llnmnn ricasnre Wardens. A Rome corrcBpomlcnt says: Homo lias few places for oen-nir nuinsement. The inhabitants who nffnet such resorts have hitherto gone into the Carapngnn on hoi ul nys, mul have iipcd. obliged to hold their mrrenda, m they cull picnics, nt the vnrions wine hnlts on tho roads. Theso are rurnl looking places. Each one consists of a small house, with its wine nautinn, or cellar. A nnmber of tables are set out on the grass, under ft covering of mats, made of plaited reeds mid vine branches. Unluckily, there is nothing to do at these rustic resorts but to drink wine and piny at morra, or some rude game; tho result of bloody noses nud cracked crowns is not unfre quent, for the Italian is given to drink ing to excess, and is very fierce when tipsy. Drinking among Italian work women, too, by the way, is not nt all un common. I have been obliged lately to Bond away an excellent servant simply on account of this nncomfortiible rizio. The amiable weakness grew to be too expen sive, for when she was "in her cups" nho broke my bric-a-brac and fright ened mo out of my senses. Tho Mouto Mario "Tivoli" pleasure garden is an improvement upon tho old wine halt re sorts on the Campngna, and its popu larity proves how much the people de sire such ft place. Its only drawback is its distance. The dusty road of Via An gelica and the pull up the hill on a hot afternoon cause no littlo fatigue. But the much frequented resort beyond Porte Mollo has the samo defect, and yet it is always filled with a large and noisy t crowd, notwithstanding the long stretch of the Tia Flamiuia, which is noisy, crowded, and dusty all the way from Porto del I'opolo to the famous Milvian bridge where Maxentius fought and fell nud Constantino conquered by tho cross. A Philanthropic Failure. Tho famous Millbank penitentiary, one of tho most stupendous failures in English prison policy, is soon to be broken up, after sixty years of unsatis factory experiment. Almost all students of prison rpports are familiar with tho diagrams of this remarkable "panopti con," a device of Jeremy Bentham's, consisting of nix pentagonal structures radiating like the spokes of a wheel from n central hexagon as a point of observa tion. It was conducted for a long time upon what seems like a travesty of the humanitarian system. It was a " huge playing, " says one of the oflicers; "a toy for a parcel of philanthopic gentle men to keep them busy during their npnro hours." Tho convicts, petted, and, according to outsiders, overfed, paraded continually for exhibition, and subjected to incessant changes of dis cipline, began to "give themselves airs," and to rebel upon provocations which dispassionate observers must pro nounce insufficient. Tho women re fused to have their hair cut, and, after a Rtout tussel with tho authorities, they got their own way as women ore in the habit of doing. On occasion of a visit of the chancellor of tho exchequer to this model reformatory, the gentler sex bioko into insurrection against brown bread. Punishments were made so dif licult that they were rarely inflicted, and Millbank became one of the most unde sirable places of residence in the British islands. Over twenty years ago the pe culiarities in its management were all abolished, and it has since been merely an ordinary prison. Innocent Amusements. The New York Tribune contends that the great number of crimes committed by boys and young men is due to tho fact of evil associations contracted through iuability of the criminal to find cheap and innocent amusements. It re marks that vileuess and crime are not necessary elements in tho entertainments which please the most ignorant lad. The bootblack who spends his last penny for tho Police Gazette, or for a ticket to a Bowery saloon, would be just as de lighted with a Christmas pautomimo or a day in the ileitis. The worst social danger before the next generation lies precisely in this diro.tion, and the only help for it is in tho provision for the lower classes of rational, clean amuse nieut, and iu tho personal supervision of every educated boy by his parents, that Le be not tainted by either the books to which we adverted or by the plays which present them. These books, let us add, will bo found in places where tho most careful mother will hardly look for thom. The issues of re spectable publishing firms, even Sunday school libraries, are full of tale3 of heated passions anil reckless bravado. Even when such t iles are untainted with actual guilt they give tho boy utterly false ideas of his place and importance in life. The wholesomest lesson for a lad is that of his own insignificance. Our grand fathers erred perhaps iu stern neglect of their children, but they taught them their place ossilly children, ufter all. One did not hear then of ten-year-old suicides and murderers in the upper classes, and newly-breeched burglars in the docks. Tramps In New England. The Boston Transcript Bays: The tramps now travel in gangs, and when they choose to turn highwaymen are dangerous assailauts. A party of four of these fellows has been operating in Hollistou, and other towns nil over the Stato have been infested by tramps dur ing the past few weeks. Everywhere people are anxious to get rid ol them, and when they manifest a willingness to " move on " they are helped to do so. Somo of them are young and strong and able to work, but they have no taste for agricultural labor, and farmers are timid about hiring them. Every month of idleness confirms them iu their vagabond life, makes them more unfit for useful labor, and increases the danger to the community because of their presence. If a return of good times does not soon afford them employment that suits them, the question what shall be done with them and for them will soon bo a serious one with town and Stato authori ties. A Singular Clock. Tho Paris (Ky.) paper describes a clock made by a clever mechanic of that place, which requires no winding but is moved slowly by electricity. If unob structed, it will run continuously for an indefinite period. A singular fact in connection vith it was recently discov ered by Mr. Clark. Pointing tho finger of his right hand toward the dial of the clock, it was observed suddenly to cease running. After close and unavailable scrutiny to detect tho cause, Mr. Clark pointed tho finger of his left hand toward the dial, when tho clock instantly re newed its time keeping. The experi ment has been repeatedly witnessed by many citizens. No cause is apparent for the fctraugo phenomenon. Even at the distance of six or eight feet, with a large plate glass window intervening, the effect is the same. The solution of this singular mystery will prove an in teresting subject of investigation to eieutino miuui, SUMMARY OF SEWS. Item ml Internet tram llama and Ahrand. Tho manufacturers of knit underwear, in convention at Albany, resolved to stop all the mills for two months or longer, as ma; be necessary, to reduce the stock of goods Tbe Connecticut Senate has concurred with the House in adopting the bill providing for bien nial elections of State officers, and tbe question now goes before the people A woman named Jane Reynolds, wbilo hanging clothes out of a fifth story window to dry, In New York, fell to the ground and was instantly killed Tbe Orau semen of New Yoik and tbe surrounding cities will colobrate the battle of tho Hoy no, July 12tb, byan excursion up the Hudson, tbe experience of tbe past four years demonstrating that parades are injudicious. . . . Tbe new cable from Rye Boach (N. H.) to Itolaud U now in working order. It makes tbe fifth caUo laid between tbe United States and Groat Britain, aud is said to be superior to any of its predecessors By the sinking of a scow iu Broad canal, Cambridgo, Maps., three laborers were drowned A stovedore named James Barr was drowned by the sinking of a wharf ou which be was working in Brooklyn, New York, and his widow sued the lessees for ifj.OOO damagos. A jury gave her 1,000 The supreme court of the United Statos has aQirmed tbe judgment of tho supreme court of PeniiHylrania, Bustain'n; tbe imposition of a tax on tbe gross receipts of tho Erie Railroad Company Both Houses of tbe Now Hamp shire Legislature mot iu joint convention and elected l'erson C. Cheney, Republican, Gov ernor A storm of great violence passed over Franco, destroying much property and causing the loss of a few lives. Tho damage to Faris alone is estimated at $11,000,000 francs. By the explosion of a tug near Central wharf at Buffalo, three men wore killed outright and one fatally wounded. Tbe force of the ex plosion was so great that the captain's body was thrown over a four story building one hundred aud fifty feet across the street .... Tbe suspicions of foul play in connection with tho death of Miss Ada Marble, of Harmony, Mo., have been dissipated by the events eiueo brought to light, and it is now established that she committed suicide on account of unrequited ore George Stouter, a workman in a vinegar factory at Brooklyn, N. Y., iu cleaning out a large vat was overcome by the gases aud fell unconscious to the bottom of the vessel. Charles Vofrey climbed into the vat to help Stouter out, and was also quickly overcome aud fell. When the bodies were taken out both were dead Quartermaster-General Meigs has been assigned to special service abroad to observe and report on foreign army organizations A number of l'rotestant books consigned to an American merchant of Sautauder have been embargoed at the custom bouso Governor Cheney, ef New Hamp shire, has been inaugurated, and he delivered a message to the Legislature The Treasury department has adopted the policy of compro mising all anions against national banks ou account of failure to stamp their checks. Tho examiners have furnished evidence of Buch failure by over two hundred banks. Another torrible disaster is reported from sea, by which over eighty poreons are sup posed to have perished. Tho steamer State of Georgia, from Glasgow to New York, picked up a boat at sea containing five seamen in a half starved and frozen condition, who stated that choy were part of the crew of the steamer Vicksburg, from Quobeo for Glasgow, which had been cut down by ice and fouudored off tbe coast of Newfoundland, with all on board. They were kindly cared for by the officers of the Georgia, to whom they told thoir sad story, saying that the Vicksburg left Quebec Thurs day, May 27th, with a crew of sixty-five men, and paasongcrs to tbe number of twenty-eight, of whom three were women. When only three days out, they found themselves partly sur rounded by ice, aud used the greatest en deavors to escape from tho many floes. They nuiuaged to keep ou their way until Monday night at twelve o'clock, alien they struck un usually heavy ice in front, aud on endeavoring to back out, the fans of tho propeller were broken, when it was found tho steamer was entirely surrounded by thick ice, which had forced a largo hole in the port quarter. Tho break was stopped by canvas and other ma terials, and the captain allayed the fears of all ou board by telling them that be could reach St. Johns, which was only one hundred and twenty miles off. But tho water gained rap idly aud put ont the fires, and so forced them to get ready their boats. The first boat broke loose from the davits, and partly filled with water, when these five survivors were ordored to bail her out for tbo passengers, at which they were engaged when they saw tho steamer lurch and go down with tbe captain aud atoit forty people, about ten o'clock Tuesday morn ing. Meanwhile a second boat was got off, containing ten seamen ; aud as the steamer sunk, a third boat with the chief oflieer aud thirty people floated off. The three boats, illy provided with the necessaries of life, kept to gether as long as possible, but the floating ice scon separated them, and the five seamen were nearly exhausted when picked up by the Georgia on Saturday. As the disaster occurred far out of the lino of passing vessels, nothing has been heard of the other two boats, and it is supposed they are lost, which will swell the number of victims to more tbau eighty. The Republican Convention of California nominated T. G. Thelpa for Governor, J. M. Cavis for Lieutenant-Governor, aud O. II. Hal lot for Secretary of State. The platform" states that they have " uudimiuiHbed confidence iu tbe wisdom, patriotism .and integrity" of tho President, aud declares that his letter to the chairman of the ronnsylvauia convention "is a full refutation of the slanders of those who charged bira with intriguing for re-eleo tion ; declares the party antagonistic to the Central Pacific railroad as at present managed, aud advises that the people should iu advance "exact from candidates for the legislature an unequivocal pledge " to vote for reduction of fares and freight Cbarlea C. Fuller, presi dent, aud J. T. Mowry. treasurer, of the Chap lin Paper Company, of Norwich, Conn., have absconded, leaving outstanding obligations to the estimated amount of $70,000, the greater part of which la believed to be forged notes. No bank aud only one individual there is seri ously affected by the frauds An order has been issued from the Imperial Chancellery at Berlin prohibiting the circulation of copies of The Catholio Gatette of Baltimore, for two years, within the boundaries of tbe empire. M. Olliveir, who wag at the head of the French cabinet on the breaking out of the Franco-rrustien war, hut written a book in defense of that ministry, in which he claims that Prussia, Ly her insults, really declared war News has been received by the way of St. Thomas of a terrible earthquake iu Now Grenada. The destruction was greatest in tbe valley of Cucuta, on the Venezuelan frontier. It U reported that sixteen thousand Uvea were destroyed by the calamity An intoxicated woman named MoQovern, of Union Hill, N. J., attempted to drown her five-year-old daughter by throwing her into a cistern containing five feet of water. The girl was rescued, and with great difficulty resuscitated. Advices from the island of Jamaica state that the country is suffering severely from the effects of a hurricane last November. Ground proTWoB art tcarta and priest .ihorbltaat, The peasantry are selling their next season's coffee crop for the necessaries of life pecial dispatches from Greece deny that there are any thoughts of the king abdicating. The country Is tranquil Nineteen prisoners escaped from the county jail at Cleveland, O., bythe aid of a young girl working out a fine In tho jailer's family. She stole the keys, and, watching her opportunity, unlocked the doors. Five of the prisoners were recaptured By the burning of the Brilliant Oil Works at Pitts burgh, Pa., property to the amount of 185,000 or ,$200,000 was destroyed, which borenn In surance of but $93,030 The Communists and woikingmen held a meeting in Chicago to consider the labor question, whon speeches of the most inflammatory character were deliv ered, advising the arming of laborers and for cibly resisting the encroachments of employers on their rights also extending sympathy to the striking miners A dispatch from St. Johns, N. F., states than an American fishing boat picked up nine of the crew and three of the passengors of the Vicksburg, and bad lauded them at that port Advices from Iceland state that the country has been terribly devastated by volcanic action. Abont Christ mas the inhabitants were terrified by subter ranean rumblings, which continued into Janu ary, when violent bIiocks of earthquake were felt, and an extinct volcano near Vetrayskud opened, and for four weeks poured forth liquid fire, lava and ashes, destroying the village and all farms within a radius of twenty miles. A oon as Miis volcano ceased, another extinct one near Myvatu commenced, and continuing for weeks devastated the country round about for fifty miles. In March great mounds rose from the surface in the ceuter of tho island, and cracking open, vomited forth their burning contents upon the earth. The world-renowned geysers have dried np and now throw out tmoke and ashes Instead of water. Ten . thousand people have lost their all, and hundreds are re ported killed. The Danish government is sending all relief possible. State Auditor Chi rles Clinton, of Louisiana, has boon indicted by the grand jury on four in dictments two for misdemeanor in office, one for extortion in office, aud one for embezzling $200,000 of State funds. lie was arrested and subsequently released ou 823,500 bail Tho American rifle team were tendered a dinner on their arrival in Cork, during which complimen tary speeches were made by both parties Tom McUehau, a desperado of Cincinnati, who will be remembered as tho prisoner Hon Clement C. Vallandigham was defending at the time of the accident ending his life, was arses Bloated in his barrocm by some person un known A mob visited the jail at Annapolis, Md., and breaking iu a door, took the keys from the keeper by force, aud secured the negro Simras, whom they took out and hanged. Simms was under arrest for a brutal assault upon a white lady named Jackson. He con fessed his crime previous to tbe banging The Cincinnati Commercial's Momphis cor respondent says that the young crops of corn aud cotton in the valleys of Arkansas, White Yazoo, St. Francis, and aloug the main rivers south to tho gulf were never more promising than now, and present appearances indicate the most prolific yield for many seasons. The Maine Republican Stats Convention nominated Gen. SeMen Connor for Governor. About eighteen months ego Wm. M. Tweed, known as Boss Tweed, of Now York, was sentenced by Judge Davis, on twelve different indictments, to twolvo years in the penitentiary one year ou each. His counsel showed that the souteuce beyond the first year ou the first indictment was illegal and took tbe case to tho court of appeals of the State. After deliberation the court decided unani mously that tho sentence was illegal, and ordered Tweed's release. He was at once re arrested on other charges connected with tbe ring frauds, and takeu to Ludlow street jail in Now York, where apartments were fitted up for him Tho New Hampshire house of representatives has passed the resolutions re ported by the committee on elections, ousting Messrs. Raymond and Harding two Democratic members The American rifle team was received at the depot at Dublin by tho Lord Mayor aud members of the corporation, who escorted them to their hotel, preceded by a a baud of music. The populace along the route cheered enthusiastically. Subsequently a supper was tendered them, followed by a serenade Dispatches from Omaha state that the grasshoppers are passing northward, doing but littlo damage. The crops are the finest ever known Mrs. Feter Flynn, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was awakened about three o'clock iu the morning by some ono in hor room, and saw a man ransacking her bureau. She called to her husband iu another room, and tho burglar escaped through a window, but not before Mr. and Mrs. Flynn bad recognized him as a young man namod Mooney. He was subsequently arrested by an oflieer, and was fouud to answer the description of tbe bnrglar who shot Mr. Shute a few nights previous. Mrs. Shute was quite positive of the same. Antarctic Ieebcrgs. Those who .visit tha antarctic seas after having been in the arctic are great ly disappointed in the form of the ice bergs, for while those of the north as sume every fantastic shape that fancy can conceive, the southern ones are near ly table topped lumps of ice, precisely the same iu form as on the day they ported from their parent glacier ; these more resemble huge twelfth-cakes di vested of their ornaments than anything else. In the warmer northern seas ice bergs mrlt more quickly, nnd assume far more picturesque appearances ; but in the Southern ocean tho temperature of the water through which the icebergs drift is below the freezing point of fresh water, and therefore insufficient in heat to melt the ice. It is only after they have moved a considerable way north ward that the regularity of their shape begins to be interfered with. As the berg travels from the polo, it first reaches a latitude where the summer sun has the power of heating the surface water slightly above the freezing point with out affecting that immediately below it ; this has the effect of melting in the side of the berg all round it, and at just above the sea level ; but this notch is not observed to extend into the ice in any case more than about thirty feet. As tho warm water becomes still warmer as the berg floats further north, it has naturally greater power, and deep caves or caverns are formed, which offer in creased facilities for wave-washing the larger they become, until the mass be ing weakened, large pieces beoome de tached. As this alters the center of gravity, the berg lurches over, and either forms a slope, or a long spur or tongue rises ; and thus the work of destruction proceeds, until tho form of the berg is altogether changed, and that part which formed the tongue may become its top most pinnacle. Hence tho greater vari ety of form in tho bergs seen by the ships passing south ou an are of the great circle in comparatively low lati tudes. The portions that break away from the berg are termed " calves," anil they are often of far greater danger than the bergs themselves, for the latter have a reflected light that renders them visi ble at a little distance on the darkest night ; whereas the calf, although it may be several tons in weight, is not percepti ble, or if so, may readily ba mistakes for th top of a tea braking. Summer Fashions for Ladies. Rouleau collars and English standing collars, with turned-down points in front, are more in favor than the newer Byron shape. All linen collars should be made with a dickey attached. Tlain white linon is used in making them, but some have the inside lined with hair-striped linen, blue, brown, or black. Striped and colored hosiery is rapidly displacing white. Brown, gray, blue, lavender, and drab solid colors are more in vogue than stripes, but these somber-colored hose are relieved by rich and bright silk clocks, starting at the ankle aud run ning half way up tlio leg, or up to tne old garter point below the knee. Stock ings are never gartered now below the knee. They are woven or knit, one yard long from the heel to the top, and are suspended by clasps nud elastics from the under garmeuts. Lnoe mak ing is tho fusluonahlo lancywork of ladies in New York this season, and bids fair to rival crochet, knitting and Berlin wool embroidery as a postimo for morn ings at the seaside aud the watering places. The most elegant toilets are now made with tho corsage or basque fast ened with hooks and eyes instead of buttons. Bows of ribbon, at iutervals of six inches, take the place of the but tons. Black lace shawls or points nnd black lace saeques are worn by the most elegant and fashionable women for street walks in midsummer weather. Small scarfs of Vulencieunes insertion and edging are worn tied close around the neck, and forming a bow, aud ends falling like a jabot on the bosom. Such scarfs are sometimes made of plain Brus sels net, hemmed, the ends finished with antique guipure, Valenciennes, or any other fine real lace. Half-high and low shoes are worn for the house, the cro quet ground, and short country walks. The "Tramp" Nuisance. A committee of the Connecticut Legis lature has been investigating tho tramp nuisance which has grown to such for midable dimensions within the last few years. They find that iu that State dur ing tho past year not less thuu forty thousand lodgings have been supplied to wandering vagrants, more than oue-half of whom are under twenty-fivo years of age, and have adopted that calling an a means of livelihood, openly avowing iu mauy instances, when offered food or clothing as an inducement to work, that they are professional tramps, and are bound to have a living without working for it. Some of them are supplied with maps showing the most profitable roads to travel, the best places to procure lodg ings, and giving the names of families most likely to feed them. Iu addition to the burden of supporting these worth less fellows in idleness, tho public have suffered serious loss from fires which they have kindled, and which have de stroyed forests, barns, and other prop erty. The committee have submitted a bill for sending beggars of this class to the workhouse for from three to sis months on the first conviction, and from nine to fifteen months for a second offense. They also recommend the ap pointment of a board to present to the next Legislature a plan for au institution for tramps and criminal inebriates which shall be self-supporting. They have no doubt of the practicability of niakiug it so, and in support of this view quote the example of tho Alleghany workhouse iu Cluiemont, Pa., which has made a net gain of. $28,000 in three years from the labor of prisoners. Vinegar Bilters. The grent merit of Vinrgnr Bitters has mnde them tho leading medicine of the dny, nnd respectable druggists every where write : ' They are the best nnd most popular preparation in the market." They have stood the test of public opinion and won confidence. They sell rapidly because they cure. If yon are sick you want reliable medicine. Vine gar Bitters commend themselves to tho ailing nnd afflicted, as they are deficient in one thing alone, viz. : the stimulant that unduly excites the brain, and creates a morbid thirst for spirits ! There is no phase of indigestion, biliousness, nerv ous disease, or physical debility, iu which they will not effect a cure. In valids who are wasting awny from a want of proper action iu tho liver, stomnch and bowels, will rind them a constitu tional specific, and a fountain of vitality and vigor as rofreshing and exhilarating as a cool, gushing spring of water to the parched and fainting traveler in the desert. Any one desiring a recipe how to make soft soap for a cent a pound, will receive it gratis, by addressing I. L. Crngiu & Co., Philadelphia, the manufacturers of Dobbins' Electric Soup. Thanks "from the Depths of the Heart." Wkixihoton, Lorain Co., O., Aug. 21, 1S74. Dr. It. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. : Dear Sir Your medicines. Golden Medical Discovery, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Uemedy, have proved of tha greatest r-eivico to nie. Six months ago no one thought that I could pots -bly live long. I had a complication of diHoanes scrofula, manifesting itxelf in eruptions and great blotches on my head that made nnch sores that I could not have my liuir combed without causing me much Buffering ; also caus ing swollen glands, tonsils enlarged, enlarged or "thick neck, "and large and numerous boils. I also suffered from a terrible chronic catarrh, and in fact I was so dineai-ecl that life was a burden to mo. I had tried muy doctors with no benefit. I finally procured one-half dozen bottles of your Golden Medical Discoveiy, and one dozen Sage's Catarrh liemedy, and com menced their use. At i:rt-t I was badly dis couraged, but after taking four bottles of the Discoveiy I began to improve, aud when I had taken the remaining, I was well. In addition to the use of Discoveiy I applied a solution of iodine to the goitre or thick neck, as you adviie iu pamphlet wrapping, and it entirely disap peared. Your Discovery is certainly the most wonderful blood medicine ever invented. 1 thank God and you, from the dipt ha of my heart, for the great good it has done me. Very gratefully, Mas. L. Chaffee. Moft medicines which are advertised as blood purifiers aud liver medicines contain eiiher mercury, in uonie form, or potassium and iodine variously combined. All of there agents have stroug teudency to break down the blood corpuscles, and debilitate and otherwise permanently injure the human system, and should therefore be discarded. Dr. Tierce's Golden Medical Discovery, on the other hand, being composed of the fluid extracts of native plants, barks and roots, will in no case produce injury, its effects being strengthening and curative only. Sarsaparilla, ; Inch used to en joy quite a reputation as a blood purifier, is a remedy of thirty years ago, and may well give place, as it is doing, to the more positive and valuable vegetable alteratives which la'er med ical investigation and discovery have brought to light. In scrofula or king's evil, white swell ings, ulcers, erysipelas, swelled neck, goitre, scrofulous inflammations, indolent inflamma tion, mercurial affections, old sores, eruptions of the skiD aud sore eyes, as in all other blood diseases, Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discov ery has shown its great remedial powers, cur ing the most obstinate aud intractable cases, bold by all dealers in medicines. Com. Facts Wohth Knowing. The Wilson shuttle sewing machine is to-day the simplest, most perfect, most easily operated, best made, most durable, aud, iu every way, most valuable sewing uiacTiiue iu existence, and it is sold llfteeu dollars less thau all other first-class machines. Machines will be delivered at any railroad station in this county, free of trans portation charges, if ordered through the com pany's brauoh house at 621 and 829 Broadway, Ne York. They send an elegant catalogue and ehromo oiroular free on application. This oapatuj want (fir mere good gBt"" Cm $1G0,000 Mndo In Two Months A Wall Street Operation. The banking house of Alex. Frothlnqhara k Co., 12 Wall street, who deal in stock privi leges, have paid this enormous sum to their customers awing tine snort space of time. Rome persons have made as high as tG.OOO from only t100 originally Invested, and many have made f-1,000 and over from onlv jr0. They paid in a slnglo day over $10,000, for which only $3,000 were received, or $37,000 net profit to various people. They employ con tinnonslv from twolvo to fifteen competent bookkeepeis and assistants. With this strontr force they are often compelled to remain at their work till midnight. Thin enrrpetio firm well deserves the credit of being the leading bonne in their bra"oh of business, and it is most wonderful to aoknowlf-due that they have established this business in the short space of five years. They have customers who reside in nearly every State of the Union, also the Dominion of Canada even from the Island of Cuba thev receive orders from persons who are continually dealing In stocks. Their business has become so extensive that two experienced correspondents are employed to attend to their advertising aoeountH. Their cards may be read in every first-class newspaper published in the United States. To this they attribute a portion of their success. We advise those de siring to place their business with a firm pos sessing the very highest record for upright ness, and who conduct tnnir business upon honest principles, to deal with this house. Thev also issue a weekly report of tbe condi tion of affairs in Wall street, which they are glad to mail free, for one year, to any one who desireB And contemplates speculating. Bond for it. A'. 1'. Eetning Mail. Toothache proceeds from ague in the face, onorating upon the exposed nerve of a decayed tooth. Bub the glim thoroughly with the fineer, wet with Jnhnton'n Anmhme T.ini- went, heat the face well, and lap a flannel wet with the liniment on the face, also put a little or tno liniment into the cavity or the tootu on cotton. torn, Have you a cough, cold, pain in the chest, or bronchitis? In fact, have you the premonitorv svmptoms ef the insatiate archer, consumption ? Know that relief is st hand in Wittar't lialsam of Wild Cherry. Fifty cents and one dollar a bottle, large bottles much the cheaper. Com. Texas. Distribution of 65,000 acres of land to emigrants. Address J. K. Foster, emigration Bureau, Houston, Texas. Cm. The Rystem frequently eptn out of order and r-hould be at once regulated, else other troubles will ennne. When physio is needed, take PornonM1 Purgative Pills ; they btj a eafe, wholesome and natural medhuue. Com, "flFY 1HK, AND I'M, DO YOU OOI.- It 1 juMly cone-dpd hv oir lpndfnir fiimtlv nhviMnns that fU. ,N;,KVN HOOT AM) Ml lfll IHT'I'l'MtS ar the boat, safest and Surest cprtntr and Bummer medicine. They thoroughly purify and cleanse the blood nf all (mpnritie"., remove and counteract dys pepwta, liver eomplnint. constipation, ptlen, jaundfen. vertttro, foul atomach, lom of flep and apnetite, nc.v fu loutt anrni. onrHnntrleR. akin dijmen. niinnlea and nnrv. ou debility They are in the truant and deenest Bensa tncimnnrnbly more popular ns a fnmily medicine than any oilier yei niscnveren. oid by nil nruirartHtn. ii O. GOODWIN A CO.. Hobton, Wholesale Agents. The .Market?. NBW lonit. Beef Cattle Prime to Extra Bullock. Oomraou to Good Texuii, JVv". Milcb Cows 80 00 ((33 OU Ilogn Live (8 (at (8 DresBPd OflVfd ' Rheep 4V 03 I.aniln 08 a 11 Cotton Middling lnjtf Flour Extra Western S 00 lit 6 25 Stnte Extra 5 (0 it i 31 Wheat Hod Wwtr-rn 1 88 ft 1 SS No. a Spring 1 10 (1 io Rye State 1 on a 1 09 Barley HtHlo 1 30 ( 1 20 DRrloy Malt 1 41 (a 1 7 Oata Miifd Wi'Htern. f'J (4 70 Com Mixed Western t"5 R6 Hay, per cwt eo A 1 10 Straw, per cwt 60 A 90 Hops Hn,S03-old 08 (4 15 Pork Mesa 19 65 19 Sr) I-rd ij7j,a ijt Flu Mackerel No. 1, ny 11 no 011 1-0 " No. i. bow 8 80 S 9 BJ Dry Cod, per cwt 5 M 6 00 Heri-ine. Scaled. Der box 11 u in Petroleum Crude 06iJ06X Kefmcd, 1J Wool California lleice 58 (A ss Texas C4 ft (4 (4 (4 Hi S'l 37 21 U 24 13 07 11 31 Australian .... Butter State Western Dnlry. . . Western Yellow... Wentera Ordinary Pennsylvania Fine 20 ue0 Stnte racturv... " Skimmed. 11,C4 ua (4 WeBtern...... 03 Egg State.... 21 ALBlNI. Wheat , Eye Stnte Corn Mixod. .. Barley State.. Oath State-.... 1 m S 1 85 oj 81 ( 115 fS 1 I3f4 1 71 4 76 lil SI 25 1 04 (4 1 Ot Ml!(T4 Hll BUrYALO. Flonr WheatNo. 2 Spring Corn Mixed Oats lye , Barley BAL.T1UOBK. Cotton Ixw Middlings Kiour I'.xtra Wheftt iied Western Bye Corn i ellow Oata Mixed Petroleum PHILADELPHIA. Flonr Pennsylvania Extra Wheat Western Ked 6-1 (4 68 1 l7 1 40 (4 1 07 (4 1 40 IB 8 31 1 :-7 1 15 XI er 06 lV (4 8 25 ft 1 S3 (4 1 13 a ts (4 67 S ft 7 4 6 29 1 H'H ( 1 ftff l io C4 in f3 u 6 (4 TO Rye Corn Yellow, Mixed Oata Mixed Petrolenm Crnrle OD'""1 Did you evflr aoe a ehild that did not have hoU-a through the (mi of ft shoe ? If you did they were pmtfctd by M l,V K ' TIPS, They never wear through at the toe. Try fhm. If von want to know whnt C.Utl.K M'KICW WIRI meant, ak your Shne Dnalf r, an if he can't tell you mak up yom mind he has aome pegged work or. hand that he wanta to eell before he dare tell you. m AGENTS WANTED FOR PATHWAYS OF THE HOLY LAND Ric a Full DffBcrfptlon of Palestine, lta Htntnry, Anti (luitie. Inhabitant and Cuatmin, arrordinn to thMireat Discmerit reefntly made by tbe Palestine Kxplorioa: Kxpedtttona. It ec lie at aiirht. Send for our extra terms to Aleuts, and aee why it eell faster thau any other bonk. .NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO. , Philadelphia, Pa. NF.W TIME TABLE. ,4 TON OF HAY dMBitf.d ,n 3 tl minutes to any J part of Mow or Stack with NelHs' O. II. Horse Hay Fork and Piitont Conveyer. No extra expense to Farmers for Conveyer. Descriptive Cxtalocue free.IteliableAaenia wautfcd. Ad tire as A. J.N ELLIS A CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. RflOX AfiFNTS Wanted to sell "The Nonar Mertlrnl Ailvlner." It is tbe cheapest book ever published ; SH.i pnjres, over 20 illustration, H .50. ThuuKandt buy It at stent who could not be In. ouced ft piirrhrise the hffch-priot'.d hooka treating of Domeptte Medicine. Unlike other bonks sold through fluents this work is thoroughly advertised throughout North America, This fnct, together with tbe large size, elegant appearance, and many nw features ot the bonk, causes it to sell more rapidly thsn any work ever pub lished in this country. Thoe of mv agent who have bad experience in se lung books, say that in all their pre vious canvassing they never met with sueh success or made so large wages, as since commencing the sale of my work, tor teims and territory, addrea (inclosing two postage stamps and stating experience), H. V. PIKRf'K, M. 1)., World's Dispensary, Buffalo, N. Y. A'ort. Mark envelope " For Publis hlng Dep't." Butldlna Felt (notr, forontaide work and Inside instead of plaster. Felt carpet in gi, eta. Send 2 stamps for circular aud samples. O. J. ax, Camden, N.J. ran U. ' MERCHANT i -MERCHANTS ;EARP.I hVAH la I 1 Whether for umoq maa or bout. Mttrobim'i U .rUn of ae by every reaiiie'it la the la ad. ne by everr rt,ttsLt la the la.itL We kajv of n i ur tor VVsa trn.Ha . sa . .si- which hare the km1 will ot the people to greater waion anare the g kU will ol the MERCHANT'S Is the B'andsrd Lulmeot ol tbe tailed iUtsa. Oeau i safSll sits, no eeata. EuaU s se tof tsll vysBjaawa I shsii aiass. aV M wwmvmt aeVM Meaaet I 8MUa( OU CeaifsWf. STOCKS dsslt In at th N YorV Moek Fiohanoa boobt and old by u. on margin ol nve pot cent. PRIVILEGES nirfttlntfl at one to two pot esnt. fmm merVM on mro. IOI ins rw torn r.icnnnrawTOT.PTi"iJio ,.. m ktm haTS cen resltrsd the pa.t UU asis. rut or osll oosts on lOOsbsree $106.25 RtrnddlM wch, pontr1 20 iham of tMrk for 30 davit wiili-mt fnrthtv rUk, whil ninny thniwnd dnllnrA pruflt inur be tnin1. AdTlcw and Informntlon fnrnlthed PitmphM. font dining valu-hla it n t latin 1 Information nnd showing bow Wall Street operation ar conducted nt FREE to an; address. Orders solicited bj mall or sir and promptly executed uy us. aaaress Tf.HnitllXiK A- CO., Hnnkrrs nnd Itroker., No. 8 Wnll Htrerl, N-w York. OOU AOEXT9 WANTED : ' GLEANI!IGS FOR THE Cl'RIOl'S." For 30 jein 11 lltpnttute, trt, frlenc., binlory. tlirolopr. ;;! and hi-.vcn, hiiv. b.en r.k"d end rnn,ckpd for III. rnrr nna etinoua wimp, .lowcn bwuv iu mi.re inurknhie book. It li nctoallv o'rroirino " ....tint, beautiful, hriin.nt thcniehw and truth, .. ...n!...An. lnM.ninli. riovtr. nnd tllf lltf'lt WOU- drriul fnr.t .nd curium f.ncln ercr known. The peorle.J "if. ij.ini lif Aur-nt. i "If. HIM " 2T: , thow now at wn report "cm."-" 7n,"-" n."-"0n' oidjri week I It rciiUy ontadL off otrtPT book, fftrw to one for mid In a i. 'it him U " We want 1 0.OHO more trinly Acriit. now im n or women nnd we will mall Ojitfll 1' eve to tlione who will eanvni-ii. !.nrce nampulet with lull pu ticulur t.-rni". '-re. .out re.- In ttlt. Artdre. A. nVOKflUXOTON CO-i liar.tronn. COSH. HEtHCISE BKXDEBED IHFLESST Volt a 'a Klkctro DsLTNaud Dnnda fire iudnned by tbe mott eminent physicians la the world for the cure f rhea iniitiMni, neiiralfiiK. liver com plaint, dviipprtia, kidneydia-a-,hpn.pin,nerToutidii-nrd'Tn.fiti. female complaints -iiTT'ins And general debility. nni oiner rnnmir nwan i thorhent,hpad,liver,atomarh kiiltH-yannd blond. Hook with f'tll pfirliciilarnfrpeljy Voi.ta LIFE. iiki.t t o., t. IIK ltlliail, imio. $IOs$500& Invested In Wall Rtrvet, i lean. to fortnne. A npure book explaining merythlnp, and copy of the Will I Street Itrvlcw QTvrrn TlTJ'nT! John Hickmno AOo.,Bankert D. IN X J? XtXUCd. A Hmkra.?g Broadway. W. Y. $5 3 dreaBjOEO. Stinrok k Co., Portland, Me mo AfSFNTM. Till? BROOKLYN SCAN- I. 11,1 J,, I'M K: Iho, ProBTt'M nnd I erminatlon, with an bnpartinl epit ima ol Ilia Ttarirnonv on tha Trial, h nnor ot New York, nnd JuHtre Netlaon'a charge to the .lory and their Verdict. Illustrated. For term apply to PARK PUUMMtlNO CO., Hartford, Conn. Roil.crt ??liH. It U ioi possible to conceive of a more refreshlnir 1raugbt than in nfFortl d bj Tai rant's Effervescent Seltzer Aperient wlilcn enmbtues the nnvantaKa of a luxury witb those of tbe purtiBt, fttife&t and most Kintal alterative and tonic ever adminhtored ae a cure (or dynpepiie and bllioea affectloni, SOLD BY AM DRUGGISTS. nrUroll. I tin rota V Ilnll. Ah fjmf Tit, jVir Hfdjord, jfun., ; , NT ' The deninnd for your Sea voam incrtvuRs rapid If. Never a torn- nUitil.' .Ioim-w, Frnncr V Co. Wliktn. b'irr i'a,, nut:" Have aold your "ipn Fonm to all alaa of trade. It never failed to give tAiia faction'" HbKet titl'itf to rabitt ynu ever snw. (ireotunt thin to tall you ever koevf. Many valuable aooklntr tvrtpua ent free, bead at onoe for circular to iM. F. HANTZ a- rn 170 DtinnrSt., NewYark. $3 NA.1IPI.E Free and Bla Pay to Mala and Female erert-n-hm-n. Adilrefts, TH8 UKloN PUB. CO., Newark. N. J. Geo, p. Rqwell & Co. m)T TTA1" HABIT Cured Cheap. (No pnbll. J-UJlcitj) lr, Armstrong, Berrien, Mich, l'1l?TTii"RS NWKIT VP, written bj Rev V'll al if LJk; 1 . UK W ITT TAI iLMAQK, Is the best book out ItT any ono attlicted with Dyapepala or tbe Bluett. It can't fdll to do you good to read it. The new edition contains elegant illustrationa. Klcgantly bound. Price $'j.tX. Ac lira wanted in every county. Address 8. T. BOUDKR k CO., Tilt Sansom St., Philadelphia. SAMARITAN NER VINE Is a sur" mrs for Kplteptle FU, Convvlileos aa Pim. Ii hai bii Utiii by thoussntis and atvsr wnt, koowu to fell In ilof lfss. InHoM Ha bid for jimular giving vlrtrnce of furn. Address, Dr. 8, A. KlCHUONU.llox 741. bb Joseph. Mo. DO YOUR OWN PRINTING! ovelty PRINTING PRESS. J-'or l'ruTesalonul and Atnnlenr Printers, Mt-hoola, ftocletlea. Mail, llfm-ttirers. Merchant. i-l other. i'.I the BEST t-tur invented. lU.ftOO In use. (.Ten styles, Prices from $S.OO to $160.00 BENJ. O. WOODS & CO.MsmiTrisntf rtpiler. In ill kind. of Prlntlnsr Material. ouad sump for Catalonia)) a Faderal BU Beaton. SOOO j(iKM'M Warned Tor Genuine Edition. LIFE AND LABORS OF I V I NGSTONE. By Rkt. J. K. OHaMBMSS.wha from his psri.l -ri(inV (Incla.llns th" LAST JOURNALS") an (old. wiHHu bis Grand Achievements, also the luriotiiin, Wonders snd Wealth of tl at nwtrveouit eountry. Fruits, Minerals, Kentiles, Kes.ts. Khvsrhs. Kta. M)5 pate. I(K rr Ill's. Rich In IntereH, Low In Pries. Ont-sel-s ererythlnit. HOOO first 3 Address HUB- UARO BROS., Publishers, 7Z3 Bansom Street, Phlla. COAt IV'T'TTTTVm '"r'na " at sight. n I t ill I1J I J 1 1 i I T Our Ag'ts eoln money. We bsve work sad mnnev for all. men or wr-men, hoys or girls, whole or spar ttrrie. Neud stamp for t latalogua. Address FRANK OI.UCK. New Hd'.,rd. Mass. Tlila new Truss la worn wltb perfeet lomfs ? night and day. Adapts ltelf to everv motion of the body, retaining Rup ture under the hardest evfrrcl or eveit strain antil p.rmnnti enred. ftold on cup hp the Elastic Truss Co., No. 693 llroBdwa. N. V. Mty, and ent hv mall. Oall oraend for Circular. ad be enred bum In uaus by ifruaklssu, Lo weiil auU uiJwarUa. SEX l fiT com pUt Must rated Circular -Hanf Y. MtsfTi 1 ufty-tri Jmp'trtntil tirc ami Ap"i tion, i.ithiriinq Am'-i'ttn Jntitu o iAr. MoefAs. BOILERS & ENGINES KOU rAUIKlt AMI OTHDItW. Sis Rlz-s. 2 to 1 if 11 timi Powers. French Burr Stoos lirlst Mill', ete. Dl.onunt to the trade. VVIiliumii A Itiirti'll, l.lnli- Hul . N. Y. agents (LIVINGSTONE'S WANTED I NEW BOOK!! His own story of the las' si-ves years of his Life.. Reus lor rt'cu'a- tu R W. 111.154 CO., Hartford, Ct.,or BLISS CO., Newark, N. J. e." 1 s montb tn msls snd female svsnts avsry ,t)f wbura. Kursks MTgCo., Buchanan, Mica EVKHY Fl.WII.Y WANTS IT. Monss la It Sold bl Aatnta.Addrsss M. N. l.OVKLL, Krle.Pa Skirwt a month to agents everywhere. Address )t KXOEL81GH. M'FHl UP., Bnchanan.MteH flU fi t t 0 Bend for Ciromo Cstalee-ue. j) IU 4) sVvJ 1. 11. Bprroap'sBiiKs. Bostoa. kau. i T IMRi a? Oil will bo r.mii o Hrilu.bM Lialraent, end 'worth in r-iai . r- m Mill ninM nr artvillla Qd tUBd la the UalLed MtL decree than thia S aujUfWiaytrw tuf sminAeasi mttn tiwaw ii GARGLING OIL KetetUsht 1SB8V. lrs si aee, aas.io. liSBDtSCltttsd a" ValN UODLifi. kaarttwr? IS I '.Xl -msssssssssssw I Ml I r . l C- nr J. Wnlkor's California Vin egar Bitters aro a purely Vegetable preparation, mndo chiefly from tho na tive herbs found on the lower ranpea of the Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor nia, tho medicinal properties of wnicli aro extracted thprcfrom without tho use of Alcohol. Tto question is almost daily asked. " Vuat is tho cause of the unmralleled success "f Viskoar Bit l'ERSt" Our answer iBnt they remove t le nnuse or uisease. anav"" . covers his health. Thejn blood mil fiorandalifo-civii a Dorfec Kcnovator and lnvii of tha . ;stem. Never before in History o me worm nus a iin.-un.uio m- nmnnimm xl nosspssinif tho reiiiarkiiblo qunlitinu f Vis-hoar Bitters in henlinp tha sick of e pry disease man is huir to. They are a ge tie Purputivo as well as a Tonic, relieving Conpetion or Inflammation of the Liver nnd Visceral Organs in Bilious Diseases Tho properties of Dn. Walkers V'iskoar FITTKR8 are Aperient. Diaphoretic, Cartnmaf re, Nutrition, Laxative, Diuretic, Sedative Counter-irritant SuUorilic, Altera tive, am- Anti-Hiltoua. Orateful Thousands proclaim Vnr- egar Bitters the most wonderful In rigorant that ever sustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and remain long unwell, provided their bones are not do stroyed by mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted boyond repair. liiiiqus. Remittent aud Inter, mittent Fevers, which are so preva lent in the valleys of our great rivers throughout tho United States, especially those of the Mississippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tennessee. Cumberland, Arkan sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Kio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tributaries, throughout our entire country during tho Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so during sea sons of unusual boat and dryness, are invariably accompanied by extensjve de rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow erful influence upon theso various or gans, is essentially necessary. There is no cathartic for tho purpose equal to Dr. S. Walker's Vinegar Bitter!, as they will speedily remove the dark, colored viscid matter with which the 1.nn.Aln n Innrln.! nt f-lA 001111) tlTTlA UUrtUIS UIO lUUUUU, tlU lug niaJV stimulating the secretions of tho liver, and generally restoring tho healthy functions of the digcstivo organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with Vinegar Bitters. No epidemic can tako hold of a system thus fore-armed. Dyspepsia or Indigestion, llcad ache, Pain in tho Shoulders, Coughs Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad, Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palpita tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid neys, and a hundred other painful avmD toms, are tho offsprings of Dysptf t. One bottlowill provo a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy advertise nvn tun rm-ac ment. Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Swellings, Ulcers, Erysipelus, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Ail'ections, Old Sores, Kruptions of tho Skin, Sore lives, oto. In tuote, as iu all other constitutional Dis eases, Walker's Vinkqar Isittkks have shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable cases. For Inflammatory nnd Chronic Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the lilood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, these Bitters have no canal. Such Diseases are caused by Vitiated Blood. Mechanical Diseases. Persons en gaged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, are subject to paralysis of the Bowels. To guard . against this, take a dose of Walker's Vin egar Bittkks occasionally. For Skill Diseases, Eruptions, Tet ter, Salt-Kueum, Blotches, Spots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, ' Carbuncles, King-worms, Scald-head, Sore Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, llumors and Diseases of tho Skin of wbatover name or nature, are literally dug up and carried out of the system in a tihort time by the use l these Bitters. Tin. Tape, and other "Worms. lurking in the system of so many thousands, are effectually destroyed and remoVed. No system of medicine, no vermifuges, no an. thelmimtics will free tne systeiu hum worms like these Bitters. For Female Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that improvement 11 soon perceptible. Cleanse the Vitiated lilood when ever yon find its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when you find it obstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul; your feelings will tell you when. Keep the bloed pure, aud the health of the system will follow. h. ii. Mcdonald & co., DragfrlsU and Gen. A pts., San Francisco. California, . sou our. 01 wwuinrton sua unarlton Ms., a. X. Bold by a.1 II Ursa iKKata and Uislrn. K. Y. N. U.-Ko. te 10 DOLLARS FEU SAY ji AGENTS WANTED to er'l THE IWPHOVEO HOME SHUTTLE Satwinff M.uh.n Addreii Johnean, Clark h Co., Morton, Man.) Hew utk City i IMttiburgh, Va. Chica, lil-1 or Bt. Lwuia, Mo. OPIMCURE The moat euuueaafu remedy of the pre, entduy S-od for Pa, per on upiara r.at Inc. Pr.n. I. 'I'-. lifr. P. O. B-. s I rt OPIUM MORPHINE HABIT spaediiT cured Ly Dr. Beck's ouls kuowa and sure Kemedjr. HO CHARttR tor trsatsuut satU enred. Call oa or addms DR. J. O. BECK, til ftki Itntf, cwcimuti, onot
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers