4' I It S:T Henry A. 1'aksons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, JANUARY 22, 1874. William E. Littleton has been Importuned to run for Mayor of Phila delphia ou the citizen's ticket. The lost paid preacher in Naw York gets $50 bo hour; t ho lending singer in the same church gets $10 so hour. A. couplk of drunken whito men Lung a colored man to a lamp post in Lancaster, ivunday night, because lie re fused to answer impertinent quostions put by them. He was cut down in time to save hia lifo, being al nost strangled. Thb matter is to bo. investigated. A man named W, C. Dixon was ar rested Monday night at Pittsburgh, lit is Bupposed to bo connected with the recent great diamond robbery in Cincin nati. He had been selling diamonds in that city and had deposited 31,300 worth with a pawn broker for salo, and when arrested said ho had uo money. On bo ing searched ? 1,000 was found on hia person. He came to Pittsburgh last Friday and has Mopped at four difi'ercct hotels sicca that time. Postal Exi'ENsb. Tho expense of the Post Office Department in 18T3 yrere 829,081,000, ' having almost doubled iu &,tven years. 1 bis is iiiaiuly owing to tho demand of the people for mail facilities. In only seven States does the postal service pay expeoces. These ujo New Hampshire, Massachu setts, Ilhodo Island, Connecticut, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania. These States yield a surplus of over 52, 500,000, and all the others create a de ceit of ?G,000,0U0. There is so much of beauty uud ar tistic excellence iu the February number vt the Aldine, no lover of the fiuo urts can well at'ord to allow it to rcmaiu a dosed book. Tho promise held out for the New Ytar, in the January number, of a volume of surpassing worth and taste, is sustained in thU issue. A dozcu becutiful pictures embeliish its pages, laore than half of which, are original American views. Mr. Vr. M. Cary has a spirited lull page picture of "AuUlopc Hunting on tho Plhius;" tho -hounds ia lull pursuit of a herd of deer which ere ooursing like the wind over the foot hills at the base ol the Rocky Mountains Mr John Hows has a series ut Ave pict ures, which ho drew'last summer in the lovely region of the famous Juniata River in this Stato. One ol these ia a grand and uiussivo whole-page picture representing The Juniata River Deur Huntington, Pa., showing, a daep cut through the rocks on the Pennsylvania Central Kailroad. Two large compan ion pieces, full of tho feeling and atmo fphere of out-of-doara, give the beholder wild and rugged views cl the inlet and outlst of Sinking Spring, a river whioh flows for a mile under the mountains. Two ether charming sketches, full ol beautiful water, cloud and foliage effects arc sketches of ihe river 'Lewistown Narrows,' snd 'Juniata River near Lew istown.' No fiuer series of pictures of American scenery has ever beeu pub lished. Mr. Johu S. Davis contributes u characteristic sketch ef the village ne'er-do-well,' Au Idle Dog' which is true to iife, as well as beiug graceiul in peso and composition. Specht has a nice pioture of Scotch greyhounds, (Qen tclmen of Leisure,' and 'Cinderella' is imo of those fairy-like pictures, after Le jeuno, represents a pretty maiden sitting by au opeu fire-placo. The other illus trations are a large and handsomo pict ure called 'The Old Bible by G. Wag wullcr, a child reading to her grand mother; a sweet picture ol a young lady seated oo the flowery bank ol a stream, "A girl no more 1 a maiden now," cud a dashing sketch entitled 'Uudding Genius.' The literary contents of this cumber of the Aldine are choice, varied, and oi iginal. A poem never before published called "The Scythe aud the Sylpids" is Jroru the pen of Richard Adams Locke, now dead, but who will bo remembered as tho author of the famous "Moon Hoai" of years ago. Josepa Watson, a bhaksperean echoolar, has a readable paper on "Sir Joshua lteyuolds." H. Emily Baker contributes some interest ing "Sketches in Old Newport" Chan dog Fulton writes entertainingly of Clo'id Pictures;" Mrs. M. F. Butts has it pretty poem, or eong called "When the World gets Green;" Francis Lee tells a capital storry of Yankee life, un der the title of "Taking it for Granted;" Dr. T M CoaQ, late literary editor ol Ihe Independent, has a valuablo essay on 'Imaginative Friendships;" J H Batty writes of "Antelope Hunting;" Kev. fc V. DufSeld has a peusive poem called "Foot-Prints." Edward Olin Weeks is represented by an entertaining story, a Florentine legend, entitled "Miohiel Betcllo;" Prof. Win. O. Richards has a jewel ol a poem, "My Doubt;" George Kingle gives a poem called "Blighted. " Mario S. Ladd a sketch of "Polly," and M. Despark writes of "Eliia Greatorex." The editorial articles are "An Idle Dog;" 'A Juniata Jaunt;" and well-filled de partments embracing music "Progress of Instrumental Musio;" Dram "The Metropolian Stage;" LiUture; aud art "Brookiyn Art Association." With this catalogue of tho contents of the February Aldine, we can safely say no other American publication ever offered its readers so many art and literary at tractions. Subscription price $5, in cluding cbromos "The East" and "The West." James Sutten & Co., publishers S3 Maiden U&e, N. y. 1 lT lAvVtVfii CoLoufcD citizens of the South don't say ''Shoo Fly" when an insect troubles them nowa'days "G woffumdah," is the mystcrous word. It is said that John Russcl Young will ocn booomo managing editor of the New York Hcruld. Ha is a jour nalists of good reputation and much ex perience. Sheriff Buennan and his Deputy have been sentenced to pay a Sua ol $250 and undergo an imprisonment o 30 days in Ludlo? streot jail, New York for negligeuoo ol duty in allowing Genet o escapo. Special OrrER. All persons sub scribing to the Elk Count Advocate before May 1st, 1874, and all old sub scribers who pay (1.50 iu advance, will be furnished the Advocate lor one year, Our object iu doing this is to in crease our subscription list. At this low price every person can afford to tnke their county paper ESTABLISHED 1S23, MEYER & SONS, PIANO M AN UFACTUIIEKS, 7-1! Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEA DIN 0 FIRST-CLASS TIANOS. No other Pianos have the improvements Prize Medal ol' the Worid'B Fair, Londou' England, and the highest Prizes of this country awarded. v3n42-3ra VICK'S FLORAL GUIDE FOR 1374. 200 PAGES i 600 ENGRAVINGS, snd COLORED PLATES. Published quarterly at io cents a Year. First No. for 187-1 has been issued. A German Edition ut tame price Address JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. "TO-DAY," THE PEOPLE'S ILLUSTRATED PAPER Is a thoroughly Amorican enterprise, il lustrated by the leading. autists, and teem nig with the best eilorta of the most able writers of our country. It is a paper that, once introduced in tho family circiu, is sure to be eagerly watched for uud carefuliy pre served. The choice of TliUtE OF TOE MOST UEAUTIfliL CRKOMOS ever iEsued, is given to each subscriber, viz: 'Jirsr Bo IJiou'' and "Little fSu.NsaiNK," two beautiful Child Pictures, by .Mrs. An derson, ui.d "Amomu tub JJkwdkoi'3," a landscape in wuter color by the celebrated liiRKET FOSTER. Ail our agents have copies of each, and me prepared to deliver them together with a subcsription Certificate signed by the pub lishers, ut the time tlie money is paid. Agents wanted everywhere, und liberal in ducements otiered. Sample copies with full particulars aud description of the Cht'ouios seal on receipt of six cents. Only two djllars ar4 a half a yar. Adduess, TO-DAY PRINTING & TUB. CO.. V33 Siuisotn &t.,.Phtla. 712 Broadway, N. V. 3 School St, Bostuu. 13, ot 117 E. Madison St, Chicago. TEE ELK ADVOCATE. THE OLDEST TAPER IN THE COUNTY, HAVING THIS LARGEST CIHUU- AT ION, IT IS THEREFORE THE ADVERTISING MEDI- UM IN THE COUNTY ) voitH to the 3tf test, of the japlc TEF.LS:$2.CQ PES YEJLE. If you want to sell anything, let the peoplo know it through the Advocate, tho great advertising medium. BRING ALONG YOUR ADVER TISEMENTS AND GET THEM INSERTED IN THE ADVOCATE, AT LOW KATES. FltED SOHOENING & CO., Law, Commercial, Book, ancLGcneral Job Printers, Sand Stationers. HID G WAT ELK CO., IA, DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCII, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ' ARNOLD'S WRITINGS FLUID AND . COPYING INK. LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Estcrbrook'a Celebrated Etetl ten, the Best Jtlade. All Kinds of Job Printing done in the Best Style and at Low Prices. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & IIII'IE. A. MAMMOTH STOCK I Firmly believing that tho world moves, and that the demands of tho public are con stantly iuereasiu?, the proprietors cf th (Srcmd atfrLal $toip have just returned from tho eastern and western cities with the most perfect and complcto stock of MERCHANDISE OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. You cannot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, sod they Lave absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices, They buy for ccsh and i SELL FOR CASH CHEAPER THAN THE CHEAPEST I Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. N EW PTAQX r.OUT. J. CBUXXS, ProprUtor. The subscriber having secured lie o tract for carrying the V. S. Kail Itiveen E2YN0LDSYILEL t SROCK.WAY V1LLE b&s ploced an that road a lino f hat Hacks leave the Exthangt fiotel n Raynoldvill every Tuesdiy, l'aartdsy snd Saturday oa the airival of tke Broeivill stage, ud ret am th nti, day. Tb haeks eonnect at DfOkwy viUe vith U RidWy (tag's, maltiuj fonaeetivB i k iraiu om the P. k I. Koi, Letb east imi et. ry ttnwo ts the eeahrt ef fuon of ihU Use will tie fUA 6 hberal vtrM Btit THE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO. wnut reliable and energetic Agents in this County. The "VICTOll" is a Loclc-slucli, Shuttle Machine, with Self-setting Needle, best furnished nnd most perfect Mnchine offered. An inore(ie of over 500 per cent, on tales of 1872 over 1S71. For Tenni &c., Address. VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO., Chestnut St., 1'hiladelphia, Ta. n30t5. BV MAIU 86 CENTS 1 4b PARK ROW I REWYORX DAflUSCAHOHDA EAILEOA35. From imd after Mouduy. Feb. 6th 1873. Trains will run on this Road as follows: Lenves Earley 7 30 a. m., arrives at Daguscahonda Junction 8 10 a. m., con necting with Accora. east 8 14 a. tu., aud with Mail west at 0 15 a. m. Leaves Daguscahonda at 9 20 a. m. arrives ut Earley 10 00 a. ni. Leaves Eurley CO p. in., and arrives at Dagus cahonda at 5 00 p. in., connecting with Mail cast at 5 01) p. nr, and Accommo dation west at 5 40 p. m. In case P. k E. trains are late, Dacus cuuonda train holds twenty minutes be yond the above time. 'J ickets should always be procured before leaving stations. O. U. EARLEY, Lewe. m u i 9 NEW, FRESH, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A KEWNMUSIC BOOK FOR THE USE OF .CONVENTIONS, SINGING- CLASSES, CHURCH CHOIRS, AND THE HOME CIRCLE. THE CLUSTER by p. wesley martin, J. M. STILLMAN, AND I. MARTIN TOWNE. Triee, fl.1.50 per Do. Single Copies iviil, post-paid, $1.50. Address, J. L. PETERS. 60D Broadway, New York. FOR SCHOOLS. Fairy Voices A NEVV SIN'OINQ-CLAS BOOK, COUriLCU AMD ABBAKOEn BY WILLIAM DRESSLER. Trice, ffl per Doz. Single Copies gent, Pbil-tiid, for GO cents. Address, J. L PETERS', Brodwy, Jiew York. The gong Echo Th Popular Singiosj-Scbool Book BY 11. S. PERKINS. Priea, $T.t0 far Pox. SingU CopU ktei, pMt.paid, far 76 nunti. Adr J. t. PITMli sat)?- m toriwTxSrTi t. APygBTIBE NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumhermens Tools. In fact everything usually kept iu a first-class Hardware Store. A FIRST-GLASS TIN SHOP, Employing Workmen ciass material used. 1. sticle 4- V OPPOSITE THEICOURTIHOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. W- S- -tf. F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP OO TO JAMES II- IIAQERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOT S SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WA1113, WOOD AND WILLOW-WARK, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Groceries and Provisions. Tho REST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as tue CHEAPEST. JAMES II. IIAGERTY. Ayer's Cathartic Pills; For tho relief and cure of all derange ments in the stom ach, liver, and bow els. Theyareamild aperient, and aa excellent purgative, licing purely vege table, they contain no mercury or mino ral whatever Much serious sickness and suffering is prevent ed bv their timclv use; and every family should have them on hand lor their protection and relief, when rcuuired. Long experience has proved them to be the saf est, surest, and bc-t of all the I'llli witli winch the market abounds. By their occasional use, the blood is purilled, the corruptions of the sys tem expelled, obstructions removed, and the whole machinery of life restored to its healthy activity. Internal organs which become clogged and sluggish are cleansed by Auer' fills, and stimulated into action. Thus incipient discaso is changed into health, the value of which change, when reckoned on tho vast multitudes who enjoy it, can hardly be computed. Their sugar coating makes them pleasant to take, and preserves their virtues unimpaired for any length of time, so that they are ever fresh, and perfectly reliable. Although searching, they are mild, and operato without distui'Uaucu to tho constitution, or diet, or istui'Uaucu to tho constitution, oi n. Occupation. tun itirections are given on tho wrapper to each box, how to use them as a Family l'hysic, and for the following complaints, which these Villa rapidly cure: For Itjrupvpiiii or liKllgeatlon, X.ltl. ne, Iraniruor and Lota of Appetite, they should be taken moderately to stimulate the stom ach, and restore its healthy tone aud action. For X.tv.r Complaint and its various symp toms, Jlllloua Headache, Mick Head, uche, Jauuillce or Ureen SicbneM, Bil ious Colic and Uilioua Fevers, they should be judiciously taken for each case, to correct tho diseased action or remove the obstructions which cause it. For Dyaentery or Diarrboea but' one mild dose is generally required. For MheumatUm, Gaul, Oravel, Pal. S itatloa of the Heart, Pain In the ide, Hack and Loina, they should be contin uously taken, as required, to change the diseased action of the system. With such change those complaints disappear. For lSropay and Iropalcal Mnelllnjra, they should be taken in large aud frequent dosed to produce the effect of a drastic purge. lorlupprealoii, a large dose should bo taken, as it produces the desired effect by sym pathy. as a Dinner fm, take one or two I'illa to promote digestion and relieve the stomach. An occasional dose stimulates the stomach and bowels, restores the appetite, and invigorates the system. Hence it is often advantageous where no serious derangement exists. One who feels tolerably well, often rinds that a dose of these Villi makes him feel decidedfy better, from their cleansing mid renovating effect on the digestive apparatus, PREPARED BT Vr. J, CATER CO., Practical Chemist, LOWELL, MASS., V. S. A. FOB BALE ST ALL DEUGCIST8 EVERYWHERE. CHARLES HOLES, Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main atreet, Ridgway, Pa. Agent forth Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done with he Bam e aocuracy m heretofore. Eatis aotion (piroctocd,, 1lf none but first-class and nothing hut first- SERVICE & CO- - (Fohhbblt Wood & JLiim.) . STATIONARY & PORTABLE C3 i . The Best & Most Completo Assortment iu tho Market. These Engines have alwnys maintnlned the very highest standard of excellence. ' "We make the manui'icturp of Enyines, lloilers and 8iw Mills a apeialty. We hav the largest ami most complete works of the kind, in the country, with machinery specially adapted to the work. We keep constantly in process larfjo numbers of Engines, which we furnish at the very lowest prices and on the shortest notice. We build Enirinea specially adapted to Mincn, Saw Mills, Grist Mills, Tanneries, Cotton bins, Threshers and all classes of manufacturing. We are now budding the celebrated Lane Circu lar Suw Mill, the best aud most complete saw mill ever invented. Wfl mnkA thfl TnAnnfnctaire of Saw Mill outfits a pccial feature of our business, aud cua furnish complete on the shortest notice. Our aim in all cases is to furnish the best ma ehinerr in the market, and work absolutely un equaled for beauty of design, economy aud strength Send for Circular and Price List. , UTICA STEAM ENGINE CO. V11CX, K. V, Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Juo. Vincent. Associate Judgc3 Chas. Luhr, J P V Houk. District Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheritr D. C. Oyster. Prothonotary o., 1'red. Schocning. Treasurer C. K. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus Lucore. Commissioners llobt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. Ed. Weis. Auditors Clark A. Wilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi iners. Joseph Kcrner. and Charles Mead. NEW LIVEKY STABILE IN DGWAV. DAN SCI11I3NEU WISHES TO IN form the Citizens of RMgway, and tie public generally, that he has started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES Buggies, to lot upon the most reasons ble terms. BgJIe will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad street, above Main. AU orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. tf. Edw'd J, Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, TOBtt, vbnn'a JcgrCataloguea Mailed to Applicants Refer (by permission) to Hoa, J. S, Black, Washington, D. C. TIA STEAM ENGINE BUSINESS CARDS. G. A. RATIlBUXi Attorney-at-law, Ridgway, fa. 2 2 tf. RUFUS LUC ORE, Altorney-al-Law, Ridffwar. Elk Co.. Pa. ODiee in Hall's new Brick Building. Claimi for collection promptly attended to. . 3nlly. II ALL & ATCAULET, Attorncya-at-Lw. Office in New Brick Building, Matta EH Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. 8oatf. REYNOLD'S HOUSE' ESYNCLESVILLE, JEFFERSON CO, PA. II. S. BELNAP, Pbofbiitok J, O. )?. BAILEY, ATTORNEY-ATLAW. vlnzoyl. Ridgway, Elk County, Fa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aoei dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. JAMES D. FULLER TON, Burgeon Dentist, having permanently lo cated in Rigway, offers his professional ser vices to the citizens of Ridgway and sur rounding country. All work warranted. Uluco in Service & Wheeler s Uuilding, up stairs, first door to the left, 73-n-82-y G. G. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraceutist, N. W. eornet of Main and Mill streets, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefully selected For eign nnd Domestio Drugs. PreseriptioM carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vlnSy J. S. B ORD WELL, M. D., Eclcctio Thysician and Surgeon, has rem cd'his office from Centre street, to Main st, Ridgway, Pa,, in the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Ilydc's store, Office hours: 8 to 9 a m: 1 to 2 p. m. 7 8 p, ni. jan 9 73 T. S. HARTLEY. M. D., Physician and Snrgeoa, Ridgway, Pa. Oflice in Walker's Building Special attention given to Surgery. Office house lroiu 8 a. iu. to 10 p. m. Residence on corrcr of South and Court streets, op posite the new School House. AU calls, promptly attended to. Tln2yl. HYDE- HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., Pa, W. II. SCII11AM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage-heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi ' the same. Oct 0 1800. ( BUCK TAIL HOUSE' Kane, McKean'Co,, Pa.. R. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Tlianklul for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upou him, the new pro prietor, hoped, by paying strict auenmSn to the comtort aud convenience of guests,, to merit u continuance of the same. 1'ho only stables tor horses iu Kane and well kepi night or day. Hall attached to the. Hotel. Iu23yl. HALL tS BRO., Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELE WUKTY, PSOSYLYAKIA., ; JOilN Q. UALL.. .OAS. K. )HiH KERSEY HOUSE, CuntubvilIiE, Elk Co., Pa, John Collins, 1'ioprietor. Thauklul for the patrouuge heretofore, so-hbei iiiy bestowed upou him, the new pro iiuiui', hopes-, by paying Btriet ak. teutiou to ihu oomfori. aud couveaienea ol guests, itmei-U a eontinaanee ef kbe saiiK). r. W. HAYS, huali-u. n Dry Goods, Hoticns, Groceries and General Varietj, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Earley '. O. vla47tf. JAMES FEN FIELD, (Succ.-sor to W. C. Healy,) DKALEIl IS LBY CCOrS, GUCCEBIES, PE0V1SICN3 TRODUCE, FRUITS, Ac von tt. est Ind. liidway, l'a. FRED. SCHOEN1XG, WHOLESALE A.NU BETAIL PHALEB 131 PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET xMUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and organs to rent and rental ap plied if purohased. i'rothonotary's Office, Ridgway, Pa. rpO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSTL J VANIA. Your attention is specially invited to the fact that the National Banks are now prepared to receive subscriptions to the Capital Mock ot the Centeunial Board of r uir.nce. The funds realized from this source are to be employed in the erec tion of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and the expenses connected with the same. It ia confidently believed that the Keystone State will be represented, by the name of every citizen alive to patri otic oommemoration of the one hundredth birth-day of the nation. The shares ot stock are offered for $10 each, and sub scribers will receive a handsome engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and preservation as a national memorial. Interest at the rate of sis per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who are notnear a National Bank can remit a check or post office order to the undersigned, PRED'K. FRALEY, Treasurer, 904 Walnut St., Philadelphia,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers