It V Demit A. I'arsoss, J a. - - KJitor THURSDAY, JANUARY 2:, 18.5. Tbo following articla from tho Erie Dispatch in relation (o TrcsiJcntial elcolions, we think very pcnsib'e, anil to tlio point. Nothing, we have seen cm boJies our sentiments better: Tho proposed amendment to the national constitution framed by tha Committee on Privileges and lilcctions aad in ton -tied to provide for tho election of Presi dent and Vice President IJ a diract popular vote, is not brought forward a day too soon aorshculi its discussion and adoption bo postponed by any con sideration whatever. It has been the good fortune of the Republic to escape, thus far, tho evils whiuli tin Electoral System embodies, but the story of some of the hot and violent election strujles ol the past ought to warn us that, we are not safe till every possibility of carrying our most important election by trickery, and contrary to tho popular will has been forever removed. Tho fiu!t ol the Election- plan is that it throws tho entire vote of every state into tho scale iu favor of a einslula te who may perhaps have but n bare ma jority of supporters in that State or who may be able to secure a greater or lei-s majority by fraud, while his opponent is the real choice of the peopla. It h:u frequently happened that the Electoral vote of one of the large states has du ' cided the Presidential contest, and the fait that the chief nuislrute's chair is at the mercy of tho gan of bail"t-stnf-i'ers who may chance to be ahead in one state by ever go small a majority makes us; fearful of any furthor reliance en the plan of choosing the President by Elec tors. The celebrated election of 1344 was nUvays claimed as a fraudulent one by Whigs, whose candidate, IleDry Clay, was defeated by IVilc by a majority of 0,000 votes in the stat of New York. Had Clay received the Electoral vote ol Xew York ho would have been de clared President and there was obuud ant evidence to show that, in r.ct, that state as carried by tho Democrats only by a proline distribution of fraudu lent ballots throughout the several counties and by the most barefaced re peating on the part of tho iaukand file. The proposed Constitutional Amend ment provides that the President and Vice Presiueut shall be elected by a direct vote of the people in each Con gressional District of the Uuion, which wou'd largely deerea-io if not utterly do 'n; w UL 'the" chalices ot coHTIolTrnj; the election by fraud. One vote is giv en to each District and the candidate who carries the majority f Districts in each state secures two votes from the state at lare. If tlte state is 'j equally divided each candidate takes one vote from tho state at largj and a majority of all tho votes elects. The plan is simple, clear in all its workings and un objectionable in evcy way. If some method of this kind is not adopted we tuay expert sariou-i complications at every recurriug election which will some time be aggravated to a deter mined appeal to arms by a disappointed candidate aud his pariisins. The country cannot afford that such dis graceful scenes as are uow convulsing Louisiana should ever follow the occur rence of a national election and bo re enacted in all the States of the Union. Lumber Traia, It is stated iu a memorial preseuted U Congress by the lumber dealers of Cue United States that the sum of 144.. 000,000 is invested in- this' industry with an annual produttion of 210,000, 000, afTordiag employment to 200,000 moo. It is also declared in tha evna pi per that bis states produce more than La'if the largo amouut named, viz; New York, Maine, Pcnnsylvun'a, Michi. gan, JJiunesota, and Wisconsin. The ag gregate amouut of their production is $112,949,237. Pennsylvania rauks firt, with an annual production of S28,iU53, 985. New York standfsecond, producing timber to tho amount of $2l,23S,23S giving employment to 15,400 men. The amount of pine and hemlock tim ber yet standing in the forests of the timber States is estimated at 225,000, 000,000 feet. Besides this, Canada aad California have each 100,000.000 feet thus nearly doubling the aggregate total of timber no (he North American continent. This is a feeruinly inex haustible amount of timber from which to draw ia the future. Dut statistic show that if the present rate of destroy, iog timber is continued for a fifth of a century the supply will be so limited as to be seriously felt in the markets of this tountry. All the timber States should take steps to protect this source of wealth froaa heedless spoliation. ReynoMuille Herald. The silver and gold ore veins from Newbury port Mass., mine, bare lien traced 15 miles into New Hampshire. NEWS. The lion. Garnet MoMHnn, member of Congress-elect from Georgia, is dead. The Maino Democratic' legislative caucus nominated JoIid C. Talbot for Uaitcd States Senator. Charles A. Stevens, Pepuhlicnn has been elected to Conresin the Tenth Mas?ashuet!s District to fill the unex pired term of the lulo Alvah Crocker. Richmond, Va., January 15. The House of Delegates pas-ted joint resolu tions denouncing the interference of the United States officials in the affairs ol Louisiana. Robert Edmonds, tho founder and owner of tho packet line on the .Tamos river and Kanawha canal, died in Rich mond Va. 15 inst.. aed 07 ycHis. Iln was a native ol Vermont, and bad been a resident of Richmond over forty years. Sprioj:deld, Ills, January 15. At tho Convention of Miners' Associations yesterday delegates were present repre senting twenty thousaud miners. A resolution was adopted lavoriug arbitra tion nud denouiiciog strikes. Cincinnati, January 15. The city nfScers yesterday cnminenoed wmk breaking up the traffic and nwucrshi p ot Dadaii children. A number ol ar rests were made. The children will be sent to the House of Refuse and the owners tried for brutal treatment. John Fly mi, who convicted a few days 20 in Suubnry, Pa., of murder iu the second degree, escaped from jail on FriJay night with u'uother convict, whom he 'orcfd to bum a hole through (he cell door, and then pick the lock. Fly on keeping guard with a revolver. President Grant has received four let ters from Democratic sources threaten ing him with assassination. Saturday morning's Xationnl U pullinn s;iy that one of thio would-be nsnassins warns the President to make his pe;ce with God, as lie will surely meet the deserved fate of Abraham Lincoln. Pittsburgh, Jan. 12. A fire at Mon terey Station, near Parker's City, to night destroyed the railroad depot, a two-story dwelling house and livery sta ble. Tho fire originated in the depot and is supposed to have caught by a defective flue. Loss not ascertained, but probably 820,000. The deputy constable appointed to look after tho children employed in the lactones in this State has presented his report to the Governor. lie declares thut in Massachusetts tiiuic nre (i(!,00'J children growing up in ignorance, in consequence of their employment sit too early an ego, and too czchiMvely iu fac to; ies. Jersey City, January 14 At shaft number five of the Dc-lawaro'atid Lacka watia tunnel, where three men were re cently kilied by the falling of a bucket, an explosion of rend rock powder occur red early this morning, requiting in in juring C. Cooper, Patrick Hale aud Michael Donnelly. The men are se verely wouudtd aud will be crippled or blinded lor lite. The trial of a notorious counterfeiter, Tom lialijrd, is to begin at Albany ou the l'Jtli iimt. Atier his conviction, whiiVt irom tlic orcrwltcltijiug evideucc ugaiusi hiiu is a foregone eouclusiou, it is possible thut the government may suspend punishment to give a chance o! showing il he can substantia; his asser tion thiii lie pusaesses ttie secret ot manufacturing bank notes that cauuot be counterfeited, Stroudshurg, Pa., January 13. The case ot the liens ot Mouive Snyder uguinct the Peuu.-jlvaniu Mutual Lile lusuiauce Company to recover tho lace ot a life policy, paymeut of which was relumed on the grjut,u that deceased hud committed fuioido with iuteut to defraud, was Closed to-day with a vcr uict lor the pljiutith fur 10,45'J. Motion wiil be argued lor a utw tiul ui Mauth Cliuuk, ou the lit ot February. Gold has been fouiid n?ur Peter borough, N. 11. Average samples ol the veiu produced at the rate ol over 20 per ton assayed by workLig process. A company has been formed in Doston to work this miue, with u cipitul ol $50. 000, all paid iu. A tweuiy-s-tauip mill, with Rue's electiu amalgamating process, has beeu ordered iu this city, aud is to be m nuibiug order at the mine ou tho 1st of Lii'XC Apiil. Washington, Jan. 13 The Secre tary ol tho Treasury estimates the ap propriations required-to supply detioitii cilb lor the service ot the Usual year i-ndiug June oO, 175, and prior years; Siute Dcpartmeut, 2ci,7ti4; Treasury, 6204,707; War, 11S,707; xMuvy, fclo, o'7; Interior, $171, odti; total 892, UjI. the Secretary of the Interior asks a deficiency appropriation of i;5O,U0O lur the so-.ienaucu and support ol the Chevcuue, Arapahoe, Apache, Kiowa, Couiaucue, loliita Iudiaus in the iu diau Tcriitory. Westchester, Pa., Jan. 11. Tho Government paper mills on the West chester aud Philadelphia Railroad, tour miles irom here, were plu3ed under charge ot a Government uieplive ou Saturday last. Yesterday lilty-eight ladies liem the Treasury Department anivedat the mill aud will at onoc pro ctcd to lake au account of ttie stock on hand, it is alleged ihat borne ot the paper bus been fouud iu the possession ol parties who inteud using it lor no hooet purpose. About 100 iheets were obtaiued iu porno manor uukuowu by a p;ounueut member of Congress, who immediately leported the case to the Secieiary ot the Treasury, hence this examination, the result ol which uone can surmise. The' affair is kept entirely quiet, the p.rty hern claiming that liiey are makiug ibe uuual yeaiiy count, but as it is only a tew weeks ao thut the count was uudi, and cousiuei ing the fact that the paiiy leit Washing ton on Sunday night, (heir depanuie us well as their mission bemg kept a pio louud secret outside o! ihu Treasury Department, aud the taiirrc to uotity tho superinteudeot of the mills ot their intended couiug, tend to strengthen the statement (hut something is wrong. nWTrmnn mnr- Eiuiiia N. Y., Jan. 15. The body of the murdered man found near Sheshequin, Pa., and supposed to be that of a drover, hits been identified as that o'f Alvin Lewis, a hadi'jg business man of Darly, Pa. The sccoud inquest failed to throw uny light on the manner ol his death. The body was buried iti the Sheshequin Cemetery. The d ij afterward parties Irom Darly appeared and asked that the remains be disinter red, as they believed they were those ol Mr. Lewis which they proved to bo. He left home three weeks aj:o on busi ness and had with him between $3,000 and 54,000. Renewed efforts will be made to find some clue to the murder Great alarm ixists am. ng th5 people of tho mining towns in this State owing to the turbulent disposition ol the miners now on Htrike. More than tweuty thous;ud men are pennilo ami idle, with ntarviition staring thorn in the lace. At a minors' meeting on Thurs day, a rcsolutiou was passed calling ou (he men to aim and help themselves lo bread. nlmlis;ra:rlxs Notice. Eistate of Clark A. Wilcox, lato ff llortnn township, Elk County, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to nuke immediate payuieat, and i huso having legal elainis against the sumo will present them without de lay iu proper order, tor Sfcttlemeut, to tAUAti v . v ija. Administratrix. Or her Attorneys, Messrs. Hall & M'Caulej. Ridijway, Pa.. Jan. 5, 1S7" j inO-Gt THE, COMPANY'S 172 "vV PUBLICATIONS. sou) oxl y r, r s enst iuvti os. THE ALPINE; THE ART JOURNAL Ol AMERICA. This splendid enterprise is not only well sustained in every feature, hut is bciiijc coiiMnnlly developed and impioveil. li to tl.iv stands without r rivnl in the whole world of periodical liteniiure. Tuo beauti ful dui;-Tortrait, ''.Man's Friend," a cliroino presented to ev. ry sul)scr;ber, is a decided liil, mil v.ill, if'possihle, add to the pcpulai'ily winch this work tins g'lined. The Aht Ikio.n teatiiro also promises crcai and heniiioent results, in mooning puldio inteicst in the tine ni ls. Circulars nud lull information on application. Tarts I, II, III, aud IV nre now ready. SUTTON'S . Leisure-Hour lliscsllany. To be completed iu 40 pails issued for nijrily. Each part will contain nn elegnnt frontis piece, originally engraved en steel fur the Loudon Art Journal. REPF at n pvicc within the popular reach, en )!i nvins never hcloro offered at Icsn tiiiin five thin 4 ItiH nniount. These plates have been the ettraction of The London Art Journal, Each pnrt will coiilnin 'JO qunris pnjres invltn'fin llic rlcpnut iron t Ispicce, ull HeuVV pi ii tc paper. A suptrh t it 1c pnge, richly illuinin.ited in red and cold, will be given willi the fiist part, and the printing if the enure work will he it worthy representa tion of "Tho Aldiue Press" which is n ffiinrantee of something bco titit'ul aud val. unMe. At a Cost of 25 Cents a Fart Turls I, If. nnd HI are Just Tubl'shed. the .h:t jorn.r.fA Complete in 1-monthly parts, ttflcnc) lUproduc'.ng the best full pnge illustra tions from the earlier volumes of The Aldine. Eneh monthly pu t will contain six "u- rierVi plutes with necqmnanvim; descriptive mutter, and '.vlo thei' lor binding or framing wiil be entii-iMv beyond competition in price or nit iHiic clmiaeter. Every impres sion will be inos-t carefully tnkiu on the hnest toned paper, mi I nipun will he spared to ilni Hie richest production of a press which has won, in n mnrvelously short lime, a world-wi-lu repntatiot!. GSliTSS FXt&JI TtXV SLVSA'X: Especially assorted for Ccrnp B:,ok Illustretioni and Drawing I'mss Copies. A lnrgc collection of pictures of difi'erent sizes and on almctt every conceivubla sub j vet have been put cp iu nn bi tractive en velope, uml nre now ottered ai a price in tended to ninko Iheiu ptpular in every i-ens-e- Lnvelnpe No. I, conlniuing CO benutiful engravings, is now ready, and will be scut postage paid, to uny address for UNK 1)UI.- LAK. A liberal d.scount to ngcnts and teachers. SCRAP I5QOKS. A splendid assortment of SCRAP BOOKS iltivebsen expressly prepared tor the hull hay season, and no present of more perma neut interest can be selected for gentleman or holy, old or y vung. No. 1. Half hound, cloth sides, gilt back 2-)0 pp. Uxlli inches 00 No. 2. H:i!f bnuud, clo'h sides, giit ba;k, 5HO pp. lxlU inches 7 00 No. 3. Full morocco, beveled hoards gill and antique, very rich 000 pp 12 00 Lettered to order iu gold at 2o cents each 1 1 ti s. fent by mail post pa'd su receipt of the price. THE ALDINE l'AHc-E TAniOUTS. In coniplinuce wiili repented reciueslp, llio publibhers of inn Alium l.uve i re pared iu'pressions of tunny of their most beautiful piaies lor pas.-e partoiil lriimmg. lliecutsure mounted on a beautifully tinted azure oiut, Willi a linudsjmo red bor dor line. Tonttncli the g'as.', it is only left for the customer to pnste and fold over an already at tnehed border and this may be duue by a chihl. 27 subjects, 12x12 inches, 25o.; w glass, 50c. Six of this size for $1 w hen selection is ett lo the pubitslicrs. C kubjects, 10xl2A inches, 0o., with tmss, 4o3. 7 subjects, C'xSJ inches. loc, with glass, 40c. 12 subjects, 14x19 inches, 50 .; wilb glasn, Cent by Bail, without glass, postpaid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTED THE .f C OWi" 5SMuiU n Lane, eiv 1'erk. WoUtlJ. LIST of petitions for Licenses filed for January Terai. 1876: TAVIB. 1 O. L. Winslow r.enzette 2 F- X. iSorg Llenzingtr t Jnlm Callins Fox 7 II- B. hotis... ...Hortcn 4 Oenrge Mil Jay t Williaw II. Sohram Ridgway 6 It ilejr Bras Kidgway 7 Artun Fachtmann. St. Mary's Horn. 8 Elizabeth Vogel " Jotrph F. Windfelder ... " 10 Joieph Windfeldar 11 William Zrlt ' 12 Audrew Rngan " 13 Janes Rogan " 14 Jehn Wachlel & Son...... " 15 Thomas Valeatixe. " 10 it. II. Morrison XATIXQ HOLM. 17 John Daley Ceaezette 18 Andrew Ilnu Fox IV Jaa:s M'Oiunis Uidgway iO EH Euer " 'JU William Oies St. Vlarr'aBoro 21 Buraey Wesnitzer " . ABtiiony cliauers " ; Jacb Kraua " S4 G. O. Messenger Ridgway 25 L. B. Cook ..St. Mavy'a Boro 20 Jonepli Wiibciwi " FEED. SC1KENINQ, Ciirk Q. 8. THE LEST PAPER, Try IL POSTAGE FHEK. BEALTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. The SCIENTIFIC AMEItlCVN n.w in its Uo li year, enjoys the wioeal circulation or any uewspatier f tha kind in I lie warld K new volume cuainieuces January 4th, Jb,o. Its cantenls embrace tha latest and most lutciesting inf'oriaation pertnining to the Industrial, Mechuiiioal, atd Keiaatifia Pro gress of the World; Description-!, wuh lieaittifiil Etiprnvin;;', of New Inventions, New ImpieiuiUts, Now I'roceasea. nnd Ini proved Industries of all kinds; Useful Notes ltecipes, t-nirgi'stiutu and Advice, by l rau Ucal Wrilera, for rVoikuieu uud Employers, in ail the varum arts. The SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN is the cheapeil. and best illustrated necaly puperx piiblishcl. Lvery r.umher contains trom to to lo original enigravins ol new ma. chineiy and novel invent itna. t.Ntiii A lNCSt, illuatrating Improve menu. Discoveries, and impomiiil Works, pertaining to civil and Mecliuincul tniriu ct-riti;, Milling, Mining and Mctallur;y, KccoiUs ot the latest progress in the up plications of Menin, Meum EnginerriiiK; liiiilwiys, Sliip-liuildinK, Nuvigaiion, le.e (.rapliy, TelcginpU Engineering, Electriuily Mat;iielsin, uigm uni Heat FAIiMEtlS, Much.iuics, Engineers, In venters, Hunufiiciui'frs. Clieimsts, Lovera of Science, Te.ioliers, Clergyinen, Lawyers and People of all I'l olessioui, will find the MMiNTiiie Amk.iucan useful to them. U simuid buvj a pl ice iu evary Family Library, bludy.OHice, and Couniiug t'.ooui in every bending Uoom, College, Acudcuiy, or School. A year's ninibers conlaia S32 pages and bKVL;iL UlNlHUO 1..S0..A Vl.llj. llious- auds of volumes are prcsirv:d fur binjing MBd reference. The practical receipts are wed worth teu the suoscriptiuii prt-je J erms &-!.20n v 1'V n.ail. uicludiu pos- tnLe. Discuuut to clubs, irpeoinl cucu lars and .pFcimi us Eeut Ire. May be had of all N ewa Deu lei s. "O i fit I ? TVT fSO I" conneu I I Fill 1 11 lion with the trcieuiiuc Aiiieiiuau, Alcsar. Munu Co. are Soliciioia of Ameri jau and Foreign t'nluuis, and have the lur.edl eslabtiahui . in the wnrld. More 1I1.111 fifiy thousaud ij jilicii: iiiii-) loive been made lor patents through their jgeucy. Patents aie ol mined on the best tarmi. Models of New invention's and sketches ex. uuiued and advice free. A special notice is luaile in the Scientific .Vu.ei icuu of all inveulious l'alentid through ibis Agency, with I lie name and ivaioeace 01 the 1 a. en tee. l'uicnt.4 arc oiten sold in part or whole, 10 persons attracted 10 ihe i'lvcution l.y nidi i.olice. bend for 1'nnipMet, 110 p-iges, coutniiiiiig laws aud lull duectioi.s lor obtaining 1'ntcnis Address lcr the Paper, or concerning Patents, All Nil CO,, 117 Park Mow, . V. branch Olnce, cov. F auj Tilt 6ts , Washington, D. C. THE SUN DAILY AND WEEKLY FOlt 1875. The nppronch of ill Presidential elec tion gives onii.-U'il in. ni tn.lcc to Ihe events nnd developinenn ot llTS. Vio shall en deavor to ucscrioe them fully, faithfully, and fenrlessW. THE Vt ELKLY PUN has now attiined a eirculatiim of over .-eveety thousand copies lis renders art found in every Mate and Territory, and Us ipialoy is well kiiuwn to the 1 ubliu. VtesknU nut only endeavor 10 keep il lolly up lo the old Simula) d, but lo improve at d aud 10 iis variety uuJ power. THE Ut.l.KI.V sl'N' aill continue to be a thorough i.ewspaper. All the news of the (iiiy wiil be found in it, condensed when nuiuipuriniit, at full lengil- when of mo luebt, aud always, we trust, rented ia a clear, iiilerisiing nnd im.lruclivc luainirr. it is our aim 10 milk the ntllKY L'N Ihe bosi liimiiy i:wsiapi r in the world. It will be lull of entertaining and np;io prinio re idmg of every aort, but wiil print LolLing 10 ohciid the most -crupiiloiis and deiicu.e Inste. li will always coiilain I110 mutt, interesting stories. and romances of ihe di'y, curc.ully Eclccitd and legibly printed. The Agricultural Department is a promi ntnt feature in Ihe Wi l l. Li MN und its uilicK-s will always be tound fresh and use lul 10 the lmiiu-r. The number of men independent in pnli tice is increasing, and the H EEkLY tLN is llieir paper especially, it beluiigs lo no party, and obeys no dictation, conieiidnig lor principle, and for the tiectiuu of ihe bett men. It exposes the corruption Uml ditruces the country aud threatens 'be oveilhrow of republican in.smuiiuus. It fas no Hur of knaves, and seeks no favors from their supporters. Tiie markcih uf every kind and Ihe fash ions are regularly repelled iu iis columns. The price of ihe WEfcKLY i-VN is one dollar a y ei.r fir a sheets of eight pages and tiliy-six columns, s this barely pays ihe expenses of paper and priming, we are not ab.e 10 make any discount or ullow any prvibiuiLs lo li iends who may n.uUe special cQoris lo exleud its circuhniou. Caller ilua aew h.w. which reunites pavneul ot postage in advance, one dollar a y ear, witn twenty cents tho cusl ot prepaid pesuge is the rule of subscription, it is uoi neces sary lo get up a ciuh iu oldei lo h.ivo the Wi ElvLV bL'N at this rate. Anyone who sends one dollar aud taeuiy cents will get the paper, postpaid, lor a year. We have no traveling aem. THE WEEKLY hL'N. tight pages, fifty six columns. Only il 2d a year, postage prepaid; No discounts irom this rate. THE DAILY hUN-z-AUrge lour page newspaper of twenty-eight culuiuus. Daily oirculuiiaa over $120,000. All ihe news for 2 cents, (subscription, postage prepaid, io cents a month, or Jo 60 a year. To clubs of 10 or over, ft discount of 20 pet cent. Address, "XHS SW," Kw York City. aM.w'".'."-'1'w"';,tr,'. M J & KIME. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that ttej world moves, and that the demands ef the public are con stnntly inereasint, the proprietors of the (Grand Ojcntpl gtttp iiave jutl returned frow tie eastern and western citie.i witli the wost perlcct auu complete Btotk of MERCHANDISE of r.vEHY i;E?crjrno:;. Yeu cannot ASK TOR ANYTHING they lo not keep, asd tbey Law absolutely BROKEN' TI1K BACKBONE of liiyli prices, Thej buy for cash and SELL FOI! CASH! l!EAl'E!i THAN THE CHEAPEST ! Rid-way, May 1st, 1873. JpilYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS. A prominent New York physician lately com laimd lo Ouiiilas Dick, about uisad dnlwood Oil Capsulas, suiting that some times they cured miraculously ; but that a p'ltieut of his bud taken them for sometime ttitliout eBc-ct. On beiii informed that several imitations were made and sold, he inquired aud found that bis patieut had been taking enpsuh; tsold in bottles, and not DUNDAS DICK & CO'si. W hat happened to this physiei in may have happened to others, and DEN DAS DICK t CO., lake this method of protecting '-Oil ol Sandalwood" from litis) disrepute. PHYSICIAN'S who once prescribe the Capsulas will CO.VJ'IME TO DO SO. for ihey contain Ihe PL'bE OIL in the DEsf AND CHEAPEST form. OIL OF SANDLEWOOD is fact super seding every oilier remedy, sixty Cspsules ONLY' beiug lo insure a rate and certain cure iu six or eight days. From no oilier medic'ne can ibis result be bad. Diet's Sorr .'Ai'srti:s solve the prob P.m long considered by many eminent phy sicians, of how to avoid the nausea and dis gust experienced ia swallowing, which are well known 10 detract from, if not destroy, the good I'tltois of many valuable remedies tioll Capsules aie put up in tin-foil ami neat boxes, thirty in each, aud are the only capsules prescribed by Physicians. KJ.TI.ESE WERE THE ONLY CAP Sl'LES ADMITTED XO XUE LAST PARIS EXPOSITION. Send for Circular to to Wooster St., N. Y't SOLD AT ALL 5T02ZS. General Agency, 110 Keade Street, N. Y ft M I W 123 Lciisiloa ATenn Cot E. 23c'A St., KEW YORK, ia Indspcndcnt Physician, TREATS ALL FORMS OF ' CHE0NI0 DISEASE, AND HECrJIVE3 Letters from all parts oj the Civilized World. BY HIS ORICIHAl WAT Of HE IB TREATING ETnmerotis ratientj in Europe, tho Test Indies, tha Dominion of Canada, and in every Etate of tha Union. ADVICE GIVEN BY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE!. Ko mw nr!l tnedtolnOT or dcletorloui drturri tiwd. Hut liirin(f tbt past twenty ynr treatr-l iiKWcitS fui!y nrly or quit 40,to6 carves. All fact con nected with ach ca am carrfully rtcorled. hthr thej be conmunlratcd by letter or in pron, or obrvd by the Doctor or titn anociata physiciaiia. Tbt latter aro all aoienliUo inodical men. All Invallda at a distance arc required to answer n extended lint nt pluin quctin, which will bt ftirtiithed by mail frt'e, or at tli offlfe. A com plete nyrteut of reeNterinB prcventB mintuke or ('onfuelon. Cane bork never consulted, except by the phj-sieUni of tlit esUblihmrnt. For free oonmiltation eer.d tar of qnoMfUmft, A fixty p4(?e pamphlet of evidoncei of succese tent fiee albo. AddretB Dr. IS. I?. F'OOTE, K2f 78S, Now York AGENTS VVAfJTED. T)n. T"ootk n the author of " Mi:mrr. Coif lioN 8:NMK,, a lo"k ttat n-arhed a rirculBtion of over ciipiee; alo, of Vims IIomb Talb, more reciifiy pi blished, winch ha old to Ihe extent of 70,'JiO ccpies ; o1o, of 'Rciencb IN SroBT," wbtcb i now being publi-lied in series. VOKTKNTB TARLKB of all, excepting the flr't-meiiiionud work (which Ib out of print), will be int free on application to either Dr. Fooir, or tho Hurray Hill Putl'ih Ing C:apay, wbow office is IVII Kht ;h Street. Aiteute bith men and wc-men wantci to icll Ibe foregoing works, to whom a liberal rofit will be allowe-I. The bcginniiBn of Kmaii fortnnet havo been made in Helling Dr. Footk'b populnr worki. "Plain IIohk Talk" Ib particu:arly adapted to adult, and " Bvtt.xr in fiionv" ii jnt th thing for the young. Suid for eContents tt.uie and see for ynurwlvr. The former answere a multitude of qiirition wlitth !odnB end cenllo men ferl a delicacy ;ibo:it nuking of their rdiyicians. There ia nothing in litcratnm at all li'ie cither f the foregoing works. "SciKXrr m Story" oan only be had of agents or of tho PuuitAQert. ' PLAIN IU MS TALK Is publlntied Iu both tbt English und (Jermao hancuacej. Ouce more, ADDrtES9 A3 ABOVE. jer's Cathartic Piil5 Ttr " r'!;.r and cure "tf-in- vf rl"'l',,i it HI- n h. li r, b -., , r a ittil'l -t JCfyii-' Vl- i'v.r, vv !p, Kiev 'fmijn v (';'-1 el hitver. li r:.'.i-:i: 'z p-ewut- l!i Ht i r- Oil I.M. i Ill- IMltrfit UiCiH llif .-).' i.-t .iT Wl ;lio v. itii wlticii V i iu: I. '.'it! pntTiihtKms of ti;e tya-u- 6 ?!;--', ?( t i ;i(n ifir.tiVitlj r.iul l!ie i fwi m -y r" 1, ifco:''! lo t'Tlltlty a -ii:t,' 1: j ii ri:..ia; u ii; U btft'oiiif.' i'K'irra u. t 4; i.l""i'ri iiy J-,tr' S'iii. jtnij r,.MiAj-V mt. 1 'i!ii. 1 hus km ipiint (ii. jse ir i:t ;he faiiiijol 1.U.L chi.tiifa jrf -i .', j't H;i;ltitil'lP8 who rnj'-y it. an uhi W .'; I. Th(?iv auirar ctytups( . ;' -;; l.i un.l priori vrt- li.eir Til,T: ii-M uj. I '" H-V h'MfcJl Of li'J.O, tO 1- t U-y -v-.' ., ...-1 j .m :.v':v ichni.k. m 'Uiu;n U y ; v un! . jni iii:rl3 v .t.CMt Jir-tui iiv.- i- Uf or occu : :o. fvil t; -tl'.- ?'-a m thp v-.nppcr to earii, jjw i ;j um..;i ; a I hid iy I'itvyi'-, ant1. u !; , f;i:ui"lwihw, wiii.'U Uio lor ,ie ruitr cotton. T ??Ia- atei. I . j.i.i tf Ap;riit. ti.ey aiiotii i, . -' . 1 -jy t t tMuul&.t-ti.e etuiu kh, . A rc . i tois itnii action. fur Jl-fvr Lt't ' iiiid iu vaHoi!6 cymp. touta, I llio 12 itdatclie, KirU &rii1 akvaWc.JaakM.fli. i.r 'ff n Ml clii. 5; ?I a-iii'rtuJ JL liti'v wtmiiltl 'iitli...-irtktr i I'H fn ii -e, to mnvct tiio c v...: orrwtufe U.e oltkiructiouH nJiich rer e i- i r Jj t ' rw or I:rr3iora liut ono nci'd d )f '' I--? !ly reiriii-eii. f anewi'lt In tha h.Ar-, irjfti .u.i Attain, iJu t wiiotil l be cojitui M'iUfciy f.j;.-;i. i prjuii?:J, lo chhifO the divrnttCtl fc. n iii Hvaii. WUh uch change tiiose ec-tM..:( 'jiHtajtpenr. r-.r "f and I)rtmU1 Wwrl'bivi, Ui-y t ,u- K talen ia inrgo nmi fivfiiont ctrej to iro ! tiii ert of a drastic par;. ror . j ;i;(ri-i,if, a lnr don eliould lie tii'. aa u i'.oUuc4 the di ired eQuct by syiu pftii.. .4s." r.aMfrr Till, t.'ike one or two ViU$ to pin"; r .i'z-'4ron aiii rtievt tlir etamni h. A :i 4t;oa!viitiHj tUt-e atimulnlf the f imswh nnd I:n-.-i'., r-trtn.i tbrt appetite, ftnd i:ivi;oiatCM tho tp- v.ii. Hik it U orteu ri,Hiit:ii;eoufl where -Him tie!tnu-n;eiit ?x'-tH. One who frela ljVr!f(y vi31f Mln flnd tiiat a doe of these -iJtu iuxke Imii decidedly better, fon lliuir r; ':Bitij; and renovaliug; tJcct cm the digestive ntlirAIlKD TIT Zr..r. Cm AYE It CO., Vractital Che mitt, LOWELL, MASS., V, H. A, rCU BALK BT ALL DUUaGXSTS VCBYWllBft l.S'i3TE wl OTSVi:. I'STA'l E (IF JUUN KN'DItEAS, tale ol liecz!i';er 'l'tiwiihliip lilk Couuty (IcCfascd. Ail jrrsoua iuiltbtcd U; suiil Estate aro rciiucisted to make im mediate payment. All those, h v i 1 7; lc;al claim nuiiist the Kjme wiil pit bent them witliout delay iu proper urJcr lor bcttlouieat. to SOl'lUA ENDREAS, MALI UN SOUG, n41 6. Executors. i F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO 10 JAMES II- IIAOERTY Main Street, F.idgway, Pa. Dlty GOODS, NOTULN'S, JIOOT SjliOES, HATS AND OAl'j?, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WAR li, TOUAUL'O AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Frovicions. The BEST BRANDS of Fl.OUK Ccustuiitly 011 bund, uud fcold as chuup u. imt no. I u. : r 1 crvrr 't. '.'- I rot ' - r vif? ?'s jil 1.,. an tiie LUbAJ'hBi. JAMES II. HAGERTY. O. A. UAi lilMW, . Attm-ucy nt-lw, Uidgway, Pa. 2 2 If. liUFUlS LUVUKE, Altorney-nt-Law Rirlpwny, Elk Co., Pa. Office in Unit's new Drick liuilding. Claims far collection promptly attended to. v;!nl ly. HALL & Ai'VAlLEY, Attorneys-at-Lw. fta'ice in New Trick Building, Main St! Kiday, Elk Co., Pa. vUn-lf. J, V. II. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. vlni.,yl. Ridgway, Elk County, Ta. Agcut for the Traveler's Lifo and Accl dent Insurance Co., of Jlurtford, Conn. JAM EH I). 1 I'LLLKTOX, Surgeon llenlist, lmving permanently lo tiiiiril iu liignny, olliis liia prolessionul aer vices to tin; caucus of liulgway anu sur roniitlini countiy. All work warranted. Oiliuo iu urvile Wlievler's liuilding, up Kiaii'3, first door lo (lie It'll, TB-n-UJ-ly VIlAiCLLS 11 OL E IS, Watcliiuiikpr, Kngrnver and Jeweler, Main siii it, liiilgwny, l a. Agent lor tli iione ?enjg Mauluue, aud Morlou GoM l'en. lit'piiiniig Wuicies, etc, doc. with lio eauie accuracy 113 heretofore. Sntia uction gmuiiutei.'d. vlnly G. G. JlESSEAGEit, Druggist and l'ariiceutisl, N. W. cornet of iliun und Mill sti-cciis Kidgway, l'n. lull a.-Hori iiil-ii t ol' cnreluliy seltclcd Fop titn una Dome-tie Drugs, l'reserlptions i .11 f'.ully dinpi;iijid at all lioius, tiny cr nig lit. lny.y T. HARTLEY. M. )., l'liysiciiin una burgeon. Ullice iu Ji u 8lore, coriier llroad and .Minn Mi, Jiesi'ii.'iice cointr Lrond St. opposite tlit; Colhge. Ullice hours fiaiu b 10 i) A. M. nud iiom 7 lo b 1'. M. vluJj I. J. 6 B UK J.' WELL, M. V., i.i-'ooiio I'll si(;iim mul Surgeon, hnsremov id hit ulucc Irom ('nin e Mieel, tu Main tit. i. iil.L ny. I n,, 111 ilic M'i'oi.d ttory of the uuiv Ipiitk Liiil'img oi J jiiii G. Hall, cjpo sii'! Ii Jo's Bltiru. (jliiec ii'jiii l. b lo 0 a" m: 1 to 2 p, ni. 7 j.iu U 7d HYDE UOVtiE, UlliUWAY, liLKCo., l'A. W. II. SCII RAM, Proprietor. T!i:nil;lul for the patronage heretofore "O iiljcraily lit-iowi'J upon him, the nc j 'ixpi itlor, hopes, by paying Btrict in itiiiiou to the cinulort and convenience ot i'-ioftc, 10 merit a coniinuauce oi Ihe I-..UIIV. Oct 00 18G9. BUCK TAIL JJOL'HE, Kane, McKean Co., Pa. II i:. I.noKKK, I'l-tipvietor. Thiuii ini lor the ( iitronagc hcreiot'oi so Kljcrat'y IksIuhciI upon him, the new pro j in lor,, liy paying sirict attention 1 o lie colli ..i t and convenience of guesfs. 10 nii.i'it a coutinuunce of ihe name, i he i-iiiy tmlilc!) lor liurses in Kane and well ingin cr uny. jiuu aiiacneu 10 lli UlilCI. VlUOVl. KEUil-EY JO CUE, C'BXTKfcviLLK, Elk Co., Pa. John CoM.iNg, Vtoprietor. Tliankliil for the patronage huretoloi so Iliun-illy iies'.iiwed upon him, tho new jroji'ietor, lu.pes, Iiy paying Btrict at niiiir.n io the comlor: acd convenience I guotts. t 'merit a coniinuuuce of the dilute. J'. II'. JAVS, llKAI.E. IN Ery Goods, llotions, Grccorics, and General Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. llartcj I". if. vln47tf. &tx b. n n a 1 a j k.J W m .&a PLAYING CARDS. TII3 2E:T-TII33 CII3APEST. STH 'SHU'S Chtiipest kind made, ni'a I'TAS A cheap common card. IHIO DWAY.S A niic common card. Vllt iSlAS Fine calico hacks. GN JACKSUNS Cheap and popular, (P.. loin hacks, various colors and de , eigiia. ) COI. - .llUAfc-' (Kuchre deck) extra quality OULDliN UA'ilS One of the best card made, Mi. VliitN'OXS Extra fine, twoeahirpaU terns. ASK 1GB IHE ABOVE TAKE NO OTHEI1S Price List ou application. Dealers sup VICTOR, E. MAUGER, 3J-ly 110 to 112 Reulle St., N. Y Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, voiik, pbn.n'a flar"Cutalogues Mailed to AppHcants-gs Eefer (by permission) to iloN, J. Is, Pilai'K, Washington, D. C. Wkiskb, ioN & I ael, flankers, York, Piv. 14-Oa'T ft THE til 1 VAN1A. Y( CITIZENS OP PENNSY'L- our attention is eptciully nviied to the fact th il the National Banks are uow prepared to receive subscriptions 10 the Capital Slock ot tha Centennial Lo.a J of iinauuo. The funds realized from this source are lo be employed in the erec tion of the building? tor the International Exhibition, and the expenses eouueuted witn luc huiiie. It is coulideully believed limi the Kt'dtuue Slate will be repieseutel h) llie name of every cilizeu alive to patri otic tiiiiiiuieuiorutiou of the one huudredtlt birtu day of the nation. The shares of slock are oll'jreJ for $10 each, aud sub scribers will receive a haudsome engraved Certificate of block, suitable for framing und preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of six per cent, pel' annum will be paid ou all paymeuig of Ceu lenuial Stock from date of payment to Juuuury I, I610. subscribers who are notneai a Nationa. Dank can remit a check or'posl otlica order 10 the uudtrBigued. FKED'K. r HALEY, Treasurer, 90 Waluui St., Philadelphia.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers