THURSDAY, JANUARY 7, 3875. MZtdgway Insurance ilg-eney. Itrjirwrnti'nrj Cash Atfft of 825,007.744 -19 FIRK DEPARTMENT Oeraian'Ani.. New York $1,050,000.00 ITmgRra f New York I.;;i9.!m00 Amasou Cincinnati of 850,9.r)7 17 City las., C, ol Providenee'.lH(),S54 32 LIFE DEPARTMENT Travelers Life k Accident Hartfor 2,OCO,000,00 Vorth American Mutual of New York 5,000,000,00 Equitable of New York 15.000,000,00 Insurance effects in any of the above standard companies at the most reasona. terms, eoflsisteut villi perfect security t,tk insured. J. O. W. BULKY, Agent. Car Time at SlUlfgwa'j. 4:45 P: M. 2: S3 P. M 8: '10 A. M. C:25 r. M. 4:50 P. M dt Wept Through Loral. East 3e do West Local East (to West. P:20 A. M Tkt Mfvil ani " Through Local carry liassengirs, (he local does tot. ;F.L!C LODGE, A. Y . M. "Tit stated Meetings of Elk Lolge. No. 179, ave held at tltcir hall, oorner of Main and Depot streets, on the eccond and fourth Taesdays of each month- W. C. J1EALY, fec'y. . Hates if Adverfekf;. Sat column, one vrur $75 00 i " ' 40 00 j 25 (10 I " " 1.5 0') Transient advertisement- per square o!' eight linos, one in-fiiion $l.two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions S2. Busiaess cards, ten liues or less, pe.r yea- ii. Advertisemeats payable quarterly. Health vr Philadeuiia. The report of the Mortality in Philadelphia fur the -j ear just ch.-3;ng, shows there were fewer deaths this jesr thai) last There wre 10,700 death? hi tie year cadieg R.xcuibcr 2S, l-V", and hut 1o,1j33 dowu to tl.a' d sit; this year, a deerea-ie o! 1 ,15 i 1. avarajft co'iRiioQ lis t si tli a Tii s t. ! nws n better of i f. this year if i -7 1 is to be re- tu -juthf re J bey i". 1 o taut ol' i'- .nci.i irri1 ytxn m :ic- ilj: if'urt J3 I Hlld i.i u. -in-; 3 crrfiot) bt placed 'o 5. eve thee is Jt iif th iici lt'st to crea-ei ui n'.a'i'y. I'l'-ui I lie in in.ii'v Htiti dies publishc 1, t. uBt?i;r pp'i' t. hr br'-'u i: jia-j iri'i ;!y uus cf lie heabhie.-t saitiaini in r-rer b-ii. nind to th:s !'io'. is eVril, tKallcr uviaber of Jtuiht. the "Don't Ki'.s -iul Eaky." J nJ juratioti Ci&tus fri'iu tbc iSt'ciitiJic Jrr ri can. The flasher i. jJs in t ;t e k:sitj; of !iibis i-., ' !i it dijibtlr!a ctny i i!v.- to t'r.e-u by a i inh wbo Las lite uisejf.e ia susb a tuiid f'urci lb;.t li j (u Morj jr;'-'itib'y i-ii'.1) i rr;:ts it oj!v cs a c'kIJ. T"u3 Aai-ri'-aii sdwiits I !j at ii vouil be abfjiu to chtin tha fiji'-rsJ i.f d:ph;h;riu en'ir.vy t tie practice "ol chiU-k'ssi i," Ijm: cays that it is LsrJ ii citiccivo ol niy ;hjc cf in ,i: a'rafioa 1 I 71 .- ... J! .'. . .1 ... . !. . . ! I ui c viri.uiij h'i'icj in uh: j"(itu oi nw lun-ciuu i' t- t'tti.11 icr ;.'oj(' Men sui -J woiii-.-i to kim brij.u I 'tilt c.hil r tjd it is a Bigu of jrooj taiil tiuJ afiCiisn ko rvaitilf ua Ic-tr-tori by the b;b!(f (hat ti.t-y uiitcbt. iixr ol! utiffer more from tiring nith'int either kiss (r oiphiltrit that) fiom dyi.-.j; ritb both. few Orleans, .January i.llm piopofed ocmpromise in the Stale Government is iiOV sid tu have hecu based upon a private un derstanding hj which Antoiiioi Lieuiennat governor, aud JJrowu, Cupcrinlendsnt pf Public Education, both coloicd, were to ;ie wj to Vina au I LulU tr, Bird tiie Kel- gg government. At present there h itlle prospect of its being effected. Tie Etire forces of tUe While Lctfrae rtrc erday secretly ordered to meet to.d-ly ueir armories at six a m. wiili ircn'v V rounds of anitmir.iiion uud tenty-tour 1nitri' ralioas. The State House to-day bcvgarris med hy a v.rmg force of po. e and the State mi' itiu. J'he Conferva B returned will then be allowed to lake heir seala S3 quiclly as pof.sible nul forn quorum, beveral days he allowed or this purpoRe. If they persist in remuiu- gout the Governor will issut a proelama- ation ordering a new electioa in their re- ective districts. Prominent White ltg era disclaim any intention to tukc a to-uay a proceedings. A Bepuhlican aiember of the Lepislalurf mtd Terrebonne -w as killed lat night in jpersonal difficulty. A band of robbers has just beeo bro il up in Paris. They called then; res "Chevaliers ties Cravattes Yr ," aad were kuon lo ouo another bi leeuliar green Deck-tie which eacki re. J. he band contains 143 member young men of grxsj fauiilv coiinec- L'a, and were couimnndud by a fonder dam ci the Loinmuoe, named God- d. i1 any in Dectuoer, one of the id, named uassoier. was arrested in act of comnittiog a robbery. Lie wed the white feather, autf told the nt of the police where to Cod tome this comrades. Godard, the leader, fifteen of his associates in crime C) arrested, and the detectives weie on the trail of forty-nine others. In Locket of eack of tbe robbers was d tbe green nick-tie, the bad" ol lordcr. w rota tbe last report of the Vermont i Commissioners it oppvars that 2, 000 youojj fcbad were diftiibutcd year. NOTES. Now 1875 Tins is the week of prayer. JtMus Jooas is in town this week. W will give the county settlement in February. Tai FAk Democrat now prists bclh sides of its paper. N. Q. Bundy is the only new county ofliccr yet sworn in. Tims must be getting belter, as wo hare but one sheriff sale this week. The new Methodist church edifice is to be dedicated in about four weeks. The (hermoiHeter was sctcn degrees below zero yeeterday morning. Tu dance at Rhines' Hall on Christmas night, was a decided success, Cbarlis Holis, we tire happy to an nounce is improving very rapidly having had a son and heir added to his harem. Ths Couuty Commissioners and Aud itors are settling up the county ac counts, for 1874, this week. ' Tna Advocate offies is now located it the new building of Th&ye.r & Ila erty, below the post-office,;, un Main street, Thk deer. hunting reason is now over, yet we notice the venison still continues to come into town the luw to the conlrary notwithstanding Robert Wallace, fat:ier of Hon. Wm, A. Walacc, died at bis rcsideuce sear Clearfield, ou Satiiiday, tit the ripa age ol cighty-thretj. The directors of tbe Xew Jersy Fir e and Mniiuc aad Island iusurancu com pany hava resolved to wind up its afLirs. Thomas I'enncll, treasurer of Cumber land county, Me., was knocked down in his ofieo Dec. 'Id, and robbed n!' 810,. 000. Gen Ord hrts sent a company of trocps alter tbe pary of twenty-one mitisrs who arc a tJtnpiiiii; to cuter the ISIaciv II ii is. A san named Frank Cramer was ar rested at A'.toona, I'a , on a charge o! manu'acluiiu": couutcrlcsit nickels. Tbe proof ugainst him is clear, Tlo mill op:rativos f Full River, M it'.. in in m?eii''., have derer lniiiiuto accept the ten psr ct.nt. rc- .luctiop ami resume v.crk. Tii.- tte.v ba 'Idiug for the New Yoik i '.'.. wbich ixabtiut fifty fret e.junre vnl two bu idrcd feet high is called -1'ci.i'K .-'.fit tower." .d.-l.d;; Citnu'.e, a young Caiiidian gir from St. C'aihai ijes, died in Buffalo on Wed nesday h'l It lias since tranrpired ahor lion cmicd llio dcuth. 1'r. Vodden has been a: rented, but her freduccr is unktown. The ci.lorcii ciliiii'iis oi Cbciiin, (!iio. Acid a pjeeting tiii l adopted resolutions il-.i!t"r!r.:: against the passage of the sivil riglitj: bill as rrpoitcd by the ju. dietary c .ituiiittce ol lbs hausf ol rep resell' at ivcs riofctor., 4.-- Mayor -obb wan Fivoiti i;:to nfiico to-dny. 5a his niesMpc lie toys the city debt has incrcnerd on-hund.'t-l and eighteen th.titsand (lol'ars durii: the past yem-, and now atoounts lo f jriy-foor m llion dol'.at-s. Hon (tiisiiT E:iiih del ia New York o-i MoiiJ.iy, after a .short illness, at 1 1: e 8j..' of V'' years. For more ihiu Uilfa Ciu ii-y Mr. Siuiili has been ki.owu to the nation r.i:i the woi-M as a pliil.iat ile was a leader in His anti-si.ivcry n;ove nitut, an active tcmpcinnce man, Mid a pi onjincut member of the American Peae( Society. He give his aoney and lands to tbe poor without elint, and he lived to see lotuii jrood cofcie of his liberal cLnrliha- xJi'trisburg. Jan 4. The Democrat ic membcrs of tito Htnife bc!d a eaurtis this aficriioiiii, at which Mr. Patteito. (if Al'ebeuy county, ws ticminafed lor ep t.ker, and ir. Woolver, of I.c bi:;h, tor chief clerk. At tha caucus ol Hi -pubiicau senators, Mr. Cutler, (f Kti, Ui nominated for speaker, tud Mr. JJi.t.'M.I Knett lor chief clerk. The true i-ame of the victim of the f!es Moires mob va Charles Jletirv Honaid Neb.on. ilis lalacr is u wca'.thy uielil 1 rnkur in Xow York City. Vhen but i-ixleeu ye:r cf age be was sent to college, but s-jnn joined a traveling uiiiistn l troupe. Un vaa tbe t bampiou b&t j'j pljjer of tbe I'uited Stales, lie hud not visited tbe home of Lis parents for I lie past yers, aad at the time of bis death was tbirty-eigbt years of -ge- Memphis, Jaauary 1 Particulars of tbe murder of tbe Rorum fa sully, of Sh-juon, Mississippi, have just been icecivcd. Tbey hhow that the aiut'der ers called Durum to the door ou Satur day uight week past, and theu t-hot bim They then utr!;cd his wife, iud killed her and two ebihiien, u;cd two and uiue years, i-nd also Liilcd a negro boy Tbey rnbLd the honse of seven hundrtd dol!rs and then escaped hfier filing it No cW to ibe perpetrators is yet louud. Great excilcmeut prevail. A very exlensivo cs well as valuable uiue r.tis discovered early last Kun.uitr ty H. 1j' Towuei-iiJ, Francis lltueyuiaii and A. Wiseman, near the base ol the l-jrjge of inouotii i'.b lying ou the south west side of Clover Valley, Nevada, about one mile (rum the residence ot UoDcymooa. Tbe vein in question is a lurr-e and well d.Cced one, and runs nearly north and south, inclining to the west, carrying a uiiifoim width of vein matter of Eome four to five feet. The she ets or plate of glass that have been est ractcd ftoui tbo mine are from twe lve to fourteen inches square, with out a scratch or blemish. Tbe texture fine and the appearance is clear and rauspsrint, although tae mine is only opened to a few feet in depth. Tbe greater tbe depth obtained the clearer t nd more eleittc is the glaii found to he PHILADELPHIA. INAUntRATION OF HON. W. 8. 8TOKELY CENTENNIAL MAYOR. Philadelphia, January 1. To-dpy Wm. S. Elokcly, Mayor elect, was iuau gratcd Centennial Mayor. Tbe assem blage was very large, and included the Judges of the. Courts, members of Con gress and Cotmci!s,anrl other dignitaries. Tho Common Council chamber, where the ioangnration took place, was beauti fully decotated atid groat nlat was ad ded to tbo occasion by the fact that Mr. Stokcly will bo the Centennial Mayor. The inaugural address contained micy strong points, uud were well received. He said the woik of preparation fjr the Ccutenuial eRhibitioil was priressing very satisfactorily, and on cvcij s t'o tbe interest appears lo be inttiasing and lis success becoinim: more assured. NEW YOUK.. MAYO;! WlCiiUAM's M SSA'l T. THf CITY'S DEHT i.Ml'itOVr.MF.MS KfO GEliTKl). Niw York, .T.-.uuaiy -1. The 1'etrd of Al.ieiBiou met at no-ui today, and the Mayui's nt'-sMtge was read. It state? it is iwp;.;-iihlt to ;ivc the aaii.UKt of (be dt'-t of tbit ci'y. The Coiiiptrnller's Fiatec ci.! .!iuvr!i ti.e total debt.lei.- i o iL 1 1 1 ii l..c one hushed and fi'tecn uiijiion uollais. There is also a tl.'uiing t'cl.t of ten lo IsvetHy m'llii.!!A. Tho nicssiio a lt-o i-ujcrits o change ta thj itietheii cf la-ryig taxts The city's creditors mu.-t L ptid promptly; the p-ubiic works thouid be pushed rapidly, which en'i be done without iticrcai'.ng tbe deb'; thy River side park and the Moruini-iic avetice should be completed: this wili tive work to many now idle m.d t.i:C'r rit.a A new bridge in r.ices.aty for the in etcised travel over ,';e lla, l;m i ivei, lets money should be x per, tied on Cen tral Park; n-w d'.cks should be pushed lot-ward, and tl.n tew court bouse should be ccwp!c:d. The police dc po.rtuicnt should b? tfl:evc.) ci' street cletninc, seven.! taif-s t-biuld be strin. gently e.illected. The Tmnbs sboui-i be alifi-aj. ila; id tiau 'il i-t ntcrst-jiy aud the lljrltui River tunnel thoulj L.: repidly pu.-hed; a!ai the Rr.jokivn biidge. The cbnvc are the must impor tant poiu's ot iho ti-e-v-Pi: The ap;.le crop cf Contit-cticut iti 1874 rH wvrth i.2,0:.;y,t!'j0. Eight hundred thonsuud mere trcmen tbjo we n in Eaehtei! The New it'av; u l ;dv who recctiTiy beqacatbed S2."i.CC0 to her p i.-tnr wa M:s. J"3:-p!:oio 1 1 i!:h nnr tl:a lucky itisa is the Rev. I -v. listrwoo'i, rector of ib Kpicopj! Church. The gi ncrt'l suspension cf furnaces ssd fof;-vi in I'ei -nsy Ivatiin has thruWD about 17,000 v.oil.mtrj ou; ;f employ. Tho cost i f t'jppor:ir.i! ifc? paupei- if Great R.i;.-.'n is i.b..-m. fiivi.l.'i.-y.tjuO; these of tiie United .States J10, iJio.'.OOU. Au icitenJed stske of miners ic. I'st Pundeis, Return, bas just ter minat'. tJ. The j reprlitor of a Vs!.o) c ;?i-;ir-!iour. advertise. "sat-rs. ciatu c-bewder oveiy t ipel i f r.' u:::g." biccii ' ict;ei-i ei-fit-j t f! tbo first prizi; ii.-r pis jti-d llt-uk'riU.hiie i.i ilers at :!r: CL:iMt.;as cst-.L- show in Loi.doii. The uitiiulictcro ot ir;m k-r the trw t-m iiousf, of Ciiiiig tie; ! iy. 240 men. It ir Ci'inti.'cd in ;:'e!;!yu thut llieie ti.f three, tin e.: as t. -.iit u. r nut cf ( !ii; !..y:;ii'-tl ia that ci'y as. the case at tiie atn;.' liiee ial year. Ry tbe will of ; Ra' :riifi.r.: , just doCt-iiS'i-l. i' l'.l. !-0 :.r.j i .. i. .-stiicii to th'j I iu-oie jieal I), i'.'slon, ii-.-: i-. n. i i: : .- c 1 1 1 I'liiveis'ty t i i ti ciisi i:a si:d .as in to :r.!i. ore. Ti.o i..rb c havo p rr; fir;?J ;i n tni-si--'.i of !..-.ten report , iu which tlicy recini'.i.itel ;b.. ci'i.he.-.lcict.t e! a ten ol at k . f.r. U.:d l!.e e;:;;, ; ii ol tl.tiii conuertoi by a b:.'t.d boti.e-var j. A I.dy a;. cti .. uro like o'ntrli-r. meu v,h-..'e br-.-a.b iedie-iies wio.t I tjuor they ba. e ii-tu i;i:l itin:;. A'- ibeieid-.. she cm te'i w;;eth:r ir. tbo b?i tck thev have bcto rcad:cg Maoa'ih.v or J :e QtiiLt-y or Ctiriyle. t.tliver Dowcing. t well known R s lon arclii'oc-t jv-r died cu the day of tbe tuMcj '.I ol bis wife, h- bci-.g nine- ty vears, ati-i te nliiy-seven. au-i h ibey have lived tegciher fixfy-yevrn year;-. A (J':8:i!i''ui-bi J cnn'i ;: ? ice is ic-'iC". ted lo hive tiid: "A ymm-,' ; iel in her trailing uim t make a CvVti;.;t.r v.i b her ryes, Hud t;!it 1-i,k upon a m.-.u. 1 am now thiity-U-.i jrars id ago, and have never yet bad tune lor botiux. 1 ebali siug for at least tow rears." The frceiu.viar ot itu-ei. diary fiiv. has induenl ii o Rs'on fire uctleiwri ttrs' iioion to take steps to rettu-dv tbe evil by pieveuting if pnss.ble, or deviin fou;-; iiicitis to dtltct tbe cuil ty p bitics. The n;cvcmut htf. rejuii.ei in the frtitiii'meut of detective Lu- !cy to invetitigalt the oi ali Kks This is irrcsreciive of whetbtr e'aitiis for losses are muds en the cocipny or not, uud is in the tve-nt cf rites the causes lor which arc lot fati-!ac:eiilj explained to the core.toittee, the adjust ment of io'es to be susprndtd lor Jur iber investigation by tbe compinies Much is expected from the arrarge ment. AlPIXiONb AMXR1CA.N CltLOUI'lA that the revised, and cbgaully i!!us tiatwd edition cf ibis woik, bi w keitg published, a volume cf 800 papes once in two u.octbs, is tie IfPt Cjclopedia in America, is certain. No library is com plete without it. It is a complete ouo in itself. It only coats ?3 a month to get it in leather binding. The best n d cheapest library iu tha wmII. 0. K. Jud.ou Fr-doLii, N. Y. t-.n-trols the sab; of it iu Neiilero Pecnsyl. vacsa. Apply to bin; fir !b!1 partitu-lars. T) IE 1) . STunns At Highland, this county, on Monday, December 28th, 1874, gorah, wife of Win. Stubbs, aged 72 years. Deceaiod has been a resident of Elk county for a great miany years, and was respected by nil whom she came iu con tsct. Rev. I. Rrcuetuaii preached the funeisl termon on Thursday 31st nit., when she was consigned to her final resling place. lidtHlHUlrnirix's J"o Ic. Estate of Clark A. Wilcox, l'c of Ilcirton township, Elk County, deceased. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate paymeat, and those having legal claims against the samo will present thctn without dc. lay iu proper older, for ntllemcnt, to fcAUAll V. vyjMJUA, Administratrix. Orher Attorneys, Messrs. Hall & M'Cauley.'iy, Pa.. Jan. 5, 187") jutO-Gt Ry virtue of ti writ of rtc.Ki facias, issued out ol the Court ol Coin moo I'leas, nnd to inn diicctcd, I will expose to pu'.'lic sale or publio venduo or out cry, at tho Com t House, iu l'iduway, Fa ', . MONDAY, JANUARY 24, 1,75, A I 0 o'clock, 1. M , tho following real ti,ti!'c, to wit: Ail lbs right, title, iu terest, elaiui and demand whatsoevrr ol dcfenCuiit io said writ named of, iu, or out of all tbe following desciibed ttact?., pieces or psnceis oi lauu, lueing in t- wrirhlp, i-ie.iiity, I u., as toiinwa: oGi 21iJ ncics. WurniGt Ni Wan-ant No 250 I, 232 acres. Warrant No. 2oli7, aero. Y'arrDt No. 25.;1 8503 acres. Walnut No 2551. J-27 acres. U anntJ No. 20H, 4i0 acu-s V.'srraiit No. 20 Id, 11 act is. Warrant No 271U, oft 7 J acres Wairant No- 3214, 7i'71 feres. Watraiit Tio S2::l, 70-lj7 10 acres. Warrant No 51222, 10555 acres Vi'im rant r-). 322 1, 15 acres Wstrunt N.n. 5i2ilO, 34 seres Watraut No. o.'l'L 2'i'j acres. V': rut No. G..';j;), - It'll acres. 'Varrant No. 5;2'.'5, 202 ceres V? aiiatit No. S'Ji ti, 129 acres. Warrant No. 81451, 1 3 i acres. Wnt.nt No. 3200, 0 acus. Hfiz-id, taken iu exec-ufion and to sold as the property of The M'Kecn and I'.ik Lied and impvovcuieut C'.in pspy, at the suit oi Robert Putieinoti iuii Wi:lia;n Heckei- D. C, OYi'T Efl, Sheriff. Sheriff's Ofiee, 1 Ridgvvcy, Jttnury 5, 1 S75 j Jan 5-3 i The folliiwirg is the li.t of jurors Jrawn fii- Ihc Janimiy tevn of court, 187o: ci.ANi) jc;rs. 1 John .Tohuaou liKiiezKlf e 1! .Hha Mmviiy .... .'i jlldi'tw Kl'itil 4 'eci'so t.iri i;ry . 5 F C. Friiz f .'os jih t.uire.f tl ... 7 t". Yi l!ii;'crp fi .'.'a. tin li ivicV.... !i tieorc.! l'iilow.... 10 FmwVu Dailsy ... . 11 Joseph Ans-inr-r. 12 J&c! L. Taylor. 13 U. ;;. l!h:i-s 1 1 .1: .-!!: riil !.. la,. I-;:t , l.; w: 17 I.ei-i'.y l..'..".-iii.... is J,i:,:f:i Id M. M. t'i lo.liz.... -.0 1! ,Mi..i f '2 i .! s-.i.cj tv. f t! ,r.ird :!'.: .!.'. i, !.'. i- t."."iiie'i '.r-:-- i- ... 'J-t .'.ieliaci .'vl'.'-.'.ily. Tii -vriii 1 Li. Ii. John !.:!.... do do .Btnzinger do da . F o x do dj 110 do .! .Hoi tun do . J u y . Co ii'j do do . Jones . Mill. -tunc ..l!id:;v.i.y it.) d (!o do do do (io Co da ut do t'o do do do do do do do (io do ,Jo. Mary's Bi '"'(;!' do do .iriioiis. lleue.cite Toa-hir. 2 .1. hn Vin!V.:i!;ht.. Korton ttotiiioek... 4 Ot-'.o !:i ie!;(.-r... 0 Vi o'ljn ; Vi!il.-... i Jato'o Y.l!nier 7 Leonard Pai'i-r t tlcoige U. Niseel!.. .(i .Incnh Ixreok-e 'I Jcrepli Yoiii. 1 l-iivid I!. Kvler do do i!8ii.5tij;er do do un do di do V . .. x do do do do do (hi do no ('.0 do do d) da do do do do do do OO (!) do do do do do do do do do do do do dO do do do do do do do il. B. MoyHi-.... .lacfili tlitil. i iiri; 'i .1 nines V he.rton. ,o F. J. lU.ljiMSOll. ' (c.)i-:-e i. uiigh.. '7 I'l.O:; llllj'8 ''.i F. X. Fni... j j ' (!.) -O t. an. pi. t-11 ...Highland -1 Xi'.viiki. :i,;. ilorloii v. i', : -a Miidiaii... do Al e! Sp.ii In. do J' l' !f il do 5 John 7m ley. Jr J a ;,- : A. 1",. (Ji ll". do J." I uvid t-hoel'-r do .S Josetdi Fein. icier.. Jones 11;m risen ( u!7 ... ...iu;t(.nc do ;!) . i.kaio Donii... ol W. ii U...;-u... .t: 'a war do ' do do do '.2 ti. A. I. on- Da-.-icl M Govern :.l J. I?, t.a v lo Cli-u-H-i I., (.'( iv... ::'. L. W. Uili'i.-rd St. Vary's Forough. !7 Wilhfclni ... !o do C. ii. M Oi'l do do Martin i'errin t-prii-g Crick Twp. 10 V. U. M'Kiinil do do '4 I.c Li'tvus cf Ciceit raii aie us-iny; corn meal and lico licur mixed with the Ul-u&I bailey uialt in n.akirg Isger teir. At least tfcise subsianei-s go theiein lai;e iantities, presumably fir i lint jarjosi-, siihi-ogh iicitbcr ol tic brewers wiil ada.ii that be is a consumer. Rice is cbcafcr tbsn Isrley, a it con tains, mere Muicb, hut it imparts to the beer in i kj !e nti:t "aliertatle. Ciin gives s j iiiiisr sttcctt.iss that is dis liked ly mu-t bi-ir diiulers. Any adulteration of lsgtr is lettuted by the weitetn Gctast:s, and consequently ilcre it much exeitca-eut in Cincin uiti. CtainE. R. Ya.d,ot Detroit. very largd vessel owner, sad proprietor ol loiiiii;; mills and si'ver fculting worls U V.'yamlt tte. tr.d a laije m:i ' owncr, dropped dtwii in li.e unct at 10:50 ibis tiorniiig, sli! expired ia im minutes. '1 he cuukh of .U death is ..uj-poed to be apoplexy. Just think, if jou awear off using to bacco and wealing clothes after ibt Is! of January you can save p?r wetk at least, tDd J5 per 'week lor 1,000 irars is f.OO.U'JU. Vilroit i'rtc Psirly Ten. Edward Payson Wiston ln,s at last given nil bis rivals und cbnffers bock seats. Last . week, on Saturday omht, at tbo Rink in Newatk, New Jersey, be fairly and fully accomplished tho trying teat ol walking nve liutiorerj id six days. He did his work in about twenty-four minutes less than ibesix days, averaginp a mile every fourteen minutes and fourteen seconds. The lest has never been ncoomplished be fore in this country. When be conclu ded he was in fine physical condition, fully as good as when the start was mode. Tbo citizens of Newaiktnoto present bun with a costly gold watch and SlC'.'O, as a testimonial to his klttck, endurance Mid determination to keep on till be stucc-cded. Ui.ys, here is a good leessou for you. Wer.ten bus been selected at, laughtd nt, and given all manner of names; but be kept on trying, till at last he litis fairly v alked into the fullest measure i f suece.-s. Il is the long pull that wins. Not the Inng pu'l t the h:skc-y bottle, but the determined, peisiatcut. cf'oit that brus tho bo t r.Mtnrd. f-?u.h wi.ik rears inanimotU slicps. cstab'ihcs profitable enterpiisei, builds up living new spa pes, awakcu.i ihc tMcuiiou of the peopK secures foi inner, aecutnnb'.tes kuowl edgo cr.d Eiamps tbo emliirisr; baa as one pos-c.-'fcd of yei.d material. e con .iraiubto tho plucry ). i!o!iian on ll.'e fiie se-'cuiplishceat of his No bmse iu the world eou'd endure such un eflort, and v.-c doubt it there is another man in tiie world possessed of such excellent staying qualities. oyer's Cathartic Pills, Yot the rulief ar.4 cure ol nil iinini).- menu in the Muni rih, liver, sinl bow is 'j. 'lliej arc h liiihi KjX'riei.t, niut fin f kcelieiit ('M'Kfitivc. liii!i ninciv vet'o- till? iiicv contain fit4&&FA. .. '-. noiii'Ti-civoi iiiiiio. i .p "LftV l whatever. Mie h fggjt hui:riii i.1 .Trvcr.t. iii Lt iiiaii- tnii.'-lv- I'se; anfl every tVir.Ry shonl-l l.ave tlicin on laiii'l for ibeir pniii.'-nun nd rciirt', wlisn rriiiiirnl. Lonfr evi'tricace in.rt,( Uieni to !( the sai , surest, unit Ix-st of rii lue I'ittt w iUi wliii-a ifcti miti.,1 nit .unit, hy Un-ir oc.-uiorial me, the Uim4 l nuriilcd, II. c comiptii.-iis of the svs tsrn ei.f ll.'il, (. truelions rt nioveil, r.nit ilie wiio'e Ria.-fiuiory of life restared to its li'.-;il:iiy aliviiy. Intoiaiil oiyar. vl.irh be.-omt-i'i',inr-d tJi.i sliMrsiih sre er-ttu;e;l hy .4yr' I'IUh, .".' r tiiuhui-d into a.'ii.;o. 'ti.'ns iart.i..t e.i-,a9 is iiar.c.i imo lieaiUi, tiie vslno c.f v. lii-ti ciiM.ra wbfli re'i;oit.-.l mi itie vni uii;ltiu'it.-i. who eni.-y it, ca iiardly lit i'oipint.... '1 ntir snuai- roai'in' inured l1i Vle -snt'l-i lakn, ami preserve!, ilu '; Tinuc-1 liaj-jjuiri-.i for any lontu (0 lin-p, ?o U:t Ih-.-T are ert-r frt-!;, a:nl pviaoctiv r.-(i;i:il-f. l Jiouxh ceiri-liin;. liiey aro inild. an"' I .; :-i ;it without Ui-iturbaa; to iia couzlilutiou, ol- di t-t, or oc"o:irfa. full diie'.-tions ar jrisa on the wrapper io ca-Ji lioj:, bow to u'e tiic.u as a Knaiiiv rhyyi.-, aad ftr t!ie (jK:: UMnpiaiat", v.-.-ii.-h u,t- ft'! rapiily e-jie : X or tl)r or t-1ierli-n. I.(tl rt. K't, kAK.i(izttr tini i.r:.n of .4 jrp-.-t?t.', tin ' sfMoiil oe wie a n.oU-ra'!y t: sliiaufat-.' Uk' atoai aeh, tnii recrt it henliiiy toic ni,l a. tii n. For J.vr:oBitf Ain't ami itf vtiiiou1'- syni;i- tom, ciiiom St i-, KttSi tii'-.t.. acbd, JEu.tta:tnii:r-n ictnet.,, Sl-I Cm One anil J-t;i.M i'eriTj, thev fhrndd be jtidieionsty titeti f-irec h i i. t . In o.irnvt fao ii..i.rfd action or ruiuovc Lhc ohblru'itioui , In, ti i'4nc it. For lTerrfer.T or l!rrl:ar, but oao uii;4 in, is (rcneraiiv te-fuiroil. r t 3Kiii:.n.. wt,, crctrrl. srl (I'taOno -f (fan SSK't, " I ,. :ile. tSarb au-l i.etna. iia-V i-lioal ! hi- e(.nt:n. ncasly Ukfii, a require 1, to vhanrr the itise;':-:( a.' ii'iu if Ui aynteiai. Vita such change lho.e cosiplaints diKiiiienr. For Wbro?y and lrpslc1 Swetl'nirK, Uiey ebotiril bo tftkea iu l.nuo tunl freqiieat Uoc loji'iitui' tl.e erect of ilraKtin purM. For m, a la.'e ilo.x- .iio'ai.l l,o, ta ii iiroujoui tiie uV;ir4 o;et by iyia jiMliy. A3 s TUnnir FIJI, take one nr two J'rf to liroiu.r i!i7ei.tion Hi-.d relieve tiie nto.nai'h. An ni;rtioiiHl i4ie Rt'.iniiis.ttN tiie b'.t'air.vh aral boF-elf, rcr-ii.rpB tho air'etite, and invii;or.Hes ti it eystera. Henr it is oScn lva!it?eiiis w here no kerious dei-amrement ciisi;. One who fi ls tol-iebiy vetll, ftea finds that a loe of l!.r-e I'iUd make( him fei-1 dei-ideillv brttei-, from tlieii rteanfinx and rcuovatuut eSvct en Ce digealivc apilMTHtUd. rr.KrAnnr nv XSi-. j; C. ATEB & CO., i'racHeal ChemMe, ZOWELL, 2T.1SS., V. E. A. FOB 6ALE i3T ALL D2UUUI8T8 EVEliVWIiKEE Full PALL; FY 15. K. ORr.IT, Masonic Hall Bui'idir.p, FiJgway, Fa. VA1T VLECE'3 CEEERllA'l ED PATENT SFRINC. RED REST tempered fieel spring wire, tbe-e sj;rii:gs can be lai i u tl.e &lats of any common bed ted are COMPRE1E IX THEMSELVES Also tjgent for W eed Ecving llr.cliine, ICnsicst puuiiiiig, Nio.-t l'uiuMe, an 1 I'.l'isT MAC II INK mi 111.! li ail,-!. C3 i.n i exa.niiu' hefoie; else -. hti-c, v in let', 'if ; 'I'liii 'o'ii.voi is the lis! of '.ooiies set ,i -ioa fvt- i-.l i ike January una ol cuuit: civil, list. 1 Hit fprli.g Coal Cciupaay vs Thciuas '1 ci; Mo 10 Jaiiiw.iy u-ru, ii-i '. i; Ta t.Lii'i l'.wt : :cl n" i'cx vs John Mycis ti ti.; Ko '61 Jmuisij lunn lt7d. 0 Ai.r.o ny isc is J. Kaii; N 44 Ai-..,u le; i.i i7o. 1 'flu- t.'lariia hirer Katigatiuu Cctu p any iiii.ui la nun; ho b'.t August icrui i . d. .'i The Cfiv.irtimcEiili ef FeiinsyWaiii ii-c of J. A . iiai'.krA. Ii5aul; a 61 wun uaiy Urui K-it. 0 1. .'. liars s l.Hus aiovn-; So 74 January u i iu l '.-74. 7 AlJci-'er & l'rs!cu vs 'l i e I'u'lalo N. V. i. I', it. Cciiio; I-o 4.) Aiiual term 8 l'liiii! T. . IZiij ra Flias Meyer; I14 A) ii K i ai 1 e-74. a J. I., liiua s t-ni.l.niy Fiie li.tuiance l ouipauy; 21 A i il lei i It 74. 10 J. I.. 3. Ills vs I he l ull fcil.i li.eurtuco loii j auy, cf tauiaslor, Pu.; Jj '."Z Aprii tei ia 1Sj71. 11 llarn ou & Coon vs 11. ft". My;No41 Aj-ril Itria 1S74. 12 Lui. Gits vs Kouif tied fcchniilt; Ko. 12 Aef !Miu l'.-i-i. lo John Vae.brahuut vs I,. 1,- 1'ii'icl et al.; lio oO Auum ti-iru ll-i. 14 M. V. 'J'yier vs L. N. Fri6;.t,- .'." Sf. Angubt teini 171. 15 Juuies Flat k t s 111 lUt.zinpei- "ca! r.nd lion C'uiuiany; Mo 47 Aegeet term 1B7I. 10 S. A. t ln.s'.ead te Tl.e Township of Borton; No Cil August, ion 1874. 17 tteore Ui-dyke lrai:u:s A. J-u;scli; No 70 Aupott lerui ls.74. t 1). 1.". limit; s t. H. liict;; Nu fcO A UfTiitl uriu 1-sVi. lo M .oi.n Ftily vs Acdrew Kai,l rl al.; Ilo l'.i Sr)lemt.(r tcrui li74. 20 i'aiiiel s-etilncr v '1 he Towaship cf .ir; Nn 67 Kcpteiahtr tfim lb74. MsBcheatc-r, X. H., December 31 At tuui is-i this moi niiin the tlicii'.oine ttr varied htci leu to nliecti degiees be low, ami in tbe lioitl.ciu pait if tbe Stalo lrom twnty to thirty L-low zero, being the coldest morning of the evusoD. e. t:. -.i n -r. .-; J t a uti wam.etytrc yUuTA'llUNS White, Powell & Co. BAJsKthS AM) llUOKLllrf, No. 42 South Third Street. 1'hilHdclph a, December 2!ltb, 1874. nto. ask r. n U. 8. 1881. e 'I'l 6 O, o '02, M and N MJ 14j do ilt i,l d i 10 10 do a '65 do 1 1 lfj do do '05 i and J 20 il do dt Vi eo do do 'OH do , do KM'), roiipon do Pacilio li s ey Int. nff New lleg. l.s:sl I . IL'SI Hold Silver Pennsylvania, I'cadiiijr 1 Ii 1 1 n i e 1 j It i :i. ft Kris I.ehigh fvavigalivu Uir. olf.. do Ynli.-T United ft K ? N I Ix. liiv... tlii dock Norilitru i eatiHl , I'cn'rul Trsaspii'la' io: .Ni'siiic'.ii..niiit...' A k A Mortgt ti 5 b 24 'Zl Jojj lOjj 17. m ... 18 i Id: . Hi 12 .100 lt'8 , m o , KiJ Ui , CO4 (ill. 12," 12M , Ci tiuj . 4 .i -!4 , 5-!. i". ..101 J lv- NEW I.I VBLIY TAJJI.E IN DAN KORlIiNEK WISHES TO IN foini lie Ci'.!eu af Kidgway, i.ii-.l the public gcteraily, tiat J c has started a lor ry i-la'olff tifcd will keep GOOD STOOK.GOOD CARRIAGES 1 - i;ii u) oi lit veiion hie terms. e.ils will also do job fcitil! on Firead street, Kve Iin. '.11 orders left r! tl. Post Oiika will meet prompt attention Aii'i -M Yc'i. If. llt.'tt.N'.li'O.f 'Tll.'.d 'l.C!U. i:k Flf.E AUM, ANT) .(-:I!K l. l.VLSIAr, I.M- t.t.M tb. Ihc R.endi.p.tKi: Sewing iael'.itif has Sj.;vi!-g vspiaiy ii.ta laver ss pi-.-fK': Miig4U.e best,' coml.intition o! go id fiiMli'!.;' t.eoielv. bi'ht U!i;fil.-i: pt-M-oib no'.'-t Ii-,-. n-pio tt..i Oui'tible. It haii a ::ti-nj:!,t tc'fiiic. perj et.diculiir action, .e.; em -.'.lie (!iv.-i."v.l. males tb.c l.cck or l.uit.i! S;(tc2i, wl.ic'.t v. i'l in iil.rr 1 iti m.r e.iV' i. ti-c t. s'iie c-n both ,i. !-.. 'i Rr !fj;l. S( . !i.g Miebil.'C Las ..':.-'.; sd picmitimn at tiiany 1 ViTf I. ti. railed S'fjtf-:-, ti.d vi;h l lio: I !.,. e- G.-lid -iciiaiot l l'O .;;'.;-, ilebi-b.;.t mit-r i' Ineeril thai "t.s ;,v, ai Jid H tiie ulo A Esposi-P'.!-i;i..:i The Ri'Ki'ngfr.!i Vi'orks r.'so eiaeu fiie'r.te thn new Double Rurndle d iireeeb Ecadiug t-hut f.v.n si.aji and fO'.itito actieu, with putent joint cbctk, a ii.-aivi I f I c.iuty. fi:i:-h ui:d iLupiois. r.i.d the ee'cbialcd Rem iiigtou Uiiies tiUupti'd !-, nine different uoVciiitiH'U', i.nd nr. vii'.i tbt-M iJioaf I:-:: f-'..tid li.-r iniiituiv, l.u,:!ii:f; ;r,d ta:el itrposfs- ii birds .d l ii-tois, ii'.ii"S, 'Jane-. ..Jilulie Ci.:i iiigcs, C. Agrii-uht.mi Impb mcnts, Improved Vior.-ii..: 4in-i.i;n.s, t-tcil I'i.iv.s, Cultiva te! s, R Seiai ess, Pa'etit Ezcuvi.lors. il.'.y 'ieiiiios, CcCon Gin:;, lies. !:,:...-, el e. 'iii.; utidi !i '.'r.r.l has been ep) oil. led sgn.t Iii the sait and iird'iiductiou oi he Remission See, ie.o Wachinc iu und 'i.rlhe ci.un.i' id Elk , ( ": .;itie:d and Wiiua. 'J HUS, J. Rl RKi:, J'tpoi am! i ilii.'f , St. Mary's, i'a. P. 1. A gi ..J Ioi-jI cgent r.r.ijled. Blk County Directory. Fresld'jrt Ju.'jf 1 . U. Weintre. Aduii i.'iial law Judge lien. Jno- X' V'lke.-i. A-:-.(.iie Judpe t', J V i:. nt. i'i.-trict Attovnev J. le. P. ii'l. r I ti 11. 1'. ('. Uiitr. i'i .0 ii '.si'oti.ry c , r red. t:e!ic-r.!ng. Tt-faMiru J..'se;.U T.imlf'el.iei-. I oiuiy t:i'.i-iii;;r!id(Hl l.iiins l.ueovc. i i B.l!:i:-4i(.l.ei-ii Fthl. t.'aiopl.i'il, Julius .iii.i .-, t. I d. V cis. Am-.-.'ois l'. V. . l.Brrct:, Tboruas liwin 5 hciats J. 1 urke. t'ouniy .'lurvcye: Cio Wi!i,i-l,-y. .! siry. CuwtuisM :ters. i'l.iiiip trt-lyh 1. tern T. tyler. 'LLi-ifcliE'-y VA1.LKV HAIL l.OATj It. Love-tr..-!)'; hvlsio:. fn ai.d aftir iO.fiA.V. M'V. 15-74. itiiitis l.i lr.(i'U litu'oai.k SR'J I'l'iilwccd Will I'Ull US fcl'ivViK WES1WA1 . I.Xrr.lls? a-.-: HAIL r,i!l leave loiii w(i(l o'aiiy at 12;..p. l.ei noidsvile al 'iliiO J' m. vrol il!e kl 4.06 p ., Mi l iv, rj a: i:.-i'...i. k ai li.12 p mi, conncc ling nitn Fxpriss ou Main J.iae far I itisburjfh. ilXl Vt A V leaves l.cyiioldsvili daily al tiiu a ai, iiiae.vtiic ai t-: U iu, airi lii p at I'.e.ihaak atllioUa ai. vonurctitig vii.ii iia'.us aertli aad icutb tii Main Liita. .H W.'.l.D. I X'.M-.llSS" ae.d ViAlL U-avts Fe.dUt.k daily l l:2oa m. arrives at liraokvilla ..t 2:ii4 p m l.ei ao':d-vili at S:2J p a., l'i'ift woouin 0:li p iu, cjuncciiiig th trains in.-l and e!-t au 1' nr.4 F liaiii w.oj. .115vl l) KA'i leaves New Fcihie'ia duily at ii.ii i ui i.iiivej t !irkv5l! at p ia, ili- uoid-jV illc al 7;:iO IAIN LIXt On ard alter MuXUAV, .NOV 2d, 1ST, iraius on ihe Allegheny Valley ltailroad wiil rim us Iui1ls.- FLi t.M.O FM'KFSi will leave Fills bulbil daily at 7: -loam, Fvulamk ,1 unci ie'n ai 10:47 a , and mi iv at OiiC'ilr i 2:40 pus. MlUir i:.PlU'3 v ill leave Oil -I y al '.'-'jo p lu.Hculank Juiiclio-- ai ":'ji ii , mu air ve dt Pitn;!i at 7:2o a i,. li'iLiVll.l.ti FXll!lb kiiYea Fms biiieh ut S:0O p ni, l edbi.nk Junclian ai ti:2o "pi. and arrives at Oil Cily at 10:20 p i, liciui uiiiji, leaves Oil Coy al t:')Q oi, Kcdbaiil. Janvlion ui 12:11 a ca, and ai livet al FittsbiD'th at ; 15 p ei. j.j. lawki;nc, Ueucrul upeiiuie'ndeui . Wm. M. 1'mi.i.ira, Au'i tu;-t., Fiookville, Fa. HAILFvOADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAUj ROAD Philadelphia Kris U. U. Division. YVINIELI TIM K TAUH OU amlftfter MO.NDAV.NUV. Id, 1S74, the trains c-n the Philadelphia Jt hue ltailroad will riu as follows) WaSTWtRll. FAST LINFlcaves Phil.ielphia..l2 Co p. m " Kcnoro H-0 P m " " arr. at Finpoiiiiui 1 20 a ni air. at Buffalo 9.00 a. ni FIttai MAIL leaves Philadelphia H-o5 p m Hcnovu 11.10 a u " " " Luiporiuiii 1.10 p m " El. Mary "a 2.05 p m " llidj,-wuy 2.dd P m " arrive at brie 8.05 pm liAiiTW Ai.i). FAyT L1X1! Itaves Fidpoiium... 8 oo p m " " ' lieuavo 10.40 pm ' air. at 1 Liladelpuia 8.0 iilUK MAIL K-aves Lrie 11.20 a tu Kidjjuvuy 4.45 P ni ' 6t. Mary's 6.10 p ' ' " " llDipoiiuui O.Oo p m " " " Ki uovo 8.25 p m " " air. at 1 kiladephin... COO in Mail l',m,i connects east und west at Lrie wiili L o .Vi ,-j il U . Mn'1 West wit b est and west trains on L K k M S K W Wil. A. BALDWIN. leca'l Sup't. Yi'iu'icr Airaogcmcnt. LUFF A 1.0, I.FW 1" it it K 1. PUIL'A. 1. R. 'ikS IKORTKtl- AMI Molt UBICf IlOt'TI To WiliijKispoit, Saobaty, Harrisburg PhiUdelphia, Raltimore, Wssh iugtuu aud the South, On aad afier NOVU0LR ,16, 1S74, and uuiil funhor aotiee, trains will leiva Uulalo .SewVarki Philadelphia F.aihray Depot, eorusr Lxoliig8 aad Louisiaaa streets (itattitlo tis-e); as fjllowa: 7 40 A M. AUCOM5a(JDAT10N fdaily except t-audays). mappiag at Lbtnezer Si Ot. stprutftbrutk U 14, lilru b 20, Jamison b 2i. Aurora 81, Wales 644. liollaad 8 i5; Froicctioa 05, Arcade t 2 J, Vorkahire !l 27, J-. aekivi 9 b7, Franklinrillt 6o, IsLua 10 lo, Uinsil'iie 10 ill, t'ria Kailway Jimolioa iO 45, Oieaa 10 49, Westans 19 06. Forivme 1 1 05, tUste Liu 11 12, Lldred 11 2o, Larabers 1181, Sartwell 1140, i mile Piul 1 1 45, l'rc Allegany 11 OS, Libu-ty 12 17, p. M., Keating 12 2d, Ship pen 12 4 t. I.uiporiu.-o 1 00, P. M. blasts are advertised to connect with this uii al Fiu.a for M.-trill; at Areado for Ycrkiiiire; at Franklinville for Kush lord und Ctmrevilie; at Portville far Ceres, iiii-Lburg. Littia Wcnessea, Uoliver, Mill port and tharon Centre, at J-arabces for .-uiCiLpoii; nt Port Allegany for Coaders. j i r.'; ul Kia'-inj, VuesilHys and Fridays for tttiaiiuu, Lust ti I.ariun and L ist iluinor. t cO A. M. illAKU TKAIN iu OLKAN l'A'y except Sundays), atoppiag at Kban icf 'J Si. r-peiugbiook 1'.' Oi", Lima lo 23, .i..Uiisi.ii t'J 44, Aeii.r 11 06, Wales U -j-f iiul.ind 11 od, Protection 12 IS V. M , Ar eade 12 4, orUliiie 1 Ou. Uachius 120, 1 iaiiHiuiille 2 05, lachu 25 0, Hik8dl 'f tii ie i-.ailway Juneiitn 4 09 p. Ht 1 ir.ges are aoxitiscd to connect with his uuin at A.cad for Vorkbhira nd iiuidilcidj at Fia.;kiia ille for llasaford. ii l' i P. M. WASIUNU'IOK LPKESS, (d.!y;. si(. ii:g At Ltienejar 3 2, Spring, hro'. k a ail Lima $ '64, Jaiigoa $ 40, Aaro r 6 40, Vi uies 6 OS, ilollaad 4 0, Preiec lioa 4 3, Aica .a 4 2S, York i...o i -.u, Ma.k.u 1 1"., i-iar.wiiTinB a ou, IscLua 0 17, hinsdale o'i'i, Fr.a llailway e ancu.oi 0 j. 01 can ti OS (."-uj-peij, Wes ioiiS 0 lo, l'j;tillc ti 22 Suit Lin i 80, LiJrtd i 42, LarabeeawOS, Saetwell 68, Juule l'alul 7 02, Port Aliej(aa 7 14, !vpaii':j' 7 ii, l.oiporiura ia, t'.enovo iu JO, Williasisporl 1 10 A. funbury 2 00, liart-isliu.-R 4 20, i:tw York 11 A. M., Philadelphia B Oi, lialtimure 7 40, ashicg Uu 'J 07 A. V . ; !s.( os are advertised to coimeot with i .'.';. ii. .in at Lima for Manila; at Fait Au h ra, ou Tae.dayn, Tkuradaya and Satur days. I'tvr Jua Yiliaje, Siry karevlllt, Wales and Ytfclta l-.vhow; at Arcade for t(priug Niiie, 1-andiiskHy aad Yerkbhira. I'e.'.miiu 1'aiKCe Sleeping Cars on this iraiu fiosi Luhalo t Laltimore aad Wash, i 'p i on v.i hout change Philadelphia pas m livers transfer at liai-Lbarg, flaw York 1 ,isr eujpi a at Hai risuurg. On Sundays ib.i lint, oo5 net raa cat f Olcan. TUAINH i.llAVL EMPORIUM. 2 0 A. M., BUFFALO EXPRESS (daily) s ajjinp iii Sliipptn 2f0, Reaiing ii "iO, l-il-eiiy Ii 2J, Port Allegany 8 02, 'iurllo :'.. i 4 1(1, tiartKell lit, Farabeca 4 22, llldiei 4 w. tints Lins 4 62, Foriville 0:i, V. catvi. It, Oieun 6 00, Erie ltilwy ianciioo ti 05, liiasdait C 2d. lichua (j U5, 1 i ar.kliuviile ti i.4, Macktas 7 1, arkshira 7 lo, Arcade 7 2d, l'rataotioa 7 4 j, liollanj 7 4;:, Yialts 7 Aarara ti lu. Jauiiaon 8 l', Klma 0. pringbrook 9 'M, ibec er r- -, llutlala W.OOiA.. M. 'J li is train aiaies liH-ett coi.ncclions, for Klagar Falls, aai allpoian ia Canada and iho Vi est. Msg'-s ie advertised to cumeot with i Lis traiu at Arcade liuui Spriugville, can dusky and Vvr-iithii-e; at Lat Aurora, on 1 uc-sdays, IkuiBilays aui Saturday s from Ja-.s, ."-iiykertrille, talrsad Walts Uol ai Flu, froai Manila. m. iionduys this traiu dots not ran taat ef Olcsa. 6 to A. M., LOCAL PASSENGKE AND FLEUiUT (daily except Sundays.) stopp ing at Hnppen 0 40. kculiug 7 ba, Liberty 70, I'cri Alicpaey 8 40, Tnrt.'t Poir.t y 1.', baiiwellJ 25, Laialcts 9 do, Eidred 10 00, tint Line 10 iii, Pcrtviii 1105, Westons 1 1 20. Oieaa 11 88, Erie JUilwoy way J due i ion II 4 J, liiasdal 12 15 P. M., Iiaiikhiivilie 2 05, Holland 4 00, Aujora 4 sj, Jnuciiou 00 P. U. .l;''t;fS 're dverliei tt cmuset witi thisirmu;al Porivilla .'roai Certs, Rich-l-uig, Little Vciicaee, Loliter, Willpoit and i'hk on Ceutrt. 2 bO P. 11., ACCOMMODATION (daily ixt'ipt Smidays). tloppinj t shippen 2 11, kcating 2 hil, Libtriy 2 tl, Port Al Icfcany 00,-. Turtle Paiui ii U, Sartwell 11 ia, Lar(.s 3 25, Lliired 31, State Lii.e8 4o. i(,itvilla SO', V. catena li 09, luau 4 (?, Frit Railway Ju-.etiou 4 13, lliaada'.t 4 .t, lschaa4 41. Franklinvilio 5 00, Mackiaj 2. Yorkkire ;i'J, Arcada 00, Proieciioa ly, Hoiiand u Xi, ks Oi, Atrori; ti 40, Jamisan Ii 04, Elai 0 OS Springbrook 7 04, tbencxet 7 10. Buffalo 7 40 p. M. ttugea are advertitcd to connect with (his train at Keating from Whartcn, Last Homer and Fast Wharton oa Tuesdays and Fr.days; at 1 art Allegany from Couders. port; at Larabces from Siuetliport; at Frankliuvillt froai Rasuiord and Centre, ville; at Arcade froaa Kushfoid aui York tau. TRAIN LEAV23 OLEA: G li A. M., LOCAL PASSliNGER AND Ft;FlUliT. daily except Sundays, stopping at lliuadale 0 47, IschuaT 18, Fiankliuvilla 80 0, uSaehias 8 34, Yurkshii t 8 Od, Arcadt U 20, Protection U 64, Holland 10 13, Wales 10 U8, Aurora 10 05 Jamison 11 21 Flint, 11 ilu Fpringbrook 11 J Ebtneatr 12 16 FuSalo 1 CO P. M. II. C FiSS, Oen'l tlauajer. 11. L. LYMAN, Gen'l PatsVAg't, J. V. VEOMAKS, GenT Sup't. The estimated value cf the luiibu now on hand io the cotioliy, is $210, 000,000, not iccluding tbe large iuvtBt-mc-uts io pine lauds.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers