THURSDAY, JANUARY 21, 5 875. Ridgway Insurance tgenty. Representing Cash Assets of $30,907.744 49 FIRS DEPARTMENT German'Am., New York 1.0")0,00n,00 Niagara of New York 1.5519 933,00 Amazon Cincinnati of 850.9"7 17 City lis., C, of Providence' 1!IG,S54 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life Accident lTar,ord 2,0C0,000,00 Vorth American Mutual of N.w York 5.000,000,00 Eqaitable of New York 15.000,000,00 Insurance effects in nny of tho above standard companies at t lie most reasona terras, consistent with perfect security to the insured. J, O W. BAILEY, Agent. Car Time at Ilitlgwati. Mail East de West Through Local, East do do West Local East 4:4',?: M. 2: 33 P. M 8:20 A. M. 0:25 1'. M. 4:50 P. M 8;20 A. M. do West The Mail and Through Local oarry naesengers, the local does cot. elk. Lodge, a. y. m. The stated meetings of Elk Lolge, No. 879, are held at their hall, comer of Main aad Depot streets, en the second and fourth Taesdays of each month' W. C. JIEALY, Sec'y. m Rates of Advertising. s8 column, one year $75 00 1 40 00 j. 25 00 j i' ' 15 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight lines, one insertion $1. two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions S2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $5. Advertisements payable quarterly. PITTSBURGH STRIKE AllOUT INDE1). IRON l'UD DLF.RS BOON GOING TO WORK. Ve observe an article in a morning contem porary, indicating a speedy settlement cf tho troubles between the iron manu factures and puddlcrs, which wo heartily approve. That the refusal of the pud dlers to accept the krnis proposed at the commencement o! the difficulty, has been productive of much eufferiua; to the innocent members of the workmen's families, is proved in the fact that some of them have been recipients of the poor fund of the city. The great de pression ia manufacture?, consequent upon a small demand aud low uud full ing prices, forbade that (ha manufac tures should continue to run their mills nt a positive loss, and it was the part of wisdom for the puddlers to have sympa thized with the manufacturers in their vipws. Ilaviu-,', on the contrary, oue upon a strike, while able to work t more than living wages, at least, we sub tuit it is unl'air to moro deserving charities that they should receive assis tance lrom the poor fund. Not only have tbe pudditrs brought distress u their own families, but they have thrown out of employment a lare num ber of assi-tants aud laborers dependent upon them. We are g'ad however, to learn that the puddlers propose soon to resume cp crations in the mills. It is a wise con clusion, as Lni'.'h for the reason that it will relievo much present sufferiug, as for the fact that if they dc not return to work at the 84 50 per ton, which we learn tliey can slill obtain, they will be compelled to take certainly 81, if not S3 50, if they do not resume work be fore Febr uary. We hope to hear be fore many days that all the furnaces in our numerous mills have been relighted, and that with their relighting there will bo a return to prosperity in other branches of trade; now depressed be cause of the puddlers' idleness. Pitts burjh Teleijraph. Sheridan's "liANumi." There lia3 been a great lino aud cry among tho -Rbels of the South and their Northern sympathizers over General Sheridan's dispatch in which the word "banditti" was used. They have as sumed, without any warrant whatever, that Gen. Sheridan applied the word to all the people in Louisiana, .Mississippi, and Arkansas. He did no such thing. His dispatch first recommends tho arrest and trial of "ring-leaders of the armed Whito Leagues." Tho very next para graph: says: "If Congress would pass a bill declaring them banditti, they could be tried by a military commission, " that is "the ring-leaders of the armed TVliite Leagues." Now, unless all the peoplo of Louisiana, Arkansas and Mississippi are White Leaguers, and not only White Leaguers but armed White Leijjuerg, and Dot only armed White Leaguers but ring-leaders of armed White Leaguers, they do not come un der the applieatiou of banditti as Gen. Sheridaa used the word. This is bat another instanoo of the tendency of the Southern people and the Democrats to go off like an old blunderbuss at ' balf coek" in this Louisiana affair. They have not stopped to study the matter as it actually is. They do not want to do this. They simply desire to howl, and howl they will in spite of the facts in the ca&o.- Pittsburgh JelegragJt. N O "I S . The sleighing ia good. - Court tiieet3 hero next Monday. Why don't the Rrockwayville Reg ister change its name? Call at the Advocate offioe for job work. It. V. Kime is now confined to the house, from the effects of a bad cold. We listened ti a very instructive sermon, last Sunday evening, at tko Lutheran ehurch by Rev. I. Rreneinan. Our friend D. 13. Day who has been seriously ill for two weeks past is slowly recovering. The chair manufactory on Centre street will go into operation in tho course of a week or two. Religious Services by Rev. T. B Van Dusen, in tho Lutheran church, next Sunday, morning and evening. James Ilagsrty, our worthy post mister, is at present oonGnei to his room by sickness. Company II, will have a grand dance on Thursday evening, Feb. 4th at tho armory. The proceeds are to go towards paying the armory rent. The new'Mctbodist Chuioh will be formally dedicated on Sunday Jan. 31st It is expected that every one will at tend. The pews in the Lutheran ehurch have been nearly all sold. If all the owners of pews would occupy them, much good might result therefrom. James Afaginnis is now happy, in fact hs is the happiest man in town, and nil because his heuse has been blessed with a son aud heir. By the way isn't this a pretty good year for boys? Week before last there occured sn error in the notice of tho death of Mrs. Sarah Stubbs; we said wife of Win. Stubbs, when wo should have said wife of Chas. Stubbs. Tho new brick dwelling owned by H. A. Jameson at Warren, Pa , was en tirely destroyed by fire on the evenin of the 12th -inst. Luss $15,000; In surance $5000. The ice biases about town are now beiug fillod with an excellent quality of ice, averaging from teu to twelve inches in thickness, and as clear as crysttl There never has been a better winter for ice harvesting than this one. The Brookvillo Republican comes to us, "out of the fire," aud is as bright and sprightly as ever. We sympathize with Messrs. Scott & Weaver, in their misfortune, and hope the Rrpuhlican may be epared another "baptism of fire.' Last week's Democrat has the start ling intelligence that the Wilenx, Lum ber Company have been shipping a million feet a month for some time past. Whose feet? sweds feet, or pigs feet7 Surely there must be an awful dearth ol pedal appendages at Wilcox. Let there be silenco while Miller rises to explain. Arrangements have been made to have a grand dance, on Thursday Feb. 4th, 1875, for the benefit of company II. at their armory. Tho 17th regi mental band will be present. A first class supper will be furuished and a grand titno generally, had. Kvery-one is iu vited to attend. We are sure, as it is for the benefit of Company II. a large erowd will turn out. Invitation will bo issued ia a few diys. Wm. A.Wallace, was elected, yester day to the U. S. Senate, from this state, by a majority of 8 votes on joint ballot, for a term of six years from the 4th of next March. Tho Senatorship has been the goal of Wallace's ambition for years, and we are glad that he has won, for tho reason that we think pluck and deteruiniuation deserves to wiu. Of course Senator Scott was our choice, by that "tidal wave" upset all our hopes in that direction, Mrs Anna Nancy Fellows, of Pine Grove, died in that town on tho 30th day of December, IS74, at the advan ced age of 90 years. She came from New York State aud had lived in War ren county 55 years. Her husband, Zcra Fellows, died iu 1855, aged 88 jeais, since which time she lived with one of her children. She had no par ticular disease, but died of old age whilo sitting in her chair. II cr sight was somewhat impaired, but she was able to feed, Ind in many respects wait upon herself. We presume she was the oldest person iu Warren county. Mail. The Lutherans are now trying to or gauize a Sunday School to meet in their new church on South street. The So' ciety U poor and in order to raise money to furnish tho school with a library, and the necessary books, tbey intend to call on outsider! to give each ono a little toward this truly worthy objeat; W3 have no doubt the people of Ridgway will again put their hands iu their pockets aud p;ive tne'r mi'0 to help tho good work along. The school will first meet for organization on Sunday, February 15th, although it is to be a Lutheran Sunday school, all persons, young and old are invited to be present and lend a helping hand. I'lili. i)i;i,l .ll . MbtriNO F rue s ivkkkionh or in- rHISTRt THIY FURNISH OVER 200, 000 TON8 OF COAt, TO MEMBERS OF TUB ORDER. Philadelphia, January 10 The Sov erniiins of Industry yesterday appointed a Standing Committee on Insurance, to report at their annual session. They then adjourned for a year. During the session arrangements wero made with I'hiladclohia coal dealers to furnish be tween two and three hundred thousand tons of coal to members ef the order in the Eastern and Western States. At nine o'clock last night, Rev. Wm S Crowley, Raptist minister, died sud denly nt his church at Roxborough during ssrvice. JUDGE LYNCH AGAIN AN OHIO MOB BRRAKIKO INTO A JAI.L AND IIANOINO A r-IttSONF.R. Cleveland, Jan. 17. G. W. Ullery, whoso arrest for an outrage on a little girl nine years old, near Urbana, Ohio, on Tuesday last was banged this morn ing by a mob of about forty masked men, who went to the jail, captured and bound tho guards, battered down the doors, took the prisouer out and after giving him a lew minutes to pray hanged him to a tree in front of the Conrt House. A large crowd gathered, but the lynchers had posted a strong guard, and the feeble efforts made to in terfere with them was unsuccessful After all signs of life had ceased in the Mispcndcd man, the lynchers, quietly dispersed, but tho body hung one hour before it was removed by the Coroner. Public opinion is decidedly in favor of the lyuchers. Tho little girl is ia a shocking condilioa, and it is thought cannot recover. A HOLD ROB HER Y. A HANK ENTERED AT MIDDAY, AND THE CASHIR.R BOUND AND UACK1KD. SorHiituu, Pa , Jan. 14. A daring und successful descent was rcade upon the Fir st National Ruuk ol Caibmuln!e at 12:15 P. M. to-day, while the teller, G. I). Couch, aiid another clerk cro abucnt at dinner, leaving the cashier, James Stott, ulouc in the bank, Air. Stoft is quite an old man, and is in very feeble health. Two moo came in by a front door of the bank, and one of them asked for the ehauge of a ?5 note. Mr. Stott stooped over to comply with the request, when ono of the men grabbed him by the head, piuuing it to the desk, and the other jumped over the couuter and bound nod gagged him. The robbers then hastily gathered up all tho currency they could find, amounting to about 810,000. lortunately overlooking a package containing glo, 000. They were disturbed by a woman coming to a front door, and retreated by a back door, crossing the river on the ice, ami were seen to enter a sleiah and drive off. It is thought however, they did uot go far before secreting them selves, and at 1: 40 P. M. twomen were arrested on suspicion, and are now hav ing a hearing. Mr. Stott thihku they are the robbers, but cannot swear posi tive ly. One of them was about five feet three and wore snnff-colnred coat and hat. The other was about five feet ten, and wore dark clothing. SENSATION IN UlLi.lAAiSl'ORT. A liURGLAR VISITS A LONE WOMAN TlltlKK TIMES AND IS 8 UOT THE T K 1 1'. I) TI M R CO NFL DERATES T U HOW THE BODY INTO THE &LQ JKHANNA. Thursday ni;;ht alter ekven o'clock, thieves visited a canal boat moored in a secluded place at Wiliiamsport, in which k poor washerwoman lived. Her hus band w;:s abseiit, and one cf the fellows entered and, takiisy; her by the throat, threateuid to kill her il she did uot give up her money. She arose, aud followed by the robber with a revolver, close lo her head, went to a looking-gln. s and took out 81 GO, all the money she had in the world. He then retired and conversed with the robbers outside, when he returned and demanded moro money. The poor woman, upon her bended knees, with n Bil-le iu her hand, told him she had no more, wheu he begin examining the bedclothes, lleaaiu retired outside, mi l something about murder was said. The uiif'oi tunate woman now gnthemi her little outs about "icr, extinguished the lights, and seizing a shotgun, laid in wait. Presently the robber entered for the third time, with a dark lantern in his haud and as soon as he apeared in the d .orwsy, Mrs. Freed fired a terrible load at him. The robber foil, kicked once or twice when his companions pushed opc-u tho door, against which the body had fallen, wrapped him iu the btdclothes he had removed on ti e occasion of his second vi.-it and hut rituly carried him off. It was thought he was killed and thst -tho body was thrown through a hole in the ice on the Susquehauna, tis there was a bloody trail to an opening in the ice The partica came in a sleigh, aud the robber who entered wore long black whiskers, and had very nretty hands. After they had gone, a little terrier dog entered the boat evidently in search of its had on a collar and locket and there was a name on the collar, but Mrs. Freed could not persuade the can ine to remain, and it left, following the trail acro.-s the river on the ico to the opening mentioned. The shotjgun contained a handful of shot and tho concussion knocked Mrs. Freed down. Her oldest boy, n little fellow, seized a hatchet aud wanted to go to where the robber was lying and dispatch him, but Mrs. Freed prevailed on him to keep back, as from tho deep mutterings of the companions of the robbers she knew ho would be mur dered. New Haven, Jan. 17. John R Anderson, who entered the shop of the Wallir.gford Wheel Compauy March T, 1874, with a revolver in each hand, and fired eleven shots at the wort men, against whom he had n grudge, kiiiiuy Horatio G. Hall of Walliagford, and wounding two or three others, has been convicted ol murder in tho first degiee in tho Superior Court iu this city. The defence was a plea of iusauity. Anderson's ugliness did not cease with the killing of lial1, but has been manifeF ted in savage nutbrcvln up to the time of his trial. TifE MA Isl-U'ii iRA CA-E Til R ACTION OF TDK BISHOP CLAIMED TO UK IN FULL ACCi'RD WITH THE HfcCOONIZF,D LAW AND DISCIPLINE OF THE CATHOLIC CHURCH. In tho Catholio church case, M. P. Stack v. Bishop O'llara, the master in chancery, R. 1 Allen, Esq , has de cided in favor of the Right Reverend Bishop upon all the points raised, and that tho bill of the plaintiff should be dismissed. The master holds that the action of the bishop, removing Father Stack from his charge of the Church of the Annunciation, in Wiliiamsport was in full accord with the reeogaized law and discipline of tho Catholio church, and, secondly, that even wera it not, court of equity will not grant; tho relief prayed (or, or reiustate the priest in his charge; that the law recognizes the as sociation as voluntary, and the priest is bound to accept andabide by the laws of a voluntary association while a mem ber. Father Stack csn bring the case be fore the court of common pleas of Lycoming county by excepting to the master's report. Williamsjwrt Gazette and Bulletin. Harrisburg, January 13, 1875. There was not much done in the Legis lature to-day. The Senate is equipped for business, but the House Committees haye not been appointed, and will not be until after the eleetiou of Senator next week. The two Houses met in joint convention at noou to canvass and de clare ths vote for Stale officers which it is well enough to insert as a matter o! history: LlEUTtNANT OOVKRNOR. John Laitu '277,195 A. G. Olmsted 272 51G 4G79 AUDITOR OENF.RAL. Justus F. Temple 27G,G05 Harrison Allen ,521 4,034 SECRETARY OF INTERNAL AFFAIRS. William McCaudless 270,945 R. B. Death 272,310 4,025 The certificates required by law were made out and sigoed by the officers of the two Houses, and the Convention adjourned. Appletons American Cyclopedia that the revised, and elegantly illus trated edition of this work, now being published, a volume of 800 page once in two mouths, is the best Cyclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a completo one in itself. It ouly costs $3 a month to get it in leather binding. The best and ehespest library in the world. Hew Advertisemsnts. Aovei!t:sixo: Cheap. Goon, Systema tic. All persons who contemplate making contracts with newspapers for the insertion of advertisements, should scud L'.') cents to .5ro i. Jinwi ll ,V I. o.. 41 Tarl; R)v, Kcw Ycvk, for their PAMPHLET liOOK uini'ty-scventb. edition,) couiaining lists of over 2000 newspapers and estima tes, shovTin the cost Advertisements taken for leading papers in many States at n tci-nieiiduus l eduction from publishers rates. Get tue hook. v no 48 tf The Weekly Sun. A large eight page independent, honest tind feariess newspupcrj'if M broad columns, enpeoially designed for the farmer, the roe cbauic, the merchant and the Professional man, aaJ their wives ani children. We aim .to make the iVikclt S-'un the best titmily newspaper in the world. It is full of entertaining and instructive reauing of every sort, but prints nothing to oli'end tho tr.ost. scrupulous and delicaie taste. I'rioe $1.L'0 per year, posUge prepaid. The cheapest paper publis-hed. Try il' Address Tbe Kik, Iew York Ciiy. 1 , Court I'rocliimtiHou Whereas; The Hon. L. 1) Wetmorc Pressdcnt J udge and Hon Ciias Lulir and J V. llouk Associate Judges In ihe Courts of Oyer and Terminer aud General Jail Delivery, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans' Court aud Court ot Common Pleas tor tho County of Kik have issued theirprcsepts to me directed lor holdiug a Court oi Oyer aud Ter miner, General Jail delivery Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphan' Court and Court of Common Pit as in the Vil lage of P.idgway' on Monday tho 2uth iay oi Jauuary 1875, at I o'clock P. M. and to ontiuue one week. Notice is hereby given to the Corou ers, Justices ot tho 1 cace aud Consta bles within the County, tkat they be then and there in their proper ptrsous, at 2 o'clock P. M. of said day with their rolls, records, inquisitions, el iminations, aud other n-membcruiicts, to do those things which to their offices appertain to be done. Aud those who are bound by their recoguizauce to prosecute against tbem as will be jut. Pated at Ridgway January 14, 1675. and in the 98th year of the Indepen dence of tho United States of America 1). SCULL, Sheriff J'eyister's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that thefo'low. iug accounts have been filed in ruv otlice, aud will bo presented at the Orphan's Court of tlk Count f lor confirmation, on the fourth Moiiday of January next, beinjr the j . I. f 1. .. io-- Final aecouut of Catharine Shall, admin istratrix of Adam Shall, lute of Millstone Township, Elk county. Pa., deceased. Final account of E. W. Uixou and O. K- niusiuw, ajwinistrhiorj oi Elizabeth iViuslow, late of Penezette townsliip, Elk county, P., deceased. Partial account of E. II- I'ixon, nduiigl islraterof Churlrs Sheldrake's estate, late oi i.enezette township, Ell couuty, pa., ueueaseu. FRED. SCIRENINQ, Eegister. Ry virtuo of a writ of VEN FX issued out ot the Court of Com men Pleas! and to me ditectcd, I. will expose to public sale or publio vendne or out cry, at the Coutt House, in Ridgway, MONDAY, JANUARY 25, 1875, At G o'clock, p. M., the following real estate, to wit: All the right, title, in terest, claim and dsmand whatsoever of defendant in said writ bamed of, in, or out of all the following described tracts, pieces or parcels ot land, being in Jones township, Elk couuty, Pa., as follows: Warrant no JijUl z.SJ acres. Warrant No 2504, 232 acres. Warrant No. 2527, OH acres. Warrant No. 2553 850 acres. Warrant No. 2554. 527 acres Warrant No. 2564, 490 acres. Warrant No. 2fil0, 181 acies. Warrant No. 2791, 3971 acres Warrant No' 3214, 7D7J acres. Warrant No 3221, 704J7-10 aeres. Warrant Nn. 3222, 1053 acres. Wcrratit No. 3221, 45 acres Warrant No. 3290, 34 acres. Warrant No. 3291 2iG acres. .Varrant No. 3293, 183 acres. Warrant No. 3295, 292 acres Warraut No. 3290, 129 acres. Warrant No. 3143, 121 acres, Wsnant No. 3290, 80 acres Unoccupied and unimproved. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold us the property of The M'Keun and Elk Land and improvement Com pany, at the suit of Robert Patterson and William Hacker DANIEL SCULL, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office, j Ridgway, January 5, 1875 ) Jan 5-3t List cf Jurors. The following is the list of jurors drawn for fhe January term of court, 187o: till A NO Jl'HOFS. 1 2 John Johnson Btiezette Township "John Murray Io d Andrew Kaul ....Renzingcr Co Oeorge Gregory ... do do Francis C. Fritz ... do do Joseph Eniiiiett. Fox dj U. W Movers do ds Miirtin Ilirick dj do (leoige liillow do do Piitrick Dailey do do Joseph Ansingcr... do do Jacob L. Taylor... Horton do G. S. Ui'rcs do do Joseph Uhl Jay do Gcoi ,e Dill do do A. W. Gray do do I. eroy I.egell do do James Gardner do do M. M. ScliuUz ,Tone3 do II. C. Moore Mill.-tone do James Wi odwe.rJ ..Ridgway do D. S. Luther do do Charles Ilvtpnr St. Mary's Eoio igh. Michael M'Miilly... do do 'J 11Vt.tlSE jt iioits. R. 1!. Johmo'.i Evnezcite Town-hip. John VYiuuwright.. do do Nimon I! ot h roei; ... do Com ge II'.'uelicr...iJen?.';nger do WoU'guns Weigh'... do do JacuO Ycillmer do dj Leonard ltaucr rig do Uemge II. Ni.-Eel'.. do do Jaoofc Kreck'i' do do Joseph young do do I'uvid U. Kyler F o x do II. 1!. Moyer do do Jacob !o(ieroi co... do do James Whnriou do do F. J. Robinton do dn George tmigh do do Enos liny do do Sidney Aliny do do F. X. En?. do do James Campbell ... High hind do Xaverius Holic liorlon do William Mndigan... do do Abel Spniks do do James Phalen do do Jolin Tui ifv. Jr Jny do A. E. Guff. do do David Win-si -.-v lo do Joseph Iletsuicker.. Jones do Harrison Cats Mills! one do William Dunn do do W. H. Horton Ridgway dj 8. A. Hole do do Daniel M'Govern .. do do J. C. Law do do Charles I,. Coiy... do do L. W. Gitlord St. Mary's Borough, Joseph Wilbelui ... io do C. R. M'Gill do do Martin Pen-in Spring Creek Twp. D. G. M'Knall do do FOR, SALE BY E.K. GKES1I, Masonic Hall Building, I'iJgway, I's. VAN VLECK'S CE LEU RATED PA1ENT SPRING RED REST tempered steel Miring wire, these springs can bo laid on the slats of any common bed m d are COMPLETE IN THEMSELVES ! Aho sgetit for Weed Sewing Hacliine, Easient Jiunnitiff, Most Durable, aud BEST MAL'Iil.NE iu the im.iket. Call nui exa.uino l cfoicpuixhnsiug elsewhere. v4iK;i!i$, LJbT OF CAUSES. rj'HE following is the list of causrs net J down fcr trial it the Jnuuary tcim of court: CIVIL LIST. 1 The Spring F.un Coal Cempasy vs Thomas Joncr; ,o 10 Juuary tci ai, lbO'J. J. The School District f Fox vs John Myers et si.; Ko ol Jauuary term lb'u. Amhouy Wise vs J. A. IZtak; i 44 AuguM itrm 1673. 4 The Clarion lliver Nvirtio Com pany vs Hiram Caiictn; Mo Cii Auguct term 5 The CcD'.monwet'.th ef reucsylvania tire of J. A. liuakvsA. kaul; Xo wi Ju uary term 1874. 0 1'. W. Hats v Llias Mover; No 74 January term 16i4. 7 Alderftr & I'res'.oti vs Tht Bufi'ala N. V. & l. It. Csmpsay; $o 43 August leiiu 1S4. 8 Philip TV. Hys vs Elias Meyer; K14 A jiil term lti 4. 9 J. L. F.llin vb Sucbury Fire Insurance Cou pauy; No 21 April teiM lb, 4. 10 J. L. Eilis vs Th Columbia Insurance Cotupxiiy, of Luucttster, 1'.; Nj 2 April term lb 1 1. 11 Harmon & Coon vt II. W. My;Nu41 April term le4. 12 Lui. Gies vs Kuutgunda Sckoiitt; No. 12 August term lb4. 13 John Yaubrahant vs L. L- Tutzel et al.; t!0 August leim 1874. 14 M.V. Tyler vs L. jN. Urirgs; K S8 August tern 1&74. Iu JuKei Black vs The Beminger Coal and lieu Company; No 47 August term lb74. lb' S. A. Cluisttad vs The Township of Itoi ton; No 63 August, teiM 1874. 17 George Opdyke vs Frauois A. Loesch; So 70 August trim 1874. 18 D. E. Hewitt vs . II. Dixon; No 00 August term 1874.. l'J Martin Feily vs Andrew Kaul et al.; No 19 September term 1874 20 Daniel Senbner vs The Towaship of Bidfwjy; No 47 September term 1874. (4UOTA1ION1S or White, Powell L Co. BANKERS AND lUlOKEKd, No. 42 t'outh Third Street. Philadelphia, January 9th,187f, bid. Asitnn U. S. 1881. e IS 18 io 5 20, e 'U2. M snd N 14 14 4a de '04 do liij 10 do 4 'bo do 1 IK de do iu i and J I ijj l do de 'W7 de 1S lui do do '03 do lj lc; do 10-40, coupon 15 do Paoifio tt's cy Int. off 17i 18 New i's Keg. 1881 lj 12 do e. 1881 14 14 Gold 12 12 Silver I'i7 lO'.i PeiiUKylvania f,i Reading i'i 60 Philadelphia, & Erie 1HJ 10 J Lehigh Navigation Piv. off.. 0O 60 do Valley Oli bl United R K ef M J Ex. Div 1301 18' i Oil Creek 10 lUi Northern Cealrnl 841 81'' Central Traasporlatieu 40J 4()j Nesquelioning oo uo A k A Mortgage 'n ' 101 J 102 NEW I.IVE11Y STABLE 15 DAN SCR1RNEU WISHES TO IN form the Ciltscns of Ridgway, and the public generally, tkat he has darted a Liv ery Stable aad will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to lit upon the most reasona ble terms. lj5.I(e will also do job Stable ou Broad street, above Main. All orders left at the Post Otlice will aiect prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. Rfc.MiNoroN Si.winh Machines Fill E AltSIS, AND AgISICLLI LltAL 1m- plkm KNTS. The Remington Sewing Machine has sprung rapidly iiil favor as possessingthe bestj combination of poo.l qualities namely, light running smooth noiseless rapid and durable. It has a straight needle, perpendicular action, automatic drop-Iced, makes the Lock or Shuttle Stitch, which wiil nciihrr rip tur ravel, and is .alike cu both 6idcs. The Remington Sewing Machine litis received picmiums at many l-'iiis, throughout the United Stales, and w id, out cfibit ti;i.l:tl.e G.-in.d Medal ol Pro gress, the. big hot cider of medal that was awarded at the lata Vienna Exposi position. Tlis Remington Works ttlso manu facture the new Double Rarrelled i'rcecli Loading Shot pun snap und positive action, with patent j'liut check, a maivil of lenity, finish and chiupmss, M.d tbe celebrated Reui ingtoii II ids iidn ted by nine different governments, and renowned thioughout the world for military, limiting and target pui-joKS till kinds oi Pistols, Kitl-.'s, 'Janes, Mttalic Cut ridges, t c. Agricultural 1 mplcmciitti, Improved Mowing Machines, Steel Plows, Cultiva tors, HoJ Sen. i its, Patent Excavators, ilay Tedders, Cotton Gins, Iron IJndges, Ac. The undersigned has been appointed agent lor the sale and introduction ol the Remiiielon Sewing Machine iu aud for the counties ol Elk, Clearfield and Wairen. TIIOS, J. 13 UR KM, Depot sod i.lhce, St. Mary's. Pa. P. S. A gi-od local agent wanted. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wctmove. Additional Law Judge Iiou. Juo- P Viueoai . Associate Judges Chas. Luhr, J V llouk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hall. .Sl triil 1). C. Oyster. Pieia-.tiotn-y ft,, tied. Scho?ning. Treasurer Jotcpli VVindlelder. County Superintendent Kiilus Luccre. CuanuUsioners liobt. Campbell, .liuiiis Jones, Cice. Fd. Wois. Auuilors C. IV. limiclt, Thomas Irwin Tin. in .1.1 J. liui ke. ' County surveyor Geo Wilmslpy. Jury Comiaissi Miers. Phillip Kreigh r.aoncm T. Kyler. I.LF1IKXV VALI.UY KAIL I'.OAD LOW-CnADK bl VISION. On end after MONDAY, NOV. 21, 1P74, t ruins betviecu iiedbuuk and Driltwood wiii i tiu as lolls wu: WCSlWAFlt. FXPRF.&S and MAIL will leave Diift weud daily at 12::iUpi, lleycoldsville at a:20 p ai, liiooktdle at 4:0o p a;, urrivjng at lledbuuk al ii;12 p hi, counec ting with Lxpitts ou Mniu Line 1'or Pittsburgh. MIX KP WAY. leaves F.eyuoldsvilla daily at 0: -10 a ai, Bieokville at t;10 a in, arriv ing at lledbauk atlhj'Ja bi, connecting wnh traias aoi ih ami touih ou Main Lino. tHAUU, l-XPUKi'S ai:d .MAIL leaves liedbank daily at 12:20 a w. arrives at Lreokville .t 2:K4 p m, lie; aoldviil at S:20 p in, Drill woodai ti: 10 p i, connecting with trains eatt and west ea P m.d L Kuilromi. M1XLD WA i Waves w Deihie'w daily at tfiOi v m arrives at Ui ookvtllo at ii-.od p ia, Keyuo'.daviUeat 7:0 p tu. WAIN LINE On and after MONDAY, NOV 21, 1874, trains ou the Allegheuy Valley liailroitd will run as tallows; DITFALO EXPRESS will lenvo Pitts burgh daily at 7:45 am, Kculiauk Juuetiun at 1U:47 a m, aud arrive at Oil City at 2:4u pat. MtiHT EXPRESS will leave Oil city al t:05 p ui. liedbank Junction al'2:oo a m, and arriva at Pittsburgh at 7:20 a m TiTUSVILLE EXPULS6 leaves Pitti. burgh at 3:00 p ui, t edbauk Junction at 6:25 pB, aud arrives at Oil City at 10:20 p m. lleturuing, leuves Oil City at 0:30 a ai, Itedbauk Junction ut 12:11 an, aud ar rives at Pittsburgh at ii; 15 p w. J. J. LAW KLNCK, General huperiutendenl, Wm. 1. rntLLit, An'i huit., Bictlville, Pa. 11AILR0AD3. PENNSYLVANIA RAH, ROAD Philadelphia & Erie 11. It. Division. TYINTEt! T1MI'. TAIJLK. ON andafter MONDAY. NOV. Id, 1874, the trains on the Philadelphia A trie llailroad will run as follows : WKSTWAItn. FAST LINFlcaves PhiUdclphia..l2 A3 p. rn " " Keuovo H it) P 111 ' arr. at Emporium 1 -U'a m ' air. at Dullaio 9 00 a. iu EIIT3 MAIL loaves I'hiladelplna 11. 65 p,iu " " Itenovo... 11.10 a in " " Emporium 1.10 p ui " Si. Mary s 2.05 p iu " Itidgwiiy 2.3d p ni " arrive at 8.05 p m LASl'lYAIiD. FAgT LINK leaves Emporium... 8,55 p m lieuovo 10.40 p m " " air. it I hilndelphia 8.05 a m ERIK MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a ia " " ltidgway 4.45 p ui " ' " ISt. Mat y s 6.10 p ui " " " Euiponuui 0,05 p ni ' " " llennvo 8.25 p m " " arr. at 1 -kiladephiii... 0.50 am Mail East couuects cast uud west at Erie Willi L 3 M S U W. Mail Went with east and west trains no i. a &. m s n w WM. A. BALDWIN. Uea'l fcup't. "Wiutcr Arraugcment. BUFFALO, NEW 10UK t PHIL'A. R. E. TUK SHORTEST AM) MOST BlIttcT tlOUTB To VVii'iianisport, Suubury, llarribburg Philadelphia, Raltimore, Wash ington and tbe South. On and after N0VMBM ;16, 1874. and uuiil further aotiee. trains will leave Buffalo New York x l'hiladclpliin Railway Depot, coruer Exchange aud Loitisinua. streets iButialo '.iuie); as f.illows: 7 40 A. M. ACCOMMODATION fdaily except Suuduys). stepping at Kbcuezer 8 04. Spi'iiigliruok 14. Eliun H 20, Jamison 8 25, Aurora 8 3 1, Wales !5 44, Holland 8 55; I-retention S 05, A rondo V 20, Yorkshire 0 27, iViHchias 0 o7, Franklinvtlle 8 55, Isliu.i 10 15, Hinsduie 10 81, Erie itailway Junction 10 45, Oieaa 10 4'J, Westons 10 60. PortviUe 1105, fstnte Line 11 12, Eldred 1125, l.aiabees 1134, Sartwell 1140, Tuitle Poiut 1 1 45, Vwi Allegmy 1168, Libeity 12 17, P. AI., Keating 12 2-3, Ship, pen 12 4:J, Empuriuin 1 00, P. M. Stages are advertised to oonnect with this truiu at Eium for Maiilla; at Arcade fur Yorkshire; at. I'rankliuville for lluah lord mid Ccutreville; at l'ortville i'er Cere-!, Iticlihiiig, Lutle Genessco, Boliver, iuill purl and Sharon Centre, at Lurabces for Snictliport; at Port Allegany for Coudera. purl; ut Kca'.in, iuesdays and Fridays for WUiirtoii, East hariou mid Exat Homer b :w A. 1. M1XLD TRAIN io OLIiAN (daily except Sundays). Hopping at Ebeu tzer 0 o5, Spiiuglirouk 10 tu", l.liuu 10 "23, Jamison 10 44, Aurora 11 05, Wales 11 82 Holland 11 65, Protection 12 14 P. M , Ar cad 12 48, iorkshiie 1 Oi, Machias 1 20, t'l-ankliiiville 2 05, Ucliu 25 0, Hinsdale 3 21, Erie Railway Junction 4 00 P. M, Stages are ailvtiiiscd to connect with this train at A.-cude lor Yorkthire ur.d Bushluid; nt Fiaukliuvillo for liashfurd. a Oil P. M. WASHINUIUN EXPRESS, (, stopping at Ebenezer 3 22, Spring! b.ook 1 lilt Eltua 3 U, Jamison 8 4U, Auro ra ii 40, W ales U 58, iloliaud 4 0a, Protcc lioa 4 15, Arcade 4 20, York ehire 4 30, Machi.t) 4 45, Franhlivillo 6 00, Ischun 5 17, Hiusdale 6 30, Erie Railway .lunctioii 5 45. Oleau G 05 (Supper), Woa tuiis ii 15, Poitville ti 22, Slate Line i 30, Eldred U 42, Lurabces 0 53, Sartwell ti 5! lurtle Point 7 02, Port Allegnnjr 7 14', Keating 7 42, Emporium 8 15, Henovo 10 40, Williati.ppovt 1 10 A. M., Sutibuvy 2 60, Iiiirrii-biii, 4 20, New York 11 A. M., l'liiladelphi;i S 06, Baltimore 7 46, Washing ton 0 07 A. M. tinges are advertised to connect with this i ruin at Elma, for Marilla; at Eust Au rora, on luetdays, inursdaya and Sutuf unys, tor Java V tllsiyo, Strykersville, Wales uud Wales liidluw; at Arcade for Spriuu- vitle, fcuiiut,.:. a,v and Yorkshire. l'uiniau Sleeping CarB on this train from liutialo to iialiiiuoro and Wash inirluu wi.hout cIkuil-r. Phil..,! ji,.i,: ..,o sengeis transfer at llarichurg, New York pas.-engers at Harrisburg. On Sunday tins trum doe not run east of Olean. TUAJXSLEAVE EMPORIUM. 2 30 A. M.. BUFFALO EXPRESS (daily) stopping ut Shippcn 2 60, Keating 3 16, Liberty 3 20, Port Allegany 3 62, lurtle f oiul 4 10, tart well 4 lti, Lnrabees 4 22, l-'.ldi cd 4 35, t-mte Lint- 4 62, l'ortville 6 03, Westons u 10, Oiean 6 00, Erie itailway Junction 0 05, Hinsdale 0 20, lechua G 3o, KrauMinviUe 0 64, MacluasT 10, Yorkshire) 7 IS, Arcade 7 20, Promotion 7 40, Holland 7 4o, Wales 7 5'.l, Aurora 8 10. Jamison 8 10, Elma H 20, Spriuj. brock 8 20, ibtn eitr S 30, Luiialo 0 00 A. M. . '1 hia train makes direct connections for Niagara Falls, und all points iu Canada aud t tie Wett. Stages arc advertised to connect' wiih this train at Arcade from S'pringvillo, fcjau dutky and voikshire; at East Aurora, ou Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays from Java, fcirykeisville, Wales und Wales Hol low; at Elma from Marilla. On .Mondays this truiu does net ran ea:t of Olein. 0 t d A. M., LOCAL PASSENGER Am FREIGHT duily except fcunJuys.) "etopp ing at tihippeiiU 40. Ktaliug 7 36, Liberiy 7 40, Port Allegany S 40, Turtle Pcit.t ' 13, Bart well, 0 25, Lurnbees 0 40, Eldred iOOO, State Line 10 33, PortviUe 11 05, Wtslons 11 20. Olean 11 88, Erie Railway Will- J mit t l.iti 11 4 t I i 1-) 1 i m 1 rankliuvillo 2 05, Holland 4 05, Auaora 4 44, Juuciioti B 00 P. M. Siaget sio advertised to cunnect witii this train at l'ortville .Voru Ceres, Hich Lu:g, Liitie Ginttte, Boliver, jLiiJport aud Sua. ru Centre. 2 00 P. At., ACCOMMODATION (daily except Sundays), stopping at Miippen 2 14, Keating 2 33, Liberty 2 41, Port Al-R-tauy ii CO, 'iurile Point o 13, Sartwell 3 IS, Luiabees 3 25, EUred 3 81, Stie LineS 45, iortviile 3 53, V. eotous 3 60, Olean 4 08, Erie Railway Junction 4 13 Hinsdale 4 28, J-chu:v4 41. Franklinville i 00, Machine 6 25. Yorkshire 5 30, Arcade 5 50, Proteotiou 10, Holland 6 22, I ales 0 33, Auroit 0 40, Jumison 0 54, Elma 6 60 Spiingbrotk 7 04, Ebencjer 7 15, Builalo 7 4u P. M. fc-tages are advertised to connect with Ihis train at Keating from Wharton, Fust Homer Rud East Wnurtou on Tuesdays aud fr.dajijat iort Alieg:niy from touders port; at I.arabees from tineiiiporf at Franklinville from Rushford and Centre, ville; at Arcade from ftushford and York shire. TRAIN LEAVES OLEAK: 6 15 A. M LOvAL PASSENGER AND FREIGHT, daily except 6undays, stoppine at Hinedale 0 47, Ischua7 18, FrauLliuviUe 80 0, ft.achias 8 34, Yorkshire 8 53, Arcade 0 20, Pru'eotionO 64, Holland 10 13, Wales 1? v?' cAurova 10 1,5 Jison 11 21 Elma H. C. FISK, t Gen'l Mauarrer. J. D YEOMANS, 11. L. LYMAN. Geu 1 Sup t. Gen'l Pass'r Ag'l In London tha fcih-level sewer is carried tor a dieiauue pf two miles un der houses and other private proterty thirty feet below the surface. '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers