11 &mtt THURSDAY, JANUARYJ22 1874, Car Time at llldgicay. ERIE MAIL East 4 50 p. m. do do West 1:36 a. in. LOCAL ' 8:15 a. m do East 6:40 p. m elk lodge, a. y. m. Th stated meotir.gi of Elk Lolgs, No. 879, are held at their hull, corner of Alain ni Depot streets, on the second and fourth Tuesdays of each month tSsft ' D- B- DAY, Seo'y. Rates of Advertising. One column, one year $75 00 qu uu 25 00 t 16 00 Transient advertisements per square of eight linos, one insertion $1, two inser tions, $1.50, three insertions, $2. Business cards, ten lines or less, per year $ o. Advertisements payable quarterly. Four Eclipses this year. To all advanoe paying subscribers 'we willjfurrjiab. the Advocate, one year, for $150, John Rat who had his leg broken at Eagle Valley on the 22d of December last, will soon be on his pins again. ELGTN,tIHinois, offers the boys two cents apiece for all the ratstheycan kill, and the schools are on the pointjof sus pending. Ws speak advisably, when wo say that Dr. Morris' Syrup of Tar, is the best known remedy for coughs, colds io. JamesTenfiold, Apent for Ilidgway. Elk Cnunty Teacher's Insti tute. The annual session of the Elk County Teacher's Institute will be held st Ridgway.'commencing Monday, Feb ruary lGth, 1874, and contiuue five Tee celebrated Siamese twins died at their residence at Mount Airy, N. C, on the 7th inst. Chang who was sick, died about four o'clock in the morning; whioh'so shocked his brother, Eog, that he only survived about two hoars, The Publio Ledger Almanac, th e fifth annual edition, has been received. It is published as a free "gift to the subscribers ot the FuUic Ledyer, Phil adelphia, and while gotten up neatly, it contains f large amount of usetul knowl edge. , William. I1.ealisy of Jjhtisoab urg while holding a log that they loading on his sled, the log started, ami rolled on rj,' - Aim, crusjjed him to 'the ground and "foiled over him while in a doubled po 'eition. It was .thought that he would not recover. Dr. bordwell was m at tendance, .and he thinks the patient will I jpeo'TefT&o as to be arouud in a short I time. Tr is the Tastom of our large dailes lo keep: obitufaies cf prominent men irepaicd for emergencies. It would be ell for Skippie to adopt some such mrse rather than to expose hisjgno- laoe as to the history oMhe oldest iu- sabffants. As William . Gallagher's father lived in the bouse lately occupied by Judgo Souther, he was relative to Mrs. S. on the tame principal that the t Frenchman was relate! to ihe man over whose garden the Frenchman's uncle's dog crossed. Heavy Ulaming .One- of the heaviest rock blasts ever made in the State was made on Saturday afternoon on Col. Wilcox's job, below Larry's Creek. About one hundred and twenty pouuds of powder were used. Ooe p'reco of rock, weighing not less than forty toas, was blown into the caual, a dis tance of about sixty feet. A careful estimate was made by competent jodges who agreed tuat more than two thous and tons of rock were displaced by this blast. Williarusport Gazette S Bulk V Adventure of Two Printers. Last Saturififj flight two printers of this "cuty deoided- upon taking a sleigh ride, and accordingly procured a rig and started. All was serene until about twelve o'clock at night, when passing through Newberry, they were halted by two men, who came out of an obscure place, arid appeared extremely anxious to see them. The typos suspicionicg i that all was not tight, urged the horse j forward, but the ground was bare and Ufce animal made poor time, the strangers j in the meantime pushing forward to I overtake them. Soon the printers reached the bridge, when the thought ilashed upon them that confederates ?J Plight be stationed beneath the covering; ij Jbut there wera robbers in the rear, and f they must run theij chances of robbers S in front. ' Accordingly the faithful beast made the very lost of time every jump the "prints" expecting to hear the whiz of a bullet, or the clutch of a giant hand; t there was "narv" w)ii or clutch, fihi 1 Rubicon was cassed. and on sima a , the besieged to the city, the pursuers giving up the chase after the bridge was 1 crossed. The next sleigh ride will find )faoh of them provided with a "shooting Itiok. Gazette & BulUtin. Commonwealth vs. Dennis Donovan' The following jury wis impaneled t Joseph Robinson, Alex. Mayhood Jr, Samuel Vasbinder, Cornelius Whaleo, J II Meffert, E II Dixon, Jas. Riley, Myron Raught, Thomas L. McKean, William James, John Meyers and 0 13 Fitch. JANUARY 15th, 1874. Oliver Clark swoia The delegate was hold at the School House, llorton township. 1 am acquainted with Will- laui iialcn, James I'halen, and Will iam Droroley, Deuuis Donovan and Jamas Donovan. 1 saw these parlies at the hotel and school house, Hoitou township They were electing delegates to the LU.tiocratio Convention. Phalcn tup ported Windf'eldcr and Bromley and Donovans supported Messenger. James Donovan came en.horseback, Denuis come with JJrouiiey. I asked them if l'bslen's folks were coining dowu, and they said they were; said they were coming down with Phalens but did not care about riding with them. They said it was not on account of the candidates j they said Wiudfeldor had given Phalen some money, Jiromley and Douovan c;ine back lrom the school house to the hotel. James Phalen and I were eluc ted delegates. We all came back to the hotel about the tsame lime. They re mained at the hotel f rom to J of an hour and all took a drink together: some of them took more than one drink. William Phalen and Donovan took a tliink together. Dromley and Donovan started away first; it was 7 o'clock or after iu the evening. It was about the 19th of July, 1873. Donovan and Bromley returned to the hotel. They were gone 5 or 10 niiuutes; they were in a two-horse waon. The Phalcus had started to co as the Donovans came back. Donovans and Brouilcy staid lrom 5 to 10 niiuutes wnen they came back. Cioss examined William Bromley and sou, and Denis Douovau were in the road iu Dromley's wagou. His son is 16 or 18 years old I saw them more or lets for 1 J to 2 hours. It was a small meeting ; only 12 or 14 persons there. James Donovan spoke about nominating James Phaleu lor delegate. Dennis Douovau took three drinks of whiskey and William l haleu drank about the same number oi times; they drank to gether excepting James Phalen. I think 1 attended bar when they drank 1 was not in the house all the time. I did not see any difficulty only the ques tions of the delegates. They are all loud talking people in politics. One of the Donovans and William Phalen bet a ti cat on the delegates. This was after the delegate meeting; there was no tjuan eliug about the house. -I'halen said Messenger had been furnishing money to delegates. James Phalr.u toid Dono van they ought to be ashamed of them selves. Ihe fact that Wiudleklcr was a LaiuoJic was named. Phalen said he did not want to mix religion with poli tics. 1 Alonzo Horton sworn I saw Will iam xsrcmiey utter the delegate election I rode iu his wagon. I twirled at Oys let s Hotel. . 1 rode th - . . w hiiu WHO ilUil miles toward Kidgway to Hrandy Camp. Ve went one-halt mile and turned back and went to tha hotel. Xhev turned back to tee wheie James Douovan was They mid maybe Jim had got iu a gunnel and they would go back and see nui through. 'ILe Phalens were start ing home. We went to the hotel. We s ooil a. ;l,e tj,ne ton to eleveu minutes. 'Ihey took a lUiuk each. James Dono van w: s ou hi howe and started back with them. 'I hey caught the Pha lens at Joseph Chamberlains 1 to li miles; they drove middling last. John Bioiuley was driving and William Brom ley took his place, and they drove slower Wheu we passed Phal with Chauibei laiu. We stopped on 1 lie nui ueyoud, and James Donovan ic uiained belnud. The Phalens started nn null Willintvi T. i . - , ,,.w.iu xjiuuney goi in bis wagon and went along. The Phalens overtook in, tney drove on a blow walk, ucu wcy Ko4 auean. James i'baleu spote (0 William Diomley, asiitubim 'o duve faster, and he hit the horses, but soon drove slow again. They stop, ped at Jirandy Camp pott office for mail. James Phalen asked Dromley to let hiui pass. Dromley siaited on from hotel, and got ahead and said Phaen would uot pass him as long as ho drove that team. Donovan diove vei v slnw fmm that on. Dromley said he had not drove iu 1 haleu s way in four or five veers T..U1 l- , vuuu uiomiey saiu ue would like to see some fun. I got out at J P Q'ayloi's, Cross examined J S Chambeilaio lives 14 to IJ miles from Oyster's hotel. Jumes Pbaicu sworn William Hi ley and Dennis Donovan are brotheis-iu- law ; JJromley maaried Donovan's sister; James and Dennis Donovan are b.otbers. I am a son of William Phalen; my father liveed about fifty rods from Will iam Bromley. Dennis Donovan lives or $ ot a mile from William Brnmlfivs. The delegate meeting was on the lUth of J uly. There had been difficulty be fore the delegate meeting. Bromley atd my father had been iu some diffi culty. There were legal proceeding growing out ot it. Mv father had tiros- ecuted Bromley for stealing his sheep. There had beeu difficulty some time be tween Donovan and my father, The delegate meeting was on July 19ih, 1873 I reside about live miles from where the was held. Douovans end Kmmlov passed my father's house in going to the delegate delegate meeting. I went to the meeting with my lather. )nU Donovan, William Bromley and Joho cromiey went in a wagon, and James Donovau went on horse-back. I remem ber when Alonzo Horton got out the of wagon. On mv wav. Julv 19th. at Brandy Camp hotel. I was behind Bromley. I got my mail. Bxomley had not got his mail. I asked Bromley if V A r 1 ,) li ... . . 1 numu lei me anva oy, and he said I could. I was starting mw Wp and postmaster Baid there was no mail for him. He reined iu his horses ahead of us and I drove back and fell in behind He drove pretty fast for 4 or 5 rods and then came down to slow walk Wo came to Taylor's hill, James Donovan caught up just beforo we reached it and said he had give Clark his interest it was to pay Denis Dono van. James Donovan said he was going to Ridgway; I said that was all right; he said, 1 snpposeyou are for Windlul der ; I said 1 was and expected to vote for him in County convention. Then he said you have Windfelder's money and he furnished it to carry the prim ary meeting and to bear expences. I denied taking any money from Wiud feldor and said 1 never took a dollar from any ono yet. I said 1 had not seen Windf'eldcr up to this liiuo. He said 1 was a d d liar, and he knew 1 had received money. The wagon ahead stopped. Dennis Donavan got out and cauio back aud James Douovan juirpod off and tied his horse; pulled off Lis coat and said it be denies lakiug apy money ho is a d d lying s ot a b , and Dennis Douovan said he would Lick our d d hearts out, and dai td us to &et out James Donovan said he could t;hip any son old Phalen ever raised I told them wo did not waut to fight. Juries Douovan commenced telling of sonic.. tuing 1 bad said about bis Wile. 1 0)J him I did not say anything about his woman; that 1 did not Lnow aovtbius uuoui uer, 110 saiu 1 nau cnarscu tier -1 a, IT- ?!.-, . . of being drunk. I told hini that I had not said anything about his woman, aud tie said it tuat was so, all n.nbt. I told Bromley 1 would like the road, that 1 wanted to go home. 1 undertook to go by aud Bromley's boy, Johu reioed he team past aud ou the road and 1 could not get by. Denuis Donovan caiue on ahead, calling us abusive names, and got in tue wagou; tney drove very slow lor i mile to where the road leadiu" to our place left the turnpike at foot oi Ev't-lc- son's hill. We drove aloutt iu, aud Bromley's wagon stopped and Bro.uicy accused us ot saying somcthiug he he:ird we bad said. 1 said 1 did uot guy it, and he said if we did not say it, it was all right. We came to where the road found us both sides Bromley bad taken his coat off and got on the buc scat. Uoini! a little further he asked it I was not ou hand in what my L.olLiei aud I had done in driving his sheep back. He said you Phalcus thiuk you can rule this hollow, and 1 Baid ouly our share of it. aud he said our share of it would be d d s.uall. tiy lather spoke about driviug on aud Bromley said "shut up you d d old rascal." They drove on to a place wheie the road was narrow and they stopped. Itold them to drive on aud they moved on eight or teu rods and slopped raio close to right hand side ot 1 Dad. 1 spoke to them and told theui to drive up and Bromley said he wai uot oi iVing aud said, "drive up driver." Ihey went four to five rods aud stopped aaiu. I turned to James Douovau and told him to drive up. They drove ou not a great ways, eight to teu rods, near cui spring house. James Douovau loue uy aud I did not hear what he said. 1 told theui to start up and they saiu u.c c is road enough aud to go by. 'ihey started aud drove up to spring hou&e; lather audi stopped; they started aiii aud wheu I paed spring house gate 1 saw Jumes Douovau at tue gate talking to my nother. Shu utked him w imi was the matter aud I did uot hour 11 it. reply; they drove up 10 gate ul i;ud aud stopped, bo 1 drove past luto luu j.-id; as 1 was driviug iu the gate i u.u "boys ve will setild tliis buu.c o.hu time.'' Deuuis Douovau said "you uie a i d bastard we will settle it tiowi" Denuis was getting out of 1I10 wagon and 1 hallowed to my nephew iu the yard to bring out the guu. 1 diove a little farther aud 1 told the eliuie boy to come aud hold my huijt; by h '.!!. here my lather got out aud 1 got eui alter lum with my tace towaia iU toi.o, I taw Denuis Douovau uuvauciii. in at the waou toward the gate; li e m-j iieie 1 uauued lum tue reins auu eu to the gate aud taibcr was iu tlic 1 ct oi uoiiiug tuo gate. tenuis io. ovau shoved it opeu again; 1 said "dou't yoi coiiie ia hete and reached back 10 Itich the gale to again, 1 icacheu the tecum. time and he pushed it open ii.iti. swung it to agaiu aud he uiew ijm k X 10 strike aud I dot'ged buck aud ho bitppcu lusiue tue uate; uu'e Vias a rueco c edging lying thevo 1 ieLed it 0 iiod sii uck ut bun aud be cliucbcu 1110 c1 lug. James 1'ouovan ibeu cuue near me and said "vou d d e 1 am your man. Deuuis Doocvau took hold of my father and James Douovau ttuk ot me; James and 1 bad a tus.le and 1 worked away J.um tho gate lulo the ditch; 1 put him under; 1 beaiu a noitc and Juokug uiound 1 baw Bromley striking my father; he siiuck bim with a stake ot considerable ktigvh; 1 buj- posd it was a leucevstakc; 1 tere uoui him aud went to lutlier and Bromley weut out the gate; comiug iu the gate aguiu Deunis Douuvuuacame lor iuilier first and then he came for me and 1 backed off warding bitu oil uud James Donovan seized me by my arm; 1 reached with my right aim to btiike him aud Dennis followed up and grabbed me by my throat; 1 could not hold him aud went over, aud then Dennis let go and struck me in the left eye. i sistci said "he has murdered my latum; they let go of me and I went to ihe place where my lather lay and found he was breathing aud hallooed to my sister to bring water which she did and 1 threw some ia bis face. One aud another said I had not becu I ordered them all out ot and they did not appear to want to ,0. Denuis aud the boy went out. James Donovau helped ca.iy my laiheriu the house put hiui on the louuge. 1 exaaiiucd father's wouuded face aud bead uud louud the liht side of the face was bruised. 1 started for Ceutrevilie, aud ut Earley- wlle I got Dr James Parley aud at Centieville cot Dr StiaUserley. I re turned in thiee or Jour houu. This was Saturday eveniug aud the; stayed till 0 o'clock Sunday morning. He was un conscious to bis death. I only saw tht maiks ou his head. Dennis took hold of my frther when James took hold of ue. When I put Bromley to flight at the gate Denuis came fur my father first This is ia Hortonowuship, Elk county. TQVBSPAY MOSM.Ni. James Phalen cioss examined It is about three miles from Oyster's hotel to pest oihee. It was some dark wheu we got homa The distauce fiom the spriuir bouse to the gate is about five rods Die house isauove the gaiden Urn den is between house and gate I struck at Dennis Douovan with a club Dennis struck me uuder the eye It was alter Dromley struck father I was less than liaee tods iiotu Bromley and father Father lay with bend toward the garden nnd thiee lo five leet doui tbo gate. J aiiies Douovan had not beeu on good teims with us. I wbs in the bugjy when 1 culled lor the gun; I wonted to proUot my lather. Dr II Sl.aisieil swore I tin a physician; I wus acc(Usi ilcd with Will iam Phalen, deccfstd; 1 onived at his house ten o'clock at night; I found Dr Jam?s Eailey ullrudmg bim; he re quested 11 e to examine Mv. phalen; 1 cii f.o; iohuu tue piCnt f liicoicly pros. tra.ctl. puho fs'ow. 85 lo 40 r.er watch breathed, iabuioup; laltled loud; eyes 'ilf iikl pupils distended. Ho lay in a k.U'0i' iroij which be cctild not be Miomcd. All the symptoms of extreme pveji-ie ou tbe biain weie appareut. On r.is head I louud a large twelliug c muicnciog on liontal bono aud lun uiug b ick. Ou the side was a swelling uud discolored Aboul lour o'clock be begau to got stiff, nod feet being cold. A i t tie bolo.e 6 o'olcck, bad bouie con vulsions and died at G o'clock. There was a post mortem examination. Dies e a, eon the brain r.tts liio cause of death ileal a blow from some bluet or loug iu ti umcnt. Dr T S Hartley sworn I knew William Phaleu; saw him alter bis death I found depression i ot au inch iu depth ou the liont of scuii ou light side nude by some bluut iusti uuicut It was broke aud picsscd iu on the car Took off the bcalp, aud there were six to nine pieces ol bene small as 2 or o-eeut pieces; they fad penetrated tho biai.i. The mass ol ue blaia was broken, 'i'heie must have oceu two blows liom v 1 1 a t 1 observee Ihe injuries were sulucieut lo causd death There were some bruises I think vj the kit side; one ou aim and one on bide The depietsion Was ou top, and the biokcn bo. cs ou the side oi his head There was a dcpicssiou ou the side of iho hctd wiieie the biokeu bouc s wove j ue iiinw must Have bcea by u bticu witb T'totubciuuce. I cauuot sny whether both blows wcie from the same inslr'uiout 1 should jude it was a heavy iu&iiua,eiit The wounds 011 hide .cie biuLses I bhould judge uee-aed was tged GO or inercubuuis lie was a man dl'laie lumej pieces cf bono were b. ol.cn in tho biuiu 'Ihe Llow ou the ton was the heavier Tbe upper blow would iueii- tate that he was standing up; ilie s.uio blow tnigbt have becu given wheu J;u was down. Ptler-Thompson swore I was Jus tice iu July hfi; held a post luoricm on Wiiimin 1 liuicn; tji'.vo w.;s a brume w his aiui r.ud one ou his sii'o pretty vft il toward lis back; they were black ar d blur; 1 saw tLc ci'ound; i was sbowu u piece ol stake, outtiue ol the gste iu tlic 1 1 , ... 1 . . 1 . . mitu lunaiu jjromieys; 1 UH'ii t.lie Make home, uud lolt it in tho C'omiins hiniier'b liliccat the August teiin of L'olii t; 1 did not iiotito ciiy others of tlic biiine kiiid; it was a bteonJ i.rrno.l. cj " ; t'lifsllilit 1 iour.d the slake in tho xuoruiuj;; Ji'tuca Phalen bin.ud it. to ino Theie were time others there (btako produced and identified by r.'itnibs) 'iheljwcr cud wa.3 v,et;-it iiad not laid there Jong; it was wet about the uitunce it had been iu lliegrt'Uiid; there was u littio bruit-.o un t ue curuer; ihere was u bpot staiued wii'.i glUiS. I. loss cxaiiiiucd a lirre was knee on pin site side of 11 d. it,..-. a u. v iiogcrs twoiii l wus ar tlic post liiurteni; 1 suw the Makes pi: led up; uieie weie other slakes across iho load similar to this; ihey wme leaning against the lence; this stake was found on bide cf tho load Lear the r-utc; ihe biuke Could not have laid there erv Ioj I taw a mark on the left shoulder; 01 ou leu cibow aud one on lei t bido; tliey weie black and blue Epots; v.e laid him out, aud theu I first saw the maiks mi his side and elbow; they did not iudica le tuat tbey were produced by a club; theie were spots 01 grass near where they sa'd i'l'aieu leu. Caibariuc Phalen EWorn I was at the spring house strainiua milk. Jas. Dou ovan came up firs'.; he got off bis horse at tbo spiiug bouse aud met mother Mother asked what the trouble was , stterJan.es Phalen drove in tho yard; he taid I will settle this bonie other timo Bill Dromley 6aid let us settle to night Dennis Douovau got out ot the wagon and said he was not airaid of any Phalen 1 saw my father aud James Phaleu go towuid the gale. I got my father halt way to the house and he said let me go back and close the gate Dennis Douovan was scuffling with my brother; J ames Donovau said to my biot her James "hew dare you Btrike my Liuther? I'm your mau I " There was a great deal oi loul language used, Deu nis Douovan went toward mv father and struck him 5 and to the betvpf my be lief he knocked him down I e-ot ex cited and don't rccolect very wcii after .1... n'l - . t . . iuuh j.ub uesi i saw 01 my lather be was lying on the eround, aud I saw Den nis Douovan running away from bim. Dennis ran up to James Phalen, and James and Deuuis Donovan got in con tact with my brother. I turned around and saw father, aud I screamed and taid "my father is killed." My brother screamed to let him go, that his father was killed. , Cross examined My mother wjs at the tpring louse; the came iust as James Donovan got ihc-re. James Don ovan stopped at tbe spring house od xromivy came 10 tue &te aitei wards My brother told me to briugout the gun My nephew took hold cf my brother's horses. William Bromley ran about the time my brother screamed, and cot into his wagon and drove off. James rbalen was near my father wheu Brom ley drove away. Jamee Donovan, mv brother and mother helped carry hiui in. Bromley was on the other side of father when Uennis struck bim. He struck him with his baud. U was middlini dark, .but 1 could tee father lying there. We appeared ou good terms with James Donovau; but not with Den nis. 1 was not. It is between one and two rods from tbe house to the irate. 1 thiuk iny lather was 65. Commmonwcilth hero rests. Evidence on part of the defence: John Bromley sworn I am a boo of William Bromley. 1 Was at tie meet ing and iu the wagon. It was Saturday evenine,. We went d'uectly to the meet ing. They came an Lout after wo did I teoolcct young Horton going to Joseph Taylor's; nothing occurred on Josiah Taylor's hill. 1 did not see James Don ovan get off his horse thero. 'I heie Was some la'k along occasionally. It was something about election. I rcooleot when we turned off. James Phalen aud bis father weie behind us a fight took place at Phalcn's house. 1 taw Dcnnib Douovan have bold of James Phalen. 1 was sometimes close and sometimes a fchort distance off. James Phaleu bad g club in his baud. Denuis was scutfhuo with him. James Donovan said tr James Phalen '-don't hit my brother with 1 hat club." I saw the old man Phalen. When I fiist saw bim he was standing close to the gate; his daughter was with him. I next saw him lying on the ground. His daughter said he was dead James Donovan was first to go down James I'halen and Denuis were scuffling togelher when Le went down They were about three rods from where Phaleu hiy 1 did not seo any body near Phalen. Dennis Donovan cume up to where James Phalen was; he went tbeie immediately alter being at the gate. Deuuis Donovan and Jas. Phalen backed iu tho yard together; tbe gate was opeu when we gut there. Denuis Douovan nas where I could see him all the time. 1 did not see Denuis Douovan strike William Phaleu. 1 saw James Phaleu striko Denuis Donovan with a club. Denuis Donovau said "Jim Phalen you dont waut a gun; t'uero will be no quai reliug." Janits I'halen came with a club. I saw Deuuis Donovan pin up hl, hand aud I Lcuitl a Liow. M7 luiuer did not go away with bis wagou. ') he i ui.-.rs tauic and stopped at our bam themselves. 1 was aloof. I saw Kate Phalen take a tin bucket and strike Deuuis Douovau with it. Jumes Douo van and James Phalen had hold cf each othei. Cross cxi.inlued I did not see nuy one btiike William Phalen. 1 wili be 19 years old next November. 1 P.1DAY RIOB.M.'JO. Baincy Diuoirt sworn L knew where W'iilur Phalen lived; it is ti rods from the house to the gate. The gatdeu is betweeu the Louse aud the road. Ihe gurdeu is f enced. The houae is liom 14 to 1G feet liom the gatdeu ; the garden is nearly srjuute, v 0 Iicalv, Gto-.gc Dickinson, .1 V Houk, William H Scbiam, P W ll.-.ys, C T n' heeler, ..'me3 II Hag em aud C R Euriey were called, aud testified to't he piibouer's good chaiae-' tcr. To-Dav. Wc call attention to tho tidvcvtisement of To-Day in another col umn. 'Ih's paper seems to havo iaid cut a path ior itscll, aiming to luruisu a tioely-nlustrated paper tt a price that places it within reach of all mtelligeu ltatieis, aud sparing no expense to se cure the best reading matter lor its refers. Added to this, the souud judg mei:: mid exquisite taste that is sirowu ju its seleerou ot Premium Chiomoscn ab'es Agents to cier iuduceu eut that me irrcMMuhlo. Last year Mrs. Ander scu's li Just fco High" was the subject, and lew thought it cotiPd be excelled, but. Uow the publishers come Jurward with another churmiug child picture, 'Lilllo Sunshine," by the tame ari'st, uud ui-11 a Cluviito ol one ol the celebra ted Biiket .Foster's most beautilui laud bovpts iu watcr-collor. Kach suusciiber has a choice ot either one of the above t' ruiied chroiuos, and wo do not exaggre ,ate wheu we bay that neither oue could be purchased lories than beven dollars The publishers wish agents everywhere aud Oder liberal indueemtnis. LICSKSE. '1 he following are the names of per sons to whom license, lor selling liquor, was granted at the January terui of court. TAVIRN. Heiiczctte. I 0. L. ttinslow, 8 Loraua K. Chase. JJcmitttier. 4 F. X. Sorg. tax. 0 John Collins, 0 Hecjamiu liuyea. Morton, V 0. K. Clark- 8 A, J. Bummer, 0 E. 11. Dixon. Jtidruaij. 10 William H. Schraiu, II Kobert Warner, 12 ltiley Brothers, St. Mary't Loro. 14 Antou FocLimauu, Id Llizabeth Yolk, . 10 Joseph Wiudtelder, 17 Thomas Ziinruelt, 18 William Zeit, 10 Andrew ltogan, 1:0 Jiue liogun, 'i Johu U acutel & Sou, 112 Thomas Valentine. xatino uofsc . Benezttu. 8 John Daly, Jny. i'6 James Campbell. -7 fciukjuel liathbuu. . Jliiiyway, 8 Robert K. Inbody, bO Lli Fitter. Ut. Maru'i Boro, 81 William Giese, 'o2 Jacob Kraus, S3 Anthony Schauers, Si Bernard Westnitzer. STullK. Jiidjuau. 35 T- 6. Uartley, 86 G. G. Messenger. iS't. Xary't Aero. 87 Charles McVeun, 88 Joseph Wiihelui. The following were refused: Johu Heuly. Warreu Wiuslow, The following applicants for licccEe hae beeu continueej until February 24 1874: ' , ' Andrew Hsu. John, Lamb, d. Lewis, New Advertisements. TVTOT1CJJ Is hereby given that the Com L Biifsloaerb of Klk County will meet ut meir ouice in ludgway, l'a., on Friday i ebruarv 0th, 1874, for the t urrofe of re viewing the Military Enrollment of 1874 at which tune and place persons ieeliiig llieni telves ficcricved by caid enrollment can at tend if tliey tee proper. The assessors of the several towutliij-s are requested to be in atteuuance. JJy order ot t lie board. C. H. McCAULEY, Clerk. Ilidgwoy, Ta., Jan. Oth, 1874. u60. .VOTIVE. The appeals will bo held in the tcveral township ot Liu County, as lollowa: C-'prin cr Creek towbBUip, at the house ol Thou, lrwiu, Friiluy, Feb. ild, 1874. Millutotic township, at the house 0 Hiram EnDKlit, Wediiesdny, tct. 4th, 1871. llorton towiibhip, ut the house of 0. 11. Clark, inilfiy, leb. bib, lbi4. Fox towriblnp, at the MeCsulcy House, Saluadttv, Feb. 7th, 1874. Jny towuthip, at tbe bouse of Miehuel fcpangler, iueUay, leb. 10th, 184. l.'eiiczcttc towubhip; at the Henczette liotel, V'eduesday, Fib. 11th, 1874. Bel linger township, at the hou se of Jos, niudleldcr. Iriday, reo. 13th, 1874. St. Mary's, FJoro., at the house of Jos Windfclder, Suturday, Feb. 14th, 1874. Jones township, ot the house of Martin Sowers, luesiiny l eb. J ith, 18(4. llighland towr.tliip, at ILe house of Thos. Campbell, W eduesdny forenoon Feb. 18th, lbH. Hidgwny township, at the Coinmis sionei B oihee. Feb. l'Jih, audOlh. For t-Lbtaud Lands ut the Commission er's office, Fcb.'lbtb, and IU1I1. At which lime and jili.ee neons i'celii.g teerueelvcs uggiitveu ny the abseesnieut ol lbi cuu aiunu ii they see proper, liy order ol me oouiu. , C. 11. MCCAULEY, Clerk Ridgway, l'a., Jhu. GUi, 1874. u40. Y&lClAhb AMI LKICOTS. A j remanent New Yeik phytieinu lately coin) luuuu to b'l hiiiis bitk, i.betii i.is Ban- daiwood Oil 1. 11 j mi Ins, sliiling ilint seme limes liny cureo iiiinueleiiMy ; but that pal itii I i l liih bun 1 4. 1 1 11 tin in lor ti iutiiui Hiilionl ill'ecl. On Leini inloinied tha bevel ul imitations weie made and sold, he iniiuhed and loui.d Hint his 1 uiieut had been taking cnpbuhis sold in bottles, aud not UijMJAS UlLli. & CO 0. What happened to this physician may have happened to otlievs, 1111U iitilAe litCK & CO., mke this method 01 pioleciing "Oil 0 Sandalwood" l'rou this tiisiepute. T'HYSICIAKS who once prescribe the Cupulas will cmTlMUF! 5 0 LO 0, for tliey contain the TLKL OIL iu the LFtX AM) CllLAl'LKT form. OIL OF fcAKLLLYiOOU is fact surer seding every oilier umedy, sixty Capsules ONLY beirg iet;u.nd to liiturc a tale and certain cuie in fix tr light days. From no other meilicine uu lint result be had. lica's Sojt Caimi-ib blve the prob- Uiu loug coubidercd Dy u.uuy eminent phy- sicinnti, 01 l:ow to uvuul tiie naubcu unudin gnst eipenei.ceu iu t wnile ii.g, which are well kiio'A.i iu ueli.ct lrom, it not uettiov. me goon eiieets ol mi.ry valnut'le remedies. ffoft Capsules me vut ul in tia-foil and neat boxen, thirty iu each, uud uie the only capsules prisenbed by rhj ticians. JBarVKLbK W'LliE TUB ONLY CAP- I SL'LEd ALM1TTLO TO Tll LAST paius rxroEiTio.v. bend for Circul.ir to o5 Yi'ooister St., N. Y- SOLD AT ALL DSUO ST0B3SS. tlcnernl Agency, 110 Kemle Street, N. Y'' 18T4, TUB PITTSBURGH EVENING TELEGRAPH ! THE BS3T NEWSPAPSB , femsylvakia: Contains more Telegraph, Local and oenenii isews than uny paper in the State. As A F1EST CLASS NEWSPAPER, the Evening TELEGRAPH will continue in lead the coming year. Its well known ex altcd character in the past will bo main tained in Uie ltiiuve it will continue to ad vocate the cause of the people, without ref erence lo individual interests, and will re probate all semblance of demagoguery, In whatever quarter it may appear. Tho TELEGRAPH will maintain its po. lilical independence of ull semblcnce of ull pitrtizan "rings," and a (the same time will advocate the principals of the Republican parly and support its nominess when they are deserving of support. The TELEGRAPH will continue in tho future, as iu the past, to excel iu the quan tity nnd quality of its LOCAL AND GENERAL NEWS, care being taken to exclude everything of an objeetionublo character. The TELEGRAPH will be unequalled in ibis city the preeent season iu the matter of EL'LL AUD RELIABLE SPECIAL COR RESPONDENCE, as we have now regular correspondents stationed at W ashington City, Harritiburg, Philadelphia, New York and Cincinnati, aud special coi respondents elsewhere. This feature of the TELEGRAPH will be nn equalled, and will commend it to all who want th news fresh and trustworthy. The TI LFGRArn will continue to main tain its excellent reputation iu a LITERARY, SCIENTIFIC AND AR TISTIC. way, and in the quality and amount of se lected miscellany will not be surpassed by any journal any where. Iu tbe matter of IMPORTANT AND LATE TELEGRAPH IC NEWS. Our arrangements are such that we cannot be equalled by upy cotemporary in Hub sec tion, or surpassed by cotemporics nearer the Eastern news centers. Iu a word, th TELEGRAPH the present year. 1874, will aim to be among THE FOREMOST JOURNALS OF THE COUNTRY, to whhjh and neither pains nor expence will be spared by the publishers. . Tbe Full and Reliable marl(et"'reports of the EVEN IK G TELEGRAPH make it es- Eecially interesting to merchants doing usiiess wiih Pittbbugh, as its reports are fully twelve hours in advance of the morn ing papers printed here, and uncqnaled by them. Subscripting pric6 Eight Dollars per an num. Single Copies Three Cents. Served by Agents at Fifteen Cents per week. Subscriptions in all cases payable in ad vance, and co paper continued after the expiration of the time paid for. Specimen topics will be forwarded at any time to applicants. Address, EVENING TELEGRAPH, 116 Smilhfield Street, Pit4lmrh, Penn'a RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA HAIL 110 AD Philadelphia ft Erie R. ft. DWlataa. WINTER T1MB TABLE. ON aud after SUNDAY, DEC. 2d 1878, the trains on tha Philadelphia A Erie Railroad will run as follows 1 WCSTWAaO. Buffalo Ex. leaves Philadelphian12.Crp. m. " Renovo lil.lbanx, " " arr. at Emporium 2 16am " lintUlo 8.60 a m ERIE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p m ' ' 11 Renovo.... 10.06 a m " ' Emporium 112.80 p m St. Mary's 1.12 p m " arrive at Erie 7.30 p (a EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... 3 25 p m " ' " Emporium.. 9.00 p m " Renovo 10.65 p m " " arr. at Philadelphia U. 10 a in ElUE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a tu " " ' St. Mary' 6.22 p 14 " ' " Emporium 6.20 pm. ' " ' Renovo 8.40 p m " " arr. at Philadephia... 8.00 a Mail East conucots east and west at Eria with L S M S R W and at Corry and lr vinetou with Oil Creek aud Allegheny il It W. Mail West with east and west trains ctt L S & M S 11 W and at Inrincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny K R W. BuHiilo Express makes cIobc connectioua at Williamson with N C R W trains, north, and at ilairisburg with N C K W trains south. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup'U GttAND OPENING Buuruicr Arrangement l.UFPALO, NEW YOllK AM PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY. Time Table adopted SUNDAY, August 10, 1H73. Trains depart from aud arrive at ihe Buffalo, New Vork & Philadelphia. Uuilway depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1873, UN TIL further notice, Trains will rum as follows: LEAVING BUFFALO 6:15 a. m. Local Freight and nassenaer. arriving at Emporium at 5.00 p. m. 0:0" a m rniiaaeipmaanu, uuuuuurw Express Arrising at Emporium, at 12:45- p m., stopping only at East Aurora, Ar cade, Frankliuvillo, Olean aud Port Alle gheny. 11:20 am- Local Freicht ArriYrnn at Tort Allegany at 9:00 p. m. 0:20.' p m Night .Express Arriving a Emporium at 12:45 a ru. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:40 a m Nicbt Ernress At-ri.in. Buffalo at 8:20 am. 3.10 a. m. Local Freiirfit unit Pn Arriving at Buffalo at 2.145 p. ai, 5:25 p m Niagara Express Arriving at Buffalo at 0:45 p m., slopping only at Port Allegany. Olean. Fr&nklinvilln. A rAndn anil East Aurora. LEAVE TORT ALLEGENT. 10 3o'a.m, Local Freieht and'eassenaer arriving at Buffalo at 7.60 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. m.. nrrtvtn. .1 Olean at 1.15 p. m. Leave Buffalo at G.-20 n m.; Nicrfcl press, arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m. Leave Olean at 2.45 p. ni., arriving at Buffalo at COO p. m. Leave Emuoiium nt. :4D m. m , P . press, arriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. Ticket Offices. Duffalo Omnibus Line running frnm traius. H. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Pass. Ag't. J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE. Commencing Oct 20th, 187. ALLEGHENY VALLEY 3. R. THE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BUKGH AND POINTS ON TUB PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. 001NQ SOUTH. Buffalo Excress leaves Cnrrw n. 11 1R & Leaves Irviuetoa, 7 45 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh 10 06 p tu Night Express leaves Corry 6 68 a m Arrives at Pittsburgh I Day Express leaves Corry 6 35 a Arrives at Pittsburgh 6 15pm Oil City Accom. leaves Corry 2 06 p m Arrives at Brady's Bend 6 80 p m OOINO K0BTB. Bffalo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 a n Arrives at Corry 6 08 p m " " Irviueton 6 35 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 85 p m Arrives at Corrv itin.n Day Exnress leaves Pittsburgh m n Arrives at Corry lo 45 p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 6 45 m Arrives at Oil City 12 15 p n Connections made at Carr-v anil tia tou for points on the Oil Creek and tha diicgiieoy v auey nail Itoad. rutiraun raiiaoe Drawing Room Sleep. Ins Cars on Nicrht Emrm Tmin. hat-m Pittsburgh and Brocton. rassengers te and f. om Brockville mik close connection at Red Bank Junotioa with Buffalo Express north aud Night Ex press south. Ask tor Tickets tl Al1rTi.n Vll. w o f 3. J. LAWRENCE, Gea. Basil PLAYI1T3 CARDS. THE BEST THS CHEAPEST. STEAMSHIPS Cheapest kind mad. REGATTAS A cheap common card. BROADWAYS A VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. UlilM. JACKSONS Chean .n (Pattern backs, various colon and djl gicrnB.) COLUMBIAS-(Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One .f the bast oar. ximue, M'f. VERNONS Extra fine, two color rata terns. ASK FOB IHi;AB0VS-TAM XO OTHER!. rrice List on application. DeaJew Upt plied by ' VICTOR E. MAllftFR 4a 30-ly Utoll2KaaJe8ttN.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers