1 Henry A. Parsons, Jii. Editor TIIUUSUAV, J INC 24, lS7ii, Temi-krancb .Ticket. TIio Tern pcranco Convention of thia Stale nominated Robert A Brown, of Law rence county, fur Governor ami E!ijh F Inn) Inciter, of ("hotter h.r Slate Treasuur. Tho Pcinocrano p-ipr-rc generally puff tbia perform nice (or the rensou tl.at it is ca'culatcJ to d'imn;;, thu Republican candidate?. l'O'yspjpjr:. Certain curious features in regard to (lie newspaper business luivc been pointed out in Rowfi.l, & (V Dine toiv. Among ibe indications of coin, mereial depieesiou la.-t year were ijicat reductions in circulation of nil but lead ing papers. Many reductions in size, many changes in proprietorship and sev eral su.-penj.ions, while on thu other band, tbo actual iucrease in the num ber printed has exceeded any .since the establishment of tbo Directory sis years ago. Tbo total of S.'l IS shows an in crease of 5iJ4 over hist year, of 1,057 over J ST-i, of 1,120 over 1S72, and of 1,'JlO over 1871. The States of Florida, Rhode Island, and Ttncessce issue exactly the eatuo number of news papers as last year the diminuation is iu Arkansas, Califonia, Kausas and the territories. In all other Sinic? there is au increase, In Indiana it comes to as much as 81; in Illinois, 51; iu Jowa 55; Missouri, 4, Penn sylvania, 3S; Nw York, :J1; mil to smaller numbers in all tbo oehor States till we come to Alabanic, where only one new paper was issued. Itei'3stb Statistics. The Washington corresp ondence of the New York Tint" shows that there has been a considerable filing off ol both imports aul exports for the last ten mouths as compiled with the cor ic-pouditig peiiod of the Ikcal year 174: The latter period included July August aul September, before the panic. Sumo of the iisa.s ol difference are curious as well as instructive. "e have ta!;enS;3.00').!'iO() wonh Ins nr.IV... and 31,100,000 moie of tea. In bides ana skius wo have increased both our imports and cxpons, just doubling the latter In raw tiik there bis been n slight increase, aud a corresponding one in silk manufactures imported. The importation of wjtul has largely dimin i.ihed of iron and steel and their manufacture 812,500,000, or nearly forty-five per cent. The exports of these articles, on the other band, have incrcasod fully tlydy-ihrce per cent., and now djual seven-eights the imports. Curiously enough, the im poitition of prceious stones bus in creased by nearly two-thirds. Wool and its manufactures also show a sii;;ht increase. In exports tbo most notable items of decrease are in brea 1st uff's, cot ton, oil and tobacco, aud the most ro niiikablo instance of iucrease is, of course, gold. The increase ia our export of iroa steel manufactures is certainly a grati fying feature. A. convention is now iu sesiou iu .Missouri charged with the duty of alter ing amending nnd improving the con stitution of that State. Among tbo ro solutions recently offered was one de claring that ail elections to bo held iu that State rball be lira voce. Upon this proposition an animated discussion arofc those favoring the plan contended that its adoption would restore the purity and fairness of election, do away with ballot-box stuffing; and other election frauds, encourage political in dependence, and develop in a fuller degree the manhood of the citizen. The argument of ibe opposition was, that it was practically impossible to ap ply this principle, especially ia cities and largo towns, aud that even whore it could bo applied, uo such results as those stated by its friends would occur. When the vote was taken the proposi tion was defeated by twenty-two major ity. This via voce plan has been sug gested in moie than one State, but it does not meet with the approbation of the masses. They cling to the secret ballot as the sheet ancboi of their politi eal rights aud liberties, and demand that the exercise of that right shall le protected in a more perfect manner tbau it is at the present time in some States. If the Constitutional Convention of Missouri rejected ths vi'cu rote-system of voting, she can bedgo around the ballot-box new safeguards against fraud and rascality, and thus represent the sentiment of the honest pooplo of all parties in a proper manner. Philadel phia Times. On the lu'tli inst., iu the Rlairsville M. U. Church, the probationers of last Conference year were received into full membership. Oue buudred aud thity six were recommended, of which num ber one hundred