ttr.NRT A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, DECEMBER 18, 1873. FROM the Rnftsman't Journal we learn that Hiram Woodward Las so far recovered as to bo able to attend to bin extensive lumbering business, Thirtt-iivk tears ago Thomas H. 13enton, "Old Bullion)" as be was called delivered a ppecch upon fiuances in the United States Senate, in tho courso ol which bo madesomo remarks which bear upon a prominent issue of to-day. One passage was as follows : "One of the bigbesl Junction which niouey is to meas ure Values. That is a fuuetiou which paper cannot pcrtorm.jjjJiyTho measure- of values must "itself possess intrinsic value, must ielt' be free from sudden or ma'crialvariatious of value. As well might you attempt to make a measure of lengths out of which has no length; a measure of quantities out of that which has no capacity to held any quantity, as to endeavor to make a measure out of that which has no bitrinsio value, The precious metals alone can constitute n measure cf valuables; paper money can mcasuro the valuo of nothing, not even of ltsell; its own value is eternally meas ured by its icactiou by its converti bility into specie." This 1.1 stating the case strongly, and few will deny tho truth of the assertion, but our difficulty Is to discover a method by which we can return to specie payment Mo the shortest possibly time corsifiteut with the business interest of tho country And yet Jhe problem is unsolved. SHERIFF'S SALE. TY VIRTUE of a writ of oh'as Lea I j vari Facias issued out of the Court of Common Fleas of Elk county, Pennsylvania, and to mo directed, I will xpose to PU15LLU SALb, at tho court expose house, in Ridgway, on Monday, Januarygl2, 1374, at 1 o'clock p, m., the following describ ed crooertv, to wit: Alt the following described tracts pieces or parcels of land situated in the countv of Elk, iu the State cf Pennsyl vania, and known and described as fol lows: One tract of land known as num ber four thousands one bundle." and twelve, Bituated in Jones township, io paid county of Elk, beginning at a beech tree, being the northwest corner of snW tract, thence south threo hundred and twenty perches to a maple, tnence ea? live hundred and twelve and scventent V. tierehes to a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty , (wc,v6 TCAu fiRt. five hundred ana iwc uameot Samuel Wallace, and containing one thousand and twenty-five and four tenths acres more or less. One other tract of land known as s am ber four thousand ouo hundred and thirteen, fituated in Jones township,) Jlk county, Pennsylvania, beginning at A birch tree, the northwest corner of eaid tract, thenco south threo h-.M-ircd and twenty perohes to a hemlock, thence east Svo hundred and tvelvo and teven tenths perches to a beech thenca north three hundred and twenty perchca to a beech, thence wett five Lundrcd and twelve and eeveu-tcntba perclicj to tho beginning. Containiuc, one thous and and twenty-five und i'our-tei;t).s acres more or hs, surveyed in the name .f "Samuel Wallace." One other tract of land known as num ber four thousand one hundred and ten, situate in BeDzingcr township, ia the said county ct Eik. liegiuuing at a beech tree being the northwest corner of the tract (four thousand ono hundred and ten) thenco south three hundred and twenty perches to a l eech; t'uenee cast five hundred and thirty-six and seven-tenths perches to a hemlock, Iheuoo north three hundred and twenty perohes to a chestnut, thence west five hundred aud thirty-six and seven-tenths warrant to "Samuel Wallaco," and con - ta'ming ten hundred aud seventy-three and four-tenths acres, more cr less. " One pother tract of land known as - number'four thousand one hundred and pine situate in lienzingcr township in - Mid countv of Elk. .Beginning at a chestnut tree being the northwest cor ner of said tract, thence south threo hun dred and tweotv torches to a hemlock, thence east four hundred and Dinety .:u. ...,.Vio in n Viperli. thenee north three hundred and twenty perches to a KomWk. thence west four hundred and ninety-eight perhes to tho bwnninjr. iurvey on warrant to "caiuuc nfn and containing nino hundred and nine tv-six acres wore or less. One other tract of land known as number four thousand one hundred and fittonn situate in Beniinirer township, in aaidtouaty of Elk. JJeguiumg at a . beech tree being the northwest corner ' of the tract, thence south three hundred " and twenty perches to a beech, thence .- -,. r hundred and thirty-six and . seven-tenths peiches to a post, thence V north three hundred and twenty perohes thence west five hundred and thirty-six and seven-teams PeB to the beginning, surveyed on warrant to "Samuel WalW Containing one 'thousand and eeventy-thrco nd tour tenths acres more or less. l rw Atnor traet of land known as num ber four thousand ono huodrtd puid eight situate in Ueniing! township in , the said county of Elk. Seg'ruoing at a " hemlock tree being the northwest corner . . .f mid tract, thence soutn tnreo uun- -dred and twenty perches to a post. ht rrahei ta a ma&la. thence north ';: ieo hundred, auel twttity perches to beech, thence went four hundred aofl nicety-eight perches to tho hcpintiinir surveyed on warrant to "Samuel Wall ace," Containing nine hundred and ninety-six acres moro or lej's. Ono .other tract cf land known as1' number four thousand one hundred and sixteen fituato in Kenzrnrjor township, in said county of Elk. Beginning at a beech tree bciug the northwest corner of said tract, thenco south three hundred and twenty perches to a maple, thence east fivo hundred and twenty four and eoveu-tentbs perches to a hcuilock, thenco north tucce hundred and twenty parches to a hemlock thence Trcst five hundred and twenty four perches to the beginning, surveyed on warrant, to "Samuel Wallace." Oontunini' one thousand forty-nine nud lour tenths aorce be the sane moro or less. One o'.hrr tract of laud known as num ber four thousand ono hundred and six siruato in Jienzingcr township in tho said countv of Eik. Beginning at a beech tree being the nortwest corner :f said truct. thenco south C'o hun dred and eighty-four perche3 to a beech, tlienoc east lour hundred and thiry-f'our (torches to a birch, thenco north live Undrcd aud cishty-four r.crche.i to a beech, theneo west four hundred and thirty-four perches to tho beaiunioe, surveyed on 'warrant to "Samuel Wall ace, (Jontuinimr ouo thowana uvo nuu- dred ami cighty-i'our and one-tenth acres moro or lci-s. One other tract ol' kuov,-n as num her four thousand otic hundred and five pitnato in R-cuzinger lownahip iu tho faiu county of Eik. ),:ginning at a post beinj; the northwest corner ot said trnel. thence south eiahty-otie p;rchcs to a post, theuco west one hundred and forty- two perches, tticnce Eourntuirty perencs thenco west seveuty percucs to a post thenco south sisty-lwo pcrehus to a post, thenco cast two hundred and sixteen perches to a post, thence south fifty-six pcrchen to a post, thence west one hun dred pnd seventy-nine perches to a post, thence south Eixty perches to a pott, thence cast ono hundred aud seventy- niue perches, theuco south two hundred and ninety-five perches to a birch trto, fhsini? the southeast corner of said larsrcr survevl thenco west four bun drod and fhirtv-oicht perches to a birch tree, thence "north five hundred and eighty-four perches to a heeeb, thenee east lour hundred and thirty-eight perches to the place ot beginning being the unsold part of said lar r survey iu the name of "Saruur-l Wallace." t.'or taining ono thousand four huudred and tweuty-oue acres and allowance more or less. ALSO the remaining or nnr-old part of cue other tract of laud known as number Jour thousand one hundred ana four, situate in Uonzingcr town&hip io sail county of Elk. Beginning at a birch dec bung the southwest corner of said tract, thence tiortii two hundred and niuety-fivc perches to land cf Joseph Paulus, thence cast one hundred aud twelve perches to Ueorgo lUiLuann'f land, thence south twelve degrees ca.-t two huudred aud seven perches loa post, thenca east sistv-iwo io a post, north St. Gary's road, thenco easterly alonij IIjo ttrnii i.bout cigh ir-scvu'ii perches to the southwest corner vi John U. Rugler's laud, thcuee :,cr!ii two hun dred and six perches to a post, theuco eaU one hundred aud ninety-five and Gve-teuths perches to a heznLck, being the northeast corner of the originr.l sur- hence south, one hundred and niuoty-eight perches to John KraUttlV ana, theiifv Tft-t t-uc ana twenty-EC en peio. e.-i to nona fct. warvs road, tsioiu,! rcutorii'. aiong said road one Hundr&d and sis crc'.rs to the southwest comer o. Ifcary Stephen's land, c.i:-t i-sa l.'.i:- Ircd aud fventy pesciif? n a p'.-i, tucuco south one nunurci ami 1M.7 ciht perches to a .sc, thonce west ci'htv-c:i?ht perches to north St. Maiy't, road, 'thence southerly along said road thirty perches to a pobt, tntnee cast cihty-two perches to a p'-tf.t, thenco south sixty perches tj John Kricgl's land, thenco west tin c-o hundrea and thirty-seven perches to a pobf, thenee south twenty-nvc pcrvuvK iu n poM, thence west ninetT-tine perches to tho beginning, surveyed on warrant in the name of Samuel Wallace. Containing nice hundred and mnsty-nino acres aud allowance moro or less. One other tract ol land known os . . J 1 ! 1 1 number tour mousucu iour nuuurvu uuu one situate iu Benzingcr township in (aid county of Eik. Beginning at a hcech the uortnwest corner 01 saiu traet, thence south four hundred perches to a beech, thence east four hundred perches to a beech, theuce east lour hundred and six perches, thenco north one hundred and sixty five perches to a post, thenco cast twenty-eight perches to a post, thence north two hundred aud sixty-five peiches to a bach, thence lour . 1 1 1 . 1 west tour uuunreu anu luuiy perches to the beginning, being part of said larger survey in the name ot James Wilson. Containing one thousand and fifty-six acres and allowance more or less. Ono other tract of laud known as number four thousand four hundred and three situvtc in Beuainger township iu said county of liik. Beginning at a beech tree, being tho northwest corner of said tract, theuce south one Lundrcd cud forty-live perches to a birch tree, thence west one hundred and thirty-two perches to a hemlock; thenco south ouc hundred and ninety-fivo perches to a beech, theuco cast live hundred and thirty-eight perches to a peat, theuce north three huudred aud forty perches to a post, thence west four hundred and tix perches to tUe beginning. Contain, ine nine hundred and seventy-nine and fi70-tenths acres and allowance moro or less, and being so much cf Eaid larger Rurvev in the nasjo of James Wilson. ALSO a part of one other tract of land known as numoer iour tnousanu four hundred and two iu the name of James Wilson. Beginning at a birch tree the northwest corner of eeid sur vey, thence south threo hundred and sixty-five perches to Johu Iterchtr's nnA. lhenoe east two huudred and thirt-nice otrci: U St. Ptul's roud, j - . thenca south alone said road to a post, Jheoce cast ono hundred and seventy- eight perches to a jwst, thence north two hundred and niucty-hve perches to birch, being the northeast corner ol the original survey, thenco went four hundred and thirty-eight perches to the aco of beginning. Containing six hundred and cighty-threo and fivo tcnths acres aud allowance 13010 or less. ALSO part of one other tract of land wnrruntcd in tho uamo of James Wilson aud known as number four thousand aud cighty-nino. Beginning at a birch being the northwest corner of warrant as aforesaid, thence south two hundred aud nincty-uvo perches to a post on Pauliuo Kloionieyer's laud, thenca cast seventy-three perches to George See- eher s land, thence nortli ono hundred perches to the northwest corner of llcnry Grocc's land, theuco caft twenty- six perches to a post, being tho couth- wefct coiner ol noligang buuttcn hop per's laud, theuco north 0110 hundred and City-five peiches to tho warre.nt line, thenco west niucty-uiue perches to the placo of beginning. Containing one hundred auu suty-tnrco ana uve- tenths acres and allowance more or losa. ALSO a part of other tract of land wan anted iu the name of Samuel Wallace, known as number four thous and ono huudred and three, situate in Benzingcr towuship in said county ol Elk. Beginning at a hemlock, being the northwest comer of said tract, thence south one hundred ana nwciy-cigiit perches to a post on John Braikel's laud, cheuco east ono hundred and twenty-four perches to a post, thence south thirty perches to a post, thenco east three perohes to a post, thenco south forty iive perches to a post, being the south east corner of land of Henry Stephen, thence west ono hundred aud forty-six perches to a post on tho western original tract line, theuce south one hundred and filty -eight perches to a post, thence cast ouo huudred and eighty-two perches to a post, thence south thirty perches to a post, thenco west one hundred and eighty-two perches to a post, theuce south sixty perches to a post, thence cast ono hundred and ninety-seven perches to avenue "B," theuco south about liUecn perches to the southern origiual line of the tract, theuco east one hundred and tliiity-iour perches to a beech, being the southeast corner of the original BUivey, thence north live hun dred and ui"Uty-four perches to a post, being tho northeast corner of the origi nal traet, theuce Vicst four hundred aud thirty-tour perches to tho beginning, coutaiuing one thousand four hundred and tivc-teulhs acres and allowance more or less. ALSO, another pieco or parcel of laud in Benzingcr township, Elk county, part of a tract surveyed on warrant to Wiihclm Willink and others. Begin ning at a post r n tho Esehbach road, and on the western warrant line of num ber lour thousand 1 inc. hundred anu iiiuc'y, thence aouih ono hundred and sistj perchos to the southeast corner ol tract uuniber four thousand eight huu drco and eighty seven, theuco west two hundred aud fifty perches to a pot, thence uwiih one Luudied and sixty perches fo the" iicgtiitiiJ'Lj.",,,c;wA,..i!V?i two hundred aud titty acres 11. moor lean, and bciug nuiubeis thirteen, fourteen, utteen, mxtcen and seventeen on Esch- fcachruud in tho l lanol St. Mans. ALSO, a tract of hind iu Benzingcr township, iu said county ot Elk, situate on south St. Msrv's road. Beginning at a rest 011 said soutn ct. r-iary s r.iau, being tho sicrtUwcst corner of Mathias V.'elledori's laud, theuce east one huu dred and e'ghtcen perched to a post on Gerhard Schoening's lot, tbxuco north liltv-focr 'UrcLS west cno hnntlrcd aud jc r!!h e to roii:U t. Uary'b H!iV.', tW'OCe S"V.i.u Ul0li rOUtll Aiarv s ronti cisiv perfhes to ti:o lc- liifintiR. Cottaitiiug ttVenty-two acres moi'o or !c.:s. ALS, uc-thei' piece cr p&ree! of laud iu Ecusiugcr tovoship, Elk county, sitn.di! on avenue UB." jlegiuning as a post va avenue l'B" Icing tho north- 1. 1 , west corner ct iiacon lvneg s jinus, theuce north eii.htv eight dejrrcc-s c;'.st one hundred and thirty-three and a third perches to a post on the eastern line of tract number four thousand one hundred and ono, thence north forty-five perchc3 to a post on avenue "B," thence south sixty perches to the beginning, and containing forty-three acres, and being eight and nino on avenue "B" on the uiap'of St. Mary's setllemcut. ALSO, a tract ot laud in Benzingcr township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, or a part of a tract begiuuiug at a maplj on the Eouthwest comer ol tract number four thousand nine hundred and sevcuty- six, thence cast two hundred perches to a post, theuco noith three hundred and twenty pecehes to a post, 011 the north ern line of tract number lour thousand nino hundred aud seventy-six, theuce west fifty-five peiches to a post, the southeast corner of the Roselay tract, thenco v.cst one buuured and forty-five perches to a post on the western lino ol tract number four thousand nino hun dred and seventy-six, thenco south uiuety-tbrce perches to tho place of bo- Kih mug, containing two hundred acres, and being part ot larger survey in the uamo ct U imam nhnli, and kuown as number four thousand nino huudred and sevtuty-bix. One other tract of land situate io Ben ziuger township, Elk county, Pentylva nia, known as lour thousand one hun dred and i-even, begiuning at a hemlock tree the northwest comer of faid tract theuce south three hundred perches to a beech, theuce east five huudred and twelve and seven-tenths peiches to a beech, hc nee north three huudred and twenty perches to a beech, theace west five hundred and twelve and seven-tenths perches to a betch, theuco north three hundred and twenty perches to a beech, thence west five hundred and twelve nd seven-tenths perches to the place of be giuning, and surveyed iu the name of Samuel Wallace, containing one thous and and twenty-five and four-tenths seres, more or lesu. ALSO cno other tract, pteso or par eel ol land tituato iu Benzingcr township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, adjuiuingthe towa oi it. ilui-y s,bc-tug part w a trts of land surveyed 00 warrant to William Williuk and known s four thousand four hundred and seven. Beginning at ft post on St. Paul's road; being tho northeast corner of Florian Schratzen staller's land, thenoo south threo hun dred and sixty perches to a post, the northwest corner of George Ilasselhar gcr's lot, thenco east fifty-eight perches t,o a post, the southwest corner of Henry Steinberg's lot, thence north ono hun dred and thirty-four perches to tho line of tho Monster road, thenco cast along said road line sixty perches to a pout, the southwest corner of Miohael Ballais' land; thence north one hundred und thirty -four perches the northwest cor ner of Michael Ballais' land thenco cast ono hundred and twenty perches to the lino of Cross street, theuce north sixty-six degrees west; one hundred and thirty perches to tho plaoo of beginning, containing two hundred and twenty acres moro or less. ALSO ono other piece or parcel of laud situate in Benzingcr township, Elk county, beginning at a maplo, being tho southwest corner of tract number four thousand nino hundred aud sovcuty-six, thutico south ono hundred and sixty perches to the line of the Esehbach road, thence west twenty-fivo perches to a post, thence north ouo hundred aud sixty perches to tho liuo of Biuxcllos road, thence cast twenty-five perches to tho place of beginning. Containing twenty-five acres, and bciug the eastern half of number thirty-four on Bruxelles road in tho plan of the settlement of St. Mary's. ALSO ono other piece or parcel ol land situate in BenziLger township, Elk county, Pennsylvania, on Bruxelles road, beginning at a post on said road, thence south one hundred and sixty perches, to the lino of Esehbach road, thence west twenty-five perches to a post, thenco north ouo hundred aud sixty pcroecs to a pest on Bruxelles road, thenco cast twenty-five perches to the beginning, containing twenty-five acres, and being the western halt of number thirty on Bruxelles road in the plan of the settle ment of St. Mary's. ALSO one other piece or parcel of land situate in Benzingcr township, Elk couuty, Pennsylvania, containing thirty- lour acres, and being part of warraut number four thousand tour hundred and eitrht. ALSO ono other piece or parcel of land in Benzinger township, 1m k couuty Pennsylvania, coutaming one huudred and seven acres, and being part ol war rant number four thousand lour hundred and seven. ALSO one other piece or parcel of laud situate in Benziugcr tpwnship, Elk county, Pennsylvania, containing twenty uiuc acres, and being part ol wairunt number four thousand four hundred and seven. ALSO one other tract of land sur veyed on warrant in name of James Wil foD, known as lour thousand three bun eircd and seventy-four, situate iu Fox township, Elk couuty, Pennsylvania. Beginning at a beech the northwest cor ner ol warraut number lour thousand thuo hundred and sevcuty-tour, theuco touth lour perches to Bidgway road i'airioL SLuitu's laud, thence couth two hunurcd and hfty percucs to a post on the southern original tract line, thence east cue hundred perches to a pot ou land of William Lrcckbauk, thence north two huudred aad thirty pcrcites to a post on tho Ridgway road, thence northwesterly along the same lino about sixty-four perches to the western liuo of Michael Bakur's laud, theuco north ninety perches to tho original tract known as four thousand and eighty one, beginning at a post on tho north line of tho original survey, thenoo south about one huudred porches, to a post, thence east aboutono hundred and eight perches to a hemlock, thenee east ninety seven perches to a post, theuce north ono hnn drcd and sixty five perches to the north ern line of the original snrvey, thonce west two hundred and five perohes to the beginning, containing one hundrod and five aures more or less. ALSO a part of one other tract of land in Fox township, in said county of Elk, surveyed iu the namo of Samuel Wallace, and known as number four thousaud and eighty two, beginning at a pest, being the southwest oornor of said large survey, thence east two hundred and five perches to a post, thenco noith thirty five perches to a post, thence west ninety perches to a beech, thence north seventy five perches to a post on the line of the Munster lauds, theuce west one hundred and fifteen porches to a post, thence south one huudred and ten perches to the be ginning, containing ninety eight and oitrht tenths acres and allowance more or lines (northern), thenco west two hun dred perches to the place of beginning, coutaiuing two hundred aud six ana a half Mtre.i aud allowance. AJiSO a part of other tract of land MtU'tto in Pox township, Eik county, Pennsylvania, surveyed on warrant iu tho name of Sumuol W'ailace, and known as number four thousand and seventy sevne, beginning at a sugar tree, being the :iov.t'!i west comer of the original sur vey, theuoo north one huudred aud ton pcrchc to the .uunstcr Company s iauus, thence caU live huu.lred and sixty-uve perches to the eastern line of the orig inal survey, thonco south one hundred and ten perches to a post, the southeast corner ct the original survey, thence west one hundred and sixty perches to a tfccca cu the Kersey mill tract, thenco uurtlwlity perches to a post and stones. being iue northeast comer ol tho Kersey mil! tact, thenco west two hundred and sixty five perches to a pile of stones, theuco south nlty uvo perches to a hem lock ou the southern lino of the original survey, tbence went one huudred and lorty pereaea to tho beginning; contain ing two hundred and ninety six acres and allowance more or less. ALSO a part of ono other tract of laud iu Fox townshp, iu said county of Elk surveyed on warrant in the name of ;umuel Vv ullace, and known as number four thousand and seventy eight, and begiuniug at a sugar tree the northwest comer ol said survey, thence south one hundred aud twenty perches to a beech, tho northwest comer of Liehoel's laud, thenee east uinety seven perches to a maple, theace south ninety eight perches to the Ridgway road, theuce southeasterly along the road forty five perches to a post on the western line of Baniel Hyatt's land, thenee north two hundred and twenty perches to a hem lock, theuce west a hundred aud forty perches to the place of beginning, con taiuiug one hundred and eightyjsix and a hal: cares and allowance more or less. ALSO one Other piece of aforesaid tract, beginning at a post on tho eastern hue of the original survey, about thirty perches horth of the Ridgway road, thence north one hundred aud twenty four perches to 0 hemlock, thence west sixty perches to a pot, tnence south thirty tour perches to a post, thence west eixteeu perches to a hemlock, thence south ninety perches to a post, thehco east sencnty six perches to tho beginning, coutaining fifty five acres and aliowauce moro or less. ALSO one other piece or parcel of land in iox towship, in said county 0 Klk, bing part port of tract suryeyed ob vranaut '-0 caEscei V aunc, una ALSO ono othor pieco or parcel of tho same traet, beginning at a beech, be ing the northeast corner of said original, tract uuuiber ioar thousand and eighty two, theuce south three hundred aud forty eight perches to a hemlock, thence west niucty right perches to a beech, thence north eighty two perohes to a beech, thence cast twenty throe perches to a beech, tbenoe north one hundred aud ninety nine perches to a post, thence west one hundred perches to a post on the Minister company a lands, thence north sixty seven perches to a post on the northern lino ot the large survey, thence cast ono hundred and seventy- five perches to the beginning, contain ing two hundred and thirty threo and a half acres and allowance more or less. ALSO a part of one other tract of land in the township of Fox, in said county of Elk, surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace, and known as lour thousand and eighty seven, beginning at a beech the northwest corner ot said tract, thence east one hundred and sixty perches to a post, thence south sixty perches to post, thence east sixty perches to a post, thence south two hundred and thirty six and a half perches to the St. Mary's and Centreville road, thence northeastwardly along said road about fifty perches to a post the northwest corner of Jeremiah Spillane's land, thence south fifty two perches to tho southern line of the orig inal survey, thence west ninety four perches to a beech tho northeast corner of a tract of land belonging to George Weis, thence West one hundred and eighty eight perches to a hemlock on the western line of the original survey, and thence north threo hundrod and forty eight perches to the place ol begin ning, containing four hundred and sixty acres and aliowauce more or less. ALSO a part of ono uther tract cf land in Fox township, Elk county, Penn sylvania, surveyed ou warraut to Samuel Wallace and known as cumber lour thousand aud eighty eight, beginning at a h.riek tho southeast corner of said to a'po-iTatrctrl-sst-htrja perches to a post, thence north forty seven perches to a hemlock, thence west fifty six perches to a hemlock, thence north f orty perches to a post, thence east eighty two perches to tho eastern original line of the survey, tbenco south one huudjed and thirtv perches to tho beginning, con taining fifty acres aud allowaco moro or less, ALSO another piece or parcel of land iu Fox township, Elk county, Pennsyl vania, being part of a traet surveyed on warrant to James Wilson, aud knowu as number four thousand ninety six. be ginning at a pot being the northeast corner of the tract, thenee south about forty four perches to the turnpike read, thenco northwesterly along said road about two hundicd aud fifteen perches to the southern lino of tract nutukor four thousand and ninety seven, thenco east about, two hundred aud two perches to tho beginning, coutaining twenty eight acrcs,and being that part of tract number four thousand aud ninctysix lying north of the Milosburg and Smc-bport turn pike road. ALSO a part of ono other tract of laud in Fox township, Elk county, Penn sylvania, surveyed on warrant to Samuel alluce, and known as number four thousand and nsnety seveu. Beginning at a hemlock, being the northeast corner of said tract, thrnce south four hundred perches to a beech, tho southeast cor ner of said tiact, thence west four hun dred and thirty-four perohes to a beech being the southwest comer ot said traet thence north one hun dred and thirty perbhes to a post on the southern line ot Frauois Zeliuka's land, thence east fifty five perches to the new road, theuce northwardly along said road about two hundred and eighty three perches to the northern original line of the tract, tbecce east tour hundred and ten perches to the beginning. Contain ing nine hundred aud fifty 6ix acres and allowance more or less. ALSO a part of one other tract o land in Fox township Elk county, Penn' sylvania, surveyed on warrant to Samuel Wallace and kuown as number four thousand and ninety eight. Beginning at a hemlock tho southeast comer ot said tract, thence noith two hundred perches te a post, thence west four hun dred and thirto perches to a hemlock, thenee southwardly along the new road about two hundred and twenty perches to the southern line of the warraet, thence east to the beginning, containing Cvo hundred and thirty acres and allow- once more or less, One other tract of land situate in Ridgway township Elk county Pennsyl vania, and surveyed upon warrant to James Wilson and known as number four thourarrd three hundred and sev enty five, hegioeing at a beech the northeast corner of said tract, thence west five hundred and twenty four perohes to a beech, thenco south threo hundred and twenty perches to the be ginning. Containing ono thousand and forty eight aores aud sllowaaee uiore or One other tract of land in Ridgway township in tho Bid county of Elk, ur veyed on warrant to James Wilson, num bor four thousand four hundred and scvonly six. Beginning at a beeoh the northeast corner of said tract, thence west five hundred and ten perches to a post, thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a beeoh, thence east five hundred and ten perohes to a beech, thence north three hundred and twenty perches to the beginniog, containing ono thousand and twenty acres and aliowanco more or less. One other tract of land in Ridgway township Elk county, surveyed on war rant of James Wilson number four thous and three hundred and seventy t-even. Beginning at abeech tho northeast cor ner of said tract, thence west five hun ered and ten perches to a hemlock, thence south three hundred and twenty perches to a post, thence east five hun dred and ten perenns to a beech, thenoe north three hundred and twenty perches to the beginning, containing one thous and and twenty acros and aliowanco more or loss. ALSO a part of one other tract of land in Ridgway township in said county of Elk, surveyed on warrant to James Wilsou, known as number lour thousand three hundred and eighty nine. Besriun inir at a beech tree, being the northwest corner of said large survey, thenco cast along the line of said survey three hun dred and twenty perches to a post, thenco south about twenty degrees east by the Brookville road ono hunered and seventy five perches more or less to a post thonce west about thirty perches to a cucumber corner, thence south one hundrod and fiftjrperces to tho original line of said survey, thence west along said lino three hundred and tweory perches to the eouthwest corner of eaid tract thenco north, three hundred and twenty perches' tdthe beginning, containing six hundred and eighty four and five tenths acres and allowance more or less. One other traot ot land, being part of ttact known as number four thousand three aundred aud ninety, warranted in the name of James Wilson and situate in Ridgway township in said county of Elk. Beginning at a beech tree the southwest corner of survey on warrant four thousand three huudred and ninety, thence north one hundred and ten perches to the Munster land, tbence east two hundred percees to a post, thence south one hundred and ten perches to a post od the southern lino ot the warrant, tand thence west two hundred perches to the beginning, containing ouo huudred aud thirty seven and fivo tenths acres and allowance more or less. business cards. G A. RATIIBUJT, AUorney-at-la, j Ridgway, l'a. 2 2 tf. J IJUFUS LUCORE, Attornty-at-Law, j JLV Ridgwny, Elk Co., pfti othee in ft null's new i.riuk Buildinc. DUifni fn co 11 eel iuii promptly attended to. 3nlly. 11 ALL & M'UAULLl't Attorneys-nt-Liw. Office in New Urick Building, Mnin Et Ridgwny, Elk Co., fa. v3n2Lf. JEYNOLOS HOUSE, B3iri;cL2sviLL2.j2rrEiisoiTCOf Pa, 11. S. BELNAP, rnorwuToa W. BAILEY, ATTOllNEY-AX-IAW. vlniajl. Ridgway, Elk Countr, H. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Aooi dent Insurance Co., of Hartford, Conn. J Burgeon Dent'iet, having permanently ctvted ia Kigway, olFera his professional ser vices to the eitizcus of Ridgwtiy and iur roundiiif? country. All work warranted. Uliice in ftorvico At Wheeler s iimlUing, p. Btairs, iirst door to the left, 73-n-ui-Jy f O. MESSENGER, JC DrugiH aud l'araoeutist corn. f iV'un aud .Mill stiaets, Ridgway, l'a. t lull assortment of carefully selected For eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions . ciiret'ully dispensed at all hours, day or nignt. vln3y v J. S. EOHDWELL, It, D Eclectic Physician and Surgeon, has remove cd his oflicc from Ccutre street, to Main st. Hnlgway, l'a,, in the second story of the new brick building of John O. 11 all, oppo site Hyde's store. Otlice Lours: 8 to 9 a m: 1 to' 2 t. In. 7 8Jp. in. jan 9 73 rp S. HARTLEY, M. D., Physician and Surgem, Ridgway, To. Office in Walker's Building. Speciul attention given to Surgery. Olrioa house irom 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on of South and Court streets, op posite the new fc'chool House, All e&lle promptly attended to. vln2yl. (1KARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jewslet, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent for the Howe Sewing Machine, and Morton Gold Pen. Repniiiug Watches, ete-j doaf with he same accuracy as heretofore. Satis actioa guaranteed. tIbIf. ft I It beinir intended to convey hereby only so much ot the land within the bourdaries ahnve described as was sold Juno 11. A. U, IKfM. bv James Coyne. Treasurer of Elk county, to sundry persons for tho unpaid taxes of the yeura ltj64.Ho, conveyed to said persons by deeds, as 'follows, viz : 1st to Albert Willi3 lor warruut Ko'4113 Jones township l'JiiO acres. 2d to Albert Willis for warrant No 4113 . . . I lli-U n joucs lowneiup iuio ncira. r 3d to Albert Willis for warraut No 41 Benzingcr township 102o acres. 4ii to Albert Willis for warrant No 400 nn,inirr twn U'JlJ acres. c.i. JUwrOVillu or warrant No 4109 iJein.-uirer twD aoUJ acres. 7th to Albert Willis lor warrant No 4108 Leiizini'ertwD S'.0 ocres. iith 10 Albert Willis for warrant No 4110 Benzincer twu lU4'Jgid.i-iOUi'iieres. Jlh to Albert Willis for warrant No 4100 Benzinner two 1443 acres. 10th to Albert Willis lor warraut No410 Benziiio-er two 'Joo acres. llih to Albert Willis for warrant No 4! 04 r.enzinirflr two C44.V acres. 12th to L ll Eicholiz for warrant No 4101 r.pminirpf twD lUutj acres. 13th to Albert WillU for warrant No 4 103 Bcnzinuer twn WO acres. 14tli to Albert W illis for warrant No 4102 fipnzincor twn 0-10 acres. loth to Ocorge Retgar for warrant No 4081) Uenzimrcr twp 112 acres. loth to Albert Willi for warrant No 41C3 lionzinffcr twn 357. 17ih io Albert Willis for 200 acres, Eseh bach road Beuzinccr twp. lili to Joseph Wilhelm for 20 acres 6t M.irv's rond lienzinuer twp. li.-ili to (Jeorae Weis for 18 acres avc. B No. 44'Jl Bouzincer twr. 201 h to Albert Willis for warrant No 467li licniineer twn. 21st to Albert Willis for warraut No 4107 Benziuuer twn b'j'i acres. 22d io h 11 fcicliouz ior warraui woo. 44U0-4-108 Benzinzer twp 220 aores.. 23d to Albert W illis lor W acres on Bras hpIb road Beuzineer twp. 24ih to L ll Eiceoles for 30 acros on Rose lav road Bcnzinuer two. 25th. to Georgo Weis for warrant no 4108 Benziuger twp. 20th to George Weis for warraut no 4407 lteniinirer twn 107 aures. 27ih to Georgo Weis for warrant no 4409 Henzincrnr twD 2'J acres. 28th to L 11 Eicholtz for warrant no 4374 Fes Iwd 20Ck acres. 20ih to L U Eicholtz for warrant no 4077 Fox twD 200 acres. 80th to L II Eicholts for warrant no4078 Fox twp 240 acres. 31st to L U EicholU for warrant no 4081 Fnx twn 105 acres. 82d to L U Eicholtx for warrant no 4082- Fox twp 307 acres. 83d to L II Eicholtz for warrant no 4087 Fnx twD 150 acres. 84th to L II Eioholtz for warrant no 4088 Fox two 67 acres. 85td to L H Eicholtz foi warrant no 4006 Fox twp 28 acres. 80th to L A Eicholtz for warrant no 40U7 Fox twn 708 acres. 37th to L H Eicholtz for warrant no 4093 1 Fox twD 429 acres. 38th to Albert Willia for warrant no 4375 Ridzwav two 973 acres. Sinn to Albert Willis for warrant no 437G Ridewav twn 1020 acres. 40ch to Albert Willis for warrant no D370 Ridawav twp 1020 aores. 41st to Albert Willis lor warrant no iooj Ridcwav twD 075 acres. 4d to Albert Willis for warrant no 4390 Ridirwav two 127 acros. Siezed aud taken iu execution as the prop erty of Charles AV. Hunlingtou, ut the suit of Benzingcr and Esehbach, and to be sold J D. C. OYSThR, Sheriff. BHEKIFf'l Oirici. 1 Ridewav. Pa.. Deo. 10, '73. f n42-4t ESTABLISHED 1S23, MEYER & BONS, l'IAJST0 MANUFACTUHEltS, 722 Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. THE LEADING FIRST-CLASS PIAKOS. No othor Pianos have the improvements Prize Medal of the World' Fair, London. England, and the lushest Prizes of this eouu'ry swarded. HYDE HOUSE, Ridowat, Elk Co., VI, W. 11. SUllllAM, 1'roprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the new prcprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to ttie comfort and convenience of guests, to merit a continuance ei tie same Oct 80 1809. nnni. old blcktail's hotel, Kane, McUcaa Co,, raj It. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Tlmnkiul for the i.uU'o"So heretofMe o liberally bcslu't'l'u him , tl ......i.u ..r ...ivltin L: n..M..,.,it ..ii.l ti.iivitiicnce of au UD'heTil a continuance ot the sw"' only stables lor hor,;; JiLA" " " kpt iiigiitor ity- . iu-i-y- Hotel. ; : .,.,ii..o . - Attorneys - at - Law u(pJw"icl attentimi reuience of gueuir ST.- MAIlYflf ZliZ PraSYLYAKIA. LJq.Ui a. JAS. K. V. HAM K T EUsEY UOUrfE, Cc.vrbEvii.LL-, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liber ;l!y be.itowed upou him, the new pro piietor, hopes, by p:iying strict at tention to the comK'i'i aud couTemeno et guta-'U, iu.nrit coiiuuuaBe of the suiuo. ?. W. HAYS, li.ALE 13 , .iW.u V..WV..WH, and Geneva! Variety, FOX, ELK CO., PA. Eurtey EB. O. vla-iTif. JAMES PiLN FIELD, (Suco sor to W. C. Healy,) USALER 1M IEY O00DS, CBOOZXSS, PSOVTSIOHS, PKODUCE, FRUITS, &o. i7tf. West End, Ridgway, l'a. JIRED. BCIIOENINO, WHOLESALE AHB RETAIL DBA LlH IW PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS, SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIO BOOKS; Pianos and organs to rent and rental p plied if purchased. Prothouotary's Utiice, xtiagway, l'a. v2n20ll. hi.' nni'VTT rnrtiT pinnr.U. TION. Whereas the Hou. L. L. Wet- niure, President Judge for the Oth judicial District of Pennsylvania., und Chas. Luhr" and J. V. Houk, Esijs, Associate Judges in Elk county, have issued their precepts to me directed, lot the time of holding of Orphan s Court, Court of Couhuuu Pleas, licneriil Quurte-r cessions aud Uyer ana 1 e'uii'iiir, at Ridgway, fer the County of Elk, en the 2d Monday of January, (be- nig tiio 3rd day; 1016, ana couliuue one Week. Aotico is therefore given to the Coroneir, Justices of the Peace, and Constables in an I for the couuty of Elk, to appear in their own proper persons, with their reo- ords, inquisitions and rememberancea, to do those things whiou of their omcea ana iu their behalf appertain to be done, and all witnesses and other persons prosecuting iu behalf of the Commonwealth againBt any person or persona are required to be then and there attending, and not to depart at their peril. Jurors are requested to be punctual ia their attendance at the ap pointed time, agreeable to notice. Oiven under my hand and seal at the Sheriff's office, in Ridgway, the 11th day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seveaty-three U. V. OVttf Bit, tberlft.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers