin cast side of fourth street bounded on the north by P. Malony's lot; on the east by A. "Fochtinan's lund; on the south by 11 Eckl'ulaml; on the west by fourth street, containing in fr;nton fourth street 2o() feet by 20 feet deep, said lot. is under fence Seized and taken into execution as the properly of Joseph Windfeldcr at cnit nf Andrew Kaul. ALL the light, title, interest, claim and demand, w hatsoever, in to or out of all the follow in? tract, piece or nurctl of land to wit. aa follows: Be- Willink and others. Beginning ata saddle bnck rock on the left hand of Spring Creek; thence north (81) thirty one degrees west c ihj nineteen rods; thenco north (5) five degrees west, seventeen (17) roils to a hemlock tree on sniU leu PnnK oi spring ctcck thence north (00) sixty degrees east (40) forty rods to a post; inenee soiuu (.10) thirty degrees east (H7 f-10) sixty seven anil five tenths rods; thenco south (''.!) nine and one-fourth degrees west (0 5-10) live and live tenths rods to the place of beginning; containing (1-j) fifteen ac's more or less, on which is creeled the pillowing h it gs to wit: One large watr saw mill, one frame school house, four frame dwellings houses about ICxlS with additions, one lot! house about 20x30. Also one frame barn about. i;ox40 feet. Tho above houses are used as tenant houses in and nbout said mill properly. Also an undivided three-fourth Interest, in to or out of the following tract, piece or parcel of land, situate and being in Spring Creek township, Klk County nnd State of Pennsylvania, bounded nnd described as follows, to-wit: On the north and cast by lands of Nelson Strong, on the south by warrant line of warrant No 27M, on the west by Millstone township line; containing 4o4 acres more or less, and being part of No. 11770. and taken into exectHion as Hie pi-openy of L. F. and 11. M. Powers, nnd S. T. Daueherty' John M'( iall'ick and James A. M'Clollali tern tenants, a r-liit ot Jltram nrnian aim Jerome Powell now for use of Jerome Powell. ALSO all the right, title, in terest, claim and demand whatsoever of X. M. Broekwav the defendant, in to or out of the following mentioned and described real estate situate in llorton Township Klk County Penn sylvania. Is'- One tract beginning at a sugar man e. at the north west corner ol the fnmili ilivisinii of tract No. 4241 thence south lifty-six and one half C' ( I rods to a sugar maple; thence east" one hundred" nnd thirty-four (134) rods more or less to a small maple; thence norlh one hundred nml twenty-seven (127) rods to n post; thence west seventy (70J rods to a post; thence south eighty-eight (8S) rods to a post; thence in a direct line to the boundary first mentioned flfty eirrlit, nnd three-fourths XoZU rods, containing seventy-live 7o acres be the same more or less. 2d One tract beginning nt a birch tree at the north-east corner of war rant numbered forty-two hundred and forty-two No 4242; thence west one liumtred ami nineiy-uve mm one half Wol rods more or less to a post; thence south by lands of A. W. Heath eighty-nine and one-half SD.J rods more or less to a post; thence east eighty-nine and one half WJ rods more' or less to a post; thence south seventy and one-half (70J rods more or less to a post; thence east one hundred and sight and one-half 10SJJ rods more ov less to a post; thence north one hundred and sixty l'io rods more or less to the place of Pen-inning, containing one hundred iilty-s A en and one fourth f lo7', ) acres more or less- Being part of warrant numbered four thousand two hundred and forty-two 4242 old One tract beginning at the in tersection of the Mountain Road with the road kv.iljiig from Brookville to Ridgway; thee N 70 east nine teen l'J rods along the Brookville road to a post; thence souih 2-ri west eight s rods to a post; thence south h0J west twelve 12 rods to a post in tho centre of the Mountain Road; thence N 33 west four and one half 4-1 rods to the place of beginning, containing one-half (i acre more or less. 4th One tract beginniiiL' at a post on the bank of Little Toby Creek near the bridge; thence down the bank of said creek south 47 west live .) rods to a post; thence north west to the centre of said road leading from Brookville to Ridgway; thence bv the centre of said road to a post in (lie Hickory Kingdom road: thence south 2oi: east seven T 71 rods to the place of beginning, containing one fourth fl I of an acre more or icss 5th one tract beginning at a post four and three fourths (41 rods east from the south west corner of warrant numbered forty-four hundred 41"0J; thence east bv said tract numbered fortv-four hundred (4)0hi one hund red thirty-nine & one-fourth 1301, r"ds to a lsist; thence down Little Toby Creek in the centre ol the stream lim its various courses and distances to a post at the mouth ot county line run; thence north west twenty-three and one-half 2-U) rods to the place of beginning. KxcepUng and reserving the Chark-s Lyman lot which is described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Mountain Road witli the road leaning from Ridgway to Brookville; thence norlh 70- east along the Ridgway road nineteen 10 rods to a post; thence south 2.")', west eight (8 rods to a post; thence south bo0 west twelve (12 rods to a post in the centre of the Mountain road; thence north :i;!east four and one half (4J) roils to the place of be ginning, c.Hiduning one-half "i''acre more or less. ALSO excepting and icsorviivr tlie the James M'Clelland lot beginning at a post, standing in thesouth line of tract numbered torty-lour hundred 44(K'1 and on the west bank of Little Toby; thence west, by said tract numbered forty-four hundred (4 loo) sixtv-two (Ci2) rods to a post; theno south five'5) rods to a post; thence north 81 east thirteen and one fourth (1HJ) rods to n post; t'leii'je south 4o.J east thirty two (u2) rods to a post; thence south 84 east nineteen (10) rods to a post; thence Py the oaiinor Little Tohy at high water man; 10 me nlaceof beginning, containing seven and one tenth (7 l-ioj neres. ALSO excepting and reserving out of the said boundaries so much of tlie Valentine Mohney lot as may be in eluded therein, said lot being dcscrilied as follows: Commencing at at a on the north side of the road at the south east corner of Ray Giles land, thence north by land of said Giles eighteen nnd one third f 1 PJ rods to a post, at the south west eorner of warrant numbered forty four hundred -H00J; tMenee east eight (SJ rods to a post, thettoe south 23 cast by land deeded to Adam Hetrick, twelve and one half12l rods to a post bv the road; thence by tho road south (il west fifteen-and' one fifth (15 l-r) rods of the place of beginning containing one 1) acre ami seven 7) perches more or bss; the whole of the tract containing about nineteen (10 acres and the portion thereof hereby conveyed containing ten 10) acres more or less on which there is erected one large saw mill 80 0 feet with ad ditions 60x12 and 28x18 feet. lith One tract beginning at a sugar, and running from thence, east, one hundred and sixtv-niue (IB!) perches; theuce north- one hundred and sixteen 116) perches to a post;, thence west twenty four and three fourths f24) perches to a post: thence down 1 .ittlfi Tobv Creek in the centre of the stream bv Its several courses to a post, vania, bounded and described as 101- py me mourn oi me toumj una iuu, lows bcin part of warrant No. 2775 - thence north S3awe6t twenty three and warranted. the name of thence to place of beginning, contain ing eigmy-one ioij acres and the usual allowance. Reserving nnd ex cepting out of the boundaries po much of the Valentine Mohney lot. nbovc described is may be contained therein. On the above described piece or parcel of land there are erected the following buildings, viz: One shingle mill 00x40 feet. One bnm riP,x40 feet. One boarding Iiouhc nbout Kix40 feel. Tliree small dwellings 10x20 feet each. One tool hotiso 10x12 feet ono story. One barn 10x2S feet. 7lh One tract beginning nt a post at the southeast corner of C. Nulf's land ; then norlh 88 west by hind of t At' It .1. ..!',.. ..o,, , . .v. v -ileum ciinny lmir hi roos more or Icsh ton post; thence north cast nineteen and one-half -10J- rods to the place of beginning, con taining ten -10- neres and thirl y-clght -38- perches more or less. fcth one tract hcglnning nt a post nt, the southeast corner of land of I'lieodore Fox : thence east one hun dred and thirty-one 1"1J rods to aposl in the west line of the .laseii Wads- worth lot; thencesouth by said Wads worth' lot seventy-two 72 rods more or less to a hemlock at the southwest corner of snme: (hence by said lot ami other land north 00 cast one hundred nnd eighty Lift) rods lnorjor less to a post; thenco south ninety-four ol rods more or less to a post ; t hence west bv lands of Chauiicey Brock way, and others, three hundred' and thirly eight L;'H rods more or less to a post ; thence north ni-i'.-ty-fivc (!'") rods more or less to a post ; tlieiu-e east twenty four 24 roils moi'o or less to a post ; thencesouth (!-'i cast thiity-four ('!!) rods to a post ; thence north on east thirty (3d) rods to the place of'hcgln ning, tlie last three courses being by land of Theodore Fox, the above de scribed lot of land containing one hundred slxly-six: and two-tenths (Kill 2-10) acres of land more or less. !'th One tract situate in the town ship of Fox, Kilt county, and Snyder, Jcllerson county, bounded nnd de scribed as follows: Beginning at a post in the west line of warrant num bered forty-four hundred (4100); thence south two hundred find eighty six (2ti(i)) rods more or less to n post at, south west corner of said division number 3 of said warrant 4400 I hence cast thirty-three 33 rotlsmorc or less to a post ; thence north (i2 cast thirty-three S3 rods more or less to a post ;' thence south 70 cast forty two (42) rods more or less to a post ; thence east thirty two rods more or less to a post; thence north 3sA cast liftv-four ami three-fourths f-ilf rods more or less to a post in the cast, line of division number three 3of warlant numbered forty-fourhundved 4100; thence north two hundred and forty-thrc8T2-i-3 rods more or less to n post at Hie iioriiieiisi; eui nei in uimmuu iuuie t:cr throa '-'1 of warrant number forty four hundred 4400; thence west one hundred si id sixty eight (bis) rods more or less to the place of beginning, containing two hundred ninety two and seven tenths f2'2 7-lo acres of land more or les.-t. Reserving, how ever, all the minerals with the right of working tlie same or any part thereof. Being part of divisicn number three PI I of warrant nunibo'-ed forty-four hundred 4400. On the above piece or pa fee! of land there are erected the follow ing build ings, viz: One too story dwelling 2-"x30 feet kitchen KixlSone and one iri'.f stories washroom 1-3x20 feet one story hiirh one wagon shed lsx3i; feet two stories high one barn 21x10 feet one barn 30x10 feet one blacksmith shop 20x22 feet One cow stable 12xlS feet one sled shed 12x30 feet one weed shed I2xlo feet one chicken house 7x7 feet one dwelling 10x20 and 10x32 feet. totii. Also one other tract situated in llorton township, Klk county, Pa., bounded and described as follows : Beginning at a pine tree at the north east eirncr of warrant numbered forty three hundred and forty-three "4343"; theuce west one hundred eighly-nine and one-third (180 1-3) rods mere or less to a post on Hie north line of said, warrant numbered forty-three hun dred and forty-three ( 1343;) thence south six hundred nnd twenty-nine (020) rods more or less to a post on the south line of warrant numbered forty-three hundred ai.fl forty-two -4312-; thence cast one hundred and thirty-nine and one-third-l-io i---rods forty-four -44- rods more or less to a to a white oak tree; thence souin - istsu' tree; thence north 4oJ east tliirtv -30-rods more or less to a nost: thence norlh six hundred and e .-' - , . . , . ... , , forty (0 in) rods more or icss to me puice of beginning, containing seven Hun dred and fifty -7o0- acres more or less. Being the east part oi division nuniuei one (1) and four (I) of warrant num bered fort v-threc hundred aud forty- three (4343) and th? east part of divi- : ... - .- 1 . . j- ions nuniiiersoiie U; ",ul 1H" v' warrant n umbered, lorly-three hun dred and forty-two (4342). Reserving and excepting nevcrtl'.vless out of the aid premises all the minerals u sum lands with the right ot mining or working the same or any ;nvt thereof. Hth. Also one other tnet ot land situated in Fox township, t learlield count v, Pennsylvania, bounded and described as folio ws: Beginning at a post four and tliree fourths (1 3-4) rods last from the southwest corner of war- int number forty four hundred (J400) thence east forty-one (41) rods to a post; thence south 70 west; thence t lurry () ions more or icss io it posi; thence north 3b west to theplaciol beginning, containing ono and ono half (U) acres more or less. Seized and taken in execution as the property of N. M. Brockway at the suit of Powell it Kline. Ridgway, 1'. AI.SO--A1) of clct'eiKluiit's Interest In, to, or out of a c.-T;nin iiiii-(M;f real istnto Kiuiulc ill Fox township, Klk county, IViiimylvunlii, ,1,1,1 i,,iiiii i,-il nml ilesi-rihiul as fullowb: lie- KlnnliiK lit H post on the Kuuthrrn bide of tlie MllrKlmiK nml smethiinrl turnpike forty-rive (l.'i, pen-lies east of Hidsrwu.v township line, tlx. in. nm-th ihr.-n liundreil nnd oiulil to'uv peivhOH more or less ton post on tlie soulhern luiri-i.iit llminfwiirrnnt No. 4:171: thoiu-e enst ulontf siiid warrant line tvt-eniy-slx )'jiij perulics more or less to n post; tliunt-o north tiir,. tinmli-ed (MKl) nei-'-lies more or less to a post on the Milesiiurg nnd hinetliport turn pike, tlienee wesierly along naid turnpike, to place of bi-jlnu!ug, tonliiiiiini; Ally )oUJ ucres more or less. K..i.-,i iind taken hi execution ns the iiriiin-1-ly of Patrick I.nmu ut the suit of LuziiruH Moyer and others. LIFE, Growth, BEAUTY. LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER Not ft Dye; mr.kcs lini-oh Lfdr soft nnd silky; clennscs the scnlp from nil linparition, causing tho lialr to grow wlicro it 1ms fallen ofl" or liecomo Itiin. Can bo npplicd by llio limp) as II does not ninin the nkiti nrnil Hie finest linen. Ait ll llnlr Uremia it is llio most. rmiTect I be world Imn ever jirniluoml. Tim Imir in l-e-novnlcd nml ttlretigi liciiiti, ami nntnral co'nf rcRtorr-il Willioul lliu application of mineral utshincc. Since llio inlroiluellnn of lliis truly vnlu nhlc nrrpiirntinn into Mi in country, it luiS been t!i wnmler ami iiiiirUon of all tins- pes, as II, linn proved to lio llio only artiolo Unit will aliKiilulely williotit deccjition, re Hluro Ri'iy Imir toils origitinl oolnr, lie.illli joltiiess, liiHlre and lietiuly, nnd produoo Imir on luilil liciels of its original growtli nml color. TliiR lio.iuliful nnd fragrantly perfumed nrliolo i omnpli-lc williin itself, no washing or prepur.i'iiin before or nfter ils ii!o, or ncconipnny incut of nny kind being rcijuired to olit'iiu tl!HMr dc:d ruble results. Hero is Ilia Proof of ils SUPERIOR EXCELLENCE. A'cnd this Horn" Certificate, testified to by Kdw.'iid I!, (inrriues una of the inost c.-inpel t'lil MriiggimK mid Cuemisls of l'luhi ilclphia, r man wlinii veraoity nuiie ean doiilil. I inn happy lo mid ley testimony io tlie great value cf the biindun liair Color I'e- Btorer wliiuh restored my ha.r lo Us orii nnl Color, nml die hue, appears lo bo per manent. I am sntislied that this prepara tion not a dye lutl operates upon the se cretions. It is also a beautiful iinir dree ing and promotes the growth. I purchased die first Bottle Irom hdward II. (iurrigueM, drnggisl, Tenth nnd Coales Btract, who can also testify my hair was quite gray when I commenced ils HP3. TllhS. JULLKK, No. 7;'-' North Nin'h street, l'hila. Dr. Svraync Al Sou, ltc?pcclc(l fricmls: I have the pleasure, to inform you ,lhat a lady of my ncjuaiiilnnce, Mrs. Miller., is delighted with the success of yor London Hair Color Il'-storer." Iter Imir was fast falling and (juilu gray. The color has been rcstorcl, the falling off entirely stopped, an,! a new growth of hair is tlie result. U. Ii. OAKIUGUKS, Druppist, cor Tenth and Coalcn, Phila. BOSTON TESTIMONY. July 22d, 1871. Dr. Swnyno & Son: Last winter while in Trenton, N. J., I pro-ci!i-e4 rix bottles London Hair Color llo gtoier, which 1 lilto very much, in fact bet ter than any thing I lia.'e Used in the last nine years. If yoa please, send nie one dozen bottles C (J U care W S Foglcr & Son Drupcisls, No 7'.'.:i Treniont street, Uoslon. ItcspcctfuHy yours, ADA DAlvKlt No 69 Rutland Square. London Hair Color Restorer ct.(VDi-essing Has conipleiely restored iry hair lo ils original color aud youthful tcf.uty, and caused a rapid and luxuriant frrs-.Tth. MRS. ANNIE MURKIS, NoJiJU North Seventh Street, Philadelptiin. Dr. Daltcn of Philadelphia, riyn of it. Tlie London Hair Color Rcatsrcr is used very cxteiisively 1111:0113 my paticuts an 1 friends, as well as by myself. I therefure speak from experience. 75 CS'.TTS PZ3 EOTTLS. Address ordersdo Dr. SWAVSE i SON Noidi fiixih Street, Pliilaile'.phia, Pa., sole Proprietors. lir4&L, VlirVfJISTS ti,-- V : W lAt- ;-;v- -- -vu- A v.:-. , ',-h ipK 1 r "v''-hit 9, . - - A ! i iliu ;i-i- !.j.i i t il . n an'l cxprcysinn never bclorc awaincn. irl r. f" Beautiful New Styles, now ready,' iridreoort, Mass. . fclouc; 2S l.uJgatc I"", tonoon. - , .1 ,.f ; -rirrl v.!':c anil valellile reading - . , v 1 1 n - i-ti a number. Kach numlur f'O'U!) k CO,, r ublisbcrs, Csmbridscport, Mass," IE?-ox? THE ADVOCATE. ohm-i -.--r IV.w-ll A- j i-nr 'h S':t.v, .Main Klffct. $2.00 A YEAJ:,$l..oO J.X ADVANCE. SPECIAL TEE-US Dew-orc-st's Mo.ithly, with premfi'm-, en ul Advocate, for' Syrup of Wild Cherry lug in the township of Spring Creek. Cnrttv ntvw mirlfilritfi of Pennsvl- v vi w - " . y . Wilhelru one half f,23J perches to a post; 410: TERMS OF SALE The fslioTring must be strictly complied with when the property is struck ott: 1. All bWs must ha paid in fell, exoept where the plainlifi or other lieu creditor be comes ihe purchaser, in which ease tlie cofls on the writs must be paid, as Well a all liens prior to that of the purchaser, and a duly certified list of liens shall be furnished, including mortguga searches ou the property sold, together with guch lieu creditor's receipt for the amount of the proceeds of the sale, or such portion tticreof as lie eliall appear to oe entitled to. '2 All sales not settled immediately will be continued until six o'clock, P. lib, at which tiaie all properly not gelllcd for will nguin be put tip, and sold at the ozpeuse and rii-;k of the petson to whom it was first tiKiickotl', aud who-in case of deficiency at such re-Kale, shall make pood the same and in uo iusiauce will the deed be presented iu court lor couninaiion- unless tlie bid actually settled for with the Bheritl as DANIEL fcCULLi Hheriir, Sherifl,,8 Office, Kidjrway, l'a. December, 28tli, lbTbi ( oee I'urdou Digest, Dth editioo, race a. u...;,l.i p..... i,i t ii j: ii u x a a COiTSUMPTIOlT! This distressing nnd daiifterous complaint nud its premonitory synijitoms, neglected cni.gli, night s'.vcats, hoarseness, wasting tlesli lever pcriminonlly cured hy DIC-TCS SWAYICS'S C0K?0"J:Tii SYR'J? C? iVILU CHERSY. IJUONCIII'ilS -A vrcnio"'lor or Pul monary Consumption, is characterized by catarrh, or iiilianii-.'.io-.; of the niucum mem braue of the air pasjii3s, with cough and expectoration, short breath, hoaisenoss, pains in the For nil bronchial ntlec tioiis, sore throat, lops of voice, coughs, DR. Ccmov.r.d IS A KOVKUF.lCN KT-MrDY Hcmorrhag?, or Cpitiing of tlloou, may proceed from ihe huyux, traehin, bronchia or lungs and ra ises trom various causes, as undue physical e.-ortiin, plethora, or full-ne)-s of the vessels, weal; lung's, overstraiu ng ol t!ie voice, suppressed evnc.iation, oh struciionof'tlie spleen or liver, Dr. Swayue's t'omr.mnid Syrup of Wild ('lit'i-ry. etriLcil at the root of diseare by purifying the blood, restoring the liver uud kidneys to healthy actiou, invigorating the nervous system. Ihe cnly standard remedy lor liemor- hane, bronchial and r.11 pulmonary com plaints. Conjunir tives or thosu predis posed to weak lungs Miould not fail to use ihis great vegetable remedy. Its liiarveinus power, not only over on- cumpt-ou, but over every chronic uiecsse where a graauul alterative action is needed buder its uso th ccneh is loosened, the night sweats diminished, the pain subsides, he pulse returns to ils natural standard, the stomach i.3 improved iu its pow er to di gest and nssimilaie the fool, nnd every organ has a purer and better quality of blood supplied to it, cut ot which new re creative and plastic inalerial is tcade. Prepared only by CR. SWAYNE & SON, 3:10 Xortli Sixth Street, ridlaili 1-dda. Sold bv all 1'bo.minem Dhuuuists. Itching Fjcs ! 11LE3, PILKS, ITCIIIXO PILES, rosiTiTELV ci bf.d by the ose of SWAYNES OINTMENT I K I M K TE ST 1 31 ON V . I was sorely ntTilctcd with one of tho most distressing of all diseases Pruritus or Pru rigo, or more commonly known as Itching Piles. The itching nt times was almost in tolerable, increased bv scratching, and nut unfrequcutly become q-mtssnia. 1 bought a box of fiwayue's Ointment; its use guve quick rclietand in a tlion tinio made a nerlect cure- I cau now sleep undisturbea, aud I wonld advise all w ho are Buttering with this distressing complaint to procure Swayne's Oiutment at onoe. I had tried prescriptions almost innumerabe, without finding and permanent relief JOSEPH W-XMrUS?, (Firm of Roelel Christ,) Root and Phoo House 31 1 North Second Struct, Philadelphia. SKI1T DISEASES. Ewayne's All-healing Oiutment is also a cpecifio for Tetter. Itch, Salt ltheum, S:ald Head, Erysipelas, Rarber's Itch Rlotcliej, all Scaly, "erusty, cutaueous Er ruptions. Perfectly trafs and harmless even on the most tender infant. Price oil cents. Sent by mail to nny address on re ceipt of pricp. SWAYNE'S PANACEA. Celebrated all over Ihe world for ils reniar kakle cures ol Scrofula, Memiral and Syphi litic complaiuls. Describe symptoms in all 1 communications, address letters to DU. 8 WAYNE t BOX. l'hiladtlphia n7yl. $3. ilO. Head the Lsf. Peterson's Magazine, and Ihe A J) '( 'OCA TE for $3.0 Qf JOB PR B USIjYESS CARDS, .A. VISTTEYG CAPES V'J-JlWr.YG CARDS. mil iin i 2 .. ENVILOPES. MEMTS, BOOKS, BOOKS, Cheaply and Neatly Printed. Estimates Furnished OUDKRS BY MAIL WILL RKCKIVK PUOMPT TrE?TTI-v".-Addrc-H ; HKNUV A. l'AHSON.S, JU., UIlXaVAY, KLK CO., l'A. "V? OTIC'K. The late ComniiMttiiiucra JJ( of the 15i. Level State ltoud w ill ljutition the Legislature, at its next Session to pass a law authorizing them to collcettho Taxes levied, pay indebt eduess, und nettle aci'ount.s. W. S. OVIATT. Dee. 28th, 1870. 4t. TE1MINU. The undersigned having provided himself with a teani-of horses, vvaoii, etc.. in prepared to do job teaming oi all description. A large stock of hoii Koned hardwood on hand, and for wile at reasonable .tiguivH. Your pul mil age is soliciteil. W. A. DERRY. Rppt.-21st-l7ti "m. POWELL KIME are getting all kindiof new goods every day. We frequently happen in at their store Tind always eee something new. Although they are no bands to bloy, they keep quietly about the'.rbusiness. and n! -v keep tboir sreni; cninpiai'i. Inventors, in 'order to obtain valid Pat ents, should employ attorneys of high' standing. Messrs. lidson Bros., Washing ton, D. C, ere an old, experienced aud successful firm. Their ability and zeal to pramoto the iutercttJ of their clients is at tested by tho beat of references. They' share tlie fortunes of the inventor, since their fee is not called for until the Patent is allowed. Send for their circular. . v.Ou-17. THIS COLD WEATHER EE mi nils us that POWELL & KIMK have a nice lot of Thermometers on and. ELAN KET .SHAWLS, AT POWELL .- KIME'S FUP.i", A SMALL LOT AT ' el'TTjcR a: POWELL & KIME'S "TD LARD, T' P. lr :
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers