1" Henry A. Parsons, Jr. - - Ed u or THURSDAY, JAKUAKY 7 :875. Washington advices indicute that sonic or.positidn is beginning to show itself to the Senate Finance Bill. It in certain that attempts will be made in the llause to amend it, to as to forbid tlio respite of any of the IpaI tenders thnt mj ta withdrawn ly the ejjrri (ions of the bill. If this atiieudtncut should not bo adopted it. is quite doubt ful whether til the hard money men will be willing to giro it (heir pupport. The latter arc convinced that the ten dency of the bill slight bo to further increase the volume of paper currency. Still we are inclined to think tkc bill will pass the House, as it did the Son ate, by 6oniethinj; like a party tote. Among the new ideas I'uelmatcr Gen eral Jewell propose is the cMablihncut ol a weekly flow mail to England, un der which a thrae cent postage stamp would cany a letter from any part ol the Uiilcd Stales to auy jmrt of Great Britain and Ireland. The double rate would still be called for on letters sent by fast steamers, but the single rate would bo a saving and a ccoTcnience to thousand of the poorer people who have friends iu the eld country. Mr. Jewel! thinks he can get a slow mail carried for $10 per ton, and that this would euublo him to anauge for three cent ocean postage. Evidently there is a man of brains and push in the PostoSlot Department. Pitt&lurth lilegrntjh The sub-Committee of the lloui-e t investigate Looisiac affairs, composed i;f Messrs, Foster, of Ohio, l'helpe, of New Jersey, and Potter, of New York, commenced its inquiries at New Or leans. Aiming the witnesses examined yesterday were Marshal l'ackard, who slated that he did sot belicTft ft llapub- lieua State government eouM maia'aiu itself in the South without the aid ot Federal Moor.k; and f'es.-ia. White, Ivaobloek and iiuikf, wfeu testified as to frauds iu registiatir.n atjd at the election by tie Kellogg parry. So far as developed, the object of the sub committee ia to investigate thoroughly the rceeut election, beginning with the registration and catling wiili the canvass by the retiming board. They bold that the Preeidetit hating rctogaii.'d t i;e Legislature of 187-, L itt uct that elected in November, they should there fore, eotjfino their iuvestigaiiuu to the lute election, which was a open ques tieu. This will include the White League, the reisiars and tie Return in Hoard. OovtRiioR TlLDSN was iaaauraied as Governor of New York, at Albany 1st icst-, iu the presence of a large as set! bl ge. Governor Iix add rested a few appropriate remarks to Mr. Tildes, to which the latter replial iu a feeling lancer. The Seoretary of Slate, then administered te o;h of cfsce (l.n iron-alad to Gevaraor Tiidoa Iu ad ministering tha oath to tha Governor, the Saoratsry of State uked hiiu which aath ha would take, &ud he responded "tie Bew." A xoui many official in New Yotk Stata and lrgi.ilative, made haste to taka the old eaih Lsf'ora the 1st ot January, when the new caa be caiao opperativa. They thud escaped the neeeseirj of daclariug on oaia that they "have aot direaily or iadirectlj paid, offerad, or aromised to ooatibute any money r othar valoabla ifcic as a caaaidaration or reward for the giviag or withholding of a vote at the eleoiioa at whieh thay were elected," auJ that they "hava not made any promise to influence the ftivir. or withholdini; of iy sue): vota." Tao papara ara paalishiug tko a am 3 of official who tuudo haste ta take the old oath days belora they entered an their oo:al duties At Puru, Ohio un tha Wtbih iiailrond, the money packages seat tiy tha United Utaias Ixprass ara transfsrrcd from one Ktsseagtr t aaothtr. Ou reeeut train Cassel and FuVei wart the inssetagers con necting at tn Is poiut, Tke Irausfi', ae nsual, waa made hurriedly during tas brief atopp.K tof tbalaeouotiva far wutar. Fobes took the bundlss, and signed kis name iu receipt ta tha list, whieh included ouo letter containing $1, !'. Just at the triiu was ready U start ht diaeovored that he had aot received the $1,40J package He told Ca I ussel eo.t was met with un assurance that as vas taUtaVtn. The couductor said at could aot dalay the train, and 1'oVts, witk tht dread possibility of bav iig. tt atoowat for money, did nut know what to Jo. A baggageman had I cen in tie ear, and tke dasperalt mes senger suddenly dacidei that nt had stolen it, I'bert waa bo time for ciraumspeetion Drawing a revolver, Uehe'd it to ike bug gageman't head aud aaid, "Hani uio tha ioey or I'll blow your brains out !" Th thiaf, not suspecting tht random nature o the charge, abjectly draw the money from bis pocket aaii gave it up. Detuii Tooney, the oltltat iuhabilaot of Oxford, Ma., has jtut tiki at the remarkable age ol ICS jeais. Ue fought under Wellington at Waterloo This town seefcv to bo a good kealtty for old people, as there are now living,, withia a few rods ol each other, seven persons upward of 80 years ot age, and two who Uv nearly reaped i0. THE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLliEST PATSPw IN THft COUNTY, HAVING THE LARGEST CI11CU ATION, IT IS THKUEFORK TI1E ADVERTISING MEDI UM IN THE COUNTY fltxeiti tt the gutwjitjs tt th JPwple tt (Ells Ousty. TS2!SS:..$2.00 PSU- YEAB. fyoi wni to plI! Rnythin, lot the people kno-.v it through the Atvoc.Tr, the great edvcrti:iug medium. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET Til EM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW RATES. She dMIt SWcecalc lob Printing OOk'c, TLayea i II g "-ly's I'loek, Kidgwa, I'n. Tlie best work done, aud at tbc very !owet piiees. Hand liile primed at tic t-l.nrct t ntiicc Call in and et our prices for advertis ing and jobbing. Satisfaction warranted Orders by inuil promptly atte tided to Abdriss, HENRY A PARSONS, JR. Ridowat, I'a. JtoM,istcr's Notice. TVTOTICE Is hereby given that the follow- XT lap; nccounls have been filed iu my oliice, und will h presented at tlie Orphan's Court tt Elk County for confirmation, on tlie fourth Monday of January next, being the 241 n any ot January, lSo: Final account of Catharine Shall, admin istrstrix of Allan Shall, late of Millstoiie Township, Klk county, l'a., deceased. Final account of E. kl. Dixon and G. L. Window, a JuiiuietrntoiM of LlirabMli tViunloar. late of Hcneictlo towusiiip, Elk oouniy, la-, ueceaHcd. I'urtlal ncccuiit of E. II' Picon, admin istrator of Churlri cilieldruke'i et-ttit c, lute of Ueurietto township, Lilt cauuty, fa., tleccancct. FEED. SCIICEN1NGI ltegit-tcr. v4a4-lll Co truly tidilort,' TSeeClKgr- Nctiee is hereby given that the under siiciicd Auditore will nreet at tiie Cotnmii" siuuers' tifilce, t KiJcwny, Fa., on WON DA TI1U FOUKTU UAV OF J AM1 AUY, 1B76, nt two o'clock P. 11., for tht pupona of auditing nettling si J adjusting the uu counlH of the couuly of Llk with its "ortral oficcrs; aud the Treaeurer, Sherili' and Ct'BuiMiiuui'rs of "aid couuly, k'ko Com ui!ooueiti of 8lnlc8 Koads, are icq nel e il to he pioteul at the abtve uauicj time ami place. 3' HtlS. IRtMV ) 1 It OS. J. PLllKE Co. Auditors- K.C.CL'XDY, J dca 17 lit ESTATE OF JOHN ENURE AS, bite ol BcnEin'er Townsbip,Elk C'ouutj deceatxd. Ail persons indebted to said Estate are rcijueMcd to umke im mediate payment. All thote having lcj:al claim PL'aiiif-t the fiuiue Rill pre Bout them without delay iu proper order (or K'ttitmcut, to fOIMIIA ENURKAS, MAll'IlN iSORG, ii-lTtG. Executors. TrI5. ALDiNE COMPANY'S ITiiW PUELICAfflCKS. bold gxli' vr suiisaurrioy. TUB ALPINE; 5'HB AliT J05KNAL OF This Epleudid ci.U'q l ie iu lint only wt'.l Bueiained in every U-r.tnic, but is Lc:i!c coiihtaiitly dove-loped and iuipicci. 1: to day slbiids -ilhont a rival iu ihe whole world of periodical literature. Tiio heauti 1 nl dog-portrait, "'Mau's Vu:-el'.fih Friend," n cLioino picseuted to cvry culit cr.ber, i.J u decided hit, and v. ill, if j ossil.lo, add to il.e popularity which ti.ie work has gained. The An Ukiok leiiture also promises greai Mid l'tuiticeiit results, in nruueiaj.; puhlie interest iu the tine nris. Circulars unil full inio'.'i.mi ioa ou application. Perls I, II, IU, nud iV are r.ow ready. CUTTON'S Leisure-Hour liiscellany. To be ccuijikled in 40 pinis IksuciI iui nipily. l ach part will ceutainsn elerul front is pieee, originally engraved on biel lor ihe Locdun Ait Jwiii'uj!. iiEPaoDUc:r;G at a rriee v. ithin the norulKr if ;-. !.. en gravings never hel'-jrc elieivd ct i is :hati flv( iime-5 :he aicuunt. Thcae platfi! huvti heeu llie at-.i-uctlon of The London Art Jcurnal, Eisch purl will coi.!i.iii 'J'i (jii-irio ?-. ine!i:dii),r the eltg int fror.ti;.i ee. i. I.t-.vy p'.aie piipn'. A rupovb title piifcv, iei ly il!iiniiu:iicj in ie.l and guld, will ho glwn wiih tha fit at l art, aad the pt iii i Ik.-t of liii eutire wcvk vill l,e a sro.-ihy i ;-pi-e.-.-i:U. lion of "The Alliue Pre.'.," which is ;t utii;. At z Cost of 25 Csnts a Fart l'.nlj I, I!. ud III aiv Juft PuMMie-!. Tsc-: ,f:r fons.i'.fi, Cotiipleie in 12 monthly piifts, at :'l ;::'., r.tj'i'odue;n-; Ihe he.-t full ji',;e ilh.-'ia-liens from tlie enrlier volumes of The A Mine. Each monthly prt will contain six cu-pc-ih plates with accompanying descriptive matter, and whet her l'r hindiug or training will te entirely hej on.l enmvtiiiftti ii price or ai".ii-iic rliaractct. Pvc- y imi '.- sirn will be r,nn tcrcfully taktn nn th:: Knett toned paper, au.l ni i.is will spared to make (his the richest p-'u ! .-.ciin-.i of a press which has wen, in a inni-.i-lously fcliort time, a tvorid-wi la rrputation. E-p?ci iliy tt-)iied lor Scrap U-jok i:!f'reti.n and L'lawiur: Caj, Copies. A laree collection of pic lures of ilificrcui sixes and on almost every co'iei-ivabKr tnh. ject have been -ut i.p iu an aitraelivc en velop", end are now i-iieied at a price in Kiniel lo tiiahe the'i popular e Werj sense Piivelepe !"o. 1, contnin'np 0) le:;t:iiitii eiiraviii(s, i1; now nin'v, aim v;i:l I e hcui. posiaga paid, lo ai.y addri-G3 for (iSl. Pdi. LAli. A libtrt! Ui:cou!.l lo oeuis ui.u teachers. SCRAP HOOKS. A splendid r.Fsorlvnetii tt Pf'P.AP IiOftES have bet e xprcssly picnared lor Ihe h-jli-d.ry ti'.-.M ii, t,ii. in, iis-eiii of wore perma nent inierest can be K-ltcied iar gouikuian t.r lady, old or ycur.g. No. 1. iiali bound, eloili sides, iiiil bfteU li-jll pp. Uxld inches io (0 N'o. 2. Iiali' bound, clo'h B.dcs, gilt l a;k, OtiU pp. 1x10 inches 7 00 No. o. Pull un roeco, beveled boards gilt und autiuue, very rich oUO' pp 12 00 Leueied ts order iu gold tt 2i ceuls filch line. ent ly niuil potl-paid on receipt of the price. THE ALPINE PAtE-PAKTOLTS. Iu compliance with icjetted requests, the publii hers of Tun AtniNK Lave pre pared impressions of many of their lnou beauliiul plaies for passe partoul irauiin. The cuit are n., tinted on a l (auiiloii; timed azure mat, wiih a haudbjuie red bor der line. To attach the glass, it is ou'y left for the customer to paste ami fold over an uluudy n'.tsehed boiUer and this uiny be o'one by u child. L'T fitbjec!?, 1:113 inches, Hue.; will; ttiass, CUc. ir ii of ihi3 tize for $1 when selection it oil to the publi hers. (' subjects, I'.'il'JJ inches, 20c, with glass, A-'is. 7 subjects, (JiSJ inches. 5c, niih glass, dlio. 12 subjects, 1-4x19 inches, 0 c; with glues. $1. Eent by mail, without glass, post paid, for price. CANVASSERS WANTC1D TiMV .li.D.VL' COVSi 6fiJtialicn Lane, 't w l erA". v4n4IUS. LIST of petitions for Lioensos filed for January Tern. 1876: TAVCKI. 0. L. Wiitslow P. X. Soag J oho Collins ....Benszctte ...Peniinger Pox ...llorlcn - Jy Pi(lwnj .... Ilidgwsy Mary's Doro IP h. Hinnn Oeorgs Pill. niliiaa H. Schram Iiilev Brn Arton Fochirnjinn St. Klizalieih Vnifid 8 Joseph F. Windfclder ... " 10 Joseph Windfflder " 1 1 William Zelt 12 Andrew Itogaa 13 James Rngau ' 14 Jchn Wschtel & Sou " 15 Thoniag Valeatiae " 10 K. II. Morrison " AT1K0 an l. 17 John Daley , Beaczctte 18 Andrew llau Pox 3 James M'Qinnis Uidgway 2.1 Eli Etter " 20 William Gies St. Mary's Doro il Harney Wesmlier., Anthony Schauers "i Jacob Kraui 24 Q. 0. Messenger llidgwny 115 i Larles M'Veau St. Mary's iiuro 20 Joseph W'ilheltu FKiiP. SClHENINa, Ui.irk Q. 3. THE BEST PAPER, Try It. pos t a a e fix iz i : . EM AVTl F i; LEY I LLP. ST It A TED. Ihe SCIENTIFIC AMKl'.IC.VW now in ils 3U;h year, enjoys ihe wiliest circulation of any newspoper uf the kind.ia ihe world. A new volume caiuieuces Januurjr 4th, 1875. Its cotitenls"'embiace thn liie-it sud uiom intercsling iuformrlion perlaining lo the lii'tii?rial, Meeliamca!, o iu ceieimho I ro-gi'e-s of the World; Pcscription.i, wiih lip jut ilul Eugraviags. ef NfiW lnveulioiis, New implements, New Processes, mil ;u proved iudu ir'es of all kindt; Useful Moles iiccipes, uc;Jeslioll3 and Advice, by Prao tieul vu-iieiH, for V, oi'-iiiit'ii uu I tuiployeis, in all the v-roin oris. The tClENTIFlO AMEIUOAN is the cheapest and be.-t illuHirutud eetly papers published. Every number contains from P lo ii original enKiiivinjis ol new uia cli.neiy und no 'el loveut .Otis. h.0ij;A Y1NCS, ibusiraiiug Improve nienis, Pi.scove.'.ei, snd laiporiaut Works, pertaining to civil auJ Meebanie'il Engin eering, Milling, iliiiing und Metallurgy, llocoids of the la.est progress iu the hji p'liculiens of t'leain. f:icinu Eiiiuceriuy; lu.ilwiys, .Viilp-PuiMiun, MuTialiou, !e;e yrapby, Telegraph Engineering, Eleciric t Maa-netiant, Light und lict FAPMEKS, ilechauics, Engineers, In vcniors, ii.un.f -.n.-luivrs. (.'!;, misis, Luvcis of Science, J t i.cl.ers. Uh-iyuieu, T-awyts and 1'eor-le d a'! I'roTcii; .i ;, w;il li:.d il.t- Sci;n I'li ic Am..i.ic.k u-'-i-ful to lUer.i. It 'hciuicl have a place in every iun.ily, i-il'rni,3,) Ihiudy, iiJ.ce, und (,'ouuiiug t.ouui; iu eery l.cadii.g t.c-oiu, (.'ullcgu, Aoadeiu, or ."School. A .year's i.in btrs conlain pages aud Stii,. il. iii'NiiuifU L.Sii:,AVi;iu. ilioua ai.ds i voluu.ts aro pre?-MV.'J toi' biuaiug iiui l e leiM.-c. Tl.e piutucal r.-jcip.s arc vvo.-in ien time? t .e o'.iboei iei ; in n i-.e. Tel U' . a UM I -' . i r pc.ul en cu--li.j' be iiad .i he: Ia conueo tiou wi.u I lie i. Ai -nil ; r y. aui Poreii'u I'vlv'.iJ' S j L L.1tll! I'. In:,, a .a i j i e , uj'piU-u' n. . i . ei v.-.L.L..:-.jii! .n: j Jc U ill 1 T I U 'ill. .'-t ' .d. A;., it s Lave be i made 1 or piat.. tur tig;: i i.eir ei.e . -!?:! ai o:.ia.id on the best lerr-.s, Mo ie! ei'liiw invent iom und ii.tlcLe.t t-v. .,ji)i- d ;.i:d aJvic: ilea. A spt.-.uL nc i. i ii.u-:.e i:i li.e .'-.eiCii: .lie Aii.er.ca.i .- . iHVcntUa- P-.ifU'.e-t li-ioiin xua Age sic wiiii I l.e l.a'.i,-: and i : iJcjce o the t a'cn lee. l'a'ei.M iW' otleii told lupuil ol wiiole. io per-.cuH Ktirac-e-t I tUv i..vct:ion by t.:ih i.oiic-:. l l pii-es, coi.tu.nii.;; .t.,, 1 ji iibti.inin 1',.: ju.j A.ldics ir ii.:- i'a J'aleUis, M i t u. V. Piiit.-eh l.Jdcc, co Wat-tiingt.iii, It. c. r, e iii-i i' let, lili rectioiit I -.1 u ci- cviiec'-nin,'! Pai i ivo.i. ' n:d 7 i U t!s , D.MLi AN ii I'.l.i.KbV Pu;ils;s. Ihe cii v! lie l'ie.-i.:f-r.iiiil. i!k- i nl i.. o. iai.ee ( o I ae i j el. I o: P ,,. V o :-.,al; en cril c ili-.-jj fully. l.ii,l,i;-p. 'i i.i. l.Ki.V SL'N I n o; our i t-i 1 1 in r. aiu ined a ; il- l.S-.lld CC;pi - every .-inie and eii l.l.l V.'tl lo e'i-:.::ai i e ie.,1 I n 'i i'ol ,i.e i.L j-e.p II . in.; : i ve 'J ii K a r-oro : U:. -, .-: 1. 1 e i i -! .Jl-I... ill i-ml-iV Vie: h..!i M l I'n'y cudeavoi- !o o ihe i. id n-.m'.aid, but lo lo int ie.y i,i,.j j i.tt .-i-. . I'S Ii! ci-i.titiu..- I o be - I Ay "i . A ,i I i. f- I; ( W O ' ..ii;.: m ii, ei :..ie-:-v-J rlteli l-.l'i It::! i- i.t- i i t' Irii,- , ic IruM, i i nit d :ii a lip I '.'!.; :-!i Tl .11 Ull..! pOI ,jt,l , Oil I.i, Ui.d u.ti cle.-.r, m:v " in i'.ioi Mliuct.vc !nn -ci-. il i. our a i:.t I e.-t t .1 It v 1 1 be la ii.i lu i' hii i:.e iVbi-.K'.V ...y i .,;) aper lit il.e , sVN ur'd. i i.; i i;ii i M.n:i.i a:.-i n I'j inl :.n-l Hie 01 j rule K'aia,' ..1 meiy eon. hut w.il p; i.o.i inj lo 1 1. .-ii i ihe :.:.. i -crupulous i deiKti.e ii.m , Ii nut i.iwuys coiiiaia i-.o.-.! inlti c -tii ir tioiics and ronmncts liic (!i.j , e'iieiully tcKtitd end legibty pi'irtc.i, 'ihe Agricuiiusal PeparMiif-nt is u lon.i nn t liktuic iu ti.e ULLE1 tLN nit in ai iicles -.iS HHii.ys be toUiid li csu atd use lul lo the laiiucr. 'i he Lumber of men inticpcudciil in vol', tice is increasing, m.d ihe WEEKLY i-l'N it iiieir japir eftecijy. Il lie longs lo no parly . ai,u obeys nu ii:ciaii-i., coi.:eud.iig lor p, ii-eij le. aud lor ti e election of Il.t Lett ineii. H tip. nes Hie cm rup! ion Ihm d.iiiiaora Ihe coiu.iry aad thualcns "Lc overtia-uw ot lepniil.cau iualt luiiuus. It nua uu fear of knaves, aud aeeaa no favors ironi li.eir tn. purlers. Ice L.iiiKi.a of every kind and the fash ioi t it ii itl.u iv lepoi'icJ in is coltuuns. The pi-ice of ina WEtKLY cLi ib one dolliu a ye:-i- f i- a tlievts ot eight pages iit-d hit-rix uo'.iia.ns, ji this barely pays li.e cipcu.-o if paper and punting, we nie ntil ab.e iu Uiakc any uir.couut or ullow any ( iviomu'F lo frieiids who uiay nuke specia; . toils io extend i.s t.iculauou. Under ue nt law wliich !-., tiirea ayu-eut ot postage in advance, one duilar u year, wiih Kcnty cn.lt iLe co::t of prepaid pcsingu ib ihe rle of iubicripliou. ii is not necea sary to get up a club iu oidet lo have the W; J-.KLY M'N at this laie. Auyoae wao tCo.ls cue dollar and iweuiy cents will pet ihe paper, pclpaid, for a year. We huve no traveling agenls. lliL V. LL'KLY SIN. Light pages, filly six co'.uuins. Only $1 M a year, pontage piepmd. o discouuis troui this rale. 'JilU DAILY t-UN., A large tour-page newspaper of tweuly. eight ooiumua. Paily eireuJaiiaa over jilW.L'uU All tht news tor 2 cents. Hubscriplion, postage prepaid, 6o eenis a niouih. or to 60 a ytar. To clubs of 10 or over, a discount of 20 per cent. Addrcts, "T2S STJU," New York City. POWELL & KIME. MAMMOTH STOCK Firmly believing that tLc world moves, and that the demands of tlio public are con stantly incrcasini, the proprietors of the 4 ' 'i I'M iV have ju.-.t returned from fie eastern and western cities vith the naott peiicct aud TrlUCIIAN'MSliJ 01' l'.VKUY DESCRirTIO. Vi.-u csnnot AiiZ T'OIl ANVTIIING ;.-V ib net keep, aul they h 3;noN'::v the i ackuone id' 1 i-'n j rices, Tbey buy fur cauli and SV.LL FOil CASH! i.'eai i;ji THAN THE CEEAPliST ! Ri'way, May 1st, IS73. TQIIYSICTAN3 ANP LIIL'CGISTS. 1. A prominent New York physician lately eempliiincd to Liundas Pick', liboui his Sua-d:.i-.(,o,l oil C.'ipi-iiliis, staling that some times they cured miraculously; but that a p-.iipiit of bis had tulitu Ihuui tor sometime wiil r.-.u ell'ect. Un being iuii.rt.ied tliut several iniiiaiicus were made and sold, he ini.ii, ted slid found that his patient had Lien ii'-kiiiffeapsitlatBold in bottles, and not PPM.AS M(. K k GO'S. Whul happened lo :his pliysicl-.a may have happened lo cihevs, and PUN IMS PICK & Co., lake liiis ,.iei!n)d of pi-.-iccliug '"Oil ol Sandalwood'' fcni.i mis disrepute. I'll Yt-'P.'I ANS who mice prescribe the Cnpsulas will CON TI.NLlr. Tl) Jj't HO, for i hey couiaiu the PLl'.P OIL iu tlio Pi'lsT A.NP t il l.A I P.ST form. I'll. Up dA.NULLWOO:) is f.ict rupcr t'e. lii.fr every oilier tcmedy. tixly CtpsuU-" (M. being re'ju. red lo insure a rule ami cot lain cute iu six or eight days. From no oilier medic!)ie can this result be Intel . Pick's siot i- CArsri.es solve Ihe prob lem long considered by Many eminent phy sicians, of how to uvoid the nausea iiuddis frust experienced iu swallowing, whieh ufe well Luown to dettoct from, if not destroy, ihe good ef.'ecis of inauy valuable remedies. roll Capsules aie put up iu tin-foil auJ ue.it boxes, thirty iu each, and nrc li e only ca .stiles prescribed by Physicians. Jft-TI.L.'rP AV1.11E THE ONLY CAP SULES ADMITTED '10 THE LAST PAH 1-4 EXPOSITION'. Send for Circular lo 05 W'ocsler St., N. Yj SOLD AT ALL DI.US fcTOESS. .General Agency, 110 Keade Street, N. Y E. 8. FOOTE, 10. J 129 Lciiuiton Aronne, ' Co, z.ZBthSt., NEW YORK, iician, iil liliitJObliOSn TREAT'S ALL F01IM3 OF CHUOIHC DISEASE, a:;d reciives Letters from all parts oj the Civilized World. It HIS CBiCIHAt WAY It MMi a Helical Practice IIS IS TREATlKa Knmsrovtt Patients in T.uropc, tho West Iudies, tho Dominion of Canada, and ia every Etato of tlie Union. ADVICE GIVEN DY MAIL FREE OF CHARGE. No murnrlfl -VdiieR or dilch:riont rtuipB nrctl. H duridte t'i lt twenty yarn tnSvl iucctsb fully Marl.T or q. lite 4,l,UU cunc?. All frts con nected wiU e-h ruHo re cnrcfnlly rccortlnd, whether th-iy bo onrmnn:-tM by lrih-r ur ia pcrstm, or ibrv-l !iy the Doctor or his ncinto plivbiciani. The latLer nro l ickmitic modkiil men. All invulMp at a ilfBtunre ere rrn.ti'rfl tn ntiFti-er an cxtenlfitl list of pluin n-.-j-i .n, which will bo lurni-hel by mail far, t.r hi th- r-f. A com plete sjatciTi of rfK"i' -riiitf irvTi'. r:istnke or coiifnhion. Gun Ur Irt ir'vtr cot.iiiitcil, exci pt by th phyniclfoa t'.: t'tl"rIllnrI y,r frco cuiiulintioii . Til ?r l.-t tiu-H.iin?. A sixty pi--f 1 of e.i If 'j-.c of pucccs lent fiee w Addrtts Xr. JR. H. j-OO'I'II, UOJ "?-., Y VOI'I ACTifSTs va;;tcd. Dh. I-'ooir 1 ;h ff-irt.- iti.i i..ai. Com MnN Sefx." Pi 1(i. Il l!'!i. r...i- 1 :i ciu'lilation of over JiS'l.O 0 (ti'(-; x' . if " I'mx HoMa Tai.h," more rf"7v r j;. i.'i d.-.l, vr' .cil i.ni wild lo tho extent ;: T.'.1.'-. '.. ' ; t.f '-.SeltscE IK 6TORT,"ulii. k ..i : u ; in eeriea. or nil, rxci"pt'y t'.i rtr-r ii;;.;.!. work (whioli In out of print), i.t 1. wit frvf c-r niiplicn'ion to either Dr. Focri, or ihe Y;:f7 U'.ll Fatli:h lag CoKpany, wbewn oif-en J'.. i;.ii-t t"lh street. AifciiU b-ith men nn-l vi-n.-.-H v.ameil to Mil the foregoing wenfc ', I i v h in a U:w.rl i-ir-fit will be ulloirufi. The W:rr,:iy t-f mall furliiiu-l have been rnado in ueYn : In. Footk'h Kpu!nr works. "Puis Hfi: Talk" is imitlciLHrly ednpted to Jiitts, .!.! ' Si-ikxi-k in Bii'Rt" Ii (rut the tliinjr for t:? .vour.e. Semi for cer.ti-iits U.blee and nee for yni.r-.-lTe-. The former answer! a multitude of qi-ilon which hnhes ard penile men foel a delicacy Ali-.:l a -hiuir of their phy-iemns. tTbcre la nothing iu liirt.nrH at all li"-.e either ef the foregoing worl.a. "BiriKNOE m Stout" can only be hal of agents or of the l'uhlishwra. PLAIN UOUh: TALK" il published in h.th Il.t Eiiglih and Herman Laiiuaecs. Once more. ADDUEE3 AS ABOVli VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR 2lltENEWER Every year increases tlio popularity of this valuable Hair Preparation; widen is duo to merit alone. We can assure our old patrcyis that it is kept fully up lo its liigli rituiidard ; and it i3 the only reliable and perfected prep nration for restoring Gray ou Faded Hair to its youthful color, making it noft, lustrous, and silken. The scalp, by its use, becomes 'white and clean. It remove: all eruptions and dandruff, nd, by its tonic properties, prevents the hair from iitlling out, as it stimu lates and nourishes Ihe hair-glands. By its use, tlio hair grows thicker and Btronger. In baldness, it restores tho capillary glands to their normal vigor, and will cic.il o .a new growth, except in extreme old age. It is tho most economical Hair Deessixg ever used, its it requires fewer applications, and gives tho hair a splendid, glossy cp pcarance. A. A. llaycs, M.D., Stato Assayer of Massachusetts, says, "Tlio constituents are pure, and carefully eclected for excellent quality; and I consider it tho I3est Preparation for its intended purposes." Hold by all Druggiito, and Dealer! In Medicines, Prion Ona Dollar. Buckingham's Dye FOB THE T7HISKEHS. As our Renewer in many cases re quires too long a time, and too much care, to restore gray or faded Whisk ers, we have prepared this dye, in one preparation; which will quickly and effectually accomplish this result. It is easily applied, and produces a color which will neither rub nor wash off. Sold by all Druggists. Price Fifty Cents. Manufactured by R. P. HALL & CO. iJASHUA, NM. "VT'tTIfE 1-i UEn'mv t!lV"S' THAT A XI i'eiitiou wili l: pvestiued al lie ue: 1 eessiou.of the LegU'mtti.-c ;..r liio p i.;S.ip; , a law reini-tatii.g ti.o on miM-iiitieis of the liig Level tiiute Knad, long euoiili lo eollect resent tHie3, pay up inileljieducs-i utd tel tle up accouuU. For the Coiuiuissiouei a W. S. 0 VI ATT. Ueo. 3, 1874. it jF YOU WANT10IJUY GOODS CHEAP Go TO JAMES II. IIAGHUTY Main Street, l'.idgway, l'a. WIY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS SS1JOKS, HATS AND CAl'S, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW-WAUE, T015ACCO AND (J1UARS.- A Large StoeV of Groceries and Provisions.. Tlio 1U:ST BUAND3 of FLOUli Ct naluntly un hauil, aud bold us clump as tLe L'llEAl'EST. JAME3 li. UAGUKTY. liUSliiLbS VJARDS. G. A. PATIimW, Attorney-al-law, Ridgwny, Fa. 1 2 tf. PUFUS LUC ORE, , , Attorney-at-Law i Eidgtiny, F.Ik Co., Ta. Office in II nil's new lirick Building. Claims for colleclion promijtly attended to. v3nlly. UALL tt- M' CA VLEY Allorneys-at-Law. (itlice in New Frick EuiKing, Main Pj liiUnnj; Flk Co., Fa. 3ntf. J, V. It. LAI LEV, ATTOKNEY-ATLAW. vltu.O'1. Ridgwny, F,lk Coanty, Ta. Agem for ihe Traveler's Lifa and Atel (lent lunuinuuu Co., of llartfnrd, Caan. J.4.1f;,S' 1). FULLER TOK, Fwrgccn Dentist, hnting periant4ly lo- eated in K't-ny, oll'era Ms professional ser vice, to the .iii i-.j n a ef liidgwiiy sua aur rrunihug coittirv. All work warranted. Uiiice in Sun ice At Vi'hccler's Dailding, up M ;:!., rirsl iloor lo the lclt, li-n iiZ-lj VJIALLLS UOLkS, Viilcliiinikt'r, l-ai graver and Jeweler, Mniu g;rt ct, liiiiywiiy, l'a. Agent tar lb fiuae hewir.jr Maciuue, and Morton 0ol4 i'en. Keriiirii-s W titclies, etc, del witk tie tame tieoiirue.v fia heretofore. Eatia uelio.1 giinr.iUletU. Tlnl G. G. AJK&SEJt GERt Drapsist r.nd l'articcutist, N. W. carnet nt .Mil n ii ii d .Mill s'reels, Hidgway, l'a. lull iaviinicut ot curilully selected For lii.tiiiiHi Duiiie.tic l.'rttga. Freeoriptious ally utpeuiicd ni Ail bonra, day ar 11 1 u II l. Tlnoy T. ,S. L'Mi'i LLY. M. J)., l'1'.ybii.iaii ;.u Mnyee-n. o e, i.i i 1 1. .Si.Ji t. coiner bread and .Mi. in tti-. iividei.ee miner lirond Bt. i'l 1 oi-it" I lie Luil-ftf. tulice hours llaiu to I'J A.. Ji. iiml noin 7 Id B 1'. M. v in..; 1. J. ,S. L OK L-WALL, M. P., l.--":ei"!i'! I'liifleiaii and Mn geon, has reaiot e.i i te.ee iiiio I t iii i e Mieet, toMain si. K. l. tt.u, i n,, in ihe tieitid story of tb 1 e".v L:.t!i t iiileiiij; ol Jv-nti tt. Hall, C-ppo-Mie ii,; -.i 's eioro. i .i.iec i.ui.rs: Mo 'J a i..: 1 lo i p. an. 7 jail 'J 73 JJliti-J iiOL iL itn-invjiv. iimOi., v. V. il. i: "11 HAM, l'rti,rieu.r Vli.'iiA !'..! for f.ie j.airoii.te iittetufr Is o i.beral'.e l.-e-'lov.td upon ii . lit, tha nav iV' l-i ie-.or. h.'i-i..- , by ) i"; atrial t-u-tiiioi: (u lite e.i. r. --rt :uni eoiiveiiicnca et t-i.eM-, lo nitrii i ci-nnnuiiiice t ia -.. :;H-. tia 'M 1 ii.-U. IjUVE'JA IL jj(Jl.t Iv.' Ni;. .MvUean Co., T. : '. . !..' '.i - K .('.'.'.. l'i'upi'iHer. ! 'i'l..-'-!.lii oi tl:.- j .1 l i.i.nge ,;eielofoi so ! -r.:.-. Ii :-1.-'.'- r i tip .'ii iiii.:, tlx new pr. . ; . ...i-.i;', h-i". e--. l.y j ntns s'.rint auentien j i ue e i.iliii 1 mul e'.i.veuii. nee Ot gui-bln. j i.i i.i- ;. 1 1. e i.i inn:. ii..e tf tlie mine. 'I'he ; el. I,, i- iin'.t . .. i !il-!t... in fc.4t.tf utd well ... . ; i.i;. a or - a. uvhed lo lha i iitl.:!. V J U'jL'i) 1. K'.li.rh i iiUCbh', l'E5 I i.i. VII.: I., .i.k (..'0., I'jk. .1 I ;i!. ;.: i r..; ri. lor in I : :.!! i.-l;:i e hei etOloM '.'!,: - J l.l el 1 1 V '.il. -.i" II iilln, 111 0 ntW ; i -. j. i-i i i ; , ' ly j i -1 1 . strict at- wiii.'.n i.i i.f-.r m.i oMivenienc '' i ...- a ..'eii'-.iitii.i.ee of tk - ui.-e. n.. m is jDxy Cooes, IT:U::i;, C-rrcerics, t.!id Gv-ij-ii'r.l v r.iity, FOX i ELK CO., PA. Mn 17i f. ti -V ji .cj ijU 1. I A TV PTiAYIwG CAWS SI !'. 'Hlirt Climpe.-t kind made. HI 'i I'l'.'.t A ( heap common t ird. ili.J CW AYS ' nice ciui'Uicn e. iid. VMS MAS 1 .i.e ci.lico bucks, (ji:-. J.( KSUNti Cheiip und pciular, (IV lein backs, Miricua cclois und de-fci-ns.) COL - .tiili A.S (Ejel.re deck) extra quality GOLDE.N UAILS One of the best carda madfl, MT. VEUNOX3 SiLtra line, tw o color pati terus. 1EE AE07E TAKE KO 0 TREES List cn apUeuiion. ltcalcia eup ICTOn E. MAUGEFV SD-ly U6 t. 11 lieatie St., N. Y Euw'd J. Evans & Co., - KCESEUYMEN AND EED3MEN, YORK, I'ESx'a J4i)"Catalcgue Milled lo Appiicanta"3g 1'efer (by permission) to i'iin, J. S, Elak, Vi'nshiiigtoii, D. C. Wtiiitit, Son i. LVkl, liaukers, York, Pa, 2-Uu-t 0 THE CTlZi:;8 OF l'ENXSYIi J. VAMA. lour altcutiim is apecially luviled to the diet that the Kationul liituka ire now prepared to leeeivo nubscriptiona to the Capital took ot the Ceuteunial L ourd of I luauijo. The funds realised from liU source n-ejio be employed in the creo. iiml of Iho tiuilihigi tor ihe Intemationul L.xiiitiition, ana ue ihe enpensea couuoeied with the nine. , It ia coiitidently believed ilul the Kev't'tie Suite will bo rept evented i.j the liuuie of every eitizeu alive to patri otic coiiiuiemorliiou of tho oue hundredth biriii-uny of l ie nation. The ahurea of mock nrc c&er:d for J1U eaeli, aud sub rentiers will re eive a haudi-ouie engraved Ceriihcaie ot i took, suitable fur iramiug mul prteerruli u aa a national memorial. interest at ue rate of six per cent, per anuuiu will be .iil on all payments of Cen leuuiul Stouk iroui dale of payment lo Junuiiry 1, lbili. iSiibseribers L ho are not neai a Kational Uauk cuureuii u check or post oilice order io the ui.dei-Bieiied. 1LU KFUALEY, Treasurer, ttUJ. WaUut fct., I'hiigdelpbla A
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers