k lit tymty gicctafc. THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1p73. Car Time at JlilgHaJt ERIE MAIL .East 4.r5 p. tn. do do "West.... 1:80 a. m. Election fjsst l off very quietly hcrCt As we go to pross we learn that a nan named Osborne, was killed at Whisljotown, while working in the mill. Ridowat gavo 125 votes for, and 1 against the new constitution. We will pub. lien fje Tote of I ho county next week. Wit '.nil wtek publish an interesting serial - by our well known correspondent, 0. C. Oyster, Sheriff entitled, "Sheriff Sales." This story, we have no doubt, will be of grilling interest to our runny readers, Last week two men were brought from St. Mary's and lodged In Fort Oyster, named Hiram Russell and William Burton. They iVe charged with stealing goods from the cars. There is said to be more of the same class, aud we hope speedy justice will overtake them. Tub following is the inscription i.'f nlct ier received at this post office, and wlifeT plain itself; we call it pretty good: To frate Schoenfag, Per Dutch briuter, Vot lives in Der Ridgway, Penn'a. Fiood. Last week the rain rained, and the Clarion and Elk Creek were filled to overflowing, the road at the lower end of town being entirely submerged. The water was nearly as high as it was in the great flood of 'CI, and many of the "oldest in. habitants" argue hat this flood was tho highes in their anuals. fc. A. Rote's Photograph 'and Art Gam.kbt Next week Thursday is Chisl mas and people aro looking around to find flome suitable present for friends or relat ions, speaking of this reminds us that a sterescope nccompadied by a dozen or so of ohoice views fills the bill admirably. We venture the asscrtation that Rote has as choice a selection of scopes and views iib can be found elsewhere. Any one wishing to make a Christmas present can do no bet ter than give Roto a call, if you do not wish to make a present, and have leisure step iu to the West End Gallery, and examine the (goods we speak of. LICENSE APPLICATIONS. Following is a list of applications for lioense to January term of Court, MONDAY JANUARY 12th, 1873: TAVKIIN. llentzct'e. 1 G. L. Winslow, 2 Ed. Lewin, 8 Lorana . tjlvaso. . . JJcn-w.ger. 4 F. X. Surg. Fox. 6 John Cnllinf), HI Benjamin l)yea. ' Jlurton. " '- 7 0. R. Clark- " fay. . . . . 8 A. J. Rumm"c'r, . II. Dixon. t';!fieay.'' 10 William II. Echraiu, " 11 -Robert Warner, 12 Riley Brothers, - 13 John Ilealy. Sr. Marft Uoro. MAnton'Fochtruann, 15 Elizabeth Yolk, 16 Joseph Windelder, 17 Thomas Zimmctt, 18 William Zcl;, 10 Andrew Itogtui, SiO James Rognn, 21 John Wachtel k Son, 22 Thomas Valentine. SATI.NQ 1I0U88. lieiuzctle, 29 John Daly, i Warren mnslow. Fox. 25 Andrew Han. Jag. 26 James Campbell. 27 Samuel Rathbun. llidgirny. 28 Robert K. Enbody', 29 John Lamb, 80 Eli Etlcr. St. Slary'tSoro, 81 William Gieso, 82 Jacob Kraus, 83 Anthony Schauers, 84 Bernard Westnitzcr. STORB. Ridyway. 85 T' S. nnrlley, 86 G. G. Messenger. St.'Mary'a Boro, 87 Charles MoVean, 88 Joseph Wilhelni. FRED. SCHU3NING, Clerk, Q. g. LIST OF, JURORS drawn for the Janu. ary term of Court, commencing Mon- i iay, January 12th, 1874. TRAVBRSF JUB0B9. """Benezette E H Dixon, D S Johnson, Jacob English, Cornelius Wainwright and Wm. Jordan, Benzinger Wm. Gross, Andrew Bcrhm, : George Hasselmann and Adum Jasberger. Fox James Fahrnsworth, George Con ner, John Taylor, John Kuntzlemann, Hi-k-aa Uewitt, Frank Showers, John Miller, John Meyers, John Mosier, Cornelius Whe lon. Highland Wm. Jarae f . Uorton Jefferson Taylor, Adam Nulf, George S Chamberlain. Jay Samuel Vasbindcr, Joseph Robin Bon, Josiah W Mead, Martin V Taylor. Jones Thomas L M'Kean, Jeevok Pist ner, J H Meffert, gasper Rosser, Wm. Wei dert. Millstone Wm. Clyde, Myron Raught, J S Chamsion. Ridgway Mareiis French, 0 B Grant, Patrick Malone, O B Filch, James Rciily, John Fannen, Sr., A Cumniiugs, Charles Mead. St. Mary's Boro' Michael Bauer, John Sosenhimer, Michcal Eruner, John Waleer Jr., Anton Jesbcrger, Francis Ehrig, Louis Garner, Jacob Zelt. John lleindle. Spring Creek Henry R Moore, Alexan, Mvynoou, Jr., Washington Uoilbralh. GRAND JURORS. eneiette Ralph Johnson, Miles Dent. orge W Winslow. Lafayette Wiuslow. uenzinger r' A Eng. Phi'ip ioung. Fox Elias Moyer, Conrod Moyer, Jr., CE Green, Peter Thompson. Jay Edward Vincent. Junes M Brook- Ins; Oliver Freeland. Jones Jacob Weinhardt. J B Wells. Euos Retger. Millstone J Champion, Jr. t 'ivjugnay vr e Bbrviee, Jerome rowell. L 8u Mary's Charles Weis, Frank Vorn- iuui, ucv m onajer. Spring Creek I) D Davidson, Thomas Irwin. FRED. BCHffiSTINQ, PiotkonHary. The county Commissioners meet in their office in Ridgway, on.Friday,Deo. 19th, 1873. 0. II. M'Caulkt, Clerk. ELK LODGE, A. Y. M. The stated meetings of Elk Lolgs, No. "79, are held at their hall, corner of Main and Depot streets, on tliogecond and fourth Tuesdays of each month- D. B. DAY, Scc'y. Administratrix Notice, Notico ia hereby given to all persons indebted to the estate of Adam bhall, late of Miiletoue township, Elk County, deceased, that they are required to make prompt pttynient, and all persona having claims against said Estate, will present them for adjustment to CAlilliUllNE SHALL, Administratrix of the goods, &c., o( Adam Shall, deceased. 'SEEEIFS'SALE By virtuo it a writ of Levari Facial is sued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Hlk County, Pennsylvania, and to me di rected 1 will expose to publio sale at the Court House, KiUgway, Pa., on MONDAY, JANUARi 12th, 1874, at 1 o'clock, p. ui., the following described property, to wit: A new frame Shingle Mill about forty feet square aud two stories high, situated on warrant number 3032 (containing nine hundred acres more or less in ihe township of Milestone, County of E.k and Slate ot Pennsylvania, bounded north by warrant number 2o42, east by I, Shall, south by the Clarion River, and West by warrant in the name of E. Death, and number 3145. Soiled and taken tn exectttftNKMui to be sold by D. C. OYSTER, Sheriff. Shex-iii s office, Ridgway, Pa.,Deo. 18, '73. &33IFF'S SALE. By virtue of a writ of Fieri Facial issued out of the Court oi Common Pleas of Builcr County, Pennsylvania; and to ue directed, 1 will expose to PliiiLlU c-ALE at the Court House, Ridgway, Pa., on MONDAY, JANUARI', 12iii, 14, at 1 o'clock, p. m. All the right, tilie, interest cluim uud de maud whatsoever of duteudunts or in and to all thut certain trad of laud situate iu Jay township, Elk County, stato of Penn sylvania, bounded aud Ueacribed as follows to wit: Being warrant number Sulti war ranted iu the name of Wilhelm Willink el. Iu. containing 'J'M acres bounded norm by warrant nuiutH-r 60u7, eat.1 by warrant number (Vli, soulli by tvurraut numbtr 601 'J, und on the vvel by wurrani number 1017, uuseaied and unimproved. Seized and tateu in eiecutiou and to be sold by D. C. OVSI'EK, bheriff. SiienlT's office, Ridgway, Pa., Dcc.ia, '73. SHSIEIFF'S SALS. By virtue of a writ of Ficrc Facias issued out of tile Court of Common 1'ieas ol Elk Counly, Pennsylvania, uud lo me directed, . will expose to I'bULiO SALE at the i 'curl HouMt-, Kidgway, Pa., on MODAl', jAiNUAKl', loin, ibio, at 1 o'cloci, p. ni. All that lut and parcol ot ground iu tho Borough ol St. Aiary'a, Elk Ci.ur.iy, Pa., Ucsui'ioed as loliows to nu: Pruuiiug on Mary's sueet twvuly-lwu loei, l,uence iloitg li. Mu-vuily's lot tjcvcnly leut lo his cJruLi on lino ci P. Jiiebtrgcr, liicnce along bald Hue liiuly-luur leet, 10 laud V' Aduipu I'otliimun, Ihluco aluug taid I'ucUimaa's Hue to tot. Mary's si.iect.Cuu-, tatuil.g eijuaie K'ci, Leftig Jait a larger lo couvcytd to P. Livberyer by .Maiiii'i'. Dunziuur aud wilo ana Jouu ttcliuaou ana Mile Ly uvuu uatcd id uay -ji Angajt. A. V. IJJi, liu fixeidetl lu Elk Cvuuiy in Leed "liout "P," page b'jj . u 2. Seized and Ukcu iu cxccuiion and to be aoid Ij 1). C. UioiErt, Siieriii, bhei ill's offioi.', Riugwtiy, Pu Lkc.ib, Iiy virtue of euudry writs of Fi. Fa. id uueu out ol Hid Cuiu i of Commou i'kaj o Llk County, t'ei'.iiylvauia, uud lo hits ui rooted 1 wm expose lo tule by pubhu vcu uue ui- ouicry ut mc t-ouii riouso, iu xudgwa, km. County, Pennsylvauiu, ou AiUiiD.-i i', J AMj.U..r 12ih, A. v. ibid, at I o clock, p. in., all tne i igtii, uiU in lei eat claim aud demand wliuieuever ol ue' leuuuut iu suid Kill namea, tl iu aud 10 uil lliut certain tract ol tana biiuatu in inn irceii iowuiiuii), uouuiy, uuuwii u ilio James Crow wi;: Ci'iiiuiiuiig one liuudred acred more Oa iv-j, lieuniiea ou lire irorili, tasi, una west by luuus kuowu ub tne i-eeeii tso'to'u ihli cu.upuuy uud ou the fcouili by land kuuv,u uo iii uadock lot. Levied upon as the properly of Philip ltuu aua iu no t,oru ny V, V. Oi'Si'l'Ktt, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, ludgway, Pu., iee.lt, '73 SUEEIF'S SALS By virtue ol a wn; of Veu. Lx. issued out oi lue -uMi t pt Commou Pleas 01 Lin County, i euusylvauiu, uud lu Lue uiitoled, 1 Hill CXpObe 10 ILUXjUj tjALtLi III IU0 Couu houoe, Uiugwuy, Pu., cu .vlOMJAk, J AN V LR1 1-th, is. l, ut 1 u'cuoK p. ui. All lliv) nul, lino, lUleieet, ciuiui und demand Tihateoever ot tlie following de scribed (rupert): All i liat eenuiu piece or parcel ol iaud being suualvd iu Jay toAU snip, tilt County, uud biaio of Pennsyl vania, buuuueu and Uesvritud as loduws to wit: iiegiuuiug ut a post about bixteen (1GJ i'treli,a cu4i ol Letl Run, at tne boutu sido of lUo lov.nsliip loud, tlieuce souili ihivtceu (I'd) percned to a post, muuee norm tweivo uuu oue-icuih (i-i; peieues lo a post at llie souiu tule or luu luwuahtp road, iheuce uloug baid lowuhip road iu uu easterly dnvotiou to tho piace oi be ginning. Coulaiuiu' two uud one-liall acres ol laud Lioro or itss, being A poiuou o: warrant uoo, tvuieu bv.U bv lJ. W. liays, nigh isucna ut tin. county, us tne property ui Robert Rotnerioii, iu lltury mouther hj Oew" dated tiie otu day ol Jui A. 1). 18ti4, on which is erected a iwo story frame house iJx-'l feet Willi uddilioa vl kitcheu Wx2i lcei, also two appie lieea and a good spring ot running w ater. ALfeO all 'r 'igiit mis luierebt uud claim of the defeUuuUt ul lu "u lu ,u9 lowing described ul ""tB' ul 4UUU' situate in Jay to'i'' Wf sylvauia, bounded uUa ""d a. loUws to wits Bejrinning ul, h W vvlu'"' u"uut three perches east of uvli "uu. ttltue 1101111 sido ot the township JUUU' lUBUCB uult" thirteon perches to a un . lUbUte bt thirteen perches to a llieuce .80ut" thirteen perches lo a o' - u aid road, thence along 6a,u loaiJ lu place of beginning. ContaiuluS UU8 acie of land, moie or less being pa1'1 u w,"','"it number 6J08 and the west waitfty or half portion of two acres of lat(1 ouvyod by J. N. Kothercck and twil ' uel Basbinder by deed bearing date A ni -Uiu A. V. Ifcti9. Ou which is erected a ,jame house used as a hotel 1x40 feet two sin1" high, with bar room attached 18x22 feet oue and one-half stories high and kitcheu 1 til 82 feet one aud oue halt etories high, also irume barn 22x30 feet, also four grow ing apple trees and small run known as Uoll Kuu running through ihe property. Seized ai taken ia execution and to be sold by V. C. OYSTER. HWi , f fc.eitf'e effiee, hidway, p., pec- js --j. NEW STORE HOUSEWARE, A1TD H0USEFURNISHI1TG ' GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacfcsmilhs Tools, Farmers Tools, Lumbermen Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. a FIB ST TSmpSoyiaig Workmen class materia! used. If OPPOSITE THEICOUETsHOTJSE, RIDGWAY, PA. W- S- -tf. 1 F YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP 00 TO JAMI-.S II- IIAHKRT Y Main Etrcet, P.idgwoy, Pa. D.UY (iOODS, NOTION'S, J'.OOTP Gl.Af.3 AND QUEKNS VA11K, WOOD AND VvILLOA'-WAK.!:, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A Large Stock of Cro: ana r 3 visions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly cu hand, add sold as cheap as tho CHEAPEST. JAMES II. 1IAGERTY. List of Causes set down for trial at the January term 187-i, Elk conoty Common Picas, eouinicnc-ingMcnday, Jt)U!ry 12th, 1S74. 1 The Spring Run Coal Co vs Tbos. Tozier. No 10 janucry lbG'J. 2 G D. Messengor v.i James Georgo et ui. -it April lNliU. 3 John Tudur vs Hiram Woodward et !. 5 August 1S70. 4 K. M. Ia3on ct al vb Henry Souther ct ol. 19 January 1S71. 5 George Dpcker, vs George Schnei der. I) April 1872. G Frank A. Loecli ct al, vs Frank Keller. 22 Apri 1S72. 7 Benjamiu Johosun ct al, vs John Johnson ct ul. 20 April 1872. 8 JamoH Curry, vs E. & 0. Puino. 33 April lfc72. i) Martin Sor, vs Nicholas Kronen wetter. 47 April 1872. 10 William J. At'Curty, v3 Eik & M'Kean R R Co. 17 August 1872. 11 U K Wcllendorf, vs Elk k M' Kean R R Co 18 August 1872. 12 E E Willard, vs Elk & M'Kean RRCo. 20 August 1872. 13 E K Willard, vs Josiah Bardwell et al. 21 August 1872. 14 II Souther Fuivivor &o.i vs II S Belnap & Co ft Nov 1872. 15 'I hoiuus Caller, Vs 1'cuu'a R R Co. 15 Not' lb7'2. 1G Mary J. Reman, T3 N. M Brock way. 20 Nov 1872. 17 Tho School Dititrict of Fox, vs John Meyer's et al. No 31 January 1S73. 3 IB George T Paull, vs the Wilcox T & L Co. 42 January 1873. 19 Clarion Rivei Nav Co, vs Henry Moore et al. 44 January 1873. 20 Abel L Marthere, valbc-s Muli ken. 1 April 1873. 21 The St Mary's Coal Co, vs Geo Kettger. 40 April 1873. 22 James A Burke, vs D C Oyster, 33 August 1S73. 23 Clarion River Nav Co, ts Hirani Carman. 09 August 1873. 24 Warren & V. R R Co, ts Asa Soott. 23 Nov 1873. 25 Euflalo N Y & P S H Co, v3 Ejd- j A AND NEW GOODS. -CLASS TIM SHOP. none but first-class and nothing but first- SERVICE & CO- EZ23UT0ES5M0TIS2 . Notice is hereby i;ivcn to al! person indebted tj the e.st.ite of K:n?iund Diil, liife of Junns towitsliip, Kl!; cnunty iieceased, that they aro rMtsir3l to make prompt payment and all pern-ins having claims agaiust said cst-ite, will present tliotti for adjustment to ;574t A. I WiLOOJi. A&ministratrkyi'otico. Notice is hereby given toijpllfclpcrsorfs indebted to the estate of Willi-iuf I'halen late ol Uorton tiiTvtiship, Kk county, deceased, that they are required tn make prom;, t payment, and nil persomi having elniuis iiirui ur-t mid estate, iJieni for tidjutmeiit to present )7-wi Eu. Piialkn. TIIE VICTOR SEWING MACHINE CO.. want reliable find unerect'c Agents iii this Comity. The "VICTOR" is a l.oex-stitch, Shutile dnclline, with Self-sMing Iecdle, best furnished and in jet perfect Machine oifered. An increase of over COO per cuut. on sales of 1872 over 1871. For Terms &c.. Address. VICTOR BEW1KQ MA OH IKE CO., 1227 Chestnut St., I hiladelphia, Pa. n30td. Elk County Directory. President Judge L. D. ITstmore. Additional Law Judge lion. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Ches. tuhr, J V Houk. District Attorney J. K. P, Hail. Sheriff 1). C. Oyster. Prothonotary o., Fred. Schoening. Treasurer C. R. Earley. County Superintendent Rufus I.ucore. Commissioners Kobt. Campbell, John Barr, Geo. d. Weis. Auditors Clark A. IVilcox, George D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. . County Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. Jury Commissi mora. Joseph fcerner. and Charles Mead, NEW LIVE11Y STABLE IN DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TCIN form the Citizens of Ridgway, and the publio generally, that be Las started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES rid Buggies, to let upon the most reason ble terms. UGkJie will also do job teaming. Stable on Broad etreet, above Main. All orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1870. U.' Edw'd J. Evans & Co., NURSERYMEN AND SEEDSMEN, tobk, fukn'a -&3"Catalogues Mailed to Applicants"! Refer (by permission) to Hon, J. B, Black, Washington, D. C. Wb:seh, Sov i Ciaja lUaWflf Vwlu, P. ..... . . tUfr. -: I i'KED. SOJ LOExMiSG & CO. Law, Commercial, Book, and General Sob Printers, and Stationers. HID G WAT, ELK CO., PA. DEALERS IN ALL KINDS OF LAW BLANKS, AND FRENCH, ENGLISH, AND AMERICAN STATIONERY. ARNOLD'S LEAD PENCILS OF ALL KINDS AND PRICES. Eslcrbrook'a Vllcbralcd Steel tcnam the Best Jttadt. All Kinds r Job Printing done in the Rest Style and at Low Prices'. LETTER, NOTE, AND BILL HEADS, BUSINESS CARDS AND EN VELOPES OF EVERY STYLE IN ANY QUANTITY. POWELL & IilME. A. MAMMOTH STOCK! Firmly believing that the world moves, aud that the demands of the public are con stantly increasing, the proprietors ef the (Brand Gjcntyat JSloip have just returned from tlio eastern and vrestcrn cities with tlie tucst jicrfcct aud complete stock of MERCHANDISE) Ol; EVERY DESCRIPTION. You eanoot ASK FOR ANYTHING they do not keep, and they have absolutely BROKEN THE BACKBONE of high prices. They buy for cash and SELL FOR CASH I CHEAPER THAN TnE CHEAPEST ! Ridgway, May 1st, 1873. IS EW STAGE P.OUTB. J. C. BUXXS, Proprietor. Tbe subscriber having seeurad the con tract for carrying the D. S. Mtl between REYNOLDSVILLB A BROCK WAY VILLI has placed oa (hat road a line ef hacks Hacks leave the Exohange Hotel ia Reynoldville every Tuesday, Thnrtdatand Saturday on the arrival of the Brotiville stage, and return the same day. These hacks connect at Brockwayville with the Kidjway stages, making connection wi h trains on the P. & . Road, both east and west. Every attention to the eoufert f patrons of this liae will be fives, lad a Uboral patronaflo BUUrtteA - WRITING FLUID AND COPYING INK. wuyiWMft mini ii, vrm 'imm . yaawxat mi i m rAO THE CITIZENS OF PENNSVL I VAN IA. Your attention is epecially invited lo the fact thut tho National Banks nre now prcpnr jd to receive subscriptions to the Capital Stock of tho Centennial Eoard of Finance. Tho funds realised from this source aro to bo employed in tho eree. tiou of the buildings for the International Exhibition, and tho expenses eounectcd with the same. It is confidently believed that ilio Keys one Smto will be represented by tho name of every citizen alive to patri otic commcmoratiou of the one hundredth birth-dny of the nation. The Bhnrcs of stock are ofl'cred for $10 eaoh, ami sub scribers will receive a handsomo engraved Certificate of Stock, suitable for framing and presirvtition as ft national memorial.. Interest at tho rate of sis per cent, per annum will be paid on all payments of Cen tennial Stock from date of payment to January 1, 1876. Subscribers who nre not near a National Bank can remit a check or post offico order to the undersigned, FRED'IC FRALEV, Treasurer, 901 Walnut St., Philadelphia. 1 41. PAjVKROW IT DACrUC0An02TDA EAILSOAD. From and af.cr Monday, Feb. fith 1873. Traios will ruu un this Road as follows. Lsaves Enrley 7 30 a. tti arrives at Dagtisuahouda Jucction 8 10 a. in., cou tifict.injT with Aecom. east 8 1-1 a. iu., and with Mail west at it 15 a. ni. Leaves Dagusoahonda at 9 20 a. m. anive? at Eailcj 10 00 a. ni. Leaves Earlcy !) SO p. ni., and arrives at Dagus cahotidaat 5 00 p. m., conuectlug with Mail cast at 5 09 p4 m-, and Aoeommo dation west ut 5 10 p. m, In case P. & E. tiaius arc late, Dagus ealionda train holds twenty niinutcs bc yond tho above time. 'lickets should always be procured belore leaving stations. C. 11. EARLEY, Lcstse. NEWj FRESH, AND SPARKLING! THE CLUSTER A NEW MUSIC BOOK FOR TIIE U6B OF CONVENTIONS, SINGING CLASSES. CHURCH CHOIRS, AND TUB HOME CIRCLE. V THE CLUSTER S. 1VE3I.ET MARTIN, J. M. STILLMAN, AND T. MARTIN TOWNB. Price, $13.C0 per Doa. Eingle Copies sent, post-paid, $1.60. Address, J. L. PETERS, 603 Broadway, New Tork. FOR SCHOOLS, Fairy Voices A NEW SINOINQ-CIAS BOOK, COMPILED AKD AHiHOED BY WILLIAM DRESSLER. Price, $0 per Dox. Single Copies sent, post-paid, fur CO cents. Address, J. L. PETERS, 60S Broadway, New York. The Song Echo Tho Popular Singing-School Book BY H, S. PERKINS. - Price, 17.50 per Doc. Single; Copie sent, postpaid, for 75 cents. APVEgTlSE DV MAIU 26 CENTS fan. W-awsadvwJ w ii. RAILROADS. PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD A. Philadelphia & Erie R. R. Dltiliow WINTER TIME TABLE. ON and after SUNDAY, DEC. 21 187 the trains on the rhiladolphia & Erie Railroad will run as follows! WBSTWAKD. BuffaloEx. leaves Philadelphia-12.65p. M. Renovo ....12.16 am. " " arr. at Emporium 2.15 art Buffalo 8.60 a M EKtE MAIL leaves Philadelphia 10.20 p n ' Renovo... 10.05am- Emporium 12.20 p m St. Mary's 1.12 p m " arrive at Erie i 7.20 p m EASTWARD. BUFFALO EX. leaves Buffalo... 8.25 p ni " Emporium.. 9.00 p m Renovo. ..i.tl0.65 p m " " arr. at Philadelphia U.lOam ERIE MAIL leaves Erie 11.20 a m " St. Mary's 6.22 p m Emporium. 6.20 p ni Rcuovov.n 8.40 p m " arr. at Philadephia... 8.00 a m Mail Eost connects cast and west at Erio with L 8 M S K W and at Corry and Ir- vincton witb Oil Creek and Allegheny A R W. Mail West witb east and west trains od L S & M S R W and at Irvincton with Oil Creek and Allegheny R R W. Buffalo Eipress makes close connection at Willianisport with N C R W trains, north; and at llarrisburg with N C R W trains eouth. , . ,. WM. A. BALDWIN. Gen'l Sup'li GRAND OPENING Summer Arrangement BUFFALO, NEW YORl RKD PHILADELPHIA RAILWAY Time Tablo adopted SUNDAY, Augusl 10, 1873. Trains departfrom and arrive at the Buffalo, Now Vork ft Philadelphia Railway depot, corner of Exchange and Louisiana streets. ON AND AFTER AUG. 10, 1873, UN TIL further notice, Trains will run as follows: LEAVING: BUFFALO 6:15 a. m. Local Freight and passenger, arriving at Emporium at 6.00 p. m. 8:30 u m Philadelphia und Baltimore Express Arri ing at Emporium at 12:45 p in., stopping only at East Aurora, Ar cade, Fraiikliuvillo, Olean and Port Alle gheny. 1 1:20 am- Local Freight Arriving at Port Allegany at y:00 p. ru. 0:0 p nr Night Express-Arriving a Emporium at 12:45 a Tn. TRAINS LEAVE EMPORIUM. 2:40 a m Night Express Arriving a) Buffalo at S:20 am. 3.10 a. m. Local Freight and Passenger Arriving at Buffalo at 2.35 p. m. C:25 p m Niagara Express Arriving at Buffalo at 'J:15 p m., stopping only at Port Allegany, Olean, Franklinvilie, Arcade and East Aurora. LEAVE PORT ALLEGENY. 10 35a.m, Local Freight and.'pasaeDger' arriving at Buffalo at 7.60 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS Leave Buffalo at 10.00 a. in;, arriving at Olean at 1.15 p. m. Leave Buffalo at 0:20 p m.; Night Ex press, arriving at Emporium at 12:45 p m; Leave Olcsn at 2.45 p. nr., arriving at Buffj-.lo at ii.00 p. m. Leave Emporium at 2: !0 a m.; Night Ex press, r.rriving at Buffalo at 8:20 a m. Ticket Olficcs. ISuffulo Omnibus Lino running from all traius. II. L. LYMAN, Gen'l Tass. Ag't. J. D. YEOMANS, Superintendent. NEW TIME TABLE, Comrpelicing Oct 20th, 1873. ALLEGHENY VALLEY R. R. TIIE BEST ROUTE BETWEEN PITTS BURGH AND POINTS ON TIIE PHIL' A. & ERIE R. R. . 001X0 SOUTH. Buffalo Express leaves Corry at Leaves Irvincios, Arrives at Pittsburgh Night Express leaves Corry Arrives at Pittsburgh Day Express leaves Corry Arrives at Pittsburgh Oil City Accoin. leaves Corry Arrives at Brady's Bend 11 15 a m 7 45 an 10 05 p m 8 08 am 1 65 p m 6 35 a rd C 15 p m 2 Oopm 0 80 p m Coma noun!. Bffalo Express leaves Pittsburg at 7 60 a m Arrives at Corry 6 08 p m " " Irvineton 6 85 p m Night Express leaves Pittsburgh 4 35 p ra Arrives at Corry 4 20 a m Day Express loaves Pittsburgh 12 20 p m Arrives at Corry 10 45 p m Oil City Accom. leaves B. Bend 8 45 a m Arrives at Oil City 12 15 p m Connections made at Corry and Irvine tou for points on the Oil Creek and the Allegheny Valley Rail Road. Pullman Pallace Drawing Room Sleep, ing Cars en Night Express Trains between Pittsburgh and Brocton. ll.l'asscugers to and from Brockvillo make1 close connection at Rod Bank Junction! with Buffalo Express north and Night Ex press south. Ask for Tickets via Allegheny Valley VU 3. J. LAWRENCE. Gen; Sat!. PLAYDTG CARDS, :THE EEST-TIIE CHEAPEST. , i STEAMSHIPS Cheapest kind made. REGATTAS A cheap common eard. BROADWAYS A nioo common eard. VIRGINIAS Fine calico backs. GEN. JACKSON'S Cheap and popular, (Pattern backs, various colors' and de signs.) " COLUMBUS (Euchre deck) extra quality GOLDEN GATES One of the best cards' made, MT. VERN0N3 Extra fine, twocolorW terns. , t , . ASK ton IHE ABOVE TAKJf Htf 0THBff'.' Price List on application. . Dealers gm7 plied by . . . VICTOR E, MAUGSrt, ICO tTll'iRcadoSN
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers