(Kill fytnxA gttoitate Henry A. Parsons, Jr. Editor THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, t878. Republican State Ticket. r 6W tor Judge of the Supreme Court. HON. ISAAC O. GORDON, Of EfFfcRBON COUNTY. for State Treasurer, HON. It. W. MACKEY, OF ALLEGE! itfU COUNTY. People's Convention, Pursuant to call the People's Con vene met' in this place on Tuesday Sectember 3d. 1873. ' C. R. Earley was chosen chairman, E. J. Miller, and Henry A. Parsons, Jr., secretaries. Jerome Powell offered tne foflowina preamble and resolutions which were unumtaously adopted by the Convention: Whereas, A crisis has arrived, as we believe, in the affairs of our county, which claims the attention of all gwal citizens that, fct rough the workings of party machinery, the people, who pay tne taxes and should be the dictators, have absolutely no hing to say as to Whom shall be entrusted the affairs ot the county; And Whereas, Certain unprincipled and irresponsible men through trickery and Iraud, and misren fesentations of all kinds, have managed to get control of the dominant party, and have placed in nomination a ticket local k its character, and fur the most part, notoriously unfit for the various positions to which they aspire, and entirely against the wishes of the majority ot the party, and the masses of the people who foot the bills: therefore, be it Resolved, 1st. That it shall be our aim this day to place in nomination a ticket composed of honest and capable men, selected from the people, by the people, untrammeled by Ring dictation, without regard to past pollitical views, or location. Zd, That we deprecate the growing disposition manifested by reckless and designing men to work upon local prejudice for the purpose of turning our county cmces into avenues ot probt lor themselves and their unprincipled fa . vorites, to the (Treat detriment of the publio. 3d. That we shall require of those this day nominated, and elected on the second Tuesday of October, the strictest economy in the administration of public affairs. 4th. That at the present time, while . the industries of the country are to some extent paralyzed, it is more than ever important that we not only require prudence and economy in adtmenstra tion, but that we abstain from all ex nenditures tor publio improvements, ax y, onoi, ns absolutely ni.esKarv for iue gaiety or .img oi ine country. the following nominations wera then unanimously made: For Treasurer Hezikiah Horton, Horton township. For Commissioner A. T. Aldrfoh, Jones. For Auditor A. W. Gray, Benczette. For District Attorney Rufus Lucoro, Fox. For Jury Commissioner Ransales Kyler, Jay. Moved and seconded that a voto of thanks be tendered to the Chairman and Secretaries. Carried. On motion the following persons were appointed, by the chair, a committee on address: E. J. Miller, Henry A. Parsons, Jr., George Messenger, Jerome Powell, Ransales Kyler, Adjourned sine die. GENERAL NOTES. Get registered in time. A well-dressed dog wears a collar and pants in the summer. Shear carlessness a barber clipping your ear instead ot your hair. ror wnat port is a man bound during courtship: iiouna to Havre. tTho two-hundiedth anniversary of the hrst settlement ot white men in Illinois was celebrated at Starved Rock, on the Illinois river, whero the settlement was made. A strange and fatal disease, produoing great consteration, is very prevalent at Kelton, Utah. Persons die in a few hours after being attacked. The disease resembles fever. In some of the rural distriots of New York, the custom ot selling potatoes by weight instead ot by measure, is beeom ing quite oomuion. An Ancinnt maiden lady in Grand Rapids, Mich., finds compensation tor the Deglect of the masculine world in the society of sixty-six cats. A nrm taith is the best theology; a good life the best phylosophy: a clear conscience the best law; honesty tho best policy, and temperance the best physio. A St. Louis lady is making a lectur ing tour in England. A lady lecturer is somewhat ot a novelty in that country, and she has been drawing large aud iences. New York now manufactures its own abeinthe out of alcohol, flavored with tansy and wormwood. It is said to taste very muoii like the original, and is fully as disastrous in its effects. A man at Beloit, Wis., recently made an ascent with a balloon which had do basket. He sat on a bar, and when an elevation of 1000 feet had been reached, be performed all kinds of antics, once hanging by his toes to the bar and then dropping about eight feet and catching from rings suspended beneath. His de scent was safely effected. Iowa has 1,500.000 tries readv for taming into pork this winter. St. Louis has made a general increase of salaries in her publio schools. Fans has 22.000 rae Gatherers or chiffonniers, who earn from thirty to Forty cents per day. T l. n.t.A .- T:tu tri'' in KnKi.nd, hss already cost P- wards of 11,000,000. M According to a statement of the : Bureau of Statistics, 18.000 Americans went to fcnrope this summer. ELECTION rKOCLAMATION. GOD SAVE THE WEALTH. COMMON- Whereas, in and by the 13th section ot the Act of General Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed July 2nd 1869, entitled, "An act relating to the Eleo- tinos ot the Commonwealth. It is en- joined on the SheriflF of every county to notice ot such elections to be held, and to enumerate in such notice what officers are to be elected, in pursuance tnereot, I, J). C. OYSTER. IJich Sheriff of tho County of Elk, do there. tore make known and give this public notice to the electors of said county of Llk, that a general elceetion will be held in said county, on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1873. (it being the second Tuesday of the month), for the purpose of electing the following officers, to-wit : Une person for Stale Treasurer. One person tor Judge of the Supreme Court. One person for member of the Legis lature to represent too counties oi Cam eron, lie and Jefferson. One person for Treasurer of Elk county. Une person for District Attorney of iiK county. Due person for Commissioner of Elk county, One person for Jury Commissioner of JMK county. One person for Auditor of Elk county. And the qualified electors of the county of Elk will hold their elections in the several districts, as follows xsenezette township, at the house of Elizabeth Winslow. Bcnzinger township, at the school house on Michael St., near tho Elk creek bridge. iox township, at the Centrevil'.e school houso. Highland township, at the house ot .Levi iiillithorpe. Horton township, at the school honBe near D. C. Oyster s Hotel. Ridgway township, at the Court House. St. Mary's Borough, at the Town Hall. Spring Creek township, at the house ot otockdale, Downer & Co. Jay township, at the house of Alfred 1'earsall. Jones township, at the Wilcox Tan ning and Lumber Go's., office in Wil cox. Mill StoDO township, at the house of tionry Jierr, at Uarr s Dam. I aiou make kuuwu the following act entitled "An act regulating the mode of voting at all elections in the several counties in this Commonwealth," as I am required by the second section o! said act : Section 1. Be it enacted bv the Senate and the House of Representa tives, &c., That the qualified voters of tne several counties oi this Common- weaun, ai an general township and spec- lai elections are hereby herealter author- ized and required to vote by ticket, printed or written, or partly written and n,l., ' ii.. -i .:c.j r.i jiiuieu, Bcveiauy uiaameu u.5 jui- lows : One ticket shall embrace the names of all the Judges of the Courts to be voted for and to be labelled on the outside, '-Judicial;" one ticket shall embrace the names of all State offisers to be voted for and labelled "State,1 one ticket shall embrace the names oi all county offices to be voted for, ioclud ing tne omce ot senator, member or members of Asembly, if voted for, mem beis of Congress, if voted for and la belled "County :" one ticket shall em brrce names ot all the township officers voteu tor ana be lauenci ".uorough or "Township;" and each shall bo depos ited in separate ballot boxes. 1 also make known and give notice, as in aud by the 15th section of afore saia act, l am directed that every per son exeept Justices ot the .Peace, who shall hold any office appointment of trust or profit, under the Government ot the United States, or this State, or any city or incorporated district whether a commissioned officer or otherwise a subordinate officer or agent who is or shall be employed undor the legislative or judiciary or executive department of this state or ot the United States, of any city or incorporated distriot and also every member of Congress and State Legislature, and the select and common council of any city Commission. er or any incorporated district, is by law incapable of holding or exercising at the same time the office or appointment of Judge, Inspector or Clerk, ot any elec tion of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspector or Judge, shall be legible to any office then to be voted for. Also in the 4th section of the Act of Assembly, entitled "An act relating to electious and lor other purposes," ap proved Apru loth leuy, it is enacted that the 14th section shall be so con strued as to prevent any militia or boroughofficer from serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, at any general or special election in this Uouimon wealth. Also that in the 61st, section of said act it is enacted "That every general or speoial eleotion shall be opened be tween the hours ot six and seven in tho fore-noon, and shall remain without interruption until seven o'clock in the evening when the polls shall be closed. No person shall be permitted to vote at any eleotion as aioresaid, but a free man of the age of twenty-one years, or more, who shall have resided in this State at least one year and in the eleo tion distriot where he offers his vote, at least ten days immediately preoeed- ing suoh election, and within two years paid ft State or Connty ta, which shall hare been assessed at least ten days before the eleotion. But a oitiien of the United States, who has preriously been a aunlified voter of this State, but removed therefrora and returned, and shall nave resided in the election dis- irot ?? ta"s rati ,h"J1 to entitled to rote after residing in this State six months. Irovided, That the freemen, citiseos of the United States, who are between the ages of (wenty-one and twenty-two years, and who have resided in the election district ten days as aioresaid, shall be entitled to vote, although they have not paid taxes. Whereas, The Fifteenth Amend men t of the Constitution of the United States is as follows : Section 1. The right of oftfaens of the United states shall not be denied or abridged by the United States ou ao count of race, color, or previone'Jcoo- auiun oi servuuae. Section 2. That Joozrej sWI have power to eoforce this article by appropropnaie legislation. And whereas, The Congress of the United States, on the thirty-first day of March 1870, passed an act entitled, "An act to enforce the right of citizens ot the United States to 7ote in the sev eral States of the Union, and for other purposes," the first and second seetroos of which are as follows : Be it enacted, &c, That all citizens of the United States who s re or shall b otherwise qualified to vote at any elec tion by the people of any State. Terri tory, distriot, city, county, parish, town snip, scnooi oistrict, municipality, or oioer territorial suDvision snail be en titled and allowed te vote at all such elections, without distinction of color race, or previous condition of servitude any constitution, law, custom, usage, or regulation ot any btate or Territory, or oy or under its authority, to the contrary uuiwuuscanuing. Section 2. And he it further acted. That if. bv or under the cnni.i tution or laws oi any State or the laws of any Territory, any act is or shall be required to be dune as a prerequisite or qualification for voting, and by such constitution or laws persons or officers are or shall be charted with the per iormance oi autiea in furnishing to citi lens an opportunity to perfoitu &uch prerequisites, or to become qualified vote it shall be the duty of every suoh person and officers to give all citizens ot the United States, the same and equal opportunity to perform such prerequisite and to become qualified to vote without distiction ot race, color or previous con dition of serviture : and ii any such per- sons or omccrs snail refuse or knowingly m . . . - . omu ro give run enect to this section, he shall for every such offence, forfeit and pay the sum of five hundred uollars, to the persons agrieved thereby, to be recovered by an action on the case, with mil costs and such allowance tor cjud sel fees as the court shall deem iust. and shall also for every such offence be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and shall on conviction thereof be fined not less than five hundred dollars or to be lujptwuued not leas than one mouth and not more than one year, or both, at the uisvreuou oi toe court. And xcliereas. It is declared by the second section oi the VI article oi the Constitution of the United States, that This Constitution of the United Stales which shall be made in pursuance thereof, shall be the supreme law ofth e iana - auvthinc? in the Con stitution or laics of any State, to the con trary notwithstanding" And whereas, The Legislature of this Commonweath, on the 6th oi April 1870, passed an act entitled "A further suDDiement m h t. roUrin., . .. " . :. . "? iiu erections in mis Uoinmonwealtb, the tenth section provides as follows : Section 10. That so much of every act oi .assembly as provides that only white ireeuan shall bo entitled to vote. or be registered as voters, or as claim log to vote at auy general or Bbooial election oi this Commonwealth, be aud tne same is hereby repealed, and that hereafter all ireeinau without distinct ion of color, shall be enrolled and regis- icreu according to tne provisions oi the first section ot the act approved the 17 ot April 1869, entitled "An act fur ther supplemental to an act relative to the eleotioos of this Commonwealth,' and shall when otherwise mmlifid unuer existing laws, be entitled to vote i . . . . . . t at all general and special eleetions in this Uommonwealtn. No person shall be permitted to Vote whose name is uot contained on the list of taxable inhabitants furnished by the Commissioners, unless he first produces a receipt for the payment within two years, ot State or County tax, assessed agreeably to the Constitution, and give sausiaciory eviaenoe either on his own oath or amrmation of annthnr that he has paid suoh tax, or on failure to produce such receipt shall make oath of the payment thereof; if he claims to vote by being an elector between Me ages ot twenty-one and twenty-two yeare ne snau depose on oath or aifima- tion that be bas resided in the State at least one year before his application, aou mane prooi oi nis residence within his distriot as required by the act, and that he does verially believe from ac counts given him, that he is of the age aioresaid and give suoh other evidence as is required by the act whereupon the name ot the person so admitted to vote shall be registered in the alphabetical list by the inspector, and note made opposite thereto by the word "tax," if be shall tave beeu admitted to vote by reason of having paid tax, or the word "age," if be shall have been admitted to voto by reason of ar'0, shall bo called out to the clerks, wlio shall make like notes in the list kept by them. In all cases where the name oi per sons claiming to vote is found on the list furnished by the oommissioners and Assessors, and his right to vote whether found thereon or not, is objected to by any qualified eitizen, it shall be the In spectors duty to examine such persons on oath as to his quahfloations, and il he claims to have resided within the State lor one year or more, his oath shall not be sufficient proof thereof, bat shall bake proof thereof, y least one com petent witness who shall be qualified elector, that he has resided within the distriot, for the purpose of voting therein. Every person qualified as aforesaid, and who shall make the dne proof, if qualified, of his residence and pay ment ol taxes aforesaid, In the town ship, ward or'district in which be shall reside. ..- If any perw stis;ll prevent or attempt to prevent any officer of any election un der this act from holding sueh election, or use. or threaten any violence to any such officer, or shall interrupt or inprcp erly interfcr with him in the execution of his duty, or shall block up the win dow or avenne to any window where the same may be holding, or shall riot ously disturb the peace at such election, or shall use or practice any intimidation threats, force or violence, with design to influence nndulv or overawe aov elec tor, or to prevent him from voting, or to restrain the freedom of choice, such per sons on conviction shall be fined in any sum net e receding five hundred dollars. and be imprisoned tor any time not less than ooe monthn or more than one years and if it be shown that the persons so offending was not a resident of tho city, ward, district or township where the said offence was cob mi t tod, and not entitled to vote 'therein, and on con viction he shall be. sentenced to pay one oi ooi less tnan one hundred or more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not less than six months or more than two years. Whereas, By the act of the Con: gress of the United States, entitled "An Act to amend the several acts heretofore passed, to provide for the enrolling and calling out tho national forces, and for olher purposes," and approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, all persons who have deserted tne military or naval service of the United States, and who have not been discharged, or relieved from the penalty, or disability therein provided are deemed, and taken, to have voluntarily relinquished, and forfeited, their rights of citizenship, and their rights to become citizens, and are deprived of exercising any rights ot citizens thereof: And whereas, Persons, not citizens of the United States,, are not, under the constitution and laws of Pennsylvania, qualified electors of this commonwealth : Section 1. Be it enacted bv the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of lJennsilvama in General Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted oy the authority of the same. That in all elections hereafter to be held io this commonwealth, it shall be unlaw ful tor the J edge or inspectors ol any such election to receive any ballot, or ballots, irom any person, or persons, em braced in the provisions, and subject to the disability, imposed by said act of Uongress, approved March third, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five, and it shall be unlawful for any such persons to offer to vote any ballot, or bal lots. Section 2. That if any such judge and inspectors nf' election, or any one of them shall receive, or consent to re ceive, any such nc lawful ballot, or bal lots, from any such disqualified person, ne, or tney, so onending, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon convictieu thereof, in auy court ot quarter sessions oi mis commonwealth, be shall, for each offence, be sentenced, to pay a fine ot not less than one hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment, in the iail of the proper county, for not less than sixty days. section 3. That if any person de prived oi citizenship, and disqualified an uioresaia, snail, at anv election, here. alter to be held in this commonwealth. vote, or tender to the officers there, and offer to vote, a ballot, or ballots, anv peraun, eo oneoaing. shall Dd deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on con viction thereof, in any court of quarter sessions of this commonwealth, shall. i-nv , .. ior eacn oneooe, be punished in a like manner as is provided io the preceding section of this act, io the case of officers .of eleotioa receiving such unlawful bal lot or ballots. yfd ' , WkUj ciauu shall hereafter persuade, or advise, aoy person, or persons, deprived of citizen ship, and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any ballot, or ballots, to the officers ot any election, hereafter to be held in this commonwealth, or shall bersuade. or advise, any such officer to receive any oauoi, or oanois, irom any pergon de. prived of'citizensbip, aud disuualified as aioresaia, suoh person, so offending, shall be quilty of a misdeiuanor, and upon conviotioa thereof, in any court oi quarter sessions of this commonwealth shall be punished in a like manner as is provided in the second section ot this act, in the case of offiocrs ol such elec tion i-eeeiving suoh uolawiul ballot, or ballots. Pursuant to the provisions contained m the 4th section as aforesaid the Judges ot the aforesaid districts shall respectivelyftake charge of the certifi cates or returns of election to their re spective distriots and produce them at a meeting of one Judge irom each dis- strict at the Court Uouse in the Town ship of Ridgway on FRIDAY, thb 1th day ot OCTOBER next, then nuu mere to periorm the duties re j i . ... . quired by laws of said Judges; also where a Judge by sickness or unavoida ble accidents is unable to attend suck meeting of Judges then a certificate as aforesaid shall be taken in charge of by one ot the inspectors or clerks of the election of said district who shall do and perform the duties of said Judge to attend; and the return Judges of the said districts aforesaid are requested to meet in Rfdgway. the oouotv-eeat of said county, on Fiiday, after the second Tuesday of October next, then and there to discharge the duties required by law. Given under mv hand a Ridgway. the 18th day of September in the vear ot our Lord, one thousand, eighht hun dred and seventy-three, and of the in dependence ol the United States the ninty-seventh. D. C. OYSTER. 8heriff. Sheriff's Office, Sept. I8th, 1873. W&4. NEW STORE AND NEW GOODS. HOUSEWARE, AND HOUSEFURNISHIITG GOODS. Carpenters Tools, Blacksmiths Tools, Farmer Toos, Lumbermens Tools. In fact everything usually kept in a first-class Hardware Store. & FlBST-SiftSS TIN SWOPj Employing none but first-class Workmen and nothing but first class material used. OPPOSITE THE COURT HOUSE, RIDGWAY, PA. W- S- SERVICE & CO- -tf. 1 P YOU WANT TO BUY GOODS CHEAP GO TO JAMES H- HAGERTY Main Street, Ridgway, Pa. ' DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, GLASS AND QUEENS WARE, WOOD AND WILLOW. WARE, TOBACCO AND CIGARS. ALirgt Stock of Groceries and Provisions. The BEST BRANDS of FLOUR Constantly on hand, add sold as cheap as the CHEAPEST. JAMES II. HAGERTY. GIVEN AWAY. A Fine German Cnromo. VI SIHD AH ILIOAKT CHBOMO, MOUNTED aid aiADT roa vramiko, rail TO 1TIBT AOSXT FOB Underground OR, LIFE BELOW THE SURFACE BY TUOS. W. KA'OX. 942 rages Octavo. 130 Fine Engraving s Relates Inoidets and Accidents beyond the Light of Day ; Startling Adventures in all pans of the World ; Mines and Mods of Working them ; Uudencurrents of Society ; GambMng and its Horrors ; Caverns and their Mysteries; The Dark Ways of Wick edness ; Prisons and their Secrets ; Down in the Depths of the Sea ; Strange Stories of tho Detection of Crime. . The book treots of experiences with brigands ; nights in opium dens and'gamb ling hells; Life in prison; Stories of exiles; adventures among Indians ; journeys through Sewers anp Catacombs; accidents in mines; pirates and piracy; tortures of the inquesions ; wonderful burglars ; un derworld of the great elteis, teo., etc. for this work. Exclusive territory given. Agents can make $100 a week in selling this book. Bead for circulars and terms to agents. J. B. Burr U. Hyde, HARTFORD, CONN., oa CHICAGO, ILL. Elk County Directory. President Judga L. D. Wetmore. Additional Law Judge Hon. Jno. P Vincent. Associate Judges Chas. Lubr, J V. Houk. Distriot Attorney J. K. P. Hail. Sheriff D. C. Oyster. Prothonotury j-e., Fred. Schoaning;. Treasurer C. R. Earley. County SuperintendeotT-Rufus Luoore. Commissioners Robt. Camnbell. John Barr, Geo, Ed. Wels. Auditors Clark A. WUoox. Gsorca D. Messenger, and C. W. Barrett. l-oanty Surveyor Geo Wilmsley. J ury Commissi wen. J osenh Kerner. and C tries Ms4, SEND FOR CATALOGUES or ITovello's Cheap Music. Novello's Glees, Part Srags, etc., 6 to 12 cents. Novello's Church Maaict b to 12 cents. Novello's Octavo Edition of Operas, Price $1; or $2, bound in cloth, gilt edges. Novello's Octavo Edition of Gratorios. Iu paper from 60 cents to $1; cloth with gilt edges, $1 te $2 eaoh. Novello's Cheap 'Editions OF PIANO-FORTE CLASSICS. Bach's 48 Preludes and Fugnts. Cloth, $5 00. Beethoven's 88 Sonatas. Elegantly o unj. Full gilt $3 60. Beethoven's 84 Piano Pieces. Elegantly bound. Full gilt, $3 00. Chopin's Vals ea. Stiff mnnr c.nvnra. 1 rtfl Chopin's Polonaises " 2 00 unopin s Nocturnes " " 2 00 Ch opiu's Mazurkas " " 2 00 Ch opiu's Ballads ' 2 00 Ch ODin'a Preludes " " . r.n Chopin's Soualas " " 2 60 Mendelssohn s Complete Piauo Works. Elegant Folio Edition. Full gilt. Com plete in 4 volumes $26 00 The Same. Uvo. Full gilt. Complete in 4 volumes $14 00. The Same. 8vo. Paper. Complete in 4 volumes $10 00. Mendelssohn's Songs Without Words. Folio Edition. Full gilt $6 50. Octavo Edition. Full gilt 8 60. Octavo Edition. Paper covers 2 60. Moiart's 18 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 8 00. Schubert's 10 Sonatas. Elegantly bound. Full gilt 8 00. Schubert's Dauces. Complete. Elegantly bouud. Full gilt 2 00. Schubert's Piano Pieces. Elegantly bouud Full gilt 2 00. Schuuianu's Forest Scenes. Nine Easy Piecaa. Paper covers 80 cents. Suhumanu'a Piauo Forte Album. Ele gantly bound, r'ull gilt 2 (). The Same. Paper covers 1 60. MOTHER GOOSE, or Rational Nursery Rhymes. Set to Muiiio by J. W. Elliott, with 65 beautiful Illustrations engraved by the Brothers Dalziel- Hoards $1.60.' Splen didly.bound lu cloth, gilt edges, $2.50. ASK FOR NOVELLO'S EDITIONS. Address. J.L.PETERS, 699 Broadway, New York. Agent for Novello's Cheap Musio. 22t9. NEW LIVERY STABLE IN DAN SCRIBNER WISHES TO IN form the CitUsens of Ridgway, and the publio gcaerally, that lis baa started a Liv ery Stable and will keep GOOD STOCK, GOOD CARRIAGES ad Buggies, to let upon the moat reasons ble terms. KS.Ht will also do job teaming. SUbls on Broad street, above Mala. AU orders left at the Post Office will meet prompt attention Aug 20 1 870. tf. RIDGWAY BUSINESS CARDS. i-i A. RATHBDN, IJT Ridgway, Pa. Attoraey-at-law, 2 2 If. HALL & JWCAULEr, Attorneys- at-Lw. Offioe in New Brick Building, Mala 81 Ridcway, Elk Co., Pa. v8n2tf. J O. W. BAILEY, ATTORNET-AT1AW. vlao1. , Ridgway, Elk County. Pa. Agent for the Traveler's Life and Ati dent Insuranoe Co., of liarlford, Conn. RTJFOS ItJCORE, AUemey-at-Law, Ridgway, Elk Co., Pa. Office la ii all's new lirick Building. Claims tor eollestioa promptly attended te. v8olly. JTEYNOLOS HOUSE, SraOLBSVILLE.JIFFBSONCO. M. H. 8. BELNAP, Pbovbiktob . J. S. B0ELWE1L,H,D, Eclectio Physician and Surgeon, has remov ed his office from Ccitira afreet, to Main st. Ridgway, Pa,, iu the second story of the new brick building of John G. Hall, oppo site Hyde's store. Office hours: 8 to 0 a- m: 1 to 2 p. m. 1 8, P. jn V 73 GG. MESSENGER, Druggist and Paraeentist corner at Main and Mill strectc, Ridgway, Pa. A full assortment of carefullv uWil rr. eign and Domestic Drugs. Prescriptions carefully dispensed at all hours, day or night. vln3v. T S. .HARTLEY, M. D., Physician aha Rsm mugway, i a. uuice IB walker s Building. Special attention given to Surgery. Office house from 8 a. m. to 10 p. m. Residence on correr of South and Court streets, op posite the new Sohool House. All ealla promptly attended to. vln2jl. iTTi . - - - -p. . C CHARLES HOLES, J Watchmaker, Engraver and Jeweler, Main street, Ridgway, Pa. Agent tor kh Howe Sewing Macliiue, and Morton Gold Pen. Repairing Watches, eto, done with he same accuracy oa heretofore. Satis action guaranteed. vlnly. THAYER HOUSE, . RILEY & IUUX, Proprietors. Cor. Mill and Centre bis., lUdgway, Pa, The proprietors take this method of an nouncing to the publio that the havt re fitted, revised, and iuiproved, this well known hotel, and are prepared to entertain all who favor them with tueir patronage, ia the best style and at low rules. Good stabling attached. v3n6tf. H YDE HOUSE, ' RmowAi, Eik Co., P. W. II. SC11 RAM, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed upon him, the bow proprietor, hopeB, by paying strict at tention Io the comfort aud convenience of guests, to merit a continuance oi the same. Oct 30 18C9. T HE OLD BUCKTAIL'S HOTEL, Kane, McKean Co., F K. E. LOOKER, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofoie so liberally bestowed unon hint, the new nm. pricior, hopes, by paying striot attention tu mo oouiiun anu convenience or gueBis. to merit a continuance of the same. Tne only stables for horses in Kane and well kept night or day. Hall attached to tee Hotel. Vln23yl. HALL & UltO Attorneys - at - Law ST. MARY'S, ELS COTH'TY PNNSYLYANIA, JOllNO. UALL... JAS. K. T. MALI KERSEY HOUSE, Cemtbsvilii, Elk Co., Pa. John Collins, Proprietor. Thankful for the patronage heretofore so liberilly bestowed upon him, the new proprietor, hopes, by paying strict at tention to the comfort and convenience of guests', t merit a continuance of the same. JAMES PENFIELD, (Succ-. sor to W. C. Healy,) DEALER IN ST GOODS, GROCEEISS, PSOVISIONS, PRODUCE, FRUITS, &o. v3u7tf. West End, Ridgway, Pa. S. A. ROTE, PHO TOGRAPHERi ADD DBALEB III Cbronaos, Stereosoopio Views, Picture. Frames, &o. WEST END, RIDGWAY, ELK CO. PA. v2n2tf. IRED. BCHOENING, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DBALBB IB PIANO-FORTES, ORGANS,. SHEET MUSIC, and MUSIC BOOKS Pianos and organa to rent and rental ap plied if purchased. Prothonotary'a Office, Ridgway. Pa. v2n20tf. IS EW STAGE ROUTE. J. 0. BUXXS, Proprietor. The subscriber having scoured the eon. traot for carrying the U. S. Mail between REYNOLDSVILLJB & BROCKWAI VILLE has placed on that road a Uns of hacks. Hacks leave the Exchange Hotel in Heynoldville every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday on the atrival of the Brooaville stage, and return the same day. Thee haoka connect at RrookwayviUe with the Ridgway stages, making eonneetion wi n trains on the P. & E. Road, both east and weal. Every attention to the eemfort ef patrons of taia Una will be given, and a. liberal patronage solicited, Aug. 13-721C JOHN W. FRAZEE, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor of patents and claims, Speoiality of PATENT eases. Offioe, 909 7th ST., WASHINGTON, D. C. Refers by permission to Hon. Henry D. Cooke, Governor of ths Dist., of Colombia,
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