and tw auswered their names and the rest accounted for. After the disciplinary questioua were answered by raising the ligbt hand, thny were duly received by the baud of fellowship by the pastor, Rev. W. F. Lauck. THE SIOUX COMMISSION. IN8TRUCTION8 FROM THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT AS TO THKIR DUTIK8. Washington, Juno 10. Tbo follow ing instructions bavo been prepared at the Interior Deportment for the Sioux CommiFsion: Rev S. D. Iliniiian, A Coiningo and W II Asbby, mcmhcis ol the Sioux Commission, with J S Collins secretary, nrs to visit the. agencies of the Sioux interested in the negotiation, beginning at Red Cloud, for the purpose of laying before the Indians the wishes of the government rceperting tbo de sired cession of din Ulack Hills oountry and their rights iu the Rig Horn Mountain, and also to invbe them to a grand council. The commissioners are ei joined us to the necessity of great care iu the eiiterprctation ol their inter views, so us 10 avoid mistakes and awakenig any suspicion ou the part ol the Indians that they nre not fairly re ported The commissioners nro ulso leminded that they are appointed to represent the Iudiaus and their in terests not less than those of the govern ment. They arc ab-o instructed to assure the Sioux of the kindly inten tions cf the President and government toward them, mid that the proposed rrgotiations oiiginato holey in the de--iro for continued peace. The lndiaus arc til bo given to undeistand that any negotiation ctlectcd by tbo commission is to be referred to the President, and by hi ui to Congress, before it shall be binding. THE WESTERN CHOI'S. THE KANSAS GRAIN IN Fl'LENWn CON 1'ITION. Kansas City, Juno 20. From par ties just returned, as well as from letters and telegrams received, it appears that the crop prospects in Kansas were never known to bo as good as now. Large farmers iu the western portion of the Stale arc telegraphing hero for harvest hands, aud complain that they cannot cct men enough to harvest. 1 he har vesting in Southern Kausas has com menced, and the average is immense. St mo of the comparatively r.ew counties claim a uulliou bushels of wl eat, and a rough cstiirato of wheat for tbo south western part of the State is four or live million bushels. This enormous amount will be more than duplicated ia the West and other sections. The great fear is that hands eiroush canuot be ob tained to harvest the crop. Spec d'patches from ceutral Missouri, as well as from other parts outside the grasshopper belt, aie equally encourag ing. In the giasshopper belt au cnor mous average ol com has beeo planted more by titty per ccut. than any rrevi ous year, and the freiiucnt rains aud hot sunny days which have prevailed for a week or more have raised high hopes of a big corn crop. St. Louis June 19 Reports fr.m all parts of Southern XebrasLa say that the grasshopper ravages have been exagger ated. They have left that part of the state, or, it any remain, they are doin very li'ilo damage. Those which came from Kansas aud Missouri made but a brief stay, aud did but little injury Wheat and other small grain will har vest from a half to a whole crop, and the corn ciop will bo lull. Where coin and other graiu are seriously in jured the laimevs are replautitig, aud expi ct fine crops. Washington, June IS' Information has bceu received here to the effect that tho value of the cattle stolen from Texas by tho Mexicau raiders since January 1 is over 82,000,000. There are over 8,0()0 rauchcios on our side of (he Rio Grando who have come over from Mexico aud settled iu Texas and are iu sympathy with I ho raiders, and thcJTexas authoiitios areas much in cused against tbeoi that it is feared an tff'oit will be made to drive them into Mexico, but the United States authori ths there willcudeavor to prevent such action, as it would only place them in open hostility to the people of Texas and probably result in an increase of the depredations in that State. Detroit, Juno 19 A lire in Grand Rapids this afternoon destroyed the en tire business portion of West Rridge street, besides many other buildings and involving a loss of about 150,000. A heavy galo was blowing at the time. The flames spread eastward, eousumin;; tho Hovcy, Turner, Martin aud Hub bard blocks. About sixty buildings (mostly two story) were burned, the lower stories being occupied for busi ness purposes and the upper by families. The progress of the flames was so rapid that the occupants ol the houses bad barely time to escape with their Uvea, saving nothing else. The heaviest' losers are Lewis Martin. Scribner Bros. 1). G Amott, Thomas Scott, A J Rose, Parmcnter Tburman. The total insur ance is estimated at from S50.00 to 6(10,000. Rahimoro, June 10. In the Orphaus' Couit to-day, iu tho case of Paul Schoeppe on a petition to revoke the probate of a will of Mias Maria M. Steiuecke, deceased, and letters testa mentary grauted thereunder, upon the ground ol au alleged marriage at Car lisle, Pa., between die testatrix aud Seboeppe, entitling him to bor entire estate, Judge Ingles delivered the opinion of the court that the petitioner had failed to prove the marriage al leged, aud that the documents produced by him to establish it were forged. After the death of Miss Steiuecke, iu Jamary, I860, Paul Schoeppe was in dicted, triod and convicted on a charge ot causiug ber death by prussio acid at Carlisle, Fa, Afterward under a special act ot the Pennsylvania Legislature, be was granted a new trial, which resulted in bis acquittal. Schoeppe is now serv ing a term in the Illinois State Prison at Joliet, having been convicted in Chi oago of forgery under the name ol J. P Schulenberg. Tea! of excellent flavor strength for fcl.00 per FOWRLL k KIME'S." aui good pound at A nice lot of Popliu Skirts at central Ltadquarters Ladies go and see them. Those new style iiriuts, at 1' & K's are the general talk of the town. Go and see them. II you waut uny bl'ched or brown nimbus, from to 10-4 wiJo any quality, go to bead quarters, Powell & K hue's and select to your taste. Those Hamilton Corsets at I' & K's are the most durable, and tbo cheapest in market. PAY AS YOU GO. If you pay for goods when you buy them, you will never bo troubled wilb the nigt-uare of debt, your sleep will be sweet your dreams pleasant, and your wife and children will greet you with a smile in the morning. Uo to Powell & Kimo's model store with your cash, get more than its value aud go home satisfied. They have adopted the cash system, and say it is working charm- ingly. If you want a bag of feed, or a bushel of potatoes or a barrel or sack ol flour or even a small sack of Graham Hour, it will iiav You to step into P & K's and exymino thiir prices and goods QUOTATIONS White, Powell & Co. liAiS KKltS AND BUOKEltrf, No. 42 South Third Street. Philadelphia, June loth. 18"."i. inn. asiu;1 V. S. 1SS1. c .'. l'J-V I Jo do 5 liO.c ''-', M and N... 11! 11SJ 111191 do lo do do do do '114 do do do do do '61 Hlo i; V( do .., .) ami J . do .., do .. i-J4 ltt 124 l-' ll 10-40, do coupou do l'ncilio li s cy Int. ot! New o'a lie;;, lfrifl " " J. isl Gold .Silver I'ennsylvuuiii Heading " I'hihdt'lpliiii & Eno Lehigh Navigation Div. off.. do Valley United II It of N J Kx. Div.., Oil Creek ll'.II 11! 11H HSlj IK! J 117 1(J7.V I"'1 6:il . 21 211 5!tj 0 !! ! ! Northern Central :;t Central Transportation NesiUclioniiig A & A Mortgage O's 'b'J.... . 4--. J . 6o .10:! 4oi Oil 104 liiilS w ? Insiiroucc lgtnitj. lifjinsenlhii Cosh Asurts 823,907.74-J: -19 FIKE DEPARTMENT German Am., New Yoik 51,(530,000,00 Niagara of New Yoik 1 U),9o3,00 Amazon Cincinnati of 50,0.")7 17 City Ins., Co, ot Providenec' 19(!,bjl l!2 LIFE DFl'AUTMENT Travelers Life & Aoeideut Hartford 2,0C0,000,00 orth American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable ot New York 15,000,000,00 Insurance effects iu any of the above standard companies at the moi-t reasoua. terms, consistent with perfect security to the insured. J. O. W. 15AILEY, A-ent. Buffalo, New York & Philadelphia U'y. On and after FEliUAltY llih, l7"i, and until further notice, trains will leave 45 n f i'ulo i ro in tlio Uiitlulo, New Yori; ot Phila delphia 1'ailroad Depot, corner Exchange ami Louisiana snceis, (Uufialo lime) as fol io we: 7: lo A. .11 , MAIL, stcppii'2 at Ebcnezcr 8:0:J Spi iiiglu'ook K:1U Klina S J," Jamison's x-A'-i Aurora S;-ij Wales &y;, Holiuud !-:-'0 Prelection !i;0U Arcade 0:11 Yorkshire '':'J.o Machias !!::i-i Fi anklinville, !':."iO, Ihchiia 10.11 Hitisdult- 10.2,", trie l'.aihvny 10.4o Olcan 10.. :", Wcmi.u's 1 1.0:1, Porlville, 11.10, t-tato Line 11. IS: F.ldi-ed 11-:J1 Larabcu's 11.:!, Snrlwell 11.14 Turtle l'oiut 11.4 Port Alleghany 12.01 P. M., Liberty 12.P.I, Keaiiug J2.20 thippn 12.4ii Einpoiium l.lill P. .1. '.'.1 j A. AI.,. MIXED TP.AIX TO OI.E.VN, slo)ipiig at Kbcnexer lO.O'i Sprinjihroo!;. 10, :l, Lima lti.62 Jamison's 1 1.00 Aurora 11 25 Wales 1 1.40, Holland 12.10 P.M., Protection 12-:iO, Arcade 12 57, Yorkshire 1.12 Mnchias l.BO. Frankliuvilla 2.05, Ibchua 2.50, Hinsdale li-24, lOiie Kailway 4 00 P. M. :j.yo P. M., EXPRESS, stopping at ELenezcr :),o 5, ypriii'tbrook 4.( 4 Lima 4.1 1 Jamison's 4. Hi Aurora, 4.22, Males 4.35 Ilolliud 4 1'i, Piotection 4.5G, Arcade-") 11 Vorksliii e 5.1'J Machias u.i.O, Fruukliuville 5.40 Ischtia 0. (Jo Hinsdale 0.20, Eric Uuil way (i.;'(i, O'.cau ti.52, Wc-elcu's 7.tiO, Poit ville 7.oij, tune Lino 7.14, Eldrid 7.27, Laiabte's 7.U5, fr'artwell 7.41, Turtle Poiul 7.4'i, Port AHigaiiy 7.5';, Liberty 8 17, Keating f. 25, Shippen 5, Euiporium 'J.OUP. M. TRAINS LEAVE EMPOKIUM: 4 00 A. M., EXPRESS, 'slopping ut bhip pen 4.15 Kealing 4.;i5 Lilerty 4. 14 Poll Allegheny 6.0a Turtle Poiul 6.15, mirfell 5.20, Luiabce's 5.25, Eldred 5.8ii State Line 5.41 Porlville 5.52. Weston's 5.67, Oleau 0.20. Erio llai'.way (i.2:i, Hinsdale ti.a, lselnia rj.52, Frakliuvillo 7.1u, MaehiaH 7.2D Yorkliier 7.:!5 Arcado 7.4;i, Piotection 7.57, Kollaud 8.05; Wales 8.15, Aurora b.2ij J tuiieou's 8 ai Elma 8.38, Spriugbrook 8.4U, Ebcueicr 8.52, liutlalo !M5 A. M. li-oo A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER & FttEDJH l', slopping at. Shippen 6.40, Keat ing 7.o5 Liberty 7.50. Port. Allegany 8,10 Turtle Point LI, Sartwell 0.25, Lurabev's '.1.4(1 Eldred 10 05 fc'lalo Lite 10.8, Port villo 11 10 Weston's 11.25, Olean 11.42, trie I'.uilway 11.47, Ilnihdale 12.20 P. AI.. ledum 1.('8, Fruukliuville, 2.05, Machias 2.41, Yurksliire 11,00, Arcude 51.15 Protect ion 3.42, Holland 4.0:1 Wules 4,:io, Aurora 5.0G, Jaiuihou's 5.20 Elma 5 28, Spring, brook 5.40, Ebi-uixer 0.00, J miction (i.;iO P. Al. 2.00 P.M., MAIL, stopping nt Eliippeu 2.15, Keating 2. o5, Libeiiy 2.44, 1'ori Al legheny !i.0:i Turllo Point o.lo Burtweil (1.20, Latabees 3.20, Eldred 3.33, Slate Liue 3.40, Portvillo 3.65, Wtslon's 4.02 Oleau 4.20, Erie Uuilway 4.23, llinedu'.o 4.38 lschua 4.52, Frunklinville 6.11, Machias 6 30, Yorkshire 5:37. Arcada 6.40 Protection 0 02, Holland 0.10, Wales 0.20, Aurora 0.32, Jamison's t3. 88, Elu.aG.42, Springbrook C.47, Ebeneer 0.68, liutlalo 7.20 P. M. 1RAIN LEAVES OLEAN: C.25 A.M., LOCAL PASSENGER & FREIGHT, slopping at Hinsdale 7.00 lschua 7-30, Frunklinville 8.15, Machias 8.63, Yoikbuire 'J.23, Arcad0.45, Protect ioc 10-14, Holland 10.35, Wales 11.00, Aurora 11.25, Jamison's 11.30, Lima 11.4'J, Spriugbrook 12 02 P jl Ebeneu'r 12 22 liutlalo 1 00 P. M . ' 4T"N'o trains run on Sundays. II. V. F13K, Gen't Mauagr. 11. L. LYMAN, Gen't Pass'r Ag't J. D, YEOMAN'S, Cen'i Sup't PITTSBUGH EVENING TELEGRAPH AN INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN JOURNAL! . LIVE JfETTSrJrbn, IS ALL ITS D EP,A 11 TMENTS. In cnt jring tupon the New Ycnr. and within a lew months of the second nnui vevstiry ottlio first appearance of ilie pnprr The publishers of tie I'll T.SliUKtj II EVENING TELKOUAPH renew thoir ex pressions of thanks to an intelligent and appreciative public lor its LIBERAL AND EVER. INCREASING PATRONAGE durirg the year just closed. Coming into existauco ut a time when every tiud of business was to a certain extent depressed, and when retrenchment in every direction was the rule, (lie TELEGRAPH lias fought its wny, nnd become, not only an estab lished fact, but a PRIME NECESSITY !N FTERY WELL. INFORMED CIRCLE, , win flier it bo of the', counting-room, the pro!'essioll!ioilo,, tho workshop, or the family, lis circulation, eipial lo the befit from the sinrt, has grown in extent and im portance daily, until now it acknowledges cut two equals the Dispatch and Leader so far ns the number issued daily is con ccrned, and no equal as to the character of its readers. 'J hese fncts aro so well know n and appreciated by tho business commu nity, or tho shrewdest members thereof, that our columns have been well.fillcd by l he favors cf THE PEST CLASS OF ADVERTISERS. and we arc glid to know that Ihir faith iu ihc TELEGRAPH ns an ndvertisidg me dium has been firmly established. TlIE'PnTSDUnCII EVENING TELEGHAFi ha0, we think, during ihe putt year n.ain laiiied ils claim to the good will and sup prot of the people, irrespective of jafty, inasmuch ns its opposition to bad nomina tions within the party whose principles it favors was largely instrumental iu procur ing their detent. While it shall bo our aim io promote the established principles of the Republican party, we shad iu iho fil mic, as iu ihe past, oppose the election to ollice of men not fully qualified, or who shall by trickery or any unfair means maiiago to secure a place ou the ticket. HoiKsiy auJ. capacity ouly will receive our support. TEx: TELEGRAPH"1 will continue to publhh ALL 'IE K NEWS OF THE 7DAY at i he earliest moment, aud in such a shape as to be acceptable lo the most ethical reader. 'Ihe TELEGRAPH will continue to ro hYct; iho senlimcEts of the people on all public questions louchingtlieir welfare. 'Jhe TELEGRAPH will uphold zealously the hands of all nieu honest aud earnest in reform, and il will, as iu ihe past, give all sides a hearing en the topics of ihe time. The TELEGRAPH will labor with re newed, zeal for tiio prosjeiity of the city aed Suite and the advancement of tlio lua tcrial iulerests of our eitieus. ltd LOCAL DEPARTMENT will continue to be ctivtfully attended to, and its reports of local ecnis will be always fresh and reliable. Its SPECIAL TELEGRAMS AND CORRES POM'ENOE from ll.e Capitals of t1,e Nation and Mate uud lroin all important new centers will continue to be of the most uttruciive and trustworthy character. Its MARKET AND FINANCIAL REPORTS will iti-eivc iho sumo cuvefil attention that lias been remarked in the past, aud in this respect ihe TELEGRAPH will continue lo be without a competitor, lis EDITORIAL DEPARTMENT will contain an honest expression of views ou all imporianllive topics, political uud otherwise. Its NEWS AND LITERARY DEPARTMENTS, which have always enjoyed an exalted rep utation, will continue to be of the same unexceptionable character. Iu tine, the KVKNlNli TELEGlvAPll IX.: AU., ITS DEPARTMENTS, will be during the j ear 175, superior to iho past, excellent as i! has been by gen eral admission. No expense will bo spared lo keep the paper ubreiMt with tlio times, and its mauugers will exert every effort that experieuco may suggest 10 make if possible, more attractive to the general leader. SUUSUlilPTION P1UCH. Py mail, including postage, Nine Dollars per annum. Delivered by Carriers, iu ouy part ol Pittsburgh and Allegheny, lor Fifteen Cents a w eek. ADVERTISING application. RATES furnished on ADDRtbB, THE EVENING TELEGUAPIT, rirTscimoH, pa THE ALDINE COMPANY'S NEW PUBLICATIONS. SOLO OKI. r I! r subscription. THE ALDINE; THE ART JOURNAL OF AMERICA. This splendid enterprise Is nut only well sustained in every feature, but is beinn constantly developed and improved. It to-dny slatids without a rival in the whole world of periodical literature. Tlio beatili ful dog-portrait, 'Alan's Unselfish Friend,1' a elivoino presented to every subscriber, is n decided hit, mid will, ff possible, add lo Hie popularity which this work han gained. Tho Aiit Union fcaluro also promises great itml bi tiiliceiit results, in amuying public initios! in Iho line ails. Circulars and I ill in tin inn t ion ou npplioiii ion. Paris I, II, 111, and IV are. now ready. SUTTON'S Leisure-Hour Miscellany. To bo completed iu 40 parts issued I'oi riipily. La cli pari will contain an eh-fraul Irnnli" piece, originally (ugriivvl on sled for Ihe London Art Journal. MEPFlODUCiNG at ft pice within Ihe popular reach, en gravings never before offered, at less than five limes the amount. These plaleshavo been tho attraction of The London Art Journal, Each pari will contain 'Jti quarto pages, including the elegant frontispiece, on heavy plalo paper. A superb title page, richly illuminated in red and pold, will he given with the first p ut. ami Ihe priming of the entire work will be a worthy representa tion of "The Aldine Press" which is a guarantee of something be utiful and val. uahlo. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Part Paris I, II. and 111 arc Just Published. THE ttttT .IO Vtt . VI , Completo in 12 monthly parts, at Si each Reproducing the best full-page illustra tions fiom the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Each monthly part will contain six su perb plates with accompanying descriptive matter, and whether lor binding or framing will bo entirely beyond competition in price or artistic character. Every impres sion will be most carefully takiu on the finest toned paper, and no pains will be spared to make this the richest production of n press vUiieh has won, in a marvclously short time, a world-wi le reputation. cf.vTi'.v iito.ri rim .iLSH.m. Especially assorted for Scrap Rook Illustretions and Drawing Class Copies. A largo collection of picl tires of different sizes aud on almost every conceivable sub. ioot have been put up !v, an attractive en velope, uud are now otl'cre I at a price in tended lo make them popular in every No. 1, containing SO beautiful engravings, ia now ready, and will be scut, postage paid, to any address for ONE DOL LAR. A liberal discount lo agents and teachers. SCKAP 1JOOKS A splendid assortment of SCRAP ROOKS duvo been expressly prepared for the holi hay season, and no present, of more peruia' neut interest can be selected for gcutleman or lady, o! I or young. No. 1. Half bound, cloth sides, gilt back J5U pp. 1x10 inches d'5 1)0 No. 2. Half bound, clo h sides, gill baik, 500 pp. lUxUi inches 7 Ou No. ti. Full morocco, beveled boards gilt and antique, very ricii 500 pp 'J 00 Lettered to order iu gold at "Jo cents each lino. Sent by mail po.M-pa'd on receipt of the price. THE ALDINE PASSE-PARTOUTS. Iu compliance viih vepcocl requests, the publish! r of Tut Auuxb have pre pared impressions ol many of their most beautilui plates lor patse-pai tout framing. The cuts are mounted on a beautifully tinted azure mat, with n handsome red bor der line. To attach ihc giass. it is only left for Ihe customer to paste and fold over au alicmly uitached boiucr and tins may be dune by a child. subjects, 12x15 inches, l!5o.; with glass, oUc. Six of tliis sije for SI when selection is eft to the pub'.i-hevs. li subjects, lOxllii meht glass, -15c. wilh wilb with 7 suljecis, glass, -loo. 'l subjects, gla.-s, SI. Sent by mai tiJxSJ ii.chcs. 1-1x19 inches, 15i 50 c: , wiihout glass, post paid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED THE .IMIJ.IT CO.tll" bfiJiuiiltn S.uni, .few I'orfs. f ulhi:;. Ut.M iNGTON Sewing Maciu.nkh Eire Arms, and Acuiiclli liiai, Im l'LEMKNTs. The Remington Sowing Machine has sjitung rapiiily into favor as jiossessiutl.e best eotuLiuutieu of gnod ((tialities uaiueiY, light rutiuing smooth noiseless rapid aud durable. It has uGiraight needle, jerjientlicular actiou, uutoiiintic drop-feed, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stiteh, which will neither rip tier ravel, and isjilike on both sides. J tie ieuiiti''toD cewin Jlacuiue lias received premiums at many l'Vus, throuhuut the United Slates, aud with out effort took the Grand Medal of Pro incss, the highest tluir of medal that was awarded at the lato Vicuua Exposi position. Tho Remington Works also uiauu faeture tho new Double l!ai relied iJieeeh Eoading Miot uu suap and positive aetku, with patent joint cheek, a muivel of beautv, liuish aud elieaiiieos, aud the celebrated Rem iiigtoti Rilles adopted by uino different governments, aud rcuowued throughout the world 'or military, huuliu aud target purposes all kiuds ot Pistols, Rifles, (Janes, Metalic Catridges, d'o. Agricultural Iinpleuicnts, Improved Mowing Much mis, Steel Plows. Cultiva tors, Road Sciapeis, Patent Excavators, Hay Tedders," Cottou Gius, Iron Uridgcs, &e. The undersigned has teea appointed ageut lor the sale and introduction of the Remiogtou SewiD Machine iu aud lor the counties ot Elk, Clearfield and Warren. - TIIOS, J. BURKE, Depot and office, St. Mary's, Pa. P. S. A good loclil agsat warned. A LLEGHENY VALLEY HAIL HO AD LOW-GRADE DIVISION. On nnd after MONDAY, NOV. 23, 1871, trains between Rcdbatik and Driftwood will run as follows; WESTWARD. EXPRESS and MAIL will lenvo Drift wood daily nt l'J::!0 p m, lloynoldsvillo at !):'!) p pi, llrookville at 4:05 p in, arriving at. RedUnnk nt. 11:12 p ni, connecting with Express on Alain Line for Pittsburgh. MIXED WAY leaves Roynoldsville daily at 0:10 a m, IWookvillc at 8:10 a m, arriv ing at Redbunk at 11:511 a m. connecting with trains north nnd soutdi on Main Lino. r.ASTWAIll). EXPRESS nnd .MAIL leaves Ilclbank daily al. 2;A)h in, arrives at llrookville :.l pm, (iejiioldsvills at, oV!0 p in, Drift. wood at. 0:10 p in, connecting with trains ci, si and wi-Hl. on P and E Railroad. MIXED WAY leavesNew Rolhlc'm daily at ll:0-'i f in, nriive.) at llrookville at 5:5-1 p m, Rtynoldsville al 7::iO p rn. MAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, NOV ::i, 17-1. trains on the Allegheny Valley Railroad will run as follows.- l!i;i- KALO EXPRESS will leave I'itts burgh daily al 7:15a in, Rcdbank Jiiiietion at 10:17 a in, and arrive at Oil City at 2: 10 p tn. NIGMT EXPRESS will leave Oil ("tly til !l:05 p m.l'iC'lbank Junction nl 2:55 a in, and arrive at Pittsburgh at 7: 'Ml n m. TiTL'SVI LLE EXPREHH leaves Pitts burgh al ;': p tn, Rcdbank Junction al 0;'J5 pm, and uirives at Oil City nt 10:20 p m. Returning, leaves Oil (,'ily ul H;:;i a m, Hedbonk .hmelion at VI: 1 1 a iu and ar rives at Pittsburgh al 15 p to. J. J. LAV. RLNCr, General Jruperinleiideul . W.M. M. Plllt.l.ll'S, Ass'l Kupt., Drookville Pa. E.O. FBOTE, M.D. 120 LcxisEtoa Aycnne, , ' Co JZ 23th St., NEW YORK, An Independent Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF CHRONIC DISEASE, AND HECEIVE3 Letters from all iaYs of the Civilized World. BY HIS CillGiNAl WAY CF ConJnctins a Helical Practice EH 13 TREATING Numerous Patients in Europe, tho West Indies, the Dominion of Canada, and in every Statu of the Union. ADVICE FREE GIVEN BY MAIL OF CHARGE. Kj mercurial medicinei or deleterium clruffR use!. Hut during the past twenty years treated success fully nearly or quite 40,(J00 enpes. Ail facts con nected with each case are carefully recorded, whether they be communicated by lutUr or in peraon, or observed by tbe Doctor or hU nsitociato pbysiciaua. The latter are all scic&tiriC modical Dien. All invalids at a di fit a nee are required to Answer an extended list of pluiu question which will be f aruiihed by mail free, or at the office. A com plete system of registering prevents mfctnke ox confusion. Case bucks never consulted, except by tbe physicians of the establishment. For freo consultation scud for lUt'of questions. A Bixty-pago pamphlet of evidences cf success Bent freo aluo. Address 33 r. E. U. FOOTE, Kox 7S8, New York. AGENTS WANTED. Pn. Foote Is the author of "Medical Com. Uon a book tbat reached a circulation of over 250,000 copies; also, if "Plain Homh Talk," more recently published, which has poUI to the exU-nt of 10,000 copies ; also, of "Scicncb IN Siokt," which is now being publUla-d iu series, CONTENTS TA0LK8 of all, excepting the first-mentioned work (which Is out of print), will be sent free on application to either Dr. Foote, or the Hurray Bill Publish leg Cottpany, whose office U 129 Eatt 26th Street Agents both men and women wanted to sell tho foregoing works, to whom a liberal profit will be allowed. The beginnings of small fortunes have been made in selling Ir. Fooie's populur works. 'Plaih Home Talk" is particularly adapted to adults, and "Science in Bronx" is just tho thing for tho young. Send for contents tables and 6ec for yournt:lve. The former annwers a multitude of quehtions which ladies and gentle men feel a delicacy about asking of their physicians. There ia nothing in literature at til li'.e either ol the foregoing works, "Science iw Btort can only be had of agentn or of the Publisher!, 'PLAIN IlOJlii TALK " la published In both lu9 pnuhsh and German Languages. Once more, ADDRESS A3 4 DOVE. Dakcrs S.vot-t Chocolitc rOW ELL & KIME S. ut Youn mm il' you want to add grcnily to your apf earancc i.;o at once to ro ,V ELL & KIME'S Grand Cen tral Store, and get you.'ell' u new white linen bosom shirt. You can get a good fitting white clean shirt for 1.25 and Irom thut up. tyeyer's Poultry Powder. Warranted, I fused In time. to cure chicken cholera and . ordinary RtU'ntioQ to clean- ri uwder and a bcnttivl ol' nnnsa aua proper leeuing, Willi a noPilfii I onni.li duttt.ciitandpfresheU-forminginatei-tul.Any oneinny k'p Pouliry (even in con Hue iiiciii ) for any length ol time, with both profit and plewure. ruckape 25ct., fiveforfl.OU. Ak voiir dtttlur. bent free upon 10 celpt of price. Adorer, A. C. METER & CO., 13 alt I m or Eatss of Advertls&o:. One column, one year. k i T" (W 0(t 'J.'xVl 1.) Oil Trimsicnt advert iRi'iiicnln ciguv lines, une inn'riinu f i. io ini-rv- tiuiiH, !?1.&0, tlirco instM'iioiix JJ. i : . . . iUl.-MlltS CUI'tIM, It'll hllOH M' loS, J'lr year 5. Advei tiseme:its pnyulilo qmirti'rl. AUVKIVttB TIC A ':bixo: ( iikai1. Goon, Kystkma- AU rci-HuiiH wlio eonleniplute making contractu wilh newspapers lor llie insertion of udvertiteiritnis, uliould send lid ceuls lo Oeo P. Howell $ Co., 41 Park How, New York, for tlieir 1 A Mi' 11 LET UUOlt ninety-seventh edition,) containing lists of over 'ZiiW newspapers and estima tes, showing the cost Advortibements taken lor leading papers in many States at a termeiidous reduction l'roiu publishers rates. (JtT.iut hook. v uo 48 It TOli W70U OUK. We are now prepared fj ) todouUkiudsol JOll VVOKK. Luvclept-3. Tugs, liill-heads, Latter heads, neatly uud cheaply executed. Ouice in Thayer &. llugeriy's new building, Main street Ridgway, V. UBSOKIBE lor th ELK COUNTY ADVOCATE. NEW LIVliltY STA13L.L1 IN DAN SC1UDNER WISHES TO IN form the Citizens of Ii'nigway, and the public generally, that lie has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Ei;ic4, lo let upon the oiost rason blc terms. B.cfiIIo will also do job leaning. Stable on Proud street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Oflict will trecl prompt attention Aug 'JO 1K70. If. The Weekly Sun. A l.itjfO e i 1. 1 rago iii'iepplnlent, Imticst anil Ic ui itMS iicw.iiiiiTjit'."ji lire. ml co!uiiin, r.eoially ui;si''tii'il for Hi'.' farmer, tho me, chunk', llio Midcliunt and Hie I'rofessionnl imin, Hinl Cdi'ir wives unJ cliildrcn. Wb aim id irnkn itio vkf.icly firs iho bom IHniily ncwfimrn-r in ths worM. It i l full of entertaining mul insiructive reaninj of every prt, tun juiiiis nothing to offend tho n.iii Hcniiuloii i.nJ ilelicite IftHte. Price 1.2) tier year, p'l.-tujte Tirepaid. The clieiipi.'st pni i-r piihli-he'l. Try it- Addi. Tbe Kin, New Voik C'ilv. Elk County Directory. I'l-eident Judge L. L. H'ttnore. Additional Law Judj;o Hon. Joo- P Vincent. A.'souiute Judeca Clins. Luhr, J V Honk. District At'orncy J. K. V, Hall. Sheriff 1). Scull. rrothiriotuvy Jc, Frel. Scha-ning. Tren surer Joseph Windl'elder. Counly Superintendent Uufus LiC"ic. Commissioners Michael Weidert, Julius Jones, Geo. L'd. Weia. Auditors 1 boniRs Irwin N.O. uundy, County Surveyor Geo Wlmsley. Jury Commissi incis. l'liillip lvriglile Rantom T. Kyler. FOR SALE BY E.K. GKES1I, Mason io Hull liui'.Jinsf, Ridgwny, Tn. VA1T VLECK'S CKLK1UIATKD l'ATK.NT SFKINO HKD 1JKST teuificrud Ktcel (spring wire, these springs cuu bo luiJ on tl:e slats of uny eonimon bed and are COMl'j.KTi: IN THEMSELVES ! Also iigent ior Weed Sewing Machine, Easiest K'uming, Most Durable, and BEST MACHINE in the market. ChII an.l e.:i.aine before purcliasing else a hurt. vliilOt'.'.J, jF YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP HO TO JAMES II- IJAGE11TY Main Street, Uidgway, To. DRY CiOv.UtS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QUEENS WAHE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WARE. TOBACCO AND OIGAKS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BllANDS ol Cciisliiiitly on ha ml, and told aa the CHEAPEST. FLO UK us cheap JAMES II. II AGEHTY. SEEDS MI,t.TlTS. C. C. The True Cape Cod Cianberrj, C. best sort ior Upland, Luwland, or Uurdoii, hy mail prepaid, 1 per 100, ?f) per 1,000. All the New, Choice Straw berries aud l'eaches. A priced Catit 1 gue of these aud all Fruits, Ornamen tal Trees Evergreens, Shrubs, Bulbs, Uoi-rs, lJluuts, lie., aud FiiESU FLOW Ell & GARDEN SEEDS, tha choicest collection in tho country, with all novelties, will bo sent gratis to any plain address. 23 sorts of either Flower, Garden; Tree, Fruit, Evergreen, or Herb Seeds, lor 81,00, gent by mail, prepaid. WHOLESALE CATA LOGUE TO THE T11A.DE. Agents Wanted. B. M. WATSON, Old Colony Nur series uud Seed Warehouse, Plymouth, Muss. Established 1842. J 0 THE CITIZENS OF PENNSYL VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National llauks are uow preparjd to receive Bubscriptious to the Capital tock ot the Ccuteuniul l'oard of Finance. The funds realized frgia this source arc to bo employed in tho erec tion of the buildiug for the Internationu. I'xhiliiiiou, aud llio expenses conuected with the same. It is confidently believed tiiat ihe Keystone State will be represented b th name of every citizeu alive to patri otic commemoration of ihe oue hundredth birth-day of llio nation. The shares o t-tock ai ctforcd for $10 each, aud sub son berg will receive a handsome eugruved Ccriiticatc of Slock, suitable for framiug and preservation as a national niemoVial. Interest at ihe rata of six per cent, per annum will be paid ou all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment lo January 1, lttTti. Subscribers who are not neat a Nation Bank can remit a check or post ollice ordsr to the undersigned. FKED'K PKALEY, Treasurer, Wi Walnut St., Philadelphia Al'l'LKTONS AlIEHICAN CVCLOl'tUlA thut tha revised, uud elegantly illu trated ediliou of this work, uow being published, a volume of 800 pages ouce iu two months, U tha lest Cycloped 5"m Atuerioa, is ocrtuiu. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete oun iu itself. It ouly oosts $3 mouth t git it iu leather liudiug. The best aud chespost librury iu tho world. Address, C. lv. Judsou, Frjdonia, N. Y. 1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers